(u daljem tekstu: Društvo)
(u daljem testu: Fakultet, a zajedno sa Društvom: Ugovorne strane)
U ____________________ dana__________ godine
Zaključili su sledeći
I Uvodne odredbe
Član 1. Ugovorne strane saglasno konstatuju:
II Definicije
Član 2. Ugovorne strane saglasno konstatuju da u ovom Ugovoru sledeći izrazi imaju sledeće značenje:
III Predmet Ugovora
Član 3. Predmet ovog Ugovora je definisanje međusobnih prava i obaveza Ugovornih strana povodom davanja u zakup Opreme xx xxxxxx Društva, kao zakupodavca, Fakultetu kao zakupcu, radi korišćenja Opreme xx xxxxxx Fakulteta za potrebe realizacije Projekta.
Oprema se sastoji od ____________________________, fabrički broj_____________, inventarski broj _____________________.
Ugovorne strane su saglasne da će zakup trajati u periodu od ___________ do ___________ godine.
IV Garancije
Član 4. Društvo garantuje da xx xxxxxxx Opreme, te da ima sva prava koja se odnose na raspolaganje istom.
Društvo garantuje da će Fakultetu dati na korišćenje Opremu, kao i sve relevantne Informacije.
Društvo garantuje, prema svojim najboljim saznanjima i razumno dostupnim informacijama, da se upotrebom bilo koje Informacije iz stava 2. ovog člana ne vrši povreda bilo kog prava bilo kog trećeg lica.
Fakultet garantuje da će Opremu koristiti isključivo u svrhu sprovođenja Projekta.
Ugovorne strane garantuju da su se usaglasile o načinu uređenja međusobnih odnosa i po svim drugim pitanjima od značaja za zaključenje ovog Ugovora.
V Obaveze Društva
Član 5. Ugovorne strane su saglasne da Društvo ima sledeće obaveze:
Član 6. U slučaju da Društvo utvrdi, po isteku vremena zakupa i povraćaju Opreme od Fakulteta, da vraćena Oprema nije ispravna i/ili je kontaminirana na bilo xxxx xxxxx, Društvo ima pravo da od Fakulteta zahteva da snosi troškove popravke (uključujući i nabavku rezervnih delova), a po potrebi i troškove transporta radi popravke i/ili eventualnog čišćenja/ dekontaminacije, sve pod uslovom da neispravnost i/ili kontaminacija na koju se Društvo poziva nije posledica bilo kakvih nedostataka koje je Oprema imala u vreme njene isporuke Fakultetu.
Radi izbegavanja sumnje, Ugovorne strane saglasno konstatuju da se neispravnošću Opreme ne smatra umanjenje vrednosti Opreme koje nastaje redovnom upotrebom Opreme (tzv. amortizacija).
VI Obaveze Fakulteta i pravo Fakulteta na korišćenje Opreme
Član 7. Ugovorne strane su saglasne da Fakultet ima sledeće obaveze:
Član 8. Oprema jeste i u svakom trenutku za vreme važenja ovog Ugovora ostaje vlasništvo Društva.
Ugovorne strane su saglasne da davanje Opreme u zakup Fakultetu, ni na xxxx xxxxx ne podrazumeva bilo kakvo pravo Fakulteta da na bilo xxxx xxxxx raspolaže Opremom, već samo njegovo pravo da Xxxxxx koristi u skladu sa ovim Ugovorom.
VII Zakupnina
Član 9. Fakultet se obavezuje da će Društvu, na osnovu dostavljene fakture, za sve vreme trajanja zakupa u skladu sa ovim Ugovorom, plaćati zakupninu u iznosu od [uneti] dinara mesečno, najkasnije do [uneti (npr. 28-tog)] u mesecu za prethodni mesec.
Uplate će se vršiti na poslovni račun Društva br. [uneti] koji je otvoren kod [uneti relevantnu banku].
VIII Trajanje i prestanak Ugovora
Član 10. Ovaj Xxxxxx se zaključuje na određeno vreme i prestaje protekom vremena iz stava 3. člana 3. ovog Ugovora.
Rok iz stava 1. ovog člana može biti produžen na zahtev Fakulteta. Zahtev za produženje roka Fakultet xx xxxxx da dostavi Društvu u pisanom obliku najkasnije [uneti] xxxx pre isteka roka iz stava 1. ovog člana, a Društvo je dužno da na isti odgovori u roku od [uneti] xxxx računajući od xxxx prijema zahteva. Ukoliko odgovor Društva izostane u navedenom roku, smatraće se da je zahtev Fakulteta prihvaćen.
Član 11. Ovaj Xxxxxx prestaje da važi u sledećim slučajevima:
Član 12. Svaka Ugovorna strana može jednostrano da raskine ovaj Ugovor, slanjem pisane izjave o raskidu drugoj Ugovornoj strani, i to u sledećim slučajevima:
Pre davanja izjave o jednostranom raskidu Ugovora iz stava 1 a) ovog člana, Ugovorna strana koja ima pravo na raskid dužna je da u pisanom obliku upozori drugu Ugovornu stranu da namerava da raskine Ugovor. Ukoliko xx xxxxx Ugovorna strana ni u dodatnom roku od 15 xxxx od xxxx prijema pisanog upozorenja ne izvrši svoju ugovornu obavezu ili nastavi da je krši, Ugovor će se smatrati raskinutim odmah po proteku navedenog roka.
U slučaju iz stava 1 b) ovog člana, Ugovorna strana koja ima pravo na raskid dužna je da u pisanom obliku obavesti drugu Ugovornu stranu o takvoj svojoj nameri, u kom slučaju će se Ugovor smatrati raskinutim datumom prijema predmetnog obaveštenja xx xxxxxx xxxxx Ugovorne strane.
Ako potrebne opravke na Opremi ometaju, po proceni Fakulteta, njenu upotrebu u znatnoj meri i za vreme duže od _____ xxxx u kontinuitetu, Fakultet može da raskine ovaj Ugovor ili ima pravo na sniženje zakupnine srazmerno ograničenju upotrebe Opreme zbog tih opravki.
Član 13. Ako xx xxxx koja Ugovorna strana sprečena da ispuni bilo koju svoju obavezu proisteklu iz ovog Ugovora zbog Više sile, ta Ugovorna strana se oslobađa izvršenja te obaveze tokom trajanja Više sile pod uslovom da ta Ugovorna strana xxxx xx pogođena dejstvom Više sile obavesti drugu Ugovornu stranu o nastupanju, odnosno prestanku Više sile odmah, a najkasnije u roku od dva (2) xxxx od xxxx njenog nastupanja, odnosno prestanka. U suprotnom, Ugovorna strana xxxx xx pogođena dejstvom Više xxxx xxxx odgovorna za neispunjenje ili neblagovremeno ispunjenje predmetne ugovorne obaveze uključujući i odgovornost za nadoknadu štete koju xx xxxxx Ugovorna strana zbog toga pretrpela.
Ugovorne strane saglasno konstatuju da će se, u slučaju da Viša xxxx xxxxxxx duže od [uneti odgovarajući period, na primer 30 ili 60 xxxx] u kontinuitetu, sporazumeti o novim uslovima njihove saradnje po ovom Ugovora ili, u slučaju nedostatka takvog sporazuma, svaka Ugovorna strana ima pravo na jednostrani raskid ovog Ugovora slanjem pisanog obaveštenja drugoj Ugovornoj strani sa trenutnim dejstvom računajući od xxxx prijema pisanog obaveštenja o raskidu xx xxxxxx xxxxx Ugovorne strane.
IX Odgovornost za štetu
Član 15. Ugovorne strane su saglasne da ukoliko Ugovor prestane da važi krivicom jedne od Ugovornih strana, druga Ugovorna strana ima pravo na naknadu štete koju ona usled toga pretrpi, u skladu sa zakonom.
Društvo ne snosi odgovornost ni za kakvu štetu koja bi eventualno mogla nastati za Fakultet zbog propusta Fakulteta da obezbedi korišćenje Opreme na propisani način, sa dužnom pažnjom i u skladu sa Informacijama dobijenim od Društva.
Ugovorne strane su saglasne da Fakultet snosi punu odgovornost za svaki gubitak ili štetu koji bi eventualno pretrpeo zaposleni ili treće lice ako bi do nje došlo zbog Opreme, pod uslovom da taj gubitak ili šteta nisu posledica nedostataka Opreme koji su postojali u vreme isporuke Opreme Fakultetu, kao i za svaki gubitak ili štetu prouzrokovanu zaposlenom ili trećem licu zbog nemara lica zaposlenih na Fakultetu ili neispravnog korišćenja, montaže ili demontaže Opreme, kao i odgovarajućih instalacija u vezi s xxx.
Društvo ni na xxxx xxxxx ne snosi odgovornost za eventualni gubitak xxxxxxx ili ugovora koje bi eventualno mogao imati Fakultet tokom trajanja ovog Ugovora, a po osnovu korišćenja Opreme.
X Obaveza čuvanja poverljivosti
NAPOMENA: Ovo poglavlje nije obavezno, što zavisi od prirode opreme i informacija u vezi sa opremom koje se daju zakupcu.
Član 16. Ugovorne strane su saglasne da će xx xxx poverljive tretirati Informacije i Informacije koje se štite kao poslovna tajna, kao i da se iste neće učiniti dostupnim trećim licima, bez prethodnog pisanog odobrenja Ugovorne strane kojoj te Informacije, odnosno Informacije koje se štite kao poslovna tajna pripadaju.
Obaveza čuvanja poverljivosti iz ovog člana Ugovora je na snazi za sve vreme važenja ovog Ugovora i po njegovom prestanku bez ikakvog vremenskog ograničenja.
Izuzetak od ove obaveze čuvanja poverljivosti su one Informacije i Informacije koje se štite kao poslovna tajna, koje su, na xxx njihovog prijema xx xxxxxx jedne Ugovorne strane, već javno dostupne ili poznate toj Ugovornoj strani, ili ih je ona nezavisno razvila posle toga, ili ih je dobila od trećeg lica koje u pogledu tih Informacija ili Informacija koje se štite kao poslovna tajna nema obavezu čuvanja poverljivosti prema drugoj Ugovornoj strani ili prema bilo kom trećem licu, ili je obavezna da ih otkrije po nalogu nadležnog državnog organa, a što se sve dokazuje odgovarajućim dokumentima koje poseduje Ugovorna strana kojoj su te Informacije ili Informacije koje se štite kao poslovna tajna otkrivene.
Član 17. Obaveza čuvanja poverljivosti iz člana 16. ovog Ugovora odnosi se na sva xxxx xxxx xx xxxx xxxx xxxxx učestvuju u poslovima u vezi sa realizacijom predmeta ovog Ugovora, a koja, zbog prirode svog angažovanja, mogu da saznaju Informacije, odnosno Informacije koje se štite kao poslovna tajna.
Ugovorne strane se obavezuje da će obezbediti da sva lica iz stava 1. ovog člana potpišu ugovor o poverljivosti u skladu sa odredbama ovog Ugovora koje regulišu obavezu čuvanja poverljivosti.
Član 18. Za eventualnu štetu koja bi nastala postupanjem suprotnim odredbama prethodnih članova ovog odeljka X Ugovora, Ugovorna strana xxxx xx povredila obavezu čuvanja poverljivosti, snosiće posledice u skladu sa primenljivim propisima merodavnog prava uključujući, bez ograničenja, zakon koji reguliše zaštitu poslovne xxxxx i zakon o obligacionim odnosima.
XI Merodavno pravo i rešavanje sporova
Član 19. Ovaj Xxxxxx je sastavljen, tumačiće se i sprovešće se u skladu sa propisima Republike Srbije.
Ugovorne strane su saglasne da će sve sporove koji mogu da proizađu iz ovog Ugovora pokušati da reše sporazumno, a ukoliko to nije moguće, nadležan je sud u [uneti naziv suda i naziv grada njegovog sedišta].
XII Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx i izmene i dopune Ugovora
Član 20.
Ugovorne strane su saglasne da ovaj Ugovor predstavlja celokupan sporazum Ugovornih strana u vezi sa predmetom ovog Ugovora i da njegovim stupanjem na snagu prestaju xx xxxx svi prethodno postignuti dogovori između Ugovornih strana, kako usmeni, tako i oni koji su sačinjeni u pisanom obliku, a koji se odnose na predmet ovog Ugovora, ukoliko ih ima.
Član 21.
Sve izmene i dopune ovog Ugovora moraju biti učinjene u pisanom obliku, u formi Aneksa ovog Ugovora, i potpisane xx xxxxxx ovlašćenih predstavnika Ugovornih strana. XIII Prelazne i završne odredbe Član 22. Ugovorne strane su saglasne da će odredbe ovog Ugovora čuvati kao poslovnu tajnu, kao i da nijedna od njih neće, bez prethodne pisane saglasnosti druge Ugovorne strane, obelodaniti njihovu sadržinu.
Nijedna Ugovorna strana ne može da, u celini ili delimično, ustupi ili prenese na treće lice ovaj Ugovor ili prava i obaveze koje iz njega proističu, osim na osnovu prethodne pisane saglasnosti druge Ugovorne strane.
Ugovorne strane su saglasne da nemaju pravo da, osim u cilju realizacije aktivnosti predviđenih ovim Ugovorom, na druge načine i u druge svrhe koriste ime i druge oznake identifikacije druge Ugovorne strane.
Ukoliko xx xxxx koja odredba ovog Ugovora nevažeća, neprimenljiva ili neizvršiva, ili to postane, ista neće uticati na važenje, primenljivost i izvršivost ostalih odredaba, pri čemu će se takva odredba zameniti, u meri u kojoj je to dozvoljeno merodavnim pravom, pravno važećom, primenljivom i izvršivom odredbom xxxx xx pravno i ekonomski najbliža xxxx navedenoj nevažećoj, neprimenljivoj ili neizvršivoj odredbi.
Član 23.
Ovaj Ugovor je sastavljen u dva (2) istovetna primerka na srpskom i engleskom jeziku, po jedan (1) za svaku Ugovornu stranu. U slučaju nesaglasnosti između srpske i engleske verzije, prevladaće [uneti] verzija Ugovora.
Za Fakultet
_______________________________________ [uneti ime, prezime i funkciju njegovog ovlašćenog predstavnika koji potpisuje ovaj Ugovor]
Za Društvo
ime, prezime i funkciju njegovog ovlašćenog predstavnika koji
potpisuje ovaj Ugovor] |
(hereinafter: Company)
(hereinafter: Faculty, jointly referred to as: Parties)
in ____________________ on__________ (enter date)
Have concluded the following
Introductory provisions
Art. 1. The Parties agree on the following:
II Definitions
Art. 2. The Parties agree that the following terms in this Agreement shall have the following meaning:
III Subject of the Agreement
Art. 3. The subject matter of this Agreement is to specify mutual rights and obligations of the Parties regarding the lease of the Equipment by the Company, as the lessor, to the Faculty as the lessee, for the sake of the Equipment's use by the Faculty for the Project's realization.
The Equipment is comprised of ____________________________, manufacturer’s number_____________, inventory number _____________________.
The Parties agree that the lease shall last in the period from ___________ to ___________.
IV Guarantees
Art. 4. The Company guarantees that it is the owner of the Equipment and that it has all rights to dispose with the same.
The Company guarantees that it shall provide the Equipment to be used by the Faculty, as well as all relevant Information.
The Company guarantees that, subject to its best knowledge and reasonably available information, no third party rights are infringed by using the Information referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article.
The Faculty guarantees that it shall use the Equipment exclusively for the purpose of implementing the Project.
The Parties guarantee that they have agreed on the manner of regulating their mutual relations and on all other matters of importance for the conclusion of this Agreement.
V Obligations of the Company
Art. 5. The Parties agree that the Company has the following obligations:
Art. 6. If the Company determines, upon expiry of the lease period and return of the Equipment by the Faculty, that the returned Equipment is not in a working condition and/or it is contaminated in any way, the Company is entitled to request that the Faculty bears the costs of repair (including procurement of spare parts) and, if needed, costs of transport necessary for repairing and/or cleaning/decontamination, all under condition that the irregularity and/or contamination to which the Company refers is not a consequence of any failures which the Equipment had at the time of its delivery to the Faculty.
For avoidance of any doubt, the Parties agree that the Equipment's value reduction which occurs as a consequence of the Equipment's regular use (so-called depreciation) shall not be regarded as the Equipment's malfunction.
VI Obligations of the Faculty and Right of the Faculty to use the Equipment
Art. 7. The Parties agree that the Faculty has the following obligations:
Art. 8. The Equipment is and shall remain the Company's ownership throughout this Agreement's validity term.
The Parties agree that leasing the Equipment to the Faculty shall in no way imply that the Faculty is entitled to dispose with the Equipment in any way, but only entitled to use the Equipment in line with this Agreement.
VII Rent
Art. 9. The Faculty undertakes to pay rent to the Company, based on a submitted invoice, during the whole validity term of the Agreement, in the amount of RSD [insert] per month, at the latest by [insert (e.g., 28th)] of the month for the previous month.
The payments shall be made to the business account of the Company, no. [insert] which is opened with [insert the relevant bank].
VIII Duration and Termination of the Agreement Art. 10. This Agreement is concluded for a definite period of time and it ceases to be valid upon expiry of the period referred to in paragraph 3 of Article 3 of this Agreement.
The period referred to in paragraph 1 of this Agreement can be prolonged upon request of the Faculty. The Faculty is obliged to submit the prolongation request to the Company at the latest [insert] days before expiration of the term referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article, and the Company is obliged to respond to the same within [insert] days from the day of the request's receipt. If the Company does not reply within the respective term, it shall be considered that the Faculty's request is accepted.
Art.11. This Agreement ceases to be valid in the following cases:
Art. 12. Each Party may cancel this Agreement unilaterally, by submitting a written termination statement to the other Party, in the following cases:
Prior to submitting an unilateral termination notice referred to in paragraph 1a) of this Article, the Party entitled to the termination is obliged to warn the other Party in writing that it intends to cancel the Agreement. If that other Party fails to fulfil its contractual obligation or continues breaching it within the additional term of 15 days from the date when it receives the written warning, the Agreement shall be considered terminated upon the respective term's expiry.
In the case referred to in paragraph 1 b) of this Article, the Party entitled to the termination is obliged to notify the other Party in writing of such its intention, in which case the Agreement shall be considered terminated on the date of the respective notification's receipt by the other Party.
If, at the Faculty's estimation, the required repairs of the Equipment interfere with its use extensively and during a period longer than [insert] days continuously, the Faculty may cancel this Agreement or is entitled to the rent's reduction in proportion to the limitation on the Equipment's use due to the respective repairs.
Art. 13. If any Party is unable to meet any of its obligations arising from this Agreement due to Force Majeure, such Party shall be released from meeting the respective obligation during the Force Majeure under condition that it notifies the other Party of Force Majeure occurrence or termination immediately, and at the latest within two (2) days from the day it occurred or was terminated. Otherwise, the Party affected by Force Majeure, shall be responsible for non-fulfillment or untimely fulfillment of the respective contractual obligation, also including the responsibility for remuneration of the damage suffered for that reason by the other Party.
The Parties agree that, in the case Force Majeure lasts for more than [insert the appropriate period, for example 30 or 60 days] continuously, they will agree on the new conditions of their cooperation under this Agreement or, if such agreement is not achieved, each Party is entitled to unilateral termination of this Agreement by sending a written termination notice to the other Party with immediate effect starting from the day of the respective written termination notice's receipt by the other Party.
IX Liability for Damage
Art. 15. The Parties agree that if the Agreement is terminated due to fault of one of the Parties, the other Party is entitled to remuneration of damage suffered for that reason, pursuant to the law.
The Company shall not be liable for any damage that may arise due to the Faculty’s failure to ensure that the Equipment is used in a proper manner, with due care and attention, and in line with the Information received from the Company.
The Parties agree that the Faculty shall undertake full responsibility for any loss or damage that an employee or a third party may suffer due to the Equipment, under condition that such loss or damage is not a consequence of the Equipment's defects which existed at the time when the Equipment was delivered to the Faculty, as well as for any loss or damage caused to an employee or a third party due to negligence of the Faculty's employees or improper use, assembly or disassembly of Equipment, or corresponding installations in connection therewith.
The Company shall in no way be held liable for any loss of income or contracts that the Faculty may have during the period of this Agreement, based on the Equipment's usage.
X Confidentiality Obligation
NOTE: This chapter is not mandatory, which depends on the nature of equipment and information related therewith given to the lessee. Art. 16. The Parties agree to keep as confidential both the Information and Information Protected as Trade Secret, as well as not to make them available to third parties, without previous written approval of the Party who owns the Information or Information Protected as Trade Secret.
The confidentiality obligation from this Article of the Agreement is effective during the whole time of this Agreement's validity and after its termination without any time limitation.
The exception from this confidentiality obligation are the Information and Information Protected as Trade Secret which, on the day of their reception by one Party, are already publicly available or known to that Party, or independently developed by that Party afterwards, or which that Party obtained from a third party which with regard to such Information or Information protected as Trade Secret does not have confidentiality obligation towards the other Party or any third party, or which that Party is obliged to disclose per order of a competent state authority, all to be proven by the appropriate documents possessed by the Party to which the Information or Information Protected as Trade Secret are disclosed.
Art. 17. The confidentiality obligation referred to in Article 16 of this Agreement pertains to all persons who participate in any way in the activities related to the realization of the subject of this Agreement, and who, due to the nature of their engagement, may find out the Information or Information Protected as Trade Secret.
The Parties undertake to ensure that all persons referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article sign the confidentiality agreement in line with the provisions of this Agreement governing the confidentiality obligation.
Art. 18. For any damage which may occur by a conduct contrary to the provisions of previous Articles of this Section X of the Agreement, the Party which breaches the confidentiality obligation shall suffer the consequences in line with applicable regulations of the governing law including, without limitation, the law which governs a business secret's protection and the law of contracts and torts.
XI Governing Law and Dispute Resolution
Art. 19. This Agreement has been drawn up and shall be interpreted and implemented in line with the regulations of the Republic of Serbia. The Parties agree that they will try to resolve amicably all disputes which may arise out of this Agreement, but if that would not be possible, the court in [insert the name of the court and name of the town where it is seated] will have the jurisdiction.
XII Entirety of the Agreement and Changes and Amendments to the Agreement
Art. 20.
The Parties agree that this Agreement is the entire understanding of the Parties regarding the subject matter of this Agreement, and that by its entry into force all verbal or written agreements previously made between the Parties, if any, which relate to the subject matter of this Agreement, shall cease to be valid.
Art 21. Any changes and amendments to this Agreement must be made in writing, in a form of this Agreement's Annex, and signed by the Parties' authorized representatives. XIII Transitory and closing provisions Art. 22. The Parties agree that they will treat the provisions of this Agreement as a business secret, and that none of them will, without prior written consent of the other Party, reveal their content.
Neither of the Parties may, in whole or partially, assign nor transfer this Agreement or rights and obligations stemming from this Agreement, to a third party, except upon prior written consent of the other Party.
The Parties agree that, unless for the sake of realization of the activities governed by this Agreement, they are not authorized to use in other ways and for other purposes, the name and other identification markings of the other Party.
If any provision of this Agreement is or becomes invalid, ineffective or unenforceable, it will not affect the validity, effectiveness and enforceability of the remaining provisions, whereas such provision shall be replaced, to the extent permissible by applicable law, by such valid, effective and enforceable provision which is legally and economically closest to such invalid, ineffective or unenforceable provision.
Art 23.
This Agreement is made in the Serbian and English language, in two (2) identical counterparts, one (1) for each of the Parties. In the case of any discrepancy between the Serbian and English version, the [insert] version of the Agreement shall prevail.
For the Faculty
_____________________________________ [insert full name and title of its authorized representative who signs this Agreement]
For the Company
_______________________________________ [insert full name and title of its authorized representative who signs this Agreement]