Najmodavac / Lessor: TIK TAK RENTAL STATION, vl. Anđela Bašić Put bunara 5A, 23234 otok VirOIB: 81230033434
Najmodavac / Lessor: |
TIK TAK RENTAL STATION, vl. Xxxxxx Xxxxx Put bunara 5A, 23234 otok Vir OIB: 81230033434 |
OPĆI UVJETI UGOVORA O NAJMU 1.UVODNE ODREDBE 1.1. Ovi opći uvjeti za xxxxx xxxxxx (dalje u tekstu: Opći uvjeti) uređuju odnose između najmodavca TIK TAK RENTAL STATION, obrt za iznajmljivanje opreme za rekreaciju i sport, vl. Xxxxxx Xxxxx, Put bunara 5A, 23234 otok Vir, OIB: 81230033434 (dalje u tekstu: TIK TAK RENTAL STATION) i najmoprimca. Najmoprimac je u smislu Općih uvjeta bilo koja xxxxx xxxxx (fizička/pravna) koja s TIK TAK RENTAL STATION zaključi ugovor o najmu vozila (dalje u tekstu: Ugovor). Najmoprimcem se smatra i fizička osoba xxxx xx u Ugovoru navedena kao korisnik vozila, ukoliko xx xxxxx xxxx xx u Ugovoru navedena kao korisnik vozila različita od osobe najmoprimca. 1.2. Najmoprimac i korisnik su solidarno odgovorni za ispunjenje i poštivanje svih odredbi Ugovora i ovih Općih uvjeta te se u daljnjem tekstu podrazumijevaju jednom riječju „Korisnik“, ukoliko iz Ugovora ili konteksta ne proizlazi drugačije. 1.3. Sastavni dio Ugovora su Opći uvjeti, kojeg su sastavni dijelovi Cjenik dodatnih usluga i troškova za korištenje vozila (PRILOG A) i Izjava o zaštiti osobnih podataka (PRILOG B). 1.4. Predmet xxxxx je vozilo određeno u Ugovoru. TIK TAK RENTAL STATION ima pravo raspolagati vozilom, a Korisnik ima pravo koristiti vozilo u skladu s Ugovorom i ovim Općim uvjetima. 1.5. Korisnik smije vozilo koristi isključivo na području xxxxx Xxxx, osim u slučaju xxxx xx izričito pisanim putem s TIK TAK RENTAL STATION dogovoreno drugačije. 1.6. Korisnik potpisom Xxxxxxx potvrđuje da je upoznat s Cjenikom dodatnih usluga i troškova za korištenje vozila (dalje u tekstu: Cjenik). Korisnik xx xxxxx TIK TAK RENTAL STATION također podmiriti i one troškove koji nisu izričito navedeni u Cjeniku, pod uvjetom da su radi postupanja Korisnika takovi troškovi TIK TAK RENTAL STATION stvarno nastali i to u visini stvarnih troškova. 1.7. Na pojedini Ugovor koji Korisnik potpisuje prilikom preuzimanja vozila primjenjuju se ovi Opći uvjeti koji dopunjuju odredbe Ugovora. U slučaju nesuglasja pojedinih odredbi Ugovora i ovih Općih uvjeta, primjenjuju se odredbe ovih Općih uvjeta. 1.8. Ugovor i Opći uvjeti sastavljeni su na hrvatskom i engleskom jeziku. U slučaju dvojbe oko značenja pojedinih | GENERAL TERMS AND CONITIONS OF VEHICLE LEASE 1.RECITALS 1.1. These general terms and conditions of vehicle lease (hereinafter referred to as the General Terms and Conditions) regulate relationship between the lessor TIK TAK RENTAL STATION, Business for renting recreational and sports equipment, owned by Xxxxxx Xxxxx, Put bunara 5A, 23234 Island of Vir, PIN: 81230033434 (hereinafter referred to as: TIK TAK RENTAL STATION) and the lesee. In terms of these Terms and Conditions, a lessee is any third person (natural/legal) which concludes a contract for lease of a vehicle with TIK TAK RENTAL STATION (hereinafter referred to as the Contract). A lessee is also a natural person listed in the Contract as the user of the vehicle, if the person listed in the Contract as the user of the vehicle is different from the lessee. 1.2. The lessee and the user are jointly liable for fulfilling and acting in line with all provisions of the Contract and these General Terms and Conditions and are further jointly referred to as the 'User', unless the Contract or the context indicates othervise. 1.3. The General Terms and Conditions, which include the Price List of Additional Services and Vehicle Usage Costs (SCHEDULE A) and the Privacy Statement (SCHEDULE B), are an integral part of the Contract. 1.4. The subject of the lease is the vehicle specified in the Contract. TIK TAK RENTAL STATION has the right to dispose with the vehicle, while the User has the right to use the vehicle in accordance with the Contract and these General Terms and Conditions. 1.5. The User may use the vehicle exclusively within the territory of the Island of Vir, except in cases where otherwise explicitly agreed in writing with TIK TAK RENTAL STATION. 1.6. By signing the Contract, the User confirms that he is familar with the Price List of Additional Services and Vehicle Usage Costs (hereinafter referred to as the Price List). The User is also obliged to cover the costs that are not explicitly listed in the Price List, provided that such costs have been incurred by the User and in the amount of actually incurred costs. 1.7. These General Terms and Conditions apply to each Contract the User signs upon the vehicle pick-up and supplement the provisions of the Contract. In case of discrepancies between provisions of Contract and these General Terms and Conditions, provisions of these General Terms and Conditions shall apply. 1.8. The Contract and the General Terms and Conditions are drafted in Croatian and English. In case of any |
odredbi Ugovora i ovih Općih uvjeta, primjenjivat će se tekst Ugovora i ovih Općih uvjeta sastavljen na hrvatskom jeziku. 2.PREDMET UGOVORA 2.1. TIK TAK RENTAL STATION na temelju Ugovora Korisniku predaje na uporabu vozilo u stanju podobnom za ugovorenu uporabu, dok se Korisnik obvezuje za to platiti najamninu, druge naknade i troškove, sve pod uvjetima utvrđenim Ugovorom, ovim Općim uvjetima i Cjenikom. Vrsta i marka vozila koja se daje u najam bit će navedena u Ugovoru, dok je cijena xxxxx određena Cjenikom koji se nalazi na info pultu TIK TAK RENTAL STATION. 3.UVJETI XXXXX 3.1. Upravljanje vozilom se u smislu ovih Općih uvjeta smatra svaka uporaba vozila, bez obzira na mjesto, način ili vrijeme korištenja vozila. 3.2. Vozilom smije upravljati Korisnik – fizička osoba, xxxx xx zaključila Ugovor i koja ima valjanu vozačku dozvolu za odgovarajuću kategoriju. Ako je Ugovor zaključio najmoprimac – pravna osoba, xxxxx xx vozilo predati na korištenje isključivo fizičkim osobama koje su u Ugovoru navedene kao korisnici i koje imaju valjanu vozačku dozvolu za odgovarajuću kategoriju. 3.3. Korisnik xx xxxxx prilikom preuzimanja vozila u xxxxx x xxx uvjet preuzimanja vozila predočiti TIK TAK RENTAL STATION izvornike važećih isprava (osobna iskaznica i vozačka dozvola), xxxxxx xx dokazati da udovoljava xxxx navedenim uvjetima za upravljanje vozilom. Pretpostavlja se da Korisnik ima valjanu osobnu iskaznicu i vozačku dozvolu za odgovarajuću kategoriju ako prilikom preuzimanja vozila predoći važeću osobnu iskaznicu i vozačku dozvolu za odgovarajuću kategoriju. TIK TAK RENTAL STATION će za svoje potrebe zadržati preslike predmetnih isprava. 3.4. Korisnik koji u ime najmoprimca pravne osobe preuzima vozilo i zaključuje Ugovor jamči da za to ima sva potrebna ovlaštenja, te jamči i odgovoran je TIK TAK RENTAL STATION, solidarno s xxx pravnom osobom za poštivanje i ispunjenje svih obveza iz ovog Ugovora. 3.5. Svaka osoba koja u Ugovoru nije navedena kao Korisnik i/ili najmoprimac vozila, smatrat će se neovlaštenim korisnikom. Svu štetu koju upravljajući vozilom uzrokuje neovlašteni korisnik, obvezuju se solidarno snositi Korisnik i najmoprimac, ukoliko je najmoprimac različita osoba od osobe Korisnika. 4.PREUZIMANJE I VRAĆANJE VOZILA 4.1. Xxxxxxxx preuzima vozilo po ispunjenu svih uvjeta i zaključenju Xxxxxxx xxxx xx sastavni dio ovi Opći uvjeti. U smislu ove odredbe te Općih uvjeta, u slučaju xxxx xx najmoprimac pravna osoba, najmoprimcem se smatra i fizička osoba korisnik koja prezme vozilo i navedena je u Ugovoru. 4.2. Vozilo se isporučuje Korisniku u tehnički ispravnom i voznom stanju, sa svom zakonom propisanom opremom. Korisnik xx xxxxx prije preuzimanja vozilo pregledati te eventualne primjedbe u svezi stanja vozila xxxx dati | discrepancies in the meaning of specific provisions of the Contract and these General Terms and Conditions, the text of the Contract and the General Terms and Conditions drafted in Croatian shall prevail. 2.SUBJECT OF THE CONTRACT 2.1. Upon the Contract, TIK TAK RENTAL STATION provides the User with a vehicle suitable for the agreed use, while the User undertakes to pay the rent, other fees, and expenses, all under the conditions specified in the Contract, these General Terms and Conditions, and the Price List. The type and brand of the vehicle for lease will be specified in the Contract, while the price of the lease is determined by the Price List located at the TIK TAK RENTAL STATION information desk. 3.TERMS OF LEASE 3.1. In the context of these General Terms and Conditions, driving the vehicle is considered any use of the vehicle, regardless of the place, manner, or time of vehicle usage. 3.2. The vehicle may be operated by the User - a natural person who has entered into the Contract and who holds a valid driver's license for the appropriate category. If the Contract has been concluded by the lessee - a legal entity, it is obliged to provide the vehicle for use exclusively to natural persons listed in the Contract as users and who hold a valid driver's license for the appropriate category. 3.3. The User is obliged, upon the vehicle pick-up and as a condition for taking possession of the vehicle, to present to TIK TAK RENTAL STATION the originals of valid documents (identity card and driver's license), which will prove the aforementioned conditions for operating the vehicle are met. It is assumed that the User holds a valid identity card and driver's license for the appropriate category if he/she presents a valid identity card and driver's license for the appropriate category upon taking possession of the vehicle. TIK TAK RENTAL STATION will retain copies of the aforementioned documents for its own purposes. 3.4. The User who, on behalf of the lessee, a legal entity, takes possession of the vehicle and concludes the Contract, guarantees that he/she has all necessary authorizations for that purpose, and also guarantees and is liable to TIK TAK RENTAL STATION, jointly with that legal entity, for compliance with and fulfillment of all obligations under this Contract. 3.5. Any person not specified as the User and/or lessee of the vehicle in the Contract shall be considered an unauthorized user. The User and the lessee, if different from the User, undertake to jointly bear all damages caused by an unauthorized user that operated the vehicle. 4.VEHICLE PICK-UP AND RETURN 4.1. The User takes possession of the vehicle upon fulfilling all conditions and concluding the Contract, which includes these General Terms and Conditions. For the purposes of this provision and these General Terms and Conditions, in cases where a lessee is a legal entity, the lessee also includes the natural person user who takes possession of the vehicle and is named in the Contract. 4.2. The vehicle is provided to the User in a technically sound and roadworthy condition, with all legally required equipment. The User is obliged to inspect the vehicle |
odmah, prije odvoženja vozila s mjesta preuzimanja. Prilikom preuzimanja i/ili vraćanja vozila od Korisnika se može tražiti da potpiše ispravu (Izjavu ili sl.) u kojoj će bit naznačeno stanje vozila prije i/ili poslije preuzimanja xx xxxxxx Korisnika. Ukoliko Korisnik odbije potpisati takvu ispravu (Izjavu ili sl.), smatrat će se da Korisnik nema primjedbi na stanje vozila utvrđeno po najmodavcu. 4.3. Korisnik potpisom Xxxxxxx potvrđuje da preuzima vozilo u ispravnom stanju, prikladnom za ugovorenu uporabu, sa svom pripadajućom opremom i svim potrebnim dokumentima. Smatra se da xx xxxxx od slučajnog uništenja ili propasti vozila prešao na Korisnika nakon što je vozilo preuzeo, a koje vrijeme preuzimanja/izdavanja će se navesti u samom Ugovoru. 4.4. Xxxxxxxx je odgovoran kako za samo vozilo, tako i za preuzete dokumente vozila. U slučaju gubitka, krađe, uništenja i oštećenja dokumenata, za troškove izrade novih dokumenata teretit će se Korisnik. 4.5. Xxxxxxxx se obvezuje vozilo vratiti sa svim dokumentima i opremom, u istom stanju u kojem ga je preuzeo, u mjestu u kojem ga je preuzeo i u vrijeme određeno Ugovorom, s količinom goriva s kojom ga je uzeo u najam. 4.6. Gorivo nije uključeno u cijenu xxxxx. Vozilo se isporučuje s punim spremnikom goriva xxxx xx propisano za pojedini tip vozila. Korisnik xx xxxxx vozilo vratiti s punim spremnikom odgovarajućeg goriva ovisno o vrsti vozila, dok je u protivnom xxxxx TIK TAK RENTAL STATION naknaditi troškove goriva potrebnog za maksimalno punjenje spremnika vozila i administrativne troškove TIK TAK RENTAL STATION u visini navedenoj u Cjeniku sadržanom u PRILOGU A ovim Općim uvjetima. 5.TRAJANJE XXXXX 5.1. Ugovor počinje vrijediti trenutkom preuzimanja/izdavanja vozila, a koje vrijeme izdavanja vozila se navodi u samom Ugovoru. Xxxxx xxxxxx završava trenutkom povrata vozila TIK TAK RENTAL STATION. 5.2. Korisnik xx xxxxx vozilo vratiti u vrijeme koje se navodi u samom Ugovoru, u stanju u kojem je preuzeto, uzimajući u obzir redovno trošenje tijekom normalne uporabe vozila u skladu u ovim Općim uvjetima. 5.3. Ukoliko po isteku Ugovora Korisnik ne vrati vozilo, xxxxx xx za svaki započeti sat korištenja vozila TIK TAK RENTAL STATION platiti xxxxx xxxxxx u visini određenoj Cjenikom. Uz spomenuto, TIK TAK RENTAL STATION ima pravo Korisniku oduzeti vozilo i vratiti ga u svoj posjed. U xxx slučaju se Xxxxxxxx odriče posjedovne zaštite i istovremeno se odriče svih zahtjeva koji proizlaze iz posjedovne zaštite te svih zahtjeva za naknadom štete. 6.KORIŠTENJE VOZILA 6.1. Korisnik se obvezuje: -da će vozilo koristiti kao vozač, za vlastite potrebe i u skladu s namjenom vozila i svrhom za xxxx xx zaključen Ugovor; -da vozilo neće davati na korištenje neovlaštenim | before taking its possession, and any comments regarding the vehicle's condition must be made immediately, before driving the vehicle away from the pick-up location. Upon vehicle pick-up and/or return, the User may be asked to sign a document (Statement or similar) indicating the condition of the vehicle before and/or after pick-up by the User. If the User refuses to sign such a document (Statement or similar), it will be considered that the User has no objections to the condition of the vehicle as determined by the lessor. 4.3. By signing the Contract, the User confirms taking possession of the vehicle in a proper condition, suitable for the agreed use, with all accompanying equipment and necessary documents. It is considered that the risk of accidental destruction or loss of the vehicle has passed to the User upon taking possession of the vehicle, the time of which will be specified in the Contract. 4.4. The User is responsible for both the vehicle itself and the documents accompanying the vehicle. In case of loss, theft, destruction, or damage to the documents, the User will be charged for the cost of obtaining new documents. 4.5. The User undertakes to return the vehicle with all documents and equipment, in the same condition as received, at the location of its pick-up and time specified in the Contract, with the same amount of fuel as when taken for lease. 4.6. Fuel is not included in the rental price. The vehicle is delivered with a full tank of fuel as required for each type of vehicle. The User undertakes to return the vehicle with a full tank of the appropriate fuel type depending on the type of the vehicle, otherwise, the User is liable to compensate TIK TAK RENTAL STATION for the cost of the fuel required to fill the vehicle tank to maximum capacity and for the administrative costs incurred to TIK TAK RENTAL STATION, in the amount specified in the Price List contained in Schedule A to these General Terms and Conditions." 5.DURATION OF LEASE 5.1. The Contract shall become effective at the moment of the vehicle pick-up, while the time of the pick-up will be specified in the Contract. The lease of the vehicle shall end at the moment the vehicle is returned to TIK TAK RENTAL STATION. 5.2. The User is obliged to return the vehicle at the time specified in the Contract, in the condition in which it was picked-up, taking into account normal wear and tear during regular use of the vehicle in accordance with these General Terms and Conditions. 5.3. If the User does not return the vehicle upon the expiration of the Contract, he will be liable to pay the rental fee for each started hour of vehicle use to TIK TAK RENTAL STATION as specified in the Price List. Additionally, TIK TAK RENTAL STATION has the right to repossess the vehicle. In such a case, the User waives possession protection and simultaneously waives all claims arising from possession protection and any claims for damages. 6.USE OF THE VEHICLE 6.1. The User undertakes: -to use the vehicle as a driver, for personal needs, and in accordance with the purpose of the vehicle and the purpose for which the Contract was concluded; |
korisnicima i trećim osobama; -da vozilo neće davati u podnajam; -da će vozilo koristiti pravilno i postupati prema vozilu s pažnjom dobrog domaćina/gospodarstvenika; -da vozilo neće preopteretiti, koristiti za obuku vozača, prijevoz ili vuču drugih vozila ili prikolica, za plaćeni prijevoz putnika i za činjenje bilo kakvih nezakonitih djela; -da će vozilom upravljati bez utjecaja alkohola ili narkotika, poštujući sve prometne propise i regulaciju prometa; -da će snositi sve troškove u svezi pogona vozila kao i troškove parkirne, prekršajne ili slične naknade; 7.ODRŽAVANJE VOZILA, OŠTEĆENJA, KVAR, PROMETNA NESREĆA, KRAĐA/NESTANAK VOZILA 7.1. Korisnik xx xxxxx prije početka korištenja vozila upoznati se s tehničkim karakteristikama vozila. U slučaju nastanka štete na vozilu ili oštećenja vozila uslijed ponašanja Korisnika suprotno odredbama Ugovora, Korisnik xx xxxxx naknaditi TIK TAK RENTAL STATION svu štetu i moguću izgubljenu dobit. 7.2. Korisnik xx xxxxx o svim mogućim kvarovima vozila neodgodivo obavijestiti TIK TAK RENTAL STATION na kontakte navedene u samom Ugovoru i nadalje postupati u skladu s uputama TIK TAK RENTAL STATION. 7.3. Korisnik ne smije organizirati ili poduzimati bilo kakve popravke bez odobrenja TIK TAK RENTAL STATION, osim u mjeri u kojoj je to nužno kako bi se spriječila daljnja šteta na vozilu i ostaloj imovini. Ako vozilo zahtjeva popravak ili zamjenu, odluka da se Korisniku pruži drugo vozilo pripada isključivo TIK TAK RENTAL STATION. 7.4. Ako je vozilo sudjelovalo u prometnoj nesreći, oštećeno, razbijeno ili zahtjeva popravak ili spašavanje, bez obzira na uzrok, Korisnik xxxx zaustaviti vozilo bez odgađanja, odmah obavijestiti TIK TAK RENTAL STATION i policiju o nastalom slučaju i zatražiti zapisnik o nastalom događaju (policijski zapisnik/potvrdu), popuniti izvješće o događaju/šteti te osigurati vozilo od propadanja i nastupa xxx xxxx štete. 7.5. Osobito u slučaju prometne nesreće ili krađe/nestanka vozila, sudara sa životinjom, požara ili zapaljenja vozila ili eksplozije vozila, Korisnik xx xxxxx pozvati policiju i zatražiti zapisnik (potvrdu) o nastalom događaju. Ako Korisnik u slučajevima nezgode ne postupi u skladu s odredbama točke 7.4. i 7.5. ovih Općih uvjeta, biti će odgovoran za svaku štetu koja bi radi toga nastala TIK TAK RENTAL STATION. 7.6. Ukoliko osiguravajuće društvo iz bilo kojeg razloga odbije isplatiti osigurninu djelomično ili u cijelosti radi nastanka štetnog događaja, Korisnik xx xxxxx nadoknaditi TIK TAK RENTAL STATION cijeli odnosno razmjerni dio štete. 7.7. TIK TAK RENTAL STATION ne odgovara za štete koje mogu nastati Korisniku ili trećim osobama u vozilu i njihovoj imovini. Potpisivanjem Ugovora Xxxxxxxx se izričito odriče svih potraživanja prema TIK TAK RENTAL STATION za takve gubitke ili štete. | -not to allow unauthorized users and third parties to use the vehicle; -not to sublease the vehicle; -to use the vehicle properly and treat it with the care of a diligent owner/manager; -not to overload the vehicle, use it for driver training, transport or towing other vehicles or trailers, for paid passenger transport, or for committing any illegal acts; -to operate the vehicle without the influence of alcohol or drugs, respecting all traffic regulations and traffic rules; -to bear all costs related to the operation of the vehicle as well as the costs of parking, fines, or similar fees; 7.MAINTENANCE OF THE VEHICLE, DAMAGE, BREAKDOWN, TRAFFIC ACCIDENT, THEFT/DISAPPEARANCE OF THE VEHICLE 7.1. Prior using the vehicle, the User must familiarize himself/herself with the technical characteristics of the vehicle. In the event of damage to the vehicle or damage to the vehicle caused by the User's behavior contrary to the provisions of the Contract, the User is obliged to compensate TIK TAK RENTAL STATION for all damage and any potential loss of profit. 7.2.The User is obliged to immediately inform TIK TAK RENTAL STATION of any possible vehicle malfunctions using the contact details provided in the Contract and after that to follow the instructions given by TIK TAK RENTAL STATION. 7.3. The User must not organize or undertake any repairs without the approval of TIK TAK RENTAL STATION, except to the extent necessary to prevent further damage to the vehicle and other property. If the vehicle requires repair or replacement, solely TIK TAK RENTAL STATION will decide if the User will be provided with another vehicle. 7.4. If the vehicle is involved in a traffic accident, damaged, broken down, or requires repair or salvage, regardless of the cause, the User must stop using the vehicle without delay, immediately inform TIK TAK RENTAL STATION and the police about the incident, request a report on the incident (police report/certificate), complete an incident/damage report, and secure the vehicle to prevent further deterioration and further damage. 7.5. Especially in the event of a traffic accident or theft/disappearance of the vehicle, collision with an animal, fire or ignition of the vehicle, or explosion of the vehicle, the User is obliged to call the police and request a report (certificate) on the incident. If the User does not act in accordance with the provisions of points 7.4 and 7.5 of these General Terms and Conditions in the event of an accident, he/she will be responsible for any damage that may occur to TIK TAK RENTAL STATION. 7.6. If the insurance company refuses to pay compensation partially or entirely for any reason due to the occurrence of the incident (damage event), the User is obliged to compensate TIK TAK RENTAL STATION for the entire or proportional part of the damage. 7.7. TIK TAK RENTAL STATION is not liable for damages that may occur to the User or third parties in the vehicle and their property. By signing the Contract, the User explicitly waives all claims against TIK TAK RENTAL STATION for such losses or damages. |
8.PROMETNI PREKRŠAJI I POVEZANI TROŠKOVI 8.1. Korisnik snosi sve troškove izrečenih prekršaja i kazni u vezi s uporabom ili upravljanjem vozilom u tijeku trajanja xxxxx. 8.2. TIK TAK RENTAL STATION će po primitku obavijesti o počinjenju prekršaja s vozilom i/ili obvezi plaćanja druge obveze povezane s uporabom vozila koje je predmet xxxxx xx xxxxxx nadležnih tijela i/ili vjerovnika, nadležno tijelo i/ili vjerovnika obavijestiti o sklopljenom ugovoru o najmu i proslijediti podatke o Korisniku. 8.3. U slučaju da TIK TAK RENTAL STATION bude u obvezi podmiriti troškove kazni i/ili prekršaja, ima ih pravo potraživati od Korisnika i to u visini stvarno nastalih troškova, uvećani za naknadu u skladu s Cjenikom sadržanim u PRILOGU A ovim Općim uvjetima. 8.4. TIK TAK RENTAL STATION ima pravo u vezi s obavještavanjem Korisnika o izrečenim prekršajima, kaznama, kao i u slučaju plaćanja tih troškova, Korisniku zaračunati i administrativne troškove u visini navedenoj u Cjeniku sadržanim u PRILOGU A ovim Općim uvjetima za svaku pojedinačnu obavijest ili izvršeno plaćanje ili drugo djelovanje kao i teretiti Korisnika za troškove odvjetnika u stvarnom iznosu. 9.ODGOVORNOST KORISNIKA ZA ŠTETU 9.1. Korisnik je TIK TAK RENTAL STATION obvezan naknaditi svu štetu koja nastane na vozilu ili u svezi vozila i štete koja nastanu u svezi s uporabom vozila, što se odnosi ali se ne ograničava na: -bilo kakav gubitak, krađu, nestanak ili oštećenje vozila i njegovih dijelova, dodataka ili dodatne opreme; -svaku posljedičnu štetu, gubitke ili troškove nastale za TIK TAK RENTAL STATION, uključujući troškove popravka, spašavanja, gubitke zbog nemogućnosti iznajmljivanja vozila, ležarine, obrade štete, pravne troškove i drugo; -svaki gubitak ili oštećenje putnika u vozilu, trećih osoba, njihovih vozila i imovine nastalih tijekom trajanja xxxxx odnosno uporabe vozila; -svaku štetu koja xx xxxxxxx uslijed nepravilne uporabe vozila ili je krivnjom Korisnika došlo do oštećenja motora ili pogonskog mehanizma vozila; -svaku štetu xxxx xx izazvao neovlašteni korisnik ili vozač. 9.2. Korisnik odgovara i za svu drugu štetu nastalu uslijed nepridržavanja odredbi ovih Općih uvjeta, Ugovora i važećih zakonskih i podzakonskih propisa. 10. OSIGURANJA I ODGOVORNOSTI 10.1. Vozilo je u skladu sa zakonskim propisima i uvjetima osiguranja osigurano za štete koje uporabom vozila mogu nastati trećim osobama zbog smrti, tjelesne ozljede, narušavanja zdravlja, uništenja ili oštećenja stvari za vrijeme trajanja xxxxx (obvezno osiguranje od odgovornosti). Ugovorni uvjeti ugovora o osiguranju za pojedino vozilo su u originalu dostupni Korisniku na uvid u TIK TAK RENTAL STATION. 10.2. Osiguranjem su pokrivene štete nastale od vozila koja xx xxxxx javnim cestama i ostalim površinama na kojima se odvija promet, te isto isključuje svaku štetu nastalu korištenjem vozila na prometnicama različitim od javnih cesta i ostalih površina na kojima se odvija promet (nerazvrstane ceste, privatni putevi i zemljišta i sl.). | 8.TRAFFIC OFFENCES AND RELATED COSTS 8.1. The User shall bear all costs of commited offences and imposed fines related to the use or operation of the vehicle during the lease. 8.2. Upon receipt of notification by competent authorities and/or creditors, of a committed offence with the vehicle and/or an obligation to settle another obligation related to the use of the leased vehicle, TIK TAK RENTAL STATION shall inform the competent authority and/or creditor about the concluded lease Contract and forward the User's data. 8.3. In the event that TIK TAK RENTAL STATION is obliged to cover the costs of fines and/or offences, the User will reimburse it in the amount of actual costs incurred, increased by a fee in accordance with the Price List contained in Schedule A to these General Terms and Conditions. 8.4. TIK TAK RENTAL STATION has the right, in connection with informing the User about imposed violations, fines, as well as in the event of paying these costs, to charge the User with administrative costs in the amount specified in the Price List contained in Schedule A to these General Terms and Conditions for each individual notification or payment made or other action as well as to charge the User for lawyer costs in the actual incurred amount. 9.LIABILITY OF THE USER FOR DAMAGES 9.1. The user undertakes to compensate TIK TAK RENTAL STATION for all damages that occur to the vehicle or in connection with the vehicle and which arise in connection with the use of the vehicle, including but not limited to: -any loss, theft, disappearance, or damage to the vehicle and its parts, accessories, or additional equipment; -any consequential damages, losses, or costs incurred to TIK TAK RENTAL STATION, including repair costs, salvage costs, losses due to inability to lease the vehicle, demurrage, damage processing, legal costs, and other expenses; -any loss or damage (injury) to passengers in the vehicle, third parties, their vehicles, and property, incurred during the lease or use of the vehicle; -any damage that has occurred due to improper use of the vehicle or if the User's negligence has resulted in damage to the vehicle's engine or drive mechanism; -any damage caused by an unauthorized user or driver. 9.2. The user is also liable for any other damages resulting from non-compliance with the provisions of these General Terms and Conditions, the Contract, and applicable legal and subordinate regulations. 10. INSURANCE AND LIABILITIES 10.1. The vehicle is insured in accordance with legal regulations and insurance terms to cover damages that may ocurr to third parties due to the use of the vehicle, including death, body injury, harm to health, destruction, or damage to property during the lease (mandatory liability insurance). The contractual terms of the insurance policy for each vehicle are available to the User for inspection at TIK TAK RENTAL STATION. 10.2. Insurance covers damages caused by vehicles moving on public roads and other areas where traffic occurs, whereby it excludes any damage occurred due the the vehicle use on all roads different from public roads and |
10.3. Osiguranje će biti nevažeće u slučaju da Korisnik prekrši bilo koju odredbu ovih Općih uvjeta, Ugovora, zakonskih propisa i uvjeta osiguranja, u kojem slučaju Xxxxxxxx pristaje naknaditi odnosno regresirati TIK TAK RENTAL STATION sve izdatke koji su TIK TAK RENTAL STATION nastali u svezi s xxx, ukoliko TIK TAK RENTAL STATION bude obvezan na naknadu štete trećoj osobi ili njihovom osiguravatelju. 10.4. Osiguranje vozila obuhvaća isključivo obvezno osiguranje od odgovornosti i ne uključuje xxxxx osiguranje za vozilo. 10.5. Xxxxxxxx se obvezuje vratiti vozilo neoštećeno, u istom stanju u kojem ga je preuzeo u najam, sukladno ostalim odredbama ovih Općih uvjeta i Ugovora. 10.6. U slučaju oštećenja vozila koje nije bilo utvrđeno kod povrata vozila, TIK TAK RENTAL STATION zadržava pravo da o istima obavijesti Korisnika u roku od 8 (osam) radnih xxxx po isteku/prestanku xxxxx. 10.7. Ukoliko Korisnik vozilo ne vrati sukladno točki 10.5. ovih Općih uvjeta, obvezan je TIK TAK RENTAL STATION platiti odgovarajuću naknadu ovisno o kategoriji vozila i vrsti oštećenja, a sve prema važećem Cjeniku sadržanom u PRILOGU A ovih Općih uvjeta. 10.8. Osim odgovarajuće naknade iz točke 10.7. ovih Općih uvjeta, Korisnik je obvezan nakanaditi svu štetu koja nastane na vozilu ili u svezi s vozilom, u skladu s odredbama ovih Općih uvjeta i Ugovora. 11.ODŠTETNI ZAHTJEVI 11.1. U svim slučajevima u xxxxxx xx sukladno ovim Općim uvjetima Korisnik xxxxx naknaditi bilo kakvu štetu TIK TAK RENTAL STATION, šteta se utvrđuje uzimajući u obzir tržišne cijene koje su određene za otklanjanje takve vrste štete, dok se izgubljena dobit računa sukladno općim načelima odštetnog prava. 11.2. TIK TAK RENTAL STATION ne odgovara za predmete koji bi ostali u vozilu nakon isteka/prestanka xxxxx, neovisno o tome čije su vlasništvo. 11.3. TIK TAK RENTAL STATION ne odgovara trećim osobama za štetu koju bi prouzročio Xxxxxxxx i ista nije u pokriću štete po osiguranju i pojedinačnim policama osiguranja za pojedino vozilo. 11.4. Korisnik je, uz slučajeve izričito navedene u ovim Općim uvjetima, odgovoran TIK TAK RENTAL STATION i bilo kojoj trećoj osobi koja bi pretrpjela štetu i to za svaku štetu koja bi nastala na vozilu u tijeku trajanja xxxxx ili u vezi s vozilom, ukoliko xx xxxxx povezana s vozilom. Odgovornost Xxxxxxxxx za naknadu štete oštećeniku se razmjerno umanjuje u odnosu na iznos isplaćene osigurnine, što ne isključuje odgovornost Korisnika prema osiguratelju koji je osigurninu isplatio. Obveza plaćanja štete nije ograničena niti po vrsti niti po visini nastale štete. 11.5. Korisnik odgovora za štetu sukladno točki 11.4. ovih Općih uvjeta i u svim slučajevima kada vozilo bez suglasnosti ili uz suglasnost TIK TAK RENTAL STATION | areas where traffic occurs (unclassified roads, private roads and land, etc.). 10.3. The insurance will be invalid if the User breaches any provision of these General Terms and Conditions, the Contract, legal regulations or terms of insurance. In which case, the User agrees to reimburse or indemnify TIK TAK RENTAL STATION for all expenses incurred to TIK TAK RENTAL STATION in connection therewith, provided TIK TAK RENTAL STATION is obliged to compensate a third party or its insurer. 10.4. Vehicle insurance exclusively covers mandatory liability insurance and does not include casco insurance for the vehicle. 10.5. The User undertakes to return the vehicle undamaged, in the same condition as it was received (picked-up) upon lease, in accordance with the other provisions of these General Terms and Conditions and the Contract. 10.6. In the event of vehicle damage not identified upon vehicle return, TIK TAK RENTAL STATION reserves the right to inform the User within 8 (eight) working days following the expiration/termination of the lease period. 10.7. If the User does not return the vehicle in accordance with point 10.5 of these General Terms and Conditions, he must pay to TIK TAK RENTAL STATION the appropriate compensation depending on the vehicle category and type of damage, as specified in the applicable Price List contained in Schedule A of these General Terms and Conditions. 10.8. In addition to the appropriate compensation specified in point 10.7 of these General Terms and Conditions, the User is liable to cover any damage that occurs to the vehicle or in connection with the vehicle, in accordance with the provisions of these General Terms and Conditions and the Contract. 11.COMPENSATION CLAIMS 11.1. In all cases where, in accordance with these General Terms and Conditions, the User is liable to compensate any damage to TIK TAK RENTAL STATION, the damage is determined by taking into account market prices established for the repair of such damage, while lost profit is calculated in accordance with general principles of civil obligations law. 11.2. TIK TAK RENTAL STATION is not responsible for items left in the vehicle after the expiration/termination of the lease period, regardless of the fact who is their owner. 11.3. TIK TAK RENTAL STATION is not liable to third parties for damage caused by the User, and such damage is not covered by insurance or individual insurance policies for each vehicle. 11.4. In addition to cases explicitly stated in these General Terms and Conditions, the User is liable to TIK TAK RENTAL STATION and any third party who suffers damage for any damage occurring to the vehicle during the lease period or in connection with the vehicle, if the damage is related to the vehicle. The User's liability for compensation to a party that suffered damage is proportionally reduced in relation to the amount of insurance paid, which does not exclude the User's liability to the insurer who paid the insurance. The obligation to pay damages is not limited in type or amount of the damage incurred. 11.5. The User is liable for damages according to point |
prepusti na uporabu trećoj strani. 12.OTKAZ UGOVORA 12.1. TIK TAK RENTAL STATION ima pravo raskinuti Ugovor i odmah preuzeti vozilo u posjed ako Xxxxxxxx ne postupi ili ne postupa u skladu s bilo kojom odredbom ovih Općih uvjeta ili Ugovora, ili ukoliko je vozilo oštećeno. Prestanak xxxxx prema ovoj odredbi ne dovodi u pitanje druga prava TIK TAK RENTAK STATION prema ovim Općim uvjetima i Ugovoru. 13.OSOBNI PODACI 13.1. U postupku sklapanja Ugovora i izvršenju Ugovora, TIK TAK RENTAL STATION obrađuje određene osobne podatke Xxxxxxxxx, iz razloga što su ti podaci TIK TAK RENTAL STATION potrebni kako bi se Ugovor mogao sklopiti i izvršavati. Korisnik kroz proces sklapanja Ugovora dobrovoljno daje TIK TAK RENTAL STATION svoje osobne podatke (ime, prezime, adresa, vozačka dozvola, osobna iskaznica, putovnica i sl.). Bez osobnih podataka xxxxx xxxxxx xxxx biti moguće ostvariti. 13.2. Informacije o obradi osobnih podataka i pravima Korisnika u pogledu tih podataka sadržane su u Izjavi o zaštiti osobnih podataka koja čini sastavni dio ovih Općih uvjeta (PRILOG B). 14.NADLEŽNOST SUDA I MJERODAVNO PRAVO 14.1. Ovi Opći uvjeti su u skladu sa zakonima Republike Hrvatske i svi neriješi sporovi koji mogu nastati iz ili u vezi s ovim Općim uvjetima i Ugovorom, podliježu primjeni hrvatskog prava kao mjerodavnog prava i isključivoj nadležnosti hrvatskih sudova i to prema registiranom sjedištu TIK TAK RENTAL STATION. 14.2. Na sve što nije regulirano ovim Općim uvjetima ili Ugovorom, primjenjuje se hrvatsko pravo. 15.ZAVRŠNE ODREDBE 15.1. TIK TAK RENTAL STATION xxxxx xx dati Korisniku prilikom preuzimanja vozila u najam 1 (jedan) primjerak Ugovora koji je Korisnik xxxxx čuvati tijekom trajanja xxxxx i na zahtjev predočiti policiji ili drugim ovlaštenim osobama. 15.2. Ovi Opći uvjeti u primjeni su od svibnja 2024. godine. PRILOG A Cjenik dodatnih usluga i troškova za korištenje vozila: | 11.4 of these General Terms and Conditions and in all cases when the vehicle is entrusted for use to a third party without or with the consent of TIK TAK RENTAL STATION. 12.TERMINATION OF CONTRACT 12.1. TIK TAK RENTAL STATION has the right to terminate the Contract and take immediate possession of the vehicle if the User fails or does not comply with any provision of these General Terms or the Contract, or if the vehicle is damaged. Termination of the lease under this provision does not affect other rights of TIK TAK RENTAL STATION under these General Terms and the Contract. 13.PERSONAL DATA 13.1. In the process of entering into and executing the Contract, TIK TAK RENTAL STATION processes certain personal data of the User, since such data are necessary for TIK TAK RENTAL STATION to be able to conclude and execute the Contract. For that purpose, the User voluntarily provides TIK TAK RENTAL STATION with his/her personal data (name, surname, address, driver's license, ID card, passport, etc.). Without providing personal data, it will not be possible to lease the vehicle. 13.2. Information on the processing of personal data and the rights of the User regarding such data are contained in the Privacy Statement, which is an integral part of these General Terms and Conditions (Schedule B). 14.JURISDICITION AND GOVERNING LAW 14.1. These General Terms and Conditions are drafted in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Croatia, and all unresolved disputes arising out of or in connection with these General Terms and Conditions and the Contract shall be subject to the application of Croatian law as the governing law and the exclusive jurisdiction of Croatian courts, whereby the jurisdiction as to the substance of the matter shall be determined in relation to the registered seat of TIK TAK RENTAL STATION. 14.2. For anything not regulated by these General Terms and Conditions or the Contract, Croatian law shall apply. 00.XXXXX PROVISIONS 15.1. Upon lease of the vehicle, TIK TAK RENTAL STATION shall provide the User with 1 (one) copy of the Contract, which the User must keep throughout the lease period and present to the police or other authorized persons upon request. 15.2. These General Terms and Conditions are in force as of May 2024. SCHEDULE A Price List of Additional Services and Vehicle Usage Costs: | ||||||
naknada za obradu prometne kazne i/ili druge administrativne naknade | 50 EUR | ||||||
fee for processing of the fine for the traffic office and/or other administrative fees | 50 EUR | ||||||
naknada za obradu štete po nastalom štetnom događaju | 100 EUR | ||||||
naknada za uslugu punjena spremnika goriva | 20 EUR | fee for processing of the damage upon each event of damage | 100 EUR | ||||
naknada za gubitak prometne dozvole i/ili tablice vozila | 150 EUR | fee for refueling service | 20 EUR | ||||
fee for the loss of driver's license and/or vehicle registration plates | 150 EUR | ||||||
naknada za prevtranje buggy i quad vozila (neovisno o procjeni nastale štete) | 500 EUR | ||||||
fee for rollover of buggy and quad vehicles (regardless of the | 500 EUR |
naknada zbog nemogućnosti korištenja vozila zbog štete uzrokovane xx xxxxxx korisnika (neovisno o procjeni nastale štete i izgubljene dobiti) | 300 EUR | assessment of damage incurred) | |||||
fee for inability to use the vehicle due to damage caused by the user (regardless of the assessment of damage and lost profits) | 300 EUR | ||||||
NAPOMENA: Cjenik dodatnih usluga i troškova za korištenje vozila primjenjuje se neovisno o stvarnoj nastaloj šteti xxxx xx Korisnik xxxxx naknaditi najmodavcu, u skladu s odredbama Ugovora i ovih Općih uvjeta. PRILOG B Izjava o zaštiti osobnih podataka TIK TAK RENTAL STATION, obrt za iznajmljivanje opreme za rekreaciju i sport, vl. Xxxxxx Xxxxx, Put bunara 5A, 23234 otok Vir, OIB: 81230033434 (dalje u tekstu: TIK TAK RENTAL STATION), prikuplja i obrađuje osobne podatke korisnika usluge te poduzima mjere kako bi obrada osobnih podataka bila zakonita, poštena i transparentna. U xxx smislu TIK TAK RENTAL STATION u pogledu Vaših osobnih podataka sukladno Uredbi EU 679/16 može imati ulogu voditelja i/ili izvršitelja obrade te Vas, naše korisnike usluge ovom Izjavom želimo informirati o obradi Vaših osobnih podataka, koje podatke TIK TAK RENTAL STATION prikuplja i kako se oni upotrebljavaju. Prikupljanje, obrada i uporaba podataka provode se u skladu s propisima o zaštiti podataka, te pojmovi koji se koriste u ovoj Izjavi imaju značenje određeno Uredbom EU 2016/679. 1. Kontakt podaci: TIK TAK RENTAL STATION, obrt za iznajmljivanje opreme za rekreaciju i sport, vl. Xxxxxx Xxxxx, Put bunara 5A, 23234 otok Vir, OIB: 81230033434, email: 2. TIK TAK RENTAL STATION osobne podatke prikuplja neposredno od Vas kao korisnika prilikom sklapanja Ugovora, kao i prilikom radnji koje prethode sklapanju Ugovora (upiti, ponude, rezervacije i zahtjevi u okviru narudžbe usluge) te putem videonadzora poslovnih prostorija i pripadajućeg prostora u kojem TIK TAK RENTAL STATION obavlja svoju djelatnost ili na temelju druge zakonite osnove. Kada želite sklopiti ugovor s TIK TAK RENTAL STATION, postavite zahtjev za ponudom, zatražite rezervaciju usluga te u svakom slučaju kad ulazite u ugovorni odnos s TIK TAK RENTAL STATION, trebat ćemo Vaše osobne podatke kao korisnika usluge, kako bi Vam pružili uslugu ili omogućili korištenje naših usluga. Prilikom postavljanja Vašeg zahtjeva za uslugu ili prilikom ulaska u ugovorni odnos s TIK TAK RENTAL STATION, biti ćete upoznati s vrstom i količinom podataka koje ste nam obvezni pružiti u svrhu ispunjenja Vašeg zahtjeva odnosno sklapanja i izvršenja ugovora (osobni podaci koje prikupljamo mogu uključivati ime i prezime, tvrtku ili naziv organizacije, adresu, telefon, e-mail adresu, podatke o vozačkoj dozvoli, podatke o osobnoj iskaznici /ili putovnici, podatke o Vašoj kartici i druge podatke po potrebi konkretnog ugovora). TIK TAK RENTAL STATION može tražiti od Vas i privolu za obradu Vaših osobnih podataka u svrhu koja nije po svojoj krajnjoj namjeni uvjet za izvršenje ugovora niti zakonska | NOTE: The Price list of Additional Services and Vehicle Usage Costs applies regardless of the actual damage incurred, which the User is liable to reimburse to the lessor, in accordance with the provisions of the Contract and these General Terms and Conditions. SCHEDULE B Privacy Statement TIK TAK RENTAL STATION, Business for renting recreational and sports equipment, owned by Xxxxxx Xxxxx, Put bunara 5A, 23234 Island of Vir, PIN: 81230033434 (hereinafter referred to as TIK TAK RENTAL STATION), collects and processes personal data of service users and takes measures to ensure that the processing of personal data is lawful, fair, and transparent. In this regard, TIK TAK RENTAL STATION, in accordance with the EU Regulation 679/16, may act as a data controller and/or processor and with this Statement, we aim to inform you, our service users, about the processing of your personal data, type of data TIK TAK RENTAL STATION collects, and how they are used. The collection, processing, and use of data are carried out in accordance with data protection regulations, and the terms used in this Statement have the meanings defined in the EU Regulation 2016/679. 1. Contact information: TIK TAK RENTAL STATION, Business for renting recreational and sports equipment, owned by Xxxxxx Xxxxx, Put bunara 5A, 23234 Island of Vir, PIN: 81230033434, email: 2. TIK TAK RENTAL STATION collects personal data directly from You as the User upon entering into the Contract, as well as during actions preceding the conclusion of the Contract (inquiries, offers, reservations, and requests within the service order) and through video surveillance of the commercial premises and associated space in which TIK TAK RENTAL STATION performs its activities or upon another lawful basis. When you want to conclude a contract with TIK TAK RENTAL STATION, submit a service request, make a reservation for services and in any case when You enter into a contractual relationship with TIK TAK RENTAL STATION, we will need Your personal data as a service user to provide You with the service or enable the use of our services. When submitting Your service request or entering into a contractual relationship with TIK TAK RENTAL STATION, You will be informed of the type and amount of data You are required to provide to us for the purpose of fulfilling Your request or concluding and executing the contract (personal data we collect may include Your name and surname, company or organization name, address, phone number, email address, driver's license information, ID card and/or passport information, credit card information, and other data as required by the specific contract). |
obveza TIK TAK RENTAL STATION, ili nije nužna za sklapanje i izvršenje ugovora ili nije u Vašem legitimnom interesu (npr. u svrhu marketinških aktivnosti, nuđenja novih proizvoda i usluga i sl.). Niste dužni dati privolu za takvu obradu, ali ste je slobodni dati, te je možete u svako vrijeme povući ako ste xx xxxx. TIK TAK RENTAL STATION svoju obvezu obrade Vaših podataka obavlja temeljem pravnih i zakonskih propisa. 3. TIK TAK RENTAL STATION Vaše podatke obrađuje i koristi u svrhe u koje su isti prikupljeni, kao i radi izvršenja zakonskih ili pravnih obveza, kao: a) u svrhu izvršenja ugovora u kojem ste stranka i kako bi se poduzele radnje na Vaš zahtjev prije sklapanja ugovora (npr. rezerviranje i xxxxx xxxxxx i slično); b) u svrhu za koju ste dali privolu (npr. u svrhu nuđenja novih usluga ili proizvoda, ispitivanje zadovoljstva uslugama i slično); c) ako je obrada nužna radi poštovanja pravnih i zakonskih obveza TIK TAK RENTAL STATION (npr. vođenje računovodstvenih poslova, dostava Vaših podataka nadležnom tijelu ako je vozilom koje ste koristili počinjen prekršaj, utvrđivanje nastale štete na vozilu ili slično); d) ako je obrada nužna kako bi se zaštitili Vaši ključni interesi. 4. TIK TAK RENTAL STATION xxxx Vaše podatke te se isti mogu dostaviti trećim stranama: a) xxxx xx to naša obveza prema zakonu ili kao odgovor na pravni postupak odnosno na zahtjev nadležnih institucija za provedbu zakona u vezi s prekršajnim, kaznenim ili sudskim postupcima; b) radi zaštite naših prava, privatnosti, sigurnosti ili imovine te javnosti; c) za administrativnu ili tehničku podršku (npr. izvršiteljima naših računovodstvenih poslova) ili pak druge poslovne svrhe radi olakšavanja transakcija s Vama (za pružanje pomoći/asistencije putem naših partnera i slično); d) radi traženja odgovarajućih pravnih lijekova i ograničavanja štete koja nam može biti nanesena; e) radi provođenja uvjeta bilo kojeg ugovora ili poslovnog odnosa s Vama (npr. radi izvršenja servisa ili popravka vozila kod nekog od naših partnera i slično); f) u drugim slučajevima uz Vaš pristanak. Osobni podaci mogu se prenijeti drugom pravnom subjektu u slučaju prijenosa, promjene vlasništva, reorganizacije ili prijenosa gospodarske cjeline ili njezine imovine na drugu osobu ili u drugo društvo. U slučajevima dijeljenja podataka s trećim stranama, TIK TAK RENTAL STATION će xxx stranama zabraniti korištenje Vaših osobnih podataka u drugu svrhu osim ugovorene. 5. TIK TAK RENTAL STATION xxxx osobne podatke toliko xxxx koliko je propisano zakonom ili onoliko koliko je potrebno da se tražena usluga pruži ili da se usluga ili svrha za koju ste dali privolu izvrši, osim ako zakon ne propisuje drugačije (npr. u vezi s sudskim postupkom koji je u tijeku). 6. Kada korisnik od TIK TAK RENTAL STATION zahtjeva pružanje usluge, postavlja zahtjev, traži ponudu, ulaže prigovor u svezi ugovora ili njegovog izvršenja, nužno je da TIK TAK RENTAL STATION da svoje osobne podatke koji su potrebni za identifikaciju kao korisnika usluga i konačno za sklapanje i izvršenje ugovora, za rješenje zahtjeva ili prigovora. Xxxxx xx u ovakvim situacijama davanje Vaših osobnih podataka zakonska i ugovorna obveza nužna za sklapanje i izvršenje ugovora, za rješavanje Vašeg zahtjeva ili prigovora. | TIK TAK RENTAL STATION may also ask for Your consent to process your personal data for a purpose that is not ultimately necessary for the performance of the contract or a legal obligation of TIK TAK RENTAL STATION, or is not necessary for the conclusion and execution of the contract or is not in Your legitimate interest (e.g., for marketing activities, offering new products and services, etc.). You are not obligated to give consent for such processing, but You are free to do so, and You can withdraw it at any time if You have given it. TIK TAK RENTAL STATION’s obligation to process Your data arises from legal and regulatory provisions. 3. TIK TAK RENTAL STATION processes and uses Your data for the purposes for which they were collected, as well as for the fulfillment of legal or contractual obligations, such as: a) for the performance of a contract to which You are a party and to take actions at Your request before the conclusion of the contract (e.g., reservation and lease of vehicles, etc.); b) for which You have given consent (e.g., for offering new services or products, conducting satisfaction surveys, etc.); c) if the processing is necessary to comply with legal and regulatory obligations of TIK TAK RENTAL STATION (e.g., accounting tasks, providing Your data to the competent authority if an offence is committed with the vehicle You have used, determining the damage caused to the vehicle, etc.); d) if the processing is necessary for protection of Your vital interests. 4. TIK TAK RENTAL STATION keeps Your data and may disclose it to third parties: a) when required by law or in response to a legal proceeding or request from law enforcement institutions regarding offence, criminal, or judicial proceedings; b) to protect our rights, privacy, security, or property and the public; c) for administrative or technical support (e.g., to our accounting service providers) or for other business purposes to facilitate transactions with You (for providing assistance/support through our partners, etc.); d) to seek appropriate legal remedies and limit potential damage; e) for the execution of terms of any contract or business relationship with You (e.g., for service execution or vehicle repair at one of our partners, etc.); f) in other cases with Your consent. Personal data may be transferred to another legal entity in the event of transfer, change of ownership, reorganization, or transfer of the business unit or its assets to another person or entity. In cases of data sharing with third parties, TIK TAK RENTAL STATION will prohibit these parties from using Your personal data for any purpose other than the agreed one. 5. TIK TAK RENTAL STATION keeps personal data for as long as required by law or as necessary to provide the requested service or to fulfill the service or purpose for which You gave consent, unless otherwise required by law (e.g., regarding ongoing legal proceedings). 6. When a user requests a service, submits a request, requests an offer, or raises an objection regarding the contract or its execution, it is necessary he/she provides to TIK TAK RENTAL STATION his/her personal data required for identification as the service user and finally for the conclusion and execution of the contract, or for resolving the request or objection. Therefore, in such situations, |
Zahtjev za ostvarivanjem svojih prava u pogledu obrade Vaših podataka možete postaviti xx xxxx, pod točkom 1. navedenu kontakt email adresu. Korisnik ima pravo podnošenja prigovora nadzornom tijelu u vezi obrade osobnih podataka (Agencija za zaštitu osobnih podataka) sve u skladu s važećim propisima o zaštiti osobnih podataka. | providing Your personal data is a legal and contractual obligation necessary for the conclusion and execution of the contract or for resolving Your request or objection. Requests to exercise Your rights regarding the processing of Your data can be sent to the contact email address provided above in point 1. The User has the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority regarding the processing of personal data (Croatian Personal Data Protection Agency) in accordance with applicable data protection regulations. |