Pružanje usluga obnove šumskih predela: izvođenje radova na terenu, Gledić, Grad Kraljevo, Srbija IZJAVA O PREUZIMANJU OBAVEZA u vezi sa Zahtevom za dostavljanje ponuda <uneti referentnu oznaku ZDP>
IZJAVA O PREUZIMANJU OBAVEZA u vezi sa Zahtevom za dostavljanje ponuda <uneti referentnu oznaku ZDP>
Ja, dolepotpisani/a, ovim potvrđujem da xxx ovlašćeni predstavnik sledeće organizacije:
Registrovani naziv organizacije (u daljem tekstu: “Organizacija”): _______________________
Registrovana adresa (uključujući zemlju): _______________________________________
Xxxxxx registracije: __________________________________________________
Ovim putem ovlašćujem IUCN da skladišti i koristi informacije koje se nalaze u priloženoj Ponudi u svrhu ocenjivanja Ponuda i izbora Ponude koju IUCN smatra najpovoljnijom. Potvrđujem da je IUCN u obavezi da Ponudu u celosti xxxx 10 xxxxxx xx isteka ugovora i da xx xxxxx na uvid internim i eksternim revizorima i donatorima ako i kada to bude opravdano traženo.
U slučaju da Ponuda sadrži Podatke o ličnosti, prema definiciji iz Opšte uredbe Evropske unije o zaštiti podataka (GDPR), potvrđujem da je Organizacija ovlašćena xx xxxxxx svakog od Subjekata podataka da podatke podeli sa IUCN-om u gorenavedene svrhe.
Nadalje, potvrđujem da su sledeće izjave tačne:
Organizacija je uredno registrovana u skladu sa važećim zakonima.
Organizacija u potpunosti ispunjava sve svoje poreske obaveze i obaveze u pogledu doprinosa za socijalno osiguranje.
Organizacija i njeni zaposleni i predstavnici nisu ni u kakvom realnom niti percipiranom sukobu interesa u odnosu na IUCN i njegovu Misiju.
Organizacija je saglasna da prijavi IUCN-u svaki realni ili percipirani sukob interesa u nastajanju, koji ona ili bilo ko od njenih zaposlenih i predstavnika mogu imati u vezi sa IUCN-om. Organizacija potvrđuje da IUCN može da raskine sa Organizacijom sve ugovore na koje bi, po isključivoj diskrecionoj proceni IUCN-a, takvi sukobi interesa negativno uticali.
Xxxx od zaposlenih u Organizaciji nije osuđivan za tešku povredu profesionalne dužnosti niti za bilo koji drugi prekršaj u vezi sa njihovim profesionalnim ponašanjem.
Organizacija, xxxx xxxx ko od njenih zaposlenih ili predstavnika nisu osuđivani za prevaru, korupciju, pranje novca, podržavanje terorizma ili umešanost u kriminalnu organizaciju.
Organizacija potvrđuje da će njena uključenost ili uključenost bilo koga od njenih zaposlenih u prevaru, korupciju, pranje novca, podržavanje terorizma ili umešanost u kriminalnu organizaciju dati pravo IUCN-u da raskine sve ugovore sa Organizacijom, sa momentalnim nastupanjem dejstva raskida ugovora.
Organizacija ima stalnost poslovanja, ne nalazi se u postupku stečaja ili likvidacije, njeni poslovi nisu predmet rešavanja xx xxxxxx xxxx, nije obustavila svoje poslovne aktivnosti, nije predmet postupka u vezi sa ovim pitanjima, niti se nalazi u nekoj sličnoj situaciji koja bi proisticala iz sličnog postupka predviđenog nacionalnim zakonodavstvom ili propisima.
Organizacija poštuje sve važeće i propisima utvrđene zahteve u pogledu životne sredine ili druge zakonom propisane zahteve u pogledu održivosti i zaštite životne sredine.
Organizacija se ne nalazi xx Xxxxx sankcija Ujedinjenih nacija, Mapi sankcija Evropske unije, Listi sankcija Kancelarije za kontrolu strane imovine Ministarstva finansija SAD, niti xx xxxxx Svetske banke nepodobnih firmi i pojedinaca. Organizacija je saglasna da neće pružati neposrednu niti posrednu podršku firmama i pojedincima koji se nalaze na pomenutim listama.
Organizacija nije bila, nije, niti će biti uključena ili umešana u bilo kakvo kršenje prava starosedelačkih naroda, ili nepravdu, ili zloupotrebu ljudskih prava u vezi sa drugim grupama ili pojedincima, uključujući prisilno iseljavanje, kršenje osnovnih prava radnika, prema definiciji iz Deklaracije o osnovnim principima i pravima na radu Međunarodne organizacije rada (MOR), niti u dečji rad, seksualnu eksploataciju, seksualno zlostavljanje ili seksualno uznemiravanje.
<Datum i potpis ovlašćenog predstavnika Ponuđača>
< Ime i funkcija ovlašćenog predstavnika Ponuđača>
NOTE: THIS TEMPLATE CONSULTANCY AGREEMENT IS TO BE USED when IUCN enters into AN AGREEMENT with a company (“company Consultant”)
(the “Agreement”)
IUCN, International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, an international association established under the laws of Switzerland, with its World Headquarters located at Xxx Xxxxxxxxx 00, 0000 Xxxxx, Xxxxxxxxxxx (hereafter “IUCN”),
[full legal name of other party], [type of company] established under the laws of [name of country], with headquarters located at [address], [country] (hereafter “Consultant”)
IUCN and the Consultant shall be referred to herein individually as a “Party” and together as the “Parties”.
Whereas the mission of IUCN is to influence, encourage and assist societies throughout the world to conserve the integrity and diversity of nature and to ensure that any use of natural resources is equitable and ecologically sustainable;
[OPTION 1] Whereas IUCN has received a donation from [name of the Donor] (hereafter the “Donor”) to implement the Project [insert the name] (the “Project”) and wishes to benefit from certain skills and abilities of the Consultant with the aim of providing IUCN with assistance and support in [describe the activities for which support is expected from Consultant].
[OPTION 2] Whereas IUCN wishes to obtain advisory and consulting services from the Consultant [for XXX or in the area of XXX] and the Consultant agrees to assist IUCN with such services under the terms and the conditions set forth in this Agreement.
Whereas the Consultant has represented to IUCN that it has the required expertise and experience;
Now therefore the Parties agree as follows:
The Consultant will [short description of the services], perform the tasks and deliver the deliverables no later than the agreed deadline(s) as set out in the terms of reference attached as Annex I (the “Services”).
The Consultant will assign [name of the person(s) and title(s)] (the “Key Personnel”), who is/are(an) employee(s) of the Consultant, to the performance of the Services on behalf of the Consultant. The replacement of any Key Personnel must be approved in advance by IUCN in writing.
IUCN reserves the right to request any reports (progress, financial or otherwise additional to those required under the Agreement), which could be considered to be reasonably required to evidence satisfactory performance under the Agreement. All financial records and other relevant documents relevant to or pertaining to this Agreement may be subject to inspection and/or audit at the discretion of IUCN or of the Donor. The Consultant agrees to allow IUCN or Xxxxx'x auditor(s) access to such records during normal business hours and to allow interviews of any employees who might reasonably have information related to such records. In the event of inspection or audit, IUCN or Donor shall provide the Consultant reasonable prior written notice.
The Consultant shall not subcontract the Services to third parties without the prior written consent of IUCN. However, the Consultant may under its own responsibility use the services of others provided such services are of an auxiliary or clerical nature.
This Agreement comes into effect on [date] [or] [upon its signature by both Parties] (the “Effective Date”) and will expire on [date] (the “Expiration Date”).
The employees, directors or shareholders of the Consultant shall not be entitled to any pension, bonus or other fringe benefits from IUCN.
The Consultant shall have no authority to enter into contracts or to incur any other legally binding commitment on behalf of IUCN.
No employee, director or other representative of the Consultant shall hold him or herself out or permit itself to be held out as having authority to do or say anything on behalf of or in the name of IUCN.
The Consultant shall be solely and exclusively liable for any and all taxes, levies or dues required to be paid in any of the countries where this Agreement applies, on any amounts paid to the Consultant by IUCN and has sole responsibility for declaring such amounts to the relevant tax authorities.
The Consultant shall carry out its duties in an expert and diligent manner and to the best of its ability and shall promptly and faithfully comply with all lawful and reasonable requests which may be made by the IUCN Contact Person.
The Consultant shall give written or oral advice or information regarding the execution of the Services as and when required by IUCN.
In the case of illness or accident or a case of Force Majeure as described under clause 16.3 preventing the Key Personnel from performing the Services, the Consultant shall promptly notify IUCN in writing of impediment.
As full remuneration for the Services performed under the terms of this Agreement, IUCN shall pay the Consultant a fixed and firm lump sum of [currency/amount in numbers (amount spelled out in letters)] (“the Remuneration”) based on [number of days] days of work at a daily rate of [daily rate] as follows:
A first instalment of [currency/amount in numbers (amount spelled out in letters)] corresponding to 30% of the Remuneration upon receipt of a signed copy of this Agreement together with a first invoice;
A second instalment of [currency/amount in numbers (amount spelled out in letters)] corresponding to 30% of the Remuneration [please indicate what task(s)/deliverable(s) will trigger payment] and presentation of the corresponding invoice; and
A third and last instalment of [currency/amount in numbers (amount spelled out in letters)] corresponding to remaining 40% of the Remuneration upon satisfactory and timely completion and IUCN written acceptance of all Services as specified in Annex I. The final invoice must be submitted no later than [insert the no. of days e.g. 30 days] after IUCN’s written acceptance of all Services or after the Agreement end date whichever is later.
The Consultant must submit a valid invoice quoting the Contract Reference Number and number of the instalment for each payment to be made.
If the tasks defined in the Agreement are not fulfilled to the satisfaction of IUCN within the requested time limit, IUCN reserves the right to withhold any further payments and recuperate any funds already paid for unfulfilled Services.
IUCN shall make payments to the Consultant’s bank account (to be opened in the name of the Consultant in the place where Consultant is established or where the Services are provided) as follows:
Complete Account name: [xxx]
Account type and currency: [xxx]
Bank name: [xxx]
Bank address: [xxx]
Account No.: [xxx]
SWIFT Code or other bank routing code: [xxx]
IBAN No: [xxx]
The Consultant shall bear bank charges for international wire-transfers (namely from the Consultant’s bank or any intermediary banks) associated with any transfer of funds that IUCN may make hereunder.
Funds that remain unused at the Expiration Date or termination date of this Agreement must be returned to IUCN within sixty (60) days following either of such dates, as applicable.
Travel expenses in connection with this Agreement shall not exceed [currency/amount in numbers] [(currency and amount in words)]. All travel has to be approved in writing (email accepted) by the IUCN Contact Person before any reservation is made.
The IUCN Travel Policy and Procedures for Non-Staff shall apply to all travel expenses and is available at xxxxx://
A financial report with receipts (e.g. transportation, accommodation, meals and incidentals) must be submitted in the currency of the Agreement to the IUCN Contact Person in order for reimbursement to be made.
The Consultant warrants that its performance of the Services under the terms of this Agreement will not infringe on the rights of any third party or cause the Consultant to be in breach of any obligation towards a third party.
The Consultant warrants that it has obtained the assignment of all Results and Intellectual Property rights pertaining to the Results from his employees (including without limitation the Key Personnel).
The Consultant shall maintain at its sole expense liability and any other relevant insurance covering the performance of this Agreement. IUCN may require the Consultant to provide a certificate of insurance evidencing such coverage.
The Consultant represents and warrants that no part of the Remuneration shall be provided to, or used to support, individuals and organizations associated with terrorism as identified on any sanction list published by the European Union, the United States Government, the United Nations Security Council or other relevant agency or body.
The Consultant will not disclose or use, at any time during or subsequent to this Agreement, any confidential information of IUCN or any other non-public information relating to the business, financial, technical or other affairs of IUCN except as required by IUCN in connection with the Consultant’s performance of this Agreement or as required by law. In particular, but without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, the Consultant shall keep confidential all Intellectual Property and know-how disclosed to it by IUCN, which becomes known to it during the period of this Agreement or which it develops or helps to develop in providing the Services to IUCN.
The Consultant may communicate confidential information only to those of its employees who are directly and necessarily involved in the performance of this Agreement or who are bound to the Consultant by obligations no less stringent as the ones mentioned in this Agreement.
The Consultant shall:
not disclose to third parties (including news and social media) without express prior written consent of IUCN the contents of this Agreement and the results of work performed as part of the provision of the Services;
disclose know-how and other confidential information of IUCN which is provided by IUCN to the Consultant for the purpose of carrying out the Services only to those persons necessary to accomplish the Services and only to the extent necessary for the proper performances of the Services or to persons bound to the Consultant by obligations no less stringent as the ones mentioned in this Agreement.
The Consultant agrees to immediately notify IUCN in writing if it becomes aware of any disclosure in breach of the obligations of this clause 8. It shall be responsible for any breach of these obligations by its employees or subcontractors. The Consultant will take all steps necessary to prevent further disclosure.
All notes, memoranda, correspondence, records, documents and other tangible items made, by the Consultant in the course of providing the Services will be and remain at all times the property of IUCN. At any time, even after the termination of this Agreement, the Consultant shall, upon request, promptly deliver to IUCN all such tangible items which are in its possession or under its control and relate to IUCN, its business affairs and clients and/or the Services.
Intellectual Property rights are any and all rights and prerogatives, registered or not, arising from the Swiss and international legislation on the protection of notably patents, design, trademark, as well as know-how and trade secrets.
Pre-existing Intellectual Property (Pre-existing Rights”) of a Party means any rights, title and interests in, to and under any and Intellectual Property that have been conceived or developed by such Party prior to the Effective Date or that is conceived or developed by such a Party at any time wholly independently of the implementation of this Agreement. Subject to the rights and licenses expressly granted under this Agreement, each Party shall retain ownership of its Pre-existing Rights. The Consultant hereby grants to IUCN a non-exclusive, worldwide, perpetual, royalty free, sub-licensable license to use Pre-existing Rights incorporated in the Services. The Consultant shall ensure that it has obtained all the rights to use any Pre-existing Rights belonging to third parties that are necessary to implement this Agreement.
All Intellectual Property rights, including copyright, in the Services produced under this Agreement are vested in IUCN and the Consultant hereby assigns and agrees to assign to IUCN or its nominee, with full title guarantee, all rights in and to any Intellectual Property resulting from the implementation of this Agreement for the full duration of such rights, including, without any limitations, the right to use, publish, license, translate, sell or distribute, privately or publicly, any item or part thereof wherever in the world enforceable.
The Consultant confirms that IUCN shall have all rights of development, manufacture, promotion, distribution and exploitation in relation to the projects undertaken and products developed in the course of the provisions of the Services and the Intellectual Property created or arising from the provision of the Services.
10.5 Neither Party shall have the right to use the other Party’s name, logo and/or other trademarks in any medium and for whatever purpose without the other Party’s prior written consent in each instance of use.
11.1 IUCN shall not be held liable for any damage caused or sustained by the Consultant, including any damage caused to its employees and / or third parties as a consequence of or during the provision of the Services or the implementation of the Present Agreement.
11.2 The Consultant agrees to indemnify and hold IUCN harmless from any and all losses and damages that IUCN may incur as a result of Consultant’s actions or omissions in rendering the Services or the breach of any of the Consultant’s obligations contained in this Agreement.
All correspondence and notices in connection with the implementation of this Agreement must be directed as follows:
IUCN Contact Person |
Consultant Contact Person |
[name] [title] [name of IUCN Programme/Office] [address] [phone] [email]
[name] [title] [address] [phone] [email]
In case the Contact Person is being changed, the authorized representative of each Party shall notify the other Party in writing (email accepted).
13.1 The Consultant shall comply with the principles and expected standards of conduct equivalent to those stipulated in Section 4 of the Code of Conduct and Professional Ethics for the Secretariat, available at xxxxx://, which by signing this Agreement, the Consultant confirms it has reviewed and accepted.
13.2 The Consultant shall take all necessary measures to prevent any situation where the impartial and objective implementation of the Agreement is compromised for reasons involving economic interest, political or national affinity, family or emotional ties or any other shared interest.
13.3 The Consultant represents and warrants that there are no potential or actual conflicts of interests in relation to the implementation of this Agreement. If, during the course of this Agreement, the Consultant becomes aware of facts which constitute or may give rise to a conflict of interest, the Consultant shall promptly inform the IUCN Contact Person in clause 12.1 in writing, without delay. The Consultant shall immediately take all the necessary steps to rectify this situation. IUCN reserves the right to verify that the measures taken are appropriate and may require additional measures to be taken within a specified deadline.
13.4 The Consultant shall take all necessary precautions to avoid fraud and corrupt practices in implementing this Agreement. The Consultant shall comply with the standards of conduct equivalent to those stipulated in IUCN's Anti-fraud Policy, available at xxxxx://, which by signing this Agreement, the Consultant confirms it has reviewed and accepted.
13.5 The Consultant shall cooperate fully in any investigations linked to events under this clause which may be carried out by IUCN and/or the Donor and shall give access to all records (and to its staff if applicable) in the event that this is needed to support investigations of complaints of unethical behavior, fraud or corruption. IUCN reserves the right to take necessary legal action and/or terminate the Agreement in accordance with clause 16 if it determines that any fraud, corruption and/or unethical behaviour has occurred. Any repayment claim may also include interest, investment income or any other financial gain obtained as a result of the fraud.
IUCN recommends the Consultant to apply non-discriminatory practices in terms of benefits and remuneration for both men and women employees in the performance of this Agreement.
14.2 The Consultant will comply with the principles and standards of protection equivalent to those stipulated in the SEAH Policy available at xxxxx://
15.1 Personal Data is any information relating to an identified or identifiable individual, unless otherwise defined under applicable law. The Parties commit themselves to respect applicable data protection laws and regulations and process Personal Data in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.
15.2 IUCN may share Personal Data of the Consultant and / or Consultant Key Personnel with the Donor and other IUCN partners strictly involved in the implementation of the Project. The Consultant will have the right of access its Personal Data and the right to rectify any such Personal Data held by IUCN. If the Consultant has any queries concerning the processing of Personal Data, it shall address them to IUCN using the online form located at (xxxxx://
15.3 IUCN may in the course of performance of this Agreement provide the Consultant with Personal Data. The Consultant shall limit access and use of Personal Data to that strictly necessary for the performance of this Agreement and shall adopt all appropriate technical and organizational security measures necessary to preserve the strictest confidentiality and limit access to Personal Data.
15.4 Where the Consultant engages another processor for carrying out specific processing activities on behalf of IUCN, the same data protection obligations as set out in this Agreement and the applicable law shall be imposed on that other processor by way of an agreement. Where that other processor fails to fulfil its data protection obligations, the Consultant shall remain fully liable to IUCN for the performance of that other processor’s obligations.
15.5 Where Personal Data is transferred to a country that has not been deemed to provide an adequate level of protection for Personal Data or to an International Organization within the meaning of Regulation (EU) 2016/679, the Consultant shall ensure that appropriate safeguards in accordance with applicable law are provided.
15.6 The Consultant shall promptly, and in any case within twenty-four (24) hours inform IUCN through the online form located at (xxxxx://, if it determines and/or discloses to a competent public authority and/or affected data subjects that a Personal Data breach has occurred.
16.1 Termination for cause
16.1.1 IUCN reserves the right to terminate this Agreement in whole or in part, upon written notice with immediate effect in the event that the Consultant:
has falsified or provided inaccurate, incomplete or misleading information in any documentation provided to IUCN;
defaults in carrying out any of its obligations under this Agreement;
has engaged in illegal acts, including, without limitation fraudulent or corrupt actions as defined in Code of Conduct and Professional Ethics for the Secretariat and IUCN's Anti-fraud Policy (hereafter referred to as a “Fraud”);
enters into liquidation or dissolution other than for the purpose of an amalgamation or reconstruction; or
ceases to carry on business, has a receiver or administrator appointed over all or any part of its assets or undertaking, enters into any composition or arrangement with its creditors or takes or suffers any similar action in consequence of a debt or other liability, or undergoes any process analogous to the foregoing in any jurisdiction throughout the world.
16.1.2 If it is determined that the Consultant has committed Fraud in competing for or in the performance of this Agreement, all expenditures incurred under this Agreement shall be undue and the Consultant shall promptly reimburse IUCN for all expenditures incurred in the performance of this Agreement.
Termination for lack of Donor funds
IUCN shall have the right to terminate this Agreement with immediate effect and without any liability for damages to the Consultant in case the agreement between IUCN and the Donor is terminated and/or the Remuneration funds become unavailable to IUCN.
Termination for force majeure
16.3.1 The performance of this Agreement by either Party is subject to acts of God, war, government regulations, epidemics, pandemics, disaster, strikes (excluding strikes of respective Parties’ personnel), civil disorders, curtailment of transportation facilities, or other emergencies making it illegal or impossible for either Party to perform its obligations (“Force Majeure Event”). The Party subject to a Force Majeure Event shall promptly notify the other Party of the occurrence and particulars of such Force Majeure Event, including how it impacts the performance of its obligations under this Agreement. The Party so affected shall use diligent efforts to avoid or remove such causes of non or delayed performance as soon as is reasonably practicable.
16.3.2 This Agreement may be terminated unilaterally without compensation for any one or more of the foregoing reasons by written notice from one Party to the other.
16.3.3 Notwithstanding the above, the Parties may agree to a suspension or an extension of the Agreement as deemed appropriate. Upon termination of the Force Majeure Event, the performance of the suspended Services shall without delay recommence.
16.3.4 The Party subject to the Force Majeure Event shall not be liable to the other Party for any damages arising out of or relating to the suspension or termination of Services by reason of the occurrence of a Force Majeure Event, provided such Party complies with all the requirements under this article 16.3.
Effects of Termination
In the event of termination under this clause, IUCN shall pay the Consultant any outstanding Remuneration in respect of Services performed by the Consultant up until the effective date of termination, it being understood that the total amount payable by IUCN to the Consultant shall not exceed the Remuneration stated in clause 5 of the Agreement. The Consultant shall within thirty (30) days of termination, and at IUCN’s request:
to the extent possible, complete the Services subject to the Remuneration made available until the date of termination and stop all ongoing activities;
refund to IUCN any advance payments received in excess of the total expenditure incurred as evidenced in the invoices submitted to IUCN,
reimburse IUCN for any expenditures made in breach of the terms of this Agreement and
submit final technical and financial reports and any other materials, deliverables, works or other outputs created as at the date of termination under this Agreement.
The performance and interpretation of this Agreement will be subject exclusively to the laws of Switzerland, excluding its conflict of laws principles.
Any dispute arising out of or in relation with this Agreement that cannot be resolved amicably by the Parties or by way of mediation shall be submitted to the competent courts of Lausanne, Switzerland.
This Agreement is the complete understanding between IUCN and the Consultant and replaces all other agreements and understandings in reference to the subject matter of this Agreement.
Any modification or amendment of this Agreement shall be in writing and shall become effective if and when signed by both Parties.
This Consultancy Agreement is non-exclusive. IUCN is free to consult other experts in the Consultant’s field of specialization.
This Agreement is personal to IUCN and the Consultant, and neither Party may sell, assign or transfer any duties, rights or interests created under this Agreement without the prior written consent of the other.
Either Party waives all and any rights of set-off against any payments due hereunder and agrees to pay all sums due hereunder regardless of any set-off or cross claim.
All provisions that logically ought to survive termination of this Agreement shall survive.
This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original, but all of which, taken together, shall constitute one and the same agreement. The Parties agree that the signed counterparts may be delivered by e-mail in a ".pdf" format data file or electronic signature (e.g., DocuSign or similar electronic signature technology) and thereafter maintained in electronic form, and that in this case such signature shall create a valid and binding obligation of the party executing with the same force and effect as if such ".pdf" or electronic signature page were an original thereof.
Signed on behalf of:
IUCN, International Union for [full name of OTHER PARTY]
Conservation of Nature and
Natural Resources
Date: __________________________ Date: ___________________________
[Name of representative] [Name of representative]
[Position of representative] [Position of representative]
[please list all annexes named in the Agreement]
IUCN: Izjava o preuzimanju obaveza Stranica 12 od 12