Br. certif: 2-03583-2017
Br. certif: 0-00000-0000
DUO-PORT d.o.o.
Certifikat 2017.
Radnička 30, 42000 Varaždin, Varaždinska HRVATSKA
OIB: HR29235621414
Xxxx navedeni subjekt sa glavnom djelatnošću "poljoprivredna proizvodnja" ima valjani ugovor o nadzoru sa Austria Bio Garantie GmbH (AT-BIO-301, akreditiran prema ISO 17065), zastupan u Hrvatskoj od Austria Bio Garantie d.o.o. (HR-EKO-07) od 09.05.2016. Na temelju nadzora provedenog 18.05.2017. subjekt je certificiran prema sljedećim pravilima:
• Uredba (EZ) br. 834/2007 i provedbena pravila, važeća verzija
Ovaj dokumenat izdan je na temelju Članka 29(1) Uredbe (EZ) br. 834/2007 i Uredbe (EZ) br. 889/2008. Deklarirani subjekt stavio je svoje aktivnosti pod nadzor, i upoznao se s propisanim zahtjevima nazvanim Propisi.
Proizvodi subjekta navedeni u nastavku mogu biti deklarirani kao sljedeći:
Proizvod(grupa): Deklaracija:
Biljna proizvodnja:
aronija proizvod u prijelaznom razdoblju (1)
Prerađeni proizvodi:
sok od aronije proizvod u prijelaznom razdoblju (1)
Urod ili proizvodi iz paralelne proizvodnje ne mogu se označiti kao ekološki ili proizvod iz prijelaznog razdoblja prema ekološkoj poljoprivredi (2):
crvena djetelina, pčele, med
Tijekom spomenutog perioda, ovaj certifikat zadržava valjanost ako:
a) Proizvodi moraju biti u skladu s navedenim propisima.
b) Valjani ugovor o nadzoru je dokaz
c) Kod ulaza novih životinja xxxx xx poštivati prijelazno razdoblje
Period valjanosti nakon datuma izdavanja:
Biljna proizvodnja: žetva 2017, ne kasnije od 31.01.2019. Proizvodi za daljnju preradu/usluge:
Do obnove certifikacije, ne kasnije od 31.01.2019.
(1) Ovi proizvodi moraju biti etiketirani sa obaveznom deklaracijom: "proizvodi u prijelaznom razdoblju prema ekološkoj poljoprivredi". (2) konvencionalni dio gospodarstva prema članku 11 Uredbe (EZ-a) br. 834/2007
Odjel poljoprivredne proizvodnje
Xxxxx-Xxxx Xxxxxx-Xxxxxxxx (odgovorna za nadzore)
Izvršni Direktor
dipl. ing. Xxxx Xxxxxxxxxxxx (odgovoran za certifikaciju)
Austria Bio Garantie d.o.o.
Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx 12, 40000 Čakovec, Hrvatska Kodni broj kontrolnog tijela: HR-EKO-07, Matični broj subjekta: 080665069 |
Sjedište: Xxxxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxx 0, 0000 Xxxxxxxxxx, Austrija Kodni broj kontrolnog tijela: AT-BIO-301, Matični broj subjekta: 78753p
Broj stranke: 758723 ABG0417HR Ecert Verzija 4.0 Stranica 1 od 2
Cert. No: 0-00000-0000
DUO-PORT d.o.o.
Certificate 2017
Radnička 30, 42000 Varaždin, Varaždinska CROATIA
OIB: HR29235621414
The above mentioned operator with the main activity "agricultural production" has been in possession of a valid inspection contract with Austria Bio Garantie GmbH (AT-BIO-301, accredited to ISO 17065), represented in Croatia by Austria Bio Garantie d.o.o. (HR-EKO-07) since 2016-05-09. On the basis of the inspection conducted on 2017-05-18 the operator is certified according to the following rules:
• Regulation (EC) No 834/2007 and Implementing Rules, current version
This document has been issued on the basis of Article 29(1) of Regulation (EC) No 834/2007 and of Regulation (EC) No 889/2008. The declared operator has submitted his activities under control, and meets the requirements laid down in the named Regulation.
The operator's products listed below may be declared as follows:
Product(group): Declaration:
Plant production:
chokeberry in-conversion product (1)
Processed product/s:
aronia juice in-conversion product (1)
Harvests or products from parallel production must not be declared as organic or product under conversion to organic agriculture (2):
red clover, bees, honey
During the named period, this certificate retains Validity after date of issue:
validity only if: Plant products: harvest 2017, not later than 2019-01-31
a) The products must be in accordance with the named Products for further processing/services:
regulations. until renewal of certification, not later than 2019-01-31
b) A valid inspection contract is in evidence.
c) Conventional animal input is fully converted.
(1) This product has to be labelled with the obligatory declaration: "product under conversion to organic agriculture". (2) conventional operating site according Art. 11 of Reg (EC) Nr. 834/2007
Department agriculture
Xxxxx-Xxxx Xxxxxx-Xxxxxxxx (responsible for inspections)
Managing Director
Dipl.-Ing. Xxxx Xxxxxxxxxxxx (responsible for certifications)
Austria Bio Garantie d.o.o.
Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx 12, 40000 Čakovec, Croatia Code number of control body: HR-EKO-07, Comm. Reg. No: 080665069 | Headquarters: Xxxxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxx 0, 0000 Xxxxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxx Code number of control body: AT-BIO-301, Comm. Reg. No: 78753p
Customer number: 758723
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