„Podrži šampione i budi dio igre!"
(U daljem tekstu: Pravilnik)
BEOGRAD, Bulevar Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx br. 144. mb: 17303040 (u daljem tekstu: Organizator) utvrđuje sljedeća pravila Visa Instagram nagradnog konkursa: „Podrži šampione i budi dio igre!" (u daljem tekstu: Nagradni konkurs).
Vrijeme trajanja Nagradnog konkursa je od 1. jula 2024. u 00:00 časova do 11. jula 2024. godine, u 23:59 časova, sa ciljem da promoviše proizvode i usluge koje nudi Visa.
Pravila nagradnog konkursa će biti objavljena na zvaničnoj Visa BiH web stranici (xxxxx:// herzegovina/giveaway.html) i na Visa BiH Instagram stranici
"Celebrate greatness to get in the games!"
(Hereinafter: the Regulations)
Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxx., Xxx.Xx: 17303040 (hereinafter: the Organizer) sets out the following rules for the Visa Instagram contest: „Celebrate greatness to get in the games!" (hereinafter: Prize Competition).
The duration of the Prize Competition is from July 1st 2024 at 00:00 until July 11th 2024 year, at 23:59, in order to promote the products and services offered by Visa.
The rules of the competition will be published on the official Visa BiH website (xxxxx:// herzegovina/giveaway.html) and on the Visa BiH Instagram page
Sva xxxx xxxx imaju minimum 18 xxxxxx starosti i koja imaju prebivalište na teritoriji Bosne i Hercegovine imaju pravo da učestvuju u ovom nagradnom konkursu.
Pravo na učešće će biti odbijeno:
• Zaposlenima kod Organizatora i/ili članovima njihove uže porodice (roditelji, supružnici, djeca, sestre i braća);
• Licima direktno uključenim u organizaciju nagradnog konkursa i proglašenje pobjednika;
• Svim drugim licima koja imaju pristup podacima u vezi sa nagradnog konkursa ili članovima njihove uže porodice;
All persons who are at least 18 years old and who have a residence in the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina have the right to participate in this competition.
The right to participate will be denied to:
• Employees of the Organizer and/or members of their immediate family (parents, spouses, children, sisters and brothers);
• Persons directly involved in the organization of the competition and the announcement of the winner;
• All other persons who have access to the data related to the prize competition or members of their immediate family;
Za učešće u nagradnom konkursu „Podrži šampione i budi dio igre!" potrebno je:
1. Imati otključan (javni) tj. jasno vidljiv lični nalog na društvenoj mreži Instagram tokom trajanja Nagradnog konkursa.
2. Pratiti Visa Instagram nalog @visa_bih u periodu trajanja konkursa.
3. Ostaviti komentar ispod objave i napisati koji je vaš omiljeni sportista svih vremena i zašto.
4. Označiti jednu osobu u komentaru.
Komentar koji konkuriše za nagradu, postavljen xx xxxxxx učesnika xxxx biti originalan, ovlašćen ili lično kreiran xx xxxxxx učesnika.
Organizator neće uzeti u razmatranje komentare koji imaju neprikladan sadržaj kao što je, ali ne isključivo, izvršenje krivičnog djela, propagiranje korišćenja ili samo korišćenje opojnih droga i alkohola.
Samo komentari koji zadovoljavaju kriterijume konkursa ulaze u izbor za nagrade.
Učesnik može postaviti neograničen broj komentara, ali može dobiti samo jednu nagradu.
Organizator će pobjednike proglasiti na osnovu cijelokupnog utiska komentara kao i na osnovu toga da li isti ispunjavaju sve uslove i pravila konkursa.
Žiri koji će proglasiti pobjednike se sastoji od sljedećih osoba:
1. Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx
2. Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx i
To participate in the " Celebrate greatness to get in the games!" contest, you need the following:
1. To have unlocked (public), ie. clearly visible personal account on the social network Instagram during the Prize Contest.
2. To follow the Visa Instagram account
@visa_bih during the competition.
3. Comment on the post and share with us who
is your favorite athlete of all time and why.
4. Tag one person in your comment.
The comment that competes for the award, submitted by the participant must be original, authorized or personally created by the participant.
The organizer will not consider comments that have inappropriate content such as, but not limited to, the commission of a crime, propaganda of the use or mere use of narcotics and alcohol.
Only comments that meet the criteria of the
competition are selected for the awards.
A participant can post an unlimited number of comments, but can only win one prize.
The organizer will announce the winners based on the overall impression of comments as well as on whether they meet all the conditions and rules of the competition.
The jury that will announce the winners consists of the following people:
1. Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx
2. Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx and
3. Xxxx Xxxxxx
Pobjednici su učesnici sa najkreativnijim komentarima, čije komentari zadovoljavaju sve unaprijed postavljene kriterijume konkursa. Najkreativniji komentari će biti oni koje ostave najsnažniji kreativni utisak na žiri.
Organizator će proglasiti pobjednike i nazive njihovih Instagram naloga (sa kojih su učestvovali u Nagradnom konkursu) istaći na zvaničnoj Visa BiH web stranici
(xxxxx:// herzegovina/giveaway.html) i na Visa Instagram stranici (xxxxx:// tako što će ih objaviti u Story formatu najkasnije do 12.07.2024. godine u 23:59.
3. Xxxx Xxxxxx
The winners are the participants with the most creative comments, whose comments meet all the pre-set competition criteria. The most creative comments will be the ones that leave the strongest creative impression on the jury.
The organizer will announce the winners and the names of their Instagram accounts (from which they participated in the Prize Competition) will be highlighted on the official Visa BiH website (xxxxx:// herzegovina/giveaway.html) as well as on Visa Instagram page
(xxxxx:// by publishing them in Story format no later than July 12th, 2024 year at 23:59.
Svi učesnici koji u toku trajanja Konkursa budu učestvovali u istom imaju mogućnost da osvoje nagrade.
Dobitnike će utvrđivati tročlani žiri. Pobjednici su učesnici sa najkreativnijim komentarima, xxxx komentari zadovoljavaju sve unaprijed postavljene kriterijume konkursa. Najkreativniji komentari će biti oni koje ostave najsnažniji kreativni utisak na žiri.
Utvrđivanje dobitnika glavne nagrade xxxx vršeno:
• 12.7.2024. godine najkasnije u 15:00 časova (utvrđuje se 3 dobitnika koji su postavili najkreativniji komentar po ocjeni žirija u periodu od 01.07.2024. u 00:00 časova do 11.07.2024. godine, u 23:59 časova).
Nagradni fond se sastoji od:
• 3 x Bluetooth zvučnik
All participants who will participate in the competition during the competition have the opportunity to win prizes.
The winners will be determined by a three- member jury. The winners are the participants with the most creative comments, whose comments meet all the pre-set competition criteria. The most creative comments will be the ones that leave the strongest creative impression on the jury.
The winner of the main prize will be determined:
• On July 12th, 2024 year no later than 3 PM (3 winners are determined who submitted the most creative comment according to the jury in the period from July 1st 2024 at 00:00 until July 11th 2024 year, at 23:59).
The prize fund consists of:
Broj nagrada: 3 (tri)
Vrednost nagradnog xxxxx xx 339 BAM.
Dobitnici nagrada će biti kontaktirani porukom na društvenoj mreži Instagram, sa profila @visa_bih na xxx objavljivanja liste pobjednika, i xxx putem biti zamoljeni da dostave svoje podatke radi preuzimanja nagrade.
Dobitnici nagrade su u obavezi da dostave svoje lične podatke (ime i prezime), aktivni broj telefona, adresu stanovanja i e-mail adresu.
Nakon dostavljanja ovih podataka, sa dobitnicima će biti dogovoreno vrijeme, mjesto i način preuzimanja nagrade. U zavisnosti od celishodnosti, nagrade će biti dodjeljene slanjem istih putem kurirske službe.
Lični podaci učesnika koji su proglašeni za pobjednike xxxx obrađeni xx xxxxxx Organizatora kako bi (1) kontaktirali i potvrdili pobednike, (2) dodelili nagrade (3) rešili upite.
Odbijanje davanja ličnih podataka dovodi do nemogućnosti dodele nagrada.
Ako dobitnik nagrade ne dostavi tražene podatke Organizatoru u ostavljenom roku, Organizator ne snosi dalju odgovornost oko dodjele nagrada, a dobitnik neće imati dodatno pravo na nagradu.
Pobjednici Nagradnog konkursa nemaju pravo da traže nagradu osim navedenih u ovim Pravilima.
Nagrade se ne mogu zamijeniti za novac, druge proizvode ili usluge ili se mogu prenijeti na drugo lice nakon što je nagrada prihvaćena.
• 3 x Bluetooth speaker
Number of awards: 3 (three)
The value of the prize fund is 339 BAM.
The winners of the prizes will be contacted by a message on the social network Instagram, from the profile @visa_bih on the day of publishing the list of winners, and thus be asked to submit their data in order to collect the prize.
The winners of the award are obliged to submit their personal data (name and surname), active phone number, adress and e-mail address.
After submitting this information, the time, place and manner of collecting the prize will be agreed with the winners. Depending on the expediency, prizes will be awarded by sending them via deliveryservice.
Personal data of participants who have been declared winners will be processed by the Organizer in order to (1) contact and confirm the winners, (2) award prizes (3) resolve inquiries.
Refusal to provide personal data leads to the
impossibility of awarding prizes.
If the winner of the prize does not submit the requested information to the Organizer within the set deadline, the Organizer does not bear further responsibility for the awarding of prizes, and the winner will not have an additional right to the prize.
The winners of the Prize Competition do not have the right to claim a prize other than those specified in these Rules.
Prizes may not be exchanged for cash, other products or services or may be transferred to
Nakon prikupljanja nagrada sve obaveze organizatora prema dobitnicima će biti prekinute.
Samo punoletna fizička lica sa prebivalištem na teritoriji Republike Bosne i Hercegovine imaju pravo da učestvuju u ovom Nagradnom konkursu.
Učesnik Nagradnog konkursa prihvata prava i obaveze predviđene ovim Pravilnikom.
Organizator se obavezuje da ne otkrije informacije dobijene tokom identifikacije dobitnika trećim licima i da će štititi privatnost i povjerljivost ličnih podataka učesnika u najvećoj mogućoj mjeri.
Svi učesnici su odgovorni za bilo kakve troškove ili troškove koji bi mogli nastati zbog učešća u Nagradnom konkursu (uključujući i troškove pristupa Internetu).
Organizator zadržava pravo da ocijeni sljedeće učesnike u bilo kom trenutku u sljedećim slučajevima:
1. Učesnik je prekršio pravila Nagradnog konkursa u kojem učestvuje;
2. Učesnik nema otključan profil;
3. Učesnik nije autor komentara, odnosno nije postavio originalni, lično smišljeni komentar.
4. Učesnik je postavio sadržaj koji je uvrijedljiv na
rasnoj, etničkoj, polnoj ili bilo kojoj drugoj osnovi.
5. Učesnik krši zakone Republike Bosne i Hercegovine, uključujući, ali ne ograničavajući se na Zakon o autorskim i srodnim pravima;
6. Za vrijeme Nagradnog konkursa učesnik je na bilo xxxx xxxxx prekršio povjerljivost, integritet i dostupnost računarskih podataka, programa ili sistema, ili izvršio krivično delo računarskog falsifikovanja i/ili kompjuterske prevare, u skladu sa odredbama Krivičnog zakonika Republike Bosne i Hercegovine.
another person after the prize has been accepted.
After collecting the prizes, all obligations of the organizers towards the winners will be terminated.
Only adult natural persons residing in the territory of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina have the right to participate in this Prize Competition.
The participant in the Prize Competition accepts the rights and obligations provided by this Rulebook.
The organizer undertakes not to disclose information obtained during the identification of winners to third parties and to protect the privacy and confidentiality of personal data of participants to the greatest extent possible.
All entrants are responsible for any costs or expenses that may be incurred due to participation in the Prize Competition (including Internet access costs).
The organizer reserves the right to evaluate the following participants at any time in the following cases:
1. The participant violated the rules of the Prize
Competition in which he participates;
2. The participant does not have an unlocked profile;
3. The participant is not the author of the comments, if he did not post the original, personally thought-out comment.
4. The participant posted content that is offensive
on racial, ethnic, gender or any other grounds.
5. Participant violates the laws of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, including, but not limited to, the Law on Copyright and Related Rights;
6. During the Prize Competition, the participant in any way violated the confidentiality, integrity and availability of computer data, programs or
U slučaju spora između Organizatora i učesnika, xxxxxx xx nastojati da sve sporove koji proizilaze iz ovog nagradnog konkursa reše sporazumno, a ako to nije moguće, spor će rešiti nadliježni sud u Sarajevu.
Nakon dodjele nagrada ili po isteku roka za dodjelu nagrada prestaju sve obaveze Organizatora prema pobedniku.
Organizator zadržava pravo da prekine nagradni konkurs u bilo kom trenutku bez prethodnog objašnjenja.
Učesnici će biti obavešteni o takvom prekidu na zvaničnoj Visa BiH web stranici (xxxxx:// herzegovina/giveaway.html) i na zvaničnoj Visa BiH Instagram stranici (xxxxx://
Organizator ne prihvata nikakvu odgovornost ako učesnik iz bilo kog razloga ne može da pristupi Visa BiH Instagram stranici (xxxxx:// .
Organizator ne prihvata nikakvu odgovornost za eventualni gubitak sadržaja na samoj društvenoj mreži Instagram ili za pogrešna usmjerenja, oštećenja ili neuručene podatake, bilo u smislu
systems, or committed the crime of computer falsification and / or computer fraud, in accordance with the provisions of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
In case of a dispute between the Organizer and the participants, the parties will try to resolve all disputes arising from this competition by agreement, and if this is not possible, the dispute will be resolved by the competent court in Sarajevo.
After the award ceremony or after the deadline for the award ceremony, all obligations of the Organizer towards the winner xxxxx.
The organizer reserves the right to terminate the contest at any time without prior explanation.
Participants will be notified of such termination on the official Visa BiH website (xxxxx:// herzegovina/giveaway.html) and on the official Visa BiH Instagram page (xxxxx://
The organizer does not accept any responsibility if the participant for any reason cannot access the Visa BiH Instagram page (xxxxx://
The organizer does not accept any responsibility for any loss of content on the social network Instagram or for wrong directions, damage or
tehničkih poteškoća koje bi xxxxx da utiču na elektronsku komunikaciju ili bilo koje druge okolnosti.
Organizator prema trećim licima nije odgovoran za eventualnu povredu autorskog prava ili prava intelektualne svojine.
Da bi se izbjegle bilo kakve zablude Visa Inc. i njeni ogranci se ne smatraju organizatora ovog nagradnog konkursa i zbog toga, oni neće učestvovati u nagradama, izvlačenju i/ili distribuciji, kao i prilikom odlučivanja pobednika i neće biti odgovorni za saglasnost po važećim propisima Republike Bosne i Hercegovine i neće biti odgovorni za bilo kakva potraživanja učesnika prema Organizatoru.
Pravo svojine na pobedničkim komentarima xxxxx Organizator konkursa.
Organizator je autor predmetnog nagradnog konkursa i odgovoran je za njegovu realizaciju od početka do kraja.
Organizator zadržava pravo da jednostrano izmijeni pravila nagradnog konkursa u bilo koje vreme i u xxx slučaju xx xxxx biti naknadno objavljena na zvaničnoj Visa BiH web stranici (xxxxx:// herzegovina/giveaway.html) i na Visa BiH Instagram stranici
undelivered data, either in terms of technical difficulties that could affect electronic communication or any other circumstances.
The organizer is not liable to third parties for any infringement of copyright or intellectual property rights.
To avoid any misconceptions Visa Inc. and its branches are not considered the organizers of this competition and therefore, they will not participate in the prizes, draws and / or distribution, as well as in deciding the winner and will not be responsible for compliance with applicable regulations of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and will not be responsible for any claims. participants according to the Organizer.
The right to own the winning comments is acquired by the Organizer of the competition.
The organizer is the author of the subject competition and is responsible for its implementation from start to finish.
The organizer reserves the right to unilaterally change the rules of the contest at any time and in that case it will be subsequently published on the official Visa BiH website (xxxxx:// herzegovina/giveaway.html) and on the Visa BiH Instagram page