General Conditions of Contract mintaszakaszok

General Conditions of Contract. The Contract shall be concluded on the basis of the document entitled “General Conditions of Contract for Network Usage Contracts”, issued as Annex No. 4. d of the Business Code of FGSZ Ltd. (hereinafter: “GTC 4.d.”). By signing the Contract, the Customer shall acknowledge that it has been informed about the GTC 4.d. referenced herein and also published at the Internet website of FGSZ Ltd.: xxxxx://xxxx.xx/xx/xxx-xxxxxxxx/xxxxxxx- users/regulatory-framework/business-code also including any provisions as amended and any new provisions of the GTC 4.d., subject to the acceptance and acknowledgement of the corresponding information provided by FGSZ Ltd., and the Network User shall confirm that it considers all provisions of the GTC 4.d. thus known to be part of this Contract and the Network User shall be bound by those provisions. With regard to any issues not regulated hereunder, the prevailing legislative provisions, the OBC, the Business Code of FGSZ Ltd. approved by the Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Authority and the GTC 4.d. shall apply. In the case of any differences between the provisions of this Contract and those of the GTC 4.d., the provisions of this Contract shall be applied. 4.
General Conditions of Contract. The Contract shall be concluded on the basis of the document entitled “General Conditions of Contract for Network Usage Contracts”, issued as Annex No. 4d of the Business Code of FGSZ Ltd. (hereinafter: “GCC”). By signing the Contract, the Network User/related System Operator shall acknowledge that it has been informed about
General Conditions of Contract. The Framework Contract shall be applied in conjunction with the document entitled “General Conditions of Contract for Network Usage Contracts”, issued as Annex No. 4d of the Business Code of FGSZ Ltd. By signing the Framework Contract, the Network User shall acknowledge that prior to its registration at the CBP, it has been informed about, has accepted and is bound by the content of the GCC referenced in this Section - available at the Internet website of FGSZ Ltd. (xxxxx://xxxx.xx/xx- gb/partnereinknek/szabalyozasi- kornyezet/uzletszabalyzat#/) including any amendments to or new provisions of the GCC, as applicable. The Contracting Parties hereby classify the content of the GCC constituting an annex to the Business Code approved by the Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Authority (hereinafter: “Authority”) as being identical with standard contractual practices. Provisions not contained in the GCC and any special requirements are outlined in this Framework Contract. With regard to any issues not regulated hereunder, the provisions of the Confirmation(s) of Specific Capacity Booking/Congestion Management Transactions, and the prevailing legislative provisions, the BCC, the CBP Operating Code, the Business Code of FGSZ Ltd. approved by the Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Authority (hereinafter: “Authority”), and the GCC shall apply. In the case of any differences between the provisions of this Framework Contract and those of the GCC, the provisions of this Framework Contract shall apply. 3.
General Conditions of Contract. A Keretszerződés az FGSZ Zrt. Üzletszabályzatának 4.d. számú mellékleteként kiadott „Általános Szerződéses Feltételek a Rendszerhasználati Szerződésekre vonatkozóan” című dokumentummal (továbbiakban ÁSZF) együttesen alkalmazandó. The Framework Contract shall be applied in conjunction with the document entitled “General Conditions of Contract for Network Usage Contracts”, issued as Annex No. 4d of the Business Code of FGSZ Ltd. A Rendszerhasználó a Keretszerződés aláírásával elismeri, hogy a KLP Portálon történő regisztrációját megelőzően megismerte, elfogadta és magára nézve kötelezőnek ismeri el a jelen pontban hivatkozott, - az FGSZ Zrt. internetes honlapján (xxxxx://xxxx.xx/xx- hu/partnereinknek/szabalyozasi- kornyezet/uzletszabalyzat) elérhető - ÁSZF tartalmát, ide értve az ÁSZF időközben módosított, valamint új rendelkezéseit is. A Szerződő Felek a Magyar Energetikai és Közmű-szabályozási Hivatal (továbbiakban: Hivatal) által jóváhagyott Üzletszabályzat mellékletét képező ÁSZF tartalmát a szokásos szerződési gyakorlattal egyezőnek minősítik. By signing the Framework Contract, the Network User shall acknowledge that prior to its registration at the RBP Portal, it has been informed about, has accepted and is bound by the content of the GCC referenced in this Section - available at the Internet website of FGSZ Ltd. (xxxxx://xxxx.xx/xx- gb/partnereinknek/szabalyozasi- kornyezet/uzletszabalyzat#/) including any amendments to or new provisions of the GCC, as applicable. The Contracting Parties hereby classify the content of the GCC constituting an annex to the Business Code approved by the Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Authority (hereinafter: “Authority”) as being identical with standard contractual practices. Az ÁSZF-ben nem rögzített, illetve speciális feltételeket a jelen Keretszerződés tartalmazza. A jelen Keretszerződésben nem szabályozott kérdésekben az Egyedi kapacitáslekötési/szűkületkezelési ügyletekről szóló visszaigazolás(ok) rendelkezéseit, bővített kapacitáseljárás esetén a Szabálykönyvet illetve a bővített kapacitáslekötési szerződést, valamint a mindenkor hatályos jogszabályokat, az ÜKSZ- t, a KLP Működési szabályzatát, az FGSZ Zrt. Magyar Energetikai és Közmű-szabályozási Hivatal (továbbiakban: Hivatal) által jóváhagyott Üzletszabályzatát és az ÁSZF-et, kell alkalmazni. Provisions not contained in the GCC and any special requirements are outlined in this Framework Contract. With regard to any issues not regulated hereunder, ...