Settlement mintaszakaszok

Settlement. Before undertaking the job, the Translator/Reviser shall clearly specify on the basis of payment (source or target language, words/weighted words/keystrokes/characters/hours etc.) with the Language Service Provider. Since the Language Service Provider relies on a budget fixed during negotiations with the Client, it should reasonably use the same basis with the Translator/Reviser in determining the unit of payment. The Translator/Reviser can charge minimum fees for small-volume assignments based on specific agreements or pursuant to the framework agreement; the Language Service Provider is not generally obliged to pay such fees. If a CAT tool is used, the Language Service Provider is entitled to apply the so-called weighted discount granted to the Client to the payment of the Translator/Reviser. This shall form a part of the price agreement in all cases, and the Language Service Provider shall indicate the applied weighting in detail in the job assignment. Compensation for 100% and 101% matches found in the translation memory or other supplementary material will not be paid provided that the Translator/Reviser receives the material properly prepared, i.e., the parts not requiring checking or modification are clearly indicated (e.g. as segments not editable in the CAT tool), and locked segments are not to be checked. For sections coming from the TM, the already existing terminology has to be considered. If reviewing 100% and 101% matches found in the translation memory is a part of the assignment; the weighting of such parts shall be determined based on the properties of the specific job, in proportion with the necessary effort. (The applied weight is usually 5 to 25% in the translation industry worldwide). Likewise, standard practice on the international translation market shall be considered when determining the weights for partial matches. If applicable, these can be adjusted based on the characteristics and professional difficulty of the specific task. It is important to note that a repetition in the source language does not necessarily mean a repetition in the target language, as well. When completing Revision, the Reviser has to take the entire text into consideration, and, if necessary, also bears in mind that the Translator could have made previous changes to any (unlocked) segments. If this results in additional workload for the Reviser over and above the assigned volume of work, additional compensation is recommended. The regular price may be adjus...

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