Prvi kontakt
Pismo o angažovanju Kontakt osoba u JPM-u JPM xxx
Xxx Xxxxxxxx
Sprečavanje pranja novca
Obim angažovanja JPM-a Uputstva klijenta
Komunikacija između JPM-a i Klijenta Čuvanje dokumentacije
Poverljive informacije Sukob interesa
Nesporazumi između JPM-a i Klijenta i njihovo rešavanje Naknade i troškovi
Autorska prava i prava intelektualne svojine
Obrada podataka
Table of Contents
First Contact Engagement Letter JPM Contact
JPM Team Client’s Team
Preventing Money Laundering
Scope of JPM’s Engagement Client’s Instruction
Communication between JPM and Client Keeping Documents
Confidential Information Conflict of Interest
Misunderstandings between JPM and Client and the Resolution Fees and Charges
Copyright and Intellectual Property Rights
Data Processing
I Uvod
1.1. JPM Janković Xxxxxxx Xxxxx xx advokatsko ortačko društvo koje je upisano u Imenik advokatskih ortačkih društava Advokatske komore Srbije rešenjem broj 3167/06 i registro- xxxx u registru privrednih društava Agencije za privredne registre pod matičnim brojem
20234822 i (u daljem tekstu: JPM).
1.2. Ovi opšti uslovi poslovanja (u daljem tekstu: Opšti uslovi) predstavljaju opšte uslove pod kojima JPM, u skladu sa Zakonom o advokaturi („Sl. glasnik RS“ br. 31/2011 i 24/2012) i Ko- deksom profesionalne xxxxx advokata („Sl. glasnik RS“ br. 27/2012), pruža advokatske usluge i preduzima druge pravne i faktičke radnje (u daljem tekstu: Pravna pomoć) za domaća i
strana fizička i pravna lica (u daljem tekstu: Klijent).
I Introduction
1.1. JPM Janković Xxxxxxx Xxxxx is a law firm entered in the Directory of Law Firms of the Bar Association of Serbia under Decision No. 3167/06 and registered with the Busi- ness Register Agency under registration number 20234822 and (“JPM”).
1.2. These General Terms of Business (“General Terms”) constitute the general terms under which JPM provides attorney services and undertakes other legal and fac- tual actions (“Legal Assistance”) in accordance with the Legal Profession Act (Official Gazette of RS Nos. 31/2011 and 24/2012) and the Code of Professional Ethics of Attor-
neys-at-Law (Official Gazette of RS No. 27/2012) to local and foreign natural persons and legal entities (the “Client”).
1.3. U slučaju neslaganja između odredaba Pisma o angažovanju iz xxxxx 2.7. Opštih uslova ili Imejl ugovora iz xxxxx 2.9. Opštih uslova, sa jedne, i odredaba Opštih uslova, xx xxxxx xxxxxx, primenjuju se odredbe Pisma o angažovanju i odredbe Imejl ugovora.
1.4. JPM je posvećen ustanovljavanju i održavanju uspešne, dugoročne i kvalitetne saradnje sa Klijentima, što podrazumeva blagovremeno pružanje najkvalitetnije Pravne pomoći i ispunjavanje naloga Klijenata uz primenu inovativnog pristupa rešavanju svak- og konkretnog problema u cilju iznalaženja najboljeg rešenja i zadobijanja najvišeg stepena
poverenja Klijenata u usluge Pravne pomoći koje JPM pruža. JPM postupa na ovaj način sa namerom da pravna ili fizička xxxx xxxx postanu njegovi Klijenti nastave da koriste advokatske usluge JPM-a i u budućnosti.
1.5. U pružanju Pravne pomoći JPM postupa u skladu sa načelom obezbeđivanja xxx- nakog tretmana, koje primenjuje u svakom pojedinačnom slučaju i svim oblicima profesio- nalne saradnje sa Klijentima i trećim licima, uključujući tu i potencijalne klijente, agencije i konsultante xx xxxxxx sarađuje, spoljne saradnike, savetnike i druge advokate, a svoje usluge
pruža u skladu sa najvišim standardima advokatske profesije i xxxxx.
1.6. JPM je, prema pravnim oblastima, organizovan u više odeljenja u okviru kojih rade advokati specijalizovani za odgovarajuću pravnu oblast i koji, u okviru svojih pravnih oblasti, poseduju i dodatne subspecijalizacije. JPM se kontinuirano stara o tome da Pravnu pomoć u svakom konkretnom slučaju pružaju advokati koji poseduju potrebna stručna znanja i neo-
phodno iskustvo čime se osigurava najviši mogući kvalitet pružanja Pravne pomoći.
1.3. In case of divergence between the provisions of the Engagement Letter referred to in section 2.7 of the General Terms or the E-mail Contract referred to in section 2.9 of the General Terms on the one part and the provisions of the General Terms on the other, the provisions of the Engagement Letter and those of the E-mail Contract shall apply.
1.4. JPM is committed to establishing and maintaining successful, long-term, sound cooperation with the Clients, which includes timely provision of top Legal Assistance and execution of the Clients’ orders by employing an innovative approach in addressing each specific issue to devise the best possible solution for the Clients and win the Clients’
full trust in the Legal Assistance services provided to them by JPM. In doing so, JPM is driven by an intent to ensure natural persons and legal entities that once become its Clients continue using JPM’s services for many years to come.
1.5. When providing Legal Assistance, JPM adheres to the principle of equal treat- ment, which it applies in each individual case and to all forms of professional cooperation with the Clients and third parties, including potential clients, agencies and consultants with which it cooperates, external associates and other attorneys-at-law, ensuring at all
times that its services meet the highest standards of the legal profession and professional ethics.
1.6. JPM has multiple departments specialising in different areas of law, staffed with JPM attorneys specialised in the relevant area of law and holding additional subspeciali- sations. JPM always makes sure that Legal Assistance is provided by those JPM attorneys
who have the expertise and experience required to meet the highest standards of Legal Assistance.
Uspostavljanje saradnje
2.1. Prvi kontakt sa JPM-om se, po pravilu, uspostavlja na inicijativu Klijenta, najčešće, telefonskim pozivom ili slanjem imejla. Nezavisno od načina na koji je inicirano uspostavl- janje kontakta, JPM, na osnovu predmeta i pravne prirode inicijalnog zahteva za Pravnu po- moć, određuje advokata sa adekvatnim iskustvom i ekspertizom koji sa Klijentom preuzima
dalju komunikaciju i koji, po pravilu, ostaje glavna kontakt osoba Klijenta u JPM-u. JPM ima pravo da tokom trajanja mandata zameni advokata koji je Klijentu dodeljen kada to nalaže potreba posla, xxxx xx, zbog prirode Pravne pomoći, u konkretnom slučaju potrebno an- gažovanje advokata druge specijalnosti, kada postoji potreba za produbljivanjem saradnje sa Klijentom i iz drugih opravdanih razloga.
Establishing cooperation
2.1. As a rule, the first contact with JPM is initiated by the Client, usually by phone or e-mail. Whichever means the Client chooses to initiate contact with JPM, JPM will assign an attorney with the experience and expertise appropriate for the case and the legal nature of the initial request for Legal Assistance who will maintain further communication with
the Client, and such attorney will as a rule remain the Client’s primary point of contact at JPM. JPM has the right to replace the attorney assigned to the Client during the mandate if warranted by the scope of the engagement, where the nature of Legal Assistance provided requires the involvement of an attorney with different specialisation, where the aim is to extend cooperation with the Client or for other justified reasons.
2.2. U cilju što potpunijeg preciziranja svih specifičnosti Pravne pomoći xxxx xx predmet Klijentovog inicijalnog zahteva, advokat koji je određen na način opisan u prethodnoj tački Opštih uslova će, ako i kada to bude potrebno, od Klijenta zatražiti dodatne informacije i pojašnjenja koja su JPM-u potrebna za pripremanje ponude za pružanje Pravne pomoći. Ovu
ponudu JPM Klijentu dostavlja u pisanoj formi ili imejlom.
2.3. U skladu sa pozitivnim propisima Republike Srbije kojima se uređuje sprečavanje pranja novca i finansiranje terorizma, JPM xx xxxxx da preduzima radnje propisane proce- durom Poznavanja i praćenja stranke (Know your Client). U skladu sa ovom procedurom i radi njenog sprovođenja, prilikom uspostavljanja kontakta i za sve vreme trajanja saradnje
JPM-a i Klijenta, Klijent xx xxxxx da JPM-u, na njegov zahtev, dostavi neophodne propisane podatke i dokumentaciju. Podatke i dokumentaciju koji mu budu dostavljeni u skladu sa ovom tačkom Opštih uslova, JPM će koristiti samo i isključivo za namene predviđene pozi- tivnim propisima Republike Srbije koji se odnose na sprečavanje pranja novca i finansiranje terorizma.
2.4. Klijent xx xxxxx da ponudu za pružanje Pravne pomoći iz xxxxx 2.2. Opštih uslova prihvati u pisanoj formi ili imejlom. Nakon ovoga, Klijent i JPM zaključuju ili Pismo o angažo- vanju predviđeno tačkom 2.7. Opštih uslova ili Imejl ugovor predviđen tačkom 2.9. Opštih
uslova. Ponuda za pružanje Pravne pomoći se ne može prihvatiti samo usmenim putem i JPM neće započeti sa pružanjem Pravne pomoći pre zaključenja bilo Pisma o angažovanju iz xxxxx 2.7. Opštih uslova, bilo Imejl ugovora iz xxxxx 2.9. Opštih uslova.
2.5. Po pravilu, u ime JPM-a, ponudu za pružanje Pravne pomoći Klijentu upućuje ad- vokat koji je određen u skladu sa tačkom 2.1. Xxxxxx uslova, s xxx što JPM ima pravo da prema svojim internim procedurama odredi i drugo lice koje će Klijentu uputiti ponudu.
2.6. JPM može od Klijenta koji mu se obratio sa zahtevom za pružanje Pravne pomoći zatražiti informacije o tome na koji xxxxx xx došao do kontakata JPM-a i iz kojih razloga se opredelio za saradnju sa JPM-om.
2.2. To clarify as fully as possible any specific aspects of the Legal Assistance to be pro- vided pursuant to the Client’s initial request, the attorney assigned as described in the fore- going section of the General Terms shall, if and where appropriate, ask the Client to provide any additional information and clarifications JPM may need to draw up an offer of Legal
Assistance. JPM will present such offer to the Client in writing or by e-mail.
2.3. In accordance with the positive legislation of the Republic of Serbia governing an- ti-money laundering and counter-financing of terrorism, JPM is required to undertake ac- tions specified in the Know-Your-Client procedure. Pursuant to this procedure, to ensure full compliance, when contact is initially established and throughout the entire term of co-
operation between JPM and of the Client, the Client will be under an obligation to provide JPM on request with any data and documents required under the law. JPM will use the data and documents provided to it pursuant to this section of the General Terms exclusively for the purposes set forth in the positive legislation of the Republic of Serbia pertaining to an- ti-money laundering and counter-financing of terrorism.
2.4. If the Client accepts the offer of Legal Assistance referred to in section 2.2 of the General Terms, such acceptance shall be made in writing or by e-mail. Subsequent to this, the Client and JPM will execute either an Engagement Letter pursuant to section 2.7 of the
General Terms or an E-mail Contract pursuant to section 2.9 of the General Terms. Accep- tance of an offer of Legal Assistance made only orally will not be acceptable and JPM will not begin providing Legal Assistance before the execution of either an Engagement Letter pursuant to section 2.7 of the General Terms or an E-mail Contract pursuant to section 2.9 of the General Terms.
2.5. A offer of Legal Assistance made to the Client will as a rule be signed on behalf of JPM by the attorney assigned in accordance with section 2.1 of the General Terms, subject to the understanding that JPM will be entitled to assign a different person in compliance with
its internal procedures who will present an offer to the Client on behalf of JPM.
2.6. JPM may inquire of the Client requesting Legal Assistance how they found JPM’s contact details and what motivated them to seek cooperation with JPM.
2.7. Saradnja Klijenta i JPM-a se formalno uspostavlja zaključenjem i potpisivanjem ugovora o angažovanju (u daljem tekstu: Pismo o angažovanju). Pismom o angažovanju Klijent i JPM uređuju bitne elemente međusobne saradnje, kao što su konkretan predmet angažovanja, odnosno, Pravne pomoći (xxxx xxxx biti određen uže i odnositi se na tačno
specificiran zahtev Klijenta, ili šire određen predmet angažovanja definisan u odnosu na određenu pravnu oblast, više pravnih oblasti ili na sve pravne oblasti u kojima JPM pruža Pravnu pomoć), glavna Kontakt osoba Klijenta u JPM-u, JPM xxx, Xxx Xxxxxxxx (ukoliko Kli- xxxx xxxx da njegov xxx bude unapred određen), naknada po kojoj će JPM naplaćivati pružanje Pravne pomoći i rokovi njenog plaćanja, način plaćanja troškova u vezi sa pružanjem Pravne pomoći, način rešavanja eventualnih sporova i drugo. Pismom o angažovanju mogu da se, po potrebi, ugovore i drugi elementi saradnje Klijenta i JPM-a. Danom zaključenja Pisma o angažovanju smatra se xxx xxxx je JPM primio Pismo o angažovanju potpisano xx xxxxxx Klijenta, odnosno, xxx xxxx je JPM od Klijenta putem imejla primio skeniranu kopiju potpi- sanog Pisma o angažovanju.
2.8. Ukoliko je potrebna izmena bitnih elementa saradnje Klijenta i JPM-a, Klijent i JPM će na način predviđen tačkom 2.7. Opštih uslova zaključiti i potpisati novo Pismo o angažo- vanju. Pismo o angažovanju se može izmeniti i putem razmene imejlova u xxxxxx xx biti pot- vrđeni izmenjeni bitni elementi, a odredbe ovako izmenjenog Pisma o angažovanju stupaju
na snagu onog xxxx xxxx JPM od Klijenta primi imejl u kome Klijent potvrđuje navedene izmene.
2.7. Cooperation between the Client and JPM is formally established through execution and signing of an engagement letter (“Engagement Letter”). The Engagement Letter details the essential elements of cooperation between the Client and JPM, including the scope of JPM’s engagement, that is, the scope of Legal Assistance (which may be specific and pertain
to a precisely defined request by the Client or they may pertain to a broader scope specified with regard to a specific area of law or multiple or all areas of law in which JPM provides Le- gal Assistance), the Client’s main JPM contact, the JPM team, the Client’s team (if the Client wishes to specify his/her team in advance), the fee charged by JPM for the Legal Assistance and the payment schedule, the mode of payment of Legal Assistance charges, the dispute resolution method etc. The Engagement Letter may, as appropriate, also provide for other elements of cooperation between the Client and JPM. The date of execution of the Engage- ment Letter is deemed to be the day when JPM receives the Engagement Letter signed by the Client or the day when JPM receives an e-mail from the Client containing a scanned copy of the signed Engagement Letter, as the case may be.
2.8. If any essential elements of cooperation between the Client and JPM need to be modified, the Client and JPM will execute and sign a new Engagement Letter as provided for in section 2.7 of the General Terms. The Engagement Letter may also be modified by e-mail exchange confirming the modified essential elements, in which case the provision of the
Engagement Letter thus modified will take effect on the date of receipt by JPM of an e-mail from the Client by which the Client will confirm such modifications.
2.9. Saradnja Klijenta i JPM-a može se uspostaviti i zaključenjem ugovora o angažovanju putem razmene imejlova u kojima su definisani svi bitni elementi saradnje koje sadrži i Pis- mo o angažovanju (u daljem tekstu: Imejl ugovor). Imejl ugovor se smatra zaključenim onog xxxx xxxx JPM primi imejl u kome Klijent prihvata ponudu JPM-a za pružanje Pravne po-
moći i potvrđuje dogovorene bitne elemente angažovanja, činjenicu da je upoznat sa Opštim uslovima i da, u slučaju spora, prihvata nadležnost BAC/Beogradskog arbitražnog centra. Imejl ugovor proizvodi sva svoja pravna dejstva i bez elektronskih potpisa Klijenta i JPM-a, čije postojanje nije uslov njegove punovažnosti, a na sva pitanja koja u Imejl ugovoru nisu posebno ugovorena, primenjivaće se odgovarajuće odredbe ovih Opštih uslova.
2.10. U slučaju potrebe izmene bitnih elemenata Imejl ugovora, Klijent i JPM će razmeni- ti imejlove u xxxxxx xx biti definisani izmenjeni elementi i ovako izmenjen Imejl ugovor stu- pa na snagu onog xxxx xxxx JPM primi imejl u kome Klijent potvrđuje izmenjene elemente.
2.11. Zaključenjem Pisma o angažovanju ili Imejl ugovora, odredbe Opštih uslova, Pisma o angažovanju i Imejl ugovora će se primenjivati na svaki konkretan slučaj pružanja Pravne pomoći, a odredbe Pisma o angažovanju ili Imejl ugovora xxxx sve do okončanja saradnje Klijenta i JPM-a, odnosno, dok ne budu izmenjene na način predviđen u tačkama 2.8. i 2.10.
Opštih uslova.
2.12. Kada između Klijenta i JPM-a postoje zaključeni ili Pismo o angažovanju ili Imejl ugovor, a postoji potreba da se ugovori angažman za konkretan zadatak/xxxxxx xx poseb- nim predmetom Pravne pomoći, Klijent i JPM će na načine predviđene tačkama 2.8. i 2.10. Opštih uslova, za pružanje Pravne pomoći koja se odnosi na taj konkretan zadatak/mandat,
zaključiti i potpisati ili posebno Pismo o angažovanju ili zaključiti poseban Imejl ugovor čije će se odredbe primenjivati samo na Pravnu pomoć koja predstavlja njihov predmet, dok će se postojeće Pismo o angažovanju ili Imejl ugovor primenjivati na sve ostale tekuće i buduće zahteve/naloge/instrukcije Klijenta za pružanje Pravne pomoći.
2.13. Pretpostavlja se da je lice koje se, u ime drugog lica, obratilo JPM-u sa inicijalnim zahtevom za uspostavljanje saradnje za to imalo potrebno ovlašćenje. Ukoliko to nije slučaj, a JPM je pružio Xxxxxx pomoć, smatraće se da je takvo lice angažovanjem JPM-a postupalo
u svoje ime i za svoj račun, bez obzira na to xxxx xx XXX na njegov zahtev pružio Xxxxxx pomoć.
2.9. Cooperation between the Client and JPM may also be established by executing an engagement letter through an e-mail exchange setting out all essential elements of xxxxxx- ation, which will also include the Engagement Letter (“E-mail Contract”). An E-mail Con- tract is deemed to be executed on the date of receipt by JPM of an e-mail from the Client by which the Client accepts JPM’s offer to provide Legal Assistance and confirms the agreed essential elements of the engagement, the fact that the Client is aware of the General Terms and confirmation that the Client submits to the jurisdiction of the BAC (Belgrade Arbitration Centre) in the event of any disputes. An E-mail Contract shall be fully effective even without electronic signatures of the Client and JPM and the existence of such signatures will not be a prerequisite for its validity, while any issues not specifically provided for in an E-mail Contract shall be subject to the relevant provisions of these General Terms.
2.10. If any essential elements of an E-mail Contract need to be modified, the Client and JPM will exchange e-mails specifying the modified elements and the E-mail Contract thus modified will take effect on the date of receipt by JPM of an e-mail from the Client by which the Client will confirm such modifications.
2.11. Upon the execution of an Engagement Letter or an E-mail Contract, the provisions of the General Terms, Engagement Letter and the E-mail Contract will apply to each spe- cific instance of Legal Assistance and the provisions of the Engagement Letter or the E-mail Contract will apply until the cooperation between the Client and JPM is terminated or until they are modified as set forth in sections 2.8 and 2.10 of the General Terms.
2.12. When either an Engagement Letter or an E-mail Contract is executed between the Client and JPM, but a need arises to contract for a specific assignment/mandate with a spe- cific scope of Legal Assistance, the Client and JPM will either execute and sign a separate Engagement Letter or execute a separate E-mail Contract in respect of Legal Assistance pertaining to the specific assignment/mandate, as provided for in sections 2.8 and 2.10 of the General Terms, the provisions of which Engagement Letter or E-mail Contract will apply solely to the Legal Assistance covered by their scope, while the existing Engagement Letter or E-mail Contract will apply to all other current and future requests/orders/instructions of the Client regarding the provision of Legal Assistance.
2.13. It is assumed that a person contacting JPM on behalf of another person with an initial request for cooperation was duly authorised to do so. Where this is not the case and JPM has provided Legal Assistance, it will be deemed that such person acted on his/her own behalf and for his/her own account when hiring JPM, regardless of the actual recipient of Legal Assistance provided by JPM pursuant to such person’s request.
2.14. JPM će, na osnovu informacija dobijenih od Klijenta o prirodi i predmetu Pravne pomoći, odrediti partnera (u daljem tekstu: Kontakt osoba u JPM-u) koji će biti Klijentov glavni kontakt za vreme trajanja saradnje. Kontakt osoba u JPM-u je zadužena za prijem
svakog pojedinačnog zahteva/naloga/instrukcije Klijenta za Pravnu pomoć ili u vezi sa njom, za formiranje JPM tima i nadzor nad njegovim radom i za rešavanje bilo kog problema xxxx xxxx da nastane između Klijenta i JPM-a za vreme trajanja saradnje.
2.15. Kontakt osoba u JPM-u će Klijentu pružiti odgovore na sve zahteve/naloge/instruk- cije koji se odnose na Pravnu pomoć ili su u vezi sa njom, kao i na sva druga pitanja koja se odnose na saradnju Klijenta i JPM-a.
2.16. Kontakt osoba u JPM-u je zadužena za prijem obaveštenja koja se odnose na po- xxxxx i promene koje su važne za saradnju Klijenta i JPM-a, uključujući, između ostalog, i podatke i promene koji se odnose na Klijentove glavne kontakt osobe, njegovo poslovno ime, adresu, brojeve telefona, faksa ili imejl-adresu. Ukoliko Klijent propusti da blagovremeno
obavesti JPM o navedenim ili o drugim za saradnju važnim promenama, JPM nije odgovoran za bilo kakve gubitke ili štetu koji mogu nastati zbog ovakvih propusta Klijenta.
2.14. Based on the information received from the Client regarding the nature and scope of Legal Assistance, JPM will designate a partner (“JPM Contact”) who will be the Client’s pri- xxxx point of contact during the cooperation with JPM. The JPM Contact will be responsible
for receiving each request/order/instruction of the Client for or relating to Legal Assistance, forming the JPM Team and overseeing its operations and resolving any issues that may arise between the Client and JPM during the period of cooperation.
2.15. The JPM Contact will answer any requests/orders/instructions of the Client for or relating to Legal Assistance, as well as any other questions concerning the cooperation be- tween the Client and JPM.
2.16 The JPM Contact will be in charge of receiving notices containing information and changes relevant for the cooperation between the Client and JPM, including but not limited to information and changes concerning the Client’s main contact, business name, address, phone and fax numbers or e-mail address. If the Client fails to timely notify JPM of these
and other changes relevant for the cooperation, JPM will not be liable for any loss or damage incurred as a result of such omissions by the Client.
2.17. JPM xxx čine advokati koji su specijalizovani za oblasti prava u vezi xx xxxxxx se Klijentu pruža Pravna pomoć. Ako je Klijentu potrebno pružiti Pravnu pomoć iz različitih pravnih oblasti, JPM xxx će, po pravilu, biti formiran za svaki pojedinačni zahtev/nalog/ instrukciju Klijenta. Nakon obavljanja potrebnih konsultacija sa Klijentom, Kontakt osoba
u JPM će, u zavisnosti od konkretnog predmeta Pravne pomoći, odnosno, zahteva/naloga/ instrukcije Klijenta, formirati JPM xxx u xxxx sastav ulaze advokati sa neophodnim prethod- nim iskustvom i kompetencijama za pružanje konkretne Pravne pomoći. Na ovaj način, JPM interno formira advokatski xxx koji će Klijentu moći da pruži Pravnu pomoć potrebnog kvaliteta i u adekvatnom roku, vodeći pri tome računa o opštoj organizaciji posla i obave- zama pružanja Pravne pomoći i ostalim Klijentima. Prilikom formiranja JPM tima, JPM će, kada god to na osnovu prethodno navedenih kriterijuma bude moguće, u sastav JPM tima uključiti i advokata/advokate sa xxxxxx xx Xxxxxxx ranije sarađivao i sa kojom je saradnjom bio zadovoljan, s obzirom na to da taj advokat/advokati već poznaju Klijenta i, očekivano, najpreciznije i najbrže mogu da odgovore na svaki njegov zahtev/nalog/instrukciju.
2.18. U zavisnosti od složenosti predmeta konkretne Pravne pomoći i zahteva/naloga/ instrukcije Klijenta, JPM xxx xxxx xx xxxx i samo jedan advokat. U složenijim slučajevi- ma predmeta Pravne pomoći, za čije je pružanje potrebna ekspertiza iz nekoliko različitih pravnih oblasti, JPM xxx će biti sastavljen od onolikog broja advokata koliko Kontakt osoba
u JPM-u bude smatrala da je potrebno s obzirom na okolnosti konkretnog slučaja, rok za pružanje Pravne pomoći i složenost i interdisciplinarnost problema u vezi sa kojim se Xxxxxx pomoć pruža.
2.17. The JPM Team will be comprised of attorneys specialised in the area of law in which Legal Assistance is provided to the Client. If the Client requires Legal Assistance in multiple areas of law, a separate JPM Team will as a rule be formed for each request/order/instruc- tion of the Client. After consulting with the Client, the JPM Contact will, depending on the
specific scope of Legal Assistance and/or the request/order/instruction of the Client, form a JPM Team comprised of attorneys with the required prior experience and competency for providing the specific Legal Assistance. In this way, JPM will internally designate a team of attorneys capable of providing the Client with Legal Assistance to the required quality xxxx- dard within a reasonable timeframe, while taking due consideration of our general work organisation and our duty to provide Legal Assistance also to other Clients. When forming a JPM Team, JPM will, whenever possible based on the foregoing criteria, include in the JPM Team any attorney(s) with whom the Client previously cooperated and whose services the Client rated highly, as such attorney(s) will already be familiar with the Client and are likely to be best positioned to respond to the Client’s any request/order/instruction.
2.18. Depending on the complexity of the scope of Legal Assistance and the Client’s re- quest/order/instruction, the JPM Team may also be comprised of a single attorney. In more complex cases of Legal Assistance, which require expertise in multiple areas of law, the JPM Team will be comprised of as many attorneys as the JPM Contact considers necessary given
the circumstances of the case, the timeframe in which Legal Assistance is provided and the complexity and interdisciplinary nature of the issue in respect of which Legal Assistance is to be provided.
2.19. Klijent je ovlašćen da, ako to želi, u svoje ime, odredi xxxx xxxx će biti uključena u saradnju sa JPM-om (u daljem tekstu: Xxx Xxxxxxxx). Ukoliko je određen Xxx Xxxxxxxx, JPM će sve njegove članove uključiti u svaku međusobnu korespondenciju/komunikaciju između Klijenta i JPM-a, osim ukoliko član Xxxx Xxxxxxxx koji u vezi sa konkretnom Pravnom po-
moći izdaje zahteve/naloge/instrukcije izričito ne naglasi da određeni članovi Xxxx Xxxxxxxx ne xxxxx xx xxxx uključeni u korespondenciju/komunikaciju koja se odnosi na tu Pravnu pomoć ili njen deo. Xxxx xx Xxx Xxxxxxxx sačinjen od više lica, JPM će postupati u skladu sa zahtevima/nalozima/instrukcijama koje izda bilo koje od tih lica, osim ukoliko Klijent izričito ne naglasi da zahteve/naloge/instrukcije mogu da izdaju samo određeni članovi Tima Klijen- ta ili da zahteve/naloge/instrukcije mogu da izdaju samo svi članovi Tima Klijenta zajedno. Ukoliko Klijent ima angažovane i eksterne savetnike (finansijske, poreske ili druge savetni- ke, druge domaće ili strane advokate ili advokatske kancelarije) i ukoliko, bez prethodnog obaveštavanja JPM-a o članstvu ovih lica u svom timu, uključi JPM u svoju korespodenciju/ komunikaciju i sa ovim licima, smatraće se da je Klijent, na ovakav način, dao izričitu saglas- nost da i JPM, sa svoje strane, uključuje navedena lica u korespodenciju/komunikaciju sa Klijentom.
2.20. Ukoliko je određen Xxx Xxxxxxxx, prilikom prijema prvog zahteva/naloga/instruk- cije xx xxxxxx nekog lica koje nije član Xxxx Xxxxxxxx, JPM će od bilo kog člana Xxxx Xxxxxxxx imejlom zatražiti potvrdu o tome da li JPM može da pruža Pravnu pomoć na osnovu zahteva/ naloga/instrukcije tog lica. Nakon prijema ovakve potvrde, JPM će i to lice ubuduće smatrati
članom Xxxx Xxxxxxxx, osim ukoliko Klijent izričito ne naglasi drugačije ili izričito i precizno ne obavesti JPM o tome u koju korespodenciju/komunikaciju to lice može da bude uključeno, a iz koje korespodencije/komunikacije JPM treba da ga isključi.
2.21. Ukoliko u bilo kom trenutku Xxxxxxx želi da promeni nekog člana svog tima, po- trebno je da o ovoj činjenici pisanim putem ili putem imejla obavesti svoju Kontakt osobu u JPM-u. Od trenutka prijema ovakvog obaveštenja, JPM više neće prihvatati zahteve/naloge/ instrukcije od lica koje je na ovaj način prestalo da bude član Xxxx Xxxxxxxx i isključiće ga iz
svake dalje korespondencije/komunikacije.
2.19. The Client is entitled, if he/she so chooses, to designate persons on his/her behalf who will be involved in the cooperation with JPM (“Client’s Team”). If the Client’s Team is designated, JPM will include all of that team’s members in any mutual correspondence/ communication between the Client and JPM, unless the member of the Client’s Team tasked with issuing requests/orders/instructions in relation to the specific Legal Assistance explic- itly states that certain members of the Client’s Team are not to be included in the corre- spondence/communication pertaining to such Legal Assistance or any part thereof. Where the Client’s Team is comprised of more than one person, JPM will act in compliance with the requests/orders/instructions issued by any of those persons, unless the Client specifically states that requests/orders/instructions are to be issued only by certain members of the Client’s Team or that requests/orders/instructions are to be issued only by all members of the Client’s Team jointly. If the Client also hires external advisors (financial, tax or other ad- visors, other local or foreign attorneys-at-law or law firms) and if he/she includes JPM in his/ her correspondence with such persons without giving JPM prior notice of inclusion of such persons in the Client’s Team, such action of the Client will be deemed to constitute explicit consent for JPM to include, for its part, such persons in the correspondence/communication with the Client.
2.20. If the Client’s Team has been designated, upon receiving the first request/order/ instruction from any person not included in the Client’s Team, JPM will ask any member of the Client’s Team by e-mail to confirm that JPM may provide Legal Assistance pursu- ant to such person’s request/order/instruction. Upon receiving such confirmation, JPM will subsequently consider such person to be a member of the Client’s Team, unless the Client explicitly states otherwise or unless the Client explicitly and accurately notifies JPM of the specific correspondence/communication in which such person may be included and the specific correspondence/communication from which JPM should exclude such person.
2.21. If the Client wishes at any time to replace a member of his/her team, the Client should notify his/her JPM Contact thereof in writing or by e-mail. As of the time of receiving such notice, JPM will no longer accept requests/orders/instructions from the person re- moved from the Client’s Team in this way and will exclude such person from any subsequent correspondence/communication.
2.22. U skladu sa pozitivnim propisima Republike Srbije koji regulišu sprečavanje pranja novca i finansiranje terorizma, prilikom pružanja pravne pomoći planiranja ili preduziman- ja transakcija za klijenta koje se odnose na kupovinu ili prodaju nepokretnosti ili udela i ak- cija privrednih društava, upravljanje imovinom klijenta, otvaranje ili raspolaganje računom
kod banke, prikupljanje sredstava neophodnih za osnivanje, rad i upravljanje privrednim društvima, osnivanje, poslovanje ili upravljanje privrednim društvom, ogrankom ili pred- stavništvom stranog pravnog lica, kao i kada, u ime i za račun klijenta, vrše finansijsku ili transakciju u vezi sa nepokretnošću, advokati su dužni da preduzimaju propisane mere i radnje za sprečavanje pranja novca i finansiranje terorizma. Nepostupanje u skladu xx xxxx- denom zakonskom obavezom predstavlja krivično delo. Radnje/aktivnosti koje se smatraju radnjama/aktivnostima pranja novca su: konverzija ili prenos imovine stečene izvršenjem krivičnog dela, prikrivanje ili netačno prikazivanje prave prirode, porekla, xxxxx nalaženja, kretanja, raspolaganja, vlasništva ili prava u vezi sa imovinom xxxx xx stečena izvršenjem krivičnog dela i sticanje, držanje ili korišćenje imovine stečene izvršenjem krivičnog dela, dok su radnje/aktivnosti koje se smatraju radnjama/aktivnostima finansiranja terorizma obezbeđivanje ili prikupljanje imovine ili pokušaj njenog obezbeđivanja ili prikupljanja u nameri da se ona koristi ili sa znanjem da može, u celosti ili delimično, biti korišćena za izvršenje terorističkog akta, ili xx xxxxxx terorista iii terorističkih organizacija.
2.23. Ako JPM bude imao ili ako stekne saznanja o tome da su Klijent ili bilo koje drugo lice koje je sa njim povezano uključeni u poslove pranja novca ili finansiranja terorizma, u zakonskoj je obavezi da postupi na način predviđen važećim propisima koji regulišu spreča-
vanje pranja novca i finansiranje terorizma. U takvoj situaciji, zbog postojanja razloga xxxx- denih u prethodnoj tački 2.22. ovih Opštih uslova, JPM ne može da na bilo xxxx xxxxx komuni- xxxx, razmenjuje informacije i vodi pregovore, niti da pruža bilo kakvu Pravnu pomoć xxxx xx u vezi xx xxxx kojim poslovima/radnjama/aktivnostima koje imaju ma kakva obeležja poslova/ radnji/aktivnosti pobrojanih u tački 2.22. Opštih uslova.
2.22 In accordance with the positive anti-money laundering and counter-financing of terrorism legislation of the Republic of Serbia, where the Legal Assistance provided involves planning or executing transactions on behalf of a Client relating to (i) purchase or sale of real estate or interest and shares in companies, (ii) managing the Client’s assets, (iii) opening or
managing a bank account, (iv) sourcing funds necessary for the incorporation, operation and management of companies, (v) incorporating, operating or managing a company, branch or representative office of a foreign legal entity, as well as when attorneys execute financial transactions or property transactions on behalf of a Clients, attorneys are required to un- dertake the statutory anti-money laundering and counter-financing of terrorism measures. Failure to comply with this statutory duty is a criminal offence. Money laundering actions/ activities include (i) conversion or transfer of property acquired through the commission of a criminal offence, (ii) concealment or misrepresentation of the true nature, source, loca- tion, movement, disposition, ownership of or rights with respect to the property acquired through the commission of a criminal offence, and (iii) acquisition, possession, or use of property acquired through the commission of a criminal offence, while terrorism financing actions/activities include the providing or collecting of funds or property, or an attempt to do so, with the intention of using them, or in the knowledge that they may be used, in full or in part (i) ) in order to carry out a terrorist act, (ii) by terrorists, and (iii) by terrorist organi- zations.
2.23 . If JPM knows or has reason to suspect that the Client or any other person affili- ated with the Client is involved in money laundering or terrorism financing operations, it is required by the law to act as provided for in the applicable anti-money laundering and counter-financing of terrorism legislation. In such situations, on the ground set forth in
the foregoing section 2.22 of these General Terms, JPM must not in any way communicate, exchange information and negotiate or provide any Legal Assistance in connection with any transactions/actions/activities displaying any elements of the transactions/actions/activi- ties listed in section 2.22 of the General Terms.
III Saradnja
3.1. Obim angažovanja JPM-a ugovara se Pismom o angažovanju ili Imejl ugovorom. Svaki konkretan angažman (u daljem tekstu: Xxxxxxxx) i njegov obim definišu se na osnovu zahteva/naloga/instrukcije Klijenta. JPM može da pruža i Pravnu pomoć koja prevazilazi već ugovoren obim Pravne pomoći ukoliko Klijent to zahteva i ukoliko JPM to prihvati. U ovakvim
slučajevima, ukoliko se Klijent i JPM drugačije ne dogovore, obim Angažmana koji xx xxxx- xxxx već postojećim Pismom o angažovanju ili Imejl ugovorom, jednostavnom razmenom imejlova između Klijenta i JPM-a proširuje se, pod istim ili drugačijim uslovima, i xx xxxxxx- xx xxxx Pravne pomoći xxxx xx Klijent zahtevao i koji zahtev je JPM prihvatio. JPM neće bez izričitog pisanog ili u imejlu dostavljenog zahteva/naloga/instrukcije Klijenta xxx proširivati xxxx Xxxxxxxxx koji je ugovoren važećim Pismom o angažovanju ili Imejl ugovorom.
3.2. JPM pruža Pravnu pomoć na osnovu i u skladu sa propisima Republike Srbije, a u skladu sa ratifikovanim bilateralnim ugovorom, i u vezi sa propisima Crne Xxxx. JPM ne pruža usluge savetovanja u vezi sa finansijskim, računovodstvenim i poslovnim efektima poslovanja Klijenta ili privrednog društva/pravnog lica koje je predmet interesovanja Klijen-
ta, ali u sklopu pružanja Pravne pomoći savetuje klijente u pogledu pravnih i poreskih aspe- kata strukturisanja transakcije u xxxx xxxx xx xxxx primene propisa koji uređuju ovu materiju. JPM ne pruža ni usluge savetovanja u oblastima koje nisu povezane sa advokatskim uslu- gama, niti u oblastima za koje se zahtevaju posebna stručna znanja ili odgovarajuće dozvole i licence propisane zakonima Republike Srbije.
III Cooperation
3.1. The scope of JPM’s engagement will be agreed by the Engagement Letter or the E-mail Contract. Each specific engagement (“Engagement”) and its scope will be deter- mined on the basis of the Client’s request/order/instruction. JPM may also provide Legal Assistance beyond the previously scope of Legal Assistance if the Client so demands and if JPM accepts it. In such cases, unless agreed otherwise between the Client and JPM, the scope of the Engagement agreed by the existing Engagement Letter or E-mail Contract will be extended through a simple e-mail exchange between the Client and JPM, under identical or different terms, to include the provision of any new Legal Assistance as requested by the Client, subject to JPM’s acceptance of such request. JPM will not extend on its own, without an explicit request/order/instruction of the Client made in writing or by e-mail, the scope of the Engagement agreed by the existing Engagement Letter or E-mail Contract.
3.2. JPM provides Legal Assistance in connection with and pursuant to the laws of the Republic of Serbia and, under the ratified bilateral agreement, also in connection with the laws of Montenegro. JPM does not give advice on financial, accounting and business effects for the Client or any company/legal entity that is the object of the Client inquiry; however, as part of Legal Assistance, JPM does advise Clients on legal and tax aspects of structuring a transaction with regard to application of the legislation governing this subject matter. Also, JPM does not provide advisory services in areas unrelated to legal services or in areas re- xxxxxxx specialist expert knowledge or appropriate permits and licences regulated by the
laws of the Republic of Serbia.
3.3. Klijent je taj koji, izdajući JPM-u zahteve/naloge/instrukcije, određuje prirodu, predmet, obim i željeni rok za pružanje konkretne Pravne pomoći. Zahtevi/nalozi/instruk- cije se, po pravilu, izdaju pisanim, odnosno, putem imejla. Ukoliko JPM od Klijenta dobije usmeni zahtev/nalog/instrukciju za pružanje Pravne pomoći, Kontakt osoba u JPM-u ili član
JPM tima će imejlom od Xxxxxxxx zatražiti da pisanim ili putem imejla potvrdi konkretan, usmeno izdat zahtev/nalog/instrukciju i da ga, po potrebi, detaljno precizira.
3.4. Zahtevi/nalozi/instrukcije za pružanje Pravne pomoći koje Xxxxxxx izdaje JPM-u moraju da budu kompletni i potkrepljeni dokumentacijom i svim informacijama i podacima koji su JPM-u potrebni za pružanje Pravne pomoći. Informacije i podaci sadržani u zahtevu/ nalogu/instrukciji Klijenta za pružanje Pravne pomoći moraju da budu tačni i da, zajedno sa
pratećom dokumentacijom, JPM-u budu blagovremeno dostavljeni, tako da JPM-u ostane dovoljno neophodno potrebnog vremena za pružanje Pravne pomoći u okviru rokova koji su određeni propisom, administrativnim ili sudskim nalogom i slično, ili u okviru rokova koji su ugovoreni između Klijenta i JPM-a. JPM se ne smatra odgovornim ukoliko zahtevi/nalozi/ instrukcije, dokumentacija, informacije ili podaci koje je Klijent bio xxxxx da mu dostavi, nisu bili kompletni ili blagovremeno dostavljeni.
3.5. Ukoliko zahtev/nalog/instrukcija Klijenta za pružanje Pravne pomoći nisu JPM-u up- ućeni blagovremeno, ili su upućeni u roku koji se iz objektivnih razloga (zakonski rokovi, rokovi određeni u sudskim ili administrativnim odlukama i drugo) smatra kratkim za pružanje konkretne Pravne pomoći, zbog čega pružanje takve Pravne pomoći zahteva
vanredno angažovanje JPM tima na način i u situacijama predviđenim tačkom 3.27. Opš- tih uslova, JPM može, prethodno putem imejla upozorivši Klijenta na razloge neophodnosti vanrednog angažovanja JPM tima i uz Klijentov pristanak na takvo vanredno angažovan- je, prihvatiti da i u ovakvim slučajevima pruži Klijentu Pravnu pomoć i tada ima pravo na uvećani iznos ugovorene naknade u skladu sa tačkom 3.27. Opštih uslova.
3.3. By issuing requests/orders/instructions to JPM, the Client determines the na- ture, the scope, the extent and the desired timeframe for the provision of specific Legal Assistance. Requests/orders/instructions are as a rule issued in writing or by e-mail. If JPM receives an oral request/order/instruction for the provision of Legal Assistance from the
Client, the JPM Contact or a member of the JPM Team will e-mail the Client to confirm in writing or by e-mail that JPM understood correctly such request/order/instruction made orally or else to clarify in detail such request/order/instruction.
3.4. Requests/orders/instructions for the provision of Legal Assistance issued by the Client to JPM must be complete and substantiated by documents and all information and data JPM may need in order to provide Legal Assistance. Any information and data contained in the Client’s requests/orders/instructions for the provision of Legal Assistance must be
accurate and must be timely provided to JPM, together with the substantiating documents, so that JPM has sufficient time left to provide Legal Assistance within the timeframe set by a specific regulation, an administrative or court order or otherwise, or within the timeframe agreed between the Client and JPM. JPM will not be held liable if requests/orders/instruc- tions, documents, information or data the Client was required to provide are incomplete or are not provided on time.
3.5. If the Client’s requests/orders/instructions for the provision of Legal Assistance are not provided to JPM on time or are provided within a period which is considered too short to provide the specific Legal Assistance based on objective considerations (statutory time limits, time limits set by judicial or administrative decisions etc.), for which reason the
provision of such Legal Assistance requires extraordinary engagement of the JPM Team in the manner and in the situations provided for in section 3.27 of the General Terms, JPM may, subject to prior e-mail notice to the Client stating the reasons that render such extraordi- nary engagement of the JPM Team necessary and with the Client’s consent to such extraor- dinary engagement, accept to provide Legal Assistance to the Client even in such situations, in which case it shall be entitled to an increased fee in accordance with section 3.27 of the General Terms.
3.6. Xxxx xx Xxxxxx o angažovanju ili Imejl ugovorom ugovoreno da će JPM pružati Pravnu pomoć pojedinim ili svim povezanim pravnim licima/privrednim društvima (delovi- ma poslovne xxxxx ili celoj poslovnoj grupi) i da se računi za naknadu za Pružanje pravne
pomoći mogu izdavati i pravnim licima/privrednim društvima koja nisu ugovorna strana iz Pisma o angažovanju ili Imejl ugovora, smatraće se da je Klijent konkretne Pravne pomoći ono pravno lice/privredno društvo koje je JPM-u dostavilo inicijalni zahtev/nalog/instrukci- ju za konkretnu Pravnu pomoć. U ovakvom slučaju odgovornost JPM-a postoji jedino prema ovako definisanom Klijentu, a ne i prema ostalim pravnim licima/privrednim društvima ili prema drugim pravnim licima/privrednim društvima kojima se računi za naknadu mogu izdavati, osim ako drugačije ne bude ugovoreno pisanim putem ili putem imejla.
3.7. Smatraće se da su xxxx xxxx su zaposlena kod Klijenta i koja kontaktiraju sa JPM-om i izdaju mu zahteve/naloge/instrukcije ovlašćena za takvo postupanje i da je, ukoliko Klijent izričito ne naglasi drugačije i o tome ne obavesti JPM pisanim, odnosno, putem imejla, iz- davanje ovakvih zahteva/naloga/instrukcija odobreno xx xxxxxx Klijenta. Klijent u ovakvim
slučajevima nema pravo da prema JPM-u ističe prigovore da su konkretni zahtevi/nalozi/ instrukcije izdati xx xxxxxx neovlašćenih lica.
3.6. Where it is agreed in the Engagement Letter or the E-mail Contract that JPM is to provide Legal Assistance to some or all affiliated legal entities/companies (parts of a corpo- rate group or an entire corporate group) and that invoices for the Legal Assistance fee may
be issued to legal entities/companies other than the party to the Engagement Letter or the E-mail Contract, it shall be deemed that the Client for the specific Legal Assistance is the legal entity/company submitting the initial request/order/instruction for the specific Legal Assistance to JPM. In such cases, JPM shall be liable only to the Client thus defined and not to the remaining legal entities/companies or any other legal entities/companies to which the fee may be charged, unless agreed otherwise in writing or by e-mail.
3.7. It shall be deemed that persons employed by the Client who contact JPM and is- sue it with requests/orders/instructions are duly authorised to do so and that the issuing of such requests/orders/instructions has been affirmatively approved by the Client, except where the Client explicitly states otherwise and notifies JPM thereof in writing or by e-mail,
and the Client shall not be entitled to make complaints to JPM on the grounds that such requests/orders/instructions were issued by unauthorised persons.
3.8. JPM, po pravilu, komunicira sa klijentima putem imejla i komunikacija između Kli- jenta i JPM tima ili Kontakt osobe u JPM-u se prvenstveno odvija na ovaj način. S obzirom na prednosti koje elektronska komunikacija imejlom ima nad komunikacijom telefonom u kontekstu pisanog traga onoga o čemu je razgovarano, u interesu je Klijenta da naknadnim
imejlom ponovi i potvrdi sadržinu svakog telefonskog razgovora sa JPM-om. JPM će nastojati da inicira ovu potvrdu usmenih razgovora elektronskom poštom, ali na sebe ne preuzima nikakvu obavezu u xxx pogledu, osim u slučaju predviđenom u tački 3.3. Opštih uslova.
3.9. Zbog svoje prirode, sva imejl komunikacija potencijalno može da bude predmet presretanja xx xxxxxx trećih lica. Sa svoje strane, XXX preduzima sve potrebne mere predos- trožnosti kako bi zaštitio svoju imejl komunikaciju od ovakvih presretanja. JPM ne odgov- ora u slučaju ako informacija koja mu je xx xxxxxx Klijenta dostavljena putem imejla bude
izmenjena usled presretanja, niti odgovara za izostanak ili zakasnelo isporučivanje imejlova koje je poslao Klijentu do kojih dođe usled ovakvog presretanja.
3.10. Pored zaštite imejl komunikacije od presretanja, JPM redovno proverava svoje ser- vere radi potvrde odsustva virusa i sličnih softvera i redovno održava zaštitu svojih sistema. Uprkos ovim predostrožnostima, JPM savetuje Klijentima da koriste i sopstvene antivirus programe za proveravanje elektronske komunikacije (imejl, diskovi, internet, i slično) i nije
odgovoran u slučaju ako bilo koji virus ili sličan softver putem elektronske komunikacije inficira Klijentove sisteme.
3.8. JPM as a rule communicates with clients by e-mail and this will be the primary route of communication between the Client and the JPM Team or the JPM Contact. Given the advantages of e-mail communication over phone communication in terms of leaving a written trail of the matter discussed, it is in the Client’s interest to repeat and confirm in
a subsequent e-mail everything that was said in a phone conversation with JPM. JPM will strive to initiate such confirmation of oral conversations by e-mail, but does not undertake any obligations in this regard, except as provided for in section 3.3 of the General Terms.
3.9. By its very nature, all e-mail communication is potentially susceptible to intercep- tion by third parties. For its part, JPM undertakes all necessary precautions to protect its e-mail correspondence from such interceptions. JPM will not be held liable if information e-mailed to it by the Client is modified as a result of e-mail interception, nor will it be held
liable for any non-delivery or late delivery of its e-mails to the Client due to such intercep- tion.
3.10. Apart from implementing e-mail interception safeguards, JPM regularly checks its servers for viruses and other malware and regularly updates its system protection. However, even with these precautions, JPM advises the Clients to use their own anti-virus software to scan electronic communications (e-mail, drives, the Internet etc.) and will not be held liable
if the Client’s systems become infected by any virus or other malware through electronic communication.
3.11. Za vreme trajanja Angažmana, JPM u svojim poslovnim prostorijama u pa- pirnoj formi xxxx dokumenta koja su sačinjena, izdata ili dobijena xx xxxxxx Kli- jenta, nadležnih organa ili trećih lica, kao i originale dokumenata koji su sačinjeni ili izdati xx xxxxxx JPM-a. Imejl korespodencija, nacrti i kopije dokumenata se po pravilu čuvaju samo u elektronskoj formi.
3.12. Klijent je u obavezi da svu dokumentaciju koja xx xxxx u papirnoj formi od JPM-a preuzme najkasnije u roku od 15 xxxx od xxxx okončanja ili prekida saradnje. Xxx xxx okončanja ili prekida saradnje smatra se poslednji xxx otkaznog roka iz xxxxx 4.2. ovih Opš- tih uslova. U slučaju da Klijent ne preuzme dokumentaciju u navedenom roku, JPM će ga
pozvati da je preuzme u naknadnom roku od 15 xxxx.
3.13. Ukoliko Klijent ni u naknadno ostavljenom roku iz xxxxx 3.12. Opštih uslova ne preuzme dokumentaciju, JPM je ovlašćen da je, preko poštanskog servisa po svom izboru, pošalje Klijentu o njegovom trošku na adresu iz Pisma o angažovanju, Imejl ugovora ili na
adresu o kojoj je obavešten u skladu sa tačkom 2.17. Opštih uslova. Potvrda o predaji pošiljke zamenjuje zapisnik o primopredaji dokumentacije iz xxxxx 3.14. opštih uslova. Preostalu do- kumentaciju JPM neće čuvati.
3.14. Prilikom primopredaje dokumentacije u skladu sa tačkom 3.12. Opštih uslova, JPM i Klijent će potpisati zapisnik o primopredaji. Danom predaje dokumentacije Klijentu, odnos- no, poštanskom servisu na način predviđen u tački 3.13. Opštih uslova, prestaje svaka odgov- ornost JPM-a za Klijentovu dokumentaciju.
3.15. Bez obzira na odredbe tačaka od 3.11. do 3.14. Opštih uslova, JPM i Klijent se do xxxx slanja dokumentacije na način predviđen tačkom 3.13. Opštih uslova, mogu sporazumeti da JPM trajno ili u određenom vremenskom periodu xxxx Klijentovu dokumentaciju za ugovo- xxxx naknadu.
3.11. During the term of the Engagement, JPM will keep in its offices hard copy docu- ments drawn up or issued by or received from the Client, the competent authorities or third parties, as well as the original documents drawn up or issued by JPM. E-mail correspon- dence, drafts and copies of documents will as a rule be kept only electronically.
3.12. The Client is required to take acceptance of all documents kept in hard copy from JPM within maximum 15 days of cessation or termination of cooperation. The date of cessa- tion or termination of cooperation is deemed to be the last day of the notice period referred to in section 4.2 of these General Terms. If the Client fails to take acceptance of the docu-
ments within this timeframe, JPM will invite the Client to do so within an additional 15-day period.
3.13. If the Client fails to take acceptance of the documents even within the additional period referred to in section 3.12 of the General Terms, JPM shall be authorised to send it to the Client at the latter’s expense, to the address stated in the Engagement Letter or the
E-mail Contract or to the address stated in the notice given in accordance with section 2.17 of the General Terms, using a postal service of JPM’s choice. Delivery confirmation shall be used in lieu of the document handover protocol referred to in section 3.14 of the General Terms. JPM will not keep any remaining documents.
3.14. When handing over documents in accordance with section 3.12 of the General Terms, JPM and the Client will sign a handover protocol. As of the date when the documents are handed over to the Client or, where applicable, to a postal service as provided for in sec- tion 3.13 of the General Terms, JPM shall no longer have any responsibility in respect of the
Client’s documents.
3.15 Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 3.11 through 3.14 of the General Xxxxx, JPM and the Client may agree before the date when documents are to be sent as provided for in section 3.13 of the General Terms that JPM will keep the Client’s documents, either permanently or over a specified period, against an agreed fee.
3.16. JPM je u obavezi da sve informacije koje dobije od Klijenta tretira kao poverljive. Ova obaveza se ne primenjuje u slučajevima obaveznog otkrivanja poverljivih informacija zasnovanim na zakonu ili nalogu suda, odnosno, drugog državnog organa i otkrivanje pov- erljivih informacija u ovim slučajevima se ne smatra povredom obaveze čuvanja poverljivih
informacija i Klijent prema JPM-u u vezi sa takvim otkrivanjem ne može isticati nikakve zahteve. Ne smatraju se povredama obaveze čuvanja poverljivih podataka ni situacije u ko- jima JPM navede ili iznese informacije i podatke o Klijentu ili o konkretnoj Pravnoj pomoći koji su prethodno, na bilo xxxx xxxxx i posredstvom bilo kog medija, već bili javno objavljeni ili xx xxxxxx samog Klijenta ili xx xxxxxx nekog drugog lica.
3.17. Obaveza poverljivosti se ne primenjuje na pravo JPM-a da na svojoj internet stran- ci i u svojim materijalima i sličnim dokumentima objavljuje opšte informacije o tome da određenom Klijentu pruža Pravnu pomoć, bez iznošenja detalja o samoj Pravnoj pomoći.
JPM ima pravo i da Klijenta i Pravnu pomoć, bez navođenja komercijalnih ili drugih detalja o njima, pomene i međunarodnim agencijama koje vrše rangiranje advokatskih kancelarija po kriterijumu klijenata kojima se pruža pravna pomoć.
3.16. JPM is under an obligation to treat all information received from the Client as con- fidential. This obligation shall not apply where JPM is required by law or ordered by a court or other government authority to disclose confidential information. Disclosure of confiden- tial information in such cases shall not constitute a breach of confidentiality and the Client
shall not be entitled to make any claims against JPM in relation to such disclosure. Likewise, situations where JPM provides or discloses information and data relating to the Client or the specific Legal Assistance that have already been made public, by any means and using any media, whether by the Client himself/herself or by another person.
3.17. The confidentiality obligation shall not apply to JPM’s right to provide on its web- site and in its brochures and similar documents general information indicating that it pro- vides Legal Assistance to a certain Client, without disclosing details of the Legal Assistance.
JPM shall also be entitled to make references to the Client and the Legal Assistance, without specifying any commercial or other details thereof, to the international rating agencies that rank law firms using recipients of legal assistance as a criterion.
3.18. JPM bi mogao da se nađe u situaciji da istovremeno pruža Pravnu pomoć Klijenti- ma sa suprotnim interesima, odnosno, mogao bi da se nađe u situacijama sukoba interesa regulisanim Zakonom o advokaturi. JPM će takve sukobe rešavati na način propisan xxx zakonom i drugim propisima koji regulišu advokatsku profesiju i u dogovoru sa Klijentima.
3.19. U slučajevima kada određene situacije ne potpadaju pod pojam sukoba interesa xxxx xx on definisan u tački 3.18. Opštih uslova i u odgovarajućim pozitivnim propisima, Klijent se, uspostavljanjem saradnje sa JPM-om, saglašava sa činjenicom da JPM pruža ili da može da pruža Pravnu pomoć i drugom Klijentu/Klijentima sa interesima suprotnim od njegovih i
prema JPM-u u vezi sa xxx ne može da ističe nikakve zahteve ili prigovore.
3.20. U svim situacijama u kojima JPM pruža Pravnu pomoć Klijentima sa mogućim su- protnim interesima definisanim u tački 3.19. Opštih uslova, JPM će obezbediti to da član/ članovi JPM tima jednog Klijenta ne budu istovremeno i član/članovi tima drugog Klijenta,
da članovi dva ili više JPM timova međusobno ne komuniciraju u vezi sa Pravnom pomoći koja se pruža ovakvim Klijentima i da, ako postoji, nijedna poverljiva informacija ne bude ni na xxxx xxxxx obelodanjena Klijentima xxxx si interesi suprotni.
3.18. JPM may find itself in a situation of simultaneously providing Legal Assistance to Clients with opposing interests, i.e. it could find itself in situations of conflict of interest as set forth in the Legal Profession Act. JPM will resolve such conflicts as provided for in the said Act and other regulations governing the legal profession and in agreement with the
3.19. In cases where certain situations do not qualify as conflict of interest as defined in section 3.18 of the General Terms and in the applicable positive legislation, by establishing cooperation with JPM, the Client accepts the fact that JPM provides or may also provide Legal Assistance to other Client(s) with interests opposed to his/her own and will not be
entitled to raise any claims or complaints against JPM in this regard.
3.20. In all situations where JPM provides Legal Assistance to Clients with potentially opposing interests as referred to in section 3.19 of the General Terms, JPM will ensure that no member of the JPM Team assigned to any such Client is simultaneously also a member of another Client’s JPM Team, that the members of two or more JPM Teams do not commu-
nicate amongst themselves about the Legal Assistance provided to such Clients and that no confidential information, if any, is disclosed in any way to the Clients with opposing inter- ests.
3.21. Kontakt osoba u JPM-u je zadužena za rešavanje svih potencijalnih nesporazu- ma koji bi mogli da nastanu između Klijenta i JPM-a tokom trajanja Angažmana i pružanja Pravne pomoći.
3.22. Ukoliko Klijent xxx xxxx kakve primedbe na rad nekog člana JPM tima, Kontakt oso- ba u JPM-u može xx xxxxxx tog člana JPM tima i da preduzme druge mere koje su utvrđene internim procedurama JPM-a za rešavanje ovakvih situacija.
3.23. Ukoliko Klijent xxx xxxx kakve primedbe koje se odnose na naknadu koju plaća JPM-u za pružanje Pravne pomoći, JPM može da razmotri mogućnost prihvatanja ovakvih primedbi pod uslovom da su one jasno izražene, objektivne i opravdane i da ih je Klijent up- utio JPM-u pisanim ili putem imejla u roku od pet radnih xxxx od xxxx dostavljanja računa.
3.21. The JPM Contact shall be in charge of resolving any potential misunderstandings that may arise between the Client and JPM during the term of the Engagement and the pro- vision of Legal Assistance.
3.22. If the Client raises any objections concerning the work of any member of the JPM Team, the JPM Contact may replace such member of the JPM Team and take other measures
set forth in JPM’s internal procedures for resolving such situations.
3.23. If the Client raises any objections concerning the fee it pays to JPM for the provision of Legal Assistance, JPM may consider accepting such objections if they are clearly stated, objective and justified and made by the Client to JPM in writing or by e-mail within five business days of invoice delivery.
3.24. Naknada za pružanje Pravne pomoći koju JPM naplaćuje po pravilu se obračunava množenjem stvarno utrošenog vremena za pružanje Pravne pomoći i ugovorene satnice. Vi- sina satnice se iskazuje u valutama evro ili američki dolar i ugovara se Pismom o angažovan-
ju ili Imejl ugovorom i ona se primenjuje na Pravnu pomoć koja se pruža na osnovu svakog zahteva/naloga/instrukcije koje Klijent uputi JPM-u tokom trajanja Angažmana.
3.25. Najmanja obračunska jedinica vremena za koju JPM naplaćuje pružanje Pravne po- moći iznosi 10 minuta.
3.26. Klijent i JPM mogu da ugovore i druge modalitete naplate i obračunavanja naknade za pružanje Pravne pomoći, kao što su fiksni/paušalni iznos naknade, naknada za rad po us- pehu, primena strane ili Advokatske tarife Republike Srbije, kao i kombinaciju ovih ili drugih modaliteta.
3.27. Ugovorena naknada se uvećava za 50% u slučajevima kada JMP Klijentu, na njegov zahtev, hitno pruža Pravnu pomoć što podrazumeva situacije u kojima bi JPM morao xx xxxxx Angažmane ostavi po strani ili u kojima se zahteva vanredno angažovanje JPM tima van radnog vremena, vikendom, za vreme državnih i verskih praznika ili drugih neradnih
xxxx ili angažovanje određenog člana JPM tima za vreme njegovog odsustva iz kancelarije tokom bolovanja, godišnjeg odmora ili u drugim na zakonu zasnovanim osnovima odsustva iz kancelarije.
3.28. Za pojedinačne usluge pružanja Pravne pomoći JPM i Klijent mogu ugovoriti i pri- menu posebnih satnica, fiksnu/paušalnu naknadu ili maksimalan iznos naknade. Posebna satnica, fiksni/paušalni iznos naknade ili maksimalni iznos naknade koje se odnose na po- jedinačne usluge pružanja Pravne pomoći mogu da budu ugovoreni pisanim putem ili xxx-
nostavnom razmenom imejlova između Klijenta i JPM-a. Posebne satnice, fiksne/paušalne i maksimalne naknade ne mogu da se ugovaraju usmenim putem i nijedan takav usmeni dogovor neće važiti ukoliko ne bude potvrđen na prethodno navedene načine.
3.24. The fee charged by JPM for the provision of Legal Assistance is as a rule calculated by multiplying the actual time spent by attorneys providing the Legal Assistance with the agreed hourly rate. The hourly rate is stated in euros or US dollars and agreed in the Engage- ment Letter or the E-mail Contract; it applies to Legal Assistance provided pursuant to any
request/order/instruction provided by the Client to JPM during the term of the Engagement.
3.25. The shortest unit of time on the basis of which JPM charges its provision of Legal Assistance is 10 minutes.
3.26. The Client and JPM may also agree on other modalities of collecting and calculating the fee for the provision of Legal Assistance, such as fixed/flat-rate fee, performance-based fees, use of a foreign fee schedule or the Attorney Fee Schedule of the Republic of Serbia, or any combination of these or other modalities.
3.27. The agreed fee shall be increased by 50% in cases where JMP provides urgent Legal Assistance to the Client on the Client’s request, which refers to situations where JPM would have to set aside other Engagements or where extraordinary engagement of the JPM Team is requested outside of working hours, on weekends, on public and religious holidays or on
other days when companies are closed for business, or where the engagement of a specific member of the JPM Team is requested during his/her absence from office due to sick leave or paid annual holiday or due to other reasons for absence from office provided for by the law.
3.28. In respect of individual Legal Assistance services, JPM and the Client may also agree on special hourly rates, a fixed/flat-rate fee or a capped fee. Special hourly rates, a fixed/flat-rate fee or a capped fee relating to individual Legal Assistance services may be agreed in writing or by simple e-mail exchange between the Client and JPM. Special hourly
rates, fixed/flat-rates fee or capped fees may not be agreed upon orally and no such oral agreement shall be valid unless confirmed by the aforementioned means.
3.29. Ukoliko su Pismom o angažovanju ili Imejl ugovorom za pojedinačni slučaj xxxxxx- ja Pravne pomoći ugovoreni fiksni/paušalni ili maksimalni iznosi naknade, JPM će Klijentu izdati račun koji će glasiti na tako ugovoreni iznos naknade čak i u slučaju da ugovoreni iznos naknade za Pravnu pomoć bude prekoračen, osim u slučaju xxxx xx do prekoračenja vreme-
na angažovanja došlo zbog promena u zahtevu/nalogu/instrukcijama Klijenta u odnosu na inicijalno upućen zahtev/nalog/instrukciju u skladu sa xxxxxx xx JPM-a opredelio prvobitno ugovoreni iznos fiksne/paušalne naknade ili maksimalni iznos xxxxxx za pružanje konkret- nog, pojedinačnog slučaja Pravne pomoći.
3.30. JPM ne garantuje Klijentu postizanje konkretnih rezultata ili ishoda pružanja Pravne pomoći i JPM ima pravo na ugovorenu naknadu za pruženu Pravnu pomoć bez obzira na rezultat, odnosno, ishod pružanja Pravne pomoći. U takvim slučajevima JPM može da na osnovu sopstvene diskrecione odluke od Klijenta naplati niži iznos naknade od ugovorenog.
3.31. Pored naknade, JPM Klijentu naplaćuje i troškove koji nastanu u vezi sa pružanjem konkretne Pravne pomoći (troškovi za sudske, administrativne i druge takse ili ostale na- knade nadležnim organima, putni troškovi i troškovi smeštaja, ukoliko je pružanje Pravne pomoći podrazumevalo pružanje usluga xxx xxxxx registrovanog sedišta JPM-a, troškovi
angažovanja ovlašćenih sudskih tumača, troškovi prevođenja, telefona, poštanski i drugi troškovi dostavljanja pismena/dokumentacije, troškovi angažovanja trećih lica, kao što su sudski veštaci, savetnici i slično, uz prethodno obaveštavanje Klijenta o njihovom angažo- vanju, i svi drugi troškovi koji nastanu povodom ili u vezi sa pružanjem konkretne Pravne pomoći). Način obračuna i naplate troškova ugovaraju se Pismom o angažovanju ili Ime- jl ugovorom ili u vidu naplate stvarnih troškova ili procentualno u odnosu na ugovorenu naknadu za pružanje Pravne pomoći. U slučaju kada pružanje Pravne pomoći pretpostavl- ja značajnije troškove, JPM može da traži da mu Klijent takve troškove plati unapred u određenom, ugovorenom iznosu, ili da ih Klijent neposredno snosi. Xxxx xx ugovoreno da će Klijent JPM-u unapred platiti troškove u određenom iznosu, JPM neće započeti xx xxxxxx- jem Pravne pomoći sve dok Klijent ne izvrši avansnu uplatu ugovorenog iznosa troškova. U slučaju docnje Klijenta sa avansnim plaćanjem ovako ugovorenog iznosa troškova koja, zbog skraćenja roka za pružanje Pravne pomoći, rezultira vanrednim angažovanjem JPM tima, primeniće se uvećana naknada predviđena tačkom 3.26. Opštih uslova.
3.29. If the Engagement Letter or the E-mail Contract provides for a fixed/flat-rate or capped fee to be charged by JPM for provided Legal Assistance, JPM will issue the Client with an invoice for the agreed sum even if it is exceeded, except where the duration of the engagement is exceeded due to changes in the Client’s requests/orders/instructions from
the initial request/order/instruction based on which JPM set the originally agreed amount of the fixed/flat-rate or capped fee for the provision of specific, individual Legal Assistance.
3.30. JPM makes no guarantees to the Client regarding any specific results or outcomes of provided Legal Assistance and JPM shall be entitled to the agreed fee for the Legal Assis- tance provided regardless of the result or outcome of such Legal Assistance. In such cases,
JPM may, at its sole discretion, charge the Client a lesser sum than originally agreed.
3.31. In addition to the fee, JPM also charges any expenses incurred in connection with the provision of the specific Legal Assistance (expenses of court, administrative and oth- er charges and other duties payable to the competent authorities, travel and subsistence expenses, if the provision of Legal Assistance involved traveling outside of JPM’s city of es-
tablishment, expenses of hiring sworn translators, translation expenses, phone expenses, postal and other charges relating to the service of writs/documents, costs of hiring third parties, such as expert witnesses, advisors etc., subject to prior notice of their engagement to the Client), as well as any other expenses arising from or in connection with the provision of the specific Legal Assistance. The calculation and billing method for the expenses shall be agreed by the Engagement Letter or the E-mail Contract, either (i) according to the actual expense, or (ii) as a percentage of the agreed fee for the provision of Legal Assistance. Where the provision of Legal Assistance involves significant expenses, JPM may demand of the Cli- ent to pay a specific agreed amount for such expenses or to directly bear any such expenses. Where it is agreed that the Client will pay JPM a specific amount in advance for such ex- penses, JPM shall not begin providing Legal Assistance until the Client has made an advance payment of the agreed amount of expenses. If the Client’s advance payment of the amount of expenses thus agreed is past due and the consequential shortening of the period for the provision of Legal Assistance results in an extraordinary engagement of the JPM Team, the increased fee provided for in section 3.26 of the General Terms shall apply.
3.32. JPM zapošljava i angažuje prevodioce i ovlašćene sudske tumače za engleski i nemački jezik. Ukoliko je za pružanje Pravne pomoći potrebno obezbediti prevod sa jednog od ova dva jezika na srpski ili sa srpskog na jedan od njih, JPM će te prevodilačke usluge na- plaćivati po ceni koju Klijent u svakom trenutku može da sazna od Kontakt osobe u JPM-u.
Xxxx xx u toku pružanja Pravne pomoći potrebno da se obezbedi prevod sa ili na druge jezike, kao i ukoliko je u konkretnoj situaciji, zbog obima ili rokova za pružanje Pravne po- moći, potrebno dodatno angažovanje prevodioca ili sudskog tumača za engleski ili nemački jezik, JPM će, po dogovoru sa Klijentom, obezbediti i takve usluge prevođenja.
3.33. JPM je evidentiran u registru PDV obveznika. Ukoliko, u skladu sa propisima koji regulišu PDV, postoji obaveza plaćanja PDV-a, JPM u računima posebno iskazuje iznos nak- nade za pruženu Pravnu pomoć, iznos nastalih troškova i iznos PDV- a.
3.34. JPM račune ispostavlja pravnom ili fizičkom licu koje je zaključilo Pismo o angažo- vanju ili Imejl ugovor. JPM će račune ispostavljati nekom drugom licu, koje će biti obveznik njihovog plaćanja, samo ako xx xxxx ugovoreno Pismom o angažovanju, Imejl ugovorom i u slučaju predviđenom tačkom 3.6. Opštih uslova. Po pravilu, nije moguća promena obveznika
plaćanja izdatog računa i svaki izuzetak xxxx biti izričito odobren xx xxxxxx JPM-a.
3.35. Klijent je solidarno odgovoran za obavezu plaćanja računa xx xxxxxx lica xxxx xx, na njegov zahtev, u smislu prethodne xxxxx 3.34. Opštih uslova prefakturisan račun, a JPM ima pravo da, u slučaju neplaćanja računa xx xxxxxx ovog lica, pored iznosa koji je iskazan u računu, od Klijenta naplati i sve novonastale troškove vezane za ponovno prefakturisanje
računa Klijentu.
3.32. JPM employs and hires translators and sworn translators for English and German. If the provision of Legal Assistance requires translations from either of these languages into Serbian or vice versa, JPM will charge such translation services at a rate which the Client can learn at any time from the JPM Contact. Where it is necessary to procure translations to or
from other languages during the provision of Legal Assistance and where, in a specific situa- tion, due to the extent of Legal Assistance or due to time constraints, additional engagement of a translator or a sworn translator for English or German is required, JPM will also procure such translation services, subject to an agreement with the Client.
3.33. JPM is recorded in the VAT taxpayers register. If VAT liability is incurred in accor- dance with the VAT legislation, JPM’s invoices will separately list the amount of fee charged for Legal Assistance, the amount of incurred expenses and the amount of VAT.
3.34. JPM invoices its services to the legal entity or natural person with whom it has executed the Engagement Letter or the E-mail Contract. JPM will invoice its services to an- other person or entity as the payor only if so agreed in the Engagement Letter or the E-mail Contract and in the case provided for in section 3.6 of the General Terms. As a rule, it is not
possible to change the payor of an invoice once it has been issued and any exception must be explicitly approved by JPM.
3.35. The Client shall be jointly and severally liable for invoice payment by a person or entity to whom the sum was reinvoiced on the Client’s request, within the meaning of the foregoing section 3.34 of the General Terms, and JPM shall be entitled, if the invoice is not paid by such person or entity, to charge the Client for any new expenses incurred in con-
nection with once again reinvoicing the sum to the Client, on top of the sum stated on the invoice.
3.36. JPM, po pravilu, račune izdaje jednom mesečno za Pravnu pomoć xxxx xx pružena tokom prethodnog meseca. Ukoliko nije drugačije ugovoreno, rok za plaćanje računa iznosi xxxx xxxx od xxxx njihovog prijema pisanim putem ili putem imejla. Ukoliko je u samom
računu predviđen drugi rok za njegovo plaćanje, primenjuje se rok koji je naveden u računu. Klijent i JPM mogu Pismom o angažovanju, Imejl ugovorom ili na način predviđen u tački
3.28. Opštih uslova ugovoriti plaćanje naknade i troškova pre započinjanja pružanja Pravne pomoći (avansno plaćanje) ili plaćanje naknade i troškova nakon pružanja konkretne Pravne pomoći koje je zahtevalo angažovanje u trajanju dužem od xxxxx xxxx.
3.37. Ukoliko Klijent u celosti ne plati iznos iz izdatog/izdatih računa u roku 30 xxxx od xxxx njihovog dospeća, JPM ima pravo da, u skladu sa propisima navedenim u tački 1.2. ovih Opštih uslova, obustavi dalje pružanje Pravne pomoći sve dok dugovani iznos/iznosi iz do-
spelog/dospelih računa ne budu plaćeni u celosti i da od Klijenta zatraži avansno plaćanje određenog iznosa za pružanje budućih usluga Pravne pomoći.
3.38. Klijent JPM-u račune plaća uplatom na JPM bankovni račun koji je naveden u samom računu. Ukoliko se radi o plaćanjima dinarske protivvrednosti iznosa ugovorenih i obračunatih u stranoj valuti, JPM će, po pravilu, primenjivati prodajni kurs svoje poslovne banke važeći za ugovorenu stranu valutu na xxx izdavanja računa.
3.39. Gotovinsko plaćanje je, uz odobrenje JPM-a, moguće samo u izuzetnim slučajevima.
3.36. JPM as a rule issues invoices once a month in respect of the Legal Assistance pro- vided during the preceding month. Unless agreed otherwise, the due date for invoice pay- ment shall be eight days of the date of its receipt in writing or by e-mail. If the invoice states
a different due date, the due date stated on the invoice shall apply. The Client and JPM may agree in the Engagement Letter or the E-mail Contract or in the manner provided for in sec- tion 3.28 of the General Terms that the fee and expenses are to be paid before the provision of Legal Assistance commences (advance payment) or that the fee and expenses are to be paid upon completion of the provision of Legal Assistance which required an engagement of more than one month in duration.
3.37. If the Client fails to pay in full the amount of (an) issued invoice(s) within 30 days of the due date, JPM shall be entitled under the regulations referred to in section 1.2 of these General Terms to suspend any further provision of Legal Assistance until any amount(s) owed pursuant to the due and payable invoice(s) are paid in full and to demand of the Client
to pay a specified amount as an advance payment for any future Legal Assistance services.
3.38. The Client shall pay JPM’s invoices to JPM’s bank account stated on the invoice. In case of payment of local currency equivalents of amounts agreed in foreign exchange, JPM will, as a rule, apply the middle exchange rate of its commercial bank valid for the contrac- tual currency on the invoicing date.
3.39. Payment in cash will be possible only in extraordinary situations, subject to JPM’s approval.
3.40. Sva autorska i srodna prava, xxx x xxxxx prava intelektualne svojine (u daljem tek- stu: IP prava) koja nastanu tokom pružanja Pravne pomoći pripadaju JPM-u i JPM je njihov jedini vlasnik i titular. Na IP pravima Klijent, pod uslovom da je JPM-u u celosti platio nak- nadu za Pravnu pomoć tokom koje su IP Prava nastala, xxxxx neisključivu licencu da ih zauvek
koristi u svrhu u koju su xxx xxxxxxx. Licencu iz xxx xxxxx Opštih uslova Klijent može dodeliti bilo kom povezanom licu, a JPM je ovlašćen da u svakom trenutku opozove licencu ukoliko Klijent ili lice kome xx xx Klijent ustupio izvrši povredu IP prava.
3.41. JPM obrađuje podatke o ličnosti Klijenta u skladu sa Zakonom o zaštiti podataka o ličnosti (“Sl. glasnik RS” br. 87/2018) i Uredbom Evropskog parlamenta i Saveta 2016/679 o zaštiti fizičkih lica u vezi sa obradom podataka o ličnosti i slobodnom protoku tih podataka.
3.42. Informacije u vezi sa obradom podataka o ličnosti xx xxxxxx JPM-a dostupne su na web stranici xxx.xxx.xx.
3.40. All copyrights and related rights, as well as other intellectual property rights (“IP Rights”) created during the provision of Legal Assistance belong to JPM and JPM is their sole owner and title holder. Provided it has fully paid to JPM the fee for the Legal Assistance in the provision of which the IP Rights were created, the Client shall acquire non-exclusive licence
to use the IP Rights in perpetuity for the purpose for which they were created. The Client may assign the licence referred to in this section of the General Terms to any affiliate, while JPM shall be entitled to revoke the licence at any time if the Client or the person or entity to whom the Client assigned such licence breaches the IP Rights.
3.41. JPM processes the Client’s personal data in accordance with the Law on Personal Data Protection (Official Gazette of RS No. 87/2018) and Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the Euro- pean Parliament and of the Council on the protection of natural persons with regard to the
processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data.
3.42. Information on personal data processing by JPM is available on the website www. xxx.xx.
4.1. Klijent i JPM imaju pravo da u bilo kom trenutku tokom trajanja Angažmana okončaju dalju saradnju. Zakon o advokaturi i Kodeks profesionalne xxxxx advokata pred- viđaju slučajeve u xxxxxx xx JPM u obavezi da odbije ili da prekine pružanje Pravne pomoći. Odbijanje ili prekid pružanja Pravne pomoći u pojedinačnom slučaju zbog postojanja ili nas-
tupanja nekog od razloga predviđenog navedenim propisima, ne smatraju se okončanjem celokupne saradnje između Klijenta i JPM-a, niti sprečavaju međusobnu saradnju u drugim predmetima Pravne pomoći.
4.2. U slučaju okončanja saradnje iz razloga predviđenih u prethodnoj tački 4.1. Opštih uslova, otkazni rok iznosi 30 xxxx. U odsustvu drugačijeg dogovora sa Klijentom i ako to nije suprotno propisima, JPM će u toku trajanja otkaznog roka pružati Klijentu Pravnu po- moć u meri xxxx xx neophodna za sprečavanje ili otklanjanje štetnih posledica za Klijenta i
u slučajevima zakonom propisanih rokova za obaveze preduzimanja procesnih radnji, osim ako Klijent već ima ili je angažovao drugog advokata/advokate.
4.3. Kada se okonča saradnja JPM će Klijentu na način predviđen u tačkama od 3.12. do
3.14. Opštih uslova predati, odnosno, poslati celokupnu dokumentaciju, a Klijent xx xxxxx xx xxxxx sve neplaćene iznose iskazane u računima izdatim xx xxxxxx JPM-a, uključujući i iznos iz računa za Pravnu pomoć koju mu je JPM pružio za vreme trajanja otkaznog roka.
4.1 The Client and JPM have the right to terminate their cooperation at any time during the Engagement. The Legal Profession Act and the Code of Professional Ethics of Attor- neys-at-Law specify cases where JPM must refuse to provide or terminate the provision of Legal Assistance. Refusal to provide or termination of provision of Legal Assistance in an
individual case due to the existence or occurrence of any of the reasons set forth in the said regulations shall not constitute termination of the entre cooperation between the Client and JPM, nor shall it prevent mutual cooperation in other cases of Legal Assistance.
4.2 If the cooperation is terminated on the grounds referred to in the foregoing section
4.1 of the General Terms, the notice period shall be 30 days. Unless agreed otherwise with the Client and provided it does not constitute a breach of applicable regulations, JPM will provide Legal Assistance to the Client during the notice period to the extent necessary to prevent or remedy any harmful consequences for the Client and in cases where statutory time limits for the taking of procedural actions apply, unless the Client already has or has hired (an)other attorney(s).
4.3 Upon termination of cooperation, JPM will deliver or send to the Client the entire documentation as provided for in sections 3.12 through 3.14 of the General Terms, while the Client will be required to pay any outstanding amount stated on the invoices issued by JPM,
including the amount invoiced for any Legal Assistance provided to the Client by JPM during the notice period.
5.1. JPM ima zaključen ugovor o osiguranju od profesionalne odgovornosti koji glasi na sumu osiguranja u iznosu do 3.000.000,00 evra.
5.2. JPM odgovara za štetu xxxx xx Xxxxxxxx prouzrokovao prilikom pružanja Pravne po- moći do trostrukog iznosa naknade koju mu je Klijent platio za pruženu Xxxxxx pomoć. U slučaju da su Klijenta u konkretnoj pravnoj stvari, pored JPM-a, savetovala ili su mu pružala Pravnu pomoć i xxxxx xxxx koja xxxx xxx JPM Tima, JPM odgovara za štetu samo u granicama
svog doprinosa za njen nastanak, a maksimalno od trostrukog iznosa naknade koju mu je Klijent platio za pruženu Pravnu pomoć koji, u svakom slučaju, ne može iznositi više od 3.000.000,00 evra.
5.3. Iznos naknade štete koju JPM bude xxxxx xx xxxxx Klijentu umanjiće se za iznos naknade xxxx xx Klijent naplatio od osiguranja ili bilo kog trećeg lica po osnovu istog štetnog događaja.
5.1 JPM has executed a professional insurance liability agreement for the sum insured of up to EUR 3,000,000.00.
5.2 JPM shall be liable to the Client for any damage it causes in the provision of Legal Assistance up to triple the amount paid to it by the Client for the Legal Assistance provided. If, in a specific legal matter, the Client was counselled by or received Legal Assistance also from third parties that are not part of the JPM Team, JPM shall be liable for damage only to
the extent that it contributed to the incurrence of such damage, up to triple the amount paid to it by the Client for the Legal Assistance provided, which in any case many not exceed EUR 3,000,000.00.
5.3 Any amount of damage compensation JPM may be required to pay to the Client shall be reduced by the sum collected by the Client from insurance or from any third party for the same loss event.
6.1. Na sva pitanja koja se odnose ili su vezi sa saradnjom Klijenta i JPM-a, Pravnu po- moć, Pismo o angažovanju, Imejl ugovor, kao i na ove Opšte uslove primenjuje se pravo Republike Srbije.
6.2. Svi sporovi koji eventualno nastanu u vezi sa pitanjima navedenim u prethodnoj tački 6.1. Opštih uslova, rešavaju se pred arbitražom organizovanom u skladu sa Pravilnikom Beogradskog arbitražnog centra (Beogradska pravila). Sporove rešava jedan arbitar. Sedište arbitraže je u Beogradu, jezik arbitražnog postupka je srpski, a merodavno je materijalno
pravo Republike Srbije.
6.1 All issues relating to or concerning cooperation between the Client and JPM, the Legal Assistance, the Engagement Letter, the E-mail Contract and these General Terms shall be governed by the laws of the Republic of Serbia.
6.2 Any disputes arising in connection with the issues referred to in the foregoing sec- tion 6.1 of the General Terms shall be settled by arbitration organised in accordance with the Rules of the Belgrade Arbitration Centre (the Belgrade Rules). Disputes shall be resolved by a single arbitrator. The place of arbitration shall be Belgrade, the language of Arbitration shall
be Serbian, while the applicable law shall be the substantive law of the Republic of Serbia.
JPM Jankovic Xxxxxxx Xxxxx
0x Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx, Xxxxx House, V floor 00000 Xxxxxxxx, Xxxxxx T:+ 381/11/207-6850