Opći uvjeti Ugovora o financijskom leasingu (Opći uvjeti) Verzija 2 od 20.9.2021 godine
Opći uvjeti Xxxxxxx o financijskom leasingu (Opći uvjeti) Verzija 2 od 20.9.2021 godine
Opći uvjeti čine sastavni i nedjeljivi dio Ugovora o leasingu sklopljenog između Davatelja leasinga i Primatelja leasinga. Svi izrazi navedeni u njima velikim početnim slovom imaju isto značenje kao što imaju izrazi u Ugovoru o leasingu (i obratno), osim ako Općim uvjetima ili Ugovorom o leasingu izričito nije određeno drugačije.
Opći uvjeti vrijede za sve Ugovore o leasingu potpisane s Primateljem leasinga i razmatra ih se zasebno za svaki Ugovor o leasingu sve dok Davatelj leasinga ne izda novu verziju Općih uvjeta i dok je Ugovorne strane ne potpišu. Nova verzija Općih uvjeta se primjenjuje na Ugovore o leasingu potpisane na datum ili nakon datuma izdavanja i potpisivanja te nove verzije Općih uvjeta.
1. Predmet Ugovora o leasingu
1.1. Davatelj leasinga kupuje Objekt leasinga od Dobavljača po cijeni i u skladu s uvjetima detaljno utvrđenim u Ugovoru o leasingu, a zatim predaje Primatelju leasinga Objekt leasinga na uporabu i korištenje, pri čemu Primatelj leasinga plaća naknadu za takvu uporabu i stječe pravo zatražiti prijenos vlasništva nad Objektom leasinga po ispunjenju svih svojih obveza po Ugovoru o leasingu. Potpisivanjem Ugovora o leasingu Primatelj leasinga potvrđuje da je odabrao Dobavljača, Objekt leasinga i specifikacije istog (uključujući dodatnu opremu), i da se s Dobavljačem usuglasio oko svih uvjeta kupnje, isporuke i primopredaje Objekta leasinga, i da Objekt leasinga utvrđen u Ugovoru o leasingu u cijelosti udovoljava zahtjevima Primatelja leasinga u pogledu cijene, primjerenosti za predviđenu namjenu, tehničkih specifikacija i uvjeta jamstva, tako da Primatelj leasinga s xxx u vezi ne može postavljati nikakve zahtjeve naspram Davatelja leasinga. Primatelj leasinga potvrđuje da je upoznat sa stvarnim pravnim i fizičkim stanjem Objekta leasinga i prihvaća ga potpisivanjem Ugovora o leasingu. Potpisivanjem Ugovora o leasingu, Primatelj leasinga traži od Davatelja leasinga da od Dobavljača kupi Objekt leasinga utvrđen u Ugovoru o leasingu, i da ga Primatelju leasinga da u leasing pod uvjetima Ugovora o leasingu te u skladu s odredbama Ugovora o leasingu i ovim Općim uvjetima.
1.2. Davatelj leasinga može zadržati svako plaćanje Dobavljaču sve dok Primatelj leasinga Davatelju leasinga ne plati cijeli iznos Učešća i drugih naknada, xxxx xx navedeno u Ugovoru o leasingu.
1.3. Primatelj leasinga se obvezuje o vlastitom trošku i na vlastiti rizik preuzeti i primiti Objekt leasinga na datum isporuke i na mjestu
General Terms And Conditions of Financial Lease Agreement (General Terms) Version 2 dated 20.9.2021
These General Terms form an integral indivisible part of the Lease Agreement concluded between the Lessor and the Lessee. Any and all terms capitalised herein shall have the same meaning as given to such terms in the Lease Agreement (and vice versa), unless the General Terms or the Lease Agreement, respectively, explicitly specify otherwise.
These General Terms shall be valid for any and all of the Lease Agreements signed with the Lessee and shall be treated separately for each Lease Agreement in the period until the new version of General Terms has been issued by the Lessor and signed by the Parties. The new version of General Terms shall apply to the Lease Agreements signed on or after the day of issuance and signing of that new version of General Terms.
1. Subject of the Lease Agreement
1.1. The Lessor shall purchase the Leased Asset from the Supplier for a price and in accordance with terms and conditions specified in detail in the Lease Agreement, and it shall then surrender the Leased Asset to the Lessee into use and exploitation, whereas the Lessee shall pay for such use and shall acquire the right to request the transfer of title over the Leased Asset upon the discharge of all of its obligations under the Lease Agreement. By signing of the Lease Agreement, the Lessee certifies that it has chosen the Supplier, the Leased Asset and its specification (incl. additional equipment), and has agreed with the Supplier on all conditions of the purchase, delivery and handover of the Leased Asset, and that the Leased Asset specified in the Lease Agreement fully meets the Lessee’s requirements in terms of price, suitability for the intended purpose, technical specifications and warranty conditions, so the Lessee may have no claim from this against the Lessor. The Lessee acknowledges it is acquainted with the actual legal and physical condition of the Leased Asset and accepts it by signing the Lease Agreement. By signing of the Lease Agreement, the Lessee requests from the Lessor to purchase from the Supplier the Leased Asset specified in the Lease Agreement, and to lease it under the terms of the Lease Agreement to the Lessee in accordance with the provisions of the Lease Agreement and these General Terms.
1.2. The Lessor may withhold any payment to the Supplier until the Lessee pays to the Lessor the full amount of the Down Payment and other fees, as nominated in the Lease Agreement.
1.3. The Lessee undertakes at its own cost and risk to take over and receive the Leased Asset on the date of delivery and at the place of
isporuke utvrđenom u Ugovoru o leasingu, staviti Objekt isporuke u uporabu, ishoditi sve potrebne dozvole za zakonitu upotrebu Objekta leasinga (uključujući Dozvolu za obavljanje djelatnosti), ispuniti sve odgovarajuće ekološke, zdravstvene i sigurnosne zahtjeve vezane uz upotrebu Objekta leasinga i osigurati njegovo sigurno parkiranje i čuvanje te zaštitu od krađe.
1.4. Prilikom isporuke, Primatelj leasinga je obvezan s dužnom pažnjom provjeriti ima li Objekt leasinga očite nedostatke i potpisati potvrdu koja dokazuje isporuku i sukladnost isporučenog Objekta leasinga s Ugovorom o leasingu (Potvrda o primitku i prihvaćanju). U slučaju očitih nedostataka ili kakvog neočekivanog događaja tijekom isporuke, navedeni se nedostatci ili događaji unose u Potvrdu o primitku i prihvaćanju i potvrđuju potpisom Dobavljača ili Davatelja leasinga kao prenositelja, i Primatelja leasinga kao primatelja.
1.5. Ugovorne strane utvrđuju da je Primatelj leasinga na vlastiti rizik odabrao, odobrio i zatražio Objekt leasinga, Dobavljača te uvjete stjecanja i isporuke Objekta leasinga od Dobavljača. U skladu s navedenim, Davatelj leasinga ne odgovara ni za stanje ili nedostatke Objekta leasinga u trenutku isporuke (ni za bilo kakve nepodudarnosti Objekta leasinga s izričito dogovorenim kvalitetama ili neprimjerenost Objekta leasinga za svaku uobičajenu ili specifičnu predviđenu upotrebu), niti za bilo kakvo kašnjenje ili otkaz isporuke xx xxxxxx Dobavljača, niti za bilo kakve uvjete jamstva vezano uz Objekt leasinga, niti za bilo kakve dodatne troškove stavljanja Objekta leasinga u uporabu (ili održavanja u uporabi). Objekti leasinga se Primatelju leasinga isporučuju u stanju u kojem ih je isporučio Dobavljač. Svaki servis i popravak unutar ili izvan jamstvenog roka i sve zahtjeve za uklanjanje nedostataka na Objektu leasinga Primatelj leasinga rješava izravno s ovlaštenim servisom odnosno Dobavljačem. Davatelj leasinga ne preuzima nikakvu odgovornost za spremnost Objekta leasinga za uporabu ili za tehničke karakteristike, primjerenost i kvalitetu Objekta leasinga.
1.6. Davatelj leasinga je u cijelosti izuzet od odgovornosti za naknadu štete te je izuzet i od svake druge obveze ili odgovornosti temeljem zakona koji uređuje odgovornost za štetu; Primatelj leasinga može uložiti zahtjev za naknadu štete ili drugih povrijeđenih prava samo izravno Dobavljaču i/ili proizvođaču (xxxx xx primjenjivo). Primatelj leasinga nema nikakva potraživanja u odnosu na Davatelja leasinga. Davatelj leasinga ne snosi nikakvu odgovornost u odnosu na osobe koje
delivery specified in the Lease Agreement, to put the Leased Asset into operation, to obtain all the mandatory licences for its lawful usage (including the Operating License), to comply with all the appropriate environmental, health and safety requirements applicable for its use and to provide for its safe parking and preservation, and prevention against theft.
1.4. At delivery, the Lessee shall diligently examine the Leased Asset for evident defects and shall sign the certificate evidencing the fact of delivery and the compliance of the delivered Leased Asset with the Lease Agreement (Certificate of Receipt and Acceptance). In case of evident defects or any unexpected events during delivery, such defects or events shall be recorded in the Certificate of Receipt and Acceptance and certified by signatures of the Supplier or the Lessor, as a transferor, and by the Lessee, as a recipient.
1.5. The Parties acknowledge that the Leased Asset, the Supplier and terms and conditions for the acquisition from and delivery by the Supplier of the Leased Asset have been chosen, approved and requested by the Lessee and at sole risk of the Lessee. In view of the above, the Lessor shall not be held liable either for the condition or defects of the Leased Asset at delivery (or for any incompliances of the Leased Asset with the specifically agreed qualities or its unsuitability with any usual or specific indented use), or for any delay or cancelation of delivery by the Supplier, or for any Leased Asset’s warranty terms or conditions, or for any extra expenses for putting (or keeping) the Leased Asset in operation. The Leased Assets shall be delivered to the Lessee in the condition in which they have been delivered by the Supplier. Any warranty and out of warranty service and repair and claims for defects of the Leased Asset shall be settled directly between the Lessee and the authorized service organization/ respectively with the Supplier. The Lessor shall not assume any liability for the readiness for operation or for the technical characteristics, suitability and quality of the Leased Asset.
1.6. The Lessor is entirely exempt from liability for the compensation of damages and is exempt from any other obligations or liabilities arising from the law governing to liability for damage; the Lessee may file a claim for the compensation of damage or other infringed rights only directly to the Supplier and / or the manufacturer (as applicable). The Lessee shall have no claims against the Lessor. The Lessor shall not be held liable against any person maintaining or using the Leased
održavaju ili upotrebljavaju Objekt leasinga. Asset.
1.7. Davatelj leasinga navodi se xxx xxxxxxx Objekta leasinga u relevantnim dokumentima, uključujući (primjenjivo za vozila koja podliježu obvezi registracije) dokumente za registraciju vozila i ima pravo Objekt leasinga odgovarajuće označiti kao svoje vlasništvo. Prava vlasništva Davatelja leasinga nad Objektom leasinga vrijede u odnosu na stečajnu masu Primatelja leasinga kao i na sve vjerovnike, uključujući one vjerovnike koji su smatrali da su dobili sredstvo osiguranja ili pravo ovrhe (ako je primjenjivo). Primatelj leasinga ne smije Objekt leasinga založiti (ili pokušati ili dozvoliti stavljanje xxxxxx) u korist xxxxx xxxxxx, niti prenositi bilo koja prava ili obveze iz Ugovora o leasingu trećoj strani. Primatelj leasinga ne smije preinačiti Objekt leasinga spajajući ga s nekim drugim predmetom tako da bi Objekt leasinga postao njegov sastavni dio.
2. Pravo vlasništva nad Objektom leasinga
2.1. Objekt leasinga ostaje u isključivom vlasništvu Davatelja leasinga tijekom cijelog razdoblja Ugovora o leasingu. Primatelj leasinga ne smije činiti ni dozvoliti ništa što bi moglo dovesti u pitanje ili ugroziti prava Davatelja leasinga u odnosu na Objekt leasinga. Davatelj leasinga ne smije ometati Primatelja leasinga u posjedu i primjerenoj upotrebi Objekta leasinga, osim u slučajevima vezanim uz izvršavanje zadržanog prava pregleda ili ponovnog uzimanja u posjed. U slučaju raskida Ugovora o leasingu (neovisno o uzroku i vrsti raskida), Primatelj leasinga će bez odgode vratiti Objekt leasinga Davatelju leasinga, osim ako je Ugovorom o leasingu i ovim Općim uvjetima određeno drugačije. Primatelj leasinga nema pravo zadržati Objekt leasinga ili bilo koji njegov dio, neovisno o svakom mogućem potraživanju prema Davatelju leasinga i/ili Dobavljaču i/ili trećoj strani.
2.2. Primatelj leasinga ne smije prodati, dati u leasing, ustupiti ili opteretiti Objekt leasinga xx xxxx kakvim pravima osiguranja ili teretima ili zalogom, niti na ikoji način raspolagati ili postupati s Objektom leasinga ili nekim njegovim dijelom da bi zasnovao ili omogućio zasnivanje xxxxxx / tereta nad njime, i ne smije sklopiti nikakav ugovor ili dogovor za podzakup ili podnajam Objekta leasinga ili nekog njegovog dijela (ili dozvoliti nastavak svake nedozvoljene upotrebe Objekta leasinga). U slučaju xxxx xx (prethodno prema pisanom dopuštenju xx xxxxxx Davatelja leasinga) Primatelju leasinga dozvoljeno davati Objekt leasinga u podzakup / podnajam svojim povezanim društvima ili subjektima koji se nalaze u zemljama koje nisu zemlje sjedišta (Flagging Out Deals),
1.7. The Lessor shall be disclosed as the owner of the Leased Asset in the relevant documents, including (applicable to vehicles subject to registration) vehicle registration documents and shall have the right to properly label the Leased Asset as its ownership. The property rights of the Lessor over the Leased Asset shall apply against the Lessee’s bankruptcy estate and any creditors, including those creditors, who thought to have obtained a security or enforcement title (if applicable). The Lessee shall not encumber (or attempt or permit to encumber) the Leased Asset in favour of any third party, or transfer any of the rights or obligations under the Lease Agreement to any third party. The Lessee shall not modify the Leased Asset by combining it with any other object so that the Leased Asset would become an integral part thereof.
2. Title to the Leased Asset
2.1. The Leased Asset shall remain a sole property of the Lessor over the entire period of the Lease Agreement. The Lessee shall not do or permit to be done anything that could prejudice or jeopardize the rights of the Lessor in respect of the Leased Asset. The Lessor must not disrupt the possession and proper use of the Leased Asset by the Lessee other than in cases related to exercising the reserved right to inspection or repossession. In the event of termination of the Lease Agreement (regardless of the cause and type of the termination), the Lessee shall immediately return the Leased Asset to the Lessor, unless the Lease Agreement and these General Terms stipulate otherwise. The Lessee has no right to retain the Leased Asset or any part thereof, regardless of any potential claims against the Lessor and / or the Supplier and / or third parties.
2.2. The Lessee shall not sell, lease, assign or encumber the Leased Asset with any security rights or any charge or lien, or in any way dispose of or deal with the Leased Asset or any part thereof to create or allow to be created any lien / charge thereon, and shall not enter into any agreement or arrangement for sub-letting or hiring of the Leased Asset or any part thereof (or permit to subsist any unpermitted use thereof). In case of permitted (in advance by the Lessor in writing) sub- letting / sub-leasing of the Leased Asset by the Lessee to its associated companies or entities situated in countries other than the country of the Lessee’s seat (Flagging Out Deals), the Lessee is obliged throughout the Lease Term to provide the Lessor with the copy of a valid and current licence for
Primatelj leasinga xx xxxxx tijekom razdoblja Trajanja leasinga Davatelju leasinga predati presliku valjane i aktualne dozvole za obavljanje svojih poslovnih aktivnosti vezanih uz Objekt leasinga (Dozvola za obavljanje djelatnosti) koju izdaje nadležno tijelo za izdavanje dozvole zajedno s preslikama svih drugih potvrda potrebnih kao uvjet za dobivanje Dozvole za obavljanje djelatnosti. Ako Dozvoli za obavljanje djelatnosti istekne rok valjanosti ili ona završi tijekom razdoblja Trajanja leasinga, Primatelj leasinga xx xxxxx ispuniti svoje obveze i navedene dokumente pribaviti najkasnije do svakog odgovarajućeg datuma produljenja. Primatelj leasinga je također xxxxx Davatelja leasinga bez odgode obavijestiti o primitku svake obavijesti lokalnog tijela nadležnog za izdavanje dozvola o oduzimanju dozvole ili primjeni kakvih drugih mjera.
2.3. Nitko ne može posjedom Objekta leasinga steći pravo vlasništva nad istim dosjelošću (usucapio).
2.4. Primatelj leasinga ne smije prenositi svoja prava, obveze i/ili odgovornosti iz Ugovora o leasingu trećoj strani. Davatelj leasinga ima pravo prenositi / ustupati sva ili dio svojih prava (uključujući potraživanja) iz Ugovora o leasingu trećoj strani bez suglasnosti Primatelja leasinga. Za slučaj da Davatelj leasinga cijeli Ugovor o leasingu prenese trećoj strani, Primatelj leasinga ovim putem daje svoju izričitu prethodnu suglasnost za takav prijenos.
2.5. Primatelj leasinga xx xxxxx štititi Objekt leasinga (i Davatelja leasinga osloboditi od odgovornosti) od svih potraživanja xxxxx xxxxxx. Primatelj leasinga je obvezan bez odgode obavijestiti Davatelja leasinga o svim potraživanjima xxxxx xxxxxx vezanim uz Objekt leasinga, raspolaganju njime i oduzimanju, kao i o izvršenju svake odluke xxxx bi predmet mogao biti (ili jest) Objekt leasinga; jednako vrijedi za izvršenje odluka vezanih uz zemljište na kojem se nalazi Objekt leasinga. Primatelj leasinga xx xxxxx propisno obavijestiti sud, predstavnika tijela odgovornog za provođenje zakona i/ili treću stranu u trenutku zapljene / oduzimanja Objekta leasinga (ili, ako je primjenjivo, u trenutku obavijesti o tome) da je Objekt leasinga predmet financijskog leasinga i pružiti kontaktne podatke Davatelja leasinga kao njegovog zakonskog vlasnika. Primatelj leasinga je također obvezan obznaniti Davatelju leasinga ime, prezime i adresu osobe koja ima pravo na potraživanja. Primatelj leasinga snosi sve troškove vezane uz zaštitu Objekta leasinga od potraživanja xxxxx xxxxxx (uključujući razumne troškove Davatelja leasinga) koje na kraju treća strana ne plaća (ili nije platila). Primatelj leasinga
operating its business activities related to the Leased Asset (Operating License) granted by the competent licensing authority together with copies of any other certificates required as a condition for obtaining the Operating License. If the Operating License expires or ends during the Lease Term, the Lessee is obliged to fulfil its obligations to provide the said documents on each relevant renewal date, at the latest. The Lessee is also obliged to inform the Lessor immediately of the receipt of any enforcement or license revocation notices by local licensing authority.
2.3. No one may, through holding possession of the Leased Asset, acquire its ownership based on prescription (usucapio).
2.4. The Lessee may not transfer its rights, obligations and / or liabilities from the Lease Agreement to a third party. The Lessor is entitled to transfer / assign all or part of its rights (including claims) from the Lease Agreement to a third party without consent of the Lessee. For case of transfer of the entire Lease Agreement by the Lessor to third parties, the Lessee expressly consents in advance to such transfer.
2.5. The Lessee is obliged to protect the Leased Asset (and hold the Lessor harmless) from any claims of the third party. The Lessee shall inform immediately the Lessor about any claims of a third party relating to the Leased Asset, its disposal, and deprivation as well as about execution of any decision, subject of which may be (or is) the Leased Asset; the same applies to execution of decisions in regard to the land, where the Leased Asset is. The Lessee is obliged to duly inform the court, the enforcement agent and / or any third party at time of impounding / seizure of the Leased Asset (or, if applicable, at announcement of such) that the Leased Asset is subject to financial leasing and provide contact details of the Lessor as its legal owner. The Lessee must also announce to the Lessor the name, surname and address of the person entitled from the claims. The Lessee shall bear all the costs relating to the protection of the claims of the third party (incl. Lessor’s reasonable costs), which are not (or were not) finally paid by this third party. The Lessee bears the full risk of losing possession of the Leased Asset based on any ground including incidental destruction or seizure or the Leased Asset being taken out of the Lessee’s possession or
preuzima cjelokupni rizik gubitka posjeda nad Objektom leasinga zbog svakog razloga, uključujući uzgredno oštećenje ili zapljenu Objekta leasinga ili oduzimanje Objekta leasinga iz njegova posjeda ili kontrole. U xxx je slučaju Primatelj leasinga xxxxx u cijelosti nadoknaditi Davatelju leasinga sve gubitke (uključujući izgubljenu dobit), troškove i/ili naknade (uključujući odvjetničke) koje je imao Davatelj leasinga.
2.6. Nakon redovnog isteka razdoblja Trajanja leasinga, po uplati zadnje od svih rata, Otkupne vrijednosti (ako je primjenjivo), i ispunjenja svih drugih obveza ili odgovornosti, Primatelj leasinga stječe pravo zatražiti prijenos prava vlasništva nad Objektom leasinga. Ako Primatelj leasinga nema namjeru steći vlasništvo nad Objektom leasinga, Primatelj leasinga obvezan je prethodno obavijestiti Davatelja leasinga da ne zahtijeva prijenos vlasništva. Takva se obavijest xxxx dostaviti Davatelju leasinga najkasnije 30 kalendarskih xxxx prije završetka razdoblja Trajanja leasinga (točka 4.1.) pisanim putem preporučenom poštom ili porukom e-pošte. Ne bude li takva obavijest dostavljena Davatelju leasinga xxxx xx prethodno opisano, smatrat će se da Primatelj leasinga zahtijeva prijenos vlasništva po završetku razdoblja Trajanja leasinga (pod uvjetom određenim u Ugovoru i ovim Općim uvjetima). Davatelj leasinga obvezan je prenijeti sve dokumente potrebne za prijenos i registraciju vlasništva nad Objektom leasinga. Sve troškove, naknade, poreze i druge izdatke vezane uz prijenos vlasništva snosi Primatelj leasinga. Po konačnom ispunjenju svih obveza Primatelja leasinga na temelju i vezano uz Ugovor o leasingu i Objekt leasinga, Davatelj leasinga će bez nepotrebnog odlaganja osloboditi sredstva osiguranja xxxx po Ugovoru o leasingu (što uključuje povrat svih zadužnica). Za daljnje pojedinosti vidi također niže navedenu točku 12.
3. Registracija Objekta leasinga
3.1. Registraciju Objekta leasinga pri relevantnim upravnim tijelima ili ovlaštenom i nadležnom stanicom za tehnički pregled obavit će ili dogovoriti Primatelj leasinga o svom trošku prije početka uporabe, no uvijek prije isporuke Objekta leasinga Primatelju leasinga. Do istog roka Primatelj leasinga će osigurati usklađenost sa svim potrebnim formalnostima vezanim uz registraciju, uključujući registraciju Davatelja leasinga kao vlasnika i Primatelja leasinga kao korisnika Objekta leasinga (Prometna dozvola). Broj Ugovora o leasingu koji se odnosi na registrirani Objekt leasinga će biti, ako je to moguće, upisan u Evidenciju registriranih vozila. Primatelj leasinga će Davatelju leasinga predati
control. In such event, the Lessee is obliged to fully indemnify the Lessor against all losses (incl. lost profits), costs and / or charges (including legal) incurred by the Lessor.
2.6. After the regular expiration of the Lease Term, upon payment of the last of all leasing instalments, the Residual Value (if applicable), and settlement of all other obligations or liabilities, the Lessee acquires the right to request the transfer of the ownership rights to the Leased Asset. If the Lessee intends not to acquire the ownership over the Leased Asset, the Lessee must notify the Lessor in advance that the transfer of ownership is not requested. Such notification must be delivered to the Lessor latest 30 calendar days prior to the end of the Lease Term (point 4.1) in writing via registered mail or e-mail. If such a notification is not delivered to the Lessor as described above, it will be deemed that the Lessee requests the transfer of the ownership upon the end of the Lease Term (under the condition stipulated in the Agreement and under these General Terms). The Lessor shall transfer all the documents necessary for the transfer and registration of the title to the Leased Asset. All charges, fees, taxes and other expenses related to the transfer of ownership shall be borne by the Lessee. Upon final discharge of all liabilities of the Lessee under and in relation to the Lease Agreement and the Leased Asset, the Lessor shall without undue delay release the security given under the Lease Agreement(which includes return of all promissory notes). See also section 12 below for further details.
3. Registration of the Leased Asset
3.1. The registration of the Leased Asset with the relevant administrative authority or authorised and competent technical station will be performed or arranged by the Lessee at its own expense before entry into service, but always before delivery of the Leased Asset to the Lessee. By the same deadline the Lessee shall arrange compliance with all the necessary formalities related to registration, including registration of the Lessor as the owner and the Lessee as the operator of the Leased Asset (Registration Certificate). The number of the Leasing Agreement concerning the registered Leased Asset shall, if possible, be entered into the Records of registered vehicles. The Lessee shall hand over a copy
presliku Prometne dozvole najkasnije 7 radnih xxxx po isporuci Objekta leasinga.
3.2. Preslika Prometne dozvole će biti položena kod Davatelja leasinga tijekom razdoblja Trajanja leasinga. Nakon svakog produljenja registracije Objekta leasinga, Primatelj leasinga će predati presliku obnovljene Prometne dozvole Davatelju leasinga.
3.3. U slučaju da Primatelj leasinga kasni s predajom preslike propisno ispunjene Prometne dozvole, ili ne postupi sukladno ostalim dužnostima vezanim uz registraciju / produljenje registracije Objekta leasinga, Primatelj leasinga xxxxx xx Davatelju leasinga platiti ugovornu kaznu u iznosu određenom u Popisu naknada dostupnom na mrežnoj stranici xxx.xxxxx.xx za svaki xxx kašnjenja / neispunjenja svojih xxxx navedenih obveza. Ne dovodeći u pitanje xxxx navedeno, ako Primatelj leasinga ne postupi sukladno ovoj točki 3., Davatelj leasinga može raskinuti Ugovor o leasingu s trenutnim učinkom (točka 10. ovih Općih uvjeta se odgovarajuće primjenjuje). Prava Davatelja leasinga iz xxx xxxxx ne utječu na pravo Davatelja leasinga zahtijevati nadoknadu štete u iznosu većem od ugovorne kazne.
4. Trajanje Ugovora o leasingu (Trajanje leasinga)
4.1. Razdoblje Trajanja leasinga započinje prvog xxxx mjeseca koji slijedi nakon mjeseca u kojem je Objekt leasinga isporučen Primatelju leasinga i ističe zadnjeg xxxx u mjesecu u kojem je datum dospijeća zadnje od svih rata. Kada Objekt leasinga podliježe obaveznoj registraciji, razdoblje Trajanja leasinga u svrhu ispunjavanja obveza osiguranja započinje na xxx dovršene registracije Objekta leasinga i završava zadnjeg xxxx u mjesecu u kojem je datum dospijeća zadnje od svih rata. Ne dovodeći u pitanje istek razdoblja Trajanja leasinga, Primatelj leasinga će biti xxxxx poravnati svaku nepodmirenu financijsku ili nefinancijsku obvezu dugovanu Davatelju leasinga po ili vezano uz Ugovor o leasingu ili ove Opće uvjete.
4.2. Predviđeni datum isporuke Objekta leasinga utvrđen u Ugovoru o leasingu je neobvezujući i približan. Točan datum i mjesto isporuke Objekta leasinga naznačuje Davatelj leasinga i Davatelj leasinga ne snosi nikakvu odgovornost u xxx pogledu.
4.3. U slučaju da Primatelj leasinga kasni s prihvatom ili propusti preuzeti Objekt leasinga na datum utvrđen u skladu s xxxx navedenom
of the Registration Certificate to the Lessor no later than 7 business days after the delivery of the Leased Asset.
3.2. The copy of the Registration Certificate will be deposited with the Lessor throughout the Lease Term. After each renewal of the registration of the Leased Asset a copy of the renewed Registration Certificate shall be submitted to the Lessor by the Lessee.
3.3. If the Lessee is late with the handing over of a copy of a properly completed Registration Certificate, or does not comply with other duties connected with the registration / renewal of registration of the Leased Asset, the Lessee is obliged to pay to the Lessor contractual penalty in the amount stipulated in the Fee List available at xxx.xxxxx.xx for each day of delay / noncompliance with its above obligations. Notwithstanding the above, if the Lessee does not comply with this section 3., the Lessor may terminate the Lease Agreement effective immediately (section 10. of this General Terms applies accordingly). Xxxxxx’x claim for compensation for damage in the amount exceeding the contractual penalty remains unaffected.
4. The duration of the Lease Agreement (Lease Term)
4.1. The Lease Term shall commence upon the first day of the next month following the delivery of the Leased Asset to the Lessee and shall expire on the last day of the month in which the maturity date of the last of all leasing instalments falls. In the case in which the Leased Asset is subject to mandatory registration, the Lease Term for the purpose of fulfilling the insurance obligations commences upon the date of completed registration of the Leased Asset and ends on the last day of the month in which is the maturity date of the last of all leasing instalments. Notwithstanding the expiry of the Lease Term, the Lessee will be obliged to settle any and all outstanding financial or non- financial obligations which are due to the Lessor under or related to the Lease Agreement or these General Terms.
4.2. The Anticipated Date of Delivery of the Leased Asset specified in the Lease Agreement is non-binding and approximate. The precise date and place of delivery of the Leased Asset shall be indicated by the Lessor and the Lessor holds no liability in this respect.
4.3. Should the Lessee delay the acceptance or fail to collect the Leased Asset on the date specified in accordance with point 4.2 above,
točkom 4.2., Davatelj leasinga ima pravo ostvarivati sljedeća prava:
a) zahtijevati da Primatelj leasinga plati dogovorenu ugovornu kaznu u iznosu do 1 % Nabavne cijene za svaki xxx kašnjenja s preuzimanjem Objekta leasinga; i dodatno
b) raskinuti Ugovor o leasingu bez odgode po pisanoj obavijesti i zadržati Učešće (koje u ovom slučaju predstavlja polog) i naknade koje je do tog trenutka platio Primatelj leasinga.
4.4. Nadalje, u slučaju raskida Ugovora o leasingu xxxx xx utvrđeno u xxxx navedenoj točki 4.3., Primatelj leasinga će pokriti i platiti sve troškove nastale uslijed propusta u preuzimanju Objekta leasinga na datum utvrđen u točki 4.2., primjerice troškove isporuke Objekta leasinga u Hrvatsku, nastale troškove osiguranja, itd.
5. Plaćanja
5.1. Sva plaćanja će se izvršavati u kunskoj (HRK) protuvrijednosti iznosa u eurima (EUR) navedenog u Ugovoru o leasingu, ovim Općim uvjetima ili drugim odlukama i povezanim dokumentima Davatelja leasinga u skladu s prodajnim tečajem poslovne banke Davatelja leasinga (xxxx xx navedeno u Ugovoru o leasingu) na datum izdavanja relevantnog računa. U slučaju da Primatelj leasinga izvrši plaćanje nakon datuma dospijeća koji je naveden na relevantnom računu, primjenjuje se prodajni tečaj poslovne banke Davatelja leasinga na xxx izvršenja plaćanja.
5.2. Iznos Učešća odgovara dogovorenom postotku Nabavne cijene i plativ je sukladno Ugovoru o leasingu, no uvijek prije isporuke Objekta leasinga. Sve daljnje promjene Nabavne cijene Objekta leasinga mogu utjecati na promjenu iznosa Učešća kojeg je potrebno platiti i automatski će promijeniti iznos mjesečnih rata i PDV-a, prema uvjetima određenim Ugovorom o leasingu.
5.3. Primatelj leasinga će platiti Učešće i mjesečne rate u iznosima i rokovima naznačenim (i) u Preliminarnom planu otplate priloženom uz Ugovor o leasingu, ili (ii) ako je plan otplate izmijenjen prije isporuke Objekta leasinga, u konačnom planu otplate uručenom prilikom isporuke (Konačni plan otplate), ili (iii) u slučajevima kada su se obveze plaćanja rata ili drugih obveza promijenile tijekom Trajanja leasinga u skladu s Ugovorom o leasingu, u revidiranom planu otplate kojeg je Davatelj leasinga predao Primatelju leasinga nakon isporuke Objekta leasinga (Revidirani plan otplate), kao i sva
the Lessor shall be entitled to exercise the following rights:
a) to demand that the Lessee pays agreed contractual penalty amounting to 1 % of the Acquisition Price for each day of delay in collecting the Leased Asset; and in addition
b) to terminate the Lease Agreement immediately upon written notice and to retain the Down Payment (which shall in in this respect represent a deposit) and fees paid by the Lessee heretofore.
4.4. Moreover, in the event of terminating the Lease Agreement as specified in point 4.3 above, the Lessee shall cover and pay any and all costs resulting from failure to collect the Leased Asset on the date specified in point 4.2, e.g. costs of delivery of the Leased Asset to Croatia, incurred insurance costs etc.
5. Payments
5.1. All payments shall be made in the Kuna (HRK) equivalent of the euro (EUR) amount set out in the Lease Agreement, these General Terms or other decisions and related documents of the Lessor in accordance with the selling rate of the Lessor’s business bank (as stated in the Lease Agreement) on the day of issuance of the relevant invoice. In case the Lessee makes the payment only after the due date stated on the relevant invoice, the selling rate of the Lessor's business bank on the day of execution of the respective payment applies.
5.2. The Down Payment shall amount to the agreed percentage of the Acquisition Price and shall be paid according to the Lease Agreement but, in any case, before the delivery of the Leased Asset. Any further changes in the Acquisition Price of the Leased Asset may result in the change of the Down Payment to be paid and will automatically change the amount of monthly leasing instalments and VAT, under terms stipulated by the Lease Agreement.
5.3. The Lessee shall pay the Down Payment and monthly leasing instalments in amounts and time limits specified (i) in the Preliminary Payment Plan attached to the Lease Agreement or (ii), if the payment plan has been changed before delivery of the Leased Asset, in the final payment plan that was handed over at delivery (Final Payment Plan), or (iii) in cases where the instalments or other payment obligations have changed during the Lease Term in accordance with the Lease Agreement, in the revised payment plan provided by the Lessor to the Lessee after the delivery of the Leased Asset (Revised
druga plaćanja, uključujući propisani PDV, xxxx xx određeno Ugovorom o Leasingu i ovim Općim uvjetima. Mjesečni obroci leasinga dospijevaju na plaćanje 10 kalendarskih xxxx xxxxx odgovarajućeg poziva na plaćanje Davatelja leasinga za plaćanje, pri čemu Davatelj leasinga izdaje svaki poziv za plaćanje (putem poruke e- pošte ili preporučenom poštom) prvog xxxx odgovarajućeg kalendarskog mjeseca i uključuje sljedeće stavke: (i) mjesečnu xxxx xxxx se plaća u odnosu na Objekt leasinga; (ii) mjesečnu xxxx xxxx se plaća u odnosu na financiranje PDV-a (ako je dogovoreno), i (iii) račun koji zasebno navodi plativu kamatu za leasing Objekta leasinga i (ako je dogovoreno) za financiranje PDV-a. Dogovoreno je da sva neizvršena plaćanja podliježu zakonskim zateznim kamatama (Zatezne xxxxxx). U slučaju da Primatelj leasinga kasni s plaćanjem, Davatelj leasinga će zaračunavati Zatezne xxxxxx xx prvog xxxx kašnjenja. Primatelj leasinga će, bez ikakvog posebnog poziva xx xxxxxx Davatelja leasinga, izvršiti plaćanje nepodmirenog iznosa sa zateznim kamatama. Ugovorne strane su suglasne da se plaćanje smatra izvršenim na xxx knjiženja u korist bankovnog računa Davatelja leasinga.
5.4. Sva plaćanja se izvršavaju bez ikakvih odbitaka (uključujući, ali ne ograničeno na sve poreze, naknade, carine ili odbitaka bilo koje vrste), protuzahtjeva ili prijeboja neovisno o tome xx xx Davatelj leasinga ispostavio račun i bez prethodnog zahtjeva Davatelja leasinga. Postupi li Primatelj leasinga iz bilo kojeg razloga protivno xxxx navedenim odredbama, Primatelj leasinga će nadoknaditi Davatelju leasinga svaki gubitak ili trošak nastao Davatelju leasinga zbog postupaka Primatelja leasinga.
5.5. Davatelj leasinga će na odgovarajući način povećati ili smanjiti iznose rata ako nakon sklapanja Ugovora o leasingu uslijede sljedeće okolnosti: promjena u stopi PDV-a, promjena u porezima, promjena u naknadama i troškovima ili bilo kojem drugom plaćanju naloženom Davatelju leasinga temeljem zakona, koje čini osnovu izračuna plativih iznosa (ili ako se uvedu novi).
Davatelj leasinga može izvršiti odgovarajuće prilagodbe rata, odnosno njihovo smanjenje ili povećanje u razmjeru s takvom promjenom, u slučaju:
(i) promjena cijena koje naplaćuje Dobavljač prema ugovorima o kupoprodaji s Dobavljačem u razdoblju između potpisivanja Ugovora o leasingu i predaje Objekta leasinga;
(ii) ako su kupovna cijena Objekta leasinga s Dobavljačem i rate s Primateljem leasinga
Payment Plan), as well as make all other payments, including prescribed VAT, as stipulated in the Lease Agreement and herein. Monthly lease instalments shall fall due 10 calendar days upon issuance of the relevant payment request by the Lessor, whereas each payment request is issued by the Lessor (via e-mail or registered mail) on the first day of the relevant calendar month and includes the following components: (i) monthly lease instalment allocated to the Leased Asset; (ii) monthly lease instalment allocated to the VAT financing (if agreed), and (iii) a fiscal invoice stating separately the payable interest rates for the lease of the Leased Asset and (if agreed) for the VAT financing. It is agreed that all outstanding payments are subject to statutory default interest rate of the due amount (Default Interest). If the Lessee is in delay with its payments, the Lessor shall calculate the Default Interest from the 1st day of the delay. The Lessee shall, without any special request from the Lessor, make the payment with the Default Interest on the outstanding amount. The Parties agree that the payment shall be deemed to have been made on the date of crediting the Lessor’s bank account.
5.4. Any and all payments shall be made without any deduction (including but not limited to any taxes, charges, duties or any withholdings of any nature), counterclaim or set-off regardless of whether an invoice has been supplied by the Lessor and without previous demand by the Lessor. If the Lessee acts against above provisions for any reason, the Lessee shall indemnify the Lessor for any and all losses or costs incurred by the Lessor due to the Lessee’s actions.
5.5. The Lessor shall adequately increase or decrease the lease instalments if the following circumstances occur after conclusion of the Lease Agreement: a change in the VAT rate, change of taxes, a change in fees and charges or any other payment imposed to the Lessor by law which are the basis of the calculation of payment amounts (or if new ones are introduced).
The Lessor may make appropriate adjustments of leasing instalments, i.e. their decrease or increase proportionate to such change, in the event of:
(i) changes to the prices charged by the Supplier under the sale-purchase agreement with the Supplier in the period between the signing of the Lease Agreement and hand over of the Leased Asset;
(ii) the purchase price of the Leased Asset agreed with the Supplier and the leasing
ugovorene u različitim valutama te postoji promjena u tečaju u razdoblju između sklapanja Ugovora o leasingu i xxxx primopredaje Objekta leasinga. Odlučujući je tečaj koji vrijedi na xxx predaje Objekta leasinga i koji je objavila Hrvatska narodna banka;
(iii) ako se troškovi Davatelja leasinga za financiranje Objekta leasinga (osobito troškovi zajma za kupnju Objekta leasinga, uključujući xxxxxx iz zajma) promijene u razdoblju između sklapanja Ugovora o leasingu i primopredaje Objekta leasinga.
U xxx slučaju, Davatelj leasinga će dostaviti Primatelju leasinga obavijest o novom iznosu rata. Primatelj leasinga će plaćati rate u novom iznosu od trenutka kada mu bude dostavljena obavijest.
5.6. Primatelj leasinga snosi i plaća sve naknade i troškove izravno ili neizravno vezane uz sklopljeni Ugovor o leasingu i Objekt leasinga, vodeći računa o naknadama i troškovima navedenim u Ugovoru o leasingu i Popisu naknada, osiguranje Objekta leasinga i svaki porez na motorna vozila, cestovni porez, uključujući troškove i naknade vezane uz financiranje i administriranje. Ako xx xxxx određeno Ugovorom o leasingu ili Općim uvjetima, navedeni se troškovi uvećavaju za dugovani PDV te se smatraju dijelom plaćanja u vezi leasinga. U ostalim slučajevima, ako navedene troškove Primatelj leasinga izravno ne podmiri u skladu s Ugovorom o leasingu, Davatelj leasinga ih zaračunava Primatelju leasinga dodajući troškove administriranja osiguranja i regulatornih obveza i dugovanog PDV-a, a Primatelj leasinga će Davatelju leasinga platiti te iznose u roku naznačenom na računu. Mjesečne rate i ostala plaćanja je Primatelj leasinga xxxxx namiriti neovisno o činjenici da se Objekt leasinga ne može upotrebljavati zbog razloga izvan opsega odgovornosti Davatelja leasinga.
5.7. Za razdoblje koje započinje isporukom Objekta leasinga Primatelju leasinga i završava zadnjeg xxxx u mjesecu u kojem je izvršena isporuka, Davatelj leasinga izračunava razmjerni udio xxxxxx(Interkalarna kamata). Interkalarna kamata izračunava se kako slijedi:
instalments agreed with the Lessee are agreed in different currencies and there is a change in the exchange rate in the period between the conclusion of the Lease Agreement and the date of hand over of the Leased Asset. Decisive is the exchange rate valid as at the date of hand over Leased Asset and published by the Croatian National Bank;
(iii) the costs of Lessor for financing of the Leased Asset (in particular, costs for loan for purchase of the Leased Asset including interest from the loan) change in the period between conclusion of the Lease Agreement and hand over of the Leased Asset.
In such a case, the Lessor delivers to the Lessee notification about new amount of leasing instalments. The Lessee pays leasing instalments in the new amount from the moment of the delivery of the notification.
5.6. The Lessee shall cover and pay any and all fees and costs related directly or indirectly to the concluded Lease Agreement and Leased Asset, taking into account the fees and costs provided in the Lease Agreement and the Fee List, insurance of the Leased Asset and any tax on means of transport, road tax, including the costs and fees related to funding and administration. Should the Lease Agreement or General Terms stipulate so, such costs shall be increased by due VAT and recognised as a part of leasing payments. In other cases, should these costs not be covered directly by the Lessee under the Lease Agreement, the Lessor shall charge them to the Lessee by adding costs of administrating insurance and regulatory liabilities and due VAT, and the Lessee shall pay the Lessor these amounts in the time limit specified in the invoice. The monthly lease instalments and other payments shall be due by the Lessee regardless of the fact if the Leased Asset cannot be used for reasons outside the Lessor’s scope of liability.
5.7. For the period starting from the delivery of the Leased Asset to the Lessee until the last day of the month when delivery took place, the Lessor shall calculate the proportionate share of interest (Interim Fee). The Interim Fee will be calculated as follows:
Financirani iznos * kamatna xxxxx / 365 * xxxx xxxx za koji isporuka Objekta leasinga prethodi početku trajanja leasinga
Za prethodno navedenu naknadu Davatelj leasinga će Primatelju leasinga izdati zasebni račun.
5.8. Tijekom razdoblja Trajanja ugovora, Ugovorne strane se mogu usuglasiti oko
Financed Amount * interest rate / 365 * number of days the delivery date occurs prior to the commencement of the lease term
The Lessor issues a separate invoice to the Lessee in this respect.
5.8. During the Lease Term the Parties may agree on early repayment of the Lease Agreement.
Prijevremene otplate Ugovora o leasingu. Uvjete prijevremene otplate će utvrditi Davatelj leasinga u zasebnom ugovoru između Ugovornih strana.
5.9. Primatelj leasinga ne smije upotrebljavati Objekt leasinga na način koji bi uzrokovao potpuno smanjenje vrijednosti Objekta leasinga prije završetka Trajanja leasinga ili bi zahtijevao opsežan servis prije nego što bi to inače bilo potrebno prema tehničkoj dokumentaciji Objekta leasinga, bez prethodne pisane suglasnosti Davatelja leasinga, i Primatelj leasinga odgovara za svaku štetu ili pretjerano trošenje uzrokovano upotrebom Objekta leasinga protivno Ugovoru o leasingu ili ovim Općim uvjetima. Navedena upotreba uključuje pružanje usluge taksi prijevoza, iznajmljivanje automobila ili skupno korištenje vozila, auto-školu, satove sigurne vožnje ili utrke.
5.10.Primatelj leasinga snosi iznose svih biljega, PDV-a, poreza po odbitku ili drugih poreza i uvoznih i izvoznih carina i svih drugih davanja slične vrste koja se mogu obračunati ili utvrditi vezano uz provedbu Ugovora o leasingu i upotrebu Objekta leasinga i doznačivanje plaćanja Davatelju leasinga te uvoz, izvoz, isporuku i ponovnu isporuku Objekta leasinga.
5.11.Primatelj leasinga xx xxxxx pravovremeno izvršiti sva plaćanja, platiti poreze, davanja, novčane kazne, namete koji povremeno dospijevaju ili mogu dospjeti vezano uz Objekt leasinga, i Davatelju je leasinga na zahtjev xxxxx pružiti sve račune ili potvrde navedenih plaćanja bez ikakve odgode.
5.12.Neovisno o zakonskim odredbama o redu uračunavanja (i svih izjava ili napomena Primatelja leasinga o protivnom), Davatelj leasinga ima izričito pravo u svim slučajevima od primljenih uplata prvo uračunati nastale neplaćene troškove, naknade, davanja i druge izdatke prema samom ugovoru i ovim Općim uvjetima, zatim zatezne xxxxxx i naposljetku otvorena potraživanja koja se odnose na rate, i to tako da se prvo uračuna najstarije otvoreno potraživanje. Primatelj leasinga ne može promijeniti pravilo iz ove odredbe čak ni ispunjenjem kojim se određuje neki drugi redoslijed plaćanja. Primatelj leasinga je suglasan s time da nema povrata, nadoknada i ponovne procjene preplaćenih sredstava, već da se isti uzimaju u obzir pri sljedećem datumu dospijeća rate.
6. Održavanje i upotreba Objekta leasinga
6.1. Primatelj leasinga ne smije upotrebljavati (ili dozvoliti drugima da upotrebljavaju ili pomagati drugima u takvoj upotrebi) Objekt leasinga protivno bilo kojem zakonu. Primatelj leasinga xx xxxxx o vlastitom trošku ishoditi i
Conditions of the early repayment will be determined by the Lessor in the separate agreement between the Parties.
5.9. The Lessee shall not use the Leased Asset in such a way that could cause a complete depletion of the value of the Leased Asset before the end of the Lease Term or could cause extensive servicing before it would normally be due, as specified in the technical documentation of the Leased Asset, without a prior written consent from the Lessor, and the Lessee is liable for any kind of damages or excessive wear and tear caused by use of the Leased Asset contrary to the Lease Agreement or these General Terms. Such use shall include taxi services, rent-a-car or vehicle sharing, driving school, safe-driving trainings or racing.
5.10.All stamp duties, VAT, withholding or other taxes and import and export duties and all other similar type of charges which may be levied or assessed on the operation of the Lease Agreement and Leased Asset and the remittance of payments to the Lessor and import, export, delivery, and re-delivery of the Leased Asset shall be borne by the Lessee.
5.11.The Lessee shall duly pay all payments, taxes, charges, fines, impositions which may from time to time be or become payable in respect of the Leased Asset and shall provide the Lessor, on his demand, all receipts or confirmations of such payment without any delay.
5.12.Regardless of the legislative provisions on the order of the payments (and any statement or reference of the Lessee to the contrary), the Lessor shall be explicitly permitted in all cases, to use any received payment amounts firstly for the repayment of the accrued unpaid expenses, fees, charges and other expenses under the contract and these General Terms, secondly for accrued interest and finally for due instalments, whereas the longest outstanding instalment shall be deemed settled first. The Lessee cannot change the rule of this provision even with a fulfilment by determining some other order of payments. The Lessee agrees that any overpayments are not refundable, not remunerated and not revaluated, but are taken into account at the next maturity of the leasing instalment.
6. Maintenance and Use of the Leased Asset
6.1. Lessee shall not use (or allow others to use, or subsist such use of others) the Leased Asset in violation of any law. The Lessee is obliged at his own expense to obtain and keep in full force and effect all licenses or / and
držati na snazi sve dozvole ili/i ovlaštenja koja u svakom trenutku mogu biti potrebna vezano uz posjed i upotrebu Objekta leasinga u svakom trenutku tijekom razdoblja Trajanja leasinga. Primatelj leasinga xxxxx xx osigurati propisnu zaštitu Objekta leasinga. Činjenica da je Objekt leasinga ukraden ili oštećen, neovisno o tome xx xx počinitelj poznat ili ne, ili xx xx Objekt leasinga kasnije pronađen ili ne, ne utječe na obveze plaćanja Primatelja leasinga prema Ugovoru o leasingu, a koje je obveze Primatelj leasinga xxxxx izvršiti u skladu s pravilima određenim u Ugovoru o leasingu. Svaka nemogućnost upotrebe Objekta leasinga uključujući ali ne ograničeno na pravnu, tehničku ili ekonomsku nemogućnost upotrebe, ili slučajno ili uslijed više sile nastalo djelomično ili potpuno uništenje, ili nemogućnost upotrebe uslijed zakonodavnih ili vladinih akata, izuzev razloga uzrokovanih postupcima Davatelja leasinga, ne utječe na obveze plaćanja Primatelja leasinga po Ugovoru o leasingu.
6.2. Primatelj leasinga ima obvezu pravilno zaštititi Objekt leasinga i upotrebljavati ga samo za predviđenu namjenu (i u opsegu i načinu uobičajenom za djelatnost koju obavlja Primatelj leasinga), i čuvati ga u primjerenom stanju, pri čemu je dopuštena istrošenost koja nastane redovitim korištenjem. Obveze Primatelja leasinga uključuju osobito: zaštitu Objekta leasinga od štete ili gubitka; upotrebu Objekta leasinga prema njegovoj predviđenoj namjeni, svojstvima i u cijelosti u skladu s uputama Dobavljača ili proizvođača, pridržavajući se uvjeta zakonskog i ugovornog jamstva; pravovremeno i propisno ispunjenje obveza u okviru danog zakonskog i ugovornog jamstva; redovne preglede i popravke u ovlaštenom servisu trgovca Objekta leasinga; i svaki drugi zahtjev naveden u svakoj polici osiguranja xxxx xx Davatelj leasinga ili Primatelj leasinga preuzeo u odnosu na Objekt leasinga.
6.3. Sve troškove vezane uz čuvanje Objekta leasinga u primjerenom stanju, upotrebu i skladištenje, popravke i održavanje (uključujući investicijsko održavanje, ako je primjenjivo), kao i redovite preglede isključivo snosi Primatelj leasinga. O svakoj zamjeni dijelova i opreme (izuzev guma i brisača vjetrobranskog stakla) Objekta leasinga potrebno je izvijestiti Davatelja leasinga i isto usuglasiti s njime u pisanom obliku. Podliježe li Objekt leasinga obaveznim tehničkim pregledima na temelju zasebnih propisa, Primatelj leasinga obvezan je Davatelju leasinga predati preslike dokumenata potvrđujući preglede neposredno nakon što se isti obave, ne najkasnije od 3 xxxxx xxxx prije isteka valjanosti prethodnog tehničkog pregleda.
authorisations which may at any time be required in connection with the possession and use of the Leased Asset at any time during the Lease Term. The Lessee shall be obliged to ensure proper safeguarding of the Leased Asset. The fact that the Leased Asset was stolen or damaged, regardless whether the perpetrator is known or not, or whether the Leased Asset is later recovered or not, shall not affect Lessee’s payment obligations pursuant to the Lease Agreement, which obligations shall be performed by the Lessee in accordance with the rules stipulated therein. Any inability to use the Leased Asset, including but not limited to legal, technical or economical inability of use or partial or complete destruction due to chance or vis major or inability of use due to legislative or governmental acts, except for reasons caused by actions of the Lessor, shall not affect the Lessee’s payment obligations under the Lease Agreement.
6.2. The Lessee shall properly secure the Leased Asset and use it for the intended purpose only (and in the scope and manner usual for the business performed by the Lessee), and shall keep it in a fit condition, allowing for normal wear and tear. The obligations of the Lessee shall include in particular: protection of the Leased Asset against damage or loss; using the Leased Asset for its intended purpose, properties and in full accordance with the instructions provided by the Supplier or manufacturer, adhering to the terms and conditions of statutory and contractual warranty; timely and proper performance of obligations under the granted statutory and contractual warranty; periodical checks and repairs in the Leased Asset dealer’s service stations; and any other requirement set out in any insurance policy taken by the Lessor or the Lessee in respect of the Leased Asset.
6.3. Any and all costs related to keeping the Leased Asset in a proper condition, use and storage, repairs and maintenance (including investment maintenance, if applicable), as well as periodical checks shall be solely covered by the Lessee. Any and all replacement of components and equipment (excluding tires and windshield wipers) of the Leased Asset should be reported and agreed with the Lessor in writing. Should the Leased Asset be subject to compulsory technical checks under separate regulations, the Lessee shall provide the Lessor with copies of documents confirming the checks immediately after their completion, no later than 3 business days before the expiration of the previous technical inspection.
6.4. Objekt leasinga se smije koristiti samo unutar Teritorijalnog opsega osiguranja, xxxx xx utvrđeno u odgovarajućoj policiji osiguranja. Primatelj leasinga smije uzeti ili voziti Objekt leasinga u zemlju ili kroz državno područje koje je izvan Teritorijalnog opsega osiguranja samo uz prethodnu pisanu suglasnost Davatelja leasinga. U xxx slučaju suglasnost Davatelja leasinga može biti podložna dodatnim uvjetima koje utvrđuje Davatelj leasinga.
6.5. Bez suglasnosti Davatelja leasinga Primatelj leasinga ne smije mijenjati predviđenu upotrebu ili namjenu Objekta leasinga, niti dozvoliti da treća strana koristi Objekt leasinga, niti (pokušati) prenijeti pravo vlasništva na treću stranu, osim ako se Davatelj leasinga nije pisanim putem usuglasio s navedenim prijenosom. U xxx se slučaju Davatelj leasinga, po zahtjevu Primatelja leasinga, također može usuglasiti s time da Primatelj leasinga uživa koristi od Objekta leasinga. U slučaju da je Davatelj leasinga dozvolio da treća strana koristi Objekt leasinga i ako Primatelj leasinga kasni s ispunjenjem financijskih obveza po Ugovoru o leasingu, Primatelj leasinga ustupa sva prava prema trećoj strani Davatelju leasinga i istodobno ostaje odgovoran za obveze po Ugovoru o leasingu, pri čemu Davatelj leasinga može također u svako doba tijekom kašnjenja Primatelja leasinga s ispunjenjem obveza raskinuti Ugovor o leasingu.
6.6. Svaka preinaka Objekta leasinga bez suglasnosti Davatelja leasinga se treba bez odgode ukloniti na zahtjev Davatelja leasinga i Objekt leasinga je potrebno vratiti u njegovo prvotno stanje o trošku Primatelja leasinga. Objekt leasinga se smije označiti naljepnicama ili ponovno obojati samo uz prethodnu pisanu suglasnost Davatelja leasinga. Pri vraćanju Objekta leasinga Primatelj leasinga treba naljepnice odstraniti.
6.7. Primatelj leasinga osobito nema pravo mijenjati nikakva brojila postavljena u Objektu leasinga. Svako zadiranje u brojila (uključujući uklanjanje nedostataka) smije obaviti samo ovlašteni serviser, pri čemu je Primatelj leasinga xxxxx obavještavati Davatelja leasinga o svim relevantnim događajima u xxx pogledu.
6.8. Xxxx xx Objekt leasinga u vlasništvu Davatelja leasinga, na zahtjev Davatelja leasinga xx xxxxx Primatelj leasinga xxxxx xx jasno vidljivo mjesto staviti znak društva Davatelja leasinga kojeg osigurava Davatelj leasinga ili Dobavljač, bez narušavanja imidža Primatelja leasinga (ako je navedeno dozvoljeno prema prethodnom stavku). Ako xx xxxx društva oštećen ili uništen, Primatelj leasinga xx xxxxx pribaviti novi znak društva od Davatelja
6.4. The Leased Asset may be used only within the Territorial Scope of Insurance, as defined in the relevant insurance policy. The Lessee may take or drive the Leased Asset to a country or through a territory, which is outside the Territorial Scope of Insurance, only upon prior written consent by the Lessor. In such case the Lessor’s consent may be subject to additional conditions provided by the Lessor.
6.5. Without the consent of the Lessor, the Lessee must not change the intended use or destiny of the Leased Asset, or allow the Leased Asset to be used by third parties, or (attempt to) transfer the ownership to any third party under any title, unless the Lessor has agreed to such transfer in writing. In such a case the Lessor, upon the Lessee’s request, may also agree to the Lessee’s gaining benefits from the Leased Asset. In the event the Lessor allowed the Leased Asset to be used by third parties and the Lessee is in default of any financial obligation under the Lease Agreement, the Lessee assigns all rights towards the third party to the Lessor and at the same time remains liable for obligations under the Lease Agreement whereas the Lessor may also at any time during the default by the Lessee terminate the Lease Agreement.
6.6. Any and all modifications made to the Leased Asset without the Lessor’s consent should be immediately removed upon the Lessor’s request and the Leased Asset should be restored to its original condition at the expense of the Lessee. The Leased Asset may be labelled or repainted only upon the prior written consent of the Lessor. Upon surrender of the Leased Asset, the labels should be removed by the Lessee.
6.7. The Lessee shall specifically not make any changes in any of the meters installed in the Leased Asset. Any intervention on the meters (including remedy of defects) may only be performed by an authorized servicer, whereas the Lessee shall keep the Lessor informed about all relevant occurrences in this respect.
6.8. The Leased Asset is owned by the Lessor, therefore, at Lessor’s request, the Lessee shall be obliged to place the Lessor’s company sign, which is provided by the Lessor or by the Supplier, in a clearly visible way on the Leased Asset, without disturbing the image of the Lessee (if such is permitted under the previous paragraph). If the company sign is damaged or destroyed, the Lessee shall be obliged to obtain a new
leasinga i staviti ga na Objekt leasinga. Davatelj leasinga ima pravo provjeriti upotrebu znaka društva.
6.9. Potpisivanjem Ugovora o leasingu Primatelj leasinga potvrđuje da Davatelj leasinga xxx xxxxxxx ima pravo pribaviti informacije o [lokaciji Objekta leasinga] od društva [VOLVO GROUP CROATIA d.o.o.]. Ova će se informacija pribaviti samo u slučaju da Primatelj leasinga prekrši pravila o upotrebi Objekta leasinga kako su ista uređena ovim Ugovorom o leasingu (primjerice za sprječavanje prijevare, krađe, u svrhe ponovnog uzimanja u posjed, itd.). Davatelj leasinga xx xxxxx izbrisati navedene podatke nakon raskida odnosa leasinga ili nakon isteka vremenskog roka utvrđenog zakonom za prinudne naplate potraživanja, osim ako Ugovorne strane nisu u pisanom obliku usuglasile kraće vremenske rokove. Primatelj leasinga xx xxxxx obavijestiti pojedince koji upotrebljavaju Objekt leasinga o sustavu praćenja i mogućoj obradi podataka o lokaciji. Navedene informacije se moraju pružiti sukladno Općoj uredbi o zaštiti podataka (EU) 2016/679. Primatelj leasinga će Davatelju leasinga nadoknaditi štetu u slučaju da xx xxxx nanesena Davatelju leasinga zbog neusklađenosti Primatelja leasinga s obvezama prema ovoj odredbi.
7. Pristup Davatelja leasinga Objektu leasinga
7.1. U svako doba, Davatelj leasinga ima xxx ili putem ovlaštenih osoba pravo pregledati način upotrebe i stanje Objekta leasinga i njegovih dokumenata. U svrhu pregleda Primatelj leasinga osigurava Davatelju leasinga na svaki zahtjev pristup Objektu leasinga i njegovim dokumentima. Primatelj leasinga neopozivo ovlašćuje Davatelja leasinga da uđe na lokacije Objekta leasinga i u prostorije i zemljišta Primatelja leasinga kako bi ostvario svoja xxxx navedena prava pregleda i stekao pristup, u ime Primatelja leasinga, svim dokumentima vezanim uz Objekt leasinga, i, u ime Primatelja leasinga, pregledao navedene dokumente i Objekt leasinga. Istovremeno, Primatelj leasinga izražava svoju neopozivu suglasnost da Davatelj leasinga provodi xxxx navedene radnje. Davatelj leasinga može dodijeliti daljnje ovlaštenje osobama koje postupaju u ime Davatelja leasinga.
7.2. U slučaju isteka Ugovora o leasingu i propusta u vraćanju Objekta leasinga unutar utvrđenog vremenskog roka, Primatelj leasinga neopozivo ovlašćuje Davatelja leasinga da uđe na lokaciju Objekta leasinga i/ili prostorije i/ili zemljišta Primatelja leasinga i jednostrano preuzme Objekt leasinga. Navedeno postupanje xx xxxx smatrati
company sign from the Lessor and place it on the Leased Asset. The Lessor shall have the right to check the use of the company sign.
6.9. By signing the Lease Agreement the Lessee acknowledges that the Lessor, as owner, shall have the right to obtain information on [location of the Leased Asset] from the [VOLVO GROUP CROATIA d.o.o.]. This information will be obtained only in case the Lessee violates the rules of using the Leased Asset as regulated under this Lease Agreement (e.g. for prevention of fraud, theft, for the purposes of repossession, etc.). The Lessor shall be obliged to delete such data following termination of the lease relationship or after expiry of the time limit specified by law for the enforcement of claims, unless a shorter time limit is agreed by the Parties in writing. The Lessee is obliged to inform individuals who use the leased asset about the tracking system and the potential processing of location data. Such information must be given compliant to the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679. The Lessee will indemnify the Lessor in case of damages caused to the Lessor because of incompliance of the Lessee with the obligations under this clause.
7. Lessor’s Access to the Leased Asset
7.1. At any time the Lessor, itself or through authorised persons, shall be entitled to inspect the manner of use and condition of the Leased Asset and its documents. For the purposes of inspection, the Lessee shall provide the Lessor, upon each request, with access to the Leased Asset and its documents. The Lessee shall irrevocably authorise the Lessor to enter the locations of the Leased Asset and to the rooms and properties of the Lessee to exercise the aforementioned inspection rights and to gain access, on behalf of the Lessee, to any and all documents pertaining to the Leased Asset, and to review, on the Lessee’s behalf, these documents and the Leased Asset. Concurrently, the Lessee irrevocably agrees to the Lessor performing the aforementioned activities. The Lessor may grant further authorisation to persons acting on the Lessor’s behalf.
7.2. In the event of the expiration of the Lease Agreement and the failure to surrender the Leased Asset within the defined time limit, the Lessee shall grant the Lessor irrevocable authorisation to enter the location of the Leased Asset and / or the premises and / or properties of the Lessee and to unilaterally collect the Leased Asset. This will not be
ometanjem posjeda i Primatelj leasinga se ovime odriče svog prava na zaštitu posjeda. Davatelj leasinga može dodijeliti daljnje ovlaštenje osobama koje postupaju u ime Davatelja leasinga. Primatelj leasinga obvezan je Davatelju leasinga nadoknaditi sve troškove vezane uz preuzimanje Objekta leasinga xx xxxxxx Davatelja leasinga u slučaju propusta Primatelja leasinga da dobrovoljno preda Objekt leasinga unutar utvrđenog vremenskog roka.
7.3. Primatelj leasinga xx xxxxx obavijestiti Davatelja leasinga o svim lokacijama na kojima se Objekt leasinga uobičajeno ili redovito xxxx, skladišti ili parkira, xxxx xx primjenjivo.
7.4. U slučaju ovrhe nad nekretninama na kojima se nalazi Objekt leasinga, Davatelj leasinga ima pravo zatražiti premještanje ili xxx premjestiti Objekt leasinga na lokaciju dogovorenu s Primateljem leasinga, ili na osigurano parkiralište automobila, u svakom slučaju o trošku Primatelja leasinga
8. Ugovorno i zakonsko jamstvo za nedostatke
8.1. Po isporuci Objekta leasinga Primatelju leasinga, Davatelj leasinga xxx xxxxxxx Objekta leasinga prenosi Primatelju leasinga sva prava po ugovornom i zakonskom jamstvu za nedostatke, izuzev prava na povlačenje iz ugovora s Dobavljačem i prava zahtijevanja smanjenja cijene, pri čemu se jamstvo za nedostatke šasije daje u opsegu koji ne prelazi odgovornost proizvođača šasije u okviru jamstva kvalitete. Primatelj leasinga prihvaća navedeni prijenos i obvezuje se koristiti se pravima upotrebljavajući pažnju dobrog gospodarstvenika. Navedena su prava dostupna Primatelju leasinga tijekom cijelog razdoblja Trajanja leasinga, međutim, Davatelj leasinga može (ali nije xxxxx) u svako doba opozvati prijenos navedenih prava Primatelju leasinga i xxx koristiti prava i ući u svaki xxxxxxxx xxxx je u tijeku vezano uz navedena prava, ako Davatelj leasinga smatra takvo postupanje potrebnim radi zaštite svojih interesa i Primatelj leasinga xx xxxxx omogućiti Davatelju leasinga navedeni prijenos i nadoknaditi Davatelju leasinga sve izdatke vezane uz prijenos i korištenje navedenih prava.
8.2. Svi zahtjevi Primatelja leasinga prema Dobavljaču ili proizvođaču Objekta leasinga poduzimaju se o trošku Primatelja leasinga. Primatelj leasinga nema pravo postavljanja zahtjeva prema Davatelju na temelju zakonskog ili ugovornog jamstva ili zahtjeva vezanih uz nedostatke leasinga i xxxxx xx nadoknaditi Davatelju leasinga sve izdatke ili troškove koje bi Davatelj leasinga imao
considered trespassing and the Lessee hereby waives its right to possessory protection. The Lessor may grant further authorisation to persons acting on the Lessor’s behalf. The Lessee shall reimburse the Lessor for any and all costs related to the collection of the Leased Asset by the Lessor in the event of the Lessee's failure to voluntarily surrender the Leased Asset within the specified time limit.
7.3. The Lessee is obliged to inform the Lessor of all the locations where the Leased Assets is usually or regularly kept, stored or parked, as applicable.
7.4. In the event of enforcement relating to immovable property where the Leased Asset is located, the Lessor has a right to request relocation or to relocate itself the Leased Asset to the location agreed with the Lessee, or to a secured car park, in any case at the expense of the Lessee.
8. Contractual and Statutory Warranty for Defects
8.1. Upon the delivery of the Leased Asset to the Lessee, the Lessor, as the owner of the Leased Asset, transfers to the Lessee any and all rights under the contractual and statutory warranty for the defects, except for the right to withdraw from the agreement with the Supplier and the right to demand the price reduction, whereas the warranty for chassis defects is granted to the extent not exceeding the chassis manufacturer's liability under the quality guarantee. The Lessee accepts such transfer and commits to exercise these rights in the manner of a good businessman. These rights shall be available to the Lessee over the entire Lease Term, however the Lessor may (but is not obliged to) at any time revoke the transfer of these rights to the Lessee and employ the rights himself and step into any ongoing procedures with regard to these rights, if the Lessor deems such action is necessary to protect his interests and the Lessee is obliged to enable the Lessor of such transfer and to reimburse the Lessor for any expenses with regard to transfer and employment of such rights.
8.2. Any claims of the Lessee against the Supplier or manufacturer of the Leased Asset shall be pursued at the Lessee’s own expense. The Lessee shall not be entitled to make any claims under the statutory or contractual warranty or defect claims from the Lessor and shall reimburse the Lessor of any expenses or costs that would be incurred by the Lessor with regard to such claims. The Lessee shall
vezano uz navedene zahtjeve. Primatelj leasinga xx xxxxx bez odgode obavijestiti Davatelja leasinga o svim radnjama koje je Primatelj leasinga poduzeo vezano uz prava na temelju zakonskog i ugovornog jamstva / ili materijalnih nedostataka i o svakom napretku i posljedicama korištenja navedenih prava i odgovara Davatelju leasinga za sve štete uzrokovane nekorištenjem navedenih prava ili neučinkovitim korištenjem istih.
8.3. Potreba poduzimanja radnji vezano uz zahtjeve na temelju ugovornog ili zakonskog jamstva ili zahtjeve vezane uz nedostatke ne izuzima Primatelja leasinga od obveze pravovremenog plaćanja rata i drugih plaćanja leasinga Davatelju leasinga ili od izvršavanja drugih ugovornih obveza prema Davatelju leasinga.
9. Osiguranje, šteta, rizik i raskid u slučaju gubitka
9.1. Primatelj leasinga snosi sav rizik od štete ili gubitaka vezano uz Objekt leasinga počevši od isporuke Objekta leasinga, za vrijeme trajanja Ugovora o leasingu neovisno x xxxxx osiguranju, osiguranju motornih vozila od odgovornosti za štetu nanesenu trećoj strani (MTPL) ili osiguranja građevinske opreme (CE), koji mogu pokriti štetu uzrokovanu Objektom leasinga ili na Objektu leasinga, i xxxxx xx nadoknaditi Davatelju leasinga svaku takvu štetu ili gubitke ako ih ne nadoknadi relevantno osiguravajuće društvo. Rizik i odgovornost Primatelja leasinga izričito uključuju ali nisu ograničeni na sljedeće:
o potpuni ili djelomični kvar, oštećenje, uništenje Objekta leasinga iz bilo kojeg razloga, i neovisno o tome xx xx takav događaj pokriven policom osiguranja ili ne;
o sve štete i nesreće uzrokovane Objektom leasinga ili nastale vezano uz njegovu uporabu i neovisno o tome xx xx navedena šteta uzrokovana Primatelju leasinga ili bilo kojoj strani koja nije Primatelj leasinga, i neovisno o tome pokriva li tu štetu polica osiguranja ili ne;
o sve štete nastale uslijed nepravilne upotrebe Objekta leasinga, njegova neodgovarajućeg održavanja, propusta u korištenju prava ustupljenih Primatelju leasinga ili propusta Primatelja leasinga da zatraži i ishodi ustupanje relevantnih prava, ako je primjenjivo;
o sve štete uzrokovane trećoj strani ili koje je uzrokovala treća strana;
o sve štete za koje xx xxxxx drugi ne može smatrati odgovornim;
immediately inform the Lessor of any actions undertaken by the Lessee in relation to the rights under the statutory and contractual warranty / or material defects and of any progress and consequences of exercising these rights and shall be held liable to the Lessor for any damage caused by not exercising these rights or not exercising them effectively.
8.3. The need to pursue claims under contractual or statutory warranty or defect claims shall not exempt the Lessee from the duty of timely payment of instalments and other lease payments to the Lessor or from the performance of other contractual obligations towards the Lessor.
9. Insurance, Damage, Risk and Termination in case of Loss
9.1. The Lessee shall bear all risks of damage to or losses in connection with the Leased Asset starting from the delivery of the Leased Asset, during the term of the Lease Agreement regardless of CASCO, motor third party liability (MTPL) or Construction Equipment (CE) insurances, which may cover damages caused by the Leased Asset or to the Leased Asset, and shall be liable to compensate the Lessor for any such damage or losses if not compensated by the relevant insurance company. The risk and liability of the Lessee specifically includes but is not limited to the following:
o The complete or partial failure, damage, destruction of the Leased Asset for any reason, and notwithstanding whether such event is covered by any insurance or not;
o All damage and accidents caused by the Leased Asset or incurred in connection with the operation thereof and notwithstanding whether such damage is caused to the Lessee or to any party, which is different from the Lessee, and notwithstanding whether such damage is covered by insurance or not;
o All damage resulting from improper use of the Leased Asset, the inadequate maintenance thereof, failure to exercise the rights assigned to the Lessee or failure by the Lessee to request and obtain the assignment of the respective rights, if applicable;
o All damage caused to third parties or by third parties;
o All damage which no-one else can be held liable for;
o sve štete proizišle iz prijevoza opasnih materijala ili štete nanesene okolišu koje je uzrokovao Objekt leasinga ili Primatelj leasinga kao upravljač / korisnik Objekta leasinga.
9.2. Primatelj leasinga odgovara za štetu i nesreće uzrokovane trećoj strani upotrebom Objekta leasinga. U slučaju da oštećena strana poduzme radnje protiv Davatelja leasinga kao vlasnika, Primatelj leasinga xx xxxxx osloboditi Davatelja leasinga od svih obveza i odgovornosti, čak i za vrijeme sudskog postupka, i xxxxx xx Davatelja leasinga osloboditi svih i nadoknaditi mu sve njegove izdatke ili nadoknade plaćene trećoj strani ili slično, koji xx xxxxxxx i/ili su povezani uz leasing ili upotrebu Objekta leasinga. Primatelj leasinga odgovara za posljedice prometnih prekršaja (čak i u razdoblju nakon Trajanja leasinga ako su iste nastale za vrijeme Trajanja leasinga); Davatelj leasinga xx xxxxx bez odgode po njihovu primitku proslijediti Primatelju leasinga dokumente koje je izdala policija i druge službene ili privatne dokumente koje zaprimi kako bi se poduzele potrebne mjere i istodobno obavijestiti tijelo koje je postavilo zahtjev da Primatelj leasinga jest / bio upravljač / korisnik Objekta leasinga, čime xx xxxxxxx troškovi prenose s Davatelja leasinga na Primatelja leasinga. Primatelj leasinga xx xxxxx obavijestiti Davatelja leasinga o svim zahtjevima za naknadu štete koje je uložila treća strana, bez odgode. Radi izbjegavanja sumnje, Primatelj leasinga je suglasan nadoknaditi štetu, braniti i osloboditi Davatelja leasinga od svih zahtjeva, odgovornosti, tužbi, izdataka, odšteta i presuda proizašlih iz upotrebe, stanja, upravljanja ili posjeda Objekta leasinga.
9.3. Temeljeno na općem dogovoru s osiguravajućim društvima, Davatelj leasinga će osigurati Objekt leasinga za svoju korist u najširem mogućem opsegu tijekom čitavog razdoblja Trajanja leasinga uključujući osiguranje motornih vozila od odgovornosti za štetu nanesenu trećoj strani (MTPL), xxxxx osiguranje i osiguranje građevinske opreme (CE) (ako je primjenjivo), osim ako Ugovorom o leasingu nije određeno drugačije, uz iznimku određenu u niže navedenoj točki 9.4. Davatelj leasinga će definirati opseg osiguranja propisnim osiguranjem Objekta leasinga. Posrednik osiguranja šalje potvrdu o sklapanju ugovora o osiguranju izravno Primatelju leasinga na godišnjoj osnovi za vrijeme razdoblja Trajanja leasinga. Uz navedenu potvrdu, Primatelj osiguranja prima izvod “Općih uvjeta osiguranja” ili informaciju kako im pristupiti. Odgovornost je Primatelja leasinga da sve dokumente pomno prouči i ispuni sve zahtjeve navedene u “Općim uvjetima osiguranja”, kao i uvjete prijave i
o All damage arising from the transportation of hazardous materials or damage to the environment, caused by the Leased Asset or by the Lessee as an operator / user of the Leased Asset.
9.2. The Lessee shall be held liable for damage and accidents caused to third parties by the use of the Leased Asset. In case the injured party takes action against the Lessor, as the owner, the Lessee shall hold the Lessor harmless from all obligations and liabilities, even in the course of the respective juridical procedures, and shall keep the Lessor harmless and indemnified for all of the Lessor’s expenses or indemnifications paid to third parties or similar, which are incurred and
/ or are related to the lease or use of the Leased Asset. The Lessee shall be held liable for the consequences of traffic infringements (even in the period after the Lease Term if arising from within the Lease Term); the Lessor shall immediately upon their receipt forward to the Lessee documents issued by the police and other official or private documents it receives to have the necessary measures taken and at the same time shall inform the authority making the request that the Lessee is / was the operator / user of the Leased Asset, whereby the arising costs shall be passed by the Lessor to the Lessee. The Lessee shall be obliged to inform the Lessor about any and all claims for damages filed by any third parties, without delay. For avoidance of doubt, the Xxxxxx agrees to indemnify, defend and hold the Lessor harmless from and against all claims, liabilities, lawsuits, expenses, damages and judgments arising from the use, condition, operation or possession of the Leased Asset.
9.3. Based on the general agreement with the insurance companies the Lessor shall insure the Leased Asset for its own benefit in the widest scope possible over the entire Lease Term including MTPL, CASCO insurance and CE insurance (if applicable), unless the Lease Agreement stipulates otherwise, with the exception stipulated in point 9.4 below. The Lessor shall define the scope of insurance duly securing the Leased Asset. The confirmation of conclusion of insurance agreements shall be submitted to the Lessee directly by the insurance broker on yearly basis throughout the Lease Term. With the said confirmation, the Lessee shall receive the excerpt of the “General Insurance Terms and Conditions” or information how to access them. The Lessee shall be responsible to review all documents carefully and to meet all the requirements set out in the “General Insurance Terms and Conditions”, as well as the terms of reporting and adjusting claims specified by the insurance companies. The
usklađivanja zahtjeva koje su utvrdila osiguravajuća društva. “Opći uvjeti osiguranja“ ne zahtijevaju suglasnost Davatelja leasinga. Ni u kojem se slučaju Primatelj leasinga ne može pozivati na nepoznavanje navedenih uvjeta.
9.4. Premiju osiguranja plaća Davatelj osiguranja izravno na račune osiguravajućih društava te ih prefakturira Primatelju leasinga na mjesečnoj osnovi tijekom cijelog razdoblja Trajanja ugovora. Premije osiguranja uključuju važeću stopu poreza na premiju osiguranja. U slučaju osiguranja motornih vozila od odgovornosti za štetu nanesenu trećoj strani (MTPL), Davatelj leasinga unaprijed plaća premiju za naredno razdoblje od 12 mjeseci. Ako zadnje 12-mjesečno razdoblje osiguranja motornih vozila od odgovornosti za štetu nanesenu trećoj strani (MTPL) završava prije završetka Trajanja leasinga, tada Primatelj leasinga osigurava Objekt leasinga u skladu s ponudom Davatelja leasinga ili odabire svoju vlastitu ponudu i Davatelju će leasinga pružiti potvrdu o sklapanju osiguranja motornih vozila od odgovornosti za štetu nanesenu trećoj strani unutar vremenskog roka kojeg je utvrdio Davatelj leasinga. Međutim, u oba će slučaja Primatelj leasinga unaprijed platiti cijelo 12- mjesečno razdoblje osiguranja motornih vozila od odgovornosti za štetu nanesenu trećoj strani (MTPL) i Davatelju leasinga pružiti potvrdu o plaćanju, ako je primjenjivo.
9.5. Ako Primatelj leasinga odabere opciju dodatnog osiguranja u skladu s ponudom Davatelja leasinga, naime "GAP"-osiguranje / Volvo Towing Assistance Extended, Davatelj leasinga će organizirati dodatno osiguranje Objekta leasinga plaćanjem punog iznosa premije osiguranja osiguravajućem društvu ili posredniku osiguranja, i naplatitićuje Primatelju leasinga nadoknadu uplata premije osiguranja. Dodatno rješenje osiguranja pruža posrednik osiguranja u skladu s ponudom Davatelja leasinga.
9.6. Ako je osiguranje Objekta leasinga preuzeo Primatelj leasinga, Primatelj leasinga obvezan je s osiguravajućim društvom dogovoriti osiguranje tijekom cijelog razdoblja Trajanja leasinga i u opsegu pokrića osiguranja koje je Davatelj leasinga odobrio unaprijed. Primatelj leasinga xx xxxxx:
o sklopiti relevantnu policu osiguranja za Objekt leasinga, u kojoj je Davatelj leasinga naveden kao osiguranik, ili istu vinkulirati u korist Davatelja leasinga i dokaz o navedenom uručiti Primatelju leasinga do trenutka isporuke Objekta leasinga Primatelju leasinga;
o predati primjerak police osiguranja i izvornik vinkulacije Davatelju leasinga u
“General Insurance Terms and Conditions” do not require a consent of the Lessee. In no case may the Lessee plead ignorance of these terms and conditions.
9.4. Insurance premium shall be paid by the Lessor directly to the insurance companies’ accounts and re-invoiced to the Lessee on monthly basis throughout the whole Lease Term. Insurance premiums shall include insurance premium tax at the applicable rate. In case of MTPL, the premium shall be prepaid by the Lessor for the subsequent 12- month periods. If the last 12-month MTPL period ends before the end of the Lease Term then the Lessee shall insure the Leased Asset in accordance with the Lessor’s offer or choosing its own offer and will provide the Lessor with the confirmation of conclusion MTPL insurance within the time limit specified by the Lessor. Nevertheless, in both of these cases the Lessee will pay for the whole 12- month period of MTPL insurance in advance and provide the Lessor with the confirmation of payment, if applicable.
9.5. Where the Lessee chooses the additional insurance solution in accordance with the Lessor’s offer, namely GAP Insurance / Volvo Towing Assistance Extended, the Lessor organizes the additional insurance of the Leased Asset by paying full insurance premium payment to the insurance company or to the Insurance Broker, and charges Lessee with compensation of insurance premium payments. Additional insurance solution is provided by an insurance broker in accordance with the Lessor’s offer.
9.6. If the insurance for the Leased Asset is arranged by the Lessee, it shall arrange insurance for the entire Lease Term with an insurance company and in the insurance coverage scope approved by the Lessor in advance. The Lessee is obliged to:
o conclude a relevant insurance policy for the Leased Asset, in which the Lessor is listed as the insured party, or vinculate it for the benefit of the Lessor and hand over the proof of this to the Lessor by the time of the delivery of the Leased Asset to the Lessee;
o hand over a copy of the insurance policy and the original vinculation to the Lessor
skladu s ovom točkom 9.6. unutar 7 xxxx od svakog produljenja (obnove) osiguranja;
o predati Davatelju leasinga presliku dokaza o sklapanju osiguranja xxxx xx potvrdilo osiguravajuće društvo / posrednik / zastupnik, presliku ugovora o osiguranju i plaćenih premija na godišnjoj osnovi; prvi dokaz sklapanja ugovora o osiguranju, preslika ugovora o osiguranju i potvrda o plaćenim premijama moraju se dostavljati Davatelju leasinga do trenutka isporuke Objekta leasinga Primatelju leasinga;
o sklopiti dodatno osiguranje za osiguranje xx xxxxxx koje jednostrano može odrediti Davatelj leasinga, za slučaj da se pojave ostali rizici koji se ne mogu predvidjeti u trenutku potpisivanja Xxxxxxx o leasingu;
o nadoknaditi Davatelju leasinga štetu, troškove i naknade uzrokovane mogućim izvršavanjem zahtjeva na temelju osiguranja predmeta leasinga. Ne sklopi li Primatelj leasinga pravovremeno relevantno osiguranje i/ili ne plati premije osiguranja i/ili ne podnese dokaz o sklopljenim osiguranjima i/ili ne plati premije na godišnjoj osnovi, Davatelj leasinga ima pravo sklopiti navedeno osiguranje i/ili xxx platiti premiju o trošak Primatelja leasinga uvećano za troškove Davatelja leasinga i u skladu s važećim Popisom naknada. Davatelj leasinga se može povući iz Ugovora o leasingu ako Primatelj leasinga prekrši odredbe ovog dijela.
9.7. Uvjeti osiguranja koje je dogovorio Primatelj leasinga moraju ispunjavati sljedeće uvjete:
o MTPL (osiguranje motornih vozila od odgovornosti za štetu nanesenu trećoj strani): puno sveobuhvatno osiguranje s najviše jednopostotnim ili minimalnim odbitkom franšize s pokrićem koje nije niže od najnižih vrijednosti utvrđenih relevantnim zakonodavstvom;
x XXXXX: puno sveobuhvatno osiguranje s uključenom krađom i najvišim dozvoljenim postotkom odbitka od 5 % osiguranog iznosa;
o Opseg osiguranja (osigurani iznos) u slučaju novog xxxxxx xx u najmanjoj mjeri iznos vrijednosti novog Objekta leasinga xxxx xx navedeno u Ugovoru o leasingu i u slučaju rabljenog vozila najmanje u iznosu nove nabavne cijene ekvivalentnog vozila;
in accordance with this point 9.6 within 7 days of each extension (renewal) of insurance;
o hand over to the Lessor a copy of the proof of the conclusion of the insurance confirmed by the insurance company / broker / agent, copy of the insurance contract and the paid premiums on an annual basis; the first proof of the conclusion of the insurance, copy of the insurance contract and confirmation of the paid premiums should be submitted to the Lessor by the time of the delivery of the Leased Asset to the Lessee;
o conclude additional insurance for insurance risks as can be unilaterally determined by the Lessor, if other risks that could not be predicted at the signing of the Lease Agreement occur;
o compensate the Lessor for the damages, costs and fees caused by the possible enforcement of claims from the insurance of the subject of leasing. If the Lessee does not timely conclude the relevant insurance and/or does not pay the insurance premiums and/or does not submit the proof of the concluded insurances and/or paid premiums on an annual basis, the Lessor has the right to conclude such insurance and/or pay the premium itself at the expense of the Lessee with the addition of the Lessor’s costs and in accordance with the applicable Fee List. The Lessor may withdraw from the Lease Agreement if the Lessee breaches the provisions of this chapter.
9.7. The terms and conditions of insurances arranged by the Lessee must fulfil the following conditions:
o MTPL: full comprehensive insurance with a maximum one percent or a minimally deductible franchise with coverage that is not less than the minimum limits set by the relevant legislation;
o CASCO: full comprehensive insurance with included theft and the maximum percentage limit on the deductible of 5 % of the insurance amount;
o The insurance limit (insured amount) in the case of a new vehicle is at least the amount of the value of the new Leased Asset as stated in the Lease Agreement and in the event of a used vehicle at least in the amount of as it is value of a new asset price;
o Teritorijalni opseg valjanosti osiguranja xxxx uključivati državna područja članica Europske unije i drugih zemalja na koje se odnosi zelena karta, osim ako se Ugovorne strane pisanim putem ne dogovore drugačije;
o Davatelj leasinga će biti naznačen xxx xxxxxxx Objekta leasinga u svim dokumentima vezanim uz osiguranje.
9.8. Tijekom cijelog razdoblja Trajanja leasinga sve aktivnosti vezane uz osiguranje, postupanje po zahtjevima, individualnu podršku, i kontaktiranje osiguravajućeg društva u pogledu spornih pitanja rješava posrednik osiguranja Davatelja leasinga. Davatelj leasinga ne odgovara za pravovremenost postupanja osiguravajućeg društva ili za način na koji isto namiruje zahtjeve.
9.9. Primatelj leasinga izvršava svaku obvezu osigurane strane koja utvrđuje odgovornost osiguravajućeg društva. Primatelj leasinga obavještava Davatelja leasinga i osiguravajuće društvo bez odgode o svakom događaju xxxx xxxx biti pokriven odgovornošću osiguravajućeg društva za štete i naznačuje lokaciju Objekta leasinga. Troškove popravka i vraćanja Objekta leasinga u njegovo prvotno stanje koji nisu pokriveni kompenzacijom plaćenom xx xxxxxx osiguravajućeg društva snosi Primatelj leasinga.
9.10.U slučaju oštećenja Objekta leasinga Primatelj leasinga xxxxx xx vratiti Objekt leasinga u njegovo prvotno stanje. Davatelj leasinga će ustupiti kompenzaciju za gubitak danu s osnove osiguranja Primatelju leasinga u iznosu potrebnom za popravak Objekta leasinga u servisu ovlaštenog trgovca, osim ako Primatelj leasinga ne kasni s izvršavanjem nekih obveza određenih Ugovorom o leasingu. Davatelj leasinga može s xxx iznosom prebiti neporavnane mjesečne rate i druge nepodmirene iznose dugovane Davatelju leasinga neovisno o njihovim pravnim osnovama.
9.11.Svaki prekid u upotrebi ili ograničenja mogućnosti upotrebe oštećenog Objekta leasinga ne oslobađa Primatelja leasinga od obveze plaćanja rata, ostalih plaćanja i drugih iznosa dugovanih prema Ugovoru o leasingu i ne predstavljaju osnovu za produljenje Ugovora o leasingu ili smanjenje rate i plaćanja. Primatelj leasinga pokriva sve regresne zahtjeve osiguravajućeg društva u odnosu na Davatelja leasinga vezano uz plaćanje odštete xx xxxxxx tog društva ako xx xxxxx uslijedila kao posljedica okolnosti za koje je odgovoran korisnik Objekta leasinga, primjerice: ako neovlaštena osoba vozi Objekt leasinga ili ga vozi pod utjecajem
o The territorial extent of the limit on the validity of the insurance shall include the territory of the European Union and other countries to which the green card applies, unless the Parties agree otherwise in writing;
o The Lessor will be specified as the owner of the Leased Asset in all documents related to the insurance.
9.8. Throughout the entire Lease Term all of the activities connected with the insurance, claims handling, individual support, and contacting the insurance company in disputable matters shall be handled by the Lessor’s Insurance Broker. The Lessor shall not be liable for the timeliness or manner of claims settlement by the insurance company.
9.9. The Lessee shall perform any and all obligations of the insured party which determine the insurance company's liability. The Lessee shall notify the Lessor and the insurance company immediately of any events that may be covered by the insurance company's liability for damages and indicate the location of the Leased Asset. The costs of repairing and restoring the Leased Asset to its original condition, not covered by the compensation paid by the insurance company, shall be paid by the Lessee.
0.00.Xx the event of damage of the Leased Asset, the Lessee shall restore the Leased Asset to its original condition. The Lessor shall assign the compensation granted under loss adjustment to the Lessee in the amount required to repair the Leased Asset in authorized dealer’s service stations, unless the Lessee is in default with the performance of any obligations stipulated by the Lease Agreement. The Lessor may deduct outstanding monthly lease instalments and other outstanding amounts due to the Lessor regardless of their legal titles.
9.11.Any interruptions in the use or limitations of the possibility to use the damaged Leased Asset shall not exempt the Lessee from the duty to pay lease instalments, payments and other amounts due under the Lease Agreement, and shall not provide grounds to extend the Lease Agreement or reduce the lease instalments and payments. The Lessee shall cover any recourse claims of the insurance company against the Lessor under the payment of compensation for damages by this company if the damage resulted from circumstances for which the user of the Leased Asset is liable, e.g.: driving the Leased Asset by an unauthorised person or
alkohola ili opojnih droga ili u slučaju bijega s mjesta nesreće.
9.12.U slučaju gubitka Objekta leasinga nakon isporuke Primatelju leasinga iz bilo kojeg razloga (izuzev u slučajevima krivnje Davatelja leasinga), Ugovor o leasingu ističe na xxx na koji osiguravajuće društvo obavijesti Davatelja leasinga o gubitku Objekta leasinga ili Davatelj leasinga sazna za gubitak Objekta leasinga uslijed krađe ili druge zabranjene radnje, temeljem odgovarajuće obavijesti nadležnom policijskom tijelu.
9.13.Gubitak Objekta leasinga znači njegovo potpuno uništenje ili djelomično uništenje ili gubitak, u situaciji u kojoj bi troškovi popravka premašili utvrđenu vrijednost xxxx xx osiguravajuće društvo kvalificiralo kao totalnu štetu Objekta leasinga, što također uključuje gubitak Objekta leasinga zbog krađe ili druge zabranjene radnje.
9.14.Primatelj leasinga je obvezan bez odgode obavijestiti Davatelja leasinga o gubitku Objekta leasinga, najkasnije sljedeći radni xxx koji slijedi xxxxx xxxx na koji je Primatelj leasinga obavješten o ili saznao za gubitak Objekta leasinga ili događaj koji bi mogao dovesti do mogućeg gubitka Objekta leasinga (primjerice: djelomično uništenje Objekta leasinga). U slučaju potpunog uništenja Objekta leasinga, Primatelj leasinga također obavještava Davatelja leasinga ako hoće zadržati olupinu Objekta leasinga (ako je to dopušteno prema važećem osiguranju).
9.15.Ako Ugovor o leasingu prestane na način xxxx xx naznačeno u točki 9.12., Davatelj leasinga može zahtijevati da Primatelj leasinga plati sljedeće iznose:
o ukupni iznos svih dospjelih rata i plaćanja prema izračunu Davatelja leasinga i svih rata (bez kamata) koje bi bile dospjele do kraja Ugovora o leasingu, Otkupne vrijednosti (ako je primjenjivo), xxxxxx izračunate od datuma dospijeća zadnje mjesečne rate do datuma plaćanja, naknadu za prijevremeni raskid sukladno Popisu naknada, kao i sve naknade koje je podmirio Davatelj leasinga na osnovi poreza na motorna vozila, ukupni iznos svih troškova skladištenja, prijevoza, zaštite, likvidacije ili prodaje vezanih uz Objekt leasinga, kao i troškove osiguranja.
9.16.Iznos određen u točki 9.15. umanjuje se za:
a) iznos koji je Davatelju leasinga isplatilo osiguravajuće društvo na osnovu gubitka Objekta leasinga (vodeći
driving under the influence of alcohol or while intoxicated with a drug or in the event of a hit and run from the place of an accident.
0.00.Xx the event of the loss of the Leased Asset following the delivery to the Lessee for any reasons (except in cases of the Lessor’s fault), the Lease Agreement shall expire effectively as of the date of the Lessor being notified by the insurance company of the loss of the Leased Asset or the Lessor being informed about the loss of the Leased Asset due to the theft or other prohibited act, supported with the appropriate notification to the competent police authority.
9.13.The loss of the Leased Asset shall mean its total destruction or partial destruction or loss, if the costs of repair would exceed the specific value, which is qualified by the insurance company as a total loss of the Leased Asset, which includes also the loss of the Leased Asset due to theft or other prohibited act.
9.14.The Lessee shall immediately notify the Lessor of the loss of the Leased Asset, no later than on the next business day following the day the Lessee was notified or became aware of the loss of the Leased Asset or the event resulting in the possible loss of the Leased Asset (for instance: partial destruction of the Leased Asset). In case of total destruction of the Leased Asset, the Lessee shall also notify the Lessor if the Lessee will keep the wreck of the Leased Asset (if this is admissible under the applicable insurance).
9.15.Should the Lease Agreement be terminated as specified in item 9.12, the Lessor may demand that the Lessee pays the following amounts:
o total amount of all due lease instalments and payments calculated by the Lessor and all lease instalments (without interest) that would be due by the end of the Lease Agreement, the Residual Value (if applicable), interest calculated from the maturity date of the last monthly lease instalment until the compensation is paid, the fee for early termination in accordance with the Fee List, as well as any fees covered by the Lessor under tax on means of transport, the total amount of all storage, transport, protection, liquidation or sales costs related to the Leased Asset, as well as insurance expenses.
9.16.The amount specified in item 9.15 shall be deducted by:
a) the amount of compensation paid to the Lessor by the insurance company
računa o odluci Primatelja leasinga da zadrži olupinu vozila), na datum plaćanja navedenog iznosa.
b) iznos koji se Davatelju isplatio temeljem prodaje uništenog ili oštećenog Objekta leasinga, bez PDV-a, na datum na koji je Davatelj leasinga primio navedeni iznos ili njegov dio, pod uvjetom da je Objekt leasinga prodan.
9.17.Zahtjev Davatelja leasinga određen u točki
9.15. dospijeva s datumom na koji se Ugovor o leasingu smatra završenim u skladu s odredbama xxx xxxxx 9. Međutim, nastupe li događaji utvrđeni u točkama 9.16. (a) i (b), Davatelj leasinga će bez odgode ponovno izračunava zahtjev. Primatelj leasinga bit će obavješten o svakom ustanovljenom višku iznad potraživanja Davatelja leasinga i Davatelj leasinga će bez odgode višak vratiti Primatelju leasinga.
9.18.Davatelj leasinga će 60 xxxx xxxxx raskida na temelju xxx xxxxx 9. Primatelju leasinga dostaviti konačni obračun iznosa plaćenih prema Ugovoru o leasingu i ovim Općim uvjetima, posebno sukladno gornjim točkama 9.15 i 9.16.
10. Prijevremeni raskid Ugovora o leasingu
10.1.Davatelj leasinga može raskinuti Ugovor o leasingu s trenutnim učinkom u svakom od sljedećih slučajeva pisanom obavijesti o raskidu upućenoj Primatelju leasinga:
o kod svakog kašnjenja Primatelja leasinga s plaćanjem (i) dvije uzastopne mjesečne rate ili (ii) Učešća;
o ako, unatoč prethodnoj pisanoj opomeni Davatelja leasinga, Primatelj leasinga propusti održavati Objekt leasinga u propisnom stanju ili ispuniti neku od obveza koju propisuje bilo koji pravni xxxxxx ili Ugovor o leasingu vezano uz držanje ili uporabu Objekta leasinga, ili ako Primatelj leasinga koristi Objekt leasinga na način koji predstavlja kršenje Ugovora o leasingu ili uputa proizvođača ili Dobavljača, ili ako Primatelj leasinga koristi Objekt leasinga izvan Teritorijalnog opsega osiguranja, ili ako Primatelj leasinga propusti ukloniti preinake na Objektu leasinga učinjene bez suglasnosti Davatelja leasinga unutar vremenskog roka kojeg je utvrdio Davatelj leasinga, ili ako Primatelj leasinga prekrši bilo koju drugu obvezu određenu Ugovorom o leasingu ili ovim Općim uvjetima;
under the loss of the Leased Asset (taking into account the Lessee's decision on keeping of the wreck), on the date of payment of said compensation,
b) the amount obtained by the Lessor from any sale of the destroyed or damaged Leased Asset, VAT tax excluded, on the date of receiving this amount or its components by the Lessor, provided the Leased Asset is sold.
9.17.The Lessor’s claim specified in item 9.15 shall be due and payable as of the date the Lease Agreement is deemed terminated in accordance with the provisions of this section
9. However, should the events specified in items 9.16. (a) and (b) occur, the Lessor shall immediately recalculate the claim and if any excess over the Lessor's receivables is found, the Lessee shall be informed and the Lessor shall immediately return the surplus to the Lessee.
9.18.Upon 60 days of termination based on this section 9, the Lessor will provide the Lessee with an account of the final calculations of the amounts paid under the Lease Agreement, these General Terms, especially in accordance with the above items 9.15 and 9.16.
10. Early Termination of the Lease Agreement
10.1.The Lessor may terminate the Lease Agreement effective immediately in each of the following cases by written termination notice to the Lessee:
o any default of the Lessee in payment of
(i) two subsequent monthly lease instalments or (ii) the Down Payment ;
o if, despite a prior written reminder submitted by the Lessor, the Lessee fails to keep the Leased Asset in proper condition or to fulfil any obligations prescribed by any legal regulations or the Lease Agreement related to holding or using the Leased Asset, or if the Lessee uses the Leased Asset in breach of the Lease Agreement or manufacturer's or Supplier's instructions, or if the Lessee uses the Leased Asset outside the Territorial Scope of Insurance, or if the Lessee fails to remove modifications of the Leased Asset made without the Lessor’s consent within the time limit specified by the Lessor, or if the Lessee violates any other of its obligations stipulated in the Lease Agreement or these General Terms;
o ako Primatelj leasinga prenese pravo uporabe Objekta leasinga trećoj strani bez suglasnosti Davatelja leasinga;
o u slučaju promjene financijskog stanja Primatelja leasinga koje predstavlja prijetnju interesima Davatelja leasinga, ili ako je pokrenut stečajni postupak protiv Primatelja leasinga, ili ako Primatelj leasinga u potpunosti ili djelomično prestane obavljati svoje profesionalne djelatnosti, ili je protiv Primatelja leasinga pokrenut postupak ovrhe, osiguranja ili povrata prava, ili svaki drugi sudski ili upravni xxxxxxxx, xxxx značajno može utjecati na financijsko stanje Primatelja leasinga;
o ako se sazna da je tijekom pregovora oko uvjeta Xxxxxxx o leasingu Primatelj leasinga zatajio informacije ili dao netočne informacije, poznavanje kojih je Davatelju leasinga moglo pružiti razlog da se uzdrži od sklapanja Ugovora o leasingu;
o ako Primatelj leasinga propusti propisno zasnovati sredstva osiguranja koja traži Davatelj leasinga prema Ugovoru o leasingu;
o ako je sredstvo osiguranja zasnovano u korist Davatelja leasinga povučeno ili je postalo neučinkovito ili je prekršeno na drugi način;
o ako xx xxxx koje odobrenje ili dozvola potrebna Primatelju leasinga za poslovnu djelatnost, uključujući Dozvolu za obavljanje djelatnosti, opozvana ili istekla;
o ako Primatelj leasinga kasni ili propusti li Davatelju leasinga predati presliku Prometne dozvole ili drugih dokumenata navedenih u točki 3. vezano uz registraciju / produljenje registracije Objekta leasinga;
o ako Primatelj leasinga propusti predati Davatelju leasinga presliku dokumenta kojim se potvrđuje da je proveden obavezni tehnički pregled unutar vremenskog roka utvrđenog u točki 6.3.;
o ako Primatelj leasinga propusti Davatelju leasinga pružiti bilo koju informaciju ili dokumente utvrđene u točki 13. unutar vremenskog roka navedenog u toj točki;
o ako Primatelj leasinga kasni s izvršavanjem drugih financijskih ili nefinancijskih obveza po drugim pravnim odnosima koje ne uključuju Ugovor o leasingu ili prema drugim
o if the Lessee transfers the right of use of the Leased Asset to a third party without the Lessor’s consent;
o in the event of change of Xxxxxx’x financial condition which poses a threat to the Lessor’s interest or if a bankruptcy petition is filed against the Lessee, or if the Lessee abandons business operations fully or partly, or if enforcement, securing or recovery proceedings, or any other court or administrative proceedings are initiated against the Lessee, which may have a vital impact on the financial condition of the Lessee;
o disclosure that while negotiating the terms and conditions of the Lease Agreement, the Lessee withheld information or gave untrue information, the knowledge of which may have given grounds for the Lessor to refrain from concluding the Lease Agreement;
o should the Lessee fail to duly establish security instruments required by the Lessor under the Lease Agreement;
o if the security instrument established in favour of the Lessor is withdrawn or becomes ineffective or otherwise infringed upon;
o should any permit or licence required by the Lessee for business operations, including the Operating License be revoked or expire;
o should the Lessee delay or fail to provide the Lessor with a copy of the Registration Certificate or other documents specified in point 3 in connection with the registration / renewal of registration of the Leased Asset.
o should the Lessee fail to provide the Lessor with a copy of the document confirming that the mandatory technical inspection has been carried out within the time limit specified in point 6.3;
o should the Lessee fail to present the Lessor with any information or documents specified in point 13 within the time limit defined therein;
o should the Lessee be in default with the performance of other financial or non- pecuniary obligations under legal relationships other than the Lease Agreement or under other agreements
ugovorima sklopljenim između Davatelja leasinga i Primatelja leasinga,
o u slučaju promjena pravnog statusa ili vlasničke strukture koje, prema mišljenju Davatelja leasinga, predstavljaju prijetnju u vidu smanjenja učinkovitosti danih sredstava osiguranja navedenih u Ugovoru o leasingu;
o ako Primatelj leasinga propusti pružiti obavijest navedenu u točki 13.3. o uvjetima navedenim u toj točki. Sve promjene vezane uz korporativne dokumente Primatelja leasinga i njegov pravni status, o kojima Davatelj leasinga nije prethodno obaviješten i koje nije prihvatio, uključujući ali ne ograničeno na spajanja, podjele, preoblikovanja, stjecanja i promjene u subjektima koji kontroliraju Primatelja leasinga, smatrat će se kršenjem Xxxxxxx o leasingu opravdavajući njegov raskid s trenutnim učinkom.
10.2.Davatelj leasinga ima pravo raskida Ugovora o leasingu s trenutnim učinkom ako Primatelj leasinga kasni s izvršavanjem bilo koje financijske obveze, koja nije rata prema Davatelju leasinga ili prema trećoj strani (primjerice osiguravajuće društvo), a čije izvršavanje je značajno za nastavak Ugovora o leasingu.
10.3.U slučaju prijevremenog raskida Ugovora o leasingu, Primatelj leasinga xxxxx xx bez odgađanja vratiti Objekt leasinga unutar vremenskog roka kojeg je odredio Davatelj leasinga u svojoj obavijesti o raskidu, pod uvjetima i u stanju određenom točkom 6. ovih Općih uvjeta i Davatelj leasinga ima pravo preuzeti posjed nad Objektom leasinga bez odgađanja.
10.4.U slučaju da Davatelj leasinga raskine Ugovor o leasingu, osobito u slučajevima utvrđenim u xxxx navedenim točkama 10.1. ili 10.2., Davatelj leasinga ima pravo tražiti da Primatelj leasinga bez odgode isplati:
o zbroj (i) svih dospjelih i nenamirenih rata i plaćanja, (ii) ukupnog iznosa svih rata (bez kamata) koji bi bio dospio do kraja Ugovora o leasingu (da nije bio raskinut),
(iii) Otkupne vrijednosti Objekta leasinga utvrđene u Ugovoru o leasingu, (iv) naknade za prijevremeni raskid sukladno Popisu naknada, (v) troškova osiguranja uključujući ali ne ograničeno na premiju osiguranja xxxx xx Davatelj leasinga preplatio i iznos koji osiguravajuća društva nisu nadoknadila,
(vi) poreza na motorna vozila, ukupnih troškova skladištenja koje je snosio Davatelj leasinga i troškova prijevoza i
concluded between the Lessor and the Lessee;
o in the event of changes in the legal status or ownership structure of the Lessee, which, in the opinion of the Lessor, constitute a threat to the performance of the Lessee’s obligations or pose a threat of reducing the effectiveness of granted securities specified in the Lease Agreement;
o should the Lessee fail to submit the notification specified in point 13.3 on terms indicated therein. Any changes to the Lessee's corporate documents and its legal status, which have not been previously notified to the Lessor and have not been accepted by the Lessor, including, but not limited to, mergers, divisions, transformations, acquisitions, and changes in entities that control the Lessee will be considered as the case of breach of Lease Agreement justifying its termination with immediate effect.
10.2.The Lessor shall be entitled to terminate the Lease Agreement with immediate effect if the Lessee is in default with the performance of any financial obligation other than the leasing instalments towards the Lessor or towards a third party (e.g. an insurance company) the performance of which is material for the continuation of the Lease Agreement.
00.0.Xx the event of early termination of the Lease Agreement, the Lessee shall immediately return the Leased Asset within the time limit specified by the Lessor in its termination notice, on terms and conditions stipulated by point 6. of these General Terms and the Lessor shall be entitled to an immediate takeover of the Leased Asset.
00.0.Xx the event of the Lease Agreement termination by the Lessor, in particular in cases specified in points 10.1 or 10.2 above, the Lessor may demand that the Lessee immediately repays:
o the aggregate of (i) any and all mature and outstanding lease instalments and payments, (ii) the total of all lease instalments (without interest) that would be due by the end of the Lease Agreement (had it not been terminated),
(iii) the Residual Value of the Leased Asset specified in the Lease Agreement,
(iv) the fee for early termination in accordance with the Fee List (v) insurance costs including but not limited to the insurance premium prepaid by the Lessor and not refunded by the insurance companies, (vi) tax on means of transport, total costs of storage borne
zaštite Objekta leasinga, te (vii) troškova likvidacije ili prodaje Objekta leasinga koje je snosio Davatelj leasinga.
o umanjeno za prodajnu cijenu Objekta leasinga ne uključujući porez na dodanu vrijednost.
o Davatelj leasinga će Primatelju leasinga dostaviti račun sa konačnim obračunom iznosa opisanih pod ovom točkom 10.4. unutar 60 xxxx xxxxx što Davatelj leasinga proda Objekt leasinga. Pokaže xx xxxx opisani konačni obračun da Primatelj leasinga ima pravo na plaćanje, Davatelj leasinga će Primatelju leasinga nadoknaditi odgovarajući iznos.
10.5.U slučaju da Primatelj leasinga ne ispuni svoje obveze plaćanja u skladu s xxxx navedenom točkom 10.4., Davatelj leasinga može zadržati sredstva osiguranja xxxx xx pružio Primatelj leasinga prema Ugovoru o leasingu. U slučaju da Primatelj leasinga ispuni sve obveze plaćanja prema konačnom obračunu i u skladu s Ugovorom o leasingu, Davatelj leasinga će Primatelju leasinga vratiti sredstva osiguranja unutar 60 xxxx od izvršenog ispunjenja obveza.
10.6.Primatelj leasinga nema pravo prijevremenog raskida Ugovora o leasingu osim ako to izričito predviđa/dopušta Xxxxxx o leasingu ili ovi Opći uvjeti.
11. Pravo na odustanak od Ugovora
Prije nego se Objekt leasinga isporuči Primatelju leasinga, Davatelj leasinga može se povući iz Ugovora o leasingu iz opravdanih razloga (uključujući ali ne ograničeno na razloge za raskid utvrđene u točki 10.1.). U xxx slučaju Davatelj leasinga obvezan je Primatelju leasinga nadoknaditi iznos Učešća.
12. Istek Ugovora
12.1.Istek Trajanja leasinga u skladu s točkom 4.1. ovih Općih uvjeta ne utječe na obvezu Primatelja leasinga da podmiri sve financijske ili nefinancijske obveze koje dospijevaju Davatelju leasinga po ili vezano uz Ugovor o leasingu ili ove Opće uvjete.
12.2.U slučaju da je Primatelj leasinga zatražio prijenos vlasništva u skladu s odredbama točke 2.6. ovih Općih uvjeta, po isteku Trajanja ugovora i pod uvjetom da je Primatelj leasinga podmirio sve dospjele rate i ostala dospjela plaćanja prema Davatelju leasinga, Davatelj leasinga xx xxxxx prenijeti prava vlasništva nad Objektom leasinga Primatelju leasinga. Ako je Objekt leasinga vozilo podložno registraciji, Davatelj leasinga xxxxx
by the Lessor and of transport and protection of the Leased Asset, and (vii) its liquidation or sales costs incurred by the Lessor,
o decreased by the sales price of the Leased Asset excluding the value added tax.
o The Lessor will deliver to the Lessee the account with the final calculation of the amounts described under this point 10.4 within 60 days after the sale of the Leased Asset by the Lessor. Should the above described final account state that the Lessee is entitled to a payment, the Lessor will reimburse the Lessee accordingly.
10.5.If the Lessee does not comply with its payment obligations in accordance with point
10.4 above, the Lessor may retain the securities provided by the Lessee under the Lease Agreement. In case the Lessee complies with any payment obligations under the final account and in accordance with the Lease Agreement, the Lessor will return the securities to the Lessee within 60 days of the completed fulfilment of the obligations.
10.6.The Lessee shall not have any right to terminate the Lease Agreement prematurely unless so explicitly provided by the Lease Agreement or these General Terms.
11. Right of Withdrawal from the Agreement
Before the Leased Asset is delivered to the Lessee, the Lessor may withdraw from the Lease Agreement for justified reasons (including but not limited to the reasons for termination determined in point 10.1). In such a case, the Lessor shall reimburse the Lessee for the Down Payment.
12. Expiration of the Agreement
12.1.The expiry of the Lease Term in accordance with item 4.1 of these General Terms does not affect the Lessee's obligation to settle any and all outstanding financial or non-financial obligations which are due to the Lessor under or related to the Lease Agreement or these General Terms.
12.2.If the Lessee requested the transfer of ownership in accordance with the provisions of item 2.6 of these General Terms, upon the expiration of the Lease Term and under the condition that all due lease instalments and other due payments towards the Lessor are settled by the Lessee, the Lessor shall transfer the ownership rights to the Leased Asset to the Lessee.. If the Leased Asset is a vehicle subject to a registration, the Xxxxxx
xx unutar 7 radnih xxxx od datuma podmirivanja, uključujući usklađivanje PDV-a, predati Primatelju leasinga dokumente potrebne za prijenos i registraciju vlasništva nad Objektom leasinga. U svakom slučaju, prijenos vlasništva neće se izvršiti prije nego što Primatelj leasinga ne podmiri sva dospjela plaćanja i obveze.
12.3.Davatelj leasinga će dostaviti Primatelju leasinga izračun s konačnim obračunom uključujući sve iznose koje je Primatelj leasinga podmirio u skladu s Ugovorom o leasingu i ovim Općim uvjetima unutar 60 xxxx xxxxx što je Primatelj leasinga podmirio sve druge dospjele iznose prema Ugovoru o leasingu ili ovim Općim uvjetima. Unutar istog razdoblja i pod jednakim uvjetima, Davatelj leasinga će također Primatelju leasinga vratiti sva sredstva osiguranja.
12.4.Ako je Primatelj leasinga obavijestio Davatelja leasinga u skladu s točkom 2.6. ovih Općih uvjeta da Primatelj leasinga ne zahtijeva prijenos vlasništva nad Objektom leasinga, Primatelj leasinga xx xxxxx vratiti Objekt leasinga Davatelju leasinga do zadnjeg xxxx Trajanja leasinga i bez kašnjenja.
12.5.U slučaju da se vlasništvo nad Objektom leasinga ne prenosi na Primatelja leasinga, Xxxxxxxx leasinga će Primatelju leasinga dostaviti izračun s konačnim obračunom koji uključuje:
o (i) iznos svih rata koje je Primatelj leasinga podmirio u skladu s Ugovorom o leasingu i ovim Općim uvjetima, (ii) bilo koje dospjele i neplaćene rate i druga plaćanja ili troškove i davanja koje snosi Primatelj leasinga u pogledu Objekta leasinga (npr. troškove prijevoza ili prodaje Objekta leasinga xx xxxxxx Davatelja leasinga), (iii) iznos Otkupne vrijednosti (ako je primjenjivo), te (iv) prodajnu cijenu Objekta leasinga ne uključujući porez na dodanu vrijednost.
o Davatelj leasinga će Primatelju leasinga dostaviti konačni obračun ugovora sa svim iznosima opisanim pod ovom točkom 12.5. unutar 60 xxxx xxxxx što Davatelj leasinga proda Objekt leasinga. U slučaju da nema nepodmirenih obveza plaćanja Primatelja leasinga, unutar istog razdoblja Davatelj leasinga također je obvezan Primatelju leasinga vratiti sva sredstva osiguranja.
o Ako je prema konačnom obračunu iznos prodajne cijene Objekta leasinga ne uključujući porez na dodanu vrijednost viši od zbroja iznosa svih nepodmirenih plaćanja Primatelja leasinga i iznosa
shall, within up to 7 business days following the date of the settlement including VAT adjustment, present the Lessee with documents required for the transfer and registration of the title to the Leased Asset. In any case, the transfer of ownership does not occur before settlement of all outstanding payments and liabilities by the Lessee.
12.3.The Lessor will provide to the Lessee the account with a final calculation including any amounts settled by the Lessee in accordance with the Lease Agreement and these General Terms within 60 days after the Lessee has settled any other due amounts under the Lease Agreement or these General Terms. Within the same period and under the same conditions, the Lessor shall also return any securities to the Lessee.
12.4.If the Lessee notified the Lessor in accordance with item 2.6 of these General Terms that the Lessee does not request the transfer of ownership over the Leased Asset, the Lessee is obliged to return the Leased Asset to the Lessor on the last day of the Lease Term without delay.
00.0.Xx the case the ownership over the Leased Asset will not be transferred to the Lessee, the Lessor will provide the Lessee the account with a final calculation containing:
o (i) the sum of all instalments settled by the Lessee in accordance with Lease Agreement and these General Terms,
(ii) any mature and outstanding amounts of lease instalments and other payments or costs and taxes to be borne by the Lessee in relation to the Leased Asset (e.g. costs for the transport or the sale of the Leased Asset by the Lessor), (iii) the amount of the Residual Value (if applicable), and (iv) the sales price of the Leased Asset excluding the value added tax.
o The Lessor will deliver to the Lessee the account with the final calculation of the amounts described under this point 12.5. within 60 days after the sale of the Leased Asset by the Lessor. Unless there are any payments outstanding from the Lessee, the Lessor shall return any securities to the Lessee within the same period.
o If in the final calculation the sales price of the Leased Asset excluding the value added tax exceeds the sum of any outstanding payments of the Lessee and the Residual Amount (if applicable), the
Otkupne vrijednosti (ako je primjenjivo), Davatelj leasinga će Primatelju leasinga nadoknaditi odgovarajući iznos razlike.
13. Obveze Primatelja leasinga obavještavanja o promjenama
13.1.Primatelj leasinga će obavještavati Davatelja leasinga o svim okolnostima koje mogu ili bi xxxxx značajno utjecati na izvršavanje obveza Primatelja leasinga po Ugovoru o leasingu ili ovim Općim uvjetima, osobito na pravovremena plaćanja Davatelju leasinga, unutar 5 radnih xxxx od nastupa takvih okolnosti. Nadalje, Primatelj leasinga xxxxx xx Davatelju leasinga dostaviti pisanu informaciju o navedenim okolnostima na svaki zahtjev unutar 5 radnih xxxx od zaprimanja takvog zahtjeva.
00.0.Xx svaki zahtjev Davatelja leasinga i unutar 7 xxxx od takvog zahtjeva, Primatelj leasinga će predati, npr. presliku godišnjih financijskih izvještaja s mišljenjem ovlaštenog revizora (ako navedeni izvještaji podliježu reviziji) xxxx xx propisano zakonom, i godišnje porezne prijave (pri čemu se takav zahtjev Davatelja leasinga ne smije postaviti prije proteka 6 mjeseci nakon završetka financijske godine na koju se zahtjev odnosi), xxx x xxxxx dokumente koje Davatelj xxxxxxxx smatra potrebnim za procjenu financijskog i poslovnog stanja i solventnosti Primatelja leasinga.
13.3.Primatelj leasinga će izvijestiti Davatelja leasinga o svakoj promjeni registriranog xxxxx i poštanske adrese, kao i redovite lokacije (garaže) Objekta leasinga unutar 5 xxxx od promjene. U slučaju propusta u izvještavanju o promjeni poštanske adrese, sva pošta isporučena na prethodnu adresu smatra se valjano isporučenom (tj. Primatelj leasinga se upoznao sa sadržajem iste ili je imao priliku upoznati se sa sadržajem iste) najkasnije 8 xxxx od datuma prvog pokušaja isporuke ili povrata pošte kurirskom ili poštanskom službom;
14. Završne odredbe
14.1.U slučaju da Davatelj leasinga odgovara za štetu Primatelju leasinga, tada se odgovornost Davatelja leasinga prema Primatelju leasinga ograničava isključivo na štetu nanesenu zbog xxxxx nepažnje ili namjere. Odgovornost Davatelja leasinga za štetu prema Primatelju leasinga je u svakom slučaju ograničena na stvarnu štetu i štetu xxxx xx xxx Primatelj leasinga izravno pretrpio, isključujući svake izravne (i posljedične), moguće, buduće i hipotetske gubitke, kao i izgubljenu i očekivanu dobit Primatelja leasinga. Isključuje se odgovornost po svim osnovama zahtjeva za naknadom štete od Davatelja leasinga izuzev onih
Lessor will reimburse the Lessee with the differential amount accordingly.
13. Xxxxxx'x Obligations to notify changes
13.1.The Lessee shall notify the Lessor of any and all circumstances that may or might have a material impact on the Lessee’s performance of obligations under the Lease Agreement or these General Terms, in particular on timely payments for the Lessor, within 5 business days following the occurrence of such circumstances. Moreover, the Lessee shall provide the Lessor with a written information regarding such circumstances upon each request, within 5 business days from receiving such a request.
13.2.Upon each request of the Lessor and within 7 days following such request, the Lessee shall submit, e.g. the copy of annual financial statements with certified auditors’ opinion (if such statements are auditable) required by the law, and annual tax returns (whereas such request of the Lessor must not be made earlier than after the lapse of 6 months following the end of the financial year the request pertains to), as well as other documents the Lessor deems necessary for assessing the Lessee's financial and business position and solvency.
13.3.The Lessee shall notify the Lessor of any change of the registered office and mailing address, as well as the regular location (garage) of the Leased Asset within 5 days following the change. In the event of failure to notify about the change of the mailing address, any mail delivered to the previous address shall be deemed effectively delivered (i.e. the Lessee became acquainted with it or had the opportunity to get acquainted) no later than 8 days as of this date of the first attempt of delivery or return of mail by the xxxxxxx or postal service;
14. Final Provisions
14.1.Should the Lessor be liable to the Lessee, then the Lessor’s liability towards the Lessee shall be limited to losses inflicted only as a result of gross negligence or intentional fault. The Lessor’s liability for damages towards the Lessee shall be in any case limited to the liability for actual and direct losses, excluding any indirect (and consequential), potential, future and hypothetical losses, including the lost and expected profits of the Lessee. Any grounds for claims for damages from the Lessor, other than those specified in the regulations governing the non-performance or
utvrđenih prisilnim propisima kojima se uređuje neizvršavanje ili nepravilno izvršavanje obveza.
14.2.U slučaju da po Ugovoru o leasingu ima više od jedne odgovorne strane, njihova je odgovornost solidarna.
14.3.Neprimjenjivost ili nevaljanost neke od odredaba Ugovora o leasingu i Općih uvjeta ne utječe na njihove ostale odredbe. Ugovorne xxxxxx xx takvu nevaljanu ili neprimjenjivu odredbu zamijeniti onom xxxx xx što je moguće bliža pravnom smislu i poslovnim ciljevima Ugovora o leasingu. Ovo načelo također se primjenjuje u slučaju da se u Ugovoru o leasingu pronađe očita pravna praznina. U slučaju bilo koje nepodudarnosti između Ugovora o leasingu i Općih uvjeta, prevladavaju odredbe Ugovora o leasingu.
14.4.U slučaju da se uvedu novi pravni ili financijski propisi vezani uz leasing, a koji su različiti od onih obvezujućih na datum sklapanja Ugovora o leasingu, Davatelj leasinga ima pravo izmijeniti i dopuniti Ugovor o leasingu, uzimajući u obzir interese Ugovornih strana te cilj i svrhu Ugovora o leasingu.
14.5.Primatelj leasinga se izričito odriče svog prava prigovora po osnovi izvanrednih promjena okolnosti (rebus sic stantibus) koje bi nastale uslijed smanjenja opsega poslovanja Primatelja leasinga, promjena na tržištu, korporativnih promjena na strani Primatelja leasinga, itd.
14.6.Ugovor o leasingu je uređen i sastavljen u skladu s hrvatskim zakonodavstvom.
14.7.Svi sporovi se rješavaju pred sudom opće nadležnosti prema upisanom sjedištu Davatelja leasinga.
14.8.Sve izmjene i dopune Xxxxxxx o leasingu donose se u pisanom obliku i u protivnom su ništavne.
14.9.Ugovor o leasingu i Opći uvjeti sastavljeni su na hrvatskom i na engleskom jeziku. U slučaju nepodudarnosti između verzija teksta, hrvatska verzija je mjerodavna.
14.10. Primatelj leasinga ovime izjavljuje i jamči Davatelju leasinga da je pribavio osobne podatke predstavnika Primatelja leasinga na zakonit način, osobito u skladu s važećim propisima o zaštiti podataka, i da je obavijestio relevantnog pojedinca (relevantne pojedince) u skladu s člankom 13. Opće uredbe o zaštiti podataka (EU) 2016/679 te da je pribavio sve potrebne privole za obradu njihovih osobnih podataka xx xxxxxx Davatelja leasinga, posebice, ali ne isključivo, za njihovo unošenje u xxxx podataka
improper performance of obligations, shall be excluded.
00.0.Xx the event of there being more than one liable party under the Lease Agreement their liability shall be joint and several.
14.3.The ineffectiveness or invalidity of any provision of the Lease Agreement and General Terms shall not affect other provisions thereof. The Parties shall replace such invalid or ineffective provision with one as close in legal terms and business objectives to the Lease Agreement as possible. This principle shall be applied, respectively, if an obvious legal gap is found in the Lease Agreement. In the case of any discrepancies between the Lease Agreement and the General terms, the provisions of the Lease Agreement shall prevail.
14.4.Should legal or financial regulations pertaining to leasing be introduced, different from ones binding as at the Lease Agreement conclusion date, the Lessor may amend the Lease Agreement respectively, taking into consideration the interests of the Parties and the aim and purpose of the Lease Agreement.
14.5.The Lessee explicitly renounces of its right to objection on the grounds of a fundamental change of circumstances (rebus sic stantibus) which would be a result of a decline in the volume of the Lessee's business, changes in the market, corporate changes on the side of the Lessee, etc.
14.6.The Lease Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Croatian law.
14.7.Any and all disputes shall be resolved by the competent court of general jurisdiction for the registered office of the Lessor.
14.8.Any and all amendments and supplements to the Lease Agreement shall be made in writing under pain of nullity.
14.9.The Lease Agreement and the General Terms are set up in Croatian and English language. In case of discrepancies between the versions of the text, the Croatian version will prevail.
14.10. The Lessee hereby declares and represents to the Lessor that it has obtained the personal data of the Lessee’s representative(s) in a lawful manner, especially in accordance with the applicable data protection laws, and that it has informed the relevant individual(s) in accordance with Article 13 of the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and has obtained all necessary consents that their personal data is being processed by the Lessor, namely, but not exclusively, entered into the
Davatelja leasinga, kao i za prijenos subjektima xxxxx Davatelja leasinga (subjekti Xxxxx Volvo) u administrativne svrhe ili za ispunjenje zakonskih pravnih obveza te financijskim partnerima Davatelja leasinga u svrhu izvršavanja ovog Ugovora i ugovora vezanih uz ovaj ugovor s trećom stranom (primjerice kreditnoj ustanovi, osiguravateljima, itd.). Primatelj leasinga je suglasan da Davatelj leasinga ima pravo financijskim partnerima pružiti xxxx navedene podatke i sve informacije dobivene tijekom razdoblja leasinga, uključujući, ali ne ograničeno na informacije o izvršavanju Ugovora o leasingu xx xxxxxx Primatelja leasinga ili procjene kreditne sposobnosti Primatelja leasinga.
14.11. Primatelj leasinga, potpisivanjem Ugovora o leasingu, izričito ovlašćuje i daje privolu Davatelju leasinga ili svakoj trećoj strani na xxxx xx Davatelj leasinga prenio svoja prava, na temelju Ugovora o leasingu, da smije provoditi istrage i pribavljati sve podatke o Primatelju leasinga od nadležnih vlasti, tijela, agencija i drugih vladinih i nevladinih institucija, banaka, štedionica, osiguravajućih društava, drugih društava (bilo da su dio Xxxxx Volvo ili vanjska društva) ili xxxxx xxxxxx, uvijek xxxx xx to potrebno radi zaštite, izvršenja ili provedbe prava Davatelja leasinga ili svake xxxxx xxxxxx kojoj je Davatelj leasinga ustupio prava na temelju Ugovora o leasingu i uvijek xxxx xx to potrebno radi zadovoljavanja svakog zahtjeva postavljenog važećim zakonodavstvom i drugim propisom Davatelja leasinga ili svake xxxxx xxxxxx kojoj je Davatelj leasinga ustupio svoja prava na temelju Ugovora o leasingu. Primatelj leasinga, potpisivanjem Ugovora o leasingu, izričito dozvoljava nadležnim vlastima, tijelima, agencijama i drugim vladinim i nevladinim institucijama, bankama, štedionicama, osiguravajućim društvima, drugim društvima (bilo da su dio Xxxxx Volvo ili vanjska društva) ili trećoj strani pružanje navedenih informacija Davatelju leasinga, ili svakoj trećoj strani kojoj je Davatelj leasinga ustupio svoja prava na temelju Ugovora o leasingu, po predočenju Xxxxxxx o leasingu.
14.12. Primatelj leasinga, potpisivanjem Ugovora o leasingu, dozvoljava i opunomoćuje Davatelja leasinga, ili svaku treću stranu kojoj je Davatelj leasinga ustupio svoja prava na temelju Ugovora o leasingu, da po vlastitoj prosudbi i radi zaštite interesa vjerovnika, za utvrđivanje boniteta, financijskog položaja i poslovnih okolnosti Primatelja leasinga, financijskim partnerima proslijedi informacije o Primatelju leasinga, Ugovoru o leasingu i/ili sve informacije vezane uz Ugovor o leasingu.
database of the Lessor as well as transferred to the group entities of the Lessor (Volvo Group entities) for administrative purposes or to fulfil statutory legal obligations and to financial partners of the Lessor for the purpose of execution of this Agreement and agreements related to this agreement with third parties (e.g. credit agency, insurers etc.).. The Lessee hereby agrees that the Lessor is entitled to provide any financial partners with the aforementioned data and any information gained during the lease period, including but not limited to the information on the performance of the Lease Agreement by the Lessee or the assessment of credit-standing of the Lessee.
14.11. The Lessee, by signing the Lease Agreement, explicitly authorizes and gives consent to the Lessor, or to any third party to which the Lessor has assigned his rights under the Lease Agreement, that it may carry out inquiries and obtain all data about the Lessee from competent authorities, bodies, agencies and other governmental and non- governmental institutions, banks, savings banks, insurance companies, other companies (whether part of the Volvo group or outside companies) or third parties whenever needed for protection, execution or enforcement of rights of the Lessor or any third party to which the Lessor has assigned his rights under the Lease Agreement and whenever needed for the satisfaction of any requirements imposed by applicable legislation and other regulation on the Lessor or any third party to which the Lessor has assigned his rights under the Lease Agreement. The Lessee, by signing the Lease Agreement, explicitly allows competent authorities, bodies, agencies and other governmental and non-governmental institutions, banks, savings banks, insurance companies, other companies (whether part of the Volvo group or outside companies) or third parties to provide such information to the Lessor, or any third party to which the Lessor has assigned his rights under the Lease Agreement, upon presentation of the Lease Agreement.
14.12. The Lessee, by signing the Lease Agreement, allows and empowers the Lessor, or any third party to which the Lessor has assigned his rights under the Lease Agreement, at its own judgement, and for protection of interests of creditors, for ascertaining the credit rating, the financial position and the business circumstances of the Lessee, to forward the information about the Lessee, the Lease Agreement and/or all information with regard to the Lease Agreement to financial partners.
14.13. Potpisivanjem ovog Ugovora o leasingu Primatelj leasinga ovim putem prima na znanje da će za vrijeme trajanja ovog Ugovora o leasingu Davatelj leasinga obrađivati osobne podatke. Detaljne informacije su navedene u Obavijesti/privoli za obradu osobnih podataka. Primatelj leasinga xx xxx privolu da Davatelj leasinga može sve podatke koje je Primatelj leasinga pružio povremeno prenositi povezanim društvima Davatelja leasinga, za koja se u svrhe xxx xxxxx 14.13. i u odnosu na Davatelja leasinga s xxxxx xx Primatelj leasinga sklopio ovaj Ugovor o leasingu, smatra da podrazumijevaju sva društva, korporacije, partnerstva, trustove ili druge subjekte koji su ili (i) u vlasništvu xxxx navedene strane s udjelom većim od 50%, ili
(ii) vlasnici više od 50% udjela u navedenoj strani, ili (iii) u vlasništvu istog subjekta s udjelom većim od 50% koji je (izravno ili neizravno) vlasnik ili kontrolira navedenu stranu (Uvoznik podataka). Radi izbjegavanja sumnje i ne dovodeći u pitanje prethodno navedeno, to, u niže navedene svrhe, uključuje Volvo Financial Services LLC (VFS HQ) i VFS US, LLC (VFS US), od kojih je svaki pravna osoba registrirana u SAD-u. Primatelj leasinga također razumije da Sjedinjene Američke Države možda neće moći osigurati istu razinu zaštite kao zakonodavstvo zemlje Primatelja leasinga.
Davatelj leasinga može prenijeti sve ili dio podataka Primatelja leasinga Uvozniku podataka, ako Davatelj leasinga to smatra potrebnim za ocjenu xxxxx xx Primatelju leasinga ponuditi, produžiti ili preinačiti zatraženo financiranje na način koji je propisan unutarnjim kreditnim direktivama Davatelja leasinga ("Odluka o kreditiranju"). Nakon što je financiranje pruženo, Davatelj leasinga zadržava puno pravo prodaje svakog udjela u vlasništvu u navedenom financiranju i povezanim budućim potraživanjima trećoj strani. Prilikom ocjene navedene odluke, se svi ili dio podataka mogu otkriti Uvozniku podataka (uključujući VFS US i VFS HQ), na način koji je propisan unutarnjim kreditnim direktivama Davatelja leasinga i trećoj strani s kojom je Uvoznik podataka povezan vezano uz prodaju navedenih vlasničkih udjela ("Odluka o transakciji", a skupno s Odlukom o kreditiranju, "Svrhe"). Privola koju daje Primatelj leasinga prema ovoj točki 14.13. vrijedi za sve prošle, sadašnje ili buduće podatke koje je Primatelj leasinga pružio Davatelju leasinga. Primatelj leasinga ovime izjavljuje i jamči Davatelju leasinga da je, u opsegu u kojem su osobni podaci uključeni u xxxx opisane informacije, Pružatelj leasinga pribavio osobne podatke predstavnika Primatelja leasinga na zakonit način osobito u
14.13. By signing this Lease Agreement, the Lessee hereby acknowledges that during the validity of this Lease Agreement, the Lessor will process personal data. Detailed information is provided in the Notice/consent for processing personal data. The Lessee consents that the Lessor may from time to time transfer any data provided by the Lessee to the Lessor’s Affiliates which, for the purposes of this item 14.13 and in respect of the Lessor with whom the Lessee have entered into this Lease Agreement, shall be deemed to mean any companies, corporations, partnerships, trusts or other entities which are either (i) more than 50% owned by the aforementioned party, or (ii) owners of more than 50% of such party, or (iii) more than 50% owned by the same entity which (directly or indirectly) owns or controls such party (Data Importer). For the avoidance of doubt and without prejudice to the foregoing, this includes Volvo Financial Services LLC (VFS HQ) and VFS US, LLC (VFS US), each a U.S. entity, for the Purposes defined below. The Lessee also understands that the United States may not provide the same level of protections as the laws of the Lessee’s country.
The Lessor may transfer all or part of the Lessee’s data to a Data Importer as the Lessor deems necessary for the evaluation of whether to offer, extend or modify any requested financing to the Lessee as mandated by the Lessor’s internal credit directives (each such occurrence, a (Credit Decision). Further once financing has been provided, the Lessor reserves the right to sell any ownership interest in such financing and related future receivables to a third party. In evaluating such decision, all or part of the Lessee’s data may be disclosed to a Data Importer (including VFS US and VFS HQ) as mandated by the Lessor’s internal capital markets directives and to such third parties with whom a Data Importer is in dialogue regarding the sale of such ownership interests (each such occurrence, a Transaction Decision and collectively together with the Credit Decisions, the Purposes). The consent granted by the Lessee pursuant to this item
14.13 applies to all data past, present or future submitted by the Lessee to the Lessor. The Lessee hereby declares and represents to the Lessor that, to the extent that personal data is included in the above described information, the Lessee has obtained personal data of the Lessee’s representative(s) in a lawful manner, especially in accordance with the applicable
skladu s važećim propisima o zaštiti podataka, te da je obavijestio relevantnog pojedinca (relevantne pojedince) u skladu s člankom 13. Opće uredbe o zaštiti podataka (EU) 2016/679, i da je ovlašten davati xxxx navedene izjave i privole u ime relevantnih ispitanika.
data protection laws, that it has informed the relevant individual(s) in accordance with Article 13 of the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679, and that it is authorised to make the above declarations and consents on behalf of the relevant data subjects.
Potpis/Signature: ……………………………………
Potpis/Signature: ……………………………………