Opšti uslovi za korištenje debitne kartice
Opšti uslovi za korištenje debitne kartice
1. Karticu može koristiti samo osoba na čije ime je izdata kartica
2. Imalac kartice je, prilikom prijema iste, xxxxx potpisati karticu na xxxxx za potpis na poleđini kartice
3. Imalac kartice je, prije upotrebe kartice, xxxxx aktivirati karticu prema instrukciji.
4. Iniciranjem aktivacije kartice, Banka dostavlja PIN kod korisniku kartice. Nakon dostave PIN koda korisnik kartice može izvršiti izmjenu PIN koda prema instrukciji
5. Imalac kartice je obavezan da definisani PIN kod drži u tajnosti, te da ga ni pod kojim uslovima ne otkrije drugoj osobi
6. Imalac kartice ne smije imati PIN kod zapisan niti zabilježen u bilo kojoj drugoj formi
7. Banka ne preuzima odgovornost za eventualnu zloupotrebu PIN koda xx xxxxxx neovlaštenog trećeg lica. Imalac osnovne kartice na xxxx zahtjev je izdata dodatna kartica odgovoran je za sve troškove koje napravi imalac dodatne kartice.
8. U slučaju da je kartica izgubljena ili ukradena imalac kartice xx xxxxx odmah obavijestiti Banku na broj za hitne slučajeve 033/250976 koji je dostupan 24/7
9. U trenutku kada imalac kartice obavijesti banku o izgubljenoj/ukradenoj kartici, odgovornost za eventualnu zloupotrebu kartice preuzima ProCredit Bank dd Sarajevo
10. Imalac kartice xxxxx xx pridržavati se osnovnih odredbi i uslova za korištenje debitne kartice kao i Opštih uslova poslovanja.
Opšti uslovi za korištenje ProB@nking usluge
1. ProB@nking klijent: ProB@nking klijenti su domaće i međunarodne organizacije i fizička xxxx xxxx posjeduju račun u ProCredit Bank d.d. Sarajevo.
PCB klijent koji bi želio postati ProB@nking korisnik, podnosi
„Zahtjev za otvaranje računa” u najbližoj poslovnoj jedinici ProCredit Bank d.d. Sarajevo.
2 Pristup ProB@nking usluzi:
Pristup ProB@nking usluzi ostvaruje se unosom sljedećih podataka („log in“):
a) korisničko ime,
b) lozinka i
c) broj RSA SecurID token-a
3. Različite mogućnosti korištenja usluge ProB@nking-a:
3.1. Za pravna lica/korisnike ProB@nking usluge predviđene su slijedeće mogućnosti:
a) klijent ima puni pristup za rad i uvid u račune firme, izvode sa računa, kreiranje naloga za realizaciju (Draft), kreiranje trajnog naloga, također ima ovlaštenje da verifikuje naloge koje xx xxxxx ovlaštena osoba registrovala (vrsta pristupa A)
b) klijent ima uvid u račune firme, izvode sa računa, kreiranje naloga za realizaciuju (Draft), kreiranje trajnog naloga te ovlaštenje da registruje naloge koje mu druga ovlaštena xxxxx xxxx verifikovati, te ima ovlaštenje da verifikuje naloge koje xx xxxxx xxxxx registrovala (vrsta pristupa B)
c) klijent ima samo uvid u račune firme, izvode sa računa, pregled posljednjih 200 naloga, bez mogućnosti obavljanja transfera (vrsta pristupa C)
d) klijent ima uvid u račune firme, te ovlaštenje da samo verifikuje naloge koje xx xxxxx ovlaštena osoba registrovala (vrsta pristupa EVO)
e) klijent ima uvid u račune firme, te ovlaštenje da samo registruje naloge koje mu druga ovlaštena xxxxx xxxx verifikovati (vrsta pristupa ERO)
Prilikom podnošenja Zahtjeva klijent vrši izbor paketa usluge koji uključuje različite nivoe pristupa podacima iz xxxxx 3.
General Terms & Conditions for Debit Card
1. The card can be used only by the person whose name appears on the card
2. After receiving the card, the cardholder is obliged to sign to card on the back side of the card
3. The cardholder's is obliged to activate the card according to the instruction before using the card
4. By initiating the activation, Bank will deliver to the user the PIN code. After the code is delivered, cardholder can change the PIN code according to the instruction
5. The cardholder is required to keep the PIN code secret, and not to reveal it to another person under any circumstances
6. The cardholder is obliged not to record the PIN code, in any form
7. The Bank does not assume any responsibility for any misuse of your PIN by an unauthorized third party. The cardholder of the main card on which request was issued an additional card is responsible for all costs incurred by the holder of an additional card.
8. In case the card is lost or stolen, the cardholder shall immediately notify the bank via the emergency number 033/250976 available 24/7
9. At the moment when the cardholder notifies the Bank of the lost/stolen card, ProCredit Bank dd Sarajevo takes the responsibility for possible misuse of the card
10. Cardholder shall comply with the basic terms and conditions for the use of debit cards as well as General terms and conditions
General ProB@nking service terms of use
1. ProB@nking client: ProB@nking clients are local and international organisations and private individuals holding an account with ProCredit Bank d.d. Sarajevo.
A PCB client wishing to become a ProB@nking user shall submit a ProB@nking application form at the nearest business unit of ProCredit Bank d.d. Sarajevo.
2 Access to ProB@nking service:
ProB@nking shall be accessed when the following information has been entered („log in“):
a) user name,
b) password and
c) number of RSA SecurID token
3. Various possibilities of ProB@nking:
3.1. Legal entities using ProB@nking services shall have the following options:
a) the client has full access to work and insight into accounts of the company, also has authorization to verify orders which other authorized person has registered (access type A)
b) the client has insight into accounts of the company, also has authorization to register orders which must be verified by other authorized person, and also has authorization to verify orders which other authorized person has registered (access type B)
c) the client has only insight into accounts of the company, account statements, review of the last 200 orders, without being able to execute a transfer (access type C)
d) the client has insight into accounts of the company, also has authorization to verify orders which other authorized person has registered (access type EVO)
e) the client has insight into accounts of the company, also has authorization to register orders which must be verified by other authorized person (access type ERO)
When submitting Application Form client shall select service package that includes different levels of access to information as noted under Item 3.
4. Naknade i provizije
Naknada za registraciju i korištenje usluge ProB@nking-a naplaćuje se odmah, zaduživanjem računa klijenta, u skladu sa Tarifom Banke. Ukoliko na korisničkom računu nema dovoljno sredstava, Banka ima pravo naplatiti korisniku zateznu kamatu sve dok naknade ne budu plaćene.
5. Sigurnost na internetu
5.1 Xxxxx xx primjenila razumne mjere zaštite kod korištenja ProB@nking usluge, uključujući procese kodiranja.
Kodiranje sprječava pristup neovlaštenim osobama.
5.2. Banka ne garantuje apsolutnu sigurnost niti daje garancije u pogledu mjera zaštite, po bilo kojem osnovu.
5.3 Banka neće biti odgovorna za nezakonite radnje xxxxx xxxxxx koje uzrokuju štetu klijentu kao rezultat korištenja ProB@nking usluge, kao ni za neizvršenje platnih naloga klijenta ukoliko xx xxx uzrokovano tehničkim razlozima koji su izvan kontrole Banke.
5.4 Važno je koristiti softver(e) iz pouzdanih izvora.
5.5 ProB@nking klijent xx xxxxx čuvati „log in“ podatke tajnima, xxx xx također odgovoran za uređaj RSA SecurID token. Banka nije odgovorna ako podaci klijenta koji se odnose na „log in“ i RSA SecurID token postanu poznati trećoj strani, na bilo xxxx xxxxx.
5.6. U slučaju otkrivanja sigurnosnog rizika, Banka zadržava pravo obustave usluge do uklanjanja rizika.
6. Minimalni tehnički uslovi
6.1 Uslovi koji se tiču softvera:
Adobe Reader 8.0 ili novija verzija, Microsoft Silverlight 5 Internet pretraživač:
• Mozilla Firefox 3.6 ili novija verzija
• Safari 4 ili novija verzija
• Google Chrome 4 ili novija verzija
• Opera 11 ili novija verzija
kao i da su „javascripts“ i „cookies“ podešeni na „enable/omogući“
7. Platni nalozi (izvršenje i poništavanje)
7.1 Izvršenje platnih naloga zavisi od radnog vremena Banke, drugih institucija i sistema koji su u to uključeni, tj. sistemi poravnanja, platni sistemi kao što su SWIFT i žiro kliring.
7.2 Banka nije odgovorna za neizvršenje naloga uzrokovano greškom klijenta.
7.3 ProB@nking nalog je moguće poništiti/otkazati ukoliko klijent po registrovanju ProB@nking naloga odmah kontaktira Banku na broj 033/250-976 ili putem mail-ova xxxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx ili xxxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx
Nakon što službenik banke potvrdi da je nalog moguće poništiti, klijent xx xxxxx u najkraćem mogućem roku ispuniti „Zahtjev za poništenje ProB@nking naloga“ i poslati putem ebankinga, opcija Datoteke-Učitavanje datoteka ili xx xxxx navedene mail-ove. Nalog za poništenje naloga za transfer ne važi nakon izvršenja platne transakcije.
8. Blokada ProB@nking računa
8.1 Pristup ProB@nking računu xxxx blokiran automatski, ukoliko budu napravljena tri pogrešna (uzastopna) pokušaja, pristupa ProB@nking-u.
8.2 Banka zadržava pravo da blokira ProB@nking račun klijenta bez objašnjenja i prethodne najave.
4. Commissions and fees
Registration and ProB@nking service fee shall be charged immediately in accordance with the Bank’s Rates, by debiting client’s account. In case there are no sufficient funds at user’s account, the Bank shall be entitled to charge default interest until such time the client has settled the costs of fees.
5. The Internet security
5.1 The Bank has implemented reasonable protective measures for ProB@nking service, including the encryption processes.
Encryption prevents access to unauthorised persons.
5.2. The Bank shall provide no guarantee of absolute security or guarantees in terms of protection measures, on any grounds.
5.3 The Bank shall not be held liable for illegal actions by third parties causing detriment to client as a result of ProB@nking use, or for failure to effect client’s payment orders if caused by technical reasons beyond control of the Bank.
5.4 Using reliable source software(s) is essential.
5.5 A ProB@nking client shall be under obligation to keep “log in” data secret, and shall be responsible for RSA SecurID token device. The Bank shall not be held responsible if client’s data referring to „log in“ and RSA SecurID token become known to a third party in any way.
5.6. In case of detection of a security risk, the Bank shall retain the right to suspend the service until such risk has been removed.
6. Minimum technical requirements
6.1 Terms referring to software:
Adobe Reader 8.0 or later version, Microsoft Silverlight 5 Internet browser:
• Mozilla Firefox 3.6 or later version
• Safari 4 or later version
• Google Chrome 4 or later version
• Opera 11 or later version
and „javascripts“ and „cookies“ should be set to „enable“.
7. Payment orders (effecting and cancellation)
7.1 Effecting of payment orders shall depend on the Bank’s working hours, other institutions and systems involved i.e. settlement systems, payment systems such as SWIFT and gyro clearing.
7.2 The Bank shall not be accountable for non-effecting of orders caused by client’s error.
7.3 The ProB@nking can be revoken/cancelled only if client contacts the Bank immediately after order is registered, via phone 033/250-976 or via folowing email adresses xxxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx or xxxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx
After a bank officer confirm that the order may be cancelled, the client is required as soon as possible to fill out the "Request for ProB@nking order cancellation" and send by ebanking, option Files- Upload Files. Order for cancellation or withdrawal of a transfer order shall not valid after payment transaction has been effected.
8. ProB@nking account blocking
8.1 The access to ProB@nking account shall be blocked automatically in case of three wrong (consecutive) attempts to access ProB@nking.
8.2 The Bank shall retain the right to block a client’s ProB@nking account without explanation and previous notification.
9. Prestanak korištenja/davanja usluga ProB@nking-a
9.1 Klijent može otkazati ProB@nking uslugu pismenim putem uz otkazni rok od 7 xxxx,
Uz Zahtjev o prestanku korištenja ProB@nking-a Klijent xx xxxxx/a vratiti RSA SecurID token.
9.2. U slučaju gubitka ili krađe RSA SecurID token-a klijent xx xxxxx Banci naknaditi štetu u visini cijene izgubljenog/ukradenog uređaja.
9.3 Banka zadržava pravo prestanka pružanja usluga u bilo koje vrijeme, bez obrazloženja.
9.4 Ukoliko klijent nakon isteka roka posljedenjeg tokena vezanog za ebanking ugovor u roku od 3 mjeseca ne produži isti preuzimanjem novog tokena u najbližoj poslovnoj jedinici ProCredit Bank d.d. Sarajevo isti ugovor se smatra neaktivnim xx Xxxxx zadržava pravo prestanka pružanja usluga.
10. Prelazne odredbe
Banka zadržava pravo izmjene Opštih rokova i uslova.
11. Završne odredbe
Sporovi su u nadležnosti suda u Sarajevu.
9. Termination of ProB@nking service/use
9.1 A client may cancel ProB@nking service in writing with a 7-day notice
When submitting ProB@nking cancellation request, client shall return RSA SecurID token.
9.2. In case of loss or theft of RSA SecurID token, client shall be under obligation to compensate the loss in the amount lost/stolen device cost.
9.3 The Bank shall retain the right to terminate services at any time, without having to provide explanation for such action.
9.4 If the client after the expiry of the last token-related to ebanking contract within 3 months does not extend the same by taking a new token in the nearest branch office of ProCredit Bank Sarajevo, same contract is considered as inactive and the Bank reserves the right of termination of services.
10. Transitional provisions
The Bank shall retain the right to amend General terms and conditions.
11. Final provisions
Any disputes shall be resolved by court in Sarajevo.