PRAVILA NAGRADNOG KONKURSA "Pitam za ortaka " Period trajanja: 15.06.2021 –27.07.2021 Član 1 – Organizator Organizator nagradnog konkursa "Pitam za ortaka “ (u daljem tekstu: konkurs) je Mediacom d.o.o. Beograd (u daljem tekstu: Organizator). Konkurs će biti organizovan u ime PROCTER & XXXXXX MARKETING AND SERVICES D.O.O. BEOGRAD (dalje: Korisnik) , a radi promocije xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx, Head&Shoulders (dalje H&S) ili Old Spice . Učešće na konkursu podrazumeva upoznatost sa ovim obavezujućim Pravilima, njihovo razumevanje i saglasnost svakog od Učesnika sa svim odredbama Pravila. Organizator zadržava potpuno pravo izmene i/ili dopune Pravila, kao i pravo da obustavi, prekine, skrati ili produži vreme trajanja konkursa. Pravila kao i sve izmene i dopune ovih Pravila xxxx objavljene u okviru bio dela na Instagram profilima: @headandshouldersrs, @gillette_rs i @oldspiceserbia. Učešćem u ovom konkursu učesnici prihvataju sve navedene uslove i oslobađaju Organizatora pravne odgovornosti bilo koje vrste, a xxxx xx u vezi sa ovim konkursom. Ovaj nagradni konkurs se održava u okviru platforme društvene mreže Instagram, ali konkurs nije ni na xxxx xxxxx podržan, iniciran, osmišljen niti organizovan xx xxxxxx kompanije Facebook, Instagram, te u xxx smislu Učesnici nemaju, niti na bilo xxxx xxxxx mogu steći bilo kakva prava niti isticati zahteve koji bi se odnosili na ovu kompaniju i sa njom povezane kompanije i organizacije, s obzirom da ista nije vezana za organizaciju ili realizaciju konkursa. U xxx smislu upućuju se svi potencijalni Učesnici da se prethodno detaljno upoznaju sa svim pravilima kompanije Facebook Instagram čije profile poseduju, a naročito pravila koja se odnose na njihove lične podatke odnosno način korišćenja i dostupnosti istih. | RULES OF THE "Ask for a friend " PRIZE CONTEST Period of duration : June 15,2021-July 27 2021 Article 1 – Organizer The Organizer of the " I aks for a friend“ prize Contest (hereinafter referred to as: Contest) is Mediacom d.o.o. Belgrade (hereinafter referred to as: Organizer). The Contest shall be organized on behalf of PROCTER & XXXXXX MARKETING AND SERVICES D.O.O. BEOGRAD (hereinafter referred to as the Beneficiary) for the purpose of promoting the Xxxxxxxx, Head&Shoulders (hereinafter H&S) or Old Spice . Participation in the Contest shall require any Participant to become acquainted with these obligatory Rules, understand them and consent to any and all provisions stipulated therein. The Organizer shall retain the right to fully amend and/or supplement the Rules, as well as to terminate, interrupt, reduce or extend the duration of the Contest. The Rules, as well as any amendments and supplements thereto shall be published in bio part of Instagram accounts a: @headandshouldersrs, @gillette_rs i @oldspiceserbia . By participating in the Contest, Participants shall accept any and all terms specified therein and shall release the Organizer from liability of any kind pertaining to the Contest. This Contest shall be carried out on Instagram platform, while the Contest itself is in no manner supported, initiated, designed or organized by the Facebook Instagram Company, therefore in that respect Participants may in no manner whatsoever gain any rights or make any claims pertaining to the mentioned Company and its affiliated companies and organizations, since the Company is unrelated to organizing or execution of the Contest. In that respect, all potential Participants are advised to become acquainted in advance and in detail with all the rules of Facebook Instagram where they have accounts, and in particular the rules pertaining to their personal information |
Član 2 – Pravo učešća Konkurs je otvoren samo za fizička lica starija od 18 xxxxxx, vlasnike važećih otvorenih Instagram naloga, sa prebivalištem u Srbiji, bez Kosova i Metohije (u daljem tekstu: „Učesnici“), koja u potpunosti ispunjavaju sve ovde navedene uslove za učešće. Zaposleni kod Organizatora/Korisnika, kao i osobe koje direktno ili indirektno učestvuju u organizovanju ili sprovođenju Konkursa, uključujući članove njihove uže porodice (supružnici, deca i roditelji) ne mogu učestvovati na Konkursu. Član 3 – Trajanje i mehanizam konkursa Konkurs će biti organizovan i sproveden online, na Instagram društvenoj mreži u periodu od 15.06.2021 u 00.00 do 27.07 .2021. u 23.59 i namenjen je korisnicima ove mreže koji poseduju lične aktivne instagram profile koji moraju biti otvoreni, odnosno dostupni za javni pregled. Radi učešća Učesnik treba da: - u toku trajanja konkursa kupi bilo koja dva Xxxxxxxx, H&S ili Old Spice proizvoda u nekoj od Idea, Roda ili Merkator prodavnica na teritoriji Republike Srbije i sačuva do kraja konkursa fiskalni račun o tome (prikaz fiskalnog računa xxxx diskvalifikacioni uslov za ostvarivanje prava na nagradu) - na @getokrusevac profilu na Instagramu, ispod posta o konkursu, u formi komentara napiše što kreativniji odgovor na temu konkursa - opiši najsmešniju situaciju u kojoj si se izvukao na foru PITAM ZA ORTAKA; Član 4.- Uslovi učešća Da bi prijavljivanje bilo validno potrebno xx xx xxxx kumulativno ispunjeni sledeći uslovi: | or, that is to say, the manner of use and availability thereof. Article 2 – Eligibility The Contest is open only to natural persons older than the age of 18, owners of valid open Instagram accounts, residing in Serbia excluding Kosovo and Metohija (hereinafter: „Participants“), who entirely meet all the participation requirements specified herein. Employees of the Organizer/Beneficiary, as well as persons directly or indirectly participating in the organizing or conducting the Contest, including their close family members (spouses, children and parents) may not participate in the Contest. Article 3 – Contest duration and mechanism The Contest shall be organized and carried out online on Instagram as of June 15, 2021 starting from 00.00 and shell last until July 27, 2021 till 23.59, and shall be intended for users of this social network who have open active personal Instagram accounts or, that is to say, accounts available for public viewing. In order to participate Participants shall: - during the Contest , buy two of any Xxxxxxxx, H&S ili Old Spice products in any Idea, Roda ili Merkator retail stores in the territory of the Republic of Serbia and keep the fiscal invoice until the end of the Contest (presentation of the fiscal invoice will be a disqualification condition for exercise right on the prize). - On @getokrusevac account on Instagram, below the Contest post, in the form of comment write creative answer to topic – describe funniest situation, when you get away whit the joke I ASK FOR A FRIEND Article 4 – Terms and conditions of participation In order for submission to be deemed valid, the following conditions shall be cumulatively met: |
(1) svaki Učesnik xxxx imati pravo na učestvovanje u skladu sa svim uslovima ovih Pravila; (2) postavljanje komentara kao i kupovina proizvoda xxxx biti izvršeno isključivo u toku trajanja konkursa (komentari koji su postavljeni pre ili kasnije neće biti uzeti u obzir); (3) jedan komentar može biti postavljen samo jednom tokom konkursa xx xxxxxx jednog U Učesnika, a svaki Učesnik ima pravo da postavi neograničen broj komentara ; (4) posedovanje originalnog fiskalnog računa u cilju dokazivanje kupovine dva bilo koja Xxxxxxxx, H&S ili Old Spice proizvoda u nekoj od Idea, Roda ili Merkator prodavnica na teritoriji Republike Srbije u toku trajanja konkursa je neophodno. Član 5. Utvrđivanje najuspešnijih Učesnika i dodela i realizacija nagrade Žiri koji će biti imenovan xx xxxxxx Organizatora izabraće najkreativnije komentare koji odgovaraju temi konkursa i Učesnici koji su postavili te komentare, ukoliko ispunjavaju sve uslove osvajaju neku od sledećih nagrade: 1 x Sony PlayStation 5 3 x vaučer za BMW M Power Experience vožnja u centru Navak 5 x paket Xxxxxxxx, Old Spice i H&S proizvoda Jedan Učesnik može osvojiti samo jednu nagradu. Nagradu nije moguće zameniti za drugu nagradu ili za novac. Xxxxx xxxxx najuspešnijih Učesnika će biti objavljena u roku od najviše 5 (pet) kalendarskih xxxx od xxxx utvrđivanja validnosti učešća, putem storija na Instagram profilu @getokrusevac Nakon objave storija sa imenima dobitnika, potrebno je da se isti u roku od pet xxxx xxxx putem DM (direktna poruka), radi realizacije nagrada. | (1) each Participant shall be eligible to take part in accordance with all the requirements set forth herein; (2) comment posting as well as product purchase shall be carried out solely during the course of the Contest (comment posted before or after the Contest shall not be taken into consideration); (3) one comment may be submitted by one Participant only once during the course of the Contest, whereas each Participant shall have the right to post an unlimited number of comments (4) possession of the original fiscal invoice in order to prove the purchase of buy two of any Xxxxxxxx, H&S ili Old Spice products in Idea, Roda or Merkator retail store in territory of Republic of Serbia, during the Contest is necessary. Article 5. Selecting the most successful Participant and awarding and realization of the prize A jury appointed by the Organizer shall select the most creative comments that respond to the Contest topic and Participants who post those comments if they fulfilled all conditions shall be awarded whit one of the following prizes: 1 x Sony PlayStation 5 3 x voucher for BMW M Power Experience driwe in Navak centar 5 x package xxxx Xxxxxxxx, Old Spice i H&S products One Participant may win only one prize.The prize can’t be exchanged for another prize or money. The names of nine most successful Participants shall be announced within no more than 5 (five) calendar days as of the day when validity has been determined, by story on Instagram account @getokrusevac After the announcing the story with the names of the winners, it is necessary for them to respond via DM (direct messages) within five days, in order to realize the prizes. |
Nagrade će biti dostupne za preuzimanje u skladu sa dogovorom sa dobitnikom a prema mogućnostima dostave xx xxxxxx organizatora. Ukoliko se potencijalni dobitnik nagrade ne odazove na obaveštenje (objavni stori ) u roku od pet xxxx od xxxx obaveštenja da je osvojio nagradu, ili se utvrdi da nije ispunio sve uslove iz konkursa, nagrade ostaju organizatoru. Svaka xxxxxx i/ili propust prilikom dostave informacija koje se tiču preuzimanja, xx xxxxxx Učesnika, neće proizvoditi bilo kakvu odgovornost Organizatora, tačnost kontakt podataka primljenih od Učesnika su isključivo njihova odgovornost. Danom preuzimanja nagrade, odnosno ne preuzimanjem nagrade iz bilo kog razloga u ostavljenom roku, prestaju sve dalje obaveze Organizatora prema dobitniku nagrade. Bilo kakve pritužbe na nagradu nakon dostave dokaza o uručenju iste neće biti razmatrane xx xxxxxx Organizatora i on neće imati bilo kakvih odgovornosti po xxx pitanju. Organizator ne odgovara za kvalitet i saobraznost proizvoda - nagrada s obzirom da isti poseduju garanciju u skladu sa zakonom. Nagrada – vaučer za BMW M Power Experience vožnju u Centru Navak može se koristiti u roku od dva meseca od xxxx proglašenja dobitnika i realizuje se u celosti na sopstvenu (ličnu) odgovornost dobitnika nagrade. Xxxxxxxxx odgovornost za eventualne posledice koje mogu nastupiti je isključenja kako xx xxxxxx Organizatora i Korisnika, tako i xx xxxxxx Centra Navak. Svaki učesnik dobrovoljno pristaje i xxxx neophodno da da pisanu saglasnost na isto pre realizacije nagrade. Ovo podrazumeva da, u slučaju potencijalne štete izazvane na automobilu/stazi kao i u slučaju eventualne povrede – dužnosti i odgovornost za sve posledice i naknade šteta kao i sve druge eventualne troškove su samo i isključivo na dobitniku nagrade-korisniku vaučera. Pripadajuće poreze na dohodak vezano za dodeljene nagrade u slučaju postojanja | Prizes shall be available for takeover upon to agreement whit winner in accordance whit possibility of organizer In the event a potential prizewinner fails to respond to the announcement (announcing story) within five days as of the day when their prize was announced, or in the event it is determined that they failed to meet all the Contest requirements the prizes shall be retained by the Organizer. Any error and/or omission in disclosing information pertaining to takeover of the prize by the Participant shall not generate any liability of the Organizer; accuracy of contact information received from Participants shall be their sole responsibility. Any further obligations of the Organizer towards the prizewinner shall cease on the day when the prize is received or failed to be received for any reason whatsoever within the deadline stipulated. Any kind of complaints to the prize lodged after submitting proof it has been delivered, shall not be considered by the Organizer who shall have no responsibilities whatsoever pertaining to that issue. The prize - a voucher for a BMW M Power Experience ride at the Navak Center must be used within two months from the day the winner is announced and is realized entirely at the winner's own (personal) responsibility. The entire responsibility for possible consequences that may occur is exclusion both by the Organizer and the Beneficiary , and by the Navak Center aswell. Each participant agrees voluntarily and it will be necessary to give written consent to the same before the realization of the prize. This means that, in case of potential damage caused to the car/track as well as in case of possible injury - duties and responsibility for all consequences and damages, as well as all other possible costs are solely and exclusively on the prize winner-voucher user. The Organizer shall not be responsible for quality and conformity of the product-prizes, since it has a guarantee in compliance with law |
zakonske obaveze snosi Organizator, dok eventualne ostale poreze snosi dobitnik. Za navedene potrebe xxxx neophodno da dobitnici dostave kopije svojih ličnih karti, radi prijave poreza. Nedostavljanje kopije lične karte dovodi do gubitka prava na nagradu. Član 6. – Ograničenje odgovornosti i autorstvo Organizator i Korisnik imaju pravo da preduzmu sve potrebne mere u slučaju bilo kakvog pokušaja prevare sistema, zloupotrebe ili bilo kojih drugih pokušaja koji mogu uticati na imidž ovog konkursa, i/ili Organizatora ili Korisnika . Organizatori konkursa nemaju odgovornost i ne smeju bez zakonskog osnova biti uključeni u bilo koju parnicu ili proces i potencijalno dodatne troškove, xx xxxxxx Učesnika ili trećih lica. Postavljeni komentari neće u okviru ovog konkursa biti tretirana kao autorska dela, Učesnici ih on line na javnu društvenu mrežu postavljaju svojevoljno, besplatno i bez zahteva za bilo kakve naknade. Organizator ne snosi odgovornost za: (1) neuspešno prijavljivanje; (2) greške u podacima, prijemu podataka dostavljenih xx xxxxxx Učesnika, budući da je to isključiva odgovornost Učesnika; 3) nemogućnost dobitnika da preuzme nagradu, niti za kašnjenja u isporuci nagrada, koja su uslovljenja kašnjenjem xx xxxxxx dobavljača nagrada u obavljanju njihovih usluga; (4) žalbe na osvojenu nagradu ili način realizacije nagrade nakon potpisivanja dokaza o primopredaji; (5) bilo koje tehničke propuste ili nepravilnosti uzrokovane kod operatera interneta ili Instagramu ili na mreži uopšte; Član 7- Saglasnost Učesnika za prikupljanje odnosno obradu njegovih ličnih podataka | Pertinent income taxes related to the prizes awarded shall be borne by the Organizer in case there is such a legal obligation, whereas any other possible taxes shall be borne by the winner. The winners shall provide copies of their identity cards for such tax purposes. Failure to provide a copy of the ID card will result in the loss of the right to the prize. Article 6 – Limitation of liability and copyright The Organizer and Beneficiary shall have a right to undertake any measure necessary in the instance of any attempt to commit fraud, abuse or any other attempts that may have an impact on the image of this Contest and/or the Organizer’s or Beneficiary’s t’s public image. The Contest Organizers shall not be liable and must not, without legal grounds, be involved in any litigation or proceeding and potential additional costs by Participants or third parties. Comments posted within this Contest shall not be treated as copyrighted work, as Participants submit them on the public social network willingly and for free and without any claim for any compensation whatsoever. The Organizer shall be held harmless against the following: (1) unsuccessful registration; (2) erroneous data or erroneous reception of data submitted by Participants since this constitutes a sole liability of Participants; (3) the winner's inability to take over the prize, or delays in delivery of prizes dependent on delays by suppliers of prizes in terms of delivery of their services; (4) complaints on the prize awarded or on the manner of realization of the prize after signing proof of takeover of the prize; (5)any technical failures or irregularities caused with Internet providers or Instagram or online in general; Article 7 - Consent of Participants to personal data collection or processing Participants hereby state that they agree with the provisions of these Rules and give their consent to enter their data independently |
Učesnici izjavljuju da se slažu sa odredbama ovih Pravila i daju svoj pristanak da se njihovi lični podaci koje su samostalno postavili i prezentovali javno, po potrebi uključe u bazu podataka Organizatora ukoliko ista bude formirana, kao i da se nadalje koriste bez ograničenja ili svrhe ovog Konkursa , a u skladu sa zakonom. Dobitnici nagrada pristaju da se svi njihovi dostavljeni podaci (ime i prezime, adresa, telefon) bez ograničenja ili dodatnih odobrenja, koriste u skladu za zakonom. Organizator i Korisnik neće otkrivati lične podatke Učesnika neovlašćenim licima. Svi podaci vezani za primedbe Učesnika će biti korišćeni isključivo u svrhu uspešne realizacije konkursa i neće se koristiti u druge svrhe. Učestvovanjem u Konkursu Učesnici, uzevši u obzir da svoje lične podatke dostavljaju i unose svojevoljno i samostalno, pristaju da Organizator prikuplja i obrađuje dostavljene podatke o ličnosti u skladu sa Zakonom o zaštiti podataka o ličnosti, te potvrđuju da su u poznati sa svrhom korišćenja njihovih ličnih podataka i postupanja sa istim. Dobitnik koji xx xxx punovažan pristanak na obradu podataka može opozvati taj pristanak u svakom trenutku, pismeno ili usmeno na zapisnik kod Organizatora. Takođe, saglasnost Učesnik može u bilo kom trenutku povući slanjem zahteva na e-mail adresu ili adresu sedišta Organizatora. Organizator koristi i obrađuje lične podatke isključivo dostavljene xx xxxxxx Učesnika, te je isključivo Učesnik odgovoran za tačnost i ispravnost datih podataka. Član 8 –Prekid/ zastoj konkursa. Viša xxxx Konkurs može prestati pre propisanog roka u slučaju događaja više sile, vanrednog stanja uključujući i slučaj nemogućnosti Organizatora da realizuje takmičenja pod kvalitetnim uslovima. Viša xxxx označava svaki događaj koji se ne može predvideti, kontrolisati ili otkloniti xx xxxxxx Organizatora, uključujući i nemogućnosti Organizatora da ispuni obaveze iz ovih Pravila, | posted and personally submitted and presented publicly in the Organizer's data base if it is created, as well as to be further used without limitation or the purpose of this Contest and in accordance with law. Prizewinners agree to have all of their submitted data (first and last name, address, phone number) used in accordance with law, published entirely or in part. The Organizer shall not disclose Participants' personal data to unauthorized persons. Any data relating to complaints of Participants shall be used exclusively for the purpose of successful execution of the contest and shall not be used for other purposes. By entering the contest, and considering that their personal data is submitted and entered willingly and independently, Participants hereby agree that the Organizer may collect and process the personal data disclosed in compliance with the Law on Protection of Personal Data, and they hereby confirm that they are familiar with the purpose of use of their personal data and treatment thereof. Winner who has given valid consent to data processing may withdraw such consent at any time, either in writing or verbally on record with the Organizer. Moreover, consent may be withdrawn at any time by forwarding a request by email or to the address at the Organizer's headquarters. The Organizer shall use and process personal data disclosed solely by Participants, therefore Participants are exclusively responsible for accuracy and correctness of the data given. Article 8 – Termination of/interruption in the Contest. Force Majeure The contest may terminate prior to the prescribed deadline in the events of force majeure, state of emergency including also the event of inability of the Organizer to carry out the contest in appropriate conditions. Force majeure means any event that may not be foreseen, controlled or eliminated by the Organizer, including also the inability of the Organizer to fulfill its obligations assumed under these Rules, independently from its will. The contest may be terminated prematurely or |
nezavisno od njegove volje. Konkurs se može prekinuti pre roka ili može biti zaustavljen na osnovu slobodne odluke Organizatora, pod uslovom da su takve promene objavljene u skladu sa odredbama ovih Pravila. Član 9 – Sporovi Potencijalni sporovi koji se dogode između Organizatora i Učesnika o bilo kom pitanju rešavaće se sporazumno, a u slučaju da mirno rešenje ne bude bilo moguće, spor će biti rešavan xx xxxxxx nadležnog suda u Beogradu. Član 10– Ostale odredbe Odluke organizatora u vezi sa konkursom su konačne i obavezujuće za sve Učesnike. Organizator ima pravo da preduzme sve potrebne mere u slučaju bilo kakve zloupotrebe ili bilo kog drugog pokušaja koji mogu uticati na imidž ili troškove organizacije i sprovođenje konkursa. Pravila stupaju na snagu danom donošenja, a primenjuju se počev od xxxx objavljivanja. Mediacom d.o.o.Beograd U Beogradu, 14.06.2021. | it may be ended at the Organizer's will provided such changes have been announced in accordance with the provisions stipulated herein. Article 9 – Disputes Potential disputes arising between the Organizer and Participants on any matter whatsoever shall be settled amicably, and in the event amicable resolution is impossible the dispute shall be settled by the competent court in Belgrade. Article 10 – Other provisions Decisions of the Organizer pertaining to the Contest shall be final and binding to all Participants. The Organizer shall have a right to undertake any measure necessary in the event of any fraud, abuse or any other attempt that may have an effect on the public image or costs of organizing and carrying out the Contest. These Rules shall come into force on the day of adopting thereof, and shall be implemented as of the day of their publishing. Mediacom d.o.o. Beograd In Belgrade, June 14 , 2021 |