Siemens Mobility doo Xxxxxxx / Yunex Traffic d.o.o. Beograd
Prilog 6 – Predlog Odluke o izmenama osnivačkog akta Sticaoca
Na osnovu odredbi člana 12 i člana 142 Zakona o privrednim društvima ("Sl. glasnik RS", br. 36/2011, 99/2011, 83/2014 - xx. xxxxx, 5/2015,
44/2018, 95/2018 i 91/2019) Siemens Mobility Holding B.V. društvo sa ograničenom odgovornošću, registrovano u skladu sa zakonima Holandije, sa registrovanim sedištem u Gravenhage (Holandija) 2595 BN' s – Gravenhage (Holandija) u Prinses Xxxxxxxxxx, 800, registrovano pri Privrednoj komori pod brojem 70211965, u svojstvu člana – osnivača donosi sledeću:
Pursuant to provisions of Articles 12 and 142 of the Company Law (Official Gazette of RS, no. 36/2011, 99/2011, 83/2014, - other law, 5/2015, 44/2018,
95/2018 and 91/2019) Siemens Mobility Holding B.V., a private company with limited liability (besloten vennootschap met beperkte aansprakelijkheid), incorporated under the laws of the Netherlands, with its corporate seat in ’s- Gravenhage (the Netherlands) and its place of business at 2595 BN ’s-Gravenhage (the Netherlands), Prinses Xxxxxxxxxxx 000, registered with the trade register under number 70211965, as the shareholder renders the following:
o izmenama i dopunama Odluke
o osnivanju privrednog društva Yunex Traffic d.o.o. Beograd (u daljem tekstu: Društvo)
on Amendments and Supplements of the Decision
on the incorporation of company Yunex Traffic d.o.o. Beograd (hereinafter referred to as: “Company”)
kojom se menja Odluka o osnivanju Društva od 24.02.2021. godine tako da se njene odredbe stavljaju xxx xxxxx, xx u skladu s xxx Osnivački akt Društva xxxx glasi kako sledi:
by virtue of which the Decision on the incorporation of the Company from 24 February 2021 is being changed so that its provisions ceased to apply and accordingly the Articles of Association of a Company now read as follows:
1.1. Osnivač ovim aktom realizuje interes za osnivanje privrednog društva koje će poslovati u oblasti proizvodnje, prometa i usluga.
1.1. Xxxxxx the founder realizes its interest for the incorporation of a company which will operate in the area of production, trade and services.
1.2. Ova Odluka predstavlja osnivački akt Društva koje se osniva u formi jednočlanog društva sa ograničenom odgovornošću, sa jednodomnim upravljanjem, kao društva kapitala koje obavlja svoju delatnost na tržištu radi sticanja dobiti.
1.2. This decision represents Articles of Association of the Company which is being founded in form of a single member limited liability company with one-tier system, as a capital company that conducts its business in the market in order to gain profit.
1.3. Društvo je pravno lice i ima pravo da u pravnom prometu zaključuje ugovore i vrši druge pravne poslove i pravne radnje u okviru predmeta svog poslovanja i u okviru svoje pravne i poslovne sposobnosti.
1.3. The Company is a legal entity and has the right to conclude contracts and perform other legal activities and legal actions within the scope of its business and its legal capacity.
1.4. Društvo je dužno da posluje u skladu sa zakonom, dobrim poslovnim običajima i poslovnim moralom.
1.4. The Company is required to operate in compliance with the laws, fair practices and business morals.
1.5. Društvo se osniva na neodređeno vreme. 1.5. The Company is being incorporated for an
indefinite period of time.
2.1. Osnivač i jedini član Društva sa 100% udela u Društvu je:
2.1. The founder and sole shareholder of the Company is:
Prinses Xxxxxxxxxxx, 000, ’s- Gravenhage, Holandija,
registracioni broj 70211965
Prinses Xxxxxxxxxxx, 000, ’x- Xxxxxxxxxx, xxx Xxxxxxxxxxx,
registration number 70211965
2.2. Društvo i njegov osnivač ne odobravaju bilo koje posebne pogodnosti bilo kom licu koje je učestvovalo u osnivanju Društva ili u poslovima pre osnivanja Društva ili utvrđivanja ispunjenosti uslova za početak poslovanja.
2.2. The Company and its founder do not grant any special benefits to any person who participated in the founding of the Company or in its business operations prior to the incorporation of the Company or during fulfilment of its eligibility to commence business activities.
3.1. Puno poslovno ime Društva je: 3.1. The business name of the company shall
Yunex Traffic d.o.o. Beograd Yunex Traffic d.o.o. Beograd
3.2. Skraćeno poslovno ime Društva je: 3.2. The abbreviated business name of the
Company shall be:
Yunex Traffic d.o.o. Beograd Yunex Traffic d.o.o. Beograd
3.3. Sedište Društva je u ul. Omladinskih brigada 90v, 11070 Novi Beograd, Republika Srbija.
3.3. The Company’s seat shall be at Omladinskih xxxxxxx 00x, 00000 Xxxx Xxxxxxx, Xxxxxxxx xx Xxxxxx.
3.4. Adresa Društva za prijem elektronske pošte je:
3.4. The Email Reception Company address is:
3.5. Poslovna pisma i druga dokumenta
Društva, uključujući i one u elektronskoj formi, koji
3.5. Business letters and other documents of the Company, including those in electronic form,
su upućeni trećim licima sadrže sledeće podatke: poslovno ime ili skraćeno poslovno ime Društva, sedište, imena zakonskih zastupnika Društva, registar u kojem je registrovano, matični i broj registracije Društva, poslovno ime i sedište banke kod koje Društvo ima račun, kao i broj računa, poreski identifikacioni broj, podatke o osnovnom kapitalu Društva sa naznakom koliko je od toga uplaćeni i uneti, a koliko upisani kapital i naznaku da se radi o jednočlanom društvu.
sent to third parties shall contain the following information: business name or abbreviated business name of the Company, its seat, names of the Company’s legal representatives, the register in which it is registered, corporate identification number and registration number of the Company, the business name and head office of the bank with which the Company has an account, as well as the bank account number, tax identification number, information on the initial capital of the Company, indicating the registered as well as contributed capital, as well as an indication that it is a one-member company.
3.6. Društvo ima jedan ili više pečata koje upotrebljava u poslovnim pismima i drugim dokumentima Društva, na način utvrđen zakonom i internim aktima.
3.6. The Company has one or more stamps which it uses in business letters and other documents of the Company, in the manner prescribed by law and internal acts.
4.1. Društvo će, u zavisnosti od ispunjenja uslova u pogledu tehničke opreme, zaštite na radu, zaštite i poboljšanja uslova životne sredine, kao i drugih uslova predviđenih zakonom, imati pravo da se bavi svim zakonom dozvoljenim delatnostima, kako u unutrašnjem, tako i spoljnotrgovinskom prometu.
4.1. Depending on the fulfillment of requirements regarding technical capacities, occupational safety, protection and improvement of environmental conditions, as well as other conditions stipulated by the law, the Company will have the right to engage in all legally permitted activities, in both domestic and foreign trade.
4.2. Delatnost Društva xxxx xx biti registrovana u Registru privrednih subjekata Agencije za privredne registre kao pretežna delatnost glasi:
4.2. The business activity of the Company which shall be registered with the Business Registers Agency as the Company’s prevailing business activity is:
Trgovina na veliko elektronskim i telekomunikacionim delovima i opremom
Wholesale of Electronic and Telecommunications Equipment and Parts
4.3. Društvo može da obavlja i delatnosti za koje je zakonom propisano prethodno pribavljanje saglasnosti, dozvole ili drugog akta državnog organa, samo po dobijanju te dozvole, saglasnosti ili drugog akta državnog organa.
4.3. The Company may also perform activities for which the law requires priorly obtained consent, permission or other approval of a state authority, only after obtaining such permission, consent or other approval of a state authority.
5.1. Ukupni novčani ulog jedinog člana Društva koji istovremeno predstavlja ukupni
5.1. The total pecuniary contribution of the sole shareholder of the Company which at the
upisani osnovni kapital Društva je novčani kapital
koji iznosi:
Upisani novčani kapital
1.387.000,00 RSD
Upisani nenovčani kapital
7.344.000,00 RSD
Uplaćeni novčani kapital
1.387.000,00 RSD
Uneti nenovčani kapital
7.344.000,00 RSD
Ovaj osnovni kapital je u celosti uplaćen xx xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx.
same time represents the total subscribed initial capital of the Company is the pecuniary capital which amounts to:
Inscribed Cash Capital 1,387,000.00 RSD
Inscribed Non-Pecuniary Capital 7,344,000.00 RSD
Contributed Cash Capital 1,387,000.00 RSD
Contributed Non-Pecuniary Capital 7,344,000.00 RSD
This Initial Capital is fully contributed by the founder.
5.2. Osnovni kapital Društva može se odlukom Skupštine povećati novim ulozima ili pretvaranjem raspoloživih rezervi za ove namene u osnovni kapital. Osnovni kapital Društva može se smanjiti u skladu sa uslovima i u postupku propisanim zakonom.
5.2. The initial capital of the Company may be increased by a decision of the Assembly with new contributions or by converting available reserves for these purposes into initial capital. The initial capital of the Company may be reduced in accordance with the conditions and in the procedure prescribed by law.
5.3. Na osnovu svog uloga Xxxxxxx xxxxx 100% udela u Društvu.
5.3. Based on its contribution, the shareholder acquires a 100% shareholding in the Company.
6.1. Društvo, odnosno za to nadležni organi Društva sačinjavaju, vode i čuvaju izveštaje o poslovanju i poslovne knjige u skladu sa zakonom, internim aktima i smernicama matičnog društva.
6.1. The Company, i.e. its competent bodies keep and maintain business reports and business books in accordance with the law, internal acts and guidelines of the holding company.
6.2. Poslovna xxxxxx traje od 1. januara do 31. decembra. Po pribavljanim odobrenjem nadležnog organa, Društvo može ustanoviti i drugačije trajanje poslovne godine
6.2. The business year shall run from 1st of January to 31st of December. Upon obtaining a relevant approval of the competent authority, the Company may decide on different duration of a business year.
7.1. Upravljanje Društvom organizovano xx xxx jednodomno. Organi Društva su Direktori i Skupština Društva. Direktori čine Poslovodstvo Društva
7.1. Management of the Company shall be organized according to the one-tier system. The bodies of the Company are the Directors and the Assembly of the Company. The Directors constitute the management of the Company.
7.2. S obzirom da je Xxxxxxx jedini član Društva on čini Skupštinu, odnosno vrši njenu funkciju. Zakonski zastupnik Osnivača ili drugo lice koje on ovlasti punomoćjem zastupa člana na Skupštini Društva. U pogledu delokruga, xxxxxx xxxx i održavanja sednica Skupštine Društva xxxx pravila utvrđena zakonom. Skupština je, između ostalog, nadležna i za sledeća pitanja:
- da odlučuje o izmenama i dopunama Osnivačkog akta;
- da imenuje, razrešava i utvrđuje prava i obaveze Direktora, drugih registrovanih zastupnika Društva i zaključenje ugovora sa njima;
- odobravanje finansijskih izveštaja, bilansa, izveštaja revizora;
- vršenje nadzora nad radom Poslovodstva i usvajanje njihovih izveštaja;
7.2. Since the founder is the only shareholder in the Company, it shall constitute the Assembly,
i.e. shall perform its function. The legal representative of the founder or any other person authorized by the power of attorney represents the shareholder at the Assembly of the Company. Regarding the scope, manner of work and holding sessions of the Assembly of the Company, the rules established by law shall apply. The Assembly is responsible, inter alia, for the following issues:
- to decide on amendments additions of the Articles of Association
- to appoint, dismiss and determine the rights and obligations of the Directors, other registered representatives of the Company and conclude contracts with them;
- approval of financial statements, balance sheets, auditor's statements;
- supervision of the work of Management and approval of their statements and reports;
- Imenovanje revizora Društva; - Appointment of the auditor of the Company;
- Raspodela dobiti i pokriće gubitaka; - Distribution of profit and loss coverage;
- Povećanje i smanjenje osnovnog kapitala Društva;
- Sticanje vlastitih udela, povlačenje i poništenje
- Increase and decrease of the Company’s
initial capital;
- Acquisition of own shares, withdrawal and cancellation of shares;
- Davanje prokure; - Granting procura;
- Statusne promene, promene pravne forme i
prestanak Društva.
- Status changes, changes of the legal form and terminating the Company
7.3. U slučaju da shodno pravilima propisanim zakonom podela nadležnosti između Skupštine i Direktora, tj. Poslovodstva nije jasna, tj. ukoliko o tome postoji bilo kakva sumnja, konačan stav o tome daje Skupština.
7.3. In case, according to the rules prescribed by law, the division of competences between the Assembly and the Director, i.e. Management is dubious, i.e. if there is any doubt in respect to that issue, the Assembly will give a final view on it.
8.1. Članovi Poslovodstva vode poslove Društva u skladu sa zakonom, Osnivačkim aktom
8.1. The members of the management shall
manage the Company’s business in accordance
u trenutno važećoj redakciji, odlukama članova i poslovnicima Društva i slede smernice koje donesu i usvoje članovi društva.
with the law, the most recent version of the Articles of Association, the resolutions of the shareholders and the Bylaws for the management of the Company and shall follow the instructions issued by the shareholders.
8.2. U okviru odgovornosti Poslovodstva je da vodi poslove Društva u skladu sa smernicama koncerna kojem Društvo pripada. Poslovodstvo, u xxx okvirima posebno xxxx obratiti pažnju na važeća pravila u koncernu koja se odnose na Program saobraznosti poslovanja sa zakonom i na važeća pravila upravljanja rizicima i unutrašnje kontrole, planiranje, investiranje, razvoj personala, strateško upravljanje i korporativno izveštavanje, a koja su na snazi u okviru koncerna.
8.2. The responsibility of the management of the Company requires them to manage the Company’s business in accordance with the guidelines of the Group. The management of the Company shall in particular give due consideration in this connection to the provision of the Group’s Compliance Program and the regulations on the Risk and Internal Control System, planning, investment, human resource development, strategic management and corporate reporting that are in force throughout the Group.
8.3. Poslovodstvo Društva obezbeđuje poštovanje svih primenjivih zakonskih pravila i internih smernica i stara se da obezbedi njihovo poštovanje xx xxxxxx zavisnih društava (program usklađenosti poslovanja sa zakonom). Poslovodstvo obezbeđuje adekvatan sistem interne i kontrole rizika.
8.3. The management of the Company shall ensure that all applicable statutory provisions and internal company guidelines are observed and shall also endeavor to ensure their observation by subsidiary companies (compliance). The management of the Company shall ensure an adequate Risk and Internal Control System.
8.4. Radi očuvanja funkcionalne saradnje u okviru koncerna, dužnost je Direktora koji je imenovan za CEO, da se u okviru sfere svoje odgovornosti stara da svi članovi Poslovodstva,
a) sebe stalno informišu o internim pravilima matičnog društva i povezanog društva sa nadležnostima u stvarima koje se tiču generalne politike („interna pravila“), a za slučaj da su ova primenjiva na Društvo
b) da vrše provere da xx xx moguća primena internih pravila u Društvu u skladu sa merodavnim pravom.
Ukoliko provera ima pozitivan ishod, Poslovodstvo preduzima sve neophodne mere, kako bi interna pravila bila brzo sprovedena u Društvu i kako bi instanca u okviru koncerna, centralno odgovorna za sprovođenje internih pravila bila bez odlaganja informisana o sprovođenju pravila, uz podnošenje odgovarajuće dokumentacije.
Ukoliko Poslovodstvo sazna da sprovođenje internog pravila u Društvu nije moguće iz
8.4. In order to ensure efficient collaboration within the Group, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) shall ensure that, within his respective areas of responsibility, all members of the management:
a) keep themselves up to date on all internal regulations of the holding company and of the company belonging to the group, with authority in matters of general policy ("internal regulations"), as far as applicable for the Company;
b) examine whether implementation of internal regulations in the Company is permitted under local law.
If this examination yields a positive result, the management of the Company shall take all necessary measures to implement the internal regulation promptly in the Company and shall without delay submit notification, including the corresponding documentation, to the issuing unit and the unit with central responsibility for the implementation of internal regulations within the Group..
zakonskih razloga, ili da je moguće samo uz izmene, dužno je da bez odlaganja o tome obavesti izdavaoca i centralno odgovornu instancu u okviru koncerna, zaduženu za sprovođenje internih pravila uz obrazloženje razloga. Do konačnog razjašnjenja načina sprovođenja, Poslovodstvo sprovodi interno pravilo u onolikoj meri koliko je to pravno moguće, i na način koji je najbliži smislu i svrsi pravila; c) da postojeća pravila, koja protivureče internim pravilima, stave van snage tako što će sprovesti važeće interno pravilo; d) da nakon sprovođenja internog pravila preduzmu sve neophodne mere, kako bi osigurali stalno poštovanje tog pravila i regularnu kontrolu poštovanja tog pravila; e) da bez odlaganja informišu instancu koja izdaje i instancu u okviru koncerna centralno odgovornu za sprovođenje internih pravila čim primena jednog od internih pravila sprovedenih u Društvu postane (u potpunosti) nemoguća iz pravnih razloga; f) da na primeren način dokumentuju proces informisanja, provere, sprovođenja i obaveštavanja koji se odnosi na interna pravila definisana u tačkama od a) do e); g) da takođe uspostave i obezbede poštovanje propisanih načela od a) do f) i u povezanim društvima, u kojima Društvo ima većinsko učešće, kao obavezu tamošnjeg predsedavajućeg rukovodstva (CEO) i ostalih članova rukovodstva tog povezanog lica a vršeći prava koja mu po osnovu takvog učešća u kapitalu tog društva pripadaju. | If the management of the Company conclude that, for legal reasons, an internal regulation cannot be implemented in the Company or can be implemented in the Company only with amendments, the management of the Company shall without delay notify the issuing unit and the unit with central responsibility for the implementation of internal regulations within the Group and explain the reasons. Until the ultimate nature and manner of implementation have been clarified, the management of the Company shall implement the internal regulation to the extent permissible under the law in such a way that the measure implemented comes as close as possible to the original purpose and object of the regulation. c) cancel any existing regulations that contradict the internal regulations as each of these is implemented d) take all measures necessary, following the implementation of an internal regulation, to ensure that it is complied with at all times and that compliance is regularly monitored; e) inform the issuing office and the central unit responsible for the implementation of internal regulations within the Group as soon as it is no longer possible, for legal reasons, to (fully) apply an internal regulation already implemented in the Company ; f) to adequately document the notification, examination, implementation and reporting process set out in (a) to (e); g) through the exercise of the Company's participation rights in the Affiliated Companies in which the Company holds a majority of the voting rights, establish the commitment of the respective CEO of the Affiliated Company and hence enforce compliance with the principles laid down in a) to f) above by the members of the management of this Affiliated Company |
9.1. Društvo ima dva Direktora. Društvo zastupaju Direktori, registrovani Zastupnik(ci) i Prokuristi Društva, ukoliko su imenovani. Svi navedeni zastupnici zastupaju Društvo shodno načelu „četiri oka“. Shodno navedenom načelu, Direktor zastupa Društvo uz supotpis sa drugim Direktorom ili jednim od registrovanih Zastupnika ili Prokuristom Društva, ukoliko su Zastupnici ili Prokuristi imenovani. Registrovani Zastupnik zastupa Društvo uz supotpis Direktora ili Prokuriste Društva, ukoliko su oni imenovani. Prokurista, ukoliko je imenovan, zastupa Društvo uz supotpis Direktora ili registrovanog Zastupnika.
9.1. The Company has two directors (Directors). The Company is represented by the Directors, the registered representative(s) and the procurators of the Company, if appointed. All the above representatives represent the Company in accordance with the "four eyes" principle. In accordance with this principle, a Director represents the Company with a co-signature with another Director or one of registered representatives or the procurator of the Company, if they are appointed. A registered representative represents the Company with co-signature of a director or procurator of the Company, if they are appointed. A procurator, if appointed, shall represent the Company with the co-signature of a Director or a registered Representative.
9.2. Direktori mogu ovlastiti rukovodioce pojedinih organizacionih celina u Društvu da zastupaju Društvo u poslovima tih organizacionih celina sa trećim licima i do određene vrednosti (Punomoćnici). I u takvim slučajevima obezbediće se primena načela „četiri oka“.
9.2. Directors may authorize the heads of certain organizational units in the Company to represent the Company in the affairs of those organizational units with third parties and up to a certain value (proxies). In such cases, the application of the "four eyes" principle will also be ensured.
9.3. Direktor, registrovani Zastupnik, Prokuristi i Punomoćnici Društva prilikom vršenja zastupničkih ovlašćenja dužni su da postupaju u skladu sa Zakonom, internim aktima Društva i koncerna i nalozima Osnivača. Ovo naročito podrazumeva dužnosti kao što su dužnost postupanja sa odgovarajućim stepenom pažnje, dužnost prijavljivanja poslova i radnji u kojima postoji lični interes, dužnost izbegavanja sukoba interesa, dužnost čuvanja poslovne xxxxx i dužnost poštovanja zabrane konkurencije i xx. Xxxx koja xx xxxx navedenih lica, koja prekrše zakonske dužnosti, prekorače ograničenja ili nalog, odgovorna su za štetu koja se time prouzrokuje Društvu ili trećem licu sa xxxxx xx posao zaključen.
9.3. Director, registered representatives, procurators and proxies of the Company, while exercising their representative powers, are obliged to act in accordance with the law, internal acts of the Company and the group and instructions of the shareholder. This includes, in particular, duties such as the duty to act with an appropriate extent of care, the duty to report jobs and actions in which there is a self-interest, the duty to avoid conflicts of interest, the duty to keep business secrets, and the duty to respect non- competition obligations, etc. Any of the above persons, who breach their legal duties, exceed the limits or the order given, shall be liable for the damages thereby caused to the Company or to the third party with whom the business is concluded.
10.1. Ovaj Osnivački akt može se menjati samo odlukom Skupštine Društva koju potpisuje zakonski zastupnik člana Društva ili punomoćnik člana Društva u skladu sa Specijalnim punomoćjem izdatim za tu svrhu. Izmene
10.1. This Articles of Association may be amended only by a decision of the Assembly of the Company signed by the legal representative of the shareholder of the Company or its proxy in accordance with a Special Power of Attorney
Osnivačkog akta se overavaju pred nadležnim
issued for this purpose. Amendments to the Articles of Association shall be verified before the competent authority.
10.2. Ova Odluka sačinjena je u 5 (pet) istovetnih primeraka. Jedan primerak služi za potrebe overe, jedan za potrebe registracije, a ostali primerci za potrebe Osnivača i Društva.
10.2. This decision has been executed in 5 (five) identical counterparts. One counterpart is for verification purposes, one for registration and the other for the shareholder and the Company.
10.3. U slučaju odstupanja ili protivrečnosti između teksta ove odluke na srpskom i engleskom jeziku, tekst odluke na srpskom je merodavan.
10.3. In case of discrepancy or inconsistency between the text of this Decision in Serbian and English, the text of the decision in Serbian shall prevail.
U Beogradu, xxxx [●] godine. | In Belgrade, on [●] |
Po specijalnom punomoćju izdatom xx xxxxxx Siemens Mobility Holding B.V. overenom kod javnog beležnika xxxx [●]. godine | By special Power of Attorney issued by Siemens Mobility Holding B.V.and verified by notary on the [●] |
[●] |