Br. certif: 2-00910-2019
Br. certif: 0-00000-0000
Eko sucus d.o.o.
Certifikat 2018.
Xxxxxxxxxxx 00, 00000 Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx, Grad Zagreb HRVATSKA
OIB: HR66028599476
Gore navedeni subjekt sa glavnom djelatnošću "poljoprivredna proizvodnja" ima valjani ugovor o nadzoru sa Austria Bio Garantie GmbH (AT-BIO-301, akreditiran prema ISO 17065), zastupan u Hrvatskoj od Austria Bio Garantie d.o.o. (HR-EKO-07) od 24.05.2017. Na temelju nadzora provedenog 03.07.2018. subjekt je certificiran prema sljedećim pravilima:
• Uredba (EZ) br. 834/2007 i provedbena pravila, važeća verzija
Ovaj dokumenat izdan je na temelju Članka 29(1) Uredbe (EZ) br. 834/2007 i Uredbe (EZ) br. 889/2008. Deklarirani subjekt stavio je svoje aktivnosti pod nadzor, i upoznao se s propisanim zahtjevima nazvanim Propisi.
Proizvodi subjekta navedeni u nastavku mogu biti deklarirani kao sljedeći:
Proizvod(grupa): Deklaracija:
Biljna proizvodnja:
jabuka ekološki proizvod
Florina/Xxxxxxx, Xxxxxx, Sirius, Topaz
Prerađeni proizvodi:
sok od jabuke ekološki proizvod
Tijekom spomenutog perioda, ovaj certifikat zadržava valjanost ako:
a) Proizvodi moraju biti u skladu s navedenim propisima.
b) Valjani ugovor o nadzoru je dokaz
c) Kod ulaza novih životinja mora se poštivati prijelazno razdoblje
Certifikat vrijedi od 06.05.2019.:
Biljna proizvodnja: žetva 2018, ne kasnije od 31.01.2020. Proizvodi za daljnju preradu/usluge:
Do obnove certifikacije, ne kasnije od 31.01.2020.
Voditelj odjela nadzora
Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx (odgovoran za nadzore)
Izvršni Direktor
dipl. ing. Xxxx Xxxxxxxxxxxx (odgovoran za certifikaciju)
Austria Bio Garantie d.o.o.
Franje Punčeca 4, 40000 Čakovec, Hrvatska Kodni broj kontrolnog tijela: HR-EKO-07, Matični broj subjekta: 080665069 |
Sjedište: Xxxxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxx 0, 0000 Xxxxxxxxxx, Austrija Kodni broj kontrolnog tijela: AT-BIO-301, Matični broj subjekta: 78753p
Broj stranke: 763826 ABG0417HR Ecert Verzija 5.2 Stranica 1 od 2
Čakovec, 06.05.2019.
Cert. No: 0-00000-0000
Eko sucus d.o.o.
Certificate 2018
Xxxxxxxxxxx 00, 00000 Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx, Grad Zagreb CROATIA
OIB: HR66028599476
The above mentioned operator with the main activity "agricultural production" has been in possession of a valid inspection contract with Austria Bio Garantie GmbH (AT-BIO-301, accredited to ISO 17065), represented in Croatia by Austria Bio Garantie d.o.o. (HR-EKO-07) since 2017-05-24. On the basis of the inspection conducted on 2018-07-03 the operator is certified according to the following rules:
• Council Regulation (EC) No 834/2007 and its implementing rules, as amended
This document has been issued on the basis of Article 29(1) of Regulation (EC) No 834/2007 and of Regulation (EC) No 889/2008. The declared operator has submitted his activities under control, and meets the requirements laid down in the named Regulation.
The operator's products listed below may be declared as follows:
Product(group): Declaration:
Plant production:
apple organic product
Florina/Xxxxxxx, Xxxxxx, Sirius, Topaz
Processed product/s:
apple juice organic product
During the named period, this certificate retains validity only if:
a) The products must be in accordance with the named regulations.
b) A valid inspection contract is in evidence.
c) Conventional animal input is fully converted.
Validity of the certificate from 2019-05-06:
Plant products: harvest 2018, not later than 2020-01-31 Products for further processing/services:
until renewal of certification, not later than 2020-01-31
Technical site manager
Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx (responsible for inspections)
Managing Director
Dipl.-Ing. Xxxx Xxxxxxxxxxxx (responsible for certifications)
Austria Bio Garantie d.o.o.
Franje Punčeca 4, 40000 Čakovec, Croatia Code number of control body: HR-EKO-07, Comm. Reg. No: 080665069 | Headquarters: Xxxxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxx 0, 0000 Xxxxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxx Code number of control body: AT-BIO-301, Comm. Reg. No: 78753p
Customer number: 763826 ABG0417EN Ecert Version 5.2 Page 2 of 2
Čakovec, 2019-05-06