Zaključen u Beogradu xxxx __________ godine između:
Član 1. Predmet ovog Ugovora je regulisanje međusobnih prava i obaveza ugovornih strana u vezi sa pružanjem usluge organizovanja 2 događaja: (1) konferencija i (2) sastanak organizacija civilnog društva koje su dobile finansijsku podršku u okviru trećeg ciklusa EKO-SISTEM programa osnaživanja mreža, u okviru programa „EKO-SISTEM – podrška reformama u zaštiti životne sredine“, koji finansira Švedska, u svemu pod uslovima i na način utvđen ovim Ugovorom.
Član 2. DAVALAC USLUGE se obavezuje da će tokom ugovorenog perioda koji se odnosi na organizaciju 2 događaja xx xxxxxx NARUČILACA USLUGE raditi na sledećem:
Organizovanje događaja koje uključuje uslugu obezbeđivanja i ugovaranja adekvatnog smeštaja, ishrane i prostora za rad sa odgovarajućom tehničkog opremom, poštovanje i primenu propisanih epidemioloških mera protiv širenja korona virusa u skladu sa zahtevima NARUČILACA USLUGE.
Član 3. NARUČILAC USLUGA se obavezuje da najmanje 5 xxxx pre početka održavanja svakog događaja DAVAOCU USLUGE dostavi okvirni plan i opis potrebnih usluga u pisanoj formi.
Član 4. DAVALAC USLUGE se obavezuje da će svoju uslugu da pruža profesionalno i sa pažnjom dobrog domaćina, te i da se pridržava svih propisa i dobrih običaja pri pružanju svojih usluga.
DAVALAC USLUGE će da nadoknadi NARUČILACU USLUGE – svu eventualnu štetu koju NARUČILAC USLUGE pretrpi usled toga što je DAVALAC USLUGE izvršio svoju obavezu u suprotnosti sa odredbama ovog Ugovora i/ili propisima koji regulišu predmetu oblast. U xxx slučajevima NARUČILAC USLUGE ima pravo da se pozove na polisu osiguranja od profesionalne odgovornosti koja čini Prilog 1 ovog Ugovora.
Član 5. Plaćanja će se vršiti sukcesivno, po obavljenoj usluzi za svaki pojedinačni događaj, a na osnovu prethodno dostavljenog računa i specifikacije troškova xx xxxxxx DAVAOCA USLUGE, a xxxx xx prethodno odobrena pismenim putem xx xxxxxx NARUČILACA USLUGE.
DAVAOC USLUGA se obavezuje da će NARUČIOCU USLUGA dostaviti specifikaciju izvršenih usluga u vidu fakture nakon ispunjenja ugovorenih usluga navedenih u članu 2. ovog Ugovora.
NARUČILAC USLUGA se obavezuje da će naknadu za izvršene usluge platiti DAVAOCU USLUGA u roku od 15 xxxx xxxxx izdavanja fakture xx xxxxxx DAVAOCA USLUGE.
U slučaju neizvršenja usluge u ugovorenom roku, NARUČILAC USLUGE nije u obavezi da izvrši plaćanje KA DAVAOCU USLUGE.
Član 6. Ugovorne strane se obavezuju da sve podatke do kojih dođu u izvršavanju ovog Ugovora čuvaju kao poslovnu tajnu, kako za vreme trajanja ovog Ugovora, tako i po njegovom isteku.
U slučaju postupanja protivno obavezi iz stava 1 ovog člana, strana xxxx xx povredila obavezu čuvanja tajnosti podataka, dužna je da drugoj strani nadoknadi eventualnu štetu.
Član 7. Ovaj Ugovor stupa na snagu danom potpisivanja xx xxxxxx ovlašćenih predstavnika ugovornih strana, a primenjuje se od _________2023. godine i zaključuje na period do _______2023. godine.
Član 8. Ugovorne strane su saglasne da eventualne sporove koji nastanu iz ovog Ugovora rešavaju sporazumno, a ukoliko ne postignu sporazumno rešenje, ugovara se nadležnost Privrednog suda u Beogradu.
Član 9. Izmene i dopune ovog Ugovora mogu se vršiti samo pisanim putem, uz saglasnost svih ugovornih strana, zaključivanjem aneksa Ugovora.
Član 10. Na odnose ugovornih strana koji nisu uređeni ovim Ugovorom, neposredno se primenjuju odredbe Zakona o obligacionim odnosima.
Član 11. Ugovorne strane se obavezuju da sve komercijalne uslove ovog Ugovora, kao i sve druge informacije o poslovanju i finansijskoj situaciji druge Ugovorne strane kojima imaju pristup u vezi sa izvršenjem ovog Ugovora, tretiraju kao poverljive i ne otkrivaju ih trećim licima bez saglasnosti druge Ugovorne strane.
Član 12. Ovaj Ugovor je zaključen u 2 (dva) istovetna primerka, od kojih po 1 (jedan) zadržava svaka ugovorna strana.
Ovaj Ugovor je sačinjen na engleskom i srpskom jeziku i u slučaju spora, merodavna je verzija na srpskom jeziku. |
Cooperation Agreement
Entered into in Belgrade on ____________ by and between:
Article 1 Subject matter of this Agreement is the regulation of mutual rights and obligations of the Contracting Parties with regard for providing service of organizing 2 events: (1) conference and (2) meetings for civil society organizations that are supported by ECO SYSTEM programe support for environmental networks (third cycle), as part of programme „ECO SYSTEM - Environmental reforms supporting programme“, supported by Sweden, fully in compliance with the terms and conditions and in the manner set forth by this Agreement.
Article 2 During Agreement term related to organization of 2 events of the CUSTOMER, SERVICE PROVIDER commits to work on following:
Organization of events that include the service of providing and contracting adequate accommodation, food and work space with appropriate technical equipment, compliance and application of prescribed epidemiological measures against the spread of coronavirus in accordance with the requirements of the CUSTOMER.
Article 3 CUSTOMER commits to submit to the SERVICE PROVIDER an outline plan and a description of the required services in writing at least 5 days before the beginning of each event.
Article 4 SERVICE PROVIDER commits to provide its service professionally and with attention of the good host, therefore to comply with all legislations and good customs during service providing.
SERVICE PROVIDER shall compensate to CUSTOMER any possible damage that the CUSTOMER may suffer because the SERVICE PROVIDER fulfilled his obligation contrary to the provisions of this Agreement and/or the regulations governing the subject area. In these cases, the CUSTOMER has the right to refer to the professional risk indemnity insurance that is Enclosure 1 of this Agreement.
Article 5 Payments will be made successively, per service performed for each individual event, and based on a previously submitted invoice and cost specification by the SERVICE PROVIDER, that has been previously approved in written by the CUSTOMER:
SERVICE PROVIDER commits to send specification of done services, via invoice, after fulfilling defined services in article 2 of this Agreement.
CUSTOMER commits to pay the cost for the realized service to the SERVICE PROVIDER within 15 days from the date of given invoice.
In case of not fulfilling service within set deadline CUSTOMER is not obliged to pay to SERVICE PROVIDER.
Article 6 The parties are obligate to treat all data of this Agreement, made available to them in relation to executing this Agreement, as confidential in order for the duration of this Agreement, even after termination of the Agreement.
In case of a contrary treatment of the obligation from paragraph 1 of this Article, party that hurted obligation confidentiality, is obligate to pay to other pay for further damage.
Article 7 This Agreement shall take effect on the date of its signing by the Parties’ authorized representatives and shall apply from _________ 2023 and shall be valid for until _________ 2023.
Article 8 The Contracting Parties agree to settle amicably any possible dispute that may arise from this Contract. If they fail in such an attempt, jurisdiction of the Economic Court of Belgrade is contracted.
Article 9 Amendments of, and supplements to this Contract may be done in writing only, with the consent of all Contracting Parties, by entering into an annex to this Contract.
Article 10 The provisions of the Law on Contracts and Torts shall directly apply to the relations of the Contracting Parties that are not regulated by this Contract.
Article 11 The Parties are obliged to treat all commercial conditions of this Agreement, as well as all other information related to other Party’s business and financial position, made available to them in relation to executing this Agreement, as confidential and not to disclose them to third parties without consent of the other Party.
Article 12 This Agreement is made in 2 (two) counterparts, of which each Party shall keep 1 (one).
This Agreement is made in English and in Serbia and in the event of any divergence, the Serbian version shall prevail. |
Mladi istraživači Srbije
___________________ _________________ Izvršna direktorka Izvršni direktor Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx |