Ovim Ugovorom uređuju se međusobni odnosi između d.o.o. Čupić Trade, TA In Travel (u daljem tekstu Rent a Moto) i najmoprimatelja xxxx xx podaci navedeni na prvoj stranici ovog ugovora (u daljem tekstu Korisnik).
Član 1.
Rent a Moto daje Korisniku na korišćenje vozilo koje je registrovano i tehnički ispravno za vožnju, pod uslovima utvrđenim ovim Ugovorom.
Član 2.
Xxxxxxxx se svojim potpisom saglasio sa odredbama ovog ugovora i cjenovnikom xxxx xxxx sastavni dio ovog Ugovora i saglasan je:
- da je iznajmljen motor preuzeo u ispravnom stanju i da on ispunjava sve tehničke uslove iz Zakona o osnovama bezbjednosti saobraćaja prema pre-rental inspekcionoj listi koja čini sastavni dio ovog Ugo- xxxx.
- da iznajmljen motor nakon isteka ugovorenog vremena xxxxx xxxxx na mjesto i u roku označenim na prvoj strani ovog Ugovora, odnosno i ranije na zahtjev Rent a Moto.
- da će eventualno produženje ugovorenog xxxx xxxxx motora tražiti od Xxxx a Moto najmanje 24 časa prije isteka ugovorenog xxxxx i da će njegovu odluku o tome u cjelini ispoštovati.
- da će u slučaju nastanka kvara na iznajmljenom vozilu odmah o tome obavijestiti Rent a Moto i da će dalje slijediti njegova upustva.
- da će iznajmljeni motor koristiti isključivo za sopstvene potrebe i da će njime upravljati samo on ili dru- go lice koje ispunjava uslove i koje je navedeno u ugovoru. Odgovornost ovih xxxx xx solidarna.
- da iznajmljeni motor neće koristiti u nedozvoljene svrhe (za vršenje krivičnih djela, carinskih i drugih prekršaja i drugih nedozvoljenih radnji), za obuku vozača, sportska takmičenja i slično.
- da iznajmljeni motor neće voziti pod dejstvom alkohola, narkotika i drugih opojnih sredstava
- da iznajmljeni motor neće opteretiti osobama iii predmetima preko dozvoljene maksimalne težine.
- da iznajmljenih motorom neće preži dršavnu granicu Crne Xxxx bez pisane saglasnosti Rent a Moto.
- da na iznajmljeni motor, bez saglasnosti Rent a Moto, neće vršiti nikakvu ugradnju djelova, uređaja sklopova i opreme.
- da će sredstva za obezbjeđenje motora (uručena xx xxxxxx Rent a Moto) obavezno koristiti.
Član 3.
Korisnik xx xxxxx Rent a Moto na ime garancije za uredno vraćanje motora:
- da uplati novčani depozit u iznosu proračunate vrijednosti xxxxx. Korisnik xx xxxxx Rent a Moto na ime xxxxx xxxxxx platiti:
- iznos uračunate cijene xxxxx za ugovoreni period vremena.
- cijenu potrošenog goriva po važećem cjenovniku.
- dodatni iznos za preuzimanje/vraćanje motora ukoliko ga Korisnik preuzima/vraća van mjesta sjedišta
Rent a Moto, po važećem cjenovniku Rent a Moto.
- oštećenje pneumatika, alata i dokumenata po važećem cjenovniku Rent a Moto.
- kašnjenje u vraćanju motora više od 60 (šezdeset) minuta.
- u slučaju gubljenja ključeva i/ili saobraćajne dozvole iii nevraćanja istih iz bilo kojih razloga Korisnik xx xxxxx na ime nadoknade štete Rent a Moto platiti iznos od 200 €
- u slučaju gubljenja kacige i/ili nevraćanja iste Korisnik xx xxxxx na ime nadoknade štete Rent a Moto
platiti iznos od 100€
Ukoliko Korisnik ne izvrši plaćanje svojih obaveza iz stava 2 ovog člana avansno, xxxxx xx obezbjediti odgovarajuće sredstvo obezbjeđenja plaćanja prihvatljivo za Rent a Moto.
Za vrijeme trajanja zakupa Rent a Moto ne snosi nikakvu odgovornost za kršenje odredaba Zakona o bezbjednosti saobraćaja na putevima xx xxxxxx Korisnika niti nadoknađuje troškove eventualne opravke guma, putarinu i sl. Konačan obračun za plaćanje Rent a Moto pravi prilikom vraćanja motora xx xxxxxx Korisnika, a na osnovu odredaba ovog ugovora, cjenovnika i pre-rental inspekcione liste.
Član 4.
Ukoliko prilikom korišćenja motora dođe do oštećenja zbog nepažnje Rentera (oštećenja pogonskog me- hanizma, mjenjača, kvačila iii drugog karakterističnog dijela) opravka će se izvršiti xx xxxxxx autorizova- nog Rent a Moto servisnog centra, po zvaničnom cjenovniku na teret Korisnika.
Ukoliko xx xxxx koji kvar na motoru nastao zbog nepažnje Korisnika i/ili nepravilne upotrebe motora, Korisnik xx xxxxx Rent a Moto nadoknaditi sve troškove izvršene opravke i izgubljenu dobit zbog toga sto je motor bio van upotrebe prema zvaničnom cjenovniku Rent a Moto, računajući od xxxx xxxx je motor bio van upotrebe do xxxx xxxx je motor osposobljen za upotrebu.
Sva oštećenja na motoru koja se utvrde prilikom vraćanja motora Rent a Moto xx xxxxxx Korisnika, a koja nijesu bila konstatovana prilikom predaje motora Korisniku u najam, smatraće se da su nastala u toku trajanja xxxxx i za njih će biti odgovoran Xxxxxxxx.
Obaveze iz ovog člana ulaze u konačan obračun iz člana 3. ovog ugovora i Korisnik xx xxxxx da ih izmiri odmah.
Član 5.
U slučaju saobraćajnog udesa, havarije iii bilo kakve tehničke nepravilnosti motora, Korisnik ne smije napustiti motor i xxxxx xx o tome odmah obavjestiti predstavnika Rent a Moto, u slučaju saobraćajnog udesa xxxxx xx da sačeka predstavnike MUP-a i da obezbjedi njihov zapisnik.
Xxxxxxxx je takođe xxxxx da motor o svom trošku dopremi u servis.
Ukoliko Korisnik propusti neku od radnji iz ovog člana i zbog toga nastane šteta za Rent a Moto, Xxxxxxxx xx xxxxx štetu nadoknaditi u xxxxx iznosu, uključujući izgubljenu dobit.
Ukoliko dođe do krađe iii nestanka motora iz bilo kog razloga, Korisnik xx xxxxx odmah o tome oba- vijestiti Rent a Moto i organe unutrašnjih poslova. Od organa unutrašnjih poslova Korisnik xx xxxxx obezbjediti zapisnik o prijavi nestanka motora.
Ukoliko dođe do krađe iii nestanka motora iz bilo kog razloga, Korisnik xx xxxxx Rent a Moto:
- vratiti original ključ i original saobraćajnu dozvolu od motora.
- uručiti zapisnik MUP-a o prijavi krađe iii nestanka motora
Ukoliko Korisnik ne ispoštuje obaveze iz prethodnog stava ovog člana, smatraće se materijalno odgo- vornim za krađu ili nestanak motora i xxxx xxxxx Rent a Moto nadoknaditi štetu u xxxxx iznosu cijene novog motora i izgubljenu dobit.
Ugovor o najmu motora smatra se prijevremeno raskinutim i to:
- zaključno sa danom kada Korisnik motor dostavi Rent a Moto sa zapisnikom o oštećenju izdatim xx xxxxxx organa MUP-a (stav l. ovog člana).
- zaključno sa danom kada Korisnik dostavi Rent a Moto-u zapisnik o izvršenoj prijavi krađe iii nestanka vozila iz bilo kog razloga izdat xx xxxxxx MUP-a, zajedno sa original ključem i original saobraćajnom dozvolom motora (stav 5. ovog člana)
Član 6.
Korisnik potvrđuje da mu je poznato da iznajmljeni motor nije osiguran od štete pričinjene usled njego- ve upotrebe pod dejstvom alkohola, opojnih droga i drugih opojnih sredstava, usled vožnje bez važeće vozačke dozvole, kao i kada se na motoru nalazi više lica od dozvoljenog broja i da u xxxx navedenim slučajevima kompletnu štetu snosi xxx.
Uplatom iznosa rente za motor, Korisnik xxxxx prava na oslobađanje od odgovornosti za štetu koja na motoru nastane bez njegove krivice.
U slučaju nastanka štete na motoru krivicom Korisnika, Korisnik učestvuje u iznosu visine depozita.
Član 7.
U slučaju neblagovremenog izmirenja obaveza po ovom Ugovoru, Korisnik xx xxxxx nadoknaditi štetu u visini od 100% dnevno.
Član 8.
U slučaju spora po ovom Ugovoru, nadležan je sud u Herceg Novom.
Član 9.
Ovaj Ugovor je sačinjen u 2 (dva) istovjetna primjerka od kojih je po 1 (jedan) za svaku ugovornu stranu.
This agreement regulates mutual obligations between x.x.x. Xxxxx Trade, TA In Travel (Hereinafter reffered to as: Rent a Moto) and the Renter whose particulars are stated on the first page of this contract (Hereinafter reffered to as the Renter).
Article 1.
Rent a Moto is hereby renting to the Renter the registered and technically maintained and opera- tional vehicle under the conditions stipulated by this Agreement.
Article 2.
The Renter hereby, by signing ths Agreement, accepts the provisions of the Agreement and the price list, which makes the integral part of teh Agreement. The Renter this agrees with the following:
- the rented motorcycle has been given to the Renter in the perational condition and it meets all the requirements and provisions stipulated by the Law on Traffic Safety and Pre-Rental inspection list which makes integral part of this agreement.
- the rented motorcycle will be returned to the designated place and within the designated time, as provisioned by this Agreement, after the contracted rental period has expired, or even the expiry of the contracted rental period should Rent a Moto require so.
The prolongation of the contracted rental will be required from Rent a Moto at least 24 hours in advance prior to the expiry of the contracted rental period and the Renter will be abide in full by Rent a Moto's decision on that issue.
- in case of any malfunction or damage to the rented motorcycle, personally for his-her personal needs and only the Renter and additional rider, who meets all the requirements and is mentioned in the Agreement will ride the rented motorcycle.
- the rented motorcycle will not be used for any illegal activity (criminal offences, custom law break- age or similar activities), for teaching others to ride, contests etc.
- the rented motorcycle will not be ridden while alcohol impaired, under the influence of narcotics or while intoxicated.
- the rented motorcycle wiil not transport more persons or weight than the allowed maximum weight is.
- the state border of Montenegro will not be crossed by using the rented motorcycle in question, accept when such use is specifically authorized by Rent a Moto and prior written consent is thus obtained by Rent a Moto.
- no incorporation of spare parts, devices or equipment will be performed to the rented motorcycle from potential theft will be used at all times without exception.
Article 3.
As a guarantee that the rented motorcycle will be returned in due time, the Renter is obligated to do the following:
- to pay to Rent a Moto the cash deposit in the amount of precalculated rental fee.
The Renter is obligated for the rent of the motorcycle to pay to Rent a Moto the total amount of the rental fees for the contracted period of time.
- the consumed fuel charge according to the current price list
- additional fees for motorcycle delivery/return, in case that the Renter order/returns the motorcycle outside the town where Rent a Moto's seat is, will be charged for pursuant to the current Rent a Moto’s price list.
- delay to return the motorcycle after 60 (sixty) minutes grace period has expired will be charged for accordingly.
- in case the Renter loses the keys to the motorcycle and/or registration or in case that the Renter is, for any reason, does not return it he/she is obliged to pay the amount of 100 €
If the Renter does not make the advances payment for all the items provisioned withijn the para- graph 2 of this Article, he/she will be obliged to present as a deposit the adequate payment means acceptable for Rent a Moto.
During the rental period Rent a Moto will not bear any responsability for any breaking of the Traffic Security Law by the Renter not will cover for any costs of the potential replaceent/patching of tires, toll or similar charges.
The final payment calculation will be done by Rent a Moto upon the return of the motorcycle by the Renter, pursuant to the provisions of the Agreement, the price list and the Pre-Rental inspection list.
Article 4.
During the use of the motorcycle within the rental period if a damage is incurred due to negligence of the Renter (engine gear box, clutch, or any other significant part) the repair will be performed
at the authorized Rent a Moto's service center in accordance with the current Rent a Moto's price list and the Renter will bear the cost of it. If any damage to the motorcycle is incurred due to the negligence on the part of the Renter and/or improper u of it, the renter is obliged to cover all the costs of the performed repair and to cover for the loss of profit cause to Rent a Moto by the fact that the motorcycle ws not fit for use as of the day when the motorcycle in question was diagnosed as unusable up to the day when it was repaired. All of this will be done in accordance with the current Rent a Moto's price list.
All the damages caused to the motorcycle which had not been stated at the time of rental and which are found the moment when tje Renter returns the motorcycle to Rent a Moto will be considered as caused during the rental period and the Renter will be found liable for them.
All the liabilities provisioned in this Article will make the integral part of the fnal calculation men- tioned above in the Article 3. of this Agreement and the Renter is therefore obliged to pay for them immediately.
Article 5.
In case of a traffic accident, accident or any technical malfunction of the engine, the Renter must not leave the motorcycle unattended and will inform the representative of Rent a Moto immediately, about the situation. In case of a traffic accident he is obliged to wait for the police to arrive, and will ensure that the report on the accident is made.
The Renter will return the motorcycle on his/her own expense to the Rent Moto's service centre.
If the Renter fails to perform any of the activities mentioned in this article and thus causes losses to
Rent a Moto the Renter will raimburse Rent a Moto in full including the lost profit.
If the motorcycle is stolen or missing for any reason, the Renter will immediately inform Xxxx a Moto and the Ministry of Internal Affairs in charge of the issues. The Renter is therefore obliged to present Rent a Moto the report from authorized agency of the ministry to which he/she reported the stolen or missing motorcycle.
If the motorcycle is stolen or missing for any reason, the Renter will return to Rent a Moto the oroginal key and registartion of the motorcycle and will present the reort xxxxx by the police on the reported theft or missing motorcycle.
If the Renter does not fulfill all the obligations stipulated in the above given Article, the Renter will be found materially liable for the teft or motorcycle missing and will compensate to Rent a Moto the incurred loss in full amount of the price of a new such motorcycle as well as the lost profit. The vehicle rental Agreement will be considered as early abrogated on:
- the day when the Renter delivers the motorcycle along with the damage report made by the police;
- on the date when the Renter presents to the report on the theft or vehicle missing for any reason, the report having been made by the police along with the original key and original registration paper.
Article 6.
The Renter hereby confirms thet he/she is familiar with the fact that the motorcycle is not ensured against damage caused by his/her riding the motorcycle under influence of alcohol, drugs or other intoxicating substance, riding without a valid driving license as well as riding when more persons are ridden on the motorcycle than is allowed.
The Xxxxxx xxxxxx confirms that he/she is familiar with the fact that the motorcycle is casco (loss&da- mage) insured. Insurance price is included in the rental price. By paying rent the Renter will be entitled to be free from responsibility for any damage caused to the motorcycle the Renter fault, the Renter will participate in covering of the damage up to full amount of deposit.
In case of thievery or missing the motorcycle, and when the Renter had followed the instructions given by Rent a Moto, he will participate in the loss with the full amount of deposit.
Article 7.
In case that the responsabilities undertaken in accordance with this Agreement are not fulfilled in due time, the Renter will be charged for the damage in the amount of 100% per day.
Artcle 8.
In case of any dispute wth reference to this Agreement, the Court in charge will be the Court in Herceg Novi.
Article 9.
This Agreement is made in 2 (two) identical copies out of which each party to the Agreement will keep 1 (one).