CONDITIONS OF USING THE SERVICES. The services of the Mastercard Airport Lounge may be used by any legally capable person who holds a valid personal premium Mastercard (Gold, Platinum or World Elite) and/or a valid Mastercard Business card that bears their name and was issued by any Hungarian bank or financial institution in Hungary (“Passenger with a Hungarian Card”), and/or by any legally capable person who holds a valid personal premium Mastercard (Black or World Elite) card that bears their name and was issued by any foreign bank or financial institution abroad (“Passenger with a Foreign Card”), and who has an airplane ticket or boarding pass valid for the given day. The Lounge can only be used upon paying the admission fee of 4000 HUF for Passenger with a Hungarian Card holding a Mastercard Arany/Gold card. Children under 18 who are under the parental supervision of a Passenger with a Hungarian Card holding a Mastercard Platinum or Mastercard World Elite card are entitled to enter the Mastercard Airport Lounge free of charge, and each Passenger with a Hungarian Card holding a Mastercard Platinum or Mastercard World Elite card may bring only 1 (one) person as a guest into the Mastercard Airport Lounge free of charge. Besides the persons mentioned above the passengers are entitled to bring lineal relatives (spouse, registered domestic partner, parents (adoptive parents, step-parents and foster parents), children (adopted children, stepchildren and foster children), siblings, grandparents, and grandchildren) and the parents of their spouse into the Mastercard Airport Lounge in any number, for a fee of 8000 HUF per person. Passengers holding a Mastercard Business card may bring one colleague as a guest free of charge. Besides the person mentioned above the passengers are entitled to bring into the Mastercard Airport Lounge maxium 4 of their colleagues, for a fee of 8000 HUF per person. Passengers with a Foreign Card may use the services of the Mastercard Airport Lounge for a fee of 12.000 HUF or 30 EUR. Passengers with a Foreign Card are entitled to bring up to 4 adults and any number of children under 18 who are under the parental supervision as guests into the Mastercard Airport Lounge for a fee of 12.000 HUF or 30 EUR per person. The length of stay in Mastercard Airport Lounge is 2 hours; it can be extended by the staff depending on the flow of passengers. The Service Operator’s staff is entitled to check the passengers’ cards and flight tickets for the given day in order to ascertain ...
CONDITIONS OF USING THE SERVICES. The services of the Mastercard Prémium Gyors Sáv (Fast Track Security Lane) may be used by any legally capable person who holds a valid personal premium Mastercard (Gold, Platinum, World or World Elite) bank card or Mastercard Business Premium card that bears his/her name, was issued by any Hungarian bank or financial institution in Hungary (hereinafter referred to as: “Guest”), and who has an entrance ticket valid for the given day. It is possible for Guests to use Fast Track Security Lane service at Xxxx Xxxxxx Budapest Sportaréna. However, the Fast Track Security Lane does not constitute a deviation from the guests’ security screening process to be implemented by Service Operator for each guests along uniform principles and methods, or any kind of relaxing of its strictness. Guests using the Fast Track Security Lane are screened in the order of arrival thereto. The duration of passage through the guest security checkpoint is dependent on the number of guests using the lane at the given time; Service Operator and Service Provider therefore do not assume any responsibility in terms of time for passage. Before the guest security screening, the entrance tickets of Guests are checked by Service Operator at a checkpoint dedicated to this purpose. At this checkpoint, Guests entitled to use the Fast Track Security Lane are directed to the dedicated, separate security screening area. At the checkpoint Employee of Service Operator verifies that the cardholder of Mastercard Gold, Mastercard World, Mastercard World Elite, Mastercard Platinum, Mastercard Business Premium card (and additional persons with him, in accordance with the provisions below) are entitled to use the Fast Track Security Lane. Mastercard Gold and Mastercard World cards allow the use of the Fast Track Security Lane for an additional person with the card holder as well as unlimited number of children (under the age of 18) of the card holder with them, while Mastercard Platinum and Mastercard World Elite cards allow the use of the Fast Track Security Lane for 3 (three) additional persons entering with the cardholder as well as unlimited number of children (under the age of 18) of the cardholder with them. Mastercard Business Premium cards allow the use of the Fast Track Security Lane for 3 (three) colleagues of the cardholder.
CONDITIONS OF USING THE SERVICES. The services of the Mastercard Premium Lounge may be used by any legally capable person who holds a valid personal premium Mastercard (Gold/Arany, World, Platinum) bank card that bears his/her name and was issued by any Hungarian bank or financial institution in Hungary (hereinafter referred to as: “Guest”), and who has a ticket valid for the given day - if there are more events within it, then for the specific event - to Xxxx Xxxxxx Budapest Sportaréna. Mastercard Gold and Mastercard World cards allow the use of Lounge for an additional personal with the card holder as well as unlimited number of children (under 18) of the card holder with him/ her, while the Mastercard Platinum allows the use of Lounge for 3 (three) additional person with the card holder as well as unlimited number of children (under 18) of the card holder with him/her. Besides the persons mentioned above, the Guest is not entitled to bring other guests into the Mastercard Premium Lounge, not even by paying an entrance fee for them. The Mastercard Premium Lounge opens at the same time as the public opening of Xxxx Xxxxxx Budapest Sportaréna, and after the concert/program closes at the same time as the house. After the concert Guest can no longer return to the Mastercard Premium Lounge. The Service Provider’s staff is entitled to check the Guest’s card in order to ascertain that the Guest is entitled to use the services of the Mastercard Premium Lounge. During this check the Service Provider cumulates and processes the name of the bank issuing the card for statistical purposes, which data management is expressly agreed to by the Guest when the services are used. The data is provided on a voluntary basis. The Service Operator reserves the right to restrict or exclude access to the Mastercard Premium Lounge, including the use of the services provided by the present GTC, by certain events taking place in Xxxx Xxxxxx Budapest Sportaréna. The Service Provider shall publish information on such restrictive or exclusionary measures, their time and scope at least 5 days prior to the event on www.mastercard. hu/premium website. By giving the information on the website, the Service Operator and the Service Provider shall be exempt from any liability in connection with the limitation or exclusion.