Loan Agreement
Član 1.
Potvrđuje se Sporazum o zajmu (Programski zajam za razvojne politike za efikasnost javnog sektora i zeleni oporavak) između Republike Srbije i Međunarodne banke za obnovu i razvoj, koji je potpisan u Beogradu 10. maja 2021. godine, u originalu na engleskom jeziku.
Član 2.
Tekst Sporazuma o zajmu (Programski zajam za razvojne politike za efikasnost javnog sektora i zeleni oporavak) između Republike Srbije i Međunarodne banke za obnovu i razvoj, u originalu na engleskom jeziku i u prevodu na srpski jezik glasi:
Loan Agreement
(Public Sector Efficiency and Green Recovery Development Policy Loan)
DEVELOPMENT (“Bank”) for the purpose of providing financing in support of the Program (as defined in the Appendix to this Agreement). The Bank has decided to provide this financing on the basis, inter alia, of: (i) the actions which the Borrower has already taken under the Program and which are described in Section I.A of Schedule 1 to this Agreement; and (ii) the Borrower’s maintenance of an adequate macroeconomic policy framework. The Borrower and the Bank therefore hereby agree as follows:
1.01. The General Conditions (as defined in the Appendix to this Agreement) apply to and form part of this Agreement.
1.02. Unless the context requires otherwise, the capitalized terms used in this Agreement have the meanings ascribed to them in the General Conditions or in the Appendix to this Agreement.
2.01. The Bank agrees to lend to the Borrower the amount of eighty-two million six hundred thousand Euros (€82,600,000), as such amount may be converted from time to time through a Currency Conversion (“Loan”).
2.02. The Front-end Fee is one quarter of one percent (0.25%) of the Loan amount.
2.03. The Commitment Charge is one quarter of one percent (0.25%) per annum on the Unwithdrawn Loan Balance.
2.04. The interest rate is the Reference Rate plus the Variable Spread or such rate as may apply following a Conversion.
2.05. The Payment Dates are June 15 and December 15 in each year.
2.06. The principal amount of the Loan shall be repaid in accordance with Schedule 2 to this Agreement.
2.07. Without limitation upon the provisions of Section 5.05 of the General Conditions, the Borrower shall promptly furnish to the Bank such information relating to the provisions of this Article II as the Bank may, from time to time, reasonably request.
3.01. The Borrower declares its commitment to the Program and its implementation. To this end, and further to Section 5.05 of the General Conditions:
(a) the Borrower and the Bank shall from time to time, at the request of either party, exchange views on the Borrower’s macroeconomic policy framework and the progress achieved in carrying out the Program;
(b) prior to each such exchange of views, the Borrower shall furnish to the Bank for its review and comment a report on the progress achieved in carrying out the Program, in such detail as the Bank shall reasonably request; and
(c) without limitation upon paragraph (a) and (b) of this Section, the Borrower shall promptly inform the Bank of any situation that would have the effect of materially reversing the objectives of the Program or any
action taken under the Program including any action specified in Section I of Schedule 1 to this Agreement.
4.01. The Additional Event of Suspension consists of the following, namely, that a situation has arisen which shall make it improbable that the Program, or a significant part of it, will be carried out.
5.01. The Additional Condition of Effectiveness consists of the following, namely, that the Bank is satisfied with the progress achieved by the Borrower in carrying out the Program and with the adequacy of the Borrower’s macroeconomic policy framework.
5.02. The Effectiveness Deadline is the date one hundred and eighty days (180) days after the Signature Date.
6.01. The Borrower’s Representative, who, inter alia, may agree to a modification of the provisions of this Agreement on behalf of the Borrower through an exchange of letters (unless otherwise determined by the Borrower and the Bank), is its Minister of Finance.
6.02. For purposes of Section 10.01 of the General Conditions: (a) the Borrower’s address is:
Ministry of Finance 20 Kneza Milosa St. 11000 Belgrade
Republic of Serbia; and
(b) the Borrower’s Electronic Address is: Facsimile: E-mail:
(000-00) 0000-000
6.03. For purposes of Section 10.01 of the General Conditions: (a) the Bank’s address is:
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development 0000 X Xxxxxx, X.X.
Washington, D.C. 20433 United States of America; and
(b) the Bank’s Electronic Address is:
Telex: Facsimile: E-mail:
248423(MCI) or 0-000-000-0000 64145(MCI)
AGREED and signed in English as of the Signature Date.
Authorized Representative
Date: May 10, 2021
Authorized Representative
Date: May 10, 2021
Program Actions; Availability of Loan Proceeds Section I. Actions under the Program
A. Actions Taken Under the Program. The actions taken by the Borrower under the Program include the following:
1. The Borrower has established the Public Procurement Portal to promote transparency and efficiency in public procurement, as evidenced by the issuance of Rulebooks and Guidelines to regulate the implementation of the Public Procurement Portal, pursuant to the provisions of the Law on Public Procurement.
2. The Borrower has introduced a new procedure for prioritizing and controlling recruitment in the public sector, as evidenced by the issuance of the Decree on the Procedure for Obtaining Approval for New Recruitment or Additional Temporary Employment with Budget Beneficiaries (Decree 05 No. 110-11166/2020-2), duly published in the Borrower’s Official Gazette No. 159 on December 30, 2020.
3. The Borrower has mandated the establishment of the Social Card Registry for the consolidation of data on social protection beneficiaries, as evidenced by the enactment of the Law on Social Card, duly published in the Borrower’s Official Gazette No. 14, dated February 17, 2021.
4. The Borrower has established an independent Commission for State Aid Control and has made it operational, as evidenced by: (i) the enactment of the Law on State Aid Control, duly published in the Borrower’s Official Gazette No. 73/2019 on October 11, 2019; and (ii) the adoption of the founding statute of the Commission for State Aid Control, duly published in Borrower’s Official Gazette No. 3 and 41, dated January 17, 2020 and March 24, 2020, respectively.
5. The National Bank of Serbia has published, on a dedicated section of its website, all the bylaws, decisions, rulebooks, and summary of official opinions related to the implementation of the Law on Foreign Exchange Operations.
6. The Borrower has set the date of January 1, 2021, for the entry into force of regulations to limit sulfur content in heavy fuel oil, as evidenced by the approval of the Rulebook on Technical and Other Requirements for Liquid Fuels of Petroleum Origin, duly published in the Borrower’s Official Gazette No. 150/2020, dated December 14, 2020.
7. The Borrower has adopted the National Plan for the Reduction of the Main Pollutant Emissions from Old Large Combustion Plants, duly published in the Borrower’s Official Gazette No. 10/2020, dated February 6, 2020.
8. The Borrower has enacted the Law on Climate Change (published in the Borrower’s Official Gazette No. 26/2021 on March 23, 2021 and enters into force on March 31, 2021) which mandates the preparation and adoption of the Low-Carbon Development Strategy and its Action Plan and the Climate Change Adaptation Program, to establish systems to reduce GHG emissions and support climate adaptation in a cost-effective and economically viable manner.
Section II. Availability of Loan Proceeds
A. General. The Borrower may withdraw the proceeds of the Loan in accordance with the provisions of this Section and such additional instructions as the Bank may specify by notice to the Borrower.
B. Allocation of Loan Amounts. The Loan is allocated in: (a) a single withdrawal tranche, from which the Borrower may make withdrawals of the Loan proceeds; and
(b) the amounts requested by the Borrower to pay the Front-end Fee. The allocation of the amounts of the Loan to this end is set out in the table below:
Allocations | Amount of the Loan Allocated (expressed in Euros) |
(1) Single Withdrawal Tranche | 82,393,500 |
(2) Front-end Fee | 206,500 |
TOTAL AMOUNT | 82,600,000 |
C. Withdrawal Tranche Release Conditions.
No withdrawal shall be made of the Single Withdrawal Tranche unless the Bank is satisfied: (a) with the Program being carried out by the Borrower; and (b) with the adequacy of the Borrower’s macroeconomic policy framework.
D. Deposit of Loan Amounts.
The Borrower, within thirty (30) days after the withdrawal of the Loan from the Loan Account, shall report to the Bank: (a) the exact sum received into the account referred to in Section 2.03 (a) of the General Conditions; (b) the details of the account to which the Serbian Dinars equivalent of the Loan proceeds will be credited;
(c) the record that an equivalent amount has been accounted for in the Borrower’s budget management systems; and (d) the statement of receipts and disbursement of the account referred to in Section 2.03 (a) of the General Conditions.
E. Closing Date. The Closing Date is December 31, 2022.
Commitment-Linked Amortization Repayment Schedule
The following table sets forth the Principal Payment Dates of the Loan and the percentage of the total principal amount of the Loan payable on each Principal Payment Date (“Installment Share”).
Level Principal Repayments
Principal Payment Date | Installment Share |
On each June 15 and December 15 Beginning June 15, 2026 through December 15, 2035 | 5% |
1. “Commission for State Aid Control” means the Borrower’s Commission for State Aid Control, established pursuant to the Borrower’s Law on State Aid Control, duly published in the Borrower’s Official Gazette No. 73/2019 on October 11, 2019.
2. “General Conditions” means the “International Bank for Reconstruction and Development General Conditions for IBRD Financing, Development Policy Financing”, dated December 14, 2018 (revised on August 1, 2020 and on December 21, 2020).
3. “GHG” means greenhouse gas.
4. “Law on Foreign Exchange Operations” means the Borrower’s Law on Foreign Exchange Operations, duly published in the Borrower’s Official Gazette No.62/2006, dated July 19, 2006, as amended pursuant to the amendments published in the Borrower’s Official Gazette: (i) No. 31/2011, dated May 9, 2011; (ii) No. 3/2012, dated September 28, 2012; (iii) No. 119/2012, dated December 17, 2012; (iv) No. 139/2014, dated, December 18, 2014; and (v) No. 30/2018, dated April 20, 2018.
5. “Law on Public Procurement” means the Borrower’s Law on Public Procurement, duly published in the Borrower’s Official Gazette No. 91/2019, dated December 24, 2019.
6. “National Bank of Serbia” means the Borrower’s Central Bank.
7. “Program” means: the program of objectives, policies, and actions set forth or referred to in the letter dated March 15, 2021 from the Borrower to the Bank declaring the Borrower’s commitment to the execution of the Program, and requesting assistance from the Bank in support of the Program during its execution and comprising actions taken, including those set forth in Section I of Schedule 1 to this Agreement, and actions to be taken consistent with the program’s objectives.
8. “Public Procurement Portal” means the portal that has been established pursuant to the Law on Public Procurement.
9. “Rulebooks and Guidelines” means: (i) the Rulebook on Determining the Content of Standard Templates for Publishing Public Procurement Notices on the Public Procurement Portal (published in the Borrower’s Official Gazette No. 93 from July 1, 2020); (ii) the Rulebook on the Content of Tender Documentation in Public Procurement Procedures (published in the Borrower’s Official Gazette No. 21 from March 12, 2021); (iii) the Rulebook on the Procedure for Opening of Tenders (published in the Borrower’s Official Gazette No. 93 from July 1, 2020); (iv) the Guideline on the Manner of Sending and Publishing of the Public Procurement Notices (published in the Borrower’s Official Gazette No. 93 from July 1, 2020); and
(v) the Guideline on Use of the Public Procurement Portal, (published in the Borrower’s Official Gazette of the RS No. 93 from July 1, 2020).
10. “Signature Date” means the later of the two dates on which the Borrower and the Bank signed this Agreement and such definition applies to all references to “the date of the Loan Agreement” in the General Conditions.
11. “Single Withdrawal Tranche” means the amount of the Loan allocated to the category entitled “Single Withdrawal Tranche” in the table set forth in Part B of Section II of Schedule 1 to this Agreement.
12. “Social Card Registry” means a consolidated database on the socioeconomic status of the Borrower’s citizens who have applied for or receive social protection benefits managed by the Borrower’s Ministry of Labor, Employment, Veteran and Social Affairs.
(Programski zajam za razvojne politike za efikasnost javnog sektora i zeleni oporavak)
Sporazum zaključen na Datum potpisivanja između REPUBLIKE SRBIJE (u daljem tekstu: „Zajmoprimac”) i MEĐUNARODNE BANKE ZA OBNOVU I RAZVOJ (u daljem tekstu: „Banka”) za potrebe pružanja finansijske podrške Programu (na način utvrđen u Prilogu ovog sporazuma). Xxxxx xx odlučila da obezbedi ovo finansiranje, između ostalog, i na osnovu (i) aktivnosti koje je Zajmoprimac već preduzeo ili podržao u okviru Programa opisanog u Odeljku I Programa 1 ovog sporazuma; i (ii) održavanja adekvatnog okvira makroekonomske politike Zajmoprimca. Ovim putem, Zajmoprimac i Banka saglasili su se o sledećem:
1.01. Opšti uslovi (na način utvrđen u Prilogu ovog sporazuma) primenjuju se na ovaj sporazum i čine njegov sastavni deo.
1.02. Ukoliko kontekst ne zahteva drugačije, termini korišćeni u ovom sporazumu, xxxxxx velikim slovom, imaju značenje koje im xx xxxx u Opštim uslovima ili u Prilogu ovog sporazuma.
2.01. Xxxxx xx saglasna da pozajmi Zajmoprimcu iznos od osamdeset dva miliona šest stotina hiljada evra (82.600.000 EUR), s xxx da se xx xxxx može s vremena na vreme konvertovati putem Konverzije Valute (u daljem tekstu:
2.02. Pristupna naknada iznosi jednu četvrtinu jednog procenta (0,25%) iznosa Zajma.
2.03 Naknada za angažovanje sredstava iznosi jednu četvrtinu jednog procenta (0,25%) godišnje na Nepovučena sredstva zajma.
2.04. Kamatnu stopu predstavlja referentna xxxxx plus [Varijabilna marža] ili xxxxx koja se primenjuje nakon Konverzije.
2.05. Datumi za plaćanje su 15. jun i 15. decembar svake godine.
2.06. Glavnica Xxxxx otplaćivaće se u skladu sa Programom 2 ovog sporazuma.
2.07. Bez ograničenja na odredbe Odeljka 5.05 Opštih uslova, Zajmoprimac xx Xxxxx odmah dostaviti informacije u vezi sa odredbama ovog člana II koje Banka s vremena na vreme može razumno zahtevati.
3.01. Zajmoprimac potvrđuje svoju posvećenost Programu i njegovom sprovođenju. U tu svrhu i u skladu sa Odeljkom 5.05 Opštih uslova:
(a) Zajmoprimac i Xxxxx xx povremeno, na zahtev podnet od bilo koje strane, razmeniti mišljenja o okviru makroekonomske politike Zajmoprimca i napretku postignutom pri sprovođenju Programa;
(b) pre svake razmene mišljenja, Zajmoprimac će dostaviti Banci na pregled i komentarisanje izveštaj o napretku postignutom u sprovođenju Programa, onoliko detaljno koliko to Banka razumno zatraži; i
(c) bez ograničenja na stavove (a) i (b) ovog Odeljka, Zajmoprimac će odmah obavestiti Banku o bilo kojoj situaciji koja bi za posledicu imala materijalno značajnu promenu ciljeva Programa ili bilo koju aktivnost
preduzetu u okviru Programa, uključujući i aktivnosti definisane u Odeljku 1, Programa 1 ovog sporazuma.
4.01. Dodatni slučaj obustavljanja isplate podrazumeva situaciju usled koje je onemogućeno sprovođenje Programa ili njegovog značajnog dela.
5.01. Dodatni uslov za stupanje na snagu podrazumeva da xx Xxxxx zadovoljna napretkom koji je postignut xx xxxxxx Zajmoprimca u sprovođenju Programa i adekvatnošću okvira makroekonomske politike Zajmoprimca.
5.02. Krajnji rok za stupanje na snagu je sto osamdeset (180) xxxx od Datuma potpisivanja.
6.01. Predstavnik Zajmoprimca koji se, između ostalog, može složiti sa izmenama odredbi ovog sporazuma u ime Zajmoprimca razmenom pisama (osim ako Zajmoprimac i Banka nisu drugačije dogovorili), je ministar finansija.
6.02. U smislu člana 10.01 Opštih uslova: (a) adresa Zajmoprimca je:
Ministarstvo finansija Kneza Miloša 20
11000 Beograd Republika Srbija; i
b) Elektronska adresa Zajmoprimca je:
Broj telefaksa: Adresa elektronske pošte: (000-00) 0000-000
6.03. U smislu člana 10.01 Opštih uslova: (a) adresa Xxxxx xx:
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development 0000 X Xxxxxx, X.X.
Washington, D.C. 20433 United States of America; and
(b) Elektronska adresa Xxxxx xx:
Broj teleksa: Broj telefaksa: Adresa elektronske pošte: 248423(MCI) or 0-000-000-0000 64145(MCI)
SPORAZUM postignut na engleskom jeziku na Datum potpisivanja:
Ovlašćeni predstavnik Ime i prezime: Xxxxxx Xxxx
Funkcija: Ministar finansija Datum: 10. maj 2021. godine
Ovlašćeni predstavnik
Ime i prezime: Xxxxx Xxx Xxxxxx Funkcija: Regionalni direktor Datum: 10. maj 2021. godine
Programske aktivnosti; Raspoloživost sredstava zajma Xxxxxxx X. Programske aktivnosti
A. Radnje preduzete u okviru Programa. Radnje koje je Zajmoprimac preduzeo u okviru Programa uključuju sledeće:
1. Zajmoprimac je uspostavio Portal javnih nabavki radi promovisanja transparentnosti i efikasnosti u javnim nabavkama, što dokazuje objavljivanje Pravilnika i Smernica za regulisanje implementacije Portala javnih nabavki, u skladu sa odredbama Zakona o javnim nabavkama.
2. Zajmoprimac je uveo novi postupak za određivanje prioriteta i kontrolu zapošljavanja u javnom sektoru, što dokazuje objavljivanjem Uredbe o postupku za pribavljanje saglasnosti za novo zapošljavanje i dodatno radno angažovanje kod korisnika javnih sredstava (Uredba 05 br. 110-11166/2020-2), objavljene u Službenom glasniku Zajmoprimca br. 159, na xxx 30. decembra 2020. godine.
3. Zajmoprimac je naložio uspostavljanje Registra socijalnih karti i objedinjavanje podataka o korisnicima socijalne zaštite, što dokazuje usvajanjem Zakona o socijalnoj karti, objavljenom u Službenom glasniku Zajmoprimca br. 14 od 17. februara 2021. godine.
4. Zajmoprimac je uspostavio nezavisnu Komisiju za kontrolu državne pomoći xxxx xx počela xx xxxxx, o čemu svedoči: (i) donošenje Zakona o kontroli državne pomoći, objavljen u Službenom glasniku Zajmoprimca br. 73/2019 na xxx 11. oktobra 2019. godine; i (ii) usvajanje osnivačkog Statuta Komisije za kontrolu državne pomoći, objavljenog u Službenom glasniku Zajmoprimca br. 3 i 41, na xxx 17. januara 2020. godine, odnosno 24. xxxxx 2020. godine.
5. Narodna banka Srbije je u posebnom odeljku svoje veb stranice objavila sve podzakonske akte, odluke, pravilnike i rezime zvaničnih mišljenja u vezi sa primenom Zakona o deviznom poslovanju.
6. Zajmoprimac je odredio datum 1. januara 2021. godine za stupanje na snagu propisa o ograničenju sadržaja sumpora u teškom mazutu, što dokazuje usvajanje Pravilnika
o tehničkim i drugim zahtevima za tečna goriva naftnog porekla, koji je objavljen u Službenom glasniku Zajmoprimca br. 150/2020 na xxx 14. decembra 2020. godine.
7. Zajmoprimac je usvojio Nacionalni plan za smanjenje emisija glavnih zagađujućih materija koje potiču iz starih velikih postrojenja za sagorevanje, koji je objavljen u Službenom glasniku Zajmoprimca br. 10/2020, na xxx 6. februara 2020. godine.
8. Zajmoprimac je usvojio Zakon o klimatskim promenama (objavljen u Službenom glasniku Zajmoprimca br. 26/2021, na xxx 23. xxxxx 2021. godine, i koji stupa na snagu 31. xxxxx 2021. godine) koji nalaže pripremu i usvajanje Strategije niskougljeničnog razvoja i Akcionog plana i Programa adaptacije na klimatske promene, radi uspostavljanja sistema za smanjenje emisije gasova sa efektima staklene bašte (GHG emisija) i podrške adaptaciji klimatskim promenama na ekonomičan i ekonomski održiv način.
Odeljak II. Raspoloživost sredstava Zajma
A. Opšte odredbe. Zajmoprimac može povlačiti sredstva Zajma u skladu sa odredbama ovog Odeljka i dodatnim instrukcijama koje Banka može utvrditi u obaveštenju Zajmoprimcu.
B. Raspodela sredstava zajma. Zajam će biti dodeljen: (a) u jedinstvenoj tranši, iz koje Zajmoprimac može da povlači sredstva Xxxxx; i (b) u iznosu koji Zajmoprimac zahteva kako bi platio Pristupnu naknadu. Raspodela sredstava Zajma u tu svrhu definisana xx x xxxxxx koja sledi:
Alokacija | Iznos opredeljenih sredstava Zajma (izražen u evrima) |
(1) Povlačenje u jednoj tranši | 82.393.500 |
(2) Pristupna naknada | 206.500 |
UKUPAN IZNOS | 82.600.000 |
C. Uslovi za povlačenje sredstava.
Povlačenja sredstava iz jedinstvene tranše Zajma neće se vršiti ukoliko Banka nije zadovoljna (a) realizacijom Programa xx xxxxxx Zajmoprimca; i (b) adekvatnošću okvira makroekonomske politike Zajmoprimca.
D. Deponovanje iznosa Zajma.
Zajmoprimac će, u roku od trideset (30) xxxx xxxxx povlačenja Zajma sa Računa zajma, prijaviti Banci: (a) tačan iznos primljen na [račun naveden u Odeljku 2.03 (a) Opštih uslova]; (b) detalje računa na koji će se knjižiti ekvivalentna vrednost Zajma u Srpskim dinarima; (c) evidenciju da je ekvivalentni iznos obračunat u sistemima upravljanja budžetom Zajmoprimca; i (d) izvod o primanjima i isplatama [račun naveden u Odeljku 2.03 (a) Opštih uslova].
Zajmoprimac će u roku od trideset (30) xxxx xxxxx povlačenja Zajma sa računa zajma izvestiti Banku o: (a) tačnoj sumi primljenoj na račun iz Odeljka 2.03 (a) Opštih uslova; (b) detaljima računa na koji će dinarska protivvrednost sredstava Zajma biti deponovana; (c) evidenciji da je ekvivalentni iznos proveden u sistemima budžetskog upravljanja Zajmoprimca; i (d) izvod o primanjima i isplatama sa računa iz Odeljka
2.03 (a) Opštih uslova.
E. Datum završetka. Datum završetka je 31. decembar 2022. godine.
Amortizacioni plan otplate vezan za angažovana sredstva
Naredna tabela utvrđuje Datume otplate glavnice Zajma i procenat iznosa ukupne glavnice Zajma plative na svaki Datum plaćanja glavnice („Udeo rate”).
Otplata glavnice
Xxx otplate glavnice | Udeo rate |
Svakog 15. xxxx i 15. decembra Počevši od 15. xxxx 2026. godine zaključno sa 15. decembrom 2035. godine. | 5% |
Odeljak I. Definicije
1. „Komisija za kontrolu državne pomoći” je Komisija Zajmoprimca za kontrolu državne pomoći, uspostavljena u skladu sa Zakonom o kontroli državne pomoći Zajmoprimca, koji je objavljen u Službenom glasniku Zajmoprimca br. 73/2019 na xxx 11. oktobra 2019. godine.
2. „Opšti uslovi” su „Opšti uslovi Međunarodne banke za obnovu i razvoj za finansiranje IBRD i finansiranje razvojnih politika”, od 14. decembra 2018. godine (izmenjen 1. avgusta 2020. godine i 21. decembra 2020. godine).
3. „GHG” su gasovi sa efektima staklene bašte.
4. „Zakon o deviznom poslovanju” xx Xxxxx Zajmoprimca o deviznom poslovanju, objavljen u Službenom glasniku Zajmoprimca br. 62/2006 na xxx 19. xxxx 2006. godine, uz izmene u skladu sa izmenama objavljenim u Službenom glasniku Zajmoprimca: (i) br. 31/2011 na xxx 9. maja 2011. godine; (ii) br. 3/2012 na xxx 28. septembra 2012. godine; (iii) br. 119/2012 na xxx 17. decembra 2012. godine; (iv) br. 139/2014 na xxx 18. decembra 2014. godine; i (v) br. 30/2018 na xxx 20. aprila 2018. godine.
5. „Zakon o javnim nabavkama” je Zajmoprimčev Zakon o javnim nabavkama koji je objavljen u Službenom glasniku Zajmoprimca br. 91/2019, od xxxx 24. decembra 2019. godine.
6. „Narodna banka Srbije” je centralna banka Zajmoprimca.
7. „Program” označava: program ciljeva, politika i aktivnosti donetih ili koje se odnose na pismo od xxxx 15. xxxxx 2021. godine, koje je Zajmoprimac uputio Banci i u kome potvrđuje posvećenost Zajmoprimca realizaciji Programa i traži pomoć Banke za Program tokom trajanja njegove realizacije i koji sadrži preduzete aktivnosti, uključujući i one definisane u Odeljku I Programa 1 ovog sporazuma i aktivnosti koje će se realizovati u skladu sa ciljevima programa.
8. „Portal javnih nabavki” je portal uspostavljen u skladu sa Zakonom o javnim nabavkama.
9. „Pravilnici i Smernice” su: (i) Pravilnik o utvrđivanju sadržine standardnih obrazaca za objavljivanje oglasa o javnoj xxxxxx preko Xxxxxxx javnih nabavki (objavljen u Službenom glasniku Zajmoprimca br. 93 od xxxx 1. xxxx 2020. godine); (ii) Pravilnik o sadržini konkursne dokumentacije u postupcima javnih nabavki (objavljen u Službenom glasniku Zajmoprimca br. 21 od 12. xxxxx 2021. godine); (iii) Pravilnik o postupku otvaranja ponuda (objavljen u Službenom glasniku Zajmoprimca br. 93 od
1. jula 2020. godine); (iv) Uputstvo o načinu slanja i objavljivanja oglasa o javnoj nabavci (objavljeno u Službenom glasniku Zajmoprimca br. 93 od 1. jula 2020. godine); i (v) Uputstvo za korišćenje Portala javnih nabavki (objavljeno u Službenom glasniku Zajmoprimca br. 93 od 1. jula 2020. godine).
10. „Datum potpisivanja” znači datum koji je kasniji od dva datuma kada su Zajmoprimac i Banka potpisali ovaj sporazum, a ta definicija se primenjuje na sva pozivanja na
„datum Sporazuma o zajmu” u okviru Opštih uslova.
11. „Jedinstvena xxxxxx Xxxxx” označava iznos Zajma koji je dodeljen za kategoriju pod nazivom „Jedinstvena xxxxxx Xxxxx” u tabeli u Delu B Odeljka II Programa 1 ovog sporazuma.
12. „Registar socijalne karte” je objedinjena baza podataka o socijalno-ekonomskom statusu građana Zajmoprimca koji su podneli zahtev za dobijanje socijalne pomoći
kojom upravlja Ministarstvo za rad, zapošljavanje, boračka i socijalna pitanja Zajmoprimca.
Član 3.
Ovaj zakon stupa na snagu osmog xxxx od xxxx objavljivanja u „Službenom glasniku Republike Srbije – Međunarodni ugovori”.