Na osnovu člana 21 stav 2 Zakona o zaključivanju i izvršavanju međunarodnih ugovora („Službeni list CG“, broj 77/08), Vlada Crne Xxxx xx sjednici od 2020. godine, donijela je
Član 1
Objavljuje se Sporazum između Vlade Crne Xxxx i Vlade Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva Velike Britanije i Sjeverne Irske o međunarodnom drumskom saobraćaju, potpisan u Londonu,
3. septembra 2019. godine, u originalu na crnogorskom i engleskom jeziku.
Član 2
Tekst Sporazuma iz člana 1 ove odluke, u originalu na crnogorskom i engleskom jeziku,
Vlada Crne Xxxx i Vlada Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva Velike Britanije i Sjeverne Irske, u daljem tekstu „ugovorne strane“,
U namjeri da urede i doprinesu razvoju međunarodnog prevoza putnika i tereta u drumskom saobraćaju između dvije države i prevoza u tranzitu preko teritorije svoje države;
Dogovorile su se o sljedećem:
Predmet i definicije Član 1 Predmet
1. Ovaj sporazum, u skladu sa nacionalnim zakonima država ugovornih strana, uređuje međunarodni prevoz putnika i tereta u drumskom saobraćaju između Crne Xxxx i Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva Velike Britanije i Sjeverne Irske.
2. Ovaj sporazum ne utiče na prava i obaveze ugovornih strana koje proizilaze iz drugih međunarodnih ugovora u kojima su jedna od strana.
Član 2 Definicije
1. Izraz „prevoznik“ označava bilo koje fizičko ili pravno lice registrovano na teritoriji države jedne od ugovornih strana, ovlašćeno da u toj državi, u skladu sa odgovarajućim nacionalnim zakonima i propisima, obavlja međunarodni prevoz putnika i tereta uz naknadu ili za sopstvene potrebe. Prevoznici moraju posjedovati licencu za prevoz xxxx xx izdata u državi registracije.
2. Izraz „vozilo za prevoz putnika“ označava bilo koje drumsko motorno vozilo koje je po svojoj konstrukciji i dizajnu pogodno i namijenjeno za prevoz putnika drumskim putem i koje ima više xx xxxxx sjedišta, uključujući i sjedište vozača; koje je registrovano na teritoriji države jedne od ugovornih strana i koje po osnovu vlasništva ili po drugom pravnom osnovu koristi xxxxxxxxx xxxx je na toj teritoriji ovlašćen da vrši prevoz putnika; i koje je privremeno uvezeno
na teritoriju države druge ugovorne strane u svrhu međunarodnog prevoza putnika do, od ili u tranzitu preko teritorije te države.
3. Izraz „teretno vozilo“ označava bilo koje drumsko motorno vozilo koje je, po svojoj konstrukciji i dizajnu, pogodno i namijenjeno za prevoz tereta u drumskom saobraćaju.
4. Izraz „teritorija”:
- kada se odnosi na Crnu Goru označava teritoriju Crne Xxxx;
- kada se odnosi na Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo Velike Britanije i Sjeverne Irske označava Englesku, Vels, Škotsku i Sjevernu Irsku i uključuje Gibraltar za čije međunarodne odnose je Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo Velika Britanija i Sjeverna Irska nadležno.
5. Nadležni organi za sprovođenje ovog sporazuma su:
- za Crnu Goru - Ministarstvo saobraćaja i pomorstva;
- za Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo Velike Britanije i Sjeverne Irske – kada su u pitanju Engleska, Vels i Škotska – Odjeljenje za saobraćaj; xxxx xx u pitanju Sjeverna Irska – Odjeljenje za infrastrukturu Sjeverne Irske i xxxx xx u pitanju Gibraltar – Odjeljenje za licenciranje vozila i vozača.
Prevoz putnika Član 3
Dozvole i izuzeća
1. Dozvole za obavljanje linijskog prevoza u vozilima za prevoz putnika izdaju zajedničkim dogovorom nadležni organi država ugovornih strana. Nadležni organ države svake ugovorne strane izdaje dozvolu u zavisnosti od toga xxxx xxxxxxx puta pokriva njenu teritoriju. Dozvola se izdaje sa rokom važenja od pet xxxxxx.
2. Bilo kakva izmjena itinerera u skladu sa unaprijed utvrđenim i objavljenim redom vožnje, cjenovnikom i uslovima prevoza, uključujući unaprijed određene stanice i stajališta, na kojima putnici mogu da se ukrcaju i iskrcaju iz vozila za prevoz putnika, xxxx odobrena u dogovoru između nadležnih organa država ugovornih strana.
3. Sljedeći prevozi će biti izuzeti od zahtjeva za izdavanje dozvole iz stava 1 ovog člana:
a) „kružna vožnja - zatvorenih vrata“, odnosno prevoz gdje se isto vozilo koristi za prevoz iste xxxxx putnika tokom čitavog putovanja i za njihov povratak na mjesto polaska;
b) „prevoz u dolasku“, odnosno prevoz kojim se grupa putnika dovozi na teritoriju države druge ugovorne strane radi privremenog boravka, a vozilo za prevoz putnika napušta tu teritoriju prazno ili se koristi za obavljanje prevoza iz xxxxx c) ovog stava;
c) „prevoz u odlasku“, odnosno prevoz kod koga se vozilo za prevoz putnika za ulazak na teritoriju države druge ugovorne strane koristi prazno ili za vršenje usluge iz xxxxx b) ovog stava i prevoz do teritorije države na kojoj xx xxxxxxxxx ovlašćen xxxxx putnika, od kojih je svaka:
-prevezena na teritoriju države druge ugovorne strane xx xxxxxx prevoznika;
-prije nego što xx xxxx prevezena, zaključila ugovor za oba putovanja na teritoriji države ugovorne strane u kojoj xx xxxxxxxxx ovlašćen;
d) „naizmjenični prevoz“, odnosno prevoz kod koga se putem ponovljenih odlaznih i povratnih putovanja, prevoze prethodno organizovane xxxxx putnika sa jednog mjesta odlaska na jedno odredište. Svaka grupa putnika xxxx xx prevezena u odlaznom putovanju, xxxx zajedno vraćena na mjesto polaska. Putnici xx xxxx ukrcavati ili iskrcavati tokom putovanja. Prvo putovanje u povratku i poslednje odlazno putovanje obavlja prazno vozilo;
e) tranzit preko teritorije države druge ugovorne strane praznim vozilom za prevoz putnika u toku putovanja iz ili za treće zemlje;
f) zamjena vozila za prevoz putnika koje je postalo neupotrebljivo vozilo kojim se može obaviti prevoz.
Prevoz tereta Član 4
Dozvoljeni prevoz tereta
U skladu sa članom 5 ovog sporazuma, ovlašćenom prevozniku na teritoriji države jedne ugovorne strane dozvoljava se, a da nije u obavezi da pribavi dozvolu, licencu ili drugo ovlašćenja u tu svrhu, u skladu sa zakonima druge ugovorne strane, da privremeno uveze prazno ili robom natovareno teretno vozilo na teritoriju države druge strane u svrhu prevoza tereta, uključujući i povratni utovar:
(a) između bilo koje xxxxx xx teritoriji države jedne strane ugovornice i bilo koje xxxxx xx teritoriji države druge strane ugovornice;
(b) u tranzitu preko teritorije države druge strane ugovornice i
(c) između bilo koje xxxxx xx teritoriji države druge strane ugovornice i bilo koje xxxxx xx teritoriji treće zemlje.
Član 5 Posebne dozvole
Svaka ugovorna strana može podnijeti zahtjev za posebnu dozvolu za korišćenje na teritoriji svoje države bilo kojeg teretnog vozila koje se zbog mase ili dimenzija ili svog tereta inače ne može koristiti u skladu sa zakonom na putevima na teritoriji države xx xxxxxx.
Opšte odredbe Član 6 Dažbine
1. Teretna vozila i vozila za prevoz putnika koja su registrovana na teritoriji države jedne ugovorne strane i koja su privremeno uvezena na teritoriju države druge ugovorne strane oslobađaju se poreza i naknada za korišćenje puteva ili za posjedovanje vozila i od poreza i naknada koje se odnose na obavljanje prevoza na teritoriji države druge ugovorne strane.
2. Oslobađanje iz stava 1 ovog člana važi na teritoriji države svake od ugovornih strana dokle god su na snazi uslovi za privremeni uvoz takvih vozila na tu teritoriju, bez naplate uvoznih dažbina i poreza na uvoz, koje propisuju nacionalni zakoni na toj teritoriji.
3. Oslobađanje iz stava 1 ovog člana ne primenjuje se na poreze i naknade uključene u cijenu goriva ili na putarine ili naknade za korišćenje određenih mostova, tunela, trajekata, puteva, djelova puta ili kategorija puteva. Naročito, crnogorska vozila koja ulaze na teritoriju Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva moraju da plate naknadu za korišćenje puteva za xxxxx teretna vozila na osnovu Zakona o naknadi za korišćenje puteva za xxxxx teretna vozila iz 2013. godine ili bilo koji naknadni ili zamjenski porez po odgovarajućoj stopi.
4. Prilikom uvoza na teritoriju države jedne ugovorne strane, oslobađaju se plaćanja carina i drugih uvoznih dažbina:
1) gorivo koje se nalazi u glavnom ili standardnom rezervoaru za snabdijevanje vozila, tehnički i konstruktivno spojeno sa sistemom za napajanje motora gorivom;
2) maziva i tečnosti u drumskom vozilu u dovoljnim količinama za normalno funkcionisanje i održavanje tokom prevoza;
3) rezervni djelovi i alati koje koristi služba za popravku vozila u okviru ovog sporazuma. Neiskorišćeni rezervni djelovi će biti ponovo izvezeni, a zamijenjeni rezervni djelovi će biti ponovo izvezeni ili uništeni, ili će biti tretirani u skladu sa pravilima koja su utvrđena na teritoriji države odgovarajuće ugovorne strane.
Član 7
Isključenje kabotaže
Prevozniku ovlašćenom na teritoriji države jedne od strana ugovornica nije dozvoljeno da bez posebne dozvole preuzima putnike ili teret u nekom mjestu na teritoriji države druge ugovorne strane za iskrcavanje ili istovar u bilo kom mjestu na toj teritoriji. Druga ugovorna strana ima diskreciono pravo da, po prijemu zahtjeva prevoznika, koji prosleđuje nadležni organ države prevoznika, izda posebnu dozvolu.
Član 8
Usklađenost sa nacionalnim zakonima
1. Vozači i posade drumskih vozila kojima se prevoze putnici i teret u skladu sa ovim sporazumom, dužni su da poštuju, na teritoriji države druge ugovorne strane, nacionalne zakone i propise koji su na snazi na toj teritoriji u oblasti drumskog prevoza i drumskog saobraćaja.
2. Nijedna ugovorna strana neće nametnuti vozilima za prevoz putnika ili tereta iz države druge ugovorne strane pravila koja su restriktivnija od onih koja se primjenjuju na sopstvena vozila, u skladu sa nacionalnim zakonima i propisima.
Član 9 Prekršaji
1. U slučaju bilo kakvog kršenja odredaba ovog sporazuma od prevoznika ili vozača iz države jedne ugovorne strane na teritoriji države druge ugovorne strane, nadležni organ države ugovorne strane, na čijoj teritoriji se povreda dogodila, može da zatraži od nadležnog organa države druge ugovorne strane, bez prejudiciranja bilo kakve sankcije koju sudovi ili izvršni organi države te ugovorne strane mogu da primijene u skladu sa zakonom, preduzimanje sljedećih mjera:
a) izdavanje upozorenja predmetnom prevozniku;
b) izdavanje takvog upozorenja zajedno sa obavještenjem da će naredna povreda pravila dovesti do privremenog, djelimičnog ili trajnog isključenja vozila koje je u vlasništvu prevoznika ili koje koristi xxxxxxxxx, xx teritorije države ugovorne strane u kojoj xx xxxxx do povrede. Takvo isključenje preduzima nadležni organ države ugovorne strane na čijoj teritoriji se dogodila povreda.
2. Nadležni organi, što je prije moguće, informišu jedni druge o bilo kojoj radnji preduzetoj u skladu sa odredbom stava 1 ovog člana.
Član 10
Davanje dokumenata na uvid
Dozvole i sva druga dokumenta koja su neophodna u skladu sa odredbama ovog sporazuma, moraju se nalaziti u vozilima za prevoz putnika i teretnim vozilima na koja se ista odnose i biti date na uvid na zahtjev bilo kog lica države jedne ili druge ugovorne strane ovlašćenog da vrši kontrolu u drumskom prevozu.
Završne odredbe Član 11
Mješovita komisija
1. U cilju ocjene primjene ovog sporazuma, utvrđivanja procedura u oblasti ostalih transportnih aktivnosti i rješavanja problema koji mogu proisteći iz primjene ovog sporazuma, obrazuje se mješovita komisija, sastavljena od predstavnika nadležnih organa država strana ugovornica.
2. Mješovita komisija se xxxx xx to potrebno, na zahtjev jedne od ugovornih strana, sastaje naizmjenično na teritoriji države jedne od ugovornih strana.
Član 12 Izmjene i dopune
Sve izmjene i dopune ovog sporazuma, koje su dogovorene između ugovornih strana, čine sastavni dio ovog sporazuma i stupaju na snagu u skladu sa procedurama iz člana 14 stav 1 ovog sporazuma.
Član 13 Proširenje sporazuma
Ovaj sporazum se može proširiti na teritorije Gernzija, Džerzija i ostrva Man, razmjenom nota između Crne Xxxx i Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva Velike Britanije i Sjeverne Irske.
U slučaju da se ovaj sporazum proširi na teritorije Gernzija, Džerzija i ostrva Man, isti će se primjenjivati 30 (trideset) xxxx od xxxx prijema nota diplomatskim putem.
Član 14
Stupanje na snagu, važenje i otkazivanje ovog sporazuma
1. Ovaj sporazum zaključuje se na neodređeno vrijeme i stupa na snagu 30 (trideset) xxxx od xxxx prijema diplomatskim putem posljednjeg pisanog obavještenja da su ugovorne strane ispunile svoje unutrašnje procedure neophodne za stupanje na snagu ovog sporazuma.
2. Bilo koja ugovorna strana može da raskine ovaj sporazum uz prethodno xxxxxx obavještenje drugoj ugovornoj strani o otkazivanju sporazuma. U xxx slučaju, ovaj sporazum prestaje da važi šest mjeseci nakon xxxx xxxx xx xxxxx ugovorna strana primila obavještenje o otkazivanju.
U potvrdi svega navedenog, punopravno opunomoćeni xx xxxxxx Vlade Crne Xxxx i Vlade Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva Velike Britanije i Sjeverne Irske potpisuju ovaj sporazum.
Sačinjeno u Londonu, xxxx 3. septembra 2019. godine, u dva originalna primjerka, svaki na crnogorskom i engleskom jeziku, pri čemu su oba teksta jednako vjerodostojna.
Xxxxx XXXXXXXX, x.x. Ministar saobraćaja i pomorstva | Xxxxxx XXXX, baronesa Xxxx od Norbintona, s.r. Parlamentarna podsekretarka za sektor saobraćaja |
The Government of Montenegro and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, hereinafter referred to as the “Contracting Parties”,
Desiring to regulate and develop the international carriage of passengers and goods by road between their two countries and in transit through their territories;
Have agreed as follows:
Scope and Definitions Article 1
1. This Agreement shall govern, in accordance with the national laws of the Contracting Parties, the international carriage of passengers and goods by road between the Montenegro and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
2. This Agreement shall not affect the rights and the obligations of the Contracting Parties arising under other international agreements to which they are party.
Article 2 Definitions
1. The term “carrier” shall mean any physical or legal person, registered in the territory of one of the Contracting Parties and authorised in that state in accordance with the relevant national laws and regulations to engage in the international carriage of passengers and goods for hire or reward or on his own account. Carriers must possess a valid operator’s licence issued in the country of registration.
2. The term “passenger vehicle” shall mean any mechanically propelled road vehicle which by its construction and design is suitable and intended for the carriage of passengers by road and which has more than nine seats including that of the driver; and is registered in the territory of one of the Contracting Party and is owned or operated by or on behalf of a carrier authorised in that territory to carry passengers; and is temporarily imported into the territory of the other Contracting Party for the purpose of the international carriage of passengers to, from or in transit through that territory;
3. The term “goods vehicle” shall mean any mechanically propelled road vehicle, which according to its construction and design is suitable and intended for the carriage of goods by road.
4. The term “territory”:
(a) in relation to the Montenegro shall mean the territory of the Montenegro;
(b) in relation to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland shall mean England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland; and includes Gibraltar for whose international relations the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is responsible.
5. The competent authorities designated for the implementation of this Agreement shall be:
(a) For the Government of Montenegro – the Ministry of transport and maritime affairs
(b) For the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and Gibraltar – as respects England, Wales and Scotland - the Department for Transport; as respects Northern Ireland - the Department of the Infrastructure in Northern Ireland; and as respects Gibraltar – the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Department.
Carriage of Passengers Article 3
Authorisations and Exemptions
1. Authorisations to operate scheduled services in passenger vehicles shall be issued by mutual agreement by the competent authorities of the Contracting Parties. The competent authority of each Contracting Party shall issue an authorisation in respect of that section of the route which crosses its territory. An authorisation shall be issued on five years validity.
2. Any changes to the specified route according to pre-determined and published timetables, fare tariffs and conditions of carriage, including pre-determined stopping points, where passengers may board and alight from the passenger vehicle, shall be authorised through agreement between the competent authorities of the Contracting Parties.
3. The following services shall be exempted from the requirement for authorisation referred to in paragraph (1) of this Article:
(a) “closed-door tours”: that is, services whereby the same vehicle is used to carry the same group of passengers throughout the journey and to bring them back to the place of departure;
(b) “inward services”: that is, services on which a group of passengers is brought into the territory of the other Contracting Party for a temporary stay and the passenger vehicle leaves that territory empty or on a service covered by c) of this paragraph;
(c) “outward services”: that is, services on which a passenger vehicle is used to enter the territory of the other Contracting Party empty or on a service covered by b) of this paragraph and carries to the territory in which the carrier is authorised a group of passengers each of whom:
(d) has been carried to the territory of the other Contracting Party by the carrier;
(e) before being so carried, had concluded a contract for both journeys in the territory of the Contracting Party in which the carrier is authorised;
(f) "shuttle services": that is, services whereby, by means of repeated outward and return journeys, previously formed groups of passengers are carried from a single place of departure to a single destination. Each group of passengers who have made the outward journey together shall subsequently be carried back to the place of departure together. Passengers shall not be taken up or set down during the journey. The first return journey and the last outward journey shall be made unladen;
(g) the transit of the territory of the other Contracting Party by an empty passenger vehicle in the course of a journey to or from a third country;
(h) the replacement of a passenger vehicle which has become unserviceable by a serviceable one.
Carriage of Goods Article 4
Authorised carriage of goods
Subject to Article 5 of this Agreement, a carrier authorised in the territory of one Contracting Party shall be permitted, without being required to obtain a permit, licence or other authorisation for that purpose in accordance with the laws of the other Contracting Party, to import an empty or laden goods vehicle temporarily into the territory of the other Contracting Party for the purpose of the carriage of goods, including return loads:
(a) between any point in the territory of one Contracting Party and any point in the territory of the other Contracting Party;
(b) in transit across the territory of the other Contracting Party; and
(c) between any point in the territory of the other Contracting Party, and any point in the territory of a third country.
Article 5 Special Permits
Each Contracting Party may require a special permit for the use in its territory of any vehicle which by reason of its weight or dimensions or those of its load may not otherwise lawfully be used on roads in the territory of that Contracting Party.
General Provisions Article 6 Taxation
1. Goods vehicles and passenger vehicles which are registered in the territory of one Contracting Party and are temporarily imported into the territory of the other Contracting Party shall be exempt from the taxes and charges levied on the road use or possession of vehicles and from taxes and charges levied on transport operations carried out in the territory of the other Contracting Party.
2. The exemption referred to in paragraph (1) of this Article shall be granted in the territory of each Contracting Party so long as the conditions laid down in the national laws in force in that territory for the temporary admission of such vehicles into that territory without payment of import duties and import taxes are fulfilled.
3. The exemption referred to in paragraph (1) of this Article shall not apply to taxes and charges included in the price of fuel or to tolls or charges for the use of particular bridges, tunnels, ferries, road, sections of road or classes of road. In particular, Montenegrin vehicles entering the UK must pay the Heavy Goods Vehicle Road User Levy in accordance with the HGV Road User Levy Act 2013, or any successor or replacement tax at the appropriate rate.
4. The following, imported to the territory of one Contracting Party, shall be exempted from payment of duties, charges for customs formalities and taxes, levied on import:
(a) fuel contained in the main or standard supply tank of a vehicle, technically and constructively connected to the engine fuel system;
(b) lubricants and fluids on board the road vehicle in sufficient quantities for the normal operation and maintenance during carriage;
(c) spare parts and tools, intended for the breakdown service of vehicles operating within the framework of this Agreement. Unused spare parts shall be re- exported, and replaced spare parts shall be re-exported or destroyed, or shall be treated according to the rules established in the territory of the respective Contracting Party.
Article 7 Exclusion of Cabotage
A carrier authorised in the territory of the country of one Contracting Party is not permitted without a special permit to pick up passengers or goods at a point in the territory of the country of the other Contracting Party for setting down or delivery at any point in that territory. This special permit shall be issued at the discretion of the other Contracting Party on receipt of an application by the carrier, forwarded by the competent authority of the country of the carrier.
Article 8 Compliance with National Laws
1. Drivers and crews of road vehicles undertaking the carriage of passengers and goods as defined in this Agreement shall, when in the territory of the other Contracting Party, comply with the national laws and regulations in force in that territory concerning road transport and road traffic.
2. Neither of the Contracting Parties shall impose on passenger or goods vehicles of the other Contracting Party requirements which are more restrictive than those applied by its national laws and regulations upon its own vehicles.
Article 9 Infringements
1. In the event of any infringement of the provisions of this Agreement by a vehicle or driver of one Contracting Party when in the territory of the other Contracting Party, the competent authority of the Contracting Party in whose territory the infringement occurred, may, without prejudice to any lawful sanctions which the courts or enforcement authorities of that Contracting Party may apply, request the competent authority of the other Contracting Party to take the following measures:
(a) issue a warning to the carrier in question;
(b) issue such a warning together with a notification that subsequent infringement will lead to a temporary, partial or permanent exclusion of vehicles owned or operated by the carrier from the territory of the Contracting Party in which the infringement occurred; or
(c) issue a notice of such exclusion.
2. The competent authorities shall, as soon as possible, inform each other of any action taken in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1 of this Article.
Article 10 Production of documents
Permits and any other documents required in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement shall be carried on the passenger and goods vehicles to which they relate and be produced on demand to any person who is authorised in the territory of either Contracting Party to demand them.
Final Provisions Article 11
Joint Committee
1. For the purposes of reviewing the operation of the Agreement, establishing procedures regulating other transport activities and settling problems which may arise from the implementation of this Agreement, a Joint Committee, composed of representatives of the competent authorities of the Contracting Parties, is established.
2. The Joint Committee shall meet when required at the request of one of the Contracting Parties alternately in the territory of one of the Contracting Parties.
Article 12 Amendments and additions
Any amendments and additions to this Agreement, which have been mutually agreed by the Contracting Parties shall form an integral part of this Agreement and shall enter into force in accordance with procedures provided in Article 14 Paragraph 1 of this Agreement.
Article 13 Extension of the Agreement
This Agreement may be extended to the territories of Guernsey, Jersey and the Isle of Man by an exchange of notes between Montenegro and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
In the event that this Agreement is extended to the territories of, Guernsey, Jersey and the Isle of Man it shall apply from 30 (thirty) days from the date of receipt of the diplomatic note.
Article 14
Entry into Force, Duration and Termination of this Agreement
1. This Agreement is concluded for an indefinite period and shall enter into force 30 (thirty) days after the receipt through the diplomatic channel of the last written notification that the Contracting Parties have complied with their internal procedures required for it to enter into force.
2. Any Contracting Party may terminate this Agreement giving a written notice of termination to the other Contracting Party. In that case this Agreement shall terminate six months after the date of receipt of the notice of termination by the other Contracting Party.
In witness whereof, the undersigned duly authorised thereto by their respective Governments have signed this Agreement.
Done at London on 3 September 2019, in duplicate, in the Montenegrin and English languages, both texts being equally authoritative.
Xxxxx XXXXXXXX, sign. Minister of Transport and Maritime Affairs | Xxxxxxxxx XXXX, Baroness Xxxx of Norbiton, sign. Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Roads and Transport Security |
Član 3
Ova odluka stupa na snagu osmog xxxx od xxxx objavljivanja u „Službenom listu Crne Xxxx-Međunarodni ugovori“.
Podgorica, 2020. godine