Na osnovu člana 21 stav 2 Zakona o zaključivanju i izvršavanju međunarodnih ugovora („Službeni list CG“, broj 77/08), Vlada Crne Xxxx xx sjednici od.........................2012. godine, donijela je
Član 1
Objavljuje se Sporazum između Vlade Crne Xxxx i Vlade Republike Slovenije o međunarodnom drumskom prevozu putnika i robe, potpisan u Podgorici 22. xxxx 2009. godine, u originalu na engleskom jeziku.
Član 2
Tekst Sporazuma iz člana 1 ove odluke, u originalu na engleskom i prevodu na crnogorski jezik, glasi:
The Government of the Montenegro and the Government of the Republic of Slovenia, hereinafter referred to as the Contracting Parties;
Anxious to establish to the development of trade and economic relations between two countries;
Determined to promote cooperation in international transport within the framework of the market economy;
Concerned about the protection of the environment and people, the rational consumption of energy, road safety and the improvement of drivers working conditions;
Aiming towards the development of transport intermodality;
Recognizing the mutual interest and advantage of an agreement on international road transport;
Have agreed as follows:
Article 1 Scope of application
1. The present Agreement regulates the international transport of passengers and goods by road performed by transport operators established in the territory of a Contracting Party by means of vehicles registered in that territory, with the points of departure in the territory of one Contraction Party and destination in the other Contracting Party or in transit through territory of one of the Contracting Party.
2. This Agreement does not affect the rights and obligations arising from the other international commitments of the two Contracting Parties, nor does it affect the regulations of the European Union and the international agreements between the European Union and non-member States.
Article 2 Definitions
In this Agreement some terms have the following meaning:
1. "Transport Operator" means any natural or legal person authorized to perform the international carriage of passenger and goods by road, in accordance with regulations of a Contracting Party on which territory it is established.
2. "Vehicle" means a motor vehicle or a combination of vehicles, registered in the territory of one of the Contracting Parties and by virtue of its construction and equipment intended for the international transport of passengers or goods by road, at the disposal of transport operator through being its own property or through a hiring or leasing contract.
3. "Bus" means a vehicle registered in the territory of one of the Contracting Parties and by virtue of construction and equipment suitable and intended for the transport of passengers and which has, in addition to the driver's seat, more than eight sitting places.
4. "Transport" means the operations of a vehicle, either laden or unladen, including the transport of vehicles by train or boat for a part of the journey.
5. "Cabotage" means the transport of passengers or goods between some points within the territory of one Contracting Party carried out by a transport operator of the other Contracting Party.
6. "Combined Transport" means the transport of goods whereby the lorry, trailer, semi- trailer, swap body or container, with or without tractor, use the road for the initial or terminal leg of the journey, which is as short as possible, and travel by rail, waterway or sea for the major part of the journey.
7. "Territory of a Contracting Party" means respectively the territory of Montenegro and the territory of Republic of Slovenia.
8. "Country of establishment" means the territory of the Contracting Party within which the transport operator is established and in which the vehicle is registered.
9. "Host country" means the territory of a Contracting Party in which the transport operator is operating without its vehicle being registered there and without the transport operator being established there.
10. "Regular passenger service" means a service which carries passengers over a specified route, according to a timetable and price list set and published in advance. The regular passenger service is intended for everyone under the same conditions, with passengers picked up and set down at predetermined stopping points.
11. "Shuttle service" means a service whereby, by means of repeated outward and return journeys, previously organized groups of passengers are carried from a single place of departure to a single destination. The place of departure and the place of destination respectively mean the place where the journey begins and the place where the journey ends, together with, in each case, the surrounding locality within a 50 km radius. Each group consists of the passengers who travel together and return to the place of departure on a later journey. The service as a shuttle service is not affected by the fact that some passengers make the return journey with another group. The first return journey and the last outward journey in a series of shuttle services are made unladen.
12. "Occasional service" means a service falling neither within the definition of a regular passenger service nor within the definition of a shuttle service, where frequency or number of services does not affect their classification as an occasional service.
13. "Control document" means the waybill which includes the data on the vehicle, transport operator, driving personnel, type of carriage, itinerary and passengers.
Article 3
Regular passenger services
1. Regular passenger services operated by bus shall be subject to a system of authorizations issued by the oompetent authority in the country of departure, destination and transit.
2. The authorization application referred to in the first paragraph of this Article should be made to the competent authority in the country of establishment of the transport operator. If the competent authority of the country of establishment approves the application, the application is communicated to the competent authority of the host country.
The Joint Committee set up under Article 14 hereof decides on the form the application for authorization takes and the supporting documents required, as well as on environmental, safety and other conditions for the issue of an authorization.
3. The authorization referred to in the first paragraph of this Article is issued by joint agreement by the competent authorities of the Contracting Parties.The decision to grant authorization or refuse an application should be taken by the competent authorities of the Contracting Parties within a period of 90 days from the day of receipt of the application for authorization from the competent authority of the Country of establishment, if there are no unpredictable circumstances.
In the event of unpredictable circumstance, this deadline may be changed on which the competent authorities keep each other informed. The authorization referred to in the first paragraph of this Article is valid for a maximum of five years. It sets out the operating conditions for the performance of regular passenger services.
4. Changes in operating conditions and the cancellation of the service are decided according to the procedure set out in paragraphs 2 and 3 of this Article. If there is no longer any demand for the service, the operator can cancel it informing competent authorities which issued the permits and customers as well, within the period fixed by the Joint Committee from the Article 14 of this Agreement.
Article 4 Occasional and shuttle services
1. The occasional services and shuttle services operated by buses are subject to a system of authorizations or permits issued by the competent authority in the country of departure, destination and transit.
2. As an exception to the provision of the paragraph 1 of this Article, the services listed below are exempt from any authorization or permit system in the territory of the Contracting Parties:
2.1 closed-door tours whereby the same bus is used to carry the same group of passengers throughout the journey and to bring them back to the place of departure, in the country where the transport operator is established;
2.2 services carrying passengers from the place of departure in the territory of the Country of establishment of the transport operator to the destination and making the return journey unladen;
2.3 services which make the outward journey unladen and the return journey laden, provided that the passengers:
a) constitute a group formed under a contract of transport entered into before their arrival in the territory of the host country where they are previously picked up and carried into the territory of the country of establishment.
b) have been previously brought by the same transport operator in the territory of the Contracting Party where they are picked up again and carried into the territory of the country of establishment.
c) have been invited to travel into the territory of the country of establishment of the transport operator, the cost of transport being borne by the person issuing the invitation.
2.4 unladen run by bus sent to replace a bus which has broken down.
3. The Joint Committee set up under Article 14 hereof may extend the authorisation or permit exemption to other categories of occasional services and shuttle services.
4. The picking up and landing of passengers during the journey referred to in the second paragraph of this Article is not permitted unless special authorisation is granted by the competent authority of the host country.
5. The authorization or permit application referred to in the first paragraph of this Article should be made to the competent authority in the country of establishment of the transport operator. If the competent authority of the country of establishment approves the application, the application is communicated to the competent authority of the host country.
6. The Joint Committee set up under Article 14 hereof decides on the form that the authorization or permit application takes and other supporting documents required. The competent authorities of the Contracting Parties issue the authorisation referred to in the first paragraph of this Article within a period of one month from the day of submission of the application by the competent authority of the Other Contracting Party. This deadline may be changed in the event of unanticipated circumstances, of which the competent authorities keep each other informed.
7. While performing the services referred to in the second and fourth paragraphs of this Article the transport operator is required to keep a control document in the vehicle. The conditions of use and the content of the control document are laid down by the Joint Committee referred to in Article 14 hereof.
Article 5
Provisions Common to passenger services
1. The transport authorizations and permits referred to in Articles 3 and 4 hereof are personal and not transferable to other transport operators.
2. The running of cabotage services is prohibited. Local trips organized solely for a group of passengers brought to that location by the same transport operator are not deemed to be cabotage services provided that they are entered on the control document.
Article 6 Permit system
1. Transport operators established in the territory of a Contracting Party, under the system of permits, undertake in the territory of the other Contracting Party;
1) transport between the territories of the two Contracting Parties;
2) transport between a point in the territory of the other Contracting Party and a point in the territory of a third State.
2. Xxxxxxxx is only permitted with the special authorization of the competent authority of the host country.
Article 7
Transport exempted from permit requirements
1. As an exception to the provisions of Article 6 hereof, the following categories of transport are exempted from permit requirements:
1) Transport by vehicles whose Total Permissible Laden Weight, including trailers, does not exceed 6 tonnes, or when the permitted payload, including trailers, does not exceed 3.5 tonnes.
2) Occasional transport to or from airports in cases where regular air services are diverted.
3) Transport of vehicles which are damaged or have broken down and the transport of vehicles to be repaired.
4) Unladen runs by a goods vehicle sent to replace a goods vehicle which has broken down in another country, and also the return run, after repair, of the vehicle that has broken down.
5) Transport of livestock in special purpose - built or permanently converted vehicles for the transport of livestock.
6) Transport of spare parts and provisions for aircraft and ocean-going ships.
7) Transport of medical supplies and equipment needed for emergencies, especially in response to natural disasters and humanitarian needs.
8) Transport of works and objects of art for fairs and exhibitions or for non- commercial purposes.
9) Transport for non-commercial purposes of properties, accessories and animals to or from theatrical, musical, film, sports or circus performances, fairs or fetes, and the equipment urgently required for radio recordings, film or television production.
10) Removals carried out by appropriate equipment and staff.
11) Funeral transport.
12) First and final leg - international and national - by road of combined transport, providing, respectively, that the appropriate freight loading and unloading station closest to the point of loading or unloading of the freight is used.
13) Transport of mail.
2. The Joint Committee referred to in Article 14 hereof may, by mutual agreement, add to, or remove from, the list of transport categories referred to in the first paragraph of this Article exempted from the permit requirements.
3. The Joint Committee referred to in Article 14 hereof may exempt from the system of permits all categories of transport for a definite period of time.
Article 8
Common provisions for goods transport
1. The competent authorities of the two Contracting Parties agree a number of permits and exchange the blank permit forms every year, and they are valid for 13 months from the beginning of each calendar year.
2. The permit referred to in the first paragraph of this Article is not transferable.
3. The permit referred to in the first paragraph of this Article can only be used for one vehicle at a time. In the case of combinations of vehicles, the motor vehicle is the determining factor in permit issue or exemption.
4. The Joint Committee referred to in Article 14 hereof determines the quota, category, conditions of issue and use of blank permit forms as well as the conditions under which individual categories of transport may be exempted from the permit system.
5. The running of cabotage services is prohibited except where specially authorized by the competent authority of the host country.
Article 9 Levies
1. Transport by means of vehicles registered in the territory of one Contracting Party and operating temporarily in the territory of the other Contracting Party is, under the provisions of this Agreement, and according to the reciprocity principle, exempt from payment of all taxes related to ownership, registration and the running of the vehicle.
2. The fuel contained in the normal, by the manufacturer built-in fixed tanks of the vehicle intended to drive the vehicle, as well as lubricants and spares are exempt from all import duty in the territory of the host country provided that the transport operator complies with the relevant customs regulations.
3. The transport covered by the provisions of this Agreement is subject in the host country to road user charges, tolls and other duties levied for the use of the road network, bridges, tunnels etc. in the host country. The tolls and charges are levied to local and foreign transport operators indiscriminately.
4. The Joint Committee referred to in Article 14 hereof may consider and propose to the competent authorities the partial or total exemption, on a reciprocal basis, from the payment of levies by a transport operator in connection with the performance of transport services.
Article 10
Weights and dimensions of vehicles
1. The permissible maximum weight, axle weight and dimensions of vehicles must not exceed those entered in the registration documents nor the upper limits in force in the host country.
2. The use in the host country of vehicles whose weight and dimensions exceed the permissible upper limits is permitted only with a special authorization issued by the competent authority of the host country and applied for it in advance.
Article 11
Equipment and other characteristics of vehicles
1. Vehicles carrying dangerous goods or perishable goods must be fitted out and equipped in accordance with the international regulations (requirements of ADR or ATP Agreements).
2. Equipment used to monitor crew driving and rest time on vehicles must comply with the international regulations (provisions of AETR Agreement).
3. The Contracting Parties undertake to promote, within the framework of this Agreement, the use of vehicles meeting safety and emission standards. In accordance with the EU regulation in this field and the same are applied with undertaken international obligations.
4. In accordance to the third paragraph of this Article, the Joint Committee referred to in Article 14 hereof may, when deciding on quotas and possible future liberalization, give more favorable treatment to vehicles that meet the most modern safety and environmental standards.
Article 12 Control
The permits and all other documents foreseen under multilateral or bilateral agreements or under national law, must be kept in the vehicles and be produced at the request of the competent authorities of the host country.
Article 13
Obligations of transport operators and infringements
1. The transport operators of a Contracting Party and the crews of their vehicles must, when in the territory of the other Contracting Party, comply with the laws and regulations in force in the host country.
2. In the event of any infringement in the host country of the provisions of this Agreement by a transport operator, the competent authority of the host country shall notify the competent authority of the country of establishment with the intention that the latter authority takes the necessary measures against the transport operator, as provided for by its national legislation.
3. The Contracting Parties shall keep each other informed of the sanctions imposed.
4. The provisions of the first and the second paragraphs of this Article shall not exclude the measures taken by the judicial or other competent authorities of the host country.
Article 14 Cooperation and Joint Committee
1. The competent authorities of the Contracting Parties are obliged to take all the necessary steps for the application of this Agreement and shall keep each other informed on any useful information and on any change in national law affecting the application hereof.
2. The competent authorities shall offer each other mutual assistance for the purpose of implementing this Agreement.
3. A Joint Committee shall be set up by the Contracting Parties for the purpose of the implementation of this Agreement and to handle the issues related to this Agreement.
Article 15
Entry into force and period of validity of the Agreement
1. This Agreement shall enter into force when the Contracting Parties have notified each other through diplomatic channels that the procedures for its entry into force in accordance with national legislation have been completed.
2. On the date of entry into force of this Agreement, as between Montenegro and the Republic of Slovenia, the Agreement between the Federal Government of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and the Government of the Republic of Slovenia on international road transport of passengers and goods, signed in Ljubljana on 2 November, 2001, as applied between the Contracting Parties on the basis of succession, shall terminate.
3. This Agreement shall remain in force unless it is terminated by written notice through diplomatic channels by one of the Contracting Parties. In that case, the termination of the Agreement shall take effect six months after the other Contracting Party has received the above-mentioned notice.
In witness whereof the undersigned, being duly authorized thereto, have signed this Agreement.
Done at Podgorica on 22nd day of June 2009, in two originals in English language.
For the Government For the Government of of Montenegro the Republic of Slovenia
xx. Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx xx. Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx
Vlada Crne Xxxx i Vlada Republike Slovenije, u daljem tekstu Ugovorne strane;
Sa željom da doprinesu razvoju trgovinskih i ekonomskih odnosa između dvije zemlje;
Odlučne da promovišu saradnju u međunarodnom saobraćaju u okviru tržišne ekonomije;
Imajući u vidu zaštitu životne sredine i ljudi, racionalnu potrošnju energije, bezbjednost na putevima i poboljšanje radnih uslova za vozače;
Sa ciljem razvoja intermodalnog prevoza;
Prepoznajući zajednički interes i prednost sporazuma o međunarodnom drumskom saobraćaju;
Sporazumjele su se kako slijedi:
Član 1 Djelokrug primjene
1. Ovaj Sporazum reguliše međunarodni drumski prevoz putnika i robe koji obavljaju prevoznici koji su osnovani na teritoriji Ugovorne strane prevoznim sredstvima koja su registrovana na toj teritoriji, sa mjestima polaska na teritoriji jedne Ugovorne strane i odredištem na teritoriji druge Ugovorne strane ili u tranzitu preko teritorije jedne od Ugovornih strana.
2.Ovaj Sporazum nema uticaja na prava i obaveze koje proističu iz drugih međunarodnih obaveza dvije Ugovorne strane i nema uticaja na propise Evropske unije i međunarodne sporazume između Evropske unije i Država koje nijesu njene članice.
Član 2 Definicije
U ovom Sporazumu xxxx xxxxxxx imaju sljedeće značenje:
1. „Prevoznik“ znači svako fizičko i pravno lice koje je ovlašćeno da obavlja međunarodni prevoz putnika i robe drumovima u skladu sa propisima Ugovorne strane na čijoj teritoriji je osnovano.
2. „Vozilo“ znači motorno vozilo ili kombinacija vozila, koja su registrovana na teritoriji jedne od Ugovornih strana i prema svojoj konstrukciji i opremi namijenjena za međunarodni drumski prevoz putnika i robe a koja su na raspolaganju prevoznika kao njegovo lično vlasništvo ili su zakupljena ili iznajmljena putem ugovora.
3. „Autobus“ znači vozilo koje je registrovano na teritoriji jedne od Ugovornih strana koje je prema konstrukciji i opremi podesno i namijenjeno za prevoz putnika i koje, uz vozačevo sjedište, posjeduje više od osam sjedišta.
4. „Prevoz“ znači upravljanje prevoznim sredstvom, bilo punim ili praznim, uključujući prevoz vozila vozom ili brodom duž jedne dionice puta.
5. „Kabotaža“ znači prevoz putnika ili robe između nekih odredišnih tačaka u okviru teritorije Ugovorne xxxxxx xxxx obavlja prevoznik druge Ugovorne strane.
6. „Kombinovani prevoz“ znači prevoz robe pri čemu se kamion, prikolica, polu- prikolica, zamjensko tijelo ili kontejner, sa ili bez vučnog vozila, koriste za prevoz drumom na početnoj ili završnoj dionici puta, xxxx xx po mogućnosti što kraća, i prevoz željeznicom, plovnim putem ili morem većim dijelom puta.
7. „Teritorija Ugovorne strane“ znači ponaosob teritorija Crne Xxxx i teritorija Republike Slovenije.
8. „Zemlja osnivanja“ znači teritorija Ugovorne strane u kojoj xx xxxxxxxxx osnovan i u kojoj je vozilo registrovano.
9. „Zemlja domaćin“ znači teritorija Ugovorne strane u okviru koje prevoznik obavlja prevoz vozilom koje nije registrovano u toj zemlji i u kojoj prevoznik nije osnovan.
10. „Linijski prevoz putnika“ znači prevoz putnika u okviru određene rute u skladu sa vremenskim rasporedom i cjenovnikom koji su unaprijed definisani. Linijski prevoz putnika je namijenjen za svakog pod istim uslovima, sa ulaskom i izlaskom putnika na prethdodno određenim stajalištima.
11. „Naizmjenični prevoz“ znači prevoz pri čemu se, u nizu ponovljenih polaznih i povratnih prevoza, prethodno organizovane xxxxx putnika prevoze sa jednog istog mjesta polaska na drugo isto odredište. Mjesto polaska i odredište ponaosob znače mjesto sa kojeg putovanje počinje i mjesto na kom se putovanje završava, zajedno sa, u oba slučaja, okolnim područjem u okviru radijusa od 50 km. Svaka grupa se sastoji od putnika koji zajedno putuju i kasnije se vraćaju na mjesto polaska. Činjenica da se neki putnici vraćaju sa drugom grupom nema uticaja na definiciju naizmjeničnog prevoza
kao prevoza. Prvo povratno putovanje i posljednje odlazno putovanje u nizu naizmjeničnih prevoza se obavlja praznim vozilom.
12. „Povremeni prevoz“ znači prevoz koji ne xxxxx u definiciju linijskog prevoza putnika niti u definiciju naizmjeničnog prevoza, kada frekventnost ili broj prevoza ne utiče na njihovu klasifikaciju kao povremenog prevoza.
13. „Kontrolni dokument“ znači tovarni list koji obuhvata podatke o vozilu, prevozniku, osoblju koje obavlja prevoz, tipu prevoza, ruti i putnicima.
Član 3
Linijski prevoz putnika
1. Linijski prevoz putnika autobusom podliježe sistemu odobrenja koje izdaje nadležni organ vlasti u zemlji polaska, odredišta i tranzita.
2. Zahtjev za odobrenje koje je navedeno u prvom stavu ovog člana se podnosi nadležnom organu vlasti u zemlji osnivanja prevoznika. Ukoliko nadležni organ vlasti u zemlji osnivanja odobri zahtjev, zahtjev se upućuje nadležnom organu vlasti zemlje domaćina.
Zajednički odbor koji je uspostavljen prema članu 14 ovog sporazuma odlučuje o obliku zahtjeva za odobrenje i dodatnim dokumentima koji su neophodni kao i o ekološkim, bezbjednosnim i drugim uslovima za izdavanje odobrenja.
3. Odobrenje koje je navedeno u prvom paragrafu ovog člana se izdaje putem zajedničkog dogovora nadležnih organa vlasti Ugovornih strana. Odluku o dodijeli ili odbijanju odobrenja donose nadležni organi Ugovornih strana u roku od 90 xxxx od xxxx prijema zahtjeva za odobrenje od nadležnog organa vlasti zemlje osnivanja, ukoliko ne postoje nepredvidive okolnosti.
U slučaju nepredvidivih okolnosti ovaj rok se može promijeniti o čemu nadležni organi vlasti jedni druge obavještavaju. Odobrenje koje je navedeno u prvom stavu ovog člana je važeće za period od pet xxxxxx maksimalno. Ono definiše operativne uslove za obavljanje linijskog prevoza putnika.
4. O promjenama operativnih uslova i ukidanju prevoza se odlučuje u skladu sa procedurom xxxx xx definisana u stavovima 2 i 3 ovog člana. Ukoliko više uopšte ne postoji potražnja za prevozom, prevoznik može da ga ukine tako što će obavijestiti nadležne organe vlasti koji su izdali dozvole kao i korisnike, u okviru perioda koji odredi Zajednički odbor iz člana 14 ovog Sporazuma.
Član 4
Povremeni i naizmjenični prevoz
1. Povremeni prevoz i naizmjenični prevoz koji se obavljaju autobusima podliježu sistemu odobrenja ili dozvola koje izdaju nadležni organi vlasti u zemlji polaska, odredišta i tranzita.
2. Izuzetno od odredbe stava 1 ovog člana, prevoz koji je naveden u daljem tekstu izuzima se od bilo kojeg sistema odobrenja i dozvola na teritoriji Ugovornih strana:
2.1 Kružna vožnja »zatvorenih vrata« kada se isti autobus koristi da bi prevozio istu grupu putnika tokom čitavog putovanja i vratio je na mjesto polaska, u zemlju u kojoj xx xxxxxxxxx osnovan;
2.2 usluge prevoza putnika od mjesta polaska na teritoriji zemlje osnivanja prevoznika do odredišta i povratnog puta praznog vozila;
2.3 usluge pri kojima se vožnja u odlasku obavlja praznim, a povratna vožnja punim autobusom, pod uslovom da putnici:
a) čine grupu formiranu na osnovu ugovora o putovanju koji je zaključen prije njihovog dolaska na teritoriju zemlje domaćina gdje se oni prethodno preuzimaju i prevoze na teritoriju zemlje osnivanja.
b) prethodno prevezeni xx xxxxxx istog prevoznika na teritoriju strane ugovornice odakle se ponovo preuzimaju i prevoze na teritoriju zemlje osnivanja.
c) pozvani da putuju na teritoriju zemlje osnivanja prevoznika, pri čemu troškove prevoza snosi lice koje je uputilo poziv.
2.4 kretanje praznog autobusa koji je poslat da zamijeni autobus koji se pokvario.
3. Zajednički odbor koji je uspostavljen na osnovu člana 14 može da dâ odobrenje ili izuzeće od dozvole za ostale kategorije povremenog i naizmjeničnog prevoza.
4. Preuzimanje i iskrcavanje putnika tokom putovanja iz drugog stava ovog člana nije dozvoljeno ukoliko specijalno odobrenje nije dato xx xxxxxx nadležnog organa zemlje domaćina.
5. Zahtjev za odobrenje ili dozvolu iz prvog stava ovog člana treba uputiti nadležnom organu u zemlji osnivanja prevoznika. Ukoliko nadležni organ zemlje osnivanja odobri zahtjev, zahtjev se prosleđuje nadležnom organu zemlje domaćina.
6. Zajednički odbor uspostavljen na osnovu člana 14 odlučuje o obrascu odobrenja ili zahtjeva i ostalim potrebnim propratnim dokumentima. Nadležni organi ugovornih strana izdaju odobrenje iz prvog stava ovog člana u periodu od jednog mjeseca od xxxx predaje zahtjeva xx xxxxxx nadležnog organa druge ugovorne strane. Ovaj rok se može
izmijeniti u slučaju neočekivanih okolnosti, o čemu ugovorne strane obavještavaju jedna drugu.
7. Tokom vršenja usluga iz drugog i četvrtog stava ovog člana, prevoznik xx xxxxx da drži kontrolni dokument u vozilu. Uslove korištenja i sadržaj kontrolnog dokumenta propisuje Zajednički odbor iz člana 14.
Član 5
Zajedničke odredbe za putničke usluge
1. Odobrenja i dozvole za prevoz iz članova 3 i 4 su lična i nijesu prenosiva na druge prevoznike.
2. Zabranjeno je pružanje usluga kabotaže. Lokalna putovanja organizovana samo za grupu putnika koje je na tu lokaciju dovezao xxxx xxxxxxxxx, se ne smatraju uslugama kabotaže ukoliko su upisane u kontrolni dokument.
Član 6 Sistem dozvola
1. Prevozna preduzeća osnovana na teritoriji strane ugovornice, na osnovu sistema dozvola, vrše na teritoriji druge ugovorne strane:
1) prevoz između teritorija dviju strana ugovornica
2) prevoz između xxxxx xx teritoriji druge strane ugovornice i xxxxx xx teritoriji treće države.
2. Kabotaža je dozvoljena samo uz specijalno odbrenje nadležnog organa zemlje domaćina.
Član 7
Prevoz koji je izuzet od zahtjeva za dozvolu
1. Izuzetno od odredbi člana 6, sljedeće kategorije prevoza su izuzete od zahtjeva za dozvolu:
1) Prevozna sredstva čija ukupna dozvoljena utovarena masa (UDUM), uključujući priključak ne prelazi 6 xxxx, ili kada dozvoljena nosivost, uključujući priključak, ne prelazi 3,5 tone.
2) Povremeni prevoz do ili od aerodroma u slučajevima kad preusmjeravanja redovnog vazdušnog saobraćaja.
3) Prevoz oštećenih vozila ili neispravnih vozila i prevoz vozila koje je potrebno popraviti.
4) Prazne vožnje vozilima za prevoz robe koje je poslato da zamijeni vozilo za prevoz robe koje se pokvarilo u drugoj zemlji kao i u povratku, nakon popravke vozila koje se pokvarilo.
5) Prevoz stoke u specijalne svrhe u posebno napravljenim za tu namjenu ili prepravljenim vozilima za prevoz stoke.
6) Prevoz rezervnih djelova i potrepština za vazduhoplove i prekookeanske brodove.
7) Prevoz medicinskih potrepština i opreme potrebne za hitne slučajeve, naročito u slučaju prirodnih nepogoda i humanitarnih potreba.
8) Prevoz umjetničkih djela i predmeta za sajmove i izložbe u nekomercijalne svrhe.
9) Prevoz u nekomercijalne svrhe predmeta, dodatne (tehničke) opreme i životinja na ili od pozorišnih, muzičkih, filmskih, sportskih ili cirkuskih priredbi, sajmova ili festivala, i opreme xxxx xx hitno potrebna za radijska snimanja, filmsku ili televizijsku produkciju.
10) Prevoz za selidbu kućnog namještaja izvršene odgovarajućom opremom i osobljem.
11) Pogrebni prevoz.
12) Prva i završna dionica – međunarodna i domaća – drumskim ili kombinovanim saobraćajem, pri čemu se koristi odgovarajuća stanica za utovar ili istovar xxxx xx najbliža tački utovara, odnosno istovara.
13) Prevoz pošte.
2. Zajednički odobr iz člana 14 može, zajedničkim dogovrom da doda ili ukloni xxxxxx prevoznih kategorija iz prvog stava ovog člana koje su izuzete od uslova za dozvolu.
3. Zajednički odbor iz člana 14 može da izuzme iz sistema dozvola sve kategorije prevoza na određeni vremenski period.
Član 8
Zajedničke odredbe za prevoz roba
1. Nadležni organi dviju Ugovornih strana dogovaraju broj dozvola i razmjenjuju blanko obrasce dozvola svake godine, a oni xxxx 13 mjeseci od početka svake kalendarske godine.
2. Dozvola iz prvog stava ovog člana se ne može prenijeti.
3. Dozvola iz prvog stava ovog člana može se koristiti samo za jedno vozilo istovremeno. U slučaju da se radi o kombinovanim vozilima, motorno vozilo je odlučujući faktor za izdavanje ili odbijanje davanja dozvole.
4. Zajednički odbor iz člana 14 određuje kvotu, kategoriju, uslove izdavanja i korištenja blanko obrazaca dozvole kao i uslove pod kojima pojedinačne kategorije prevoza mogu biti izuzete iz sistema dozvola.
5. Vršenje usluga kabotaže je zabranjeno osim u slučaju xxxx xx specijalno odobreno xx xxxxxx nadležnog organa zemlje domaćina.
Član 9 Porezi
1. Prevoz vozilima koja su registrovana na teritoriji jedne Ugovorne stane a vrši se privremeno na teritoriji druge ugovorne xxxxxxx xx, prema odredbama ovog Sporazuma i u skladu sa principom reciprociteta, izuzet od plaćanja svih poreza koji se odnose na vlasništvo, registraciju i kretanje vozila.
2. Gorivo koje se nalazi u normalnim rezervoarima vozila, koji su ugrađeni xx xxxxxx proizvođača namjenjeno za vožnju, kao i maziva i rezervni dijelovi su izuzeti od svih uvoznih taksi na teritoriji zemlje domaćina pod uslovom xx xxxxxxxxx poštuje relevantne carinske propise.
3. Prevoz obuhvaćen odredbama ovog Sporazuma podliježe plaćanju naknada korisnika puteva, putarina i drugih taksi za korištenje drumske mreže, mostova, tunela, itd. u zemlji domaćinu. Putarine i naknade se naplaćuju lokalnim i stranim prevoznicima bez razlike.
4. Zajedniči Xxxxx iz člana 14 ovog Sporazuma može razmotriti i predložiti nadležnim organima djelimično ili potpuno izuzeće, na recipročnoj osnovi, od plaćanja poreza za prevoznike u vezi sa obavljanjem usluga prevoza.
Član 10
Težine i dimenzije vozila
1. Dozvoljena maksimalna težina, osovinsko opterećenje i dimenzije vozila ne smiju prelaziti one koje su navedene u registracionim dokumentima niti gornje granice koje xxxx u zemlji domaćinu.
2. Korištenje vozila u zemlji domaćinu čija težina i dimenzije prelaze dozvoljene gornje xxxxxxx xx dozvoljena samo uz posebno odobrenje izdato xx xxxxxx nadležnih organa zemlje domaćina za koje je unaprijed podnesen zahtjev.
Član 11
Oprema i druge karakteristike vozila
1. Vozila koja prevoze opasnu robu ili xxxx kvarljivu robu moraju biti snabdjevena i opremljena u skladu sa međunarodnim propisima (zahtjevi sporazuma ADR- Međunarodni sporazum o prevozu opasnih materija u drumskom saobraćaju i sporazuma ATP- Međunarodni sporazum o prevozu xxxx kvarljive robe u drumskom saobraćaju).
2. Oprema koja se koristi za praćenje vremena vožnje i odmaranje posade u vozilima xxxx biti u skladu sa međunarodnim propisima (odredbe AETR Sporazuma – Evropski sporazum o xxxx xxxxxx na vozilima koja obavljaju međunarodne drumske prevoze).
3. Ugovorne strane obavezuju se da promovišu, u okviru ovog Sporazuma, korištenje vozila koja zadovoljavaju sigurnosne i emisione standarde. U skladu sa EU regulativom u ovoj oblasri isto se koristi sa preuzetim međunarodnim obavezama.
4. U skladu sa stavom 3 ovog člana, Zajednički Odbor iz člana 14 ovog Sporazuma može, pri odlučivanju o kvotama i mogućoj budućoj liberalizaciji, dati povoljniji tretman vozilima koja zadovoljavaju najsavremenije sigurnosne i ekološke standarde.
Član 12 Nadzor
Dozvole i sva druga dokumenta predviđena multilateralnim ili bilateralnim sporazumima ili nacionalnim zakonom, moraju se držati u vozilima i pokazati na zahtjev nadležnih organa zemlje domaćina.
Član 13
Obaveze prevoznika i povrede
1. Prevoznici jedne Ugovorne strane i posada u njihovim vozilima xxxx, xxxx xx na teritoriji druge Ugovorne strane, postupati u skladu sa zakonima i propisima koji su na snazi u zemlji domaćinu.
2. U slučaju bilo kakvih povreda odredbi ovog Sporazuma xx xxxxxx prevoznika u zemlji domaćinu, nadležni organi zemlje domaćina obavještavaju nadležne organe zemlje osnivanja kako bi zemlja osnivanja preduzela potrebne mjere protiv prevoznika xxxx xx to predviđeno nacionalnom legislativom te zemlje.
3. Ugovorne strane obavještavaju jedna drugu o nametnutim sankcijama.
4. Odredbe prvog i drugog stava ovog člana ne izuzimaju mjere koje preduzimaju sudski ili drugi nadležni organi zemlje domaćina.
Član 14
Saradnja i Zajednički Odbor
1. Nadležni organi Ugovornih strana su obavezni da preduzmu sve potrebne korake za primjenu ovog Sporazuma i da obavijeste jedan drugog o svakoj korisnoj informaciji i o svakoj promjeni nacionalnog zakona koja utiče na primjenu ovog Sporazuma.
2. Nadležni organi przužaju jedan drugom uzajamnu pomoć u cilju sprovođenja ovog Sporazuma.
3. Ugovorne strane obrazuju Zajednički Odbor u cilju sprovođenja ovog Sporazuma i radi rešavanja pitanja koja se tiču ovog Sporazuma.
Član 15
Stupanje na snagu i period važenja Sporazuma
1. Ovaj Sporazum stupa na snagu kada Ugovorne strane obavijeste jedna drugu diplomatskim putem da su procedure za stupanje na snagu ovog Sporazuma ispunjenje i u skladu sa nacionalnim zakonodavstvom.
2. Na datum stupanja na snagu ovog Sporazuma, između Crne Xxxx i Republike Slovenije, Sporazum između Savezne Vlade Savezne Republike Jugoslavije i Vlade Republike Slovenije o međunarodnom drumskom prevozu putnika i robe potpisanom u Ljubljani 2. novembra 2001. godine, koji je bio važeći za Ugovorne strane na osnovu sukcesije, prestaje da važi.
3. Ovaj Sporazum ostaje na snazi sve dok jedna od Ugovornih strana pismeno diplomatskim putem na obavijesti drugu o raskidu. U xxx slučaju, Sporazum prestaje da važi šest mjeseci nakon što druga Ugovorna strana primi xxxx navedeno obavještenje.
Potvrđujući ovo propisno ovlašćeni, dolje potpisani su potpisali ovaj Sporazum.
Sačinjeno u Podgorici, 22. xxxx 2009. godine, u dva originalna primjerka na engleskom jeziku.
Za Vladu Za Vladu
Crne Xxxx Republike Slovenije
xx. Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx xx. Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx
Član 3
Ova odluka stupa na snagu osmog xxxx od xxxx objavljivanja u „Službenom listu Crne Xxxx-Međunarodni ugovori“.
Broj: ______ _ _
Podgorica, ____ _ _ _ _ __
Vlada Crne Xxxx Predsjednik, Xx Xxxx Xxxxxx
1. Vlada Crne Gore, na sjedici od ______ _ _ 2012. godine donijela je Odluku o objavljivanju Sporazuma između Vlade Crne Xxxx i Vlade Republike Slovenije o međunarodnom drumskom prevozu putnika i robe.
2. Odluka će se objaviti u „Službenom listu Crne Xxxx – Međunarodni ugovori“.