1. Područje primene 1. Opšti uslovi poslovanja xxxx za sve poslovne odnose i/ili ugovore koji se zaključe sa SPOTLESS DOO BEOGRAD (,,SPOTLESS”). 2. Korisnik u smislu Opštih uslova poslovanja je lice sa kojim se ulazi u poslovni odnos bez da se istom Korisniku može pripisati status pravnog lica i/ili lica koje može samostalno da obavlja delatnost. 3. Društvo u smislu Opštih uslova poslovanja je pravno lice ili druga organizacija sa kojim se ulazi u poslovni odnos a koje je registrovano kod nadležnih organa za obavljanje delatnosti odnosno lice koje je uredno evidentirano u privrednom registru. 4. Nalogodavac u smislu Opštih uslova poslovanja je Korisnik ili Društvo. 2. Vrsta i obim usluga 1. Usluga čišćenja se po pravilu pruža u redovno radno vreme od 09 do 17 časova, tokom radnih xxxx. Odstupanje je moguće ukoliko je isto definisano i obostrano usaglašeno pisanim putem. 2. Osoblje SPOTLESS-a prilikom obavljanja usluge čišćenja neće pomerati nameštaj i druge objekte koji se nalaze na podu, već će čistiti dostupe površine oko navedenih objekata. 3. Za slučaj da Nalogodavac raspolaže sa alarmnim sistemom, isti se obavezuje da o svom trošku uputi SPOTLESS u način rukovanja sistemom kao i da je informiše o nadležnoj službi | 1. Scope of Application These General Terms and Conditions apply to all business relationships and/or contracts concluded with the company SPOTLESS DOO BEOGRAD (,,SPOTLESS”). The term "User" in these General Terms and Conditions refers to an individual with whom a business relationship is established without conferring on the same User the status of a legal entity and/or an entity capable of independently conducting business activities. The term "Company" in these General Terms and Conditions refers to a legal entity or another organization with whom a business relationship is established and who is registered with the competent authorities for conducting activities, or an entity that is duly recorded in the business register. The term "Client" in these General Terms and Conditions refers to the User or Company. 2. Type and Scope of Services Cleaning services are generally provided during regular working hours from 9 am to 5 pm on business days. Deviations are possible if mutually agreed upon in writing. When performing the cleaning service, SPOTLESS staff will not move the furniture and other objects located on the floor, but will clean the accessible surfaces around the mentioned objects. In the event that the Client has an alarm system, they are obliged to provide free guidance to SPOTLESS on how to operate the system and to |
nadzora/obezbeđenja xxxx xx isti eventualno angažovao kao i o kontakt telefonu za hitni slučaj. Za slučaj aktivacije alarma Nalogodavca, SPOTLESS zadržava pravo da zahteva nadoknadu troškova ukoliko se javi potreba da radnik SPOTLESS-a xxxx xx xxxxxx na objektu izvođenja radova duže od ugovorenog. 3. Osoblje 1. SPOTLESS stavlja na raspolaganje neophodno osoblje. 2. Osoblju SPOTLESS je izričito zabranjeno da imaju bilo kakav uvid u dokumenta ili bilo kakav xxxxxx ili štampani materijal Nalogodavca kao i otvaraju ormane, xxxxx xxxxxxx ili bilo koje druge prostore za odlaganje materijala Nalogodavca, osim u slučaju čišćenja istih i/ili ispunjavanja bilo kakvih obaveza iz ugovora sa Nalogodavcem, uz saglasnost Nalogodavca. 3. Osoblje SPOTLESS se obavezuje xx xxxx bilo kakve informacije, do kojih eventualno može da dođe tokom urednog obavljanja posla kod Nalogodavca, kao poverljive a u cilju zadržavanja maksimalne poverljivosti Nalogodavca. 4. Sredstva i oprema za čišćenje 1. SPOTLESS obezbeđuje namenska sredstva za čišćenje kao i odgovarajuću opremu za čišćenje u količini koja zadovoljava potrebe posla koji je ugovoren. Nalogodavac obezbeđuje vodu, struju i prostor za odlaganje smeća. Potrošni materijal (ubrusi, peškiri, sapun, kese za đubre i sl.) obezbeđuje Nalogodavac, ili ga može obezbediti SPOTLESS u kom slučaju će isti biti naplaćeni kroz mesečnu fakturu. Takođe, Nalogodavac o svom trošku obezbeđuje prostor za odlaganje i čuvanje opreme i materijala SPOTLESS-a a xxxx xxxxxxx (xxxxx ili slično) se zaključava i obezbeđuje istu | inform SPOTLESS about the security/surveillance service they may have engaged, as well as provide the emergency contact number. In the event of alarm activation by the Client, SPOTLESS reserves the right to request compensation for any costs incurred, should it be necessary for an SPOTLESS employee to remain on the premises for a longer time than agreed upon. 3. Personnel SPOTLESS provides the necessary staff. SPOTLESS's staff are expressly prohibited from having access to the Client's documents or any written or printed material, opening cabinets, work desks, or any other storage spaces for the Client's materials, except when cleaning or fulfilling any obligations under a contract with the Client, with the Client's consent. XXXXXXXX'x staff undertake to treat any information they may come across during their work for the Client as confidential in order to maintain maximum confidnciality for the Client. 4. Cleaning Supplies and Equipment SPOTLESS provides dedicated cleaning and maintenance supplies, as well as appropriate equipment in quantities that meet the requirements of the contracted work. The Client provides water, electricity and waste disposal space. Consumables (paper towels, towels, soap, garbage bags, bin liners etc.) are provided by the Client, or can be provided by SPOTLESS, in which case they will be charged through a monthly invoice. Furthermore, the Client is responsible for providing storage space for SPOTLESS's equipment and materials, which must be secured and locked, providing the same level of security as the Client's other assets. In the case of a long-term contract (a contract with a duration of 1 year or longer), SPOTLESS |
sigurnost kao i što je ima ostala imovina Nalogodavca.
U slučaju zaključenja dugoročnog ugovora (za dugoročni ugovor se ima smatrati ugovor sa rokom trajanja od 1 godine ili duži) SPOTLESS DOO zadržava pravo da, bez obzira na ponudu po kojoj je ugovor zaključen, uveća cenu ukoliko dođe do uvećana cene hemikalija i sredstava za rad koje obezbeđuje SPOTLESS DOO.
Ovo pravilo xx xxxx primeniti ukoliko je ugovoreno da Nalogodavac xxx obezbedi hemikalije i sredstva za rad.
5. Garancija
Očigledni nedostaci izvršene usluge se moraju odmah reklamirati na licu xxxxx a u slučaju da isti nisu otklonjeni tada Nalogodavac se obavezuje da najkasnije u roku od 24h od trenutka izvršenja odnosne usluge pošalje pisanu reklamaciju. SPOTLESS se obavezuje da otkloni uredne i osnovane reklamacije Nalogodavca u roku od 48h od prijema odnosne reklamacije.
6. Ključ od prostora koji je predmet čišćenja
Nalogodavac se obavezuje da SPOTLESS obezbedi ključ od prostorija koje su predmet čišćenja ili da na bilo koji drugi način obezbedi nesmetan pristup objektu xx xxxxxx osoblja SPOTLESS. U slučaju da je SPOTLESS-u poveren ključ i isti se izgubi, SPOTLESS se obavezuje da Xxxxxxxxxxx nadoknadi dokumentovani trošak izrade novog ključa a koji xxxxxx xx ograničen na 50 EUR (slovima: pedesetevra), u dinarskoj protivvrednosti.
7. Podugovaranje
DOO reserves the right to increase the price, regardless of the offer under which the contract was concluded, in case of an increase in the cost of chemicals and work supplies provided by SPOTLESS DOO.
This rule will not apply if it is contracted that the User will provide chemicals and work supplies.
5. Warranty
Obvious defects in the services provided must be reported immediately on-site. In the event that such defects are not rectified, the Client undertakes to submit a written complaint no later than 24 hours after the provision of the respective service. SPOTLESS undertakes to rectify valid and well-founded complaints from the Client within 48 hours of receiving the complaint.
6. Key to the Cleaned Premises
The Client agrees to provide SPOTLESS with a key to the premises that are the subject of cleaning or to ensure unimpeded access to the premises by SPOTLESS's staff. In the event that SPOTLESS is entrusted with a key, and the key is lost, SPOTLESS undertakes to reimburse the Client for the documented cost of producing a new key, limited to 50 EUR (in words: fifty euros), in the dinar equivalent.
7. Subcontracting
SPOTLESS reserves the right to subcontract entrusted work, which does not relieve it of liability towards the Client.
8. Interruption of Work
Work may be interrupted in the event of force majeure recognized by positive legal regulations
SPOTLESS zadržava pravo da podugovori xxxxxxxx radove pri čemu je isto ne oslobađa od odgovornosti prema Xxxxxxxxxxx.
8. Prekid radova
1.Prekid xxxxxx xx moguć u slučaju više sile xxxx xx priznata pozitivnim zakonskim propisima na snazi u Srbiji u kom slučaju SPOTLESS neće trpeti posledice.
2. U slučaju prekida radova pod okolnostima gde je SPOTLESS primio avansnu uplatu xx xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx, SPOTLESS se obavezuje da izvrši povraćaj tako primljenih sredstava u slučaju da nije nadoknadila takve radove Nalogodavcu u narednom periodu ili pružila druge usluge koje su prethodno ugovorne, osim stvarnih troškova koje je SPOTLESS imao ukoliko do prekida radova nije došlo njegovom krivicom.
9. Docnja Nalogodavca
U slučaju docnje u plaćanju Nalogodavca, obaveza SPOTLESS-a da pruži ugovorenu uslugu čišćenja/održavanja miruje čime obaveza plaćanja xx xxxxxx Nalogodavca za izvršene usluge ostaje. U slučaju docnje u plaćanju Nalogodavca za izvršene usluge, SPOTLESS ima pravo da zahteva zakonsku zateznu kamatu.
10. Zabrana vrbovanja
Nalogodavac se obavezuje da ne stupa u kontakt sa radnicima SPOTLESS u smislu poveravanja istog ili drugog posla van onog koji je ugovoren sa SPOTLESS-om. Ovo ograničenje važi tokom trajanja ugovora sa SPOTLESS kao i šest meseci nakon isteka istog. U slučaju kršenja ove obaveze, Nalogodavac je u obavezi da obešteti SPOTLESS jednokratnim plaćanjem ugovorne kazne u
in force in Serbia, in which case the company will not suffer any consequences.
In the event of the interruption of work under circumstances where SPOTLESS has received an advance payment from the Client, SPOTLESS undertakes to refund such received funds in case it has not completed the work for the Client in the following period or provided other services previously mutually agreed upon, except for the actual costs incurred by SPOTLESS, if the work is not interrupted due to its fault.
9. Belated payment by the Client
In the event of the Client's delay in payment, SPOTLESS's obligation to provide the contracted cleaning/maintenance service is suspended, and the Client's obligation to pay for the services rendered remains. In the event of the Client's delay in payment for the services rendered, SPOTLESS has the right to demand statutory default interest.
10. Non-Solicitation Clause
The Client agrees not to engage in contact with SPOTLESS's employees for the purpose of entrusting them with the same or different work outside of what has been agreed upon with SPOTLESS. This restriction applies during the term of the contract with SPOTLESS and for six months after its expiration. In the event of a breach of this obligation, the Client is obliged to compensate SPOTLESS with a one-time payment of a penalty in the amount of 2,000 EUR (in words: two thousand euros), in the dinar equivalent, which does not impede in the posibility of SPOTLESS seeking also damage compensation from the staff directly.
11. Liability and Limitation of Liability
SPOTLESS is liable for damages caused by gross negligence or recklessness of its employees in
iznosu od 2.000 EUR (slovima: dvehiljadeevra), u dinarskoj protivvrednosti, što ne isključuje pravo na obeštećenje i od osoblja SPOTLESS-a.
11. Odgovornost i ograničenje odgovornosti
0.Xx štete koje su nastale grubom nepažnjom ili namerom osoblja SPOTLESS, isti odgovara u skladu sa pozitivnim zakonskim propisima na snazi u Srbiji. Iz odgovornosti SPOTLESS su isključene bilo kakve eventualne štete koje su netipične i ili nepredvidive.
2.Odgovornost SPOTLESS je ograničena na iznos koji odgovara vrednosti iz zaključenog ugovora za mesec u kome xx xxxxxxx eventualna šteta.
U slučaju štete, Xxxxxxxxxxx se obavezuje da istu odmah pisanim putem prijavi SPOTLESS, a najkasnije u roku do 48h nakon nastanka štete. Propuštanjem ovog roka, Nalogodavac gubi pravo na nadokandu opravdane štete prema ovim uslovima poslovanja.
12. Plaćanje
1. Plaćanje usluge se vrši u roku od 30 (trideset) xxxx od xxxx izdavanja fakture, dok će SPOTLESS ispostaviti fakturu početkom meseca, do 15. u mesecu za tekući mesec, ukoliko drugačije nije određeno posebnim ugovorom ili prihvatom ponude.
2. Eventualni dodatni / naknadni radovi se imaju platiti u roku od 14 (četrnaest) xxxx od izvršenja istih, ukoliko drugačije nije određeno posebnim ugovorom i ili prihvatom ponude.
3. Nalogodavac ima pravo da obustavi plaćanje samo onog dela računa za izvršene usluge koji xx xxxxxx. Nesporni iznos xx xxxx platiti u predviđenom roku. Propuštanjem roka za
accordance with the positive legal regulations in force in Serbia. Any damages that are atypical and/or unforeseeable are excluded from SPOTLESS's liability.
SPOTLESS's liability is limited to the amount corresponding to the value of the contract concluded for the month in which the alleged damage occurred. In the event of damage, the Client undertakes to report it in writing to SPOTLESS immediately, but no later than 48 hours after the occurrence of the damage. Failure to meet this deadline results in the loss of the Client's right to compensation for justified damage under these terms and conditions.
12. Payment
1. Payment for the service is made within 30 (thirty) days from the date of the invoice, while SPOTLESS will issue the invoice at the beginning of the month, by the 15th of the month for the current month, unless otherwise determined by a separate contract or acceptance of the offer.
2. Any additional/subsequent work must be paid within 14 (fourteen) days from its completion, unless otherwise specified in a special contract and/or acceptance of an offer.
3. The Client has the right to withhold payment only for the disputed portion of the invoice for services rendered. The undisputed amount must be paid within the specified deadline. Failure to meet the deadline for payment of the undisputed amount gives SPOTLESS the right to demand statutory default interest.
13. Price Adjustment
The prices provided in SPOTLESS's offer are fixed for the duration of the contractual obligation, except in cases where this is defined differently in the contract with the Client or in the case of a EUR/RSD exchange rate increase of more than
plaćanje nespornog iznosa, SPOTLESS zadržava pravo da zahteva zakonsku zateznu kamatu.
13. Korekcija cene
Cene koje su date u ponudi SPOTLESS su fiksne tokom trajanja ugovorne obaveze, izuzev u slučajevima gde je to drugačije definisano ugovorom sa Nalogodavcem ili u slučaju rasta EUR/RSD za više od 6%. Jedinične cene date u ponudi SPOTLESS xxxx za period od 30 (trideset) xxxx od datuma odnosne ponude. Nakon isteka ovog roka, ponuda je podložna ponovnoj konfirmaciji xx xxxxxx SPOTLESS-a.
14. Početak važenja ugovora i izmene
1. Ugovor stupa na snagu danom potpisivanja obe ugovorne strane.
2. Za slučaj da između Nalogodavca i SPOTLESS ne postoji poseban ugovor, stupanjem u ugovorni odnos se ima smatrati akt prihvata ponude (naloga) xx xxxxxx Nalogodavca i davanje potvrde naloga xx xxxxxx SPOTLESS.
3. Za slučaj da posebnim ugovorom nije drugačiije određeno, bilo koja strana može raskinuti ugovorni odnos u tekućem mesecu za naredni mesec, odnosno ugovor će prestati istekom 30 xxxx od xxxx izjave kojom ugovorna strana raskida ugovor, pri čemu se prema SPOTLESS-u moraju izmiriti sve obaveze do trenutka prestanka pružanja usluga.
4. Bilo kakva izmena ugovora ili ugovornog odnosa (po osnovu prihvaćene ponude i potvrde porudžbine) zahteva pisanu formu te se u xxx smislu bilo kakav prethodni xxxxxx ili usmeni dogovor ima smatrati nevažećim.
15. Prestanak ugovora:
6%. Unit prices provided in SPOTLESS's offer are valid for a period of 30 (thirty) days from the date of the respective offer. After this period, the offer is subject to reconfirmation by SPOTLESS.
14. Commencement of Contract and Amendments
The contract comes into force on the day of signing by both contracting parties.
In the event that there is no specific contract between the Client and SPOTLESS, entering into a contractual relationship is deemed to occur when the offer (order) is accepted by the Client and confirmed by SPOTLESS.
In the absence of a specific agreement, either party may terminate the contractual relationship during the current month for the following month, and the contract will terminate 30 days from the date of the declaration of termination, with the obligation of the Client to settle all obligations owed to SPOTLESS up to the moment of termination of provision of services.
Any changes to the contract or the contractual relationship (based on the accepted offer and order confirmation) require a written form, and any prior written or verbal agreement is considered invalid in this regard.
15. Termination of the Contract
The contract ceases to have legal effect upon the expiration of the agreed term, or by written or electronic termination. The contract determines the period for which it is concluded. In the absence of a different agreement, the contract is considered concluded for a period of one year.
In case of termination of the contract before its expiration, the Client is obliged to reimburse the
Ugovor prestaje da proizvodi pravna dejstva protekom roka na koji je zaključen, ili otkazom u pisanom, odnosno elektronskom obliku. Ugovorom se utvrđuje period na koji se Ugovor zaključuje. Ako nije drugačije ugovoreno smatraće se da je Ugovor zaključen na period od godinu xxxx.
Nalogodavac je u slučaju otkaza Xxxxxxx pre isteka roka na koji je potpisan xxxxx nadoknaditi SPOTLESS stvarno učinjene troškove, kao i eventualnu naknadu štete.
U slučaju otkaza ugovora xx xxxxxx bilo koje ugovorne strane SPOTLESS nije obavezan da Nalogodavcu xxxxxx ključeve od prostora ukoliko ih je posedovao već će se isti nalaziti u sedištu SPOTLESS-a i Nalogodavac xxxx xxxx da ih preuzme, osim ukoliko drugačije nije ugovoreno.
16. Dejstvo ugovora
U slučaju da pojedine odredbe ugovora/ ugovornog odnosa postanu nevažeće odnosno da iste ne budu primenjive u toku realizacije iz bilo kog razloga, isto neće uticati na važnost i dejstvo ostatka ugovora. U xxx slučaju, ugovorne strane se obavezuju da u najkraćem roku, ne dužem od 30 (trideset) xxxx nađu odgovarajuću zamenu za onaj deo teksta koji je postao nevažeći/neprimenljiv s xxx da se obe ugovorne strane imaju rukovoditi time da je neophodno zadržati istu ekonomsku svrhu / značaj.
17. Primenljivi Zakon i rešavanje sporova
Na ugovorni odnos Nalogodavca i SPOTLESS xxxx i primenjuju se pozitivni zakonski propisi na snazi u Srbiji. U slučaju spora, ugovorne xxxxxx xx nastojati da isti reše sporazumno.
18. Završne odredbe
SPOTLESS zadržava pravo na izmene / dopune svojih Opštih uslova poslovanja, pri čemu je
agency for the actual costs incurred as well as the potential damages.
In the event of contract termination by either party, SPOTLESS DOO is not obligated to deliver the keys to the premises to the Client if it had possession of them; instead, they will be kept at SPOTLESS DOO's headquarters, and the Client must come to collect them, unless otherwise agreed upon.
16. Effect of the Contract
In the event that individual provisions of the contract/contractual relationship become invalid or are not applicable during implementation for any reason, this shall not affect the validity and effect of the remaining parts of the contract. In this case, the contracting parties undertake to find a suitable replacement for the invalid/unenforceable part of the text within the shortest possible time, not exceeding 30 (thirty) days, with both parties aiming to maintain the same economic purpose/significance.
17. Applicable Law and Dispute Resolution
The positive legal regulations in force in Serbia apply to the contractual relationship between the Client and SPOTLESS. In the event of a dispute, the contracting parties will endeavor to resolve it amicably.
18. Final Provisions
SPOTLESS reserves the right to make amendments/additions to its General Terms and Conditions, and is obliged to make them available to the Client.
By entering into a Cleaning Services Agreement with SPOTLESS, the Client confirms and agrees to adhere to these terms and provisions.