Br. certif: 0-00000-0000
Xxxxxxxxxx xxxxx 00, 00000 Xxxxxx, Xxxx Xxxxxx, Xxxxxxxx
OIB: HR54486534099
glavna aktivnost: prerađivač
Xxxx navedeni subjekt ima valjani ugovor o nadzoru sa Austria Bio Garantie d.o.o. (HR-EKO-07, akreditirano prema normi ISO 17065) od 27.07.2017. Na temelju nadzora obavljenog xxxx 15.06.2021. subjekt je certificiran prema sljedećim pravilima:
• Uredba (EZ) br. 834/2007 i provedbena pravila, važeća verzija
Ovaj dokumenat izdan je na temelju Članka 29(1) Uredbe (EZ) br. 834/2007 i Uredbe (EZ) br. 889/2008. Deklarirani subjekt podvrgnuo je svoje aktivnosti pod nadzor, te udovoljio uvjetima propisanim u navedenim Uredbama.
Austria Bio Garantie d.o.o. potvrđuje da dolje navedeni proizvodi mogu biti distribuirani xxxxx xxxx spomenutoj specifikaciji i sa uvjetima koji se odnose na ekološku proizvodnju:
Ekološke sirove kakao ploče Ekološke sirove kuglice Ekološke torte
Ekološki namazi
Tijekom spomenutog perioda, ovaj certifikat zadržava valjanost ako:
a) Proizvodi ispunjavaju date propise
b) Ima valjani ugovor o kontroli kao dokaz
Voditelj odjela nadzora
Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx (odgovoran za nadzore)
Certifikat vrijedi:
27.09.2021. najkasnije do 31.01.2023.
Ovaj certifikat xxxxx xx isključivo s xxxx navedenim proizvodima.
Izvršni Direktor
dipl. ing. Xxxx Xxxxxxxxxxxx (odgovoran za certifikaciju)
Ovaj certifikat sadrži 2 stranice.
Austria Bio Garantie d.o.o.
Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx 4, 40000 Čakovec, Hrvatska Kodni broj kontrolnog tijela: HR-EKO-07
Broj stranke: 765056 2000067HR Ecert Verzija 1.1 Stranica 1 od 2
Cert. No: 0-00000-0000
Xxxxxxxxxx xxxxx 00, 00000 Xxxxxx, Xxxx Xxxxxx, Xxxxxxx
OIB: HR54486534099
Main activity: processor
The above mentioned operator has been in possession of a valid inspection contract with Austria Bio Garantie d.o.o. (HR-EKO-07, accredited to ISO 17065) since 2017-07-27. On the basis of the inspection conducted on 2021-06-15 the operator is certified according to the following rules:
• Regulation (EC) No 834/2007 and Implementing Rules, current version
This document has been issued on the basis of Article 29(1) of Regulation (EC) No 834/2007 and of Regulation (EC) No 889/2008. The declared operator has submitted his activities under control, and meets the requirements laid down in the named Regulation.
Austria Bio Garantie d.o.o. confirms that the products named below may be distributed according to the above mentioned specification and with terms referring to the organic production:
Organic raw balls Organic raw cacao bar Organic raw cakes Organic spread
During this period, the certificate retains its validity only if:
a) The products fulfill specifications.
b) A valid supervisory contract is in evidence.
Technical site manager
Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx (responsible for inspections)
Validity of the certificate:
2021-09-27 till not later than 2023-01-31
This certificate relates exclusively with those products listed above.
Managing Director
Dipl.-Ing. Xxxx Xxxxxxxxxxxx (responsible for certifications)
Austria Bio Garantie d.o.o.
Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx 4, 40000 Čakovec, Croatia Code number of control body: HR-EKO-07
Customer number: 765056 2000067EN Ecert Version 1.1 Page 2 of 2