Confidentiality mintaszakaszok

Confidentiality. Contracting Parties declare that any data and facts related to the conclusion and performance of the Agreement or to the trade activity at TP in respect of the other Contracting Party or its activity, that come to their knowledge in any way, shall be deemed as business secrets that must not be disclosed by the Contracting Parties to any other third persons. This provision shall not apply to data provided to KELER Zrt or KELER KSZ Központi Szerződő Fél Zrt. and quantitative data related to the trade and transferred to the transmission system operator responsible for balancing in order to clear imbalances. Contracting Parties are entitled to transfer data, facts and information defined in the above paragraph to their contracting parties providing them financial, accounting and legal services under contracts, on the understanding that all Contracting Parties are bound to properly provide for having their partners - providing them financial-accounting-legal services under assignment, undertaking etc. contracts - process all data, facts, information etc. related to the Agreement confidentially and in accordance with the business interests of the Contracting Parties, do not disclose these to any third persons and do not make these available to the public. Furthermore, the confidentiality obligation does not cover any information that are available to the public, or that become public without any fault on the part of the future recipient Contracting Party, or that have provably already been known to the recipient Party before the effect of the Contract, or that came to the knowledge of the recipient Party by another third Party that is not bound to keep confidentiality to the Contracting Party that the information refers to, or that shall already be published or disclosed in a prescribed scope and to a prescribed group pursuant to the provisions of the law, stock market regulations or authority provisions.
Confidentiality. The content of any Contract and/or any information received from Mondi or any company of the Mondi Group in connection with any Order and/or Contract, including, but not limited to, any business related and financial information, pricing and cost information, tender documents, information on our products, technology, know-how, designs, drawings, specifications, samples, formulas, and all other information or material relating to Mondi’s current and/or future business (hereinafter “Confidential Information”), shall be held strictly confidential by the Customer and shall not be disclosed or made accessible to any third parties without the prior written consent of Mondi. Any information which can be derived from reverse engineering shall also be regarded as Confidential Information and shall be treated strictly confidential and shall not be used in any way, unless explicitly otherwise agreed with Mondi in writing. The obligations referred to in this clause shall not apply to any information, which the Customer can prove by written evidence:
Confidentiality. The Contractor undertakes to handle all information and documents it obtains in connection with Legrand Zrt. as trade secrets, and shall not disclose them to third parties. Furthermore, the Contractor undertakes to use such confidential information only for fulfilling the work order, and only disclose them to those of its employees who need them in order to fulfil the work order. The information disclosed shall remain in the ownership of Legrand Zrt. In other matters, the Contractor shall comply with the provisions of the Civil Code and Act LIV of 2018 regarding trade secrets.
Confidentiality. A titoktartási kötelezettség kiterjed a szerződés teljesítése körében tudomásukra jutó, a másik fél és az azzal közvetlen kapcsolatban álló cégek üzletvitelére és működésére, üzlet-és piacpolitikájára, üzletkörére. The obligation of confidentiality extends to the business, operation, business and market policy and scope of business of the other party and of the companies directly related to it, of which they become aware in the course of the performance of the contract.
Confidentiality. 4.1. Both Parties shall treat as confidential any information that comes to their knowledge during their performance hereunder. The Auditor shall treat all information gathered about the Organization during the assignment as confidential according to the legal qualification of such information (business, bank, securities or insurance secrets) and shall only disclose the same to third parties with the Organization’s express permission or if so required by law (especially in relation to the QA activities of the Quality Assurance Committee of the Chamber of Hungarian Auditors).
Confidentiality. 1. Confidential Information, business secret (hereinafter referred to as: Confidental Information) means all data, facts and information pertaining to the Study - whether in written, oral, electronic or in any other form - other than the medical documentation of the study subject, including but not limited to the data, facts and information • which have been disclosed by Sponsor to the Institution or its personnel and participants (e.g. the Protocol, the investigator’s brochure), • which pertain to the enrollment of study subjects and the performance of the Study, • which are associated with the Equipment, Investigational Product and other provided materials, and the use and registration thereof, and • which are associated with the Sponsor‘s Intellectual Properties. The following information shall not be considered as Confidential Information: • which can be shown by documentation to have become part of public knowledge prior to disclosure by Sponsor, other than through unlawful conduct or omissions attributable to Institution, its personnel or participant; • which can be shown by documentation to have been in the possession of Institution, its personnel or participant prior to disclosure by Xxxxxxx, from sources other than Sponsor that did not have an obligation of confidentiality towards Sponsor; • which can be shown by
Confidentiality. The Subscriber and its employees, officers, directors and agents shall maintain as confidential and not disclose to any non- affiliated third party without Elsevier's prior written consent or except as required by law the financial terms and commercial conditions of this Agreement. The disclosure of data subject to data supply and information obligation specified in a separate act of legislation pertaining to data of public interest nyilvánosságra hozatala, amely a közérdekű adatok nyilvánosságára és a közérdekből nyilvános adatra vonatkozó, külön törvényben meghatározott adatszolgáltatási és tájékoztatási kötelezettség alá esik.
Confidentiality. The Subscriber and its employees, officers, directors and other contracted partners shall maintain as confidential and not disclose to any non-affiliated third party without Elsevier’s prior written consent or except as required by law the financial terms and commercial conditions of this Agreement. The disclosure of data subject to data supply and information obligation specified in a separate act of legislation pertaining to data of public interest and data publicised in the public interest may not be restricted or prohibited by invoking business secrecy. A further exception to the above is Subscriber’s duties concerning public disclosure and provision of data as laid down in the PPA and other Hungarian laws.
Confidentiality. 11.1. A party (the “Receiving Party”) shall maintain in confidence the other party’s (the “Disclosing Party”) Confidential Information and shall not use the Confidential Information for any other purpose without the Disclosing Party’s prior written consent.
Confidentiality. 158. A Felek kötelesek a jelen ÁSZF teljesítése során tudomásukra jutó tényeket, információkat, ismereteket, adatokat, vagy megoldásokat, melyeket a Felek egymásnak szóban vagy írásban átadnak, továbbá a jelen ÁSZF teljesítése során, vagy azzal összefüggésben a Felekről vagy azok tevékenységével összefüggésben a Felek tudomására jutott szigorúan bizalmas üzleti titokként kezelni (a továbbiakban: Üzleti Titok). Ennek során a Felek az Üzleti Titkot nem hozhatják nyilvánosságra, nem adhatják át, tehetik hozzáférhetővé harmadik személy részére és maguk sem használhatják fel jogosulatlanul. A Felek Kötelesek minden tőlük telhetőt megtenni annak érdekében, hogy az Üzleti Titkot megőrizzék, és meggátolják illetéktelenek hozzáférését. 158. The Parties shall treat as strictly confidential any facts, information, knowledge, data or solutions which come to their knowledge in the course of the performance of these GTC and which are communicated orally or in writing between the Parties, and any information, knowledge, data or solutions which come to the knowledge of the Parties in the course of or in connection with the performance of these GTC or in connection with the activities of the Parties (hereinafter: “Trade Secrets”). In doing so, the Parties shall not disclose, transfer or make available the Trade Secret to any third party, nor shall they make any unauthorized use of it. The Parties shall use their best efforts to safeguard the Trade Secret and prevent unauthorized access to it.