Javni poziv za dostavljanje ponuda br. 77/23
Javni poziv za dostavljanje ponuda br. 77/23
Nabavka računarske opreme za potrebe Digitalnog inovacijskog hub-a „ its4Health “
1. Podaci o ugovornoj instituciji
Univerzitet „Sarajevo School of Science and Technology“ realizuje predmetnu nabavku u ime konzorcija partnera okupljenih oko Digitalnog inovacijskog hub-a (DIH) „its4Health”. Projekat uspostave DIH-ova u Bosni i Hercegovini podržan je xx xxxxxx Njemačkog društva za međunarodnu saradnju – GIZ, u okviru programa EU4DigitalSME, kojeg zajednički finansiraju Evropska unija i Ministarstvo za ekonomsku saradnju i razvoj Savezne Republike Njemačke (BMZ).
Komunikacija i svaka druga razmjena informacija između ugovorne institucije i potencijalnih ponuđača obavljat će se u pisanom obliku. Sve zahtjeve za pojašnjenjem te eventualne primjedbe na uslove nabavke potrebno je dostaviti putem e-maila: xxxx@xxxx.xxx.xx.
Poziv za dostavljanje ponuda je otvoren 15 xxxx od xxxx objavljivanja istog, počevši od 27. jula sve do 11. Xxxxxxx, 23:59.
2. Podaci o predmetu nabavke
2.1 Nabavka računarske opreme: Univerzitetske licence za programski jezika „MATLAB“ Detaljna specifikacija računarske opreme xxxx xx predmetom nabavke nalazi se u Aneksu 1.
2.2 Količina
Količina računarske opreme xxxx xx predmetom nabavke nalazi se u Aneksu 1.
2.3 Rok za is por uku
Rok isporuke je maksimalno 45 xxxx od zaključenja ugovora sa uspješnim dobavljačem.
3. Podaci o ponudi
Ponuda xxxx sadržati Aneks 2 sa svim ispunjenim podacima te potpisom ovlaštene osobe ovjerenim službenim pečatom firme ponuđača. Uz Aneks 2, ponuđač će dostaviti i detaljnu specifikaciju ponuđene opreme kojom će dokazati ispunjavanje tehničkih uslova propisanih pozivom. Po potrebi, ugovorna institucija će od ponuđača zatražiti i dodatnu dokumentaciju kojom se dokazuje pravna i profesionalna sposobnost istoga. Ponuđač je obavezan za ponuđenu opremu osigurati minimalni garantni period od 24 mjeseca.
Aneks 1. Tehnička specifikacija za programski jezik MATLAB
Rb. | Opis usluge/robe | Jedinična mjera | Količina |
1 | MATLAB – Univerzitetska licenca | kom | 4 |
Programski jezik MATLAB: | |||
MATLAB | |||
MATLAB Report Generator Signal Processing Toolbox Image Processing Toolbox Simulink Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox Deep Learning Toolbox Text Analytics Toolbox Symbolic Math Toolbox Wavelet Toolbox Partial Differential Equation Toolbox Data Acquisition Toolbox | |||
Posebni zahtjevi: | |||
Univerzitetska trajna licenca programskog jezika MATLAB (vezana za email adresu institucije) | |||
Minimalno tri godine pristupa posljednjim | |||
verzijama programskog jezika MATLAB Mogućnost nadogradnje programskog jezika MATLAB na nove verzije programa i nove radne pakete | |||
Uz ponudu je potrebno dostaviti: | |||
Tehničku specifikaciju iz kojih se vidi da su ispunjene sve traženi zahtjevi na jednom od službenih jezika u BiH ili na engleskom jeziku. Izjavu o roku isporuke do 45 xxxx od xxxx potpisivanja ugovora. |
Aneks 2. Obrazac za dostavljanje ponude
Broj nabavke: 77/23
1. PONUĐAČ (Naziv, adresa i ID broj)
2. KONTAKT OSOBA (ime i prezime, e-mail adresa i telefon)
„Vezano za nabavku koju provodi Univerzitet SSST br. 77/23 objavljenoj xxxx dostavljamo
ponudu i izjavljujemo sljedeće:
U skladu sa sadržajem i zahtjevima tenderske dokumentacije br. 77/23, ovom izjavom prihvatamo njene odredbe u cijelosti, bez ikakvih rezervi ili ograničenja.
Ovom ponudom odgovaramo zahtjevima iz tenderske dokumentacije za isporuku roba i usluga u skladu sa uslovima utvrđenim tenderskom dokumentacijom, kriterijima i utvrđenim rokovima, bez ikakvih rezervi ili ograničenja.
Iznos ponude za 1 (jedanu) univerzitetsku licencu programskog jezika „MATLAB“ je
_KM bez PDV-a.
Iznos ponude za 4 (četiri) univerzitetske licence programskog jezika „MATLAB“ je
KM bez PDV-a.
Popust koji dajemo na ponudu je KM bez PDV-a.
Konačan iznos naše ponude za univerzitetsku licencu za programski jezik „MATLAB“ sa uključenim popustom je KM bez PDV-a.
Navedena ponuda važi najmanje 60 xxxx (slovima: šezdeset), računajući od isteka roka za prijem ponuda, tj. do (......... /......... / ).
Ukoliko naša ponuda bude najuspješnija u ovom postupku javne nabavke, obavezujemo se:
a) dostaviti dokaze o kvalificiranosti, u pogledu lične sposobnosti, registracije, ekonomske i finansijske sposobnosti, te tehničke i profesionalne sposobnosti koji su traženi tenderskom dokumentacijom i u roku koji je utvrđen, a što potvrđujemo izjavama u ovoj ponudi.“
Ime i prezime osobe xxxx xx ovlaštena da predstavlja ponuđača: [. ]
Potpis ovlaštene osobe: [. ]
Mjesto i datum: [. ]
Pečat preduzeća:
Call for Tenders No. 77/2023
Procurement of Computer Equipment for the Needs of the Digital Innovation Hub "its4Health"
Information on the Contracting Institution
The University Sarajevo School of Science and Technology is implementing the procurement on behalf of the consortium of partners gathered around the Digital Innovation Hub (DIH) "its4Health". The project to establish DIHs in Bosnia and Herzegovina is supported by the German Society for International Cooperation - GIZ, within the EU4DigitalSME program, jointly financed by the European Union and the Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development of the Federal Republic of Germany (BMZ).
The call for tenders is open for 15 days from the date of its publication, starting from July 27 to August 11, 11:59 PM CET.
Data on the Subject of Procurement
2.1 Procurement of Computer Equipment: University licenses for the "MATLAB" programming language
A detailed specification of the computer equipment that is the subject of procurement can be found in Annex 1.
2.2 Quantity
The quantity of computer equipment that is the subject of procurement is specified in Annex 1.
2.3 Deadline for Delivery
The deadline for delivery is a maximum of 45 days from the conclusion of the contract with the successful supplier.
Information about the Offer
The offer must contain Annex 2 with all completed data and the signature of the authorized person certified by the official seal of the bidder's company. Along with Annex 2, the bidder will also submit a detailed specification of the offered equipment, which will prove the fulfillment of the technical conditions prescribed by the invitation. The contracting institution may request additional documentation to prove the bidder's legal and professional capacity if necessary. The bidder is obliged to ensure a minimum warranty period of 24 months for the offered equipment.
Annex 1: Technical Specifications for Procurement of Programming language MATLAB
Number | Description of the service/goods | Unit | Number of units |
1 | MATLAB – University Licence | 4 | |
Programming language MATLAB: | Piece | ||
MATLAB | |||
MATLAB Report Generator Signal Processing Toolbox Image Processing Toolbox Simulink Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox Deep Learning Toolbox Text Analytics Toolbox Symbolic Math Toolbox Wavelet Toolbox Partial Differential Equation Toolbox Data Acquisition Toolbox | |||
Special requests: | |||
- University permanent license for the | |||
MATLAB programming language (linked to the institution's email address). - A minimum of three years of access to the latest versions of the MATLAB programming language. - The possibility of upgrading the MATLAB programming language to new versions of the program and new toolboxes/packages. | |||
The following must be submitted with the offer: | |||
- A technical specification showing that all required requirements have been met in one of the official languages in BiH or in English. - A statement on the delivery deadline within 45 days from the date of signing the contract. |
Annex 2. Form for Submitting an Offer
Procurement Number: 77/23
BIDDER (Name, address, and ID number)
CONTACT PERSON (Name and surname, e-mail address, and phone)
"Regarding the procurement carried out by SSST no. 77/23 on the published day we
submit the offer and declare the following:
In accordance with the content and requirements of tender documentation no. 77/23, with this statement, we accept its provisions in full, without any reservations or limitations.
With this offer, we respond to the requirements from the tender documentation for the delivery of goods and services in accordance with the conditions established by the tender documentation, criteria, and established deadlines, without any reservations or restrictions.
The offer amount for 1 (one) university license of the programming language "MATLAB" is
_KM without VAT.
The amount of the offer for 4 (four) university licenses of the "MATLAB" programming language is KM without VAT.
The discount we give on the offer is KM without VAT.
The final amount of our offer for the university license for the "MATLAB" programming language with the included discount is KM without VAT.
The above offer is valid for at least 60 days (in letters: sixty), counting from the end of the deadline for receiving offers, i.e., to (......... /......... / ).
If our offer is the most successful in this public procurement procedure, we undertake to:
a) submit evidence of qualification, in terms of personal ability, registration, economic and financial ability, and technical and professional ability, which are required by the tender documentation and within the deadline, which we confirm with the statements in this offer."
Name and surname of the person authorized to represent the bidder: [. ]
Signature of the authorized person: [. ]
Place and date: [. ]
Seal of the company: