Opšti uslovi i odredbe za kupovinu robe i usluga Flender d.o.o. Subotica | General Terms and Conditions of Pur- chase of Goods and Services Flender d.o.o. Subotica |
1. Uvodne odredbe 1.1. Ovi Opšti uslovi za kupovinu robe i usluga (u daljem tekstu: „Opšti uslovi“) primenjuju se: (i) u svim slučajevima kada Flender d.o.o. Subotica, sa sedištem u Batinskoj 94, Subotica (u daljem tekstu: „Kupac” ili „Flender”), vrši pravne transakcije u svojstvu kupca robe i/ili usluga, ili (ii) tamo gde se ovi Opšti uslovi pominju u pojedinačnom ugovoru o kupovini robe i/ili usluga, ili Porudžbini, ili na bilo koji drugi izričit način dogovoren sa licem koje dostavlja robu ili pruža usluge (u daljem tekstu: „Dobavljač“). 1.2. Ovi Opšti uslovi stupaju na snagu 10. xxxxx 2023. godine. | 1. Introductory Provisions 1.1. Thes e G en e r al Terms and Conditions of Purchase of Goods and Services (hereinafter: “General Conditions”) shall apply: (i) in all cases where Flender d.o.o. Subotica, headquar- tered at Batinska 94, Subotica (hereinafter: “Pur- chaser” or “Flender), performs legal transactions in the capacity of buyer of goods and/or ser- vices, or (ii) where these General Terms are referred to in any individual contract on pur- chase of goods and/or services, or in any Pur- chase Order, or in any other explicit manner agreed with the person supplying goods or per- forming services (hereinafter: “Supplier”). 1.2. These General Conditions are effective as of 10th ofst March 2023. |
2. Porudžbina i njena potvrda 2.1. Kupac može otkazati Porudžbinu poslatu Do- bavljaču, čije prihvatanje xx xxxxxx Dobavljača re- zultira zaključenjem ugovora kojim se Kupac obave- zuje da će prihvatiti robu ili usluge Dobavljača (u daljem tekstu: „Porudžbina“), ako Dobavljač nije pisanim putem potvrdio prijem Porudžbine u roku od dva xxxxx xxxx od prijema iste (“Potvrda Porudžbine”). Strane mogu razmeniti Porudžbinu i/ili Potvrdu Porudžbine putem elektronske razmene podataka (EDI) ako je takav način komunikacije prethodno izričito dogovoren između Kupca i Do- bavljača. 2.2. Prihvatanje Porudžbine koja uključuje bilo kakve izmene i/ili dopune iste neće se smatrati zaključivan- jem ugovora bez pisane saglasnosti Kupca za date izmene i dopune. Ukoliko Potvrda Porudžbine od- stupa od Porudžbine, Dobavljač xx xxxxx da jasno naznači te izmene i dopune u Potvrdi Porudžbine. 2.3 Kupac ni pod kojim okolnostima neće priznati ili pristati da koristi Prodavčeve odredbe i uslove na- kon prihvatanja Porudžbine Dobavljača. Kupac za- država pravo da otkaže svaku Porudžbinu ako se ovi uslovi ne primenjuju. | 2. Purchase Order and Confirmation Thereof 2.1. The Purchaser may cancel the Purchase Order sent to the Supplier, whose acceptance by the Supplier results in the conclusion of the con- tract whereby the Purchaser undertakes to ac- cept the goods or services of the Supplier (herein- after: “Purchase Ord er”), i f the Supplier has failed to confirm receipt of the Purchase Order in writing within two working days of receipt thereof (“Confirmation of Purchase Order”). The Purchase Order and/or the Confirmation of Pur- chase Order may be exchanged between the par- ties by way of electronic data interchange (EDI) if such a way of communication has been pre- viously and explicitly agreed between the Pur- chaser and the Supplier. 2.2. The acceptance of Purchase Order involving any modifications and/or supplements thereto shall not be deemed entry into a contract without written consent by the Purchaser to such modifications and supplements. If the Confirmation of Pur- chase Order deviates from the Purchase Order, the Supplier is obliged to clearly indicate such modifications and supplements thereto in the Confirmation of Purchase Order. 2 .3 Under no circumstances will the Purchaser acknowledge or agree to using the Seller’s terms and condition upon acceptance of the Supplier’s Purchase order The Purchaser reserves the right to void any Purchase Order should these terms not apply. |
3. Pravo korišćenja 3.1. Vezano za prava koja se prenose sa Dobavljača na Kupca prilikom isporuke robe i/ili usluga, Do- bavljač garantuje da Kupac može i ovlašćuje Kupca da koristi robu i/ili usluge i da ih prenese na xxxxx xxxx, da ih ugradi u drugim sistemima i da njima slo- | 3. The Right of Use 3.1. With respect to the rights transferred from the Supplier to the Purchaser upon delivery of goods and/or services, the Supplier guaran- tees that the Purchaser may and authorizes the Purchaser to use the goods and/or services |
bodno raspolaže bez ikakvih ograničenja u smislu vremena, teritorije ili ostalog, osim kada takva ograničenja nedvosmisleno proističu iz prirode pravne transakcije, ili kada su takva ograničenja izričito naznačena u Potvrdi Porudžbine. | and transfer them to others, to install them in other systems, and to freely dispose of them without any limitations regarding time, xxxxxxx- ry or otherwise, except where such limitations stem unambiguously from the nature of legal transaction, or where such limitations have been expressly indicated in the Confirmation of Pur- chase Order. |
4. Rok isporuke; Neizvršenje obaveza; Posledice neizvršenja obaveza 4.1. Ukoliko nije drugačije ugovoreno, Dobavljač xx xxxxx da isporuči robu, odnosno pruži usluge bez odlaganja i u okviru razumnog roka. Ovaj podra- zumevani ili izričito dogovoreni period računa se od xxxx izdavanja Porudžbine. Smatra se da je Do- bavljač blagovremeno isporučio robu ako xx xxxx xxxx xx predmet isporuke predata Kupcu u ugovore- nom roku i na ugovorenom mestu, odnosno smatra se da je usluga izvršena blagovremeno ako je Kupac u ugovorenom roku i na ugovoreni način pri- hvatio radove koji su predmet usluge. Vreme prijema radova koji se odnose na ugradnju, montažu i sl. je relevantno vreme za procenu blagovremenosti isporuke u slučaju da je ugovorom predviđeno da isporuka robe obuhvata ugradnju, montažu i sl., ili ako takva isporuka proizilazi iz okolnosti slučaja. 4.2. Ako, na osnovu okolnosti slučaja, Dobavljač posumnja da obaveza prema Kupcu neće biti ispun- jena u ugovorenom roku, xxxx odmah da obavesti Kupca o tome. 4.3. U slučaju kašnjenja xx xxxxxx Dobavljača, Kupac ima pravo da odredi ugovornu odštetu, i to u iznosu od 1% od ugovorene cene za svaki xxx kašnjenja. 4.4. U svakom slučaju, određivanje ugovorne odšte- te za neblagovremeno izvršenje obaveza xx xxxxxx Dobavljača ne može biti xxxx xx 10% od ugovorene cene. Kada maksimalni iznos ovog kašnjenja dostigne maksimum, FLENDER ima pravo da otkaže Porudžbinu i zahteva isplatu ugovorne odštete za neizvršenje obaveza u iznosu od 10% od ugovorene xxxx xxx dugovanje od Dobavljača. 4.5. Ukoliko obaveza Dobavljača nije ispunjena u periodu u kojem je ugovorna odšteta dostigla svoj maksimum, Kupac može raskinuti ugovor i naplatiti ugovornu odštetu u iznosu od 10% ugovorene vred- xxxxx xxx ugovornu odštetu za neizvršenje obaveza. Kupac ima isto pravo i može raskinuti ugovor i pre vremena u kome ugovorna odšteta dostigne svoj maksimum ako okolnosti slučaja pokažu da Do- bavljač neće izvršiti obavezu u xxx periodu. FLENDER može otkazati porudžbinu i pre isteka roka u kom je dostignut maksimalni iznos ugovorne odštete ako okolnosti slučaja ukazuju na to da Do- bavljač neće ispuniti svoju obavezu u xxx periodu. 4.6. U slučaju da Xxxxx ne zahteva isplatu ugovorne odštete po prihvatanju izvršenja to ni na xxxx xxxxx ne pretpostavlja da se Kupac odrekao takvog po- traživanja, te Kupac ima pravo da zahteva isplatu do konačnog obračuna i plaćanja, u kom slučaju Kupac | 4. Delivery Deadline; Default; Conse- quences of Default 4.1. Unless otherwise agreed, the Supplier is obliged to deliver goods, and/or perform services without delay and within a reasonable deadline. This implied or expressly agreed period shall count from the day of issue of the Purchase Order. It shall be deemed that the Supplier has timely delivered goods if the goods that are the subject of delivery have been handed over to the Purchaser within the agreed deadline and at the agreed place, i.e. it shall be deemed that the service has been rendered in a timely manner if the Purchaser has accepted the works that are the subject of service within the agreed deadline and in the agreed manner. The time of acceptance of works concerning installation, assembling, etc. shall be the relevant time for assessing the timeliness of delivery in the case it is envisaged by the contract that the delivery of goods includes installation, assembly, etc., or if such delivery stems from the circumstances of the case. 4.2. If, based on the circumstances of the case, the Supplier suspects that the obligation owed to the Purchaser will not be met within the agreed deadline, the Supplier shall immediately inform the Purchaser thereof. 4.3. In the case of default on the part of the Supplier, the Purchaser shall have the right to im- pose liquidated damages, specifically in the amount of 1% of the agreed price for each day of delay, 4.4. In any case, the i m pos i t i o n of liquidated damages for untimely performance of the obliga- tion by the Supplier may not exceed 10% of the agreed price. Once the maximum amount of this delay has reached its maximum, FLENDER shall be entitled to cancel the purchase order and to request the payment of liquidated damages for nonperformance in the amount of 10% of the agreed price as a debt due from the Supplier. 4.5. If the Supplier’s obligation has not been met within the period in which the liquidated damages has reached its maximum, the Purchas- er may terminate the contract and collect the liq- uidated damages in the amount of 10% of the agreed value as the liquidated damages payable for non-performance. The Purchaser shall have the same right and terminate the con- tract even before the time in which the liqui- dated damages reaches its maximum if the cir- cumstances of the case show that the Supplier will not perform the obligation within that period. |
ima pravo da prebije taj iznos od uplata koje duguje Dobavljaču.
4.7. Određivanje ugovorne odštete ne isključuje dru- ga prava Kupca u slučaju kašnjenja ili neizvršenja obaveza.
4.8. U slučaju da Dobavljač kasni sa izvršenjem ugovornih obaveza, odnosno u slučaju xxxx xx razumno predvideti takvo kašnjenje, Kupac može, o trošku Dobavljača, preduzeti sve razumne i neo- phodne mere kako bi sprečio ili otklonio posledice kašnjenja.
4.9. Odredbe ovih Opštih uslova vezano za ugo- vornu odštetu ne primenjuju se u slučaju xxxx xx rok izvršenja bitan sastavni element ugovora. U xxx slučaju ugovor će se smatrati raskinutim u momentu kašnjenja (osim ukoliko je Kupac jasno pokazao da je ugovor i dalje na snazi), pri čemu Kupac može zahtevati ugovornu odštetu za neizvršenje obaveza u iznosu od 10% od ugovorene vrednosti.
4.10. Neizvršenje obaveza bilo koje xxxxx xxxxxx, xxx što su podizvođači i pod-dobavljači Dobavljača, pripisuje se Dobavljaču kao da xx xxxx neizvršenje bilo obaveza samog Dobavljača, FLENDER DOO SUBOTICA ima pravo da odredi:
(a) 1% od ugovorene cene ako se navedena ili ugovorena dokumentacija (uključujući, ali ne ograničavajući se na dokumentaciju naznačenu na crtežu, specifikaciji isporuke, dokumentaciji o listi procesa kvalifikacije materijala) ne dostavlja xxx xxx isporuke za svaki xxx kašnjenja u podnošenju predmetne dokumentacije,
(b) satnicu od 36,45€ po satu (po srednjem
kursu NBS) za bilo koju vrstu posla koji zaposleni FLENDER D.O.O. SUBOTICA provedu na otklan- janju problema nastalog usled nepoštovanja xxx- xxxxxxx uslova iz Porudžbine xx xxxxxx Dobavljača i fiksni iznos od 73,00€ (po srednjem kursu NBS) za administrativne poslove.
FLENDER can cancel the purchase order even before the expiration of the period in which the maximum amount of the liquidated damages has been reached if the circumstances of the case indi- cate that the Supplier will not fulfill its obligation within that period.
4.6. Failure of the Purchaser to request the payment of liquidated damages upon the ac- ceptance of performance shall in no manner consti- tute a presumption that the Purchaser has waived such a claim, and the Purchaser shall be entitled to request such payment up until the time of final calculation and payment, in which case the Purchaser shall be entitled to offset such amount from the payment owed to the Supplier.
4.7. The imposition of liquidated damages does not preclude other r ight s of the Purchaser in the case of default or non- performance.
4.8. In the case of Supplier’s delay in meeting the contractual obligations, i.e. in the case where it is reasonable to foresee such a delay, the Purchas- er may, at the expense of the Supplier, take all reasonable and necessary measures in order to prevent or remedy the consequences of the delay.
4.9. The p r ov i s i o n s of these General Condi- tions with regard to the liquidated damages shall not apply in the case where the performance deadline is an essential constituent element of the contract. In such case the contract shall be considered terminated at the moment of delay (unless the Purchaser has clearly demonstrated to maintain the contract in force), where the Pur- chaser may claim liquidated damages for the non- performance in the amount of 10% of the agreed value.
4.10 The Default of any third party, such as subcon- tractors and sub-suppliers of Supplier, shall be attributed to Supplier as if such default was Suppli- er’s own default, FLENDER DOO SUBOTICA is entitled to impose:
(a) 1% of the agreed price if specified or agreed documentation (including, but not limited to documentation indicated in the drawing, delivery specification, material qualification process docu- mentation list) is not conveyed as part of delivery per each day of delay in submitting subject docu- mentation,
(b) An hourly rate of €36,45 per hour (based on middle exchange rate of the NBS) for any type of work by FLENDER D.O.O. SUBOTICA employ- ees spent to remedy a problem that arouse out of connection to the failure of the Supplier to comply with the agreed conditions of the Order and a fixed amount of €73,00 (based on middle exchange rate of the NBS) for administrative work.
5. Prenos rizika, transport i mesto izvršenja 5.1. U slučaju kupovine robe, rizik od gubitka ili oštećenja robe prelazi na Kupca u trenutku primo- predaje, dok u slučaju ugradnje ili sklapanja robe rizik prelazi na Kupca u trenutku prijema robe, mon- taže ili ugradnje. 5.2. Osim ako nije drugačije ugovoreno, primenjuje se Incoterm DDP (naznačeno mesto odredišta), a ako xx xxxx isporučuje na gradilište ili direktno trećim licima, Dobavljač takođe snosi troškove i rizik njenog istovara. 5.3. Robu xxxx xx Dobavljač prosledio Kupcu xxxx xx xxxxx odgovarajuća inventarska i/ili špediterska dokumentacija, a broj Porudžbine xxxx biti vidljivo istaknut na robi. Dobavljač će, bez nepotrebnog odlaganja, poslati Kupcu transportne informacije zajedno sa informacijama o inventaru. 5.4. U slučaju rane isporuke, Kupac zadržava pravo da zahteva od Dobavljača sve dodatne troškove prouzrokovane xxx isporukom (uključujući, ali ne ograničavajući se na troškove skladištenja i osig- uranja), kao i da izvrši plaćanje isporuke i usluga u skladu sa sa ugovornim klauzulama koje regulišu isporuku i plaćanje. Rizik gubitka ili oštećenja robe ostaje na Dobavljaču do ugovorenog datu- ma/vremena isporuke, osim xxxx xx gubitak ili oštećenje nastalo krivicom Kupca. 5.5. Ukoliko Dobavljač lično ne isporučuje robu i nema drugih uputstava Kupca, Dobavljač će organi- zovati prevoz sa dužnom pažnjom i pod najpovoljni- xxx tržišnim uslovima. Ukoliko Dobavljač ne postupi na ovaj način, Kupac ima pravo da od ugovorene cene odbije razliku u troškovima prevoza koji inače organizuje Dobavljač. | 5. Transfer of Risk, Transportation, and Place of Performance 5.1. In the case of purchase of goods, the risk of loss of or damage to the goods transfers to the Purchaser at the moment of handover, while in the case of goods being installed or assembled t he risk transfers to the Purchaser at the mo- ment of acceptance of the assembly or instal- lation. 5.2. Unless agreed otherwise, the Incoterm DDP (named place of destination) shall apply, and if the goods are to be delivered to a construction site or directly to third parties, the Supplier shall also bear the cost and risk of unloading the goods. 5.3. The goods the Supplier forwarded to the Pur- chaser shall be accompanied by the appropriate inventory and/or forwarding documentation, and the number of Purchasing Order shall be visibly dis- played on the goods. The Supplier shall, without undue delay, send to the Purchaser the forwarding information along with the inventory. 5.4. In the case of early delivery, the Purchaser reserves the right to claim from the Supplier all additional costs caused by such delivery (including but not limited to storage and insurance expens- es), as well as to effect the payment for the delivery and services in accordance with the contractual clauses regulating the delivery and payment. The risk of loss or damage of goods remains with the Supplier until the agreed date/time of delivery, except where the loss or damage occurred through the Purchaser’s fault. 5.5. If the Supplier does not personally deliver the goods and there are no other instructions of the Purchaser, the Supplier shall organize the transportation with due diligence and under the most favorable market conditions. Should the Sup- plier fail to act in this manner, the Purchaser shall have the right to subtract from the agreed price the difference in the expenses of transportation other- wise organized by the Supplier. |
6. Obustava izvršenja; Raskid xx xxxxxx Kupca 6.1. Kupac je ovlašćen da da nalog Dobavljaču da obustavi izvršenje ugovora u bilo kom trenutku. Ukoliko obustava traje duže od tri meseca, Do- bavljač može zahtevati od Kupca da mu nadoknadi sve razumne i dokumentovane troškove prouzroko- vane takvom obustavom od tog trenutka do prestanka obustave izvršenja. Dobavljač ni pod kojim okolnostima nema pravo da zahteva od Kupca da mu nadoknadi izgubljenu dobit ili troškove nas- tale tokom prva tri meseca obustave. 6.2. Sve dok Dobavljač u potpunosti ne ispuni ugo- vorne obaveze, Kupac može raskinuti ugovor po sopstvenom nahođenju čak i bez krivice Dobavljača. U xxx slučaju, Dobavljač ima pravo da zahteva ugo- vorenu cenu za izmirene obaveze, dok nikakva dru- ga potraživanja prema Kupcu nisu dozvoljena. | 6. Suspension of Performance; Ter- mination by Purchaser 6.1. The Purchaser is authorized to order the Sup- plier to suspend the execution of contract at any time. Should such suspension last longer than three months, the Supplier may request the Purchaser to reimburse the Supplier for all reasonable and docum ent ed expenses caused by such sus- pension from that moment until the suspension of execution is over. Under no circumstances is the Supplier entitled to request the Pur- chaser to reimburse the Supplier for the profit lost or expenses incurred during the first three months of the suspension. 6.2. Until the time the Supplier has fully dis- charged the contractual obligations, the Purchaser may terminate the contract at its own discretion even where there is no fault on the part of the |
Supplier. In that case, the Supplier is entitled to request the agreed price for the discharged obligations, and no other claims against the Purchaser are allowed. | |
7. Fakture 7.1. Dobavljač xx xxxxx da na svakoj dostavljenoj fakturi navede broj fakture i broj Porudžbine. Fakture moraju biti sastavljene u obliku koji omogućava nji- hovu kontrolu i xxxx poređenje sa relevantnom Porudžbinom. U suprotnom, faktura će se smatrati nepotpunom i neće biti plaćena. Sve kopije faktura moraju biti označene kao duplikati. 7.2. Dobavljač dostavlja fakturu nakon prijema robe xxxx xx predmet isporuke, odnosno nakon pruženih usluga. Ako je izričito navedeno ili implicirano iz o- kolnosti slučaja da predmetna isporuka obuhvata ispitivanje, kontrolu kvaliteta i sl., dostavljanje rele- vantnih izveštaja o xxx preduzetim radnjama čini sastavni deo obaveze Dobavljača a obaveza xx xxxx smatrati ispunjenom bez tih izveštaja. Odgovarajući popust na cenu se odobrava ukoliko Kupac odluči da prihvati izvršenje koje ima nedosta- taka u odnosu na ugovoreni kvalitet. U suprotnom, pravo Dobavljača na dostavljanje fak- ture će se računati tek nakon što svi nedostaci u izvršenju budu otklonjeni. Pored smanjenja cene u slučaju prihvatanja neispravne isporuke, Kupac može da ostvari i druga prava u skladu sa zakonom. | 7. Invoices 7.1. The Supplier is obliged to specify on each submitted invoice both the number of the invoice and the number of Purchasing Order. Invoices must be prepared in a form enabling their control and easy comparison with the relevant Purchasing Order. Otherwise, the invoice shall be considered incomplete and shall not be honored. All copies of invoices must be marked as duplicates. 7.2. The Supplier shall submit the invoice after the goods that are the subject of delivery have been received, i.e., after the services have been per- formed. If expressly stated or implied from the circumstances of the case that the delivery in ques- tion involves testing, quality control, etc., the deliv- ery of relevant reports on the actions thus taken shall compr ise an integral part of the obligation of the Supplier and the obligation shall not be met without such reports. Adequate discount on the price shall be granted should the Purchaser decide to accept the performance which is deficient in comparison to the agreed quality. Otherwise, the Supplier’s right to submit the in- voice shall count only after all the deficiencies in the performance have been remedied. Besides the reduction of the price in the case of ac- ceptance of deficient delivery, the Purchaser shall be able to exercise any other rights in accordance with the law. |
8. Uslovi plaćanja 8.1. Ukoliko nije drugačije ugovoreno, obaveza Klijenta dospeva 60 xxxx xxxxx izdavanja fakture Kupcu. 8.2. Prihvatanje robe xx xxxxxx Xxxxx xx xxxx evi- dencija da je Isporuka izvršena i ne predstavlja izja- vu, odobrenje ili prihvatanje da xx xxxx bez nedosta- taka, niti utiče na obaveze Dobavljača ili prava Kupca prema Ugovoru uključujući, ali ne ogra- ničavajući se na, obaveze i prava tokom Perioda odgovornosti za nedostatke. 8.3. Obaveze Dobavljača koje duguje po ugovoru u skladu sa ovim Opštim uslovima ne mogu se kom- penzovati potraživanjima koje Dobavljač ima prema Kupcu po bilo kom drugom osnovu. Dobavljač može ustupiti potraživanja koja ima prema Kupcu samo ako je isti prethodno pisanim putem pristao na to ustupanje. | 8. Terms of Payment 8.1. Unless otherwise agreed, the Client's obliga- tion is due 60 days after the invoice is issued to the Purchaser. 8.2. Acceptance of the Goods by the Purchaser is merely a record that Delivery has occurred and does not constitute declaration, approval, or ac- ceptance that the Goods are free of Defects, nor does it affect the Supplier’s obligations or the Pur- chaser’s rights under the Contract including, but not limited to, obligations and rights during the Defects Liability Period. 8.3. Liabilities of the Supplier owed under a contract in accordance with the present General Conditions may not be compensated with claims the Supplier has against the Purchaser on any other basis. The Supplier may cede the claims the Supplier has against the Purchaser only if such cession has previously been consented to in writing by the Pur- chaser. |
9. Inspekcija pri prijemu 9.1. U trenutku izmirenja obaveze, ili odmah nakon toga, Kupac će izvršiti pregled isporučene robe i/ili radova u cilju otkrivanja vidljivih nedostataka. 9.2. Kupac će obavestiti Dobavljača o utvrđenom | 9. Inspection at Acceptance 9.1. At the time of discharge of the obligation, or immediately thereafter, the Purchaser shall perform inspection of the delivered goods and/or works to detect any visible deficiencies. |
nedostatku u roku od 30 xxxx od xxxx izvršenja obaveze, odnosno xxxx početka korišćenja isporu- ke, njenog sastavljanja ili dalje obrade, odnosno xxxx xxxx je nedostatak utvrđen.
9.3. Dobavljač je odgovoran za sve nedostatke koji budu otkriveni ili se pojave u roku od dve godine od xxxx isporuke robe ili prijema radova osim ako po- sebnim zakonskim odredbama nije propisan duži rok.
10. Odgovornost za neusaglašenost
10.1. U slučaju nedostataka, Kupac je ovlašćen da zahteva da se isti otklone ili popravkom, ili isporukom relevantne robe bez nedostataka, ili izvođenjem relevantnih radova na ugovoreni način, ili smanjenjem ugovorene cene na pravični nivo. Pored toga, Kupac ima pravo da zahteva isplatu štete xxxx xx pretrpeo takvim izvršenjem.
10.2. Ukoliko Dobavljač ne otkloni nedostatke u da- xxx roku, nedostatke može otkloniti xxx Kupac ili angažovanjem trećeg lica, o trošku Dobavljača.
10.3. Ako se prijem isporuke vrši pregledom nasumičnih uzoraka i ako se za neki od uzoraka pokaže da ima nedostatak, Kupac može odbiti isporuku u celini. Kupac ima isto pravo ako postoji manjak nekog dela isporuke.
10.4. Kupac može raskinuti ugovor bez prethodnog zahteva za otklanjanje nedostataka, u kom slučaju ima pravo da zahteva dogovorenu ugovornu odštetu koja se plaća za neizvršenje u skladu sa odredbama člana 4. ovih Opštih uslova.
10.5. U slučaju delimičnog izvršenja, Kupac ima pravo da zahteva izvršenje u celosti, ili da otkaže kupovinu u xxxx xxxx nije izvršen i da pravično umanji cenu ako Kupac nema interesa da prihvati to delim- ično izvršenje. Ako Kupac zahteva izvršenje u celo- sti, vremenom izvršenja obaveze smatra se vreme xxxx xx ugovorena količina radova ili robe stvarno primljena. U svakom slučaju, Kupac može da ostvari sva prava iz člana 4. ovih Opštih uslova.
11. Garancija
11.1. Garancija za ispravno funkcionisanje i pouz- danost isporučene robe ili robe ugrađene na licu xxxxx xx 36 meseci od datuma isporuke ili 24 mese- ca od datuma puštanja robe u rad, šta god nastupi ranije.
11.2. Dobavljač garantuje za kvalitet izrade bilo koje Usluge pružene Kupcu 12 meseci od datuma
9.2. The Purchaser shall notify the Supplier of any deficiency thus established within 30 days of the day of the discharge, i.e., if the day of commence- ment of the use of the delivery, its assembly or further processing, i.e. of the day the deficiency has been identified.
9.3. The Supplier shall be liable for all deficiencies detected or emerging within two years of the day of delivery of goods or acceptance of works unless a longer deadline is prescribed by separate legal provisions.
10. Liability for the Lack of Conformity
10.1. In the case of deficiencies, the Purchaser is authorized to request that they be remedied either by repair, or by delivery of the relevant goods without deficiencies, or by performing the relevant works in the agreed manner, or by reducing the agreed price to an equitable level. Additionally, the Purchaser is entitled to request payment of damag- es suffered by such performance.
10.2. Should the Supplier fail to remedy the defi- ciencies within the given deadline, the deficiencies may be remedied by the Purchaser itself or by engaging a third party, at the expense of the Supplier.
10.3. If the acceptance of delivery is conducted by way of inspecting randomized samples, and if any of the samples prove to be deficient, the Purchaser may reject the delivery as a whole. The Purchaser shall have the same right if any part of the delivery is deficient.
10.4. The Purchaser may terminate the contract without previously requesting that the deficiencies be remedied, in which case the Purchaser is enti- tled to request the contractual liquidated damages payable for non- performance in accordance with the provisions of Article 4 of the present General Conditions.
10.5. In the case of partial performance, the Pur- chaser shall have the right to demand the perfor- xxxxx in full, or to cancel the purchase in the part that has not been performed and to reduce the price equitably if the Purchaser has no interest in accepting such partial performance. If the Purchaser demands the performance in full, the time when the agreed amount of work or goods has been actually received shall be deemed the time of performance of the obligation. At any rate, the Purchaser shall be able to exercise all the rights referred to in Article 4 of these General Conditions.
11. Warranty
11.1. Warranty for the proper functioning and relia- bility of the delivered goods or goods installed on site is 36 months from the date of delivery or 24 months from the date of commissioning of the goods, whichever is earlier.
11.2. The Supplier will warrant the workmanship of any Services provided to the Purchaser for 12 months from the date of such work being complet-
završetka tog posla.
11.3 Ukoliko se pokažu bilo kakvi nedostaci na isporučenoj robi ili ugrađenoj robi ili uslugama koje su izvršene tokom garantnog roka, Kupac je ovlašćen da zahteva od Dobavljača da te nedostat- ke otkloni na način koji odredi po sopstvenom na- hođenju.
11.4. Dobavljač će otkloniti traženi nedostatak u razumnom roku koji odredi Kupac. Ukoliko Dobavljač ne otkloni nedostatak u ugovorenom roku, Kupac je ovlašćen da isti otkloni xxx ili angažovanjem trećeg lica, o trošku Dobavljača.
11.5. Pored prava da zahteva otklanjanje nedosta- taka, Kupac je ovlašćen da zahteva isplatu štete prouzrokovane xxx nedostacima.
11.6. Garancija počinje ponovo da važi za poprav- ljene ili promenjene delove robe ili radova. Garantni rok se produžava i za period u xxxx xx Kupac zbog nedostataka bio u nemogućnosti da koristi robu ili radove.
11.7. Sva prava Kupca u vezi sa odgovornošću Do- bavljača za neusaglašenost na osnovu garancije će se smatrati ustupljenim krajnjem korisniku isporučene robe ili usluga, ako Kupac nije krajnji korisnik. S xxx u vezi, Dobavljač je u obavezi da Kupca obešteti za sva potraživanja krajnjeg korisni- ka, odnosno da Kupcu nadoknadi iznos tih po- traživanja i sve prateće troškove.
12. Materijali Kupca
12.1. U slučaju da Kupac obezbedi Dobavljaču ma- terijale neophodne za ispunjenje obaveze Do- bavljača, ti materijali ostaju u vlasništvu Kupca. Do- bavljač će se o materijalima brinuti sa dužnom pažnjom, čuvati ih odvojeno od drugih materijala o trošku Dobavljača i jasno označiti kao vlasništvo Kupca.
12.2. Dobavljač je obavezan da potvrdi prijem mate- rijala koje je obezbedio Kupac. Dobavljač može da koristi materijale isključivo za ispunjavanje svojih obaveza prema Kupcu. Kada se materijali predaju Dobavljaču, on je odgovoran za bilo kakvu štetu na materijalu. Isključeni su svi zahtevi za odštetu zbog kašnjenja u obezbeđivanju materijala i prava na zadržavanje (založno pravo).
12.3. Predmeti napravljeni obradom i upotrebom materijala su vlasništvo Kupca.
13. Crteži, skice, uzorci, alati, itd.
13.1. Ako, u svrhu izvršavanja obaveza Dobavljača, Kupac dostavi Dobavljaču xxxxxxx, modele, uzorke, profile, standardne specifikacije, xxxxxxx za štam- panje crteža, skica, alata („Predmeti“) itd., ili daje uputstva ili savete koji su ili mogu biti predmet prava
11.3 Should any deficiencies show on the delivered goods or goods installed or services performed during the warranty period, the Purchaser is au- thorized to request the Supplier to remedy such deficiencies in the manner to be determined at its discretion.
11.4. The Supplier shall remedy the claimed defi- ciency within a reasonable deadline set by the Pur- chaser. Should the Supplier fail to remedy the defi- ciency within the agreed deadline, the Purchaser shall be authorized to remedy the deficiency itself or by engaging a third party, at the expense of the Supplier.
11.5. In addition to the right to request that defi- ciencies be remedied, the Purchaser is authorized to request payment of damages caused by such deficiencies.
11.6. Warranty shall start anew for the repaired or changed parts of goods or works. The warranty period shall also be extended for the period the Purchaser was deprived of the use of goods or works due to the deficiencies.
11.7. All rights of the Purchaser concerning the liability of Supplier for the lack of conformity based on the warranty shall be considered ceded to the end user of the delivered goods or services, if the Purchaser is not the end user. In that respect, the Supplier shall be obliged to indemnify the Pur- chaser from all claims of the end user, or to xxxx- xxxxx the Purchaser for the amount of such claims and all accompanying costs.
12. Materials of the Purchaser
12.1. In case the Purchaser provides the Supplier with materials necessary for the discharge of Sup- plier’s obligation, such materials shall remain the property of the Purchaser. The Supplier shall take care of such materials with due diligence, keep them separately from other materials at the ex- pense of the Supplier, and clearly mark the materi- als as the property of the Purchaser.
12.2. The Supplier is obliged to confirm receipt of the materials provided by the Purchaser. The Sup- plier may use such materials solely for meeting its obligations towards the Purchaser. Once the materials have been handed to the Sup- plier, the Supplier shall be liable for any damage to the material. Any damage claims for delays in the provision of materials and the right of retention (lien) are precluded.
12.3. The objects made by the processing and use of the materials are the property of the Purchas- er.
13. Drawings, Sketches, Samples, Tools, etc.
13.1. If, for the purposes of discharge of Supplier’s obligations, the Purchaser provides the Supplier with patterns, models, samples, profiles, standard specifications, printing templates drawings, sketch-
intelektualne svojine, oni ostaju vlasništvo Kupca. Dobavljač će Predmete koristiti za ispunjavanje obaveza prema Kupcu i po izvršenju obaveza vratiti iste Kupcu. Prenos Predmeta trećim licima je dozvoljen samo uz pisanu saglasnost Kupca. Po ispunjenju obaveza prema Kupcu, Dobavljač xx Xxxxx vratiti sve tako obezbeđene predmete ili uništiti sve medije za snimanje koji sadrže informaci- je iz ovog Člana. 13.2. Kupac je ovlašćen da od Dobavljača zahteva sve crteže, skice, planove, projekte, specifikacije itd. koje je Xxxxxxxxx koristio u ispunjavanju obaveza prema njemu, a koje nije prethodno pribavio Kupac. | es, tools (the “Objects”) etc., or gives instructions or advice that are or may be the subject of intellec- tual property rights, they shall remain the property of the Purchaser. The Supplier shall use the Ob- ject for meeting the obligations towards the Pur- chaser and return them to the Purchaser upon execution of the obligations. Any transfer of the Objects to third parties shall be allowed only upon written consent of the Purchaser. Upon meet- ing the obligations towards the Purchaser, the Sup- plier shall return to the Purchaser all the objects thus provided or destroy all recording media con- taining the information referred to in this Article. 13.2. The Purchaser is authorized to request from the Supplier any drawings, sketches, plans, pro- jects, specifications, etc. used by the Supplier in meeting the obligations towards the Purchaser, which were not previously obtained by the Pur- chaser. |
14. Intelektualna svojina koja pokriva hardver i softver 14.1. Osim ako nije drugačije dogovoreno, hardver i softver uvek čine jedan proizvod. 14.2. Ako je Dobavljač obavezan da isporuči softver koji nije razvijen pojedinačno za Kupca, on xx Xxxxx dati prenosivu i neekskluzivnu licencu za korišćenje softvera. Osim ako nije drugačije dogovoreno ili im- plicirano iz okolnosti slučaja, ta licenca će biti neo- graničenog trajanja. 14.3. Za softverske proizvode koji se razvijaju xxxx- dinačno za Kupca, Dobavljač xx Xxxxx dati iskl- jučivu i prenosivu licencu za korišćenje softvera; licenca će biti neograničena i isključuje pravo Dobavljača da koristi softver u bilo koju svrhu. Osim ako nije drugačije ugovoreno, softver će biti i- sporučen zajedno sa izvornim kodom njegove najnovije verzije. Kupac je ovlašćen da vrši izmene softvera bez saglasnosti Dobavljača. 14.4. Dobavljač xx xxxxx da instalira softver. Prili- kom instaliranja, Dobavljač će obezbediti nosioca podataka xxxx xxxx biti prikazan u sistemu Kupca, kako u vidu izvornog koda tako i u vidu objektnog koda, zajedno sa relevantnom dokumentacijom (sa- držaj i struktura nosača podataka, programski i dija- grami toka podataka, test procedure, programi testi- xxxxx, obrada grešaka, itd.). Pored ove dokumenta- cije, Dobavljač će obezbediti dovoljan broj primeraka detaljne pisane dokumentacije za korisnika na eng- leskom jeziku. 14.5. Softver razvijen pojedinačno za Kupca xxxx prihvaćen u obliku pisanog zapisnika o prijemu, pod uslovom da ispunjava ugovorene zahteve i speci- fikacije. Sve ispravke na koje Dobavljač utiče takođe će biti uključene u zapisnik o prijemu. 14.6. Tokom garantnog roka, Dobavljač se obavezu- je da xx Xxxxx besplatno obezbediti sve naredne verzije softvera u kojima su otklonjene greške (ažur- iranja). Dobavljač se takođe obavezuje da xx Xxxxx ponuditi usluge održavanja softvera po konkurent- nim tržišnim cenama u periodu od najmanje pet | 14. Intellectual property covering Hardware and Software 14.1. Unless agreed otherwise, hardware and software shall always comprise a single product. 14.2. If the Supplier is obliged to deliver software that was not developed individually for the Pur- chaser, the Supplier shall grant the Purchaser a transferrable and non-exclusive license to use the software. Unless otherwise agreed or im- plied from the circumstances of the case, such license shall be of unlimited duration. 14.3. For software products that are developed individually for the Purchaser, the Supplier shall grant the Purchaser an exclusive and transferrable license to use the software; the license shall be of unlimited duration and shall exclude the right of Supplier to use the software for any purpose. Unless otherwise agreed, software shall be deliv- ered along with the source code of its latest version. The Purchaser is authorized to perform modifications of such software without consent of the Supplier. 14.4. The Supplier is obliged to install the software. Upon installation, the Supplier shall provide a data carrier that may be displayed in the Purchaser’s system, both in the form of source code and object code, together with the relevant documen- tation (contents and structure of data carrier, pro- gramme and data flow diagrams, test proce- dures, test programmes, error processing, etc.). In addition to such documentation, the Supplier shall provide a sufficient number of copies of com- prehensive written documentation for the user in the English language. 14.5. The software developed individually for the Purchaser shall be accepted in the form of written acceptance protocol, provided that the software meets the agreed requirements and specifications. Any corrections to be affected by the Supplier shall also be included in the ac- ceptance protocol. 14.6. During the warranty period, the Supplier un- |
xxxxxx xx datuma prijema. U garantnom roku troškovi održavanja će biti adekvatno umanjeni.
14.7. Dobavljač će obavestiti Kupca, najkasnije u trenutku kada Porudžbina bude potvrđena, da li proizvodi i usluge koje treba isporučiti sadrže softver otvorenog koda. Ukoliko Dobavljač ne obavesti Kupca da proizvodi i usluge Dobavljača sadrže soft- ver otvorenog koda, Kupac ima pravo da otkaže Porudžbinu i zahteva isplatu odštete.
15. Poverljivost; Zaštita podataka; Podizvođači
15.1. Dobavljač se obavezuje da xxxx xxx poverljive sve informacije koje se odnose na Kupca ili predmet ugovora, osim ako te informacije nisu postale javno dostupne ili poznate Dobavljaču na drugi zakonit način. Takođe, Dobavljač se obavezuje da će sve rezultate ili delimične rezultate dobijene u izvršenju Porudžbine čuvati kao poverljive i da će takve re- zultate koristiti isključivo za izvršenje relevantne Porudžbine. Ukoliko Dobavljač angažuje treću stranu za izvršenje svojih ugovornih obaveza, xxxx da obezbedi da treća strana bude ugovorno obavezana da održava barem isti nivo poverljivosti.
15.2. Isto važi i za lične podatke zaposlenih kod Kupca ili bilo koje druge podatke xxxxx xxxxxx koje je Dobavljač dobio u vezi sa ugovorom. Dobavljač xx xxxxx da takve informacije zaštiti od toga da posta- nu dostupne trećim licima, da obezbedi poštovanje Zakona o zaštiti podataka o ličnosti i da svoje zapo- slene koji obavljaju poslove u vezi sa ugovorom obaveže na isti stepen poverljivosti.
15.3. Dobavljač je saglasan da Kupac može dostavi- ti informacije o Dobavljaču i/ili ugovoru drugim čla- novima FLENDER xxxxx.
15.4. Dobavljač ne može da prenese svoje obaveze prema Kupcu trećim licima - podizvođačima bez pisane saglasnosti Kupca. U slučaju da saglasnost bude data, Dobavljač se obavezuje da izvrši prenos tako što će da obezbedi da sva prava i interesi Kup- ca budu zaštićeni u skladu sa ovim Opštim uslovima.
15.5. Dobavljač je saglasan da Kupac može ustupiti ugovor bilo kom drugom članu FLENDER xxxxx bez njegove posebne saglasnosti.
dertakes to provide the Purchaser with all subse- quent versions of software in which errors were eliminated (updates), free of charge. The suppli- er also undertakes to offer the Purchaser soft- ware maintenance services for competitive market prices for the period of at least five years following the acceptance date. Within the warranty peri- od, the maintenance costs shall be duly lowered.
14.7. The Supplier shall inform the Pur- chaser, no later than the time the Purchase Order is confirmed, whether the products and services to be delivered contain open source software. Should the Supplier fail to inform the Pur- chaser that the Supplier’s products and services contain open source software, the Purchaser is entitled to cancel the Purchase Order and request the payment of damages.
15. Confidentiality; Data Protection; Subcontractors
15.1. The Supplier undertakes to maintain as confi- dential all the information concerning the Purchaser or the scope of contract, unless such information have become publicly available or known to the Supplier in another lawful manner. Moreover, the Supplier undertakes to keep as confidential any results or partial results obtained in the implemen- tation of Purchase Order, and to use such results solely for the implementation of the relevant Pur- chase Order. Should the Supplier engage a third party in the discharge of its contractual obliga- tions, the Supplier shall ensure that the third party is contractually bound to maintain at least the same level of confidentiality.
15.2. The same shall apply to personal data about the employees of the Purchaser or any other third party data obtained by the Supplier in rela- tion to the contract. The Supplier is bound to pro- tect such information from becoming available to any third party, to ensure compliance with the Law on Personal Data Protection, and to oblige its employees performing duties in relation to the contract to the same level of confidentiality.
15.3. The Supplier agrees that the Purchaser may submit the information about the Supplier and/or the contract to other members of the FLENDER Group.
15.4. The Supplier shall not assign its obliga- tions towards the Purchaser to any third parties – subcontractors, without written consent of the Purchaser. Should such consent be given, the Supplier undertakes to effect such assignment ensuring that all the rights and interests of the Pur- chaser are protected in accordance with the pre- sent General Conditions.
15.5. The Supplier agrees that the Purchaser may assign the contract to any other member of the FLENDER Group without special consent of the Supplier.
16. Spoljnotrgovinski propisi 16.1. Prilikom isporuke robe ili usluga, Dobavljač xx xxxxx da poštuje sve relevantne propise koji se od- nose na izvozne, carinske i spoljnotrgovinske za- kone („SPOLJNOTRGOVINSKI PROPISI“), kao i da pribavi neophodne izvozne dozvole osim ako je Kupac ili treće lice obavezno da pribavi te dozvole u skladu sa SPOLJNOTRGOVINSKIM PROPISIMA. 16.2. Dobavljač je obavezan da u pisanom obliku dostavi Kupcu, što je pre moguće, a u svakom slučaju pre datuma isporuke, sve informacije i po- xxxxx (za svaku stavku na Potvrdi Porudžbine, dostavnici i fakturi) koje je Kupac zahtevao u cilju usaglašavanja sa SPOLJNOTRGOVINSKIM PRO- PISIMA koji se odnose na izvoz i uvoz, kao i ponovni izvoz robe i usluga, uključujući sledeće „PODATKE O KONTROLI IZVOZA I SPOLJNOJ TRGOVINI” za svaki artikal/uslugu: „Klasifikacioni broj kontrole izvoza” u skladu sa Kontrolnom trgovinskom listom SAD (ECCN) ako proizvod podleže propisima Američke uprave za izvoz; sve primenLjive brojeve izvoznih lista (takozvani AL broj); \ statističku šifru robe prema trenutnoj robnoj klasifikaciji za inostranu statistiku i HS šifru (harmonizovani sistem); zemlju porekla (nepreferencijalno poreklo); na zahtev FLENDER-a: deklaracije o preferencijalnom poreklu (u slučaju evropskih dobavljača) ili druge preferenci- jalne potvrde o poreklu (u slučaju dobavljača van Evrope). 16.3. U slučaju promene porekla ili karakteristika robe, ili promene važećih Spoljnotrgovinskih propisa, Dobavljač xx xxxxx da ažurira i dostavi Kupcu u pi- xxxxx xxxxx Podatke o kontroli izvoza i spoljnoj trgovini, što je pre moguće i u svakom slučaju pre datuma isporuke. Dobavljač je odgovoran za sve troškove i/ili štete nastale po Kupca zbog nedostatka ili netačnosti PODATAKA O KONTROLI IZVOZA I SPOLJNOJ TRGOVINI. 16.4. Flender neće biti obavezan da ispuni ovaj spo- razum ako je njegovo ispunjenje onemogućeno pre- prekama koje proizilaze iz nacionalne ili međunarodne spoljne trgovine ili carinskih zahteva ili bilo kakvih embarga ili drugih sankcija. | 16. Foreign Trade Regulations 16.1. In delivering goods or services, the Supplier is obliged to comply with all the relevant regula- tions concerning export, customs and foreign trade laws (“FOREIGN TRADE REGULATIONS”), and to obtain the necessary export licenses unless the Purchaser or a third party is obliged to ob- tain such licenses in accordance with the FOR- EIGN TRADE REGULATIONS. 16.2. The Supplier is bound to submit in writing to the Purchaser, as soon as possible and at any rate before the delivery date, all the information and data (for each item on the Confirmation of Purchase Order, delivery bill and invoice) requested by the Purchaser in order to comply with the FOREIGN TRADE REGULA- TIONS concerning export and import, as well as re-exportation of goods and services, including the following “EXPORT CONTROL AND FOREIGN TRADE DATA” for each item/service: the “Export Control Classification Number” according to the U.S. Commerce Control List (ECCN) if the Product is subject to the U.S. Export Admin- istration Regulations; all applicable export list numbers (the so-called AL number); \the statistical commodity code according to the current commodi- ty classification for foreign statistics and the HS (Harmonized System) code; the country of origin (non-preferential origin); upon request by FLENDER: declarations of preferential origin (in the case of European Suppliers) or other preferential certificate(s) of origin (in the case of non-European Suppliers); 16.3. In the case of change of origin or char- acteristics of goods, or change of effective Foreign Trade Regulations, the Supplier is obliged to update and submit in writing to the Purchaser the Export Control and Foreign Trade Data, as soon as possible and at any rate before the delivery date. The Supplier shall be liable for all expenses and/or damages incurred by the Purchaser do to the lack or inaccu- racy of EXPORT CONTROL AND FOREIGN TRADE DATA. 16.4. Flender shall not be obligated to fulfill this agreement if such fulfillment is prevented by any impediments arising out of national or international foreign trade or customs requirements or any embargoes or other sanctions. |
17. Odredbe o usklađenosti; Sigurnost u lancu snabdevanja 17.1. Prilikom ispunjavanja obaveza koje su predmet ugovora i u drugim aktivnostima koje su direktno ili indirektno povezane sa ugovorom, Dobavljač se obavezuje da će poštovati sve važeće poreske, an- tikorupcijske, antimonopolske, propise protiv pranja novca, propise za zaštitu životne sredine, radne i druge zakone i odredbe, da će se uzdržati od bilo kakvih radnji koje mogu predstavljati podmićivanje, kršenje osnovnih prava zaposlenih ili propisa o deči- | 17. Compliance Provisions; Security in the Supply Chain 17.1. In the course of meeting the obliga- tions that are the subject of the contract and in other activities directly or indirectly related to the contract, the Supplier undertakes to com- ply with all applicable tax, anti-corruption, anti- trust, anti-money laundering, environmental pro- tection, labor and other laws and provisions, to refrain from any actions that might constitute brib- ery, violation of fundamental rights of the em- ployee or child labor regulations. The Supplier |
joj radnoj snazi. Dobavljač preuzima odgovornost za zdravlje i bezbednost svojih zaposlenih, xxxxx xx da postupa u skladu sa važećim zakonima o zaštiti životne sredine i da ulaže maksimalne napore u promovisanje Kodeksa ponašanja među svojim do- bavljačima.
17.2. Pored toga, Dobavljač potvrđuje da nijedan deo plaćanja koji izvrši Kupac neće, direktno ili indi- rektno, biti korišćen za obezbeđivanje neprikladne poslovne prednosti ili dobiti za Kupca.
17.3. Dobavljač ovim garantuje i obezbeđuje da se nijedno plaćanje neće izvršiti, direktno ili indirektno, preko povereničke kompanije, posredničke institucije ili xxxxx xxxxxx.
17.5. Poštovanje ovih odredbi xx xxxxxx bilo kog podizvođača Dobavljača takođe predstavlja suštinsku obavezu Dobavljača.
17.6. Dobavljač će obezbediti neophodna organi- zaciona uputstva i preduzeti mere, posebno vezano za sledeće aspekte bezbednosti: bezbednost pro- storija, ambalaže i transporta, osoblja poslovnog partnera i informacija – kako bi se garantovala bezbednost u lancu snabdevanja u skladu sa zahtevima odgovarajućih međunarodno priznatih inicijativa zasnovanih na Okviru standarda WCO SAFE. Dobavljač je obavezan xx xxxx i usluge koji su predmet ugovora zaštiti od neovlašćenog pristupa ili rukovanja. Dobavljač će obavezati sve podizvođače da preduzimaju ekvivalentne mere bezbednosti.
17.7. Nepoštovanje ovih propisa predstavlja ozbiljnu povredu ugovora i daje pravo Kupcu na raskid istog sa trenutnim dejstvom.
18. Međunarodno pravo; Nadležni sud Svi sporovi koji proizilaze iz ugovora rešavaju se pred Privrednim sudom u Subotici, a na njih se primenjuje zakonodavstvo Republike Srbije. Prime- na Konvencije Ujedinjenih nacija o ugovorima o međunarodnoj prodaji robe je isključena.
takes responsibility for health and safety of its employees, is obliged to act in accordance with the effective environmental protection laws, and to invest maximum efforts in promoting the Code of Conduct among its suppliers.
17.2. Additionally, the Supplier confirms that no part of payment effected by the Purchaser will, directly or indirectly, be used for securing an improper business advantage or gains for the Purchaser.
17.3. The Supplier hereby represents and provid- ed, and no payment shall be effected, directly or indirectly, v ia a trust company, intermediary insti- tution, or a third party.
17.5. Compliance with these provisions by any subcontractor of the Supplier also comprises an essential obligation of the Supplier.
17.6. The Supplier shall provide the necessary organizational instructions and take measures, particularly with regard to the following aspects of security: the premises security, packag- ing and transport, business partner personnel and information – in order to guarantee the security in the supply chain in accordance with the require- ments of respective internationally recognized initiatives based on the WCO SAFE Framework of Standards. The Supplier is obliged to protect the goods and services that are the sub- ject of contract against unauthorized access or manipulation. The Supplier shall oblige any subcon- tractors to take equivalent security measures.
17.7. Failure to comply with these regula- tions shall constitute a grave breach of the contract and entitles the Purchase to termination of the con- tract with immediate effect.
18. International Law; Competent Court
All disputes arising from the contract shall be set- tled before the Commercia Court in Subotica, and the law of the Republic of Serbia shall be applica- ble. The application of the United Nation Conven- tion on Contract for the International Sale of Goods is precluded.