<.. image(Document Cover Page. Document Number: 14544/22. Subject Codes: CORLX 1053 CFSP/PESC 1521 CODUN 63 COARM 252 CONUN 300. Heading: NOTA PUNT "I/A". Originator: Segretarjat Ġenerali tal-Kunsill. Recipient: Kumitat tar-Rappreżentanti Permanenti/Kunsill. Subject: Deċiżjoni tal-Kunsill li tappoġġa l-implimentazzjoni ta' proġett dwar "Nilliberaw l-innovazzjoni: it-Teknoloġiji Abilitanti u s-Sigurtà Internazzjonali". Commission Document Number: Not Set. Preceeding Document Number: Not Set. Location: Xxxxxxxx. Date: 21 ta' Novembru 2022. Interinstitutional Files: Not Set. Institutional Framework: Kunsill tal-Unjoni Ewropea. Language: MT. Distribution Code: LIMITE. GUID: 4668275037439616108_0) removed ..>
tal-Unjoni Ewropea
Xxxxxxxx, 21 ta' Novembru 2022 (OR. en)
CORLX 1053
minn: Segretarjat Ġenerali tal-Kunsill
lil: Kumitat tar-Rappreżentanti Permanenti/Kunsill
Xxxxxxx: Deċiżjoni tal-Kunsill li tappoġġa l-implimentazzjoni ta' proġett dwar "Nilliberaw l-innovazzjoni: it-Teknoloġiji Abilitanti u s-Sigurtà Internazzjonali"
1. L-"Istrateġija Globali għall-Politika Estera u ta' Sigurtà tal-Unjoni Ewropea" tal-2016 tenfasizza li l-Unjoni ser iżżid il-kontribut tagħha għas-sigurtà kollettiva. L-UE tixtieq tikkontribwixxi għas-sigurtà kollettiva u l-potenzjal li tibbenefika mill-opportunitajiet
ippreżentati minn teknoloġiji ġodda, kif ukoll tindirizza l-isfidi tagħhom, b'mod partikolari
għas-sistema multilaterali ta' diżarm u kontroll tal-armi.
2. Fl-4 ta' Novembru 2022, ir-Rappreżentant Għoli ppreżenta lill-Kunsill proposta għal Deċiżjoni tal-Kunsill li tappoġġa l-implimentazzjoni ta' proġett dwar "Nilliberaw l- innovazzjoni: it-Teknoloġiji Abilitanti u s-Sigurtà Internazzjonali"(dok. 14542/22) u Dokument ta' Proġett relatat (dok. 14542/22 ADD 1).
3. Fl-14 ta' Novembru 2022, il-Xxxxx xx' Ħidma ta' Kunsillieri għar-Relazzjonijiet Barranin (RELEX) iffinalizza t-test tal-abbozz ta' Deċiżjoni tal-Kunsill u qabel dwar id-dikjarazzjoni tal-impatt baġitarju relatata.
4. Il-COREPER huwa għaldaqstant mistieden:
- jikkonferma l-qbil dwar it-test tal-abbozz ta' Deċiżjoni tal-Kunsill u japprova d- dikjarazzjoni tal-impatt baġitarju kif tinsab fl-Xxxxxx għal din in-nota;
- jirrakkomanda li l-Kunsill jadotta d-Deċiżjoni tal-Kunsill li tappoġġa l-
implimentazzjoni ta' proġett dwar "Nilliberaw l-innovazzjoni: it-Teknoloġiji Abilitanti u s-Sigurtà Internazzjonali" kif tinsab, wara l-finalizzazzjoni mill-ġuristi lingwisti, fid-dokument 14543/22 + ADD 1;
- jiddeċiedi li d-Deċiżjoni tal-Kunsill tiġi ppubblikata fil-Ġurnal Uffiċjali.
Policy area: External relations Activity: Common foreign and security policy (CFSP) |
Title of action: Council Decision (CFSP) 2022/xxx of xx xx 2022 in support of the implementation of a project on "Unlocking Innovation: Enabling Technologies and International Security" |
14 04 03 Non-proliferation and disarmament
Treaty on European Union, in particular Articles 28(1) and 31(1).
Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, in particular Article 317.
The EU funds allocated to this action shall be implemented by the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR) under indirect management according to Regulation (EU, Euratom) 2018/1046 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 July 2018 on the financial rules applicable to the general budget of the Union, in particular Part I Title V, VI and VII.
◘ 3.a. - Current year
Commitments | Payments | ||
Initial appropriation for the financial year (C1) | 29 106 555.00 | 20 000 000.00 | |
Supplementary budgets (C4) | 877 791.23 | 877 791.23 | |
Transfers | -6 000 000.00 | 0.00 | |
Total appropriation (C1+C4) | 23 984 346.23 | 20 877 791.23 | |
Utilisation at | 08/11/2022 | -11 735 368.42 | -12 739 325.72 |
Balance available – C1 + C4 | 12 248 977.81 | 8 138 465.51 | |
Total for the measure proposed | 1 234 011.00 | 617 005.00 |
◘ 3.b. - Carryovers
Commitments | Payments | ||
Xxxxxxxxxx | 391 556.41 | 391 556.41 | |
Utilisation at | 08/11/2022 | -391 556.41 | -391 556.41 |
Balance available | 0.00 | 0.00 | |
Total for the measure proposed | 0.00 | 0.00 |
With a view to the implementation of the EU Global Strategy for the European Union's Foreign and Security Policy and taking into account the EU Strategy against illicit firearms, Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) and their Ammunition as well as the EU Artificial Intelligence Strategy, the project activities to be supported by the Union shall have the following specific objective: To Support the work that UNIDIR conducts within its "Security and Technology Programme" (SECTEC) with a view to enhance knowledge and understanding of new and emerging technologies with relevance for international security.
Activities under the project will notably:
a) Monitor, identify and understand new and emerging technologies, as well as novel applications of more established ones, in order to providing policy and decision-makers with accessible knowledge on the technology areas under examination, built on technically and scientifically sound evidence.
b) Seek to provide better understanding how new enabling technologies could be used, and what effect they could achieve, in security contexts. Work conducted under this pillar will focus also on the increasing convergence of different technologies and their cross-domain applications. In particular, including how advancements in enabling technologies will shape the future of conflict and of the battlefield.
c) Explore if novel enabling technologies pose new governance challenges and, if so, how the traditional arms control tool-box can be modernized to address them. In addition, the project will also explore the complementarity of traditional arms control measures with broader technology governance measures that may contribute to achieving the same goals of security, stability, safety, risk reduction, and non-proliferation.
The duration of the action is 24 months.
The action will be funded by EU financial contribution as follows:
Financial Contributions (in €) | 2022 |
EU Contribution: | EUR 1 234 011 |
Bilateral contributions: | n.a. |
TOTAL | EUR 1 234 011 |
Contributions in kind | |
EU Member States and Institutions | n.a. |
Non-EU participants | n.a. |
The budget has been prepared in USD, which is the currency used by the implementing organisation (UNIDIR). The amounts in USD have been converted to EUR according to an exchange rate of
1.003 EUR per USD.
5.1 Calculation of main costs by heading
5.1.1 Heading 1: Staff costs and General Management (EUR 945 710)
Project staff costs comprise the cost of the remuneration of the following positions:
• One UNIDIR staff member, 25% EU-funded, at level P4, Head of Programme, in charge of the overall supervision and substantive oversight of the project.
• One UNIDIR staff member, 2-weeks (in total over the 24-month period) EU funded, at level P4, New York Coordinator, to support substantive engagement of the project in New York.
• One Senior Researcher, 50% EU-funded under an International Individual Contractor Agreement (level IICA-3).
• One Security and Development Specialist, 25% EU-funded under an International Individual Contractor Agreement (level IICA-2).
• One Law Specialist, 50% EU-funded under an International Individual Contractor Agreement (level IICA-2).
• One Emerging Technology Coordinator, 50% EU-funded under an International Individual Contractor Agreement (IICA-2).
• One Technology Governance Specialist, 50% EU-funded under an International Individual Contractor Agreement (IICA-1).
• One Digital Tools Coordinator, 50% EU-funded under an International Individual Contractor Agreement (IICA-1).
• One Programme & Events Support officer, 50% EU-funded under an International Individual Contractor Agreement (IICA-1).
UNIDIR will fully manage the project with its in-house institutional capacity. Relevant services involving substantive oversight and quality control, financial management and reporting, strategic communication and gender mainstreaming to be provided by UNIDIR staff as follows:
• One Deputy Director, 6.25% EU-funded at level D1, in charge of the substantive oversight and quality control of the project.
• One Finance and Budget Officer, 10% EU-funded, at level P3, in charge of the financial management and reporting.
• One Strategic Communications Officer, 5% EU-funded, at level P3, in charge of the strategic communications and promotional products.
• One Programme Management Officer/Gender focal point, 10% EU-funded, at level P3, in charge of the gender mainstreaming.
Detailed budget table:
Category | Description | No. of Persons | Quantity | Units (days, months, | Unit Cost in US $ | Amount in US $ | Amount in EUR | |||
1 Heading 1 - Staff costs and General Management | ||||||||||
1.1 | Project manager and Expert Researchers | 1.1.1 | Staff | Head of Programme (Programme Management Officer, P4) | 0,25 | 24 | months | 18.900 | 113.400 | 113.740 |
1.1.2 | Staff | New York Coordinator (Liaison Officer, P4) | 1 | 0,50 | months | 16.676 | 8.338 | 8.363 | ||
1.1.3 | Consultant | Senior Researcher (IICA-3) | 0,50 | 24 | months | 13.014 | 156.168 | 156.637 | ||
1.1.4 | Consultant | Security and Development Specialist (IICA-2) | 0,25 | 24 | months | 9.974 | 59.844 | 60.024 | ||
1.1.5 | Consultant | Law Specialist (IICA-2) | 0,50 | 24 | months | 9.974 | 119.688 | 120.047 | ||
1.1.6 | Consultant | Emerging Tech Coordinator (IICA-2) | 0,50 | 24 | months | 9.180 | 110.160 | 110.490 | ||
1.1.7 | Consultant | Technology Governance specialist (IICA-1) | 0,50 | 24 | months | 7.722 | 92.664 | 92.942 | ||
1.1.8 | Consultant | Digital Tools Coordinator (IICA-1) | 0,50 | 24 | months | 7.722 | 92.664 | 92.942 | ||
1.1.9 | Consultant | Programme & Events Support (IICA-1) | 0,50 | 24 | months | 5.670 | 68.040 | 68.244 | ||
Subtotal - Project manager and Expert Researchers (1.1) | 820.966 | 823.429 | ||||||||
1.2 | Enabling Support | 1.2.1 | Staff | Oversight and Quality Control (Deputy Director, D1) | 0,06 | 24,0 | months | 24.283 | 36.425 | 36.534 |
1.2.2 | Staff | Financial Management (Finance and Budget Officer P3) | 0,10 | 24 | months | 14.184 | 34.042 | 34.144 | ||
1.2.3 | Staff | Strategic Communications and Promotional Products (Strategic Communications Officer, P4) | 0,05 | 24 | months | 16.676 | 20.011 | 20.071 | ||
1.2.4 | Staff | Gender Mainstreaming (Programme Management Officer/Gender focal point, P3) | 0,10 | 24 | months | 13.099 | 31.438 | 31.532 | ||
Subtotal - Enabling Suppport (1.2) | 121.915 | 122.281 | ||||||||
Heading 1 - Staff costs and General Management TOTAL | 942.881 | 945.710 |
5.1.2. Heading 2: Monitoring trends and increasing awareness of Science and Technology developments (EUR 29 320)
This workstream will encompass two main activities:
First, it will enable the set-up of a continuous technology horizon scanning function to ensure that the most relevant science and technology advancements are detected, screened and analyzed at early stages of development or application. This activity will result in two annual compendiums of the most relevant trends in technological innovation as they pertain to international peace and security.
The budget covers the costs related to the preparation of the two annual compendiums including the audiovisual support, the catering for the event, a video promotion, the design, layout and editing, as well as the translation to French and the printing.
The second activity will include the organization of eight technology breakfasts designed to offer the opportunity, on a quarterly basis, to the diplomatic community in Geneva and New York to learn and discuss, in an informal setting and through a direct engagement with experts, specific enabling technologies relevant to international peace and security. Each event will be held twice: the first time in-person in Geneva and the second time virtually for the New York community.
The budget covers the costs related to the organization of the technology breakfasts including the audio visual support, as well as the catering for both events and venue rental.
Detailed budget table:
Category | Description | No. of items | Quantity | Units (days, months, | Unit Cost in US $ | Amount in US $ | Amount in EUR | |||
2 Heading 2 - Monitoring trends and increasing awareness of Science and Technology developments | ||||||||||
2.1 | Annual Compendium (x2) | 2.1.1 | Other Operating Costs | 2x Audiovisual support fees in Geneva | 1 | 2 | each | 1.000 | 2.000 | 2.006 |
2.1.2 | Other Operating Costs | Catering: Launch event | 1 | 2 | each | 360 | 720 | 722 | ||
2.1.3 | Other Expert Contracts and Fees | Video promotion: Contractor (2 days work external Contractor $280/day) | 1 | 2 | day | 280 | 560 | 562 | ||
2.1.4 | Contractual Services | Design, Layout, Editing: Contractor | 1 | 2 | each | 2.500 | 5.000 | 5.015 | ||
2.1.5 | Contractual Services | Translation to French: 2x Annual Compendiums at 5,000 words translated at $0.1432 per word | 2 | 5.000 | word | 0,1432 | 1.432 | 1.436 | ||
2.1.6 | Contractual Services | Printing: 2x 250 copies, 20 page publication, $0.10 per page | 500 | 20 | page | 0,1000 | 1.000 | 1.003 | ||
Subtotal - Annual Compendium (x2) (2.1) | 10.712 | 10.744 | ||||||||
2.2 | Technology Breakfasts (x8) | 2.3.1 | Other Operating Costs | 4x Audio visual support fees in Geneva | 4 | 1 | each | 1.000 | 4.000 | 4.012 |
2.3.2 | Contractual Services | 4x Breakfast provided in Geneva | 1 | 4 | each | 360 | 1.440 | 1.444 | ||
2.3.3 | Other Operating Costs | 4x External venue fees (meeting room rental and assistance costs) in New York | 4 | 1 | each | 2.910 | 11.640 | 11.675 | ||
2.3.4 | Contractual Services | 4x Breakfast provided in New York | 1 | 4 | each | 360 | 1.440 | 1.444 | ||
Subtotal - Technology Breakfasts (x8) (2.2) | 18.520 | 18.576 | ||||||||
Heading 2 - Monitoring trends and increasing awareness of Science and Technology developments | 29.232 | 29.320 |
5.1.3 Heading 3: Understanding the impact of Science and Technology on international peace and security (EUR 73 083)
This workstream will include the conduct of four research studies, one for each of the sub- categories of enabling technologies under consideration. Each research study will aim at providing both an introduction to the technology itself and an analysis of the positive and negative impacts that such technology could have on international peace and security. The research methodology used to conduct such impact assessments will consider not only military capabilities but, where relevant and applicable, political, economic, social, technological, legal and environmental factors (PESTLE analysis). These research studies will result in written reports with executive summaries made available in all UN official languages to support greater reach and accessibility (translation of full reports will be conducted based on time and resource availability).
This heading covers the costs related to the organization and launch of the research studies including the consultancy services of the emerging technology subject matter experts, a video promotion, as well as the editing, translation to French and the printing of the studies.
In addition, in recognition of the complex political, military, legal and technical ecosystem in which such technologies are developed and deployed, this workstream will organise four multi- stakeholder dialogues to complement the research activities and xxxxxx exchange of views and transfer of knowledge among different communities of stakeholders. The format of these convenings will be hybrid and timed to be accessible to audiences from all across the world.
The budget will also cover the costs related to the organisation of the multi-stakeholder dialogues including the travel costs for the meeting panellists, the interpretation to French and Spanish, as well as the catering and the venue rental.
Detailed budget table
Category | Description | No. of items | Quantity | Units (days, months, | Unit Xxxx xx US $ | Amount in US $ | Amount in EUR | |||
3 Heading 3 - Understanding the impact of Science and Technology on international peace and security | ||||||||||
3.1 | Research Studies (x4) | 3.1.1 | Other Operating Costs | Launch event: Promotion, UN audio-visual, setup, cleaning | 1 | 4 | each | 360 | 1.440 | 1.444 |
3.1.2 | Other Expert Contracts and Fees | Consultation: Emerging Technology Subject Matter Experts (External) | 4 | 1 | month | 2.500 | 10.000 | 10.030 | ||
3.1.3 | Other Expert Contracts and Fees | Video Promotion: Contractor (4 days work external Contractor @$280/day) | 1 | 4 | day | 280 | 1.120 | 1.123 | ||
3.1.4 | Contractual Services | Design, Layout, Editing: Contractor | 1 | 4 | each | 2.500 | 10.000 | 10.030 | ||
3.1.5 | Contractual Services | Translation: 4x studies at 5,000 words translated at $0.1432 per word | 4 | 5000 | word | 0,1432 | 2.864 | 2.873 | ||
3.1.6 | Contractual Services | Printing: 4x 250 copies, 20 page publication, $0.10 per page | 1.000 | 20 | page | 0,1000 | 2.000 | 2.006 | ||
Subtotal - Research Studies (x4) (3.1) | 27.424 | 27.506 | ||||||||
3.2 | Multistakeholder Dialogues (x4) | 3.2.1 | Travel | 6x Meeting Panelists, 2x days per diem at ICSC rate ($369), estimated flight cost w/in Europe ($500), terminal expenses ($188) per UN Travel policy | 6 | 2 | day | 369 | 8.556 | 8.582 |
3.2.2 | Other Operating Costs | 4x External venue fees in Geneva | 4 | 1 | each | 2.910 | 11.640 | 11.675 | ||
3.2.3 | Contractual Services | 4x Catering fees for 1/2 day session based on 45 participants | 4 | 1 | each | 905 | 3.620 | 3.631 | ||
3.2.4 | Other Expert Contracts and Fees | 4x Interpretation fees for Hybrid Zoom meeting (French, Spanish) | 4 | 1 | each | 5.406 | 21.624 | 21.689 | ||
Subtotal - Multistakeholder Dialogues (x4) (3.2) | 45.440 | 45.576 | ||||||||
Heading 3 - Understanding the impact of Science and Technology on international peace and security TOTAL | 72.864 | 73.083 |
5.1.4 Heading 4: Modernizing arms control and designing 21st century governance responses (EUR 88 126)
This workstream will build on the findings of Workstream 2 to further expand the analysis of the selected enabling technologies through four additional research studies focusing on the specific governance challenges and potential policy responses. Similarly, to Workstream 2, each research study will be complemented by a dedicated multi-stakeholder dialogue held in hybrid format with the purpose of extracting lessons identified across sectors that can be used to improve international security policy responses.
This heading covers the costs related to the organization and launch of the research studies including the consultancy services of the technology governance subject matter experts, a video promotion, as well as the editing, translation to French and the printing of the studies. It will also cover the organization of the multi-stakeholder dialogues, including the travel costs for the meeting panelists, the interpretation to French and Spanish, the content of the website, as well as the catering and the venue rental.
In addition, this workstream will include the conceptualization and early design of an interactive infographic that enables the identification and mapping of relevant arms control and wider technology governance tools and instruments at regional and international level for selected enabling technologies. This activity will serve to test both the methodology to identify and prioritize applicable and relevant tools as well as different options for data visualization. The infographic will be uploaded on a specific webpage on UNIDIR's webpage.
The budget will cover the UNIDIR Web integration and hosting of the mentioned infographics.
Detailed budget table
Category | Description | No. of items | Quantity | Units (days, months, | Unit Xxxx xx US $ | Amount in US $ | Amount in EUR | |||
4 Heading 4 - Modernizing arms control and designing 21st century governance responses | ||||||||||
4.1 | Additional Research Studies (x4) | 4.1.1 | Other Operating Costs | Launch event: Promotion, UN audio-visual, setup, cleaning | 1 | 4 | each | 360 | 1.440 | 1.444 |
4.1.2 | Other Expert Contracts and Fees | Technology Governance Subject Matter Experts (External) | 4 | 1 | month | 2.500 | 10.000 | 10.030 | ||
4.1.3 | Other Expert Contracts and Fees | Video promotion: Contractor (4 days work external Contractor @$280/day) | 1 | 4 | day | 280 | 1.120 | 1.123 | ||
4.1.4 | Contractual Services | Design, Layout, Editing: Contractor | 1 | 4 | each | 2.500 | 10.000 | 10.030 | ||
4.1.5 | Contractual Services | Translation: 4x studies at 5,000 words translated at $0.1432 per word | 4 | 5000 | word | 0,1432 | 2.864 | 2.873 | ||
4.1.6 | Contractual Services | Printing: 4x 250 copies, 20 page publication, $0.10 per page | 1.000 | 20 | page | 0,1000 | 2.000 | 2.006 | ||
Subtotal -Two multi-stakeholder workshops (4.1) | 27.424 | 27.506 | ||||||||
4.2 | Additional Multistakeholder Dialogues (x4) | 4.2.1 | Travel | 6x Meeting Panelists, 2x days per diem at ICSC rate ($369), estimated flight cost w/in Europe ($500), terminal expenses ($188) per UN Travel policy | 6 | 2 | day | 369 | 8.556 | 8.582 |
4.2.2 | Other Operating Costs | 4x External venue fees in Geneva | 4 | 1 | each | 2.910 | 11.640 | 11.675 | ||
4.2.3 | Contractual Services | 4x Catering fees for 1/2 day session based on 45 | 4 | 1 | each | 905 | 3.618 | 3.629 | ||
4.2.4 | Other Expert Contracts and Fees | 4x Interpretation fees for Hybrid Zoom meeting (French, Spanish) | 4 | 1 | each | 5.406 | 21.624 | 21.689 | ||
4.2.6 | Contractual Services | Graphic/Web Designer: Contractor | 1 | 2 | month | 4.500 | 9.000 | 9.027 | ||
Subtotal - Addtl Multistakeholder Dialogues (x4) (4.2) | 54.438 | 54.601 | ||||||||
4.3 | Interactive Infographic | 4.3.1 | Contractual Services | UNIDIR Web integration and hosting: Contractor | 1 | 2 | month | 3.000 | 6.000 | 6.018 |
Subtotal - Interactive Infographic (4.3) | 6.000 | 6.018 | ||||||||
Heading 4 - Modernizing arms control and designing 21st century governance responses TOTAL | 87.862 | 88.126 |
5.1.5 Indirect costs (EUR 79 537)
Indirect costs will correspond to 7% of the direct costs (EUR 1 136 238), i.e. EUR 79 537.
The indirect costs for the action are those eligible costs which may not be identified as specific costs directly linked to the implementation of the action and may not be booked to it directly. However, they are incurred in connection with the eligible direct costs for the action.
5.1.6 Contingencies (EUR 18 237)
The contingency reserve, which can be used only with a prior written approval of the Commission, is EUR 18 237, which corresponds to 1.5% of the direct costs.
The reserve for contingencies and/or possible fluctuations in exchange rates allow for adjustments necessary in the light of unforeseeable changes of circumstances on the ground. It can be used only with the prior written authorisation of the contracting authority, upon duly justified request by the coordinator.
5.2 Itemised breakdown of cost (indicative)
Budget heading | Budget (EUR) |
1. Staff costs and General Management | 945 710 |
2. Monitoring trends and increasing awareness of Science and Technology developments | 29 320 |
3. Understanding the impact of Science and Technology on international peace and security | 73 083 |
4. Modernizing arms control and designing 21st century governance responses | 88 126 |
Sub-total direct costs (1-4) | 1 136 238 |
Indirect Costs | 79 537 |
Contingencies | 18 237 |
Total costs | 1 234 011 |
The authorising officer responsible is hereby authorised to vary each of the above amounts related to the budget according to exact operational requirements and possibilities and in keeping with sound financial management, while not exceeding the overall amount of the financing decision.
Line | Value | Year n | Year n+1 | Year n+2 | Year n+3 | Subsequent years |
14 04 03 | 1 234 011 Total 1 000 000 | 000 005 617 005 | 617 005 617 005 |