SALE BEING SET ASIDE OR CONSENT NOT BEING OBTAINED 16.1 In the event of the sale being set aside for any reason whatsoever by the Assignee or by an Order of Court or consent not being obtained from the Developer/Landowner and/or other relevant authorities (other than for reasons attributable to any act of default or omission by the Purchaser) on the expiry of the time period prescribed for completion, then the Assignee is absolutely entitled to terminate the sale by giving the Purchaser written notice thereof, in which case: (a) if in the meanwhile the Purchaser has entered into possession of the property, then the Purchaser is liable at his own costs to reinstate the property to the original condition as at the auction sale, and thereafter peaceably to yield up vacant possession of the property to the Assignee within 7 days upon service of the notice terminating the sale; and (b) the costs/expenses reasonably incurred by the Assignee in connection with the sale, as well as the costs to reinstate damage (if any) to the property caused by the Purchaser in possession thereof shall be deducted and set-off against the Deposit or TPP and thereafter the residue (if any) shall be refunded to the Purchaser free of interest. For this purpose a certificate signed by any officer of the Assignee certifying the amount of such expenses or costs shall be deemed final/conclusive and binding upon the Purchaser. 16.2 In the event of consent not being obtained from the Developer/Landowner and/or other relevant authorities due to the act of default or omission by the Purchaser, the Assignee/Bank shall be entitled to forfeit the Bidding Deposit and the Purchaser Deposit paid pursuant to Clauses 3 and
QUIT RENTS ETC arrears of quits rents, assessments and maintenance charges, due and payable in respect of the property to any relevant authority or the Developer or Proprietor or relevant third parties up to the date of sale shall be paid out of the purchase money and any such sums due and payable after the date of sale shall be borne by the Purchaser. The outstanding payable by bank is after receipt of balance of purchase price.
TENANCIES AND RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS The Property is believed to be taken to be correctly described and is sold subject to all express and implied conditions, restrictions-in-interest, caveats, leases, tenancies, easements, liabilities, encumbrances, all public and private rights of way, support, drainage and light and all other rights, if any, subsisting thereon or there over without the obligation to define the same respectively and the Purchaser is deemed to have full knowledge thereof.
APPLICABLE LAWS AND JURISDICTION 8.1 The usage of ESZAM AUCTIONEER SDN BHD website together with the terms and conditions hereof shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Malaysia. 8.2 The laws of Malaysia shall regulate and apply to all electronic transactions of immoveable property by public auction. Any legal actions or proceedings arising out of or in connection with the electronic transaction of immoveable property by public auction shall subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of Malaysia.
BIDDING DEPOSIT Subject To paragraph 6.1 below, all intending bidders (except the Assignee) shall deposit with the Auctioneer, prior to the auction sale, a bank draft or cashier’s order drawn in favour of BANK ISLAM MALAYSIA BERHAD for a sum (‘Bidding Deposit”) equivalent to ten per centum (10%) of the Reserved Price or remit the same through online banking transfer, one (1) working day before auction date. For online bidders, please refer to the Terms and Conditions on for manner of payment of the deposit.
Kredit yang Tersedia Klien harus mencatatkan tiket dukungan Tingkat Permasalahan 1 dengan bagian bantuan (help desk) dukungan teknis IBM dalam waktu 24 jam sejak pertama kali menyadari bahwa terdapat suatu pengaruh bisnis penting dan Layanan Cloud tidak tersedia. Klien harus membantu IBM secara wajar dalam setiap diagnosis dan penyelesaian masalah. Klaim tiket dukungan atas kegagalan untuk memenuhi suatu SLA harus diajukan dalam waktu tiga 3 hari kerja setelah akhir bulan masa kontrak. Kompensasi untuk klaim SLA yang sah akan menjadi kredit terhadap tagihan yang akan datang untuk Layanan Cloud berdasarkan durasi waktu saat pemrosesan sistem produksi untuk Layanan Cloud tidak tersedia ("Waktu Henti"). Waktu Henti dihitung dari waktu Klien melaporkan peristiwa tersebut hingga waktu Layanan Cloud dipulihkan dan tidak termasuk waktu yang berkaitan dengan penghentian untuk pemeliharaan yang terjadwal atau telah diumumkan; sebab- sebab di luar kendali IBM; masalah dengan rancangan atau instruksi, konten atau teknologi Klien atau pihak ketiga; konfigurasi sistem dan platform yang tidak didukung atau kesalahan Klien lainnya; atau insiden keamanan yang disebabkan oleh Klien atau pengujian keamanan Klien. IBM akan memberlakukan kompensasi yang berlaku paling tinggi berdasarkan ketersediaan kumulatif Layanan Cloud selama masing-masing bulan masa kontrak, sebagaimana yang ditunjukkan dalam tabel di bawah. Total kompensasi yang berkaitan dengan bulan masa kontrak mana pun tidak dapat melampaui 10 persen dari satu per dua belas (1/12) dari biaya tahunan untuk Layanan Cloud. Untuk Layanan Cloud yang dibundel (tawaran Layanan Cloud individu yang dikemas dan dijual bersama- sama sebagai tawaran tunggal dengan harga kombinasi tunggal), kompensasi akan dihitung berdasarkan harga kombinasi tunggal bulanan untuk Layanan Cloud yang dibundel, dan bukan berdasarkan biaya langganan bulanan untuk masing-masing Layanan Cloud individu. Klien hanya dapat mengajukan klaim yang berkaitan dengan satu Layanan Cloud individu dalam suatu bundel pada suatu waktu tertentu.
PORTOFOLIO EFEK (Lanjutan) 3. INVESTMENT PORTFOLIOS (Continued) Ikhtisar portofolio efek (lanjutan) Summary of investment portfolios (continued 31 Desember 2022/December 31, 2022 Jenis efek/Type of investments Nilai nominal/ Nominal amount Harga perolehan rata-rata/ Average cost Nilai wajar/ Fair value Tingkat bunga (%) per tahun/ Interest rate (%) per annum Level hierarki/ Hierarchy level Jatuh tempo/ Maturity date Peringkat efek/ Credit rating Persentase (%) terhadap total portofolio efek/ Percentage (%) of total invetment portfolios Deposito mudharabah/ Mudharabah deposits PT Bank DKI Syariah 2.800.000.000 2.800.000.000 2.800.000.000 6,00 - 30 Jan 23 - 18,21 PT Bank Panin Dubai Syariah Tbk 2.700.000.000 2.700.000.000 2.700.000.000 6,00 - 30 Jan 23 - 17,56 PT Bank Jabar Banten Syariah 1.800.000.000 1.800.000.000 1.800.000.000 6,00 - 30 Jan 23 - 11,70 PT Bank Jago Tbk - Unit Syariah 5,50 - 30 Jan 23 - 6,99 PT Bank Jabar Banten Syariah 6,00 - 30 Jan 23 - 6,50 Total instrumen pasar uang/ Total money market instruments 9.375.000.000 9.375.000.000 9.375.000.000 60,96 Total portofolio efek/Total investment portofolios 100,00
PENEMPATAN DANA AWAL Tidak ada penempatan dana awal.
FAKTOR – FAKTOR RISIKO UTAMA Sedangkan risiko investasi dalam DANAMAS DOLLAR dapat disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor yaitu:
CONSENT It shall be the responsibility of the Purchaser to apply for consent from the Developer/Landowner and other relevant authorities, if any in respect of the sale and all fees, charges and expenses including administrative fees and/or legal fees in connection with or incidental to the application and/or endorsement of the assignment and/or the transfer of the property by the Developer/Proprietor shall be borne by the Purchaser. The Purchaser undertakes to keep the Assignee and/or their solicitors informed of progress of such applications.