za Porsche Connect uslugu “Paket navigacije i infotainmenta” (u nastavku Uslovi korištenja)
Ovi Uslovi korištenja reguliraju korištenje Porsche Connect usluge “Paket navigacije i infotainmenta”. Ovi Uslovi korištenja se primjenjuju uz Uslove i odredbe portala My Porsche, prodavnice Porsche Connect i Porsche Connect usluga kao i Porsche proizvoda (Uslovi i odredbe). U slučaju da su Uslovi i odredbe u suprotnosti s Uslovima korištenja, Uslovi korištenja će imati prednost.
“Paket navigacije i infotainmenta”
“Paket navigacije i infotainmenta” uključuje, u zavisnosti od opreme vašeg vozila i geografske dostupnosti, 18 paketa s komponentama usluga ili manje koji su opisani u nastavku. Trenutna geografska dostupnost se može pronaći u prodavnici Porsche Connect na web lokaciji xxxxx://xxxxxxx-xxxxx.xxxxxxx.xxx/xx/xx/.
Trajanje: Jedna xxxxxx
Uslov za učešće: Ako kupite novo vozilo s mogućnošću povezivanja koje ima opciju „Connect Plus“ ili ako kupite model 718 koji ima opciju „Navigation incl. Porsche Connect“ počev od maja 2018. godine, opcija „Navigation & Infotainment Package“ se može besplatno rezervisati na period od 2 godine.
Dodatni zahtjevi pri korištenju svih komponenti paketa usluga: Usluga Porsche Communication Management povezivog vozila (u nastavku PCM) xxxx biti povezana s internetom. Ukoliko se internetska veza uspostavlja pomoću PCM integrirane SIM kartice, korištenje takve internetske veze za ovaj paket usluga (ne uključujući komponente paketa usluga "Radio Plus") je uključeno u cijenu ovog paketa usluga. Ukoliko se takva internetska veza ne uspostavlja pomoću PCM integrirane SIM kartice (npr. iz razloga što vozilo nema integriranu SIM karticu ili zato što internetska veza uspostavljena pomoću PCM integrirane SIM kartice nije dostupna u svim zemljama), potreban je dodatni internetski podatkovni paket ugovoren s davaocem mobilnih usluga što može uzrokovati dodatne troškove, uključujući troškove roaminga za korištenje usluge van zemlje. Umetnite SIM karticu s odgovarajućim internetskim podatkovnim paketom u čitač SIM kartice na PCM-u ili uspostavite vezu s odgovarajućim internetskim podatkovnim paketom pomoću mobilnog telefona. Ako povezujete PCM s mobilnim telefonom, uvjerite se da vam to internetski podatkovni paket dozvoljava. Dostupnost i brzina komponenti paketa usluga zavise od dostupnosti i brzine internetske veze.
Sljedeće se odnosi na modele s funkcijom Porsche Connect osim na novi Cayenne (MY 2018), na novi Macan (MY 2018) i na novi 911 (MY 2019) (više detalja o ovom modelu pogledajte u nastavku):
1. Informacije o saobraćaju u realnom vremenu
Usluge: Sistem navigacije PCM-a koristi trenutne GPS podatke i podatke o količini saobraćaja da bi optimizirao rutu do unesenog odredišta tačnu u minutu. Količina saobraćaja će
dodatno bojama biti istaknuta na mapi: od zelene za slab saobraćaj, preko žute za sporo kretanje u saobraćaju, do crvene za gužvu u saobraćaju.
2. Ažuriranje mape na mreži
Usluge: Mape sistema PCM navigacije se mogu ažurirati putem interneta. PCM će prikazati dostupna ažuriranja.
3. GOOGLE® Earth
Usluge: Sistem PCM navigacije može prikazivati mapu u satelitskom prikazu. Privremenim pohranjivanjem podataka učitane mape trenutnog okruženja vozila, zadržat će se satelitski prikaz čak i ako dođe do privremenog prekida internetske veze. Vozila koja su proizvedena prije modelske godine 2019 se možda moraju ažurirati za korištenje ove usluge. Za dodatne informacije kontaktirajte svog lokalnog Porsche partnera.
4. Pretraživanje na mreži
Usluge: Uz komponentu paketa usluge "Pretraživanje na mreži" možete pronaći adrese ili posebna odredišta pomoću sistemski definiranog internetskog pretraživača. Rezultati pretraživanja djelimično uključuju dodatne informacije kao što su brojevi telefona, radno vrijeme ili ocjene drugih korisnika interneta.
5. Glasovne xxxxx interesovanja (dostupno do decembra 2020)
Usluge: Uz komponentu paketa usluge “Glasovne xxxxx interesovanja”, komponentom paketa usluge “Pretraživanje na mreži” možete upravljati putem glasovne kontrole. Podržane komande se odnose najprije na unos pretraživanja za navigacijska odredišta i njihovo prosljeđivanje kao navigacijskih odredišta sistemu PCM navigacije.
6. Lične xxxxx interesovanja na portalu
6.1 Usluge: Uz komponentu paketa usluge "Lične xxxxx interesovanja na portalu", odredišta unutar portala My Porsche se mogu pretraživati, pohranjivati i možete upravljati njima te ih možete slati na PCM gdje mogu biti izabrani za sistem PCM navigacije kao navigacijska odredišta. Pored toga se odredišta s Google Mapa mogu direktno slati na PCM putem usluge Google Send-to-car.
6.2 Ograničenja korištenja: Za korištenje funkcije Google Send- to-car, potreban je postojeći Google račun i konfiguracija komponente paketa usluge.
7. Informacije o parkingu
Usluge: Uz komponentu paketa usluge "Informacije o parkingu", vidjet ćete najbližu dostupnu mogućnost za parkiranje na komercijalnim parking prostorima i parkiralištima (uključujući naknade za parkiranje i radno vrijeme), koju dostavlja operater, u okruženju vozila ili na navigacijskom odredištu sistema PCM navigacije. Možete izabrati lociranu mogućnost za parkiranje na sistemu PCM navigacije kao navigacijsko odredište.
8. Cijene goriva
Usluge: Uz komponentu paketa usluge "Cijene goriva", prikazat će se benzinske pumpe koje učestvuju u programu u blizini vozila, duž rute ili na navigacijskom odredištu sistema PCM navigacije, u odnosu na gorivo dotičnog povezivog vozila. Lista rezultata se može poredati po udaljenosti ili najpovoljnijoj cijeni koju su dostavili operater benzinske pumpe ili drugi korisnici. Putem besplatnog tekstualnog pretraživanja možete pretražiti čak i određenog proizvođača. Možete izabrati pronađene benzinske pumpe kao navigacijska odredišta na sistemu PCM navigacije.
9. E-punjenje
Usluge: Uz komponentu paketa usluge "E-punjenje", prikazat će se stanice za E-punjenje koje učestvuju u programu u blizini vozila, duž rute ili na navigacijskom odredištu sistema PCM navigacije. Lista rezultata se može poredati po udaljenosti ili najpovoljnijoj cijeni koju su dostavili operater stanice za E- punjenje ili drugi korisnici. Putem besplatnog tekstualnog pretraživanja možete pretražiti čak i stanice određenog dobavljača struje. Možete izabrati pronađene stanice za E- punjenje kao navigacijska odredišta na sistemu PCM navigacije.
10. Novosti
10.1 Usluge: Izvori vijesti s portala My Porsche, koje omogućavaju RSS sažeci sadržaja dostupni putem interneta, mogu se pretraživati, dodavati na listu i možete upravljati njima. Tada su vijesti, sadržane xx xxxxx izvora vijesti, direktno dostupne putem PCM-a i mogu se ponovo reproducirati putem glasovnog izvora.
10.2 Ograničenja korištenja: Usluga će u vožnji biti dostupna u cjelini, djelimično ili samo kada vozilo miruje i to u zavisnosti od regulativa specifičnih za određenu zemlju.
11. Twitter
11.1 Usluge: Uz komponentu paketa usluge "Twitter", Twitter kanali, koje sami definirate, mogu se prikazivati i ponovno reproducirati putem glasovnog izvora na povezivom vozilu. Pisanje vlastitih tweetova je moguće direktno s PCM-a putem standardiziranih nacrta s portala My Porsche.
11.2 Ograničenja korištenja: Usluga će u vožnji biti dostupna u cjelini, djelimično ili samo kada vozilo miruje i to u zavisnosti od regulativa specifičnih za određenu zemlju. Za korištenje je potreban postojeći Twitter račun i konfiguracija komponente paketa usluge.
12. Diktiranje poruka
12.1 Usluge: Uz komponentu paketa usluge "Diktiranje poruka", možete kreirati SMS poruke putem glasovnog unosa na PCM- u a dolazne poruke možete ponovo reproducirati putem glasovnog izvora povezivog vozila.
12.2 Ograničenja korištenja: SIM kartica umetnuta u PCM ili mobilni telefon povezan s PCM-om zahtijevaju odvojeni paket
mobilne usluge ugovoren s davaocem mobilnih usluga koji omogućava slanje i primanje SMS poruka.
13. Informacije o letovima (dostupno do xxxx 2021)
Usluge: Uz komponentu paketa usluge "Informacije o letovima", prikazat će se detaljne informacije o letovima na PCM-u. Informacije o letovima uključuju na primjer vremena polazaka i odlazaka, terminale, aviokompanije i vrstu aviona. Pored toga, usluga će pronaći glavne aerodrome u blizini vozila koji se mogu izabrati kao navigacijska odredišta na sistemu PCM navigacije.
14. Informacije o vozovima (dostupno do xxxx 2021)
Usluge: Komponenta paketa usluge "Informacije o vozovima" prikazuje na PCM-u raspored vožnje, vremena odlazaka, brojeve vozova kao i kašnjenja i otkazivanja vozova ako su ona prijavljena.
15. Informacije o događajima (dostupno do xxxx 2021)
Usluge: Uz komponentu paketa usluge "Informacije o događajima", događaji u kategorijama kao što su pozorište, kino, opera, festival, umjetnost, književnosti i druge se mogu pretraživati na PCM-u. U odnosu na informacije koje nam se pružaju o relevantnim događajima, prikazujemo ih na spisku poredane po udaljenosti, cijeni, vremenu ili vrsti događaja. Možete izabrati identificirane događaje kao navigacijska odredišta na sistemu PCM navigacije.
16. Vrijeme
Usluge: Komponenta paketa usluge "Vrijeme" prikazuje trenutno vrijeme i vremensku prognozu za sljedećih nekoliko sati i xxxx u obliku infografike na PCM-u. Prognoza uključuje temperaturu, broj sunčanih sati, mogućnost kiše, brzinu vjetra i upozorenja za vremenske neprilike.
17. Gracenote Online
Usluge: Komponenta paketa usluge "Gracenote Online" prikazuje informacije o pjesmama koje se reproduciraju na PCM-u.
Sljedeći paketi usluga se odnose na novi Cayenne (MY 2018), na novi Macan (MY 2018) i na novi 911 (MY 2019):
1. Tražilo
Usluge: Uz komponentu paketa usluge "Tražilo" možete pronaći adrese ili xxxxx interesovanja (npr. stanice za punjenje, benzinske pumpe, restorane, hotele i mogućnosti parkiranja) pomoću sistemski definiranog internetskog pretraživača. Rezultati pretraživanja djelimično uključuju dodatne informacije kao što su brojevi telefona, radno vrijeme, cijene goriva, cijene parkiranja ili ocjene drugih korisnika interneta. Na portalu My Porsche i u aplikaciji Porsche Connect, xxxxx interesovanja na portalu se mogu pretraživati, pohranjivati te možete upravljati njima i slati ih na PCM.
2. Glasovni pilot
2.1 Usluge: Uz komponentu paketa usluge “Glasovni pilot”, nekolicinom funkcija PCM-a i drugih paketa usluga možete upravljati putem glasovne kontrole. Putem prepoznavanja govora na mreži, podržan je prirodni jezik. Pored toga, možete kreirati SMS poruke i e-poruke putem glasovnog unosa na PCM-u a dolazne poruke možete ponovo reproducirati putem glasovnog izvora povezivog vozila. Pored toga, mogu se kontrolirati usluge medija na mreži.
2.2 Ograničenja korištenja: Rezultati prepoznavanja xxxxxx xx odgovarati zahtjevu za prepoznavanje govora samo u
zatraženom dijelu i mogu biti ograničeni na podržane jezike. Za uslugu kreiranja i reproduciranja SMS poruka i e-poruka putem usluge "Glasovni pilot", umetnuta SIM kartica u PCM-u ili mobilni telefon povezan s PCM-om zahtijevaju odvojeni paket mobilne usluge ugovoren s davaocem mobilnih usluga koji omogućava slanje i primanje SMS poruka. Usluga je dostupna samo na telefonima koji podržavaju standard profila SIM pristupa.
3. Navigacija Plus
Usluge: Uz komponentu paketa usluge "Navigacija Plus", izračunavanje rute na PCM-u će biti dovršeno putem izračunavanja rute na mreži. Izračunavanje rute na mreži će učiti o xxxxx navikama i predlagati rute i odredišta.
Sistem navigacije PCM-a koristi trenutne GPS podatke i podatke o količini saobraćaja da bi optimizirao rutu do unesenog odredišta tačnu u minutu. Količina saobraćaja će dodatno bojama biti istaknuta na mapi.
Mape sistema PCM navigacije se mogu ažurirati putem interneta. PCM će označiti dostupna ažuriranja.
Sistem PCM navigacije može prikazivati mapu u satelitskom prikazu. Privremenim pohranjivanjem podataka učitane mape trenutnog okruženja vozila, zadržat će se satelitski prikaz čak i ako dođe do privremenog prekida internetske veze. Sistem PCM navigacije može prikazivati slike ulica odabranog odredišta ukoliko su dostupne.
4. Radio Plus
4.1 Usluge: Komponenta paketa usluge "Radio Plus" će vam omogućiti slušanje dostupnog prijenosa radio stanica na mreži. Xxxx xx Radio Plus omogućen, a trenutna FM radio stranica ili radio stanica Digitalnog audio emitiranja (DAB, Digital Audio Broadcasting) nije dostupna, PCM će bez problema preći na odgovarajući prijenos date radio stanice na mreži ako je dostupan. Komponenta usluge također omogućuje PCM-u prikaz metapodataka o reproduciranim pjesmama.
4.2 Ograničenja korištenja: Podatkovna veza za ovu komponentu paketa usluge zahtijeva (a) kupovinu Porsche Connect usluge "Podatkovni paket" (dostupno odvojeno u izabranim zemljama), (b) umetanje SIM kartice u PCM ili (c) vezu mobilnog telefona s PCM-om. Za opcije (b) i (c) potreban je zaseban internetski podatkovni paket što može uzrokovati dodatne troškove uključujući troškove roaminga za korištenje usluge u inostranstvu (vidi u nastavku).
5. Vijesti
Usluge: Uz komponentu paketa usluga "Vijesti", možete upravljati i dodavati na listu različite izvore vijesti, npr. RSS sažetke sadržaja ili vijesti s Twitter računa. Tada su vijesti, sadržane xx xxxxx izvora vijesti, direktno dostupne putem PCM- a i mogu se ponovo reproducirati putem glasovnog izvora.
6. Vrijeme
Usluge: Komponenta paketa usluge "Vrijeme" prikazuje trenutno vrijeme i vremensku prognozu za sljedećih nekoliko sati i xxxx u obliku infografike na PCM-u. Prognoza uključuje temperaturu, broj sunčanih sati, mogućnost kiše, brzinu vjetra i upozorenja za vremenske neprilike.
7. Radar rizika
Usluge: Komponenta paketa usluge "Radar rizika" prikazuje saobraćajne propise izabrane lokacije u obliku saobraćajni znakova, kao što su ograničenja brzine, putem infografike na PCM-u.
Pored toga se prikazuju dostupne informacije o lokalnim opasnostima, kao što su opasnosti od prevelike količine vode na cesti u obliku infografike na PCM-u.
Pravo na odustanak za korisnike
Ukoliko ste potrošač shodno odredbama odjeljka 13. Njemačkog građanskog zakonika (BGB), onda imate pravo na odustanak od ugovora u roku od 14 xxxx u slučaju zaključenja ugovora. Potrošač u skladu sa odredbama odjeljka 13. Njemačkog građanskog zakonika (BGB) podrazumijeva svaku fizičku osobu koja zaključi pravni posao u svrhe koje su uglavnom izvan njegovih okvira poslovanja ili profesije. U nastavku se nalaze upute potrošaču za korištenje njegovog prava odustanka:
Upute o odustanku Pravo na odustanak od ugovora
Imate pravo na odustanak od ovog ugovora u roku od 14 xxxx, bez navođenja bilo kojeg razloga. Pravo na odustanak ističe protekom roka od 14 xxxx od xxxx sklapanja ugovora. Kako biste ostvarili pravo na odustanak, morate nas obavijestiti (Porsche Connect Support - c / o Porsche Smart Mobility GmbH - P.O. Box 120144 - DE-10591 Berlin, broj telefona: x000 00 000000, e-mail adresa: xxxxxxxxxxxxx@xx.xxxxxxx.xxx) o svojoj odluci da odustajete od ovog ugovora putem nedvosmislene izjave (npr. pismom poslanim putem pošte ili e-maila). Možete koristiti priloženi obrazac za odustanak, s xxx što njegovo korištenje nije obavezno. Kako biste blagovremeno postupili, dovoljno je da pošaljete xxxx izjavu vezano za korištenje prava na odustanak prije isteka predviđenog roka za odustanak.
Učinci odustanka
Ukoliko odustanete od ovog ugovora, mi ćemo Vam odmah vrati sav xxxxx xxxx smo primili od Vas, uključujući i troškove dostave (uz iznimku dodatnih troškova nastalih uslijed Vašeg izbora dostave pored najjeftinijeg standardnog tipa dostave koji nudimo) u roku od 14 xxxx od xxxx zaprimanja Vaše odluke o odustanku od ovog ugovora. Povrat ćemo izvršiti koristeći isti način plaćanja koji ste koristili za plaćanje, osim ukoliko nije drugačije ugovoreno; u svakom slučaju, za Vas neće nastati bilo kakvi troškovi na ime takvog povrata. Ukoliko ste zahtijevali korištenje usluga tokom period odustanka, dužni ste nam platiti iznos koji je proporcionalan pruženim uslugama do momenta obavijesti o odustanku od ugovora, u odnosu na ukupnu vrijednost ugovora.
Obrazac za odustanak od ugovora
(Molimo da ispunite i pošaljete ovaj obrazac samo u slučaju da želite odustati od ugovora)
– Za Porsche Connect Support - c/o Porsche Smart Mobility GmbH - P.O. Box 120144 - DE-10591 Berlin, e-mail adresa: xxxxxxxxxxxxx@xx.xxxxxxx.xxx:
– Ja / Mi (*) ovim putem dajem(o) izjavu da odustajem / odustajemo (*) od svog / našeg (*) ugovora o prodaji sljedećih proizvoda (*) / za pružanje sljedeće usluge (*),
– Naručene xxxx (*) / primljene xxxx (*),
– Naziv potrošača (ili više njih),
– Adresa potrošača (ili više njih),
– Potpis potrošača (ili više njih) (samo u slučaju ako se ovaj obrazac podnosi na papiru),
– Datum
(*) Izbrisati prema potrebi
Porsche Smart Mobility GmbH
Terms of Use
for the Porsche Connect Service “Navigation & Infotainment Package” (hereafter referred to as TU)
These Terms of Use govern the use of the Porsche Connect “Navigation & Infotainment Package”. These Terms of Use apply in addition to the Terms and Conditions for My Porsche Portal, the Porsche Connect Store and the Porsche Connect Services as well as Porsche Products (T&C). Insofar a provision of the T&C conflicts with these Terms of Use, the Terms of Use shall prevail.
“Navigation & Infotainment Package”
The “Navigation & Infotainment Package” includes - dependent on the equipment of your vehicle and the geographic availability - 18 package of services components described hereafter or less. The current geographic availability can be found in the Porsche Connect Store at xxxxx://xxxxxxx-xxxxx.xxxxxxx.xxx/xx/xx/.
Term: 1 year
Inclusive term: In case of the purchase of a new Connect-able vehicle including the option “Connect Plus” or the purchase of a 718 model from May 2018 onwards including the option “Navigation incl. Porsche Connect”, the “Navigation & Infotainment Package” can be booked free of charge for a term of 2 years.
Additional requirement of use for all service package components: The Porsche Communication Management of a Connect-able vehicle (hereinafter PCM) has to be connected to the internet. To the extent such internet connection is established using the PCM’s integrated SIM-card, the use of such internet connection for this package of services (excluding the service package component “Radio Plus”) is included in the price of this package of services. To the extent such internet connection is not established using the PCM’s integrated SIM-card (i.e. because the vehicle is not equipped with an integrated SIM-card or because the internet connection using the PCM’s integrated SIM-card is not available in every country), a separate contract with a mobile services provider on an internet data plan is required, which may accrue additional costs, including roaming costs for using the service abroad. Either a SIM-card with a respective internet data plan may be plugged into the SIM-card reader of the PCM, or a connection with a mobile phone with respective internet data plan can be established. If you connect the PCM with your mobile phone, please make sure that this is permitted by your internet data plan. The availability and speed of the service package components are subject to the availability and speed of the internet connection.
For models featuring Porsche Connect except the new Cayenne (MY 2018), the new Macan (MY 2018) and the new 911 (MY 2019) (more details on this model see below) the following applies:
1. Real Time Traffic Information
Services: The navigation system of the PCM is using current GPS data and data on volume of traffic to optimize the route to the entered destination by the minute. The volume of traffic
will additionally be highlighted in colours in the displayed map: going from green for low traffic, to yellow for slow moving traffic, to red for traffic jams.
2. Online Map Update
Services: The maps of the PCM navigation system can be updated via the internet. The PCM will display available updates.
3. GOOGLE® Earth
Services: The PCM navigation system can display the map in satellite view. By a buffering of loaded map data of the current surroundings of the vehicle the display of the satellite view will be kept even if the internet connection is temporarily interrupted. Vehicles up to model year 2019 may need an update in order to be able to use the service. For more information, please contact your Porsche partner.
4. Online Search
Services: With the "Online Search" service package component, you can find addresses or special destinations using a system-defined internet search engine. Partly, the search results include in addition further information like phone numbers, opening hours or ratings by other internet users.
5. Voice POI (available until December 2020)
Services: With the “Voice POI” service package component, the “Online Search” service package component can be operated by voice control. Supported commands are, in particular, the search input for navigation destinations and their handing over as navigation destination for the PCM navigation system.
6. Portal Personal POIs
6.1 Services: With the "Portal Personal POIs" service package component, navigation destinations within My Porsche Portal can be searched, saved and managed and can be sent to the PCM, where it can be selected for the PCM navigation system as navigation destination. In addition, destinations from Google Maps can be sent directly to the PCM via Google Send- to-car.
6.2 Restrictions of use: For the use of the Google Send-to-car feature, an existing Google account and a configuration of the service package component is required.
7. Parking Information
Services: With the "Parking Information" service package component, you will be displayed the nearest available parking possibilities of integrated commercial parking facilities and car parks (including parking fees and opening hours), reported by the operators, in the surroundings of the vehicle or at the navigation destination of the PCM navigation system. The located parking possibility can be selected for the PCM navigation system as navigation destination.
8. Fuel Prices
Services: With the service package component "Fuel Prices", participating gas stations in the surrounding of the vehicle, on the route to or at the navigation destination of the PCM navigation system will be displayed suitable to the type of fuel of the respective Connect-able vehicle. The results list can be sorted by distance or most favourable price reported by the gas station operator or other users. Via free text search also a specific brand can be searched purposefully. Found gas stations can be selected as navigation destination of the PCM navigation system.
9. E-Charging
Services: With the service package component “E-Charging”, participating E-Charging stations in the surrounding of the vehicle, on the route to or at the navigation destination of the PCM navigation system will be displayed. The results list can be sorted by distance or most favourable price reported by the E-charging operator or other users. Via free text search also stations of a particular power supplier can be searched purposefully. Found E-Charing stations can be selected as navigation destination on the PCM navigation system.
10. News
10.1 Services: Via My Porsche Portal news sources, which are providing RSS feeds accessible via the internet, can be searched, managed and added to a list. The news contained in the list of news sources are then directly available via the PCM and can be played back via the voice output.
10.2 Restrictions of use: The service will be available during the ride fully, partly or only when the vehicle is stationary, depending on country-specific provisions.
11. Twitter
11.1 Services: With the service package component "Twitter", Twitter channels, defined by yourself, can be shown and new tweets can be played back via the voice output in the Connect- able vehicle. Drafting of own tweets is possible directly out of the PCM via standardized templates contained in My Porsche Portal.
11.2 Restrictions of use: The service will be available during the ride fully, partly or only when the vehicle is stationary, depending on country-specific provisions. An existing Twitter account and a configuration of the service package component is required for usage.
12. Message Dictation
12.1 Services: With the service package component "Message Dictation" SMS messages can be drafted via voice entry in the PCM and incoming messages can be played back via the voice output of the Connect-able vehicle.
12.2 Restrictions of use: The SIM card inserted in the PCM or the mobile phone connected with the PCM requires a separately offered mobile service plan with a mobile service provider which allows sending and receiving SMS.
13. Flight Info (available until June 2021)
Services: With the service package component "Flight Info", detailed flight information will be displayed in the PCM. The flight information includes, for example, arrival and departure times, terminals, airlines and type of aircraft. Furthermore, the service will find major airports in the surroundings of the vehicle which can be selected as navigation destination of the PCM navigation system.
14. Train Info (available until June 2021)
Services: The service package component "Train Info" shows in the PCM timetables, departure times, train numbers as well as delays and train cancelations if these were reported.
15. Event Info (available until June 2021)
Services: With the service package component "Event Info", events in categories as theatre, cinema, opera, festival, arts, literature and others can be searched in the PCM. As far as we were provided with information concerning the relevant event, such will be displayed in a list sorted by distance, price, time or type of event. Identified events can be selected as navigation destination of the PCM navigation system.
16. Weather
Services: The service package component "Weather" displays the current weather situation and the forecast for the next hours and days in the form of an infographic in the PCM. The forecast includes temperature, number of hours of sunshine, probability of rain, wind speed and weather warnings.
17. Gracenote Online
Services: The service package component "Gracenote Online" displays information about the songs you play on the PCM.
For the new Cayenne (MY 2018), the new Macan (MY 2018) and the new 911 (MY 2019) the following service packages apply:
1. Finder
Services: With the service package component “Finder", you can find addresses or points-of-interest (e.g. charging stations, gas stations, restaurants, hotels and parking possibilities) using a system-defined internet search engine. Partly, the search results include in addition further information like phone numbers, opening hours, fuel prices, parking prices or ratings by other internet users. Also on My Porsche Portal and the Porsche Connect App, POIs can be searched, saved, managed and sent to the PCM.
2. Voice Pilot
2.1 Services: With the service package component "Voice Pilot", several functions of the PCM and of other service package components can be operated by voice control. Through online speech recognition, natural language can be supported. Additionally, SMS and E-Mail messages can be drafted via voice entry in the PCM and incoming messages can be played back via the voice output of the Connect-able vehicle. Furthermore, online media services can be controlled.
2.2 Restrictions of use: The speech recognition result will match the speech recognition request only for a portion of the requests and is limited to supported languages. For the service of drafting and playing SMS and E-Mail messages via the service “Voice Pilot”, the SIM card inserted in the PCM or the mobile phone connected with the PCM requires a
separately offered mobile service plan with a mobile service provider which allows sending and receiving SMS. The service is only available with phones supporting the SIM access profile standard.
3. Navigation Plus
Services: With the service package component "Navigation Plus” the PCM’s on-board route calculation will be complemented by an online route calculation. The online route calculation will learn from your habits and suggest routes and destinations.
The navigation system of the PCM is using current GPS data and data on volume of traffic to optimize the route to the entered destination by the minute. The volume of traffic will additionally be highlighted in colours in the displayed map.
The maps of the PCM navigation system can be updated via the internet. The PCM will indicate available updates.
The PCM navigation system can display the map in satellite view. By a buffering of loaded map data of the current surroundings of the vehicle the display of the satellite view will be kept even if the internet connection is temporarily interrupted. The PCM navigation system can display street pictures of a selected destination where available.
4. Radio Plus
4.1 Services: The service package component "Radio Plus" will enable you to listen to available online streams of radio stations. When Radio Plus is enabled and the current FM or Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB) radio station is no longer available, the PCM will switch seamlessly to the respective online stream of such radio station, if available. The service component also enables the PCM to display meta data about the songs you play.
4.2 Restrictions of use: The data connection for this service package component requires (a) the purchase of the Porsche Connect Service “Data Package” (available separately in selected countries) or (b) inserting a SIM-card into the PCM or
(c) a mobile phone connected with the PCM. For options (b) and (c) a separate contract with an internet data plan is required, which may accrue additional costs, including roaming costs for using the service abroad (see also above).
5. News
Services: With the service package component “News” different news sources, e.g. RSS feeds or your Twitter account, can be managed and added to a list. The news contained in the list of news sources are then directly available via the PCM and can be played back via the voice output.
6. Weather
Services: The service package component "Weather" displays the current weather situation and the forecast for the next hours and days in the form of an infographic in the PCM. The forecast includes temperature, number of hours of sunshine, probability of rain, wind speed and weather warnings.
7. Risk Radar
Services: The service package component “Risk Radar” displays selected local traffic regulations in the form of traffic signs, e.g. speed limitations, in an infographic in the PCM.
It further displays available information on local hazards, e.g. aquaplaning risk, where available in the form of an infographic in the PCM.
Right of withdrawal for consumers
If you are a consumer according to Sec. 13 of the German Civil Code (BGB), you have a right of withdrawal for a period of 14 days in case of the conclusion of the contract. Consumer pursuant to Sec 13 of the German Civil Code (BGB) means every natural person who enters into a legal transaction for purposes that predominantly are outside his/her trade, business or profession. In the following, the Customer is instructed on his/her right of withdrawal:
Instructions on withdrawal
Right of withdrawal
You have the right to withdraw from this contract within 14 days without giving any reason. The withdrawal period will expire after 14 days from the day of the conclusion of the contract. To exercise the right of withdrawal, you must inform us (Porsche Connect Support - c/o Porsche Smart Mobility GmbH - P.O. Box 120144 - DE-10591 Berlin, phone number: x000 00 000000, e-mail address: xxxxxxxxxxxxx@xx.xxxxxxx.xxx) of your decision to withdraw from this contract by an unequivocal statement (e.g. a letter sent by post or e-mail). You may use the attached model withdrawal form, but it is not obligatory. To meet the withdrawal deadline, it is sufficient for you to send your communication concerning your exercise of the right of withdrawal before the withdrawal period has expired.
Effects of withdrawal
If you withdraw from this contract, we shall reimburse to you all payments received from you, including the costs of delivery (with the exception of the supplementary costs resulting from your choice of a type of delivery other than the least expensive type of standard delivery offered by us), without undue delay and in any event not later than 14 days from the day on which we are informed about your decision to withdraw from this contract. We will carry out such reimbursement using the same means of payment as you used for the initial transaction, unless you have expressly agreed otherwise; in any event, you will not incur any fees as a result of such reimbursement. If you requested to begin the performance of services during the withdrawal period, you shall pay us an amount which is in proportion to what has been provided until you have communicated us your withdrawal from this contract, in comparison with the full coverage of the contract.
Model withdrawal form
(complete and return this form only if you wish to withdraw from the contract)
– To Porsche Connect Support - c/o Porsche Smart Mobility GmbH - P.O. Box 120144 - DE-10591 Berlin, e-mail address: xxxxxxxxxxxxx@xx.xxxxxxx.xxx:
– I/We (*) hereby give notice that I/We (*) withdraw from my/our (*) contract of sale of the following goods (*)/for the provision of the following service (*),
– Ordered on(*)/received on (*),
– Name of consumer(s),
– Address of the consumer(s),
– Signature of the consumer(s) (only if this form is notified on paper),
– Date
(*) Delete as appropriate
za Porsche Connect Usluge "Porsche Connect"
(u daljem tekstu Uslovi Korištenja Porsche Connect)
Porsche Smart Mobility GmbH (ranije Porsche Connect GmbH), Xxxxxxxxxxxx 0, 00000 Xxxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxxx, PDV br. DE815578978 (u daljem tekstu Porsche Smart Mobility, PSM ili Mi) putem xxx.xxxxxxx.xxx upravlja (1) My Porsche Portalom i (2) raznim mrežnim tržišnim funkcionalnostima (u daljem tekstu Tržište) radi (i) prodaje Porsche vozila, dijelova, opreme i drugih proizvoda bilo povezanih sa vozilima ili neovisnih od njih, i (ii) pružanja usluga povezanih sa vozilima ili neovisnih od njih. Na tržištu, PSM također ima Porsche Connect Trgovinu. Za korištenje Tržišta, uključujući i Porsche Connect Trgovine, Odredbe i Uslovi za korištenje My Porsche Portala i Porsche Mrežnih Tržišnih Funkcionalnosti (uključujući i Porsche Connect Trgovinu) kao i za prodaju Porsche Connect Usluga i Porsche Smart Mobility Proizvoda (u daljem tekstu Uslovi) se primjenjuju. Trenutno važeću verziju Uslova možete pronaći, skinuti i isprintati u bilo koje vrijem na xxxxx://xxxxxxx-
U Porsche Connect Trgovini, korisnik također može kupiti "Porsche Connect" (u daljem tekstu Servisni Paket). Ovi Uslovi Korištenja Porsche Connect uređuju korištenje Porsche Connect, te se primjenjuju na narudžbu, korištenje i/ili obnovu Porsche Connect. Ovi Uslovi Korištenja Porsche Connect se primjenjuju pored Uslova. U slučaju da xx xxxx koja odredba Uslova u suprotnosti sa ovim Uslovima Korištenja Porsche Connect, odredbe Uslova Korištenja Porsche Connect će biti mjerodavne.
Svi termini definisani u Uslovima će imati isto značenje u ovim Uslovima Korištenja Porsche Connect. Ovo će se naročito odnositi na slijedeće termine:
- Klijent: definisano u članu 1.3 Uslova;
- Porsche Connect Trgovina i Porsche Connect Usluge:
definisano u članu 3.1.1 Uslova;
- PSM Klijent: definisano u članu 3.1.2 Uslova.
„Porsche Connect“
Porsche Connect je isključivo dostupan za slijedeći model vozila:
- Taycan
Ponuda usluga zavisi od godine modela i ažuriranju softvera. Za model vozila iz godine 2020. (možete identificirati godinu modela na osnovu toga što 10-cifreni identifikacijski broja vozila VIN sadrži slovo L) usluga Zaključavanje i Otključavanje nije dostupna. Za vozila čija xx xxxxxx modela 2020. potrebno je ažuriranje softvera u servisu kako bi se mogla koristiti usluga Apple Podcasts (osobina usluge Prijenos medijskih sadržaja). Kontaktirajte svog zastupnika za više informacija.
Porsche Connect uključuje – ovisno o geografskoj dostupnosti – usluge pojašnjenje u nastavku. Trenutna geografska dostupnost se može pronaći na Porsche Connect Trgovini na xxxxx://xxxxxxx- xxxxx.xxxxxxx.xxx/xx/xx.
Rok trajanja: od 1 mjeseca
Besplatni period: Pri kupovini novog vozila koje se može priključiti na Connect, Porsche Connect se može besplatno uključiti za period od 36 mjeseca.
Dodatni uslovi za korištenje svih usluga navedenih u Servisnom Paketu: Porsche Uprava za Komunikaciju vozila koje se može priključiti na Connect (u daljem tekstu PCM) xxxx biti podobna za priključivanje. Ukoliko se priključivanje osigurava putem ugrađene SIM kartice u PCM, korištenje tog priključenja za ovaj Servisni Paket je uračunato u cijenu Servisnog Paketa. Ukoliko se priključivanje ne osigurava putem ugrađene SIM kartice u PCM (npr. iz razloga što priključivanja putem ugrađene SIM kartice u PCM nije dostupno u svim državama), priključivanje se može osigurati putem mobilnog telefona koji ima zadovoljavajući plan podataka. Navedeno zahtijeva poseban ugovor sa pružaocem mobilnih usluga. Ovisno o zaključenom ugovoru sa pružaocem mobilnih usluga, ovo može dovesti do dodatnih troškova, uključujući troškove roaminga kada se usluga koristi u inozemstvu. Ukoliko priključite PCM putem vašeg mobilnog uređaja, molimo da osigurate da je to dozvoljeno u skladu sa xxxxx ugovorom. Dostupnost i brzina pružanja usluga uključenih u Servisni Paket ovisi o dostupnosti i brzini podatkovne konekcije pružene xx xxxxxx pružaoca mobilnih usluga.
Xxxx navedeno će se primjenjivati na novi Taycan sa Porsche
1. Tražilo
Opis: Putem usluge "Tražilo" možete pretraživati interesne xxxxx (npr. stanice za punjenje, pumpe, restorane, hotele i parking mjesta) putem sistemski određene mrežne platforme u predodređenoj bazi podataka. Rezultati pretrage mogu dati dodatne informacije kao što su brojevi telefona, radno vrijeme, cijenu goriva, cijenu parkinga, ili ocjene date od drugih korisnika. Interesne xxxxx također možete pretraživati, pohranjivati, mijenjati i proslijeđivati na PCM u My Porsche i u Porsche Connect Aplikaciji.
2. Glasovni Pilot
2.1 Opis: Putem usluge "Glasovni Pilot", različitim funkcijama PCM i drugim uslugama možete upravljati putem glasovne komande. Mrežno glasovno prepoznavanje podržava prirodni jezik.
2.2 Ograničenja korištenja: Prepoznavanje prirodnog jezika je ograničeno na podržane jezike. Prepoznavanje jezika ne pruža uvijek traženi rezultat.
3. Navigacija Plus
Opis: Putem usluge "Navigacija Plus", izračun puta PCM je u vozilu podržan putem mrežnih usluga. PCM sistem navigacije koristi postojeće GPS i saobraćajne podatke radi optimiziranja putanje tražene destinaciju u minut. Kada se koristi prikaz mape, ulice su označene bojom u skladu sa situacijom u saobraćaju. Mape PCM sistema navigacije se ažuriraju mrežnim putem.
PCM sistem navigacije može prikazati mapu u satelitskom prikazu. Pohranom učitane mape postojećeg okruženja vozila, satelitski prikaz će biti dostupan čak i ukoliko je konekcija privremeno onemogućena. PCM sistem navigacije može prikazati ulični prikaz date destinacije, ukoliko je dostupno.
4. Radio Plus
4.1 Opis: Putem usluge "Radio Plus", možete pristupiti mrežnim kanalima radio stanica. Xxxx xx Radio Plus aktiviran i prijem radio FM ili Digitalnog Audio Emitiranja (DAE) privremeno onemogućen, PCM automatski uključuje mrežni kanal te stanice (ukoliko je dostupno). Ova usluga, putem PCM, također prikazuje meta-podatke svih pjesama koje puštate.
4.2 Ograničenje korištenja: Mrežne hibridne radio funkcionalnosti su dostupne samo u određenim zemljama.
5. Vijesti
5.1 Opis: Usluga omogućava pristup najnovijim vijestima ako se pretplatite na RSS sažetke sadržaja direktno u PCM-u. Funkcija Porsche glasovni pilot može vam čitati članke. Putem traženja po ključnim riječima možete pregledati kanale na koje ste pretplaćeni radi informacija o preferiranim temama ili ključnim riječima.
5.2 Zahtjevi: Za personaliziranu upotrebu klijent se može pretplatiti na sažetke sadržaja pomoću svog Porsche ID-a. U ovom slučaju ti sažeci sadržaja dostupni su samo u vozilu.
6. Vrijeme
6.1 Opis: Usluga “Vrijeme” prikazuje trenutnu vremensku situaciju i prognozu za naredne sate i dane za postojeću lokaciju, aktiviranu destinaciju i pohranjene najdraže destinacije. Prognoza se sastoji od, na primjer, temperature, broja sunčanih sati, mogućnosti kiše, brzine vjetra i kvalitete zraka. Moguće je i čitanje naglas, putem Glasovnog Pilota.
6.2 Ograničenje korištenja: Kvalitet zraka je dostupan samo u Kini.
7. Radar Rizika
Opis: Usluga „Radar rizika” prikazuje lokalne opasnosti, npr.
rizik od akvaplaninga, u obliku infografike u PCM-u.
8. Kontrola Vozila
Usluge: Imate mogućnost da daljinski provjerite status vašeg vozila, putem vašeg pametnog telefona. Ova usluga se sastoji od prikaza statusa vanjskog dijela (npr. status vrata), prikaza servisnih intervala ili kilometraže.
9. Kontrola Putovanja
9.1 Usluge: Imate mogućnost da daljinski provjerite podatke o putovanju vašeg vozila. Ovo uključuje: Vrijeme putovanja, putanju, prosječnu brzinu i prosječnu potrošnju za sve vrste putovanja (kratka, ponovna, duga).
9.2 Ograničenja korištenja: Dostupne informacije se ažuriraju
samo nakon što se promijeni status pokretanja.
10. Sirena & Xxxxxxxx (dostupno samo za vozila čija xx
xxxxxx modela 2021)
10.1 Usluge: Imate mogućnost da daljinski na kratko aktivirate sirenu ili žmigavac vašeg vozila. Primit ćete poruku sa potvrdom ili notifikaciju nakon toga.
10.2 Ograničenje korištenja: Ova usluga je dostupna samo ako vozilo stoji i ukoliko nije upaljeno, te ukoliko nisu upaljena sigurnosna svjetla. Dalja ograničenja se mogu primjenjivati u skladu sa pravilima pojedine države.
11. Zaključavanje & Otključavanje (dostupno samo za vozila čija xx xxxxxx modela 2021 i kasnije)
11.1 Usluge: Imate mogućnost da daljinski otključate i zaključate vrata i gepek vašeg vozila. Primit ćete poruku sa potvrdom ili notifikaciju nakon toga.
11.2 Ograničenje korištenja: Ova usluga je dostupna samo ukoliko vozilo stoji, ukoliko su vozačeva vrata zatvorena, vozilo je ugašeno i ključ nije umetnut u bravu za paljenje. Dalja ograničenja se mogu primjenjivati u skladu sa pravilima pojedine države.
11.3 Napomena: Korištenje funkcije otključavanja pri vašem odsustvu iz vozila povećava rizik od krađe vozila ili krađe imovine iz vozila. Radi sprječavanja neovlaštene upotrebe, četverocifreni sigurnosni kod xxxx biti unesen da otključa funkciju. Vi ćete odrediti sigurnosni kod kada se registrujete i prvi put uspostavite Porsche Connect. Sigurnosni kod može biti naknadno promijenjen putem My Porsche Portala.
12. Tražilo Vozila
12.1 Usluge: Lokacija i pozicija vašeg vozila vam mogu biti prikazane daljinski. Trenutna pozicija mobilnog uređaja koji se koristi za ovu funkciju je također prikazana na mapi. Ukoliko nije dostupna trenutna pozicija vozila (npr. jer je parkirano u podzemnoj garaži), posljednja spašena GPS pozicija se koristi. Aktiviranjem privatnog xxxxxx xxxx možete deaktivirati prenos podataka.
12.2 Ograničenje korištenja: Ova usluga je isključivo dostupna kada prenos podataka radi bez greške. Pored toga, usluga je u cijelosti dostupna tokom putovanja i kada vozilo nije u pokretu.
13. E-Kontrola
13.1 Usluge: Možete kontrolisati status vašeg Taycan i daljinski otpočeti ili prekinuti process punjenja na slijedeći način. Možete kontrolisati status konekcije, preostalo vrijeme punjenja i postojeći električni raspon. Električni xxxxxx xx prikazan u obliku kruga na mapi. Također, možete optimizirati process napajanja visoko-voltažne baterije vašeg Taycan za predodređeno vrijeme polaska. Možete podesiti brojače za polazak, pri čemu ćete primiti poruku sa potvrdom ili notifikaciju u slučaju događaja (npr. prekid u postupku punjenja), kao i čim aktivirani e-brojač istekne.
13.2 Ograničenje korištenja: Raspon označen xxx xxxx na mapi xx xxxx procijenjena vrijednost. Vrijednosti navedene na mapi ne označavaju stvarne udaljenosti. Stoga, lokacije mogu biti van električnog raspona čak i ukoliko budu prikazane u okviru kruga koji prikazuje električni raspon.
14. Xxxxx uređaj
Usluge: Možete kontrolisati status grijanja i/ili hlađenja, te ih daljinski upaliti i ugasiti. Čim grijanje i/ili hlađenje budu uspješno upaljeni ili ugašeni, primit ćete poruku sa potvrdom ili notifikaciju. Nadalje, daljinski možete podesiti brojač za xxxxx uređaj za daljinsko grijanje i/ili hlađenje. Kada xx xxxxxx
podešen, na mobilni uređaj ćete primiti poruku sa potvrdom ili notifikaciju kada aktivirani brojač za xxxxx uređaj istekne.
15. Auto Alarm
15.1 Usluge: Kada se protuprovalni alarm na vašem vozilu aktivira, primit ćete poruku ili notifikaciju. Poruka pruža informacije o alarmu i vremenski pečat. Suprotno “Paketu Sigurnosti Vozila”, xxxxx xxxx se ne obavještavaju o aktiviranju alarma.
15.2 Ograničenje korištenja: Ova usluga može poslati poruku ili notifikaciju samo ukoliko se vozilo može povezati sa Porsche- sistemima. Ukoliko se aktivira protuprovalni alarm, ali kontrolni uređaj u vašem vozilu nije priključen (npr. zato što je parkirano u podzemnoj garaži), poruka ili notifikacija će biti poslane čim se uspostavi konekcija.
15.3 Napomena: Ukoliko je vozilo podešeno na privatni xxxxx
xxxx, poruka u slučaju aktiviranja alarma neće biti poslana.
16. Alarm Lokacije
16.1 Usluge: Iz daljine možete podesiti geografsku granicu u vidu kruga. Primit ćete poruku čim vozilo izađe ili uđe u ovaj prostor. Možete održati do četiri oblasti u isto vrijeme. U slučaju događaja (vozilo izađe ili uđe u oblast) primit ćete poruku ili notifikaciju uključujući i mapu koja prikazuje lokaciju gdje xx xxxxx do događaja.
16.2 Ograničenje korištenja: Ova usluga će poslati poruku samo ukoliko je vozilo upaljeno i detektovano je kretanje točkova.
17. Alarm za brzinu
17.1 Usluge: Daljinski možete odrediti vrijednost brzine. Primit ćete poruku ukoliko brzina vozila prekorači zadatu vrijednost brzine. U datom trenutku možete imati četiri vrijednosti brzine. U slučaju događaja (vozilo prekorači zadatu vrijednost brzine) primit ćete poruku ili notifikaciju uključujući i mapu koja prikazuje lokaciju gdje xx xxxxx do događaja.
17.2 Ograničenje korištenja: Ova usluga će poslati poruku samo ukoliko je vozilo upaljeno i detektovano je kretanje točkova.
18. Alarm za Parkiranje
18.1 Usluge: Daljinski možete aktivirati ili deaktivirati Alarm za Parkiranje (kombinacija Alarma Lokacije i Alarma za Brzinu), putem postavljanja postavki za geografsku oblast i vrijednost brzine. Primit ćete poruku ukoliko vozilo izađe iz ili uđe u oblast, ili prekorači vrijednost brzine.
18.2 Ograničenja korištenja: Ova usluga će poslati poruku samo ukoliko je vozilo upaljeno i detektovano je kretanje točkova. Ova usluga je dostupna samo putem Aplikacije.
19. Kalendar
19.1 Opis: Usluga Kalendar omogućava kalendarima trećih lica koji su dostupni putem mreže da budu direktno povezani sa PCM. Pored navedenog, kalendari odobreni za Porsche Connect Aplikaciju na pametnim telefonima mogu biti konektovani na PCM putem Porsche Connect Aplikacije. Ova usluga pruža dnevni ili sedmični pregled. Zakazani događaji vam mogu biti pročitani putem Glasovnog Pilota. Nadalje, adrese koje se nalaze u kalendaru se mogu identificirati i koristiti direktno kao destinacija za navigaciju. Direktno povezivanje na konferencijske pozive je također moguće, pri čemu je pozivanje moguće samo putem vašeg mobilnog telefona povezanog sa PCM putem Bluetooth.
19.2 Ograničenje korištenja: Mogu se koristiti samo javno dostupni mrežni kalendari. VPN konekcije nisu podržane. Direktno pozivanje konferencijskih poziva (npr. povezivanje bez unošenja PIN ili drugog ID za konferenciju) je moguće samo za podržane pozivnice za sastanke i putem Bluetooth sa PCM-povezanim mobilnim telefonom.
19.3 Neophodne stavke: U svrhu korištenja usluge u vozilu, podržani mrežni kalendar xxxx biti povezan sa Porsche ID PSM Klijenta. Connect Aplikacija xxxx biti instalirana na pametni telefon PSM Klijenta kako bi se povezala sa vozilom. Ova usluga može pristupiti kalendaru samo ukoliko je izričito za to ovlaštena u Connect Aplikaciji u postavkama operativnog sistema.
20. Planer Punjenja
20.1 Opis: Usluga “Planer Punjenja” poboljšava putnu putanju PCM sistema navigacije na osnovu izabrane destinacije, preostalog raspona, profila vožnje, dostupnih podataka o saobraćaju u stvarnom vremenu, kao i dostupnih stanica za punjenje i njihovim kapacitetom za punjenje kako bi se postiglo najkraće moguće ukupno vrijeme putovanja (vrijeme vožnje i zaustavljanja za punjenje). Potrebna zaustavljanja za punjenje su automatski uključena u putanju putovanja.
20.2 Ograničenja korištenja: Ova usluga ne prima uvijek tačne informacije, stoga informacije o dostupnosti stanica za punjenje mogu biti netačne.
21. Prijenos medijskih sadržaja
21.1 Opis: Usluge Prijenos muzike (Apple Music) i Podcastovi (Apple Podcasts) nude direktan i personaliziran pristup povezanoj biblioteci medijskih sadržaja vlasnika i funkcionalnostima prijenosa muzike određene xxxxx xxxxxx, xxx pružatelja usluga podcastova, koje vozilo podržava. Nakon početnog pokretanja klijent sistema PSM više ne xxxx koristiti pametni telefon i može koristiti uslugu uz svoj Porsche ID u svim podržanim vozilima. Pored toga, usluge se mogu koristiti i u načinu rada za gosta, ali samo ako su računi pružatelja usluga xxxxx xxxxxx povezani. Za odabrane pružatelje usluge dostupne su ekskluzivne funkcije, kao što su direktno spremanje radijskih naslova u biblioteku medijskih sadržaja specifičnu za klijenta ili navigacija uz pomoć funkcije Porsche glasovni pilot.
21.2 Ograničenja korištenja: Ove se usluge mogu koristiti samo u zemljama u kojima uslugu nudi i pružatelj usluga xxxxx xxxxxx. U načinu rada za gosta usluga pružatelja usluga xxxxx xxxxxx može se koristiti samo lokalno u određenom vozilu, ali ne nekom drugom vozilu. Za model vozila iz godine 2020, račun koji povezuje između Porsche ID i Apple ID za uslugu Podcasts dostupan xx xxxx u vozilu.
21.3 Zahtjevi: Za korištenje sadržaja usluge Prijenos muzike, klijent sistema PSM xxxx imati račun i aktivnu pretplatu na paket usluga. Uz to je i aktivnu pretplatu određenog pružatelja usluga xxxxx xxxxxx ako je to potrebno. Podaci koji su potrebni za korištenje usluge uključeni su u paket usluga. Za korištenje personalizirane usluge, klijent sistema PSM xxxx jednom povezati svoj račun pružatelja usluga xxxxx xxxxxx s Porsche računom.
Pravo na Odustanak Klijenta
Ukoliko je Klijent potrošač u skladu sa Članom 1. stav 3. Zakona o zaštiti potrošača Bosne i Hercegovine (“CPA”), on/ona ima pravo da odustane of ugovora u roku od 15 radnih xxxx od xxxx zaključenja ugovora. Klijent, u skladu sa članom 1. stav 3. CPA znači bilo koje fizičko lice koje kupi, stekne ili koristi proizvode ili usluge za vlastite potrebe i za potrebe kućanstva. U daljem tekstu, termin “ugovor” će značiti kupovinu Porsche Connect. U nastavku, Xxxxxxxx se daju uputstva o njegovom pravu na odustanak:
Instrukcije za odustanak
Pravo na odustanak
Imate pravo da odustanete od ovog ugovora u roku od 15 radnih xxxx bez navođenja bilo kakvog razloga.
Period za odustanak će proteći nakon 15 radnih xxxx od xxxx xxxx vam je Porsche Connect učinjen dostupnim za korištene (xxx aktivacije), tj. od xxxx zaključenja ugovora.
Da biste iskoristili svoje pravo na odustanak, morate nas obavijestiti (Contact Porsche - c/o Porsche Smart Mobility GmbH - Apartado 002016, EC Praca Municipio – Lisabon, 1101-001 Lisabon, Portugal, broj telefona: 0000 000 00, email adresa: xxxxxxxxxxxxx@xx.xxxxxxx.xxx) o vašoj odluci o odustanku od ovog ugovora putem nedvosmislene izjave (npr. pismom poslanim putem pošte ili e-mail). Možete koristiti priloženi formular za odustanak, ali to nije obavezno.
Kako biste ispoštovali rok za odustanak, dovoljno je da pošaljete svoje saopćenje o korištenju prava na odustanak prije isteka vremena za odustanak.
Posljedice odustanka
Ukoliko odustanete od ovog ugovora, izvršit ćemo povrat svih naknada koje smo od vas primili, uključujući i troškove dostave (osim dodatnih troškova koji su xxxxxxx xxx rezultat vašeg izbora načina dostave koji odstupa od najjeftinijeg načina standardne dostave koji nudimo), bez odlaganja, a u svakom slučaju ne kasnije od 15 radnih xxxx od xxxx xxxx ste nas informisali o vašoj odluci da odustanete od ugovora. Povrat naknade ćemo izvršiti na isti način koji je korišten prilikom inicijalne transakcije, osim ukoliko ste izričito drugačije ugovorili; u svakom slučaju, za vas neće nastati nikakve naknade uslijed takvog povrata. Ukoliko ste zahtijevali otpočinjanje pružanja usluga tokom perioda odustanka, platit ćete nam iznos koji je proporcionalan onome što je pruženo do momenta kada ste nam saopćili svoj odustanak od ugovora, u odnosu na izmirenje cjelokupne naknade za ugovor.
Primjerak forme za odustanak
(ispunite i pošaljite ovaj formular samo ukoliko želite da odustanete od ugovora)
– Ja/Mi (*) ovim putem dajem/o obavještenje da Ja/Mi (*) odustajem/o od svog/našeg (*) ugovora za prodaju slijedećih dobara (*)/ pružanje slijedećih usluga (*),
– Naručenih xxxx (*)/ primljenih xxxx (*),
– Ime klijenta,
– Adresa klijenta,
– Potpis klijenta (samo ukoliko se ovo dostavlja papirnim putem),
– Datum
(*) Izbrisati xxxx xx primjenjivo
Terms of Use
for the Porsche Connect Services "Porsche Connect" (hereafter referred to as ToU Porsche Connect)
Porsche Smart Mobility GmbH (formerly Porsche Connect GmbH), Xxxxxxxxxxxx 0, 00000 Xxxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxx, VAT no. DE815578978 (hereafter referred to as Porsche Smart Mobility, PSM or We) operates under xxx.xxxxxxx.xxx (1) the My Porsche Portal and (2) various online marketplace functionalities (hereafter referred to as Marketplace) for the (i) sale of Porsche vehicles, parts, equipment and other vehicle related and vehicle independent products and (ii) provision of vehicle related and vehicle independent services. On the Marketplace, PSM also operates the Porsche Connect Store. For the use of the Marketplace including the Porsche Connect Store, the Terms and Conditions for the use of My Porsche Portal and Porsche's Online Marketplace Functionalities (incl. the Porsche Connect Store) as well as the sale of Porsche Connect Services and Porsche Smart Mobility Products (hereafter referred to as T&C) apply. The current version of the T&C can be accessed, downloaded and printed at any time at xxxxx://xxxxxxx- xxxxx.xxxxxxx.xxx/xx/xx/x/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
In the Porsche Connect Store, the user may also book "Porsche Connect" (hereafter Service Package). These ToU Porsche Connect govern the use of Porsche Connect and apply to the order, use and/or renewal of Porsche Connect. These ToU Porsche Connect apply in addition to the T&C. Insofar as a provision of the T&C conflicts with these ToU Porsche Connect, the ToU Porsche Connect prevail.
Any terms defined in the T&C shall have the same meaning in these ToU Porsche Connect. This shall in particular apply to the following terms:
- Customer: defined in section 1.3 of the T&C;
- Porsche Connect Store and Porsche Connect Services: defined in section 3.1.1 of the T&C;
- PSM Customer: defined in section 3.1.2 of the T&C.
„Porsche Connect“
Porsche Connect is exclusively available for the following vehicle models:
- Taycan
Offering of services depends on the model year and software update. For the vehicles model year 2020 (you can identify the model year from the fact that the 10th digit of the vehicle identification number VIN contains the letter L) the service Lock & Unlock is not available. For the vehicles model year 2020 a software update in the workshop is required to use in particular the service Apple Podcasts (feature of Media Streaming service). Please contact your dealer for further information.
Porsche Connect includes – depending on the geographic availability – the services described in the following. The current
geographic availability can be found in the Porsche Connect Store at xxxxx://xxxxxxx-xxxxx.xxxxxxx.xxx/xx/xx.
Term: from 1 month
Free-of-charge inclusive period: When buying a new Connect- able vehicle, Porsche Connect may be booked free-of-charge for 36 months.
Further requirements for the use of all services included in the Service Package: The Porsche Communication Management of a Connect-able vehicle (hereafter referred to as PCM) must have connectivity. If the connectivity is provided via the embedded SIM card of the PCM, the use of such connectivity for this Service Package is included in the price of the Service Package. If the connectivity is not provided via the embedded SIM card of the PCM (e.g. because connectivity via the embedded SIM card of the PCM is not available in all countries), connectivity may be established using a mobile phone with an appropriate mobile data plan. This requires a separate contract with a mobile service provider. Depending on the contract concluded with the mobile phone provider, this may result in additional costs, including roaming costs when the service is used abroad. If you connect the PCM via your mobile phone, please ensure that this is permitted according to your mobile plan. The availability and speed of the services included in the Service Package depends on the availability and speed of the data connection provided by your mobile service provider.
The following shall apply to the new Taycan with Porsche Connect:
1. Finder
Description: With the service "Finder" you can search for points of interest (e.g. charging stations, petrol stations, restaurants, hotels, and parking spaces) via a system-defined online search engine in a pre-defined database. The search results may provide additional information such as telephone numbers, opening hours, fuel prices, parking fees, or ratings by other users. Points of interest may also be searched, stored, managed and forwarded to the PCM in My Porsche and in the Porsche Connect App.
2. Voice Pilot
2.1 Description: With the service "Voice Pilot", various functions of the PCM and other services can be operated by voice command. The online voice recognition supports the natural language.
2.2 Restrictions of use: The recognition of the natural language is limited to the supported languages. The voice recognition does not always provide the desired results.
3. Navigation Plus
Description: With the service "Navigation Plus", the route calculation of the PCM in the vehicle is supplemented by online services. The PCM's navigation system uses current GPS and traffic data to optimize the route to the entered destination to the minute. In the map view, the roads are marked in color according to the traffic situation. The maps of the PCM navigation system are updated online.
The PCM navigation system can display the map in satellite view. By caching the loaded map data of the current vehicle environment, the satellite view will be maintained even if the connectivity is interrupted temporarily. The PCM navigation system can display street views of a selected destination, if available.
4. Radio Plus
4.1 Description: With the service "Radio Plus", you can access the online channels of radio stations. When Radio Plus is activated and the reception of the radio sources FM or Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB) is temporarily impaired, the PCM automatically switches to the corresponding online channel of that station (if available). Via the PCM, the service also displays metadata of all songs you play.
4.2 Restrictions of use: The online and hybrid radio functionalities are available in selected countries only.
5. News
5.1 Description: The service allows to call up the latest news by subscribing to RSS feeds directly in the PCM. With the Voice Pilot you can have the articles read to you. Via keyword search, the subscribed channels may be browsed for information on preferred topics or keywords.
5.2 Requirements: For a personalized use the customer can subscribe to feeds under his or her Porsche ID. In this case, these feeds, are available in the vehicle only.
6. Weather
6.1 Description: The service "Weather" displays the current weather situation and the forecast for the following hours and days for the current position, the activated destination as well as any stored favorites. The forecast comprises for example temperature, number of hours of sunshine, probability of rain, wind speed and air quality. Reading aloud via Voice Pilot is possible, too.
6.2 Restrictions of use: The air quality is displayed in China only.
7. Risk Radar
Description: The service "Risk Radar" displays local hazards
e.g. risk of aquaplaning as infographic in the PCM.
8. Car Control
Services: You have the option to check the status of your vehicle remotely on the smartphone. The service comprises the display of the outer casing status (e.g. status of the doors), the display of service intervals or the mileage.
9. Trip Control
9.1 Services: You have the option to check the trip data of your vehicle remotely. This includes: Driving time, route, average speed and average consumption for all types of journey (short, recurring, long).
9.2 Restrictions of use: Accessible information is updated only after the ignition status has changed.
10. Horn & Indicator (only available for model year 2021
10.1 Services: You have the option to briefly activate the horn or the indicators of your vehicle remotely. You receive a confirmation message or a push notification after the process.
10.2 Restrictions of use: This service is only available if the vehicle is stationary and the ignition and the hazard lights are switched off. Further restrictions may apply according to country-specific regulations.
11. Lock & Unlock (only available for model year 2021 vehicles onwards)
11.1 Services: You have the option to remotely lock and unlock the doors and the trunk of your vehicle. You receive a confirmation message or a push notification after the process.
11.2 Restrictions of use: This service is only available if the vehicle is stationary, the driver's door is closed, the ignition is switched off and the key is not inserted into the ignition lock. Further restrictions may apply according to country- specific regulations.
11.3 Note: Using the unlock function in your absence from the vehicle increases the risk of vehicle theft or theft of items placed in the vehicle. To prevent unauthorized use, a four- digit security code must be entered to use the unlock function. You will determine the security code when you register and set up Porsche Connect for the first time. The security code can be changed subsequently in the My Porsche Portal.
12. Car Finder
12.1 Services: You can have the location and position of your vehicle displayed remotely. The current position of the mobile end device used for this function is also displayed on a map. If no current position of the vehicle is available (e.g. because it is parked in an underground garage), the most recently saved GPS position is used. By activating the privacy mode, you can deactivate the transfer of data.
12.2 Restrictions of use: This service is exclusively available when data transfer works failure-free. Other than that, the service is fully available during the journey and when the vehicle is stationary.
13. E-Control
13.1 Services: You can control the status of your Taycan and start or stop the charging process remotely as follows. You can control the connection status, the residual charging time and the current electric range. The electric range is displayed in form of a circle on the map. Furthermore, you can optimize the charging process of the high-voltage battery of your Taycan for a specific departure time. You can set departure timers and you receive a confirmation message or a push notification in case of events (e.g. interruption of the charging process) and as soon as an activated e-timer has run down.
13.2 Restrictions of use: The range indicated as a circle on the map is only an estimated value. The values indicated on the map do not reflect the actual distances. Therefore, locations may actually be outside the electric range even if displayed within the circle indicating the electric range.
14. Climate
Services: You can control the status of the heating and/or air conditioning, switch them on or off remotely. As soon as the heating and/or air conditioning is switched on or off successfully, you receive a confirmation message or a push notification. Furthermore, you can remotely set the climate timer for remote heating and/or air conditioning. When the timer is set, you receive a confirmation message or a push notification on your mobile device as soon as an activated climate timer has run down.
15. Car Alarm
15.1 Services: You receive a message or a push notification when the anti-theft alarm of your vehicle is triggered. The message provides information on the triggered alarm and a timestamp. Contrary to the "Car Security Package", no third parties are informed about the triggered alarm.
15.2 Restrictions of use: This service can only send a message or a push notification if the vehicle can connect to the Porsche-systems. If the anti-theft alarm is triggered but the control unit of your vehicle has no connectivity (e.g. because it is parked in an underground garage), the message or the push notification is sent as soon as connectivity is available.
Note: If the vehicle is set to privacy mode, no message is
sent in case of an alarm.
16. Location Alarm
16.1 Services: You can set a geographic border remotely in the form of a circle. You receive a message as soon as the vehicle leaves or enters this area. You can maintain up to four areas at the same time. In the case of an event (the vehicle leaves or enters an area), you receive a message or a push notification including a map displaying the location where the event took place.
16.2 Restrictions of use: This service will only send a message if the ignition is switched on and a wheel movement is detected.
17. Speed Alarm
17.1 Services: You can remotely set a speed value. You receive a message if the speed of the vehicle exceeds the set speed value. You can maintain up to four speed values at the same time. In the case of an event (the vehicle exceeds a speed value), you receive a message or a push notification including a map displaying the location where the event took place.
17.2 Restrictions of use: This service will only send a message if the ignition is switched on and a wheel movement is detected.
18. Valet Alarm
18.1 Services: You can activate or deactivate the Valet Alarm (a combination of Location Alarm and Speed Alarm) remotely with presettings for a geographic area and a speed value. You receive a message if the vehicle leaves or enters the area or exceeds the speed value.
18.2 Restrictions of use: This service will only send a push message if the ignition is switched on and a wheel movement is detected. The service is only available via the App.
19. Calendar
19.1 Description: The service Calendar allows third-party calendars available online to be directly linked to the PCM. Additionally, calendars approved for the Porsche Connect
App on the smartphone may be connected to the PCM via the Porsche Connect App. The service offers a daily or a weekly view. Appointments can be read to you by the Voice Pilot. Furthermore, addresses contained in calendar entries can be identified and used directly as navigation destination. Direct dial-in to conference calls is also possible, whereas the dial-in can only take place via your mobile phone connected to the PCM via Bluetooth.
19.2 Restrictions of use: Only publicly available online calendars can be connected. VPN connections are not supported. The direct dial-in to conference calls (i.e. dial-in without entering a PIN or other conference ID) is only possible for supported meeting invitation formats and via Bluetooth with the PCM- connected mobile phone.
19.3 Requirements: In order to use the service in the vehicle, a supported online calendar must be linked to the Porsche ID of the PSM Customer. The Connect App must be downloaded on the PSM Customer's smartphone to be connected with the vehicle. The service can only access the smartphone calendar if access to the calendar is authorized explicitly for the Connect App in the settings of the operating system.
20. Charging Planner
20.1 Description: The service "Charging Planner" improves the travel route of the PCM navigation system based on the destination chosen, the remaining range, the driving profile, available real-time traffic information as well as available charging stations and their charging capacity to achieve the shortest total travel time possible (driving time and charging stops). Required charging stops are automatically included in the travel route.
20.2 Restrictions of use: This service does not always receive precise information and therefore the availability of the charging stations can be inaccurate.
21. Media Streaming
21.1 Description: The services Music Streaming (Apple Music) and Podcasts (Apple Podcasts) offer direct and personalized access to the linked customer's media library and the functionalities of the respective third-party music streaming as well as podcast provider, as supported in the vehicle. Following the initial set-up, the PSM Customer no longer requires a smartphone for its use and can use the service with his/her Porsche ID in all supported vehicles. Moreover, the services can also be used in guest mode, but only if third party provider accounts are linked. For selected providers, exclusive functions, such as the direct saving of radio titles to the customer-specific media library, or navigation via the Voice Pilot, are available.
21.2 Restrictions of use: These services may only be used in countries where the service is also offered by the third-party provider. In guest mode, the service of a third-party provider may only be used locally in the respective vehicle, but not in any other vehicle. For the model year 2020 vehicles the account linking between Porsche ID and Apple ID for the service Podcasts is only available in the vehicle.
21.3 Requirements: In order to use the contents of the service Music Streaming, the PSM Customer must have an account as well as an active subscription of the Service Package. Additionally an active subscription of the respective third- party provider is necessary. The data required for using the service are included in the Service Package. In order to be able to use the service in a personalized manner, the PSM Customer must link his/her third-party account to the Porsche account once.
Right of Withdrawal for Consumers
If the Customer is a consumer pursuant to Article 1, Paragraph 3 of the Consumer Protection Act of Bosnia and Herzegovina (“CPA”), he/she has a right of withdrawal for a period of 15 business days from the date of the conclusion of the contract. Consumer pursuant to Article 1, Paragraph 3 of the CPA means any natural person who buys, acquires or uses products or services for his/her personal needs and for the needs of his/her household. Hereafter, the term "contract" means the purchase of Porsche Connect. In the following, the Customer is instructed on his/her right of withdrawal:
Instructions on withdrawal
Right of withdrawal
You have the right to withdraw from this contract within 15 business days without giving any reason.
The withdrawal period will expire after 15 business days from the day on which Porsche Connect is made available to you for use (activation day), i.e. from the date of the conclusion of the contract. To exercise the right of withdrawal, you must inform us (Contact Porsche- c/o Porsche Smart Mobility GmbH - Apartado 002016, EC Praca Municipio – Lisbon, 0000-000 Xxxxxx, Xxxxxxxx, phone number: 0000 000 00, email address: xxxxxxxxxxxxx@xx.xxxxxxx.xxx) of your decision to withdraw from this contract by an unequivocal statement (e.g. a letter sent by post or email). You may use the attached model withdrawal form, but it is not obligatory.
To meet the withdrawal deadline, it is sufficient for you to send your communication concerning your exercise of the right of withdrawal before the withdrawal period has expired.
Effects of withdrawal
If you withdraw from this contract, we shall reimburse to you all payments received from you, including the costs of delivery (with the exception of the supplementary costs resulting from your choice of a type of delivery other than the least expensive type of standard delivery offered by us), without undue delay and in any event not later than 15 business days from the day on which we are informed about your decision to withdraw from this contract. We will carry out such reimbursement using the same means of payment as you used for the initial transaction, unless you have expressly agreed otherwise; in any event, you will not incur any fees as a result of such reimbursement. If you requested to begin the performance of services during the withdrawal period, you shall pay us an amount which is in proportion to what has been provided until you have communicated us your withdrawal from this contract, in comparison with the full coverage of the contract.
Model withdrawal form
(complete and return this form only if you wish to withdraw from the contract)
– I/We (*) hereby give notice that I/We (*) withdraw from my/our (*) contract of sale of the following goods (*)/for the provision of the following service (*),
– Ordered on (*)/received on (*),
– Name of the consumer(s),
– Address of the consumer(s),
– Signature of the consumer(s) (only if this form is notified on paper),
– Date
(*) Delete as appropriate
Porsche Smart Mobility GmbH
Za Porsche Connect Porsche Intelligent Range Manager i Power Steering Plus, Porsche InnoDrive i Active Lane Keeping (svaka od njih u daljem tekstu FoD Jedinstvena Usluga)
(u daljem tekstu Uslovi Korištenja FoD Jedinstvenih Usluga)
Porsche Smart Mobility GmbH (ranije Porsche Connect GmbH), Xxx- xxxxxxxxx 0, 00000 Xxxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxxx, PDV br. 131905001339 (u daljem tekstu Porsche Smart Mobility, PSM ili Mi) putem xxx.xxxxxxx.xxx upravlja (1) My Porsche Portalom i (2) raznim mrežnim tržišnim funkcionalnostima (u daljem tekstu Tržište) radi
(i) prodaje Porsche vozila, dijelova, opreme i drugih proizvoda bilo povezanih sa vozilima ili neovisnih od njih, i (ii) pružanja usluga pov- ezanih sa vozilima ili neovisnih od njih. Na tržištu, PSM također ima Porsche Connect Trgovinu. Za korištenje Tržišta, uključujući i Por- sche Connect Trgovine, Odredbe i Uslovi za korištenje My Porsche Portala i Porsche Mrežnih Tržišnih Funkcionalnosti (uključujući i Por- sche Connect Trgovinu) kao i za prodaju Porsche Connect Usluga i Porsche Smart Mobility Proizvoda (u daljem tekstu Uslovi) xx xxxx- jenjuju. Trenutno važeću verziju Uslova možete pronaći, skinuti i i- sprintati u bilo koje vrijeme na xxxxx://xxxxxxx-xxxxx.xxx- xxxx.xxx/xx/xx/x/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
U Porsche Connect Trgovini, korisnik također može kupiti FoD Xxx- instvene Usluge (1.) "Porsche Intelligent Range Manager", (2.) "Power Steering Plus", (3.) Porsche InnoDrive i (4.) Active Lane Keeping Ovi Uslovi Korištenja FoD Jedinstvenih Usluga će biti prim- jenjivi na korištenje FoD Jedinstvenih Usluga, te će se primjenjivati na narudžbu, korištenje i/ili obnovu predmetne FoD Jedinstvene Usluge. Svaka od FoD Jedinstvenih Usluga će predstavljati neovisnu uslugu te može biti naručena zasebno. Ovi Uslovi Korištenja FoD Jedinstvenih Usluga se primjenjuju pored Uslova. U slučaju da xx xxxx koja odredba Uslova u suprotnosti sa ovim Uslovima Korištenja FoD Jedinstvenih Usluga, odredbe Uslova Korištenja FoD Jedinstvenih Usluga će biti mjerodavne.
Svi termini definisani u Uslovima će imati isto značenje u ovim Uslo- vima Korištenja FoD Jedinstvenih Usluga. Ovo će se naročito od- nositi na slijedeće termine:
- Klijent: definisano u članu 1.3 Uslova;
- Porsche Connect Trgovina i Porsche Connect Usluge: definisano u članu 3.1.1 Uslova;
- PSM Klijent: definisano u članu 3.1.2 Uslova.
Predmetne FoD Jedinstvene Usluge će biti dostupne samo u određenim zemljama. Trenutna geografska dostupnost predmetne FoD Jedinstvene Usluge se može pronaći na Porsche Connect Trgo- vini na xxxxx://xxxxxxx-xxxxx.xxxxxxx.xxx/xx/xx.
1. Porsche Intelligent Range Manager
1.1 Opis: FoD Jedinstvena Usluga "Porsche Intelligent Range Man- ager" prilagođava maksimalnu brzinu kao i hlađenje ovisno o putanji odabranoj u sistemu navigacije vozila radi dostizanja najkraćeg vremena putovanja sa maksimalnom udobnošću. Pored navedenog, sistem vam proaktivno dostavlja sugestije tokom putovanja u slučaju da bi se moglo skratiti vrijeme putovanja korištenjem drugačijih postavki vozila.
1.2 Neophodne stavke: Aktivan ugovor za FoD Jedinstvenu Uslugu “Porsche Intelligent Range Manager” koji (i) nije
vremenski ograničen ili (ii) je u obliku mjesečne pretplate (dostupno samo za modele iz 2021.g. i kasnije). Kako bi osig- urali potpuno korištenje ove usluge (tj. kako biste dobili ažurne informacije o situaciji u saobraćaju i stanicama za nadopunu), “Porsche Connect” usluga xxxx biti kupljena i aktivirana također.
1.3 Period korištenja: FoD Jedinstvena Usluga “Porsche Intelli- gent Range Manager” može biti kupljena kao (i) vremenski ne- ograničena, xx xxxxx dostupna PSM Klijentu tokom cjelokupnog perioda korištenja vozila ili (ii) u obliku mjesečne pretplate (dostupno samo za modele iz 2021.g. i kasnije), koja se automatski produžava na mjesečnoj osnovi, do otkazivanja xx xxxxxx Primarnog Korisnika uz otkazni rok od 2 sedmice do kraja bilo kojeg kalendarskog mjeseca.
1.4 Aktivacija: Nakon kupovine FoD Jedinstvene Usluge “Por- sche Intelligent Range Manager” putem Porsche Connect Trgovine, usluga xxxx biti aktivirana u vozilu; za ovu svrhu vozilo xxxx biti priključeno na mobilnu mrežu korištenjem in- tegrisane eSIM kartice te opcija zaštite privatnosti xxxx biti isključena do okončanja procesa aktivacije. Potrebno je da se pridržavate instrukcija u PCM kako biste izvršili ovu aktivaciju..
1.5 Cijena/uslovi plaćanja: Cijena i uslovi plaćanja su opisani u Porsche Connect Trgovini.
2. Power Steering Plus
2.1 Opis: FoD Jedinstvena Usluga "Power Steering Plus" dinamički prilagođava upravljanje vašom brzinom: pri većim brzinama, volan odgovara direktno sa većom preciznošću. Pri manjim brzinama, omogućava naročito glatko manevrisanje i parking.
2.2 Neophodne stavke: Aktivan ugovor za FoD Jedinstvenu Uslugu “Power Steering Plus” koji nije vremenski ograničen.
2.3 Period korištenja: FoD Jedinstvena Usluga “Power Steering Plus” može biti kupljena kao FoD Jedinstvena Usluga koja nije vremenski ograničena te xx xxxxx dostupna PSM Klijentu tokom cjelokupnog perioda korištenja vozila.
2.4 Aktivacija: Nakon kupovine FoD Jedinstvene Usluge “Power Steering Plus” putem Porsche Connect Trgovine, usluga xxxx biti aktivirana u vozilu; za ovu svrhu vozilo xxxx biti priključeno na mobilnu mrežu korištenjem integrisane eSIM kartice te op- cija zaštite privatnosti xxxx biti isključena do okončanja procesa aktivacije. Potrebno je da se pridržavate instrukcija u PCM kako biste izvršili ovu aktivaciju...
2.5 Cijena/uslovi plaćanja: Cijena i uslovi plaćanja su opisani u Porsche Connect Trgovini.
3. Porsche InnoDrive
3.1 Opis: FoD Jedinstvena Usluga “Porsche InnoDrive” produžava Adaptivnu Kontrolu Krstarenja (Adaptive Cruise Control) (AKK). Ona pruža poboljšanu kontrolu brzine vožnje na osnovu nekol- iko podataka, npr. podaci navigacije, radara i video senzorne tehnologije.
3.2 Neophodne stavke: Aktivan ugovor za FoD Jedinstvenu Uslugu “Porsche InnoDrive” koji (i) nije vremenski ograničen ili
broj telefona: 0000 000 00, email adresa: smartmobility@ba.por- xxxx.xxx) o vašoj odluci o odustanku od ovog ugovora putem xxx- vosmislene izjave (npr. pismom poslanim putem pošte ili e-mail). Možete koristiti priloženi formular za odustanak, ali to nije obavezno.
Kako biste ispoštovali rok za odustanak, dovoljno je da pošaljete svoje saopćenje o korištenju prava na odustanak prije isteka vre- mena za odustanak.
Posljedice odustanka
Ukoliko odustanete od ovog ugovora, izvršit ćemo povrat svih nak- nada koje smo od vas primili, uključujući i troškove dostave (osim dodatnih troškova koji su xxxxxxx xxx rezultat vašeg izbora načina dostave koji odstupa od najjeftinijeg načina standardne dostave koji nudimo), bez odlaganja, a u svakom slučaju ne kasnije od 15 xxxx od xxxx xxxx ste nas informisali o vašoj odluci da odustajete od ugovora. Povrat naknade ćemo izvršiti na isti način koji je korišten prilikom inicijalne transakcije, osim ukoliko ste izričito drugačije ugovorili; u svakom slučaju, za vas neće nastati nikakve naknade uslijed takvog povrata. Ukoliko ste zahtijevali otpočinjanje pružanja usluga tokom perioda odustanka, platit ćete nam iznos koji je pro- porcionalan onome što je pruženo do momenta kada ste nam sao- pćili svoj odustanak od ugovora, u odnosu na izmirenje cjelokupne naknade za ugovor.
(ii) je u obliku mjesečne pretplate (dostupno samo za modele iz 2021.g. i kasnije). Pored navedenog, dato vozilo xxxx imati Adaptivnu Kontrolu Krstarenja (AKK).
3.3 Period korištenja: FoD Jedinstvena Usluga "Porsche In- noDrive" može biti kupljena kao (i) vremenski neograničena, xx xxxxx dostupna PSM Klijentu tokom cjelokupnog perioda korištenja vozila ili (ii) u obliku mjesečne pretplate (dostupno samo za modele iz 2021.g. i kasnije), koja se automatski produžava na mjesečnoj osnovi, do otkazivanja xx xxxxxx Pri- marnog Korisnika uz otkazni rok od 2 sedmice do kraja bilo kojeg kalendarskog mjeseca.
3.4 Aktivacija: Nakon kupovine FoD Jedinstvene Usluge “Porsche InnoDrive” putem Porsche Connect Trgovine, usluga xxxx biti aktivirana u vozilu; za ovu svrhu vozilo xxxx biti priključeno na mobilnu mrežu korištenjem integrisane eSIM kartice te opcija zaštite privatnosti xxxx biti isključena do okončanja procesa aktivacije. Potrebno je da se pridržavate instrukcija u PCM kako biste izvršili ovu aktivaciju. Okončanje aktivacije će početi kada slijedeći put budete koristili vozilo.
3.5 Cijena/uslovi plaćanja: Cijena i uslovi plaćanja su opisani u Porsche Connect Trgovini.
4. Active Lane Keeping
Primjerak forme za odustanak
(Ispunite i pošaljite ovaj formular samo ukoliko želite da odustanete od ugovora)
– Za Contact Porsche - c/o Porsche Smart Mobility GmbH - Apartado 002016, EC Praca Municipio – Lisboa, 1101-001 Lisbon Portugal, email adresa: smartmobility@ba.por- xxxx.xxx
– Ja/Mi (*) ovim putem dajem/o obavještenje da Ja/Mi (*) o- dustajem/o od svog/našeg (*) ugovora za prodaju slijedećih dobara uključujući FoD Jedinstvene Usluge (*)/ pružanje slije- dećih usluga (*),
– Naručenih xxxx (*)/ primljenih xxxx (*),
– Ime klijenta,
– Adresa klijenta,
– Potpis klijenta (samo ukoliko se ovo dostavlja papirnim putem),
– Datum
(*) Izbrisati xxxx xx primjenjivo
4.1 Opis: FoD Jedinstvena Usluga "Active Lane Keeping” produžava Adaptivnu Kontrolu Krstarenja (AKK). Funkcional- nost držanja trake pomaže održavanju vozila u sredini trake kontinuiranim prilagođavanjem upravljanja.
4.2 Neophodne stavke: Aktivan ugovor za FoD Jedinstvenu Uslugu “Active Lane Keeping” koji (i) nije vremenski ograničen ili (ii) je u obliku mjesečne pretplate (dostupno samo za modele iz 2021.g. i kasnije). Pored navedenog, dato vozilo xxxx imati Adaptivnu Kontrolu Krstarenja (AKK).
4.3 Period korištenja: FoD Jedinstvena Usluga "Active Lane Keeping " može biti kupljena kao (i) vremenski neograničena, xx xxxxx dostupna PSM Klijentu tokom cjelokupnog perioda korištenja vozila ili (ii) u obliku mjesečne pretplate (dostupno samo za modele iz 2021.g. i kasnije), koja se automatski produžava na mjesečnoj osnovi, do otkazivanja xx xxxxxx Pri- marnog Korisnika uz otkazni rok od 2 sedmice do kraja bilo kojeg kalendarskog mjeseca..
4.4 Aktivacija: Nakon kupovine FoD Jedinstvene Usluge “Active Lane Keeping” putem Porsche Connect Trgovine, usluga xxxx biti aktivirana u vozilu; za ovu svrhu vozilo xxxx biti priključeno na mobilnu mrežu korištenjem integrisane eSIM kartice te op- cija zaštite privatnosti xxxx biti isključena do okončanja procesa aktivacije. Potrebno je da se pridržavate instrukcija u PCM kako biste izvršili ovu aktivaciju.
4.5 Cijena/uslovi plaćanja: Cijena i uslovi plaćanja su opisani u Porsche Connect Trgovini.
5. Pravo na Odustanak Klijenta
Ukoliko je Klijent potrošač u skladu sa Članom 1. stav 3. Zakona o zaštiti potrošača Bosne i Hercegovine (“CPA”), on/ona ima pravo da odustane of ugovora u roku od 15 xxxx od xxxx zaključenja ugovora. Klijent, u skladu sa članom 1. stav 3. CPA znači bilo koje fizičko lice koje kupi, stekne ili koristi proizvode ili usluge za vlastite potrebe i za potrebe kućanstva. U daljem tekstu, termin “ugovor” će značiti kupovinu jedne od FoD Jedinstvenih Usluga. U nastavku, Xxxxxxxx se daju uputstva o njegovom pravu na odustanak:
Instrukcije za odustanak
Pravo na odustanak
Imate pravo da odustanete od ovog ugovora u roku od 15 xxxx bez navođenja bilo kakvog razloga.
Period za odustanak će proteći nakon 15 xxxx od xxxx xxxx vam je FoD Jedinstvena Usluga učinjena dostupnom za korištenje (xxx aktivacije), tj. od xxxx zaključenja ugovora.
Da biste iskoristili svoje pravo na odustanak, morate nas obavijestiti (Contact Porsche - c/o Porsche Smart Mobility GmbH - Apartado 002016, EC Praca Municipio – Lisboa, 1101-001 Lisbon Portugal,
Porsche Smart Mobility GmbH
Terms of Use
for the Porsche Connect Services Porsche Intelligent Range Manager and Power Steering Plus, Porsche InnoDrive and Active Lane Keeping (hereafter each referred to as FoD Single Service)
(hereafter referred to as ToU FoD Single Services)
Porsche Smart Mobility GmbH (formerly Porsche Connect GmbH), Xxxxxxxxxxxx 0, 00000 Xxxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxx, VAT no. 131905001339 (hereafter referred to as Porsche Smart Mobil- ity, PSM or We), operates under xxx.xxxxxxx.xxx (1) the My Por- sche Portal and (2) various online marketplace functionalities (here- after referred to as Marketplace) for the (i) sale of Porsche vehi- cles, parts, equipment and other vehicle related and vehicle inde- pendent products and (ii) provision of vehicle related and vehicle independent services. On the Marketplace, PSM also operates the Porsche Connect Store. For the use of the Marketplace including the Porsche Connect Store, the Terms and Conditions for the use of My Porsche Portal and Porsche's Online Marketplace Functional- ities (incl. the Porsche Connect Store) as well as the sale of Porsche Connect Services and Porsche Smart Mobility Products (hereafter referred to as T&C) apply. The current version of the T&C can be accessed, downloaded and printed at any time at xxxxx://xxxxxxx- xxxxx.xxxxxxx.xxx/xx/xx/x/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
In the Porsche Connect Store, the user may also book the FoD Sin- gle Services (1.) "Porsche Intelligent Range Manager", and (2.) "Power Steering Plus", (3.) “Porsche InnoDrive” and (4.) “Active Lane Keeping”. These ToU FoD Single Services shall govern the use of these FoD Single Services and shall apply to the order, use and/or renewal of the respective FoD Single Service. Each FoD Sin- gle Service shall represent an independent service and may be or- dered separately. These ToU FoD Single Services shall apply in ad- dition to the T&C. Insofar as a provision of the T&C conflicts with these ToU FoD Single Services, the ToU FoD Single Services shall prevail.
Any terms defined in the T&C shall have the same meaning in these ToU FoD Single Services. This shall in particular apply to the follow- ing terms:
- Customer: defined in section 1.3 of the T&C;
- Porsche Connect Store and Porsche Connect Services: de- fined in section 3.1.1 of the T&C;
- PSM Customer: defined in section 3.1.2 of the T&C.
The respective FoD Single Services are available in specific coun- tries only. The current geographic availability of the respective FoD Single Services can be found in the Porsche Connect Store at xxxxx://xxxxxxx-xxxxx.xxxxxxx.xxx/xx/xx.
1. Porsche Intelligent Range Manager
1.1 Description: The FoD Single Service "Porsche Intelligent Range Manager" adjusts the maximum speed as well as the air conditioning depending on the route selected in the vehi- cle’s navigation system in order to achieve the shortest travel time with maximum comfort. In addition, the system proac- tively provides you with guidance during the trip if your travel time could be reduced using a different vehicle setup.
1.2 Requirements: An active contract for the FoD Single Service "Porsche Intelligent Range Manager" either (i) not limited in
time or (ii) as a monthly subscription (available only for vehi- cles model year 2021 and onwards). To ensure full use of this service (i.e. to get the latest information on the traffic situation and charging stations), "Porsche Connect" must be booked and activated as well.
1.3 Period of use: The FoD Single Service "Porsche Intelligent Range Manager" may be booked as a FoD Single Service (i) either not limited in time and therefore available to the PSM Customer for the entire period of use of the vehicle or (ii) as a monthly subscription (available only for vehicles model year 2021 and onwards), which prolongs automatically on a monthly basis, until terminated by the Primary User with a 2 weeks notice to the end of any calendar month.
1.4 Activation: After booking the FoD Single Service "Porsche In- telligent Range Manager" in the Porsche Connect Store, the function must be activated in the vehicle; for this purpose, the vehicle must be connected to the mobile network using the integrated eSIM and the privacy mode must be turned off until the activation process is completed. You must follow the in- structions in the PCM to complete the activation.
1.5 Prices/payment terms: The prices and payment terms are described in the Porsche Connect Store.
2. Power Steering Plus
2.1 Description: The FoD Single Service "Power Steering Plus" dynamically adjusts the steering to your speed: At high speeds, the steering responds directly and with greater pre- cision. At low speeds, it enables particularly smooth maneu- xxxxxx and parking.
2.2 Requirements: An active contract for the FoD Single Service "Power Steering Plus" not limited in time.
2.3 Period of use: The FoD Single Service "Power Steering Plus" may be booked as a FoD Single Service not limited in time and therefore available to the PSM Customer for the entire period of use of the vehicle.
2.4 Activation: After booking the FoD Single Service "Power Steering Plus" in the Porsche Connect Store, the function must be activated in the vehicle; for this purpose, the vehicle must be connected to the mobile network using the integrated eSIM and the privacy mode must be turned off until the activation process is completed. You must follow the instructions in the PCM to complete the activation.
2.5 Prices/payment terms: The prices and payment terms are described in the Porsche Connect Store.
3. Porsche InnoDrive
3.1 Description: The FoD Single Service “Porsche InnoDrive” ex- tends the Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC). It offers enhanced regulation of driving speed based on several data, e.g. navi- gation data, radar and video sensor technology.
3.2 Requirements: An active contract for the FoD Single Service “Porsche InnoDrive” either (i) not limited in time or (ii) as a monthly subscription (available only for vehicles model year
Porsche Smart Mobility GmbH - Apartado 002016, EC Praca Municipio – Lisboa, 1101-001 Lisbon Portugal, phone number: 0000 000 00 , email address: smartmobility@ba.por- xxxx.xxx) of your decision to withdraw from this contract by an unequivocal statement (e.g. a letter sent by post or email). You may use the attached model withdrawal form, but it is not obligatory. To meet the withdrawal deadline, it is sufficient for you to send your communication concerning your exercise of the right of withdrawal before the withdrawal period has ex- pired.
Effects of withdrawal
If you withdraw from this contract, we shall reimburse to you all payments received from you, including the costs of delivery (with the exception of the supplementary costs resulting from your choice of a type of delivery other than the least expensive type of standard delivery offered by us), without undue delay and in any event not later than 15 days from the day on which we are informed about your decision to withdraw from this contract. We will carry out such reimbursement using the same means of payment as you used for the initial transaction, unless you have expressly agreed otherwise; in any event, you will not incur any fees as a result of such reimbursement. If you requested to begin the performance of services during the withdrawal period, you shall pay us an amount which is in pro- portion to what has been provided until you have communi- cated us your withdrawal from this contract, in comparison with the full coverage of the contract.
2021 and onwards). In addition, the respective vehicle must be equipped with Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC).
3.3 Period of use: The FoD Single Service "Porsche InnoDrive" may be booked as a FoD Single Service either (i) not limited in time and therefore available to the PSM Customer for the entire period of use of the vehicle or (ii) as a monthly subscrip- tion (available only for vehicles model year 2021 and on- wards), which prolongs automatically on a monthly basis, until terminated by the Primary User with a 2 weeks notice to the end of any calendar month.
3.4 Activation: After booking the FoD Single Service "Porsche In- noDrive" in the Porsche Connect Store, the function must be activated in the vehicle; for this purpose, the vehicle must be connected to the mobile network using the integrated eSIM and the privacy mode must be turned off until the activation process is completed. You must follow the instructions in the PCM to complete the activation. The completion of the activa- tion should be initialized when you use your vehicle the next time.
3.5 Prices/payment terms: The prices and payment terms are described in the Porsche Connect Store.
4. Active Lane Keeping
4.1 Description: The FoD Single Service "Active Lane Keeping" extends the Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC). The lane-keeping functionality helps to keep the vehicle in the middle of the lane by continuous steering adjustments.
Model withdrawal form
(Complete and return this form only if you wish to withdraw from the contract)
– I/We (*) hereby give notice that I/We (*) withdraw from my/our (*) contract of sale of the following goods (includ- ing FoD Single Service) (*)/for the provision of the follow- ing service (*),
– Ordered on (*)/received on (*),
– Name of the consumer(s),
– Address of the consumer(s),
– Signature of the consumer(s) (only if this form is notified on paper),
– Date
(*) Delete as appropriate
4.2 Requirements: An active contract for the FoD Single Service "Active Lane Keeping" either (i) not limited in time or (ii) as a monthly subscription (available only for vehicles model year 2021 and onwards). In addition, the respective vehicle must be equipped with Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC).
4.3 Period of use: The FoD Single Service "Active Lane Keeping" may be booked as a FoD Single Service either (i) not limited in time and therefore available to the PSM Customer for the entire period of use of the vehicle or (ii) as a monthly subscrip- tion (available only for vehicles model year 2021 and on- wards), which prolongs automatically on a monthly basis, until terminated by the Primary User with a 2 weeks notice to the end of any calendar month.
4.4 Activation: After booking the FoD Single Service "Active Lane Keeping" in the Porsche Connect Store, the function must be activated in the vehicle; for this purpose, the vehicle must be connected to the mobile network using the integrated eSIM and the privacy mode must be turned off until the activation process is completed. You must follow the instructions in the PCM to complete the activation.
4.5 Prices/payment terms: The prices and payment terms are described in the Porsche Connect Store.
5. Right of Withdrawal for Consumers
If the Customer is a consumer pursuant to Article 1, Paragraph 3 of the Consumer Protection Act of Bosnia and Herzegovina ("CPA"), he/she has a right of withdrawal for a period of 15 days from the date of the conclusion of the contract. Con- sumer pursuant to Article 1, Paragraph 3 of the CPA means any natural person who buys, acquires or uses products or services for his/her personal needs and for the needs of his/her household. Hereafter, the term "contract" means the booking of one of the FoD Single Services mentioned above. In the following, the Customer is instructed on his/her right of withdrawal:
Instructions on withdrawal
Right of withdrawal
You have the right to withdraw from this contract within 15 days without giving any reason. The withdrawal period will ex- pire after 15 days from the day on which the FoD Single Ser- vice is made available to you for use (activation day), i.e. from the date of the conclusion of the contract. To exercise the right of withdrawal, you must inform us (Contact Porsche - c/o
Porsche Smart Mobility GmbH
Uslovi korištenja
za Porsche Connect Uslugu „Porsche Connect Care“
(u daljem tekstu Uslovi Korištenja Porsche Connect Care)
Porsche Smart Mobility GmbH (ranije Porsche Connect GmbH), Xxxxxxxxxxxx 0, 00000 Xxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxxx, PDV broj 131905001339 (u daljem tekstu Porsche Smart Mobility, PSM ili Mi) putem xxx.xxxxxxx.xxx upravlja (1) My Porsche Portalom i
(2) raznim mrežnim tržišnim funkcionalnostima (u daljem tesktu Tržište) radi (i) prodaje Porsche vozila, dijelova, opreme i drugih proizvoda bilo povezanih sa vozilima ili neovisnih od njih i (ii) pružanja usluga povezanih sa vozilima ili neovisnih od njih. Na tržištu, PSM također ima Porsche Connect Trgovinu. Za korištenje Tržišta, uključujući i Porsche Connect Trgovine, Odredbe i Uslovi za korištenje My Porsche Portala i Porsche Mrežnih Tržišnih Funkcionalnosti (uključujući i Porsche Connect Trgovinu) kao i za prodaju Porsche Connect Usluga i Porsche Smart Mobility Proizvoda (u daljem tekstu Uslovi) se primjenjuju. Trenutno važeću verziju Uslova možete pronaći, skinuti i isprintati u bilo koje vrijeme na xxxxx://xxxxxxx-
U Porsche Connect Trgovini, korisnik također može kupiti "Porsche Connect Care". Ovi Uslovi Korištenja Porsche Connect Care će biti primjenjivi na korištenje Porsche Connect Care, te će se primjenjivati na narudžbu, korištenje i/ili obnavljanje Porsche Connect Care. Ovi Uslovi Korištenja Porsche Connect Care se primjenjuju pored Uslova. U slučaju da xx xxxx koja odredba Uslova u suprotnosti sa ovim Uslovima Korištenja Porsche Connect Care, odredbe Uslova Korištenja Porsche Connect Care će biti mjerodavne.
Svi termini definisani u Uslovima će imati isto značenje u ovim Uslovima Korištenja Porsche Connect Care. Ovo će se naročito odnositi na slijedeće termine:
– Klijent: definisano u članu 1.3 Uslova;
– Primarni i Xxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx: definisano u članu 3.2 Uslova;
– Porsche Connect Trgovina i Porsche Connect Usluge: definisano u članu 3.1.1 Uslova.
"Porsche Connect Care"
Porsche Connect Care (u daljem tekstu Servisni Paket) je dostupan za slijedeće modele vozila:
– Taycan
Međutim, Taycan modeli vozila iz 2020. godine, zahtijevaju besplatno ažuriranje softwera u ovlaštenoj Porsche radionici kako bi bila omogućena kupovina Servisnog Paketa "Porsche Connect Care" (pojedinačne usluge Servisnog Paketa možda neće biti dostupne uprkos ažuriranju softwera). Možete identificirati Taycan modele vozila iz 2020. godine po slovu L na 10-toj poziciji identifikacionog broja vozila (VIN). Za dodatne informacije o ažuriranju softwera, molimo da kontaktirate svoj Porsche Centar.
Servisni Paket je dostupan u samo određenim državama, i ovisi o mrežnoj dostupnosti. Možete pronaći trenutnu geografsku dostupnost Servisnog Paketa u Porsche Connect Trgovini na xxxxx://xxxxxxx-xxxxx.xxxxxxx.xxx/xx/xx. Tu također možete
pronaći geografsku dostupnost različitih funkcija Servisnog Paketa u slijedećim odredbama ovih Uslova Korištenja Porsche Connect Care.
Rok važenja: 10 xxxxxx
Besplatni Servisni Paket: Servisni Paket može biti preuzet bez naknade za nova vozila koja se mogu priključiti na Connect, uključujući nova vozila koja se mogu priključiti na Connect koja su već kupljena.
Konektivnost: Konektivnost xxxx xx potrebna za pružanje Servisnog Paketa se uspostavja putem ugrađene SIM kartice. Konektivnost je integralni dio Servisnog Paketa i ne naplaćuje se odvojeno.
Porsche Connect Care uključuje razne funkcije (u daljem tekstu
Xxxxxx), koje su opisane xxxx:
1. Poziv u slučaju kvara
Nakon pokretanja, Usluga “Poziv u slučaju kvara” uspostavlja glasovnu i podatkovnu konekciju sa servisnim centrom povezanim sa vozilom i servisnom centru prenosi lokaciju vozila i sve relevantne podatke o vozilu. Možete lično razgovarati sa uposlenikom servisnog centra o ovim informacijama o vozilu.
Usluga "Poziv u slučaju kvara" je neovisna od EU eCall. U slučaju nužde, EU eCall xxxx biti korišten u vašem vozilu radi kontaktiranja nadležnog hitnog pozivnog centra ili se predmetni hitni poziv automatski pokreće putem EU eCall, ovisno o slučaju.
1.1 Detaljan opis Usluge
1.1.1 Možete pokrenuti Uslugu bilo putem Porsche Uprave za Komunikaciju vozila koje se može priključiti na Connect (u daljem tekstu PCM) ili putem Porsche Connect Aplikacije. Stoga, Uslugu može pokrenuti bilo koji Primarni ili Sekundarni Korisnik, kao i bilo koje lice koje ima pristup unutrašnjosti vozila. Nakon pokretanja Usluge, automatski se uspostavlja glasovna i podatkovna konekcija sa servisnim centrom povezanim sa vozilom. Podaci koji se dostavljaju sa vozila do servisnog centra mogu uključivati podatke kao što su identifikacioni broj vozila (VIN), model vozila, xxxxxx proizvodnje i dodatna oprema, lokaciju vozila, da li se dogodila nesreća, nivo goriva, nivo pritiska u gumama, preostali domet sa dostupnim gorivom, status vozila i poruke koje su javljaju u vezi sa greškama (u daljem tekstu Podaci o Vozilu). Ukoliko bude potrebe, uposlenik servisnog centra će Vas pitati za vaš identifikacioni broj vozila, kako bi se mogli povući Podaci o Vozilu.
1.) Uposlenik Servisnog Centra Vam može dati savjet kako da postupite (kao npr. “Molimo dodajte ulje na najbližoj pumpi”); i/ili
2.) Ukoliko je dostupno rješavanja problema putem daljinskog popravljanja (Over The Air), uposlenik servisnog centra može pokrenuti takvo rješavanje problema. Uposlenik servisnog centra provodi analizu greške i/ili rješenja zajedno sa Xxxx i informiše Vas o postupku i trajanju. Ovisno o mjeri dostupnosti rješavanja problema putem daljinskog popravljanja, preduslovi i/ili ograničenja korištenja mogu postojati, kao što su: motor je ugašen, vozilo je u mirovanju, imobilizator je aktivan, prozori su zatvoreni, nije aktivno punjenje. Također je moguće da funkcionalnost Poziv u slučaju kvara i/ili hitni poziv ne postoji ili bude ograničen tokom rješavanja problema putem daljinskog popravljanja. Prije otpočinjanja sa rješavanjem problema putem daljinskog popravljanja, uposlenik servisnog centra će Vas obavijestiti o svim primjenjivim preduslovima i/ili ograničenjima korištenja, koje morate potvrditi. Ovo predstavlja samo pokušaj popravke problema, te xxxxx koraci mogu biti neophodni; i/ili
3.) Uposlenik servisnog centra može zatražiti eksternu podršku, kao što je: asistencija u slučaju kvara ili šlepanje nefunkcionalnog vozila. Vaš poziv neće biti proslijeđen ostalim pružaocima usluga. Ukoliko Vaše vozilo xxxxx xxxxxxxx, servisni centar može dostaviti Podatke o vozilu Porsche Centru, nakon dobijanja Vaše prethodne saglasnosti.
1.1.3 Sve usluge koje budu pružene xx xxxxxx Porsche Assistance (koji nije dijelom Porsche Connect Care) nakon Poziva u slučaju kvara, zahtijevaju odvojen ugovor (dalje informacije o Porsche Assistance i naročito o pokrivenim servisnim komponentama mogu biti pronađene u Vašem Porsche Centru ili ih možete zatražiti od Vašeg Assistance pružaoca usluga "AXA Assistance Deutschland GmbH/Inter Partner Assistance SA") što može generirati dodatne troškove. Servisni centar može utvrditi Porsche Assistance status Vašeg vozila.
1.1.4 Ukoliko imate pristup ili koristite proizvode ili usluge trećih lica, ugovorni uslovi primjenjivi na ove proizvode ili usluge će se primjenjivati. PSM nije odgovoran za bilo koji pristup ili korištenje ovih proizvoda ili usluga.
1.1.5 Molimo da imate u vidu da pokretanje Usluge na Vašem mobilnom uređaju putem Porsche Connect Aplikacije može, u ovisnosti od uslova ugovora za Vaš mobilni uređaj koji ste zaključili sa telekomunikacijskim pružaocem usluga kao trećim licem, rezultirati dodatnim troškovima.
1.2 Ograničenja korištenja i sistemska ograničenja
1.2.1 Usluga se pruža putem telematskog uređaja instaliranog u vozilu, koje prima GPS satelitske signale i komunicira sa servisnim centrom putem bežičnih komunikacijskih sistema i mreža za komunikaciju. Uslijed prirode tehnologije koja se koristi za funkcije Usluge i xxxx xx
sadržana u telematskom uređaju, funkcionalnosti Usluge (ili dijelova Usluge) mogu biti, s vremena na vrijeme, nedostupne u svim dijelovima Ugovornog područja Poziva u slučaju kvara, u skladu sa članom 1.3 ovih Uslova Korištenja Porsche Connect Care i/ili na njih mogu imati negativan utjecaj fizičke okolnosti, uključujući, bez ograničavanja, uklanjanje ili manipulacija sa telematskim uređajem ili njegovom antenom, elektromagnetizam, činjenica da se vozilo nalazi u garaži, ispod nadvožnjaka ili na drugoj lokaciji gdje su GPS ili mreže bežične komunikacije nedostupne, atmosferski uslovi i drugi negativni uzroci koji xx xxx xxxx kontrole (npr. xxxxxx xx GPS ili komunikacionim mrežama). Naročito, rad telematskog uređaja i, stoga, pružanje funkcija Usluge u skladu sa ovim Uslovima Korištenja Porsche Connect Care ovisi o činjenici da xx xx GPS mreže i bežične i fiksne komunikacijske mreže, putem kojih radi telematski uređaj, operativne. Stoga, neće sve funkcije Xxxxxx biti dostupne tokom svog vremena i na bilo kojoj lokaciji, i ne može se garantovati da će sve funkcije Usluge moći biti korištene u bilo koje vrijeme i na bilo kojem mjestu.
1.2.2 Usluga ne uključuje osiguranje vozila ili drugo osiguranje. Molimo da imate u vidu da za Vas može postojati zakonska obaveza da imate osiguranje; nadalje, Xxxx xx obaveza da osigurate daljnju pokrivenost osiguranjem, u mjeri u kojoj to smatrate razumnim. Naknade koje plaćate za Uslugu nisu povezane sa vrijednosti Vašeg vozila ili bilo koje imovine u vozilu, ili vrijednosti povreda ili štete koju pretrpite Vi ili xxxxx xxxx.
1.2.3 U slučaju rješavanja problema putem daljinskog popravljanja (vidjeti tačku broj 2.) odjeljka 1.1.2 ovih Uslova korištenja Porsche Connect Care), uposlenik servisnog centra će izvršiti provjeru identiteta pozivaoca unaprijed.
1.3 Ugovorna teritorija
Porsche Smart Mobility Vam pruža Uslugu u skladu sa ovim Uslovima korištenja Porsche Connect Care u slijedećim geografskim područjima (u daljem tekstu Ugovorna područja Poziva u slučaju kvara):
Andora, Austrija, Belgija, Bosna i Hercegovina, Bugarska, Kanada, Kina (sa ograničenom funkcionalnošću vjerovatno do jula 2021.), Hrvatska, Češka Republika, Danska, Estonija, Finska, Francuska, Njemačka, Velika Britanija, Grčka, Mađarska, Irska, Italija, Japan, Latvija, Lihtenštajn, Litvanija, Luksemburg, Malta, Monako, Nizozemska, Norveška, Poljska, Portugal, Rumunija, Slovačka Republika, Slovenija, Španija, Švedska, Švicarska, i SAD.
Počev xx xxxx 2021., očekuje se proširenje Ugovornog područja Poziva u slučaju kvara na slijedeće države:
Australija, Hong Kong, Malezija, Meksiko, Novi Zeland, Singapur, Južna Koreja i Tajvan.
2. Smart Usluga
Usluga "Smart Usluga" Vas putem Vašeg PCM ili My Porsche Portala informiše putem poruka i statusnih poruka o individualnim potrebama održavanja i popravki za odabrane komponente vozila (predviđanje) kao što su servisne kočnice, set za prvu pomoć, 12V baterija, tekućina za kočnice i sl. Predviđanje se zasniva na postojećoj procjeni Podataka o Vozilu. Ovi Podaci o Vozilu se automatski proslijeđuju Porsche sistemima i Vaš Porsche Centar može povući ove podatke, u slučaju potrebe. Vaš Porsche Centar Vas može proaktivno kontaktirati na osnovu Podataka o Vozilu putem xxxxxx xxxx ste odabrali.
2.1 Ograničenja korištenja i sistemska ograničenja
Funkcionalnost Usluge postoji samo u vezi sa originalnim dijelovima Porsche vozila.
2.2 Ugovorna teritorija
Porsche Smart Mobility Vam pruža Uslugu u skladu sa ovim Uslovima korištenja Porsche Connect Care u slijedećim geografskim područjima (u daljem tekstu Ugovorno područje Smart Usluge):
Andora, Austrija, Belgija, Bosna i Hercegovina, Bugarska, Kanada, Kina, Kipar, Hrvatska, Češka Republika, Danska, Estonija, Finska, Francuska, Njemačka, Velika Britanija, Grčka, Mađarska, Irska, Island, Italija, Japan, Latvija, Lihtenštajn, Litvanija, Luksemburg, Malta, Monako, Nizozemska, Norveška, Poljska, Portugal, Rumunija, Slovačka Republika, Slovenija, Španija, Švedska, Švicarska i SAD.
Počev xx xxxx 2021., očekuje se proširenje Ugovornog područja Smart Usluge na slijedeće:
Australija, Hong Kong, Malezija, Meksiko, Novi Zeland, Singapur, Južna Koreja i Tajvan.
3. Korištenje Podataka
U vezi sa kupovinom Servisnog Paketa, određeni podaci – potencijalno i lični podaci – mogu biti prikupljani radi pružanja date Usluge. Ovisno o Usluzi, može biti neophodno, na primjer, za pružanje te usluge prikupiti i obrađivati podatke o komponentama (npr. 12V bateriji, oštricama brisača) i analizirati te podatke.
Porsche Smart Mobility može koristiti te podatke – potencijalno u anonimnom obliku – za (i) usluge upravljanja i poboljšanja kvalitete i sigurnosti Servisnog Paketa i/ili PSM Proizvoda (uključujući Porsche vozila), i (ii) za druge komercijalne svrhe. Korištenje određenih podataka za svrhe upravljanja i poboljšanja kvalitete i sigurnosti Servisnog Paketa i/ili PSM Proizvoda (uključujući Porsche vozila) može biti aktivirano i deaktivirano korištenjem odgovarajućih funkcionalnosti u Porsche vozilu i/ili putem My Porsche Portala.
Za xxxx navedene svrhe, ti podaci također mogu biti preneseni xx xxxxx Porsche pravna lica ili xxxxx xxxx xxxx xx angažovani xx xxxxxx Porsche Smart Mobility ili drugih Porsche pravnih lica u ovom kontekstu i – u mjeri u kojoj su podaci anonimni – na ostala xxxxx xxxx.
Korištenje tih podataka će biti u skladu sa primjenjivim zakonima o zaštiti podataka. U mjeri u kojoj je nephodno po zakonu, Porsche Smart Mobility će pribaviti potrebna odobrenja. Dalje informacije mogu biti pronađene u informacijama o zaštiti podataka i privatnosti na xxxxx://xxxxxxx-xxxxx.xxxxxxx.xxx/xx/xx/x/xxxxxxx.
4. Pravo Klijenta na Odustanak
Ukoliko je Klijent potrošač u skladu sa članom 1. stav 3. Zakona o zaštiti ličnih podataka Bosne i Hercegovine (“CPA”), on/ona ima pravo da odustane od ugovora u roku od 15 xxxx od xxxx zaključenja ugovora u slučaju zaključenja ugovora. Potrošač u skladu sa članom 1. stav 3. CPA znači bilo koje fizičko lice koje kupi, stekne ili koristi usluge za vlastite potrebe i za potrebe
kućanstva. U daljem tekstu, termin “ugovor” znači kupovinu Servisnog Paketa "Porsche Connect Care". U nastavku, Xxxxxxxx se daju instrukcije o njegovom/njenom pravu na odustanak:
Instrukcije za odustanak
Pravo na odustanak
Imate pravo da odustanete od ovog ugovora u roku od 15 xxxx bez navođenja bilo kakvog razloga.
Period za odustanak će proteći nakon 15 xxxx od xxxx xxxx Xxx je Servisni Paket učinjenim dostupnim za korištenje (xxx aktivacije), tj. od xxxx zaključenja ugovora.
Da biste iskoristili svoje pravo na odustanak, morate nas obavijestiti (Contact Porsche- c/o Porsche Smart Mobility GmbH - Apartado 002016, EC Praca Municipio – Lisbon, 1101-001 Lisbon, Portugal, broj telefona: 0000 000 00, email adresa: xxxxxxxxxxxxx@xx.xxxxxxx.xxx) o vašoj odluci o odustanku od ovog ugovora putem nedvosmislene izjave (npr. pismom poslanim putem pošte ili e-mail). Možete koristiti priloženi formular za odustanak, ali to nije obavezno. Kako biste ispoštovali rok za odustanak, dovoljno je da pošaljete svoje saopćenje o korištenju prava na odustanak prije isteka vremena za odustanak.
Posljedice odustanka
Ukoliko odustanete od ovog ugovora, izvršit ćemo povrat svih naknada koje smo od vas primili, uključujući i troškove dostave (osim dodatnih troškova koji su xxxxxxx xxx rezultat vašeg izbora načina dostave koji odstupa od najjeftinijeg načina standardne dostave koji nudimo), bez odlaganja, a u svakom slučaju ne kasnije od 15 xxxx od xxxx xxxx ste nas informisali o vašoj odluci da odustajete od ugovora. Povrat naknade ćemo izvršiti na isti način koji je korišten prilikom inicijalne transakcije, osim ukoliko ste izričito drugačije ugovorili; u svakom slučaju, za vas neće nastati nikakve naknade uslijed takvog povrata. Ukoliko ste zahtijevali otpočinjanje pružanja usluga tokom perioda odustanka, platit ćete nam iznos koji je proporcionalan onome što je pruženo do momenta kada ste nam saopćili svoj odustanak od ugovora, u odnosu na izmirenje cjelokupne naknade za ugovor.
Primjerak forme za odustanak
(ispunite i pošaljite ovaj formular samo ukoliko želite da odustanete od ugovora)
– Za Contact Porsche - c/o Porsche Smart Mobility GmbH
– Ja/Mi (*) ovim putem dajem/o obavještenje da Ja/Mi (*) odustajem/o od svog/našeg (*) ugovora za prodaju sli- jedećih dobara (*)/ pružanje slijedećih usluga (*),
– Naručenih xxxx (*)/ primljenih xxxx (*),
– Ime klijenta,
– Adresa klijenta,
– Potpis klijenta (samo ukoliko se ovo dostavlja papirnim putem),
– Datum
(*) Izbrisati xxxx xx primjenjivo
Porsche Smart Mobility GmbH
Terms of Use
for the Porsche Connect Service „Porsche Connect Care“ (hereafter referred to as ToU Porsche Connect Care)
Porsche Smart Mobility GmbH (formerly Porsche Connect GmbH), Xxxxxxxxxxxx 0, 00000 Xxxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxx, VAT no. 131905001339 (hereafter referred to as Porsche Smart Mobility, PSM or We) operates under xxx.xxxxxxx.xxx (1) the My Porsche Portal and (2) various online marketplace functionalities (hereafter referred to as Marketplace) for the (i) sale of Porsche vehicles, parts, equipment and other vehicle related and vehicle independent products and (ii) provision of vehicle related and vehicle independent services. On the Marketplace, PSM also operates the Porsche Connect Store. For the use of the Marketplace including the Porsche Connect Store, the Terms and Conditions for the use of My Porsche Portal and Porsche's Online Marketplace Functionalities (incl. the Porsche Connect Store) as well as the sale of Porsche Connect Services and Porsche Smart Mobility Products (hereafter referred to as T&C) apply. The current version of the T&C can be accessed, downloaded and printed at any time at xxxxx://xxxxxxx- xxxxx.xxxxxxx.xxx/xx/xx/x/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
In the Porsche Connect Store, the user may also book "Porsche Connect Care". These ToU Porsche Connect Care govern the use of Porsche Connect Care and apply to the order, use and/or renewal of Porsche Connect Care. These ToU Porsche Connect Care apply in addition to the T&C. Insofar as a provision of the T&C conflicts with these ToU Porsche Connect Care, the ToU Porsche Connect Care prevail.
Any terms defined in the T&C shall have the same meaning in these ToU Porsche Connect Care. This shall in particular apply to the following terms:
– Customer: defined in section 1.3 of the T&C;
– Primary and Secondary User: defined in section 3.2 of the T&C;
– Porsche Connect Store and Porsche Connect Services: de- fined in section 3.1.1 of the T&C.
"Porsche Connect Care"
Porsche Connect Care (hereafter referred to as Service Package) is available for the following vehicle models:
– Taycan
Taycan vehicles of the model year 2020, however, require a free software update in an authorized Porsche workshop to be able to book the Service Package "Porsche Connect Care" (individual services of the Service Package may not be available despite this software update). You can recognize Taycan vehicles of the model year 2020 by the letter L at the 10th position of the vehicle identification number (VIN). For further information on the software update, please contact your Porsche Center.
The Service Package is only available in certain countries and depends on the network availability. You can find the current geographical availability of the Service Package in the Porsche Connect Store at xxxxx://xxxxxxx-xxxxx.xxxxxxx.xxx/xx/xx. You
will also find the respective geographical availability of the various functions of the Service Package in the following provisions of these ToU Porsche Connect Care.
Term: 10 years
Free Service Package: The Service Package can be booked free of charge for new Connect-able vehicles, including new Connect- able vehicles that have already been purchased.
Connectivity: The connectivity that is required to provide the Service Package is established by an embedded SIM card. The connectivity is an integral part of the Service Package and is not charged separately.
Porsche Connect Care includes various functions (hereinafter referred to as Services), which are described below:
1. Breakdown Call
After having been triggered, the Service "Breakdown Call" establishes a voice and data connection to the service center assigned to the vehicle and transmits your vehicle location and all relevant vehicle information to the service center. You can speak personally with an employee of the service center about these vehicle information.
The Service "Breakdown Call" is independent of the EU eCall. In emergencies, the EU eCall must be used in your vehicle to contact the responsible emergency call center or a corresponding emergency call is triggered automatically via the EU eCall, respectively.
1.1 Detailed description of the Service
1.1.1 You can trigger the Service either via the Porsche Communication Management of a Connect-able vehicle (hereinafter referred to as PCM) or via the Porsche Connect App. The Service can therefore be triggered by every Primary and Secondary User, as well as by anyone who has access to the vehicle interior. After triggering the Service, a voice and data connection is automatically established from the vehicle to the assigned service center. The data sent by the vehicle to the service center can include information such as the vehicle identification number (VIN), vehicle model, year of production and optional equipment, vehicle location, occurrence of an accident, fuel level, tire pressure, remaining range with the available fuel, vehicle status and error messages (hereinafter referred to as Vehicle Data). If necessary, the service center employee will ask you for your vehicle identification number, so that the Vehicle Data can be retrieved.
1.) Service center employees can give advice on how to proceed (such as "Please add oil at the nearest petrol station"); and/or
2.) If troubleshooting via remote repair (Over The Air) is available, the service center employee can conduct such troubleshooting. The service center employee carries out the fault analysis and/or correction together with you and informs you about the process and its duration. Depending on the extent of the troubleshooting via remote repair, preconditions and/or restrictions on use may exist, such as: the engine is switched off, the vehicle is at a standstill, immobilizer is active, windows are closed, no active charging. It is also possible that the Breakdown Call and/or emergency call functionality does not exist or is limited during the troubleshooting via remote repair. Prior to starting the troubleshooting via remote repair, the service center employee will notify you of any such preconditions and/or restrictions on use, which must then be confirmed by you. This constitutes just an attempt to fix the problem, so further steps may be necessary; and/or
3.) Service center employees can request external support, such as: breakdown assistance or towing the non-functional vehicle. Your call will not be forwarded to other service providers. If your vehicle needs to be repaired, the service center can forward the Vehicle Data to a Porsche Center, subject to your prior consent.
1.1.3 Any services that are provided by Porsche Assistance (which is not part of Porsche Connect Care) after the Breakdown Call require a separate contract (further information about Porsche Assistance and in particular about the covered service components can be found at your Porsche Center or be requested at your Assistance service provider "AXA Assistance Deutschland GmbH/Inter Partner Assistance SA") which could trigger additional costs. The service center can determine the Porsche Assistance status of your vehicle.
1.1.4 If you have access to or use third-party products or services, the contractual terms applicable to these products or services apply. PSM is not responsible for any access to or usage of these products or services.
1.1.5 Please note that the triggering of the Service on your mobile device via the Porsche Connect App may, depending on the terms of the mobile phone contract, which you have concluded with a telecommunications provider as a third party, result in additional costs.
1.2 Restrictions on use and system restrictions
1.2.1 The Service is provided via a telematics unit installed in the vehicle, which receives GPS satellite signals and communicates with the service center via wireless communication systems and communication networks. Due to the nature of the technologies that are used for the functions of the Service and are contained in the telematics unit, the functions of the Service (or parts of the Service) may from time to time not be available in all
parts of the Contractual Area Breakdown Call pursuant to section 1.3 of these ToU Porsche Connect Care and/or be negatively affected through physical circumstances, including, but not limited to, the removal or manipulation of the telematics unit or its antenna, electromagnetism, the vehicle being in a garage, in an underpass or in another location where the GPS or wireless communication networks are not available, atmospheric conditions and other negative causes beyond our control (e.g. failure of the GPS or the communication networks). In particular, the operation of the telematics unit and, thus, the provision of the functions of the Service in accordance with these ToU Porsche Connect Care depends on the fact that the GPS networks and the wireless and fixed communication networks, with which the telematics unit is operated, are operational. Therefore, not all functions of the Service are available at all times and everywhere, and it cannot be guaranteed that all functions of the Service can be used anytime and anywhere.
1.2.2 The Service does not include vehicle insurance or any other insurance. Please note that you may be legally required to take out insurance; furthermore, it is your responsibility to procure further insurance protection, insofar as you consider it reasonable. The fees paid for the Service are unrelated to the value of the vehicle or any property in the vehicle, or to the cost of injury or damage that you or others may suffer.
1.2.3 In the event of a troubleshooting via remote repair (see number 2.) of section 1.1.2 of these ToU Porsche Connect Care), the service center employee will carry out a verification of the identity of the caller in advance.
1.3 Contractual territory
Porsche Smart Mobility provides you with the Service in accordance with these ToU Porsche Connect Care in the following geographical areas (hereinafter referred to as Contractual Area Breakdown Call):
Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Canada, China (with limited functionality presumably until July 2021), Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and USA.
As of July 2021, the Contractual Area Breakdown Call is expected to be expanded to include:
Australia, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan.
2. Smart Service
The Service "Smart Service" informs you in your PCM and in the My Porsche Portal through messages and status displays about individual maintenance and repair needs for selected vehicle components (prediction) such as service brakes, first aid kit, 12V battery, brake fluid, etc. The prediction is based on the ongoing evaluation of your Vehicle Data. This Vehicle Data is automatically forwarded to the Porsche systems and your Porsche Center may retrieve this data, if necessary. Your Porsche Center can contact you proactively based on this Vehicle Data via the channel you have selected.
2.1 Restrictions on use and system restrictions
The functionality of the Service exists only in relation to original Porsche vehicle components.
2.2 Contractual territory
Porsche Smart Mobility provides you with the Service in accordance with these ToU Porsche Connect Care in the following geographical areas (hereinafter referred to as Contractual Area Smart Service):
Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and USA.
As of July 2021, the Contractual Area Smart Service is expected to be expanded to include:
Australia, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan.
3. Usage of data
In connection with the booking of the Service Package, certain data
- potentially also personal data - may be collected in order to perform the respective Service. Depending on the Service, it may, for example, be necessary for the provision of such Service to collect and process data of components (e.g. 12 V battery, wiper blades) and to analyze such data.
Porsche Smart Mobility may use such data - potentially in an anonymized form - for (i) the purpose of managing and improving quality, safety and security of the Service Package and/or PSM Products (including Porsche vehicles), and (ii) for other commercial purposes. The usage of certain data for the purpose of managing and improving quality, safety and security of the Service Package and/or PSM Products (including Porsche vehicles) can be activated and deactivated using appropriate functionalities in the Porsche vehicle and/or My Porsche Portal.
For the above purposes, such data may also be transferred to other Porsche entities and other third parties that are engaged by Porsche Smart Mobility or other Porsche entities in this context and
- to the extent such data is anonymized - to other third parties.
The usage of such data will be in compliance with applicable data protection law. Where required by law, Porsche Smart Mobility will obtain the relevant consents. Further information can be found in the data protection and privacy information at xxxxx://xxxxxxx- xxxxx.xxxxxxx.xxx/xx/xx/x/xxxxxxx.
4. Right of Withdrawal for Consumers
If the Customer is a consumer pursuant to Article 1, Paragraph 3 of the Consumer Protection Act of Bosnia and Herzegovina ("CPA"), he/she has a right of withdrawal for a period of 15 days from the date of conclusion of the contract in case of the conclusion of the contract. Consumer pursuant to Article 1, Paragraph 3 of the CPA means any natural person who buys, acquires or uses products or services for his/her personal needs and for the needs of his/her
household. Hereafter, the term "contract" means the purchase of the Service Package "Porsche Connect Care". In the following, the Customer is instructed on his/her right of withdrawal:
Instructions on withdrawal
Right of withdrawal
You have the right to withdraw from this contract within 15 days without giving any reason.
The withdrawal period will expire after 15 days from the day on which the Service Package is made available to you for use (activation day), i.e. from the date of the conclusion of the contract. To exercise the right of withdrawal, you must inform us (Contact Porsche- c/o Porsche Smart Mobility GmbH - Apartado 002016, EC Praca Municipio – Lisbon, 0000-000 Xxxxxx, Xxxxxxxx, phone number: 0000 000 00, email address: xxxxxxxxxxxxx@xx.xxxxxxx.xxx) of your decision to withdraw from this contract by an unequivocal statement (e.g. a letter sent by post or email). You may use the attached model withdrawal form, but it is not obligatory.
To meet the withdrawal deadline, it is sufficient for you to send your communication concerning your exercise of the right of withdrawal before the withdrawal period has expired.
Effects of withdrawal
If you withdraw from this contract, we shall reimburse to you all payments received from you, including the costs of delivery (with the exception of the supplementary costs resulting from your choice of a type of delivery other than the least expensive type of standard delivery offered by us), without undue delay and in any event not later than 15 days from the day on which we are informed about your decision to withdraw from this contract. We will carry out such reimbursement using the same means of payment as you used for the initial transaction, unless you have expressly agreed otherwise; in any event, you will not incur any fees as a result of such reimbursement. If you requested to begin the performance of the services during the withdrawal period, you shall pay us an amount which is in proportion to what has been provided until you have communicated us your withdrawal from this contract, in comparison with the full coverage of the contract.
Model withdrawal form
(Complete and return this form only if you wish to withdraw from the contract)
– To Contact Porsche- c/o Porsche Smart Mobility GmbH
– I/We (*) hereby give notice that I/we (*) withdraw from my/our (*) contract of sale of the following goods (*)/for the provision of the following service (*)
– Ordered on(*)/received on (*)
– Name of the consumer(s)
– Address of the consumer(s)
– Signature of the consumer(s) (only if this form is notified on paper)
– Date
(*) Delete as appropriate