Parties are obliged to collaborate with each other during the term of this contract especially in information matters mintaszakaszok

Parties are obliged to collaborate with each other during the term of this contract especially in information matters. In the case of any conditions related to the performance, the contracting parties shall inform each other without delay. Parties are fulty liable for damage caused due to lack of communication or late performance.
Parties are obliged to collaborate with each other during the term of this contract especially in information matters. In the case of any conditions related to the tájékoztatni minden olyan körülményről, mely a szerződés teljesítését érinti. Felek az értesítés elmulasztásából vagy késedelmes teljesítéséből eredő kárért teljes körű felelősséggel tartoznak.

Related to Parties are obliged to collaborate with each other during the term of this contract especially in information matters