RULES AND REGULATIONS. Each passenger who uses the services of the Mastercard Airport Lounge shall respect these rules and regulations and shall behave and be dressed accordingly. The staff of the Mastercard Airport Lounge is entitled to refuse entrance if the passenger is presumed to be drunk or narcotized, or if their behavior is unacceptable. In such cases the Service Provider and Service Operator does not refund the entrance fee. The Mastercard Airport Lounge operates in a self-service system. No food or drink, newspaper and magazine shall be taken out from the Mastercard Airport Lounge. In order to protect the health of non-smoking passengers smoking is not allowed in the Mastercard Airport Lounge. Children and infants may only stay in the Mastercard Airport Lounge under the supervision of their parents. If their behavior disturbs the comfort of other guests, the Service Provider is entitled to ask the passengers to leave the Mastercard Airport Lounge.
RULES AND REGULATIONS. Each Guest who uses the services of the Fast Track Security Lane shall respect these rules and regulations and shall behave and be dressed accordingly. The staff of the Service Operator is entitled to refuse entrance if the passenger is presumed to be drunk or narcotized, or if his/her behavior is unacceptable. Children and infants may only stay in the Fast Track Security Lane under the supervision of their parents.
RULES AND REGULATIONS. Each Guest who uses the services of the Mastercard Premium Lounge shall respect these rules and regulations and shall behave and be dressed accordingly. The Mastercard Premium Lounge features a specific event for a given day, if there are more events within it. The staff of the Mastercard Premium Lounge is entitled to refuse entrance if the Guest is presumed to be drunk or narcotized, or if his/ her behavior is unacceptable The Mastercard Premium Lounge operates in a self-service system, Guests may order at the counter. The cost of consumption – like at any other hospitality unit within Xxxx Xxxxxx Budapest Sportaréna – can only be paid by debit or credit card, no cash payment is possible. The purchased food or drink can be taken out from the Mastercard Premium Lounge if the intention of the Guest was indicated at the time of purchase and/or poured into a plastic cup upon departure. Glass, porcelain and metal tableware shall not be taken out from the Lounge area. In order to protect the health of non-smoking Guests smoking is not allowed in the Mastercard Premium Lounge. Children and infants may only stay in the Mastercard Premium Lounge under the supervision of their parents. If their behavior disturbs the comfort of other guests, the Service Provider is entitled to ask the Guests to leave the Mastercard Premium Lounge.


  • Egyéb információk 1. A Kbt. 115. § (1) bekezdésében meghatározott hirdetmény és tárgyalás nélküli közbeszerzési eljárásban kizárólag az ajánlattételre felhívott gazdasági szereplők tehetnek ajánlatot. Az ajánlattételre felhívott gazdasági szereplők közösen nem tehetnek ajánlatot. Az ajánlattételre felhívott gazdasági szereplő jogosult közösen ajánlatot tenni olyan gazdasági szereplővel, amelynek az ajánlatkérő nem küldött ajánlattételi felhívást.

  • MELLÉKLET További címek és kapcsolattartási pontok