Hrvatski operator prijenosnog sustava d.d., Zagreb, Kupska 4, (u daljnjem tekstu: HOPS) kojeg zastupa xx.xx. Xxxx Xxxxxxxxx,
PDV identifikacijski broj: HR13148821633, IBAN: XX0000000000000000000 otvoren kod Privredne banke Zagreb d.d.
naziv, adresa,(u daljnjem tekstu: VBG) kojeg zastupa,
(HOPS i VBG u daljnjem tekstu pojedinačno kao: Ugovorna strana, a kada se navode zajedno kao: Ugovorne strane)
sklopili su
Članak 1. Ovim Ugovorom utvrđuju se međusobna prava i obveze VBG-a i HOPS-a vezano uz odgovornost za odstupanje bilančne xxxxx VBG-a te reguliranje svih financijskih obveza uzrokovanih odstupanjem bilančne xxxxx VBG-a. Odstupanje čini razliku ukupnog ostvarenja svih članova bilančne xxxxx i ukupne tržišne pozicije svih članova bilančne xxxxx xxxx vodi VBG, za sva obračunska razdoblja u vremenu trajanja ovog Ugovora.
Članak 2. 1. Na sva pitanja koja nisu uređena ovim Ugovorom primjenjuju se odredbe važećih mjerodavnih i pozitivnih propisa: Zakona o tržištu električne energije (u daljnjem tekstu: ZoTEE), Pravila o uravnoteženju elektroenergetskog sustava, objavljenih na internetskim stranicama HOPS-a (u daljnjem tekstu: Pravila uravnoteženja) i Pravila organiziranja tržišta električne energije, odnosno Pravila organiziranja veleprodajnih tržišta električne energije, kada stupe na snagu po prestanku važenja Pravila organiziranja tržišta električne energije (Pravila organiziranja tržišta električne energije i Pravila organiziranja veleprodajnih tržišta električne energije u daljnjem tekstu: Tržišna pravila). 2. Svi pojmovi korišteni u ovom Ugovoru imaju značenje xxxx xx predviđeno u Pravilima uravnoteženja, ZoTEE-u i Tržišnim pravilima, osim ako je ovim Ugovorom izričito definirano drugačije.
Članak 3. 1. VBG se upisuje u Registar bilančnih grupa kao voditelj bilančne xxxxx predviđene Tržišnim pravilima (bilančna grupa koju vodi VBG u daljnjem tekstu: Bilančna grupa). 2. VBG je odgovoran za sva odstupanja koja predstavljaju razliku ukupnog ostvarenja svih članova Bilančne xxxxx i ukupne tržišne pozicije svih članova Bilančne xxxxx u jednom obračunskom intervalu, u odnosu na obračunska mjerna mjesta koja pripadaju Bilančnoj grupi. 3. Za potrebe ovog Ugovora:
4. Članstvo u Bilančnoj grupi prestaje sukladno odredbama Tržišnih pravila.
Članak 4.Temeljem Pravila uravnoteženja i ovog Ugovora VBG je obvezan: a. obavijestiti HOPS bez odgode o svim planiranim promjenama u članstvu Bilančne xxxxx (povodom sklapanja odnosno raskida ugovora o članstvu u Bilančnoj grupi) i to prije nego promjena u članstvu stupi na snagu, uključujući i promjene koje se tiču njegovog statusa kao voditelja bilančne xxxxx, b. ako je ukupna financijska obveza za obračunsko razdoblje (unutar prvog (mjesečnog) i drugog (godišnjeg) obračunskog razdoblja), izračunata sukladno člancima 27., 28., 29., 30., 31., 32., 34., 35., 37., 38., 39., 40. i 41. Pravila uravnoteženja, negativna, xxxx xx VBG obvezan HOPS-u platiti iznos takve financijske obveze, uvećan za sve primjenjive poreze, kao naknadu za odgovornost za odstupanje VBG-a),
c. obavijestiti HOPS o promjeni svog imena, odnosno tvrtke, naziva i sjedišta, promjeni statusa (uloge) na tržištu električne energije, promjeni drugih bitnih podataka, odmah po nastaloj promjeni,
d. savjesno i pravovremeno izvršavati sve svoje obaveze kao voditelj bilančne xxxxx predviđene Pravilima uravnoteženja, Tržišnim pravilima i ovim Ugovorom.
Članak 5.Temeljem ovog Ugovora i mjerodavnih propisa HOPS je obvezan, ako je ukupna financijska obaveza za obračunsko razdoblje (unutar prvog (mjesečnog) i drugog (godišnjeg) obračunskog razdoblja) (izračunata sukladno člancima 27., 28., 29., 30., 31., 32., 34., 35., 37., 38., 39., 40. i 41. Pravila uravnoteženja) pozitivna, VBG-u platiti iznos takve financijske obaveze, uvećan za sve primjenjive poreze.
Članak 6.Obračun odstupanja provodi se i u slučaju više sile, poremećenog i/ili izvanrednog pogona prijenosne i/ili distribucijske mreže.
Članak 7.1. Obračunski interval u prvom (mjesečnom) obračunu odstupanja je 15 minuta, sukladno članku 29. Pravila uravnoteženja. 2. Obračunsko razdoblje za koje se obavlja izračun odstupanja u prvom (mjesečnom) obračunu odstupanja xx xxxxx kalendarski mjesec. 3. Prvi (mjesečni) obračun odstupanja Bilančne xxxxx provodi se sukladno člancima 27., 28., 29., 30., 31. i 32. Pravila uravnoteženja. 4. Odstupanja Bilančne xxxxx (uključujući i izračun tržišne pozicije Bilančne xxxxx xx izračun ostvarenja Bilančne xxxxx) u prvom (mjesečnom) obračunu odstupanja izračunava Hrvatski operator tržišta energije d.o.o. (u daljnjem tekstu: Operator tržišta). 5. Obračun odstupanja Bilančne xxxxx u prvom (mjesečnom) obračunu odstupanja provodi se u kalendarskom mjesecu koji slijedi nakon obračunskog razdoblja na koje se obračun odnosi.
Ukupna mjesečna ostvarenja Bilančne xxxxx xx podaci ostvarenja Bilančne xxxxx iz prvog mjesečnog obračuna odstupanja koji HROTE dostavlja VBG-u i HOPS-u u skladu s Pravilima uravnoteženja.
U slučaju kada za potrebe primjene gornje formule za pojedinog člana ili za VBG ne postoje izmjereni podaci (ostvarenje) za izračun iznosa Financijskog jamstva, tada će se koristiti HOPS-ova procjena maksimalnog ostvarenja na mjesečnoj razini u MWh.
4. U slučaju da:
VBG neredovito ispunjava obveze iz ovog Ugovora ili
predano Financijsko jamstvo ne pokriva iznos najveće financijske obveze VBG-a temeljem prvog (mjesečnog) obračuna odstupanja (koja uključuje PDV) u posljednjih 12 mjeseci, ili
su najavljene ili nastupe promjene u članstvu ili bilo kojim drugim okolnostima Bilančne xxxxx koje po mišljenju HOPS-a utječu na ostvarenje Bilančne xxxxx
HOPS zadržava pravo, uz obrazloženje, zatražiti VBG dostavu dodatnog Financijskog jamstva u obliku i s rokom važenja sukladno odredbama članka 14. ovog Ugovora, te u iznosu kojeg odredi HOPS po vlastitoj ocjeni. Iznos dodatnog Financijskog jamstva HOPS će odrediti postupajući s dužnom pažnjom i na razuman način.
VBG je obvezan dostaviti dodatno Financijsko jamstvo u fiksnom roku od 8 xxxx od xxxx zaprimanja pisanog zahtjeva HOPS-a. Smatra se da je VBG zaprimio zahtjev HOPS-a protekom dva (2) xxxx od xxxx kad je HOPS isti poslao VBG-u elektroničkom poštom na adresu elektroničke pošte navedenu u članku 13. stavku 4. ovog Ugovora.
5. Ugovorne strane suglasno utvrđuju da se rok za dostavu Financijskog jamstva iz stavka 4. ovog članka ugovara kao bitni sastojak Ugovora, te ako VBG ne ispuni obvezu u xxx roku, ovaj Ugovor se raskida po samom zakonu istekom posljednjeg xxxx predmetnog roka, pri čemu nastupaju posljedice iz članka 19. stavaka 4. i 5. ovog Ugovora.
Članak 17.
1. HOPS kontinuirano nadzire dostatnost iznosa Financijskog jamstva kojeg je dostavio VBG na temelju preliminarnog obračuna odstupanja odnosno izračuna preliminarne financijske obveze bilančne xxxxx, sukladno Pravilima uravnoteženja.
2. HOPS je ovlašten zatražiti VBG dostavu dodatnog Financijskog jamstva u slučaju da utvrdi da je zbroj:
ukupne financijske obveze VBG-a temeljem ovog Ugovora za prethodno obračunsko razdoblje i
preliminarne financijske obveze VBG-a za tekuće obračunsko razdoblje, izračunate xx xxxxxx HOPS-a sukladno stavku 2. i/ili 3. članka 36. Pravila uravnoteženja,
veći za 20% (ili više %) od iznosa Financijskog jamstva kojega je VBG dostavio HOPS-u temeljem ovog Ugovora.
3. Dodatno Financijsko jamstvo se dostavlja u obliku novčanog depozita na račun HOPS-a naveden u članku 14. stavku 1. ovog Ugovora, u visini razlike između:
zbroja ukupne financijske obveze VBG-a za prethodno obračunsko razdoblje i preliminarne financijske obveze VBG-a za tekuće obračunsko razdoblje izračunate sukladno stavku 2. i/ili 3. članka 36. Pravila uravnoteženja i
iznosa Financijskog jamstva kojeg je VBG prethodno dostavio HOPS-u temeljem ovog Ugovora.
4. HOPS dostavlja zahtjev iz stavka 3. ovog članka putem elektroničke pošte na adresu elektroničke pošte VBG-a navedenu u članku 13. stavku 4. ovog Ugovora.
VBG je obvezan uplatiti dodatno Financijsko jamstvo u obliku novčanog depozita sukladno ovom članku u fiksnom roku od tri (3) xxxx od xxxx zaprimanja zahtjeva HOPS-a dostavljenog elektroničkim putem. Smatra se da je VBG zaprimio predmetni zahtjev HOPS-a protekom dva (2) xxxx od xxxx xxxx je HOPS isti poslao VBG-u elektroničkom poštom na adresu elektroničke pošte navedenu u članku 13. stavku 4. ovog Ugovora.
Ugovorne strane suglasno utvrđuju da se rok za dostavu Financijskog jamstva iz stavka 5. ovog članka ugovara xxx xxxxx sastojak Ugovora te ako VBG ne ispuni obvezu u xxx roku, ovaj Ugovor se raskida po samom zakonu, sljedeći xxx xxxxx proteka posljednjeg xxxx predmetnog roka, pri čemu nastupaju pravne posljedice opisane u članku 19. stavcima 4. i 5. ovog Ugovora.
U slučaju xxxx xx VBG pravna osoba iz članka 49. Pravila uravnoteženja ista može, umjesto dostave Financijskog jamstva u obliku novčanog depozita iz stavka 5. ovog članka Ugovora, dostaviti drugu vrstu Financijskog jamstva koja ima svojstvo ovršne isprave u skladu sa odredbama Ovršnog zakona, te xxxx xx prihvatljiva operatoru prijenosnog sustava, sve u roku i uz pravne posljedice propisanima stavkom 5. i stavkom 6. ovog članka Ugovora.
Članak 18.
1. Ugovorne strane se obvezuju da će sve podatke dobivene neposredno ili posredno u postupku obračuna odstupanja tretirati kao poslovnu tajnu i koristiti isključivo za obračun energije uravnoteženja te da xx xxxx ustupiti trećim osobama, osim u mjeri u kojoj je to propisano mjerodavnim propisima.
2. Ugovorne strane se obvezuju da će podatke opisane u stavku 1. ovog članka čuvati na isti xxxxx xxx što čuvaju svoje vlastite podatke koji predstavljaju poslovnu tajnu.
3. Ugovorne strane su suglasne da će se svi interni pravilnici i slični propisi ugovornih strana koji uređuju način postupanja sa podacima koju predstavljaju poslovnu tajnu primjenjivati na sve podatke dobivene neposredno ili posredno u vezi sa ovim Ugovorom.
Članak 19. 1. Ovaj Ugovor sklapa se na neodređeno vrijeme. 2. Ugovorne strane su suglasne da ovaj Ugovor prestaje važiti temeljem samog zakona, bez potrebe za davanjem bilo kakvih obavijesti, u trenutku:
3. Izuzev u situacijama xxxx xx ovim Ugovorom i/ili Pravilima o uravnoteženju izričito propisano da raskid ovog Ugovora nastupa po samom zakonu, u slučaju da VBG kasni, ne ispuni ili neuredno ispuni bilo koju svoju obvezu iz Ugovora ili Pravila uravnoteženja HOPS zadržava pravo raskinuti Ugovor putem pisane obavijesti o raskidu dostavljene preporučenom poštom uz ostavljanje naknadnog roka za ispunjenje od 8 xxxx od xxxx primitka pisane obavijesti HOPS-a o raskidu Ugovora dostavljene VBG-u preporučenom poštom, u kojem slučaju ukoliko VBG ne ispuni obvezu niti u naknadnom roku za ispunjenje do raskida ovog Ugovora dolazi automatski temeljem samog zakona istekom posljednjeg xxxx naknadnog roka za ispunjenje. Smatra da je obavijest HOPS-a o raskidu Ugovora zaprimljena xx xxxxxx VBG-a protekom dva (2) xxxx od predaje na poštu obavijesti o raskidu putem preporučene pošiljke. 4. U slučaju prestanka odnosno raskida ovog Ugovora Ugovorne xxxxxx xx i dalje ostati obavezne podmiriti sve tražbine nastale temeljem ovog Ugovora za razdoblje prije prestanka odnosno raskida Ugovora. HOPS će biti ovlašten u tu svrhu koristiti primljena Financijska jamstva temeljem ovog Ugovora. 5. U slučaju raskida ovog Ugovora, Ugovorna strana xxxx xx raskinula Ugovor zbog neispunjenja, zakašnjenja s ispunjenjem ili neurednog ispunjenja druge Ugovorne xxxxxx xxx pravo na naknadu štete xx xxxxx Ugovorne strane, sukladno odredbama propisa koji regulira obvezne odnose o odgovornosti za štetu. 6. Isključuje se odgovornost HOPS-a za štetu prouzročenu VBG-u običnom nepažnjom.
RJEŠAVANJE SPOROVA Članak 20. 1. Za ovaj Ugovor je mjerodavno pravo Republike Hrvatske.
2. Ugovorne xxxxxx xx sve eventualne sporove proistekle iz ovog Ugovora nastojati riješiti mirnim putem.
3. U slučaju da xxxxxxx xxxx ne uspiju riješiti na xxxxx xxxxx, Ugovorne strane su suglasne da xx xxxx riješiti pred stvarno nadležnim sudom u Zagrebu.
ZAVRŠNE ODREDBE Članak 21. 1. Ugovorne strane su suglasne da u slučaju ako za vrijeme trajanja ovog Ugovora dođe do promjene mjerodavnih propisa zbog kojih neke odredbe ovog Ugovora više nisu sukladne propisima kojima se uređuje odgovornost za odstupanje, obračunavanje odstupanja, financijsko poravnanje odstupanja, podnošenje prigovora ili druga pitanja u vezi uravnoteženja elektroenergetskog sustava, tada će Ugovorne strane, po izboru HOPS-a, ili sklopiti aneks ovom Ugovoru ili sklopiti novi ugovor kojim će nanovo regulirati međusobne odnose u vezi sa uravnoteženjem elektroenergetskog sustava na način koji je sukladan sa sadržajem promijenjenih mjerodavnih propisa. 2. VBG je obvezan u roku od 8 xxxx od zaprimanja zahtjeva HOPS-a elektroničkim putem na adresu elektroničke pošte navedenu u ovom Ugovoru sklopiti, po izboru HOPS-a, aneks ovog Ugovora ili novi ugovor kojim će Ugovorne strane nanovo regulirati međusobne odnose u vezi sa uravnoteženjem elektroenergetskog sustava na način koji je sukladan sa sadržajem promijenjenih mjerodavnih propisa. Smatrat će se da je VBG zaprimio predmetni zahtjev protekom dva (2) xxxx od xxxx xxxx je HOPS isti zahtjev poslao VBG-u elektroničkom poštom na adresu elektroničke pošte navedenu u članku 13. ovog Ugovora. U slučaju nepostupanja ili kašnjenja u postupanju VBG-a u skladu s njegovom obvezom propisanom ovim člankom Ugovora, HOPS je ovlašten raskinuti ovaj Ugovor na način i uz pravne posljedice xxxx xx regulirano člankom 19. stavcima 3., 4. i 5. ovog Ugovora.
Članak 22.
U Zagrebu, ____________2016. |
Hrvatski operator prijenosnog sustava d.d./ Croatian Transmission System Operator Plc.
Predsjednik Uprave/
President of the Management Board
dr. sc. Xxxx Xxxxxxxxx
Hrvatski operator prijenosnog sustava d.d., (Croatian Transmission System Operator Plc.) Zagreb, Kupska 4 (hereinafter: HOPS) represented by xx.xx. Xxxx Xxxxxxxxx,
VAT ID: HR13148821633,
IBAN: XX0000000000000000000 with the Privredna banka Zagreb d.d.
Name, adress, (hereinafter: BGM) represented by,
IBAN with the
(HOPS and BGM hereinafter indivudally referred to as: contractual party, and collectively as: contractual parties)
conclude the following
(hereinafter: Agreement)
Article 1
This Agreement regulates mutual rights and obligations of a BGM and HOPS relating to the BGM's balancing group imbalances and regulating all financial obligations caused by the MGB-s balancing group imbalances. The imbalance shall be a difference between total metered data of all balancing group members and total market position of all balancing group members managed by a BGM, for all settlement periods for the duration of this Agreement.
Article 2
For any matters not provided for in this Agreement, the provisions of the applicable and relevant regulations shall apply: the Electricity Market Act (hereinafter: EMA), the Electricity Balancing Rules published on the HOPS website (hereinafter: Balancing Rules), and the Electricity Market Rules, i.e., Rules on wholesale electricity market design, when they come into force upon the expiry of the Rules on electricity market design (hereinafter: Market Rules).
All terms used herein shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Balancing Rules, EMA and Market Rules, unless otherwise defined herein.
Article 3
BGM shall be registered in the Balancing Groups Register as balancing group manager as provided for by the Market Rules (balancing group managed by BGM hereinafter: Balancing group).
BGM shall be responsible for all imbalances which represent a difference between total metered data of all Balancing group members and total market position of all Balancing group members in a settlement interval in relation to metering points belonging to the Balancing group.
For the purposes of this Agreement:
Balancing group members shall be all undertakings with an Agreement on Balancing Group Membership with the MGB in effect pursuant to the provision of the Market Rules, while
metering points which belong to the Balancing Group shall be considered metering points in respect of which agreement referred to in Article 24, paragraph 1 of the Balancing Rules has been concluded with the MGB or a member of the Balancing Group, and whose membership in the Balancing Group has been recorded in the metering points register pursuant to Balancing Rules.
Membership in the Balancing group shall cesase pursuant to the provisions of the Market Rules.
Article 4
Pursuant to the Balancing Rules and this Agreement the BGM shall:
Without delay notify HOPS on all planned changes in Balancing group’s membership (when concluding and/or terminating Balancing Group Membership Agreements) before the change comes into effect, including changes relating to its status of a balancing group manager,
If the total financial obligation for the settlement period (within the first (monthly) and second (annual) settlement period), calculated pursuant to articles 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 34, 35, 37, 38, 39, 40 and 41 of the Balancing Rules, should be negative, BGM shall pay to HOPS the amount of such financial obligation increased by all applicable taxes, to compensate BGM’s responsibility for imbalances,
Report to HOPS change in its name and headquarters, change of status (role) on the electricity market, change of other relevant data, immediately upon the change,
Duly and timely perform all its obligations as a balancing group manager as provided for by the Balancing Rules, Market Rules and herein.
Article 5
As provided herein and in the relevant rules and regulations, in the event the total financial obligation for settlement period (within first (monthly) and second (annual) settlement period) (calculated pursuant to articles 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 34, 35, 37, 38, 39, 40 and 41 of the Balancing Rules) shuld be positive, HOPS shall pay to BGM such financial obligation increased by all applicable taxes.
Article 6
Settlement of imbalances shall also be conducted in the event of force majeure, operation disturbances and/or emergency operation of the transmission and/or distribution network.
Article 7
Settlement interval in the first (monthly) imbalance settlement shall be fifteen (15) minutes pursuant to Article 29 of the Balancing rules.
Settlement period for which the settlement of imbalances is conducted in the first (monthly) imbalance settlement shall be one calendar month.
The first (monthly) settlement of imbalances of a Balancing group shall be conducted pursuant to articles 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 and 32 of the Balancing Rules.
Imbalances of a Balancing group (including the calculation of a Balancing group’s market position, as well as calculation of Balancing group’s metered data) in the first (monthly) imbalance settlement shall be calculated by the Croatian Electricity Market Operator Ltd. (hereinafter: Market Operator).
Imbalance calculation of a Balancing group in the first (monthly) imbalances settlement shall be made in the calendar month following the settlement period to which the settlement refers.
Article 8
Settlement interval in the second (annual) imbalance settlement shall be a calendar month.
Settlement period for which the settlement of imbalances in the second (annual) settlement is conducted shall be one calendar year.
The second (annual) settlement of imbalances of a Balancing group shall be conducted pursuant to article 34 of the Balancing Rules.
Imbalances of a Balancing group in the second (annual) imbalance settlement shall be calculated by the Market Operator.
Imbalance calculation of a Balancing group in the second (annual) imbalances settlement shall be made in the calendar year following the settlement period to which the settlement refers.
Article 9
All unit prices for balancing energy settlement for each imbalance direction, shortage or surplus, for the first (monthly) and second (annual) imbalance calculation shall be determined pursuant to Balancing rules.
Pursuant to article 40 of the Balancing Rules Market Operator shall deliver to BGM and HOPS imbalance settlement indicating total financial obligation of BGM or HOPS for each individual settlement period (monthly or annual).
Article 10
HOPS or BGM shall issue an invoice based on the imbalance calculation delivered, wherein the total financial obligation of BGM or HOPS for a settlement period referred to in article 9, paragraph 2 herein shall be indicated.
If the total financial obligation of a Balancing group determined by the Market Operator pursuant to Balancing Rules, for a settlement period (whether first (monthly) or second (annual) settlement period) is negative, BGM shall pay to HOPS such financial obligation increased by all applicable taxes (hereinafter: BGM negative financial obligation). Calculation of BGM’s negative financial obligation for imbalances shall be calculated by the Market Operator. For each settlement period for which there is BGM’s negative financial obligation HOPS shall issue an invoice to BGM to settle that negative financial obligation relating to the first (monthly) and second (annual) balancing energy settlement pursuant to article 41 of the Balancing Rules. Relevant imbalance calculation of a Balancing group made by the Market Operator pursuant to article 40 of the Balancing Rules shall be an integral part of each invoice.
If the total financial obligation of a Balancing group determined by the Market Operator pursuant to Balancing Rules, for a settlement period (whether first (monthly) or second (annual) settlement period) is positive, HOPS shall pay to BGM such financial obligation increased by all applicable taxes (hereinafter: HOPS’s positive financial obligation). Calculation of HOPS’s positive financial obligation for imbalances shall be calculated by the Market Operator. For each settlement period for which there is HOPS’s positive financial obligation BGM shall issue an invoice to HOPS to settle that positive financial obligation relating to the first (monthly) and second (annual) balancing energy settlement pursuant to article 41 of the Balancing Rules. Relevant imbalance calculation of a Balancing group made by the Market Operator pursuant to article 40 of the Balancing Rules shall be an integral part of each invoice issued by BGM.
Invoices referred to in paragraphs 2 and 3 for the first (monthly) settlement period shall be issued by the twentieth (20th) of the month following the settlement period (month) for which the settlement is made, while the invoices for the second (annual) settlement period they shall be issued immediately upon the delivery of the final imbalance calculation for settlement period (year) to BGM and HOPS by the Electricity Market Operator pursuant to article 40 of the Balancing Rules.
Pursuant to the Value Added Tax Act, VAT shall be separately calculated and stated in the balancing energy invoices for BGM’s negative financial obligation, as well as for HOPS’s positive financial obligation.
HOPS shall send the invoices to the BGM via regular mail to the address specified in Article 13 herein. The balancing group's imbalance settlement (as a integral part of the invoice) shall be sent by HOPS via regular mail only upon a written request of the MGB. Invoice and imbalance calculation (as an integral part of the invoice) HOPS shall send to the BGM via electronic mail to the address referred to in Article 13 herein. BGM shall give explicit consent for the acceptance of invoices and imbalance calculations as previously described. Invoice and imbalance calculation (as integral part of the invoice) sent in the manner previously described shall be considered received two (2) days after the day on which HOPS sent the same invoice with the imbalance calculation (as an integral part of the invoice) to BGM by email to the email address specified in Article 13 herein.
BGM shall send the invoices to HOPS by regular mail to the address specified in Article 13 herein. The imbalance calculation of the Balancing Group (as an integral part of the invoice) shall be delivered by BGM by regular mail only upon written request from HOPS. BGM shall also deliver invoices and imbalance calculations (as an integral part of the invoice) to HOPS by email to the email address specified in Article 13 herein. HOPS shall give explicit consent to accept invoices and imbalance calculations as previously described. Invoice and imbalance calculation (as an integral part of the invoice) sent in the previously described manner shall be considered received two (2) days after the day when BGM sent the same invoice with the imbalance calculation (as an integral part of the invoice) by email to HOPS to the email address mentioned in Article 13 herein.
Article 11
The invoice issued by either BGM or HOPS as per this Agreement shall mature within 15 (fifteen) days of invoice receipt.
The payments shall be made to the business account of BGM or HOPS given in the header of this Agreement.
To all late payments legal late-payment interest rates shall be charged.
Article 12
BGM may file a complaint against an invoice issued by HOPS as provided for in Article 42 of the Balancing Rules. The complaint shall be filed by registered mail to the entity in charge of complaints resolution pursuant to Article 42 of the Balancing Rules. When HERA or Market Operator are competent entities for complaints resolution BGM shall submit to HOPS a copy of the complaint filed with XXXX or Market Operator. The consequences of filing a complaint, resolutions passed by the competent entities, as well as legal remedies available are provided for in Article 42 of the Balancing Rules.
HOPS may file a complaint against an invoice issued by BGM in the same way in which BGM may file one against HOPS pursuant to Article 1 above, by analogous application of the provisions of Article 42 of the Balancing Rules regulating BGM’s complaint against the invoice issued by HOPS.
The deadline for submitting complaints under this article begins from the day the invoice is considered received pursuant to paragraph 6, or paragraph 7 of Article 10 herein. In the event of detecting irregularities in the data provided in the imbalance calculation process, HOPS and the distribution system operator shall (even in cases where no complaint has been filed) correct the data and deliver it to the Market Operator who shall, by official duty, correct the imbalance calculation concerning all balancing groups affected by the irregularity in the calculation. This corrected calculation shall serve as the basis for issuing a new invoice and harmonising financial relations between HOPS and VBG.
Article 13
Parties to the Agreement shall sent all notices and other communications (including, but not limited to complaints, request for delivery of financial guarantees, invoices and imbalance calculations as integral parts of the invoice) to each other in writing to the addresses given in the Agreement via electronic mail, as well as regular mail, as provided for in the provisions herein.
Unless expressly regulated otherwise by this Agreement and/or the Balancing Rules, any notice or other written communication between the contracting parties, sent via email and regular mail, shall be deemed to have been received two (2) days after the day it was sent by email to the other contracting party at the email address specified in this article.
The addresses to which the contracting parties shall mutually send invoices and imbalance calculations (as integral parts of the invoices), notifications, and other communications (including objections) concerning this Agreement shall be
for HOPS:
Xxxxxx xxxxx 0
10000 Zagreb
for BGM:
4. The email addresses to which the contracting parties shall mutually send invoices and imbalance calculations (as integral parts of the invoices), requests for the provision of financial guarantees, notifications, and other communications (including objections) concerning this Agreement shall be:
for HOPS: xxxxxxxxx@xxxx.xx,
for BGM:
5. BGM shall give explicit consent for all invoices, imbalance calculations, requests for the provision of financial guarantees, and other communications to be sent to the email address specified in paragraph 4.b. above and shall confirm that it is aware of and agrees with the legal consequences that shall arise pursuant to Agreement and the Balancing Rules in the event it shall fail to act upon such communications.
6. BGM shall without delay notify HOPS in writing of all changes which may have effect on the fulfillment of contractual obligations, and especially on the change of headquarters and/or business address, information on business account opened in BGM’s commercial bank and /or other contact data.
7. If BGM does not notify HOPS pursuant to paragarph 5 above, all accounts, notifications and other communications sent to BGM to the addresses and contacts available to HOPS shall be considered duly delivered, and BGM shall bear all eventual costs which such delivery may incur.
Article 14
Within 8 working days from the day of agreement signing BGM shall deliver to HOPS, as payment insurance, in the amount determined pursuant to Article 16 herein, in one of the following forms:
as an unconditional, irrevocable, without right of complaint, and on first demand payable bank guarantee, issued by a first-class bank located in the Republic of Croatia acceptable to HOPS, and/or
by depositing a cash deposit into the deposit account of HOPS, opened at Privredna banka Zagreb, account number XX000000 0000000000000 in EUR, or
in the form of a promissory note, solemnized by a public notary according to the Enforcement Act, either as a blank or ordinary promissory note at HOPS's choice; if BGM is a legal entity as per Article 49 of the Balancing Rules,
(referred to hereinafter as: Financial Guarantee).
All costs related to the issuance, maintenance, and renewal of the financial guarantee as well as costs associated with its use (activation) shall be borne by BGM.
The bank guarantee shall be issued in written form in Croatian or English language and Latin script. In the event BGM shall provide a bank guarantee in a foreign language other than English, BGM shall be required to submit a certified translation into Croatian along with the original bank guarantee.
BGM shall be considered to have provided the financial guarantee when HOPS receives the original at the address of its headquarters, or when the funds are recorded on the deposit account and HOPS is enabled to dispose of these funds.
The validity period of the bank guarantee shall be at least from the date of issuance until March 15th of the calendar year following the next calendar year.
No later than 22 November of the current year, HOPS shall send BGM a request for the extension of the existing bank guarantee or for the delivery of a new bank guarantee. By no later than 1 December of the current year, BGM shall extend the existing bank guarantee or provide HOPS with a new bank guarantee that shall replace the one submitted under this Agreement, of the same quality and content and for the same amount and with a validity period as defined herein. This process of replacing expiring bank guarantees with new ones shall be repeated as long as this Agreement is in effect, ensuring that HOPS always has a valid and effective financial guarantee pursuant to this Agreement. If BGM fails to deliver a new bank guarantee or another financial guarantee as stipulated in this article by 1 December of the current year, HOPS shall be authorized to terminate this Agreement in the manner and with the legal consequences as provided for in Article 19, paragraphs 3, 4, and 5 herein.
In addition to the right to terminate the Agreement as per paragraph 6 above, if a new bank guarantee is not issued and delivered to HOPS within the period specified in paragraph 6, and if BGM also fails to provide any other financial guarantee as stipulated in this article within the same period, HOPS shall have the right to claim the bank guarantee and deposit the received funds as a cash deposit into a special-purpose account of HOPS. These funds shall then serve as a payment security for all claims HOPS has against BGM under or related to this Agreement, including those arising from its termination.
The duration of the cash deposit as a financial guarantee under this Agreement shall last until the cumulative fulfillment of the following conditions: (a) termination of this Agreement, and (b) settlement of all obligations of BGM towards HOPS arising under or related to this Agreement, or as a result of its termination.
HOPS shall not have to pay any interest to BGM on the amount of the cash deposit given as a financial guarantee under this Agreement, including the deposit mentioned in paragraph 7 above.
BGM, which has provided a promissory note, shall be required to deliver to HOPS a new promissory note of the same type, form, and amount as the previously delivered promissory note, no later than ninety (90) days before the expiration of ten (10) years from the date of issuance of each individual promissory note submitted to HOPS pursuant to this article. In case regulatory changes affecting the statute of limitations for claims under the promissory notes described in this article come into effect during the validity of this Agreement, BGM shall deliver new promissory notes to HOPS pursuant to this paragraph within ninety (90) days before the expiration of the statute of limitations for the claim from the promissory note as regulated by the amended legislation. The process of delivering new promissory notes according to the provisions of this paragraph shall be repeated throughout the duration of this Agreement, ensuring that HOPS holds a valid and effective financial guarantee in number, type, amount, and form pursuant to the provisions of this article at all times. Should BGM fail to deliver a new promissory note within the timeframe specified in this paragraph, HOPS shall be authorized to terminate this Agreement in the manner and with the legal consequences pursuant to Article 19, paragraphs 3, 4, and 5 herein.
In the event that BGM fails to deliver a financial guarantee within 8 days from the signing of this Agreement, HOPS shall be authorized to terminate this Agreement in the manner and with the legal consequences regulated by Article 19, paragraphs 3, 4, and 5 herein.
Article 15
HOPS shall be authorized to use the financial guarantee to settle any claims arising under or related to the Agreement, including claims resulting from its termination.
In the event that HOPS should use the financial guarantee to settle BGM's obligations, regardless of whether the financial guarantee is used in full or in part, BGM shall provide HOPS with a new financial guarantee of equal value to the activated financial guarantee within 8 days from the day of activation (or, if it is a cash deposit as the financial guarantee, to deposit an additional amount into the bank account to supplement the cash deposit to the full amount stipulated by this Agreement) so that HOPS always has at its disposal a financial guarantee matching the quality and amount specified in this Agreement.
The contracting parties agree that the deadline for the renewal of the financial guarantee as stated in paragraph 2 above shall be an cruatial component of the Agreement, and if BGM should fail to fulfill this obligation within the specified timeframe, this Agreement shall be terminated by operation of law at the end of the last day of the relevant period, with the consequences set forth in Article 19, paragraphs 4 and 5 herein.
Article 16
The amount of the financial guarantee that BGM shall provide to HOPS, as stipulated in Article 14 herein, shall be determined based on the amount of BGM’s largest financial obligation (including VAT) from the first (monthly) imbalance calculation in the last 12 months, rounded up to the nearest multiple of 10,000.
The minimum amount of the financial guarantee shall be 250,000.00 euros.
For BGMs entering into a imbalance responsibility agreement with HOPS for the first time, the amount of the initial financial guarantee shall be determined by a formula set by HOPS, but it shall be at least 250,000.00 euros.
The total monthly realisation of a Balance group shall be data from the first monthly imbalance settlement which HROTE shall deliver to BGM and HOPS pursuant to the Balancing Rules.
When there are no measured data (actual realisation) available for calculating the amount of the financial guarantee for a specific member or for BGM, HOPS's estimate of the maximum monthly achievement in MWh shall be used instead.
4. In the event that:
BGM should irregularly fulfill its obligations under this Agreement, or
the submitted Financial Guarantee should not cover the amount of BGM's greatest financial obligation based on the first (monthly) imbalance settlement (which includes VAT) in the last 12 months, or
there should be announced changes or should changes occur in the membership or any other circumstance of the Balance Group which, in HOPS's opinion, affect the performance of the Balance Group,
HOPS shall reserve the right, with justification, to request BGM to provide an additional financial guarantee in the form and with the validity period according to the provisions of Article 14 herein, and in an amount determined by HOPS at its own discretion. The amount of the additional financial guarantee shall be determined by HOPS acting with due diligence and in a reasonable manner.
BGM shall provide the additional financial guarantee within a fixed period of 8 days from the date of receiving HOPS's written request. It shall be considered that BGM has received HOPS's request after two (2) days from the day HOPS sent it to BGM by email to the email address referred to in Article 13, paragraph 4 herein.
5. The contracting parties shall agree that the deadline for the delivery of the financial guarantee as specified in paragraph 4 above shall be an crutial component of the Agreement, and should a BGM fail to fulfill this obligation within the specified period, this Agreement shall be terminated by operation of law upon the expiry of the last day of the said period, whereby the consequences specified in Article 19, paragraphs 4 and 5 herein, shall take effect.
Article 17
HOPS shall continuously monitor the adequacy of the financial guarantee amount provided by BGM based on the preliminary calculation of the imbalance or the calculation of the preliminary financial obligation of the balance group, in accordance with the Balancing Rules.
HOPS shall be authorized to request an additional financial guarantee from BGM in the event that it determines that the sum of:
the total financial obligation of BGM under this Agreement for the previous settlement period, and
the preliminary financial obligation of BGM for the current settlement period, calculated by HOPS pursuant to paragraph 2 and/or 3 of Article 36 of the Balancing Rules,
exceeds the amount of the financial
guarantee provided by BGM to HOPS
under this Agreement by 20% (or
The additional financial guarantee shall be provided in the form of a cash deposit into the HOPS account specified in Article 14, paragraph 1 herein, in the amount of the difference between:
the sum of the total financial obligation of BGM for the previous settlement period and the preliminary financial obligation of BGM for the current settlement period calculated as prvided for in paragraph 2 and/or 3 of Article 36 of the Balancing Rules, and
the amount of the financial guarantee previously provided by BGM to HOPS under this Agreement.
HOPS shall send the request referred to in paragraph 3 above via email to the email address of BGM specified in Article 13 paragraph 4 herein.
BGM shall pay an additional financial guarantee in the form of a cash deposit according to this article within a fixed period of three (3) days from the date of receipt of HOPS's request sent electronically. It shall be assumed that BGM has received the request from HOPS two (2) days after the day HOPS sent it via email to the email address specified in Article 13, paragraph 4 herein.
The contracting parties shall agree that the deadline for delivering the financial guarantee referred to in paragraph 5 above shall be a crucial component of the Agreement. In the event a BGM should fail to fulfill this obligation within the stipulated timeframe, the Agreement shall be automatically terminated the day after the last day of the specified period, with legal consequences stipulated in Article 19, paragraphs 4 and 5 herein.
In cases where BGM is a legal entity as defined in Article 49 of the Balancing Rules, instead of delivering a financial guarantee in the form of a cash deposit as stipulated in paragraph 5 herein, it may provide another type of financial guarantee that has the properties of an enforceable document according to the provisions of the Enforcement Act, and which is acceptable to the transmission system operator, all within the timeframe and with the legal consequences stipulated in paragraphs 5 and 6 above.
Article 18
Contracting parties shall treat all data obtained directly or indirectly in the process of imbalance calculation as a business secret and shall use them for balancing energy settlement exclusively, and shall not disclose them to third parties, except to the extent provided for in relevant regulations.
Contracting parties shall keep data described in paragraph 1 above as they keep their own data which are a business secret.
Contracting parties agree that all in-house rules and similar regulations of the parties to the Agreement regulating the treatment of data which represent a business secret shall be applied to all data obtained directly or indirectly as per this Agreement.
Article 19
This Agreement shall be concluded for indeterminate period.
The contracting parties agree that this Agreement shall terminate by operation of law, without the need for any notification, at the moment:
when BGM ceases to be the manager of the Balancing Group;
when HOPS ceases to be the transmission system operator;
in the event of termination of the electricity market participation agreement that BGM has concluded with HROTE (unless it involves the termination of an electricity market participation agreement during trial operation and BGM has concluded a new electricity market participation agreement with HROTE, which takes effect the day after the termination of the previously mentioned agreement);
when the license for performing energy activities held by BGM expires or is revoked, or ceases to be valid for any reason; except in cases where BGM, according to applicable regulations, is not required to obtain a license for performing energy activities;
in other cases, as regulated by the Balancing Rules and this Agreement.
3. Except in situations where this Agreement and/or the Balancing Rules explicitly stipulate that the termination of this Agreement occurs by operation of law, in the event that BGM is late, fails to fulfill, or improperly fulfills any of its obligations under the Agreement or the Balancing Rules, HOPS shall reserve the right to terminate the Agreement through a written notice of termination sent by registered mail, providing an additional period of 8 days from the receipt of the written notice of termination sent to BGM by registered mail, in which case if BGM fails to fulfill the obligation even within the additional period for fulfillment, the termination of this Agreement will automatically occur by operation of law at the end of the last day of the additional period for fulfillment. HOPS's notice of termination of the Agreement shall be considered received by BGM two (2) days after the mailing of the notice of termination via registered post.
In the event of termination or dissolution of this Agreement, the contracting parties shall still be settle all claims arising from this Agreement for the period before the termination or dissolution of the Agreement. HOPS shall be authorized to use financial guarantees received under this Agreement for this purpose.
In the event of termination of this Agreement, the contracting party that terminated the Agreement due to non-fulfillment, delayed fulfillment, or improper fulfillment by the other party shall have the right to compensation for damages from the other contracting party, in accordance with the provisions of the regulations governing obligations about liability for damages.
The liability of HOPS for damage caused to BGM by ordinary negligence is excluded.
Article 20
This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Republic of Croatia.
The parties shall attempt to resolve any disputes arising from this Agreement amicably.
In the event that the parties are unable to resolve a dispute amicably, they agree that the dispute shall be settled before the competent court in Zagreb.
Article 21
The parties agree that if during the term of this Agreement there is a change in the relevant regulations that causes some provisions of this Agreement to no longer be compliant with the regulations governing imbalance liability, imbalance calculation, financial settlement of imbalances, submission of complaints, or other issues related to the balancing of the power system, then the parties shall, at HOPS's choice, either amend this Agreement or enter into a new agreement that shall re-regulate their mutual relations regarding the balancing of the power system in a manner compliant with the content of the changed relevant regulations.
BGM shall, within 8 days of receiving a request from HOPS via email to the email address specified herein, choose, at HOPS's discretion, to either amend this Agreement or enter a new agreement by which the parties shall re-regulate their mutual relations regarding the balancing of the power system in a manner compliant with the content of the changed relevant regulations. It shall be considered that BGM has received the request within two (2) days from the day HOPS sent the request to BGM via email to the email address specified in Article 13 herein. In case of non-action or delay in action by BGM in accordance with its obligation set out in this Article of the Agreement, HOPS shall be authorized to terminate this Agreement in the manner and with the legal consequences as regulated by Article 19, paragraphs 3, 4, and 5 herein.
Article 22
This Agreement was concluded on the date of signature by authorized representatives of the contracting parties and shall come into effect and be applicable from the moment BGM has submitted to HOPS an appropriate financial guarantee as provided for in the provisions herein.
All amendments and supplements to this Agreement shall be made in writing and duly signed by authorized representatives of both contracting parties.
No contracting party shall partially or wholly transfer the Agreement, nor assign rights or obligations from the Agreement without prior written consent of the other contracting party.
The Agreement is made in four (4) identical copies, each party keeping two (2) copies.
In case of contradiction between Croatian and English version, Croatian version shall prevail.
In ___________, _______________2024 |
Name of BGM
Chairman of the BoD/manager