PREAMBLE mintaszakaszok

PREAMBLE. The Government indicated the Hungárián Academy of Sciences (hereinafter MTA) in Government Decision 1079/2012. (III. 28.) on financing and operation of related tasks of the Electronic Information Service National Program to attend the operation of related tasks of the Electronic Information Service National Program underthe control of his public bodies corporate budget, with the involvement of the Library and Information Centre of the Hungárián Academy of Sciences. This agreement is entered within the framework of Electronic Information Service National Programme by the Library and Information Centre of the Hungárián Academy of Sciences the name and on behalf of the consortium member institutions.
PREAMBLE as of 19th December 2017 according to a tender of a negotiated procedure without prior publication of a contract notice by virtue of Chapter Two of Act CXLIII of 2015 on Public Procurement (hereinafter “PPA”). This Agreement constitutes a contract of public procurement. The Government indicated the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (hereinafter HAS) in Government Decision 1079/2012. (III. 28.) on financing and operation of related tasks of the Electronic Information Service National Program to attend the operation of related tasks of the Electronic Information Service National Program under the control of his public bodies corporate budget, with the involvement of the Library and Information Centre of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
PREAMBLE as o f 20thJune 2019 according to a tender o f a negotiated procedure without prior publication o f a contract notice by virtue o f Chapter Two o f Act CXLIII o f 2015 on Public Procurement (hereinafter “ PPA”). This Agreement constitutes a contract o f public procurement. The Government indicated the Hungárián Academy o f Sciences (hereinafter HAS) in Government Decision 1079/2012. (III. 28.) on financing and operádon o f related tasks o f the Electronic Information Service National Program to attend the operation o f related tasks o f the Electronic Information Service National Program under the control o f his public bodies corporate budget, with the involvement o f the Library and Information Centre o f the Hungárián Academy o f Sciences.
PREAMBLE. “Buyer” or “Client” means any legal entity within FCC Environment CEE Group hereinafter referred to as “FCC”. “Seller” means the party who shall provide the Supplies as identified and in the context of the Purchase Order. “Contractor” means the party who shall provide contractual Services, Works and Subcontracting of third parties as identified and in the context of the Purchase Order. “Affiliates” means, with respect to a party, any entity which is controlling, controlled by or under common control with such a party. “Supplies” means the Goods and/or Services to be provided by the Seller and/or Contractor. “Purchase Order” means the written document issued by Buyer comprising an offer made by the Buyer to the Seller to purchase the Supplies, subject always to these General Purchasing Terms. “Agreement” means any Purchase Agreement or Purchase Order (including these General Purchasing Terms) relating to the Goods and/or Services. a) the Purchase Order and corresponding technical or project specification, b) the Purchase Agreement (if applicable) and c) these General Purchasing Terms. Any terms and conditions proposed by the Seller shall only apply in so far as they are expressly accepted in writing by the Buyer. In case these General Purchasing Terms do not regulate certain matters, the relevant statutory provisions shall apply. To access country specific Purchasing Terms, visit the local website of FCC. The scope of the Agreement comprises the Sellers’s manufacture, assembly, testing, documentation, supply and delivery of the Goods and/or Services to the agreed place of delivery, as well as all responsibilities and obligations specified in or implied by the Agreement. Furthermore, the scope of the Agreement shall include all relevant information of the manufacturing and materials of the Goods and/or Services, including licenses, permits, certificates, notifications, pack list, marking of Goods and declarations of use of restricted chemicals in packaging material or production.
PREAMBLE. The Government indicated the Hungárián Academy of Sciences (hereinafter MTA) in Government Decision 1079/2012. (III. 28.) on financing and operation of related tasks of the Electronic Information Service National Programme to attend the operation of related tasks of the Electronic Information Service National Programme under the control of his public bodies corporate budget, with the involvement of the Library and Information Centre of the Hungárián Academy of Sciences. This agreement is entered by the Electronic Information Service National Programme in the name and on behalf of the consortium member institutions. DocuSign Envelope ID: 1F136845-4CDB-44EE-B2CD-0F6784987A51
PREAMBLE. The Government indicated the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (hereinafter MTA) in Government Decision 1079/2012. (III. 28.) on financing and operation of related tasks of the Electronic Information Service National Program to attend the operation of related tasks of the Electronic Information Service National Program under the control of his public bodies corporate budget, with the involvement of the Library and Information Centre of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. This agreement is entered by the Electronic Information Service National Programme in the name and on behalf of the consortium member institutions.Supplier is the agent of Ovid Technologies, Inc. Ovid Technologies, Inc. is the owner of Subscribed Products and Supplier is entering into this agreement on Ovid Technologies, Inc. behalf.
PREAMBLE. These General Terms and Conditions ("Guarantee GTC") cover all Guarantees provided to Customers.
PREAMBLE as of 6, July 2020 according to a tender of a negotiated procedure without prior publication of a contract notice by virtue of Chapter Two of Act CXLIII of 2015 on Public Procurement (hereinafter “PPA”). This Agreement constitutes a contract of public procurement. The Government indicated the Hungárián Academy of Sciences (hereinafter HAS) in Government Decision 1079/2012. (III. 28.) on financing and operation of related taslcs of the Electronic Information Service National Program to attend the operation of related tasks of the Electronic Information Service National Program under the control of his public bodies corporate budget, with the involvement of the Library and Information Centre of the Plungarian Academy of Sciences.

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