Claims, and complaints mintaszakaszok

Claims, and complaints. 11.1 The Service Provider must be notified not later than the time of delivery in the case of apparent loss or damage. In the case of loss or damage which is not apparent, the fact of this taking delivery shall be prima facie, evidence that the Recipient has received the goods in the condition described in the consignment note. In the case of loss or damage which is not apparent the claims referred to shall be made in writing within seven (7) days of delivery in the case of non- apparent loss or damage, excluding Sundays and public holidays. The claims must be made in writing, and should be justified with accurate, complete and quantified information, dated and signed. The Customer should confirm any loss, damage or delay by notice in writing within twenty-one (21) days of the date of dispatch. If the Customer fails to do so or fails to justify the claims, the Service Provider shall not be liable for any loss, damage or delay, save and except where the Customer proves that: (i) it was not reasonably possible for the Customer to advise the Service Provider or make such claim in writing within the time limit applicable; and (ii) such advice or claim was made within a reasonable time, in which case the Service Provider shall not have the benefit of exclusion of liability afforded by this Section 11.1. 11.2 Extinguishment of the Customer’s right to damage against the Service Provider shall in any case occur unless a legal action is brought within one (1) year from the date of delivery (in case of damage) or the due date of delivery (in case of loss, non-delivery, misdelivery or delay in delivery). 11.3 In the event of a claim for damage, the Customer must be able to present the Parcel for inspection at the location on time suitable upon Service Provider’s request. 11.4 All claims must be fully documented as described on the Service Provider’s website and the Service Provider shall have no obligation to act on any claim until all fees and other related charges and taxes related to the relevant Parcel have been paid. 11.5 A payment of any claim by the Service Provider shall be a full and final settlement of such claim. 11.6 Regarding the complaints made in front of the Hungarian Service Provider relating the international services the terms on complaints of the domestic general terms shall be applied accordingly if the present General Terms doesn’t dispose otherwise. 11.
Claims, and complaints. 11.1 The Service Provider must be notified not later than the time of delivery in the case of apparent loss or damage. In the case of loss or damage which is not apparent, the fact of this taking delivery shall be prima facie, evidence that the Recipient has received the goods in the condition described in the consignment note. In the case of loss or damage which is not apparent the claims referred to shall be made in writing within seven (7) days of delivery in the case of non- apparent loss or damage, excluding Sundays and public holidays. The claims must be made in writing, and should be justified with accurate, complete and quantified information, dated and signed. The Customer should confirm any loss, damage or delay by notice in writing within twenty-one (21) days of the date of dispatch. If the Customer fails to do so or fails to justify the claims, the Service Provider shall not be liable for any loss, damage or delay, save and except where the Customer proves that: (i) it was not reasonably possible for the Customer to advise the Service Provider or make such claim in writing within the time limit applicable; and (ii) such advice or claim was made within a reasonable time, in which case the Service Provider shall not have the benefit 11. Igényérvényesítés, panaszkezelés 11.1 Az Ügyfél köteles felismerhető/nyilvánvaló elvesztés vagy sérülés esetén értesíteni a Szolgáltatót legkésőbb a Kézbesítéskor. Ha a sérülés, elvesztés nem ismerhető fel, e tény önmagában arra bizonyíték, hogy a Címzett a Küldeményt a szállítási okmánynak megfelelő állapotban vette át. A fel nem ismerhető elvesztés vagy sérülés esetén a Címzett köteles írásban megtenni az ezzel kapcsolatos igényeit a Szolgáltató felé a Kézbesítéstől számított hét (7) napon belül (a vasárnapokat és ünnepnapokat bele nem számítva). A fel nem ismerhető elvesztés vagy sérülés esetén az Ügyfél köteles írásban (részletes és pontos adatokkal, keltezéssel és aláírással) megtenni az ezzel kapcsolatos igényeit a DPD felé. Az Ügyfél köteles a Küldemény feladásától számított huszonegy (21) napon belül megerősíteni a DPD felé, ha a Küldemény elvesztéséből, sérüléséből vagy szállítási késedelméből eredően igényt kíván érvényesíteni. Amennyiben e kötelezettségét az Ügyfél elmulasztja, a DPD mentesül minden elvesztésből, sérülésből, késedelemből eredő kártérítés alól, kivéve ha Ügyfél bizonyítja, hogy (i) ésszerű okokból nem volt lehetősége Ügyfélnek arra, hogy értesítse, vagy ilyen igényt terjesszen elő a kívá...

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