1.1. Pojedine riječi i izrazi iz obrasca i teksta ovog Ugovora o najmu vozila (dalje: Ugovor) imaju sljedeće značenje: a) “Najmodavac” – društvo WILL d.o.o, Xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx 000, Xxxxxx, OIB 64502864245, koje pod komercijalnim nazivom i xxxxxxx AUTOWILL rent a car obavlja djelatnost iznajmljivanja vozila (dalje: AUTOWILL rent a car). b) “Najmoprimac” – fizička ili pravna osoba koja ili u čije ime se vozilo unajmljuje, osim ako je riječ o najmu sklopljenom putem zastupnika/agenta koji je u ime i za račun AUTOWILL rent a car-a primio najamninu, u kojem slučaju se Najmoprimcem smatra vozač. c) “Vozač/Vozač 1” – osoba koja preuzima vozilo od AUTOWILL rent a car-a. d) “Vozač 2, 3, 4, itd.” – osobe navedene u Ugovoru koje su uz Vozača ovlaštene upravljati vozilom (dalje: dodatni vozači). e) “Vozilo” – označava vozilo koje se daje u najam, navedeno u Ugovoru. 1.2. Najmoprimac, Xxxxx i dodatni vozači solidarno su odgovorni za ispunjenje i poštivanje svih obveza i odredbi iz ovog Ugovora te se u daljnjem tekstu podrazumijevaju jednom riječju “Korisnik”, ukoliko iz ovog Ugovora ili konteksta ne proizlazi drukčije. Sve druge osobe smatraju se neovlaštenim korisnicima vozila.
Na temelju ovog Ugovora, AUTOWILL rent a car, kao najmodavac, obvezuje se Korisniku, kao najmoprimcu, predati na uporabu, pod uvjetima utvrđenim Ugovorom, vozilo, dok se Korisnik obvezuje za to plaćati određenu najamninu.
Korisnik potpisom Ugovora jamči AUTOWILL rent a car-u da ispunjava opće uvjete minimalne starosti za upravljanje motornim vozilom te da posjeduje potrebne isprave za upravljanje motornim vozilom, sukladno pozitivnim propisima RH, a koje xx xxxxx u originalu dati na uvid AUTOWILL rent a car-u, dok preslika istih ostaje u posjedu AUTOWILL rent a car-a kao prilog Ugovoru. Korisnik potpisom Xxxxxxx potvrđuje da preuzima vozilo u ispravnom stanju, prikladnom za ugovorenu uporabu, sa svom pripadajućom opremom i svim popratnim dokumentima.
4.1. Korisnik se obvezuje da će AUTOWILL rent a car-u, prema važećem cjeniku, na njegov poziv odmah ili u roku koji odredi AUTOWILL rent a car, platiti najamninu po ugovorenoj tarifi, dnevne dodatke (razna osiguranja, dodatnu opremu i usluge), troškove, ugovorne kazne, štete, novčane kazne za prometne prekršaje, kašnjenja, gorivo, naknade za ulijevanje goriva i drugo, tijekom ili nakon završetka xxxxx xxxx xx u vezi s uporabom i najmom vozila. Odgovornost Najmoprimca, Vozača i dodatnih vozača za plaćanje svih obveza iz ovog Ugovora je solidarna. Ako Xxxxxxxx podmiruje svoje obveze kreditnom karticom, Xxxxxxxx je obvezan pri preuzimanju vozila dopustiti da se na njegovoj kreditnoj kartici izvrši predautorizacija te daje ovlaštenje AUTOWILL rent a car-u da naplati najamninu, troškove, ugovorne kazne, štete, novčane kazne za prometne prekršaje i drugo, tijekom ili nakon završetka xxxxx s iste kreditne kartice. Ako Xxxxxxxx podmiruje troškove izravnim plaćanjem na račun AUTOWILL rent a car-a, xxxxx xx to učiniti u naznačenom roku za plaćanje računa, a u protivnom xx xxxxx platiti i zakonske zatezne xxxxxx. U slučaju kašnjenja Korisnik je obvezan platiti AUTOWILL rent a car-u zakonsku zateznu kamatu, stvarno nastale dodatne troškove (uključujući troškove za naplatu potraživanja, bilo da je radnje poduzeo AUTOWILL rent a car, agencija za naplatu potraživanja ili odvjetnik), kao i manipulativne troškove u visini 20 EUR + PDV, ako je AUTOWILL rent a car platio troškove te ih prefakturirao Korisniku. 4.2. Korisnik kao i svaki drugi davatelj garancije, potpisom ovog Ugovora daje ovlaštenje AUTOWILL rent a car-u da bez prethodne najave, za naplatu svih naknada i troškova iz točke 4.1. nastalih za vrijeme xxxxx xxxxxx, tereti kreditnu ili debitnu karticu navedenu u Ugovoru u svakom trenutku kad AUTOWILL rent a car utvrdi postojanje obveze plaćanja. Svaka osoba, različita od Korisnika, koja predautorizira svoju kreditnu/debitnu karticu kao garanciju za obveze iz Ugovora, preuzima jamstvo za sve novčane obveze iz Ugovora kao jamac platac.
Potpisom Ugovora Xxxxxxxx izjavljuje da je upoznat sa svim dolje navedenim obvezama te prihvaća: a) Da unajmljeno vozilo nakon prestanka xxxxx xxxxx na mjesto i u roku utvrđenom Ugovorom ili ranije na zahtjev AUTOWILL rent a car-a. b) Da produženje ugovorenog trajanja xxxxx, xxx i sve ostale promjene glede xxxxx, zatraži od AUTOWILL rent a car-a pisanim putem, najmanje 24 sata prije isteka samog xxxx xxxxx, dok u protivnom AUTOWILL rent a car je ovlašten prijaviti nestanak vozila u najmu. c) Da unajmljeno vozilo ne koristi za obuku vozača, prijevoz ili vuču drugih vozila ili prikolica, za sudjelovanje u auto-moto sportskim priredbama, za počinjenje bilo kojeg kaznenog djela ili prekršaja propisanih pozitivnim propisima RH, za plaćeni prijevoz putnika. d) Da unajmljeno vozilo koristi samo za vlastite potrebe u skladu s Ugovorom i namjenom stvari, odnosno unajmljenog vozila, te da unajmljenim vozilom upravlja on xxx, xxxxx xxxx xx pored njega u Ugovoru navedena kao dodatni vozač ili osoba koja posjeduje pismeno odobrenje AUTOWILL rent a car-a za upravljanje unajmljenim vozilom. e) Da postupa prema unajmljenom vozilu s pažnjom dobrog domaćina/gospodarstvenika, a posebice da je unajmljeno vozilo, kada ga napusti, uvijek propisno zaključano i sa zatvorenim prozorima. f) Da unajmljeno vozilo ne vozi izvan xxxxxxx XX bez prethodne suglasnosti AUTOWILL rent a car-a, osim ako je prilikom rezervacije ili preuzimanja vozila to najavio, za što će AUTOWILL rent a car naplatiti prekograničnu naknadu sukladno cjeniku, u protivnom Korisnik gubi pravo na zaštitne odredbe iz točke 9. u slučaju da ih je platio. Korisnik daje Ugovorom ovlaštenje AUTOWILL rent a car-u da bez prethodne najave, za naplatu svih prometnih prekršaja i parkirnih i drugih kazni, proizašlih iz povrede pozitivnih propisa RH, a počinjenih za vrijeme trajanja xxxxx, uvećanih za eventualne manipulativne troškove, tereti kreditnu ili debitnu karticu navedenu na prednjoj strani ovog ugovora o najmu. g) Da unajmljeno vozilo ne koristi u komercijalne svrhe ili radi pribavljanja dobiti. h) Xx xxxx pušiti niti dopustiti pušenje u vozilu, da će snositi sve troškove u vezi pogona vozila (gorivo, cestarine, parkirne i druge naknade) i biti odgovoran za sve štete na gumama i naplacima koje nastanu tijekom xxxxx.
i) Da će za vrijeme trajanja xxxxx redovito kontrolirati razinu ulja i rashladnog sredstva, te je u slučaju potrebe xxxxx isto doliti o svom trošku, uz obvezu čuvanja računa o kupnji istog do povrata vozila AUTOWILL rent a car-u. j) Da će odmah po nastanku nesreće, kvara ili druge nepredviđene okolnosti prestati koristiti vozilo i o istom odmah obavijestiti AUTOWILL rent a car, kao i nadležnu policijsku postaju te postupiti prema njihovim uputama. Ukoliko Korisnik ne obavijesti AUTOWILL rent a car o navedenom, smatrat će se da se samovoljno udaljio s mjesta događaja. U xxx slučaju Xxxxxxxx xx xxxxx AUTOWILL rent a car-u platiti svu nastalu štetu, čak i u slučaju da je uplatio CDW i TP (osnovna osiguranja) ili SUPER CDW, SUPER TP, WUG i SCDW+ (dodatna osiguranja) zaštitu. k) Da će pri povratu vozila predati sve dokumente i svu opremu unajmljenog vozila. Gubitak dokumenata ili opreme naplatit će se prema važećem cjeniku AUTOWILL rent a car-a.
6.1. Korisnik gubi pravo na zaštitne odredbe o kojima se radi u točki 9. (odredbe o osiguranju), osim u slučaju smrti Xxxxxxxxx, ukoliko: a) xx xxx netočne podatke o svojoj dobi, imenu ili adresi, b) ne prijavi štetu AUTOWILL rent a car-u, odmah po nastanku štete ili nestanka vozila, a najkasnije u roku od 24 sata od nastanka štete ili nestanka vozila, c) nakon nesreće nije poduzeo sve što je u njegovoj moći da smanji štetu na vozilu, d) je popravljao vozilo ili omogućio popravak vozila bez suglasnosti AUTOWILL rent a car-a, e) je u trenutku nastanka štete upravljao vozilom pod utjecajem alkohola (tolerancija je 0,00 xxxxxxx), droga ili drugih opojnih sredstava, f) je vozio vozilo izvan xxxxxxx XX bez odobrenja AUTOWILL rent a car-a, g) je prenajmio vozilo trećoj osobi ili njime upravljala neovlaštena osoba, h) xx xxxxx na unajmljenom vozilu nastala uslijed težeg kršenja propisa o sigurnosti prometa na cestama. 6.2. Ako je Korisnik, sukladno prethodnim stavcima točke 6. ovog Ugovora, izgubio prava na zaštitne odredbe iz točke 9. ovog Ugovora, Korisnik jamči i odgovara AUTOWILL rent a car-u za svu nastalu štetu i propuštenu dobit za vrijeme popravka vozila i vozilo za zamjenu (vrijeme stajanja).
7.1. Ukoliko je vozilo sudjelovalo u prometnoj nesreći te je oštećeno, razbijeno ili zahtijeva popravak ili spašavanje, bez obzira na uzrok, ili ako je nestalo/ukradeno, korisnik xxxx odmah obavijestiti AUTOWILL rent a car o nastalom slučaju i popuniti izvješće o događaju/šteti, osigurati vozilo od propadanja i nastupa xxx xxxx štete, zaustaviti vozilo bez odgađanja, te u svakom slučaju pozvati policiju na broj 112 i zatražiti zapisnik o događaju – osobito u slučaju prometne nesreće, krađe i sudara sa životinjom, požara ili eksplozije vozila. 7.2. U slučaju krađe unajmljenog vozila, Korisnik je obvezan: pozvati djelatnike PU i zatražiti zapisnik o događaju, alko test (xxxx biti 0,00 xxxxxxx) i obavijestiti i dati izjavu najbližoj poslovnici AUTOWLL rent a car-a o nastaloj situaciji. 7.3. Ako uslijed nepažnje Korisnika ili dodatnog vozača dođe do krađe unajmljenog vozila tijekom trajanja xxxxx, Xxxxxxxx nadoknađuje AUTOWILL rent a car-u vrijednost unajmljenog vozila umanjenu za amortizaciju. Korisnik će naknaditi AUTOWILL rent a car-u, osim vrijednosti unajmljenog vozila umanjene za amortizaciju, i izgubljenu zaradu koju AUTOWILL rent a car ima zbog nedostatka vozila. Isto vrijedi i u slučaju da Xxxxxxxx iz bilo kojeg razloga ne može vratiti unajmljeno vozilo po završetku xxxxx. 7.4. Ova se odgovornost može ograničiti do iznosa učešća u šteti (franšize) prihvaćanjem dnevnog osiguranja od krađe prema važećem Cjeniku. 7.5. Sav trošak nastale štete prometnom nesrećom, a za koji nije napravljen zapisnik i nije xxxx izjava o nesreći, snosi u potpunosti Korisnik, bez obzira na to xx xx Xxxxxxxx prihvatio i uplatio dnevno SCDW ili TP osiguranje, te bez obzira na krivnju na strani Korisnika za nastalu prometnu nesreću. 7.6. Kod nastupa pogonske neispravnosti unajmljenog vozila, Xxxxxxxx je obvezan: osigurati unajmljeno vozilo od propadanja i nastupa xxx xxxx štete do njegovog preuzimanja xx xxxxxx AUTOWILL rent a car-a i obavijestiti i dati izjavu najbližoj poslovnici AUTOWILL rent a car-a o nastaloj situaciji. 7.7. Ukoliko Korisnik ne postupa sukladno ovim odredbama, xxxxx xx platiti na traženje AUTOWILL rent a car-a puni iznos popravka unajmljenog vozila proizašlog iz štetnog događaja nastalog za vrijeme trajanja Ugovora, xxx x xxxxx gubitke koje ima AUTOWILL rent a car zbog te štete, uključujući i izgubljeni iznos dnevnog xxxxx uslijed nekorištenja vozila zbog popravka, a najviše do 30 xxxx. 7.8. Korisnik će platiti samo učešće u šteti (franšizu) navedenu u Cjeniku, a u slučaju bilo kakvog oštećenja i/ili gubitka bilo kojeg mehaničkog dijela unajmljenog vozila, ukoliko je iznos oštećenja i/ili gubitka manji od iznosa pripadajućeg učešća u šteti (franšize). 7.9. Korisnik xx xxxxx snositi sve kazne i naknade koje se odnose na promet i parkiranje, bez obzira u kojem trenutku je AUTOWILL rent a car saznao za terećenje po xxx osnovama, ako se u vrijeme xxxx xx počinjen prekršaj ili utvrđeno nepropisno parkiranje vozilo nalazilo kod Korisnika. AUTOWILL rent a car može, po svom izboru, nakon primitka obavijesti o prometnom ili parkiranom prekršaju ili računa, odnosno naloga za plaćanje, xxx platiti novčanu kaznu, odnosno račun, ili može obavijestiti Korisnika uz ostavljanje primjerenog roka da Korisnik xxx podmiri kaznu ili plati račun. Ako Korisnik ne obavijesti AUTOWILL rent a car u ostavljenom roku o plaćanju kazne ili podnošenju prigovora, AUTOWILL rent a car će podmiriti novčanu kaznu ili račun i teretiti Korisnika za izvršeno plaćanje, koji iznos će biti uvećan za zakonske zatezne xxxxxx, nastale troškove i manipulativne troškove AUTOWILL rent a car-a u iznosu od 24 EUR + PDV. Korisnik je suglasan da AUTOWILL rent a car može navedeno potraživanje podmiriti terećenjem kreditne kartice Korisnika ili ostavljenog novčanog pologa, a u protivnom će Korisnika pozvati na plaćanje te pokrenuti odgovarajuće izvansudske i sudske postupke.
8.1. AUTOWILL rent a car će nadoknaditi Korisniku neophodne troškove za ulje, mazivo, redovito servisiranje i lake popravke, koji xx xxxxxxx tijekom xxxxx, osim troškova pranja unajmljenog vozila, a temeljem predočenog računa po obavljenom plaćanju. 8.2. Račun xxxx glasiti na AUTOWILL rent a car i bit će priznat xx xxxxxx AUTOWILL rent a car-a ako je plaćen gotovinom ili kreditnom ili debitnom karticom pravnoj osobi. 8.3. Ako se utvrdi da je Xxxxxxxx neosnovano zamijenio neki sklop, dio ili uređaj na vozilu, AUTOWILL rent a car neće Korisniku isplatiti vrijednost tog dijela, sklopa ili uređaja. 8.4. Za nadoknadu navedenih troškova Korisnik xxxx dobiti suglasnost ovlaštene osobe AUTOWILL rent a car-a, u protivnom nadoknada neće biti moguća.
AUTOWILL rent a car nudi Korisniku mogućnost ugovaranja niže navedenih klauzula odnosno naknada:
CDW - Plaćanjem ove naknade obveza Korisnika se svodi/ograničava na obvezu plaćanja franšize, osim ako xx xxxxx do uništenja/oštećenja donjeg postroja vozila (guma, naplataka, poklopca naplataka i dr.), unutrašnjosti vozila i stakala u kojem slučaju je korisnik, pored franšiz e, xxxxx nadoknaditi AUTOWILL rent a car-u i tu štetu u xxxxx iznosu popravka.
SCDW – Plaćanjem ove naknade Korisnik se oslobađa obveze plaćanja franšize osim ako xx xxxxx do uništenja/oštećenja donjeg postroja vozila (guma, naplataka, poklopca naplataka i dr.), unutrašnjosti vozila i stakala u kojem slučaju je Korisnik, pored franšize, xxxxx nadoknaditi AUTOWILL rent a car-u i tu štetu u xxxxx iznosu popravka.
WUG – Plaćanjem ove naknade Korisnik se oslobađa odgovornosti za uništenje/oštećenje donjeg postroja vozila, guma (naplataka, poklopca naplataka i
dr.) i stakala. WUG ne oslobađa Korisnika odgovornosti za oštećenja unutrašnjosti vozila.
TP – Plaćanjem ove naknade u slučaju krađe vozila, odgovornost Korisnika ograničena je na plaćanje franšize.
PAI – Xxxxxxxxxx i plaćanjem naknade za ovu klauzulu, vozač i putnici su osigurani od nesretnog slučaja za slučaj smrti i invaliditeta do iznosa propisanih od
osiguravajuće kuće kod koje je osigurano vozilo AUTOWILL rent a car-a.
KPD – Plaćanjem naknade za ovu klauzulu, vozač i putnici su osigurani od gubitka ključeva, dokumenata i registarskih xxxxxxx vozila.
FI – Plaćanjem naknade za ovu klauzulu, vozač i putnici su osigurani od izbijanja požara na vozilu. Navedene naknade se mogu ugovoriti zasebno ili kao dio paketa klauzula pri čemu: S paket – Uključuje CDW i TP; M paket – Uključuje CDW, TP i PAI; L paket – Uključuje CDW, TP, SCDW, WUG i PAI; XL paket – Uključuje CDW, TP, SCDW, WUG, PAI, KPD i FI. Prihvaćanjem CDW, TP i CDW+ ne umanjuje se materijalna odgovornost Korisnika za štetu ukoliko nije poštivao Ugovorom utvrđene Opće uvjete iz točke VI i VII. Pokrićem nije pokrivena odgovornost Korisnika ili dodatnog vozača za nastale štete na unajmljenom vozilu i imovini drugih pravnih i fizičkih osoba, kao i na xxx osobama, a koje su počinjene namjerno, pod utjecaj em alkohola (tolerancija je 0,00 xxxxxxx) ili xxxxx, vožnjom bez propisane vozačke dozvole ili za vrijeme trajanja zabrane vožnje (oduzeta vozačka dozvola) kao i u slučajevima kada se u vozilu nalazio veći broj osoba od broja registriranih sjedišta i u drugim okolnostima predviđenim pravilima osiguranja, koja su Korisniku predana na uvid i čine sastavni dio ovih Općih uvjeta. Pokrićem nisu pokriveni sljedeći rizici: uništenje/oštećenje automobilske gume, naplatka ili poklopca naplatka, i uništenje/oštećenje donjeg postroja vozila, navedeno se može otkupiti plaćanjem dodatka WUG prema važećem Cjeniku. Osiguranjem nisu pokrivene štete prouzročene ratnim operacijama ili pobunama.
U slučaju bilo kakvih sporova koji proizlaze iz ovog Ugovora ili su u vezi s njim, ugovorne xxxxxx xx nastojati spor riješiti mirnim putem. Ukoliko mirno
rješenje nije moguće, spor će se riješiti pred nadležnim sudom u Zagrebu, Hrvatska.
Preostali Uvjeti: Detaljni Opći uvjeti xxxxx xxxxxx nalaze se na našoj web stranici xxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx,hr Preporučujemo korisnicima da ih pažljivo pročitaju prije sklapanja ugovora. Politika Privatnosti: Xxxxxxxx daje svoju izričitu, dobrovoljnu i informiranu privolu na prikupljanje i obradu njegovih osobnih podataka xxxx xx navedeno Politikom privatnosti i odredbama ovog Ugovora o najmu vozila i Općih uvjeta. Korisnik je upoznat s činjenicom da je vozilo opremljeno uređajem (GPS) koji kontinuirano prati i prikuplja podatke o lokaciji i kretanju vozila, te je suglasan s prikuplj anjem, obradom i automatskom obradom njegovih osobnih podataka u vezi s ugovorom o najmu, u svrhu ispunjavanja ugovora i druge svrhe navedene u Politici privatnosti. Korisnik pristaje da Društvo može prosljeđivati njegove osobne podatke drugim osobama u Republici Hrvatskoj ili/i drugim državama članicama Europske unije radi izvršavanja obrade njegovih podataka. Pristanak se odnosi i na slučajeve dostavljanja podataka tijelima državne uprave i/ili sudovima koji su ovlašteni utvrđivati povrede prometnih ili drugih propisa, voditi sudske, upravne i druge postupke i izricati novčane i druge kazne i mjere, a koja povreda propisa ili drugo postupanje korisnika je nastalo u vrijeme dok je vozilo bilo kod njega, neovisno o vremenu povrede ili postupanja, zastare, mjesnoj ili stvarnoj nadležnosti navedenih tijela ili sudova i slično. AUTOWILL rent a car pridržava se svih važećih zakona i propisa o zaštiti osobnih podataka. Naša politika privatnosti dostupna je na našoj web stranici xxxxx://xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx.xx/xx/xxxxxxx-xxxxxx/ i detaljno opisuje kako prikupljamo, koristimo i štitimo vaše osobne podatke. Izmjene Uvjeta: AUTOWILL rent a car zadržava pravo izmjene ovih Općih uvjeta u bilo kojem trenutku. Sve izmjene bit će pravovremeno objavljene na našoj web stranici i smatrat će se prihvaćenima ukoliko Korisnik nastavi koristiti naše usluge nakon objave izmjena. Djelomična Ništetnost: Ako se bilo koja odredba ovih Općih uvjeta pokaže nevažećom ili neprovedivom, takva nevaljanost ili neprovedivost neće utjecati na valjanost ili provedivost bilo koje druge odredbe ovih uvjeta. Viša Xxxx: AUTOWILL rent a car neće biti odgovoran za neispunjenje svojih obveza iz ovog Ugovora ako je neispunjenje posljedica više sile, uključujući, ali ne ograničavajući se na, prirodne katastrofe, rat, pobune, ili bilo koje druge događaje izvan razumne kontrole AUTOWILL rent a car-a. Kontakt: Za sve dodatne informacije ili pitanja u vezi s ovim Općim uvjetima, korisnici mogu kontaktirati AUTOWILL rent a car putem telefona, e-pošte ili osobno u našim poslovnicama. Kontakt podaci su dostupni na našoj web stranici xxx.xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx.xx.
1.1. Certain words and expressions in the form and text of this Vehicle Rental Agreement (hereinafter: Agreement) have the following meanings: a) "Lessor"
– WILL Ltd., Xxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxx 000, Xxxxxx, OIB 64502864245, conducting vehicle rental activities under the commercial name and brand AUTOWILL rent a car (hereinafter: AUTOWILL rent a car). b) "Lessee" – an individual or legal entity renting the vehicle, except when the rental is arranged through a representative/agent who has received the rent on behalf of AUTOWILL rent a car, in which case the driver is considered the Lessee. c) "Driver/Driver 1" – the person taking over the vehicle from AUTOWIL rent a car. d) "Driver 2, 3, 4, etc." – individuals listed in the Agreement authorized to drive the vehicle alongside the Driver (hereinafter: additional drivers). e) "Vehicle" – refers to the vehicle rented as specified in the Agreement. 1.2. The Lessee, Driver, and additional drivers are jointly responsible for fulfilling and complying with all obligations and provisions of this Agreement, collectively referred to as "User" unless otherwise specified in this Agreement or context. All other individuals are considered unauthorized users of the vehic le.
Under this Agreement, AUTOWILL rent a car, as Lessor, undertakes to provide the Vehicle to the User, as Lessee, for use under the conditions stipulated in the Agreement, while the User undertakes to pay the agreed rental fee for this purpose.
By signing the Agreement, the User guarantees AUTOWILL rent a car that they meet the general conditions of minimum age for driving a motor vehicle and possess the necessary documents for driving a motor vehicle in accordance with the positive regulations of the Republic of Croatia, which they are obliged to present in original to AUTOWILL rent a car, while a copy thereof remains with AUTOWILL rent a car as an attachment to the Agreement. By signing the Agreement, the User confirms that they are taking over the vehicle in good condition, suitable for the agreed use, with all accompanying equipment and all relevant documents.
4.1. The User undertakes to pay AUTOWILL rent a car, according to the current price list, upon its call immediately or within the period specified by AUTOWILL rent a car, the rental fee according to the agreed tariff, daily supplements (various insurances, additional equipment and services), costs, contractual penalties, damages, fines for traffic violations, delays, fuel, refueling fees, and other charges during or after the rental period related to the use and rental of the vehicle. The liability of the Lessee, Driver, and additional drivers for payment of all obligations under this Agreement is joint. If the User fulfills their obligations with a credit card, the User is obliged, when taking over the vehicle, to authorize AUTOWILL rent a car to authorize the rental fee, costs, contractual penalties, damages, fines for traffic violations, and other charges during or after the rental period from the same credit card. If the User pays the costs by direct payment to AUTOWILL rent a car's account, they must do so within the specified payment period, otherwise, they are obliged to pay statutory default interest. In case of delay, the User is obliged to pay AUTOWILL rent a car statutory default interest, actual additional costs incurred (including collection costs, whether carried out by AUTOWILL rent a car, a collection agency, or a lawyer), as well as handling costs amounting to EUR 20 + VAT, if AUTOWILL rent a car has paid these costs and billed them to the User. 4.2. The User, like any other guarantor, by signing this Agreement, authorizes AUTOWILL rent a car to debit the credit or debit card specified in the Agreement at any time AUTOWILL rent a car determines the obligation to pay all fees and costs under item 4.1. incurred during the rental of the vehicle. Any person other than the User who pre-authorizes their credit/debit card as a guarantee for obligations under the Agreement assumes liability for all monetary obligations under the Agreement as a guarantor payer.
By signing the Agreement, the User declares that they are aware of all the obligations listed below and accepts: a) To return the rented vehicle to the location and within the period specified in the Agreement or earlier upon request of AUTOWILL rent a car. b) To request an extension of the agreed rental period, as well as any other changes regarding the rental, from AUTOWILL rent a car in writing, at least 24 hours before the expiration of the rental period, otherwise AUTOWILL rent a car is authorized to report the disappearance of the rented vehicle. c) Not to use the rented vehicle for driver training, towing or transporting other vehicles or trailers, participating in auto-motor sports events, committing any criminal offense or violation prescribed by positive regulations of the Republic of Croatia, or for paid passenger transport. d) To use the rented vehicle only for personal needs in accordance with the Agreement and the purpose of the item, i.e., the rented vehicle, and to drive the rented vehicle themselves, the person listed beside them in the Agreement as an additional driver, or a person who has written permission from AUTOWILL rent a car to drive the rented vehicle. e) To treat the rented vehicle with the care of a good host, especially to always properly lock the rented vehicle and close the windows when leaving it. f) Not to drive the rented vehicle outside the borders of the Republic of Croatia without prior consent from AUTOWILL rent a car, unless announced during the reservation or vehicle pick- up, for which AUTOWILL rent a car will charge a cross-border fee according to the price list, otherwise the User loses the right to protective provisions under item 9 if paid. g) Not to use the rented vehicle for commercial purposes or for profit. h) Not to smoke or allow smoking in the vehicle, to bear all costs related to the operation of the vehicle (fuel, tolls, parking and other fees), and to be responsible for all damage to tires and caps that occur during the rental period. i) To regularly check the oil and coolant levels during the rental period and, if necessary, to add them at their own expense, with the obligation to keep the purchase receipt until returning the vehicle to AUTOWILL rent a car. j) To stop using the vehicle immediately after an accident, breakdown, or other unforeseen circumstances and immediately inform XXXXXXXX rent a car, as well as the relevant police station, and follow their instructions. If the User fails to notify AUTOWILL rent a car of the above, it will be considered that they voluntarily left the scene. In that case, the User is obliged to pay AUTOWILL rent a car all resulting damage, even if they have paid CDW and TP (basic insurance) or SUPER CDW, SUPER TP, WUG and SCDW+ (additional insurance) protection. k) To return all documents and equipment of the rented vehicle upon return. The loss of documents or equipment will be charged according to the current AUTOWILL rent a car price list.
6.1. The User loses the right to protective provisions under item 9 (insurance provisions), except in the case of the User's death, if: a) provided inaccurate information about their age, name, or address, b) fails to report damage to AUTOWILL rent a car immediately after the occurrence of damage or the disappearance of the vehicle, but no later than within 24 hours of the occurrence of damage or the disappearance of the vehicle, c) after an accident, failed to do everything in their power to minimize damage to the vehicle, d) repaired the vehicle or allowed the repair of the vehicle without the consent of AUTOWILL rent a car, e) was under the influence of alcohol (tolerance is 0,00 ‰), drugs, or other intoxicants at the time of the damage, f) drove the vehicle outside the borders of the Republic of Croatia without the consent of AUTOWILL rent a car, g) sublet the vehicle to a third party or allowed an unauthorized person to drive it, h) damage to the rented vehicle occurred due to a serious violation of traffic safety regulations. 6.2. If the User has lost the rights to protective provisions under item 9 of this Agreement in accordance with the previous paragraphs of item 6 of this Agreement, the User guarantees and is liable to AUTOWILL rent a car for all resulting damage and lost profit for the period of repairing the vehicle and replacement vehicle (downtime).
7.1. If the vehicle is involved in a traffic accident, damaged, broken, or requires repair or salvage, regardless of the cause, or if it is missing/stolen, the User must immediately inform AUTOWILLrent a car about the incident and complete an incident/damage report, secure the vehicle from further deterioration and prevent additional damage, stop the vehicle without delay, and in any case call the police at 112 and request an incident report – especially in the case of a traffic accident, theft, collision with an animal, fire, or vehicle explosion. 7.2. In case of theft of the rented vehicle, the User is obliged to: call police officers and request an incident report, perform a breathalyzer test (which must be 0.00 per thousand) and inform and provide a statement to the nearest AUTOWILL rent a car branch about the situation. 7.3. If due to the negligence of the User or an additional driver, the rented vehicle is stolen during the rental period, the User compensates AUTOWILL rent a car for the value of the rented vehicle reduced by depreciation. The User will compensate AUTOWILL rent a car, in addition to the reduced value of the rented vehicle due to depreciation, for lost profits due to the absence of the vehicle. The same applies if the User cannot return the rented vehicle for any reason upon the end of the rental period. 7.4. This liability can be limited to the amount of participation in damage (deductible) by accepting daily theft insurance according to the current Price List. 7.5. The User is fully responsible for all costs of damage caused by a traffic accident for which no incident report has been made and no statement of the accident has been given, regardless of whether the User accepted and paid for daily SCDW or TP insurance, and regardless of the User's fault for the traffic accident. 7.6. In case of a mechanical breakdown of the rented vehicle, the User is obliged to: secure the rented vehicle from further deterioration and prevent additional damage until it is taken over by AUTOWILL rent a car, and inform and provide a statement to the nearest AUTOWILL rent a car branch about the situation. 7.7. If the User fails to comply with these provisions, they are obliged to pay at the request of AUTOWILL rent a car the full amount of repair of the rented vehicle resulting from the damaging event occurring during the term of the Agreement, as well as other losses incurred by AUTOWILL rent a car due to such damage, including the amount of lost daily rental due to non-use of the vehicle for repairs, up to a maximum of 30 days. 7.8. The User will pay only the deductible (deductible) specified in the Price List, and in case of any damage and/or loss of any mechanical part of the rented vehicle, if the amount of damage and/or loss is less than the amount of the applicable deductible (deductible). 7.9. The User is obliged to bear all fines and charges related to traffic and parking, regardless of when AUTOWILL rent a car becomes aware of the charge, if at the time when the offense was committed or improperly parked, the vehicle was with the User. AUTOWILL rent a car may, at its discretion, after receiving notification of a traffic or parking offense or invoice or payment order, either pay the fine or invoice itself or may notify the User while leaving a reasonable period for the User to pay the fine or invoice. If the User does not notify AUTOWILL rent a car within the specified period about the payment of the fine or filing an objection, Autowill rent a car will pay the fine or invoice and charge the User for the payment made, which amount will be increased by statutory default interest, incurred costs, and manipulative costs, and AUTOWILL rent a car in the amount of 24 EUR + VAT. The User agrees that AUTOWILL rent a car may settle this claim by charging the User's credit card or deposited cash, otherwise the User will call for payment and initiate appropriate out-of-court and court proceedings.
8.1. AUTOWILL rent a car will reimburse the User for necessary costs for oil, lubricants, regular servicing, and minor repairs incurred during the rental, excluding the cost of washing the rented vehicle, based on the presented invoice after payment is made. 8.2. The invoice must be made out to AUTOWILL rent a car and will be recognized by AUTOWILL rent a car if paid in cash or by credit or debit card to a legal person. 8.3. If it is found that the User has improperly replaced any assembly, part, or device on the vehicle, AUTOWILL rent a car will not reimburse the User for the value of that part, assembly, or device. 8.4. For reimbursement of these costs, the User must obtain consent from an authorized AUTOWILL rent a car representative, otherwise reimbursement will not be possible.
AUTOWILL rent a car offers the User the option to contract the following clauses or compensation:
CDW - By paying this compensation, the User's obligation is reduced/limited to paying the deductible, except in the event of destruction/damage to the lower part of the vehicle (tires, rims, tire caps, etc.), vehicle interior, and glass, in which case the User, in addition to the deductible, must reimburse AUTOWILL rent a car for that damage in full repair amount.
SCDW - By paying this compensation, the User is exempted from paying the deductible, except in the event of destruction/damage to the lower part of the vehicle (tires, rims, tire caps, etc.), vehicle interior, and glass, in which case the User, in addition to the deductible, must reimburse AUTOWILL rent a car for that damage in full repair amount.
WUG - By paying this compensation, the User is exempt from liability for destruction/damage to the lower part of the vehicle, tires (rims, tire caps, etc.), and glass. WUG does not exempt the User from liability for damages to the interior of the vehicle.
TP - By paying this compensation, in case of vehicle theft, the User's liability is limited to paying the deductible.
PAI - By contracting and paying compensation for this clause, the driver and passengers are insured against accidents for death and disability up to the amount prescribed by the insurance company with which the AUTOWILL rent a car vehicle is insured.
KPD - By paying compensation for this clause, the driver and passengers are insured against loss of keys, documents, and vehicle registration plates. FI - By paying compensation for this clause, the driver and passengers are insured against vehicle fire.
These compensations can be contracted separately or as part of a package of clauses, whereby: S package - Includes CDW and TP; M package - Includes CDW, TP, and PAI; L package - Includes CDW, TP, SCDW, WUG, and PAI; XL package - Includes CDW, TP, SCDW, WUG, PAI, KPD, and FI. Acceptance of CDW, TP, and CDW+ does not reduce the User's material liability for damage if they did not comply with the Contract’s General Terms in Section VI and VII. The coverage does not cover the User's or additional driver's liability for damage to the rented vehicle and the property of other legal and natural persons, as well as on these persons, caused intentionally, under the influence of alcohol (tolerance is 0.00 ‰ -promil) or drugs, driving without a valid driver's license, or during the driving ban (driver's license revoked) and in cases where the vehicle was carrying more passengers than the number of registered seats and other circumstances specified in the insurance rules, which are shown to the User and are an integral part of these General Terms. The coverage does not cover risks such as destruction/damage to automotive tires, rims, or tire caps, and destruction/damage to the lower part of the vehicle, which can be insured against by paying the WUG supplement according to the current Price List. The insurance does not cover damages caused by war operations or riots.
In case of any disputes arising from this Agreement or related to it, the contracting parties will attempt to resolve the dispute amicably. If an amicable solution is not possible, the dispute will be resolved before the competent court in Zagreb, Croatia.
Detailed General Terms and Conditions of vehicle rental are available on our website xxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx.xx. We recommend that users read them carefully before entering into a contract. Privacy Policy: The user explicitly, voluntarily, and informatively consents to the collection and processing of their personal data as stated in the Privacy Policy and the provisions of this Rental Agreement and General Terms and Conditions. The user is aware that the vehicle is equipped with a device (GPS) that continuously tracks and collects data on the vehicle's location and movement and agrees to the collection, processing, and automated processing of their personal data related to the rental agreement, for the purpose of fulfilling the contract and other purposes stated in the Privacy Policy. The user agrees that the Company may forward their personal data to other persons in the Republ ic of Croatia and/or other member states of the European Union for the purpose of processing their data. Consent also applies to cases of providing data to government bodies and/or courts authorized to determine violations of traffic or other regulations, conduct judicial, administrative, and other proceedings, and impose fines and other penalties and measures, which violations or other actions of the user occurred while the vehicle was in their possession, regardless of the time of the violation or action, statute of limitations, local or subject-matter jurisdiction of these bodies or courts, etc. AUTOWILL rent a car complies with all applicable laws and regulations regarding personal data protection. Our Privacy Policy is available on our website xxxxx://xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx.xx/xx/xxxxxxx-xxxxxx/ and details how we collect, use, and protect your personal data. Amendments to Terms: AUTOWILL rent a car reserves the right to amend these General Terms and Conditions at any time. All amendments will be promptly published on our website and will be considered accepted if the user continues to use our services after the amendments are published. Partial Invalidity: If any provision of these General Terms and Conditions is found to be invalid or unenforceable, such invalidity or unenforceability will not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provision of these terms. Force Majeure: AUTOWILL rent a car will not be liable for failure to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement if such failure is due to force majeure, including but not limited to natural disasters, war, riots, or any other events beyond the reasonable control of AUTOWILL rent a car. Contact: For any additional information or questions regarding these General Terms and Conditions, users can contact AUTOWILL rent a car via phone, email, or in person at our offices. Contact information is available on our website xxx.xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx.xx.
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