Territorial scope of insurance coverage mintaszakaszok

Territorial scope of insurance coverage. The coverage of the Insurer shall cover the whole world. In the case of occurrence of the Insured’s permanent health impairment of at least 50% or exceeding extent thereof, arising from an accident, the Insurer shall pay the insurance amount specified in the contract, irrespec- tive of the degree of the health impairment. The insurance service may be received in lump sum or in annuity. Decision shall be made on the form of the insurance service (lump sum or annuity) by the entitled Party at the date when the insurance service falls due. The value of one insurance service: HUF 1,000,000 as lump sum or, HUF 5,000 monthly amount of annuity. In compliance with this contract the following shall be considered as per- manent health impairment: – health impairment arisen in a direct causal relation with an accident and leading to permanent (irrecoverable) damage to the physical or mental ability – the percentage of the occurred disability or health impairment shall be determined relating to the loss or dysfunction of the below-listed parts of the body or organs of sense, based on a medical examination taking into consideration all relevant circumstances, and based on the authoritative degrees as listed in the following table: Complete loss of vision of both eyes 100% Complete loss of vision of one eye 50% Complete loss of hearing of both ears 60% Complete loss of hearing of one ear 30% Complete loss of sense of smell 10% Complete loss of the gustatory sense 5% Complete loss or complete dysfunction of one arm from shoulder joint 70% Complete loss or complete dysfunction of one arm from above the elbow joint 65% Complete loss or complete dysfunction of one arm from below the elbow joint 60% Complete loss of one hand 55% Loss of a thumb 20% Loss of an index finger 10% Loss of any other fingers, each 5% Complete loss or complete dysfunction of one leg from above the middle of the thigh 70% Complete loss or complete dysfunction of one leg from below the middle of the thigh 60% Loss of one leg up to the knee 50% Loss of one leg up to below the knee 45% Loss of a foot 40% Loss of a big toe 5% Loss of any other toe 2% – in case of partial loss or loss of function of parts of the body or organs of sense, the appropriate percentages of the degrees specified in the table shall be taken into account – in case of loss or loss of functions of organs of sense or parts of the body not listed in the table, the medical expert of the Insurer shall determine the degree of the damage ...
Territorial scope of insurance coverage. The risk assumption of the Insurer shall cover the entire world, except for the territory of Hungary. The Insurer undertakes to compensate the loss suffered by the Insured resulting from the theft or robbery or destruction in accident or natural dis- aster of luggage carried along by the Insured on his or her journey abroad, up to the amount of HUF 150,000 by contract, on a maximum of two occasions a year. Items excluded from this contract: – jewellery (including wristwatches) – precious metals, precious stones – collections – works of art – means of payment, any other means replacing usual means of payment (including cash, bank cards, cheque, any warrants or season tickets or travelling tickets entitling to the use of any services) – securities, savings deposits – fur – documents – any sport equipment (including bicycles) – technical articles (in particular: video cameras, digital cameras, lap-tops, palm-tops, mobile phones, notebooks) – musical instruments – items used for the purpose of work The luggage insurance does not cover the objects containing the luggage (suitcase, bag etc.).
Territorial scope of insurance coverage. The risk assumption of the Insurer shall cover the entire world, except for the territory of Hungary. The Insurer undertakes to compensate the loss suffered by the Insured resulting from the theft or robbery or destruction in accident or natu- ral disaster of luggage carried along by the Insured on his or her jour- ney abroad, up to the amount of HUF 150,000 by contract, on a max- imum of two occasions a year. Items excluded from this contract: – jewellery (including wristwatches) – precious metals, precious stones – collections – works of art – means of payment, any other means replacing usual means of pay- ment (including cash, bank cards, cheque, any warrants or season tickets or travelling tickets entitling to the use of any services) – securities, savings deposits – fur – documents – any sport equipment (including bicycles) – technical articles (in particular: video cameras, digital cameras, lap- tops, palm-tops, mobile phones, notebooks) – musical instruments – items used for the purpose of work The luggage insurance does not cover the objects containing the lug- gage (suitcase, bag etc.).

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