Grain Storage Agreement Sample Contracts

County Storekeep er City Address Contact Contract no Store Tipe of store Item Quantity wheat Date Exel-Tár 5200 Balázs Tárolási Töröksze Józsefné Jász- és ntmiklós, (+36- Nagykun- Logisztik Töröksze Tenyői út 30/52583 Szolnok ai Kft. ntmiklós 73 36)...
Grain Storage Agreement • March 8th, 2010

Grains overheate d during drying (%) Damaged grains (%) (extraneus seeds) Moisture content % Miscellane ous impurities% Sprouted grains % Impurities% Broken grains % Maximum percentag e of matter which is not basic cereal of unimpaire d quality (%) Specific weight (kg/hl) Other cereals (%) Grains demaged by pests (%) 0,00 0,00 11,97 0,61 0,82 2,26 4,23 7,92 77,41 0,00 0,00