PRAVILA NAGRADNOG KONKURSA "Xxxxxxxx Sportska rutina "
Član 1 – Organizator Organizator nagradnog konkursa "Xxxxxxxx Sportska rutina “ (u daljem tekstu: konkurs) je Mediacom d.o.o. Beograd (u daljem tekstu: Organizator). Konkurs će biti organizovan u ime Klijenta Organizatora, a radi promocije xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx.
Učešće na konkursu podrazumeva upoznatost sa ovim obavezujućim Pravilima, njihovo razumevanje i saglasnost svakog od učesnika sa svim odredbama Pravila. Organizator zadržava potpuno pravo izmene i /ili dopune Pravila, kao i pravo da obustavi, prekine, skrati ili produži vreme trajanja konkursa. Pravila kao i sve izmene i dopune ovih Pravila xxxx objavljene na instagram stranici gillette_rs i na zvaničnom sajtu lilly drogerija: xxxxx://xxx.xxxxx.xx/
Učešćem u ovom konkursu učesnici prihvataju sve navedene uslove i oslobađaju Organizatora pravne odgovornosti bilo koje vrste, a xxxx xx u vezi sa ovim konkursom. Ovaj nagradni konkurs se održava na profilu koje xx xxx društvene mreže Instagram, ali konkurs nije ni na xxxx xxxxx podržan, iniciran, osmišljen niti organizovan xx xxxxxx kompanije Facebook, Instagram, te u xxx smislu učesnici nemaju, niti na bilo xxxx xxxxx mogu steći bilo kakva prava niti isticati zahteve koji bi se odnosili na ovu kompaniju i sa njom povezane kompanije i organizacije, s obzirom da ista nije vezana za organizaciju ili realizaciju konkursa. U xxx smislu upućuju se svi potencijalni učesnici da se prethodno detaljno upoznaju sa svim pravilima kompanije Facebook Instagram čije profile poseduju, a naročito pravila koja se odnose na njihove lične podatke odnosno način korišćenja i dostupnosti istih.
Član 2 – Trajanje i mehanizam konkursa Konkurs će biti organizovan i sproveden on line, na Instagram društvenoj mreži u periodu od 01.04.2021 u 00.00 do 30.04.2021. u 23.59 i namenjen je korisnicima ove mreže koji poseduju lične aktivne instagram profile koji moraju biti otvoreni, odnosno dostupni za javni pregled. Radi učešća učesnik traba da:
Fotografija xxxx biti u skladu sa propozicijama konkursa i svi navedeni uslovi su postavljeni kumulativno (moraju svi biti ispunjeni da bi učešće bilo validno) I xxxxx xxxx osim učesnika se mogu pojavljivati na fotografiji uz poštovanje teme konkursa. U navedenom slučaju učesnik garantuje da ima saglasnost da postavi fotografiju sa likom trećeg lica, odnosno organizator neće biti odgovoran za bilo kakve prigovore ili zahteve trećih lica ovim povodom. Sadržina fotografije je isključiva odgovornost učesnika. Ovo se naročito odnosi na objavu maloletnih lica na fotografijama. U xxx slučaju učesnik je jedini odgovoran za sadržinu fotografije i xxxx obezbediti saglasnost roditelja ili staratelja da likovi ovih maloletnih osoba mogu biti javno objavljivani i korišćeni u svrhe ovog konkursa.
Instagram video, story kao format ili instagram tv prikaz, ne učestvuju u konkursu i neće biti uzeti u obzir. Fotografija xxxx biti originalna, zabranjeno je korišćenje tuđih fotografija, montaža ili bilo koje modifikovanje istih. Originalnost fotografije je isključiva odgovornost učesnika. Organizator zadržava pravo da diskvalifikuje fotografije za koje se bude sumnjalo da nisu originalno sačinjenje xx xxxxxx učesnika, odnosno da su tuđe.
Ukoliko fotografija ne bude ispunjavala neki od navedenih uslova, učešće neće biti validno i učesnici koji su postavili takve fotografije će biti diskvalifikovani, odnosno neće moći da ostvare pravo na nagradu. Četiri najkreativnije fotografije xxxx izabrane xx xxxxxx žirija imenovanog xx xxxxxx Organizatora nakon pregleda svih pristiglih fotografija prema propozicijama ovog Konkursa, te utvrđivanja postojanja originalnog fiskalnog računa o kupovini Gillete proizvoda u odgovarajućoj vrednosti u Lilly drogerijama u toku trajanja konkursa.
Član 3– Pravo učešća Na konkursu mogu učestvovati samo fizička lica stariji od 18 xxxxxx, vlasnici validnih otvorenih Instagram profila, koja imaju prebivalište u Srbiji, bez Kosova i Metohije (u nastavku "Učesnici") koji u celosti ispune sve uslove za učešće koji su navedeni u ovim Pravilima. Zaposleni kod Organizatora i bilo koje kompanije xxxx xx uključena u realizaciju bilo koje radnje vezane za organizaciju i sprovođenje konkursa kao ni članovi njihovih porodica, ne mogu učestvovati u konkursu.
Član 4.- Uslovi učešća Preduslovi za validno učešće u konkursu Da bi prijavljivanje i postavljanje fotografije bilo validno potrebno xx xx xxxx kumulativno ispunjeni sledeći uslovi: (1) svaki učesnik xxxx imati pravo na učestvovanje u skladu sa svim uslovima ovih Pravila; (2) prijavljivanje i postavljanje fotografije kao i kupovina proizvoda xxxx biti izvršeno isključivo u toku trajanja konkursa (fotografije koje su postavljeni pre ili kasnije neće biti uzeti u obzir); (3) jedna ista fotografija može biti postavljena samo jednom tokom konkursa xx xxxxxx jednog učesnika, a svaki učesnik ima pravo da postavi neograničen broj fotografija; (4) u slučaju da jedna ista fotografija bude primljena xx xxxxxx dva ili više profila, xxxx validna samo fotografija xxxx xx prema hronološkom redosledu vremena prijema bila prva primljena; (5) ukoliko se primeti da je fotografija postavljena bilo kakvom zloupotrebom, fotografija učesnika koji je postavio će biti diskvalifikovana kao i xxx učesnik; (6) posedovanje originalnog fiskalnog računa u cilju dokazivanje kupovine Xxxxxxxx proizvoda u Lilly drogerijama u toku trajanja konkursa je neophodno.
Fotografija xxxx ispunjavati sledeće uslove: (1) biti originalna i realna, istiniti, sa temom konkursa, bez tekstova, logotipa, brendova ili bilo kojih drugih sadržaja koji bi mogli uključivati autorska prava koja ne pripadaju učesniku; (2) xxxx xx odnositi isključivo na temu konkursa; (3) ne sme sadržati vulgarne, neprimerene prikaze, fotografije koji prikazuju ili podstiču nasilje, niti smeju predstavljati uvredu ili neprijatnost za bilo koga; (4) ne sme ni na jedan način biti korišćena za kršenja ili pokušaj kršenja zakona ili prava trećih lica, kao ni za propagiranje, agitovanje, reklamiranje u bilo koje svrhe, xx xxxxxx učesnika.
Fotografije neće biti uzeti u obzir u sledećim okolnostima i poštovaće se sledeća pravila: (1) ako su postavljeni pre ili posle perioda namenjenog za prijavljivanje ili ako ne ispunjavaju zahteve u smislu sadržaja; (2) ako su nastale bilo kakvom zloupotrebom ili kršenjem uslova iz ovih Pravila; (3) učesnik će biti odgovoran za javno objavljivanje materijala, kao i za poštovanje svih zakonskih odredbi u vezi sa postavljenom fotografijom ; (4) organizator neće odgovarati za činjenicu da xxxxx xxxx mogu koristiti informacije i fotografije/ koje su učesnici konkursa postavili ili učinili dostupnim; (5) učesnici će biti u potpunosti odgovorni za sve što su preko svojih profila a u vezi sa konkursom objavili na društvenoj mreži Instagram, uključujući i da poseduju saglasnost trećih lica čije su likove dostavili putem fotografije;
Ostala pravila vezano za fotografije: U slučaju bilo kakvih zahteva trećih xxxxx xxxx su po bilo kom osnovu vezani uz dostavljenu fotografiju, učesnik koji je tu fotografiju postavio se obavezuje da drži Organizatora i Klijenta slobodnim od odštetnih zahteva, štete i tužbenih zahteva trećih osoba, obzirom da je xxx isključivo odgovoran za izradu i sadržaj dostavljene fotografije, te preuzima odgovornost kao i obavezu preduzeti sve radnje kako bi odbranio i zaštitio Organizatora i Klijenta od svih takvih zahteva.
S xxx u vezi, učesnik koji je postavio spornu fotografiju, se obavezuje nadoknaditi svaki oblik štete xxxx xx za Organizatora ili Klijenta nastala na osnovu zahteva trećih lica po bilo kom osnovu vezanom uz dostavljenu fotografiju.
Član 5. Utvrđivanje najuspešnijih učesnika i dodela i realizacija nagrade Žiri koji će biti imenovan xx xxxxxx Organizatora izabraće najkreativnije fotografije koja odgovaraju temi konkursa i iste ukoliko ispunjavaju sve uslove osvajaju neku od četiri nagrade:
Prva nagrada- jedan Kettler Asos eleptični trenažer Ostale nagrade- tri Planet Bike vaučera u vrednosti od 25.000 dinara
Jedan učesnik može osvojiti samo jednu nagradu. Nagradu nije moguće zameniti za drugu nagradu ili za novac. Učesnici će biti obavešteni o dobijenim nagradama putem posta za objavu dobitnika na zvaničnom Instagram profilu gillette_rs, te je potrebno da učesnici proveravaju ovaj Instagram profil. Imena četiri najuspešnija učesnika će biti objavljena u roku od najviše 5 (pet) kalendarskih xxxx od xxxx utvrđivanja validnosti. Nagrade će biti dostupne za preuzimanje u skladu sa dogovorom sa dobitnikom a prema mogućnostima dostave xx xxxxxx organizatora.
Ukoliko se potencijalni dobitnik nagrade ne odazove na obaveštenje (objavni post) u roku od pet xxxx od xxxx obaveštenja da je osvojio nagradu, ili se utvrdi da nije ispunio sve uslove iz konkursa nagrade ostaju organizatoru. Svaka xxxxxx i/ili propust prilikom dostave informacija koje se tiču preuzimanja, xx xxxxxx učesnika, neće proizvoditi bilo kakvu odgovornost Organizatora, tačnost kontakt podataka primljenih od učesnika su isključivo njihova odgovornost. Danom preuzimanja nagrade odnosno ne preuzimanjem nagrade iz bilo kog razloga u ostavljenom roku, prestaju sve dalje obaveze Organizatora prema dobitniku nagrade. Bilo kakve pritužbe na nagradu nakon dostave dokaza o uručenju iste neće biti razmatrane xx xxxxxx Organizatora i on neće imati bilo kakvih odgovornosti po xxx pitanju. Organizator ne odgovara za kvalitet i saobraznost proizvoda s obzirom da isti poseduje garanciju u skladu sa zakonom.
Pripadajuće poreze na dohodak vezano za dodeljene nagrade u slučaju postojanja zakonske obaveze snosi Organizator, dok eventualne ostale poreze snosi dobitnik. Za navedene potrebe xxxx neophodno da dobitnici dostave kopije svojih ličnih karti, radi prijave poreza. Nedostavljanje kopije lične karte dovodi do gubitka prava na nagradu.
Član 6. – Ograničenje odgovornosti i autorstvo Organizator i Klijent imaju pravo da preduzmu sve potrebne mere u slučaju bilo kakvog pokušaja prevare sistema, zloupotrebe ili bilo kojih drugih pokušaja koji mogu uticati na imidž ovog konkursa, i/ili Organizatora ili Klijenta. Organizatori konkursa nemaju odgovornost i ne smeju bez zakonskog osnova biti uključeni u bilo koju parnicu ili proces i potencijalno dodatne troškove, xx xxxxxx učesnika ili trećih lica. Postavljene fotografije neće u okviru ovog konkursa biti tretirana kao autorska dela, učesnici ih on line na javnu društvenu mrežu postavljaju svojevoljno besplatno i bez zahteva za bilo kakve naknade. Učesnik samim postavljanjem fotografije u skladu sa propozicijama ovog konkursa prihvata uslove istog, odnosno suglasan xx xx xxxx imati bilo kakvih zahteva za bilo kakve autorske ili srodne ili bilo kakve druge naknade ili zahteve po osnovu fotografije xxxx xx postavio u svrhu učešća i konkursu. Organizator ne snosi odgovornost za: (1) neuspešno prijavljivanje; (2) situacije kada više osoba polaže prava na istu fotografiju; (3) greške u podacima, prijemu podataka dostavljenih xx xxxxxx učesnika, budući da je to isključiva odgovornost učesnika; (4) nemogućnost dobitnika da preuzme nagradu, niti za kašnjenja u isporuci nagrada, koja su uslovljenja kašnjenjem xx xxxxxx dobavljača nagrada u obavljanju njihovih usluga; (5) žalbe na osvojenu nagradu ili način realizacije nagrade nakon potpisivanja dokaza o primopredaji; (6) bilo koje tehničke propuste ili nepravilnosti uzrokovane kod operatera interneta ili Instagramu ili na mreži uopšte; (7)javnim postavljanjem svojih fotografija učesnici prenose u celosti neograničeno pravo objavljivanja; štampanja ili drugog načina upotrebe i adaptacije ili za druge oblike objave i upotrebe kopije, sve u neograničenom broju primeraka i na bilo xxxx xxxxx bez obzira na tehniku kojom se koristi. (8) postupanjem u skladu sa ovim Pravilima i postavljanjem fotografije svaki učesnik u celosti odustaje (neće nadalje potraživati ili na bilo xxxx xxxxx očekivati) od bilo kakve naknade sa čim je svaki učesnik upoznat putem ovih Pravila i sa istim se saglašava.
Član 7- Saglasnost učesnika za prikupljanje odnosno obradu njegovih ličnih podataka Učesnici izjavljuju da se slažu sa odredbama ovih Pravila i daju svoj pristanak da se njihovi lični podaci i fotografije koje su samostalno postavili i lično dostavili i prezentovali javno, po potrebi uključe u bazu podataka Organizatora ukoliko ista bude formirana, kao i da se nadalje koriste bez ograničenja, a u skladu sa zakonom. Dobitnici nagrada pristaju da se svi njihovi dostavljeni podaci (ime i prezime, adresa, lični broj) i fotografije nadalje bez ograničenja ili dodatnih odobrenja, koriste u skladu za zakonom objavljuju u celosti ili delom, menjaju i upotrebljavaju xx xxxxxx Organizatora i Klijenta. Organizator i Klijent neće otkrivati lične podatke učesnika neovlašćenim licima. Svi podaci vezani za primedbe učesnika će biti korišćeni isključivo u svrhu uspešne realizacije konkursa i neće se koristiti u druge svrhe.
Učestvovanjem u Konkursu učesnici, uzevši u obzir da svoje lične podatke dostavljaju i unose svojevoljno i samostalno, pristaju da Organizator prikuplja i obrađuje dostavljene podatke o ličnosti u skladu sa Zakonom o zaštiti podataka o ličnosti, te potvrđuju da su u poznati sa svrhom korišćenja njihovih ličnih podataka i postupanja sa istim.
Dobitnik koji xx xxx punovažan pristanak na obradu podataka može opozvati taj pristanak u svakom trenutku, pismeno ili usmeno na zapisnik kod Organizatora. Takođe, saglasnost učesnik može u bilo kom trenutku povući slanjem zahteva na e-mail adresu ili adresu sedišta Organizatora. Organizator koristi i obrađuje lične podatke isključivo dostavljene xx xxxxxx učesnika, te je isključivo učesnik odgovoran za tačnost i ispravnost datih podataka.
Član 8 –Prekid/ zastoj konkursa. Viša xxxx Konkurs može prestati pre propisanog roka u slučaju događaja više sile, vanrednog stanja uključujući i slučaj nemogućnosti Organizatora da realizuje takmičenja pod kvalitetnim uslovima. Viša xxxx označava svaki događaj koji se ne može predvideti, kontrolisati ili otkloniti xx xxxxxx Organizatora, uključujući i nemogućnosti Organizatora da ispuni obaveze iz ovih Pravila, nezavisno od njegove volje. Konkurs se može prekinuti pre roka ili može biti zaustavljen na osnovu slobodne odluke Organizatora, pod uslovom da su takve promene objavljene u skladu sa odredbama ovih Pravila.
Član 9 – Sporovi Potencijalni sporovi koji se dogode između Organizatora i učesnika o bilo kom pitanju rešavaće se sporazumno, a u slučaju da mirno rešenje ne bude bilo moguće, spor će biti rešavan xx xxxxxx nadležnog suda u Beogradu.
Član 10– Ostale odredbe Odluke organizatora u vezi sa konkursom su konačne i obavezujuće za sve učesnike. Organizator ima pravo da preduzme sve potrebne mere u slučaju bilo kakve prevare na sistemu, zloupotrebe ili bilo kog drugog pokušaja koji mogu uticati na imidž ili troškove organizacije i sprovođenje takmičenja. Pravila stupaju na snagu danom donošenja, a primenjuju se počev od xxxx objavljivanja.
Mediacom d.o.o.Beograd U Beogradu, 31.03.2021.g. |
RULES OF THE "Xxxxxxxx Sport Routine " PRIZE CONTEST
Article 1 – Organizer The Organizer of the "Xxxxxxxx Sport Routine“ prize Contest (hereinafter referred to as: Contest) is Mediacom d.o.o. Belgrade (hereinafter referred to as: Organizer). The Contest shall be organized on behalf of the Client for the purpose of promoting the Xxxxxxxx brand . Participation in the Contest shall require any participant to become acquainted with these obligatory Rules, understand them and consent to any and all provisions stipulated therein. The Organizer shall retain the right to fully amend and/or supplement the Rules, as well as to terminate, interrupt, reduce or extend the duration of the Contest. The Rules, as well as any amendments and supplements thereto shall be published on the Instagram page gillette_rs and official Lilly drogerie site xxxxx://xxx.xxxxx.xx/ By participating in the Contest, participants shall accept any and all terms specified therein and shall release the Organizer from liability of any kind pertaining to the Contest. This Contest shall be carried out on an Instagram account, while the Contest itself is in no manner supported, initiated, designed or organized by the Facebook Instagram Company, therefore in that respect participants may in no manner whatsoever gain any rights or make any claims pertaining to the mentioned Company and its affiliated companies and organizations, since the Company is unrelated to organizing or execution of the Contest. In that respect, all potential participants are advised to become acquainted in advance and in detail with all the rules of Facebook Instagram where they have accounts, and in particular the rules pertaining to their personal information or, that is to say, the manner of use and availability thereof.
Article 2 – Contest duration and mechanism The Contest shall be organized and carried out online on Instagram as of April 1 2021 starting from 00.00 and shell last until April 30 2021 till 23.59, and shall be intended for users of this social network who have open active personal Instagram accounts or, that is to say, accounts available for public viewing. In order to participate Participants shall:
Photo which, as creatively as possible, responds to the Contest topic and all mentioned condition should be meet cumulatively ( all of them must be fulfilled in order to participate validly) Other than participants, third persons may also appear in photograph provided the responded Contest topic. In the mentioned case, the participant shall guarantee that they have consent to post the photograph containing a third person's face, or that is to say, the Organizer shall be held harmless against any objections or claims of third persons in this respect. Contents of photographs shall be an exclusive responsibility of participants. This is especially applying on minors appearing on photographs. In such a case, participants are solely responsible for the content of the photograph/video and must ensure that the parents or guardian agrees that the minors may be publicly shared and used for the purposes of this competition. Instagram video, story as a format or Instagram TV video neither shall be included in the Contest nor be taken into consideration. Photographs shall be original, as it is forbidden to use other people's photographs, editing or any other kind of modification. Originality of photographs shall be a sole responsibility of participants. The Organizer shall retain the right to disqualify photographs suspected of not being original creation by participants, or that is to say, those photographs that are someone else's.
In the event a photograph submitted fails to fulfill any of the conditions specified, participation shall not be valid and participants who uploaded such photographs shall be disqualified, or that is to say, they shall be unable to claim the prize. Four most creative photographs shall be selected by the jury appointed by the Organizer after review of all photographs submitted according to the Contest terms, and determining the existence of the original fiscal invoice for the purchase of Xxxxxxxx products in appropriate value in Lilly drugstores during the competition.
Article 3 – Eligibility The Contest is open only to natural persons older than the age of 18, owners of valid open Instagram accounts, residing in Serbia excluding Kosovo and Metohija (hereinafter: „Participants“), who entirely meet all the participation requirements specified herein. Employees with the Organizer and any company included in organizing and execution of any activity pertaining to organizing and implementation of the Contest, as well as their family members, may not participate in the Contest.
Article 4 – Terms and conditions of participation Preconditions for valid participation in the Contest In order for submission and uploading of a photograph to be deemed valid, the following conditions shall be cumulatively met: (1) each participant shall be eligible to take part in accordance with all the requirements set forth herein; (2) applying and uploading photographs as well as product purchase shall be carried out solely during the course of the Contest (photographs uploaded before or after the Contest shall not be taken into consideration); (3) one photograph may be submitted by one participant only once during the course of the Contest, whereas each participant shall have the right to upload an unlimited number of photographs; (4) in the event the same photograph/video is received from two or more accounts, only the chronologically first submitted photograph from the pertinent account shall be deemed valid; (5) in the event it is noticed that a photograph was submitted by any kind of misuse, it shall be disqualified from the Contest, as well as the participant who submitted it. (6) possession of the original fiscal invoice in order to prove the purchase of Xxxxxxxx products in Lilly drugstores during the competition is necessary.
Photographs shall meet the following requirements: (1) they shall be original and realistic, truthful, compliant with the Contest topic, without captions, logos, brands or any other content that may include copyrights other than those of the participant; (2) they shall pertain solely to the Contest topic; (3) they shall not contain vulgar or inappropriate content, photographs that display or encourage violence, nor shall they pose an insult or embarrassment to anyone (this applies in particular to the appearance of children in photographs, so please take care of the suitability of photographs of your children; (4) they shall in no manner be used for violation or attempted violation of law or rights of third persons, or for advocating, agitating or advertising by participants for any purpose whatsoever.
Photographs shall not be taken into consideration under the following circumstances and the following rules shall apply: (1) if they were submitted before or after the period intended for applying or if they fail to fulfill the requirements in terms of the contents thereof; (2) if they are created by any misuse or violation of the requirements set forth herein; (3) participants shall be responsible for public disclosure of material, as well as for abiding by any and all legal provisions pertaining to the photograph they submitted; (4) the Organizer shall not be held liable for the fact that third persons may use information and photographs submitted or made available by Contest participants; (5) participants shall be fully responsible for everything published on their Instagram accounts which relates to the Contest, including also having consent from third persons whose faces are disclosed in the photo/ they submitted.
Other rules pertaining to photographs: In the event of any claims from third persons, which are on any grounds whatsoever related to the photograph submitted, the participant who submitted the photograph in question shall hold the Organizer and Client harmless against compensation claims, damages and lawsuits from third persons, given the fact that the participant themself is responsible for creation and content of the photograph/video submitted, and shall therefore assume the responsibility, as well as the obligation to undertake any action in order to defend and protect the Organizer and the Client from such claims. In this respect, a participant who submits a disputed photograph shall compensate any form of damage incurred by the Organizer or Client based on claims of third persons on any grounds related to the photograph submitted.
Article 5. Selecting the most successful participant and awarding and realization of the prize A jury appointed by the Organizer shall select the most creative photographs that respond to the Competition topic and fulfilled all conditions these shall be awarded one of the four prizes:
First prize – One Kettler Asos eliptical trainer Other prizes- three Planet Bike vouchers value25 .000 rsd.
One participant may win only one prize. The prize can’t be exchanged for another prize or money. Participants shall be informed of the prizes by a post announcing winners on the official gillette_rs Instagram profile, therefore participants should check announcements on these Instagram profile. The names of four most successful participants shall be announced within no more than 5 (five) calendar days as of the day when validity has been determined. Prizes shall be available for takeover upon to agreement whit winner in accordance whit possibility of organizer
In the event a potential prize winner fails to respond to the announcement (announcing post) within five days as of the day when their prize was announced, or in the event it is determined that they failed to meet all the Contest requirements the prizes shall be retained by the Organizer. Any error and/or omission in disclosing information pertaining to takeover of the prize by the participant shall not generate any liability of the Organizer; accuracy of contact information received from participants shall be their sole responsibility. Any further obligations of the Organizer towards the prize winner shall cease on the day when the prize is received or failed to be received for any reason whatsoever within the deadline stipulated. Any kind of complaints to the prize lodged after submitting proof it has been delivered, shall not be considered by the Organizer who shall have no responsibilities whatsoever pertaining to that issue. The Organizer shall not be responsible for quality and conformity of the product, since it has a guarantee in compliance with law Pertinent income taxes related to the prizes awarded shall be borne by the Organizer in case there is such a legal obligation, whereas any other possible taxes shall be borne by the winner. The winners shall provide copies of their identity cards for such tax purposes. Failure to provide a copy of the ID card will result in the loss of the right to the prize.
Article 6 – Limitation of liability and copyright The Organizer and Client shall have a right to undertake any measure necessary in the instance of any attempt to commit fraud, abuse or any other attempts that may have an impact on the image of this Contest and/or the Organizer’s or Client’s public image. The Contest Organizers shall not be liable and must not, without legal grounds, be involved in any litigation or proceeding and potential additional costs by participants or third parties. Photographs submitted within this Contest shall not be treated as copyrighted work, as participants submit them on the public social network willingly and for free and without any claim for any compensation whatsoever. By submitting a photograph in accordance with the provisions of this Contest, participants accept the conditions thereof, or that is to say, they agree to have no claims for any kind of copyrighted, related, or any other compensations or claims on the grounds of the photograph they submitted for participating in the Contest. The Organizer shall be held harmless against the following: (1) unsuccessful registration; (2) circumstances in which several persons claim the right to a single photograph; (3) erroneous data or erroneous reception of data submitted by participants since this constitutes a sole liability of participants; (4) the winner's inability to take over the prize, or delays in delivery of prizes dependent on delays by suppliers of prizes in terms of delivery of their services; (5) complaints on the prize awarded or on the manner of realization of the prize after signing proof of takeover of the prize; (6) any technical failures or irregularities caused with Internet providers or Instagram or online in general; (7) by publicly submitting their photographs, participants also entirely assign an unlimited right to publish, print or use and adapt the submission in any other manner whatsoever, or the right to other forms of publication and use of a copy of the copyrighted work, all in an unlimited number of copies and in any manner whatsoever regardless of the technical tools used in the specific entry. (8) by acting in accordance with these Rules, which participants are familiar with and consent to, and by submitting a photograph, any participant shall entirely waive (and shall not seek or in any manner expect) any compensation.
Article 7 - Consent of participants to personal data collection or processing Participants hereby state that they agree with the provisions of these Rules and give their consent to enter their data and photographs independently posted and personally submitted and presented publicly in the Organizer's data base if it is created, as well as to be further used without limitation and in accordance with law. Prizewinners agree to have all of their submitted data (first and last name, address, personal identification number) and photographs used in accordance with law, published entirely or in part, altered by the Organizer and the Client without limitations or additional approvals. The Organizer shall not disclose participants' personal data to unauthorized persons. Any data relating to complaints of participants shall be used exclusively for the purpose of successful execution of the contest and shall not be used for other purposes. By entering the contest, and considering that their personal data is submitted and entered willingly and independently, participants hereby agree that the Organizer may collect and process the personal data disclosed in compliance with the Law on Protection of Personal Data, and they hereby confirm that they are familiar with the purpose of use of their personal data and treatment thereof. Winner who has given valid consent to data processing may withdraw such consent at any time, either in writing or verbally on record with the Organizer. Moreover, consent may be withdrawn at any time by forwarding a request by email or to the address at the Organizer's headquarters. The Organizer shall use and process personal data disclosed solely by participants, therefore participants are exclusively responsible for accuracy and correctness of the data given.
Article 8 – Termination of/interruption in the Contest. Force Majeure The contest may terminate prior to the prescribed deadline in the events of force majeure, state of emergency including also the event of inability of the Organizer to carry out the contest in appropriate conditions. Force majeure means any event that may not be foreseen, controlled or eliminated by the Organizer, including also the inability of the Organizer to fulfill its obligations assumed under these Rules, independently from its will. The contest may be terminated prematurely or it may be ended at the Organizer's will provided such changes have been announced in accordance with the provisions stipulated herein. Article 9 – Disputes Potential disputes arising between the Organizer and participants on any matter whatsoever shall be settled amicably, and in the event amicable resolution is impossible the dispute shall be settled by the competent court in Belgrade. Article 10 – Other provisions Decisions of the Organizer pertaining to the Contest shall be final and binding to all participants. The Organizer shall have a right to undertake any measure necessary in the event of any fraud, abuse or any other attempt that may have an effect on the public image or costs of organizing and carrying out the Contest. These Rules shall come into force on the day of adopting thereof, and shall be implemented as of the day of their publishing. Mediacom d.o.o. Beograd In Belgrade, 31 March 2021 |