Pursuant the Law on Payments Transactions, Law on Foreign Exchange Transactions and other relevant by-laws,
Na osnovu Zakona o platnom prometu, Zakona o deviznom poslovanju i odgovarajućih podzakonskih akata,
Pursuant the Law on Payments Transactions, Law on Foreign Exchange Transactions and other relevant by-laws,
1. Volksbank a.d. Beograd, Bulevar Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx 165g, matični broj 07792247, PIB 100000354, koju zastupaju Xxxx Xxxxxx, predsednik Izvršnog odbora i Xxxxxxx Xxxxx, član Izvršnog odbora (u daljem tekstu: Banka)
Volksbank a.d. Belgrade, Bulevar Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx 165g, registration nember 07792247, tax file number 100000354, reprpesented by Xxxx Xxxxxx, president of Executive Board and Xxxxxxx Xxxxx, member of Executive Board (Hereinafter referred to as the “Bank“)
, (naziv i adresa, matčni i PIB broj pravnog lica)
koga zastupa , (u daljem tekstu: Klijent)
, (Name and address, registration and tax file number of the legal entity) represented by (Hereinafter referred to as the ”Client“)
zaključuju u Beogradu, xxxx xxxxxx conclude in Belgrade, on……………..
o otvaranju i voñenju dinarskog računa stranog pravnog lica
for opening and maintaining of the dinar account for non-resident legal entity
Član 1. /Article 1
Predmet ovog Ugovora je regulisanje meñusobnih prava i obaveza po osnovu otvaranja i voñenja dinarskog tekućeg računa stranog pravnog lica-Klijenta kod Banke. (u daljem tekstu Račun).
The subject of the Contract is regulation of mutual rights and obligations regarding opening and maintaining of the dinar account of non-resident legal entity-the Client with the Bank (hereinafter referred to as the ”Account“).
Volksbank a.d. | S.W.I.F.T. Code: VBOERSBG | ||
Maticni broj: 00000000 | PIB:100000354 Page 1 of 6 | VB-SRB- |
Član 2. / Article 2
Banka otvara i vodi Klijentu račun broj:
The Bank is opening and maintaining for the Client the account No.:
Član 3. /Article 3
Banka se obavezuje :
The Bank undertakes the following:
1. Da sve naloge Klijenta izvršava bez odlaganja, u skladu sa važećim propisima. Nalozi za plaćanje se izvršavaju prema redosledu prijema u vreme predviñeno za prijem naloga u skladu sa Tarifom Banke (cut off time);
To execute all Client's payment orders without delay, in accordance with the applicable regulations. Payment orders are executed by the reception order in accordance with the period foreseen for reception of payment orders as per Bank Tariff (cut off time);
2. Da uredno popunjeni nalog Klijenta, dostavljen u xxxx xxxx u okviru vremena predviñenog za prijem naloga iz stava 1 xxxxx 1. ovog člana, obradi u istom danu, a da sve naloge primljene nakon ovog vremena, izvrši narednog radnog xxxx;
To execute within the same day any duly completed payment order of the Client, if submitted by the time foreseen for reception of payment orders as per paragraph 1 of point 1. above; all payment orders received after this period shall be executed on the following working day;
3. Da evidentira sve dnevne promene na Računu i o tome dostavi Klijentu izveštaj u formi izvoda, bez naknade, koji će Klijent preuzimati ili koji će mu se staviti na raspolaganje na jedan od načina naznačenih u pismenom zahtevu za otvaranje Računa;
To file all daily changes in the Account and provide the Client with report thereon, in the form of the statement, free of charge, delivered as specified in the written application for opening of the Account;
4. Da ispita svako neslaganje ili osporavanje dugovanja, odnosno potraživanja po Računu na koje ukaže Klijent, obezbedi relevantne informacije i u zavisnosti od njih izvrši potrebna usaglašavanja i korekcije na Računu;
To examine any discrepancy or denial of obligations, i.e. debits in the Account referred to by the Client, to ensure relevant information thereon and make any necessary añustments and corrections in the Account accordingly.
5. Da poštuje principe tajnosti Xxxxxx i da informacije o Računu daje samo Klijentu ili po nalogu suda ili drugog nadležnog organa.
To observe the Account confidentiality principles and disclose information about the Account only to the Client, except if such information is required upon the court order or the order of any other authorized institution.
Član 4. /Article 4
Klijent se obavezuje:
The Client undertakes the following:
1. Da o statusnim i drugim promenama koje se registruju kod nadležnog organa obavesti Banku u roku od 3 xxxx od xxxx dobijanja rešenja o upisu promene kod nadležnog organa;
To inform the Bank about any status and other changes registered with the authorized institution within 3 days from the day of obtaining the decision on the registration of such change in the authorized institution;
2. Da vodi računa o izveštajima dobijenim xx Xxxxx, da ih pregleda i da o svakom neslaganju ili osporavanju dugovanja, odnosno potraživanja u izveštaju koji mu je dostavljen blagovremeno podnese reklamaciju Banci a najkasnije 3 xxxx od xxxx preuzimanja ili stavljanja na raspolaganje izvoda;
To keep reports delivered by the Bank check them and lodge a complaint to the Bank in case of any discrepancy or denial of obligation, i.e. debits in the delivered report at latest within 3 days from the statement delivery;
3. Da poslove platnog prometa sa inostranstvom preko Računa obavlja u okviru tekućeg bankarskog radnog xxxx u skladu sa terminskim planom Banke;
To conduct international payment transactions through the Account according to the Bank's schedule within of the current working hours of the Bank;
4. Da jednom godišnje Xxxxx dostavi kopiju overenu od nadležnog organa i overeni prevod na srpski jezik izvoda iz registra u xxxx xx Klijent upisan u zemlji u kojoj ima registrovano sedište, ili drugi validni document o osnivanju u skladu sa propisima zemlje sedišta, na osnovu kojih se može utvrditi pravni oblik Klijenta i datum njegovog osnivanja. U suprotnom, Banka neće izvršavati transakcije i naloge Klijenta sve dok ne dostavi navedeni dokument.
To submit to the Bank once a year a copy certified by the relevant authority and its certified translation of the excerpt from the domicile country register or any other valid document of incorporation in compliance with the regulations of the domicile country, which shows the legal status of the Client and the date of its incorporation; the said excerpt cannot be older than 3 months. If Client fails to submit the said excerpt, the Bank shall cease to effect any transaction for the Client until such document has been submitted.
Banka za obavljanje poslova platnog prometa automatski obračunava i naplaćuje proviziju u skladu sa aktima svoje poslovne politike.
Klijent ovim ugovorom ovlašćuje Banku da, radi naplate troškova koje xx xxxxx povodom voñenja Računa kao i radi naplate provizije za izvršene usluge, u skladu sa važećom Tarifom naknada i troškova Banke za usluge pravnim licima, može koristiti sva njegova sredstva koja xx xxx depozit vode kod Banke.
For payment system services the Bank shall automatically calculate and charge fees in accordance with its Business Policy deeds.
The Client authorises hereunder the Bank to dispose of its entire funds, for the collection of the costs incurred for maintaining of the Account as well as the fee for the services rendered, according to the applicable Bank's Tariff of fees and commissions for corporate banking services, deposited with the Bank.
Član 6. /Article 6
Klijent je obavezan da podizanje gotovine sa Računa u iznosu većem od RSD 100.000,00 ili ekvivalent u drugoj stranoj valuti, najavi Xxxxx xxx ranije.
The Client is obliged to inform the Bank one day earlier about any cash withdrawal from the Account if exceeding the amount of RSD 100.000,00 or the equivalent in another foreign currency.
Član 7. /Article 7
Ugovor se zaključuje na neodreñeni vremenski period, s xxx što ga xxx xxxxxx mogu otkazati u otkaznom roku od 15 xxxx, koji počinje da teče od xxxx dostavljanja pismenog obaveštenja drugoj ugovornoj strani o otkazu ovog ugovora.
Za vreme otkaznog roka, Klijent xx xxxxx da izmiri sva dospela dugovanja prema Banci.
Ukoliko Klijent u otkaznom roku ne izmiri svoja dospela dugovanja prema Banci, ovaj ugovor ostaje na snazi i nakon isteka otkaznog roka.
This Contract is concluded for an indefinite period of time and can be terminated by mutual consent within a period of 15 days following the day of delivery of such written cancellation notice to the other party.
During the notice period the Client is obliged to settle any and all matured obligations towards the Bank.
If the Client falls to fulfill its matured obligations towards the Bank within the notice period, the validity of this Contract shall be extended after the expiry date of the notice period.
Ugovorne strane saglasne su da sve eventualne sporove koji proisteknu iz ovog Ugovora reše sporazumno, a ukoliko to nije moguće, ugovaraju nadležost Trgovinskog suda u Beogradu.
U slučaju spora, primenjivaće se srpska verizja ovog Ugovora.
The contractual parties agree to resolve any disputes that may arise from this Contract by mutual consent; however, if such attempts fail, the parties hereby agree the jurisdiction of the Commercial Court in Belgrade.
In case of dispute, the Serbian version of this Contract shall prevail.
Član 9. /Article 9
Ugovorne strane prihvataju obavezu da sve podatke do kojih doñu u toku meñusobne poslovne saradnje čuvaju kao profesionalnu tajnu.
Klijent ovlašćuje Banku da podatke iz ovog ugovora, o Klijentu, povezanim licima i priloženu dokumentaciju može proslediti u centralnu bazu podataka Volksbank xxxxx u zemlji i inostranstvu i saglasan je da sve članice Volksbank xxxxx mogu imati xxxxxxx xxx podacima i koristiti se njima.
The contractual parties assume the obligation to treat any data exchanged in the course of their mutual business co-operation as confidential matter.
The Client authorizes the Bank to forward the information contained in this Agreement on the Client, related parties and enclosed documents to the central database of the Volksbank Group in the country and abroad; the Principal also consents that all members of the Volksbank Group may have access to such information and use it.
Član 10. /Article 10
Na sve što nije predviñeno ovim Ugovorom, primenjivaće se važeći propisi koji se odnose na otvaranje,voñenje i gašenje računa kod banaka.
Klijent potvrñuje da mu je uručen primerak Opštih pravila i uslova poslovanja Volksbank a.d. Beograd, koji predstavljaju sastavni deo ovog Ugovora, kao i da je u potpunosti saglasan sa njihovom sadržinom.
For everything that had not been specifically stipulated herein, the valid laws and regulations on opening, maintaining and closing of bank accounts shall apply.
The Client hereby confirms that he has received the General Business Terms and Conditions of Volksbank a.d. Belgrade which are the part of this Contract, and that he fully agrees with its contents.
Head Office Volksbank
Bulevar Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx 165g 11070 Novi Beograd
Telephone x000 00 000 00 00
Fax x000 00 000 00 00
Član 11./ Article 11
Ugovor je zaključen u 2 (dva) istovetna primerka, 1 (jedan) za Klijenta i 1 (jedan) za Banku.
The Contract has been made in 2 (two) identical copies – 1 (one) for the Bank and 1 (one) for the Client.
For and on behalf of the Bank For and on behalf of the Client