Porsche Smart Mobility GmbH Opća pravila privatnosti My Porsche i Porsche Connect usluge / Porsche digitalna uslužna infrastruktura
Porsche Smart Mobility GmbH
Opća pravila privatnosti
My Porsche i Porsche Connect usluge / Porsche digitalna uslužna infrastruktura
Mi, Porsche Smart Mobility GmbH (u daljnjem tekstu „mi“ ili „PSM GmbH“), cijenimo vaše korištenje My Porsche računa, naših Porsche Connect usluga i naših ostalih digitalnih ponuda (u daljnjem tekstu pojedinačno ili zajedno, također, „usluge“ i kolektivno „Porsche digitalna uslužna infrastruktura ”), kao i vaš interes za našu kompaniju i proizvode. Vaša privatnost nam xx xxxxx. Veoma ozbiljno shvatamo zaštitu privatnosti vaših ličnih podataka i njihovo upravljanje. Obrada vaših ličnih podataka se odvija isključivo u okviru zakonskih odredbi zakona o zaštiti podataka i privatnosti, posebno Opće uredbe o zaštiti podataka EU-a (u daljnjem tekstu: OUZP). Ova Pravila privatnosti vam pružaju informacije o obradi vaših ličnih podataka i xxxxx pravima kao ispitaniku u okviru vaše upotrebe naših usluga. Za informacije o pojedinačnim uslugama, pogledajte Specifična pravila privatnosti i, ako je primjenjivo, daljnja posebna obavještenja o privatnosti koje se odnose na relevantnu uslugu.
Gdje postavimo vezu s ovim Pravilima privatnosti s vanjskih web lokacija društvenih medija, uslovi koji slijede se primjenjuju samo u mjeri u kojoj operacije obrade podataka u okviru takvih web lokacija društvenih medija zapravo spadaju u našu sferu odgovornosti i nema podataka da su određenija - i stoga imaju prednost - što xx xxxx zaštite podataka i privatnosti na raspolaganju unutar dosega takvih web lokacija društvenih medija.
1. Vodilac obrade i službenik za zaštitu podataka; kontakt
Osim ako je izričito navedeno u ovim Općim pravilima privatnosti, Specifičnim pravilima privatnosti koja se temelje na njima ili, ako je primjenjivo, daljnjim specifičnim obaviještenima o privatnosti koja se odnose na određenu uslugu, vodilac obrade koji je odgovoran za obradu podataka u smislu zakona o zaštiti podataka i privatnosti je:
Porsche Smart Mobility GmbH Xxxxxxxxxxxx 0
70435 Stuttgart
E-pošta: xxxxxxxxxxxxx@xx.xxxxxxx.xxx
Ako imate pitanja ili prijedloge u vezi sa zaštitom podataka ili
privatnosti, slobodno nas kontaktirajte.
Našeg službenika za zaštitu podataka možete kontaktirati na sljedećoj adresi:
Porsche Smart Mobility GmbH Data Protection Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxxx 0
70435 Stuttgart
Kontakt: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxx.xxx
2. Predmet zaštite podataka
Predmet zaštite podataka je zaštita ličnih podataka. To znači sve informacije koje se tiču fizičke osobe xxxx je identitet utvrđen ili se može utvrditi (poznata kao „ispitanik“). To uključuje informacije poput imena, poštanske adrese, adrese e-pošte ili telefonskog broja, kao i informacije koje nužno nastaju tokom korištenja naše Porsche digitalne uslužne infrastrukture
3. Priroda, opseg, svrhe i pravni osnovi obrade podataka u
slučaju Porsche digitalne uslužne infrastrukture
Ova Opća pravila privatnosti pružaju vam pregled prirode, opsega, svrha i pravnih osnova obrade podataka u okviru registracije, kreiranja i korištenja vašeg Porsche ID korisničkog računa, kao i rezervacije i korištenja naših usluga na osnovu vašeg Porsche ID korisničkog računa. U tekstu koji slijedi pronaći ćete i podatke o zaštiti podataka i privatnosti, kao što su o primaoci ličnih podataka, obradi podataka u trećim zemljama i xxxxx pravima kao ispitanika, koja se općenito primjenjuje u okviru korištenja Porsche digitalne uslužne infrastrukture. Za detaljnije informacije o obradi ličnih podataka u vezi s korištenjem pojedinih usluga, relevantnim pravnim osnovama i specifičnim pravima ispitanika u vezi s relevantnom uslugom, također pogledajte odgovarajuće Specifična pravila privatnosti i, ako je primjenjivo, daljnja posebna obavještenja o privatnosti koja se odnose na relevantnu uslugu.
4. Porsche ID korisnički račun
Da biste koristili sve funkcije Porsche digitalne uslužne infrastrukture i usluga unutar nje, potrebno je registrirati i kreirati Porsche ID korisnički račun u usluzi My Porsche. Nakon postupka registracije i kreiranja vašeg Porsche ID korisničkog računa, dobit ćete i svoj Porsche ID (korisničko ime za Porsche ID korisnički račun). Tokom registracije i prilikom kreiranja i korištenja vašeg Porsche ID korisničkog računa lični podaci se obrađuju i mogu se prenijeti trećim osobama kao što je prikazano u nastavku kako bismo ispunili naše ugovorne obaveze u ovom kontekstu. Osim ako je drugačije naznačeno, provodimo sve postupke obrade opisane u ovom odjeljku kako bismo izvršili ugovor koji postoji između vas i nas na temelju članka 6. (1) (b) OUZP-a.
4.1 Postupak registracije i kreiranje Porsche ID korisničkog računa
Možete odabrati jedan od dva načina za registraciju i kreiranje vašeg Porsche ID korisničkog računa:
4.1.1 Poziv ovlaštenog trgovca
Ako želite, vaš ovlašteni xxxxxxx xx unijeti lične podatke koje ste naveli putem svoga xxxxxxxx xxxxx sistemima. Nakon toga ćete primiti vezu, npr. e-poštom koju ćete morati koristiti za potvrdu registracije i kreiranja vašeg Porsche ID korisničkog računa. Imajte na umu da su ovlašteni trgovci neovisne kompanije i na njih nemamo uticaja. Za dodatnu provjeru koristit će se drugi faktor, npr. kôd poslan tekstualnom porukom koju zatim unosite kao dio
postupka registracije i kreiranja vašeg Porsche ID korisničkog računa.
4.1.2 Samostalna registracija
Ako niste registrirali i kreirali Porsche ID korisnički račun putem ovlaštenog trgovca, možete sami registrirati i kreirati Porsche ID korisnički račun te unijeti
lične podatke. U odabranim zemljama također možete dodati vozilo i koristiti dodatne digitalne usluge za koje je potrebno vlasništvo nad vozilom. Da biste to učinili, morat ćete otpremiti kopiju identifikacijskog dokumenta i dokaz o vlasništvu, a ako niste vlasnik vozila, ovlaštenje vlasnika vozila nakon unosa identifikacijskog broja vozila. Ovi dokumenti će se pregledati na temelju naših kriterija za provjeru. Kao dokaz uspješne provjere pohranjujemo i imena, datume rođenja, mjesta rođenja, adrese i datume važenja dokumenata koji su prikazani u odgovarajućim identifikacijskim dokumentima te identifikacijske brojeve vozila, imena vlasnika i adrese prikazane u dokazu o vlasništvu. Nakon provjere, kopije dokumenata se brišu. Ako dodate vozilo i određeno vozilo vam je dodijeljeno pod xxxxx Porsche ID korisničkim računom, postoji ono što je poznato kao veza vozila (u daljnjem tekstu „veza vozila”). Nakon uspješnog pregleda, e- poštom ćete dobiti vezu koju ćete morati koristiti za potvrdu registracije i kreiranja Porsche ID korisničkog računa. Za dodatnu provjeru koristit će se drugi faktor, npr. kôd poslan tekstualnom porukom koju zatim unesete kao dio postupka registracije i kreiranja Porsche ID korisničkog računa.
Za samostalnu registraciju potrebno je otpremiti slike s uređaja. To znači da će vam se zatražiti odobrenje za pristup kameri ili biblioteci fotografija vašeg uređaja. Davanje odobrenja je dobrovoljno. Međutim, ako želite koristiti funkciju samostalne registracije, potrebno xx xxxx odgovarajuće odobrenje jer na drugi način nećete moći koristiti samostalnu registraciju. Odobrenje ostaje aktivno dok ga ne poništite na svom uređaju i/ili internetskom pregledniku deaktiviranjem odgovarajuće postavke.
(a) Potrebne informacije prilikom registriranja i kreiranja
Porsche ID korisničkog računa
Prilikom registracije i kreiranja Porsche ID korisničkog računa od vas se traži (u slučaju samostalne registracije) unos adrese e- pošte, lozinke, vašeg imena i svih sufiksa, podataka o kontaktu i adresi, broja mobilnog telefona, adrese e-pošte i gdje primjenjivo, jezik na kojem želite komunicirati s nama, ili (u slučaju registracije i kreiranja vašeg Porsche ID korisničkog računa putem ovlaštenog trgovca) da biste potvrdili ove lične podatke tokom postupka registracije i kreiranja Porsche ID korisničkog računa. Ovi lični podaci su potrebni za postavljanje i upravljanje Porsche ID korisničkim računom za vas tako da možete koristiti čitav niz naših usluga koje se nude u okviru Porsche digitalne uslužne infrastrukture. U odabranim zemljama možete koristiti naše ponude i kao potencijalni kupac. U xxx slučaju sve što ste trebate unijeti je vaše ime i adresa e-pošte i lozinka. Potrebni su nam i drugi podaci, gdje je to primjenjivo, dodatni lični podaci, da bismo mogli odgovoriti na zahtjeve, pitanja i kritike. Uz to pohranjujemo vrijeme vaše najnovije prijave. Tokom registracije i kreiranja Porsche ID korisničkog računa vršimo provjeru vjerodostojnosti vašeg imena i podataka o adresi.
(b) Dobrovoljno davanje dodatnih informacija prilikom
registracije i kreiranja Porsche ID korisničkog računa
Prilikom registracije i kreiranja Porsche ID korisničkog računa, također imate mogućnost dobrovoljnog unosa dodatnih podataka, kao što su dodatne informacije o imenu (akademski nazivi itd.), podaci za kontakt kompanije, datum rođenja, drugi telefonski brojevi, podaci o kreditnoj kartici (koji se pohranjuju isključivo kod davaoca usluga plaćanja) i vašeg registracijskog broja i ličnog imena vozila. Pored toga možete navesti podatke o svojim interesima i željama i željenim kanalima kontakata. Imajte na umu da ove informacije nisu potrebne za registraciju i kreiranje
Porsche ID korisničkog računa, a na vama xx xx xx nam želite dati ove lične podatke.
4.2 Porsche digitalna uslužna infrastruktura: obrada podataka nakon registracije i kreiranja Porsche ID korisničkog računa
Ako ste se registrirali i kreirali Porsche ID korisnički račun, podijelit ćemo osnovne podatke o vašem Porsche ID korisničkom računu i xxxxx vozilima s Porsche trgovcima koji pružaju uslugu da bismo vam mogli pružiti uslugu i preko naše organizacije trgovaca, prema potrebi. To se radi da bi se mogao izvršiti ugovor s vama na temelju članka 6. (1) (b) OUZP-a. U tu svrhu prenosit ćemo ne samo vaš identifikacijski broj vozila, već i vaše korisničko ime (Porsche ID), tehničku i/ili prodajnu dostupnost usluga i ponude proizvoda za vaš Porsche ID korisnički račun ili vozilo i relevantne događaje unutar opseg kreiranja, izmjene ili brisanja korisničkog računa Porsche ID-a, veze vozila, izbor trgovaca ili aktiviranje ili deaktivacija usluga.
Ako ste odabrali ovlaštenog trgovca i dali pristanak, lični podaci pohranjeni u vašem korisničkom računu Porsche ID-a, posebno kontaktni podaci, korisnička usluga, podaci o ugovoru i servisu te podaci o xxxxx interesima, vozilima i uslugama koje koristite, također će se dijeliti s ovlaštenim trgovcem i sinkronizirati s bilo kojim ličnim podacima koji se odnose na vas koji mogu biti pohranjeni kod ovlaštenog trgovca. Ako više ne želite da se dijeljenje podataka odvija u budućnosti, možete u skladu s xxx prilagoditi korisničke postavke za Porsche ID korisnički račun. Spomenuti lični podaci od tada više neće biti dijeljeni s ovlaštenim trgovcem. Pravni temelj za obradu vaših ličnih podataka u ovom kontekstu je vaš pristanak u skladu s člankom 6. (1) (a) OUZP-a.
4.3 Brisanje Porsche ID korisničkog računa
Ako izbrišete Porsche ID korisnički račun, lični podaci pohranjeni na vašem Porsche ID korisničkom računu bit će izbrisani i nakon raskida ugovornog odnosa, ali ne prije kraja trajanja postojećih licenci usluge. Ako se iz pravnih razloga moraju pohraniti lični podaci, ti podaci će se blokirati (to se naziva i „ograničenje obrade“). Nakon toga lični podaci više neće biti dostupni za daljnju upotrebu, posebno za upotrebu usluga. Usluge možda više neće funkcionirati u potpunosti ili uopće. Tada više nećete moći u potpunosti koristiti Porsche digitalnu uslužnu infrastrukturu. Ako dodatni vodioci obrade unutar Porsche xxxxx kompanija i njegove prodajne organizacije obrađuju lične podatke na vlastitu odgovornost, ovo neće uticati na obradu tih ličnih podataka. U mjeri u kojoj su lični podaci podijeljeni s xxxxx trgovcem na temelju vašeg pristanka u skladu s člankom 6. (1) (a) OUZP-a, obavijestit ćemo trgovca o brisanju vašeg Porsche ID korisničkog računa.
5. Centralne usluge
5.1 Rezervacija i aktivacija usluga; postupanje s podacima
za plaćanje
Možete rezervirati pojedinačne ili više My Porsche usluga i Porsche Connect usluga i aktivirati uslužne licence. Kad odaberete odgovarajuću uslugu ili uslužni paket, možete pogledati i relevantne podatke koji su uključeni u detalje ponude o obradi ličnih podataka u okviru predmetnih usluga. Da bismo izvršili rezervaciju i ispunili ugovorni odnos, obrađujemo ne samo relevantne podatke o rezervaciji, već i vaše lične podatke koji su prikupljeni tokom postupka registracije i kreiranja Porsche ID korisničkog računa. Možete promijeniti svoju adresu za naplatu prije završetka postupka rezervacije. U ovom slučaju koristit ćemo ove podatke o adresi koje navedete u svrhu naplate i namire računa.
Ugovaramo s davaocima platnih usluga da bismo upravljali plaćanjima za plaćene usluge u okviru usluga My Porsche, Porsche Connect i Porsche Drive. U tu svrhu obrađujemo podatke
o vašoj kreditnoj kartici kao i relevantne podatke o plaćanju i xxxx IP adresu. Npr. tokom postupka rezervacije plaćenih usluga prenosimo fakturirani iznos, xxxx IP adresu i jedinstveni ključ transakcije koji se može koristiti za raspoređivanje plaćanja za potrebe upravljanja plaćanjem. Upravljanje podacima o vašoj kreditnoj kartici i upravljanje plaćanjem obavljaju se putem sistema davaoca platnih usluga u ime PSM GmbH. Kada unesete podatke
o kreditnoj kartici, to se događa izravno putem unosnog polja davaoca platnih usluga, koje neovisno šifrira ove podatke na vašem uređaju. Šifrirane podatke kasnije prosljeđujemo davaocu platnih usluga, koji ih pohranjuje i koristi za vaše plaćanje. Pravni temelj za ovu obradu je izvršenje ugovora u skladu s člankom 6.
(1) (b) OUZP-a.
Isključivo u svrhu upravljanja potraživanjima (uključujući provjere usklađenosti, u mjeri u kojoj to zahtijeva zakon) i za obavljanje kreditnih provjera, davalac platnih usluga obrađuje vaše podatke i kontakt podatke (ime, adresu, adresu e-pošte, broj korisnika usluge Porsche Connect; ako je primjenjivo, naziv kompanije i pridružene kompanije) i identifikacijski broj vozila naveden u dokazu o vlasništvu u naše ime. Pravni temelj za obradu ličnih podataka spomenutih u xxxx navedene svrhe je u skladu s člankom 6. (1) (c) OUZP-a, poštivanjem pravne obaveze kojoj podliježemo ili u skladu s člankom 6. (1) (f) OUZP-a, našim legitimnim interesom u ispunjavanju zakonskih zahtjeva.
Nakon rezervacije možete aktivirati usluge. To će pohraniti xxxx autorizaciju korištenja u sistem i uzrokovat će da se ažurira xxxxxx dostupnih usluga u skladu s xxx.
Da biste koristili određene usluge (poput ponuda stanica za naplatu), personalizirana kartica koja sadrži RFID čipove (Porsche ID kartica, Porsche kartica za punjenje) šalje se poštom u brojne zemlje u kojima se usluge nude kada se proizvod kupi. Na ovoj kartici se pohranjuje identifikacijski broj; ovaj broj se može koristiti za pridruživanje kartice Porsche ID korisničkom računu. Na kartici se ne pohranjuju digitalni lični podaci osim identifikacijskog broja, posebno vaše ime ili adresa. Ako izgubite karticu, možete je blokirati unutar svog korisničkog računa Porsche ID-a.
Nakon isporuke, Porsche ID kartica se može izravno koristiti u poslovima s podržanom infrastrukturom (poput javnih stanica za punjenje).
Ako nije drugačije naznačeno, provodimo postupke obrade opisane u ovom odjeljku da bismo izvršili naš ugovor s vama na temelju članka 6. (1) (b) OUZP-a.
5.2 Korištenje usluga My Porsche i Porsche Connect
Možete koristiti usluge My Porsche i Porsche Connect koje su rezervirane, ovisno o usluzi, u vozilu (u mjeri xxxx xx dostupna za vaše vozilo) putem mobilne radio veze ili putem dodatnih uređaja u usluzi My Porsche ili aplikaciji Porsche Connect i, prema potrebi, također s više ili svih pristupnih tačaka. U tu svrhu će se vaše vozilo ili odgovarajući uređaj povezati s Porsche digitalnom uslužnom infrastrukturom.
Kada koristite usluge rezervirane putem usluga My Porsche ili Porsche Connect Store u vozilu ili na drugim uređajima, obrađujemo lične podatke koji se odnose na vas u svrhu omogućavanja korištenja usluga, u svrhu podrške i za dodatne, posebno određene potrebe. Ako nije drugačije navedeno, vaše lične podatke obrađujemo samo u okviru potrebnom za omogućavanje upotrebe relevantnih usluga My Porsche ili Porsche Connect.
Kad koristite pojedinačne usluge My Porsche ili Porsche Connect, mogu se obraditi sljedeće kategorije ličnih podataka, npr. ovisno o načinu funkcioniranja određene usluge:
a) Identifikacijski podaci, poput identifikacijskog broja vozila, vašeg Porsche ID-a te ID-a uređaja i sistema za vaše uređaje i mobilne radio module koji su potrebni za
ličnu identifikaciju, uređaj ili vozilo radi uspostavljanja veza, korištenje usluga ili pristupa sadržaju;
b) podatke o autorizaciji, uključujući da je vozilo ili odgovarajući uređaj aktiviran za relevantnu uslugu Porsche Connect, koji se mogu povezati s xxxxx ličnim podacima koje ste unijeli tokom postupka registracije i kreiranja Porsche ID korisničkog računa;
c) podaci o prijavi koji su potrebni ako želite koristiti usluge drugih davalaca koje zahtijevaju prijavu u vozilu ili na drugim uređajima;
d) komunikacijske informacije koje su potrebne da bi se uspostavila veza između vašeg vozila i/ili drugih uređaja i naših servera ili servera neovisnih davalaca sadržaja za usluge Porsche Connect;
e) informacije o lokaciji i kretanju, kao što su GPS ili podaci o brzini, potrebne za upotrebu sadržaja temeljenog na lokaciji;
f) jezične informacije koje omogućavaju glasovnu kontrolu i glasovne unose u određenim uslugama Porsche Connect. Glasovni podaci nam se prenose iz vozila ili uređaja kao snimke u svrhu pretvaranja u tekst. Tekst koji potom generira davalac usluga se vraća u vozilo, a snimak se zatim briše iz naše arhive;
g) kontakt podaci koji se koriste u komunikacijskim uslugama, npr. za slanje e-pošte ili tekstualnih poruka;
h) podaci za naplatu, poput pojedinačnih podataka o povezivanju u vezi s postupcima punjenja. Te podatke možemo kombinirati s vašom adresom i podacima za plaćanje u svrhe pojedinačnih naplata;
i) dodatni sadržaj xxxx xxxx dijeliti s nama ili davaocima usluga da bi vam se mogla pružiti usluga.
Detaljne informacije o ličnim podacima koji se obrađuju u okviru usluge potražite u opisima relevantne usluge xxxxx://xxxxxxx- xxxxx.xxxxxxx.xxx/xx/xx.
Ako nije navedeno drugačije u ovim pravilima, nekim od specifičnih pravila privatnosti ili, ako je primjenjivo, u dodatnim specifičnim obavještenjima o privatnosti koje se odnose na relevantnu uslugu, obrađujemo vaše lične podatke u svakom slučaju na temelju članka 6. (1) (b) OUZP-a da bismo vam pružili usluge u ovom kontekstu i izvršili ugovor povezan s njima.
5.3 Korištenje usluga neovisnih davalaca
Ako koristite usluge koje pruža neovisni davalac s kojim imate vlastiti ugovorni odnos, sadržaj tih usluga se može prikazati u vašem vozilu ili na vašem uređaju, a informacije se mogu dijeliti između vašeg vozila ili uređaja i dotičnog davaoca usluga.
Nemamo uticaj na obradu podataka xx xxxxxx tog neovisnog davaoca usluga niti na lokaciju obrade podataka. Stoga pogledajte zasebna obavještenja o privatnosti relevantnih davalaca usluga za informacije o prirodi, opsegu i svrsi obrade ličnih podataka s obzirom na relevantnu uslugu.
Potrebne lične podatke prosljeđujemo relevantnom neovisnom davaocu usluge u skladu s člankom 6. (1) (b) OUZP-a da bismo izvršili ugovor između vas i nas.
6. Zaštita legitimnih interesa
U mjeri u kojoj obrađujemo vaše lične podatke da bismo zaštitili svoje legitimne interese, to se provodi uz postupke obrade podataka i svrhe opisane u ovim Općim pravilima privatnosti, Specifičnim pravilima privatnosti ili, ako je primjenjivo, dodatnim specifičnim obavještenjima o privatnosti koja se odnose na relevantnu uslugu u okviru specifične usluge, posebno u odnosu sljedećih interesa:
1. daljnji razvoj proizvoda, usluga i ponuda za korisnike kao i ostale mjere za upravljanje poslovnim transakcijama i procesima;
2. poboljšanje kvalitete proizvoda, uklanjanje grešaka i poremećaja, uključujući analizu podataka o vozilu i povratne informacije kupca;
3. obrada podataka na centralnoj platformi za potencijalne kupce i korisničku podršku, kao i ključni sistemi za korisničku lojalnost i prodajne svrhe radi pružanja individualne podrške kupcima i potencijalnim kupcima;
4. rješavanje garancijskih i servisnih slučajeva, obrada upita i drugih zahtjeva koje podnose potencijalni kupci i kupci izvan ugovora;
5. analiza potražnje i segmentacije kupaca, npr. izračunavanje i procjena afiniteta, preferenci i potencijala korisnika;
6. upravljanje rizicima i koordinacija kampanja opoziva;
7. provjere kredita, razmjenom podataka s kreditnom
službom (npr. SCHUFA);
8. osiguravanje poštivanja zakona, sprječavanje i zaštita od kršenja zakona (posebno krivičnih djela), dokazivanje i odbrana u vezi s pravnim zahtjevima;
9. osiguravanje dostupnosti, rada i sigurnosti tehničkih sistema i upravljanja tehničkim podacima.
U te svrhe, relevantna obrada podataka se obavlja na temelju
članka 6. (1) (f) OUZP-a.
7. Pristanak
Ako nam date pristanak na određene postupke obrade podataka, taj pristanak je uvijek povezan s određenom svrhom; svrhe u svakom slučaju proizlaze iz sadržaja određene izjave o pristanku. U ovom slučaju se obrada podataka provodi na temelju članka 6.
(1) (a) OUZP-a. Ako ne pristanete, nismo u mogućnosti udovoljiti vašem zahtjevu koji je pokriven xxx pristankom. Dani pristanak možete povući u bilo kojem trenutku bez da se to utiče na zakonitost obrade xxxx xx izvršena na temelju pristanka prije povlačenja.
Na temelju bilo kakvog pristanka koji ste nam možda dali, kompanije navedene u izjavi o pristanku mogu koristiti podatke u posebne svrhe, npr. za pružanje individualne podrške kupcima i potencijalnim kupcima te vas mogu kontaktirati putem željenih komunikacijskih kanala.
Ako koristimo vaše podatke za pružanje individualne podrške kupcima i potencijalnim kupcima unutar ovog okvira, to se događa da bismo vam pružili uzbudljivo iskustvo robne marke i podrške kupcima Porschea i učinili našu komunikaciju i interakciju s vama ličnom i relevantnom. Podaci koji se posebno koriste za pružanje individualne podrške kupcima i potencijalnim kupcima, ovise o podacima koji su prikupljeni na temelju upita, naloga i savjeta (npr. pri kupovini Porsche proizvoda) i podacima (npr. vaši lični interesi) koje ste dali na odgovarajućim kontaktnim mjestima (npr. putem ove web lokacije ili u Porsche Zentrumu).
U xxx slučajevima poseban opseg i namjeravana svrha odobrenja koje dajete proizlaze iz formulacije izjave o pristanku na mjestu kontakta.
8. Primaoci ličnih podataka
Interni primaoci: U kompaniji PSM GmbH xxxxxxx xx ograničen na
osobe koje moraju imati xxx xxxxxxx u navedene posebne svrhe.
Vanjski primaoci: Ne otkrivamo vaše lične podatke vanjskim primaocima izvan kompanije PSM GmbH, osim ako je to potrebno radi pružanja i provođenja odgovarajuće usluge, ako postoji drugo zakonsko ovlaštenje ili ako imamo vaš pristanak.
Vanjski primaoci mogu biti:
a) Izvršioci obrade:
Dr. Ing. x.x. X. Porsche AG ili njegove podružnice ili vanjski davaoci usluga s kojima ugovorimo pružanje usluga, npr. u područjima tehničke infrastrukture i usluge/održavanja za ponudu kompanije PSM GmbH ili pružanje sadržaja. Pažljivo biramo ove izvršioce obrade i podvrgavamo ih redovitim pregledima da bismo
zaštitili xxxx privatnost. Davaocima usluga nije dopušteno korištenje ličnih podataka osim u svrhe koje smo naveli xxxxx xxxxx uputama.
b) Javna tijela:
Državne agencije i institucije, poput poreznih vlasti, državnog tužilaštva ili sudova, kojima prosljeđujemo (i/ili moramo proslijediti) lične podatke iz obaveznih pravnih razloga ili radi zaštite zakonitih interesa. U xxx slučajevima se prosljeđivanje obavlja na temelju tačaka (c) i/ili (f) članka 6. OUZP-a.
c) Privatna tijela
Porsche trgovci i servisne kompanije, partneri za saradnju, davaoci usluga ili osobe kojima se lični podaci prosljeđuju na temelju pristanka, radi izvršavanja ugovora s vama ili zaštite zakonitih interesa, poput Porsche centara i Porsche servisnih centara, finansirajućih banaka, davaoca dodatnih usluga ili daovaoca usluga prijevoza. U xxx slučajevima se prosljeđivanje obavlja na temelju tačaka (a), (b) i/ili (f) članka 6. (1) OUZP-a.
9. Obrada podataka u trećim zemljama
Ako se podaci proslijede tijelima čija se registrirana kancelarija ili mjesto obrade podataka ne nalazi u državi članici Europske unije ili drugoj državi xxxx xx potpisnica Sporazuma o Europskom ekonomskom prostoru, prije prosljeđivanja podataka osiguravamo da, osim u iznimnim slučajevima dopuštenim zakonom, postoji ili odgovarajući nivo zaštite podataka kod primaoca (npr. odlukom Europske komisije o adekvatnosti, odgovarajućim zaštitnim mjerama kao što je samoovjerenje xx xxxxxx primaoca u skladu sa zaštitom privatnosti između EU i SAD-a ili sporazuma o
„standardnim ugovornim klauzulama EU“ s primaocem) ili da date pristanak na prijenos podataka.
Možete dobiti pregled primalaca u trećim zemljama i kopiju posebnih odredbi koje su dogovorene da nam osiguraju odgovarajući nivo zaštite podataka. Da biste to učinili, koristite podatke sadržane u odjeljku 1. ovih Općih pravila privatnosti.
10. Prikupljanje podataka koje obavljaju xxxxx xxxxxx
Ne obrađujemo samo lične podatke koje direktno primimo od vas. Neke lične podatke dobivamo i od trećih strana u mjeri u kojoj imamo pravni osnov za to.
Detalje o prikupljanju podataka koje obavljaju xxxxx xxxxxx potražite u Specifičnim pravilima privatnosti i, ako je primjenjivo, dodatnim posebnim obavještenjima o privatnosti koje se odnose na relevantnu uslugu.
11. Automatsko odlučivanje i profiliranje
Ne koristimo automatizirano odlučivanje u skladu s člankom 22. OUZP-a za pripremu, uspostavljanje i/ili održavanje poslovnih odnosa. U mjeri u kojoj se vrši profiliranje, to se događa samo u svrhe spomenute u okviru Općih pravila privatnosti, Specifičnih pravila privatnosti i, ako je primjenjivo, dodatnih posebnih obavještenja o privatnosti koje se odnose na relevantnu uslugu i na temelju spomenutog pravnog osnova.
12. Period pohrane; brisanje
Osim kada su u opisu konkretnih usluga navedene informacije o periodu pohrane i/ili brisanju ličnih podataka, primjenjuju se sljedeći principi:
Vaše lične podatke pohranjujemo samo onoliko xxxx koliko je potrebno za ispunjavanje predviđenih svrha ili - u slučaju pristanka
- osim i dok ne povučete pristanak. U slučaju prigovora na obradu, xxxxxxx vaše lične podatke, osim ako je njihova daljnja obrada dopuštena u skladu s relevantnim zakonskim odredbama. Također
brišemo vaše podatke ako moramo iz drugih zakonom propisanih
Primjenjujući ove opće principe, u pravilu brišemo vaše lične
podatke bez odlaganja
- nakon što se pravni osnov prestane primjenjivati, pod uslovom da ne postoji drugi pravni osnov (npr. periodi pohrane propisani trgovačkim i poreznim zakonom). U potonjem slučaju brišemo lične podatke nakon što se prestane primjenjivati drugi pravni osnov.
- ako nam više nisu potrebni za pripremu i izvršavanje ugovora ili za ostvarivanje legitimnih interesa i ne postoji drugi pravni osnov (npr. npr. periodi pohrane propisani trgovačkim i poreznim zakonom). U potonjem slučaju brišemo lične podatke nakon što se prestane primjenjivati drugi pravni osnov.
- ako se svrha u koju smo ih prikupili prestane primjenjivati i ako nema drugog pravnog osnova (npr. npr. periodi pohrane propisani trgovačkim i poreznim zakonom). U potonjem slučaju brišemo lične podatke nakon što se prestane primjenjivati drugi pravni osnov.
13. Prava ispitanika
Kao ispitanika na kojeg utiče obrada podataka, na raspolaganju su
vam brojna prava. Konkretno:
Pravo pristupa: Imate pravo dobiti informacije o ličnim podacima koji se tiču vas koje mi pohranjujemo.
Pravo ispravljanja i brisanja: Xxxxxx tražiti da ispravimo pogrešne podatke i - pod uslovom da su ispunjeni zakonom propisani preduslovi - obrišimo vaše podatke.
Ograničenje obrade: Xxxxxx zahtijevati - pod uslovom da su ispunjeni zakonom propisani preduslovi - da ograničimo obradu vaših podataka.
Prijenos podataka: Ako ste nam podatke dostavili na temelju ugovora ili pristanka, možete, ako su ispunjeni zakonom propisani preduslovi, zatražiti da dobijete podatke koje ste dali u strukturiranom, uobičajenom i mašinski čitljivom formatu ili da ih prenesemo drugom vodiocu obrade.
Prigovor na obradu podataka u slučaju „legitimnog interesa“ kao zakonski osnov: Imate pravo prigovoriti, iz razloga koji se odnose na vašu specifičnu situaciju, u bilo kojem trenutku protiv naše obrade podataka u mjeri u kojoj ta obrada ima „legitimni interes” kao zakonski osnov. Ako ostvarite pravo na prigovor, obustavit ćemo obradu vaših podataka osim ako u skladu sa zakonskim specifikacijama ne pokažemo uvjerljive zakonite razloge za daljnju obradu koji nadjačavaju vaša prava.
Povlačenje pristanka: U mjeri u kojoj ste xxx xxxx pristanak na obradu vaših podataka, možete ga povući u bilo kojem trenutku. To ne utiče na zakonitost obrade vaših podataka prije povlačenja pristanka.
Pravo podnošenja žalbe nadzornom tijelu: Žalbu možete uložiti i kod nadležnog nadzornog tijela ako smatrate da obrada vaših podataka krši važeći zakon. U tu svrhu možete kontaktirati nadzorno tijelo za zaštitu podataka koje je nadležno za vaše mjesto prebivališta ili xxxx zemlju ili nadzorno tijelo za zaštitu podataka koje je nadležno za nas.
Kontaktirajte nas: Također nas možete besplatno kontaktirati ako imate bilo kakva pitanja u vezi s obradom vaših ličnih podataka, xxxxx pravima kao ispitanika i/ili bilo kakvim pristankom koji ste dali. Za ostvarivanje bilo kojeg od prethodno navedenih prava, kontaktirajte nas e-poštom, na xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxx.xxx ili poštom, koristeći adresu xxxxxxxxx x xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx 0. Kada nas kontaktirate, omogućite da vas jasno identificiramo.
14. Sigurnost podataka
Koristimo sve potrebne tehničke i organizacijske mjere u skladu s najnovijim spoznajama da bismo osigurali nivo sigurnosti primjeren riziku, u skladu s važećim zakonskim zahtjevima.
15. Ponude trećih strana
Xxxxx xxxxxx su osmislile i pružaju usluge drugih davalaca usluga povezanih s našim uslugama. Nemamo nikakav uticaj na dizajn, sadržaj i/ili funkcioniranje ovih usluga. Izričito se distanciramo od svih sadržaja svih povezanih usluga. Imajte na umu da ove usluge, poput web lokacija trećih strana, mogu instalirati kolačiće na vaš uređaj ili prikupljati lične podatke. Na to nemamo uticaj. U vezi s xxx, zatražite podatke direktno od davalaca tih povezanih usluga.
16. Verzija
Primjenjuje se najnovija verzija ovih Pravila privatnosti.
Posljednje ažuriranje: 1. novembra 2019.
Specifična pravila privatnosti
Trgovine My Porsche i Porsche Connect Store / web lokacije My Porsche i Porsche Connect Store
U trgovini My Porsche ili Porsche Connect na našim web lokacijama My Porsche i Porsche Connect Store (u daljnjem tekstu „web lokacija“) možete rezervirati usluge My Porsche, Porsche Connect i Porsche Drive te funkciju na zahtjev (FoD), kao i aktivirati odgovarajuće licence. Da biste mogli to napraviti, morate se registrirati u usluzi My Porsche i imati Porsche ID korisnički račun. Ovisno o usluzi, možete koristiti i upravljati navedenim uslugama putem naše web lokacije, raznih Porsche aplikacija i ako je dostupno u vašem vozilu, u automobilu putem bežične mrežne veze.
1. Posebna obavještenja o korištenju naše web lokacije
1.1 Korištenje naše web lokacije
Dijelove naše web lokacije možete koristiti bez registracije. Vaši lični podaci se mogu obrađivati, čak i ako koristite web lokaciju bez registriranja.
1.1.1 Automatsko prikupljanje podataka
Kada pristupite našoj web lokaciji putem svog uređaja, obrađivat ćemo sljedeće podatke:
- datum i vrijeme pristupa,
- trajanje posjete,
- vrsta uređaja,
- operativni sistem koji se koristi,
- funkcije koje se koriste,
- količina poslanih podataka,
- vrsta događaja,
- IP adresa,
- URL referenta i
- naziv domene.
Obrađujemo ove podatke na osnovu članka 6. stavka 1. xxxxx (f) Opće uredbe o zaštiti podataka („OUZP“) da bismo omogućili korištenje web lokacije, zaštitili njen tehnički rad te identificirali i ispravili greške. Pri tome je naš cilj omogućiti korištenje naše web lokacije i trajno osigurati njenu funkcionalnost. Bez osiguravanja tih podataka, ne možete koristiti našu web lokaciju. Ne koristimo te informacije da bismo utvrdili vaš identitet.
1.1.2 Obrada podataka radi poboljšanja naših mrežnih
proizvoda i usluga
Automatski prikupljeni podaci navedeni u odjeljku 1.1.1 također se obrađuju da bismo poboljšali performanse naših usluga, osigurali njihovu dostupnost i optimizirali korisničko iskustvo, kao i procijenili vaše korištenje web lokacije, sastavili izvještaje o aktivnostima na web lokaciji i pružali druge usluge povezane s korištenjem web lokacije.
Vaše podatke obrađujemo u skladu s člankom 6. stavkom 1. tačkom (f) OUZP-a na osnovu našeg legitimnog interesa u radu i dostupnosti naših proizvoda i u analizama korisničkog ponašanja posjetilaca naše web lokacije. Ne koristimo te informacije da bismo utvrdili vaš identitet.
U okviru opisane obrade, također pohranjujemo kolačiće. Dodatne detalje o kolačićima potražite u odjeljku 1.1.3.
1.1.3 Kolačići
Kada posjetite našu web lokaciju, tzv. „kolačići“ ili „tehnologije slične kolačićima – u pravilu male datoteke – mogu se pohraniti na vaš uređaj da bismo vam ponudili široki spektar funkcija, omogućili praktičnije korištenje web lokacije i optimizirali naše proizvode i usluge. Ako ne želite da se kolačići / tehnologije slične kolačićima koriste, možete spriječiti pohranu na uređaju pomoću odgovarajućih postavku na uređaju i/ili internetskom pregledniku ili koristiti druge metode odbijanja. Napominjemo da ovo može ograničiti operativnost i funkcionalnost naših proizvoda i usluga. Detaljne informacije o prirodi, području primjene, svrhama, pravnom osnovu, kao i o mogućnostima odbijanja u pogledu obrade podataka putem kolačića i tehnologija sličnih kolačićima potražite u našim Pravilima o kolačićima za web lokacije Porsche Smart Mobility, kojima možete pristupiti na xxxxx://xxxxxxx-xxxxx.xxxxxxx.xxx/xx/xx/x/xxxxxxx.
1.2 Dozvole za pristup uređaju
Da biste koristili određene funkcije, možda ćete trebati dozvoliti pristup vašoj lokaciji.
Davanje dozvola je dobrovoljno. Međutim, ako želite koristiti dotične funkcije, potrebno xx xxxx odgovarajuće dozvole, jer u suprotnom ne možete koristiti te funkcije.
Dozvole će ostati aktivne dok se ne ponište deaktivacijom odgovarajuće postavke na vašem uređaju i/ili internetskom pregledniku.
1.3 Posebne usluge i funkcije
Kada koristite našu web lokaciju možete dobrovoljno dati lične podatke ili se registrirati za usluge ili funkcije. Kada se registrirate i koristite usluge i funkcije opisane u nastavku, lične podatke ćemo obrađivati u skladu s dolje navedenim odredbama.
Za korištenje usluga i funkcija naše web lokacije navedenih u odjeljku 1.3.2 potrebni su prethodna registracija i kreiranje Porsche ID korisničkog računa. Prethodna registracija nije potrebna za korištenje usluga i funkcija navedenih u odjeljku 1.3.3.
1.3.1 Postupak registracije i kreiranje Porsche ID
korisničkog računa
Dodatne informacije o postupku registracije i kreiranju Porsche ID korisničkog računa potražite u odjeljku 4.1 Općih pravila privatnosti za usluge My Porsche i Porsche Connect / Porsche Digital Service Infrastructure.
1.3.2 Korištenje pojedinačnih funkcija s
Funkcije koje čine dio naših proizvoda i usluga na našoj web lokaciji kao i lični podaci koji se obrađuju u svakom pojedinom slučaju zajedno s osnovnim svrhama i pravnim osnovom navedeni su u nastavku. Rezervacija i aktivacija usluga, obrada podataka
o plaćanju
Informacije o rezervaciji usluga putem naše web lokacije i s njima
povezane obrade podataka o plaćanju nalaze se u odjeljku 5.1.
Općih pravila privatnosti za usluge My Porsche i Porsche
Connect / Porsche Digital Service Infrastructure.
Ako je potrebno, pružamo dodatne informacije o obradi ličnih podataka za naše usluge koje se mogu rezervirati u dodatnim specifičnim obavještenjima o privatnosti relevantne usluge. Korištenje usluga My Porsche i Porsche Connect
Informacije o korištenju usluga My Porsche i Porsche Connect putem naše web lokacije potražite u odjeljku 5.2 Općih pravila privatnosti za usluge My Porsche i Porsche Connect / Porsche Digital Service Infrastructure. Pružanje usluga i informacije o garanciji
Za korištenje ove funkcije potrebna je prethodna registracija i stvaranje Porsche ID korisničkog računa.
Da bismo mogli davati informacije o vašem vozilu, trenutnim garancijama i opozivima u odjeljku My Porsche na našoj web lokaciji, obrađujemo glavne podatke opreme i vozila, kao što su identifikacijski broj vozila, trenutne garancije, xxxxxx modela i slika modela koji su prikazani na potvrdi o registraciji vozila.
Pravni osnov za obradu vaših ličnih podataka je izvršavanje postojećeg ugovora između vas i nas u skladu s člankom 6. stavkom 1. tačkom (b) OUZP-a. Zahtjevi za servisne usluge
Za korištenje ove funkcije potrebna je prethodna registracija i
stvaranje Porsche ID korisničkog računa.
Da biste zatražili servisne usluge od Porscheovih distributera i servisnih kompanija putem odjeljka Moj Porsche na našoj web lokaciji, na vaš zahtjev možemo pružiti podatke o kupcima i vozilima relevantnim kompanijama odabranim za vas. Ako nam date svoj pristanak u sklopu zahtjeva za servisnom uslugom, trgovcu ili servisnoj kompaniji odabranoj za vas za dotični zahtjev proslijedit ćemo vaše ime, adresu, broj telefona, adresu e-pošte, Porsche ID, identifikacijski broj vozila xxxx xx naveden na potvrdi o registraciji vozila, model vašeg vozila, servisne usluge koje ste odabrali, xxxx odabranu uslugu i dodatnu poruku koja se odnosi na vaš zahtjev, kao i načine kontakta koje ste zatražili.
Prijenos vaših ličnih podataka se provodi jedanput u vezi s relevantnim zahtjevom za uslugu; pravni osnov za prijenos je članak 6. stavkom 1. tačkom (a) OUZP-a, tj. vaš pristanak. Pohranjujemo vaš zahtjev za uslugom da bismo izvršili postojeći ugovor između vas i nas u skladu s člankom 6. stavkom 1. tačkom (b) OUZP-a.
1.3.3 Korištenje pojedinačnih funkcija bez
Funkcije na našoj web lokaciji kao i lični podaci koji se obrađuju u svakom slučaju, zajedno s osnovnim svrhama i pravnim osnovom, navedeni su u nastavku. Kontaktiranje putem razgovora uživo
Prethodna registracija i kreiranje Porsche ID korisničkog računa nisu potrebni za korištenje ove funkcije.
U određenim dijelovima naše web lokacije nudimo razgovor uživo kao metodu uspostavljanja kontakta i primanja savjeta. Pomoću razgovora uživo možete komunicirati s jednim od naših savjetnika putem tekstualnih poruka. Kada otvorite i koristite razgovor uživo, iz tehničkih razloga vaš preglednik automatski na početku prenosi sljedeće podatke koje pohranjujemo odvojeno od ostalih podataka koje nam možete navesti drugom prilikom:
- datum i vrijeme pristupa,
- trajanje posjete našoj web lokaciji,
- vrsta internetskog preglednika, uključujući verziju,
- operativni sistem koji se koristi,
- količina poslanih podataka,
- vrsta događaja i
- IP adresa.
Pravni osnov za obradu tih podataka je članak 6. stavak 1. xxxxx
(f) OUZP-a, s xxx da je naš legitimni interes zaštititi i održavati rad i sigurnost naših proizvoda i usluga i ispraviti greške. U xxx kontekstu podatke obrađujemo i u analitičke svrhe - bez identifikacije određene osobe.
Ako nam otkrijete dodatne lične podatke putem razgovora uživo, to je učinjeno na dobrovoljnom osnovu. Ako su za rješavanje vašeg problema potrebni lični podaci, o tome ćemo vas obavijestiti i zatražiti ih od vas. Tekstualne poruke koje ste unijeli na ekranu za unos tokom razgovora uživo pohranjuju xx x xxxx ime na serveru vanjskog pružaoca usluga. Pravni osnov za ovu obradu podataka je članak 6. stavak 1. xxxxx (b) OUZP-a.
2. Vaša prava kao ispitanik
Kao xxxxx xxxx se podaci obrađuju, imate na raspolaganju svoja prava. Konkretno, možete u bilo kojem trenutku prigovoriti na korištenje kolačića ili tehnologija sličnih kolačićima. Detalje u vezi s xxx potražite u našim Pravilima o kolačićima za web lokacije Porsche Smart Mobility, koja su dostupni na xxxxx://xxxxxxx- xxxxx.xxxxxxx.xxx/xx/xx/x/xxxxxxx.
S obzirom na dodatna prava koja su vam na raspolaganju, također se vas upućujemo na relevantne detalje sadržane u odjeljku 13 naših Općih pravila privatnosti za usluge My Porsche i Porsche Connect Services / Porsche Digital Service Infrastructure, koje možete pročitati na xxxxx://xxxxxxx- xxxxx.xxxxxxx.xxx/xx/xx/x/xxxxxxx.
3. Izmjene ovih pravila privatnosti i verzije
Zadržavamo pravo na izmjenu ovih Specifičnih pravila privatnosti. Aktualna verzija Pravila privatnosti uvijek je dostupna na xxxxx://xxxxxxx-xxxxx.xxxxxxx.xxx/xx/xx/x/xxxxxxx.
Verzija: 1. 11. 2019.
Porsche Smart Mobility
Pravila o kolačićima za web lokacije
Područje primjene
Ova pravila o kolačićima za web lokacije se primjenjuju uz Opća pravila privatnosti usluga My Porsche i Porsche Connect / Porsche Digital Service Infrastructure i Specifičnih pravila privatnosti i, ako je primjenjivo, dodatnih posebnih obavještenja o privatnosti dotičnih usluga u obliku web lokacija (u daljnjem tekstu ove usluge se nazivaju „web lokacija“) i opisuju vrstu, područje primjene, svrhu i pravni osnov, kao i mogućnosti prigovora u pogledu obrade podataka kolačića i tehnologija sličnih kolačićima (u daljnjem tekstu zajednički se nazivaju „kolačići“). Nadalje, Opća pravila privatnosti usluga My Porsche i Porsche Connect / Porsche Digital Service Infrastructure i Specifičnih pravila privatnosti i, ako je primjenjivo, dodatnih posebnih obavještenja o privatnosti dotičnih usluga u obliku web lokacija primjenjuju se na sve ostale podatke. Datum 1.11.2019.
Šta su kolačići?
Koristimo kolačiće kako bismo vam ponudili širok spektar funkcija, prepoznali vaše preference, učinili korištenje naše web lokacije prikladnijom i optimizirali naše proizvode i usluge. Oni su u pravilu male tekstualne datoteke koje se pohranjuju na vašem kompjuteru uz pomoć vašeg internetskog preglednika.
Kategorije kolačića
Koristimo kolačiće u razne svrhe i s raznim funkcijama. Razlikujemo ih prema tome xx xx njihova upotreba tehnički potrebna (tehnička potreba), koliko xxxx xx pohranjuju i koriste (vrijeme pohrane) i xx xx ih postavila naša web lokacija ili treća strana te od toga koji je pružalac postavio taj kolačići ili tehnologiju sličnu kolačićima (u daljnjem tekstu pod zajedničkim nazivom „pružalac kolačića“).
Tehnička potreba
Tehnički potrebni kolačići: Koristimo određene kolačiće jer su oni ključni da bismo osigurali da naša web lokacija i njene funkcije mogu ispravno raditi. Ovi kolačići se automatski postavljaju kada posjetite web lokaciju ili izvršite određenu funkciju, osim ako postavke u vašem pregledniku sprječavaju upotrebu kolačića.
Netehnički potrebni kolačići: Za razliku od tehnički potrebnih kolačića, netehnički potrebni kolačići se koriste npr. za poboljšanje praktičnosti i performansi naše web lokacije ili za spremanje svih postavki koje ste naveli. Netehnički potrebne kolačiće koristimo i za dobivanje informacija o učestalosti korištenja određenih područja naše web lokacije da bismo u budućnosti mogli izraditi ciljna prilagođavanja u skladu s xxxxx potrebama. Ne pohranjujemo netehnički potrebne kolačiće dok klikanjem odgovarajućeg okvira ne potvrdite da ste pročitali naše obavještenje o kolačićima i nastavite koristiti našu web lokaciju.
Period zadržavanja
Sesijski kolačići: Većina kolačića je potrebna samo tokom trajanja vaše trenutne posjete web lokaciji ili vaše sesije, a
zatim se brišu ili postaju nevažeći čim napustite našu web lokaciju ili istekne vaša trenutna sesija (tzv. „sesijski kolačići“). Sesijski kolačići se koriste npr. za održavanje određenih podataka tokom sesije, poput registracije za web lokaciju ili sadržaja korpe za kupovinu.
Trajni kolačići: Xxxxxxxx se samo povremeno pohranjuju na duži period, naprimjer da bi vas prepoznali i pristupili xxxxx sačuvanim postavkama kada kasnije ponovno posjetite web lokaciju. To vam omogućava brži ili praktičniji pristup našim web lokacijama bez potrebe za ponovnim odabirom određenih postavki, poput željenog jezika. Trajni kolačići se automatski brišu nakon unaprijed određenog perioda od trenutka posjete web lokaciji ili domene na kojoj je kolačić korišten.
Kolačići toka: Ovi kolačići se koriste za komunikaciju između raznih internih Porsche servera. Postavljaju se na početku korisničke interakcije i ponovno brišu nakon što se interakcija završi. Kolačići toka dobivaju jedinstveni identifikacijski broj tokom interakcije, ali ne sadržavaju identifikacijske podatke o kupcu ili korisniku.
Kolaćići pružalaca usluga
Kolačići pružalaca usluga: Kada posjetite našu web lokaciju, kolačiće obično postavljaju na vaš preglednik operateri koje koristimo za našu web lokaciju.
Kolačići trećih strana: Takozvani „kolačići trećih strana“ s druge strane postavljaju i koriste druge strane ili web stranice, npr. pružaoci alata za web analitiku. Više informacija o web analitici i mjerenju publike možete pronaći u ostatku ovih Pravila o kolačićima. Xxxxx xxxxxx mogu upotrebljavati kolačiće za prikazivanje oglasa ili integriranje sadržaja s web lokacija društvenih mreža, npr. putem dodataka društvenih mreža.
Upotreba kolačića za web analitiku i mjerenje publike
Sljedeće usluge koristimo u svrhu web analitike i mjerenje
Koristimo Google analitku, uslugu web analitike koju omogućava Google Ireland Limited, Google Building Xxxxxx House, 0 Xxxxxx Xx, Xxxxxx, X00 X0X0, Xxxxx („Google“). Google analitika koristi kolačiće xxxxx xxxxxx za utvrđivanje učestalosti korištenja određenih područja naše web lokacije i postavki. Podaci generirani kolačićem o vašoj upotrebi web lokacije (uključujući xxxx skraćenu IP adresu) bit će preneseni i pohranjeni na Googleovom serveru u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama. Google će upotrebljavati te podatke u naše ime za potrebe procjene vaše upotrebe web lokacije, sastavljanja izvještaja o aktivnostima na web lokaciji za nas i pružanja drugih usluga koje se odnose na upotrebu web lokacije i interneta.
Pravni osnov za korištenje usluga za web analitiku i mjerenje publike, kao što je Google analitika, je članak 6. stavak 1. xxxxx (f) Opće uredbe o zaštiti podataka („OUZP“); naš legitimni interes proizlazi iz prethodno navedenih ciljeva,
konkretno analize, optimizacije i učinkovitog xxxx xxxx web
Brisanje kolačića i prigovor na njihovu upotrebu
Prihvatanje kolačića prilikom korištenja naše web lokacije nije obvezno; ako ne želite da se kolačići spremaju na vaš uređaj, možete onemogućiti odgovarajuću opciju u postavkama sistema preglednika. U svakom trenutku možete i izbrisati prethodno pohranjene kolačiće sa svog uređaja. Ako ne prihvatate kolačiće, to može dovesti do funkcionalnih ograničenja naše web lokacije.
Pored toga, možete onemogućiti upotrebu kolačića Google analitike pomoću dodatka preglednika ako ne želite analizu web lokacije. Dodatak možete preuzeti ovdje: xxxx://xxxxx.xxxxxx.xxx/xxxxxx/xxxxxxxx?xxxxx.
U xxx slučaju se na vaš uređaj pohranjuju informacije o
„isključivanju,“ koje se koriste za prepoznavanje vaše deaktivacije Google analitike. Napominjemo da će te informacije o isključivanju isključiti Google analitiku samo na uređaju i pregledniku na kojem je instalirana.
Možda ćete je trebati ponovno instalirati ako izbrišete kolačiće s uređaja. Kao alternativa dodatku preglednika, npr. na mobilnim uređajima, možete spriječiti prikupljanje podataka putem Google analitike klikanjem sljedeće veze: xxxx://xxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx/?xx0#!/. Time se postavlja kolačić za isključivanje koji sprječava buduće prikupljanje vaših podataka. Xxxxxxx za isključivanje vrijedi samo za preglednik koji se koristio xxxx xx postavljen i samo za našu web lokaciju i pohranjuje se na vašem uređaju. Ako izbrišete kolačiće s preglednika, morate ponovno postaviti kolačić za isključivanje.
Na svom uređaju također možete aktivirati funkciju „Ne prati.“ Xxxx xx ova funkcija omogućena, vaš uređaj informira odgovarajuću uslugu da ne želite da vas prati.
Konkretno, sljedeći kolačići se mogu pohraniti prilikom pristupa našoj web lokaciji:
Xxxxxx kolaćića
Web lokacija usluga My Porsche i Porsche Connect Store / My Porsche i Porsche Connect Store
Naziv kolačića | Tehnička potreba | Period zadržavanja | Pružalac kolačića | Svrha i interes | Pravni osnov |
CIAM.s | Da | Kolačić toka | Dr. Ing. x.x. X. Porsche AG | Ovaj kolačić je potreban da bi se provjerilo da li korisnikov preglednik podržava kolačiće. | Članak 6. stavak 1. xxxxx (f) OUZP-a |
CIAM.m | Da | Sesijski kolačići | Dr. Ing. x.x. X. Porsche AG | Ovaj kolačić je potreban za provjeru autentičnosti korisnika. | Članak 6. stavak 1. xxxxx (f) OUZP-a |
CIAM.h | Da | Sesijski kolačići | Dr. Ing. x.x. X. Porsche AG | Ovaj kolačić je potreban za pohranjivanje korisničke sesije i prijave u uslugu My Porsche. | Članak 6. stavak 1. xxxxx (f) OUZP-a |
CIAM.status | Da | Sesijski kolačići | Dr. Ing. x.x. X. Porsche AG | Ovaj kolačić je potreban za praćenje statusa korisničke sesije u usluzi My Porsche. | Članak 6. stavak 1. xxxxx (f) OUZP-a |
pcc.cookieAcceptance | Da | Trajni kolačić (period zadržavanja: 1 xxxxxx) | Dr. Ing. x.x. X. Porsche AG | Ovaj kolačić pohranjuje na pregledniku korisnikovu odluku o postavljanju kolačića na njegovom pregledniku. | Članak 6. stavak 1. xxxxx (f) OUZP-a |
nonce.* | Da | Kolačić toka | Dr. Ing. x.x. X. Porsche AG | Ovaj kolačić privremeno pohranjuje na serveru korisnikovu odluku o postavljanju kolačića na njegovom pregledniku. | Članak 6. stavak 1. xxxxx (f) OUZP-a |
PF | Da | Sesijski kolačići | Dr. Ing. x.x. X. Porsche AG | Ovaj kolačić je potreban za internu potvrdu autentičnosti korisnika između raznih Porsche servera. | Članak 6. stavak 1. xxxxx (f) OUZP-a |
CIAM.pcc | Da | Sesijski kolačići | Dr. Ing. x.x. X. Porsche AG | Ovaj kolačić je potreban za pohranjivanje korisničke sesije i prijave u uslugu My Porsche. | Članak 6. stavak 1. xxxxx (f) OUZP-a |
f5_cspm | Da | Sesijski kolačići | Dr. Ing. x.x. X. Porsche AG | Ovaj kolačić je potreban za usmjeravanje korisnika putem balansiranog učitavanja na proxy server. | Članak 6. stavak 1. xxxxx (f) OUZP-a |
_utma | Ne | Trajni kolačić (period zadržavanja: 2 godine) | Ovaj kolačić pohranjuje broj korisnikovih posjeta za Google analitiku. | Članak 6. stavak 1. xxxxx (f) OUZP-a | |
_utmt | Ne | Sesijski kolačić | Ovaj kolačić pohranjuje vrstu korisnikovog zahtjeva za Google analitiku. On razlikuje događaje, transakcije i stavke. | Članak 6. stavak 1. xxxxx (f) OUZP-a | |
_utmb | Ne | Sesijski kolačić | Ovaj kolačić pohranjuje trajanje korisničke sesije za Google analitiku. | Članak 6. stavak 1. xxxxx (f) OUZP-a | |
_utmz | Ne | Sesijski kolačić | Ovaj kolačić pohranjuje referentnu stranicu s koje korisnik stiže u uslugu My Porsche za Google analitiku. | Članak 6. stavak 1. xxxxx (f) OUZP-a | |
_utmv | Ne | Sesijski kolačić | Ovaj kolačić objedinjuje pohranjene podatke za Google analitiku da bi ih Porsche AG mogao prikazati u pojedinačnim, anonimnim izvještajima. | Članak 6. stavak 1. xxxxx (f) OUZP-a | |
NREUM | Ne | Sesijski kolačić koji se briše kada se preglednik zatvori. | New Relic Inc. | Ovaj kolačić se kreira samo na preglednicima koji ne podržavaju Navigation Timing API. Ako preglednik podržava Navigation Timing API, nativni interfejs se može koristiti za određivanje vremena početka | Članak 6. stavak 1. xxxxx (f) OUZP-a |
navigacije. | |||||
NRAGENT | Ne | Sesijski kolačić koji se briše kada se preglednik zatvori. | New Relic Inc. | Ovaj kolačić se koristi za komunikaciju između metričkih podataka krajnjeg korisnika kolektora New Relic i agenata koji se prikazuju u povezanoj web aplikaciji. Token identificira i povezuje tragove transakcija sloja aplikacije s odgovarajućim zapisima preglednika. | Članak 6. stavak 1. xxxxx (f) OUZP-a |
JSESSIONID | Ne | Sesijski kolačić koji se briše kada se preglednik zatvori. | New Relic Inc. | Ovaj kolačić se koristi za pohranjivanje ID-a sesije da bi New Relic mogao xxxxxxx xxxx sesija za aplikaciju. Vrijednost kolačića generira Jetty. | Članak 6. stavak 1. xxxxx (f) OUZP-a |
pcc-pers | Da | Sesijski kolačić | Dr. Ing. x.x. X. Porsche AG | Ovaj kolačić se koristi za pohranjivanje ID-a sesije da bi Porsche Connect Store mogao obraditi sesiju. Vrijednost kolačića se generira putem balansiranog učitavanja. | Članak 6. stavak 1. xxxxx (f) OUZP-a |
yCluster | Ne | Sesijski kolačić | Dr. Ing. x.x. X. Porsche AG | Ovaj kolačić se koristi za pohranjivanje ID-a sesije da bi Porsche Connect Store mogao obraditi sesiju. Vrijednost kolačića generira aplikacija. | Članak 6. stavak 1. xxxxx (f) OUZP-a |
Stranica 11 od 22
Posljednje ažuriranje novembar 2019. – Specifična pravila privatnosti – Pravila o kolačićima za web lokacije – Bosna– BS - Verzija 1.1
Porsche Smart Mobility GmbH General Privacy Policy
My Porsche and Porsche Connect Services / Porsche Digital Service Infrastructure
We, Porsche Smart Mobility GmbH (hereinafter “we” or “PSM GmbH”), are delighted at your use of My Porsche, our Porsche Connect services and other digital offerings from us (hereinafter individually or collectively also “Services” and collectively “Porsche Digital Service Infrastructure”) and at your interest in our company and our products. Your privacy is important to us. We take protecting your personal data and handling this data confidentially very seriously. Processing of your personal data takes place exclusively within the scope of the statutory provisions of data protection and privacy law, particularly the EU General Data Protection Regulation (hereinafter “GDPR”). This Privacy Policy provides you with information on the processing of your personal data and your rights as a data subject within the scope of your use of our Services. For information on the individual Services, please see the Specific Privacy Policy and, where applicable, the further specific privacy notices pertaining to the relevant Service.
Where we link to this Privacy Policy from external social media sites, the terms and conditions that follow apply only to the extent that the data processing operations within the scope of such social media sites do in fact lie within our sphere of responsibility and no information that is more specific – and thus takes precedence – regarding data protection and privacy is provided within the scope of such social media sites.
1. Controller and data protection officer; contact
Unless expressly stated otherwise in this General Privacy Policy, a Specific Privacy Policy based on it or, where applicable, the further specific privacy notices pertaining to the specific Service, the controller responsible for data processing within the meaning of the laws on data protection and privacy is:
Porsche Smart Mobility GmbH Xxxxxxxxxxxx 0
70435 Stuttgart Germany
Email: xxxxxxxxxxxxx@xx.xxxxxxx.xxx
Should you have questions or suggestions regarding data protection or privacy, please feel free to contact us.
You can reach our data protection officer as follows: Porsche Smart Mobility GmbH
Data Protection Officer
Xxxxxxxxxxxx 0
70435 Stuttgart Germany
Contact: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxx.xxx
2. Subject-matter of data protection
The subject-matter of data protection is the protection of personal data. This means all information concerning an identified or
identifiable natural person (known as the “data subject”). This includes information such as name, postal address, email address or phone number, as well as information that necessarily arises during the use of our Porsche Digital Service Infrastructure.
3. Nature, scope, purposes and legal bases of data processing in the case of the Porsche Digital Service Infrastructure
This General Privacy Policy provides you with an overview of the nature, scope, purposes and legal bases of the data processing within the scope of the registration, creation and use of your Porsche ID user account as well as the booking and use of our Services on the basis of your Porsche ID user account. You will also find in the text that follows information on data protection and privacy, such as on the recipients of personal data, data processing in third countries and your rights as a data subject, which applies in general within the scope of the use of the Porsche Digital Service Infrastructure. For more detailed information on the processing of personal data in relation to the use of individual Services, the relevant legal bases and specific rights of data subjects with regard to the relevant Service, please also see the relevant Specific Privacy Policy and, where applicable, the further specific privacy notices pertaining to the relevant Service.
4. Porsche ID user account
To use the Porsche Digital Service Infrastructure and the Services offered within it in full, it is necessary to register and create a Porsche ID user account in My Porsche. After completing the registration process and creating your Porsche ID user account you will also receive your Porsche ID (username for the Porsche ID user account). During registration and when creating and using your Porsche ID user account personal data is processed and may be transferred to third parties as depicted hereinafter in order to fulfil our contractual obligations in this context. Except where indicated otherwise, we carry out all processing operations described in this section in order to perform the contract existing between you and us on the basis of Article 6(1)(b) GDPR.
4.1 The registration process and creating your Porsche ID user account
You can choose one of two ways to register and create your Porsche ID user account:
4.1.1 Invitation by an authorised dealer
If you wish, your authorised dealer will enter the personal data you have provided for you via the dealer’s access to our systems. You will then receive a link by email, for example, that you will have to use to confirm your registration and the creation of your Porsche ID user account. Please note that the authorised dealers are independent companies and we have no influence over them. A
second factor will be used for additional verification, for example a code sent via text message that you then enter as part of the process of registering and creating your Porsche ID user account.
4.1.2 Self-registration
If you have not registered and created your Porsche ID user account via an authorised dealer, you can register and create your Porsche ID user account yourself and enter your personal data independently. In selected countries you can also add a vehicle and use further digital Services for which vehicle ownership is required. To do so you will also have to upload a copy of an identification document and proof of ownership and, if you are not the owner of the vehicle, authorisation from the vehicle owner after entering your vehicle identification number. These documents will be reviewed based on our verification criteria. As proof of successful verification we also store the names, dates of birth, places of birth, addresses and validity dates for the documents as shown in the relevant identification documents and the vehicle identification numbers, owner names and addresses shown in the proof of ownership. Once verification is complete the copies of the documents are deleted. If you add a vehicle and a specific vehicle is assigned to you under your Porsche ID user account as a result, there is what is known as a vehicle link (hereinafter “Vehicle Link”). After a successful review, you will receive a link by email, for example, that you will have to use to confirm your registration and the creation of your Porsche ID user account. A second factor will be used for additional verification, for example a code sent via text message that you then enter as part of the process of registering and creating your Porsche ID user account.
Self-registration requires that you upload pictures from your device. This means you will be asked for authorisation to access your device’s camera or photo library. Granting authorisation is voluntary. However, if you wish to use the self-registration feature, granting the relevant authorisation is required, as you will be unable to use self-registration otherwise. The authorisation remains active until you reset it in your device and/or internet browser by deactivating the relevant setting.
(a) Required information when registering and creating your Porsche ID user account
When registering and creating your Porsche ID user account you are required (in the case of self-registration) to enter your email address, a password, your name and any suffixes, contact and address information, mobile phone number, email address and, where applicable, the language in which you wish to communicate with us, or (in the case of registration and creation of your Porsche ID user account via an authorised dealer) to confirm this personal data during the process of registering and creating your Porsche ID user account. This personal data is required in order to set up and manage your Porsche ID user account for you so that you can use the full range of our Services offered within the scope of the Porsche Digital Service Infrastructure. In selected countries, you can also use our offerings as a prospective customer. In this case all you are required to provide is your name and email address and a password. We also need this and, where applicable, further personal data not least in order to be able to respond to requests, questions and criticism. In addition we store the time of your most recent log-in. During registration and creation of your Porsche ID user account we perform a plausibility check of your name and address information.
(b) Voluntary information when registering and creating your Porsche ID user account
When registering and creating your Porsche ID user account you also have the option to voluntarily enter further information, such as additional name information (academic titles, etc.), company contact information, date of birth, other phone numbers, credit card information (which is stored exclusively with the payment service provider) and your vehicle registration number and a
personal vehicle name. In addition you can provide information on your interests and preferences and your desired contact channels. Please note that this information is not required in order to register and create your Porsche ID user account, and it is entirely up to you whether you wish to communicate this personal data to us.
4.2 Porsche Digital Service Infrastructure: Data processing after registration and creation of your Porsche ID user account
If you have registered and created your Porsche ID user account we will share fundamental information regarding your Porsche ID user account and your vehicles with Porsche dealers that provide service in order to be able to provide you with service via our dealer organisation as well, as needed. This is done in order to perform the contract with you on the basis of Article 6(1)(b) GDPR. To this end, we will transfer not only your vehicle identification number, but also your username (Porsche ID), the technical and/or sales-related availability of Services and product offerings for your Porsche ID user account or vehicle and relevant events within the scope of the creation, modification or deletion of your Porsche ID user account, links to vehicles, the selection of dealers or the activation or deactivation of Services.
If you have selected an authorised dealer and granted your consent, the personal data stored in your Porsche ID user account, particularly contact information, customer service, contract and Service information and information on your interests, vehicles and Services used, will also be shared with the authorised dealer and synchronised with any personal data concerning you that may be stored by the authorised dealer. If you no longer wish this sharing of data to take place in the future, you can adjust the user settings for your Porsche ID user account accordingly. The aforementioned personal data will no longer be shared with the authorised dealer from then on. The legal basis for the processing of your personal data in this context is your consent pursuant to Article 6(1)(a) GDPR.
4.3 Deleting your Porsche ID user account
If you delete your Porsche ID user account, the personal data stored in your Porsche ID user account will also be erased upon termination of the contractual relationship, but not before the end of the term of your existing Service licences. To the extent that personal data must be stored for legal reasons, this data will be blocked (this is known as “restriction of processing”). The personal data is then no longer available for further use, particularly for the use of Services. The Services may no longer function in full or at all as a result. You will then no longer be able to use the Porsche Digital Service Infrastructure in full either. If further controllers within the Porsche group of companies and its sales organisation process personal data on their own responsibility, the processing of this personal data will not be affected by this. To the extent that personal data has been shared with a dealer of your choice based on your consent pursuant to Article 6(1)(a) GDPR, we will notify the dealer of the deletion of your Porsche ID user account.
5. Central Services
5.1 Booking and activation of Services; handling of payment information
You can book individual or multiple My Porsche Services and Porsche Connect Services and activate Service licences. When selecting the relevant Service or Service package you can also view the relevant information included in the offer details on the processing of personal data within the scope of the Services in question. To perform and fulfil a booking and the contractual relationship associated with it we process not only the relevant booking information, but also your personal data that has been collected during the process of registering and creating your
Porsche ID user account. You can change your billing address before the booking process is concluded. In this case we will use this address information that you provide for purposes of billing and settling the account.
We contract with a payment service provider to handle payments for paid Services within the scope of My Porsche, Porsche Connect and Porsche Drive. To this end, we process your credit card information as well as the relevant payment information and your IP address. For example, during the process of booking paid Services we transfer the invoiced amount, your IP address and a unique transaction key that can be used to allocate your payment for the purposes of handling payment. The management of your credit card information and the handling of payment are carried out via systems of the payment service provider on behalf of PSM GmbH. When you enter your credit card information this takes place directly via an entry field of the payment service provider, which encrypts this information independently on your device. The encrypted information is subsequently transferred by us to the payment service provider, where it is stored and used for your payment. The legal basis for this processing is the performance of a contract pursuant to Article 6(1)(b) GDPR.
Exclusively for the purpose of accounts receivable management (including compliance checks, to the extent required by law) and to perform credit checks, the payment service provider used processes your customer and contact information (name, address, email address, Porsche Connect customer number; if applicable, company name and affiliated companies) and the vehicle identification number shown in the proof of ownership on our behalf. The legal basis for the processing of the personal data mentioned for the purposes stated above is, pursuant to Article 6(1)(c) GDPR, compliance with a legal obligation to which we are subject or, pursuant to Article 6(1)(f) GDPR, our legitimate interest in complying with legal requirements.
After the booking is complete, you can activate the Services. This will store your use authorisation in the system and cause the list of available Services to be updated accordingly.
To use certain Services (such as charging station offers), a personalised card containing RFID chips (Porsche ID Card, Porsche Charging Card) is sent out by mail in numerous countries where the Services are offered when a product is purchased. An identification number is stored on this card; this number can be used to associate the card with your Porsche ID user account. No personal data other than the identification number, particularly not your name or address, is stored digitally on the card itself. If the card is lost, you can block it within your Porsche ID user account.
Once delivered, the Porsche ID Card can be used directly in dealings with supported infrastructure (such as public charging stations).
Unless otherwise indicated, we carry out the processing operations described in this section in order to perform our contract with you on the basis of Article 6(1)(b) GDPR.
5.2 Use of the My Porsche Services and Porsche Connect Services
You can use the My Porsche Services and Porsche Connect Services that have been booked, depending on the Service, in your vehicle (to the extent available for your vehicle) via mobile radio connection or via further devices in My Porsche or your Porsche Connect app and, where applicable, also from multiple or all access points. To this end, your vehicle or the relevant device will connect to the Porsche Digital Service Infrastructure.
When you use the Services booked via My Porsche or the Porsche Connect Store in your vehicle or on other devices, we process personal data concerning you for the purposes of enabling the use of the Services, for support purposes and for further, specifically defined purposes. Unless otherwise indicated, we process your
personal data only within the scope necessary to enable the use of the relevant My Porsche Service or Porsche Connect Service.
When you use the individual My Porsche Services or Porsche Connect Services the following categories of personal data may be processed, for example, depending on how the specific Service works:
j) identification information, such as the vehicle identification number, your Porsche ID and the device and system IDs for your devices and mobile radio modules, which is needed to identify you personally, your device or your vehicle in order to establish connections, use Services or access content;
k) authorisation information, including that the vehicle or the relevant device has been activated for the relevant Porsche Connect Service, which can be linked to your personal data that you entered during the process of registering and creating your Porsche ID user account;
l) login information that is needed if you wish to use services from other providers that require a login in your vehicle or on other devices;
m) communication information that is required in order to establish a connection between your vehicle and/or other devices and our servers or the servers of third- party providers of content for Porsche Connect Services;
n) location and movement information, such as GPS or speed data, that is needed in order to use location- based content;
o) language information that enables voice control and voice entries in certain Porsche Connect Services. Voice data is transferred to us from the vehicle or a device as recordings for the purpose of conversion to text. The text that is then generated by a service provider is transferred back to the vehicle and the recording is then deleted at our end;
p) contact information that is used in communication services, for example to send email or text messages;
q) billing data, such as individual connection records regarding charging processes. We may combine this information with your address and payment information for individual billing purposes;
r) further content that must be shared with us or with service providers in order to be able to provide a Service for you.
For detailed information on which personal data is processed within the scope of which Service, please see the relevant Service descriptions at xxxxx://xxxxxxx-xxxxx.xxxxxxx.xxx/xx/xx
Unless otherwise mentioned here, in one of the Specific Privacy Policies or, where applicable, in the further specific privacy notices pertaining to the relevant Service, we process your personal data in each case on the basis of Article 6(1)(b) GDPR in order to provide you with the Services in this context and perform the contract associated therewith.
5.3 Use of services of a third-party provider
If you use services provided by a third-party provider with which you have a contractual relationship of your own, content of these services may be displayed in your vehicle or on your device and information may be shared between your vehicle or device and the service provider in question.
We have no influence over the processing of data by this third- party provider or the location of the data processing. Therefore please see the relevant third-party provider’s separate privacy notices for information on the nature, scope and purpose of the processing of personal data with regard to the relevant service.
We transfer the necessary personal data to the relevant third-party provider on the basis of Article 6(1)(b) GDPR to perform the contract existing between you and us.
6. Safeguarding legitimate interests
To the extent that we process your personal data to safeguard our legitimate interests, this takes place in addition to the data processing operations and purposes described in this General Privacy Policy, the Specific Privacy Policies or, where applicable, the further specific privacy notices pertaining to the relevant Service within the scope of the specific Service particularly against the background of the following interests:
10. further development of products, services and customer service offerings as well as other measures to manage business transactions and processes;
11. improvement of product quality, elimination of errors and disruptions, including by means of analysis of vehicle data and customer feedback;
12. processing of data in a central prospective customer and customer care platform as well as upstream and downstream systems for customer loyalty and sales purposes to provide individual care to customers and prospective customers;
13. handling of warranty and service cases, processing of inquiries and other requests submitted by prospective customers and customers outside of contracts;
14. analysis of demand and customer segmentation, e.g. calculation and evaluation of affinities, preferences and customer potential;
15. risk management and coordination of recall campaigns;
16. credit checks, by means of sharing data with credit bureaus (e.g. SCHUFA);
17. ensuring legal compliance, preventing and protecting against legal violations (especially criminal acts), assertion of and defending against legal claims;
18. ensuring the availability, operation and security of technical systems and technical data management.
The relevant data processing takes place on the basis of Article 6(1)(f) GDPR in this regard.
7. Consent
Should you grant us consent to certain data processing operations, this consent is always associated with a specific purpose; the purposes arise in each case from the content of the specific declaration of consent. In this case, the processing of data takes place on the basis of Article 6(1)(a) GDPR. If you do not consent, we are not able to comply with your request that is covered by the consent. You can withdraw consent, once granted, at any time without this affecting the lawfulness of processing that has taken place based on consent before its withdrawal.
On the basis of any consent that may have been granted by you, the companies listed in the declaration of consent may use the data for specific purposes, e.g. to provide individual care for customers and prospective customers, and may contact you via your desired communication channels.
If we use your data to provide individual care for customers and prospective customers within this scope, this takes place in order to provide you with an exciting brand and customer care experience with Porsche and to make our communications and interactions with you as personal and relevant as possible. Which of your data is specifically used to provide individual care for customers and prospective customers depends in particular on which data has been collected on the basis of inquiries, orders and advising (e.g. when purchasing Porsche products) and which data (e.g. your personal interests) you have provided at the relevant contact points (e.g. via this website or at the Porsche Zentrum).
In these cases, the specific scope and intended purpose of the consent granted by you arise from the wording of the declaration of consent at the point of contact.
8. Recipients of personal data
Internal recipients: Within PSM GmbH access is restricted to those persons who require it for the specific purposes mentioned.
External recipients: We do not disclose your personal data to external recipients outside PSM GmbH except where necessary in order to provide and carry out the relevant Service, where there is another legal authorisation or where we have your consent to do so.
External recipients may be the following:
a) Processors:
Dr. Ing. x.x. X. Porsche AG or its affiliates or external service providers with which we contract for the provision of services, for example in the areas of technical infrastructure and service/maintenance for the offerings of PSM GmbH or the provision of content. We select these processors carefully and subject them to regular reviews to ensure that your privacy is safeguarded. The service providers are not permitted to use the personal data other than for the purposes specified by us and according to our instructions.
b) Public bodies:
Government agencies and state institutions, such as tax authorities, public prosecutors’ offices or courts, to which we transfer (and/or are required to transfer) personal data for mandatory legal reasons or to safeguard legitimate interests. In these cases the transfer takes place on the basis of point(s) (c) and/or (f) of Article 6(1) GDPR.
c) Private bodies
Porsche dealers and service businesses, cooperation partners, service providers or persons to which or whom personal data is transferred on the basis of consent, to perform a contract with you or to safeguard legitimate interests, such as Porsche centres and Porsche service centres, financing banks, providers of further services or transportation service providers. In these cases the transfer takes place on the basis of point(s) (a), (b) and/or (f) of Article 6(1) GDPR.
9. Data processing in third countries
If data is transferred to bodies whose registered office or location of data processing is not located in a Member State of the European Union or another state that is a signatory to the Agreement on the European Economic Area, we ensure before forwarding the data that, apart from in exceptional cases permitted by law, there is either an adequate level of data protection at the recipient’s end (e.g. through an adequacy decision by the European Commission, appropriate safeguards such as self-certification by the recipient under the EU-US Privacy Shield or an agreement on “EU standard contractual clauses” with the recipient) or that you grant your consent to the transfer of the data.
You can obtain an overview of the recipients in third countries and a copy of the specific provisions that have been agreed in order to ensure an adequate level of data protection from us. To do so, please use the information contained in section 1 of this General Privacy Policy.
10. Collection of data by third parties
We do not only process personal data that we receive from you directly. We also receive some personal data from third parties to the extent that we have a legal basis for this.
For details regarding collection of data by third parties, please see the Specific Privacy Policies and, where applicable, the further specific privacy notices pertaining to the relevant Service.
11. Automated decision-making and profiling
We do not use any automated decision-making pursuant to Article
22 GDPR to prepare for, establish and/or carry out business relationships. To the extent that profiling is performed, this takes place only for the purposes mentioned within the scope of the General Privacy Policy, the Specific Privacy Policies and, where applicable, the further specific privacy notices pertaining to the relevant Service and on the basis of the legal bases mentioned.
12. Duration of storage; erasure
Except where information on the specific duration of the storage and/or erasure of personal data is provided in the description of the specific Services, the following applies:
We store your personal data only as long as is necessary to fulfil the intended purposes or – in the case of consent – unless and until you withdraw consent. In the event of an objection to processing, we erase your personal data unless the continued processing thereof is permitted pursuant to the relevant statutory provisions. We also erase your personal data if we are obligated to do so for other statutory reasons.
Applying these general principles, we generally erase your personal data without delay
- after the legal basis ceases to apply, provided that there is no other legal basis (e.g. storage periods mandated by commercial and tax law) that applies. If the latter is the case, we erase the personal data after the other legal basis ceases to apply.
- if it is no longer needed for our purposes of preparing for and performing a contract or pursuing legitimate interests and there is no other legal basis (e.g. storage periods mandated by commercial and tax law) that applies. If the latter is the case, we erase the personal data after the other legal basis ceases to apply.
- if the purpose for which we have collected it ceases to apply and there is no other legal basis (e.g. storage periods mandated by commercial and tax law) that applies. If the latter is the case, we erase the personal data after the other legal basis ceases to apply.
13. Rights of data subjects
As the data subject affected by data processing, you have numerous rights at your disposal. Specifically:
Right of access: You have the right to obtain information regarding the personal data concerning you that is stored by us.
Right of rectification and erasure: You can request that we rectify incorrect data and – provided that the statutory prerequisites are met – erase your data.
Restriction of processing: You can request – provided that the statutory prerequisites are met – that we restrict the processing of your data.
Data portability: Should you have provided data to us on the basis of a contract or consent, you can, if the statutory prerequisites are met, request that you receive the data provided by you in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format or that we transfer it to another controller.
Objection to data processing in the case of “legitimate interest” as the legal basis: You have the right to object, on grounds relating to your particular situation, at any time to the processing of data by us to the extent that this processing has “legitimate interest” as its legal basis. If you exercise your right to object, we will discontinue the processing of your data unless we can demonstrate – in accordance with the statutory specifications – compelling legitimate grounds for continued processing which override your rights.
Withdrawal of consent: To the extent that you have granted us consent to the processing of your data, you can withdraw it at any time with effect for the future. This does not affect the lawfulness of the processing of your data prior to the withdrawal of consent.
Right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority: You can also lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority if you believe that the processing of your data violates applicable law. To this end, you can contact the data protection supervisory authority with jurisdiction over your place of residence or your country or the data protection supervisory authority with jurisdiction over us.
Contacting us: You can also contact us free of charge if you have any questions regarding the processing of your personal data, your rights as a data subject and/or any consent that may have been granted. To exercise any of your rights as outlined above, please contact us by email, to xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxx.xxx, or by post, using the address mentioned in section 1 above. When contacting us, please ensure that it is possible for us to identify you clearly.
14. Data security
We utilise all the necessary technical and organisational measures in keeping with the state of the art in order to ensure a level of security appropriate to the risk, in accordance with the applicable statutory requirements.
15. Third-party offerings
Services of other providers linked to by our Services have been and are designed and provided by third parties. We have no influence over the design, content and/or functioning of these services. We expressly distance ourselves from all content of all services linked to. Please note that these services, such as third- party websites, may install cookies on your device or collect personal data. We have no influence over this. In this regard, please obtain information directly from the providers of these services linked to as necessary.
16. Version
The most current version of this Privacy Policy applies. Last updated: 1 November 2019
Specific Privacy Policy My Porsche and Porsche Connect Store / My Porsche and Porsche Connect Store website
In the My Porsche or Porsche Connect store on our My Porsche and Porsche Connect Store website (hereinafter also referred to as the "site"), you can book My Porsche services, Porsche Connect services, Porsche Drive services and Function on Demand (FoD) and activate the relevant licences. This requires you to be registered with My Porsche and to have a Porsche ID user account. Depending on the service, you can use and manage the above services through our website, various Porsche apps, and, if available for your vehicle, in your car via a wireless network connection.
1. Special notes on the use of our website
1.1 Provision of our website
Parts of our website can be used without registration. Even if you use the website without registering, your personal data may be processed.
1.1.4 Automated data collection
When you access our website through your device the following data will be processed by us:
- Date and time of access,
- Duration of the visit,
- Type of device,
- Operating system used,
- Functions used,
- Amount of data sent,
- Type of event,
- IP address,
- Referrer URL,
- Domain name.
We process this data on the basis of Article 6(1)(f) of the General Data Protection Regulation ("GDPR") to provide the website, to safeguard its technical operation and for the purpose of identifying and rectifying faults. In so doing, our aim is to enable use of our website and to permanently ensure its technical functionality. When you access our website this data is processed automatically. Without providing this data you cannot use our website. We do not use this information to identify you.
1.1.5 Data processing to improve our online products and services
The automatically collected data referred to in section 1.1.1 is also processed to improve the performance of our services, ensure their availability and to optimise the user experience as well as to evaluate your use of the website, compile reports on website activity for us and provide other services associated with use of the website.
We process your data in accordance with Article 6(1)(f) GDPR on the basis of our legitimate interest in the performance and availability of our products and in the analysis of the user behaviour of visitors to our website. We do not use this information to identify you.
As part of the processing described here we also store cookies. For more details on this, please refer to paragraph 1.1.3.
1.1.6 Cookies
When you visit our website, so-called "cookies" or "cookie-like technologies" – usually small files – may be stored on your device so we can offer you an extensive range of functions, make using the website more convenient and optimise our products and services. If you do not want cookies and/or cookie-like technologies to be used, you can prevent storage on your device using the relevant settings on your device and/or Internet browser or use other methods of objecting. Please note that this may restrict the operability and functionality of our products and services. For detailed information on the nature, scope, purposes, legal basis as well as the opportunities to object in respect of data processing of cookies and cookie-like technologies, please see our Porsche Smart Mobility Cookie Policy for websites, which can be accessed at xxxxx://xxxxxxx- xxxxx.xxxxxxx.xxx/xx/xx/x/xxxxxxx
1.2 Device access permissions
To use certain functions, you may be required to grant access to your location.
The granting of permissions is voluntary. However, if you want to use the functions in question, granting the relevant permissions is necessary, as otherwise you cannot use these functions.
Permissions will remain active unless they are reset by deactivation of the relevant setting in your device and/or internet browser.
1.3 Special services and functions
When using our website you may voluntarily provide personal data or register for services or functions. When you register for and use the services and functions described below, personal information will be processed by us as set out below.
Prior registration and the creation of a Porsche ID user account are required for use of the services and functions of our website set out in paragraph 1.3.2. Use of the services and functions set out in paragraph 1.3.3 does not require prior registration.
1.3.1 Registration process and creation of a Porsche ID user account
For information on the registration process and creating your Porsche ID user account, please see paragraph 4.1 of the General Privacy Policy of My Porsche and Porsche Connect Services / Porsche Digital Service Infrastructure.
1.3.2 Use of the individual functions with registration/log-in
The functions that form part of our products and services on our website as well as the personal data processed in each case together with the underlying purposes and legal basis are set out below. Booking and activation of services, handling payment information
Information on booking services through our website and the associated handling of payment information can be found in section 5.1 of the General Privacy Policy of My Porsche and Porsche Connect Services / Porsche Digital Service Infrastructure.
Where necessary, we provide additional information on the processing of personal data for our bookable services in the additional specific privacy notices for the relevant service. Use of My Porsche services and Porsche Connect services
Information on the use of the My Porsche services and Porsche Connect services through our website can be found in section 5.2 of the General Privacy Policy of My Porsche and Porsche Connect Services / Porsche Digital Service Infrastructure. Provision of service and warranty information
Prior registration and creation of a Porsche ID user account are required to use this function.
In order to be able to provide information about your vehicle, current warranties and recalls in the My Porsche section of our website, we process equipment and vehicle master data, such as the vehicle identification number, current warranties, model year and model image that appear on the vehicle registration certificate.
The legal basis for the processing of your personal data is, in accordance with Article 6(1)(b) GDPR, the performance of the existing contract between you and us. Requesting service appointments
Prior registration and creation of a Porsche ID user account are required to use this function.
To request service appointments with Porsche dealers and service companies through the My Porsche section of our website, we can at your request provide customer and vehicle data to the relevant companies selected by you. If you give us your consent as part of a service request, we will transmit your name, address, telephone number, email address, Porsche ID, the vehicle identification number as it appears on the vehicle registration certificate, your vehicle model, the service appointments that you have chosen, your chosen service and your additional message relating to your request, as well as the methods of contact requested by you to the dealer or service company selected by you for the relevant request.
Transmission of your personal data occurs once in connection with the relevant service request; the legal basis for transmission is Article 6(1)(a) GDPR, i.e. your consent. We store your service request to perform the existing contract between you and us in accordance with Article 6(1)(b) GDPR.
1.3.3 Use of the individual functions without registration/log-in
The functions on our website as well as the personal data processed in each case together with the underlying purposes and legal basis are set out below. Contact via live chat
Prior registration and creation of a Porsche ID user account are not required to use this function.
In certain areas of our website we offer live chat as a method to make contact and receive advice. Using live chat you can communicate with one of our consultants via text messages. When you open and use live chat, for technical reasons your browser automatically transmits the following data at the start, which is stored by us separately from other data that you may provide to us in other circumstances:
- Date and time of access,
- Duration of the visit to our website,
- Type of internet browser including version,
- Operating system used,
- Amount of data sent,
- Type of event,
- IP address,
The legal basis for this data processing is Article 6(1)(f) GDPR, our legitimate interest being to safeguard and maintain the operation and the safety of our products and services and to rectify faults. In this context the data is also processed by us – without identifying a specific person – for analytical purposes.
If you then disclose further personal data to us via the live chat, this is done on a voluntary basis. Where personal data is required to solve your issue, we will inform you of this and ask you for it. The texts entered by you into the input screen during live chats are stored on our behalf on the server of an external service provider. The legal basis for this data processing is Article 6(1)(b) GDPR.
2. Your rights as a data subject
As a person affected by data processing, you have rights available to you. In particular, you may object at any time to the use of cookies or cookie-like technologies. For details in this regard, please refer to our Porsche Smart Mobility Cookie Policy for Websites, which is available at xxxxx://xxxxxxx-xxxxx.xxxxxxx.xxx/xx/xx/x/xxxxxxx.
With regard to the additional rights available to you, we also refer to the relevant details contained in section 13 of our General Privacy Policy for My Porsche and Porsche Connect Services / Porsche Digital Service Infrastructure, which can be viewed at xxxxx://xxxxxxx- xxxxx.xxxxxxx.xxx/xx/xx/x/xxxxxxx.
3. Changes to this privacy policy and version
We reserve the right to make changes to this Specific Privacy Policy. The current version of the Privacy Policy is always available at xxxxx://xxxxxxx- xxxxx.xxxxxxx.xxx/xx/xx/x/xxxxxxx.
Version: 01/11/2019
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Porsche Smart Mobility Cookie Policy for Websites
This Cookie Policy for Websites applies in addition to the General Privacy Policy of My Porsche and Porsche Connect Services / Porsche Digital Service Infrastructure and the Specific Privacy Policies and, where applicable, the further specific privacy notices of the respective services in the form of websites (hereinafter such services referred to as a "website") and describes the type, scope, purpose and legal basis as well as the opportunities to object in respect of data processing of cookies and cookie-like technologies (hereinafter collectively referred to as "cookies"). Moreover, the General Privacy Policy of My Porsche and Porsche Connect Services / Porsche Digital Service Infrastructure and the Specific Privacy Policies and, where applicable, the further specific privacy notices of the respective services in the form of websites apply in respect of all other information. Dated 01/11/2019.
What are cookies?
We use cookies to offer you an extensive range of functions, to recognise your preferences, to make the use of our website more convenient and to be able to optimise our products and services. These are usually small text files that are stored on your computer with the help of your internet browser.
Categories of cookies
We use cookies for different purposes and with different functions. We differentiate according to whether its use is technically required (technical necessity), how long it is stored and used (storage time) and whether it was placed by our website or by third parties and by which provider that cookie or cookie-like technology was placed (hereinafter collectively referred to as a "cookie provider").
Technical necessity
Technically necessary cookies: We use certain cookies because they are essential to ensure that our website and its functions can work correctly. These cookies are set automatically when you visit the website or perform a specific function, unless settings in your browser prevent the use of cookies.
Non-technically necessary cookies: By contrast, non- technically necessary cookies are used, for example, to improve the convenience and performance of our website or to save any settings you have specified. We also use non- technically necessary cookies to obtain information about the frequency of use of certain areas of our website so we can make targeted adjustments in the future to meet your needs. We do not store non-technically necessary cookies until you have confirmed by clicking on the appropriate box that you have acknowledged our cookie notice and continue to use our website.
Retention period
Session cookies: Most cookies are required only for the duration of your current website visit or your session, and are then deleted or become invalid as soon as you leave our website or your current session expires (so-called "session
cookies"). Session cookies are used, for example, to maintain certain information during your session, such as your registration for the website or the contents of your shopping basket.
Persistent cookies: Cookies are only occasionally stored for a longer period, for example in order to recognise you and access your saved settings when you visit the website again at a later date. This allows you to access our websites more quickly or conveniently without having to reselect certain settings, such as your preferred language. Persistent cookies are automatically deleted after a predefined period of time from when you visit the website or domain on which the cookie was used.
Flow cookies: These cookies are used for communication between various internal Porsche servers. They are set at the beginning of a user interaction and deleted again once it ends. Flow cookies receive a unique identification number during the interaction but this does not contain any identifying information about the customer or user.
Cookie providers
Provider cookies: When you visit our website, cookies are generally placed on your browser by the operators we use for our website.
Third-party cookies: So-called "third-party cookies" on the other hand are placed and used by other parties or web pages, for example by providers of web analytics tools. More information on web analytics and audience measurement can be found in the remainder of this Cookie Policy. Third parties may also use cookies to display advertisements or to integrate content from social networking sites, for example through social plugins.
Use of cookies for web analytics and audience measurement
We use the following services for the purpose of web analytics and audience measurement:
We use Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google Ireland Limited, Google Building Xxxxxx House, 0 Xxxxxx Xx, Xxxxxx, X00 X0X0, Xxxxxxx ("Google"). Google Analytics uses third-party cookies to identify the frequency of use of certain areas of our website and preferences. The information generated by the cookie about your use of the website (including your truncated IP address) will be transmitted to and stored on a Google server in the United States. Google will use this information on our behalf for the purpose of evaluating your use of the website, compiling reports on website activity for us and providing other services relating to website and internet usage.
The legal basis for the use of services for web analytics and audience measurement, such as Google Analytics, is Article 6(1)(f) of the General Data Protection Regulation ("GDPR"); our legitimate interest arises from the purposes set out above, in particular the analysis, optimisation and efficient operation of our website.
Deletion of and objection to the use of cookies
The acceptance of cookies when using our website is not mandatory; if you do not want cookies to be stored on your device, you can disable the relevant option in your browser's system settings. You can also delete previously stored cookies from your device at any time. If you do not accept cookies, however, this can lead to functional restrictions of our site.
Additionally, you can disable the use of Google Analytics cookies using a browser add-on if you do not want website analysis. This can be downloaded here: xxxx://xxxxx.xxxxxx.xxx/xxxxxx/xxxxxxxx?xxxxx.
In this case "opt-out" information is stored on your device, which is used to identify your deactivation of Google Analytics. Please note that such opt-out information will deactivate Google Analytics only on the device and browser on which it was installed.
You may also need to reinstall it if you delete cookies from your device. As an alternative to the browser add-on, for example on mobile devices, you can also prevent the collection of data by Google Analytics by clicking on the following link: xxxx://xxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx/?xx0#!/. This sets an opt-out cookie that prevents the future collection of your data. The opt-out cookie is valid only for the browser used when it was set and only for our website, and is stored on your device. If you delete the cookies in your browser, you must set the opt-out cookie again.
You can also activate the "Do Not Track function" on your device. When this function is enabled, your device informs the relevant service that you do not want to be tracked.
Specifically, the following cookies may be stored when accessing our website:
Cookie list
My Porsche and Porsche Connect Store / My Porsche and Porsche Connect Store website
Name of cookie | Technical necessity | Retention period | Cookie provider | Purpose and interest | Legal basis |
CIAM.s | Yes | Flow cookie | Dr. Ing. x.x. X. Porsche AG | This cookie is required to check whether the user's browser supports cookies. | Article 6(1)(f) GDPR |
CIAM.m | Yes | Session cookies | Dr. Ing. x.x. X. Porsche AG | This cookie is required for user authentication. | Article 6(1)(f) GDPR |
CIAM.h | Yes | Session cookies | Dr. Ing. x.x. X. Porsche AG | This cookie is required to store the user session and My Porsche log-in. | Article 6(1)(f) GDPR |
CIAM.status | Yes | Session cookies | Dr. Ing. x.x. X. Porsche AG | This cookie is required to monitor the status of the user session on My Porsche. | Article 6(1)(f) GDPR |
pcc.cookieAcceptance | Yes | Permanent cookie (retention period: 1 year) | Dr. Ing. x.x. X. Porsche AG | This cookie stores on the browser the user's decision as to whether cookies may be placed on their browser. | Article 6(1)(f) GDPR |
nonce.* | Yes | Flow cookie | Dr. Ing. x.x. X. Porsche AG | This cookie temporarily stores on the server the user's decision as to whether cookies may be placed on their browser. | Article 6(1)(f) GDPR |
PF | Yes | Session cookie | Dr. Ing. x.x. X. Porsche AG | This cookie is required for internal user authentication between various Porsche servers. | Article 6(1)(f) GDPR |
CIAM.pcc | Yes | Session cookie | Dr. Ing. x.x. X. Porsche AG | This cookie is required to store the user session and My Porsche log-in. | Article 6(1)(f) GDPR |
f5_cspm | Yes | Session cookie | Dr. Ing. x.x. X. Porsche AG | This cookie is required to direct the user through the load balancer to a proxy server. | Article 6(1)(f) GDPR |
_utma | No | Permanent cookie (retention period: 2 years) | This cookie stores the number of visits by a user for Google Analytics. | Article 6(1)(f) GDPR | |
_utmt | No | Session cookie | This cookie stores the type of request by the user for Google Analytics. It distinguishes between events, transactions and items. | Article 6(1)(f) GDPR | |
_utmb | No | Session cookie | This cookie stores the duration of a user session for Google Analytics. | Article 6(1)(f) GDPR | |
_utmz | No | Session cookie | This cookie stores the referring page from which the user arrives at My Porsche for Google Analytics. | Article 6(1)(f) GDPR | |
_utmv | No | Session cookie | This cookie aggregates stored data for Google Analytics so it can be displayed by Porsche AG in individual, anonymised reports. | Article 6(1)(f) GDPR | |
NREUM | No | Session cookie which is deleted when the browser is closed. | New Relic Inc. | This cookie is created only in browsers that do not support the Navigation Timing API. If a browser supports the Navigation Timing API, a native interface can be used to determine the start time of the navigation. | Article 6(1)(f) GDPR |
NRAGENT | No | Session cookie which is deleted when the browser is closed. | New Relic Inc. | This cookie is used to communicate between the end user metrics of the New Relic collector and the agents running in the associated web application. A token identifies and correlates application layer transaction traces with corresponding browser tracks. | Article 6(1)(f) GDPR |
JSESSIONID | No | Session cookie which is deleted | New Relic Inc. | This cookie is used to store a session ID so that New Relic can monitor the | Article 6(1)(f) |
when the browser is closed. | number of sessions for an application. The cookie value is generated by Jetty. | GDPR | |||
pcc-pers | Yes | Session cookie | Dr. Ing. x.x. X. Porsche AG | This cookie is used to store a session ID so that the Porsche Connect Store can process your session. The cookie value is generated by the load balancer. | Article 6(1)(f) GDPR |
yCluster | No | Session cookie | Dr. Ing. x.x. X. Porsche AG | This cookie is used to store a session ID so that the Porsche Connect Store can process your session. The cookie value is generated by the application. | Article 6(1)(f) GDPR |