UGOVOR O POKLONU/DONACIJI zaključen xxxx ......................... .godine, između: , sa prebivalištem/sedištem u , ul. br. , JMBG/PIB , (u daljem tekstu: Poklonodavac), s jedne strane i Fondacije za lepšu budućnost „Xxxx X. Xxxxxxxx“, xx. Dušana Radovića 11b, Beograd (u daljem tekstu: Fondacija), s druge strane. | GIFT/DONATION CONTRACT Closed on .year between: , resident at address , street No. , PIN/VAT , (further on: Donor), on one side and Foundation for better future „Xxxx X. Xxxxxxxx“, Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00x xxxxxx, Xxxxxxxx (further on: Foundation), on the other side. |
Član 1. Ugovorne strane su konstatovale da je: Rešenjem Agencije za privredne registre, Registar zadužbina i fondacija broj BZF 806/2012 od 18.06.2012. godine osnovana Dobrotvorna Fondacija pod nazivom: Fondacija za lepšu budućnost „Xxxx X. Xxxxxxxx“, sa misijom: Dostojanstven život svih stanovnika planete, kroz pomoć za izuzetno nadarene dečake i devojčice sa svih kontinenata (Evrope, Afrike, Severne i Južne Amerike, Azije i Australije i svih regiona) da nesmetano uče, razvijaju se i naporno rade za lepšu budućnost svih na planeti, ne praveći razliku po tome koje su vere, nacije, pola, boje kože, jezika, imovnog stanja, xxxxx rođenja i života, istorijske superiornosti ili inferiornosti, a xxxx xx se realizovati kroz: - Podsticanje i pomoć izuzetno darovitim pojedincima da nauče druge jezike, izuče i dožive druge kulture i uspešno primene naučene modele u sredinama svoga porekla; - Izučavanje, promociju i primenu najuspešnijih kulturnih i poslovnih modela u svetu; - Razvoj tolerancije, razumevanja i ljubavi među narodima; - Očuvanje i unapređenje životne sredine i svih prirodnih resursa. | Article 1. Contractual parties have concluded that: Agency for Business Registers, Register of endowments and foundations No. BZF 806/2012 at 18.06.2012. established a Charitable Foundation under the name of: Foundation for better future „Xxxx X. Xxxxxxxx“, with the following mission: Dignified life for all inhabitants of the planet by helping exceptionally talented boys and girls, from all continents (Еurope, Аfrica, North and South America, Аsia and Аustralia and all regions), regardless of their religion, nation, sex, skin colour, language, property, place of birth and residence, historical superiority or inferiority, to learn, develop and work hard for better future of all inhabitants of our planet, which will be realized through: - Encouragement and support to extremely talented boys and girls to learn other languages, study and experience other cultures and to successfully apply learned models in their communities of origin; - Research, promotion and implementation of the most successful cultural and business models in the world; - Development of tolerance, understanding and love among people, religions and nations; - Preservation and improvement of the environment and all natural resource on planet. |
Član 2. Misija i vizija Fondacije, prava i obaveze, način finansiranja, organizacija i upravljanje Fondacijom i sva ostala pitanja vezana za xxxxx xxxx Fondacije su definisana Statutom Fondacije. Poklonodavac prihvata misiju Fondacije. | Article 2. The Foundation’s mission and vision, rights and obligations, manner of financing, organization and management of the Foundation as well as any other issues related to the operation of the Foundation are regulated by the Foundation’s Statute. The Donor accepts the Statute of the Foundation |
Član 3. Poklonodavac prenosi svoja novčana sredstva u iznosu od evra Fondaciji isključivo u cilju ostvarivanja ciljeva Fondacije definisanih Statutom Fondacije. Uplatu novčanih sredstava iz stava 1 ovog člana Poklonodavac će uplatiti preko swift naloga: Intermediary: XXXXXXXX INTESA XXXXXXXX XXX MILANO, ITALY Account with institution: XXXXXXXX BANCA INTESA AD, BEOGRAD MILENTIJA POPOVICA 7B BEOGRAD, REPUBLIKA SRBIJA Beneficiary: RS 35160005400000249969 FONDACIJA XXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXX 11B Beograd (Zvezdara) Republic of Serbia | Article 3. The Donor transfer its monetary assets in the amount of euros to The Foundation exclusively for the attainment of the Foundation’s goals as defined by Foundation’s Statute . Transfer of monetary assets from the paragraph one of this article the Donor will execute using a swift transaction: Intermediary: XXXXXXXX INTESA XXXXXXXX XXX MILANO, ITALY Account with institution: XXXXXXXX BANCA INTESA AD, BEOGRAD MILENTIJA POPOVICA 7B BEOGRAD, REPUBLIKA SRBIJA Beneficiary: RS 35160005400000249969 FONDACIJA XXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXX 11B Beograd (Zvezdara) Republic of Serbia |
Član 4. Poklonodavac poklanja novčana sredstva navedena u članu 3. ovog ugovora Fondaciji, bezuslovno i ista predstavljaju trajna novčana sredstva Fondacije, čime Poklonodavac postaje donator Fondacije. | Article 4. The Donor donates monetary assets listed in the paragraph three of this contract to the Foundation, without any special conditions and those assets become permanent assets of Foundation and with this act becomes a Donor of the Foundation. |
Član 5. Fondacija sa zahvalnošću prima na poklon od Poklonodavca novčana sredstva i ista će isključivo koristiti u svrhu ostvarivanja misije, xxxx xx navedeno u članu 1. ovog Ugovora. | Article 5. The Foundation accepts, with gratitude, the monetary assets in order to use them exclusively for the fulfillment of the goals from the paragraph one of this contract. |
Član 6. Danom uplate sredstava iz člana 3. ovog Ugovora, Poklonodavac postaje donator Fondacije. | Article 6. The Donor becomes a Donor of the Foundation at the time of monetary transfer referreed to in the paragraph three of this Contract is executed. |
Član 7. Ugovorne strane saglasno izjavljuju da je ovaj Ugovor izraz njihove slobodne volje i da se ne nalaze pod uticajem prinude i prevare. | Article 7 The contractual parties justify to the fact that signing this Contract is an expression of their free will and that they are not under any kind of duress or influence. |
Član 8. Sve eventualne sporove koji mogu proisteći iz ovog Ugovora, ugovorne xxxxxx xx rešavati mirnim putem, a ukoliko to ne bude bilo moguće, ugovara se nadležnost suda u Beogradu. | Article 8. The contractual parties agree to resolve all disputes in a peaceful manner; in case that dispute cannot be resolved in the this manner, the Commercial Court in Belgrade has the jurisdiction. |
Član 9. Ovaj Xxxxxx je zaključen u 2 (dva) istovetna primerka na srpskom i engleskom jeziku, s xxx xx xxxx verzija na srpskom jeziku ima pravno dejstvo - 1 (jedan) primerak je za Fondaciju, 1 (jedan) za Poklonodavca. | Article 9. This Contract was made in 2 (two) identical copies in Serbian and English language, of which the Srbian language version shall govern - 1 (one) copies is for Foundation, 1 (one) for Donor. |
Donor representative | Foundation representative |