Predstavnici Vlade Japana i Vlade Crne Xxxx održali su sastanak u vezi japanske ekonomske saradnje koja će biti produžena u cilju unapređenja ekonomskog i socijalnog razvoja Crne Xxxx. U xxx smislu, Vlada Japana će Vladi Crne Xxxx dodijeliti, u skladu s odgovarajućim propisima i budžetskim sredstvima Japana, grant u iznosu od sto miliona japanskih jena (u daljem tekstu: „Grant“). Shodno navedenom, Nota o donaciji Japana Crnoj Xxxx xx usvojena na sjednici Vlade Crne Xxxx xx 30. xxxx 2020. godine i potpisana je 7. septembra 2020. godine.
U cilju realizacije potpisane Note, istom je predviđeno potpisivanje Ugovora o zastupanju između Vlade Crne Xxxx i Crown agencije Japan limited po pitanju implementacije donacije Japana za pomoć ekonomskom i socijalnom razvojnom program.
Ovim Ugovorom Crna Gora – Primalac donacije imenuje i ovlašćuje Crown Agenciju da djeluje kao agent u njeno ime, a Crown Agencija ovim prihvata obavezu da djeluje kao agent u skladu s uslovima ovog Ugovora, u ime i korist Primaoca, za nabavku proizvoda i / ili usluge koje potražuje Crna Gora – Primalac donacije. Crown Agencija pruža svoje usluge kao agent i obvezuje se da će usluge obavljati s dužnom pažnjom te primijeniti odgovarajuće vještine, a pogotovo da će u korist Primaoca obezbijediti najpovoljnije dostupne uslove za nabavku proizvoda i / ili usluga.
1. Vlada Crne Xxxx xx na sjednici 2020. godine, razmotrila i usvojila Informaciju o zastupanju između Vlade Crne Xxxx i Crown agencije Japan limited po pitanju implementacije donacije Japana za pomoć ekonomskom i socijalnom razvojnom program
2. Ovlašćuje se xx Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx, ministar zdravlja, da u ime Vlade Crne Xxxx
potpiše Ugovor iz xxxxx 1.
3. Zadužuje se Ministarstvo zdravlja da o realizaciji Ugovora o zastupanju između Vlade Crne Xxxx i Crown agencije Japan limited po pitanju implementacije donacije Japana za pomoć ekonomskom i socijalnom razvojnom program, podnese izvještaj Vladi Crne Xxxx.
DATUM …………………
Clauzula Strana
2 APPOINTMENT Error! Bookm
....................................................................................................................Error! Bookm
14 VIŠA XXXX Error! Bookm
16 PREKID UGOVORA Error! Bookm
18 NADLEŽNO PRAVO Error! Bookm
19 RAZNO Error! Bookm
OVAJ SPORAZUM sačinjen je , 2020. godine
VLADE CRNE XXXX xxxx predstavlja Ministarstvo zdravlja(u daljem tekstu "primalac") s jedne strane;
CROWN AGENTS JAPAN LIMITED sa sjedištem na 1. spratu Xxxx Kaikan Honkan, 0-0-0Xxxxxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxx-xx, Xxxxx 000-0000, Xxxxx (u daljem tekstu "Crown Agencija") xx xxxxx xxxxxx.
Primalac i Crown Agencija će se u daljem tekstu nazivati zajedničkim terminom “strane” odnosno pojedinačno kao “strana”.
TIME je Vlada Japana (u daljem tekstu "VJ") primaocu obezbijedila Donaciju Japana za podršku ekonomskom i socijalnom razvojnom programu (u daljem tekstu "Program"), uz razmjenu bilješki i usaglašavanje zapisnika o proceduralnim detaljima na xxx: 07.septembra 2020. (u daljem tekstu "Zapisnik".
TIME će primalac sredstva dostupna u okviru Donacije Japana za podršku Programu iskoristiti za plaćanje (i) proizvoda i / ili usluga xxxx xx za i u ime primaoca obezbijedila Crown Agencija i (ii) za plaćanje usluga Crown Agenciji;
TIME se Crown Agencija zvanično izjavljuje pred primaocem da ima značajno iskustvo u
nabavci proizvoda i usluga.
U ovom sporazumu, sljedeći izrazi podrazumijevaju značenja navedena u nastavku:
(1) "Sredstva" označava sredstva primljena na Račun za nabavke sa Računa primaoca za pokrivanje (i) troškova povezanih sa nabavkom proizvoda i / ili usluga i (ii) naknadu za agenciju, xxxx xx utvrđeno u odredbi 9. ove odluke.
(2) "Naknada za agenta" označava uplatu primaoca Crown Agenciji za usluge agenta, u skladu s ovim Ugovorom.
(3) “Agencijske usluge” označavaće usluge detaljno opisane u Aneksu A ovog
Sporazuma i Zapisniku koje će obavljati Crown Agencija.
(4) "Banka" je xxx xxxxx koju odabere Crown Agencija, a putem koje će se vršiti plaćanja dobavljačima proizvoda i / ili usluga iz Sredstava. Naknadu za agenta, Banka će isplatiti iz Sredstava.
(5) “Blanko ovlašćenje za isplatu” ili „BDA”znači obrazac koji je ovdje priložen kao Aneks C. Potpisom ovog obrasca, Primalac određuje Crown Agenciju kao svog predstavnika ovlaštenog da djeluje u njegovo ime u vezi sa svim transferima Xxxxxxxx, kao i zaradom kroz xxxxxx xx Računa za nabavke.
(6) “Potvrda o ispunjavanju uslova za nabavku” ili “CEP” podrazumijeva obrazac priložen uz Aneks G. Obrazac izdaje Crown Agencija prije sklapanja ugovora o nabavci proizvoda i / ili usluga s dobavljačem i prije plaćanja Naknade za Crown Agenciju. Ovaj obrazac potvrđuje prihvatljivost predložene nabavke koja se odnosi na proizvode i / ili usluge koji su predmet nabavke u okviru bespovratnih sredstava i podnosi se VJ (Vladi Japana). Kopija CEP-a dostavlja se primaocu.
(7) "Potvrda o ispunjavanju uslova za nabavku za preostali iznos" označava obrazac priložen uz Zapisnik kao Xxxxx XX. Primalac će dostaviti ovaj obrazac, xxxxx xx svim potrebnim dokumentima, uključujući komercijalne, carinske i avio-transportne fakture, Crown Agenciji, kako bi se rasporedio preostali iznos Donacije, kao i zaradu kroz xxxxxx xx bankovnog računa koji je odredio Primalac. Primalac će izdati ovaj obrazac kada se izvrše sve isplate sa Računa nabavke i xxxx xx ukupan preostali iznos na Računu za nabavke i preostali iznos Sredstava manji od 3% od Donacije uvećane za sve zarađene xxxxxx.
(8) "Detaljna procjena" podrazumijeva obrazac koji je ovdje priložen kao Xxxxx F. Crown agencija će izdati obrazac koji opisuje dodjelu bespovratnih sredstava prema odluci Primaoca i predati obrazac Japanskoj banci kao prilog uz zahtjev za isplatu.
(9) "Zahtjev za isplatu" podrazumijeva obrazac koji je ovdje priložen kao Xxxxx E. Crown agencija će preko obrasca zatražiti od Japanske banke da prenese sredstva za pokrivanje troškova neophodnih za nabavku proizvoda i / ili usluga, kao i za agencijske usluge.
(10) "Krajnji korisnik" označava organizaciju odnosno organizacije u zemlji Primaoca, koje će se služiti proizvodom odnosno uslugama koje su predmet nabavke ovog Sporazuma.
(11) "Grant" podrazumijeva sredstva xxxx xx ovaj Program omogućio.
(12) "Japanska banka" označava banku u Japanu u kojoj je Primalac otvorio redovni depozitni račun u lokalnoj valuti (Jen) kako bi xxxxxx xxxxx od VJ. Primalac i Japanska banka će zaključiti dogovor u vezi s prenosom bespovratnih sredstava uvećanim za sve zarađene xxxxxx, za koje će primalac ovlastiti Crown agenciju kao predstavnika koji djeluje u ime Primaoca u vezi sa svim prenosima sredstava na Račun za nabavke, u skladu s Zapisnikom.
(13) "Obavještenje o zahtjevu za isplatu" podrazumijeva obrazac koji je ovdje priložen kao Xxxxx D. Crown agencija će putem obrasca obavještavati primatelja o zahtjevima za isplatu podnesenim Japanskoj banci.
(14) “Proizvodi” i “Usluge” označavaju proizvode i/ili servise koji su neophodni za implementaciju Programa i navedeni su u Zapisniku.
(15) "Račun za nabavke" označava račun(e) u Banci,
(16) xxxx xx glavna svrha prijem sredstava sa računa Primaoca neophodnih za nabavku proizvoda i / ili usluga, kao i za plaćanje usluga agenta. Crown Agencija će izvršiti plaćanja dobavljačima, te isplatiti Naknadu za Agenta, iz sredstava položenih na račun nabavke.
(17) "Račun Primaoca" podrazumijeva uobičajeni depozitni račun u Jenima na ime Primaoca kod Japanske xxxxx xxxx, sa svrhom uplate Granta od VJ.
Primalac ovim imenuje i ovlašćuje Crown Agenciju da djeluje kao agent u njegovo ime, a Crown Agencija ovim prihvata obavezu da djeluje kao agent u skladu s uslovima Zapisnika i ovog Ugovora, u ime i korist Xxxxxxxx, za nabavku Proizvoda i / ili Usluge koje potražuje Primalac. Crown Agencija će Xxxxxx (xxxx xx definisano u Aneksu V Zapisnika) takođe pružiti usluge koje su utvrđene u Aneksu II Zapisnika. Crown Agencija može delegirati bilo koju od svojih obaveza iz ovog Ugovora na bilo kog partnera, uključujući, ali ne ograničavajući se na matičnu kompaniju, i Crown Agencija će biti odgovorna za sve radnje ili propuste tog partnera u vezi s ovim Ugovorom.
Ovaj ugovor stupa na snagu xx xxxx naznačenim datumom i trajaće sve dok se raspoloživa sredstva ne iskoriste pod Zapisnikom, ili prekidom upotrebe pod uslovima koje definiše Zapisnik, ili po raskidu ovog sporazuma u skladu sa propisanim uslovima.
Preuzimajući nabavku Proizvoda i / ili Usluga u ime Primaoca, Crown Agencija će slijediti opis Agencijskih usluga, priloženih uz Zapisnik, kako bi se osigurao pravilan proces nabavke, i postupak naveden u Aneksu A ( kroz ovaj ili sličan postupak, što je moguće xx Xxxxxx dogovoraju u pisanom obliku, pod uslovom da takvi postupci u svim aspektima budu u skladu sa zahtjevom Zapisnika).
U skladu sa zahtjevima Primaoca, Crown Agencija će preduzeti odgovarajuću organizaciju pošiljke i pomorskog osiguranja Proizvoda nabavljenih prema ovom Ugovoru.
U slučaju da Crown agencija smatra za shodno da neki proizvod koji xx xxxxxx prema
ovom sporazumu bude tehnički pregledan, Primatelju će dostaviti preporuke, uz
detaljno opisan način inspekcije i naknade koja se plaća za tu inspekciju. Po prijemu instrukcije od Primaoca, Crown Agencija će sprovesti provjeru kontrole kvaliteta. Naknada za inspekciju isplaćuje se sa Računa za nabavku.
Crown Agencija pruža svoje usluge kao agent i obvezuje se da će usluge obavljati s dužnom pažnjom te primijeniti odgovarajuće vještine, a pogotovo da će u korist Primaoca obezbijediti najpovoljnije dostupne uslove za nabavku proizvoda i / ili usluga. Ako Primalac pretrpi gubitak ili štetu koji nastupe usljed nekoga postupka ili propusta Crown Agencije kroz radnje propisane ovim Ugovorom, Crown Agencija će odgovarati Primaocu samo za direktan gubitak ili štetu (isključujući izgubljeni profit ili prihode, te svaki gubitak nematerijalne vrijednosti, ugleda ili poslovnih prilika) za koje se pokaže da su nastale isključivo kao rezultat svjesnog prekršaja Crown Agencije. Crown Agencija se neće smatrati odgovornom prema Primaocu za bilo kakav poseban, posredan ili posljedičan gubitak odnosno štetu, izgubljeni profit, prihode ili nematerijalne vrijednosti u bilo kom vidu, gubitak ugleda ili poslovnih prilika koje su u vezi s ovim Ugovorom odnosno proizilaze iz njime propisanih radnji, njihovim kršenjem ili neizvršavanjem. Ukupan iznos štete za koji se Crown Agencija može smatrati odgovornom neće prelaziti iznos koji je Primalac platio za Agencijske usluge (Naknada za agenta) u skladu s odredbama člana 9 ovog zakona. Bez obzira na odredbe ove klauzule, Crown Agencija ne nastoji ograničiti ili isključiti svoju odgovornost u vezi sa eventualnim fizičkim povredama ili smrtnim ishodom, uzrokovanim njenim nemarom, kao ni za bilo koju drugu odgovornost koja zakonski ne može biti ograničena ili isključena.
Primalac će nadoknaditi i osloboditi Crown Agenciju svih troškova ili potraživanja
koja su nastala kroz pravilno obavljanje usluga agenta.
Primalac će platiti Crown Agenciji za usluge agenta u skladu s postupkom detaljno navedenim u Aneksu A, i u skladu s Naknadom za posrednika utvrđenom Aneksom B ovog Ugovora.
Bez obzira na odredbe klauzule 3, od Crown Agencije neće se zahtijevati da započnu s obavljanjem usluga propisanim ovim Ugovorom dok se ne steknu sljedeći uslovi:
(i) Zapisnik potpisan i stupio na snagu;
(ii) ovaj Ugovor odobren xx xxxxxx Vlade Japana (VJ);
(iii) i Blanko ovlašćenje za isplatu potpisano xx xxxxxx ovlaštenog potpisnika xxxx
xx detaljno navedeno u Zapisniku ili bankarskim ugovorom, koje je primila
Crown Agencija. Po prijemu potpisanih odobrenja za izdavanje isplate, Crown Agencija će nastaviti sa podnošenjem odgovarajućeg zahtjeva za isplatu i detaljne procjene (Budžet);
(iv) prva uplata izvršena i primljena, shodno tački 4.1 Aneksa B.
Procedure plaćanja za proizvode i / ili usluge nabavke i računovodstva, prema ovom
sporazumu, za Primaoca i VJ biće utvrđeni Aneksom A.
12.1 Primalac će obezbijediti za Crown Agenciju sve potrebne dozvole, odobrenja, licence, pristup ili bilo koja druga ovlaštenja potrebna u zemlji Primaoca u vezi s Uslugama agenta, ili će pružiti pomoć Crown Agenciji da potrebne dozvole dobije. Primalac će takođe Crown Agenciji dostaviti potrebne podatke, imenia i potpise onih osoba u zemlji Primaoca koje su ovlaštene da Agentu daju uputstva odnosno da potpisuju dokumenta prema ovom Sporazumu.
12.2 Primalac će u ime Crown Agencije urediti sve druge formalnosti koje bi xxxxx biti potrebne za ulazak osoblja Crown Agencije u zemlju Primaoca i njihov boravak, dok obavljaju usluge posrednika prema ovom Ugovoru.
12.3 Primalac će osloboditi Crown Agenciju plaćanja carine, unutrašnjih poreza i drugih fiskalnih taksi koje se mogu nametnuti u zemlji Primaoca u vezi sa uslugama posrednika (uključujući, ali ne ograničavajući se na bilo xxxx xxxx xxxx xx u zemlju Primaoca dopremila Crown Agencija, a to se odnosi i na usluge koje Crown Agencija pruža tokom izvršavanja ovog sporazuma), naknada ili zarada isplaćenih osoblju Crown Agencije ili bilo kojim iznosom koji je namijenjen Crown Agenciji prema ovom sporazumu.
Primalac se ovime neopozivo odriče svake privilegije ili državnog imuniteta, kroz postupak izvršenja ovog sporazuma ili bilo kojeg dokumenta njime predviđenim, od tužbe ili izvršavanja svake arbitražne presude po pitanju zaplijene imovine ili bilo kojeg drugog pravni postupka ili izvršenja, na koji može imati pravo prema međunarodnim ili domaćim zakonima, kroz zaštitu od pokretanja postupka ili drukčije.
Neće se smatrati da xx xxxx koja strana u prekršaju ili u suprotnosti sa ovim Sporazumom ukoliko nije u stanju da svoje obaveze izvrši zbog okolnosti koje su realno van njihove kontrole. Takve okolnosti (u daljnjem tekstu više sile) mogu se dogoditi u bilo kojem dijelu svijeta.
15.1 Primalac i Crown Agencija se slažu da će poštovati odredbe Zapisnika kao dio ovog sporazuma.
15.2 Primalac i Crown Agencija se slažu da je nepraktično ovim Sporazumom pokriti sve nepredviđene slučajeve do kojih može doći tokom trajanja ovog sporazuma. Primalac i Crown Agencija slažu se u namjeri da kroz ovaj Sporazum gaje međusobno pošten odnos, bez štete po interes druge Strane, te da ukoliko za vrijme trajanja ovog Sporazuma bilo koja Strana opravdano vjeruje da ovaj Sporazum jeste ili će u budućnosti biti po nju štetan, Primalac i Crown Agencija će pristupiti obostrano dobronamjernim konsultacijama, kako bi se postigao dogovor o korektnim potezima neophodnim za uklanjanje ili sprečavanje uzroka takve pojave.
16.1 Primalac može raskinuti ovaj Ugovor pismenim obavještenjem o raskidu u roku od trideset (30) xxxx u slučaju da:
a) Crown Agencija ne ispravi propust u izvršavanju svojih obaveza prema ovom sporazumu u roku od trideset (30) xxxx xxxxx što je pismeno obaviještena ili u dužem roku koji primalac može naknadno pismeno odobriti; ili
b) Crown Agencija postane insolventa; ili
c) kao rezultat više sile, Crown Agencija nije u mogućnosti da isporuči materijalni dio posredničkih usluga, u periodu od najmanje šezdeset (60) xxxx; ili
d) shodno odredbama člana 19.3, u slučaju kršenja svojih obaveza xx xxxxxx
Crown Agencije, prema Xxxxxx X.
16.2 Crown Agencija može raskinuti ovaj Ugovor pismenim obavještenjem o raskidu u roku od trideset (30) xxxx u slučaju da:
a) Xxxxxxxx ne ispravi propust u izvršavanju svojih obaveza prema ovom sporazumu u roku od trideset (30) xxxx xxxxx što je pismeno obaviještena i li u dužem roku koji Crown Agencija može naknadno pismeno odobriti; ili
b) kao rezultat više sile, Crown Agencija nije u mogućnosti da isporuči materijalni dio posredničkih usluga, u periodu od najmanje šezdeset (60) xxxx; ili
a) shodno odredbama člana 19.3, u slučaju kršenja svojih obaveza xx xxxxxx
Primaoca, prema Aneksu H.
16.3 Crown Agencija xx xxxxx izdavanja odnosno prijema obavještenja o raskidu Ugovora postupiti uredno, u najbržem razumnom roku i na ekonomičan način preduzeti potrebne korake za okončanje Usluga posrednika, shodno ovom Sporazumu. Raskid ovog sporazuma neće ugroziti ili uticati na stečena prava ili obaveze bilo koje Strane u ovom sporazumu. Po raskidu, Crown Agencija ima pravo da zahtijeva i bude isplaćena za sve Agencijske naknade, shodno pruženim uslugama do trenutka okončanja Sporazuma, kao što je navedeno u Aneksu B, te za sve troškove koji proizilaze iz takvog raskida, pod uslovom da takav raskid nije nastao prema odredbama člana 16.1 (a) i / ili (b) ovog dokumenta.
16.4 U slučaju raskida Ugovora, Crown Agencija će u roku od 45 xxxx od datuma raskida dostaviti Primaocu pisanu izjavu sa navedenim ukupno preostalim iznosom na Računu za Nabavke koji xxx nije isplaćen ili zadužen.
16.5 Navedena izjava biće praćena potvrdom nezavisnog revizora kojom se potvrđuje
tačnost podataka dostavljenih u Izjavi.
16.6 Crown Agencija će izvršiti uplatu iznosa Vladi Japana, odnosno postupiti po njenom nalogu za iznos detaljno naveden u xxxx pomenutoj Izjavi, u roku od 45 xxxx od xxxx podnošenja Izjave xx xxxxxx Crown Agencije.
16.7 Po prestanku, isplata bilo kojeg iznosa koji se duguje Crown Agenciji biće izvršena sa odgovarajućeg računa za nabavke, xxxx xx detaljno opisano u ovom sporazumu, ili ukoliko dovoljni iznosi nisu dostupni, terećenjem računa Primaoca u roku od 45 xxxx od podnošenje fakture xx xxxxxx Crown Agencije.
Svi sporovi ili neslaganja nastala ovim Sporazumom, koje Strane ne mogu sporazumno riješiti, arbitražom će se riješiti u skladu s odredbama UNCITRAL pravila arbitraže xx xxxxxx jednog ili više arbitara imenovanih u skladu s xxx pravilima. Strane će se međusobno dogovoriti o mjestu arbitraže, ali u slučaju spora to će biti Ženeva u Švajcarskoj. Arbitraža će se voditi na engleskom jeziku.
Valjanost, izrada i izvršenje ovog sporazuma uređivaće se i tumačiti u skladu sa zakonima
18.1 Ako postoji neka kontradiktornost ili neusklađenost između odredbi ovog Sporazuma i nekog od njegovih aneksa, uslovi ovog Sporazuma će imati prednost nad aneksima.
19.2 Nijedna strana neće ustupiti, založiti ili na drugi način se odreći svojih prava prema ovom Sporazumu, bez prethodnog pismenog pristanka druge strane u svakom pojedinačnom slučaju.
19.3 Strane će se pridržavati najviših etičkih standarda u izvršavanju ovog sporazuma i pridržavati se obaveza sadržanih u Zapisniku. Svaka povreda tih obaveza predstavljaće povredu ovog Sporazuma koja nije u stanju da se ispravi i daje stranci koja ne ispunjava obveze pravo da raskine ovaj Sporazum u skladu sa klauzulom 16 .1
(d) ili klauzulom 16.2 (c), prema potrebi.
O svemu navedenom su saglasni ovlašteni predstavnici strana potpisnica ovog sporazuma:
POTPISUJE Xx Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx
Ministar, Ministarstvo zdravlja
u ime
Izvršni direktor / Predsjednik Crown Agents Japan Limited
u ime
CROWN AGENTS JAPAN LIMITED ______________________________
1 Postupci za pružanje Usluga nabavki i računovodstvenih usluga Primaocu koje pruža Crown Agencija u oblastima navedenim u ovom Prilogu.
2.1 Nabavke će se sprovoditi u skladu sa smjernicama za nabavke koje je utvrdila Vlada Japana i najvišim standardima i načelima za javne usluge uzimajući u obzir potrebu za brzom isplatom i, koliko je to moguće, težnju da se obezbijedi vrijednost za novac za Primaoca i Krajnjeg korisnika.
2.2 Crown Agencija smatra da je, u principu, konkurentno nadmetanje („konkurentno nadmetanje“) najbolji način za zadovoljavanje xxxx navedenih zahtjeva u vezi s nabavkom Proizvoda i/ili Usluga. Kad koristi metod konkurentnog nadmetanja, Crown Agencija će nabavljati Proizvode i/ili Usluge putem konkurentnog nadmetanja u skladu s postupcima opisanim u st. 2.2 i 2.3 ovog Priloga.
U slučaju nabavke Proizvoda i/ili Usluga putem konkurentnog nadmetanja, Crown Agencija će objaviti poziv za tender za pretkvalifikaciju putem Opšteg obavještenja o nabavci objavljenog u novinama koje se čitaju u velikom broju (npr. Japan Times, The Wall Street Journal i Financial Times) i na internet stranici Crown Agencije. Opšte obavještenje o nabavci sadrži informacije koje se tiču Donatora, Primaoca, iznosa i svrhe granta, naziva Proizvoda i/ili Usluga koje se nabavljaju i potrebne informacije za prijavljivanje za pretkvalifikaciju kada to zahtijeva Crown Agencija.
U slučajevima gdje je neophodna pretkvalifikacija, ona će se u potpunosti zasnivati na sposobnosti potencijalnih ponuđača da izvrše određeni ugovor na zadovoljavajući način, uzimajući u obzir njihovo:
(i) iskustvo i prethodni učinak u sličnim nabavkama;
(ii) kapacitet u pogledu postprodajne usluge i garancije; i
(iii) finansijski položaj.
2.3 Tamo gdje se koristi konkurentno nadmetanje, Crown Agencija će
(i) pripremiti i usaglasiti plan nabavke za stavke koje je Xxxxxxxx utvrdio za nabavku, uključujući, po potrebi, detaljne razgovore s Primaocem i Krajnjim korisnicima;
(ii) pripremiti tendersku dokumentaciju sa specifikacijama, uključujući, po potrebi,
detaljne razgovore s Primaocem i Krajnjim korisnicima;
(iii) izdati tendersku dokumentaciju koja će pružiti sve informacije potrebne potencijalnom ponuđaču za pripremanje ponude;
(iv) organizovati otvaranje ponuda na datum koji je naveden za najkasnije dostavljanje ponuda ili neposredno nakon toga;
(v) nakon otvaranja ponuda, započeti ocjenjivanje i upoređivanje ponuda na način kojim će se omogućiti poređenje ponuda na osnovu njihove cijene i relevantnih faktora. (U tenderskoj dokumentaciji će se jasno navesti takvi faktori, pored cijene, koji će se uzeti u obzir prilikom ocjenjivanja ponuda i način na koji će se oni primjenjivati u svrhu utvrđivanja najbolje ocijenjene ponude);
(vi) pripremiti detaljan izvještaj o ocjenjivanju i poređenju ponuda kojim se navode konkretni razlozi na xxxxxx xx zasnovana preporuka za dodjelu ugovora i poslati kopije Primaocu i Krajnjem korisniku na pismeno odobrenje za sklapanje ugovora; i
(vii) nakon prijema obavještenja o odluci Primaoca i Krajnjeg korisnika o tome koju ponudu prihvataju, pristupiti sklapanju ugovora(â) s uspješnim ponuđačem.
2.4 Mogu se javiti okolnosti pod kojima konkurentno nadmetanje nije prikladno i Crown Agencija može uzeti u obzir alternativne postupke koji su prihvatljivi u sljedećim slučajevima:
(i) kad xx xxxx kvalifikovanih izvođača, dobavljača ili proizvođača ograničen;
(ii) kad je iznos koji je obuhvaćen nabavkom toliko mali da potencijalni dobavljači očigledno ne bi bili zainteresovani ili kad bi povezani administrativni teret nadmašio prednosti konkurentnog nadmetanja;
(iii) ponovno nadmetanje nakon cijelog ili dijela prvobitnog nadmetanja, ako xx
xxxxxxxx za konkurentno nadmetanje poništen;
(iv) ako su Proizvodi koji se naručuju vlasnički proizvodi, rezervni djelovi ili predmeti koji imaju samo jedan izvor proizvodnje; ili
(v) ako, osim u slučajevima iz (i), (ii), (iii) i (iv), Crown Agencija smatra da nije primjereno da se slijede postupci konkurentnog nadmetanja, npr. u slučaju hitnih nabavki.
2.5 U xxxx pomenutim okolnostima, mogu se primijeniti sljedeće metode nabavke, prema slučaju, uzimajući u obzir pravičnost, jednake mogućnosti, efikasnost i ekonomičnost:
(i) ograničeno nadmetanje, koje je u suštini konkurentno nadmetanje direktnim
pozivom bez javnog oglašavanja;
(ii) šoping, koje je metod nabavke zasnovan na poređenju ponuda cijena pribavljenih od nekoliko (obično najmanje tri) ponuđača, kako bi se obezbijedile konkurentne cijene; ili
(iii) direktno ugovaranje gdje će Crown Agencija direktno pregovarati s dobavljačem prije sklapanja ugovora. Tamo gdje je to moguće, Crown Agencija će nastojati da uporedi cijene s prethodnim sličnim ugovorima.
2.6 Primalac i Crown Agencija će razmotriti, dogovoriti i potvrditi u pisanom obliku metode nabavke koji će se koristiti za razne Proizvode i/ili Usluge koji će se nabavljati prema ovom Sporazumu.
2.7 Nakon sklapanja ugovora, Crown Agencija će pratiti napredak ugovora i podnositi tromjesečne izvještaje o statusu Primaocu i Krajnjem korisniku.
2.8 Crown Agencija će primiti otpremne dokumente i drugu potrebnu dokumentaciju od dobavljača i provjeriti da xx xx takva dokumentacija u skladu s uslovima pojedinačnih ugovora.
2.9 Crown Agencija će po potrebi, na zahtjev Primaoca, pružiti pomoć Primaocu pružanjem sljedećih usluga gdje će:
- poslati kopiju ugovora s dobavljačem Primaocu i Krajnjem korisniku.
- prema uputstvima, organizovati inspekcije za kontrolu kvaliteta;
- ubrzati ugovore i potvrditi da xx xx ispunjeni datumi isporuke;
- naložiti dobavljaču da rukuje, zapakuje, označi i transportuje Proizvode u skladu sa zahtjevima u ime Primaoca;
- organizovati pošiljku u ime Primaoca;
- organizovati pomorsko osiguranje u ime Primaoca;
- obavijestiti Primaoca o svakoj pošiljci, datumu otpreme, procijenjenom datumu
dolaska, nazivu plovila i fakturi;
- obezbijediti da otpremnica bude izdata odgovarajućem primaocu;
- organizovati prosljeđivanje svih originalnih dokumenata direktno odgovarajućem
2.10 Izmirivanje dobavljača, špeditera i osiguranja organizuje Crown Agencija knjiženjem
iznosa koji su opredijeljeni za odgovarajući ugovor na teret Računa za nabavke.
Osim u slučaju raskida ovog Sporazuma putem obavještenja, Crown Agencija će pružati savjetodavne usluge Komisiji xxxx xx precizirano u Zapisniku u periodu od tri godine od datuma stupanja na snagu Zapisnika ili do prestanka korišćenja sredstava, koje god da pada kasnije. Crown Agencija će pružati izvještaje Komisiji u periodu od pet xxxxxx xx datuma stupanja na snagu Zapisnika.
4.1 Nakon potpisivanja Sporazuma, Primalac će zatražiti od Crown Agencije xx x Bankom organizuje otvaranje računa („Račun za nabavke“).
U isto vrijeme, Crown Agencija će japanskoj banci podnijeti:
(i) kopiju obavještenja o odobrenju ovog Sporazuma xx xxxxxx Vlade Japana;
(ii) originalni primjerak Blanko ovlašćenja za isplatu (BDA);
(iii) Zahtjev za isplatu Sredstava;
(iv) Detaljnu procjenu (Budžet) Sredstava;
za ovlašćenje za prenos sredstava za nabavku Proizvoda i/ili Usluga i plaćanje Agencijske naknade, s potpisom ovlašćenog potpisnika Zapisnika ili bankarskog aranžmana, gdje je primjenljivo.
Po prijemu traženog iznosa, Crown Agencija će ga knjižiti u korist Računa za nabavke i odmah teretiti cjelokupni iznos xxxx xxxxx da primi u skladu s Prilogom B ovog Sporazuma - Raspored plaćanja - 4.1 Prvo plaćanje.
4.2 Prije obavezivanja za bilo koji ugovor xx xxxxxx Crown Agencije, Banka će primiti sredstva koja su potrebna za plaćanje po datom ugovoru, kao i sve povezane troškove i naknade, od Japanske banke nakon podnošenja Zahtjeva za isplatu. Po prijemu sredstava, sredstva će biti stavljena na Račun za nabavke do dospijeća bilo kog plaćanja u vezi s ugovorom, i Crown Agencija će potvrditi ugovor s dobavljačem.
Nakon potvrde ugovora xx xxxxxx Crown Agencije, sredstva će se raspoređivati prema dospjelim plaćanjima po ugovoru i Primalac ne može koristiti data sredstva u druge svrhe.
4.3 Crown Agencija neće biti u obavezi da sklopi bilo koji ugovor za nabavku Proizvoda i/ili Usluga u ime Primaoca sve dok se na Račun za nabavke ne primi iznos koji je najmanje jednak i u valuti (valutama) pune vrijednosti ugovora i povezanih naknada za Crown Agenciju.
4.4 Primaocu se dostavljaju mjesečni izvodi s Računa za nabavke kojima se detaljno navodi početno i završno stanje.
4.5 Banka ima pravo da u bilo kojem trenutku tretira sve iznose primljene u korist računa i sve obaveze Banke na računu xxx xx xx u apsolutnom stvarnom vlasništvu Primaoca bez ikakvih drugih založnih prava, naknada, vlasničkih interesa ili tereta bez obzira na oznaku računa ili bilo koje obavještenje ili potraživanje u vezi s njim. Primalac će obeštetiti Crown Agenciju za bilo koji gubitak, potraživanje ili trošak koji je za njih nastao u vezi s polaganjem bilo kojeg založnog prava, naknade, vlasničkog interesa ili tereta u pogledu bilo kojeg računa Primaoca.
4.6 U slučaju da Crown Agencija pruži usluge koje ne dovedu do sklapanja ugovora o nabavci Proizvoda i/ili Usluga usljed okolnosti van njene kontrole, Crown Agencija zadržava pravo da zahtijeva i da joj bude isplaćen dio Agencijske naknade, xxxx xx precizirano u Prilogu B.
4.7 Crown Agencija će primiti Sredstva od Japanske banke nakon podnošenja Zahtjeva za
4.8 Prije nego što Crown Agencija potvrdi ugovor s dobavljačem za nabavku Proizvoda i/ili Usluga, Crown Agencija xxxx dobiti ovlašćenje od Primaoca. Crown Agencija će izvršiti plaćanje (plaćanja) dobavljaču za cijenu Proizvoda i/ili Usluga u skladu s
ugovorom. Svi povezani troškovi i naknade za takvo plaćanje plaćaju se s Računa za
4.9 Sve xxxxxx obračunate na Računu za nabavke koristiće se za plaćanja za Proizvode
i/ili Usluge.
4.10 Kada Crown Agencija zatraži konačni prenos sredstava s Računa Primaoca na Račun za nabavke, od Japanske banke će zatražiti da prenese preostala sredstva uz sve xxxxxx obračunate na Računu Primaoca na Račun za nabavke.
4.11 Kad ukupni preostali iznos na Računu Primaoca ili Računu za nabavke bude manje od 3% iznosa Xxxxxx uvećanog za obračunate xxxxxx, Primalac će od Crown Agencije zatražiti refundaciju preostalog iznosa. Primalac će Crown Agenciji podnijeti obrazac zahtjeva za refundiranje i fakturu, koja će biti priložena Potvrdi o prihvatljivoj nabavci (CEP) za preostali iznos plaćanja xxxx xx Primalac već izvršio za nabavku prihvatljivih Proizvoda i/ili Usluga u skladu s Zapisnikom na datum ili nakon datuma stupanja na snagu Zapisnika. Suma iznosa fakture xxxx biti jednaka iznosu refundiranja ili veća. Po prijemu ovih dokumenata, Crown Agencija izdaje CEP za preostali iznos. Po prijemu odobrenog CEP-a, Crown Agencija će poslati kopiju CEP-a Vladi Japana i refundirati preostali iznos Banci xxxx xx odredio Primalac.
4.12 U slučaju da se Srdestva primljena u japanskim jenima moraju razmijeniti u druge valute, devizni kurs koji će se primijeniti na konverziju biće kurs koji je dostupan Banci u trenutku xxxx xx potrebna razmjena valute.
4.13 Doznake će se knjižiti u korist računa na datum kada ih primi Banka ili, ako je kasnije, kada budu identifikovane. Naplate xx xxxxxx Xxxxx xx knjiže na teret računa kad dospijevaju. Račun će se teretiti kad Banka, u ime svog klijenta:
a) vrši uplatu ili prenos na drugi račun (račune);
b) snosi obavezu za plaćanje (uključujući buduću ili potencijalnu obavezu); ili
c) primi instrukciju od Crown Agencije kao posrednika za Primaoca da izvrši plaćanje prema postupku koji Crown Agencija koristi za nabavku Proizvoda i/ili Usluga.
4.14 Kada Crown Agencija plaćanje dobavljaču vrši putem akreditiva, tereti Račun za nabavke u punoj vrijednosti akreditiva i svih povezanih bankarskih naknada prije davanja instrukcija banci da izda akreditiv. Primalac će obezbijediti da na Računu za nabavke bude dovoljno sredstava za pokrivanje vrijednosti i troškova svakog takvog akreditiva kao i svih drugih obaveza nastalih u skladu s ovim Sporazumom. Sredstva knjižena na teret Računa za nabavke u svrhu plaćanja putem akreditiva biće u korist Crown Agencije i koristiće se isključivo u svrhu plaćanja Banci prema uslovima ugovora o akreditivu.
4.15 Sredstvima koja Crown Agencija primi u korist Računa za nabavke raspolagaće se u
skladu sa zakonima Japana.
1. U skladu s okvirnim sporazumom između Crown Agencije i Vlade Japana o imenovanju Crown Agencije, Primalac će Crown Agenciji isplatiti Agencijsku naknadu u ukupnom iznosu u japanskim jenima (JPY) izvedenom iz vrijednosti Xxxxxx pomnožene s procentom datim u sljedećoj tabeli, zavisno od vrijednosti bespovratne pomoći i broja pojedinačno navedenih stavki koje se nabavljaju po ugovorima koje je sklopila i kojima upravlja Crown Agencija u ime Primaoca prema ovom Grantu za usluge koje će se pružati u skladu s ovim Sporazumom. Ovu tabelu za obračun naknade odobrila je Vlada Japana u okviru postupka za izbor agenata za nabavke koji će biti preporučeni Vladama primaocima u okviru ove šeme bespovratne pomoći.
Broj stavki koje su predmet nabavke Vrijednost granta (JPY) | 1 do 5 | 6 do 10 | 11 do 15 | 16 do 20 |
Manje od 200 miliona | 10% | 11% | 12% | 13% |
2. Stavke koje će biti predmet nabavke i broj stavki podliježu sporazumu između Vlade Japana i Primaoca u najranijoj fazi Granta. Međutim, ako broj stavki koje su predmet nabavke ne bude utvrđen u trenutku kad ovaj sporazum stupi na snagu, prva naknada xxxx xx navedena u tački 4.1 u daljem tekstu uzimaće se na osnovu pretpostavke da će broj stavki koje su predmet nabavke biti između 1 i 5. Ako eventualni broj bude veći, nakon što se utvrdi konačni broj, Agencijske naknade će biti korigovane u skladu s xxx. U slučaju da broj stavki koje su predmet nabavke bude veći od 20, Crown Agencija će odrediti procenat po odobrenju Vlade Japana.
3. U skladu s okvirnim sporazumom između Crown Agencije i Vlade Japana o imenovanju Crown Agencije, Primalac će Crown Agenciji isplatiti dodatne Agencijske naknade ukoliko su u obavezi da obezbijede konsultantske usluge i/ili Usluge koje je predvidio konsultant u okviru Granta. Crown Agencija utvrđuje iznos dodatnih Agencijskih naknada prema odobrenju Vlade Japana.
4. Raspored plaćanja
Sredstva za ukupan iznos Agencijske naknade biće preneseni u japanskim jenima s Računa Primaoca na Račun za nabavke, a Agencijska naknada će se Crown Agenciji plaćati u japanskim jenima od Sredstava na sljedeći način:-
4.1 Prva uplata
Četrdeset procenata (40%) Agencijske naknade, xxxx xx definisano u skladu s prethodno navedenom tabelom iz stava 1 prema broju stavki koje su predmet nabavke i vrijednosti Granta, plaća se Crown Agenciji s Računa za nabavke, na zahtjev Crown Agencije,
odmah nakon stupanja na snagu ovog Sporazuma, u skladu s xxxx navedenom Klauzulom 9.
4.2 Druga uplata
Trideset procenata (30%) Agencijske naknade, xxxx xx definisano u skladu s prethodno navedenom tabelom iz stava 1 prema broju stavki koje su predmet nabavke i vrijednosti Granta, plaća se Crown Agenciji s Računa za nabavke, na zahtjev Crown Agencije kad ukupni iznos sredstava Granta opredijeljenih za nabavku Proizvoda i/ili Usluga iznosi 50% vrijednosti Granta i pripadajućih kamata, bez Agencijske naknade.
4.3 Treća uplata
Dvadeset procenata (20%) Agencijske naknade, xxxx xx definisano u skladu s prethodno navedenom tabelom iz stava 1 prema broju stavki koje su predmet nabavke i vrijednosti Granta, plaća se Crown Agenciji s Računa za nabavke, na zahtjev Crown Agencije kad ukupni iznos sredstava Granta opredijeljenih za nabavku Proizvoda i/ili Usluga iznosi 75% vrijednosti Granta i pripadajućih kamata, bez Agencijske naknade.
4.4 Konačna uplata
Deset procenata (10%) Agencijske naknade, xxxx xx definisano u skladu s prethodno navedenom tabelom iz stava 1 prema broju stavki koje su predmet nabavke i vrijednosti Granta, plaća se Crown Agenciji s Računa za nabavke, na zahtjev Crown Agencije kad ukupni iznos sredstava Granta isplaćenih bude više od 97% vrijednosti Granta i pripadajućih kamata, bez Agencijske naknade.
5. Korekcija naknada
5.1 U slučaju da eventualni broj stavki koje su predmet nabavke bude veći od broja koje xx Xxxxxx dogovorile, u skladu s xxxx navedenim stavom 1, iznos koji se plaća Crown Agenciji za Agencijske usluge koriguje se naviše u skladu s prethodno navedenom tabelom za obračun naknade kako bi se uračunala razlika između prvobitne procjene Agencijske naknade i konačne Agencijske naknade.
5.2 U slučaju da Primalac bude zatražio od Crown Agencije da zaključi i upravlja sa više od 20 (dvadeset) stavki, Crown Agecija i Primalac će dogovoriti visinu naknade koja će se primjenjivati, a izmjena visine naknade će se izvršiti zaključivanjem formalne izmjene i dopune ovog Sporazuma i stupa na snagu nakon što je odobri Vlada Japana.
6. Dodatne naknade
Ako Crown Agencija bude sprovodila Agencijske usluge duže od perioda koji je utvrđen u dogovorenim planovima nabavki (Prilog A 2.3 (i)) a takvo produženje Agencijskih usluga bude neophodno iz razloga koji su van njihove kontrole, Crown Agencija će imati pravo na dodatne Agencijske naknade. Crown Agencija i Primalac će se pismeno dogovoriti o visini naknade koja će se primjenjivati, a izmjena visine naknade će se izvršiti zaključivanjem formalne izmjene i dopune ovog Sporazuma i stupa na snagu nakon što je odobri Vlada Japana.
Japanska bespovratna pomoć za Program ekonomskog i socijalnog razvoja
U ime Vlade Crne Xxxx, ovim ovlašćujem
MUFG Bank, Ltd.
Da izvrši prenos sredstava na (Račun za nabavke) na zahtjev Crown Agencije do punog iznosa sredstava bespovratne pomoći primljenih od Vlade Japana u vrijednosti od 100.000.000 [sto miliona] japanskih jena plus pripisane xxxxxx.
Ukupni iznos Granta 100.000.000 JPY
Deponovan na račun 3016033 kod vaše banke
Isplata navedenog iznosa koji se odnosi na troškove nabavke Proizvoda i/ili Usluga vrši se društvu Crown Agencija Japan Limited na račun br. 0477521 kod MUFG Bank, Ltd., podružnica Ichigaya, Tokio, Japan (Račun za nabavke)
U ime Vlade Crne Xxxx, (potpisao)
Xx Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx
Septembar 2020. godine
Japanska bespovratna pomoć za Program ekonomskog i socijalnog razvoja
za Vladu Crne Xxxx
Za: Vladu Crne Xxxx Xx: Crown Agents
Na osnovu Detaljne procjene xxxx xx u prilogu, obavještavamo vas da je Crown Agencija zaražila od MUFG Bank, Ltd. xxxx [datum] da izvrši prenos sljedećeg iznosa na Račun za nabavke.
Iznos: Iznos ciframa (iznos slovima)
__________________________________ (ime i prezime)
(1) Detaljna procjena (kopija)
(2) Zahtjev za isplatu (kopija)
Japanska bespovratna pomoć za Program ekonomskog i socijalnog razvoja
za Vladu Crne Xxxx
Za: MUFG Bank, Ltd.
Tokio, Japan
Od: Crown Agents
Molimo da izvršite prenos sredstava između računa navedenih u daljem tekstu koji se odnosi na nabavku Proizvoda i/ili Usluga za Vladu Crne Xxxx xxxxx ovom zahtjevu na osnovu Blanko ovlašćenja za isplatu (BDA) koje je potpisala Vlada Crne Xxxx xxxx ( datum).
Račun za terećenje: 3016033 kod vaše banke
Račun u korist kojeg se vrši uplata: Crown Agents Japan Limited račun br. 0477521 kod MUFG Bank, Ltd., podružnica Ichigaya, Tokio, Japan (Račun za nabavke)
Adresa primaoca: Tokio, Japan Iznos: Iznos ciframa
Kad se račun zatvori: Preostali saldo plus obračunate xxxxxx
__________________________________ (ime i prezime)
Transfer Prilog | Prvi zahtjev | Nakon drugog zahtjeva |
Blanko ovlašćenje za isplatu (BDA) | Original | Kopija |
Sporazum s Agencijom | Kopija | - |
Donatorovo odobrenje Sporazuma s Agencijom | Kopija | |
Detaljna procjena | Original | Original |
(funkcija) Prilozi:
Japanska bespovratna pomoć za Program ekonomskog i socijalnog razvoja
za Vladu Crne Xxxx
Vlada Crne Xxxx
Bespovratna pomoć Vlade Japana
Naziv stavke* Opredijeljeni iznos (u JPY)
Navesti naziv Proizvoda i/ili Usluga i/ili Agencijskih usluga.
**Stvarna nabavka ne premašuje ukupni iznos preostalog salda i obračunate xxxxxx xx Računu
__________________________________ (ime i prezime)
Prilog G
Datum: REF. BR.:
Pozivajući se na priloženu profakturu, ovim potvrđujemo da je nabavka u skladu sa svim relevantnim uslovima i razmjenama nota između Vlade Japana i Vlade Crne Xxxx xx 07.septembra 2020. godine i Usaglašenim zapisnikom o proceduralnim detaljima između dvije vlade od 07.septembra 2020.godine
Slijede glavne relevantne činjenice u vezi s nabavkom.
1. Metod nabavke
(označiti sa X odgovarajuću opciju)
a. : konkurentno nadmetanje
b. : ograničeno nadmetanje
c. : šoping
d. : direktno ugovaranje
2. Proizvodi i/ili Usluge
a. Naziv Proizvoda i/ili Usluga:
b. Porijeklo:
3. Troškovi za Proizvode i/ili Usluge
a. Proizvodi i/ili Usluge:
b. Prevoz:
c. Pomorsko osiguranje:
d. Agencijska naknada:
e. Ukupno (a + b + c + d):
4. Dobavljač
(zemlja u kojoj je dobavljač osnovan i registrovan)
5. Primalac Naziv: Adresa:
Crown Agents Japan Limited ime i prezime funkcija
Prilog H
1.1 Crown Agencija ne nudi niti će nuditi, platiti, tražiti, primati, odobravati, tajno dogovarati niti dopustiti plaćanje ili primanje mita (uključujući takozvana „neslužbena plaćanja“) bilo gdje u svijetu xx xxxxxx bilo kog lica u njegovo ime ili u njegovu korist na bilo xxxx xxxxx. Čak i nagovještaj mita ili korupcije može ozbiljno naštetiti reputaciji Crown Agencija ili njegovih klijenata i poslovnih partnera, uticati na njegovu sposobnost poslovanja i ugroziti reputaciju zaposlenih. Crown Agencija se zalaže za razmjenu informacija i jačanje kolektivnog postupanja u cilju eliminisanja mita i korupcije.
1.2 Svaka Strana ovog Sporazuma poštovaće sve zakone, propise i kodekse protiv mita i korupcije koji se primjenjuju u zemljama u kojima posluju i gdje se ti zakoni, propisi i kodeksi primjenjuju izvan tih zemalja (na primjer Zakon Velike Britanije o mitu iz 2010. godine i Zakon SAD-a o korupciji u inostranstvu iz 1977. godine), u svim ostalim zemljama na koje se primjenjuju takvi zakoni, propisi i kodeksi protiv mita i korupcije.
1.3 Svaka Strana će odmah prijaviti drugoj svaki zahtjev za bilo kakvu neprimjerenu finansijsku ili drugu prednost bilo koje vrste xxxx xx relevantne Strana primila u vezi s izvršenjem ovog Sporazuma ili sve sumnje koje relevantna Strana može imati u vezi s prethodno navedenim.
1.4 Svaka Strana će obavijestiti drugu Stranu u povjerenju, čim to razumno bude moguće, o svim sumnjama koje ima u vezi s mogućom koruptivnom aktivnošću osoblja ili povezanih xxxx xxxxx Xxxxxx.
1.5 Obje Xxxxxx potvrđuju svoju pojedinačnu odgovornost za sprečavanje i suzbijanje mita i korupcije i obavezuju se da će svoje aktivnosti obavljati u skladu s etičkim propisima i s potpunim integritetom i da će sprovesti i održavati djelotvorne sisteme za korporativno upravljanje, transparentnost, odgovornost i sisteme izvještavanja u cilju sprečavanja i suzbijanja mita i korupcije u bilo kojem obliku u svim internim i eksternim aktivnostima
1.6 Nijedna Strana se neće svjesno uključiti u bilo koji posao u vezi s ovim Sporazumom, niti koristiti informacije koje proizilaze iz ovog Sporazuma, na bilo xxxx xxxxx koji je u suprotnosti s interesima druge Strane.
DATED …………………
Clause Page Number
THIS AGREEMENT is made this ______ day of , 2020.
THE GOVERNMENT OF MONTENEGRO represented by XXXXXX (hereinafter called the "Recipient") of the one part;
CROWN AGENTS JAPAN LIMITED whose Registered Office is at 1st Floor, Xxxx Kaikan Honkan, 0-0-0Xxxxxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxx-xx, Xxxxx 000-0000, Xxxxx (hereinafter called "Crown Agents") of the other part.
The Recipient and Crown Agents are hereinafter referred to collectively as the “Parties” and individually as a “Party”.
WHEREAS the Government of Japan (hereinafter called "GOJ") has made available Japanese Grant Aid for the Economic and Social Development Programme to the Recipient (hereinafter referred to as "the Programme"), under an Exchange of Notes and Agreed Minutes on Procedural Details dated 7 September 2020 (hereinafter referred to as "the EON").
WHEREAS the Recipient intends to use funds available under Japanese Grant Aid for the Programme in order to pay for (i) Products and/or Services procured for and on behalf of the Recipient by Crown Agents and (ii) the services of Crown Agents;
WHEREAS Crown Agents have declared and represented to the Recipient that they have considerable experience in the procurement of Products and Services.
In this Agreement, the following terms have the respective meanings set out below:
(1) "Advances" means the funds received in the Procurement Account from the Recipient Account to cover (i) expenses related to the procurement of Products and/or Services and (ii) the Agent's Fee as set out in Clause 9 hereof.
(2) "Agent's Fee" means the remuneration that the Recipient shall pay to Crown Agents for the Agent's Services, pursuant to this Agreement.
(3) "Agent’s Services" shall mean the services detailed in Appendix A hereto and the EON, to be performed by Crown Agents.
(4) "Bank" is the bank appointed by Crown Agents, which shall make payments to suppliers of Products and/or Services from the Advances. The Agent's Fee shall be disbursed by the Bank from the Advances.
(5) "Blanket Disbursement Authorisation” or “BDA" means the form attached hereto as Appendix C. By signing this form, the Recipient designates Crown Agents as its representative authorised to act in its name concerning all transfers of the Grant, plus any interest earned, to the Procurement Account.
(6) “Certificate of Eligible Procurement” or “CEP” means the form attached hereto as Appendix G. The form shall be issued by Crown Agents prior to entering into a contract for the procurement of Products and/or Services with the supplier thereof and prior to payment of the balance of the Agent’s Fee to Crown Agents. This form shall certify the eligibility of a proposed procurement concerning the Products and/or Services to be procured under the Grant and shall be submitted to GOJ. A copy of the CEP shall be submitted to the Recipient.
(7) "Certificate of Eligible Procurement for the Remaining Amount" means the form attached to the EON as Appendix IV. The Recipient shall submit this form, together with all necessary documents including invoices, commercial invoice(s), bills of lading, and airway bills to Crown Agents to instruct to arrange the remittance of the remaining amount of the Grant plus any interest earned to a bank account designated by the Recipient. This form shall be issued by the Recipient when all payments from the Procurement Account have been made and when the total of the remaining amount in the Procurement Account and the remaining amount of the Advances is less than 3% of the Grant plus any interest earned.
(8) "Detailed Estimate" means the form attached hereto as Appendix F. Crown Agents shall issue the form, which describes the allocation of the Grant according to the decision by the Recipient, and submit the form to the Japanese Bank as an attachment to the Disbursement Request.
(9) "Disbursement Request" means the form attached hereto as Appendix E. Crown Agents shall use the form to request the Japanese Bank to transfer the funds to cover expenses necessary for both the procurement of Products and/or Services and also for the Agent's Services.
(10) "End-User" means the organisation(s) in the Recipient country that intend to use the Products and/or Services procured under this Agreement.
(11) "Grant" means the funds made available by the Programme.
(12) "Japanese Bank" means a bank in Japan in which the Recipient has opened the Yen ordinary deposit account to receive the Grant from GOJ. The Recipient and the Japanese Bank shall conclude an arrangement regarding transfer of the Grant plus any interest earned in which the Recipient shall designate Crown Agents as the representative acting in the name of the Recipient concerning all transfers of funds to the Procurement Account in accordance with the EON.
(13) "Notification of Disbursement Request" means the form attached hereto as Appendix
D. Crown Agents shall use the form to notify the Recipient of disbursement requests made to the Japanese Bank.
(14) “Products” and “Services” mean the products and/or services necessary for the implementation of the Programme and enumerated in EON.
(15) "Procurement Account" means the account(s) in the Bank, the main purpose of which is to receive funds from the Recipient Account necessary for both the procurement of Products and/or Services and also for payment of the Agent's Services. Crown Agents shall make payments to suppliers as well as the Agent's Fee from the Advances deposited in the Procurement Account.
(16) "Recipient Account" means the Yen ordinary deposit account in the name of the Recipient with the Japanese Bank, the purpose of which is to receive the Grant from GOJ.
The Recipient hereby appoints and authorises Crown Agents to act as an agent on its behalf and Crown Agents hereby agrees to act as an agent in accordance with the terms of the EON and this Agreement, for and on behalf of the Recipient, to procure Products and/or Services requested by the Recipient. Crown Agents shall also provide to the Committee (as defined in Appendix V of the EON) such services as are set out in Appendix II of the EON. Crown Agents may delegate any of its obligations under this Agreement to any affiliate including but not limited to a parent company and Crown Agents will be responsible for all acts or omissions of such affiliate in relation to this Agreement.
This Agreement shall come into force upon the date shown above and shall continue until the funds available have been utilised under the EON, or termination of their use under the terms of the EON, or upon termination of this Agreement in accordance with its terms.
In undertaking the procurement of Products and/or Services on behalf of the Recipient, Crown Agents shall follow the Scope of the Agent’s Services attached to the EON for ensuring proper procurement, and the procedure set out in Appendix A hereto (or such other procedure as may be agreed in writing between the Parties from time to time provided that such procedures shall in all aspects conform with the requirement of the EON).
In accordance with the Recipient’s requirements, Crown Agents shall make such arrangements as are appropriate to effect shipment and marine insurance of the Products procured under this Agreement.
In the event that Crown Agents considers it advisable that any Products to be procured under this Agreement be technically inspected, they shall present recommendations to the Recipient together with details of the scope of inspection and the fee payable in respect of such inspection. Upon receipt of instructions from the Recipient, Crown Agents shall arrange to carry out a quality control inspection. The inspection fee shall be debited to the Procurement Account.
Crown Agents shall provide their services as agents and shall undertake to exercise due skill and care in the performance of the Agent’s Services and in particular to obtain the most favourable terms available to the Recipient for the supply of Products and/or Services. If the Recipient shall incur any loss or damage as a result of any acts or omissions of Crown Agents under this Agreement, Crown Agents shall be liable to the Recipient only for direct loss or damage (excluding lost profits or revenues and any loss of goodwill, reputation or opportunity) as shall be shown to have been incurred solely as a result of wilful misconduct of Crown Agents. Crown Agents shall not be liable to the Recipient for any special, indirect or consequential loss or damage, lost profits or revenues or any loss of goodwill, reputation or opportunity, arising out of or in connection with this Agreement or any breach or non-performance of it. The total amount of damages for which Crown Agents may be liable shall not exceed the amount paid by the Recipient for the Agents' Fee in accordance with the provisions of Clause 9 hereof. Notwithstanding the provisions of this clause, Crown Agents does not seek to limit or exclude its liability in respect of any death or personal injury caused by its negligence, nor for any other liability which cannot legally be limited or excluded.
The Recipient shall indemnify and keep indemnified Crown Agents against any cost, claim or expense incurred by Crown Agents in the proper performance of the Agent’s Services.
The Recipient shall pay Crown Agents for the Agent’s Services in accordance with the procedure detailed in Appendix A hereto and in accordance with the Agent’s Fees set out in Appendix B hereto.
Notwithstanding the provisions of Clause 3, Crown Agents shall not be required to commence performance of the Agents' Services under this Agreement until:
(i) the EON has been signed and is in force;
(ii) this Agreement has been approved by GOJ;
(iii) the Blanket Disbursement Authorisation has been signed by an authorised signatory as detailed in the EON or banking arrangement and received by Crown Agents. On receipt of the signed Blanket Disbursement Authorisation Crown Agents will proceed to submit the relevant Disbursement Request and Detailed Estimate (Budget); and
(iv) the first payment as detailed in point 4.1 of Appendix B has been received.
The payment procedure for Products and/or Services procured under this Agreement and the procedure for accounting to the Recipient and GOJ shall be as set out in Appendix A hereto.
12.1 The Recipient shall provide Crown Agents or shall cause Crown Agents to receive all necessary permissions, approvals, licences, admissions or any other authorisations required in the Recipient's country in connection with the Agent’s Services or shall extend assistance to Crown Agents in obtaining such necessary permissions. The Recipient shall also supply to Crown Agents details of the names and signatures of those persons in the Recipient's country who are authorised to provide instructions to Crown Agents or sign documents under this Agreement.
12.2 The Recipient shall, on behalf of Crown Agents, arrange any other formalities that may be necessary for the entry of Crown Agents' personnel into the Recipient's country and their stay therein while performing Agent’s Services under this Agreement.
12.3 The Recipient shall exempt Crown Agents from the payment of customs duties, internal taxes and other fiscal levies which may be imposed in the Recipient's country with respect to the Agent’s Services (including but not limited to any of the goods brought into the Recipient's country by Crown Agents and services provided by Crown Agents in the course of performance of this Agreement), compensation or salaries paid to Crown Agents' personnel or any amount paid or payable to Crown Agents under or incidental to this Agreement.
The Recipient hereby irrevocably waives and agrees to waive in any proceedings for the enforcement of this Agreement or any document provided for hereunder any and all privilege or sovereign immunity from suit or enforceability or any arbitral award immunity of its property from attachment or execution or any other legal process to which it may be entitled under international or domestic laws, as a procedural defence or otherwise.
Neither Party shall be deemed to be in default or in breach of this Agreement if such Party is unable to perform because of circumstances beyond such Party's reasonable control. Such circumstances (hereinafter referred to as Force Majeure) may occur in any part of the world.
15.1 The Recipient and Crown Agents agree to be bound by the provisions of the EON as though it were annexed to and formed part of this Agreement.
15.2 The Recipient and Crown Agents recognise that it is impractical in this Agreement to provide for every contingency which may arise during the term of this Agreement. The Recipient and Crown Agents agree that it is their intention that this Agreement shall operate fairly as between them, and without detriment to their respective interests, and that if during the term of this Agreement either Party reasonably believes that this Agreement is or in the future will be operating unfairly with respect to such Party, the Recipient and Crown Agents shall consult with each other in good faith in order to agree on such action as may be necessary to remove or prevent the cause or causes of such unfairness.
16.1 The Recipient may terminate this Agreement by giving thirty (30) days’ written notice
of termination in the event that:-
a) Crown Agents do not remedy a failure in the performance of their obligations under this Agreement within thirty (30) days after being notified in writing or within such further period as the Recipient may subsequently approve in writing; or
b) Crown Agents become insolvent; or
c) as a result of Force Majeure Crown Agents are unable to perform a material portion of the Agent’s Services for a period of not less than sixty (60) days; or
d) pursuant to the provisions of Clause 19.3, in the event of a breach by Crown Agents of its obligations under Appendix H.
16.2 Crown Agents may terminate this Agreement by giving thirty (30) days’ written notice
of termination in the event that:
a) the Recipient does not remedy a failure in the performance of its obligations under this Agreement within thirty (30) days after being notified in writing or within such further period as Crown Agents may subsequently approve in writing;
b) as a result of Force Majeure, Crown Agents are unable to perform a material portion of the Agent’s Services for a period of not less than sixty (60) days; or
c) pursuant to the provisions of Clause 19.3, in the event of a breach by Recipient of its obligations under Appendix H.
16.3 Crown Agents shall upon giving or receiving notice of termination of this Agreement proceed in an orderly manner but with all reasonable speed and economy to take such steps as are necessary to bring to an end the Agent’s Services under this Agreement. Termination of this Agreement shall not prejudice or affect the accrued rights or obligations of either Party to this Agreement. Upon termination, Crown Agents shall be entitled to claim and be paid all Agent’s Fees due to be paid at that time or a proportion thereof representing the Agent’s Services provided up to the date of termination, as set out in Appendix B hereto and all costs and expenses resulting from such termination, provided such termination did not arise under the provisions of Clause 16.1 (a) and/or (b) hereof.
16.4 In the event of the Agreement being terminated, Crown Agents shall prepare and submit to the Recipient, within a period of 45 days from the date of termination, a statement in writing showing the total sum remaining in the Procurement Account not yet disbursed or committed for disbursement.
16.5 The said statement shall be accompanied by a certificate from an independent auditor confirming the accuracy of the figures submitted in the statement.
16.6 Crown Agents shall make payment to or on the order of the GOJ of the amount detailed in such statement within a period of 45 days from the date of submission by Crown Agents of the statement.
16.7 Payment of any sums due to Crown Agents upon termination shall be made by the debiting of the appropriate Procurement Account as detailed in this Agreement or if sufficient sums are not available the remittance from the Recipient Account to Crown Agents of any sums due within 45 days of submission of an invoice by Crown Agents.
Any dispute or difference arising out of this Agreement which cannot be resolved amicably between the Parties will be settled by arbitration in accordance with the provisions of the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules by one or more arbitrators appointed in accordance with those rules. The place of arbitration shall be mutually agreed between the Parties but in the event of dispute it shall be Geneva, Switzerland. The arbitration shall be conducted in the English language.
The validity, construction and performance of this Agreement will be governed by and construed under the laws of Japan.
19.1 If there is any conflict or inconsistency between the terms of this Agreement and any of its Appendices the terms of this Agreement shall prevail over the Appendices.
19.2 Neither Party shall assign, pledge or otherwise dispose of its rights under this Agreement without the prior written consent of the other Party in each instance.
19.3 The Parties shall uphold the highest standards of ethics in the performance of this Agreement and comply with the obligations contained in the EON. Any breach of those obligations shall constitute a breach of this Agreement which is not capable of remedy and shall entitle the non-defaulting Party to terminate this Agreement in accordance with Clause 16.1(d) or Clause 16.2(c), as applicable.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the duly authorised representatives of the Parties hereto have hereunto set their hands the day and year first before written.
Name Title / Organization
for and on behalf of
Representative Director / President Crown Agents Japan Limited
for and on behalf of
CROWN AGENTS JAPAN LIMITED ______________________________
1 The procedures for the provision of Procurement and Accounting Services to the Recipient provided by Crown Agents are as set out in this Appendix.
2.1 Procurement shall be undertaken in accordance with the procurement guidelines designated by the Government of Japan and the highest public service standards and principles taking into account the need for speed of disbursement, and, as far as possible, seeking value for money for the Recipient and the End-User.
2.2 Crown Agents considers that, in principle, Competitive Bidding (“CB”) is the best method for satisfying the requirements mentioned above in respect of procurement of Products and/or Services. When using the CB method, Crown Agents shall procure the Products and/or Services through CB in accordance with the procedures described in paragraphs 2.2 and 2.3 of this Appendix.
In case of the procurement of the Products and/or Services under CB, Crown Agents shall advertise the tender invitation to prequalify by way of a General Procurement Notice published in widely read newspapers (e.g. Japan Times, The Wall Street Journal and the Financial Times) and on Crown Agents Internet Web page. The General Procurement Notice shall contain information concerning the Donor, the Recipient, the amount and purpose of the grant, the names of the Products and/or Services to be procured and the required information for applying for prequalification when required by Crown Agents.
Where pre-qualification is necessary it shall be based entirely upon the capability of prospective tenderers to perform the particular contract satisfactorily, taking into account their:
(i) experience of and past performance on similar procurements;
(ii) capabilities with respect to after sales service and warranty; and
(iii) financial position.
2.3 Where CB is used, Crown Agents shall
(i) prepare and agree a procurement plan for the items identified by the Recipient for procurement, including, where necessary detailed discussions with the Recipient and End-users;
(ii) prepare the tender documents with specifications, including, where necessary, detailed discussion with the Recipient and the End-Users;
(iii) issue the tender documents which shall provide all information necessary for a prospective tenderer to prepare a tender;
(iv) arrange an opening of tenders on the date stated for the latest delivery of tenders or promptly thereafter;
(v) after the opening of tenders, begin evaluation and comparison of the tenders in a manner that will permit a comparison of tenders on the basis of their price and relevant factors. (Tender documents will clearly state such factors, in
addition to price, which will be considered in tender evaluation and the manner in which they will be applied for the purpose of determining the best evaluated tender);
(vi) prepare a detailed report on the evaluation and comparison of tenders setting out the specific reasons on which the recommendation is based for the award of the contract and shall send copies to the Recipient and the End-User for its written approval to place a contract; and
(vii) after receipt of advice of the Recipient's and End-User's decision on which offer to accept, proceed to place contract(s) with the successful tenderer.
2.4 There may be circumstances in which CB may not be appropriate and Crown Agents may consider alternative procedures acceptable in the following cases:
(i) where the number of qualified contractors, suppliers or manufacturers is limited;
(ii) where the amount involved in the procurement is so small that prospective suppliers clearly would not be interested, or where the advantages of CB would be outweighed by the administrative burden involved;
(iii) re-tendering after all or part of the initial tender, if the procedure for CB has been cancelled;
(iv) where the Products to be ordered are proprietary items, spare parts or items which have a single source of manufacture; or
(v) where, other than cases (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv), Crown Agents deems it inappropriate to follow CB procedures, e.g. in the case of emergency procurement.
2.5 In the above mentioned circumstances, the following procurement methods may be applied, as appropriate, taking into account fairness, equality of opportunity, efficiency and economy:
(i) Limited Bidding, which is essentially a competitive tender by direct invitation without open advertisement;
(ii) Shopping, which is a procurement method based on the comparison of price quotations obtained from several (usually at least three) tenderers, to ensure competitive prices; or
(iii) Direct Contracting where Crown Agents will negotiate directly with the supplier before concluding a contract. Where practicable, Crown Agents shall endeavour to compare prices against previous similar contracts.
2.6 The Recipient and Crown Agents shall discuss, agree and confirm in writing the procurement methods to be used for the various Products and/or Services to be procured under this Agreement.
2.7 After placing of contracts, Crown Agents shall monitor progress of the contract and provide quarterly status reports to the Recipient and the End-User.
2.8 Crown Agents shall receive shipping documents and other required documentation from suppliers and check that such documentation is in accordance with the terms of the individual contracts.
2.9 Crown Agents shall as necessary, at the request of the Recipient, assist the Recipient by providing the following services:
- send a copy of the contract with the supplier to the Recipient and the End-User.
- as instructed, make arrangements for quality control inspections;
- expedite contracts and confirm whether delivery dates are met;
- instruct the supplier to handle, pack, label and transport the Products all in accordance with the requirements on behalf of the Recipient;
- arrange shipment on behalf of the Recipient;
- arrange marine insurance on behalf of the Recipient;
- notify the Recipient of each shipment, date of shipment, estimated date of arrival, name of vessel and invoice;
- cause the bill of lading to be issued to the appropriate consignee; and
- arrange to forward all original documents direct to the appropriate consignee.
2.10 Settlement to suppliers, freight companies and the insurers will be arranged by Crown Agents by means of debiting amounts allocated to the relevant contract to the Procurement Account.
Unless termination of this Agreement by notice has taken place, Crown Agents shall provide advisory services to the Committee as detailed in the EON for a period of three years from the date of coming into force of the EON or until termination of the use of the funds has taken place, whichever is the later. Crown Agents shall provide reporting services to the Committee for a period of five years from the date of coming into force of the EON.
4.1 Upon signature of the Agreement, the Recipient shall request Crown Agents to arrange with the Bank to open an account (the “Procurement Account”).
At the same time Crown Agents will submit to the Japanese Bank:
(i) a copy of the notification of the approval of this Agreement by GOJ;
(ii) an original copy of the BDA;
(iii) a Disbursement Request for the Advances;
(iv) a Detailed Estimate (Budget) for the Advances;
for authorisation to transfer funds for the procurement of Products and/or Services and payment of its Agent’s Fees, signed where applicable by a duly authorised signatory of the EON or banking arrangement.
On receipt of the amount claimed, Crown Agents will credit it to the Procurement Account and will immediately debit the whole amount to be received by it pursuant to Appendix B of this Agreement - Payment Schedule - 4.1 First Payment.
4.2 Prior to the commitment of any contract by Crown Agents, the Bank will receive funds required for payment under the contract, plus any associated costs and charges, from
the Japanese Bank against submission of a Disbursement Request. On receipt of the funds, the funds will be placed in the Procurement Account until any payment(s) in respect of the contract falls due and Crown Agents will confirm the contract with the supplier.
On confirmation of the contract by Crown Agents the funds held shall be allocated against payments due in respect of the contract and the funds may not be utilised by the Recipient for any other purpose.
4.3 Crown Agents shall not be obliged to enter into any contract for the procurement of Products and/or Services on behalf of the Recipient until such time as a sum has been received in the Procurement Account at least equal to and in the currency(ies) of the full value of the contract and associated Crown Agents' charges.
4.4 Monthly statements of the Procurement Account shall be provided to the Recipient which shall detail opening and closing balances.
4.5 The Bank shall be entitled to treat all sums received for the credit of the account and all liabilities of the Bank on the account at any time as being in the absolute beneficial ownership of the Recipient free from all other liens, charges, equities or encumbrances notwithstanding any designation of the account or any notice or claim in respect of it. The Recipient will indemnify and keep indemnified Crown Agents against any loss, claim or expense incurred by them in connection with the assertion of any lien, charge, equity or encumbrance in respect of any account of the Recipient.
4.6 In the event that Crown Agents provides services which do not result in a contract for the procurement of Products and/or Services being placed due to circumstances beyond the control of Crown Agents, Crown Agents shall be entitled to claim and be paid a proportion of the Agent’s Fee, as detailed in Appendix B.
4.7 Crown Agents will receive the Advances from the Japanese Bank against submission of a Disbursement Request.
4.8 Prior to Crown Agents confirming the contract with the supplier for the procurement of Products and/or Services, Crown Agents shall have received authority from the Recipient. Crown Agents shall make payment(s) to the supplier for the cost of the Products and/or Services pursuant to the contract. Any associated costs and charges for such payment shall be paid from the Procurement Account.
4.9 Any interest accrued on the Procurement Account shall be utilised for payments for Products and/or Services.
4.10 When Crown Agents requests the final transfer of the funds from the Recipient Account to the Procurement Account, Crown Agents will request the Japanese Bank to transfer the remaining funds plus any interest earned in the Recipient Account to the Procurement Account.
4.11 When the total remaining amount in the Recipient Account or the Procurement Account is less than 3% of the Grant plus accrued interest, the Recipient shall request Crown Agents to reimburse the remaining amount. The Recipient shall submit to Crown Agents the form of Reimbursement Request and an invoice, to be attached to the CEP for the remaining amount for payments already made by the Recipient for the procurement of eligible Products and/or Services in accordance with the EON on or after the effective date of the EON. The sum of the invoice amount shall be equivalent to the reimbursement amount or larger. Upon receipt of these documents,
Crown Agents shall issue a CEP for the remaining amount. Upon receipt of an authorised CEP, Crown Agents shall copy the CEP to GOJ and reimburse the remaining amount to a Bank designated by the Recipient.
4.12 In the event that the Advances received in Japanese Yen have to be exchanged into other currencies, the exchange rate to be applied to the conversion shall be the rate available to the Bank at the time the currency exchange is required.
4.13 Remittance will be credited to an account on the date received by the Bank or, if later, when they are identified. Charges by the Bank will be debited to an account when they fall due. An account will be debited when the Bank, on behalf of its client:
a) makes payment, or a transfer to other account(s);
b) incurs liability for a payment (including a future or contingent liability); or
c) receives an instruction from Crown Agents as agent for the Recipient to make payment under the procedure used by Crown Agents for the procurement of Products and/or Services.
4.14 Where payment to any supplier is to be made by Crown Agents by means of a Letter of Credit, Crown Agents shall debit the Procurement Account with the full value of the Letter of Credit and any associated bank charges prior to giving instructions to the Bank to issue the Letter of Credit. The Recipient shall ensure that there are sufficient funds in the Procurement Account to meet the value and cost of any such Letter of Credit as well as any other commitments incurred in accordance with this Agreement. Funds debited to the Procurement Account for the purpose of making payment by means of a Letter of Credit shall stand to the credit of Crown Agents and Crown Agents shall apply such solely for the purpose of making payments due to the Bank under the terms of the Letter of Credit agreement.
4.15 The funds received by Crown Agents for the credit of the Procurement Account shall be handled in accordance with the laws of Japan.
1. Pursuant to the framework agreement between Crown Agents and the GOJ in relation to the appointment of Crown Agents, the Recipient shall pay Crown Agents the Agent’s Fees of a total amount in Japanese Yen (JPY) derived from the Grant value multiplied by the percentage given in the following table subject to the value of the grant aid and the number of individually specified items procured under contracts placed and managed by Crown Agents on behalf of the Recipient under this Grant for services to be rendered pursuant to this Agreement. This fee calculation table has been approved by the GOJ under the process to select procurement agents to recommend to Recipient Governments under this grant aid scheme.
Number of items to be procured Grant Value (JPY) | 1 to 5 | 6 to 10 | 11 to 15 | 16 to 20 |
Less than 200 million | 10% | 11% | 12% | 13% |
2. Items to be procured and the number of items are subject to the agreement between the GOJ and the Recipient at the earliest stage of the Grant. However, should the number of items to be procured not be established when this agreement enters into force the first fee detailed in point 4.1 below shall be taken based on the assumption that the number of items to be procured will be between 1 and 5. Should the eventual number be greater, once the final number is clarified, the Agent’s Fees shall be adjusted accordingly. In case the number of items to be procured is more than 20, Crown Agents shall set the percentage upon GOJ’s approval.
3. Pursuant to the framework agreement between Crown Agents and the GOJ in relation to the appointment of Crown Agents, the Recipient shall pay Crown Agents additional Agent’s Fees in the event they are required to procure consulting services and/or Services designed by the consultant under the Grant. Crown Agents shall set the amount of additional Agent’s Fees as approved by the GOJ.
4. Payment Schedule
The Advances for the total amount of the Agent’s Fees shall be transferred in Japanese Yen from the Recipient’s Account to the Procurement Account and the Agent’s Fees shall be paid to Crown Agents in Japanese Yen from the Advances in the following manner:-
4.1 First Payment
Forty per cent (40%) of the Agent’s Fees as defined in accordance to the above table in paragraph 1 as applicable to the number of items to be procured and value of Grant shall be paid to the Crown Agents from the Procurement Account, upon the request of Crown Agents, immediately after entry into force of this Agreement, pursuant to Clause 9 above.
4.2 Second Payment
Thirty per cent (30%) of the Agent’s Fees as defined in accordance to the above table in paragraph 1 as applicable to the number of items to be procured and the value of Grant shall be paid to Crown Agents from the Procurement Account upon the request of Crown Agents when the total amount of Grant funds committed for the procurement of Products and/or Services is equal to 50% of the Grant Value and its accrued interest excluding the Agent’s Fees.
4.3 Third Payment
Twenty per cent (20%) of the Agent’s Fees as defined in accordance to the above table in the paragraph 1 as applicable to the number of items to be procured and the value of Grant shall be paid to the Crown Agents from the Procurement Account upon the request of Crown Agents when the total amount of Grant funds committed for the procurement of Products and/or Services is equal to 75% of the Grant Value and its accrued interest excluding the Agent’s Fees.
4.4 Final Payment
Ten per cent (10%) of the Agent’s Fees as defined in accordance to the above table in paragraph 1 as applicable to the number of items to be procured and the value of Grant shall be paid to the Crown Agents from the Procurement Account upon the request of Crown Agents when the total amount of Grant disbursed more than 97% of the Grant Value and its accrued interest excluding the Agent’s Fees.
5. Adjustment of Fees
5.1 In the event that the eventual number of items to be procured is more than agreed between the Parties, pursuant to paragraph 1 above, the amount payable to Crown Agents for the Agent’s Services shall be adjusted upwards in line with the fee calculation table above to reflect the difference between the original estimate of the Agent’s Fees and the final Agent’s Fee.
5.2 In the event that the Crown Agents is required by the Recipient to place and manage more than 20 (twenty) items, Crown Agents and the Recipient shall agree on the fee rate that will be applicable and the amendment of the fee rate shall be effected by formal amendment to this Agreement and shall be effective once approved by the GOJ.
6. Additional Fees
If Crown Agents has implemented Agent’s Services beyond the periods established in agreed procurement plans (Appendix A 2.3 (i) and such extension of Agent’s Services is necessary through reasons beyond their control, Crown Agents shall be entitled to additional Agent’s Fees. Crown Agents and the Recipient shall agree in writing on the fee rate that will apply and the amendment of the fee rate shall be made by formal amendment to this Agreement and shall be effective once approved by the GOJ.
Japanese Grant Aid for the Economic and Social Development Programme On behalf of the Government of Montenegro, I hereby authorise
MUFG Bank, Ltd.
To execute the transfer of the funds to the (Procurement Account) upon the request of Crown Agents to the full amount of the proceeds of Grant Aid received from the Government of Japan in the value of Japanese Yen 100,000,000 [One hundred million] plus interest earned.
Total amount of the Grant JPY 100,000,000 Deposited in account 3016033 with your bank
Disbursement from the above account related to costs of procurement of Products and/or Services shall be made to Crown Agents Japan Limited Account No 0477521 with MUFG Bank, Ltd., Ichigaya Branch, Tokyo Japan (Procurement Account)
On behalf of The Government of Montenegro. (Signed)
(Name) (Title) (Date)
Japanese Grant Aid for the Economic and Social Development Programme for the Government of Montenegro
To: Government of Montenegro From: Crown Agents
With reference to the Detailed Estimate as per attached, please be informed that Crown Agents requested MUFG Bank, Ltd. on [date], to transfer the following amount to the Procurement Account.
Amount: Amount in figures (Amount in words)
__________________________________ (Name)
(1) Detailed Estimate (copy)
(2) Disbursement Request (copy)
Japanese Grant Aid for the Economic and Social Development Programme for the Government of Montenegro
To: MUFG Bank, Ltd.
Tokyo, Japan From: Crown Agents
Please execute the transfer of funds between the accounts stated below which relates to the procurement of Products and/or Services for the Government of Montenegro against this request on the basis of the Blanket Disbursement Authorisation (BDA) signed by the Government of Montenegro on (date).
Account to be debited: 3016033 with your bank
Account to be credited: Crown Agents Japan Limited Account No 0477521 with MUFG Bank, Ltd., Ichigaya Branch, Tokyo Japan (Procurement Account)
Address of Remittee: Tokyo, Japan Amount: Amount in figures
When the account is closed: The remaining balance plus accrued interest
__________________________________ (Name)
Transfer Attachment | First request | After Second request |
Blanket Disbursement Authorisation (BDA) | Original | Copy |
Agent Agreement | Copy | - |
Donor’s approval of Agent Agreement | Copy | |
Detailed Estimate | Original | Original |
(Title) Attachment:
Japanese Grant Aid for the Economic and Social Development Programme for the Government of Montenegro
The Government of Montenegro
Grant Aid by the Government of Japan Name of Item* Allocation (in JPY)
Name of the Products and/or Services and/or the Agent's Services to be specified.
**Actual procurement does not exceed the total amount of the remaining balance and accrued interest of the Recipient Account.
__________________________________ (Name)
Appendix G
To whom it may concern:
With reference to the pro forma invoice attached hereto, we hereby certify that the procurement complies with all relevant terms and conditions of the Exchange of Notes between the Government of Japan and the Government of Montenegro dated 7 September 2020 and the Agreed Minutes on Procedural Details between the two governments dated 7 September 2020.
The following are the principal relevant facts concerning the procurement.
1. Method of Procurement (Insert X in appropriate place)
a. Competitive Bidding
b. Limited Bidding
c. Shopping
d. Direct Contracting
2. Products and/or Services
a. Name of Products and/or Services:
b. Origin:
3. Cost of Products and/or Services
a. Products and/or Services:
b. Freight:
c. Marine Insurance:
d. Agent’s Fees:
e. Total (a + b + c + d):
4. Supplier
(Country where the supplier is incorporated and registered)
5. Consignee Name:
(Signature)___ __________
Crown Agents Japan Limited Name Title
Appendix H
1.1 Crown Agents does not and will not offer, pay, solicit, receive, authorise, collude in or condone the payment or receipt of bribes (including so-called “Facilitation Payments”) anywhere in the world by any person on its behalf or for its benefit in any way whatsoever. Even the suggestion of bribery or corruption may seriously damage the reputation of Crown Agents or its clients and business partners, affect its ability to do business and damage the reputation of its employees. Crown Agents is committed to sharing information and strengthening collective action to eliminate bribery and corruption.
1.2 Each Party to this Agreement shall comply with all anti-bribery and anti-corruption laws, regulations and codes applicable in the countries in which they operate and where those laws, regulations and codes apply outside those countries (for example the UK Bribery Act 2010 and the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act 1977), in all those other countries to which such anti-bribery and corruption laws, regulations and codes apply.
1.3 Each Party shall promptly report to the other any request or demand for any undue financial or other advantage of any kind received by the relevant Party in connection with the performance of this Agreement or any suspicions the relevant Party may have regarding the aforesaid.
1.4 Each Party shall report to the other Party in confidence as soon as reasonably practicable any suspicions it has regarding possible corrupt activity by the other Party’s personnel or associated persons.
1.5 Both Parties acknowledge their respective responsibility to prevent and counter bribery and corruption and undertake to operate their activities ethically and with complete integrity and to implement and maintain effective corporate governance, transparency, accountability and reporting systems in order to prevent and counter bribery and corruption in any form in all internal and external activities.
1.6 Neither Party shall knowingly involve itself in any business in connection with, or use information arising from this Agreement, in any manner which conflicts with the interests of the other Party.