星野リゾート ネコマ マウンテン WEB リフト券販売 ご利用規約
xxリゾート ネコマ マウンテン WEB リフト券販売 ご利用規約
この利用規約(以下、「本規約」といいます)は、磐梯リゾート開発株式会社及び株式会社 猫魔リゾート(以下、「当社」といいます)が運営するチケット販売サービス「xxリゾート ネコマ マウンテン WEB リフト券販売」(以下、「本サービス」といいます)の利用条件を定めるものです。本サービスを利用されるお客様(以下ユーザー)は本規約に従って、本サービスをご利用いただきます。
第 1 条(商品及び役務の購入)
第 2 条(契約の成立)
第 3 条(通知)
ただし、本サービスにおいては、電子メールアドレスの虚偽入力、誤入力または入力漏れ、判読不可能な文字化け等、お客様からの申込内容に 何らかの不具合が生じた場合には、電子メールを送付できないことがあります。また、お客様購入時の通信エラー・操作不備等で購入手続が完了しなかった場合や、電子メールの不達・誤達・遅達等について、当社は一切責任を負いません。
第 4 条(支払方法)
第 5 条(キャンセル・変更及び交換)
第 6 条(商品及び役務の引渡し)
商品及び役務の引渡しに必要となる電子データは、電子的通知をもって提供します。電子データの利用方法はxxリゾート ネコマ マウンテン WEB サイト(xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxx.xx.xx/)に記載いたします。
第 7 条(転売等の禁止)
2.前項に違反した場合、購入済みのチケットを無効とし、チケット代の返金を認めず、スキー場の利用を認めないことがあります。既に利用している場合には退場を命じられることもありま す。また、本サービスを通じて直接購入した以外の「チケットショップ」や 「購入代行業者」「ダフ屋」等、及び「オークション」や「インターネットオークション」から購入したチケットに関するトラブルについては、施設及び当社は一切の責任を負いません。
第 8 条(適用)
第 9 条(サービスの利用)
第 10 条(禁止事項)
(1) 法令または公序良俗に違反する行為
(2) 犯罪行為に関連する行為又は他人を誹謗中傷し若しくは他人に迷惑・不利益を与える行為
(3) 当社のサーバーまたはネットワークの機能を破壊したり、妨害したりする行為
(4) 当社のサービスの運営を妨害するおそれのある行為
(5) 営利を目的とする行為
(6) 他のユーザーに成りすます行為又は自己の権利を他人に使用させる行為
(7) 本規約上の権利又は義務を第三者に譲渡し,貸与し又は担保提供する等の行為
(8) 当社のサービスに関連して、反社会的勢力に対して直接または間接に利益を供与する行為
(9) その他、当社が不適切と判断する行為
第 11 条(本サービスの提供の停止等)
(1) 本サービスにかかるコンピュータシステムの保守点検または更新を行う場合
(2) 地震、落雷、火災、停電または天災などの不可抗力により、本サービスの提供が困難となった場合
(3) コンピュータまたは通信回線等が事故により停止した場合
(4) その他、当社が本サービスの提供が困難と判断した場合
第 12 条(利用制限)
(1) 本規約のいずれかの条項に違反した場合
(2) 記載事項に虚偽の事実があることが判明した場合
(3) その他、当社が本サービスの利用を適当でないと判断した場合
第 13 条(免責事項)
第 14 条(サービス内容の変更等)
第 15 条(利用規約の変更)
第 16 条(通知または連絡)
第 17 条(準拠法・裁判管轄)
第 18 条(知的財産権)
ユーザーは、本サービスにおいて、当社又は当社に対して使用許諾をしている第三者が掲載その他の方法で使用する情報等については、当該情報に関する著作権、特許権、実用新案 権、商標権、意匠権その他の一切の知的財産権(それらの権利を取得する又はそれらの権利につき登録等を出願する権利を含みます。)が、当社又は当該第三者に帰属することを了解 し、ユーザーは当社及び当社に対して使用許諾をしている第三者の許諾を得た場合を除き、当該情報を複製又は開示し第三者に使用させたりすることはできません。
第 19 条(ユーザー情報の取り扱い)
1. ユーザーの登録情報、およびその後に当社に届け出た事項、本サービスの利用状況は、当社のデータベースに登録されます。登録された情報は当社の所有に属するものとし、別途定める「プライバシーポリシー」に従い取り扱います。「プライバシーポリシー」はxxリゾートのホームページ内(xxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx/xxxxxxx/)に掲載しています。
2. ご 登 録 い た だ い た 情 報 は x x リ ゾ ー ト 公 式 ホ ー ム ペ ー ジ
2023 年 7 月 31 日最終改定
Hoshino Resort Nekoma Mountain WEB lift ticket sales terms and conditions
These terms and conditions (hereinafter referred to as "these Terms") govern the terms and conditions of the ticket sales service, Hoshino Resort Nekoma Mountain WEB lift ticket sales (Hereinafter referred to as the "Service") operated by Bandai Resort Development Co., Ltd. and Nekoma Resort Co., Ltd. (Hereinafter referred to as "our company"). Customers who use this service (users) are requested to use this service in accordance with these terms and conditions.
Article 1 (Purchase of Goods and Services)
1. Users may purchase goods and services sold by our company on the Services in accordance with these Terms.
2. When purchasing goods and services, users shall thoroughly check the information provided and the contents of these Terms before using the Services.
3. When sending applications for the purchase of goods and services to our company in the manner prescribed by our company, users shall thoroughly check whether the contents are correct. In addition, the Company shall comply with and implement the procedures and security measures prescribed by our company. The purchase application information received by our company from the user shall be deemed accurate based on the user's true intention.
4. Use of this service by minors shall be made with the consent and responsibility of the person with parental authority.
Article 2 (Establishment of Contract)
The contract for the sale and purchase of goods and services shall be established when our company receives an order from the user in response to the user's purchase application and provides an electronic notification of "confirmation of order" stating the contents of the order.
Article 3 (Notification)
Notification of acceptance, etc. of a sales contract shall be made through electronic notification. Electronic notification shall be made by e-mail and posting on the Service.
However, the Service may not be able to send e-mail if there is any problem with your application, such as false entry, incorrect entry or omission of e-mail address, or illegible garbling. In addition, our company shall not be liable for any failure to complete the purchase procedure due to communication errors, operational imperfections, etc. at the time of customer purchase, or for non-delivery, erroneous delivery, or late delivery of e-mail.
Article 4 (Payment Method)
1. The User shall pay the price of the goods and services purchased using the Service to our company by credit card in the name of the User.
2. The User shall bear the cost other than the purchase price such as shipping, tax and security deposit described on each product page.
3. In the event of a dispute, etc. between the User and the credit card company in the performance of the payment by the User, the User shall resolve it with the other party at his/her own risk, and our company shall not be concerned in any way.
Article 5 (Cancellation, Change and Exchange)
We do not accept cancellations, changes or exchanges unless we are unable to provide the service due to reasons attributable to our company.
Our company shall not be held responsible for any duplicate purchase of the same ticket due to a customer's typo or communication failure.
Article 6 (Delivery of Goods and Services)
Electronic data necessary for the delivery of goods and services shall be provided by electronic notification. The usage of electronic data shall be described on the Hoshino Resort Nekoma Mountain website (xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxx.xx.)jp. /
Article 7 (Prohibition of Resale, etc.)
0.Xx is prohibited to resell tickets purchased through the Service for profit or to entrust resale to a third party. It is also prohibited to sell tickets at auctions or online auctions.
0.Xx the case of violation of the preceding paragraph, the purchased tickets may be invalidated, the ticket price may not be refunded, and the use of ski resorts may not be permitted. If you are already using the ski resort, you may be ordered to leave. In addition, the facility and our company will not be responsible for any trouble related to ticket shops, purchasing agents, scalpers, etc. other than those purchased directly through the service, or tickets purchased from auctions or Internet auctions.
Article 8 (Application)
These Terms shall apply to any relationship between you and our company in connection with your use of the Services.
Article 9 (Use of Services)
You are responsible for providing and maintaining the necessary and appropriate equipment, software, and communication means for using the Services, as well as the costs and communication fees associated with connection to the Services.
Article 10 (Prohibited Matters)
Users shall not perform any of the following acts when using the Service.
(1) Acts in violation of laws and regulations or public order and morals
(2) Acts related to criminal acts, slandering others or causing annoyance or disadvantage to others
(3) Acts that destroy or interfere with the functioning of our company's servers or networks
(4) Acts that may interfere with the operation of our company's services
(5) a profit-making act
(6) an act that pretends to other users or that causes others to use one's rights
(7) an act such as assigning, leasing or providing security for a third party with rights or obligations under these Terms
(8) an act of directly or indirectly providing benefits to anti-social forces in connection with the services of our company
(9) any other act deemed inappropriate by our company
Article 11 (Suspension, etc. of the Service)
Our company may suspend or suspend the provision of all or part of the Service without prior notice to the User if it determines that any of the following reasons exist:
(1) maintenance and inspection or updating of computer systems related to the Service
(2) if it becomes difficult to provide the Service due to force majeure such as earthquake, lightning, fire, power failure or natural disaster
(3) if the computer or communication line stops due to an accident
(4) In other cases where our company finds it difficult to provide the Services.
Our company shall not be liable for any detriment or damage suffered by you or any third party due to the suspension or interruption of the provision of the Services, except in the case where our company is grossly negligent.
Article 12 (Restrictions on Use)
Our company may restrict users from using all or part of the Services without prior notice in the following cases:
(1) Violation of any provision of these Terms
(2) Any false fact found in the entry
(3) Any other case where our company deems it inappropriate to use the Service
Our company shall not be liable for any damages caused to you by our company's actions under this Article, except in the case where our company is grossly negligent. You shall not be released from liability for any obligations to our company arising from your use of the Service, even if you are restricted from using the Service or removed from your registration as a user.
Article 13 (Disclaimer)
Although this service provides information with extreme care, our company does not guarantee its completeness, accuracy, usefulness, or connection environment.
Our company is not responsible for any transactions, communications, or disputes that may arise between you and other users or third parties.
Article 14 (Changes in the Service)
Our company may change the content of the Service or discontinue the provision of the Service without notifying the User, and shall not be liable for any damages caused to the User by such change, except in the case where our company is grossly negligent.
Article 15 (Modification of Terms of Use)
Our company may modify these Terms of Use at any time without notifying the User, if deemed necessary.
Article 16 (Notification or Communication)
Notification or communication between the User and our company shall be made by electronic notification on the Services screen.
Article 17 (Governing Law and Jurisdiction)
In interpreting these Terms, Japanese law shall be the governing law.
In case of any dispute regarding the Service, the Tokyo District Court shall be the exclusive jurisdiction.
Article 18 (Intellectual Property Rights)
The User understands that the copyright, patent right, utility model right, trademark right, design right and all other intellectual property rights (This includes the right to acquire such rights or to apply for registration, etc. of such rights.) relating to the information posted or otherwise used by a third party who has granted a license to our company or our company in the Services belong to our company or the third party, and the User may not reproduce or disclose the information and allow the third party to use it, except with the permission of the third party who has granted a license to our company and our company.
Article 19 (Handling of User Information)
1. The user's registration information, the matters notified to our company afterwards, and the usage status of the Service are registered in our company database. The registered information belongs to our company and will be handled in accordance with the "Privacy Policy" specified separately. The "Privacy Policy" is posted on the Hoshino Resort website (xxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx/xxxxxx).x/
2. The registered information will be used to provide information (Catalogs, direct mail, e-mail, telephone) on various products and services handled by the corporation that operates the facilities listed on the Hoshino Resort Official Website (xxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx/), Hoshino Resort Holdings, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Final revision on July 31, 2023