za Porsche Connect uslugu “Paket navigacije i infotainmenta” (u nastavku Uslovi korištenja)
Ovi Uslovi korištenja reguliraju korištenje Porsche Connect usluge “Paket navigacije i infotainmenta”. Ovi Uslovi korištenja se primjenjuju uz Uslove i odredbe portala My Porsche, prodavnice Porsche Connect i Porsche Connect usluga kao i Porsche proizvoda (Uslovi i odredbe). U slučaju da su Uslovi i odredbe u suprotnosti s Uslovima korištenja, Uslovi korištenja će imati prednost.
“Paket navigacije i infotainmenta”
“Paket navigacije i infotainmenta” uključuje, u zavisnosti od opreme vašeg vozila i geografske dostupnosti, 18 paketa s komponentama usluga ili manje koji su opisani u nastavku. Trenutna geografska dostupnost se može pronaći u prodavnici Porsche Connect na web lokaciji xxxxx://xxxxxxx-xxxxx.xxxxxxx.xxx/xx/xx/.
Trajanje: Jedna xxxxxx
Uslov za učešće: Ako kupite novo vozilo s mogućnošću povezivanja koje ima opciju „Connect Plus“ ili ako kupite model 718 koji ima opciju „Navigation incl. Porsche Connect“ počev od maja 2018. godine, opcija „Navigation & Infotainment Package“ se može besplatno rezervisati na period od 2 godine.
Dodatni zahtjevi pri korištenju svih komponenti paketa usluga: Usluga Porsche Communication Management povezivog vozila (u nastavku PCM) xxxx biti povezana s internetom. Ukoliko se internetska veza uspostavlja pomoću PCM integrirane SIM kartice, korištenje takve internetske veze za ovaj paket usluga (ne uključujući komponente paketa usluga "Radio Plus") je uključeno u cijenu ovog paketa usluga. Ukoliko se takva internetska veza ne uspostavlja pomoću PCM integrirane SIM kartice (npr. iz razloga što vozilo nema integriranu SIM karticu ili zato što internetska veza uspostavljena pomoću PCM integrirane SIM kartice nije dostupna u svim zemljama), potreban je dodatni internetski podatkovni paket ugovoren s davaocem mobilnih usluga što može uzrokovati dodatne troškove, uključujući troškove roaminga za korištenje usluge van zemlje. Umetnite SIM karticu s odgovarajućim internetskim podatkovnim paketom u čitač SIM kartice na PCM-u ili uspostavite vezu s odgovarajućim internetskim podatkovnim paketom pomoću mobilnog telefona. Ako povezujete PCM s mobilnim telefonom, uvjerite se da vam to internetski podatkovni paket dozvoljava. Dostupnost i brzina komponenti paketa usluga zavise od dostupnosti i brzine internetske veze.
Sljedeće se odnosi na modele s funkcijom Porsche Connect osim na novi Cayenne (MY 2018), na novi Macan (MY 2018) i na novi 911 (MY 2019) (više detalja o ovom modelu pogledajte u nastavku):
1. Informacije o saobraćaju u realnom vremenu
Usluge: Sistem navigacije PCM-a koristi trenutne GPS podatke i podatke o količini saobraćaja da bi optimizirao rutu do unesenog odredišta tačnu u minutu. Količina saobraćaja će
dodatno bojama biti istaknuta na mapi: od zelene za slab saobraćaj, preko žute za sporo kretanje u saobraćaju, do crvene za gužvu u saobraćaju.
2. Ažuriranje mape na mreži
Usluge: Mape sistema PCM navigacije se mogu ažurirati putem interneta. PCM će prikazati dostupna ažuriranja.
3. GOOGLE® Earth
Usluge: Sistem PCM navigacije može prikazivati mapu u satelitskom prikazu. Privremenim pohranjivanjem podataka učitane mape trenutnog okruženja vozila, zadržat će se satelitski prikaz čak i ako dođe do privremenog prekida internetske veze.
4. Pretraživanje na mreži
Usluge: Uz komponentu paketa usluge "Pretraživanje na mreži" možete pronaći adrese ili posebna odredišta pomoću sistemski definiranog internetskog pretraživača. Rezultati pretraživanja djelimično uključuju dodatne informacije kao što su brojevi telefona, radno vrijeme ili ocjene drugih korisnika interneta.
5. Glasovne xxxxx interesovanja
Usluge: Uz komponentu paketa usluge “Glasovne xxxxx interesovanja”, komponentom paketa usluge “Pretraživanje na mreži” možete upravljati putem glasovne kontrole. Podržane komande se odnose najprije na unos pretraživanja za navigacijska odredišta i njihovo prosljeđivanje kao navigacijskih odredišta sistemu PCM navigacije.
6. Lične xxxxx interesovanja na portalu
6.1 Usluge: Uz komponentu paketa usluge "Lične xxxxx interesovanja na portalu", odredišta unutar portala My Porsche se mogu pretraživati, pohranjivati i možete upravljati njima te ih možete slati na PCM gdje mogu biti izabrani za sistem PCM navigacije kao navigacijska odredišta. Pored toga se odredišta s Google Mapa mogu direktno slati na PCM putem usluge Google Send-to-car.
6.2 Ograničenja korištenja: Za korištenje funkcije Google Send- to-car, potreban je postojeći Google račun i konfiguracija komponente paketa usluge.
7. Lista tački interesovanja na portalu
Usluge: Uz komponentu paketa usluge "Lista tački interesovanja na portalu", liste odredišta (PO liste) se mogu pretraživati i možete upravljati njima na portalu My Porsche te
ih možete slati na PCM, xxxx xx to moguće, gdje mogu biti izabrani za sistem PCM navigacije kao navigacijska odredišta.
8. Informacije o parkingu
Usluge: Uz komponentu paketa usluge "Informacije o parkingu", vidjet ćete najbližu dostupnu mogućnost za parkiranje na komercijalnim parking prostorima i parkiralištima (uključujući naknade za parkiranje i radno vrijeme), koju dostavlja operater, u okruženju vozila ili na navigacijskom odredištu sistema PCM navigacije. Možete izabrati lociranu mogućnost za parkiranje na sistemu PCM navigacije kao navigacijsko odredište.
9. Cijene goriva
Usluge: Uz komponentu paketa usluge "Cijene goriva", prikazat će se benzinske pumpe koje učestvuju u programu u blizini vozila, duž rute ili na navigacijskom odredištu sistema PCM navigacije, u odnosu na gorivo dotičnog povezivog vozila. Lista rezultata se može poredati po udaljenosti ili najpovoljnijoj cijeni koju su dostavili operater benzinske pumpe ili drugi korisnici. Putem besplatnog tekstualnog pretraživanja možete pretražiti čak i određenog proizvođača. Možete izabrati pronađene benzinske pumpe kao navigacijska odredišta na sistemu PCM navigacije.
10. E-punjenje
Usluge: Uz komponentu paketa usluge "E-punjenje", prikazat će se stanice za E-punjenje koje učestvuju u programu u blizini vozila, duž rute ili na navigacijskom odredištu sistema PCM navigacije. Lista rezultata se može poredati po udaljenosti ili najpovoljnijoj cijeni koju su dostavili operater stanice za E- punjenje ili drugi korisnici. Putem besplatnog tekstualnog pretraživanja možete pretražiti čak i stanice određenog dobavljača struje. Možete izabrati pronađene stanice za E- punjenje kao navigacijska odredišta na sistemu PCM navigacije.
11. Novosti
11.1 Usluge: Izvori vijesti s portala My Porsche, koje omogućavaju RSS sažeci sadržaja dostupni putem interneta, mogu se pretraživati, dodavati na listu i možete upravljati njima. Tada su vijesti, sadržane xx xxxxx izvora vijesti, direktno dostupne putem PCM-a i mogu se ponovo reproducirati putem glasovnog izvora.
11.2 Ograničenja korištenja: Usluga će u vožnji biti dostupna u cjelini, djelimično ili samo kada vozilo miruje i to u zavisnosti od regulativa specifičnih za određenu zemlju.
12. Twitter
12.1 Usluge: Uz komponentu paketa usluge "Twitter", Twitter kanali, koje sami definirate, mogu se prikazivati i ponovno reproducirati putem glasovnog izvora na povezivom vozilu. Pisanje vlastitih tweetova je moguće direktno s PCM-a putem standardiziranih nacrta s portala My Porsche.
12.2 Ograničenja korištenja: Usluga će u vožnji biti dostupna u cjelini, djelimično ili samo kada vozilo miruje i to u zavisnosti od regulativa specifičnih za određenu zemlju. Za korištenje je potreban postojeći Twitter račun i konfiguracija komponente paketa usluge.
13. Diktiranje poruka
13.1 Usluge: Uz komponentu paketa usluge "Diktiranje poruka", možete kreirati SMS poruke putem glasovnog unosa na PCM- u a dolazne poruke možete ponovo reproducirati putem glasovnog izvora povezivog vozila.
13.2 Ograničenja korištenja: SIM kartica umetnuta u PCM ili mobilni telefon povezan s PCM-om zahtijevaju odvojeni paket mobilne usluge ugovoren s davaocem mobilnih usluga koji omogućava slanje i primanje SMS poruka.
14. Informacije o letovima (dostupno do xxxx 2021)
Usluge: Uz komponentu paketa usluge "Informacije o letovima", prikazat će se detaljne informacije o letovima na PCM-u. Informacije o letovima uključuju na primjer vremena polazaka i odlazaka, terminale, aviokompanije i vrstu aviona. Pored toga, usluga će pronaći glavne aerodrome u blizini vozila koji se mogu izabrati kao navigacijska odredišta na sistemu PCM navigacije.
15. Informacije o vozovima (dostupno do xxxx 2021)
Usluge: Komponenta paketa usluge "Informacije o vozovima" prikazuje na PCM-u raspored vožnje, vremena odlazaka, brojeve vozova kao i kašnjenja i otkazivanja vozova ako su ona prijavljena.
16. Informacije o događajima (dostupno do xxxx 2021)
Usluge: Uz komponentu paketa usluge "Informacije o događajima", događaji u kategorijama kao što su pozorište, kino, opera, festival, umjetnost, književnosti i druge se mogu pretraživati na PCM-u. U odnosu na informacije koje nam se pružaju o relevantnim događajima, prikazujemo ih na spisku poredane po udaljenosti, cijeni, vremenu ili vrsti događaja. Možete izabrati identificirane događaje kao navigacijska odredišta na sistemu PCM navigacije.
17. Vrijeme
Usluge: Komponenta paketa usluge "Vrijeme" prikazuje trenutno vrijeme i vremensku prognozu za sljedećih nekoliko sati i xxxx u obliku infografike na PCM-u. Prognoza uključuje temperaturu, broj sunčanih sati, mogućnost kiše, brzinu vjetra i upozorenja za vremenske neprilike.
18. Gracenote Online
Usluge: Komponenta paketa usluge "Gracenote Online" prikazuje informacije o pjesmama koje se reproduciraju na PCM-u.
Sljedeći paketi usluga se odnose na novi Cayenne (MY 2018), na novi Macan (MY 2018) i na novi 911 (MY 2019):
1. Tražilo
Usluge: Uz komponentu paketa usluge "Tražilo" možete pronaći adrese ili xxxxx interesovanja (npr. stanice za punjenje, benzinske pumpe, restorane, hotele i mogućnosti parkiranja) pomoću sistemski definiranog internetskog pretraživača. Rezultati pretraživanja djelimično uključuju dodatne informacije kao što su brojevi telefona, radno vrijeme, cijene goriva, cijene parkiranja ili ocjene drugih korisnika interneta. Na portalu My Porsche i u aplikaciji Porsche Connect, xxxxx interesovanja na portalu se mogu pretraživati, pohranjivati te možete upravljati njima i slati ih na PCM.
2. Glasovni pilot
2.1 Usluge: Uz komponentu paketa usluge “Glasovni pilot”, nekolicinom funkcija PCM-a i drugih paketa usluga možete upravljati putem glasovne kontrole. Putem prepoznavanja govora na mreži, podržan je prirodni jezik. Pored toga, možete kreirati SMS poruke i e-poruke putem glasovnog unosa na PCM-u a dolazne poruke možete ponovo reproducirati putem glasovnog izvora povezivog vozila. Pored toga, mogu se kontrolirati usluge medija na mreži.
2.2 Ograničenja korištenja: Rezultati prepoznavanja xxxxxx xx odgovarati zahtjevu za prepoznavanje govora samo u zatraženom dijelu i mogu biti ograničeni na podržane jezike. Za uslugu kreiranja i reproduciranja SMS poruka i e-poruka putem usluge "Glasovni pilot", umetnuta SIM kartica u PCM-u ili mobilni telefon povezan s PCM-om zahtijevaju odvojeni paket mobilne usluge ugovoren s davaocem mobilnih usluga koji omogućava slanje i primanje SMS poruka. Usluga je dostupna samo na telefonima koji podržavaju standard profila SIM pristupa.
3. Navigacija Plus
Usluge: Uz komponentu paketa usluge "Navigacija Plus", izračunavanje rute na PCM-u će biti dovršeno putem izračunavanja rute na mreži. Izračunavanje rute na mreži će učiti o xxxxx navikama i predlagati rute i odredišta.
Sistem navigacije PCM-a koristi trenutne GPS podatke i podatke o količini saobraćaja da bi optimizirao rutu do unesenog odredišta tačnu u minutu. Količina saobraćaja će dodatno bojama biti istaknuta na mapi.
Mape sistema PCM navigacije se mogu ažurirati putem interneta. PCM će označiti dostupna ažuriranja.
Sistem PCM navigacije može prikazivati mapu u satelitskom prikazu. Privremenim pohranjivanjem podataka učitane mape trenutnog okruženja vozila, zadržat će se satelitski prikaz čak i ako dođe do privremenog prekida internetske veze. Sistem PCM navigacije može prikazivati slike ulica odabranog odredišta ukoliko su dostupne.
4. Radio Plus
4.1 Usluge: Komponenta paketa usluge "Radio Plus" će vam omogućiti slušanje dostupnog prijenosa radio stanica na mreži. Xxxx xx Radio Plus omogućen, a trenutna FM radio stranica ili radio stanica Digitalnog audio emitiranja (DAB, Digital Audio Broadcasting) nije dostupna, PCM će bez problema preći na odgovarajući prijenos date radio stanice na mreži ako je dostupan. Komponenta usluge također omogućuje PCM-u prikaz metapodataka o reproduciranim pjesmama.
4.2 Ograničenja korištenja: Podatkovna veza za ovu komponentu paketa usluge zahtijeva (a) kupovinu Porsche Connect usluge "Podatkovni paket" (dostupno odvojeno u izabranim zemljama), (b) umetanje SIM kartice u PCM ili (c) vezu mobilnog telefona s PCM-om. Za opcije (b) i (c) potreban je zaseban internetski podatkovni paket što može uzrokovati dodatne troškove uključujući troškove roaminga za korištenje usluge u inostranstvu (vidi u nastavku).
5. Vijesti
Usluge: Uz komponentu paketa usluga "Vijesti", možete upravljati i dodavati na listu različite izvore vijesti, npr. RSS sažetke sadržaja ili vijesti s Twitter računa. Tada su vijesti, sadržane xx xxxxx izvora vijesti, direktno dostupne putem PCM- a i mogu se ponovo reproducirati putem glasovnog izvora.
6. Vrijeme
Usluge: Komponenta paketa usluge "Vrijeme" prikazuje trenutno vrijeme i vremensku prognozu za sljedećih nekoliko sati i xxxx u obliku infografike na PCM-u. Prognoza uključuje temperaturu, broj sunčanih sati, mogućnost kiše, brzinu vjetra i upozorenja za vremenske neprilike.
7. Radar rizika
Usluge: Komponenta paketa usluge "Radar rizika" prikazuje saobraćajne propise izabrane lokacije u obliku saobraćajni znakova, kao što su ograničenja brzine, putem infografike na PCM-u.
Pored toga se prikazuju dostupne informacije o lokalnim opasnostima, kao što su opasnosti od prevelike količine vode na cesti u obliku infografike na PCM-u.
Pravo na odustanak za korisnike
Ukoliko ste potrošač shodno odredbama odjeljka 13. Njemačkog građanskog zakonika (BGB), onda imate pravo na odustanak od ugovora u roku od 14 xxxx u slučaju zaključenja ugovora. Potrošač u skladu sa odredbama odjeljka 13. Njemačkog građanskog zakonika (BGB) podrazumijeva svaku fizičku osobu koja zaključi pravni posao u svrhe koje su uglavnom izvan njegovih okvira poslovanja ili profesije. U nastavku se nalaze upute potrošaču za korištenje njegovog prava odustanka:
Upute o odustanku Pravo na odustanak od ugovora
Imate pravo na odustanak od ovog ugovora u roku od 14 xxxx, bez navođenja bilo kojeg razloga. Pravo na odustanak ističe protekom roka od 14 xxxx od xxxx sklapanja ugovora. Kako biste ostvarili pravo na odustanak, morate nas obavijestiti (Porsche Connect Support - c / o Porsche Smart Mobility GmbH - P.O. Box 120144 - DE-10591 Berlin, broj telefona: x000 00 000000, e-mail adresa: xxxxxxxxxxxxx@xx.xxxxxxx.xxx) o svojoj odluci da odustajete od ovog ugovora putem nedvosmislene izjave (npr. pismom poslanim putem pošte ili e-maila). Možete koristiti priloženi obrazac za odustanak, s xxx što njegovo korištenje nije obavezno. Kako biste blagovremeno postupili, dovoljno je da pošaljete xxxx izjavu vezano za korištenje prava na odustanak prije isteka predviđenog roka za odustanak.
Učinci odustanka
Ukoliko odustanete od ovog ugovora, mi ćemo Vam odmah vrati sav xxxxx xxxx smo primili od Vas, uključujući i troškove dostave (uz iznimku dodatnih troškova nastalih uslijed Vašeg izbora dostave pored najjeftinijeg standardnog tipa dostave koji nudimo) u roku od 14 xxxx od xxxx zaprimanja Vaše odluke o odustanku od ovog ugovora. Povrat ćemo izvršiti koristeći isti način plaćanja koji ste koristili za plaćanje, osim ukoliko nije drugačije ugovoreno; u svakom slučaju, za Vas neće nastati bilo kakvi troškovi na ime takvog povrata. Ukoliko ste zahtijevali korištenje usluga tokom period odustanka, dužni ste nam platiti iznos koji je proporcionalan pruženim uslugama do momenta obavijesti o odustanku od ugovora, u odnosu na ukupnu vrijednost ugovora.
Obrazac za odustanak od ugovora
(Molimo da ispunite i pošaljete ovaj obrazac samo u slučaju da želite odustati od ugovora)
– Za Porsche Connect Support - c/o Porsche Smart Mobility GmbH - P.O. Box 120144 - DE-10591 Berlin, e-mail adresa: xxxxxxxxxxxxx@xx.xxxxxxx.xxx:
– Ja / Mi (*) ovim putem dajem(o) izjavu da odustajem / odustajemo (*) od svog / našeg (*) ugovora o prodaji sljedećih proizvoda (*) / za pružanje sljedeće usluge (*),
– Naručene xxxx (*) / primljene xxxx (*),
– Naziv potrošača (ili više njih),
– Adresa potrošača (ili više njih),
– Potpis potrošača (ili više njih) (samo u slučaju ako se ovaj obrazac podnosi na papiru),
– Datum
(*) Izbrisati prema potrebi
Porsche Smart Mobility GmbH
Terms of Use
for the Porsche Connect Service “Navigation & Infotainment Package” (hereafter referred to as TU)
These Terms of Use govern the use of the Porsche Connect “Navigation & Infotainment Package”. These Terms of Use apply in addition to the Terms and Conditions for My Porsche Portal, the Porsche Connect Store and the Porsche Connect Services as well as Porsche Products (T&C). Insofar a provision of the T&C conflicts with these Terms of Use, the Terms of Use shall prevail.
“Navigation & Infotainment Package”
The “Navigation & Infotainment Package” includes - dependent on the equipment of your vehicle and the geographic availability - 18 package of services components described hereafter or less. The current geographic availability can be found in the Porsche Connect Store at xxxxx://xxxxxxx-xxxxx.xxxxxxx.xxx/xx/xx/.
Term: 1 year
Inclusive term: In case of the purchase of a new Connect-able vehicle including the option “Connect Plus” or the purchase of a 718 model from May 2018 onwards including the option “Navigation incl. Porsche Connect”, the “Navigation & Infotainment Package” can be booked free of charge for a term of 2 years.
Additional requirement of use for all service package components: The Porsche Communication Management of a Connect-able vehicle (hereinafter PCM) has to be connected to the internet. To the extent such internet connection is established using the PCM’s integrated SIM-card, the use of such internet connection for this package of services (excluding the service package component “Radio Plus”) is included in the price of this package of services. To the extent such internet connection is not established using the PCM’s integrated SIM-card (i.e. because the vehicle is not equipped with an integrated SIM-card or because the internet connection using the PCM’s integrated SIM-card is not available in every country), a separate contract with a mobile services provider on an internet data plan is required, which may accrue additional costs, including roaming costs for using the service abroad. Either a SIM-card with a respective internet data plan may be plugged into the SIM-card reader of the PCM, or a connection with a mobile phone with respective internet data plan can be established. If you connect the PCM with your mobile phone, please make sure that this is permitted by your internet data plan. The availability and speed of the service package components are subject to the availability and speed of the internet connection.
For models featuring Porsche Connect except the new Cayenne (MY 2018), the new Macan (MY 2018) and the new 911 (MY 2019) (more details on this model see below) the following applies:
1. Real Time Traffic Information
Services: The navigation system of the PCM is using current GPS data and data on volume of traffic to optimize the route to the entered destination by the minute. The volume of traffic
will additionally be highlighted in colours in the displayed map: going from green for low traffic, to yellow for slow moving traffic, to red for traffic jams.
2. Online Map Update
Services: The maps of the PCM navigation system can be updated via the internet. The PCM will display available updates.
3. GOOGLE® Earth
Services: The PCM navigation system can display the map in satellite view. By a buffering of loaded map data of the current surroundings of the vehicle the display of the satellite view will be kept even if the internet connection is temporarily interrupted.
4. Online Search
Services: With the "Online Search" service package component, you can find addresses or special destinations using a system-defined internet search engine. Partly, the search results include in addition further information like phone numbers, opening hours or ratings by other internet users.
5. Voice POI
Services: With the “Voice POI” service package component, the “Online Search” service package component can be operated by voice control. Supported commands are, in particular, the search input for navigation destinations and their handing over as navigation destination for the PCM navigation system.
6. Portal Personal POIs
6.1 Services: With the "Portal Personal POIs" service package component, navigation destinations within My Porsche Portal can be searched, saved and managed and can be sent to the PCM, where it can be selected for the PCM navigation system as navigation destination. In addition, destinations from Google Maps can be sent directly to the PCM via Google Send- to-car.
6.2 Restrictions of use: For the use of the Google Send-to-car feature, an existing Google account and a configuration of the service package component is required.
7. Portal List POIs
Services: With the "Portal List POIs" service package component, destination lists (POI lists) can be searched and managed in My Porsche Portal and can be sent to the PCM,
where such can be selected for the PCM navigation system as navigation destination.
8. Parking Information
Services: With the "Parking Information" service package component, you will be displayed the nearest available parking possibilities of integrated commercial parking facilities and car parks (including parking fees and opening hours), reported by the operators, in the surroundings of the vehicle or at the navigation destination of the PCM navigation system. The located parking possibility can be selected for the PCM navigation system as navigation destination.
9. Fuel Prices
Services: With the service package component "Fuel Prices", participating gas stations in the surrounding of the vehicle, on the route to or at the navigation destination of the PCM navigation system will be displayed suitable to the type of fuel of the respective Connect-able vehicle. The results list can be sorted by distance or most favourable price reported by the gas station operator or other users. Via free text search also a specific brand can be searched purposefully. Found gas stations can be selected as navigation destination of the PCM navigation system.
10. E-Charging
Services: With the service package component “E-Charging”, participating E-Charging stations in the surrounding of the vehicle, on the route to or at the navigation destination of the PCM navigation system will be displayed. The results list can be sorted by distance or most favourable price reported by the E-charging operator or other users. Via free text search also stations of a particular power supplier can be searched purposefully. Found E-Charing stations can be selected as navigation destination on the PCM navigation system.
11. News
11.1 Services: Via My Porsche Portal news sources, which are providing RSS feeds accessible via the internet, can be searched, managed and added to a list. The news contained in the list of news sources are then directly available via the PCM and can be played back via the voice output.
11.2 Restrictions of use: The service will be available during the ride fully, partly or only when the vehicle is stationary, depending on country-specific provisions.
12. Twitter
12.1 Services: With the service package component "Twitter", Twitter channels, defined by yourself, can be shown and new tweets can be played back via the voice output in the Connect- able vehicle. Drafting of own tweets is possible directly out of the PCM via standardized templates contained in My Porsche Portal.
12.2 Restrictions of use: The service will be available during the ride fully, partly or only when the vehicle is stationary, depending on country-specific provisions. An existing Twitter account and a configuration of the service package component is required for usage.
13. Message Dictation
13.1 Services: With the service package component "Message Dictation" SMS messages can be drafted via voice entry in the PCM and incoming messages can be played back via the voice output of the Connect-able vehicle.
13.2 Restrictions of use: The SIM card inserted in the PCM or the mobile phone connected with the PCM requires a separately offered mobile service plan with a mobile service provider which allows sending and receiving SMS.
14. Flight Info (available until June 2021)
Services: With the service package component "Flight Info", detailed flight information will be displayed in the PCM. The flight information includes, for example, arrival and departure times, terminals, airlines and type of aircraft. Furthermore, the service will find major airports in the surroundings of the vehicle which can be selected as navigation destination of the PCM navigation system.
15. Train Info (available until June 2021)
Services: The service package component "Train Info" shows in the PCM timetables, departure times, train numbers as well as delays and train cancelations if these were reported.
16. Event Info (available until June 2021)
Services: With the service package component "Event Info", events in categories as theatre, cinema, opera, festival, arts, literature and others can be searched in the PCM. As far as we were provided with information concerning the relevant event, such will be displayed in a list sorted by distance, price, time or type of event. Identified events can be selected as navigation destination of the PCM navigation system.
17. Weather
Services: The service package component "Weather" displays the current weather situation and the forecast for the next hours and days in the form of an infographic in the PCM. The forecast includes temperature, number of hours of sunshine, probability of rain, wind speed and weather warnings.
18. Gracenote Online
Services: The service package component "Gracenote Online" displays information about the songs you play on the PCM.
For the new Cayenne (MY 2018), the new Macan (MY 2018) and the new 911 (MY 2019) the following service packages apply:
1. Finder
Services: With the service package component “Finder", you can find addresses or points-of-interest (e.g. charging stations, gas stations, restaurants, hotels and parking possibilities) using a system-defined internet search engine. Partly, the search results include in addition further information like phone numbers, opening hours, fuel prices, parking prices or ratings by other internet users. Also on My Porsche Portal and the Porsche Connect App, POIs can be searched, saved, managed and sent to the PCM.
2. Voice Pilot
2.1 Services: With the service package component "Voice Pilot", several functions of the PCM and of other service package components can be operated by voice control. Through online speech recognition, natural language can be supported. Additionally, SMS and E-Mail messages can be drafted via voice entry in the PCM and incoming messages can be played back via the voice output of the Connect-able vehicle. Furthermore, online media services can be controlled.
2.2 Restrictions of use: The speech recognition result will match the speech recognition request only for a portion of the requests and is limited to supported languages. For the service of drafting and playing SMS and E-Mail messages via the service “Voice Pilot”, the SIM card inserted in the PCM or the mobile phone connected with the PCM requires a separately offered mobile service plan with a mobile service provider which allows sending and receiving SMS. The service is only available with phones supporting the SIM access profile standard.
3. Navigation Plus
Services: With the service package component "Navigation Plus” the PCM’s on-board route calculation will be complemented by an online route calculation. The online route calculation will learn from your habits and suggest routes and destinations.
The navigation system of the PCM is using current GPS data and data on volume of traffic to optimize the route to the entered destination by the minute. The volume of traffic will additionally be highlighted in colours in the displayed map.
The maps of the PCM navigation system can be updated via the internet. The PCM will indicate available updates.
The PCM navigation system can display the map in satellite view. By a buffering of loaded map data of the current surroundings of the vehicle the display of the satellite view will be kept even if the internet connection is temporarily interrupted. The PCM navigation system can display street pictures of a selected destination where available.
4. Radio Plus
4.1 Services: The service package component "Radio Plus" will enable you to listen to available online streams of radio stations. When Radio Plus is enabled and the current FM or Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB) radio station is no longer available, the PCM will switch seamlessly to the respective online stream of such radio station, if available. The service component also enables the PCM to display meta data about the songs you play.
4.2 Restrictions of use: The data connection for this service package component requires (a) the purchase of the Porsche Connect Service “Data Package” (available separately in selected countries) or (b) inserting a SIM-card into the PCM or
(c) a mobile phone connected with the PCM. For options (b) and (c) a separate contract with an internet data plan is required, which may accrue additional costs, including roaming costs for using the service abroad (see also above).
5. News
Services: With the service package component “News” different news sources, e.g. RSS feeds or your Twitter account, can be managed and added to a list. The news contained in the list of news sources are then directly available via the PCM and can be played back via the voice output.
6. Weather
Services: The service package component "Weather" displays the current weather situation and the forecast for the next hours and days in the form of an infographic in the PCM. The forecast includes temperature, number of hours of sunshine, probability of rain, wind speed and weather warnings.
7. Risk Radar
Services: The service package component “Risk Radar” displays selected local traffic regulations in the form of traffic signs, e.g. speed limitations, in an infographic in the PCM.
It further displays available information on local hazards, e.g. aquaplaning risk, where available in the form of an infographic in the PCM.
Right of withdrawal for consumers
If you are a consumer according to Sec. 13 of the German Civil Code (BGB), you have a right of withdrawal for a period of 14 days in case of the conclusion of the contract. Consumer pursuant to Sec 13 of the German Civil Code (BGB) means every natural person who enters into a legal transaction for purposes that predominantly are outside his/her trade, business or profession. In the following, the Customer is instructed on his/her right of withdrawal:
Instructions on withdrawal
Right of withdrawal
You have the right to withdraw from this contract within 14 days without giving any reason. The withdrawal period will expire after 14 days from the day of the conclusion of the contract. To exercise the right of withdrawal, you must inform us (Porsche Connect Support - c/o Porsche Smart Mobility GmbH - P.O. Box 120144 - DE-10591 Berlin, phone number: x000 00 000000, e-mail address: xxxxxxxxxxxxx@xx.xxxxxxx.xxx) of your decision to withdraw from this contract by an unequivocal statement (e.g. a letter sent by post or e-mail). You may use the attached model withdrawal form, but it is not obligatory. To meet the withdrawal deadline, it is sufficient for you to send your communication concerning your exercise of the right of withdrawal before the withdrawal period has expired.
Effects of withdrawal
If you withdraw from this contract, we shall reimburse to you all payments received from you, including the costs of delivery (with the exception of the supplementary costs resulting from your choice of a type of delivery other than the least expensive type of standard delivery offered by us), without undue delay and in any event not later than 14 days from the day on which we are informed about your decision to withdraw from this contract. We will carry out such reimbursement using the same means of payment as you used for the initial transaction, unless you have expressly agreed otherwise; in any event, you will not incur any fees as a result of such reimbursement. If you requested to begin the performance of services during the withdrawal period, you shall pay us an amount which is in proportion to what has been provided until you have communicated us your withdrawal from this contract, in comparison with the full coverage of the contract.
Model withdrawal form
(complete and return this form only if you wish to withdraw from the contract)
– To Porsche Connect Support - c/o Porsche Smart Mobility GmbH - P.O. Box 120144 - DE-10591 Berlin, e-mail address: xxxxxxxxxxxxx@xx.xxxxxxx.xxx:
– I/We (*) hereby give notice that I/We (*) withdraw from my/our (*) contract of sale of the following goods (*)/for the provision of the following service (*),
– Ordered on(*)/received on (*),
– Name of consumer(s),
– Address of the consumer(s),
– Signature of the consumer(s) (only if this form is notified on paper),
– Date
(*) Delete as appropriate