Firma: Business to Business d.o.o. Sarajevo
Sjedište: Trg djece Xxxxxxxx 0, 00000 Xxxxxxxx
ID broj: 4202131160000
Zastupnik: Xxxxxx Xxxxxx
U daljem tekstu Najmodavac
Firma: Czech Development Agency
Adresa: Nerudova 3, 118 50 Prague 1
ID broj: 75123924
Zastupnik: Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx
U daljem tekstu Najmoprimac
U Sarajevu, xxxx 25.01.2024. godine, ugovorne strane sklapaju
Član 1.
Najmodavac daje, a Najmoprimac se obvezuje preuzeti u najam na period od 12 mjeseci (u daljem tekstu:
Najam) slijedeće vozilo (u daljem tekstu Predmet xxxxx):
- 1 (jedno) vozilo marke SEAT ATECA 1.5 TSI, opreme i tehničkih karakteristika prema zahtjevu Najmoprimca
U cijenu xxxxx je uključeno slijedeće (obaveze Najmodavca)
- Registracija i osiguranje vozila (autoodgovornost i potpuno/full xxxxx osiguranje) za cjelokupan period xxxxx, te obavljati ostale radnje u vezi sa predmetnim vozilom u skladu sa pozitivnim propisima,
- Zeleni karton s mogućnošću korištenja vozila u BIH i inostranstvu bez ograničenja
- Svi redovni servisi svakih pređenih 15.000 km i vanredni servisi (kočnice, brisači, sijalice, itd.).
- Redovno servisiranje i zamjena svih potrebnih dijelova će se vršiti u skladu sa preporukom proizvođača.
- Zimske gume isključivo renomiranih proizvođača, njihovo skladištenje kao i njihova izmjena i
balansiranje, a sve u skaldu sa vremenskim uslovima i zakonskom regulativom.
- U slučaju nastanka štete zbog udesa na predmetnom vozilu Najmodavac će preuzeti kompletnu komunikaciju (organizaciju po pitanju transporta vozila do ovlaštene servisne radionice snosi Najmoprimac) sa prodajno servisnim centrima i svu ostalu komunikaciju koja nastaje kao proizvod udesa/štete na vozilu.
Član 2.
Za vrijeme trajanja Ugovora Predmet xxxxx je isključivo zakonsko vlasništvo Najmodavca. Najmoprimac xx xxxx korisnik i nesamostalni držalac Predmeta xxxxx i obavezan je držati i prikazivati Predmet xxxxx odvojeno od svoje imovine.
Član 3.
Najmoprimac ne smije Predmet xxxxx prodati ili na drugi način otuđiti, opteretiti, niti uspostavljati založno pravo nad Predmetom xxxxx.
Član 4.
Xxx početka primjene Ugovora je xxx preuzimanja vozila xx xxxxxx Najmoprimca (Februar 14, 2024 i za taj mjesec će se fakturisati pola mjesečnog iznosa xxxxx i za zadnji mjesec zakupnine), istaknut na Ugovoru o najmu vozila.
Član 5.
Mjesečna cijena xxxxx je definirana u iznosu od 1.850,00 KM (950,00 EUR) bez uključenog PDV-a a Najmodavac nema pravo izmjene ugovorene vrijednosti najamnine bez saglasnosti Najmoprimca. Xxxxxxxxxx iznos koji se plaća po ovom Ugovoru je 22.200,00KM (11.400,00EUR).
Ugovorene mjesečne cijene xxxxx, Najmoprimac će uplaćivati na račun Najmodavca otvoren kod Intesa Sanpaolo Bank d.d. Sarajevo br. 1540012016025369, SWIFT ADDRESS: XXXXXX00, IBAN:
XX000000000000000000 prema podacima koji će biti prikazani na fakturi, koju će Xxxxxxxxxx dostavljati na početku svakog mjeseca, za tekući mjesec.
Uz fakturu, Najmodavac će Najmoprimcu slati i instrukciju za plaćanje iz inostranstva.
Član 6.
U slučaju nezgode ili kvara Najmoprimac je obavezan bez odgađanja predati Predmet xxxxx xx xxxxxxxx ovlaštenom servisu i svu neophodnu dokumentaciju. Najmodavac je dalje obavezan preduzeti sve radnje i mjere povodom postupka uredne i pravovremene prijave štete, procjene nastalih oštećenja i likvidacije štete. Najmoprimac ne smije davati nikakve izjave o namirenju u vezi sa štetom ili osiguranim kvarom na Predmetu xxxxx, već je to isključivo pravo Najmodavca.
Član 7.
Ugovorne strane potvrđuju da će ovaj Ugovor biti objavljen u registru ugovora u skladu sa Zakonom. br. 340/2015 Coll., u registar ugovora, jer je CzDA obveznik u smislu ovog zakona i saglasan sa njegovim objavljivanjem. CzDA se obavezuje da će osigurati objavljivanje u roku od 30 xxxx od potpisivanja ovog Ugovora xx xxxxxx obje xxxxxx.
Ovaj Xxxxxx stupa na snagu nakon potpisivanja xx xxxxxx propisno ovlaštenih predstavnika obje strane i objavljivanja u registru ugovora.
Član 8.
Najmoprimac je obavezan da u slučaju štete na vozilu obavijesti nadležnu policijsku stanicu i da potpiše policijski zapisnik, te da u roku od 3 xxxx dostavi izjavu, kopiju vozačke i saobračajne dozvole, te detaljne slike oštećenja vozila, Najmodavcu.
Ukoliko Najmoprimac nije u mogućnosti dati izjavu u navedenom roku, isti se prolongira do stvaranja uslova za davanje izjave, ali ne duže od 7 xxxx.
U slučaju izostanka radnji iz prethodnih stavova ovog člana, Najmoprimac prihvaća plaćanje nastale štete na vozilu, kao i da preuzima odgovornost svih materijalnih i nematerijalnih troškova izazvanih ne izvršenjem definirsanih obaveza.
Vozilo se ne smije koristiti:
- ako je korisnik pod utjecajem alkohola ili narkotika,
- za vuču drugih vozila,
- ako je pretovareno bilo kojom robom ili putnicima,
- za sportska natjecanja,
- za prijevoz životinja, xxxx zapaljivog ili eksplozivnog materijala, materijala jakog neugodnog mirisa te ikakvog materijala xxxx xxxx oštetiti vozilo,
- za davanje vozila u podnajam
Najmoprimac ne može prenijeti svoje pravo po ovom Ugovoru niti smije otuđiti vozilo ili dijelove vozila.
Član 9.
Za sve što nije regulisano ovim ugovorom primjenjivat će se odredbe zakona o obligacionim odnosima. U slučaju spora oko realizacije ovog ugovora, stranke će isti pokušati riješiti sporazumom. Ukoliko bude nemoguće postići sporazum, za rješavanje spora bit će nadležan sud u Sarajevu.
Business to Business d.o.o.
Czech Development Agency
Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx
Company: Business to Business d.o.o. Sarajevo
Adress: Trg xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 0, 00000 Xxxxxxxx
ID number: 4202131160000
Represented by: Xxxxxx Xxxxxx
Hereinafter: Lessor
Company: Czech Development Agency
Adress: Nerudova 3, 118 50 Prague 1
ID number: 75123924
Represented by: Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx
Hereinafter: Lessee
In Sarajevo, on Jnuary 25, 2024, the contracting parties conclude
Article 1
The Lessor provides, and the Lessee undertakes to lease for a period of 12 months (hereinafter: Rent) the following vehicles (hereinafter referred to as the Subject of the lease):
- 1 (one) vehicle brand SEAT ATECA 1.5 TSI, equipment and technical characteristics according to the request of the Lessee
The rental price includes the following (obligations of the Lessor)
- Registration and insurance of the vehicle (car liability and full / full comprehensive insurance) for the entire rental period, and perform other actions related to the vehicle in accordance with the positive regulations,
- Green card with the possibility of using vehicles in BiH and abroad without restrictions
- All regular services every 15,000 km and emergency services (brakes, wipers, light bulbs, etc.).
- Regular servicing and replacement of all necessary parts will be performed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendation.
- Winter tires of exclusively renowned manufacturers, their storage as well as their change and balancing, all in accordance with the weather conditions and legal regulations.
- In case of damage due to an accident on the vehicle in question, the Lessor will take over the complete communication (organization regarding the transport of vehicles to the authorized service workshop is borne by the Lessee) with sales and service centers and all other communication resulting from the accident / damage to the vehicle.
Article 2
For the duration of the Agreement, the Lease Subject is the exclusive legal property of the Lessor. The Lessee is only the user and a non-independent holder of the Lease Item and is obliged to keep and display the Lease Item separately from his property.
Article 3
The Lessee may not sell the Leased Item or otherwise alienate, encumber, or establish a lien on the Leased Item.
Article 4
The date of commencement of the Agreement is the date of collection of the vehicle by the Lessee (February 14, 2024 and half of the monthly rental amount will be invoiced for that month and the last month of the rent as well), indicated on the Vehicle Rental Agreement.
Article 5
The monthly rental price is defined in the amount of 1.850.00 KM (950.00 EUR) without VAT and the Lessor has no right to change the agreed value of the rent without the consent of the Lessee. The maximum amount to be paid under this Agreement is 22.200,00KM (11 400 EUR).
The Lessee will pay the agreed monthly rental prices to the Lessor's account opened with Intesa Sanpaolo Bank d.d. Sarajevo br. SWIFT ADDRESS: BAN: according to the data that will be displayed on the invoice, which will be submitted by the Lessor at the beginning of each month, for the current month.
In addition to the invoice, the Lessor will send the Lessee instructions for payment from abroad.
Article 6
In the event of an accident or malfunction, the Lessee is obliged to submit the Lease Item for repair to an authorized service center and all necessary documentation without delay. The Lessor is further obliged to take all actions and measures regarding the procedure of proper and timely reporting of damage, assessment of damage and liquidation of damage. The Lessee may not give any statements of settlement in connection with the damage or insured defect in the Leased Item, but it is the exclusive right of the Lessor.
Article 7
The Contracting parties acknowledge that this Agreement will be published in the contract register according to Act. No. 340/2015 Coll., on the contract register, as the CzDA is a liable person within the meaning of this Act and agree with its publication. The CzDA undertakes to ensure the publication within 30 days of the signing of this Agreement by both parties.
This Agreement becomes effective after its signing by duly authorized representatives of both parties and its publication in the contract register.
Article 8
The Lessee is obliged to inform the competent police station in case of damage to the vehicle and to sign the police report, and to submit a statement, a copy of the driver's and traffic license, and detailed pictures of vehicle damage to the Lessor within 3 days.
If the Lessee is not able to give a statement within the specified period, it is extended until the conditions for giving a statement are created, but not longer than 7 days.
In case of absence of actions from the previous paragraphs of this article, the Lessee accepts the payment of the damage to the vehicle, as well as to take responsibility for all material and immaterial costs caused by non-fulfillment of defined obligations.
The vehicle must not be used:
- if the user is under the influence of alcohol or narcotics,
- for towing other vehicles,
- if it is transhipped by any goods or passengers,
- for sports competitions,
- for the transport of animals, highly flammable or explosive material, material with a strong unpleasant odor and any material which may damage the vehicle,
- for subleasing vehicles
The Lessee may not transfer his right under this Agreement nor may he alienate the vehicle or parts of the vehicle.
Article 9
The provisions of the Law on Obligations shall apply to everything that is not regulated by this contract. In case of discrepansies between language versions the English version shall prevail. In case of a dispute over the implementation of this agreement, the parties will try to resolve it by agreement. If it is impossible to reach an agreement, the court in Sarajevo will have jurisdiction to resolve the dispute.
The parties undertake to process all personal data in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC.
Business to Business d.o.o.
Czech Development Agency
Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx