OPŠTI USLOVI POSLOVANJA API BANK A.D. BEOGRAD - OPŠTE ODREDBE 1. UVOD 1.1. Opšti uslovi poslovanja API Bank a.d. Beograd – Opšte odredbe (u daljem tekstu: Opšti uslovi) definišu standardne uslove pod kojima API Bank a.d. Beograd (u daljem tekstu: Banka) uspostavlja poslovnu saradnju sa klijentima, pruža svoje usluge, komunicira sa klijentima, a regulišu i međusobna prava i obaveze, xxx x xxxxx pitanja koja su od značaja za poslovanje Xxxxx xx klijentima. | GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF API BANK A.D. BEOGRAD – GENERAL PROVISIONS 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. General Terms and Conditions of API Bank a.d. Beograd – General Provisions (hereinafter: the GTC) define standard terms of API Bank a.d. Beograd (hereinafter: the Bank) for establishing business cooperation, as well as providing services to the clients and regulate mutual rights and obligations and other issues relevant for business operations of the Bank with the clients. |
1.2. Pod klijentima podrazumevaju se fizička lica, poljoprivrednici, preduzetnici i pravna lica, koji koriste ili su koristili ili nameravaju da koriste usluge Banke (u daljem tekstu: Klijent ili Klijenti). Usluge Banke obuhvataju odobravanje kreditnih i dokumentarnih proizvoda, domaći i međunarodni faktoring, izdavanje sefova, primanje depozita, otvaranje i vođenje platnih računa, platne usluge, xxx x xxxxx vrste bankarskih usluga predviđene važećim propisima RepublikeSrbije i internim aktima Banke.
1.3. Banka u svom poslovanju postupa u skladu sa važećim propisima, dobrim poslovnim običajima, Opštim uslovima i odredbama ugovora zaključenim sa Klijentima.
1.4. Banka ima pravo da slobodno odlučuje o izboru Klijenta sa kojim će stupiti u poslovni odnos, što uključuje i diskreciono pravo da odbije uspostavljanje poslovnog odnosa, odnosno pružanje usluge Klijentu, s xxx xx Xxxxx nije dužna da Klijentu pruži obrazloženje o razlozima za odbijanje.
1.5. Banka ima pravo i dužna je da pre i u toku uspostavljanja poslovnog odnosa sa Klijentom, kao i u toku poslovne saradnje, preduzima sve zakonom propisane mere i radnje u cilju sprečavanja i otkrivanja pranja novca i finansiranja terorizma, u skladu sa važećim propisima i internim aktima Banke. Ukoliko postoji smetnja za uspostavljanje poslovnog odnosa, ili nastavak poslovne saradnje sa Klijentom iz ovog razloga, Banka neće uspostaviti poslovni odnos sa Klijentom, odnosno isti će bez odlaganja raskinuti. Banka ima pravo da bez saglasnosti Klijenta obustavi mogućnost korišćenja usluga, delimično ili u celosti, iz razloga sprečavanja pranja novca i finansiranja terorizma, kao i iz drugih opravdanih razloga u skladu sa važećim propisima i pojedinačnim odlukama nadležnih organa. Ukoliko su prema oceni Banke, neophodne određene informacije i/ili dokumentacija radi adekvatne procene, Klijent xx xxxxx da istu dostavi Banci u odgovarajućoj formi, a uspostavljanje poslovnog odnosa ili nastavak poslovne sradnje, odnosno pružanje određene usluge, se odlaže do dostavljanja zahtevanih informacija i/ili dokumentacije, s xxx da se ovim ne isključuje napred navedeno pravo Banke, ukoliko se ukaže smetnja za uspostavljanje poslovnog odnosa, ili nastavak poslovne saradnje sa Klijentom.
1.6. Opšti uslovi se primenjuju na sve vrste i oblike poslovne
saradnje Banke i Klijenta, nastale po osnovu zaključenog
1.2. The client shall imply natural persons, agricultural producers, entrepreneurs and legal entities which use, have used or will use services of the Bank (hereinafter: the Client or Clients). The Bank’s services imply landing loan products, granting documentary products, domestic and international factoring, safe deposit boxes rental, deposit taking, opening and maintaining payment accounts, payment services as well as other banking services envisaged by applicable regulations of the Republic of Serbia and internal documents of the Bank.
1.3. The business operations of the Bank are based on the applicable regulations and good business practice, in linewith the GTC as well as provisions of the agreement concluded with the Client.
1.4. The Bank shall be entitled to freely decide on the Client selection, with whom the Bank shall enter into a business relationship, including its discretionary power to refuse to establish a business relationship and/or render a service to the Client without having to provide an explanation about the reasons for refusing.
1.5. Prior and in the course of establishing a business relationship with the Client, as well as during the business cooperation, the Bank shall have the right and obligation to undertake all legally prescribed measures and actions with the purpose of preventing and detecting money laundering and terrorism financing, in line with effective regulations and the Bank’s internal documents. If there is an impediment to establish or continue a business relationship with the Client for this reason, the Bank shall not establish a business relationship with the Client or shall end it immediately. The Bank has the right to suspend usage of the Bank’s services to the Client without the Client's consent, in total or partially, due to prevention of money laundering and financing of terrorism, as well as for other justified reasons in accordance with the regulations or particular decision of competent authority. If the Bank considers that certain information and/or documentation is necessary for adequate assessment, the Client is obliged to submit the same to the Bank in the appropriate form. The establishment and continuance of business relationship or providing of banking services shall be postponed until the submission of requested information and/or documentation. It does not exclude the aforementioned right of the Bank if there is still an impediment for an establishment of a business relationship with the Client or its continuance.
1.6. The GTC shall be implemented to all types and forms of business cooperation of the Bank and the Client based on a
ugovora u pisanoj formi, odnosno pristupnice, zahteva ili drugog dokumenta potpisanog xx xxxxxx Klijenta u skladu sa internim aktima Banke, a pod uslovom da važeći propisi dozvoljavaju uspostavljanje takvog vida poslovne saradnje bez zaključivanja posebnog ugovora u pisanoj formi. 2. KOMUNIKACIJA BANKE I KLIJENTA | concluded a written agreement, i.e., admission form, application form or other document signed by the Client in accordance with the Bank’s internal documents, in case such type of business cooperation is allowed in accordance with regulations without the particular agreement conclusion in written form. 2. COMMUNICATION OF THE BANK AND THE CLIENT |
2.1. Komunikacija između Banke i Klijenta vrši se putem informativnog i reklamnog materijala koji je dostupan u prostorijama Banke, putem internet prezentacije Banke, preko kontakt centra Banke, neposrednom usmenom komunikacijom i predajom pisane dokumentacije Klijentu, slanjem pisane dokumentacije putem pošte ili preko kurirske službe, putem elektronske pošte, e-banking/m-banking naloga, telefonskim putem, SMS-om, kao i drugim oblicima elektronske komunikacije.
2.2. Ukoliko je prema važećim propisima ili u skladu sa potrebama Banke, neophodan dokaz o uručenju pisane dokumentacije Klijentu, na trajnom nosaču podataka, Xxxxx xx pisanu dokumentaciju Klijentu dostaviti na jedan od sledećih načina:
• lično u prostorijama Banke, u kom slučaju će Klijent potpisati (overiti pečatom, ukoliko je primenljivo) primerak za Banku i uneti datum prijema – smatra se uručenom momentom neposredne predaje,
• slanjem preporučnom poštom ili preko kurirske službe na poslednju poznatu adresu prebivališta, odnosno boravišta ili registrovanog sedišta, odnosno adresu za prijem pošte, xxxx xx Klijent prijavio Banci – smatra se uručenom momentom predaje pošti, odnosno kurirskoj službi,
• slanjem elektronske pošte, SMS-a ili drugog vida elektronske poruke na poslednju poznatu adresu elektronske pošte, odnosno broj mobilnog telefona, koji je Klijent dostavio Banci – smatra se uručenom momentom slanja elektronske pošte, odnosno poruke,
• slanjem elektronske poruke putem e-banking/m- banking naloga – smatra se uručenom momentom slanja elektronske poruke.
2.3. Banka ima diskreciono pravo da u skladu sa prethodnim stavom, sama odredi jedan ili više ugovorenih načina komunikacije.
2.4. Za potrebe uspostavljanja poslovnog odnosa, odnosno identifikacije, Klijent je u obavezi da Banci dostavi svu dokumentaciju xxxx xx predviđena važećim propisima i internim aktima Banke. Klijent xx xxxxx da bez odlaganja, a najkasnije u roku od 3 (tri) xxxx od xxxx nastanka promene, obavesti Banku o promeni svog ličnog imena odnosno naziva, adrese prebivališta/boravišta, odnosno sedišta/adrese za prijem pošte ili bilo kojoj drugoj statusnoj promeni, zatim promeni elektronske pošte, telefonskog broja i drugim promenama koje su od značaja za komunikaciju sa Bankom i izmirivanje obaveza prema Banci.
2.1. Communication between the Bank and the Client shall be made through information and marketing materials available in the Bank’s business premises, via the Bank’s website and contact centre, direct verbal communication and direct submission of documents to the Client or sending by post or courier service, via email, through e-banking/m-banking account, telephone contact and SMS message, as well as other types of electronic communication.
2.2. If there is a need for a proof of delivery of written documentation on a durable medium to the Client or it is required in accordance with the applicable regulations, the Bank shall deliver the written documentation to the Client in one of the following ways:
• in person at the Bank’s premises, in which case the Client shall sign (stamp, if it is applicable) a copy for the Bank and enter the date of receipt – it is considered delivered at the time of immediate delivery,
• sending by post office or courier service to the last known address of residence or registered seat or address for mail receiving that the Client submitted to the Bank – it is considered delivered at the time of delivery to the post office or courier service,
• sending by e-mail, SMS or some other type of electronic message to the last known e-mail address
i.e. a mobile phone number that the Client submitted to the Bank – it is considered delivered at the time of sending an e-mail i.e. message,
• sending electronic message via e-banking/m- banking account – it is considered delivered at the moment of sending the electronic message.
2.3. In accordance with the previous paragraph, the Bank shall opt on its own for one or more stipulated manners of communication.
2.4. For the purposes of establishing a business relationship as well as identification, the Client is obliged to submit to the Bank all documentation required by applicable regulations and the Bank’s internal documents. The Client shall be obliged to inform the Bank without delay and within 3 (three) days from the day of change occurrence at the latest on a change of the Client’s name, address of residence or registered seat or address for mail receiving, or any other status change, as well as the change of e-mail, telephone number and other changes relevant for the communication with the Bank and settlement of the Client’s obligations to the Bank.
Ukoliko Klijent blagovremeno ne obavesti Banku o napred navedenim promenama koje su bitne za međusobnu komunikaciju, Xxxxx xx koristiti kontakt podatke koje je Klijent poslednje dostavio i dokumentovao.
2.5. Isprave i obaveštenja koje Klijent dostavlja Banci, u zavisnosti od prirode posla, važećih propisa, internih akata Banke i zaključenog ugovora, dostavljaju se u originalu ili fotokopiji, sa ili bez overe nadležnog organa. Ukoliko su isprave i obaveštenja na stranom jeziku Banka zadržava diskreciono pravo da zahteva overen prevod ovih dokumenata na srpski jezik, a u određenim slučajevima strana dokumenta moraju biti overena apostilom ili legalizovana na drugi način za upotrebu na teritoriji Republike Srbije, sve u zavisnosti od države porekla dostavljene isprave. Bankamože prihvatiti nalog od Klijenta posredstvom elektronske pošte ili telefona, u skladu sa važećim propisima, internim aktima Banke i zaključenim ugovorima.
2.6. Banka ne snosi pravnu ni materijalnu odgovornost:
• za štetu koja može nastati za Klijenta ili xxxxx xxxx zbog toga što Klijent nije primio neko obaveštenje Banke ili dopis koji je upućen na poslednju adresu/broj telefona/elektornsku adresu o xxxxxx xx Klijent obavestio Banku ili zbog zbog toga što je Klijent propustio da postupi u skladu sa tačkom 2.4.
• za štetu koja može nastati zbog manjkavosti dokumentacije koju Klijent dostavi, a koje su vezane za njenu izvornost, valjanost ili potpunost, kao i tačnost tumačenja ili prevod ako se radi o dokumentaciji stranog porekla.
3.1. Vrste sredstva obezbeđenja
Banka prihvata sredstva obezbeđenja na osnovu ocene kreditne sposobnosti Klijenta, u zavisnosti od prirode potraživanja koje se obezbeđuje i njegove visine. Radi obezbeđenja potraživanja Banke prema Klijentu mogu se ugovoriti sledeća sredstva obezbeđenja: hipoteka, xxxxxx, xxxxxx, garantni depozit, menica, administrativna zabrana, trajni nalog po računu otvorenom kod Banke, jemstvo i svako drugo sredstvo obezbeđenja prihvatljivo za Banku.
Banka zadržava pravo da u svakom trenutku zahteva od Klijenta da pruži, i/ili adekvatno poveća sredstva obezbeđenja za svaku od preuzetih obaveza prema Banci u obliku i u vrednosti zadovaljavajućim za Banku.
Tokom trajanja ugovornog odnosa sredstva obezbeđenja mogu se promeniti na osnovu aneksa osnovnog ugovora zaključenog između Banke i Klijenta.
Ukoliko Banka iskoristi primljenu menicu ili menica zbog tehničkog oštećenja u slučaju više sile ili bilo kog drugog razloga postane neupotrebljiva, Klijent xx xxxxx da
If the Client does not timely inform the Bank about the above mentioned changes that are important for mutual communication, the Bank will use the contact information that the Client last submitted and documented to the Bank.
2.5. Documents and notices that the Client submits to the Bank, shall be submitted in original or photocopy, notarized or not by the competent authority – depending on the nature of the business relationship, applicable regulations, internal documents of the Bank and the concluded agreement. If the documents and notices are made in a foreign language, the Bank may request a certified translation of these documents into Serbian and sometimes foreign documents must be apostilled or legalized for use on the territory of the Republic of Serbia – depending on the country of origin of the submitted document.. The Bank may accept the Client’s orders via email or phone, in line with effective regulations and the Bank’s internal documents and concluded agreements.
2.6. The Bank shall not be legally or materially liable for:
• damage which may occur for the Client or a third party due to the Client not receiving a notification or
a letter of the Bank sent to the last address/telephone number/e-mail provided to the Bank by the Client or due to the Client failing to act as stipulated in item 2.4.
• damage which may occur due to deficiencies of documents presented by the Client, such deficiencies implying the document source, validity or completeness, as well as accuracy of interpretation or translation in case of documents of foreign origin.
3.1. Types of collaterals
The Bank shall accept collaterals based on an assessment of the creditworthiness of the Client, depending on the nature of receivables to be secured and their amount. In order to secure Bank’s receivables from the Client, the following collaterals may be contracted: mortgage, pledge, assignment, guarantee deposit, bill of exchange, administrative order, direct debit instructions for an account opened with the Bank, guarantee and any other collateral acceptable to the Bank.
The Bank shall be entitled at any moment to request the Client to provide and/or adequately increase collaterals for any liability to the Bank in the form and value satisfactory to the Bank.
In the course of a contractual relationship, collaterals may be changed based on annex to the underlying agreement concluded between the Bank and the Client.
Should the Bank uses received bills of exchange or the bill of exchange becomes unusable due to technical damage in case of force majeure or any other reason, the Client
na prvi zahtev Banke dostavi nove menice u broju primeraka koji je iskorišćen odnosno koji je postao neupotrebljiv. Na zahtev Klijenta Xxxxx xx oštećene menice vratiti Klijentu.
3.2. Obaveze i troškovi Klijenta vezani za sredstva obezbeđenja
Sredstva obezbeđenja xxxx xx raspolaganju Banci sve dok Klijent ne izmiri sve svoje obaveze prema Banci, koje su njimaobezbeđene. .
Klijent xx xxxxx da xx xxxxx o održavanju i zaštiti prava i imovine koje xx xxx Banci na ime sredstava obezbeđenja i xxxxx xx da blagovremeno obaveštava Banku o svim promenama u materijalnom i pravnom statusu tih sredstava obezbeđenja.
Klijent xx xxxxx da na zahtev Banke o svom trošku obezbedi i dostavi Banci novu procenu vrednosti nepokretnosti na xxxxxx xx zasnovana hipoteka u korist Xxxxx xxx sredstvo obezbeđenja, u skladu sa važećim zakonskim propisima, a najmanje jednom u 3 (tri) godine (jednom u godinu xxxx ukoliko je predmet hipoteke poslovni prostor), računajući od datuma poslednje procene vrednosti xxxx xx Klijent dostavio Banci. Procena vrednosti xxxx biti izvršena xx xxxxxx ovlašćenog procenitelja, odnosno xx xxxxxx veštaka odgovarajuće struke ili pravnog lica koje je osnovano za obavljanje poslova veštačenja, a koje Banka oceni kao prihvatljive.
Klijent xx xxxxx da na zahtev Banke o svom trošku obezbedi i dostavi Banci i novu procenu vrednosti pokretnih stvari na xxxxxx xx zasnovana xxxxxx u korist Banke, kao sredstvo obezbeđenja.
Klijent, odnosno davalac sredstava obezbeđenja ako Klijent i davalac sredstava obezbeđenja nisu isto lice, ima pravo da, po potpunom izmirenju obaveza Klijenta prema Banci preuzme neiskorišćena sredstva obezbeđenja uključujući i sredstva obezbeđenja koja su upisana u odgovarajući registar.
Sve troškove proistekle u vezi sa zasnivanjem, administracijom, čuvanjem (npr. osiguranje, skladištenje, nadzor itd.) i realizacijom sredstava obezbeđenja potraživanja Banke snosi Klijent i Xxxxx xx ovlašćena da iste naplati na teret njegovog/-ih računa, u skladu sa odredbama Opštih uslova, ili, ako Klijent nema otvoren račun kod Banke ili pak nema dovoljno sredstava na računu/-ima, pisanim putem zahteva od Klijenta da joj naknadi trošak.
Klijent xx xxxxx da sredstva obezbeđenja – pokretne ili nepokretne stvari, osigura protiv svih osnovnih rizika kod osiguravajućeg društva prihvatljivog za Banku. Ukoliko postoji potreba osiguranja i od dodatnih rizika, Xxxxx xx to predočiti Klijentu pre zaključivanja ugovora. Ukoliko Klijent propusti da izvrši ovu svoju obavezu u roku, Banka ima pravo da to učini umesto njega i po xxx osnovu mu zaduži račun/-e za iznos troškova koje je s xxx u vezi imala ili, ako Klijent nema otvoren račun kod Banke ili pak nema dovoljno sredstava na računu/-ima, pisanim putem zahteva od Klijenta da joj naknadi trošak.
Klijent je u obavezi da u cilju provere fizičkog stanja/vrednosti nepokretnosti/pokretne stvari/potraživanja na kojoj je uspostavljena hipoteka/xxxxxx omogući Banci i/iliprocenitelju pristup hipotekovanoj nepokretnosti i/ili založenoj stvari kao i da omogući uvid u svu relevantnu dokumentaciju u vezi sredstava obezbeđenja.
shall provide new bills of exchange at the Bank’s first request, in the number of used bills of exchange which have been used or which have become unusable. At the Client's request, the Bank will return the damaged bills of exchange to the Client.
3.2. Client obligations and costs stemming from collaterals
Collaterals shall be available to the Bank until the Client settles all liabilities to the Bank that are secured by these collaterals. The Client shall be obliged to take care of maintenance and protection of rights and property provided to the Bank as collateral and to timely inform the Bank of any change in material and legal status of such collaterals.
The Client shall provide and deliver to the Bank at the Bank’s request and at own expense a new appraisal of real estate mortgaged in favour of the Bank as collateral, in line with effective legal regulations and at least once every 3 (three) years (one per year if business premises are subject of collateral) counting from the date of the last appraisal delivered to the Bank by the Client. The appraisal shall be made by an authorised appraiser, i.e. an expert of adequate profession or a legal entity established for doing expertise and assessed by the Bank as acceptable.
The Client shall provide and deliver to the Bank at the Bank’s request at own expense a new valuation of movables pledged in favour of the Bank as collateral.
The Client, i.e. the collateral provider – in case the Client and the collateral provider are not the same person, shall beentitled to take over unused collaterals after full settlement of the liabilities of the Client to the Bank, including collaterals registered in an respective registry.
All expenses stemming from the establishment, administration, keeping (e.g. securing, storing, monitoring, etc.) and seizure of collaterals for the Bank’s receivables shall be borne by the Client and the Bank shall be entitled to collect such expenses from the Client’s account/accounts, in line with the GTC, or, in case the Client has no account opened with the Bank or no available funds at the account/accounts, request in writing compensation of such expenses by the Client.
The Client shall insure collaterals – movable or immovable property – against all basic risks at an insurance company acceptable for the Bank. Should there be a need for insurance for additional risks, the Bank shall inform the Client accordingly prior to agreement conclusion. Should the Client fail to timely fulfil the said obligation, the Bank shall be entitled to fulfil the obligation instead of the Client and charge the Client’s account/accounts for the costs incurred on such basis or, in case the Client has no account opened with the Bank or no available funds at the account/accounts, request in writing compensation of such costs by the Client.
With the purpose of checking the physical status/value of real estate/movables/receivables with mortgage/pledge established, the Client shall enable the Bank and/or an appraiser to access the mortgaged real estate and/or pledged movables and inspect all relevant documents related to the collaterals.
3.3. Realizacija sredstava obezbeđenja
Ukoliko Klijent ne ispuni svoje obaveze u predviđenom roku i/ili ne dostavi zahtevano sredstvo obezbeđenja odnosno povećanje/zamenu istog, Xxxxx xx ovlašćena da pristupi realizaciji bilo kojeg sredstva obezbeđenja u saglasnosti sa zaključenim ugovorom i relevantnim propisima.
U slučaju da je izmirenje potraživanja obezbeđeno xx xxxx sredstava obezbeđenja pruženih xx xxxxxx Klijenta ili trećih lica, Xxxxx xx ovlašćena da prilikom realizacije samostalno vrši izbor u smislu redosleda, kao i da u interesu efikasnijeg namirenja, a bez obzira na to što u posedu drži određena sredstva obezbeđenja, prethodno xxxxxx namirenje svojih potraživanja i iz druge imovine Klijenta.
Klijent nije ovlašćen da zahteva xx Xxxxx izmenu načina
realizacije određenog sredstva obezbeđenja.
Nakon ispunjenja svih ugovornih obaveza xx xxxxxx Klijenta, Xxxxx xx, u razumnom roku, počev od xxxx dostavljanja zahteva xx xxxxxx Klijenta, odnosno davaoca sredstava obezbeđenja, predati Klijentu, odnosno davaocu sredstava obezbeđenja, sva sredstva obezbeđenja koja nisu iskorišćena u svrhu naplate potraživanja, odnosno izdati sve propisane izjave za brisanje evidentiranih sredstava obezbeđenja iz javnih evidencija. Troškove koji eventualno nastanu u vezi sa vraćanjem sredstava obezbeđenja, snosi Klijent.
3.4. Posebno pravo Banke
Banka ima pravo da raspolaže sredstvima Klijenta koji se vode na računima kod Banke, u skladu sa važećim propisima kojima se reguliše prinudna naplata i pojedinačnim odlukama nadležnih organa.
Klijent je saglasan da Banka može da raspolaže sredstvima na svim njegovim računima kod Banke i radi naplate dospelih neizmirenih obaveza Klijenta prema Banci.
Ukoliko se za namirenje dinarskih iznosa koriste sredstva sa deviznih računa Klijenta, konverzija odgovarajućeg deviznog iznosa se vrši primenom kupovnog kursa Banke, važećeg na xxx zaduženja tog računa.
Ukoliko se za namirenje iznosa u stranoj valuti koriste sredstva sa dinarskih računa Klijenta, konverzija odgovarajućeg dinarskog iznosa se vrši primenom prodajnog kursa Banke, važećeg na xxx zadužejna tog računa.
Navedeno ni na xxxx xxxxx ne utiče na pravo Klijenta na primenu istog tipa kursa u skladu sa Zakonom o zaštiti korisnika finansijskih usluga.
4.1. Banka sa Klijentom ugovara kamatne stope koje mogu biti fiksne ili promenljive, odnosno kombinaciju ovih xxxxx u različitim periodima otplate.
Promenljiva nominalna kamatna xxxxx xx sastoji od fiksnog elementa (xxxxx) i promenljivog elementa (referentna kamatna xxxxx) s xxx što je promenljiv element onaj koji se zvanično objavljuje (EURIBOR, BELIBOR, Referentna kamatna xxxxx Narodne banke Srbije).
4.2. EURIBOR ili evropska međubankarska xxxxx (Euro Interbank Offered Rate), predstavlja dnevnu referentnu kamatnu stopu po kojoj reprezentativne evropske banke jedna drugoj pozajmljuju novac na međubankarskom tržištu. Podatke o visini EURIBOR-a svakog xxxx objavljuje European Money Markets Institute (EMMI) na svojoj internet stranici.
BELIBOR je referentna kamatna xxxxx za dinarska sredstva ponuđena xx xxxxxx xxxxxx Xxxxxx, na srpskom međubankarskom tržištu. Objavljuje se svakog radnog xxxx u 11h na internet stranici Narodne banke Srbije.
3.3. Seizure of collaterals
Should the Client fail to timely fulfil liabilities and/or fail to provide requested collaterals or increase/replace collaterals, the Bank shall seize any collateral in line with concluded agreement and relevant regulations.
In case settlement of receivables is secured with a number of collaterals provided by the Client or a third party, the Bank may independently select the order of seizure of such collaterals and previously attempt, for the purpose of more efficient collection and regardless of the fact that it holds certain collaterals, to collect its receivables from other property of the Client.
The Client shall not be entitled to request from the Bank to change the manner of seizure of certain collateral.
After the Client fulfils all contractual obligations, the Bank shall return to the Client/collateral provider all collaterals not used for collection, i.e. issue all required statements on deregistration of registered collaterals in public records within a reasonable period starting from the day of delivery of the related request of the Client/collateral provider. Potential costs of returning collaterals shall be borne by the Client.
3.5. Special right of the Bank
The Bank has the right to dispose of the Client's funds at the accounts opened with the Bank, in accordance with the applicable regulations regarding the forced collection and particular decisions of the competent authorities.
The Client agrees that the Bank may dispose of assets in all of the Client’s accounts opened with the Bank for the purpose of collecting overdue liabilities of the Client to the Bank.
If funds from the Client's foreign currency accounts are used to settle dinar amounts, the corresponding foreign currency amount is converted using the Bank's exchange rate valid on the day the account is debited.
If funds from the Client's dinar accounts are used to settle the amount in foreign currency, the conversion of the corresponding dinar amount is done by applying the Bank's selling rate, valid on the day of the debit of that account.
The above does not in any way affect the Client's right to apply the same type of exchange rate in accordance with the Law on the Protection of Users of Financial Services.
4.1. The Bank and the Client shall agree interest rates which may be fixed or variable, i.e., the combination of these rates in different repayment periods.
The variable nominal interest rate is comprised of a fixed element (margin) and a variable element (reference interest rate), with the variable element being the one officially published (EURIBOR, BELIBOR, key policy rate of the National Bank of Serbia).
4.2. EURIBOR is an abbreviation for Euro Interbank Offered Rate and represents the average interest rates at which a large panel of European banks borrow funds from one another in the interbank market. European Money Markets Institute (EMMI) updates EURIBOR rates on a daily basis on their website.
BELIBOR is a reference interest rate for Dinar funds offered by the Panel banks on the Serbian interbank market. It is published every working day at 11 a.m. on the website of the National Bank of Serbia.
Referentna kamata xxxxx Narodne banke Srbije je najviša odnosno najniža kamatna xxxxx xxxx Narodna banka Srbije primenjuje u postupku sprovođenja repo transakcija prodaje odnosno kupovine hartija od vrednosti koju Narodna banka objavljuje i menja, a intervali izmene nisu određeni niti odredivi. Visina ove kamatne stope određena je Odlukom o utvrđivanju referentne kamatne stope Narodne banke Srbije 4.3. Xxxxx xx dužna da u poslovnim prostorijama u kojima nudi usluge i na internet stranici svakodnevno drži istaknuto obaveštenje o važećoj vrednosti ugovorenih promenljivih elemenata kamatne stope. 4.4. Nominalne kamatne stope izražavaju se na godišnjem, mesečnom ili dnevnom nivou. Obračun xxxxxx vrši se primenom proporcionalne ili konformne metode u zavisnosti od toga koji metod je ugovoren između Banke i Klijenta. 4.5. Na dospela nenaplaćena potraživanja od Klijenta, Banka obračunava zakonsku zateznu kamatu saglasno važećim propisima, a ukoliko xx xxxxx ugovorene nominalne kamatne stope viša od stope zakonske zatezne xxxxxx, Xxxxx xxx pravo da i u slučaju docnje nastavi da obračunava ugovorenu nominalnu kamatnu stopu. 4.6. Banka za usluge koje pruža Klijentima naplaćuje naknadu u skladu sa Tarifom naknada za usluge (u zavisnosti od kategorije Klijenta). Tarifu naknada za usluge Banke utvrđuje Izvršni odbor Banke i dostupna je Klijentima na internet stranici Banke xxx.xxxxxxx.xx i u poslovnim prostorijama Banke. Naknade utvrđene Xxxxxxx naknada za usluge Banke su promenljive i Banka zadržava pravo da menja i/ili dodaje naknade koje naplaćuje za usluge koje pruža, a svaka izmena Tarifa naknada za usluge se odnosi i na već zaključene ugovore. O izmeni nakanada Xxxxx xx informisati Klijente 15 (petnaest) xxxx, odnosno 2 (dva) meseca pre primene, isticanjem nove Tarife naknada za usluge Banke u poslovnim prostorijama Banke i na njenoj internet prezentaciji, kao i dostavljanjem izmenjenih naknada Klijentima na trajnom nosaču podataka u slučajevima xxxx xx to propisano važećim propisima. Rok od 15 (petnaest) xxxx se primenjuje za Klijente pravna lica, kao i za ostale kategorije Klijenata ukoliko se izmena naknada ne odnosi na platne usluge. U svim ostalim slučajevima primenjuje se rok od 2 (dva) meseca. Naknade za usluge Banka naplaćuje pre, u toku vršenja usluge ili pošto je usluga izvršena. Za usluge koje nisu predviđene Xxxxxxx naknada za usluge, naknada se utvrđuje u ugovoru zaključenom između Klijenta i Banke. | The key policy rate is the highest/lowest interest rate applied by the National Bank of Serbia within the execution of repo transactions of selling/buying securities, published and changed by the National Bank of Serbia, with the frequency of the changes not being determined or determinable. The level of the key policy rate is determined under the Decision on the Key Policy Rate of the National Bank of Serbia. 4.3. The Bank shall keep information on the current level of contracted variable elements of interest rates on display on a daily basis in its business premises where services are offered and on its website. 4.4. Nominal interest rates are presented at annual, monthly or daily level. Interest is calculated by applying the proportional or conform method, depending on the method contracted between the Bank and the Client. 4.5. The Bank shall charge the legally prescribed penalty interest rate for due outstanding receivables from the Client in line with effective regulations. In case the rate of contracted nominal interest is higher than the rate of the legally prescribed penalty interest, the Bank shall be entitled to continue charging the contracted nominal interest rate in case of default. 4.6. The Bank shall charge fees for services provided to the Client in line with the Bank’s Tariffs (depending on a type of the Client). The Executive Board of the Bank adopts the Bank’s Tariffs that are available to the Clients on the Bank’s website xxx.xxxxxxx.xx and in the Bank’s business premises. The fees determined by the Bank's Tariffs are variable and the Bank reserves the right to change and/or add the feesfor its services. Any change in the Bank’s Tariffs applies to the existing agreements as well. The Bank will inform the Clients about the amendments 15 (fifteen) days i.e. 2 (two) months before its application, by publishing the new Bank’s Tariffs in the Bank's business premises and on its website, as well as submitting the amended fees to the Clients on a durable medium in cases when it is stipulated by applicable regulations. The deadline of 15 (fifteen) days applies to the Clients – legal entities, as well as to other types of Clients if the amended fees are not related to payment services. In all other cases, a deadline of 2 (two) months shall be applied. The Bank shall charge fees for providing services prior, during or after providing the services. Fees for services not envisaged by the Tariffs shall be defined in the agreement concluded between the Client and the Bank. |
4.7. Banka od Klijenta naplaćuje stvarne troškove koje je 4.7. The Bank shall charge actual expenses to the Client
imala u vršenju usluge za Klijenta kao što su troškovi SWIFT- a, provizija i ostali troškovi koje zaračunavaju inostrane banke, naknade koje zaračunava Narodna banka Srbije, troškovi premije osiguranja koje Banka plati umesto Klijenta, troškovi procene vrednosti hipotekovane nekretnine ili založenih pokretnih stvari, kao i troškovi angažovanja drugih eksternih stručnih lica za vršenje radnji koje zahtevaju propisi ili interni akti Banke, troškovi vezani za pribavljanje podataka od Kreditnog biroa i ostali stvarni troškovi do kojih dođe u pružanju usluga koje su predmet ugovora zaključenog između Banke i Klijenta.
5.1. Xxxxx xx ovlašćena da, bez saglasnosti Klijenta, svoja potraživanja od Klijenta ustupi na način i pod uslovima predviđenim važećim propisima.
5.2. O izvršenom ustupanju potraživanja Xxxxx xx obavezna da obavesti Klijenta pisanim putem preporučenom pošiljkom ili na drugi način uz korišćenje trajnog nosača podataka.
6.1 Raskid poslovnog odnosa
Banka i Klijent mogu po sopstvenom nahođenju u bilo kom momentu sporazumno raskinuti međusobni poslovni odnos, sa ili bez otkaznog roka. Navedeno pravo Klijent ima ukoliko je prema Banci izmirio sve svoje obaveze. Banka ima pravo na jednostrani raskid poslovnog odnosa, odnosno jednostrano proglašenje dospelim kreditnog proizvoda, o čemu je u obavezi da obavesti Klijenta. Osim iz razloga predviđenih relevantnim važećim propisima, odnosno odredbama ugovora koji je zaključen između Banke i Klijenta, Banka može jednostrano raskinuti poslovne odnose sa ili bez otkaznog roka ukoliko postoji opravdan razlog zbog kojeg je nastavljanje poslovnih odnosa neprihvatljivo za Banku. Kao opravdani razlog posebno se uzimaju slučajevi:
• xxxx xx Klijent dao netačne podatke, kao i izjave o svom finansijskom statusu, što xx xxxx od značaja za donošenje odluke Banke o odobravanju i isplati kredita ili pružanju druge usluge ili preduzimanju određene radnje, koja xx Xxxxx izlagala riziku,
• kada Klijent ne dostavi Banci dokumentaciju određenu propisima koji regulišu sprečavanje pranja novca i finansiranje terorizma, odnosno drugim važećim propisima i međunarodnim sporazumima,
• ako se Klijentova finansijska situacija znatno pogorša ili postoji realna mogućnost za to, a dovodi u opasnost uredno ispunjenje njegovih obaveza prema Banci,
• u slučaju bilo koje povrede ugovornih obaveza xx
xxxxxx Klijenta ili trećeg lica na štetu Banke,
• ako Klijent ne ispuni zahtev Banke za pružanje
dodatnog sredstva obezbeđenja,
• ukoliko postoji sumnja da je Klijent umešan u izvršenje krivičnih dela, uključujući i pranje novca i finansiranje terorizma ili ukoliko se utvrdi da se Klijent ili lice sa kojim Klijent obavlja transakcije nalazi na listama koje Banka prati i proverava, u
incurred in rendering services for the Client, such as costs of SWIFT, commissions and other costs charged by foreign banks, fees charged by the National Bank of Serbia, costs of insurance premium paid by the Bank on behalf of the Client, costs of appraisal of mortgaged real estate or pledged movables and costs of engaging other external experts for activities required by regulations or internal enactments of the Bank, costs of obtaining data from the Credit Bureau and other actual expenses incurred within the rendering of services which are envisaged by an agreement concluded between the Bank and the Client.
5.1. The Bank is entitled to assign its receivables from the Client, without the Client’s consent, to other party in the manner and under the conditions stipulated by applicable regulations.
5.2. The Bank shall inform the Client of the assignment of receivables in writing by registered mail or in another manner by using a durable medium.
6.1 Termination of a business relationship
The Bank and the Client may at their own discretion and at any moment, terminate their business relationship by mutual consent, with or without a notice period. The Client has this right only if he/she had previously fulfilled all obligations toward the Bank. The Bank is entitled to unilaterally terminate a business relationship i.e. to declare the maturity of the particular loan product whereof it is obligated to inform the Client. Except for the reasons stipulated by the relevant regulations, or the provisions of the agreement concluded between the Bank and the Client, the Bank may unilaterally terminate business relationship with or without a prior notice period if there is a justified reason that makes a business relationship unacceptable for the Bank. The following cases shall be considered as a justifiable reason:
• if the Client submitted incorrect data, as well as
incorrect statements on his/her financial status, upon which the Bank relied on the process of granting a loan or providing of other services or taking some other risk action,
• if the Client does not submit to the Bank the documentation specified in the regulations governing the prevention of money laundering and financing of terrorism, or other applicable regulations and international agreements,
• if the Client's financial situation significantly get worse or there is a real possibility for that, and jeopardizes the proper fulfillment of his/her obligations to the Bank,
• in case of any breach of stipulated obligations by the Client or a third party towards the Bank,
• if the Client does not meet the Bank's request to provide additional collateral,
• if there is a suspicion that the Client is involved in
criminal offenses, including money laundering and financing of terrorism, or if it is determined that the Client or the person with whom the Client performed
skladu sa lokalnom i međunarodnom regulativom, koja se odnosi na sprečavanje pranja novca i finansiranje terorizma,
• ukoliko iz bilo kog razloga postoji reputacioni rizik po Banku ukoliko nastavi poslovnu saradnju sa Klijentom,
• u drugim slučajevima predviđenim važećim
Xxxxx xx Klijentu dostaviti obaveštenje o raskidu konkretnog poslovnog odnosa, a na dostavljanje obaveštenja shodno će se primenjivati odredbe Opštih uslova koje se odnose na komunikaciju Banke i Klijenta. Nakon raskida poslovnog odnosa između Banke i Klijenta i pod uslovom potpunog izmirenja svih obaveza Klijenta prema Banci, preostala sredstva na računima Klijenta xxxx mu stavljena na raspolaganje. S druge strane, ukoliko Xxxxxxx ne izmiri svoje obaveze, Banka može naplatiti celokupan iznos preostalog potraživanja iz raspoloživih sredstava po svim računima Klijenta koji se vode kod Banke, upotrebiti sva raspoloživa sredstva obezbeđenja i/ili pokrenuti sudski, odnosno vansudski postupak za naplatu.
6.2. Istek roka trajanja poslovnog odnosa
Xxxx xx poslovni odnos uspostavljen sa određenim rokom, bez klauzule o automatskom obnavljanju, on prestaje istekom tog roka.
7.1. Bankarska tajna
Banka se obavezuje xx xxx Bankarsku tajnu xxxx podatke:
• koji su poznati Banci a odnose se na lične podatke, finansijsko stanje i transakcije, kao i na vlasništvo ili poslovne veze Xxxxxxxxx,
• o stanju i prometu na računima klijenta,
• druge podatke do kojih Banka dođe u poslovanju s
7.2.Podaci koji se ne smatraju bankarskom tajnom Bankarskom tajnom se ne smatraju podaci koji predstavljaju:
• javne podatke kao i podatke koji su zainteresovanim licima sa opravdanim interesom dostupni iz drugih izvora,
• konsolidovani podaci na osnovu kojih se ne otkriva identitet pojedinačnog Klijenta,
• podaci o akcionarima Banke i visini njihovog učešća u akcionarskom kapitalu Banke, kao i podaci o drugim licima sa učešćem u Banci i podaci o xxx učešću bez obzira na to da xx xx oni Klijenti Banke,
• podaci koji se odnose na urednost ispunjavanja obaveza Klijenta prema Banci
7.3. Obaveza čuvanja bankarske xxxxx
Banka, članovi njenih organa, akcionari i zaposleni, kao i spoljni revizor Banke i xxxxx xxxx koja zbog prirode posla koji obavljaju imaju pristup podacima koji se smatraju bankarskom tajnom, imaju obavezu čuvanja bankarske
payment transactions are on the lists monitored by the Bank, in accordance with domestic and international regulations related to the prevention of money laundering and financing of terrorism,
• if for any reason there is a reputational risk for the Bank if the Bank continues business cooperation with the Client,
• in other cases stipulated by applicable regulations.
The Bank shall submit to the Client a notice of termination of business relationship in accordance with the provisions of the GTC that define the communication between the Bank and the Client. After the termination of the business relationship between the Bank and the Client and full settlement of Client’s obligations towards the Bank, the remaining funds on the Client's accounts shall be available to the Client. If the Client fails to settle his/her obligations towards the Bank, the Bank may dispose of all available funds on the Client's accounts opened with the Bank, use all available collaterals and/or initiate court procedure or other type of enforced collection to charge its claims.
6.2. Expiration of a business relationship
When a business relationship is established for a limited period without a clause on automatic renewal, such business relationship shall cease with the expiration of the related period.
7.1. Bank secret
The Bank shall keep the following data as bank secret:
• data known to the Bank and related to personal data, financial standing and transactions, as well as ownership or business relationship of the Client;
• data on balances and flows on the Client accounts;
• other data obtained by the Bank within its operation with the Client.
7.2. Data not considered as bank secret
Bank secret shall not apply to data representing:
• public data and data from other sources accessible to interested parties with a legitimate interest;
• consolidated data which does not disclose the identity of the individual Clients;
• data on the Bank’s shareholders and amounts of their stakes in the Bank’s equity and data on other parties having stakes in the Bank and data on such stakes regardless of whether they are the Clients of the Bank;
• data related to timeliness in the settlement of obligations of the Clients to the Bank.
7.3. Obligation of keeping bank secret
The Bank, members of its bodies, shareholders and employees, the Bank’s external auditor and other parties having access to data considered bank secret due to the nature of activities they perform shall keep bank secret, may
xxxxx, ne mogu te podatke saopštavati trećim licima ni koristiti ih protivno interesu Banke i njenih Klijenata, niti mogu trećim licima omogućiti xxxxxxx xxx podacima, sem u slučaju izuzetaka predviđenim tačkom 7.4. Opštih uslova.
Obaveza čuvanja bankarske xxxxx ne prestaje ni posle prestanka statusa na osnovu xxxx xx neko lice imalo pristup podacima koji se smatraju bankarskom tajnom.
Banka može podatke o Klijentu koji se smatraju bankarskom tajnom saopštiti trećim licima samo uz xxxxxx odobrenje tog Klijenta, osim ako zakonom nije drugačije propisano, i izuzev kada se radi o licima iz xxxxx 7.4. Opštih uslova.
7.4. Izuzeci od obaveze čuvanja bankarske xxxxx
Saglasno odredbama Zakona o bankama obaveza čuvanja
bankarske xxxxx ne postoji ako se podaci saopštavaju:
• na osnovu odluke ili zahteva nadležnog suda,
• za potrebe ministarstva nadležnog za unutrašnje poslove, organa nadležnog za borbu protiv organizovanog kriminala i organa nadležnog za sprečavanje pranja novca, u skladu sa propisima,
• u vezi sa imovinskim postupkom, a na osnovu zahteva staraoca imovine ili konzularnih predstavništava stranih država, posle podnošenja pisanih dokumenata kojima se dokazuje opravdani interes ovih lica,
• u vezi sa izvršenjem nadležnog organa na imovini
klijenta Banke,
• regulatornim telima u Republici Srbiji radi obavljanja poslova iz njihove nadležnosti,
• licu koje su banke osnovale radi prikupljanja podataka o ukupnom iznosu, vrsti i ažurnosti u ispunjavanju obaveza fizičkih i pravnih lica klijenata banaka,
• nadležnom organu u vezi s vršenjem kontrole obavljanja platnog prometa kod pravnih i fizičkih xxxx xxxx obavljaju delatnost, u skladu s propisima kojima se uređuje platni promet,
• poreskoj upravi, u skladu s propisima kojima se
uređuju poslovi iz njene nadležnosti,
• organu nadležnom za kontrolu deviznog poslovanja,
• na zahtev organizacije za osiguranje depozita, u skladu sa zakonom kojim se uređuje osiguranje depozita,
• stranom regulatornom telu pod uslovima predviđenim sporazumom o saradnji zaključenim između tog tela i Narodne banke Srbije,
• Trećim licima xxxxxx xx neophodno saopštiti iste u cilju izvršenja transakcije u ime klijenta preko međubankarskog sistema.
Banka ima pravo i da navedene podatke saopšti javnom tužiocu i sudovima, odnosno drugim
not communicate such data to third parties, use them against the interests of the Bank and its Clients nor allow access to such data by third parties, except in cases stipulated in item
7.4. of the GTC.
The obligation of keeping bank secret shall not cease even after termination of the status based on which a party has had access to data considered bank secret.
The Bank may disclose data on the Client considered bank secret to third parties only with a written approval of the Client, unless the law stipulates otherwise and except in case of parties stipulated in item 7.4. of the GTC.
7.4. Exceptions from the bank secret obligation
In line with the Law on Banks, the bank secret obligation shall not apply in case the data are communicated:
• based on a decision or a request of the competent court;
• for the needs of the ministry competent for internal affairs, the authority competent for combating organised crime and the authority competent for money laundering prevention, in accordance with regulations;
• in connection with the property procedure, based on a request of the guardian of assets or consular representative offices of foreign states, upon submission of written documents showing legitimate interest of those persons;
• in the case of the competent authority’s enforcement
against assets of the Bank’s client;
• to regulatory authorities of the Republic of Serbia for the purpose of performing activities within their field of competence;
• to an entity established by banks for the purpose of collecting data on the total amount, type and timeliness in the fulfilment of obligations by natural and legal persons that are bank clients;
• to a competent authority for the purpose of performing supervision of payment operations of legal and natural persons conducting their business activities, in compliance with payment operations regulations;
• to the tax administration pursuant to regulations governing the activities within its field of competence;
• to the authority competent for the supervision of foreign exchange operations;
• upon the request of the organisation for deposit insurance, in accordance with the law governing deposit insurance;
• to a foreign regulatory authority under conditions stipulated by a memorandum of understanding concluded between such authority and the National Bank of Serbia;
• to third parties to whom the data must be communicated for the purpose of transaction execution on behalf of the client via an interbank system.
The Bank is entitled to disclose the said data to the public prosecutor and courts and/or other
organima koji vrše javnopravna ovlašćenja, radi zaštite svojih prava, u skladu sa Zakonom o bankama.
Klijent je saglasan da Banka može podatke koji se odnose na njegovo finansijsko stanje i transakcije kao i sve druge lične podatke i informacije koje se odnose na njega, njegovu imovinu i njegovo poslovanje, a koje je Klijent xxx Xxxxx prilikom uspostavljanja poslovnog odnosa ili tokom njegovog trajanja, dostaviti Narodnoj banci Srbije, spoljnim revizorima Banke, organima kojima xx Xxxxx po zakonu dužna da dostavlja podatke, kao i svim trećim licima sakojima Banka ima zaključene ugovore o poslovnoj saradnji koji su neophodni za realizaciju poslovnog odnosa ili su u vezi sa poslovnim odnosom Klijenta sa Bankom, a xx xxxxxx Xxxxx xxx zaključen ugovor o poverljivosti podataka.
Klijent je saglasan i ovlašćuje Banku da pribavlja izveštaje od Kreditnog biroa pri Udruženju banaka Srbije o njegovim zaduženjima kod drugih lica, kao i da istom dostavlja podatke u vezi sa njegovim zaduženjima kod Banke a sve u cilju smeštanja, čuvanja, dostavljanja i pribavljanja podataka evidentiranih u Kreditnom birou i to počev od xxxx uspostavljanja poslovnog odnosa sa Bankom pa sve do urednog i potpunog izmirenja svih obaveza Klijenta koje proizilaze iz/ili su u vezi sa xxx poslovnim odnosom.
Banka ima pravo da podatke o Klijentu koji se odnose na njegove kontakt podatke a koje je Klijent dostavio Banci prilikom uspostavljanja poslovnog odnosa koristi radi dostavljanja Klijentu obaveštenja o svojim poslovnim aktivnostima, proizvodima i uslugama u cilju poslovne prezentacije.
8.1. Banka sve podatke do kojih dođe u toku poslovne saradnje sa Klijentom xxxx xxx bankarsku tajnu u skladu sa odredbama Zakona o bankama. Prihvatanjem Opštih uslova, Klijent se saglašava da Banka može, sve neophodne informacije koje se odnose na Klijenta (uključujući i povezana lica) i njegov poslovni odnos sa Bankom, da dostavi Narodnoj banci Srbije, Forumu za prevenciju zloupotreba u kreditnim poslovima i sa platnim karticama pri Privrednoj komori Srbije, Kreditnom birou Udruženja banaka Srbije, spoljnim revizorima Banke, punomoćnicima za naplatu potraživanja, državnim organima i licima koji po zakonu i zbog prirode posla koje obavljaju moraju imati pristup takvim podacima, nadležnim poreskim organima, kao i trećim licima xx xxxxxx Xxxxx xxx uspostavljenu poslovnu saradnju i zaključen ugovor koji reguliše postupanje sa poverljivim informacijama i informacijama koje predstavljaju bankarsku tajnu, vodeći pri tome računa da se dostavljaju samo podaci koji su neophodni radi ostvarenja određene svrhe, s xxx xx xx moguće situacije kada se podaci o ličnosti prosleđuju u drugu državu koja se nalazi xx xxxxx država u kojima se smatra da je obezbeđen primereni nivo zaštite podataka o ličnosti.
8.2. Banka prikuplja, obrađuje i xxxx podatke Xxxxxxxx koji su neophodni za zasnivanje i izvršenje konkretnog ugovornog odnosa, sprovođenja zakonskih propisa i legitimnih interesa Banke, kao i na osnovu pisane saglasnosti Klijenta, a sve u skladu sa Zakonom o zaštiti podataka o ličnosti i pratećim podzakonskim aktima. Banka sprovodi odgovarajuće organizacione, kadrovske i tehničke mere, a u cilju
bodies that have public authorities, solely for the purpose of protecting its rights, in accordance with the Law on Banks.
The Client agrees that the Bank may deliver data related to the Client’s financial standing and transactions, as well as all other personal data and information related to the Client, the Client’s ownership and business, provided by the Client within the establishment of a business relationship or in the course of a business relationship, to the National Bank of Serbia, the external auditor of the Bank, authorities to which the Bank must provide data under the law and all third parties with whom the Bank has concluded business cooperation agreements and non-disclosure agreements, such data beingnecessary for the execution of a business relationship or relatedto a business relationship of the Client and the Bank.
The Client agrees and authorises the Bank to obtain reports from the Credit Bureau of the Association of Serbian Banks on the Client’s debts from other parties, and to deliver to the Credit Bureau of the Association of Serbian Banks data related to the indebtedness of the Client at the Bank, with the purpose of storing, keeping, delivering and obtaining data recorded at the Credit Bureau, starting from the day of the establishment of a business relationship with the Bank until due and full settlement of all liabilities of the Client stemmingfrom/related to such business relationship.
The Bank is entitled to use the data on the Client and related to the Client contact information presented to the Bank by the Client within the establishment of a business relationship for sending notifications on its business activities, products and services as a business presentation to the Client.
8.1. The Bank keeps all data obtained in the course of business cooperation with the Client as a bank secret in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Banks. By accepting the GTC, the Client hereby agrees that the Bank may deliver all the required information referring to the Client (including related parties) and his/her business relationship with the Bank to the National Bank of Serbia, Forum for Prevention of Misuse in Loan Transactions andwith Payment Cards of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia, Credit Bureau of Association of Serbian Banks, external auditors of the Bank, proxies for claim collection, state bodies and the persons that are required to have such information due to law or the nature of their work, competent tax authorities, as well as the third parties that have established business cooperation with the Bank and executed agreement on handling with the confidential and bank secrecy data, whereas only actually required information shall be delivered, adding that the respective data may be forwarded to other country listed as a country with the acceptable level of personal data protection or there are some other fullfiled conditions that are stipulated by applicable regulations for this kind of transferring of personal data.
8.2. The Bank shall collect, process and keep the information required for establishing and fulfilment of the particular agreement, complying with the regulation and protection of the Bank’s legitimate interests, as well as based on the written consent of the Client, all in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law and accompanied by-laws. The Bank shall conduct certain organizational, personnel and
obezbeđivanja adekvatnog nivoa zaštite i sprovođenjaobrade podataka. Banka obrađuje lične podatke u periodu u kom lice ima status Klijenta Banke ili kada za to postoji legitimni interes, a xxxx xx u periodu određenom važećim propisima, odnosno usvojenom Listom registraturskog materijala, s xxx da se podaci o ličnosti koji se obrađuju isključivo po osnovu saglasnosti lica na koje se odnose, obrađuju u skladu sa svrhom zbog koje su prikupljeni, odnosno čuvaju do povlačenja saglasnosti xx xxxxxx lica na koje se podaci odnose.
8.3. Lice na koje se podaci odnose pod zakonom propisanim uslovima ima pravo da zahteva informacije o postojanju obrade podataka o ličnosti, svrsi obrade, rokovima čuvanja i sl, da zahteva pristup podacima, kopiju podataka koji se obrađuju, njihovo ažuriranje i eventualno brisanje, kao i prekid, ograničenje i privremenu obustavu obrade podataka, zatim pravo na prigovor Banci (kontakt adresa: Xxxxxxx xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx 0-0, Xxxxxxx ili kontakt email: xxxxxxx.xxxxxxxx@xxxxxxx.xx), a u slučaju da smatra da je obrada podataka o ličnosti izvršena suprotno zakonskim odredbama može da podnese i pritužbu Povereniku za informacije od javnog značaja i zaštitu podataka o ličnosti (kontakt adresa: Xxxxxxx xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx 00, Xxxxxxx ili kontakt email: xxxxxx@xxxxxxxxx.xx), i/ili zahteva sudsku zaštitu.
8.4. Detaljnije informacije su dostupne na internet prezentaciji Banke xxxx://xxx.xxxxxxx.xx – Zaštita podataka o ličnosti.
8.5. Prihvatanje Opštih uslova, koji su Klijentu dostupni pre uspostavljanja poslovne saradnje sa Bankom, predstavlja adekvatno obaveštenje, a uspostavljanje poslovne saradnje sa Bankom predstavlja punovažan xxxxxx pristanak koji Klijent daje Banci.
8.6. Sve napred navedeno se odnosi kako na Klijente fizička lica, tako i na davaoce sredstava obezbeđenja, zakonske zastupnike, ovlašćena lica i stvarne vlasnike pravnih lica.
9.1. Klijent ima pravo na prigovor Banci u pisanoj formi ako smatra da xx Xxxxx ne pridržava važećih propisa kojima se uređuje zaštita prava korisnika finansijskih usluga, Opštih uslova, dobrih poslovnih običaja ili obaveza iz ugovora zaključenog sa Klijentom.
Davalac sredstava obezbeđenja ima ista prava kao i Klijent.
9.2. Prigovor na rad Banke Klijent, fizičko lice, poljoprivrednik i preduzetnik, može podneti u roku od 3 (tri) godine, od xxxx xxxx smatra da je učinjena povreda njegovog prava ili pravnog interesa, a pravno lice u roku od
60 (šezdeset) xxxx od xxxx xxxx je saznao da je učinjena povreda njegovog prava ili pravnog interesa, a najkasnije u roku od 3(tri) godine od xxxx kad je ta povreda učinjena i to: elektronski, slanjem mail-a na adresu xxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxx.xx, popunjavanjem propisane forme za podnošenje prigovora objavljene na sajtu xxx.xxxxxxx.xx ili slanjem na adresu
technical measures in order to provide an appropriate level of protection and data processing. The Bank shall process the personal data as long as the person in matter has the Client’s status, or there is a legitimate interest to do so, and shall keep such data within the period prescribed by the applicable regulation, i.e. by adopted registratory material list, under the condition that the data processed upon the consent of the person in matter only, are processed in line with the purpose for which are collected, i.e. are kept until the consent is revoked by the person to which the data refer.
8.3. Under the legally prescribed conditions, the person to which the above data refer has the right to request the information on the processing of personal data, processing purpose, keeping deadlines etc., to request the access to such data, their copy, update and possibly erase, as well as termination, limitation or temporarily abort of processing. In addition, such person shall have the right to complain to the Bank (address: 0-0 Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxxx or email: xxxxxxx.xxxxxxxx@xxxxxxx.xx), or, if considers that such data processing is conducted contrary to law, shall even have the right to lodge a complaint to the Commissioner for Information of Public Importance and Personal Data Protection (address: 00 Xxxxxxxxx xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxx or email: xxxxxx@xxxxxxxxx.xx) and/or to demand the respective protection through the competent court.
8.4. More detailed information is available on the official website of the Bank xxx.xxxxxxx.xx – Protection of personal data.
8.5. By accepting the GTC, which are available to the Client before any business relationship with the Bank, it shall be considered that the Client is adequately notified and by establishing a business cooperation with the Bank it shall consider that the Client duly gives his written consent to the Bank.
8.6. All mentioned above applies to the Clients natural persons, as well as to providers of collaterals, legal representatives, authorized persons and beneficial owners of legal entities.
9.1. The Client shall be entitled to submit a complaint to the Bank in written form in case such Client holds the opinion that the Bank does not observe the provisions of the applicable regulations governing the protection of the rights of users of financial services, the GTC, good business practice or obligations from the agreement concluded with the Client. The collateral provider shall have the same rights as the Client.
9.2. The Client – natural person, entrepreneur, agricultural producer, shall be entitled to deliver to the Bank the complaint, within 3 (three) years as he/she considers that the violation of his/her right/interest is made, and the Client – legal entity shall be entitled to deliver to the Bank the complaint, within 60 (sixty) after finding that a violation of his right/interest had been committed, but no later than 3 (three) years as of the violation of his right/interest was made, as follows: electronically by e- mail to the following address xxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxx.xx, or filling the form for complaint disclosed on the Bank’s website
API Bank ad Beograd, Odeljenje kontrole usklađenosti poslovanja, Xxxxxxx xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx 0-0, 00000 Xxxxxxx. Xxxxxx prigovor Klijent može predati i lično u poslovnim prostorijama Banke.
9.3. Ukoliko Klijent - fizičko lice, poljoprivrednik, preduzetnik i pravno lice kao korisnik platnih usluga nije zadovoljan odgovorom Banke ili mu Banka ne odgovori u roku od 15 (petnaest) xxxx, može podneti pritužbu Narodnoj banci Srbije u roku od 6 (šest) meseci od xxxx prijema odgovora Banke na prigovor ili proteka roka za odgovor na adresu: Narodna Banka Srbije, Sektor za zaštitu korisnika finansijskih usluga, Poštanski fah 712 11000 Beograd ili elektronski preko početne stranice internet prezentacije Narodne banke Srbije,, klikom na tekst „Pritužba na postupanje davaoca finansijskih usluga/Predlog za posredovanje“.
9.4. Klijent - fizičko lice, poljoprivrednik, preduzetnik i pravno lice kao korisnik platnih usluga može, ukoliko nije zadovoljan odgovorom Banke na svoj prigovor ili ukoliko isti ne dobije u roku od 15 (petnaest) xxxx od dostavljanja prigovora Banci, da podnese Narodnoj Banci Srbije zahtev za posredovanje.
9.5. Nadzorni organ koji vrši kontrolu Xxxxx xx Narodna banka Srbije: Kralja Petra 12, Beograd, tel: 011/0000-000,
10.1. Xxxxx xx dužna da Opšte uslove poslovanja objavi na vidnom mestu u svojim poslovnim prostorijama u kojima nudi usluge i na Internet stranici xxx.xxxxxxx.xx i to najkasnije 15 (petnaest) xxxx pre početka njihove primene, da obezbedi da se Klijent upozna sa xxx Opštim uslovima na srpskom jeziku, da mu pruži odgovarajuća objašnjenja i instrukcije koji se odnose na primenu ovih uslova u vezi sa određenom uslugom, kao i da mu, na njegov zahtev, u pisanoj formi ili na drugom trajnom nosaču podataka dostavi te uslove bez odlaganja.
10.2. Xxxxx xx dužna da izmene i dopune Opštih uslova objavi na vidnom mestu u svojim poslovnim prostorijama u kojima nudi usluge i na Internet stranici xxx.xxxxxxx.xx i to najkasnije 15 (petnaest) xxxx pre početka njihove primene, da obezbedi da se Klijent upozna sa ovim izmenama i dopunama na srpskom jeziku, da mu pruži odgovarajuća objašnjenja i instrukcije koji se odnose na primenu izmena u vezi sa određenom uslugom, kao i da mu, na njegov zahtev, u pisanoj formi ili na drugom trajnom nosaču podataka dostavi te izmene bez odlaganja. U slučaju da Xxxxxxx blagovremeno ne istakne prigovor na izmene i dopune smatraće se da se sa njima saglasio.
10.3. Opšti uslovi, odnosno njihove izmene i dopune stupaju na snagu šesnaestog xxxx od xxxx njihovog objavljivanja na način definisan u tačkama 10.1. i 10.2.
10.4. Ukoliko bilo koji uslov ili odredba Opštih uslova postane
xxxxxxxxxxx ili neprimenjiv, to neće biti od značaja
xxx.xxxxxxx.xx, or sending to the Bank by post: Compliance Department, 0-0 Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx, 00000 Xxxxxxxx. The written complaint the Client may deliver personally in the Bank’s business premises.
9.3. If the Client - natural person, entrepreneur, agricultural producer and legal entity as a user of payment services is not satisfied with the Bank’s response or does not get any response whatsoever within the 15 (fifteen) days as of the delivery of the complaint, the Client may file the appeal to the National Bank of Serbia within 6 (six) months as of the receipt of the Bank’s response thereof or passing of the said deadline, to the address: the National Bank of Serbia, Sector for Protection of Financial Service Users, the postal code 712, 11000 Belgrade or electronically via the official website of the National Bank of Serbia,, by clicking to the wording “Complaint against financial service provider/Mediation proposal”.
9.4. If the Client - natural person, entrepreneur, agricultural producer and legal entity as a user of payment services is not satisfied with the Bank’s response or does not get any response whatsoever within 15 (fifteen), he may submit the mediation request to the National Bank of Serbia in order for the subject dispute to be settled out-of-court.
9.5. The respective control shall be performed by the National Bank of Serbia, Belgrade, 00 Xxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxx, phone no. 011/0000-000.
10.1. The Bank shall display the GTC at a visible position in its business premises where its services are offered and on the website xxx.xxxxxxx.xx within 15 (fifteen) days prior to the start of their implementation, enable the Client to get informed of the GTC in the Serbian language, provide adequate explanations and instructions related to their implementation concerning a banking service and send them to the Client without delay, at a Client’s request, in written form or on other durable medium.
10.2.The Bank shall display amendments of the GTC at a visible position in its business premises where its services are offered and on the website xxx.xxxxxxx.xx within 15 (fifteen) days prior to the start of their implementation, enable the Client to get informed of such amendments in the Serbian language, provide adequate explanations and instructions related to their implementation concerning a banking service and send them to the Client without delay, at a Client’s request, in written form on other durable medium. Should the Client fail to timely object to such amendments, it shall be deemed that the Client has agreed to the amendments.
10.3. The GTC as well as their amendments are entering into the force on the sixteenth day from the day of theirdisplaying in a way determined in 10.1. and 10.2.
10.4. Should a term or a provision of the GTC become invalid or inapplicable, such invalidity or inapplicability shall not be
za punovažnost ostalih odredbi Opštih uslova. 11.PRIMENA OPŠTIH USLOVA POSLOVANJA 11.1. Opšti uslovi su sastavni deo ugovora o korišćenju bankarskih usluga i proizvoda koje Klijenti zaključuju sa Bankom, a svojim potpisom na ugovoru ili na drugi odgovarajući način, ako konkretan oblik poslovne saradnje ne predviđa zaključivanje ugovora, Klijenti potvrđuju da su upoznati sa njihovim sadržajem i da prihvataju njihovu primenu na njihov poslovni odnos sa Bankom. Ukoliko je za neku kategoriju Klijenata i/ili za platne usluge koje Banka pruža, posebnim Opštim uslovima poslovanja API Bank a.d. Beograd za fizička lica, preduzetnike i poljoprivrednike i/ili posebnim Opštim uslovima pružanja platnih usluga API Bank a.d. Beograd, za neko pitanje predviđeno pravilo različito od pravila koje sadrže ovi Opšti uslovi, na to pitanje se primenjuju pravila tih posebnih Opštih uslova. 12. REŠAVANJE SPOROVA, MERODAVNO PRAVO, ORGAN NADLEŽAN ZA KONTROLU BANKE I JEZIK 12.1. Sva sporna pitanja koja eventualno nastanu iz poslovnog odnosa Banka i Klijent će rešiti sporazumno, a ako to nije moguće, spor će se rešavati pred stvarno nadležnim sudom u Beogradu i uz primenu prava Republike Srbije ukoliko nije drugačije ugovoreno ili propisano zakonom. 12.2. Kontrolu i nadzor nad poslovanjem Banke vrši Narodna banka Srbije, Kralja Petra 12, odnosno Nemanjina 17, 11000 Beograd. 12.3. U slučaju neslaganja teksta Opštih uslova na srpskom i engleskom jeziku merodavan je tekst na srpskom jeziku. 13. ZAVRŠNE ODREDBE 13.1. Stupanjem na snagu ovih Opših uslova poslovanja API Bank a.d. Beograd - Opšte odredbe, prestaju xx xxxx i da se primenjuju Opšti uslovi poslovanja API Bank a.d. Beograd – Opšte odredbe (Br. UO-497/2020 od 12.10.2020. godine). | relevant for the validity of other provisions of the GTC. 11. IMPLEMENTATION OF THE GTC 11.1. The GTC shall make an integral part of agreements on using banking services and products concluded by the Clients and the Bank. With their signatures affixed to an agreement or in other adequate manner, in case a form of business cooperation does not envisage conclusion of an agreement, the Clients confirm that they are familiar with their contents and that they accept their implementation to their business relationship with the Bank. If special General Terms and Conditions for a certain type of Clients and/or regarding payment services provided by the Bank i.e. General Terms and Conditions of API Bank a.d. Beograd with Clients Natural Persons, Entrepreneurs and Agricultural Producers and/or special General Terms and Conditions for the provision of payment services API Bank a.d. Belgrade, stipulate a different rule from the rules stipulated by the GTC, the provisions of those special General Terms and Conditions shall apply to this matter. 12. SOLVING OF DISPUTES, GOVERNING LAW, AUTHORITY IN CHARGE OF BANK SUPERVISION AND LANGUAGE 12.1. Any disputed issues that may arise from their business relationship shall be settled amicably between the Bank and the Client, and if this is not possible, the dispute shall be settled before a competent court in Belgrade by applying the law of the Republic of Serbia, unless otherwise stipulated or prescribed by law. 12.2. The control and supervision of the Bank’s operations are performed by the National Bank of Serbia, Kralja Petra Street 12 i.e. Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxx 00, 00000 Xxxxxxxx. 12.3. In the case of a discrepancy between Serbian and English version of the GTC, Serbian version shall prevail. 13. FINAL PROVISIONS 13.1. Upon coming into force of these General Terms and Conditions of API Bank a.d. Beograd – General Provisions, the General Terms and Conditions of Operation of API Bank a.d. Beograd – General Provisions shall cease to be valid and applicable (no. UO-497/2020 dated 12th October 2020). |