商 | 品 | 分 | 類 | 追加型投信/海外/資産複合 |
信 | 託 | 期 | 間 | 2018年7月26日から2028年7月7日まで |
運 | 用 | 方 | 針 | 投資信託証券への投資を通じて、実質的に米国株式※1、米国投資適格債券、米ドル建て高利回り債券※2 に分散投資を行い、インカム収益の確保と投資信託財産の中長期的な成長を目指して運用を行います。 ※1:米国リートを含める場合があります。 ※2:米ドル建てのハイ・イールド社債および新興国債券を指します。 為替変動リスクの低減を目的に、組入外貨建資産に対して80%程度を基本として 対円での為替ヘッジを行います。 |
主要投資対象 | 投資信託証券を主要投資対象とします。 | |||
主な投資制限 | 株式への直接投資は行いません。 投資信託証券への投資割合には制限を設けません。 外貨建資産への投資割合には制限を設け ません。 | |||
分 | 配 | 方 | 針 | 分配対象額の範囲は、繰越分を含めた経費控除後のxx・配当等収益および売買益(評価損益を含みます。)等の全額とします。 収益分配金額は、委託者が基準価額水準、市況動向等を勘案して決定します。ただし、必ず分配を行うものではありません。 留保益の運用については特に制限を設けず、運用の基本方針に基づいた運用を行 います。 |
- 0 -
決 算 期 | 基 準 価 額 | 投資信託証券組 入 比 率 | 純資産総額 | |||
(分配落) | 税 込 分 配 金 | 期 x x 落 率 | ||||
第 1 作成 期 | (設 定 日) 2018年7月26日 | 円 10,000 | 円 - | % - | % - | 百万円 2 |
1期(2018年11月12日) | 9,822 | 25 | △1.5 | 100.0 | 43 | |
2期(2019年 1月10日) | 9,812 | 25 | 0.2 | 95.9 | 43 | |
第 2 作成 期 | 3期(2019年 3月11日) | 9,978 | 26 | 2.0 | 99.2 | 43 |
4期(2019年 5月10日) | 10,065 | 27 | 1.1 | 97.2 | 46 | |
5期(2019年 7月10日) | 10,269 | 28 | 2.3 | 99.8 | 47 |
(注1) 基準価額の騰落率は分配金込み。
(注2) 当ファンドの運用方針に対応する適切な指数が存在しないため、ベンチマークおよび参考指数を設定しておりません。 (注3) 設定日の基準価額には当初設定価額を、純資産総額には当初設定元本を用いています。
決算期 | 年 月 日 | 基 準 価 額 | 投資信託証券 組 入 比 率 | |
騰 落 率 | ||||
第3期 | (期 首)2019年1月10日 | 円 9,812 | % - | % 95.9 |
1月末 | 9,870 | 0.6 | 99.7 | |
2月末 | 9,999 | 1.9 | 99.0 | |
(期 末)2019年3月11日 | 10,004 | 2.0 | 99.2 | |
第4期 | (期 首)2019年3月11日 | 9,978 | - | 99.2 |
3月末 | 10,158 | 1.8 | 99.4 | |
4月末 | 10,136 | 1.6 | 98.4 | |
(期 末)2019年5月10日 | 10,092 | 1.1 | 97.2 | |
第5期 | (期 首)2019年5月10日 | 10,065 | - | 97.2 |
5月末 | 10,127 | 0.6 | 98.7 | |
6月末 | 10,291 | 2.2 | 98.7 | |
(期 末)2019年7月10日 | 10,297 | 2.3 | 99.8 |
(注) 期末基準価額は分配金込み、騰落率は期首比。
(注1) 分配金再投資基準価額は、分配金(税込)を分配時に再投資したものとみなして計算したもので、ファンド運用の実質的なパフォーマンスを示すものです。
(注2) 分配金を再投資するかどうかについてはお客様がご利用のコースにより異なります。また、ファンドの購入金額により課税条件も異なります。従って、各個人のお客様の損益の状況を示すものではありません。
(注3) 分配金再投資基準価額は、期首の基準価額を起点として指数化しています。
米国国債市場では、米中貿易摩擦に対する懸念がくすぶるなかで、FRB(米連邦準備制度理事会)がハト派(利上 げに慎重な)姿勢に転じたことなどから、長期金利は低下基調をたどりました。2018年12月のFOMC(米連邦公開市 場委員会)では利上げが実施されたものの、その後はFRB高官によるハト派発言が相次ぎ、2019年3月のFOMCでは 利上げが見送られ、2017年12月以降続いていた四半期毎の利上げが途切れるかたちとなりました。こうした状況 を受けて、市場参加者の追加利上げ観測は剥落し、インフレ期待が依然として高まらないなか、6月以降は利下 げを織り込む動きが急速に拡大しました。年限別では、中長期ゾーンを中心に国債利回りが大きく低下した結果、長短金利差が縮小し、一部で満期の短い国債の利回りが満期の長い国債の利回りを上回る逆イールドの状態が見 られました。投資適格社債市場は、国債利回り低下を背景に堅調に推移しました。一方、ハイ・イールド社債市 場では、株価が調整した2019年5月にはスプレッド(米国債利回りに対する上乗せ金利)の拡大に合わせて軟化す る局面もありましたが、それ以外の期間は株式市場の上昇や長期金利の低下を背景に堅調に推移しました。
米ドル/円相場では、2018年年末にかけて、米中通商問題への警戒や株式市場の調整などを背景に投資家センチメントが悪化するなか、円高/米ドル安が進行しましたが、当作成期がはじまった2019年年初以降は米中貿易協議や米国経済に対する楽観的な見方が拡大するなか、米ドルは対円で上昇する展開となりました。しかし、 2019年5月以降は米中貿易協議が合意に至らず投資家の失望が広がったことやFRBによる利下げ期待の拡大を背景に米ドルは軟化に転じ、期初来の上昇幅を縮小する展開となりました。米ドルの対円ヘッジコスト(3ヵ月フォワードレートを年率化)は米金利の低下に合わせて縮小傾向となり、期初の2.9%台から期末には2.7%台へ低下しました。
項 目 | 第3期 | 第4期 | 第5期 | |
2019年1月11日~2019年3月11日 | 2019年3月12日~2019年5月10日 | 2019年5月11日~2019年7月10日 | ||
当期分配金 (円) (対基準価額比率) (%) | 26 (0.3) | 27 (0.3) | 28 (0.3) | |
当期の収益 (円) | 26 | 27 | 28 | |
当期の収益以外 (円) | - | - | - | |
翌期繰越分配対象額 (円) | 64 | 104 | 308 |
(注1) 「対基準価額比率」は「当期分配金」の期末基準価額(分配金込み)に対する比率であり、ファンドの収益率とは異なります。
(注2) 「当期の収益」は経費控除後の配当等収益および経費控除後の有価証券売買等損益、「当期の収益以外」は収益調整金および分配準備積立金です。
(注3) 「当期の収益」および「当期の収益以外」は、円未満を切捨てて表示しているため、合計した額が「当期分配金」と一致しない場合があります。
項 目 | 当作成期 | 項 目 の 概 要 | |
2019年1月11日~2019年7月10日 | |||
金額 | 比率 | ||
(a) 信託報酬 | 72円 | 0.713% | (a) 信託報酬=期中の平均基準価額×信託報酬率 |
※期中の平均基準価額は10,097円です。 | |||
(投信会社) | (16) | (0.158) | ・委託した資金の運用の対価 |
(販売会社) | (54) | (0.535) | ・購入後の情報提供、交付運用報告書等各種書類の送付、 |
口座内でのファンドの管理等の対価 | |||
(受託会社) | (2) | (0.020) | ・運用財産の管理、委託会社からの指図の実行の対価 |
(b) 売買委託手数料 | 1 | 0.010 | (b) 売買委託手数料= 期中の売買委託手数料 期中の平均受益権口数 売買委託手数料は、有価証券等の売買の際、売買仲介人に 支払う手数料 |
(投資信託受益証券) | (1) | (0.010) | |
(c) 有価証券取引税 | 0 | 0.000 | (c) 有価証券取引税= 期中の有価証券取引税 期中の平均受益権口数 有価証券取引税は、有価証券の取引の都度発生する取引に 関する税金 |
(投資信託受益証券) | (0) | (0.000) | |
(d) その他費用 | 11 | 0.109 | (d) その他費用= 期中のその他費用 期中の平均受益権口数 ・保管費用は、海外における保管銀行等に支払う有価証券等の保管および資金の送金・資産の移転等に要する費用 ・監査費用は、監査法人等に支払うファンドの監査に係る費用 ・印刷費用は、有価証券届出書、目論見書、運用報告書等の作成、印刷および提出等に係る費用 ・その他は、金銭信託への預入金額に対する手数料等 |
(保管費用) | (-) | (-) | |
(監査費用) | (-) | (-) | |
(印刷費用) | (11) | (0.109) | |
(その他) | (-) | (-) | |
合 計 | 84 | 0.832 |
(注1) 期中の費用(消費税等のかかるものは消費税等を含む)は、追加・解約により受益権口数に変動があるため、簡便法により算出した結果です。
(注2) 各金額は各項目ごとに円未満は四捨五入してあります。
(注3) 各比率は1万口当たりのそれぞれの費用金額を期中の平均基準価額で除して100を乗じたものです。 (注4) 各項目の費用は、このファンドが組み入れている投資信託証券が支払った費用を含みません。
当 x x 期 | |||||||
買 | 付 | 売 | 付 | ||||
単位数又は口数 | 金 額 | 単位数又は口数 | 金 額 | ||||
外 国 | xx | x米ドル | xx | x米ドル | |||
iシェアーズ・コア 米国高配当株ETF | 0.06 | 5 | 0.03 | 2 | |||
米 国 | バンガード・米国長期国債ETF | 0.04 | 3 | 0.03 | 2 | ||
バンガード・米国トータル債券市場ETF | 0.18 | 14 | 0.03 | 2 | |||
Xtrackers 米ドル建てハイ・イールド社債ETF | 0.28 | 13 | 0.04 | 1 | |||
小 | 計 | 0.56 | 36 | 0.13 | 9 |
(注1) 金額は受渡し代金。 (注2) 金額の単位未満は切捨て。
※ 利害関係人とは、投資信託及び投資法人に関する法律第11条第1項に規定されている利害関係人です。
ファンド名 | 当 x x 期 末 | ||||
単位数又は口数 | 評 価 額 | 比 率 | |||
外 貨建金 額 | 邦貨換算金額 | ||||
xx | x米ドル | 千円 | % | ||
Xtrackers 米ドル建てハイ・イールド社債ETF | 2.576 | 128 | 14,023 | 29.7 | |
iシェアーズ・コア 米国高配当株ETF | 0.456 | 43 | 4,730 | 10.0 | |
バンガード・米国トータル債券市場ETF | 2.075 | 171 | 18,699 | 39.6 | |
バンガード・米国長期国債ETF | 1.084 | 88 | 9,625 | 20.4 | |
合 計 | 口 数 ・ 金 額 銘 柄 数 <比 率> | 6.191 4 | - - | 47,079 <99.8%> |
(注1) 邦貨換算金額は期末の時価をわが国の対顧客電信売買相場の仲値により、邦貨換算したものです。 (注2) < >内は純資産総額に対する評価額の比率です。
(注3) 評価額の単位未満は切捨て。
項 | 目 | 当 | x | x | 期 | 末 | ||||||||||||||||
評 | 価 | 額 | 比 | 率 | ||||||||||||||||||
投 | 資 | 信 | 託 | 証 | 券 | 千円 47,079 | % 98.7 | |||||||||||||||
短 | 期 | 金 | 融 | 資 | 産 | 、 | そ | の | 他 | 624 | 1.3 | |||||||||||
投 | 資 | 信 | 託 | 財 | 産 | 総 | 額 | 47,703 | 100.0 |
(注1) 評価額の単位未満は切捨て。
(注2) 外貨建資産は、当作成期末の時価をわが国の対顧客電信売買相場の仲値により邦貨換算したものです。なお、当作成期末における邦貨換算レートは、1米ドル=109.01円です。
(注3) 当作成期末における外貨建資産(47,211千円)の投資信託財産総額(47,703千円)に対する比率は、99.0%です。
(2019年3月11日)、 (2019年5月10日)、 (2019年7月10日)現在
項 目 | 第3期末 | 第4期末 | 第5期末 |
(A)資 産 | 78,788,599円 | 82,146,960円 | 84,754,932円 |
コ ー ル ・ ロ ー ン 等 | 691,845 | 925,950 | 624,119 |
未 収 入 金 | 34,713,945 | 36,377,745 | 37,051,434 |
未 収 配 当 金 | 57,214 | - | - |
投 x x 託 受 益 証 券 | 43,325,595 | 44,843,265 | 47,079,379 |
(B)負 債 | 35,130,746 | 35,997,976 | 37,586,378 |
未 払 金 | 34,898,850 | 35,752,420 | 37,328,690 |
未 払 収 益 分 配 金 | 113,757 | 123,795 | 128,606 |
未 払 解 約 金 | - | 200 | 308 |
未 払 信 託 報 酬 | 102,713 | 105,684 | 111,957 |
そ の 他 未 払 費 用 | 15,426 | 15,877 | 16,817 |
(C)純 資 産 総 額(A-B) | 43,657,853 | 46,148,984 | 47,168,554 |
元 本 | 43,753,021 | 45,850,247 | 45,930,906 |
次 期 繰 越 損 益 金 | △95,168 | 298,737 | 1,237,648 |
(D)受 益 x x 口 数 | 43,753,021口 | 45,850,247口 | 45,930,906口 |
1 万 口 当 た り 基 準 価 額(C/D) | 9,978円 | 10,065円 | 10,269円 |
(注) 期首元本額は43,932,267円、第3~5期中追加設定元本額は2,260,741円、第3~5期中一部解約元本額は262,102円です。
第3期(自2019年1月11日 至2019年3月11日)第4期(自2019年3月12日 至2019年5月10日)第5期(自2019年5月11日 至2019年7月10日)
項 目 | 第3期 | 第4期 | 第5期 |
(A)配 当 等 収 益 | 228,339円 | 266,920円 | 269,001円 |
受 取 配 当 金 | 228,407 | 266,734 | 268,870 |
受 取 利 息 | 221 | 253 | 255 |
支 払 利 息 | △289 | △67 | △124 |
(B)有 価 証 券 売 買 損 益 | 731,883 | 345,663 | 925,457 |
売 買 益 | 3,183,888 | 1,418,868 | 2,171,557 |
売 買 損 | △2,452,005 | △1,073,205 | △1,246,100 |
(C)信 託 報 酬 等 | △118,139 | △121,561 | △128,774 |
(D)当 期 損 益 金(A+B+C) | 842,083 | 491,022 | 1,065,684 |
(E)前 期 繰 越 損 益 金 | △705,709 | 22,611 | 389,794 |
(F)追 加 信 託 差 損 益 金 | △117,785 | △91,101 | △89,224 |
(配 当 等 相 当 額) | (73,620) | (90,862) | (91,815) |
(売 買 損 益 相 当 額) | (△191,405) | (△181,963) | (△181,039) |
(G) 合 計 (D+E+F) | 18,589 | 422,532 | 1,366,254 |
(H)収 益 分 配 金 | △113,757 | △123,795 | △128,606 |
次 期 繰 越 損 益 金(G+H) | △95,168 | 298,737 | 1,237,648 |
追 加 信 託 差 損 益 金 | △117,785 | △91,101 | △89,224 |
(配 当 等 相 当 額) | (73,620) | (90,862) | (91,815) |
(売 買 損 益 相 当 額) | (△191,405) | (△181,963) | (△181,039) |
分 配 準 備 積 立 金 | 206,458 | 389,838 | 1,326,872 |
繰 越 損 益 金 | △183,841 | 0 | 0 |
(注1) 損益の状況の中で(B)有価証券売買損益は期末の評価替えによるものを含みます。
(注2) 損益の状況の中で(C)信託報酬等には信託報酬に対する消費税等相当額を含めて表示しています。
(注3) 損益の状況の中で(F)追加信託差損益金とあるのは、信託の追加設定の際、追加設定をした価額から元本を差し引いた差額分をいいます。
項 目 | 第3期 | 第4期 | 第5期 |
(A)配当等収益額(費用控除後) | 200,245円 | 213,955円 | 240,001円 |
(B)有価証券売買等損益額 (費用控除後・繰越欠損金補填後) | -円 | 93,284円 | 825,683円 |
(C)収益調整金額 | 73,620円 | 90,862円 | 91,815円 |
(D)分配準備積立金額 | 119,970円 | 206,394円 | 389,794円 |
(E)分配対象収益額(A+B+C+D) | 393,835円 | 604,495円 | 1,547,293円 |
(F)期末残存口数 | 43,753,021口 | 45,850,247口 | 45,930,906口 |
(G)収益分配対象額(1万口当たり) (E/F×10,000) | 90.01円 | 131.84円 | 336.87円 |
(H)分配金額(1万口当たり) | 26円 | 27円 | 28円 |
(I)収益分配金金額 (F×H/10,000) | 113,757円 | 123,795円 | 128,606円 |
第3期 | 第4期 | 第5期 | |
1万口当たり分配金 | 26円 | 27円 | 28円 |
ファンド名 | 運用会社 | 実質的な主要投資対象 | 運用の基本方針 | 決算日 | |
米国株式 | |||||
1 | iシェアーズ・コア米国高配当株ETF | ブラックロック・ファンド・アドバイザーズ | 高配当株式 | モーニングスター配当フォーカス指数に連動する投資成果を目指す | 2018年4月30日 |
米国投資適格債券 | |||||
2 | バンガード・米国長期国債ETF | ザ・バンガード・グループ・インク | 国債 | ブルームバーグ・バークレイズ米国国債浮動調整(10年超)指数に連動する投資成果を目指す | 2018年8月31日 |
3 | バンガード・米国 トータル債券市場ETF | ザ・バンガード・グループ・インク | 債券総合 | ブルームバーグ・バークレイズ米国総合浮動調整指数に連動する投 資成果を目指す | 2018年12月31日 |
米ドル建て高利回り債券 | |||||
4 | Xtrackers 米ドル建てハイ・イールド社 債ETF | DBX アドバイザーズ・エルエルシー | 米ドル建てハイ・イールド社債 | Solactive USD High Yield Corporates Total Market指数に連動する投資 成果を目指す | 2018年8月31日 |
Year ended April 30, 2018
iShares Core High Dividend ETF | |
NET INVESTMENT INCOME Dividends — unaffiliateda | $ 229,083,389 |
Dividends — affiliated | 137,038 |
Interest — unaffiliated | 6,505 |
Securities lending income — affiliated — net | 35,216 |
Total investment income | 229,262,148 |
EXPENSES Investment advisory fees | 5,159,365 |
Proxy fees | 143,632 |
Total expenses | 5,302,997 |
Net investment income | 223,959,151 |
NET REALIZED AND UNREALIZED GAIN (LOSS) Net realized gain (loss) from: | |
Investments — unaffiliated | (83,194,719) |
Investments — affiliated | (303) |
In-kind redemptions — unaffiliated | 600,455,286 |
In-kind redemptions — affiliated | ― |
Futures contracts | 4,479,238 |
Foreign currency transactions | ― |
Net realized gain | 521,739,502 |
Net change in unrealized appreciation/depreciation on: | |
Investments — unaffiliated | (411,307,515) |
Investments — affiliated | (275) |
Futures contracts | (306,033) |
Translation of assets and liabilities in foreign currencies | ― |
Net change in unrealized appreciation/depreciation | (411,613,823) |
Net realized and unrealized gain | 110,125,679 |
a Net of foreign withholding tax of $1,068. |
As of 4/30/18
Percentage of Security Total Investments* Exxon Mobil Corp. 8.75%
AT&T Inc. 6.97
Verizon Communications Inc. 6.31
Chevron Corp. 6.03
Johnson & Johnson 5.66
Pfizer Inc. 5.28
Procter & Gamble Co. (The) 4.07
Wells Fargo & Co. 4.03
Coca-Cola Co. (The) 3.59
Cisco Systems Inc. 3.59
TOTAL 54.28%
* Excludes money market funds.
Year Ended | |
August 31, 2018 ($000) | |
Investment Income | |
Income | |
Interest1 | 41,694 |
Total Income | 41,694 |
Expenses | |
The Vanguard Group | |
Investment Advisory Services | 47 |
Management and Administrative — ETF Shares | 301 |
Management and Administrative — Admiral Shares | 257 |
Management and Administrative — Institutional Shares | 139 |
Marketing and Distribution — ETF Shares | 38 |
Marketing and Distribution — Admiral Shares | 41 |
Marketing and Distribution — Institutional Shares | 11 |
Custodian Fees | 18 |
Auditing Fees | 50 |
Shareholders’ Reports and Proxy — ETF Shares | 46 |
Shareholders’ Reports and Proxy — Admiral Shares | 21 |
Shareholders’ Reports and Proxy — Institutional Shares | ― |
Trustees’ Fees and Expenses | 1 |
Total Expenses | 970 |
Net Investment Income | 40,724 |
Realized Net Gain (Loss) on Investment Securities Sold1,2 | (5,090 ) |
Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) of Investment Securities1 | (69,891 ) |
Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations | (34,257 ) |
1 Interest income, realized net gain (loss), and change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) from an affiliated company of the fund were $55,000, $6,000, and $2,000, respectively. Purchases and sales are for temporary cash investment purposes.
2 Includes $4,056,000 of net gain (loss) resulting from in-kind redemptions; such gain (loss) is not taxable to the fund.
As of August 31, 2018
Maturity | Face Amount | Market Value | ||
Coupon | Date | ($000) | ($000) | |
U.S. Government and Agency Obligations (99.4%) | ||||
U.S. Government Securities (99.4%) | ||||
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 5.250% | 11/15/28 | 9,764 | 11,801 |
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 5.250% | 2/15/29 | 8,112 | 9,841 |
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 6.125% | 8/15/29 | 6,397 | 8,335 |
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 6.250% | 5/15/30 | 11,373 | 15,149 |
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 5.375% | 2/15/31 | 17,850 | 22,457 |
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 4.500% | 2/15/36 | 18,957 | 23,071 |
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 4.750% | 2/15/37 | 5,901 | 7,437 |
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 5.000% | 5/15/37 | 6,520 | 8,463 |
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 4.375% | 2/15/38 | 9,244 | 11,203 |
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 4.500% | 5/15/38 | 10,515 | 12,952 |
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 3.500% | 2/15/39 | 16,426 | 17,789 |
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 4.250% | 5/15/39 | 20,492 | 24,552 |
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 4.500% | 8/15/39 | 16,614 | 20,565 |
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 4.375% | 11/15/39 | 19,456 | 23,727 |
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 4.625% | 2/15/40 | 25,895 | 32,632 |
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 4.375% | 5/15/40 | 22,836 | 27,888 |
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 3.875% | 8/15/40 | 17,018 | 19,438 |
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 4.250% | 11/15/40 | 20,330 | 24,459 |
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 4.750% | 2/15/41 | 23,233 | 29,876 |
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 4.375% | 5/15/41 | 18,530 | 22,711 |
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 3.750% | 8/15/41 | 20,988 | 23,575 |
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 3.125% | 11/15/41 | 20,056 | 20,451 |
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 3.125% | 2/15/42 | 25,606 | 26,102 |
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 3.000% | 5/15/42 | 20,057 | 20,013 |
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 2.750% | 8/15/42 | 29,664 | 28,311 |
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 2.750% | 11/15/42 | 37,064 | 35,344 |
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 3.125% | 2/15/43 | 37,704 | 38,375 |
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 2.875% | 5/15/43 | 52,896 | 51,532 |
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 3.625% | 8/15/43 | 44,157 | 48,786 |
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 3.750% | 11/15/43 | 53,248 | 60,046 |
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 3.625% | 2/15/44 | 53,271 | 58,948 |
Maturity | Face Amount | Market Value | ||
Coupon | Date | ($000) | ($000) | |
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 3.375% | 5/15/44 | 50,233 | 53,381 |
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 3.125% | 8/15/44 | 54,948 | 55,944 |
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 3.000% | 11/15/44 | 54,650 | 54,419 |
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 2.500% | 2/15/45 | 52,914 | 47,846 |
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 3.000% | 5/15/45 | 53,808 | 53,581 |
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 2.875% | 8/15/45 | 58,495 | 56,868 |
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 3.000% | 11/15/45 | 59,226 | 58,957 |
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 2.500% | 2/15/46 | 53,892 | 48,587 |
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 2.500% | 5/15/46 | 51,792 | 46,669 |
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 2.250% | 8/15/46 | 46,261 | 39,495 |
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 2.875% | 11/15/46 | 51,467 | 49,996 |
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 3.000% | 2/15/47 | 47,378 | 47,178 |
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 3.000% | 5/15/47 | 50,860 | 50,606 |
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 2.750% | 8/15/47 | 50,249 | 47,572 |
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 2.750% | 11/15/47 | 49,563 | 46,907 |
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 3.000% | 2/15/48 | 54,515 | 54,225 |
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 3.125% | 5/15/48 | 55,340 | 56,447 |
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 3.000% | 8/15/48 | 23,200 | 23,088 |
Total U.S. Government and Agency Obligations (Cost $1,746,036) | 1,677,595 | |||
Shares | ||||
Temporary Cash Investment (0.9%) | ||||
Money Market Fund (0.9%) | ||||
1 Vanguard Market Liquidity Fund | ||||
(Cost $14,358) 2.153% | 143,566 | 14,360 | ||
Total Investments (100.3%) (Cost $1,760,394) | 1,691,955 | |||
1 Affiliated money market fund available only to Vanguard funds and certain trusts and accounts managed by Vanguard. Rate shown is | the 7-day yield. |
Year Ended | |
December 31, 2018 ($000) | |
Investment Income | |
Income | |
Interest1 | 5,610,114 |
Total Income | 5,610,114 |
Expenses | |
The Vanguard Group | |
Investment Advisory Services | 6,089 |
Management and Administrative — Investor Shares | 5,876 |
Management and Administrative — ETF Shares | 9,217 |
Management and Administrative — Admiral Shares | 32,922 |
Management and Administrative — Institutional Shares | 11,180 |
Management and Administrative — Institutional Plus Shares | 4,900 |
Management and Administrative — Institutional Select Shares | 874 |
Marketing and Distribution — Investor Shares | 928 |
Marketing and Distribution — ETF Shares | 1,488 |
Marketing and Distribution — Admiral Shares | 5,847 |
Marketing and Distribution — Institutional Shares | 1,061 |
Marketing and Distribution — Institutional Plus Shares | 241 |
Marketing and Distribution — Institutional Select Shares | 1 |
Custodian Fees | 469 |
Auditing Fees | 53 |
Shareholders’ Reports — Investor Shares | 77 |
Shareholders’ Reports — ETF Shares | 799 |
Shareholders’ Reports — Admiral Shares | 476 |
Shareholders’ Reports — Institutional Shares | 315 |
Shareholders’ Reports — Institutional Plus Shares | 70 |
Shareholders’ Reports — Institutional Select Shares | 2 |
Trustees’ Fees and Expenses | 128 |
Total Expenses | 83,013 |
Net Investment Income | 5,527,101 |
Realized Net Gain (Loss) on Investment Securities Sold1,2 | (601,872) |
Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) of Investment Securities1 | (4,895,191) |
Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations | 30,038 |
1 Interest income, realized net gain (loss), and change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) from an affiliated company of the fund were $59,526,000, ($263,000), and ($99,000), respectively. Purchases and sales are for temporary cash investment purposes.
2 Includes $13,790,000 of net gain (loss) resulting from in-kind redemptions; such gain (loss) is not taxable to the fund.
As of December 31, 2018
Face Amount ($000)
Market Value ($000)
of Net Assets
U.S. Government and Agency Obligations
U.S. Government Securities
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 2.125% | 5/15/25 | 975,222 | 949,164 | 0.5% | |
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 2.875% | 8/15/28 | 915,238 | 929,680 | 0.5% | |
1 | United States Treasury Note/Bond | 2.625% | 11/15/20 | 853,684 | 855,152 | 0.4% |
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 2.125% | 12/31/22 | 867,125 | 854,933 | 0.4% | |
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 1.375% | 2/15/20 | 858,024 | 846,226 | 0.4% | |
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 1.750% | 5/15/23 | 827,153 | 801,437 | 0.4% | |
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 1.625% | 3/15/20 | 796,130 | 787,301 | 0.4% | |
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 2.250% | 11/15/27 | 813,084 | 785,642 | 0.4% | |
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 2.875% | 11/15/21 | 771,193 | 779,746 | 0.4% | |
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 2.875% | 5/15/28 | 755,131 | 767,047 | 0.4% | |
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 1.750% | 2/28/22 | 781,447 | 764,474 | 0.4% | |
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 2.250% | 11/15/25 | 772,537 | 755,634 | 0.4% | |
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 2.750% | 8/15/21 | 741,294 | 746,394 | 0.4% | |
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 2.250% | 2/15/27 | 748,740 | 727,213 | 0.4% | |
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 2.000% | 11/30/22 | 722,075 | 709,099 | 0.3% | |
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 2.500% | 5/15/46 | 776,992 | 702,937 | 0.3% | |
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 1.250% | 3/31/21 | 709,298 | 690,459 | 0.3% | |
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 1.625% | 5/15/26 | 716,160 | 668,936 | 0.3% | |
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 2.500% | 5/15/24 | 657,918 | 656,892 | 0.3% | |
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 3.125% | 11/15/28 | 623,793 | 647,379 | 0.3% | |
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 2.750% | 8/31/23 | 640,016 | 647,216 | 0.3% | |
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 2.000% | 8/15/25 | 670,570 | 646,577 | 0.3% | |
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 2.125% | 2/29/24 | 653,624 | 641,166 | 0.3% | |
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 2.875% | 11/15/46 | 656,620 | 640,205 | 0.3% | |
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 2.000% | 1/15/21 | 641,473 | 635,058 | 0.3% | |
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 1.625% | 2/15/26 | 678,000 | 634,778 | 0.3% | |
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 2.750% | 11/15/42 | 647,150 | 619,646 | 0.3% | |
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 2.250% | 11/15/24 | 616,889 | 606,476 | 0.3% | |
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 2.750% | 2/15/28 | 597,871 | 601,141 | 0.3% | |
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 3.000% | 2/15/48 | 600,541 | 599,226 | 0.3% | |
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 2.125% | 11/30/24 | 610,580 | 596,079 | 0.3% | |
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 1.500% | 8/15/20 | 603,474 | 593,480 | 0.3% | |
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 1.125% | 9/30/21 | 596,186 | 574,950 | 0.3% | |
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 1.750% | 11/15/20 | 570,670 | 562,732 | 0.3% | |
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 1.500% | 8/15/26 | 607,414 | 560,339 | 0.3% | |
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 3.000% | 5/15/45 | 559,279 | 559,452 | 0.3% |
Maturity | Face Amount | Market Value | Percentage of Net | |||
Coupon | Date | ($000) | ($000) | Assets | ||
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 3.125% | 5/15/48 | 543,609 | 556,009 | 0.3% | |
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 2.750% | 9/15/21 | 546,412 | 550,253 | 0.3% | |
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 1.250% | 1/31/20 | 553,500 | 545,458 | 0.3% | |
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 1.125% | 7/31/21 | 554,910 | 536,182 | 0.3% | |
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 2.625% | 5/15/21 | 524,973 | 526,611 | 0.3% | |
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 1.875% | 2/28/22 | 531,386 | 521,837 | 0.3% | |
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 2.500% | 3/31/23 | 520,701 | 520,701 | 0.3% | |
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 1.875% | 7/31/22 | 530,907 | 519,960 | 0.2% | |
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 3.000% | 8/15/48 | 518,899 | 518,333 | 0.2% | |
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 3.500% | 5/15/20 | 501,005 | 507,112 | 0.2% | |
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 2.125% | 9/30/24 | 515,058 | 503,387 | 0.2% | |
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 2.375% | 3/15/21 | 503,983 | 502,642 | 0.2% | |
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 1.250% | 10/31/21 | 514,864 | 497,729 | 0.2% | |
United States Treasury Note/Bond | 2.750% | 8/15/42 | 515,324 | 493,825 | 0.2% | |
United States Treasury | ||||||
Note/Bond | 1.125% – 8.750% | 8/15/19 – 11/15/48 | 51,796,168 52,135,731 25.6% | |||
84,580,036 | 41.5% | |||||
Agency Bonds and Notes | ||||||
2 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. | 1.125% – 6.750% | 1/17/20 – 7/15/32 | 724,526 | 756,824 | 0.4% | |
2 Federal National Mortgage Assn. | 1.250% – 7.250% | 1/21/20 – 7/15/37 | 924,823 | 951,809 | 0.4% |
3 Agency Bonds and Notes — Other † 1,228,490 0.6%
2,937,123 1.4%
Conventional Mortgage-Backed Securities
2,4,5 | Fannie Mae Pool | 2.000% – 9.500% | 1/1/19 – 2/1/49 | 18,680,541 | 18,875,107 | 9.2% |
2,4,5 | Freddie Mac Gold Pool | 2.000% – 10.000% | 0/0/0 – 1/1/49 | 12,052,757 | 12,152,997 | 6.0% |
2,4 | Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool | 9.500% | 3/1/20 | 1 | 1 | 0.0% |
4,5 | Ginnie Mae I Pool | 3.000% – 10.500% | 4/15/19 – 1/1/49 | 1,202,583 | 1,242,657 | 0.6% |
4,5 | Ginnie Mae II Pool | 2.500% – 8.500% | 12/20/20 – 1/1/49 | 12,828,055 13,020,777 6.4% | ||
45,291,539 | 22.2% | |||||
Nonconventional Mortgage-Backed Securities | ||||||
2,4, Fannie Mae Pool | 2.130% – 4.810% | 11/1/32 – 12/1/43 | 94,215 | 97,006 | 0.1% | |
2,4, Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool | 2.407% – 4.909% | 4/1/33 – 11/1/43 | 26,357 | 27,364 | 0.0% | |
4 | Ginnie Mae II Pool | 3.125% – 4.250% | 6/20/29 – 1/20/44 | 32,463 33,381 0.0% | ||
157,751 | 0.1% | |||||
Total U.S. Government and Agency Obligations (Cost $134,506,789) | 132,966,449 | 65.2% | ||||
3,6Asset-Backed/Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities (Cost $5,508,915) † | 5,435,914 | 2.6% |
Market Value | Percentage of Net | |
($000) | Assets | |
Corporate Bonds | ||
Finance 6 Banking † | 12,526,888 | 6.1% |
6 Brokerage † | 505,874 | 0.3% |
Finance Companies † | 515,688 | 0.3% |
6 Insurance † | 2,533,498 | 1.2% |
Other Finance † | 17,620 | 0.0% |
Real Estate Investment Trusts † 1,376,669 0.7%
17,476,237 8.6%
6 | Basic Industry † | 1,617,915 | 0.8% | |
6 | Capital Goods † | 2,766,946 | 1.3% | |
6 | Communication † | 4,869,422 | 2.4% | |
6 | Consumer Cyclical † | 3,846,761 | 1.9% | |
6 | Consumer Noncyclical † | 8,608,662 | 4.2% | |
6 | Energy † | 4,867,915 | 2.4% | |
6 | Other Industrial † | 188,871 | 0.1% | |
6 | Technology † | 4,260,714 | 2.1% | |
Transportation † 1,281,764 0.6% | ||||
Utilities | 32,308,970 | 15.8% | ||
6 Electric † | 3,522,069 | 1.7% | ||
6 Natural Gas † | 299,323 | 0.2% | ||
Other Utility † 64,034 0.0% | ||||
3,885,426 | 1.9% | |||
3Total Corporate Bonds (Cost $54,983,190) | 53,670,633 | 26.3% | ||
6Sovereign Bonds (Cost $9,325,253) † | 9,198,706 | 4.5% | ||
Taxable Municipal Bonds (Cost $1,273,728) † | 1,378,758 | 0.7% | ||
Coupon | Shares | |||
Temporary Cash Investment | ||||
Money Market Fund 7 Vanguard Market Liquidity Fund (Cost $2,431,854) | 2.530% | 24,320,089 | 2,432,009 | 1.2% |
Total Investments (Cost $208,029,729) | 205,082,469 | 100.5% |
† Represents the aggregate value, by category, of securities that are not among the 50 largest holdings and, in total for any issuer, represent 1% or less of net assets. 1 Securities with a value of $1,786,000 have been segregated as collateral for certain open To Be Announced (TBA) transactions.
2 The issuer was placed under federal conservatorship in September 2008; since that time, its daily operations have been managed by the Federal Housing Finance Agency and it receives capital from the U.S. Treasury, as needed to maintain a positive net worth, in exchange for senior preferred stock.
3 Certain of the fund’s securities are valued using significant unobservable inputs.
4 The average or expected maturity is shorter than the final maturity shown because of the possibility of interim principal payments and prepayments or the possibility of the issue being called.
5 Includes securities purchased on a when-issued or delayed-delivery basis for which the fund has not taken delivery as of December 31, 2018.
6 Certain of the fund’s securities are exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933. Such securities may be sold in transactions exempt from registration, normally to qualified institutional buyers. At December 31, 2018, the aggregate value of these securities was $1,280,195,000, representing 0.6% of net assets.
7 Affiliated money market fund available only to Vanguard funds and certain trusts and accounts managed by Vanguard. Rate shown is the 7-day yield.
For the Year Ended August 31, 2018
Xtrackers USD High Yield Corporate Bond ETF
Investment Income
Unaffiliated interest income* ��������������������� $ 53,772,576 Affiliated securities lending income ������������������ 834,471 Unaffiliated securities lending income, net of borrower rebates ������ 70,356 Total Investment Income ���������������������� 54,677,403
Investment advisory fees ���������������������� | 1,829,122 |
Other expenses �������������������������� | 855 |
Total Expenses �������������������������� | 1,829,977 |
Less fees waived: Waiver ����������������������������� | (7,524) |
Net Expenses �������������������������� | 1,822,453 |
Net Investment income (loss)���������������������� | 52,854,950 |
Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss) | |
Net realized gain (loss) from: Investments ���������������������������� | (3,086,970) |
In-kind redemptions ������������������������� | 1,370,059 |
Payments by Affiliates ������������������������ | 25,000 |
Net realized gain (loss) ������������������������ | (1,691,911) |
Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on:
Investments ���������������������������� (13,361,568) Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) ����������� (13,361,568) Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments ���������� (15,053,479) Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations ���� $ 37,801,471
*Unaffiliated foreign tax withheld �������������������� $ —
August 31, 2018
Amount Value
Amount Value
CORPORATE BONDS — 97.7% | ||
Basic Materials — 4.8% | ||
Chemicals — 2.5% | ||
Ashland LLC | ||
4.75%, 8/15/22 ..................... $ | 1,805,000 | $ 1,827,923 |
Blue Cube Spinco LLC | ||
9.75%, 10/15/23 .................... | 2,800,000 | 3,188,500 |
10.00%, 10/15/25 ................... | 1,098,000 | 1,276,425 |
CF Industries, Inc. | ||
7.125%, 5/01/20 .................... | 1,016,000 | 1,076,960 |
3.45%, 6/01/23 ..................... | 1,132,000 | 1,090,965 |
Chemours Co. | ||
6.625%, 5/15/23 (a) ................. | 1,157,000 | 1,213,404 |
7.00%, 5/15/25 ..................... | 2,250,000 | 2,413,125 |
5.375%, 5/15/27 .................... | 777,000 | 765,345 |
Consolidated Energy Finance SA | ||
6.875%, 6/15/25, 144A .............. | 1,000,000 | 1,035,500 |
6.50%, 5/15/26, 144A ................ | 700,000 | 706,125 |
Hexion, Inc. | ||
6.625%, 4/15/20 .................... | 2,703,000 | 2,564,471 |
10.375%, 2/01/22, 144A ............. | 1,328,000 | 1,313,432 |
Huntsman International LLC | ||
4.875%, 11/15/20 ................... | 1,194,000 | 1,225,939 |
5.125%, 11/15/22 ................... | 1,528,000 | 1,581,480 |
INEOS Group Holdings SA, 144A | ||
5.625%, 8/01/24 (a) ................. | 1,205,000 | 1,192,432 |
Momentive Performance Materials, | ||
Inc. | ||
3.88%, 10/24/21 .................... | 1,791,000 | 1,916,370 |
NOVA Chemicals Corp. | ||
5.25%, 8/01/23, 144A ................ | 1,400,000 | 1,405,250 |
4.875%, 6/01/24, 144A .............. | 1,842,000 | 1,807,462 |
5.00%, 5/01/25, 144A ................ | 1,147,000 | 1,109,722 |
5.25%, 6/01/27, 144A ................ | 1,924,000 | 1,832,610 |
OCI NV, 144A | ||
6.625%, 4/15/23 .................... | 1,510,000 | 1,568,512 |
Olin Corp. | ||
5.125%, 9/15/27 .................... | 666,000 | 661,005 |
5.00%, 2/01/30 ..................... | 625,000 | 599,219 |
Perstorp Holding AB, 144A | ||
11.00%, 9/30/21 .................... | 631,000 | 689,368 |
Platform Specialty Products Corp. | ||
6.50%, 2/01/22, 144A ................ | 2,409,000 | 2,472,236 |
5.875%, 12/01/25, 144A (a) ........... | 1,538,000 | 1,528,388 |
PolyOne Corp. | ||
5.25%, 3/15/23 ..................... | 1,395,000 | 1,442,500 |
PQ Corp., 144A | ||
6.75%, 11/15/22 .................... | 1,257,000 | 1,318,279 |
SPCM SA, 144A | ||
4.875%, 9/15/25 .................... | 1,462,000 | 1,401,225 |
WR Grace & Co.-Conn, 144A | ||
5.125%, 10/01/21 ................... | 1,418,000 | 1,460,540 |
43,684,712 | ||
Iron/Steel — 0.7% | ||
AK Steel Corp. | ||
7.625%, 10/01/21 (a) ................ | 1,045,000 | 1,071,125 |
7.00%, 3/15/27 (a) .................. | 788,000 | 750,570 |
Iron/Steel (Continued) Allegheny Technologies, Inc. 5.95%, 1/15/21 ..................... $ | 810,000 | $ 826,200 |
7.875%, 8/15/23 (a) ................. | 1,081,000 | 1,160,724 |
Cleveland-Cliffs, Inc. 4.875%, 1/15/24, 144A .............. | 572,000 | 559,130 |
5.75%, 3/01/25 (a) .................. | 2,400,000 | 2,365,944 |
Steel Dynamics, Inc. 5.125%, 10/01/21 ................... | 727,000 | 738,087 |
5.25%, 4/15/23 ..................... | 1,913,000 | 1,949,442 |
5.50%, 10/01/24 .................... | 477,000 | 490,117 |
United States Steel Corp. 6.875%, 8/15/25 .................... | 2,116,000 | 2,158,320 |
6.25%, 3/15/26 ..................... | 921,000 | 919,849 |
12,989,508 | ||
Mining — 1.6% Alcoa Nederland Holding BV 6.75%, 9/30/24, 144A ................ | 2,015,000 | 2,145,975 |
7.00%, 9/30/26, 144A ................ | 847,000 | 917,936 |
6.125%, 5/15/28, 144A .............. | 1,035,000 | 1,071,225 |
Aleris International, Inc., 144A 10.75%, 7/15/23 .................... | 500,000 | 533,750 |
Constellium NV 5.75%, 5/15/24, 144A ................ | 799,000 | 799,999 |
6.625%, 3/01/25, 144A (a) ............ | 1,623,000 | 1,655,460 |
5.875%, 2/15/26, 144A .............. | 693,000 | 680,872 |
FMG Resources August 2006 Pty Ltd. 4.75%, 5/15/22, 144A ................ | 1,133,000 | 1,116,062 |
5.125%, 3/15/23, 144A (a) ............ | 1,377,000 | 1,349,460 |
5.125%, 5/15/24, 144A (a) ............ | 1,294,000 | 1,256,798 |
Freeport-McMoRan, Inc. 3.10%, 3/15/20 ..................... | 2,000,000 | 1,988,300 |
4.00%, 11/14/21 .................... | 3,144,000 | 3,127,305 |
3.55%, 3/01/22 ..................... | 1,757,000 | 1,699,898 |
6.875%, 2/15/23 .................... | 1,800,000 | 1,930,500 |
3.875%, 3/15/23 .................... | 3,119,000 | 3,005,936 |
4.55%, 11/14/24 (a) ................. | 2,178,000 | 2,107,215 |
Hudbay Minerals, Inc. 7.25%, 1/15/23, 144A ................ | 170,000 | 173,825 |
7.625%, 1/15/25, 144A .............. | 1,779,000 | 1,816,804 |
Joseph T Ryerson & Son, Inc., 144A 11.00%, 5/15/22 .................... | 1,140,000 | 1,259,700 |
Teck Resources Ltd., 144A 8.50%, 6/01/24 ..................... | 470,000 | 517,000 |
29,154,020 | ||
Communications — 22.6% | ||
Advertising — 0.4% Acosta, Inc., 144A 7.75%, 10/01/22 .................... | 1,554,000 | 710,955 |
Lamar Media Corp. 5.00%, 5/01/23 ..................... | 998,000 | 1,020,455 |
5.375%, 1/15/24 .................... | 2,015,000 | 2,060,338 |
5.75%, 2/01/26 ..................... Outfront Media Capital LLC / Outfront Media Capital Corp. 5.25%, 2/15/22 ..................... | 496,000 1,090,000 | 517,080 1,099,527 |
Advertising (Continued) | Amount | Value | Media (Continued) | Amount | Value | |
5.625%, 2/15/24 .................... $ | 1,060,000 | $ | 1,075,900 | CCO Holdings LLC / CCO Holdings | ||
5.875%, 3/15/25 .................... | 675,000 | 683,437 | Capital Corp. | |||
7,167,692 | 5.25%, 3/15/21 ..................... $ 5.25%, 9/30/22 ..................... | 689,000 $ 1,731,000 | 694,598 1,746,146 | |||
Internet — 1.7% | 5.125%, 2/15/23 .................... | 1,937,000 | 1,944,264 | |||
Match Group, Inc., 144A | 4.00%, 3/01/23, 144A ................ | 1,775,000 | 1,697,344 | |||
5.00%, 12/15/27 .................... | 1,000,000 | 987,500 | 5.125%, 5/01/23, 144A .............. | 2,439,000 | 2,445,097 | |
Netflix, Inc. | 5.75%, 9/01/23 ..................... | 1,271,000 | 1,296,420 | |||
5.375%, 2/01/21 .................... | 1,200,000 | 1,240,500 | 5.75%, 1/15/24 ..................... | 1,531,000 1,561,360 | ||
5.50%, 2/15/22 ..................... | 1,734,000 | 1,796,857 | 5.875%, 4/01/24, 144A .............. | 3,051,000 3,119,647 | ||
5.75%, 3/01/24 ..................... | 842,000 | 864,102 | 5.375%, 5/01/25, 144A .............. | 2,100,000 2,092,125 | ||
5.875%, 2/15/25 .................... | 732,000 | 757,620 | 5.75%, 2/15/26, 144A ................ | 4,908,000 4,920,270 | ||
4.375%, 11/15/26 (a) ................ | 3,750,000 | 3,551,963 | 5.50%, 5/01/26, 144A ................ | 2,129,000 2,107,710 | ||
4.875%, 4/15/28, 144A .............. | 2,731,000 | 2,591,036 | 5.125%, 5/01/27, 144A .............. | 5,097,000 4,874,006 | ||
5.875%, 11/15/28, 144A ............. | 3,255,000 | 3,278,794 | 5.875%, 5/01/27, 144A .............. | 1,752,000 1,736,670 | ||
Symantec Corp. 4.20%, 9/15/20 ..................... | 1,263,000 | 1,274,356 | 5.00%, 2/01/28, 144A ................ | 6,041,000 5,687,783 | ||
3.95%, 6/15/22 ..................... | 767,000 | 745,765 | 9.50%, 6/15/24 ..................... | 1,288,000 1,114,893 | ||
5.00%, 4/15/25, 144A ................ | 2,052,000 | 2,040,253 | Cequel Communications Holdings I | |||
VeriSign, Inc. | LLC / Cequel Capital Corp. | |||||
4.625%, 5/01/23 .................... | 1,800,000 | 1,834,560 | 5.125%, 12/15/21, 144A ............. | 1,561,000 1,568,805 | ||
5.25%, 4/01/25 ..................... | 759,000 | 773,269 | 5.125%, 12/15/21, 144A ............. | 2,275,000 2,283,508 | ||
4.75%, 7/15/27 ..................... | 1,225,000 | 1,185,188 | 7.75%, 7/15/25, 144A ................ | 993,000 1,061,269 | ||
Zayo Group LLC / Zayo Capital, Inc. | 7.50%, 4/01/28, 144A ................ | 2,000,000 | 2,095,000 |
Principal Principal
Cengage Learning, Inc., 144A
6.00%, 4/01/23 ..................... | 2,542,000 | 2,632,673 | Clear Channel Worldwide Holdings, | ||
6.375%, 5/15/25 .................... | 2,481,000 | 2,601,949 | Inc. | ||
5.75%, 1/15/27, 144A ................ | 2,973,000 | 2,987,865 | Series B, 7.625%, 3/15/20 ............ | 3,576,000 | 3,602,820 |
31,144,250 | Series A, 6.50%, 11/15/22 ............ | 1,600,000 | 1,638,000 |
Media — 11.1% | ||
Altice Financing SA | ||
6.625%, 2/15/23, 144A .............. | 4,055,000 | 4,090,441 |
7.50%, 5/15/26, 144A ................ | 5,254,000 | 5,030,705 |
Altice Finco SA, 144A | ||
8.125%, 1/15/24 (a) ................. | 1,000,000 | 1,012,500 |
Altice France SA | ||
6.25%, 5/15/24, 144A ................ | 3,284,000 | 3,255,265 |
7.375%, 5/01/26, 144A .............. | 10,065,000 | 9,926,606 |
8.125%, 2/01/27, 144A .............. | 3,650,000 | 3,713,875 |
Altice Luxembourg SA | ||
7.75%, 5/15/22, 144A (a) ............. | 5,542,000 | 5,361,885 |
7.625%, 2/15/25, 144A (a) ............ | 2,629,000 | 2,439,817 |
Altice US Finance I Corp. | ||
5.375%, 7/15/23, 144A .............. | 1,820,000 | 1,835,925 |
5.50%, 5/15/26, 144A ................ | 3,032,000 | 2,986,520 |
AMC Networks, Inc. | ||
4.75%, 12/15/22 .................... | 465,000 | 466,162 |
5.00%, 4/01/24 ..................... | 2,056,000 | 2,027,730 |
4.75%, 8/01/25 ..................... | 1,900,000 | 1,838,250 |
Cable One, Inc., 144A | ||
5.75%, 6/15/22 ..................... | 1,100,000 | 1,122,000 |
Cablevision Systems Corp. | ||
8.00%, 4/15/20 ..................... | 1,554,000 | 1,639,470 |
5.875%, 9/15/22 .................... | 1,074,000 | 1,095,480 |
CBS Radio, Inc., 144A | ||
7.25%, 11/01/24 (a) ................. | 850,000 | 818,125 |
Series B, 6.50%, 11/15/22 ............ 3,929,000 4,037,047
CSC Holdings LLC | ||
6.75%, 11/15/21 .................... | 1,610,000 | 1,710,625 |
10.125%, 1/15/23, 144A ............. | 3,453,000 | 3,789,668 |
5.25%, 6/01/24 ..................... | 1,231,000 | 1,197,147 |
6.625%, 10/15/25, 144A ............. | 1,994,000 | 2,076,253 |
10.875%, 10/15/25, 144A ............ | 2,831,000 | 3,301,654 |
5.50%, 4/15/27, 144A ................ | 1,752,000 | 1,710,390 |
5.375%, 2/01/28, 144A .............. | 2,857,000 | 2,745,434 |
DISH DBS Corp. | ||
7.875%, 9/01/19 .................... | 1,965,000 | 2,036,231 |
5.125%, 5/01/20 .................... | 3,270,000 | 3,298,612 |
6.75%, 6/01/21 ..................... | 3,902,000 | 3,970,285 |
5.875%, 7/15/22 (a) ................. | 3,800,000 | 3,662,250 |
5.00%, 3/15/23 (a) .................. | 2,443,000 | 2,183,431 |
5.875%, 11/15/24 ................... | 3,944,000 | 3,446,070 |
7.75%, 7/01/26 ..................... | 3,990,000 | 3,615,937 |
Gray Television, Inc. | ||
5.125%, 10/15/24, 144A ............. | 925,000 | 908,813 |
5.875%, 7/15/26, 144A .............. | 1,133,000 | 1,135,833 |
Meredith Corp., 144A | ||
6.875%, 2/01/26 (a) ................. | 2,552,000 | 2,590,280 |
Nexstar Broadcasting, Inc., 144A | ||
5.625%, 8/01/24 .................... | 1,443,500 | 1,422,136 |
Quebecor Media, Inc. | ||
5.75%, 1/15/23 ..................... | 1,700,000 | 1,768,000 |
Sinclair Television Group, Inc. | ||
5.375%, 4/01/21 .................... | 708,000 | 712,425 |
6.125%, 10/01/22 ................... | 919,000 | 945,605 |
Principal Principal
Media (Continued) | Amount | Value | Telecommunications (Continued) | Amount | Value |
5.625%, 8/01/24, 144A $ | 1,300,000 | $ 1,283,750 | Series Y, 7.50%, 4/01/24 (a) $ | 1,895,000 | $ 2,032,387 |
5.125%, 2/15/27, 144A .............. | 850,000 | 790,500 | 5.625%, 4/01/25 (a) ................. | 1,170,000 | 1,146,600 |
Sirius XM Radio, Inc. | Cincinnati Bell, Inc., 144A | ||||
3.875%, 8/01/22, 144A .............. | 3,458,000 | 3,410,280 | 7.00%, 7/15/24 ..................... | 1,300,000 | 1,150,500 |
4.625%, 5/15/23, 144A .............. | 987,000 | 986,013 | CommScope Technologies LLC | ||
6.00%, 7/15/24, 144A ................ | 1,560,000 | 1,624,896 | 6.00%, 6/15/25, 144A ................ | 2,696,000 | 2,803,840 |
5.375%, 4/15/25, 144A .............. | 1,636,000 | 1,664,630 | 5.00%, 3/15/27, 144A ................ | 1,335,000 | 1,301,625 |
5.375%, 7/15/26, 144A .............. | 1,744,000 | 1,744,000 | CommScope, Inc. | ||
5.00%, 8/01/27, 144A ................ | 2,900,000 | 2,816,596 | 5.00%, 6/15/21, 144A ................ | 1,218,000 | 1,228,657 |
TEGNA, Inc. | 5.50%, 6/15/24, 144A ................ | 1,610,000 | 1,636,162 | ||
5.125%, 7/15/20 .................... | 201,000 | 203,010 | Consolidated Communications, Inc. | ||
6.375%, 10/15/23 ................... | 2,304,000 | 2,396,160 | 6.50%, 10/01/22 (a) ................. | 784,000 | 743,820 |
Telenet Finance Luxembourg Notes | DKT Finance ApS, 144A | ||||
Sarl, 144A | 9.375%, 6/17/23 .................... | 700,000 | 742,000 | ||
5.50%, 3/01/28 ..................... | 1,800,000 | 1,692,000 | Frontier Communications Corp. | ||
Tribune Media Co. | 8.75%, 4/15/22 (a) .................. | 1,600,000 | 1,296,000 | ||
5.875%, 7/15/22 .................... | 2,200,000 | 2,244,000 | 10.50%, 9/15/22 (a) ................. | 3,900,000 | 3,451,500 |
Unitymedia GmbH, 144A | 7.125%, 1/15/23 .................... | 2,100,000 | 1,441,125 | ||
6.125%, 1/15/25 .................... | 2,100,000 | 2,205,000 | 7.625%, 4/15/24 .................... | 2,000,000 | 1,270,000 |
Unitymedia Hessen GmbH & Co. KG / | 6.875%, 1/15/25 (a) ................. | 1,650,000 | 973,500 | ||
Unitymedia NRW GmbH, 144A | 11.00%, 9/15/25 (a) ................. | 5,896,000 | 4,539,920 | ||
5.00%, 1/15/25 ..................... | 1,269,000 | 1,295,966 | 8.50%, 4/01/26, 144A ................ | 3,389,000 | 3,201,080 |
Univision Communications, Inc. | GTH Finance BV | ||||
5.125%, 5/15/23, 144A .............. | 2,286,000 | 2,177,415 | 6.25%, 4/26/20, 144A ................ | 500,000 | 507,252 |
5.125%, 2/15/25, 144A .............. | 2,995,000 | 2,755,400 | 7.25%, 4/26/23, 144A ................ | 1,580,000 | 1,647,567 |
UPC Holding BV, 144A | GTT Communications, Inc., 144A | ||||
5.50%, 1/15/28 ..................... | 950,000 | 887,063 | 7.875%, 12/31/24 (a) ................ | 1,425,000 | 1,353,750 |
UPCB Finance IV Ltd., 144A | Hughes Satellite Systems Corp. | ||||
5.375%, 1/15/25 .................... | 2,301,000 | 2,278,220 | 7.625%, 6/15/21 .................... | 1,985,000 | 2,143,800 |
Videotron Ltd. | 5.25%, 8/01/26 ..................... | 1,525,000 | 1,464,000 | ||
5.00%, 7/15/22 ..................... | 1,676,000 | 1,711,615 | 6.625%, 8/01/26 .................... | 1,241,000 | 1,191,360 |
5.375%, 6/15/24, 144A .............. | 1,181,000 | 1,217,906 | Inmarsat Finance PLC | ||
5.125%, 4/15/27, 144A .............. | 1,069,000 | 1,060,983 | 4.875%, 5/15/22, 144A .............. | 2,200,000 | 2,216,500 |
Virgin Media Finance PLC | 6.50%, 10/01/24, 144A .............. | 721,000 | 742,630 | ||
6.375%, 4/15/23, 144A .............. | 600,000 | 621,000 | Intelsat Connect Finance SA, 144A | ||
6.00%, 10/15/24, 144A .............. | 1,085,000 | 1,075,506 | 9.50%, 2/15/23 ..................... | 2,000,000 | 1,995,900 |
5.75%, 1/15/25, 144A ................ | 723,000 | 699,503 | Intelsat Jackson Holdings SA | ||
Virgin Media Secured Finance PLC | 7.25%, 10/15/20 .................... | 5,200,000 | 5,219,500 | ||
5.25%, 1/15/21 ..................... | 275,000 | 282,563 | 7.50%, 4/01/21 ..................... | 2,642,000 | 2,671,722 |
5.50%, 1/15/25, 144A ................ | 590,000 | 583,363 | 9.50%, 9/30/22, 144A ................ | 1,702,000 | 1,982,830 |
5.25%, 1/15/26, 144A ................ | 2,300,000 | 2,245,835 | 5.50%, 8/01/23 ..................... | 3,660,000 | 3,347,802 |
5.50%, 8/15/26, 144A ................ | 1,333,000 | 1,313,005 | 8.00%, 2/15/24, 144A ................ | 1,162,000 | 1,225,910 |
Ziggo Bond Finance BV | 9.75%, 7/15/25, 144A ................ | 2,506,000 | 2,659,492 | ||
5.875%, 1/15/25, 144A .............. | 1,100,000 | 1,032,625 | Intelsat Luxembourg SA | ||
6.00%, 1/15/27, 144A ................ | 1,240,000 | 1,128,400 | 7.75%, 6/01/21 (a) .................. | 3,761,000 | 3,643,469 |
Ziggo BV, 144A | 8.125%, 6/01/23 .................... | 2,539,000 | 2,212,104 | ||
5.50%, 1/15/27 ..................... | 3,598,000 | 3,397,879 | Level 3 Financing, Inc. |
6.125%, 1/15/21 .................... | 819,000 | 824,889 |
5.375%, 8/15/22 .................... | 1,457,000 | 1,475,212 |
Telecommunications — 9.4% | 5.625%, 2/01/23 .................... | 1,960,000 | 1,988,832 | ||
Anixter, Inc. | 5.125%, 5/01/23 .................... | 1,619,000 | 1,621,574 | ||
5.125%, 10/01/21 ................... | 751,500 | 775,924 | 5.375%, 1/15/24 .................... | 1,659,000 | 1,663,148 |
CenturyLink, Inc. | 5.375%, 5/01/25 .................... | 1,102,000 | 1,090,980 | ||
Series V, 5.625%, 4/01/20 ............ | 1,568,000 | 1,607,200 | 5.25%, 3/15/26 ..................... | 1,555,000 | 1,527,943 |
Series S, 6.45%, 6/15/21 ............. | 2,404,000 | 2,512,180 | Level 3 Parent LLC | ||
Series T, 5.80%, 3/15/22 ............. | 2,942,000 | 3,022,022 | 5.75%, 12/01/22 .................... | 1,301,000 | 1,314,010 |
Series W, 6.75%, 12/01/23 (a) ........ | 1,700,000 | 1,776,500 |
Amount Value
Amount Value
Telecommunications (Continued) Nokia OYJ 3.375%, 6/12/22 .................... $ | 2,165,000 | $ 2,121,440 |
4.375%, 6/12/27 .................... | 637,000 | 613,909 |
Qwest Corp. 6.75%, 12/01/21 .................... | 1,362,000 | 1,462,509 |
Sable International Finance Ltd., 144A 6.875%, 8/01/22 .................... | 1,508,000 | 1,573,975 |
Sprint Communications, Inc. 7.00%, 3/01/20, 144A ................ | 2,405,000 | 2,504,206 |
7.00%, 8/15/20 ..................... | 3,007,000 | 3,157,350 |
11.50%, 11/15/21 ................... | 2,500,000 | 2,956,250 |
6.00%, 11/15/22 .................... | 3,574,000 | 3,626,502 |
Sprint Corp. 7.25%, 9/15/21 ..................... | 4,562,000 | 4,794,388 |
7.875%, 9/15/23 .................... | 7,576,000 | 8,172,610 |
7.125%, 6/15/24 .................... | 4,313,000 | 4,485,520 |
7.625%, 2/15/25 .................... | 3,500,000 | 3,723,125 |
7.625%, 3/01/26 .................... | 3,200,000 | 3,368,512 |
Telecom Italia SpA, 144A 5.303%, 5/30/24 .................... | 3,146,000 | 3,149,933 |
Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson 4.125%, 5/15/22 .................... | 1,679,000 | 1,662,560 |
T-Mobile USA, Inc. 4.00%, 4/15/22 (a) .................. | 2,868,000 | 2,857,245 |
6.00%, 3/01/23 ..................... | 1,973,000 | 2,035,544 |
6.50%, 1/15/24 ..................... | 1,382,000 | 1,433,825 |
6.00%, 4/15/24 ..................... | 2,102,000 | 2,186,080 |
6.375%, 3/01/25 .................... | 4,158,000 | 4,334,715 |
5.125%, 4/15/25 .................... | 836,000 | 844,745 |
6.50%, 1/15/26 ..................... | 3,123,000 | 3,309,412 |
4.50%, 2/01/26 ..................... | 2,220,000 | 2,120,100 |
5.375%, 4/15/27 .................... | 796,000 | 802,129 |
4.75%, 2/01/28 ..................... | 2,144,000 | 2,021,899 |
VEON Holdings BV 3.95%, 6/16/21, 144A ................ | 700,000 | 675,787 |
7.504%, 3/01/22, 144A .............. | 1,240,000 | 1,324,308 |
5.95%, 2/13/23, 144A ................ | 1,750,000 | 1,753,850 |
4.95%, 6/16/24, 144A ................ | 1,700,000 | 1,615,510 |
Wind Tre SpA, 144A 5.00%, 1/20/26 ..................... | 3,750,000 | 3,373,744 |
Windstream Services LLC / Windstream Finance Corp. 6.375%, 8/01/23 .................... | 179,000 | 96,660 |
10.50%, 6/30/24, 144A .............. | 1,077,000 | 872,370 |
9.00%, 6/30/25, 144A ................ | 2,187,000 | 1,591,043 |
8.625%, 10/31/25, 144A ............. | 1,300,000 | 1,218,750 |
WTT Investment Ltd., 144A 5.50%, 11/21/22 .................... | 1,165,000 | 1,170,112 |
169,395,335 | ||
Consumer, Cyclical — 12.3% | ||
Airlines — 0.3% Air Canada, 144A 7.75%, 4/15/21 ..................... | 944,000 | 1,019,520 |
American Airlines Group, Inc. 5.50%, 10/01/19, 144A .............. | 1,642,000 | 1,670,735 |
4.625%, 3/01/20, 144A .............. | 1,278,000 | 1,290,460 |
Airlines (Continued) | ||
United Continental Holdings, Inc. | ||
4.25%, 10/01/22 .................... $ | 550,000 | $ 541,063 |
Virgin Australia Holdings Ltd. | ||
8.50%, 11/15/19, 144A .............. | 195,000 | 196,999 |
7.875%, 10/15/21, 144A ............. | 300,000 | 296,250 |
5,015,027 | ||
Apparel — 0.2% | ||
Hanesbrands, Inc. | ||
4.625%, 5/15/24, 144A .............. | 1,848,000 | 1,811,040 |
4.875%, 5/15/26, 144A .............. | 1,700,500 | 1,645,234 |
Levi Strauss & Co. | ||
5.00%, 5/01/25 ..................... | 1,015,000 | 1,025,150 |
4,481,424 | ||
Auto Manufacturers — 0.9% | ||
Allison Transmission, Inc. | ||
5.00%, 10/01/24, 144A .............. | 1,076,000 | 1,062,550 |
4.75%, 10/01/27, 144A .............. | 997,000 | 939,672 |
Fiat Chrysler Automobiles NV | ||
4.50%, 4/15/20 ..................... | 3,294,000 | 3,322,822 |
5.25%, 4/15/23 (a) .................. | 2,217,000 | 2,258,569 |
Jaguar Land Rover Automotive PLC | ||
4.25%, 11/15/19, 144A .............. | 1,127,000 | 1,127,000 |
3.50%, 3/15/20, 144A ................ | 497,000 | 491,409 |
5.625%, 2/01/23, 144A (a) ............ | 748,000 | 740,520 |
4.50%, 10/01/27, 144A (a) ............ | 1,200,000 | 1,021,500 |
Navistar International Corp., 144A | ||
6.625%, 11/01/25 ................... | 2,416,000 | 2,524,720 |
Tesla, Inc., 144A | ||
5.30%, 8/15/25 (a) .................. | 3,441,000 | 2,989,369 |
16,478,131 | ||
Auto Parts & Equipment — 0.7% | ||
Adient Global Holdings Ltd., 144A | ||
4.875%, 8/15/26 (a) ................. | 1,885,000 | 1,705,925 |
American Axle & Manufacturing, Inc. | ||
6.625%, 10/15/22 (a) ................ | 577,000 | 592,146 |
6.25%, 4/01/25 (a) .................. | 2,137,000 | 2,134,329 |
6.25%, 3/15/26 ..................... | 627,000 | 619,946 |
6.50%, 4/01/27 (a) .................. | 813,000 | 807,919 |
Dana, Inc. | ||
5.50%, 12/15/24 .................... | 1,000,000 | 996,250 |
Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. | ||
5.125%, 11/15/23 (a) ................ | 2,114,000 | 2,114,000 |
5.00%, 5/31/26 (a) .................. | 1,358,000 | 1,279,915 |
4.875%, 3/15/27 (a) ................. | 1,246,000 | 1,146,320 |
Tenneco, Inc. | ||
5.00%, 7/15/26 ..................... | 1,171,000 | 1,042,190 |
12,438,940 | ||
Distribution/Wholesale — 0.4% | ||
American Builders & Contractors | ||
Supply Co., Inc., 144A | ||
5.875%, 5/15/26 .................... | 1,263,000 | 1,270,831 |
Core & Main LP, 144A | ||
6.125%, 8/15/25 .................... | 950,000 | 916,750 |
Principal Principal
Distribution/Wholesale (Continued) | Amount | Value | Home Builders (Continued) | Amount | Value |
HD Supply, Inc., 144A | Brookfield Residential Properties, Inc., | ||||
5.75%, 4/15/24 ..................... $ | 1,671,000 | $ 1,760,816 | 144A | ||
KAR Auction Services, Inc., 144A | 6.50%, 12/15/20 .................... $ | 425,000 | $ 428,612 | ||
5.125%, 6/01/25 .................... | 1,617,000 | 1,588,702 | Brookfield Residential Properties, Inc. / | ||
LKQ Corp. | Brookfield Residential US Corp., 144A | ||||
4.75%, 5/15/23 ..................... | 1,093,000 | 1,101,198 | 6.125%, 7/01/22 .................... | 433,000 | 438,412 |
Univar USA, Inc., 144A | K Hovnanian Enterprises, Inc. | ||||
6.75%, 7/15/23 ..................... | 520,000 | 536,900 | 10.00%, 7/15/22, 144A .............. | 1,158,000 | 1,163,790 |
10.50%, 7/15/24, 144A .............. 609,000 605,955
Entertainment — 1.8% AMC Entertainment Holdings, Inc. | 7.00%, 12/15/21 .................... | 1,000,000 | 1,057,500 | ||
5.75%, 6/15/25 (a) .................. | 2,000,000 | 1,948,760 | 4.50%, 11/15/19 .................... | 435,000 | 439,350 |
5.875%, 11/15/26 (a) ................ | 659,000 | 644,172 | 4.75%, 4/01/21 (a) .................. | 962,000 | 977,633 |
6.125%, 5/15/27 (a) ................. | 1,042,000 | 1,026,370 | 4.125%, 1/15/22 .................... | 870,000 | 867,825 |
Caesars Resort Collection LLC / CRC | 4.75%, 11/15/22 .................... | 1,562,000 | 1,569,810 | ||
Finco, Inc., 144A | 4.875%, 12/15/23 ................... | 795,000 | 798,975 | ||
5.25%, 10/15/25 .................... | 3,093,000 | 2,965,414 | 4.50%, 4/30/24 ..................... | 1,097,000 | 1,079,503 |
Cinemark USA, Inc. | 5.875%, 11/15/24 ................... | 1,400,000 | 1,459,640 | ||
5.125%, 12/15/22 ................... | 1,148,000 | 1,159,480 | 4.75%, 5/30/25 ..................... | 505,000 | 498,687 |
4.875%, 6/01/23 .................... Eldorado Resorts, Inc. 6.00%, 4/01/25 ..................... | 1,844,000 1,800,000 | 1,830,170 1,838,250 | 4.75%, 11/29/27 .................... 6.875%, 12/15/23, 144A ............. | 1,783,000 862,000 | 1,709,451 881,395 |
International Game Technology PLC 5.625%, 2/15/20, 144A .............. | 1,700,000 | 1,738,250 | 6.50%, 10/01/25, 144A .............. | 752,000 | 744,630 |
6.25%, 2/15/22, 144A ................ | 3,013,000 | 3,124,481 | 6.00%, 6/01/25 ..................... | 830,000 | 840,375 |
6.50%, 2/15/25, 144A ................ | 2,072,000 | 2,185,960 | PulteGroup, Inc. | ||
LHMC Finco Sarl, 144A | 4.25%, 3/01/21 ..................... | 1,104,000 | 1,112,611 | ||
7.875%, 12/20/23 ................... | 1,125,000 | 1,136,250 | 5.50%, 3/01/26 ..................... | 1,388,000 | 1,382,795 |
Live Nation Entertainment, Inc., 144A | 5.00%, 1/15/27 ..................... | 1,274,000 | 1,218,263 | ||
4.875%, 11/01/24 ................... | 1,117,000 | 1,101,641 | Taylor Morrison Communities, Inc. / | ||
Merlin Entertainments PLC, 144A 5.75%, 6/15/26 ..................... | 405,000 | 413,100 | Taylor Morrison Holdings II, Inc., | ||
Mohegan Gaming & Entertainment, 144A 7.875%, 10/15/24 (a) ................ | 1,116,000 | 1,039,275 | 5.25%, 4/15/21 ..................... 5.875%, 2/15/22 .................... | 1,173,000 1,146,000 | 1,175,933 1,199,003 |
Scientific Games International, Inc. 10.00%, 12/01/22 ................... | 4,580,000 | 4,860,983 | 4.375%, 4/15/23 (a) ................. 4.875%, 3/15/27 .................... | 908,000 542,000 | 907,065 520,320 |
5.00%, 10/15/25, 144A .............. | 2,400,000 | 2,286,000 | 4.35%, 2/15/28 ..................... | 709,000 | 652,280 |
Six Flags Entertainment Corp. 4.875%, 7/31/24, 144A .............. | 1,526,000 | 1,503,110 | William Lyon Homes, Inc. 5.875%, 1/31/25 .................... | 900,000 | 856,125 |
5.50%, 4/15/27, 144A ................ | 905,000 | 900,475 31,702,141 | Home Furnishings — 0.1% | 26,856,175 | |
Food Service — 0.3% | Tempur Sealy International, Inc. | ||||
Aramark Services, Inc. | 5.625%, 10/15/23 ................... | 961,000 | 965,805 |
KB Home Lennar Corp.
Mattamy Group Corp.
Meritage Homes Corp.
Toll Brothers Finance Corp.
5.125%, 1/15/24 .................... | 1,887,000 | 1,920,947 | 5.50%, 6/15/26 ..................... | 1,083,000 1,0 |
5.00%, 4/01/25, 144A ................ | 1,154,000 | 1,164,098 | ||
4.75%, 6/01/26 ..................... | 1,124,000 | 1,109,950 | 2,0 | |
5.00%, 2/01/28, 144A ................ | 1,600,000 | 1,570,000 | Housewares — 0.0% |
5,764,995 | ||
Home Builders — 1.5% Beazer Homes USA, Inc. 8.75%, 3/15/22 ..................... | 1,495,000 | 1,584,237 |
5.875%, 10/15/27 ................... | 800,000 | 686,000 |
Scotts Miracle-Gro Co.
6.00%, 10/15/23 .................... 588,000 599,760
Leisure Time — 0.4%
24 Hour Fitness Worldwide, Inc., 144A
8.00%, 6/01/22 (a) .................. 1,339,000 1,346,123
Carlson Travel, Inc., 144A
6.75%, 12/15/23 (a) ................. 400,000 403,000
Leisure Time (Continued) | Principal Amount | Value | Retail — 3.1% | Principal Amount | Value |
NCL Corp. Ltd., 144A | 1011778 BC ULC / New Red Finance, | ||||
4.75%, 12/15/21 .................... $ | 738,000 | $ 744,458 | Inc. | ||
Sabre GLBL, Inc. | 4.625%, 1/15/22, 144A $ | 2,440,000 | $ 2,446,100 | ||
5.375%, 4/15/23, 144A .............. | 1,609,000 | 1,629,113 | 4.25%, 5/15/24, 144A ................ | 3,035,000 | 2,906,012 |
5.25%, 11/15/23, 144A .............. Viking Cruises Ltd., 144A | 765,000 | 770,454 | 5.00%, 10/15/25, 144A .............. Asbury Automotive Group, Inc. | 5,400,000 | 5,238,000 |
5.875%, 9/15/27 .................... 1,400,000 1,379,000
VOC Escrow Ltd., 144A
5.00%, 2/15/28 ..................... 125,000 121,041
6.00%, 12/15/24 .................... 1,200,000 1,209,000
Beacon Roofing Supply, Inc., 144A
4.875%, 11/01/25 ................... 2,500,000 2,318,750
6,393,189 | 6.50%, 5/01/21 (a) .................. | 1,560,000 | 1,435,200 | |
Lodging — 2.3% | 6.75%, 1/15/22 (a) .................. | 362,000 | 323,990 | |
Boyd Gaming Corp. | 6.75%, 6/15/23 ..................... | 1,285,000 | 1,111,525 |
Ferrellgas LP / Ferrellgas Finance Corp.
6.875%, 5/15/23 .................... | 1,965,000 | 2,073,075 |
6.375%, 4/01/26 .................... | 1,424,000 | 1,461,380 |
6.00%, 8/15/26 ..................... | 1,338,000 | 1,354,725 |
Diamond Resorts International, Inc. | ||
7.75%, 9/01/23, 144A (a) ............. | 1,126,000 | 1,181,951 |
10.75%, 9/01/24, 144A (a) ............ | 1,366,000 | 1,430,885 |
Hilton Domestic Operating Co., Inc. |
Golden Nugget, Inc.
6.75%, 10/15/24, 144A .............. | 2,061,000 | 2,099,644 |
8.75%, 10/01/25, 144A .............. | 1,900,000 | 2,009,250 |
Group 1 Automotive, Inc. | ||
5.00%, 6/01/22 ..................... | 1,200,000 | 1,194,000 |
IRB Holding Corp., 144A | ||
6.75%, 2/15/26 (a) .................. | 1,000,000 | 957,500 |
4.25%, 9/01/24 ..................... | 1,573,000 | 1,533,675 | 5.875%, 7/01/23, 144A (a) ............ | 1,098,000 | 990,945 |
5.125%, 5/01/26, 144A .............. | 2,716,000 | 2,732,975 | 8.625%, 3/15/25, 144A (a) ............ | 667,000 | 496,915 |
Hilton Worldwide Finance LLC / Hilton Worldwide Finance Corp. | KFC Holding Co./Pizza Hut Holdings | ||||
4.625%, 4/01/25 .................... | 2,422,000 | 2,397,780 | 5.00%, 6/01/24, 144A ................ | 1,823,000 | 1,823,000 |
4.875%, 4/01/27 .................... | 947,000 | 933,979 | 5.25%, 6/01/26, 144A ................ | 1,744,000 | 1,748,360 |
Jack Ohio Finance LLC / Jack Ohio | 4.75%, 6/01/27, 144A ................ | 1,820,000 | 1,738,100 | ||
Finance 1 Corp., 144A | L Brands, Inc. | ||||
6.75%, 11/15/21 .................... | 1,287,000 | 1,335,262 | 6.625%, 4/01/21 .................... | 885,000 | 933,675 |
Melco Resorts Finance Ltd., 144A | 5.625%, 2/15/22 .................... | 552,000 | 560,970 | ||
4.875%, 6/06/25 .................... | 1,400,000 | 1,332,702 | 6.694%, 1/15/27, 144A .............. | 2,700,000 | 2,558,250 |
MGM Resorts International | 5.25%, 2/01/28 (a) .................. | 75,000 | 64,594 | ||
5.25%, 3/31/20 ..................... | 555,000 | 567,487 | Michaels Stores, Inc., 144A | ||
6.75%, 10/01/20 .................... | 965,000 | 1,016,869 | 5.875%, 12/15/20 ................... | 875,000 | 879,375 |
6.625%, 12/15/21 ................... | 3,417,000 | 3,622,020 | Neiman Marcus Group Ltd. LLC, 144A | ||
7.75%, 3/15/22 ..................... | 1,086,000 | 1,195,957 | 8.00%, 10/15/21 (a) ................. | 1,917,000 | 1,308,352 |
JC Penney Corp., Inc.
LLC/Taco Bell of America LLC
6.00%, 3/15/23 ..................... 1,803,000 1,876,292
5.75%, 6/15/25 ..................... 2,681,000 2,713,172
4.625%, 9/01/26 .................... | 1,140,000 | 1,080,150 |
Station Casinos LLC, 144A | ||
5.00%, 10/01/25 .................... | 1,069,000 | 1,035,594 |
Studio City Co. Ltd., 144A | ||
7.25%, 11/30/21 .................... | 2,132,000 | 2,190,630 |
Studio City Finance Ltd., 144A |
Penske Automotive Group, Inc.
5.75%, 10/01/22 .................... 969,000 988,986
8.50%, 12/01/20 .................... | 1,000,000 | 1,013,500 | 4.375%, 3/15/23 .................... | 1,197,000 | 1,185,093 |
Wyndham Destinations, Inc. | 4.85%, 4/01/24 ..................... | 1,843,000 | 1,845,353 | ||
3.90%, 3/01/23 (a) .................. | 1,400,000 | 1,312,500 | 4.45%, 2/15/25 ..................... | 1,070,000 | 1,028,895 |
4.50%, 4/01/27 ..................... | 800,000 | 768,240 | Rite Aid Corp., 144A | ||
Wynn Las Vegas LLC / Wynn Las Vegas | 6.125%, 4/01/23 .................... | 3,450,000 | 3,112,590 | ||
Capital Corp. | Sears Holdings Corp. | ||||
4.25%, 5/30/23, 144A ................ | 2,005,000 | 1,929,813 | 8.00%, 12/15/19 .................... | 491,000 | 199,469 |
5.50%, 3/01/25, 144A ................ | 1,912,000 | 1,896,513 | Staples, Inc., 144A | ||
5.25%, 5/15/27, 144A ................ | 2,394,000 | 2,241,383 | 8.50%, 9/15/25 (a) .................. | 2,034,000 | 1,927,012 |
42,228,509 | Suburban Propane Partners LP/ Suburban Energy Finance Corp. | ||||
5.50%, 6/01/24 ..................... | 1,178,000 | 1,160,330 |
5.50%, 5/15/26 ..................... 1,069,000 1,050,292
PetSmart, Inc. | ||
7.125%, 3/15/23, 144A .............. | 3,253,000 | 2,203,907 |
5.875%, 6/01/25, 144A .............. | 3,150,000 | 2,571,188 |
8.875%, 6/01/25, 144A .............. | 1,088,000 | 739,840 |
QVC, Inc. | ||
5.125%, 7/02/22 .................... | 601,000 | 613,717 |
Amount Value
Amount Value
Storage / Warehousing — 0.1% Algeco Global Finance PLC, 144A 8.00%, 2/15/23 ..................... $ | 1,188,000 | $ | 1,226,610 | Commercial Services (Continued) Service Corp. International 5.375%, 1/15/22 .................... $ | 712,000 | $ | 724,257 |
Toys/Games/Hobbies — 0.2% Mattel, Inc., 144A 6.75%, 12/31/25 (a) ................. | 2,945,000 | 2,891,813 | 5.375%, 5/15/24 .................... 4.625%, 12/15/27 ................... ServiceMaster Co. LLC, 144A | 1,799,000 1,089,000 | 1,841,726 1,048,163 | ||
Consumer, Non-cyclical — 18.4% | Team Health Holdings, Inc., 144A | ||||||
Agriculture — 0.1% | 6.375%, 2/01/25 (a) ................. | 1,649,000 | 1,438,753 | ||||
Vector Group Ltd., 144A | United Rentals North America, Inc. | ||||||
6.125%, 2/01/25 .................... | 1,600,000 | 1,540,000 | 4.625%, 7/15/23 .................... | 2,294,000 | 2,327,263 |
5.125%, 11/15/24 ................... 1,600,000 1,576,000
Commercial Services — 3.7% | ||
ADT Corp. | ||
6.25%, 10/15/21 .................... | 3,089,000 | 3,274,340 |
3.50%, 7/15/22 ..................... | 2,173,000 | 2,064,350 |
4.125%, 6/15/23 (a) ................. | 269,000 | 256,559 |
Ahern Rentals, Inc., 144A | ||
7.375%, 5/15/23 .................... | 1,345,000 | 1,329,936 |
APX Group, Inc. | ||
8.75%, 12/01/20 (a) ................. | 2,110,000 | 2,115,275 |
7.875%, 12/01/22 (a) ................ | 1,585,000 | 1,622,644 |
7.625%, 9/01/23 (a) ................. | 780,000 | 706,875 |
5.75%, 11/15/24 .................... | 1,864,000 | 1,931,011 |
5.50%, 7/15/25 ..................... | 2,000,000 | 2,047,500 |
4.625%, 10/15/25 ................... | 1,321,000 | 1,294,580 |
5.875%, 9/15/26 .................... | 3,500,000 | 3,618,125 |
5.50%, 5/15/27 ..................... | 2,164,000 | 2,164,000 |
4.875%, 1/15/28 .................... | 1,173,000 | 1,120,948 |
Verscend Escrow Corp., 144A | ||
9.75%, 8/15/26 ..................... | 2,200,000 | 2,259,840 |
WEX, Inc., 144A | ||
4.75%, 2/01/23 ..................... | 687,000 | 691,294 |
66,742,039 | ||
Cosmetics/Personal Care — 0.5% | ||
Avon Products, Inc. | ||
6.60%, 3/15/20 (a) .................. | 1,200,000 | 1,204,608 |
7.00%, 3/15/23 ..................... | 927,000 | 799,537 |
Coty, Inc., 144A | ||
6.50%, 4/15/26 (a) .................. | 1,200,000 | 1,131,750 |
Edgewell Personal Care Co. | ||
4.70%, 5/19/21 ..................... | 931,000 | 942,638 |
4.70%, 5/24/22 ..................... | 830,000 | 828,174 |
First Quality Finance Co., Inc. | ||
4.625%, 5/15/21, 144A .............. | 1,336,000 | 1,325,980 |
5.00%, 7/01/25, 144A ................ | 771,000 | 724,740 |
Revlon Consumer Products Corp. | ||
5.75%, 2/15/21 (a) .................. | 1,257,000 | 1,037,025 |
6.25%, 10/15/22 (a) ................. | 898,000 | 841,875 | |
5.50%, 10/15/24, 144A (a) ............ | 1,800,000 | 1,516,500 | |
Jaguar Holding Co. II / Pharmaceutical | Food — 1.7% |
Avis Budget Car Rental LLC / Avis Budget Finance, Inc. | ||
5.125%, 6/01/22, 144A (a) ............ | 937,000 | 934,657 |
5.50%, 4/01/23 (a) .................. | 1,234,000 | 1,232,457 |
Brink’s Co., 144A | ||
4.625%, 10/15/27 ................... | 1,063,000 | 996,562 |
Gartner, Inc., 144A | ||
5.125%, 4/01/25 .................... | 1,620,000 | 1,644,300 |
Herc Rentals, Inc. | ||
7.50%, 6/01/22, 144A ................ | 1,000,000 | 1,051,250 |
7.75%, 6/01/24, 144A ................ | 1,105,000 | 1,197,212 |
Hertz Corp. | ||
5.875%, 10/15/20 (a) ................ | 1,097,000 | 1,096,660 |
7.375%, 1/15/21 (a) ................. | 911,000 | 914,416 |
7.625%, 6/01/22, 144A (a) ............ | 2,349,000 | 2,337,255 |
6.25%, 8/01/24 ..................... 600,000 351,000
Product Development LLC, 144A | Albertsons Cos. LLC / Safeway, Inc. / | ||||
6.375%, 8/01/23 .................... | 1,955,000 | 1,969,662 | New Albertsons LP / Albertson’s LLC | ||
Laureate Education, Inc., 144A | 6.625%, 6/15/24 .................... | 1,958,000 | 1,899,260 | ||
8.25%, 5/01/25 ..................... | 1,400,000 | 1,513,750 | 5.75%, 3/15/25 ..................... | 2,800,000 | 2,548,000 |
Monitronics International, Inc. | B&G Foods, Inc. | ||||
9.125%, 4/01/20 (a) ................. Nielsen Co. Luxembourg SARL | 934,000 | 691,160 | 4.625%, 6/01/21 .................... 5.25%, 4/01/25 (a) .................. | 1,487,000 1,271,000 | 1,483,282 1,237,636 |
5.50%, 10/01/21, 144A .............. | 1,072,000 | 1,076,020 | Barry Callebaut Services NV, 144A | ||
5.00%, 2/01/25, 144A ................ | 1,000,000 | 975,000 | 5.50%, 6/15/23 ..................... | 400,000 | 416,400 |
Nielsen Finance LLC / Nielsen Finance | Darling Ingredients, Inc. | ||||
Co. 4.50%, 10/01/20 .................... | 700,000 | 700,000 | 5.375%, 1/15/22 .................... | 663,000 | 672,116 |
5.00%, 4/15/22, 144A ................ | 4,661,000 | 4,537,717 | 4.625%, 11/01/24, 144A ............. | 2,975,000 | 2,937,812 |
Prime Security Services Borrower LLC / | 4.875%, 11/01/26, 144A ............. | 501,000 | 494,738 | ||
Prime Finance, Inc., 144A | Pilgrim’s Pride Corp. | ||||
9.25%, 5/15/23 ..................... | 4,415,000 | 4,740,827 | 5.75%, 3/15/25, 144A ................ | 1,521,000 | 1,475,370 |
RR Donnelley & Sons Co. | 5.875%, 9/30/27, 144A .............. | 2,101,000 | 2,001,203 | ||
7.875%, 3/15/21 (a) ................. | 1,248,000 | 1,321,320 |
Lamb Weston Holdings, Inc.
Principal Principal
Food (Continued) | Amount | Value | Healthcare-Services (Continued) | Amount | Value |
Post Holdings, Inc. | 6.125%, 2/15/24 .................... $ | 1,308,000 | $ 1,378,305 | ||
5.50%, 3/01/25, 144A $ | 1,750,000 | $ 1,750,000 | 4.75%, 1/15/25 ..................... | 1,675,000 | 1,687,562 |
5.00%, 8/15/26, 144A ................ | 2,999,000 | 2,886,538 | 5.375%, 6/01/26, 144A .............. | 3,500,000 | 3,621,905 |
5.75%, 3/01/27, 144A ................ | 2,767,000 | 2,739,330 | Charles River Laboratories | ||
5.625%, 1/15/28, 144A .............. | 2,204,000 | 2,137,880 | International, Inc., 144A | ||
Sigma Holdco BV, 144A | 5.50%, 4/01/26 ..................... | 1,000,000 | 1,017,500 | ||
7.875%, 5/15/26 .................... | 1,375,000 | 1,306,250 | CHS/Community Health Systems, Inc. | ||
TreeHouse Foods, Inc. | 5.125%, 8/01/21 (a) ................. | 2,000,000 | 1,940,000 | ||
4.875%, 3/15/22 .................... | 800,000 | 803,000 | 6.875%, 2/01/22 .................... | 5,150,000 | 2,652,250 |
6.00%, 2/15/24, 144A (a) ............. | 1,800,000 | 1,829,250 | 6.25%, 3/31/23 ..................... | 6,450,000 | 6,159,750 |
US Foods, Inc., 144A | 11.00%, 6/30/23, 144A (a) ............ | 3,409,000 | 3,068,100 | ||
5.875%, 6/15/24 .................... | 1,575,000 | 1,594,688 | 8.625%, 1/15/24, 144A .............. | 1,600,000 | 1,672,000 |
8.125%, 6/30/24, 144A (a) ............ 2,552,000 2,111,780
Healthcare-Products — 1.4% | 5.75%, 8/15/22 ..................... | 1,650,000 | 1,676,812 | ||
Avantor, Inc. | 5.125%, 7/15/24 .................... | 3,311,000 | 3,208,756 | ||
6.00%, 10/01/24, 144A .............. | 2,777,000 | 2,825,597 | 5.00%, 5/01/25 ..................... | 3,100,000 | 2,952,750 |
9.00%, 10/01/25, 144A .............. | 4,009,000 | 4,144,304 | Eagle Holding Co. II LLC, 144A | ||
DJO Finance LLC / DJO Finance Corp., 144A 8.125%, 6/15/21 .................... | 1,867,000 | 1,937,573 | 7.625%, 5/15/22 .................... 5.75%, 11/01/24 .................... | 350,000 2,700,000 | 355,250 2,743,875 |
Hill-Rom Holdings, Inc., 144A 5.75%, 9/01/23 ..................... | 516,000 | 534,060 | Envision Healthcare Corp. 5.125%, 7/01/22, 144A .............. | 1,800,000 | 1,836,000 |
Hologic, Inc. | 5.625%, 7/15/22 .................... | 1,950,000 | 2,008,500 | ||
4.375%, 10/15/25, 144A ............. | 1,500,000 | 1,451,250 | 6.25%, 12/01/24, 144A .............. | 1,200,000 | 1,287,000 |
4.625%, 2/01/28, 144A .............. | 1,085,000 | 1,022,612 | HCA Healthcare, Inc. | ||
Kinetic Concepts, Inc. / KCI USA, Inc. 7.875%, 2/15/21, 144A .............. | 900,000 | 931,500 | 6.25%, 2/15/21 ..................... | 3,105,000 | 3,252,488 |
12.50%, 11/01/21, 144A ............. | 1,400,000 | 1,540,000 | 4.25%, 10/15/19 .................... | 1,185,000 | 1,201,187 |
Mallinckrodt International Finance SA | 6.50%, 2/15/20 ..................... | 4,160,000 | 4,328,480 | ||
4.75%, 4/15/23 (a) .................. | 932,000 | 813,170 | 7.50%, 2/15/22 ..................... | 3,979,000 | 4,376,900 |
Mallinckrodt International Finance SA / | 5.875%, 3/15/22 .................... | 3,319,000 | 3,534,735 | ||
Mallinckrodt CB LLC | 4.75%, 5/01/23 ..................... | 1,507,000 | 1,535,256 | ||
4.875%, 4/15/20, 144A (a) ............ | 1,275,000 | 1,276,594 | 5.875%, 5/01/23 .................... | 1,756,000 | 1,848,190 |
5.75%, 8/01/22, 144A ................ | 1,950,000 | 1,828,125 | 5.00%, 3/15/24 ..................... | 3,928,000 | 4,026,200 |
5.625%, 10/15/23, 144A (a) ........... | 1,565,000 | 1,402,631 | 5.375%, 2/01/25 .................... | 5,414,000 | 5,489,417 |
5.50%, 4/15/25, 144A (a) ............. | 1,490,000 | 1,279,538 | 5.25%, 4/15/25 ..................... | 2,743,000 | 2,835,576 |
Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. / Ortho- | 5.875%, 2/15/26 .................... | 2,344,000 | 2,428,970 | ||
Clinical Diagnostics SA, 144A | 5.25%, 6/15/26 ..................... | 4,430,000 | 4,573,975 | ||
6.625%, 5/15/22 .................... | 2,600,000 | 2,564,250 | 5.375%, 9/01/26 .................... | 2,190,000 | 2,206,425 |
Sotera Health Holdings LLC, 144A | 4.50%, 2/15/27 ..................... | 1,339,000 | 1,328,958 | ||
6.50%, 5/15/23 ..................... Teleflex, Inc. | 890,000 | 918,391 | 5.625%, 9/01/28 .................... | 2,000,000 | 2,010,000 |
DaVita, Inc.
Encompass Health Corp.
HCA, Inc.
4.875%, 6/01/26 .................... | 511,000 | 505,890 | 5.50%, 12/01/21 .................... | 1,251,000 | 1,276,020 |
4.625%, 11/15/27 ................... | 1,116,000 | 1,067,175 | 5.875%, 12/01/23 ................... | 1,400,000 | 1,472,114 |
26,042,660 | 5.375%, 5/01/24 .................... | 1,164,000 | 1,213,470 |
LifePoint Health, Inc.
Healthcare-Services — 7.9% | ||
Acadia Healthcare Co., Inc. | ||
5.625%, 2/15/23 .................... | 1,400,000 | 1,435,000 |
AHP Health Partners, Inc., 144A | ||
9.75%, 7/15/26 ..................... | 1,110,000 | 1,168,275 |
Catalent Pharma Solutions, Inc., 144A | ||
4.875%, 1/15/26 .................... | 760,000 | 728,650 |
Centene Corp. | ||
5.625%, 2/15/21 .................... | 1,647,000 | 1,684,057 |
4.75%, 5/15/22 ..................... | 4,717,000 | 4,823,132 |
MEDNAX, Inc., 144A
5.25%, 12/01/23 .................... | 1,473,000 | 1,473,000 |
Molina Healthcare, Inc. | ||
5.375%, 11/15/22 ................... | 1,288,000 | 1,320,200 |
MPH Acquisition Holdings LLC, 144A | ||
7.125%, 6/01/24 .................... | 3,254,000 | 3,376,025 |
One Call Corp., 144A | ||
10.00%, 10/01/24 ................... | 800,000 | 684,000 |
Quorum Health Corp. | ||
11.625%, 4/15/23 (a) ................ | 840,000 | 840,000 |
Healthcare-Services (Continued) | Amount | Value | Pharmaceuticals (Continued) | Amount | Value |
RegionalCare Hospital Partners | Horizon Pharma, Inc. | ||||
Holdings, Inc., 144A | 6.625%, 5/01/23 .................... $ | 862,000 | $ 881,395 | ||
8.25%, 5/01/23 ..................... $ Select Medical Corp. | 1,700,000 | $ 1,814,750 | Vizient, Inc., 144A 10.375%, 3/01/24 ................... | 1,475,000 | 1,618,813 |
6.375%, 6/01/21 .................... | 1,594,000 | 1,615,918 | 50,375,636 |
Principal Principal
8.875%, 4/15/21 (a) ................. | 827,000 | 865,249 | Diversified — 0.1% | ||
Tenet Healthcare Corp. | Holding Companies-Diversified — 0.1% | ||||
4.75%, 6/01/20 ..................... | 1,180,000 | 1,197,700 | Spectrum Brands Holdings, Inc. | ||
6.00%, 10/01/20 .................... | 2,485,000 | 2,590,613 | 7.75%, 1/15/22 ..................... | 1,008,000 | 1,038,240 |
4.50%, 4/01/21 ..................... | 2,203,000 | 2,211,261 | Stena AB, 144A | ||
4.375%, 10/01/21 ................... | 2,875,000 | 2,882,188 | 7.00%, 2/01/24 (a) .................. | 736,000 | 693,680 |
7.50%, 1/01/22, 144A ................ | 1,583,000 | 1,663,638 | 1,731,920 |
Surgery Center Holdings, Inc., 144A
8.125%, 4/01/22 .................... 6,089,000 6,454,340
6.75%, 6/15/23 ..................... 3,147,000 3,158,801
4.625%, 7/15/24 .................... 3,518,000 3,454,782
5.125%, 5/01/25 .................... 2,150,000 2,139,250
7.00%, 8/01/25 ..................... 1,015,000 1,016,903
WellCare Health Plans, Inc.
5.25%, 4/01/25 ..................... 1,601,000 1,641,025
5.375%, 8/15/26, 144A .............. 1,500,000 1,548,750
Energy — 13.5%
Coal — 0.1%
Peabody Energy Corp.
6.00%, 3/31/22, 144A ................ 974,000 981,305
6.375%, 3/31/25, 144A (a) ............ 1,195,000 1,215,913
142,103,963 | Energy-Alternate Sources — 0.1% | ||||
Household Products/Wares — 0.3% | 4.25%, 1/31/23, 144A ................ | 775,000 | 757,563 | ||
Prestige Brands, Inc. | 5.00%, 1/31/28, 144A ................ | 1,413,000 | 1,328,220 | ||
5.375%, 12/15/21, 144A ............. | 138,000 | 138,690 | 2,085,783 | ||
6.375%, 3/01/24, 144A (a) ............ Spectrum Brands, Inc. 6.625%, 11/15/22 ................... | 1,600,000 611,000 | 1,622,480 630,094 | Oil & Gas — 9.4% Aker BP ASA |
TerraForm Power Operating LLC
5.75%, 7/15/25 ..................... | 2,293,000 | 2,327,395 | 6.00%, 7/01/22, 144A ................ | 670,000 | 691,356 |
4,718,659 | Antero Resources Corp. | ||||
Pharmaceuticals — 2.8% | 5.375%, 11/01/21 ................... | 1,852,000 | 1,889,040 | ||
Bausch Health Cos., Inc. | 5.125%, 12/01/22 ................... | 1,952,000 | 1,981,280 | ||
7.50%, 7/15/21, 144A ................ | 3,000,500 | 3,053,774 | 5.625%, 6/01/23 .................... | 1,213,000 | 1,254,303 |
5.625%, 12/01/21, 144A ............. | 2,800,000 | 2,782,500 | 5.00%, 3/01/25 ..................... | 1,750,500 | 1,772,381 |
6.50%, 3/15/22, 144A ................ | 3,101,000 | 3,217,287 | Ascent Resources Utica Holdings LLC / | ||
5.50%, 3/01/23, 144A ................ | 2,400,000 | 2,274,312 | ARU Finance Corp., 144A | ||
5.875%, 5/15/23, 144A .............. | 5,942,000 | 5,702,834 | 10.00%, 4/01/22 .................... | 3,145,000 | 3,490,950 |
7.00%, 3/15/24, 144A ................ | 2,979,000 | 3,154,016 | Baytex Energy Corp. | ||
6.125%, 4/15/25, 144A .............. | 6,236,000 | 5,822,865 | 5.125%, 6/01/21, 144A .............. | 489,000 | 477,997 |
5.50%, 11/01/25, 144A .............. | 3,774,000 | 3,778,718 | 5.625%, 6/01/24, 144A .............. | 515,000 | 489,250 |
9.00%, 12/15/25, 144A .............. | 3,030,000 | 3,215,588 | Bruin E&P Partners LLC, 144A | ||
9.25%, 4/01/26, 144A ................ | 2,163,000 | 2,299,875 | 8.875%, 8/01/23 .................... | 1,000,000 | 1,037,500 |
8.50%, 1/31/27, 144A ................ | 1,550,000 | 1,596,500 | California Resources Corp., 144A | ||
Elanco Animal Health, Inc. | 8.00%, 12/15/22 (a) ................. | 4,568,000 | 4,116,910 | ||
4.272%, 8/28/23, 144A .............. | 1,800,000 | 1,811,628 | Calumet Specialty Products Partners | ||
4.90%, 8/28/28, 144A ................ | 1,600,000 | 1,614,174 | LP / Calumet Finance Corp. | ||
Endo Dac / Endo Finance LLC / Endo | 6.50%, 4/15/21 ..................... | 1,800,000 | 1,782,000 | ||
Finco, Inc. | Carrizo Oil & Gas, Inc. | ||||
6.00%, 7/15/23, 144A ................ 6.00%, 2/01/25, 144A ................ Endo Finance LLC, 144A | 3,154,000 1,887,000 | 2,728,210 1,570,927 | 6.25%, 4/15/23 (a) .................. Chesapeake Energy Corp. 6.625%, 8/15/20 (a) ................. | 1,627,000 417,000 | 1,671,742 434,722 |
5.75%, 1/15/22 (a) .................. | 1,900,000 | 1,767,000 | 6.125%, 2/15/21 .................... | 1,545,000 | 1,583,625 |
Endo Finance LLC / Endo Finco, Inc., | 4.875%, 4/15/22 (a) ................. | 1,176,000 | 1,140,720 | ||
144A | 8.00%, 12/15/22, 144A .............. | 2,619,000 | 2,756,497 | ||
5.375%, 1/15/23 .................... | 1,727,000 | 1,485,220 | 8.00%, 1/15/25 ..................... | 2,215,000 | 2,267,606 |
8.00%, 6/15/27 ..................... | 2,529,000 | 2,566,935 |
5.875%, 3/31/25, 144A .............. 765,000 796,556
Principal Principal
Oil & Gas (Continued) | Amount | Value | Oil & Gas (Continued) | Amount | Value |
Citgo Holding, Inc., 144A | Murphy Oil Corp. | ||||
10.75%, 2/15/20 .................... $ | 3,152,000 | $ 3,380,520 | 4.00%, 6/01/22 (a) $ | 903,000 | $ 892,953 |
CITGO Petroleum Corp., 144A | 4.45%, 12/01/22 .................... | 1,441,000 | 1,441,893 | ||
6.25%, 8/15/22 ..................... | 1,588,000 | 1,607,850 | 6.875%, 8/15/24 .................... | 693,000 | 733,975 |
CNX Resources Corp. | 5.75%, 8/15/25 ..................... | 852,000 | 856,050 | ||
5.875%, 4/15/22 .................... | 1,902,000 | 1,906,660 | Nabors Industries, Inc. | ||
Continental Resources, Inc. | 5.00%, 9/15/20 ..................... | 1,150,000 | 1,159,939 | ||
5.00%, 9/15/22 ..................... | 3,060,000 | 3,101,278 | 4.625%, 9/15/21 .................... | 1,057,000 | 1,055,427 |
4.50%, 4/15/23 ..................... | 2,510,000 | 2,570,536 | 5.50%, 1/15/23 (a) .................. | 1,999,000 | 2,003,736 |
3.80%, 6/01/24 ..................... | 1,608,000 | 1,585,614 | 5.75%, 2/01/25, 144A ................ | 1,206,000 | 1,163,295 |
4.375%, 1/15/28 .................... | 2,070,000 | 2,060,830 | Newfield Exploration Co. | ||
CrownRock LP / CrownRock Finance, | 5.75%, 1/30/22 ..................... | 1,673,000 | 1,773,380 | ||
Inc., 144A | 5.625%, 7/01/24 .................... | 2,000,000 | 2,142,500 | ||
5.625%, 10/15/25 ................... | 2,068,000 | 2,016,300 | 5.375%, 1/01/26 .................... | 1,273,000 | 1,333,468 |
Denbury Resources, Inc. | Noble Holding International Ltd. | ||||
9.00%, 5/15/21, 144A ................ | 1,325,000 | 1,431,000 | 7.75%, 1/15/24 (a) .................. | 1,500,000 | 1,473,750 |
9.25%, 3/31/22, 144A ................ | 793,000 | 849,501 | 7.95%, 4/01/25 (a) .................. | 991,000 | 946,405 |
Diamond Offshore Drilling, Inc. | 7.875%, 2/01/26, 144A (a) ............ | 1,423,000 | 1,463,911 | ||
7.875%, 8/15/25 (a) ................. | 1,015,000 | 1,037,837 | Oasis Petroleum, Inc. | ||
Diamondback Energy, Inc. | 6.875%, 3/15/22 (a) ................. | 1,283,000 | 1,308,660 | ||
4.75%, 11/01/24 .................... | 958,000 | 967,580 | 6.25%, 5/01/26, 144A ................ | 800,000 | 815,000 |
5.375%, 5/31/25 .................... | 1,012,000 | 1,038,565 | Parkland Fuel Corp., 144A | ||
Endeavor Energy Resources LP / EER | 6.00%, 4/01/26 ..................... | 1,050,000 | 1,052,625 | ||
Finance, Inc. | Parsley Energy LLC / Parsley Finance | ||||
5.50%, 1/30/26, 144A ................ | 1,000,000 | 1,002,500 | Corp. | ||
5.75%, 1/30/28, 144A ................ | 1,148,000 | 1,149,435 | 6.25%, 6/01/24, 144A ................ | 569,000 | 594,605 |
Ensco PLC | 5.375%, 1/15/25, 144A .............. | 2,759,000 | 2,793,212 | ||
4.50%, 10/01/24 .................... | 1,171,000 | 976,321 | 5.25%, 8/15/25, 144A ................ | 1,022,000 | 1,019,445 |
5.20%, 3/15/25 (a) .................. | 2,135,000 | 1,793,400 | 5.625%, 10/15/27, 144A ............. | 414,000 | 420,210 |
7.75%, 2/01/26 ..................... | 1,438,000 | 1,378,682 | PBF Holding Co LLC / PBF Finance | ||
EP Energy LLC / Everest Acquisition | Corp. | ||||
Finance, Inc. | 7.25%, 6/15/25 ..................... | 807,000 | 853,403 | ||
9.375%, 5/01/24, 144A .............. | 2,066,000 | 1,637,305 | PBF Holding Co. LLC / PBF Finance | ||
8.00%, 11/29/24, 144A (a) ............ | 1,277,000 | 1,286,577 | Corp. | ||
8.00%, 2/15/25, 144A ................ | 1,942,000 | 1,412,805 | 7.00%, 11/15/23 .................... | 1,741,000 | 1,828,050 |
7.75%, 5/15/26, 144A ................ | 1,755,000 | 1,798,875 | PDC Energy, Inc. | ||
Extraction Oil & Gas, Inc. | 6.125%, 9/15/24 .................... | 1,900,000 | 1,900,000 | ||
7.375%, 5/15/24, 144A .............. | 1,915,000 | 1,958,087 | 5.75%, 5/15/26 ..................... | 330,000 | 321,338 |
5.625%, 2/01/26, 144A .............. | 666,000 | 626,872 | Precision Drilling Corp., 144A | ||
Gulfport Energy Corp. | 7.125%, 1/15/26 .................... | 744,000 | 767,250 | ||
6.00%, 10/15/24 .................... | 1,679,000 | 1,666,407 | Puma International Financing SA | ||
6.375%, 5/15/25 .................... | 1,700,000 | 1,691,500 | 5.125%, 10/06/24, 144A (a) ........... | 1,000,000 | 902,240 |
6.375%, 1/15/26 .................... | 151,000 | 147,603 | 5.00%, 1/24/26, 144A ................ | 1,300,000 | 1,149,616 |
Hilcorp Energy I LP / Hilcorp Finance | QEP Resources, Inc. | ||||
Co. | 5.375%, 10/01/22 ................... | 701,000 | 708,220 | ||
5.00%, 12/01/24, 144A .............. | 1,200,000 | 1,165,500 | 5.25%, 5/01/23 ..................... | 1,370,000 | 1,342,600 |
5.75%, 10/01/25, 144A .............. | 1,475,000 | 1,471,313 | 5.625%, 3/01/26 .................... | 1,164,000 | 1,117,440 |
Jones Energy Holdings LLC / Jones | Range Resources Corp. | ||||
Energy Finance Corp. | 5.75%, 6/01/21 ..................... | 1,221,000 | 1,254,578 | ||
6.75%, 4/01/22 (a) .................. | 1,000,000 | 615,000 | 5.00%, 8/15/22 ..................... | 1,107,000 | 1,095,930 |
9.25%, 3/15/23, 144A ................ | 729,000 | 741,758 | 5.00%, 3/15/23 ..................... | 1,600,000 | 1,573,280 |
Jupiter Resources, Inc., 144A | 4.875%, 5/15/25 (a) ................. | 1,428,000 | 1,374,450 | ||
8.50%, 10/01/22 (a) ................. | 2,000,000 | 1,015,000 | Rowan Cos., Inc. | ||
MEG Energy Corp. | 4.875%, 6/01/22 .................... | 1,200,000 | 1,122,000 | ||
6.375%, 1/30/23, 144A .............. | 1,597,000 | 1,457,263 | 7.375%, 6/15/25 (a) ................. | 1,036,000 | 999,740 |
7.00%, 3/31/24, 144A ................ | 1,700,000 | 1,551,250 | |||
6.50%, 1/15/25, 144A ................ | 2,150,000 | 2,147,313 |
Principal Principal
Oil & Gas (Continued) | Amount | Value | Oil & Gas Services (Continued) | Amount | Value |
Sable Permian Resources Land LLC / | McDermott Technology Americas, | ||||
AEPB Finance Corp. | Inc. / McDermott Technology US, Inc., | ||||
7.125%, 11/01/20, 144A $ | 1,110,000 | $ 715,950 | 144A | ||
13.00%, 11/30/20, 144A ............. | 780,000 | 865,800 | 10.625%, 5/01/24 ................... $ | 2,287,000 | $ 2,439,200 |
7.375%, 11/01/21, 144A (a) ........... | 1,205,000 | 759,150 | SESI LLC | ||
Sanchez Energy Corp. | 7.125%, 12/15/21 ................... | 755,000 | 767,269 | ||
7.75%, 6/15/21 (a) .................. | 886,000 | 620,200 | 7.75%, 9/15/24 ..................... | 1,376,000 | 1,427,600 |
6.125%, 1/15/23 .................... | 2,400,000 | 1,367,160 | Transocean Phoenix 2 Ltd., 144A | ||
7.25%, 2/15/23, 144A (a) ............. | 1,131,000 | 1,105,553 | 7.75%, 10/15/24 .................... | 170,000 | 180,200 |
Seven Generations Energy Ltd. | Transocean Proteus Ltd., 144A | ||||
6.75%, 5/01/23, 144A (a) ............. | 750,000 | 778,125 | 6.25%, 12/01/24 .................... | 170,000 | 174,797 |
6.875%, 6/30/23, 144A .............. | 1,016,000 | 1,061,720 | Weatherford International Ltd. | ||
5.375%, 9/30/25, 144A .............. | 1,045,000 | 1,016,263 | 7.75%, 6/15/21 (a) .................. | 1,855,000 | 1,824,856 |
SM Energy Co. | 4.50%, 4/15/22 (a) .................. | 1,097,000 | 959,875 | ||
6.125%, 11/15/22 ................... | 760,000 | 785,650 | 8.25%, 6/15/23 (a) .................. | 1,232,000 | 1,148,840 |
5.00%, 1/15/24 (a) .................. | 1,200,000 | 1,170,000 | 9.875%, 2/15/24 (a) ................. | 1,610,000 | 1,529,500 |
5.625%, 6/01/25 (a) ................. | 1,022,000 | 1,016,890 |
6.75%, 9/15/26 (a) .................. | 955,000 | 994,394 |
6.625%, 1/15/27 .................... | 1,000,000 | 1,032,540 |
Southwestern Energy Co. | ||
4.10%, 3/15/22 (a) .................. | 1,560,000 | 1,528,800 |
Pipelines — 3.2%
6.20%, 1/23/25 ..................... | 1,350,000 | 1,356,750 | 6.125%, 11/15/22 ................... | 1,582,000 | 1,621,518 |
7.50%, 4/01/26 ..................... | 2,377,000 | 2,501,793 | Cheniere Corpus Christi Holdings LLC | ||
7.75%, 10/01/27 (a) ................. | 974,000 | 1,034,875 | 7.00%, 6/30/24 ..................... | 3,914,000 | 4,344,540 |
Sunoco LP / Sunoco Finance Corp. | 5.875%, 3/31/25 .................... | 2,358,000 | 2,514,217 | ||
4.875%, 1/15/23, 144A .............. 5.50%, 2/15/26, 144A ................ 5.875%, 3/15/28, 144A .............. | 1,900,000 1,600,000 775,000 | 1,879,176 1,536,000 744,000 | 5.125%, 6/30/27 .................... Cheniere Energy Partners LP 5.25%, 10/01/25 .................... | 2,660,000 2,458,000 | 2,716,525 2,464,145 |
Transocean, Inc. 5.80%, 10/15/22 (a) ................. 9.00%, 7/15/23, 144A ................ | 1,424,000 2,008,000 | 1,413,320 2,171,150 | Crestwood Midstream Partners LP / Crestwood Midstream Finance Corp. 6.25%, 4/01/23 ..................... | 1,300,000 | 1,347,125 |
7.50%, 1/15/26, 144A ................ Ultra Resources, Inc. 6.875%, 4/15/22, 144A (a) ............ | 1,201,000 1,382,000 | 1,226,521 680,635 | 5.75%, 4/01/25 ..................... DCP Midstream Operating LP 5.35%, 3/15/20, 144A ................ | 1,275,000 674,000 | 1,306,875 690,850 |
7.125%, 4/15/25, 144A (a) ............ | 860,000 | 384,850 | 4.75%, 9/30/21, 144A ................ | 983,000 | 1,000,202 |
Whiting Petroleum Corp. | 3.875%, 3/15/23 .................... | 989,000 | 966,747 | ||
5.75%, 3/15/21 ..................... | 2,100,000 | 2,157,750 | 5.375%, 7/15/25 .................... | 1,175,000 | 1,207,312 |
6.25%, 4/01/23 ..................... | 496,950 | 513,101 | Energy Transfer Equity LP | ||
6.625%, 1/15/26 (a) ................. | 1,987,000 | 2,073,931 | 7.50%, 10/15/20 .................... | 1,996,000 | 2,153,185 |
WildHorse Resource Development | 4.25%, 3/15/23 ..................... | 2,168,000 | 2,179,490 | ||
Corp., 144A | 5.875%, 1/15/24 .................... | 2,347,000 | 2,499,555 | ||
6.875%, 2/01/25 .................... WPX Energy, Inc. 6.00%, 1/15/22 ..................... | 880,000 289,000 | 891,000 299,838 | 5.50%, 6/01/27 ..................... EnLink Midstream Partners LP 4.40%, 4/01/24 ..................... | 1,909,000 2,500,000 | 2,006,836 2,440,370 |
8.25%, 8/01/23 ..................... | 1,350,000 | 1,539,000 | 4.85%, 7/15/26 ..................... | 1,000,000 | 973,045 |
5.25%, 9/15/24 ..................... | 2,023,000 | 2,048,288 | Genesis Energy LP / Genesis Energy |
Blue Racer Midstream LLC / Blue Racer Finance Corp., 144A
5.75%, 6/01/26 ..................... 500,000 506,250
Finance Corp.
168,977,204 | 6.75%, 8/01/22 ..................... 6.00%, 5/15/23 ..................... | 2,907,000 552,000 | 2,979,675 545,790 | ||
Oil & Gas Services — 0.7% | 6.50%, 10/01/25 .................... | 700,000 | 680,750 | ||
Bristow Group, Inc. | 6.25%, 5/15/26 ..................... | 623,000 | 588,735 | ||
6.25%, 10/15/22 (a) ................. | 885,000 | 628,350 | NGPL PipeCo LLC | ||
KCA Deutag UK Finance PLC | 4.375%, 8/15/22, 144A .............. | 1,900,000 | 1,921,375 | ||
9.875%, 4/01/22, 144A .............. | 920,000 | 922,300 | 4.875%, 8/15/27, 144A .............. | 1,146,000 | 1,159,168 |
9.625%, 4/01/23, 144A .............. | 891,000 | 868,725 | NuStar Logistics LP | ||
4.80%, 9/01/20 ..................... | 1,092,000 | 1,104,285 | |||
5.625%, 4/28/27 .................... | 925,000 | 925,000 |
Principal Principal
Pipelines (Continued) | Amount | Value | Diversified Financial Services (Continued) | Amount | Value |
Rockies Express Pipeline LLC, 144A | Jefferies Finance LLC / JFIN Co-Issuer | ||||
5.625%, 4/15/20 .................... $ | 1,023,000 | $ 1,060,084 | Corp. | ||
Tallgrass Energy Partners LP / | 7.375%, 4/01/20, 144A $ | 1,774,000 | $ 1,813,915 | ||
Tallgrass Energy Finance Corp. | 6.875%, 4/15/22, 144A .............. | 896,000 | 909,440 | ||
5.50%, 9/15/24, 144A ................ | 2,233,000 | 2,294,408 | 7.25%, 8/15/24, 144A ................ | 801,000 | 790,987 |
5.50%, 1/15/28, 144A ................ | 1,281,000 | 1,297,013 | Ladder Capital Finance Holdings LLLP / | ||
Targa Resources Partners LP / Targa | Ladder Capital Finance Corp. | ||||
Resources Partners Finance Corp. | 5.25%, 3/15/22, 144A ................ | 283,000 | 284,769 | ||
4.125%, 11/15/19 ................... | 245,000 | 245,809 | 5.25%, 10/01/25, 144A .............. | 950,000 | 894,187 |
5.25%, 5/01/23 ..................... | 1,727,000 | 1,752,905 | Lincoln Finance Ltd., 144A | ||
4.25%, 11/15/23 .................... | 1,108,000 | 1,077,530 | 7.375%, 4/15/21 .................... | 445,000 | 460,019 |
6.75%, 3/15/24 ..................... | 997,000 | 1,049,343 | Lions Gate Capital Holdings LLC, 144A | ||
5.125%, 2/01/25 .................... | 106,000 | 106,795 | 5.875%, 11/01/24 ................... | 1,100,000 | 1,139,875 |
5.875%, 4/15/26, 144A .............. | 2,424,000 | 2,487,630 | LPL Holdings, Inc., 144A | ||
5.375%, 2/01/27 .................... | 1,132,000 | 1,129,170 | 5.75%, 9/15/25 ..................... | 1,510,000 | 1,479,800 |
5.00%, 1/15/28, 144A ................ | 1,500,000 | 1,460,625 | Nationstar Mortgage Holdings, Inc. |
8.125%, 7/15/23, 144A .............. | 1,000,000 | 1,040,000 |
9.125%, 7/15/26, 144A .............. | 1,800,000 | 1,878,750 |
Financial — 8.9% | Nationstar Mortgage LLC / Nationstar | ||||
Banks — 0.9% | Capital Corp. | ||||
CIT Group, Inc. | 6.50%, 7/01/21 ..................... | 1,489,000 | 1,492,722 | ||
5.375%, 5/15/20 .................... | 1,000,000 | 1,032,500 | Navient Corp. | ||
4.125%, 3/09/21 .................... | 1,225,000 | 1,232,656 | Series MTN, 8.00%, 3/25/20 .......... | 2,562,000 | 2,722,766 |
5.00%, 8/15/22 ..................... | 1,570,000 | 1,605,325 | 5.00%, 10/26/20 .................... | 1,300,000 | 1,306,773 |
5.00%, 8/01/23 ..................... | 2,174,000 | 2,214,762 | 5.875%, 3/25/21 .................... | 1,800,000 | 1,847,790 |
4.75%, 2/16/24 ..................... | 800,000 | 803,000 | 6.625%, 7/26/21 .................... | 895,000 | 934,156 |
5.25%, 3/07/25 ..................... | 957,000 | 975,542 | Series MTN, 7.25%, 1/25/22 .......... | 2,756,000 | 2,924,805 |
6.125%, 3/09/28 .................... | 544,000 | 569,840 | 6.50%, 6/15/22 ..................... | 790,000 | 817,887 |
Freedom Mortgage Corp. | 5.50%, 1/25/23 ..................... | 1,869,000 | 1,854,964 | ||
8.125%, 11/15/24, 144A ............. | 1,032,000 | 1,002,330 | 7.25%, 9/25/23 ..................... | 1,200,000 | 1,272,000 |
8.25%, 4/15/25, 144A ................ | 1,250,000 | 1,214,063 | Series MTN, 6.125%, 3/25/24 ........ | 1,779,000 | 1,774,553 |
Intesa Sanpaolo SpA | 5.875%, 10/25/24 ................... | 1,568,000 | 1,524,880 | ||
5.017%, 6/26/24, 144A .............. | 3,753,000 | 3,400,079 | 6.75%, 6/25/25 ..................... | 422,000 | 422,000 |
5.71%, 1/15/26, 144A ................ | 2,972,000 | 2,702,387 | 6.75%, 6/15/26 ..................... | 1,000,000 | 983,750 |
16,752,484 | NFP Corp., 144A 6.875%, 7/15/25 .................... | 1,580,000 | 1,556,300 | ||
Diversified Financial Services — 3.9% | Quicken Loans, Inc. | ||||
Ally Financial, Inc. 3.75%, 11/18/19 .................... | 682,000 | 686,262 | 5.75%, 5/01/25, 144A ................ 5.25%, 1/15/28, 144A ................ | 3,000,000 1,664,000 | 2,985,000 1,530,880 |
8.00%, 3/15/20 ..................... | 2,260,000 | 2,404,075 | Springleaf Finance Corp. | ||
4.125%, 3/30/20 .................... | 1,523,000 | 1,532,519 | 5.25%, 12/15/19 .................... | 1,013,000 | 1,029,461 |
7.50%, 9/15/20 ..................... | 1,198,000 | 1,281,860 | 8.25%, 12/15/20 .................... | 1,370,000 | 1,484,738 |
4.25%, 4/15/21 ..................... | 1,125,000 | 1,130,827 | 7.75%, 10/01/21 .................... | 1,226,000 | 1,328,678 |
4.125%, 2/13/22 .................... | 1,508,000 | 1,504,230 | 6.125%, 5/15/22 .................... | 4,085,000 | 4,217,763 |
4.625%, 5/19/22 .................... | 970,000 | 978,487 | 5.625%, 3/15/23 .................... | 1,955,000 | 1,955,000 |
5.125%, 9/30/24 .................... | 1,132,000 | 1,160,300 | 6.875%, 3/15/25 .................... | 1,777,000 | 1,781,976 |
4.625%, 3/30/25 .................... | 1,400,000 | 1,403,500 | 7.125%, 3/15/26 .................... | 2,400,000 | 2,392,668 |
5.75%, 11/20/25 .................... | 1,935,000 | 2,012,400 | Vantiv LLC / Vanitv Issuer Corp., 144A |
Blackstone CQP Holdco LP, 144A
4.375%, 11/15/25 ................... 1,068,000 1,021,275
6.50%, 3/20/21 ..................... Curo Group Holdings Corp., 144A | 2,521,000 | 2,540,796 | 70,432,083 | ||
8.25%, 9/01/25 ..................... | 1,300,000 | 1,290,250 | Insurance — 0.6% | ||
Jefferies Finance LLC / JFIN Co.-Issuer | Alliant Holdings Intermediate LLC / | ||||
Corp., 144A | Alliant Holdings Co-Issuer, 144A | ||||
7.50%, 4/15/21 ..................... | 630,000 | 652,050 | 8.25%, 8/01/23 ..................... | 1,539,000 | 1,600,560 |
Ardonagh Midco 3 PLC, 144A | |||||
8.625%, 7/15/23 .................... | 1,448,000 | 1,476,960 |
Principal Principal
Insurance (Continued) | Amount | Value | Real Estate Investment Trusts (Continued) | Amount | Value |
AssuredPartners, Inc., 144A | 5.25%, 8/01/26 ..................... $ | 1,871,000 | $ 1,880,355 | ||
7.00%, 8/15/25 ..................... $ | 1,071,000 | $ 1,052,257 | 5.00%, 10/15/27 .................... | 1,966,000 | 1,931,595 |
Genworth Holdings, Inc. | SBA Communications Corp. | ||||
7.625%, 9/24/21 .................... | 1,400,000 | 1,456,000 | 4.875%, 7/15/22 .................... | 1,596,000 | 1,619,940 |
4.90%, 8/15/23 ..................... | 969,000 | 874,523 | 4.00%, 10/01/22 .................... | 2,189,000 | 2,151,218 |
4.80%, 2/15/24 (a) .................. | 700,000 | 626,500 | 4.875%, 9/01/24 .................... | 1,662,000 | 1,644,050 |
HUB International Ltd., 144A | Starwood Property Trust, Inc. | ||||
7.00%, 5/01/26 ..................... | 2,360,000 | 2,350,678 | 3.625%, 2/01/21, 144A .............. | 1,206,000 | 1,178,865 |
Radian Group, Inc. | 5.00%, 12/15/21 .................... | 987,000 | 996,870 | ||
4.50%, 10/01/24 .................... | 1,040,000 | 1,029,600 | 4.75%, 3/15/25 ..................... | 973,000 | 926,783 |
Real Estate — 0.4% | 10,467,078 | Uniti Group LP / Uniti Fiber Holdings, Inc. / CSL Capital LLC, 144A 7.125%, 12/15/24 ................... | 1,094,000 | 993,833 | |
Howard Hughes Corp., 144A | Uniti Group LP / Uniti Group Finance, | ||||
5.375%, 3/15/25 .................... Kennedy-Wilson, Inc. | 2,197,000 | 2,175,030 | Inc. / CSL Capital LLC 6.00%, 4/15/23, 144A ................ | 750,000 | 721,875 |
5.875%, 4/01/24 .................... Realogy Group LLC / Realogy Co.- | 1,900,000 | 1,892,875 | 8.25%, 10/15/23 .................... | 2,500,000 | 2,367,975 |
Issuer Corp. | 45,366,240 | ||||
5.25%, 12/01/21, 144A (a) ............ | 540,000 | 540,675 | Venture Capital — 0.6% | ||
4.875%, 6/01/23, 144A .............. | 1,618,000 | 1,520,920 | Icahn Enterprises LP / Icahn | ||
WeWork Cos., Inc., 144A | Enterprises Finance Corp. | ||||
7.875%, 5/01/25 (a) ................. | 1,300,000 | 1,266,070 | 6.00%, 8/01/20 ..................... | 1,186,000 | 1,207,882 |
7,395,570 | 5.875%, 2/01/22 .................... | 3,842,000 | 3,921,875 | ||
6.25%, 2/01/22 ..................... | 1,914,000 | 1,971,229 | |||
Real Estate Investment Trusts — 2.5% | 6.75%, 2/01/24 ..................... | 1,402,000 | 1,452,822 | ||
CBL & Associates LP | 6.375%, 12/15/25 ................... | 1,375,000 | 1,395,625 |
5.25%, 12/01/23 (a) ................. | 750,000 | 635,700 | |
5.95%, 12/15/26 (a) ................. | 1,175,000 | 957,625 | |
CyrusOne LP / CyrusOne Finance Corp. | Industrial — 8.0% | ||
5.00%, 3/15/24 ..................... | 1,237,000 | 1,255,555 | Aerospace/Defense — 2.1% |
5.375%, 3/15/27 .................... | 1,325,000 | 1,334,937 | Arconic, Inc. |
Equinix, Inc. | 6.15%, 8/15/20 ..................... | 1,600,000 | 1,670,000 | ||
5.375%, 1/01/22 .................... | 1,572,000 | 1,622,776 | 5.40%, 4/15/21 ..................... | 2,721,000 | 2,803,746 |
5.375%, 4/01/23 .................... | 2,000,000 | 2,052,500 | 5.87%, 2/23/22 ..................... | 1,223,000 | 1,277,546 |
5.75%, 1/01/25 ..................... | 1,975,000 | 2,044,125 | 5.125%, 10/01/24 ................... | 2,500,000 | 2,519,062 |
5.875%, 1/15/26 .................... | 1,624,000 | 1,688,960 | Bombardier, Inc. | ||
5.375%, 5/15/27 .................... | 1,887,000 | 1,924,740 | 7.75%, 3/15/20, 144A ................ | 1,671,000 | 1,760,816 |
ESH Hospitality, Inc., 144A | 8.75%, 12/01/21, 144A .............. | 3,697,000 | 4,085,185 | ||
5.25%, 5/01/25 ..................... | 2,145,000 | 2,083,331 | 5.75%, 3/15/22, 144A (a) ............. | 759,000 | 764,692 |
Iron Mountain, Inc. | 6.00%, 10/15/22, 144A .............. | 2,508,000 | 2,526,810 | ||
4.375%, 6/01/21, 144A (a) ............ | 199,000 | 199,995 | 6.125%, 1/15/23, 144A .............. | 2,950,000 | 2,986,875 |
6.00%, 8/15/23 ..................... | 1,274,000 | 1,310,628 | 7.50%, 12/01/24, 144A .............. | 1,641,000 | 1,729,204 |
5.75%, 8/15/24 ..................... | 2,204,000 | 2,190,225 | 7.50%, 3/15/25, 144A ................ | 2,426,000 | 2,504,845 |
4.875%, 9/15/27, 144A .............. | 2,100,000 | 1,956,360 | KLX, Inc., 144A | ||
5.25%, 3/15/28, 144A ................ iStar, Inc. 4.625%, 9/15/20 .................... | 1,767,000 1,095,000 | 1,680,859 1,092,262 | 5.875%, 12/01/22 ................... 5.50%, 10/15/20 .................... | 2,332,000 953,000 | 2,419,450 956,574 |
5.25%, 9/15/22 ..................... | 700,000 | 694,750 | 6.00%, 7/15/22 ..................... | 2,498,000 | 2,529,225 |
MGM Growth Properties Operating | 6.50%, 7/15/24 ..................... | 2,388,000 | 2,432,775 | ||
Partnership LP / MGP Finance | 6.50%, 5/15/25 ..................... | 1,270,000 | 1,295,400 | ||
Co-Issuer, Inc. | 6.375%, 6/15/26 .................... | 1,959,000 | 1,984,712 |
TransDigm, Inc.
5.625%, 5/01/24 .................... | 2,700,000 | 2,787,750 | Triumph Group, Inc. | ||
4.50%, 9/01/26 ..................... | 539,000 | 516,093 | 7.75%, 8/15/25 ..................... | 1,000,000 | 973,750 |
MPT Operating Partnership LP / MPT Finance Corp.
6.375%, 3/01/24 .................... 872,000 923,710
Amount Value
Amount Value
Building Materials — 0.9% Builders FirstSource, Inc., 144A 5.625%, 9/01/24 .................... $ | 1,575,000 | $ | 1,535,625 | Environmental Control (Continued) GFL Environmental, Inc., 144A 5.375%, 3/01/23 .................... $ | 1,023,000 | $ | 974,408 |
Griffon Corp. 5.25%, 3/01/22 ..................... | 1,984,000 | 1,964,755 | 5,544,770 | ||||
Jeld-Wen, Inc. | Machinery-Construction & Mining — 0.2% | ||||||
4.625%, 12/15/25, 144A ............. | 502,000 | 469,370 | BlueLine Rental Finance Corp. / | ||||
4.875%, 12/15/27, 144A ............. | 655,000 | 612,425 | BlueLine Rental LLC, 144A | ||||
Standard Industries, Inc. | 9.25%, 3/15/24 ..................... | 2,451,000 | 2,579,677 | ||||
5.50%, 2/15/23, 144A ................ | 1,281,000 | 1,313,410 | Vertiv Group Corp., 144A | ||||
5.375%, 11/15/24, 144A ............. | 2,600,000 | 2,616,250 | 9.25%, 10/15/24 .................... | 1,430,000 | 1,476,475 | ||
6.00%, 10/15/25, 144A .............. | 2,068,000 | 2,125,242 | 4,056,152 |
5.00%, 2/15/27, 144A ................ Standard Industries, Inc./NJ, 144A | 920,000 | 876,300 |
4.75%, 1/15/28 ..................... Summit Materials LLC / Summit Materials Finance Corp. | 1,622,000 | 1,517,057 |
6.125%, 7/15/23 .................... | 1,675,000 | 1,706,406 |
USG Corp., 144A 4.875%, 6/01/27 .................... | 1,000,000 | 1,014,710 |
Machinery-Diversified — 0.1%
Cloud Crane LLC, 144A
10.125%, 8/01/24 ................... 678,000 739,020
Welbilt, Inc.
9.50%, 2/15/24 ..................... 516,000 567,600
Electrical Components & Equipment — 0.1%
Energizer Gamma Acquisition, Inc., 144A
Metal Fabricate/Hardware — 0.3%
Novelis Corp.
6.25%, 8/15/24, 144A ................ 1,964,000 1,993,460
5.875%, 9/30/26, 144A .............. 3,035,000 2,963,070
6.375%, 7/15/26 .................... 1,015,000 1,051,794
Energizer Holdings, Inc., 144A
1,252,000 2,303,794 | Ardagh Holdings USA, Inc. 4.25%, 9/15/22, 144A ................ | 1,167,000 | 1,153,871 |
4.625%, 5/15/23, 144A .............. | 2,242,000 | 2,227,987 | |
7.25%, 5/15/24, 144A ................ | 3,512,000 | 3,705,160 | |
573,420 | 6.00%, 2/15/25, 144A ................ Ball Corp. | 2,901,000 | 2,842,980 |
4.375%, 12/15/20 ................... | 1,275,000 | 1,295,719 | |
5.00%, 3/15/22 ..................... | 1,753,000 | 1,816,546 |
5.50%, 6/15/25 ..................... 1,252,000
Electronics — 0.0%
Itron, Inc., 144A
5.00%, 1/15/26 ..................... 600,000
Engineering & Construction — 0.5%
Packaging & Containers — 2.8%
Ardagh Packaging Finance PLC /
5.875%, 10/15/24 ................... | 2,185,000 | 2,343,172 | 4.00%, 11/15/23 .................... | 1,935,000 | 1,898,719 |
5.125%, 3/15/27 .................... | 1,203,000 | 1,184,955 | 5.25%, 7/01/25 ..................... | 2,209,000 | 2,286,315 |
Brand Industrial Services, Inc., 144A | 4.875%, 3/15/26 .................... | 1,531,000 | 1,527,172 | ||
8.50%, 7/15/25 ..................... | 2,113,000 | 2,179,031 | Berry Global, Inc. | ||
MasTec, Inc. | 5.50%, 5/15/22 ..................... | 220,000 | 224,400 | ||
4.875%, 3/15/23 .................... Pisces Midco, Inc., 144A | 910,000 | 898,625 | 6.00%, 10/15/22 .................... 5.125%, 7/15/23 .................... | 917,000 1,630,000 | 946,802 1,627,962 |
8.00%, 4/15/26 ..................... | 1,359,000 | 1,399,770 | 4.50%, 2/15/26, 144A ................ | 1,350,000 | 1,269,000 |
StandardAero Aviation Holdings, Inc., | BWAY Holding Co. | ||||
144A | 5.50%, 4/15/24, 144A ................ | 2,073,000 | 2,065,226 |
10.00%, 7/15/23 .................... | 500,000 | 540,000 | 7.25%, 4/15/25, 144A ................ | 3,028,000 | 2,959,870 |
8,545,553 | Crown Americas LLC / Crown Americas |
Environmental Control — 0.3% | ||
Advanced Disposal Services, Inc., 144A | ||
5.625%, 11/15/24 ................... | 645,000 | 646,612 |
Clean Harbors, Inc. | ||
5.125%, 6/01/21 .................... | 1,751,000 | 1,759,755 |
Covanta Holding Corp. | ||
6.375%, 10/01/22 ................... | 700,000 | 714,000 |
5.875%, 3/01/24 .................... | 642,000 | 648,420 |
5.875%, 7/01/25 .................... | 802,000 | 801,575 |
Capital Corp. IV
4.50%, 1/15/23 ..................... | 1,347,000 | 1,350,368 |
Crown Americas LLC / Crown Americas | ||
Capital Corp. VI, 144A | ||
4.75%, 2/01/26 ..................... | 150,000 | 144,375 |
Flex Acquisition Co., Inc. | ||
6.875%, 1/15/25, 144A .............. | 1,394,000 | 1,348,695 |
7.875%, 7/15/26, 144A .............. | 775,000 | 777,906 |
Graphic Packaging International LLC | ||
4.75%, 4/15/21 ..................... | 645,000 | 655,068 |
Principal Principal
Packaging & Containers (Continued) | Amount | Value | Computers (Continued) | Amount | Value |
Multi-Color Corp., 144A | Harland Clarke Holdings Corp. | ||||
4.875%, 11/01/25 ................... $ | 1,331,000 | $ 1,244,485 | 9.25%, 3/01/21, 144A (a) $ | 1,500,000 | $ 1,372,500 |
Owens-Brockway Glass Container, Inc. | 8.375%, 8/15/22, 144A .............. | 1,700,000 | 1,602,250 | ||
5.00%, 1/15/22, 144A ................ | 1,431,000 | 1,439,944 | Leidos Holdings, Inc. | ||
5.875%, 8/15/23, 144A .............. | 1,267,000 | 1,303,426 | 4.45%, 12/01/20 .................... | 1,454,000 | 1,483,516 |
Reynolds Group Issuer, Inc. / Reynolds | NCR Corp. | ||||
Group Issuer LLC / Reynolds Group | 4.625%, 2/15/21 .................... | 1,044,000 | 1,028,340 | ||
Issuer Lu | 5.00%, 7/15/22 ..................... | 1,366,000 | 1,338,680 | ||
5.75%, 10/15/20 .................... | 4,053,337 | 4,063,470 | 6.375%, 12/15/23 ................... | 1,272,000 | 1,279,950 |
6.875%, 2/15/21 .................... | 1,905 | 1,932 | Sungard Availability Services Capital, | ||
5.125%, 7/15/23, 144A .............. | 3,413,000 | 3,404,468 | Inc., 144A | ||
Reynolds Group Issuer, Inc. / Reynolds | 8.75%, 4/01/22 ..................... | 900,000 | 459,000 | ||
Group Issuer LLC / Reynolds Group | West Corp., 144A | ||||
Issuer Luxembourg, 144A | 8.50%, 10/15/25 .................... | 2,276,000 | 2,082,540 | ||
7.00%, 7/15/24 ..................... | 1,073,000 | 1,092,180 | Western Digital Corp. | ||
Sealed Air Corp. | 4.75%, 2/15/26 ..................... | 4,230,000 | 4,155,150 |
6.50%, 12/01/20, 144A .............. | 1,055,000 | 1,115,663 |
4.875%, 12/01/22, 144A ............. | 1,600,000 | 1,614,000 |
5.25%, 4/01/23, 144A ................ | 710,000 | 724,200 |
5.125%, 12/01/24, 144A ............. | 783,000 | 796,703 |
Office/Business Equipment — 0.4%
CDW LLC / CDW Finance Corp.
5.50%, 9/15/25, 144A ................ 458,000 466,015
5.00%, 9/01/23 ..................... 571,000 583,848
49,390,627 | 5.50%, 12/01/24 .................... 5.00%, 9/01/25 ..................... | 1,340,000 1,300,000 | 1,400,300 1,298,375 | ||
Transportation — 0.3% | Pitney Bowes, Inc. | ||||
Hornbeck Offshore Services, Inc. | 3.625%, 10/01/21 ................... | 546,000 | 520,406 | ||
5.00%, 3/01/21 ..................... | 638,000 | 462,550 | 4.375%, 5/15/22 .................... | 1,404,000 | 1,286,415 |
Kenan Advantage Group, Inc., 144A | 4.70%, 4/01/23 ..................... | 586,000 | 525,935 | ||
7.875%, 7/31/23 .................... | 864,000 | 891,000 | 4.625%, 3/15/24 (a) ................. | 910,000 | 820,547 |
XPO Logistics, Inc. | 6,435,826 | ||||
6.50%, 6/15/22, 144A ................ | 1,687,000 | 1,748,947 | |||
6.125%, 9/01/23, 144A .............. | 2,200,000 | 2,274,250 | Semiconductors — 0.9% |
5,376,747 | Amkor Technology, Inc. 6.375%, 10/01/22 ................... | 1,000,000 | 1,020,000 | ||
Trucking & Leasing — 0.4% | Micron Technology, Inc. | ||||
Park Aerospace Holdings Ltd. | 5.50%, 2/01/25 ..................... | 1,402,000 | 1,457,940 | ||
5.25%, 8/15/22, 144A ................ | 3,303,000 | 3,377,318 | NXP BV / NXP Funding LLC | ||
4.50%, 3/15/23, 144A ................ | 2,100,000 | 2,081,625 | 4.125%, 6/15/20, 144A .............. | 1,503,000 | 1,519,909 |
5.50%, 2/15/24, 144A ................ | 2,457,000 | 2,530,710 | 4.125%, 6/01/21, 144A .............. | 2,655,000 | 2,664,956 |
4.625%, 6/15/22, 144A .............. | 1,410,540 | 1,431,289 |
3.875%, 9/01/22, 144A .............. | 1,892,000 | 1,880,175 |
Technology — 6.2% | 4.625%, 6/01/23, 144A .............. | 1,430,000 | 1,455,025 | ||
Computers — 1.8% | Qorvo, Inc., 144A | ||||
Banff Merger Sub, Inc., 144A | 5.50%, 7/15/26 ..................... | 875,000 | 881,562 | ||
9.75%, 9/01/26 ..................... | 3,000,000 | 3,015,000 | Sensata Technologies BV | ||
Dell International LLC / EMC Corp. | 4.875%, 10/15/23, 144A ............. | 1,128,000 | 1,132,230 | ||
5.875%, 6/15/21, 144A .............. | 5,503,000 | 5,675,877 | 5.625%, 11/01/24, 144A ............. | 501,000 | 520,414 |
7.125%, 6/15/24, 144A .............. | 2,335,000 | 2,496,703 | 5.00%, 10/01/25, 144A .............. | 1,279,000 | 1,282,197 |
Dell, Inc. | Sensata Technologies UK Financing | ||||
4.625%, 4/01/21 (a) ................. | 1,319,000 | 1,345,380 | Co. PLC, 144A | ||
Diebold Nixdorf, Inc. | 6.25%, 2/15/26 ..................... | 350,000 | 369,688 | ||
8.50%, 4/15/24 (a) .................. | 830,000 | 590,337 | STATS ChipPAC Pte Ltd., 144A | ||
EMC Corp. | 8.50%, 11/24/20 .................... | 553,000 | 561,295 |
2.65%, 6/01/20 ..................... | 1,379,000 | 1,349,115 |
3.375%, 6/01/23 (a) ................. | 2,104,000 | 1,988,237 |
Exela Intermediate LLC / Exela Finance, Inc., 144A | Software — 3.1% BMC Software Finance, Inc., 144A |
10.00%, 7/15/23 .................... 2,000,000 2,105,000
8.125%, 7/15/21 .................... 2,680,000 2,742,873
Software (Continued) | Amount | Value | Electric (Continued) | Amount | Value |
CDK Global, Inc. | DPL, Inc. | ||||
5.00%, 10/15/24 .................... $ | 569,000 | $ 584,647 | 7.25%, 10/15/21 ..................... $ | 817,000 $ | 887,466 |
5.875%, 6/15/26 .................... | 500,000 | 514,570 | InterGen NV, 144A | ||
4.875%, 6/01/27 .................... | 1,775,000 | 1,752,812 | 7.00%, 6/30/23 ...................... | 900,000 | 895,950 |
Change Healthcare Holdings LLC / | NextEra Energy Operating Partners LP | ||||
Change Healthcare Finance, Inc., 144A | 4.25%, 9/15/24, 144A ................ | 1,243,000 | 1,215,033 |
Principal Principal
5.75%, 3/01/25 ..................... 1,900,000 1,864,375
First Data Corp.
5.375%, 8/15/23, 144A .............. | 1,164,000 | 1,187,455 |
7.00%, 12/01/23, 144A .............. | 6,544,000 | 6,825,392 |
5.00%, 1/15/24, 144A ................ | 4,519,000 | 4,545,210 |
5.75%, 1/15/24, 144A ................ | 4,700,000 | 4,811,625 |
5.75%, 8/15/20, 144A ................ | 675,000 | 685,969 | 5.75%, 1/15/28, 144A (a) .............. | 1,210,000 | 1,225,125 |
6.50%, 5/15/22 ..................... | 3,800,000 | 3,868,286 | NRG Yield Operating LLC |
Infor US, Inc.
4.50%, 9/15/27, 144A ................ 1,050,000 1,001,438
NRG Energy, Inc. | ||
6.25%, 7/15/22 ...................... | 1,054,000 | 1,090,890 |
6.25%, 5/01/24 ...................... | 2,400,000 | 2,496,000 |
7.25%, 5/15/26 ...................... | 2,130,000 | 2,300,400 |
6.625%, 1/15/27 ..................... | 2,144,000 | 2,253,880 |
Informatica LLC, 144A 7.125%, 7/15/23 .................... | 1,260,000 | 1,288,350 | 5.375%, 8/15/24 ..................... Talen Energy Supply LLC | 1,162,000 | 1,173,620 |
IQVIA, Inc. | 4.60%, 12/15/21 (a) .................. | 1,400,000 | 1,221,500 | ||
4.875%, 5/15/23, 144A .............. | 1,611,000 | 1,623,083 | 9.50%, 7/15/22, 144A (a) .............. | 1,227,000 | 1,190,190 |
5.00%, 10/15/26, 144A .............. | 2,122,000 | 2,103,432 | 6.50%, 6/01/25 ...................... | 1,071,000 | 803,250 |
MSCI, Inc. | 10.50%, 1/15/26, 144A (a) ............. | 1,010,000 | 888,800 | ||
5.25%, 11/15/24, 144A .............. | 2,116,000 | 2,184,770 | Vistra Energy Corp. | ||
5.75%, 8/15/25, 144A ................ | 1,162,000 | 1,220,100 | 7.375%, 11/01/22 .................... | 1,720,000 | 1,795,250 |
4.75%, 8/01/26, 144A ................ | 921,000 | 916,395 | 5.875%, 6/01/23 ..................... | 2,155,000 | 2,227,731 |
5.375%, 5/15/27, 144A .............. | 809,000 | 833,270 | 7.625%, 11/01/24 .................... | 3,891,000 | 4,202,280 |
Nuance Communications, Inc. | Vistra Operations Co. LLC, 144A | ||||
5.375%, 8/15/20, 144A .............. | 369,000 | 369,231 | 5.50%, 9/01/26 ...................... | 1,000,000 | 1,014,700 |
5.625%, 12/15/26 ................... | 1,300,000 | 1,301,625 | |
Open Text Corp. | |||
5.625%, 1/15/23, 144A .............. | 1,734,000 | 1,799,025 | Gas — 0.3% |
5.875%, 6/01/26, 144A .............. Rackspace Hosting, Inc., 144A | 1,218,000 | 1,260,630 | AmeriGas Partners LP / AmeriGas Finance Corp. |
8.625%, 11/15/24 (a) ................ | 2,387,000 | 2,355,671 | 5.625%, 5/20/24 ..................... | 1,459,000 | 1,455,352 |
Riverbed Technology, Inc., 144A | 5.50%, 5/20/25 ...................... | 1,452,000 | 1,430,220 |
8.875%, 3/01/23 (a) ................. 1,132,000 1,051,345
Solera LLC / Solera Finance, Inc., 144A
10.50%, 3/01/24 .................... 3,842,000 4,235,805
TIBCO Software, Inc., 144A
11.375%, 12/01/21 .................. 1,762,000 1,887,542
Veritas US, Inc. / Veritas Bermuda Ltd.
7.50%, 2/01/23, 144A ................ 762,000 733,425
10.50%, 2/01/24, 144A (a) ............ 1,375,000 1,189,375
5.875%, 8/20/26 ..................... 1,066,000 1,063,335
5.75%, 5/20/27 ...................... 939,000 931,958
NGL Energy Partners LP / NGL Energy Finance Corp.
7.50%, 11/01/23 ..................... 1,397,000 1,433,671
(Cost $1,765,849,206) ................ 1,754,609,046
Utilities — 2.9% Electric — 2.6% | Number | |||
AES Corp. | of Shares | |||
4.00%, 3/15/21 ..................... | 391,000 | 393,033 | SECURITIES LENDING COLLATERAL — 6.2% | |
4.50%, 3/15/23 ..................... 4.875%, 5/15/23 .................... 5.50%, 4/15/25 ..................... 6.00%, 5/15/26 ..................... 5.125%, 9/01/27 .................... | 1,465,000 1,292,000 1,110,000 1,684,000 920,000 | 1,470,494 1,314,610 1,146,075 1,789,250 931,500 | DWS Government & Agency Securities Institutional Shares”, 1.85% (b)(c) (Cost $111,668,629) 111,668,629 | 111,668,629 |
Portfolio “DWS Government Cash
Calpine Corp. | ||||
6.00%, 1/15/22, 144A ................ | 1,595,000 | 1,628,894 | TOTAL INVESTMENTS — 103.9% | |
5.375%, 1/15/23 (a) ................. | 2,491,000 | 2,375,791 | (Cost $1,877,517,835) ................. | $1,866,277,675 |
5.875%, 1/15/24, 144A .............. | 1,017,000 | 1,028,441 | Other assets and liabilities, | |
5.50%, 2/01/24 ..................... | 1,359,000 | 1,252,631 | net — (3.9%) ........................ | (70,659,634) |
5.75%, 1/15/25 (a) .................. | 2,730,000 | 2,491,125 |
5.25%, 6/01/26, 144A ................ | 2,556,000 | 2,422,654 |
NET ASSETS — 100.0% ............... $1,795,618,041