അǿ5ായം - I yeÙേപeം ɧാരംഭyം
േകരള സംiാന െമഡിÙൽ ɧാàീഷേണഴ്സ് ആČ്, 2021 (2021 െല
36-ാം ആà്)-െല 46-ാംവÔи് ɧകാരം നൽകിയിരിÚm അധികാരŅൾ വിനിേയാഗിŊ്, േകരള സർÙാർ ഇതിനാൽ ഇനിиറ˖m ചşŅൾ ഉaാÚȾ; അതായത്:
അǿ5ായം - I yeÙേപeം ɧാരംഭyം
1) ഈ ചşŅെള േകരള േu٨് െമഡിÙൽ ɧാàീഷേണϺ് ചşŅൾ, 2024
എm് വിളിÙാം
2) ഈ ചşŅൾ 2021-ാംവർഷം െഫgവരി 24-ാം തീയതി ɧാബല5ƿിൽ വmതായി കണÙാÚം.
3) നിർ̯ചനŅൾ : ഈ ചşŅളിൽ, വിഷയƿിേലാ സmർഭƿിേലാ വിeǿമായ എെȣŁിgം ഇെ̣Łിൽ,
(1) “ആČ്”എmാൽ േകരള േu٨് െമഡിÙൽ ɧാàീഷേണϺ് xXx,
2021 (36-ാംആà്);
(2) "അȟബvം" എmാൽ ഈ ചşŅേളാട് േചർƿിgϗ ഒe അȟബvം എmാണ് അർLJമാÚmത്;
(3) "സർÙാർ" എmാൽ േകരള സർÙാർ;
(4) "വÔи്" എmാൽ ആàിെല ഒe വÔи്;
(5) ആàിൽ ഉപേയാഗിŊിരിÚmƻം ഈ ചşŅളിൽ നിർവചിŊിşി-
̣ാƿƻമായ പദŅൾÚം പദɧേയാഗŅൾÚം ആàിൽ നൽകിയിരിÚm അർLJŅൾ ഉaായിരിÚmതാണ്.
അǿ5cയo - II കsൺസ1ൽ അoഗŅൾ
4) േമcേvൺ െമv1സ1d കsൺസ1ൽ, ഇȣ5d സ1uoസ˘ ഓa˘
െമv1സ1d കsൺസ1ൽ, േഹcമ1േയcиo1ക˘ െമv1സ1d കsൺസ1ൽ pm1mയ1േലÙ˘ o1രെżgÙെиş അoഗŅgെs േപeകൾ, അmδ ɧo1ന1ധീകര1Úm ഇലക˘േcЀകൾ, അƿരƿ1gϗ ഓേരc അoഗƿ1െɎ˖o o1രെżgи˘ oീയo1, അേeഹƿ1െɎ ഓaീസ1െɎ കcലcmധ1˖o അƿരo ഓേരc അoഗƿ1െɎ˖o മരണo, രcജ1 അെ̣Ł1ൽ m1രമ1Ùൽ oീയo1 pm1m ഉൾെÙcϘm ഒe ല1u˘ രജ1Βcδ gý1േÙaocണ˘. ഗmൺെമɎ˘ നcമന1δേeъo െച˷m അoഗŅgെs കcര5ƿ1go സമcനമcയ m1mരŅൾ ഈ ല1u1ൽ ഉacയ1ര1േÙaocണ˘. രജ1Βcδ പş1ക p̣cയ˘േиcgo കcല1കമcയ1 gý1േÙaƻo, അƻmഴ1 അgƿ o1രെżgи˘ അെ̣Ł1ൽ നcമന1δേeъo നsേƿa oീയo1 ഒ٨േനcşƿ1ൽ അ٨1യcymm1ധo ഈ പş1ക രജ1Βcδ കcല1കമcയ1 gý1േÙaocണ˘.
5) കsൺസ1ല1െല pെoŁ1go അoഗƿ1െɎ കcലcmധ1 അmസcന1Ú mo1ന˘ a٨1 pൺപo˘ ദ1mസo ʾ˅˘, അƿരƿ1ൽ o1രെżgÙെиş ഒe അoഗƿ1െɎ ഒഴ1m1െന സoബv1ŊcെണŁ1ൽ ɧസ1vɎ1ȟo, അo˘ നcമന1δേeъo െചуെиş ഒe അoഗƿ1െɎ ഒഴ1m1െന സoബv1ŊcെണŁ1ൽ ɧസ1vɎ1ȟo സδÙcര1ȟo ആ ഒഴ1m1െന Ô٨1Ŋ˘
േരഖcʿലo ഒe ٨1േиcδş˘ രജ1Βcδ നൽേകaocണ˘ .
6) കsൺസ1ല1െല ഒe അoഗƿ1െɎ കcലcmധ1 അmസcന1Úmo1ന˘ ʾ˅˘ രcജ1, xxxx, നീÙo െചуൽ, അേയcഗ5o, pm1mയ1˽െsേയc അെ̣Ł1ൽ, േനെര മ٨1േŊc ഒe ഒഴ1m˘ സoxm1ÚകയcെണŁ1ൽ, അŅെനെയce ഒഴ1m˘ ഉacÔmo˘ സoബv1Ŋ m1mരo ലx1Ŋ˘ ʿm˘ ɧ̨ƿ1 ദ1mസƿ1ȟϗ1ൽ അo˘ ഒe o1രെżgÙെиş അoഗƿ1െɎ ഒഴ1m˘ ആെണŁ1ൽ ɧസ1vɎ1ȟo, അo˘ നcമന1δേeъo െചуെиş ഒe അoഗƿ1െɎ ഒഴ1y സoബv1ŊcെണŁ1ൽ ɧസ1vɎ1ȟo സδÙcര1ȟo രജ1Βcδ േരഖcʿലo ഒe ٨1േиcδş˘ oуc٨cÙ1 നൽേകaocണ˘.
അǿ5cയo - III
കsൺസ1ല1െല ഒഴ1yകൾ ന1കǀmo1ന˘ പcല1േÙa നsപs1÷മo
7) o1രെżgÙെиş അoഗŅgെs ഒഴ1yകgെs കcര5ƿ1ൽ, ഒഴ1m˘ ന1കƿcd ഒe o1രെżgи˘ നsേƿaocണ˘. അƿരo o1രെżgи1െɎ ٨1േşണ1oഗ˘ ഓaീസ٨cയ1 ɧmδƿ1Úmo1ന˘ ഇȣ5d സ1uoസ˘ ഓa˘ െമv1സ1െɎ കcര5ƿ1ൽ േജcയ1Ɏ˘ vയ٨àδ, (ഇȣ5d സ1uoസ˘ ഓa˘ െമv1സ1d), േഹcമ1േയcиo1 െമv1സ1െɎ കcര5ƿ1ൽ െvപgş1 vയ٨àδ (േഹcമ1േയcиo1), േമcേvൺ
െമv1സ1െɎ കcര5ƿ1ൽ േജcയ1Ɏ˘ vയ٨àδ (െഹൽƿ˘ xxxxxx)
٨cŁ1ൽ Ô٨യcƿ ഒe m5é1െയ അoo˘ കsൺസ1ല1െɎ ɧസ1vaമcδ അധ1കcരെиgേƿaocണ˘. o1രെżgи˘ നsƿ1и1ȟo
േmcെşƵല1ȟo ٨1േşണ1oഗ˘ ഓaീസδÙ˘ കsൺസ1ൽ അoഗŅgെs സഹcയo സÍീകര1Úക˖o അƿരo ഉേദ5cഗiδÙ˘ ആmъ5മcയ ന1δേeъŅൾ നൽÔക˖o െചуcymocണ˘. ഒe അoഗƿ1െɎ കcലcmധ1 അmസcന1Úmo1െɎ അനȣരaലമcയ1 ആ ഒഴ1m˘ സoxm1ÚകയcെണŁ1ൽ, അƿരo അoഗƿ1െɎ കcലcmധ1 അmസcന1Úm ദ1mസƿ1ന˘ അϽപo˘ ദ1mസƿ1ൽ Ô٨യcƿƻo
െocƷ٨˘ ദ1mസƿ1ൽ Õscƿƻമcയ കcലയളm1േലc, അെ̣Ł1ൽ അƿരƿ1gϗ ഒe അoഗƿ1െɎ മരണo, രcജ1, നീÙo െചуൽ അെ̣Ł1ൽ അേയcഗ5o pm1mയ1˽െs ഒe ഒഴ1m˘ ഇo1നകo സoxm1Ŋ1gെaŁ1ൽ, ഒഴ1m˘ സoxm1Ŋo1ന˘ േъഷo കഴ1mƻo േmഗƿ1ൽ സsകര5ɧദമcയ ഉsd, േനcşീസ1ൽ പ٨ż1ര1Úm oീയo1Ùകo ഒe അoഗെƿേയc അoഗŅെളേയc o1രെżgÙcd ബvെиş
േmcşδമcേരcs˘ ആmъ5െиgm oരƿ1ൽ ഗസ٨1go െmബ˘ൈസ٨1go ʿm˘ ɧʾഖ പǔŅള1go ഒe അ٨1യ1и˘ ɧസ1ǿീകര1േÙaocണ˘.
8) ٨1േşണ1oഗ˘ ഓaീസδ അേeഹƿ1ന˘ അȟേയcജ5െമm˘ കeƻm oരƿ1go, ʿm˘ ɧʾഖ പǔŅള1go, െmബ˘ൈസ٨1go ocെഴ പ٨˖m m1mരŅൾ അ٨1യ1േÙaocണ˘.
(a)നcമന1δേeъ പǔ1കകൾ സÍീകര1Úmo1ȟϗ oീയo1, സമയo, iലo;
(b)നcമന1δേeъŅgെs gĄപര1േъcധന˞o സcȑmcയ നcമ ന1δേeъŅൾ ɧസ1ǿീകര1Úmo1ȟʾϗ oീയo1, സമയo, iലo:
(c) icനcδLJ1oÍo പ1dmല1Úmo1ȟϗ കƿ˘, സÍീകര1Úm- o1ȟϗ oീയo1, സമയo, iലo;
(d)പ1dmല1Ŋo1ന˘ േъഷo സcȑmcയ നcമന1δേeъŅgെs പş1ക ɧസ1ǿീകര1Úmo1ȟϗ oീയo1, സമയo, iലo.
(e)േmcş1oഗ˘ oീയo1, സമയo, രീo1;
(f) gĄപര1േъcധന˞o േmcgകൾ pƶmo1ȟʾϗ oീയo1, സമയo, iലo.
(2) നcമന1δേeъ പǔ1ക സÍീകര1Úm oീയo1 െoരെżgи1നcയ1 ന1яയ1Ŋ oീയo1Ù˘ 45 ദ1mസƿ1ൽ Ô٨യeo˘. നcമന1δേeъ പǔ1കകgെs gĄപര1േъcധന˝˘ ന1яയ1Ŋ1ര1Úm oീയo1
െoരെżgи1ന˘ ന1яയ1Ŋ1ര1Úm oീയo1Ù˘ 30 ദ1mസƿ1ൽ Ô٨യeo˘. icനcδLJ1oÍo പ1dmല1Úmo1ന˘ ന1яയ1Ŋ oീയo1 നcമന1δേeъ പǔ1കകgെs gĄപര1േъcധന oീയo1 കഴ1ż˘ 3 ദ1mസƿ1ൽ Õgoൽ ആÔക˖o പcgϗọ.
(1) രജ1Βcδ oെɎ ഓaീസ1ൽ gý1Ŋ1ര1Úm രജ1u٨1ൽ ന1m˘
േmcşδമceെs പş1ക oуc٨cേÙaocണ˘. നcമന1δേeъ പǔ1കകൾ ലx1Úmo1ന˘ 30 ദ1mസo ʾെ˅Ł1go കsൺസ1ല1െɎ ഓaീസ1ൽ
േmcşδമceെs പş1ക പര1േъcധന˝cയ1 പരസ5മcÙ1യ1ര1േÙa- ocണ˘. o1രെżgи˘ m1Ţcപനo ɧസ1ǿീകര1Úmo1ന˘ ʾ˅˘,
٨1േşണ1oഗ˘ ഓaീസδ അȣ1മ േmcşδ പş1ക കsൺസ1ല1െɎ
െmബ˘ൈസ٨1ൽ ɧസ1ǿീകര1േÙaocണ˘. ഒഴ1m1േലേ˝c, ഒഴ1yകള1-
േലേ˝c ഒe അoഗെƿ o1രെżgÚmo1ന˘ േmcg െചуcd
േയcഗ5o˖ϗ m5é1കgെs േപeകൾ ഇo1ൽ അsŅ1യ1ര1Úo.
േmcşδപş1കയ1ൽ േപeϗ p̣c രജ1േuδv˘ ɧcàീഷണδമceo o1രെżgи1ൽ േmcgെചуcd േയcഗ5രcയ1ര1Úo.
(2) o1രെżgÙെиgmo1ന˘ േയcഗ5രcയ icനcδLJ1കെള, േmcş˘
െച˷mcd േയcഗ5രcയ m5é1കൾ ന1δേeъ1Úക˖o പ1ȣcņക˖o
െചേуaocണ˘. ഒഴ1േmc ഒഴ1yകേളc ന1കǀmo1ന˘ ആmъ5മc- യo1go Õgoൽ ആgകെള ഒe േmcşϽo നcമന1δേeъo െച˷കേയc പ1ȣcņകേയc െചуeo˘. ഒe ഒഴ1േmc ഒഴ1yകേളc ന1കǀmo1ന˘ ആmъ5മcയo1േനÙcൾ Õgoൽ നcമന1δേeъŅൾ ഒe േmcşδ
െച˷കയcെണŁ1ൽ, അേeഹo സˌo1െയcи1ş p̣c നcമന1δേeъŅgo അസcȑmcയ1 കണÙcÚo. o1രെżgÙ
െиşcൽ കsൺസ1ല1ൽ ɧmδƿ1Ùcd oуc٨cെണm˘ ɧഖ5cപ1Ŋ˘ icനcδLJ1 നcമന1δേeъ പǔ1കയ1ൽ ഒи1sണo. icനcδLJ1 oെɎ നcമന1δേeъ പǔ1കയ˘െÙcиo 10,000 ˺പ (പo1നcയ1രo)
˺പ˖െs ന1േýപyo ഹcജരcÙണo. ന1േýപo രജ1ΒcδÙ˘ പണമcയ1 നൽക1, ആയo1െɎ രസീo˘ നcമന1δേeъ പǔ1കെ˝cиo
٨1േşണ1oഗ˘ ഓaീസϽെs ʾ˅cെക ഹcജരcÙണo. ʾകള1ൽ gച1и1Ŋ v1úേ٨ഷെɎ˖o ന1േýപƿ1െɎ˖o അxcmƿ1ൽ, നcമന1δേeъo അസcȑmcയ1 കണÙcÚo.
(3) ഓേരc നcമന1δേeъ പǔ1ക˖o ഈ ചşŅgെs അȟബvമcയ1
േചδƿ1ര1Úm േaco-I-ൽ ആയ1ര1േÙaƻo, Õscെo ന1δേeъ1Úmƻo പ1ȤണÚmƻo ആയ രa˘ േmcşδമcδ ഒи1gക˖o
േmണo. ٨1േşണ1oഗ˘ ഓaീസδ ഈ ആmъ5ƿ1നcയ1 ന1яയ1Úm oീയo1യ1േലc അo1ȟʾേ˅c ٨1േşണ1oഗ˘ ഓaീസδÙ˘ ലx1Úm രീo1യ1ൽ നcമന1δേeъ പǔ1കകൾ oപcൽ mഴ1േയc മേ٨c അയയ˘Ùcymocണ˘.
(4) ഓേരc നcമന1δേeъ പǔ1ക˖o ലx1Úേ˅cൾ, ٨1േşണ1oഗ˘ ഓaീസδ പǔ1ക ലx1Ŋ oീയo1˖o സമയyo േരഖെиgƿ1 ഉsd അoഗീകര1േÙaocണ˘.
(5) അo1നcയ1 ന1яയ1Ŋ1ര1Úm oീയo1Úo സമയƿ1ȟo ʾ˅˘
٨1േşണ1oഗ˘ ഓaീസδÙ˘ ലx1Ùcƿ നcമന1δേeъ പǔ1കകൾ ന1രസ1Ùെиgmocണ˘.
(6) നcമന1δേeъ പǔ1കകgെs gĄപര1േъcധന˝cയ1 ന1яയ1Ŋ oീയo1യ1ൽ, icനcδLJ1കൾÚo ഓേരc icനcδLJ1˖െs˖o ഒe
െɧcേиcസδ (ന1δേeъകd) അെ̣Ł1ൽ െസÙɎδÙ˘ (പ1ȣcņmയcൾ) ന1я1o സമയǀo iലǀo ഹcജരcകcy- mocണ˘. Õscെo ٨1േşണ1oഗ˘ ഓaീസδ ന1я1o സമയƿ1നകƿ˘ ലx1Ŋ നcമന1δേeъ പǔ1കകൾ പര1േъcധ1Úmo1ന˘ ന5cയമcയ p̣c സsകര5Ņgo നൽേകaocണ˘.
(7) ٨1േşണ1oഗ˘ ഓaീസδ നcമന1δേeъ പǔ1കകൾ പര1േъcധ1Úക˖o p̣c ആേýപŅള1go oീeമcനo pgÚക˖o, അƿരo ആേýപŅള1േ&േലc അെ̣Ł1ൽ സÍȣo ɧേമയƿ1േലc, അƿരo സoγഹ അേനÍഷണƿ1ന˘ േъഷo, ആmъ5െമŁ1ൽ, ocെഴи٨˖m- mയ1േലെoŁ1go, അocയo˘-
(p) icനcδLJ1േയc, icനcδLJ1˖െs ന1δേeъകേനc, പ1ȣcņmmേനc േmcşδ പş1കയ1ൽ ഇെ̣m കcരണƿcൽ;
(ബ1) കsൺസ1ല1േലÚϗ െoരെżgɡമcയ1 ബvെиş˘ ആà1െല m5miകേളc അo1നȟസര1Ŋ˘ ഉacÙ1യ ചşŅേളc പcല1Úmo1ൽ pെȣŁ1go mീȩ˖acയ1gെam കcരണƿcൽ;
(സ1) icനcδLJ1˖െsേയc icനcδLJ1˖െs ന1δേeъകെɎേയc പ1ȤണÚmmെɎേയc ഒи˘ യഥcδLJമെ̣Ł1േലc അെ̣Ł1ൽ ചo1യ1˽െs േനs1യേoc ആെണm കcരണƿcൽ നcമന1δേeъ പǔ1ക ന1രസ1Ùcymocണ˘.
(p) ٨1േşണ1oഗ˘ ഓaീസδ ഓേരc നcമന1δേeъ പǔ1കയ1go നcമന1δേeъ പǔ1ക സÍീകര1േŊc ന1രസ1േŊc pm oെɎ
oീeമcനെƿ; നcമന1δേeъ പǔ1ക oϗ1യ സcഹചര5ƿ1ൽ അo1ȟϗ കcരണŅൾ സഹ1oo േരഖെиgേƿaocണ˘.
(ബ1) ഇo1നcയ1 ന1േയcഗ1Ŋ ദ1mസo oെm gĄപര1േъcധന gδƿ1യcേÙaƻo, ഈ നsപs1കൾ മc٨1m˝cd പcs1̣cƿƻമcണ˘.
(9) oെɎ icനcδLJ1oÍo പ1dmല1Ùcd ആγഹ1Úm ഒe icനcδLJ1 oെɎ ആγഹo േരഖcʿലo അ٨1യ1േÙaƻo, അo1െɎ ആmъ5ƿ1നc˖ϗ ന1яയ1Ŋ സമയƿ1ȟo oീയo1Úo ഉϗ1ൽ
٨1േşണ1oഗ˘ ഓaീസ٨1ൽ pƿ1യcൽ മcǔേമ പര1ഗണ1Ùcg. oെɎ icനcδLJ1oÍo പ1dmല1Ŋ ഒe icനcδLJ1െയ oെɎ പ1dmല1Ùൽ ٨ecÙcേനc അേo o1രെżgи1ൽ mീgo icനcδLJ1യcയ1 നcമന1δേeъo െചуcേനc അȟmദ1Ù1̣.
(10) നcമന1δേeъŅgെs gĄപര1േъcധന gδƿീകര1Ŋ˘, ഒe icനcδLJ1Ù˘ oെɎ icനcδLJ1oÍo പ1dmല1Ùcym കcലയളm˘ അmസcന1Ŋo1ന˘ േъഷo, ٨1േşണ1oഗ˘ ഓaീസδ ഉsd oെm oെɎ ഒേиcs˘ Õs1 മǚര1Úm icനcδLJ1കgെs ഒe ല1u˘ കsൺസ1ല1െɎ െmബ˘ൈസ٨1ൽ ɧസ1ǿീകര1േÙaocണ˘.
(11) o1രെżgи1ൽ മǚര1Úm യ4cm1ധ1 നcമന1δേeъo െചуെиş icനcδLJ1കgെs pƵo, o1രെżgÙെиേsa അoഗŅgെs pƵƿ1ന˘ ƻല5മcെണŁ1ൽ, ٨1േşണ1oഗ˘ ഓaീസδ അƿരo icനcδLJ1കെള യ4cm1ധ1 o1രെżgÙെиşocയ1 ഉsd ɧഖ5cപ1േÙaocണ˘. െoരെżgи1െɎ aലo ഔേദ5cഗ1ക ഗസ٨1ൽ ɧസ1ǿീകര1Úmo1നcയ1 രജ1Βcδ സδÙcര1ന˘ ٨1േиcδş˘
(12) അƿരo icനcδLJ1കgെs pƵo ഒഴ1yകgെs pƵേƿÙcൾ Ô٨mcെണŁ1ൽ, അƿരo p̣c icനcδLJ1കgo o1രെżgÙ-
െиşocയ1 ɧഖ5cപ1Úക˖o ബcÙ1˖ϗ ഒഴ1yകൾ ന1കƿcd
٨1േşണ1oഗ˘ ഓaീസδ നsപs1കൾ സÍീകര1Úക˖o െചേуaocണ˘.
(13) ചşo 9-െല ഉപചşo (9)-ൽ gച1и1Ŋ1ര1Úm സമയƿ1ȟϗ1ൽ യ4cm1ധ1 നcമന1δേeъo െചуെиşmeo icനcδLJ1oÍo പ1dmല1Ùcƿmeമcയ icനcδLJ1കgെs pƵo ഒഴ1yകേളÙcൾ ÕgoലcെണŁ1ൽ, ٨1േşണ1oഗ˘ ഓaീസδ െoരെżgи1െɎ ആmъ5ƿ1നcയ1 അmeെs േപeകgo m1ലcസŅgo അýരമcലc
÷മƿ1ൽ കsൺസ1ല1െɎ െmബ˘ൈസ٨1ൽ ɧസ1ǿീകര1േÙa- ocണ˘.
(1)ചşo 9-െല ഉപ ചşo (2)-ൽ പരcമδъ1Ŋ1gϗ ƻക ന1േýപ1Ŋ ഒe icനcδLJ1 ഉപ ചşo (9)-ൽ m5éമcÙ1യ1gϗ സമയƿ1ȟϗ1ൽ, oെɎ icനcδLJ1oÍo പ1dmല1Ŋcൽ, അെ̣Ł1ൽ അƿരƿ1gϗ pെoŁ1go നcമന1δേeъo െചˣ icനcδLJ1oÍo ന1രസ1Ùെиşcൽ, ന1േýപ1Ŋ m5é1Ù˘ ന1േýപo o1ര1െക നൽÔmocണ˘. Õscെo
േmcെşƵൽ ആരox1Úmo1ന˘ ʾ˅˘ pെoŁ1go icനcδLJ1 മരണെиşcൽ, icനcδLJ1 െകş1െmŊ ƻക അയcgെs ന1യമപരമcയ ɧo1ന1ധ1Ù˘ o1ര1െക നൽÔmocണ˘.
(2)ചşo 9 ഉപ-ചşo (2)-ൽ പരcമδъ1Ŋ1gϗ ഒe icനcδLJ1 o1രെżgÙെиsco1ര1Úക˖o അേeഹƿ1ന˘ അȟÕലമcയ1 േപcൾ
െചˣ േmcgകgെs pƵo െമcƿo േപcൾ െചˣ േmcgകgെs 1/8 കm1യco1ര1Úക˖o െചˣcൽ, ന1േýപo കsൺസ1ല1േലÙ˘ കgെകgmocണ˘.
(3)ചşo 9 ഉപ-ചşo (2)-ൽ പരcമδъ1Ŋ1ര1Úm ന1േýപo, കsൺസ1ല1േലÙ˘ കgെകş1യ1െ̣Ł1ൽ, o1രെżgи˘ aലo ɧസ1ǿീകര1Ŋo1ന˘ േъഷo pǔ˖o േmഗo icനcδLJ1Ù˘ o1ര1െക നൽÔmocണ˘.
11) കsൺസ1gകള1േലÚϗ o1രെżgи˘ ɧ÷1യയ1ൽ രഹസ5yo നീo1˖o ഉ٨иcÙ1െകca˘ ഒe ˗ണ1Ù˘ ഐvɎ1٨1 ഉപേയcഗ1Ŋ˘
േmcşδമcδÙ˘ േmcş˘ െചуcനcÔom1ധo ഒe െmബ˘ അധ1ഷ˘o1o ക˅gşδ ഇɎδേaസ˘ ʾേഖനയcണ˘, o1രെżgи˘ നsǀക.
െoരെżgи1െɎ നsƿ1и1ൽ പcല1േÙa നsപs1÷മŅgo
േɧcേşcേÙcgകgo o1രെżgи˘ oീയo1Ù˘ ʾ˅cയ1 കsൺസ1ല1െɎ
െmബ˘ൈസ٨˘ mഴ1 ٨1േşണ1oഗ˘ ഓaീസδ m1ъദമcേÙaocണ˘.
12) ٨1േşണ1oഗ˘ ഓaീസδ ഇo1നcയ1 അേeഹo ന1яയ1Ŋ oീയo1കള1go സമയǀo iലǀo gĄപര1േъcധന˞o േmcെşƵല1ȟo േma1 ഹcജരcേകaocണ˘.
(1) o1രെżgи˘ ɧ÷1യ അmസcന1Ŋ േъഷo, േmcെşƵൽ gδƿ1യcÔേ˅cൾ, p٨yo Õgoൽ േmcgകൾ േനs1യ1gϗ icനcδLJ1െയേയc icനcδLJ1കെളേയc o1രെżgÙെиş- ocയ1 ٨1േşണ1oഗ˘ ഓaീസδ ഉsd oെm ɧഖ5cപ1േÙaocണ˘.
െoരെżgи1െɎ aലo ഔേദ5cഗ1ക ഗസ٨1ൽ ɧസ1ǿീകര1- Úmo1നcയ1 രജ1Βcδ സδÙcര1ന˘ ٨1േиcδş˘ െചേуaƻമcണ˘.
(2) pെoŁ1go icനcδLJ1കൾÙ1sയ1ൽ േmcgകgെs pƵƿ1ൽ ƻല5o ഉെam˘ കെaǀക˖o ഒe േmcş˘ Õş1േŊδÚക˖o
െച˷േ˅cൾ, pെoŁ1go ഒe icനcδLJ1െയ യ4cm1ധ1 o1രെżgÙെиşocയ1 ɧഖ5cപ1Ùcd േയcഗ5മcÔmപýo pŁ1ൽ,
േmcെşƵൽ കഴ1ż˖sd ٨1േşണ1oഗ˘ ഓaീസδ നϽെÙgи1˽െs അƿരƿ1gϗ ഒe അധ1ക േmcş˘ ആδÙcണ˘ നൽേകaെom˘ കണÙcേÙaocണ˘.
14) േmcെşƵൽ gδƿ1യcÔക˖o aലo ɧഖ5cപ1Úക˖o െചˣo1ന˘
േъഷyo, ٨1േşണ1oഗ˘ ഓaീസδ o1രെżgɡമcയ1 ബvെиş p̣c
േരഖകgo/v1ജ1٨ൽ vc٨കgo ʾ4െmÚക˖o ആ٨˘ മcസേƿÙ˘ അm gý1Úക˖o, അo1ȟേъഷo അm നъ1и1Úകേയc /ഇ̣cocÚകേയc
െചേуaocണ˘. ചşo 15 ɧകcരo, ഒe o1രെżgи˘ ഹδജ1 സമδи1Úm പýo, ɧΖo o1രെżgи˘ ഹδജ1 oീδиcÙ1യo1ന˘
േъഷo മcǔേമ ബvെиş p̣c േരഖകgo/v1ജ1٨ൽ vc٨കgo നъ1и1Úകേയc/ഇ̣cocÚകേയc െച˷mcd പcgϙ.
(1) o1രെżgи˘ നsƿ1ɡമcയ1 ബvെиş˘ pെȣŁ1go oδÙo ഉacÔm പýo, സŁs കý1Ù˘ ആ ആmъ5ƿ1നcയ1 ˺പീകര1Ŋ കˌ1٨1 ʾ˅cെക ഒe o1രെżgи˘ ഹδജ1 നൽകcymocണ˘. ɧΖo കˌ1٨1യ1ൽ ocെഴ പ٨˖mmδ അoഗŅളcയ1ര1Ùണo. അocയo˘;
(a)അvീഷണൽ െസ÷ş٨1 g ഗmൺെമɎ˘(ആേരcഗ5 mÔи˘)
(b)vയ٨àδ ഓa˘ െമv1Ùൽ pvgേÙഷd (േമcേvൺ
െമv1സ1d കsൺസ1ല1േലÚϗ o1രെżgɡമcയ1 ബvെиş oδÙŅൾ)
(c) ആ˖δേmദ െമv1Ùൽ m1ദ5cx5cസ vയ٨àδ (ഇȣ5d സ1uoസ˘ ഓa˘ െമv1സ1d കsൺസ1ല1േലÚϗ o1രെżgɡമcയ1 ബvെиş oδÙŅൾ)
(d)ɧ1dസ1иgo കൺേccള1oഗ˘ ഓaീസϽo, േഹcമ1േയcиo1 െമv1Ùൽ m1ദ5cx5cസo (േഹcമ1േയcиo1 െമv1സ1d കsൺസ1ല1േലÚϗ o1രെżgɡമcയ1 ബvെиş oδÙŅൾ)
(2) കˌ1٨1˖െs oീeമcനo അȣ1മമcയ1ര1Úo.
അǿ5cയo - IV ɧസ1vao ൈmസ˘ ɧസ1vao
16) കsൺസ1ല1െɎ ɧസ1vɎ1െന˖o ൈmസ˘ ɧസ1vɎ1െന˖o കsൺസ1ല1െɎ ആദ5 േയcഗƿ1ൽ ബcല٨1˽െs o1രെżg-
േÙaocണ˘. ɧസ1vɎ˘ icനേƿേÙc ൈmസ˘ ɧസ1vɎ˘ icനേƿേÙc ഉϗ icനcδLJ1കളcയ1 കsൺസ1ല1െല രേac അo1ലധ1കേമc അoഗŅൾÙ˘ അȟmദ1Ŋ േmcgകgെs pƵƿ1ൽ ƻല5o˖െs കcര5ƿ1ൽ, അƿരo അoഗŅൾÙ1sയ1െല o1രെżgи˘ നϽെÙgи1˽െs ന1δƵയ1Ùെиgmocയ1ര1Úo.
അǿ5cയo - V aീpകgo അലmdpകgo
17) ɧസ1vɎ˘, ൈmസ˘ ɧസ1vɎ˘, കsൺസ1ല1െല മ٨˘ അoഗŅൾ pm1mδÙ˘ ocെഴи٨˖m aീസ1ȟo അലmdpകൾÚo അδഹo˖a˘.
(1) പര1േъcധനc aീസ˘: ɧo1ദ1നo 3000/- ˺പ (ഓേരc അധ1ക പര1േъcധന˞o 1000/- ˺പ mീoo ഒe ദ1mസo പരമcmധ1 5 പര1േъcധനc aീസ˘ മcǔo.)
(2) ʾ٨1 mcsക : ɧo1ദ1നo 2000/- ˺പ (േരഖകൾ സഹ1oo)
(3) സ1٨1oഗ˘ aീസ˘ (കsൺസ1ൽ മീ٨1oഗ˘, pƿ1ĉo, ş1ണ1 ഉൾെиെs˖ϗ മ٨˘ ഉപസമ1o1കൾ): 3000/- ˺പ mീoo pm
÷മƿ1ൽ പരമcmധ1 ഒe ദ1mസo രa˘ സ1٨1oഗ1ന˘ മcǔo.
(4) യcǔബƿ : ъര1Úϗ െcയ1d യcǔc ന1രÚo ƻsδm˘ െocşgƿ
െ٨യ1ൽേm േuഷന1ൽ ന1Ⱦʾϗ scĈ1, യcǔcച1ലyo (േരഖകൾ സഹ1oo)
(5) ദ1നബƿ : സδÙcδ ഉƿരm˘ ɧകcരʾϗ ദ1നബƿ
18) ദ1നബƿ അȟmദ1Úmo1ന˘ ɧസ1vao, ൈmസ˘ ɧസ1vao
കsൺസ1ല1െല മ٨˘ അoഗŅgo സoicന സδÙcര1െɎ úcസ˘-I ഓaീസδമcരcയ1 പര1ഗണ1Ùെиgmocണ˘. കsൺസ1ല1േലÙ˘ ýണ1Ùെиş p̣c ഉപേദъക m5é1കൾÚo ʾകള1gϗ ന1രÚകൾ ɧകcരo aീpo അലmdpകgo ലx1Úmo1ന˘ േയcഗ5രcയ1ര1Úo.
അǿ5cയo -VI pĈ1കgşീm˘ കˌ1٨1˖o മ٨˘ കˌ1٨1കgo
19) ഓേരc കsൺസ1ല1ȟo ഒe pക˘സ1കgşീm˘ കˌ1٨1, pƿ1ക˘സ˘ കˌ1٨1, ş1ന1 കˌ1٨1, gൾസ˘ & ٨γേലഷd കˌ1٨1, ലീഗൽ സăകˌ1٨1, മ٨˘ കˌ1٨1കൾ pm1mെയ ന1яയ1Úmcȟo അo1െല അoഗŅള1ൽ
ന1m˘ കˌ1٨1കള1ൽ ന1യമ1Ùcȟo കsൺസ1ല1ന˘ അȟേയcജ5െമm˘ കeƻm oരƿ1ൽ കsൺസ1ല1ൽ ന1ý1ɘമcയ അധ1കcരŅgo yമoലകgo അƿരo കˌ1٨1Ù˘ ൈകമc٨cȟo അധ1കcരʾacയ1ര1Ú- mocണ˘.
20) അƿരo ഓേരc കˌ1٨1Úo ഒe െചയδമcȟൾиെs പരമcmധ1 അű˘ അoഗŅൾ കsൺസ1ല1ൽ ന1Ⱦo ഉacയ1ര1Úo. അƿരo കˌ1٨1കgെs മീ٨1oഗ1െɎ കÍc٨o െചയδമcȟൾെиെs ʿmcയ1ര1Úo.
21) കˌ1٨1കൾÙ˘ ആmъ5മcയ1mem സcഹചര5Ņള1െല̣co േയcഗo
22) pെoŁ1go കˌ1٨1യ1ൽ pെȣŁ1go ഒഴ1yെaŁ1ൽ, അoo˘ കsൺസ1ൽ ആ ഒഴ1m˘ ന1കേƿaocണ˘. കˌ٨1യ1െല pെoŁ1go അoഗo കˌ٨1˖െs അȟmcദമ1̣cെo ƻsδŊയcയ1 രa˘ മീ٨1oγകള1ൽ ന1m˘ m1gന1ൽÚകയcെണŁ1ൽ, അയcൾ കˌ1٨1യ1െല അoഗമ̣cocയ1 oീemocണ˘.
23) കˌ1٨1˖െs മീ٨1oγകgെs നsപs1÷മŅൾ അo1െɎ അoഗŅൾÙ1sയ1ൽ ചo÷മണo െച˷ക˖o െചയδമcd അoഗീകര1Ŋ˘ ഒи˘ mŊ േъഷo അo˘ ആധ1കcര1കമcÚm അŊs1Ŋ മ1ന1٨˘pകgെs
˺പƿ1ൽ രജ1Βcδ gý1Úക˖o െചേуaocണ˘.
24) കsൺസ1ല1െɎ പര1ഗണന ആmъ5െമm˘ േocm1േയÙcym pെoŁ1go m1ഷയŅെള Ô٨1Ŋ˘ കˌ1٨1 പര1േъcധ1Ŋ˘ ٨1േиcδş˘ oуc٨cÚക˖o ɧΖo m1ഷയo ചδŊ˝˘ mem കsൺസ1ല1െɎ
േയcഗƿ1ന˘ Ô٨żo˘ പƿ˘ ദ1mസo ʾെ˅Ł1go അƿരo
٨1േиcδgകൾ അoഗŅൾÙ1sയ1ൽ ചo÷മണo െചേуaƻമcണ˘.
25) കsൺസ1ൽ േയcഗƿ1ന˘ ʾ˅cെക െകcgmേരao˘ ആmъ5മcെണm˘ േocȾm m1ഷയŅൾ െകcgmരcd രജ1Βcേ٨cs˘ കˌ1٨1Ù˘ ന1δേeъo നൽകcymocണ˘.
26) കsൺസ1ല1ൽ അmoര1и1Úm ന1േmദനŅൾ, കsൺസ1ൽ അƿരെമce നsപs1÷മo സÍീകര1Ùcd ആγഹ1ÚȾെmŁ1ൽ, കsൺസ1ൽ പര1ഗണ1Úmo1ന˘ ʾ˅˘ പര1േъcധ1Ŋ˘ ٨1േиcδş˘ സമδи1Úmo1ന˘ ബvെиş കˌ1٨1കൾÙ˘ ൈകമc٨cymocണ˘.
27) കsൺസ1ൽ ആmъ5െиgm m1ഷയŅള1ൽ ബvെиş കˌ1٨1കൾ
٨1േиcδgകൾ oуc٨cÙ1 കˌ1٨1 അȣ1മമcയ1 അoഗീകര1Úm പýo ബvെиş കsൺസ1ല1ൽ അmoര1и1േÙaocണ˘.
28) അs1യȣ1ര m1ഷയŅള1ൽ oീeമcനെമgÚmo1നcയ1 കsൺസ1ല1െɎ oെm ഒe gýമcകcരമcയ1 pക˘സ1കgşീm˘ കˌ1٨1 ɧmδƿ1േÙaƻo, അo1െɎ oീeമcനo ഉsനs1 നsи1ലcേÙaƻമcണ˘. pക˘സ1കgşീm˘ കˌ1٨1˖െs നsപs1 കsൺസ1ല1െɎ അgƿ
േയcഗƿ1ൽ സcgകര1േÙaƻമcണ˘.
29) കsൺസ1ല1െɎ േയcഗo ആà1െɎ 16-ാം mÔи1ൽ ന1δേeъ1Ŋ1ര1Úm നsപs1÷മo അȟസര1Ŋcയ1ര1Úmocണ˘.
അǿ5cയo - VII രജ1Βcδ
30) ʿm˘ കsൺസ1gകgെs˖o അoco˘ കsൺസ1gകളcൽ ആà1ന˘ കീഴ1ൽ ˺പീകര1Ŋ m1m1ധ കˌ1٨1കgെs˖o െസ÷ş٨1 രജ1Βcδ ആയ1ര1Úmocണ˘.
31) pെoŁ1go കsൺസ1gകൾ നൽക1യ1gϗ yമoലകൾ ന1δmഹ1Úmo1ൽ രജ1Βcδ മന:gδ̯o പരcജയെиşocേയc അെ̣Ł1ൽ ആ കsൺസ1ല1െɎ ocൽиര5ŅൾÙ˘ m1eǿമcയ1 ɧmδƿ1Úകേയc െചˣ1gെam˘ കsൺസ1ല1ന˘ അx1ɧcയʾac- Ôേ˅cൾ, അoo˘ കsൺസ1ല1ന˘ അƿരo സoxmŅൾ േജcയ1Ɏ˘ കsൺസ1ല1േലÙ˘ ٨1േиcδş˘ െചуcymocണ˘. p̣c കsൺസ1ല1െല˖o
െമcƿo അoഗoÍƿ1െɎ 2/3 അoഗ γര1പýo െകca˘ പcസcÙ1യ ɧേമയƿ1˽െs m5éമcയ ആേരcപണŅൾ ഉെaŁ1ൽ, െoള1yകൾ
സഹ1oo ɧΕcm1Ŋ˘ ഉച1oമcേയÙcym അŊsÙ നsപs1 സÍീകര1Ùcd സδÙcര1േനcs˘ േജcയ1Ɏ˘ കsൺസ1ല1ന˘ അx5δLJ1Ùcymocണ˘.
32) oെɎ കീഴ1ൽ േജcല1 െച˷m ഉേദ5cഗiെര˖o ജീmനÙcേര˖o ъ1ý1Úmo1ȟϗ രജ1ΒcϽെs അധ1കcരŅൾ ഗmൺെമɎ˘ കcലcകcലŅള1ൽ ന1δേeъ1Úm അƿരo ചşŅളcൽ ന1യȨ1Ùെиgmocണ˘.
33) കsൺസ1ല1െɎ˖o, മ٨˘ കˌ1٨1കgെs˖o p̣c േയcഗŅള1go രജ1Βcδ ഉacയ1ര1േÙaocണ˘. കsൺസ1ല1െɎ˖o കˌ1٨1കgെs˖o p̣c മീ٨1oγകള1go നsപs1÷മŅgെs മ1ന1٨˘സ˘ pgേÙaƻo Õscെo അƿരo മ1ന1٨˘pകgെs ആധ1കcര1ക പകδɡകൾ gý1Úക˖o
െചേуao˘ രജ1ΒcϽെs കsമയcണ˘.
34) കsൺസ1ൽ, കˌ1٨1, കsൺസ1ൽ ന1യമ1Úm മ٨˘ ഉപസമ1o1കൾ pm1mകള1െല ചδŊകള1ൽ പെŁgÙcd രജ1ΒcδÙ˘ അmകcъʾa˘, pmcൽ േmcെşgи1˽െsേയc, pെoŁ1go ɧേമയo അmoര1и1g
െകcേac കsൺസ1ല1േലc കˌ1٨1യ1േലc അoഗമcയ1 ɧmδƿ1Ùcd പcgϗọ.
അǿ5cയo - VIII രജ1േΒഷd
35) രജ1േΒഷനc˖ϗ അേപý: - ആà1െɎ പş1ക ɧകcരo േമcേvൺ
െമv1സ1d, ഇȣ5d സ1uoസ˘ ഓa˘ െമv1സ1d, േഹcമ1േയcиo1 pm1mയ1ൽ അoഗീÖo െമv1Ùൽ േയcഗ5o˖ϗ pെoce m5é1˞o, ആà˘ ɧകcരo അെ̣Ł1ൽ ന1യമɧകcരʾϗ m5miകൾÙ˘ m1േധയമcയ1, േകരള സoicനƿ˘ രജ1േΒഷന˘ അδഹo˖a˘. രജ1േΒഷന˘ േma1˖ϗ ഒe അേപý കsൺസ1ല1െɎ
െmബ˘ൈസ٨1ൽ ആmъ5മcയ അȟബv േരഖകൾ സഹ1oo ഓൺൈലd ʾേഖന സമδи1േÙaocണ˘. അƿരo അേപý˖െs ഒe a1സ1Ùൽ േകcи1˖o അേപýെയ പ1ȤണŊ˘ അപ˘േലcv˘ െചˣ സδş1a1ÙЀകgെs സcý5െиgƿ1യ പകδɡകgo കsൺസ1ല1െɎ ഓaീസ1േലÙ˘ സമδи1േÙaocണ˘.
അǿ5cയo - IX രജ1uϽകgെs പര1പcലനo
36) നcഷണൽ െമv1Ùൽ കˌ1ഷd, നcഷണൽ കˌീഷd േacδ ഇȣ5d സ1uoസ˘ ഓa˘ െമv1സ1d, നcഷണൽ കˌീഷd േacδ
േഹcമ1േയcиo1, pm1mയ1go ഈ ആà1go ന1δേeъ1Ŋ1gϗ m1ъദcoъŅൾ അsņm oരƿ1ൽ യ4c÷മo േമcേvൺ െമv1സ1d, ആ˖δേmദ െമv1സ1d, സ1ǿ െമv1സ1d, ˖നcന1 s1ബ1 െമv1സ1d,
േയcഗ ആdv˘ നcgേ٨cиo1 െമv1സ1d, േഹcമ1േയcиo1 െമv1സ1d pm1m˝˘ ɧേo5ക രജ1uϽകൾ ഉacയ1ര1േÙaocണ˘.
37) ആà1ന˘ കീഴ1ൽ രജ1uδ െചˣ1gϗ p̣c ɧcàീഷണδമceെs˖o
േപeകgo p̣c ɧസéമcയ m1ъദcoъŅgo സഹ1oo സoഖ5c
÷മƿ1ൽ േമൽ ചşɧകcരo രജ1u٨1ൽ േരഖെиgേƿaocണ˘. കoപgşδ സom1ധcനƿ1˽െs സÍയേമm a͟1Ùെиgm അƿരo vc٨, ഓേരc ച1ക1ǚc സˉദcയƿ1േല˖o രജ1uϽകളcയ1 കണÙcÙ1
െxsoീക ˺പƿ1ൽ gý1േÙaocണ˘.
38) രജ1u٨1ൽ േപര˘ േരഖെиgƿ1യ1gϗ ഓേരc m5é1Úo രജ1Βc٨1ൽ ന1m˘ രജ1േΒഷd സδş1a1Ù٨˘ ലx1Ùcd അδഹo˖a˘. അƿരo സδş1a1Ù٨1ൽ രജ1uδ െചˣ m5é1˖െs ʾgmd േപര˘, m1ലcസo, രജ1േΒഷd oീയo1˖o iലyo, രജ1uδ െചˣ േയcഗ5oകൾ, ഇേɎൺഷ1и˘ gδƿ1യcÙ1യ oീയo1, െമv1Ùൽ േകcേളജ1െɎ˖o സδmകലcъcല˖െs˖o േപര˘ pm1m ഉacേകaocണ˘. അƿരo
സδş1a1Ù٨1െɎ മcgക േaco II ൽ ഉϗo˘ ɧകcരമcയ1ര1Úo.
39) രജ1േΒഷെɎ ഒ٨1ജ1നൽ സδş1a1Ù٨˘ mീെagÙcനcകcƿ m1ധƿ1ൽ ന͟െиş സcഹചര5ƿ1ൽ, ഒe െമv1Ùൽ ɧcàീഷണδÙ˘ അoo˘ കsൺസ1ല1െɎ ٨γേലഷȟകള1ൽ ന1δേeъ1Ŋ1gϗ നsപs1÷മŅൾ അȟസര1Ŋ˘ അo1െɎ ആmъ5ƿ1നcയ1 ന1яയ1Ŋ1gϗ അƿരo aീസ˘ അsgെകca˘ രജ1േΒഷെɎ vgɪ1േÙ٨˘ സδş1a1Ù٨˘ േനscymocണ˘.
40) രജ1uδ െചˣ1gϗ ഓേരc ɧcàീഷണϽo oെɎ ɧcàീസ1െɎ ഓേരc അű˘ mδഷƿ1go രജ1േΒഷd ɑƻÚmo1ന˘ ന1яയ1Ŋ1gϗ aീസ˘ സഹ1oo ഓൺൈലനcയ1 അേപý1Ŋ˘ രജ1േΒഷd ɑƻേÙaocണ˘. ഓേരc അű˘ mδഷƿ1go ഒര1Ùൽ രജ1േΒഷd ɑƻÙ1യ1െ̣Ł1ൽ, രജ1uδ െചˣ െമv1Ùൽ ɧcàീഷണδÙ˘ oന1Ù˘ ɧcàീസ˘
െച˷mo1ȟϗ അmകcъo ന͟െиgmocണ˘.
41) അേപýയ1dേമൽ രജ1u٨1ൽ ന1m˘ േപര˘ നീÙo െച˷mo˘ സoബv1Ŋ˘.-
(1) ഒe രജ1uδ െചˣ െമv1Ùൽ ɧcàീഷണδÙ˘ oെɎ േപര˘ രജ1u٨1ൽ ന1m˘ നീÙo െച˷mo1നcയ1 ഒe അേപý നൽകcymocണ˘. മ٨˘ െocഴ1ൽ പ1Ȥsem ഒe രജ1േuδv˘
െമv1Ùൽ ɧcàീഷണδ ആà1െല 31-ാം mÔи˘ ɧകcരo രജ1u٨1ൽ ന1m˘ oെɎ േപര˘ നീÙo െച˷mo1നcയ1 ഒe അേപý നൽേകaocണ˘. oന1െÙo1െര അŊsÙ നsപs1കെളcȾo ന1ലന1ൽÚm1̣ pേmc, അെ̣Ł1ൽ രജ1u٨1ൽ ന1m˘ oെɎ േപര˘ നീÙo െചуcd കcരണമcേയÙcym pെoŁ1go നsപs1കെളÚ٨1േŊc pെoŁ1go നsപs1കൾ ആരox1Úmcd oÙ കcരണŅെളÚ٨1േŊc അെ̣Ł1ൽ ٨ജ1uδ െചуcd അδഹo˖ϗ oെɎ േയcഗ5o രജ1uδ െച˷mo˘ os˖m oരƿ1േലc ഉϗ കcരണŅൾ oന1Ù˘ അ٨1യ1െ̣m അേപýകd നsƿ1യ സo5ɧΕcmന അേപýയ˘െÙcиo ഉacയ1ര1േÙaocണ˘.
(2) രജ1Βcδ അƿരo അേപýകൾ ബvെиş കsൺസ1ല1െɎ അgƿ
േയcഗƿ1ന˘ ʾ˅1ൽ െകcgmേരaocണ˘, ɧΖo കsൺസ1ൽ അേപý˖o ആേýപŅgoപര1ഗണ1Úmocണ˘.
(3) കsൺസ1ൽ, അേപý അȟmദ1Úmപýo, രജ1Βcδ അേപýകെɎ
േപര˘ രജ1u٨1ൽ ന1m˘ നീÙo െച˷ക˖o അേപýകെɎ രജ1uδ
െചˣ m1ലcസƿ1േലÙ˘ ഒe രജ1േuδv˘ കƿ˘ ʾേഖന േപര˘ നീÙo
െചˣ m1mരo അ٨1യ1Úക˖o െചേуaocണ˘.
42) രജ1സ˘േcഷd ɑന:icപ1Ùൽ - രജ1സ˘٨٨1ൽ ന1m˘ േപര˘ നീÙo
െചയ˘o ഒe ɧcക˘sീഷണδÙ˘ രജ1സ˘േcഷȟϗ aീസ˘ അsgെകcg ഒe അേപý സമδи1Ŋcൽ mീgo രജ1uδ െചуcymocണ˘. അƿരo അേപýകൾ അoco˘ കsൺസ1ൽ പര1ഗണ1Úക˖o അo1ȟേъഷo ആà1ന˘ കീഴ1ൽ രജ1േΒഷന˘ അδഹo˖െaŁ1ൽ, ɧcàീഷണϽെs േപര˘ mീgo രജ1u٨1ൽ േചδÚmo1ന˘ രജ1ΒcδÙ˘ ന1δേeъo നൽÔക˖o
അǿ5cയo - X
േകcδиേ٨٨˘ ʾ4
43) ഓേരc കsൺസ1ല1ȟo ഒe ɧേo5ക ʾ4 ഉacയ1ര1Úmƻo, ʾ4 രജ1ΒcϽെs കuv1യ1ൽ gý1േÙaƻമcണ˘.
44) കsൺസ1ല1െɎ ഉƿരyകൾ ഉൾെÙcϘm േരഖകള1ൽ അെ̣Ł1ൽ കsൺസ1ൽ സ1٨1oഗ˘ ഇ̣cƿേиcൾ, pĈ1കgşീm˘ കˌ1٨1˖െs ഉƿരyകള1ൽ മcǔേമ ʾ4 പo1и1Úക˖ϙ, ചşŅൾ അȟസര1Ŋ˘ കsൺസ1ൽ pൽи1Ŋ അധ1കcരŅgo yമoലകgo. നsи1ൽ meǀmo1ȟ ആmъ5മcയ1 mem കˌ1٨1˖െs ɧmδƿ1കൾÙ˘ മcǔേമ ʾ4 ഉപേയcഗ1Ùcd പcgϙ.
അǿ5cയo - XI
െocഴ1ൽപരമcയ െപeമc٨gഷ5o
45) െocഴ1ൽപരമcയ െപeമc٨ gഷ5o:-
(1) ന1ലm1gϗ േകȴ ന1യമƿ1െɎേയc, സoicന ന1യമƿ1െɎേയc അെ̣Ł1ൽ േമcേvൺ െമv1സ1d ɧcàീഷണδമceെs കcര5ƿ1ൽ നcഷണൽ െമv1Ùൽ കˌീഷെɎേയc ആ˖δേmദo, സ1ǿ, ˖നcന1,
േയcഗ & ɧÖo1ച1ക1ǚ pm1mയ1െല ɧcàീഷണδമceെs കcര5ƿ1ൽ നcഷണൽ കˌീഷd േacδ ഇȣ5d സ1uoസ˘ ഓa˘
െമv1സ1െɎേയc േഹcമ1േയcиo1 ɧcàീഷണδമceെs കcര5ƿ1ൽ നcഷണൽ കˌീഷd േacδ േഹcമ1േയcиo1േയc ɑ٨െиgm1Ŋ1gϗ
െ٨γേലഷȟകൾ pm1m˖െs ലoഘനƿ1െɎ pെoŁ1go സmδxƿ1ൽ ɧcàീഷണδമcδ, അƿരo െമv1Ùൽ ɧcàീpമcയ1 ബvെиş˘ െocഴ1ൽ പരമcയ െപeമc٨ gഷ5മcയ1 കണÙcÚmocണ˘.
(2) േമൽи٨ż ന1യമŅള1േലc ചşŅള1േലc മcδĖന1δേeъŅള1േലc
േകcƋകള1േലc പരcമδъ1Ŋ1ര1Úm pെoŁ1go m1xcഗƿ1ൽ
െപscƿ ഒe െɧcaഷണൽ െപeമc٨ gഷ5o രജ1uδ െചˣ
െമv1Ùൽ ɧcàീഷണδമceെs xcഗƿ˘ ന1Ⱦo സoxm1Ŋcൽ അo˘ പര1ഗണ1Úmo1േനc ൈകകcര5o െച˷mo1േനc േകരള േu٨˘
െമv1Ùൽ കsൺസ1gകൾÙ˘ ഒe oരƿ1go osθമ1̣cƿocണ˘.
(3) ബvെиş ന1യമŅgo ചşŅgo അȟസര1Ŋ˘ രജ1േuδv˘
െമv1Ùൽ ɧcàീഷണδമcδ ഈ ചşŅൾ ലoഘ1Úm ഒe ɧmδƿനŅള1go pδെиgmcd പcs1̣cƿocണ˘. Õscെo അƿരo ചşŅൾ ചşŅgെs ലoഘ1Úm ɧmδƿനŅള1േലc േജcല1യ1േലc, മ٨˘ കരcϽകള1േലc pδെиgmcd പcgϗọ.
(4) ധcδˌ1കചËo1 ഉൾെиgm Ô٨കരമcയ േകpകള1ൽ െമv1Ùൽ ɧcàീഷണδ ъ1ý1Ùെиşcൽ അo˘ ɧcàീസ˘ െചуcȟϗ
ൈലസdസ˘ സെΤdv˘ െച˷mo1ൽ കലcъ1Úmocണ˘.
46) െocഴ1ൽപരമcയ െപeമc٨ gഷ5yമcയ1 ബvെиş˘ പരco1 നൽÔmo1ȟϗ നsപs1÷മo.
(1) പരco1Ùcരനcയ m5é1Ù˘ പരco1യ1േലÙ˘ നയ1Úm ɧ̨ƿ1˖െs കcരണo നsm oീയo1 ʾoൽ അoƻ േകȴ കˌീഷȟകൾ അo1െɎ
െ٨γേലഷȟകള1ൽ ന1яയ1Ŋ സമയƿ1ȟϗ1ൽ േകരള േu٨˘
െമv1Ùൽ കsൺസ1ല1െɎ െmബ˘ൈസ٨˘ േപcδşൽ/ഓa˘ൈലd ʾേഖന പരco1 നൽകcymocണ˘.
(2) ъcരീര1കമcേയc മcനസ1കമcേയc ഉϗ കഴ1m1̣c˲˖െs േപര1ൽ പരco1Ùcരനcയ m5é1Ù˘ പരco1 നൽകcd കഴ1യcെo mmcൽ,
(a) ഒe Ôgoബcoഗo അെ̣Ł1ൽ ബȸ അെ̣Ł1ൽ p@ƿ˘, അെ̣Ł1ൽ
(b) ച1ക1ǚ˖o പര1ചരണyo നൽÔm രýcധ1കcര1 അെ̣Ł1ൽ അധ1കcര1Ù˘
(c) േരcഗ1˖െs മരണƿ1െɎ m1ഷയƿ1ൽ ന1യമപരമcയ അmകcъ1 അെ̣Ł1ൽ രýcധ1കcര1Ù˘ പരco1 aയൽ െചуco.
(3) രജ1uδ െചˣ pെoŁ1go െമv1Ùൽ ɧcàീഷണδെÙo1െര ഒe
െocഴ1ൽപരമcയ െപeമc٨ gഷ5o ̈́ǿയ1ൽെиşcൽ അoo˘ കsൺസ1ല1ന˘ സÍേമധയc േകെസgÙcymocണ˘. രജ1uδ െചˣ
െമv1Ùൽ ɧcàീഷണδെÙo1െര നsപs1െയgÙcd േകmല γര1പýo അoഗŅൾ സˌo1Ŋcൽ സÍേമധയc േകസ˘ pgÙcymocണ˘.
47) പരco1˖െs അേനÍഷണ രീo1:
(1) രജ1uδ െചˣ pെoŁ1go െമv1Ùൽ ɧcàീഷണδമceെs
െocഴ1ൽപരമcയ െപeമc٨ ദgഷ5െƿÚ٨1gϗ pെȣŁ1go പരco1േയc m1mരേമc രജ1Βcെ٨ സoേബcധന െചˣ˘ നൽേകaocണ˘.
(2) ഈ ചşƿ1െɎ ആmъ5ƿ1നcയ1, പരco1 നൽÔm m5é1˖െs ʾgmd േപര˘, m1ലcസo, േacൺ ന˅δ, ഇ-െമയ1ൽ ഐv1 pm1m സഹ1oo ഒи1ş˘, കsൺസ1ല1െɎ രജ1Βcെ٨ അx1സoേബcധന െചˣ˘
േരഖcʿലo നൽകcƿ, ഒe പരco1˖o പര1ഗണ1Úmọ. േകസ1െɎ mΖoകൾ സoബv1Ŋ ɧഖ5cപനŅൾെÙcиo, പരco1 സമδи1Úm സമയƿ˘, പരco1Ùcരd പരco1˖െs˖o അȟബv േരഖകgെs˖o അű˘ പകδɡകൾ, സcý1കgെs േപeo m1ലcസyo സഹ1oo
ലx5മcേÙaocണ˘. പരco1˖െs മcgക േaco-III -ɧകcരo ആയ1ര1േÙaocണ˘.
(3) ഈ ന1യമƿ1െɎ ഉേeъ5ƿ1നcയ1, ഓേരc ɧΕcmനയ1go m1mരണyo പരco1˖െs ʾgmd mΖoകgo, ɧഖ5cപനo െച˷m m5é1˖െs gδണേമൽm1ലcസyo ഉacയ1ര1Ùണo. ഒe ɧേo5ക mΖo, ɧΕcm1Ŋ m5é1˖െs m5é1പരമcയ അ٨1m1ൽ ഇെ̣Ł1ൽ, അmd/അmൾ അƿരെമce mΖo˖െs ഉ٨m1syo അƿരo ഒe
mΖo˖െs സo5cmi˖മcയ1 ബvെиş m1ъÍcസƿ1ȟϗ കcരണyo ɧΕcm1Ùണo.
(4) ഒe പരco1 നൽക1യo˘ m5cജനcമƿ1ലcെണȾ രജ1Βcδ m1ъÍസ1ÚȾെmŁ1ൽ, അƿരo പരco1˖െs mΖo ഉ٨иcÚmo1ന˘ Õgoൽ m1ъദcoъŅൾ 7 ദ1mസƿ1ȟϗ1ൽ ലx5മcÚmcd രജ1ΒcδÙ˘ ആmъ5െиscymocണ˘.
(5) ɧcàീഷണ٨1ൽ ന1m˘ രജ1ΒcδÙ˘ മϽപs1 ലx1Ùcെo ഒe പരco1˖o ന1രസ1Ùcd പcgϗọ.
(6) പരco1 ലx1Ŋcൽ, രജ1Βcδ 15 ɧ̨ƿ1 ദ1mസƿ1ȟϗ1ൽ രജ1uδ
െചˣ െമv1Ùൽ ɧcàീഷണδമcδÙ˘ അേനÍഷണ േനcşീസ˘ അയേ˝aocണ˘. അƿരo അേനÍഷണ േനcşീസ1െനcиo പരco1˖െs പകδи˘ ഉacയ1ര1Ùണo. അƿരo ഒe അേനÍഷണ
േനcşീസ˘ രജ1േuδv˘/ Τീv˘ േപcu˘/ ഇ-െമയ1ൽ mഴ1േയc അെ̣Ł1ൽ കsൺസ1ൽ കcലcകcലŅള1ൽ ന1δേeъ1Úm അȟmദനീയമcയ േസmന രീo1കള1˽െsേയc അയേ˝aocണ˘.
(7) േരഖcʿലʾϗ േനcşീpo പരco1˖െs പകδɡo ലx1Ŋ oീയo1 ʾoൽ 15 ɧ̨ƿ1 ദ1mസŅള1ൽ കm1യcƿ കcലയളm1ȟϗ1ൽ െമv1Ùൽ ɧcàീഷണδ ബvെиş േരഖകgെs പകδɡo സcý1കgെs േപeo m1ലcസyo സഹ1oo oെɎ മϽപs1 കsൺസ1ല1ൽ ലx5മcÙണo. ɧcàീഷണδ 15 ദ1mസƿ1ȟϗ1ൽ oെɎ മϽപs1 ലx5മcÚmo1ൽ പരcജയെиşcൽ, രജ1സ˘ccδ ɧcക˘sീഷണδÙ˘ 2 ഓδˌെиgƿൽ
േനcşീസ˘ അയയ˘Ùണo. ഓേരc േനcşീpo 7 ദ1mസo ഇsേmളയ1ൽ ആയ1ര1Ùണo അയേÙao˘. ɧcക˘sീഷണδÙ˘ 15 ദ1mസo Õs1 മϽപs1 നൽÔmcd സമയo നൽകണo. രa˘ ഓδˌെиgƿൽ േനcşീpകൾ ലx1Ŋo1ന˘ േъഷyo ɧcàീഷണδ oെɎ മϽപs1 ലx5മcÚmo1ൽ mീȩ meǀmപýo, m1ഷയo pƿ1ക˘സ˘ കˌ1٨1˖െsേയc കsൺസ1ല1െɎേയc ̈́ǿയ1ൽ െകca˘ mേരaocണ˘. കsൺസ1ൽ/pƿ1ക˘സ˘ കˌ1٨1Ù˘ ഈ ചşƿ1െല മെ٨̣c
m5miകൾÚo അȟaoമcയ1 പരco1˖മcയ1 ʾേmcş˘
േപcകcymocണ˘. േമൽ പ٨ż കcലപര1ധ1 കഴ1ż˘ m1ഷയƿ1ൽ oെɎ m1ъദീകരണo ലx5മcÚmcd ɧcàീഷണδÙ˘ അmസരo നൽÔmo˘ അoco˘ കsൺസ1ൽ/ കˌ1٨1˖െs ɧസ1vɎ1െɎ/
െചയδമcെɎ m1േmചനcധ1കcരമcയ1ര1Úo.
(8) കsൺസ1ൽ/ കˌ1٨1 സÍcxcm1ക നീo1˖െs ooÍŅൾ പcല1Ŋ˘
െകca˘ പരco1യ1ൽ അേനÍഷണo നsേƿaocണ˘.
(9) രജ1uδ െചˣ െമv1Ùൽ ɧcàീഷണϽെs മϽപs1 ലx1Ŋcൽ, രജ1Βcδ ɧΖo പരco1 pƿ1ക˘സ˘ കˌ1٨1േÙc അെ̣Ł1ൽ കsൺസ1ല1േനc
٨aδ െച˷mocണ˘.
(10) പരco1Ùcരേനc ആേരcപണ m1േധയേനc മo1യcയ കcരണമ1̣cെo സÍയo ഹcജരcÔmo1ൽ പരcജയെиşcൽ പരco1യ1dേമൽ pകപýീയമcയ oീeമcനെമgÙcേനc, അേനÍഷണ നsപs1കൾ അmസcന1и1Ùcേനc ബvെиş കsൺസ1ല1േനc pƿ1ക˘സ˘ കˌ1٨1േÙc, അmകcъʾa˘. pƿ1ക˘സ˘ കˌ1٨1/ കsൺസ1ൽ ƻsδŊയcയ1 m1ള1g Õş1യ രa˘ ഹ1യ٨1oγകൾ അെ̣Ł1ൽ ʿm˘ ഹ1യ٨1oγകൾÙ˘ മo1യcയ കcരണŅൾ ഇ̣cെo ഹcജരcകco1ര1Úm സcഹചര5Ņള1ൽ, പo1നű˘ ദ1mസo ʾ˅˘ ബvെиş കý1Ù˘ അƿരo അ٨1യ1и˘ നൽകcെo നsപs1കൾ അmസcന1и1Ùcേനc അെ̣Ł1ൽ pകപýീയമcയ ഉƿരm˘ പcസcÚmcേനc പcgϗọ.
(11) ആà1െɎ 33-ാം mÔи˘ അȟസര1Ŋ˘ iലŅൾ സmδъ1Ùcȟo പര1േъcധ1Ùcȟo, ƻsδm˘ കsൺസ1ല1ȟ/ കˌ1٨1Ù˘ ʾ˅cെക അo1െɎ അx1ɧcയേƿcെs പര1േъcധന ٨1േиcδş˘ oуc٨cÙ1 സമδи1Úmcȟo കˌ1٨1/ കsൺസ1ൽ അoഗŅൾÙ˘ അധ1കcരo ഉacയ1ര1Úmocണ˘. അƿരƿ1ൽ പര1േъcധനÙcയ1 ന1േയcഗ1Ùെиş അoഗŅൾÙ˘ പര1േъcധന നsǀmo1നcയ1 ബvെиş േപcലീസ1െɎ സഹcയo േoscymocണ˘. പര1േъcധന നsപs1കൾ gδƿ1യcÚmo1ȟ അoഗŅൾÙ˘ ആmъ5മcയ
സഹcയo നൽേകao˘ ബvെиş േuഷd െഹsസ˘ ഓaീസϽെs കsമയcണ˘.
(12) പര1േъcധന˖െs കcര5ƿ1ൽ, ആmъ5െമŁ1ൽ േമcേvൺ
െമv1സ1െɎ m1ഷയƿ1ൽ ജ1̣c െമv1Ùൽ ഓaീസδ (ആേരcഗ5o),ഇȣ5d സ1uoസ˘ ഓa˘ െമv1സ1െɎ m1ഷയƿ1ൽ ജ1.െമ.ആ (ഐ.pസ˘.po) േഹcമ1േയcиo1 െമv1സ1െɎ m1ഷയƿ1ൽ ജ1.െമ.ആ (േഹcമ1േയcиo1) pm1meെs സഹcയo കsൺസ1ൽ/ കˌ1٨1Ù˘ േoscymocണ˘.
(13) ബvെиş െമv1Ùൽ ഓaീസδ പര1േъcധനc േmളയ1ൽ p̣c സഹcയyo െചേуaocണ˘.
(14) ഈ അധ5cയƿ1െല മ٨˘ ചşŅൾ പcല1gെകca˘, ഈ അധ5cയƿ1ൽ പ٨ż1ര1Úmƻേപcെല oെɎ xcഗo അmoര1и1Ùcd രജ1Βcδ ɧcàീഷണെ٨ േനര1ş˘ m1ള1и1Úmocണ˘. po˘ സcഹചര5ƿ1ലcെണŁ1go പരco1Ùcരd ഹcജരcകcƿo1െɎ അs1icനƿ1ൽ മcǔo പരco1 oീδиcÚmcd പcgϗọ.
(15) കsൺസ1ല1േനc pƿ1ക˘സ˘ കˌ1٨1േÙc ʾ˅cെക˖ϗ നsപs1കgെs ഒe ഘşƿ1go oŅgെs േകസ˘ ɧo1ന1ധീകര1Ùcd ഒe അx1xcഷകെന˖o െകcgmരcd കý1കെള അȟmദ1Ù1̣.
(16) അേനÍഷണo നsǀേ˅cൾ, ഒe കÍc٨o ഉ٨иcÙണo.
(17) നsപs1÷മŅൾ ആരox1gകഴ1żcൽ (അδLJo -കý1കെള ഒe ഹ1യ٨1oഗ1ന˘ m1ള1Ŋo1ന˘ േъഷo) γര1പýo അoഗŅgെs സˌoo ഇ̣cെo ɑo1യ േരഖകേളc സδş1a1ÙЀകേളc െoള1yകേളc സcý1കേളc ഒȾo കý1കള1ൽ ന1Ⱦo അȟmദ1Úmọ. ഒe പരco1˖o അoco˘ കsൺസ1gകൾ സÍീകര1Ŋo1ന˘ േъഷo പ1dmല1Ùcനcക1̣.
(18) സoicന െമv1Ùൽ കsൺസ1ല1ന˘ അo1െɎ ɧേമയƿ1േലc pെoŁ1go കý1കൾ നൽക1യ അേപýയ1േലc മo1യcയ കcരണo ഉെaŁ1ൽ അേനÍഷണ m1ദĭധെര മc٨cd അധ1കcരʾa˘.
(19) pƿ1ക˘സ˘ കˌ1٨1േÙc കsൺസ1ല1േനc പരco1Ùcരേനcgo ɧcàീഷണേ٨cgo അmeെs pെoŁ1go സcý1കൾ ഉൾെиെs˖ϗmേരcs˘, അേനÍഷണ നsപs1കള1ൽ pേиcൾ
േmണെമŁ1go േചcദ5Ņൾ േചcദ1Ùco.
(20) pƿ1ക˘സ˘ കˌ1٨1േയc/കsൺസ1േലc ഈ ചşƿ1ൽ പ٨ż1ര1Úo ɧകcരo p̣c അേനÍഷണ നsപs1കgെs˖o േരഖ gý1േÙaocണ˘.
(21) pƿ1Ĉ˘ കˌ1٨1˖െs ̲പcδъയ1dേമൽ ഈ ചşƿ1ൽ പ٨ż1ര1Úm ɧകcരo അേനÍഷണo gδƿ1യcÙ1 30 ദ1mസƿ1നകo ഈ അധ5cയƿ1െല p̣c m5miകൾÚo m1േധയമcയ1, pƿ1ക˘സ˘ കˌ1٨1˖െs അŅെന˖ϗ ഒe ̲പcδъ, ബvെиş കsൺസ1ൽ േയcഗƿ1ൽ അoഗീകcരƿ1നcയ1 രജ1Βcδ സമδи1േÙaocണ˘.
48) രജ1േuδv˘ ɧcàീഷണδÙ˘നൽÔm Ô٨cേരcപണ േനcşീസ˘.
(1) pƿ1ക˘സ˘ കˌ1٨1േയc/ കsൺസ1േലc പരco1 oീδиcÚേ˅cൾ ചşo 49 ഉപചşo(1)-െല ബ1) ʾoൽ െജ) mെര˖ϗ pെoŁ1go oീδиcÙൽ രീo1കൾ ̲പcδъ െചയ˘ocൽ, രജ1Βcδ ബvെиş രജ1േuδv˘ ɧcàീഷണδÙ˘ Ô٨cേരcപണ േനcşീസ˘ നൽേകaocണ˘.
(2) Ô٨cേരcപണ േനcşീസ1ൽ Ô٨ƿ1െɎ സÍxcmyo m1ъദcoъŅgo m5éമcÚക˖o കˌ1٨1 േകസ˘ ൈകകcര5o െചуcd ഉേeъ1Úm ദ1mസo അmെര അ٨1യ1Úക˖o അേmദ1mസo കˌ1٨1Ù˘ ʾ˅cെക ഹcജരcകcȟo േരഖcʿലo മϽപs1 നൽകcd ɧcàീഷണെ٨ m1ള1и1Úക˖o െചേуaocണ˘.
(3) Ô٨cേരcപണ േനcşീസ1ൽ mΖoകൾ, അmയ1േലÙ˘ നയ1Ŋ അȟമcനŅൾ, അƿരo അȟമcനŅെള പ1Ȥണ˞m സcഹചര5Ņൾ pm1m˖മcയ1 ബvെиş ɧസéമcയ
ആേരcപണŅൾ േകസ1ൽ ഒe ഉƿരm˘ പcസcÚേ˅cൾ പര1ഗണ1Ùcd ന1δേeъ1Ŋ1gϗ മേ٨െoŁ1go സcഹചര5ŅൾെÙcиo m5éമcയ1 പരcമδъ1Ŋ1ര1േÙaocണ˘.
(4) അȣ1മ ഹ1യ٨1oഗ1നcയ1 രa˘ കý1കെള˖o m1ള1േÙaocണ˘.
(5) pƿ1ക˘സ˘ കˌ1٨1യ1ൽ ന1m˘ അƿരെമce ̲പcδъ ലx1Ŋo1ന˘
േъഷo നsÚm ആദ5 കsൺസ1ൽ േമൽ ̲പcδъ പര1ഗണ1Úക˖o പcസcÚക˖o െചേуaocണ˘.
(6) കsൺസ1ൽ പcസcÙ1യ pെoce ഉƿരyo ഇeകý1കൾÚo ബcധകമcÔmƻo, pmcൽ േമcേvൺ െമv1സ1d ɧcàീഷണδ മceെs കcര5ƿ1ൽ, 2019 െല നcഷണൽ െമv1Ùൽ കˌ1ഷd
ആക˘٨1െɎ 30-ാം mÔи˘ ɧകcരyo ആ˖δേmദo, സ1ǿ, ˖നcന1, ɧcàീഷണδമceെs കcര5ƿ1ൽ, 2020-െല , നcഷണൽ കˌീഷd
േacδ ഇȣ5d സ1uoസ˘ ഓa˘ െമv1സ1d ആക˘٨1െɎ 31-ാം mÔи˘ ɧകcരyo, േഹcമ1േയc ɧcàീഷേണϺ˘മceെs കcര5ƿ1ൽ 2020-െല ,
നcഷണൽ കˌീഷd േacδ േഹcമ1േയcиo1 ആക˘٨1െɎ 31-ാം mÔи˘ ɧകcരyʾϗ അиീൽ m5miകൾÙ˘ m1േധയമcയ1ര1Úmƻമcണ˘.
(7) അɧകcരʾϗ ഉƿരm1ൽ ഉƿരm1െന ന5cയീകര1Úm കcരണŅൾ m5éമcേÙaocണ˘.
49) പരco1കൾ oീδиcÚm m1ധo:-
(1) ബvെиş കý1കൾÙ˘ േകൾÙcȟϗ അmസരo നൽക1യ േъഷo
കsൺസ1ല1ന˘ ഇന1и٨˖m | pെoŁ1go | ̲പcδъകൾ |
നൽകcymocണ˘. | ||
(a) പരco1 oϘക | ||
(b) രജ1uδ െചˣ െമv1Ùൽ | ɧcàീഷണെ٨ | Ô٨െиgǀക/ |
ʾm٨1യ1и˘ നൽÔക/ъcസ1Úക.
(c) രജ1uδ െചˣ െമv1Ùൽ ɧcàീഷണδÙ˘ കsൺസ1ല1oഗ˘
̲പcδъ െച˷ക.
(d) ഒe ബദൽ പ1ഴ പര1ഗണ1Ùcymocണ˘.
(e)രജ1uδ െചˣ െമv1Ùൽ ɧcàീഷണδമcδÙ˘ കsൺസ1ല1ന˘ അȟേയcജ5െമm˘ േocȾm ú1ന1Ùൽ നsപs1÷മŅള1ൽ ന1Ⱦo അെ̣Ł1ൽ പര1േъcധനകൾ നsǀmo1ൽ ന1m˘ m1ലÙ˘ pδെиgƿco.
(f) സoicന െമv1Ùൽ രജ1u٨1ൽ ന1m˘ രജ1uδ െചˣ
െമv1Ùൽ ɧcàീഷണϽെs േപര˘ ocൽÙcല1കമcയ1 നീÙo
െചˤെകca˘ ഒe ocൽÙcല1ക കcലയളm1േലÙ˘ ɧcàീസ1ൽ ന1m˘ സെΤdv˘ െച˷ക.
(g)േമcേvൺ െമv1സ1d ɧcàീഷണϽെs കcര5ƿ1ൽ, 2019 െല NMC ആà1െɎ െസýd 30 ɧകcരyo, ആ˖δേmദo, സ1ǿ, ˖നcന1 ɧcàീഷണϽെs കcര5ƿ1ൽ, 2020 െല NCISM ആà1െɎ െസýd
31 ɧകcരyo, േഹcമ1േയcиo1 ɧcàീഷണϽെs കcര5ƿ1ൽ NCH ആà˘, 2020 െല െസýd 31 ɧകcരyo ഉച1oെമനന˘ േocȾm പ1ഴ നൽകcymocണ˘.
(h) െമv1Ùൽ ɧcàീഷണδമcδ സoicനƿ˘ ɧcàീസ˘ െചуcd രജ1സ˘േcഷd pgƿ1ş1െ̣m˘ അേനÍഷണƿ1ൽ കെaƿ1യcൽ കsൺസ1ല1ന˘ രജ1സ˘േcഷd aീസ1െɎ 10 ഇരş1 mെര പ1ഴ ഈscÙco.
(i) െo٨cയ െപeമc٨yമcയ1 ബvെиgo ച1ല സδş1a1Ù٨˘
േകcഴ˘സ˘/ധcδˌ1ക സoേmദനýമo ʾoലcയm˖മcയ1 ബvെиgo ɧേo5ക പര1ъീലന േകcഴ˘pകൾ pെ٨gÙcd രജ1uδ െചˣ െമv1Ùൽ ɧcàീഷണδÙ˘ ന1δേeъo നൽകco.
(j) രജ1uδ െചˣ െമv1Ùൽ ɧcàീഷണδമceെs രജ1u٨1ൽ ന1m˘ i1രമcയ നീÙo.
(k) സെΤdഷd കcലയളm˘ gδƿ1യcÔേ˅cൾ pെoce രജ1uδ
െചˣ െമv1Ùൽ ɧcàീഷണδമceെs സെΤdഷd സÍയേമm ഇ̣cocÔo.
(2) pƿ1Ĉ˘ സമ1o1 നൽÔm ̲പcδъകൾ അoco˘ കsൺസ1ല1ന˘ γര1പýേƿcെs അoഗീകര1Ùco. അെ̣Ł1ൽ കcരണŅൾ പ٨Ž
െകca˘ ъ1ý mδǿ1и1Úകേയc Ô٨˞കേയc െചуcymocണ˘.
50) ഉƿരm1െɎ ɑനരmേലcകന ന1േരcധനo: കsൺസ1ല1ന˘ സÍȣo ഉƿരm˘ ɑന:പര1േъcധ1Ùcd അധ1കcരമ1̣, അиീൽ കcലcmധ1 അmസcന1Ŋo1ന˘ േъഷo മcǔേമ ഉƿരm˘ നsи1ലcÚmcd പcgϙ.
51) കsൺസ1ല1െɎ അധ1കcരo : ഒe രജ1േuδv˘ െമv1Ùൽ ɧcàീഷണδെÙo1െര പരco1 പര1േъcധ1Úേ˅cൾ, 1908-െല സ1m1ൽ നsപs1 സoഹ1o ɧകcരo ഒe സ1m1ൽ േകcso1യ1ൽ ന1ý1ɘമcയ അേo അധ1കcരŅൾ കsൺസ1ല1ന˘ ഉacയ1ര1Úo, അocയo˘:
(1) pെoŁ1go ɧo1˖െsേയc സcý1˖െsേയc ഹcജδ ആmъ5െиş˘ സമdസ˘ അയÚmcȟo സo5ɧo1Ţ െചˣ˘ സcý1െയ m1Εര1Úmo1ȟo.
(2) െoള1mcയ1 pെoŁ1go േരഖേയc മ٨˘ xso1ക mസ˘ƻÙgെsേയc കെaƿgo ഹcജരcÙgo ആmъ5െиgmcȟo.
(3) സo5mcѲʿലo ʾേഖന െoള1yകൾ സÍീകര1Ùcd.
(4) ബvെиş m1ъകലനƿ1െɎേയc പര1േъcധന˖െsേയc ٨1േиcδş˘ ഉച1oമcയ ലേബc٨ş٨1യ1ൽ ന1േmc മേ٨െoŁ1go ɧസéമcയ ഉ٨m1sƿ1ൽ ന1േmc ആmъ5െиgmcd.
(5) pെoŁ1go സcý1˖െsേയc േരഖ˖െsേയc m1Εcരƿ1നcയ1 കˌീഷȟകൾ നൽകൽ; Õscെo സoicന സδÙcδ ന1δേeъ1Úm മേ٨െoŁ1go കcര5yo പര1േъcധ1Úmo1ȟo അധ1കcരʾa˘.
(6) ഈ അധ5cയƿ1ന˘ കീഴ1gϗ ഓേരc അേനÍഷണyo ഇȣ5d ъ1ýcന1യമo, 1860 (െസdcൽ ആȢ 45, 1860) െɎ 193, 228 mÔɡകgെs ആmъ5ŅൾÙc˖ϗ ഒe Śvീഷ5ൽ നsപs1യcയ1 കണÙcÚo.
52) അиീൽ
(1) േമcേvൺ െമv1സ1d കsൺസ1ല1െɎ oീeമcനƿ1ൽ ആേýപʾϗ രജ1uδ െചˣ െമv1Ùൽ ɧcàീഷണδമcδÙ˘ ദ1 pƿ1ക˘സ˘ ആdv˘ െമv1Ùൽ രജ1സ˘േcഷd േബcδv1ൽ (EMRB), ഇȣ5d സ1uoസ˘ ഓa˘ െമv1സ1d കsൺസ1ല1െɎ oീeമcനƿ1dേമൽ
േബcδv˘ ഓa˘ pƿ1ക˘സ˘ ആdv˘ രജ1സ˘േcഷd േacδ ഇȣ5d സ1uoസ˘ ഓa˘ െമv1സ1d (BERISM), േഹcമ1േയcиo1 െമv1സ1d
കsൺസ1ല1െɎ oീeമcനƿ1dേമൽ േബcδv˘ ഓa˘ pƿ1ക˘സ˘ ആdv˘ രജ1സ˘േcഷd േacδ േഹcമ1േയcиo1യ1ൽ (BERH) ഉƿരm˘ ലx1Ŋ oീയo1 ʾoൽ 60 ദ1mസƿ1ȟϗ1ൽ അиീൽ aയൽ െചуcd അmകcъʾa˘.
(2) അиീൽ കcലcmധ1 അmസcന1Ŋo1ന˘ േъഷo സoicന കsൺസ1ല1െɎ oീeമcനo അȣ1മമcÔo. അиീൽ കcലയളm1ൽ, അиീൽ അധ1കcര1 മെ٨െȣŁ1go oീeമcന1Ŋ1െ̣Ł1ൽ, കsൺസ1ല1െɎ ഉƿരm˘ േu െചˣocയ1 കണÙcÚo.
53) സoicന െമv1Ùൽ കsൺസ1ല1ൽ രജ1uδ െചˣ െമv1Ùൽ ɧcàീഷണδമcδÙ˘ നൽÔm ъ1ý, അиീല1ൽ i1രീകര1Ŋcൽ, അo1െനo1െര അиീൽ നൽÔm1െ̣Ł1ൽ, അиീൽ കcലയളm1ന˘ േъഷo ъ1ýcm1ധ1 അȣ1മമcയ m1mരo കsൺസ1ല1െɎ െmബ˘ൈസ٨1go കsൺസ1ല1ന˘ അȟേയcജ5െമm˘ േocȾm മ٨˘ േmദ1കള1go പരസ5െиgǀക˖o െച˷o. Õscെo രജ1േuδv˘ െമv1Ùൽ ɧcàീഷണδ േജcല1 െച˷m icപനƿ1െല െocഴ1gsമÚo, icപനƿ1ȟo, ബvെиş െമv1Ùൽ അേസcസ1േയഷȟകൾ/
െസcൈസ٨1കൾ/ േബcv1കൾ pm1m˝˘ അ٨1യ1и˘ നൽÔmƻമcണ˘.
അധ5cയo - XII
54) ആà1െല pെoŁ1go m5miകൾ ലoഘ1Ŋo1ന˘ ഒരcൾെÙo1െര
േɧcസ1കgഷd നsപs1കൾ സÍീകര1Ùണെമm˘ കsൺസ1ല1ന˘
േബcധ5ʾϗപýo, അo˘ ആà1െɎ 42-ാം mÔи˘ അȟസര1Ŋ˘ അƿരo
÷1മ1നൽ നsപs1÷മŅൾ ആരox1Úmo1െനÚ٨1Ŋ˘ ഒe ɧേമയƿ1˽െs oീeമcന1Úo. രജ1സ˘ccδ ɧΖo ɧേമയyo അo1ന˘ അȟബvമcയ p̣c െoള1m˘ േരഖകgo vയ٨àδ ഓa˘ പăള1ക˘ േɧcസ1കgഷന˘ അയg നൽÔക˖o, അɧകcരʾϗ സcഹചര5ƿ1ൽ, ƻsδȾϗ m1ചcരണ നsപs1കള1ൽ കsൺസ1ല1െന ɧo1ന1ധീകര1Úmo˘, vയ٨àδ യ4cm1ധ1 അധ1കcരെиgƿ1യ പʴ1ക˘ േɧcസ1കgşδ
ആയ1ര1Úo. 1973-െല ÷1മ1നൽ നsപs1 സoഹ1oയ1െല m5miകൾ ഇƿരo നsപs1കൾÙ˘ ബcധകമcയ1ര1Úo.
അധ5cയo - XIII രജ1u٨1േലÙ˘ േപeകൾ ɑന:icപ1Ùൽ
55) കsൺസ1ല1െɎ ന1δേeъɧകcരo രജ1u٨1ൽ ന1m˘ ഒe ന1я1o കcലയളm1േലÙ˘ േപര˘ നീÙo െചˣ1gϗ ഒരcൾÙ˘ (ഒe ɧcàീഷണϽെs കcര5ƿ1ൽ അേиcgo രജ1uδ െചуcd അδഹo˖ϗ ഒe
േയcഗ5o˖െaŁ1ൽ) mീgo േപര˘ േചδÚmo1നcയ1 കsൺസ1ല1ൽ അേപý1Ŋcൽ ocെഴи٨˖m നsപs1÷മŅൾ സÍീകര1Úmocണ˘.
(1) അേപý കsൺസ1ല1െന അx1സoേബcധന െചˣ˘ അേപýകd ഒи1ş േരഖcʿലʾϗocയ1ര1Úക˖o, Õscെo അേപý നൽക1യo1െɎ കcരണo m5éമcÚക˖o േmണo.
(2) കsൺസ1ല1െɎ ഉƿരേmcെs രജ1u٨1ൽ ന1Ⱦo േപര˘ നീÙo െചˣ ഒരcൾ, oെɎ േപര˘ mീgo േചδÚmo1ȟϗ അേപý സമδи1Úmo1േനcെscиo oെɎ േകസ1െɎ mΖoകൾ
െmള1െиgǀക˖o ocd oെmയcണ˘ കsൺസ1ൽ രജ1u٨1ൽ ഉacയ1emെom ɧΕcmന Õs1 സമδи1Ùcƿപýo അേപý പര1ഗണ1Úmọ.
(3) അɧകcരʾϗ അേപýയ1െല ɧΕcmനകൾ അയcgെs േപര˘ നീÙo
െച˷mo1ȟ ʾpo േъഷyo ആ ൈmദ5ъcΚƿ1ൽ അേeഹyമcയ1 നmcയ1 പര1ചയʾϗ, േയcഗ5o˖ϗ രa˘ രജ1േuδv˘ ɧcàീഷണδമcδ സcý5െиgǀക˖o, Õscെo അmδ അയcgെs ന̣ സÍxcmƿ1ന˘ സcý5o mഹ1Úക˖o േmണo. സcý5െиgƿല1െɎ മcgക േaco IV-ൽ പ٨ż ɧകcരo ആയ1ര1Úo.
(4) അേപý ലx1Ŋcൽ രജ1Βcδ അoo˘ കsൺസ1ല1െɎ പര1ഗണന˝cയ1 ٨aδ െചേуaocണ˘.
(5) കsൺസ1ല1ന˘ അേപý പര1ഗണ1Úmo1ȟo അȟേയcജ5െമm˘
േocȾmപýo ആയo˘ പര1ഗണ1Úmo˘ xcm1യ1െല ഒe oീയo1യ1േലÙ˘ മc٨1െmÚകേയc അെ̣Ł1ൽ അേപýകന1ൽ ന1m˘ Õgoൽ െoള1yകേളc m1ъദീകരണേമc ആmъ5െиgകേയc െചуco.
(6) കsൺസ1ൽ സÍകcര5മcയ നsപs1÷മƿ1˽െs അേപý പര1ഗണ1Úക˖o അo1ന˘ അȟേയcജ5െമm˘ േocȾm ഒe അȣ1മ oീeമcനo pgÚക˖o െച˷o.
അǿ5cയo - XIV
േകരള സoicന െമv1Ùൽ കsൺസ1ൽ aa˘
(1) േകരള േu٨˘ െമv1Ùൽ കsൺസ1gകൾÙ˘ "േകരള േu٨˘
െമv1Ùൽ കsൺസ1gകgെs aa˘" pm േപര1ൽ ഒe െപcƻ aa˘ ഉacയ1ര1Úo.
(2) കsൺസ1ല1െɎ agകൾ ഇന1и٨˖mm ഉൾെÙcϘmocണ˘.
(a)രജ1േΒഷd aീസ˘
(c) ധനപരമcയ1 уമƿെиş പ1ഴകൾ
(d)ന1േýപŅള1ൽ ന1Ⱦϗ meമcനo/ i1ര ന1േýപŅള1ൽ ന1Ⱦϗ പല1ъ.
(e)മ٨˘ ഉ٨m1sŅള1ൽ ന1Ⱦϗ meമcനo (2005-െല ആδ.s1.ഐ ആȢ ʾoലcയm)
(f) സδÙcδ γcɎ˘ (pെȣŁ1go ഉെaŁ1ൽ)
(g)മ٨˘ അsyകൾ (pെȣŁ1go ഉെaŁ1ൽ)
(3) കsൺസ1ല1െɎ p̣c agകgo കsൺസ1ല1െɎ രജ1ΒcϽെs
േപര1ലcണ˘ സÍീകര1േÙao˘. ʾകള1ൽ പരcമδъ1Ùcƿ മേ٨െoŁ1go aa˘, സÍീകര1Úmo1ന˘ രജ1Βcδ/കsൺസ1ൽ/സδÙcര1െɎ ʾdÕδ അȟമo1 േനേsaocണ˘.
(4) കsൺസ1ല1െɎ agകൾ ഗmൺെമɎ˘ ന1δേeъŅൾ അȟസര1Ŋ˘ കsൺസ1ൽ ന1യമ1Ŋ ബcŁ˘/cഷ٨1യ1െല കsൺസ1gകgെs അÙsa1േലÙ˘ അsയ˘േÙaƻo, രജ1ΒcϽെs യ4cm1ധ1˖ϗ അȟമo1 Õscെo പ1dmല1Ùcd പcs1̣cƿƻമcണ˘. agകൾ ന1യമɧകcരʾϗ ഉേeъ5Ņൾ ന1٨േmЀmo1നcയ1 ɧേയcഗ1Úക˖o m1ന1േയcഗ1Úക˖o െചേуaƻമcണ˘.
(5) കsൺസ1ൽ aa˘ േകരള േu٨˘ െമv1Ùൽ കsൺസ1gകgെs
േപര1ൽ ഒe m5é1ഗo െvേиcസ1٨˘ അÙsa1ൽ ഒe െഷvgൾv˘ ബcŁ˘/cഷ٨1യ1ൽ ന1േýപ1Úക˖o കsൺസ1gകൾÙ˘ േma1 രജ1Βcδ ഇo˘ ɧmδƿ1и1Úക˖o െചേуaocണ˘. െചÚകൾ/ v1മcdv˘ γcαകൾ/ ഓൺൈലd ccdΫδ pm1m˖െs p̣c ഓδvϽകgo രജ1ΒcϽെs അoഗീകcരേƿcെs െചേуaocണ˘.
അǿ5cയo - XV
അÙsa1oഗ˘ സom1ധcനo - ɧേo5ക മcδĖന1δേeъŅൾ
(1) കsൺസ1ല1ൽ vബ1ൾ pdc1 സˉദcയo പ1Ȥsേരaocണ˘.
(2) p̣c mδഷyo pɧ1ൽ 1 ʾoൽ മcδŊ˘ 31 mെര˖ϗ സc˅ƿ1ക mδഷമcയ1ര1Úo അÙsa1oഗ˘ mδഷo.
(3) ക5cഷ˘ രസീƻകൾ (െചÙ˘/v1v1/ഓൺൈലd ഉൾെиെs) ഉsd
േരഖെиgǀക˖o അÙsa˘ െച˷ക˖o േmണo.
(4) ഓaീസ˘ mcsക, ˗ş1ല1٨1കൾ, ъ˅ളo ƻsŅ1യ p̣c ആmδƿന
െചലyകgo ആ മcസƿ1ȟϗ1ൽ oെm നൽേകaocണ˘.
(5) ഗmൺെമɎ1െɎ ന1ലm1gϗ ന1യമŅൾ അȟസര1Ŋ˘ ചരÙ˘ േസmന ന1Ôo1˖o ആദcയന1Ôo1˖o ഉ٨m1sƿ1ൽ ന1m˘ Ô٨േ˝aocണ˘. ക1ഴ1m˘ െചˣ ന1Ôo1 ന1я1o സമയƿ1ȟϗ1ൽ ബvെиş അÙsa˘ േമധcm1Ù˘ െ÷v1٨˘ െചуെиേsaocണ˘.
(6) ജീmനÙceെs ъ˅ളo ആ മcസƿ1ȟϗ1ൽ ബcŁ˘ ccdΫδ mഴ1 നൽേകaocണ˘.
(7) െചÙ˘ gÚകൾ അÙsa˘ ഓaീസϽെs pരý1o കuv1യ1ലcയ1ര1േÙaocണ˘.
(8) സc˅ƿ1ക mδഷo അmസcന1Ŋo1ന˘ േъഷo p̣c mδഷyo śൈല 31-ന˘ ʾ˅˘ mcδഷ1ക സc˅ƿ1ക ɧΕcmന oуc٨cÚക˖o ഓv1٨1ന˘ ലx5മcÚക˖o േmണo.
(9) സc˅ƿ1ക ഇsപcgമcയ1 ബvെиş aയgകgo േരഖകgo ъcъÍoമc˖o ന̣ ÷മƿ1go gý1േÙaocണ˘.
അǿ5cയo - XVI ബജ٨˘
(1) p̣c mδഷyo ജȟmര1 മcസƿ1ൽ, രജ1Βcδ അgƿ സc˅ƿ1ക mδഷേƿÚϗ കsൺസ1gകgെs mരyo െചലyo കcണ1Úm ഒe ബജ٨˘ oуc٨cÚക˖o അȟമo1Ùcയ1 p̣c കsൺസ1gകgെs˖o സo˖é സേˌളനƿ1ന˘ ʾ˅cെക സമδи1Úക˖o േmണo. കsൺസ1gകൾ അȟmദ1Ŋ ബജ٨˘ pu1േമ٨˘ p̣c mδഷyo മcδŊ˘ 1- ന˘ ʾdപ˘ സδÙcര1ന˘ അmeെs അoഗീകcരƿ1നcയ1 അയേ˝aocണ˘. കsൺസ1gകgെs ബcധ5oകൾ ന1٨േmЀmo1ȟo അo1െɎ ലý5Ņൾ aലɧദമcയ1 നsи1ലcÚmo1ȟo ബജ٨˘ pu1േമ٨˘ m5mi െച˷Ⱦ. ഒe pu1േമ٨˘ അȟmദ1Ŋ ഒe mδഷƿ1ൽ pേиcൾ േmണെമŁ1go, കsൺസ1gകൾÙ˘ അധ1കമcയ
െചലyകൾ ആmъ5മcെണm˘ േബcധ5മcÔmപýo, ഒe ɑƻÙ1യ
ബജ٨˘ oуc٨cÙ1 സδÙcδ അȟമo1˝cയ1 സമδи1േÙaocണ˘.
(2) അs1യȣ1ര സcഹചര5Ņള1ൽ, ബജ٨˘ സȤല1oമcÙcd മ٨˘ pെoŁ1go ഇനŅൾÙ˘ കീഴ1ൽ ƻല5മcയ സ˅cദ5o ലx5മcെണŁ1ൽ, ആയo1ൽ ന1Ⱦo pെoŁ1go ഇനŅൾÙ˘ അȟmദ1Ŋ ബജ٨˘ ƻക˝˘ അധ1കമcയ1 രജ1ΒcδÙ˘ ച1ലm˘ നsƿco. ബജ٨˘ m1ഹ1oേƿÙcൾ Õgoലcയ െചലyകൾ കsൺസ1gകgെs സo˖é സേˌളനƿ1ൽ
അȟമo1Ùcയ1 ഉsd ٨1േиcδş˘ െച˷ക˖o ƻsδm˘ സδÙcര1ന˘
٨1േиcδş˘ െച˷ക˖o േmണo.
അǿ5cയo - XVII രസീo˘
(1) കsൺസ1ല1ന˘ ലx1Úmcȟϗ p̣c ƻക˖o േmഗƿ1ൽ ലx1Úmo1ന˘ നsപs1കൾ സÍീകര1േÙaocണ˘.
(2) കsൺസ1ല1നcയ1 പണo ലx1Úേ˅cൾ, അo1ȟേma1 അധ1കcരെиgƿ1യ m5é1 ക˅gşδ ʾേഖന ജനേ٨٨˘ െചˣ രസീo˘ നൽേകaƻo, അŅെന˖ϗ രസീo˘ p̣cˮ˘േപcgo meമcനƿ1െɎ m1ъദcoъŅൾ കcണ1Úക˖o േmണo.
(3) കsൺസ1ൽ ന1δേeъ1Ŋ േaco V ɧകcരʾϗ രസീo˘ ɑΕകo, കcδബൺ ɧ÷1യയ1˽െs pgേÙa ഇɎδലീyകgϗ pഷ1രŅgϗ പകδɡകൾ ഉപേയcഗ1Ŋ˘ അŊs1േÙaocണ˘. ഒ٨1ജ1നൽ ഓaീസ˘ പകδиcയ1 ന1ലന1δǀക˖o vgɪ1േÙ٨˘ പcδş1Ù˘ നൽÔക˖o േmണo.
(4) ആmъ5മcയ അŊs1Ŋ രസീo˘ gÚകൾ െമഷീd ന˅Ͻϗocയ1ര1Ùണo.
(5) ഓേരc ഓaീസδÚo ലx1Ŋƻo നൽക1യƻമcയ ɑΕകŅgെs ന˅Ͻകൾ (ഓേരcm1go അsŅ1യ1ര1Úm േacʾകgെs pƵo) കcണ1Úm ഒe േucÙ˘ അÙsa˘ കsൺസ1ൽ ഓaീസ1ൽ gý1േÙaocണ˘.
(6) രസീo˘ ലx1Ŋ ഉsd oെm p̣c രസീo˘ gÚo ബvെиş ഉേദ5cഗid ̈́ǿcgδmo പര1േъcധ1Ùണo, Õscെo ɑΕകƿ1െല
േacʾകgെs pƵo കണÙcÚക˖o അmസcന േപജ1െɎ ഓmδലീa1ൽ (ഒ٨1ജ1നൽ) pgo1യ pƵƿ1െɎ സδş1a1Ù٨˘
േരഖെиgǀക˖o േmണo.
(7) p̣c രസീƻകgo യ4cδLJ രസീo˘ ലീgകള1ൽ അÙŅള1go mcÚകള1go pgo1യ1ര1Ùണo.
(8) ɧo1ദ1ന mരm˘ അgƿ ɧ̨ƿ1 ദ1mസo ബcŁ1ൽ/ cഷ٨1യ1േലÙ˘ അയേ˝aocണ˘.
(9) p̣c കളýȟകgo ബcŁ1േലÙ˘/cഷ٨1യ1േലÙ˘ പo1mcയ1 അsയ˘ÚȾെam˘ ഉ٨иcÚmo1ന˘ mരm˘ േъഖരണƿ1ന˘ ഉƿരmcദ1യcയ ഉേദ5cഗid ബcŁ1േലേÙc cഷ٨1യ1േലc അsŊ ƻകകgെs രസീƻകൾ (ചലcd)/ േu٨˘െമaകൾ ъര1യcയ aയgകള1ൽ gý1േÙaocണ˘.
(10) പര1േъcധന സമയƿ˘, ഓേരc ഉേദ5cഗiȟo m1oരണo െചˣ p̣c രസീo˘ gÚകgo Öo5മcയ1 കണÙcÙ1യ1gെaȾo അȟmദ1Ŋ രസീƻകൾ ɧകcരo ലx1Ŋ ƻകകൾ ക5cഷ˘ gÙ1ൽ
െകcgmm1gെaȾo കcേണaocണ˘.
(11) p̣c പണyo ലx1Ŋ˖sd അo1െɎ ആmъ5ƿ1നcയ1 പര1പcല1Úm രസീƻകgെs രജ1u٨1ൽ േരഖെиgേƿaocണ˘. ɧo1ദ1നo ലx1Ŋ െമcƿo രസീƻകgെs കണÙ˘ രജ1u٨1ൽ
േരഖെиgǀക˖o ക5cഷ˘ gÙ1െല ഉച1oമcയ േകcളŅള1േലÙ˘
േചδÚക˖o െചേуaocണ˘.
(12) കsൺസ1gകെള ɧo1ന1ധീകര1Ŋ˘ സÍീകര1Úm പണെമcȾo ബcŁ1േലÙ˘ അs˝cെo ഒe െചലm1ȟo m1ന1േയcഗ1Ùcd പcgϗọ.
(13) ബvെиş ഉേദ5cഗid ബcŁ˘/cഷ٨1 േu٨˘െമaകൾ കcലcകcലŅള1ൽ പര1േъcധ1Úക˖o p̣c സcഹചര5ƿ1go ആȩയ1ൽ ഒര1ÙെലŁ1go ആയm പര1േъcധ1Ŋ˘ കsൺസ1gകgെs ഓaീസ˘ ɑΕകŅള1gϗ െ÷v1Ѐകgo െvബ1Ѐകgo oˌ1ൽ ęъ5മcÔm pെoŁ1go െപceƿേÙs1െനÚ٨1Ŋ˘ ഉsdoെm ബcŁ˘/cഷ٨1˖െs ̈́ǿ ýണ1Úക˖o െചേуaocണ˘.
അǿ5cയo - XVIII ക5cഷ˘ gÙ1െɎ പര1പcലനo
60) vബ1ൾ േകcളo ക5cഷ˘ gÙ˘ (TR 7-ൽ) കsൺസ1ല1ൽ പര1പcല1േÙaocണ˘. ക5cഷ˘ gÙ˘ p̣c ദ1mസyo അmസcന1Úേ˅cൾ സȤല1oമcേÙaƻo അo1െല ഓേരc
pdc1˖െs˖o Öo5o˖െs അsയcളമcയ1 രജ1Βcδ / അÙsa˘സ˘ ഓaീസδ ഒи1gക˖o േmണo. p̣c മcസcmസcനƿ1go, ക5cഷ˘ gÙ1െല ബcÙ1 ƻക ocെഴ കcണ1Ŋ1ര1Úm ɧകcരo കsൺസ1gകgെs ബcŁ˘ പcസ˘ gÙ1ൽ കcണ1Ŋ1ര1Úm ബcലdpമcയ1 ഒǀ
ക5cഷ˘ gÙ˘ ɧകcരo ബcലdസ˘:
(-) അൺ٨മ1٨v˘ െചÙ˘/v1v1:
(+) െചÙ˘/v1v1 ഇഷg െചയ˘െoŁ1go pdക5cഷ˘ െചˣ1ş1̣: പcസ˘ gÙ˘ ɧകcരʾϗ ബcലdസ˘:
ബcŁ˘ േu٨˘െമɎ˘ അÙsa˘സ˘ ഓaീസδ ɧo1മcസo
അǿ5cയo - XIX
(1) കsൺസ1gകgെs അoഗീÖo െചലyകൾ ocെഴ പ٨˖mmയcണ˘:-
(i) ആà1െɎ 17-ാം mÔи˘ ɧകcരo ഓേരc കsൺസ1ല1െല˖o ɧസ1vɎ˘, ൈmസ˘ ɧസ1vɎ˘, മ٨˘ അoഗŅൾ pm1mδÙ˘ നൽേകa aീpo മ٨˘ അലmdpകgo.
(ii) കsൺസ1ൽ ഓaീസ1െല രജ1ΒcϽെs˖o മ٨˘ ഓaീസδമceെs˖o ucgകgെs˖o ъ˅ളyo മ٨˘ അലmdpകgo.
(2) രജ1ΒcϽെs ъ˅ളyo അലmdpകgo രജ1ΒcδÙ˘ സÍയo െചÚകൾ ʾേഖന മc٨cymocണ˘.
(3) കsൺസ1ല1െɎ aa1ൽ ന1Ⱦϗ p̣c േപയ˘െമaകgo രജ1Βcδ ബ1̤കൾ പcസcÙ1യo1ȟേъഷo മcǔേമ നsƿcg.
(4) െചÙ˘/v1v1/ഓൺൈലd ccdΫδ mഴ1 മcǔേമ പണമs˝cd കഴ1˗.
(5) 5,000/- ˺പ˞o അo1ȟʾകള1go ഉϗ p̣c പണമ1sപcgകgo കsൺസ1gകgെs aa˘ ന1േýപ1Ŋ1gϗ ബcŁ1ൽ മc٨cymocണ˘.
െചÚകൾ/v1v1കൾ online mഴ1 മcǔേമ പണമ1sപcgകൾ നsǀmcd പcgϙ. െചÚകൾ പണo നൽേകa m5é1˖െs േപδÙ˘ നൽേകaocണ˘. pmcൽ കsൺസ1ല1െല ജീmനÙceെs ъ˅ളyo അലmdpകgo കണÙ1െലgǀϗ േപയ˘െമɎ˘ രജ1Βcδ സÍയേമm˖ϗ െചÙ˘ mഴ1യcണ˘ നsേƿao˘. അŅെന pgƿ ƻക ബvെиş ജീmനÙceെs ബcŁ˘ അÙsa1േലÙ˘ m1oരണo
(6) െചÙ˘/v1v1/ഓൺൈലd ccdΫδ ʾേഖന˖ϗ ഓേരc േപയ˘െമao ഒe msŊδ ʾേഖന നsേƿaƻo ആmъ5െമŁ1ൽ uc˅˘ െച˷ക˖o അo1ൽ പണo Ôs1ъ1ക˖ϗ m5é1˖o അo˘ യ4cδLJƿ1ൽ ലx1Ŋ m5é1˖o ഒи1gക˖o െചേуaocണ˘.
(7) േപയ˘െമɎ1നcയ1 അmoര1и1Úm p̣c ബ1̤കgo ബ1̤കgെs ഒe രജ1u٨1ൽ േരഖെиgǀക˖o ഒe mδഷƿ1െɎ അmസcനƿ1ൽ അsÙcെo അmേъഷ1Úm ബ1̤കൾ അgƿ mδഷെƿ രജ1u٨1േലÙ˘ െകcgേപcÔക˖o േചδÚക˖o േmaocണ˘.
(8) െചലm1െɎ ഓേരc ഇനyo ocെഴи٨˖m ബ1̣1ൽ നൽേകaocണ˘ - ബ1̤കൾ a1നcdഷ5ൽ േകv1േല˖o അÙsa˘ േകcv1െല അoco˘ ചcδŚകൾÙ˘ ന1δേeъ1Ŋ1ര1Úm േacമ1ലcണ˘ നൽേകao˘.
(a) ഒe ъ˅ള ബ1ൽ
(b) ഒe pucʴ1ഷ˘െമɎ˘േപ ബ1ൽ
(c) കa1ജɎ˘ ബ1ൽ
(d) mδÙ˘ ബ1ൽ
(e) s1 p ബ1ൽ
(9) അsŊ p̣c ബ1̤കgo msŊϽകgo േപയ˘െമɎ˘ ÷മƿ1ൽ ƻsδŊയcയ1 ഒe മcസേƿÙ˘ അÙമ1ş˘ നൽÔക˖o 'പണമsŊo˘' അെ̣Ł1ൽ '٨ecÚക' pm˘ uc˅˘ െച˷ക˖o െചÙ1ȟo ഓv1٨1ȟo
േma1 ̈́ǿcgδ̯o aയൽ െച˷ക˖o േmണo.
(10) ഓaീസ˘ ഇoെɧu1ൽ ന1Ⱦϗ േപയ˘െമaകൾÚϗ സബ˘ msŊϽകൾ അocയo˘ 5000 ˺പയ1ൽ ocെഴ˖ϗ െപ٨1
േപയ˘െമaകൾ െmേ̯െ٨ aയൽ െചേуaocണ˘, അm ഇoെɧu˘
o1ര1ŊsÚmo1നcയ1 pgƿ കa1ജɎ˘ ബ1̤കള1ൽ അ٨cŊ˘
(11) ഓേരc msŊδ ɧകcരʾϗ േപയ˘െമao േaco VI-െല േപയ˘െമɎ˘ രജ1u٨1ൽ േരഖെиgǀക˖o േപയ˘െമɎ˘ രജ1സ˘٨٨1െല pdc1കൾ
േപയ˘െമɎ˘ ഓδv٨1ൽ ഒи1ş ഉsd രജ1Βcδ / അÙsa˘സ˘ ഓaീസδ സcý5െиgǀക˖o െചуണo.
(12) ɧo1ദ1ന േപയ˘െമaകgെs ആെക ƻക േപയ˘െമaകgെs രജ1u٨1ൽ
േരഖെиgǀക˖o ഉച1oമcയ െലѺജϽകള1േലÚo ഒgm1ൽ ക5cഷ˘ gÙ1േലÚo െകcgേപcÔക˖o െചуണo.
(13) െചലm˘ നsǀmo1ന˘ ʾ˅˘, രജ1Βcδ/അÙsa˘ ഓaീസδ അo1നcയ1 അȟmദ1Ŋ അേലcş˘െമɎ˘ കm1˖m1െ̣m˘ ഉ٨иcേÙaocണ˘. അേലcş˘െമɎ1േനÙcൾ അധ1കമcയ1 pെȣŁ1go കെaƿ1യcൽ, അധ1ക െചലm˘ mഹ1Úmo1ന˘ ʾ˅˘ രജ1Βcδ അധ1ക അേലcş˘െമɎ1ന˘ കsൺസ1ല1ൽ ന1m˘ അoഗീകcരo േosണo.
(14) അȟmദ1Ŋ agകൾ/ γcaകൾ, m1ന1േയcഗŅൾ pm1mയ˘െÙo1രcയ െചലyകgെs ന1യȨണƿ1ന˘ രജ1Βcδ ഉƿരmcദ1യcയ1ര1Úo. െvപgş1 രജ1Βcδ, അÙsa˘സ˘ ഓaീസδ, śന1യδ gɧgമcδ, pm1meെs˖o അmeെs കീഴ1gϗ úcδÚമcδ/അസ1uaമcδ ʾേഖനയcണ˘ ന1യȨണo നsи1ലcേÙao˘.
(15) അÙsa˘സ˘ ഓaീസδ പര1പcല1Úm അÙsgകള1ൽ നൽക1യ1ര1Úm കണÚകgെs ɧo1മcസ അȟരŹനƿ1ന˘ രജ1Βcδ ഉƿരmcദ1യcയ1ര1Úo.
(16) ٨1േşơകൾ ബvെиş മcസƿ1െɎ അgƿ മcസo അűco oീയo1Ùകo അÙsa˘സ˘ ഓaീസδ m1m1ധ ഇനŅgെs
െചലyകgെs ɑേരcഗo1 പര1േъcധ1േÙaocണ˘. അŅെന ലx1Úm m1mരŅൾ െചലyകൾ ന1രീý1Úmo1നcയ1 gý1Ŋ1ര1Úm രജ1uϽകൾ ഉപേയcഗ1Ŋ˘ പര1േъcധ1േÙaocണ˘. അo1നcയ1
െമcƿo െചലyകൾ pǔെയm˘ o1şെиgേƿaocണ˘. ബജ٨1ൽ mകയ1eƿ1യ ƻകയ1ൽ Õgoൽ ƻക െചലmcയcൽ അo˘ രജ1Βcെ٨
അ٨1യ1Ùണo. ബജ٨˘ ɑന:പര1േъcധ1Úmo1ന˘ ആmъ5മcയ കcര5Ņൾ രജ1Βcδ െചуണo.
അǿ5cയo – XX ഇoെɧu˘ അÙsa˘
62) കsൺസ1gകൾ രജ1ΒcδÙ˘ 20,000/- ˺പ ൈദനoദ1ന ച1ലyകൾÙcയ1 അȟmദ1Úo. ഒe കa1ജɎ˘ ബ1ൽ ʾേഖന ഇoെɧu˘ ƻക പ1dmല1Ùco. അȟmദ1Ŋ ƻക˖െs 90% m1ന1േയcഗ1Úmƻmെര ɑo1യ ഇoെɧu˘ pgÙcd പcs1̣. ന1δe1͟ േacδമc٨1ൽ (േaco VII-ൽ) ഒe ഇoെɧu˘ രജ1uδ gý1Ùണo. msŊϽകൾÚo മ٨˘ അȟബv
േരഖകൾÚo ÷മമcയ1 ന˅δ നൽÔക˖o i1രീകരണƿ1നcയ1 gý1Úക˖o േmണo. 5000 ˺പയ1ൽ ocെഴ˖ϗ p̣c െúയ1ʾകgo ഇoെɧu1ൽ ന1m˘ അsയ˘േÙaocണ˘.
അǿ5cയo – XXI xരണcȟമo1
63) 5,00,000/- ˺പയ1ൽ Õgogϗ െചലyകേളc, 5,00,000/- ˺പയ1ൽ Õgoൽ ʿല5ʾϗ mcŅേലc േജcയ1Ɏ˘ കsൺസ1gകgെs ʾd അȟമo1യ1̣cെo െചуcd പcs1̣cƿocണ˘. 25,00,000/- ˺പ mെര കsൺസ1ല1ന˘ അȟmദ1Ùcymocണ˘. ഇo1ൽ Õgoൽ ƻക ആയcൽ ആേരcഗ5 Ôgoബേýമ mÔи˘ െസ÷ş٨1˖െs അoഗീകcരƿ1നcയ1
ൈകമcേ٨aocണ˘. ആേരcഗ5-Ôgoബേýമ െസ÷ş٨1 അȟmദ1Ŋ ƻകേയÙcൾ Õgoലcണ˘ ƻകെയŁ1ൽ അo˘ സδÙcര1െɎ
̈́ǿയ1ൽെиgǀക˖o ɑo1യ xരണcȟമo1 േogക˖o േmണo.
അǿ5cയo – XXII ഓv1٨˘ ഓv1٨1െɎ രീo1
64) ഓv1٨˘ pmcൽ അÙsgകൾ, ഇsപcgകൾ, േരഖകൾ, vc٨, m1mരŅൾ pm1m˖െs പര1േъcധന pmcണ˘ അδLJമcÚmo˘.
േകരള േu٨˘ ഓv1٨˘ v1иcδş˘െമɎ˘ vയ٨àδ ന1δƵയ1Úm po˘ oരƿ1gϗ ഓv1Ѐo ഇo1ൽ ഉൾെиgȾ.
അǿ5cയo – XXIII ഓv1٨1oഗ˘ pജdസ1കൾ
65) േകരള േu٨˘ െമv1Ùൽ കsൺസ1gകgെs ഓv1٨˘ നsǀmo˘
േകരള േu٨˘ ഓv1٨˘ v1иcδş˘െമɎ˘ ആയ1ര1Úo.
അǿ5cയo – XXIV ഓv1٨1നcയ1 അÙsgകൾ oуc٨cÙൽ
(1) കsൺസ1ല1െɎ കണÚമcയ1 ബvെиş˘ ʾdmδഷെƿ സc˅ƿ1ക ɧΕcmനകൾ രജ1Βcδ അÙsa˘സ˘ ഓaീസϽെs സഹcയേƿcെs oуc٨cÙണo. ഇo˘ േജcയ1Ɏ˘ കsൺസ1ൽ േയcഗƿ1ൽ അoഗീകര1Ŋ˘ ƻsδȾϗ mδഷo śൈല 31-േനc അo1ന˘ ʾേ˅c ഓv1٨1ന˘ സമδи1Úക˖o െചуണo.
(2) ഓv1٨1നcയ1 അÙsgകൾ oуc٨cÙ1 ഹcജരcേÙa േacʾo രീo1˖o:-
(i) രസീƻകgo േപയ˘െമɎ˘ അÙsgo
(ii) നsƿ1യ ന1േýപŅgെs ɧΕcmന
അǿ5cയo – XXV ചരÚകgെs˖o േസmനŅgെs˖o സoxരണo
67) ചരÚകgെs˖o േസmനŅgെs˖o സoxരണo േകരള സδÙcδ ɑ٨െиgm1Ŋ േucδ പδേŊസ˘ മcȟmല1ൽ പ٨ż1ര1Úm m5miകൾÙȟaoമc˖o മcȟmല1ൽ കcലcകcലŅള1ൽ meǀm മc٨ŅൾÙ˘ m1േധയമc˖o നsƿണo.
68) mδഷo ആരox1Úmo1ന˘ ʾ˅˘ േകരള േu٨˘ െമv1Ùൽ കsൺസ1ൽ mcδഷ1ക സoxരണ പǿo1 oуc٨cÚക˖o, അoഗീകcരƿ1നcയ1
േജcയ1Ɏ˘ കsൺസ1ല1ന˘ ʾ˅cെക സമδи1Úക˖o േmണo.
69) സcധcരണ ഉപേയcഗ സcധനŅgെs˖o േസmനŅgെs˖o സoxരണo ɧcേയcഗ1കമcയ പര1ധ1mെര GeM (സδÙcδ ഇ-മcδÙ٨˘
േɪസ˘) mഴ1 നsƿണo.
70) GeM-ൽ ചരÚകgo േസmനŅgo ലx5മ̣cƿ സcഹചര5ƿ1ൽ മcǔേമ, േucδ പδേŊസ˘ മcȟmല1െല m5miകൾ ɧകcരo സoxരണo
െച˷mcd പcgϙ.
അǿ5cയo - XXVI
േucÚo േucϽകgo
a1Ĉv˘ അസЀകgെs a1സ1Ùൽ െmര1a1േÙഷd:-
71) i1ര ആΕ1കൾ mδഷƿ1ൽ ഒര1ÙെലŁ1go പര1േъcധ1g٨и1Úക˖o പര1േъcധന˖െs aലo ബvെиş രജ1u٨1ൽ
േരഖെиgǀക˖o േmണo. pെȣŁ1go െപceƿേÙgകൾ ഉെaŁ1ൽ, അo˘ ഉsനs1 അേനÍഷ1Úക˖o കണÙ1െലgÚക˖o െചуണo.
അǿ5cയo - XXVII ഉപേxcഗmΖÙgെs പര1േъcധന:-
72) p̣c ഉപേxcഗ mΖÙgേs˖o സcമγ1കgേs˖o ഒe a1സ1Ùൽ
െmര1a1േÙഷd mδഷƿ1ൽ ഒര1ÙെലŁ1go നsǀക˖o
െപceƿേÙgകൾ ഉെaŁ1ൽ, േucÙ˘ രജ1u٨1ൽ േരഖെиgǀക˖o
അǿ5cയo - XXVIII ബaδ േucÙ˘
73) ആmъ5കo˖െs ആ̨ƿ1˖o അo1െɎ അളyo അƻേപcെല oെm ഒe ഉപേxcഗ mΖm1െɎ m1oരണ രീo1˖o അȟസര1Ŋ˘, ഒй٨1മൽ ബaδ േucÙ˘ ന1δƵയ1േÙaocണ˘.
അǿ5cയo - XXIX സcധനŅgെs ചcδജ˘ ൈകമc٨o
74) സcധനŅൾ, സcമγ1കൾ ʾoലcയm˖െs yമoല˖ϗ ഓaീസϽെs iലo മc٨o mem ഘşƿ1ൽ ആ ഉേദ5cഗid oെɎ പ1dഗcമ1Ù˘ ചരÚകേളc െമ٨ീര1യേലc Öo5മcയ1 നൽക1യ1gെam˘ ഉ٨иcേÙaocണ˘. സoъയcസ˘പദമcയ സcധനŅൾ, സcമγ1കൾ ʾoലcയm˖െs ɧസéമcയ p̣c m1ъദcoъŅgo നൽÔm ഒe ɧΕcmന, m1goൽ െച˷m ഓaീസϽo m1goൽ െചˣെиş ഓaീസϽo oуc٨cÙ1 oീയo1 സഹ1oo ഒи1േsaocണ˘. ഈ ഓaീസδമcര1ൽ ഓേരceƿeo ഒи1ş ɧΕcmന˖െs ഒe പകδи˘ gý1േÙaƻമcണ˘.
അǿ5cയo - XXX സcധനŅൾ നീÙo െചуൽ
75) v1иcδş˘െമɎ1ന˘ ഒe ɧേയcജനyമ1െ̣Ł1ൽ ഒe ഇനo മ1Ŋേമc കcലഹരണെиşേoc ഉപേയcഗേയcഗ5മ̣cƿേoc ആയ1 ɧഖ5cപ1Ùco. ഇനo മ1Ŋേമc കcലഹരണെиşേoc ഉപേയcഗേയcഗ5മ̣cƿേoc ആയ1 ɧഖ5cപ1Úmo1ȟϗ കcരണŅൾ ഇനo mcŅcd കഴ1yϗ അേoc٨1٨1
േരഖെиgƿണo. 5,00,000/- ˺പ mെര˖ϗ അƿരo സcധനŅൾ m1٨ഴ1Ùcd രജ1ΒcδÙ˘ അധ1കcരʾacയ1ര1Úo. 5,00,000/- ˺പ˝˘ ʾകള1ൽ ʿല5ʾϗ സcധനŅൾ m1٨ഴ1Úmo1ന˘ േജcയ1Ɏ˘
െകsൺസ1ല1ന˘ മcǔേമ അധ1കcരo ഉacയ1ര1Úക˖ϙ.
അǿ5cയo – XXXI
a1സ1Ùൽ െmര1a1േÙഷെɎ ഉƿരmcദ1ƿo
76) േucÚകgെs˖o േucϽകgെs˖o a1സ1Ùൽ െmര1a1േÙഷd mδഷƿ1ൽ ഒര1ÙെലŁ1go രജ1Βcേ٨c രജ1Βcδ അധ1കcരെиgƿ1യ m5é1േയc നsേƿaocണ˘.
അǿ5cയo – XXXII അvÍcdpകൾ
(1) ന1δe1͟ oരƿ1gϗ അെ̣Ł1ൽ ഒe ɧേo5ക അmസരƿ1ൽ ആകή1ക െചലyകൾ ന1٨േmЀmo1നcയ1 കsൺസ1ൽ അȟmദ1Ŋ mδÙ˘ അvÍcdസ˘/ ocൽÙcല1ക അvÍcdസ˘ m1ъദമcയ ബ1̤കൾ/ msŊϽകൾ mഴ1 ÷മീകര1Úക˖o അvÍcdസ˘ ലx1Ŋo1െɎ ʿm˘ മcസƿ1ȟϗ1ൽ oീδиcÚക˖o േmണo.
(2) ocൽÙcല1ക അvÍcdസ˘ gδƵമc˖o m1ന1േയcഗ1Ùcെo യ4cസമയo അѺജu˘െമɎ˘ ബ1ൽ സമδи1Ùcƿ, ʿm˘ മcസƿ1ȟϗ1ൽ ബcÙ1 ƻക o1ര1ŊsÙcƿ സmδxŅള1ൽ, അvÍcdസ˘ ലx1Ŋ oീയo1 ʾoൽ ٨ീaa˘ oീയo1 mെര˖ϗ അvÍcdസ1െɎ ഉപേയcഗ1Ùcƿ xcഗƿ1ന˘ ɧo1mδഷo 18% ന1രÙ1ൽ പല1ъ ഈscÚo.
(3) ന1я1o സമയƿ1ȟϗ1ൽ അѺജu˘െമɎ˘ ബ1ൽ സമδи1Ùcƿ സcഹചര5ƿ1ൽ, അƿരo സമയപര1ധ1 അmസcന1Ŋ ഉsd oെm അvÍcdസ1െɎ ʾgmd ƻക˖o ഒ٨ƿmണയcയ1 mീെagÙc- ymocണ˘. ƻക പ1dmല1Ŋ oീയo1 ʾoൽ ƻക mീെagÚm oീയo1 mെര˖ϗ ʾdÕδ ƻക˝˘ ɧo1mδഷo 18% pm ന1രÙ1ൽ പല1ъ ഈscÚo.
അǿ5cയo – XXXIII കരcδ മcേനѵെമɎ˘
കരc٨1ȟϗ െപcƻ ooÍŅൾ
(1) കരc٨1െɎ ന1ബvനകൾ Öo5yo m5éyo ആയ1ര1Ùണo.
(2) m5é1ഗo കരcϽകgെs കcര5ƿ1ൽ ആmъ5െമm˘ കeƻm പര1͔cരŅേളcെs സcധ5മcÔm1sെƿ̣co icപ1Ùെиş കരcδ
േacʾകള1ൽ സÍീകര1േÙaocണ˘.
(3) ഒe കരc٨1െɎ ъര1യcയ ന1δ̯ഹണമ1̣cെo ഒe oരƿ1gϗ ɧ̨ƿ1˖o ആരox1Ùcd പcgϗọ.
(4) കരcϽകcരd/m1oരണÙcരd ബcധകമcയ p̣c ന1Ôo1കgo അs˞mo1ȟϗ m5mi കരcϽകള1ൽ ഉൾെиgƿണo.
(5) അo5cmъ5 സmδxŅള1ല̣cെo അനmധ1 കരcϽകള1ൽ pδെиscd പcgϗọ. അƿരo കരcϽകൾ ഒഴ1mcÙcനcകcƿ സcഹചര5- ƿ1ൽ, കരc٨1െല m5miകൾ കsൺസ1ല1െɎ ocൽиര5Ņൾ മo1യcയ രീo1യ1ൽ സoരý1ÚȾെam˘ ഉ٨иcേÙaocണ˘.
(6) കരc٨1ൽ നൽക1യ1ര1Úmƻേപcെല കരcδ നsǀmo1ൽ ʾdÕş1 കcണcനcmcƿ സoxmŅൾ അെ̣Ł1ൽ മ٨˘ കcരണŅളcൽ ഉൾെиgm സcഹചര5ƿ1ല̣cെo, സcധcരണയcയ1 െഷvgൾ െചˣ
െvല1m٨1 അെ̣Ł1ൽ gδƿീകരണ oീയo1കൾ നീş1നൽകcd പcs1̣. കരc٨1െല കý1കൾ യ4cm1ധ1 ഒи1ş കരc٨1െല ഔപചcര1ക
േxദഗo1കള1˽െs കരc٨1ൽ നൽക1യ1ര1Úm കcലcmധ1 നീş1 നൽകcymocണ˘.
(7) കരcϽകcരെɎ xcഗǀന1Ⱦϗ mീȩകൾ ʿലʾacÔm ന1δണയ1Ùെиş ന͟Ņൾ mീെagÚmo1ȟϗ m5mi p̣c കരcϽകള1go അsŅ1യ1ര1Ùണo.
(8) m1കലമcയ സcധനŅൾ അ٨Ô٨иണ1കൾ നsǀകേയc o1eǀകേയc അെ̣Ł1ൽ അƿരo സcധനŅൾ ൈmകല5മ1̣cƿ സമcന സcധനŅൾ ഉപേയcഗ1Ŋ˘ പകരo m˝cേനc ആmъ5മcയ ഒe mc٨Ɏ1 ന1ബvന p̣c കരc٨1go ഉൾെиgേƿaocണ˘. m1oരണÙcരd നmcÙ1യേoc മc٨1icപ1Úmേoc ആയ pെoŁ1go സcധനŅൾ mcņmയcൾÙ˘ െചലm1̣cെo mcņmmeെs പര1സരƿ˘ m1oരണo െചуണo.
(9) ചരÚകgെs m1oരണƿ1ȟϗ p̣c കരcϽകള1go
െΤസ1a1േÙഷȟകൾÙ˘ അȟaoമ̣cƿ സcധനŅൾ ന1രസ1Ùcȟϗ അmകcъo കsൺസ1ല1ൽ ന1ý1ɘമcÙണo.
അǿ5cയo- XXXIV കരcϽകgെs മcേനѵെമɎ˘
(1) കരcδ നsиcÚmo˘ കδъനമcയ1 ന1രീý1Úക˖o m5miകgെs ലoഘനo സoxm1Úേ˅cെഴ̣co ഉsനs1 േനcşീpകൾ നൽÔക˖o
(2) ബcŁ˘ ഗ5cരɎ1കേളc മ٨˘ ഇdΒെമേɎc pരý1oമcയ1 gý1േÙaƻo Öo5മcയ1 ന1രീý1Úmo1ȟʾϗ ъര1യcയ നsപs1÷മo oуc٨cÙണo. ബcŁ˘ ഗ5cരɎ1കgെsേയc മ٨˘ ഇdΒെമaകgെs കcലcmധ1 നീേşa സcഹചര5o mmcൽ അo˘ ഉsനs1 േoേsaocണ˘. കരcδ നsи1ലcÚേ˅cൾ oδÙŅൾ ഉacÔേ˅cെഴ̣co ƻsδനsപs1കൾ ആരox1Úmo1ന˘ ʾ˅˘ ന1യമപരyo സc˅ƿ1കyമcയ ഉപേദъo േoേsaocണ˘.
അǿ5cയo - XXXV
സ1m1ൽ േജcല1കൾ നsи1ലcÚmo˘ സoബv1Ŋ˘ :
80) സ1m1ൽ mδÚകൾ നsи1ലcÚmo˘ സδÙcര1െɎ െപcƻമരcമƿ˘ mÔи˘ mഴ1േയc അoഗീÖo സδÙcδ pജdസ1കൾ mഴ1േയc ആയ1ര1Ùണo. േകcoപീ٨Ɏ˘ അേoc٨1٨1˖െs (കsൺസ1ൽ അെ̣Ł1ൽ ഗmൺെമɎ˘) xരണcȟമo1Ù˘ േъഷo, സ1m1ൽ mδÚകൾÚϗ സδÙcδ മcδĖന1δേeъŅൾÙȟaoമcയ1 ɧ̨ƿ1 നsƿണo. അƿരo pജdസ1Ù˘ േജcല1 നൽÔകയcെണŁ1ൽ, അ÷v1٨v˘ ഗmൺെമɎ˘ pജdസ1˖െs േകcoപ1٨Ɏ˘ അേoc٨1٨1˖o രജ1ΒcϽo oˌ1ൽ കരcδ നsи1ലcÙണo.
അǿ5cയo - XXXVI
(1) ٨mനg ٨ീagകൾÚϗ p̣c അȟമo1കgo രജ1ΒcϽെs ഉƿരyകളcൽ ന1യȨ1Ùെиgo.
(2) ٨mനg ٨ീaa˘ െചуcȟϗ അȟമo1 ഒȾക1ൽ ബ1̣1ൽ oെm നൽകco അെ̣Ł1ൽ ബ1̣1േനcs˘ അȟബv1Ŋ˘ അo1െɎ സcý5െиgƿ1യ പകδи1ൽ േരഖെиgƿ1 നൽകco.
(3) ഇരş അെ̣Ł1ൽ െo٨cയ അmകcъmcദƿo അസcധ5മcÚm- o1നcയ1 meമcനƿ1ൽ ന1Ⱦo ٨ീaa˘ നsǀmo1ന˘ ʾ˅˘, യ4cδLJ v1മcdƋo അെ̣Ł1ൽ mgലcÙ1യƻo ല1Ł˘ െചˣ1ര1˞ക˖o
٨ീaa1െɎ ഒe ٨a٨dസ˘ ക5cഷ˘ gÙ1െലേയc മ٨˘ േരഖകള1െലേയc യ4cδLJ pdc1െÙo1െര േരഖെиgǀക˖o േmണo.
അǿ5cയo - XXXVII
െ٨േÙcδv˘ gý1Ùgo പര1പcലനyo:
82) സoicന െമv1Ùൽ കsൺസ1ല1െɎ ɧc4മ1ക അെÙsgകൾ സδÙcδ മЀ m1ധƿ1ൽ ന1δേeъ1Ŋ1ş1െ̣Ł1ൽ, േകരള ഗmൺെമɎ1േലo˘
േപcെലഉപേയcഗƿ1gϗേoc ɧcേദъ1ക സcഹചര5ŅൾÙ˘ അȟaoമcയേoc ആയ േacʾകള1ൽ ocെഴ പ٨˖m രജ1uϽകൾ ɧകcരo gý1േÙaocണ˘.
(1) ക5cഷ˘ gÙ˘
(2) െലѺജϽകൾ
(3) രസീo˘ gÚകgെs േucÙ˘ രജ1uδ
(4) ъ˅ള ബ1ൽ രജ1uδ
(5) ʿല5ʾϗm˖െs രജ1uδ
(6) ന1േýപŅgെs/ʾoൽʾsÚകgെs രജ1uδ
(7) ഉപേxcഗ സcധനŅgെs േucÙ˘ രജ1uδ
(8) ഉപേxcഗേയcഗ5മ̣cƿ സcധനŅgെs േucÙ˘ രജ1uδ
(9) െɧcm1vɎ˘ aa˘ അÙsgകgെs രജ1uδ.
(10) (രസീƻകൾ േരഖെиgǀm രജ1uδ.
(11) െചലm˘ േരഖെиgǀm രജ1uδ.
(12) േലcഗ˘ gÙ˘.
(13) സδş1a1ÙЀകgെs േucÙ˘ രജ1uδ (േമcേvൺ െമv1സ1d, ഇȣ5d സ1uo ഓa˘ െമv1സ1d, േഹcമ1േയcиo1 െമv1സ1d pm1m˝cയ1 ɧേo5ക രജ1uϽകൾ gý1Ùണo)
(14) േഹcേളcγcʾകgെs േucÙ˘ രജ1uδ.
(15) ൈദനoദ1ന േജcല1യ1ൽ ആmъ5െമm˘ കeƻm മേ٨െoŁ1go രജ1uδ.
അǿ5cയo- XXXVIII
മЀ ചşŅgെs ɧേയcഗ ýമo
83) ഈ ചşŅള1േലc സδÙcδ ɑ٨െиgm1Ŋ ഉƿരyകള1േലc മЀm1ധƿ1ൽ m5mi െചˣ1ര1Úmെocഴ1െക, േകരള അÙsa˘
േകcv˘, േകരള cഷ٨1 േകcv˘, േകരള a1നcdഷ5ൽ േകcv˘, േകരള സδmീസ˘ gൾസ˘, േകരള േu٨˘ ആɎ˘ സേബcδv1േന٨˘ സδmീസസ˘ gൾസ˘ pm1m˖െs m5miകൾ െചലyകൾÚo അÙsgകgെs പര1പcലനo ʾoലcയm˞o ആmъ5ʾϗ േxദഗo1കേളcെs ബcധകമcÔmocണ˘.
േaco ന˅δ 1
[gൾ 8, സബ˘-gൾ (3) കcơക] നcമന1δേeъ പǔ1ക
2021-െല േകരള േu٨˘ െമv1Ùൽ ɧcàീഷേണഴ˘സ˘ ആà˘ (2021-െല ന1യമo
36-◌c◌o ആà˘) ............... mÔи1െɎ ഉപmÔи1െɎ
.......................ഖƪo ɧകcരʾϗ o1രെżgи˘.
1. icനcδLJ1˖െs േപര˘.
2. പ1ocm1െɎ േപര˘.
3. ɧcയo.
4. mÔи1ưകീഴ1gϗ േയcഗ5o˖െs സÍxcmo.
5. icനcδLJ1˖െs രജ1േΒഷd ന˅δ.
6. ٨mനg ജ1̣˖മc˖ϗ m1ലcസo.
7. ന1δേeъ1Úm m5é1˖െs രജ1േΒഷd ന˅δ, േപര˘, ഒи˘.
8. പ1Ȥണ˞mയcgെs രജ1േΒഷd ന˅δ, േപര˘, ഒи˘.
.................................pm ഞcd
o1രെżgÙെиşcൽ...............................................കsൺസ1ൽ അoഗമcയ1
ɧmδƿ1Ùcd oуc٨cെണm˘ ഇo1നcൽ ɧഖ5cപ1ÚȾ. gൾ 9 സബ˘ gൾ
(2) ɧകcരo ന1േýപƿ1ന˘ 10,000/- ˺പ അയŊ1o1െɎ രജ1Βc٨1ൽ ന1Ⱦϗ രസീo˘ ന˅δ.....................
icനcδLJ1˖െs ഒи˘. ٨1േşണ1oഗ˘ ഓaീസδ.
േaco II രജ1േΒഷd സδş1a1Ù٨˘
(gൾ 37)
Kerala State Council of Modern Medicine
Registration Number & Date of Registration
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Father/Guardian's Name :
Date of Birth :
Permanent Address :
Qualifications :
Year of completion of CRMI :
Name of the Medical College :
Name of the University :
I here by certify that the name of the above medical graduate has been entered in the Kerala State Medical Register of Modern Medicine and She/He is entitled to practice Modern Medicine as per the Kerala State Medical Practitioners' Act, 2021.
Place Date: SL No:
Valid until
Information 1. Change of address must be communicated to the Registrar.
2. Additional Qualifications, if any, should be separately registered.
3. This Certificate is not transferable and the holder shall abide by the Code of
Ethics. practice.
4. This Certificate should be surrendered to the Council in case of cessation of
Kerala State Medical Councils, Redcross Road, Thiruvananthapuram 695035 Kerala, India Website:www.medicalcouncil.kerala.gov.in, Email:registrar.ksmc@kerala.gov.in, Phone:office-0471-2557227
േaco II രജ1േΒഷd സδş1a1Ù٨˘
(gൾ 37)
Kerala State Council of Indian Systems of Medicine
Registration Number& Date of Registration
Name :
Father/Guardian's Name :
Date of Birth :
Permanent Address :
Qualifications :
Year of completion of Internship :
Name of the Medical College :
Name of the University :
I here by certify that the name of the above medical graduate has been entered in the Kerala State Medical Register of Indian Systems of Medicine and She/He is entitled to practice Indian Systems of Medicine as per the Kerala State Medical Practitioners' Act, 2021.
Place Date: SL No:
Valid until
Information 1. Change of address must be communicated to the Registrar.
2. Additional Qualifications, if any, should be separately registered.
3. This Certificate is not transferable and the holder shall abide by the Code of
Ethics. practice.
4. This Certificate should be surrendered to the Council in case of cessation of
Kerala State Medical Councils, Redcross Road, Thiruvananthapuram 695035 Kerala, India Website:www.medicalcouncil.kerala.gov.in, Email:registrar.ksmc@kerala.gov.in, Phone:office-0471-2557227
േaco II രജ1േΒഷd സδş1a1Ù٨˘
(gൾ 37)
Kerala State Council of Homoeopathic Medicine
Registration Number& Date of Registration
Name :
Father/Guardian's Name :
Date of Birth :
Permanent Address :
Qualifications :
Year of completion of Internship :
Name of the Medical College :
Name of the University :
I here by certify that the name of the above medical graduate has been entered in the Kerala State Medical Register of Homoeopathic and She/He is entitled to practice Homoeopathic as per the Kerala State Medical Practitioners' Act, 2021.
Place Date: SL No:
Valid until
Information 1. Change of address must be communicated to the Registrar.
2. Additional Qualifications, if any, should be separately registered.
3. This Certificate is not transferable and the holder shall abide by the Code of
Ethics. practice.
4. This Certificate should be surrendered to the Council in case of cessation of
Kerala State Medical Councils, Redcross Road, Thiruvananthapuram 695035 Kerala, India Website:www.medicalcouncil.kerala.gov.in, Email:registrar.ksmc@kerala.gov.in, Phone:office-0471-2557227
(gൾ 46(2) കcơക)
പരco1Úϗ േaco
1. പരco1ÙcരെɎ m1ъദcoъŅൾ:
(p) േപര˘ :
(ബ1) m1ലcസo:
(സ1) േacൺ ന˅δ:
(d) ഇെമയ1ൽ ഐv1:
(ഇ) o1ര1Ŋ٨1യൽ കcδv˘ m1ъദcoъŅൾ:
േയcиo1 െമv1Ùൽ ɧcàീഷണϽെs m1ъദcoъŅൾ: (p)േപര˘ :
(ബ1) m1ലcസo: (i) ന1ലm1െല m1ലcസo◌:-
(ii) i1രo: േമൽ m1ലcസo : -
(സ1) ɧദδъ1и1Úm േയcഗ5oകൾ:-
(v1) േacൺ ന˅δ, pെȣŁ1go ഉെaŁ1ൽ:-
(ഇ) ഇെമയ1ൽ ഐv1, pെȣŁ1go ഉെaŁ1ൽ:- (pa˘) സoicന രജ1േΒഷd ന˅δ:-
3. ആേരcപ1Ùെиgm െɧcaഷണൽ െപeമc٨ gഷ5oനsm oീയo1˖o mδഷyo:-
4. പരco1˖മcയ1 ബvെиş˘ പരco1Ùcരd മേ٨െoŁ1go േac٨െƿ സമീപ1Ŋ1gേac?
5. ആേരcപ1Ùെиgm െɧcaഷണൽ െപeമc٨ gഷ5o ബvെиş˘ pെoŁ1go േകcso1 നsപs1കൾ oീδиcÙcȟേac?
6. പരco1Ùcരd ആ̈́യ1Úm േരഖകൾ (പകδɡകൾ ഉϗsÙo െചуണo):
7. അേപýകന˘ oെɎ ആേരcപണŅെള പ1Ȥണ˞m pെoŁ1go സcý1˖േac? pŁ1ൽ അmeെs േപeo m1ലcസyo നൽÔക:
8. ആേരcപ1Ùെиgm െɧcaഷണൽ െപeമc٨ gഷ5o ബvെиş സoý1ɘ mസ˘ƻoകൾ. :
9. പരco1 നൽÔmo1ൽ mm കcലocമസo സoബv1Ŋ m1ъദീകരണo. :
10. ആേരcപ1Ùെиgm െപeമc٨ gഷ5yമcയ1 ബvെиş മേ٨െoŁ1go ɧസéമcയ m1mരŅൾ.
iലo: േиര˘:
oീയo1: ഒи˘:
ഉϗsÙo : (p)
േaco IV
(gൾ 53(3) കcơക)
രജ1േΒഷd ɑന:icപ1Úmo1ȟϗ i1രീകരണ േaco.
................................................................................. m1ലcസƿ1ൽ ocമസ1Úm
േvc..............................................േകരള േu٨˘ െമv1Ùൽ കsൺസ1ൽസ1ൽ
ഉacയ1em രജ1േΒഷd (രജ1േΒഷd ന˅δ )
.........................................oീയo1യ1ൽ നീÙo െചˣƻo pന1Ù˘ m5é1പരമcയ1 അ٨1യcymocണ˘.
േvc .....................................................
രജ1േΒഷd ന˅δ .......................................
iലo : m1ലcസo .......................................
oീയo1 :
േaco V
(gൾ 58(3) കcơക)
േകരള സoicന െമv1Ùൽ കsൺസ1ല1െɎ രസീo˘ രജ1uδ
oീയo1 | രസീo˘ ന˅δ | ആര1ൽ ന1m˘ ലx1g | ɧo1ദ1ന ƻക ക5cഷ˘ gÙ1േലÙ˘ െകcgേപcÔȾ | ||
ഓേരc രസീo1െɎ˖o ആെക ƻക | |||||
അÙsa˘ െഹv˘ | |||||
േaco ന˅δ VI (gൾ 60(11) കcơക)
േപയ˘െമaകgെs രജ1സ˘٨δ
oീയo1 | രസീo˘ രജ1uδ ɧകcരo m1ъദcoъŅൾ | ƻക | അÙsa˘ െഹv˘ | oീയo1 | േപയ˘െമɎ˘ രജ1uδ ɧകcരʾϗ m1ъദcoъŅൾ | ƻക | അÙs a˘ െഹv˘ |
മcസƿ1െല ആെക ƻക ƻsÙ സoഖ5 െമcƿo | മcസെƿ ആെക േúcസ1oഗ˘ ബcലdസ˘ | ||||||
േaco ന˅δ VII (gൾ 61 കcơക) ഇoെɧu˘ രജ1uδ
oീയo1 | Sl. ന˅δ | ആδÙ˘ | േപെ˲Ɏ1െɎ | ƻക | പരcമδъŅൾ |
of S. Vr. | െകcgǀ | m1ъദcoъŅൾ | |||
ആെക ബcലdസ˘
ɧകcരo ബcŁ1ൽ ന1m˘ pgƿocണ˘
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In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 46 of the Kerala State Medical Practitioners Act, 2021 (Act 36 of 2021), Government of Kerala hereby make the following rules; namely:
Chapter I
Short title and Commencement
1. These rules may be called the Kerala State Medical Practitioners Rules, 2024.
2. These rules shall be deemed to have come into force on 24th day of February 2021.
3. Definition:- In these rules, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context;
(1) “Act” means the Kerala State Medical Practitioners Act, 2021 (Act 36 of 2021);
(2) “Appendix” means an appendix appended to these rules;
(3) “Government” means Government of Kerala;
(4) “Section” means a section of the Act;
(5) The words and expressions used in the Act and not defined in these rules shall have the meanings assigned to them in the Act.
Chapter II
4. The Registrar shall maintain a list containing the names of members elected to the Council ie, the Kerala State Council of Modern Medicine, the Kerala State Council of Indian Systems of Medicine and the Kerala State Council of Homoeopathic Medicine the electorates they represent, the date of election of each such member, the term of his office and the date of death, resignation or retirement of each such member. This list shall also contain similar particulars in regard to the members nominated by Government. The Registrar shall keep the list always up-to-date so that it may show at a glance the date when the next election or nomination, as the case may be, has to be made.
5. One Eighty days before the expiration of the term of office of any member of the Council, the Registrar shall make a report in writing regarding the vacancy to the President, if the vacancy be in respect of an elected member and both to the President and Government, if the vacancy is in respect of a nominated member.
6. If a vacancy occurs in the office of a member of the Council, through resignation, death, removal or disqualification of such member or otherwise, prior to the expiry of his term of office, the Registrar shall make a report in writing regarding the vacancy to the President if the vacancy be in respect of an elected member and to the President and Government in case the vacancy be in respect of a nominated member within three working days of the receipt of information regarding the occurrence of such a vacancy.
Chapter III
7. In the case of vacancies of elected members, an election shall be held to fill the vacancy. The President of the respective council shall authorize a person not below the rank of Joint Director (Health Services) in respect of Modern Medicine, Joint Director, (Indian Systems of Medicine) in respect of Indian Systems of Medicine or Deputy Director (Homoeopathy) in respect of Homoeopathy System of Medicine to act as the Returning officer for such election. The returning officer shall take the assistance of the members of the Council for the conduct of election and counting of votes and issue necessary instructions to such officers. If the vacancy is to occur in consequence of the expiry of the term of office of a member, Returning Officer shall, for a period not less than sixty days and not more than ninety days before the day on which the term of office of such member is due to expire, or if the vacancy had already occurred through, death, resignation, removal or disqualification of such member of otherwise, as soon as convenient after the occurrence of the vacancy, publish a notice in the Gazette, website and in three prominent
news papers requiring the electorate concerned to elect a member or members by a date mentioned in the notice.
8. The Returning Officer shall appoint and notify in the website and in three prominent news papers and in such other manner as he thinks fit:-
(a) the date, time and place for the receipt of nomination papers;
(b) the date, time and place for the scrutiny of nominations and publication of valid nominations:
(c) the date, time and place for the receipt of the letter of withdrawal of candidature;
(d) the date, time and place for publication of the list of valid nominations after withdrawal;
(e) the date, time and method of voting;
(f) the date, time and place, for the scrutiny and counting of votes.
(2) The date of receipt of nomination paper shall not be less than 45 days before the date fixed for election. The date fixed for scrutiny of nomination papers shall not be less than 30 days before the date fixed for election. The date fixed for withdrawal of candidature shall not be late than 3 working days after the date of scrutiny of nomination papers.
(1) The Electoral roll shall be prepared by the Registrar from the Register maintained in his office. The electoral roll shall be open for inspection in the office of the Council atleast 30 days prior to the receipt of nomination papers. Representation may be preferred before the Registrar as to any dispute regarding the electoral roll. Such petitions shall be decided by the Registrar within a period of seven days. The days of receipt and disposals of such petitions shall be published in the website of the Council by the Registrar. A final electoral roll shall be published by the Returning officer in the website of the Council before the publication of the notification of election. The same shall contain the names of the persons qualified to vote for the election of a member
to fill up the vacancy or vacancies. Every registered practitioner whose name appears in the electoral roll shall be qualified to vote for election.
(2) Candidates qualified for being elected shall be proposed and seconded by persons qualified as electors. No elector shall propose or second nomination of more persons than are required to fill up the vacancy or vacancies. If more nominations than are required to fill up a vacancy or vacancies be subscribed by the same elector, all nominations subscribed by him shall be held to be void. The candidate shall sign the nomination paper declaring that he is willing to serve in the Council, if elected. The candidate shall also produce along with his nomination paper a deposit of Rs. 10,000. The deposit may be remitted to the Registrar in cash and the receipt issued by him shall be produced along with the nomination paper before the Returning Officer. In the absence of the declaration and the deposit referred to above, the nomination shall be treated as invalid.
(3) Every nomination paper shall be in FORM I to these rules and be signed by two electors as proposer and seconder. Nominations may be sent by post or otherwise so as to reach the Returning Officer on or before such date as may be appointed by the Returning Officer for the purpose.
(4) On receipt of each nomination paper the Returning Officer shall forthwith endorse thereon the date and hour of receipt over his initials.
(5) Nomination papers which are not received by the Returning Officer before the date and the time appointed in that behalf shall be rejected.
(6) On the date appointed for scrutiny of nomination papers, the candidates and one proposer or seconder of each candidate may attend at the appointed time and place, and the Returning Officer shall give them all reasonable facilities to examine the nomination papers which have been delivered within the time fixed for their receipt.
(7) The Returning Officer shall examine the nomination papers and shall decide all objections and may, either on such objection or on his own
motion, after such summary enquiry, if any, as he thinks necessary, refuse any nomination for any of the following reasons, namely-
(a) that the candidate or his proposer or his seconder is not in the electoral roll;
(b) that there has been any failure to comply with the provisions of the Act or the rules made there under relating to elections to the Council;
(c) that the signature of the candidate or his proposer or his seconder is not genuine or has been obtained by fraud;
(a) The Returning Officer shall endorse on each nomination paper his decision whether the nomination paper has been accepted or rejected; and in case the nomination paper has been rejected, the reasons there for.
(b) The scrutiny shall be completed on the day appointed in this behalf and no adjournment of proceeding shall be allowed.
(9) A candidate who desires to withdraw his candidature should intimate his desire in writing and such withdrawal shall be valid only if it reaches the Returning Officer within the time and date specified for the purpose. A candidate who has withdrawn his candidature shall not be allowed to cancel his withdrawal or to be re-nominated as a candidate for the same election.
(10) On completion of the scrutiny of the nominations and after the expiry of the period within which a candidate may withdraw his candidature, the Returning Officer shall forthwith under his signature publish in the website of the Council a list of contesting candidates.
(11) If the number of duly nominated candidates who stand for election is equal to the number of members to be elected, the Returning Officer shall forthwith declare such candidates to be duly elected. The Registrar shall report the result of the election to Government for publication in the official gazette.
(12) If the number of such candidates is less than the number of vacancies all such candidates shall be declared to be elected and the returning officer shall take steps to fill the remaining vacancies.
(13) If the number of candidates who are duly nominated and who have not withdrawn their candidature in the manner and within the time specified in sub-rule (9) of rule 9 exceeds that of the vacancies, the Returning Officer shall forthwith publish their names, and addresses in the website of the Council in alphabetical order, for the purpose of election.
(1) If a candidate who has made the deposit referred to in rule 9 sub-rule (2) withdraws his candidature in the manner and within the time specified in sub rule (9), thereof, or if the nomination of any such candidate is rejected, the deposit shall be returned to the person by whom it was made; and if any candidate dies before the commencement of the counting of votes, the deposit made by the candidate shall be returned to his legal representative.
(2) If a candidate who has made the deposit referred to in sub-rule (2) of rule 9 is not elected and the number of votes polled in his favour does not exceed 1/8 of the total number of votes polled, the deposit shall be forfeited to the Council.
(3) The deposit referred to in sub-rule (2) of rule 9, shall, if it is not forfeited to the Councils be returned to the candidate as soon as may be after the publication of the results of the elections.
11. The elections to the Councils shall be through a web based computer interface accessible to the electors using a unique identity, ensuring secrecy and fairness in the process of election. The procedures and the protocols to be followed in the manner of election shall be detailed by the returning officer through the website of the Council prior to the date of election.
12. The Returning Officer shall attend for the purpose of scrutiny and counting of the votes at the dates, time and place appointed by him in this behalf.
(1) After the process of Election is over, when the counting of the votes has been completed, the Returning Officer shall forthwith declare the candidate or candidates, as the case may be, to whom the largest number of votes has been given as duly elected. The Registrar shall report the result of the election to Government for publication in the official gazette.
(2) When an equality of votes is found to exist between any candidates and the addition of a vote will entitle any of the candidates to be declared duly elected the determination of the person to whom such one additional vote shall be deemed to have been given shall be made by lot to be drawn by the Returning Officer immediately after the counting of votes.
14. Upon the completion of the counting and after the result has been declared by him, the Returning Officer shall seal up all documents/digital data’s relating to the election and shall retain the same for a period of six months and thereafter cause them to be destroyed/deleted. If any election petition is preferred as per Rule 15, then the documents/digital data’s shall be destroyed/deleted only after disposing the election petition.
15. (1) In case of any dispute regarding the conduct of election arises, an election petition can be preferred by the aggrieved party before the committee constituted for the purpose, which shall consist of:
a) Additional secretary to Government (Department of Health)
b) Director of Medical Education (in respect of elections to Modern Medicine Council)
c) Director of Ayurveda Medical Education (in respect of elections to Indian Systems of Medicine Council)
d) Principal and Controlling Officer, Homoeopathic Medical Education (in respect of election to Homoeopathic Medicine Council)
(2) The fees for preferring election petitions shall Rs. 10,000/- which shall not be refunded.
(3) Every such election petition shall be filed within 15 days of the date of publication of the result of election.
(4) The decision of the committee shall be final.
Chapter IV
16. The President and Vice-President of the Council shall be elected by ballot at the first meeting of the Council. In the case of equality in the number of vote’s alloted for 2 or more members of the Council either as candidates for Presidentship or for Vice-Presidentship the choice among such members shall be determined by lot.
Chapter V
17. The President, Vice President and other members of the Council shall be eligible for the following fees and allowances.
1) Inspection fees : Rs. 3000/- per inspection plus Rs. 1,000/
each for additional inspections. Inspection fees is limited to maximum. Five inspections per day.
2) Room rent : Rs. 2000/- per day (with supporting
3) Sitting fee (Council : Rs. 3000/- per sitting limited to two
sitting fee Meeting, Ethics and per day. Other sub-committee meeting including Scrutiny)
4) Travel Allowance : Actual train fare and actual taxi fare from
the nearest railway station on production of supporting documents.
5) Daily Allowance : As per the Govt. orders
18. The President, Vice President and other members of the Council shall be treated as class I officers of the State Government for the purpose of payment of daily allowances. All advisory persons invited to the Council shall also be eligible for payment of fees and allowances as per the rates above.
Chapter VI
19. Each Council shall have the power to appoint an Executive Committee, Ethics Committee, Scrutiny Committee, Rules & Regulation Committee, Legal Sub-committee and such other committees from among its members and to delegate to such committee such of the powers and duties vested in the Council, as the Council may deem fit.
20. Each such committee shall have a chairman and maximum of five members of the Council. The quorum for the meeting such committees shall be three including the chairman.
21. The Committees shall meet as and when it deems necessary.
22. If there is any vacancy in any of the Committee, the respective Council shall by election fill up the vacancy. If any member of the Committee is absent from two consecutive meetings without the leave of the Committee, he shall ipso facto cease to be a member of the Committee.
23. The proceedings, of the meetings of the Committee shall be circulated among its members and after confirmation by the signature of the chairman it shall be preserved in the form of printed minutes which shall be authenticated, by the Registrar.
24. The Committee shall consider and prepare report on any subjects that may seem to require the attention of the Council and such reports shall be circulated among the members at least ten days before the meeting of the Council at which the subject is to come up for discussion.
25. The Committee may direct the Registrar to bring such subjects as it deems necessary to be brought before a meeting of the Council.
26. Petitions presented to the Council shall be referred to the respective Committees to be examined and reported upon before being considered by the Council, if the Council desires to adopt such a procedure.
27. The respective Committees shall then prepare reports on such subjects as may be indicated to it by the Council at its meetings. The reports when finally approved by the Committee shall be presented to the respective Council.
28. The Executive Committee shall function as a miniscule of the Council itself to decide upon matters of emergent nature, the decision of which shall be implemented forthwith. The action of the executive committee shall be ratified in the next meeting of the Council.
29. The meeting of the Council shall be as per the procedure prescribed in section 16 of the Act.
30. The Registrar shall be the Secretary to the three Councils and to the various committees constituted under the Act, by the respective Councils.
31. Whenever the Council is of opinion that the Registrar has deliberately failed to carry out the duties assigned to him by any of the Councils or has acted in a way prejudicial to the interests of that Council, the appropriate Council may report such instances to the Joint Council. The Joint Council by resolution passed by a majority consisting of 2/3 of the total membership of the all the Council request Government to take such disciplinary action as Government may deem fit stating specific charges thereof, with evidence, if any.
32. The powers of the Registrar to punish the officers and servants employed under him shall be governed by such rules as prescribed by Government from time to time.
33. The Registrar shall be present at every meeting of the Council and other
Committees. It shall be his duty to take minutes of proceedings at all meetings of the Council and Committees there under, and shall keep the authenticated copies of such minutes.
34. The Registrar shall have the right to participate in the discussions of the Council, the Committee and other sub-committees appointed by the Council but shall not function as a member of the Council or Committee whether by way of voting or moving any resolution.
35. Application for Registration. – Any person who possesses a recognized medical qualification in Modern Medicine, Indian Systems of Medicine, Homoeopathy as per the schedule of the Act shall, subject to the conditions laid down by or under the Act, is eligible for registration in the State of Kerala as a Medical Practitioner. An application for registration shall be made through online in the Website of the Council with supporting documents required there in and on payment of such fees fixed from time to time. A physical copy of such application shall also be forwarded to the office of the Council and attested copies of certificates uploaded in support of the application.
36. There shall be separate registers for Modern Medicine, Ayurvedic Medicine, Siddha Medicine, Unani Tibbi Medicine, Yoga and Naturopathy Medicine, Homoeopathic Medicine, the manner of which shall be in such form containing such particulars as prescribed by the National Medical Commission, National Commission for Indian Systems of Medicine, and the National Commission for Homoeopathy and this Act respectively.
37. The names of all practitioners registered under the Act shall be entered in the register in numerical order with all relevant particulars required under the
preceding rule. The automated data’s generated through software in physical form shall be treated as registers in each systems of medicines for the purpose.
38. Every person whose name has been entered in the Register shall be entitled to receive from the Registrar a certificate of Registration. Such certificate shall set forth the full name of the person registered, his address, the date and place of registration, qualifications in respect of which he has been registered. The date of completion of Internship, the name of medical college and the University. Such certificate shall be in FORM II.
39. In Case the original certificate of registration is irrecoverably lost, a medical practitioner can obtain a duplicate certificate of registration as per the procedure prescribed in the regulations of the respective council and on payment of such fees fixed for the purpose.
40. Every registered practitioner shall renew his registration every five years of his practice on submission of application through online, along with the fees prescribed for renewal of registration. The registered medical practitioner shall forfeit his right of practice, if the registration is not renewed once in every five years.
41. Removal of Name from the register on Application.-
(1) A Registered Medical Practitioner may himself make an application for removal of his name from the register. A registered medical practitioner following other profession shall also make an application for removal of his name from the Register as per Section 31 of the Act. The application shall be accompanied by a declaration made by the applicant that no disciplinary proceedings are pending against him or that he is not aware of any proceedings or any reason for the institution of any proceedings which might result in the removal of his name from the register or in depriving him of his qualification entitling him to be registered.
(2) The Registrar shall bring such application before the next meeting of the respective Council, which shall consider the application and objections thereto.
(3) If the Council, grants the application, the Registrar shall remove the applicant’s name from the register and send notice of such removal to the applicant by a registered letter addressed to his registered address.
42. Restoration of Registration – A practitioner whose name has been removed from the Register, may on an application being made and on payment of fees for registration may get himself re-registered. Such application shall be considered by the respective Council and thereafter direct the Registrar to re- enter the name of the practitioner, if he is at that time eligible for registration under the Act.
43. Each council shall have a separate seal and the seal shall be kept under the custody of the Registrar.
44. The seal shall be affixed only on records containing orders of the Council or when the Council is not sitting, on orders of the Executive Committee, but its use by such committee shall be limited to such acts as may be necessary to carry into effect the powers delegated and duties entrusted to it by the Council, as per rules.
45. Professional Misconduct:
1. Any instance of violation of the Central Act or the State Act or that of Regulations issued by National Medical Commission in the case of Modern Medicine practitioners, by National Commission for Indian Systems of Medicine in the case of Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani, Naturopathy practitioners, and by National Commission for Homoeopathy in the case
of Homoeopathy practitioners relating to such medical practice which are in force, shall constitute professional misconduct.
2. The Kerala State Medical Councils are in no way precluded from considering and dealing with any other instance of professional misconduct by a registered medical practitioners which do not fall under any of the categories mentioned in the above enactments, regulations or guidelines or codes issued thereunder.
3. Registered Medical Practitioners bound by the respective enactment and Regulations shall not engage in any activities in violation of these regulations and shall not engage in employment or other contract in violating activities attracting violation of any of those regulations.
4. Conviction of Registered Medical Practitioner in cases of a cognizable offence involving moral turpitude shall result in the suspension of license to practice.
46. Procedure for preferring a complaint of professional misconduct
1) The aggrieved person shall file the complaint to the Kerala State Medical Councils through its website portal/offline, within the period prescribed by respective National Commissions from the cause of action, leading to the complaint.
2) Where the aggrieved person is unable to make a complaint on account of physical or mental incapacity, a complaint may be filed by —
i) a family member or relative or friend; or
ii) the guardian or authority under whose care treatment is received
iii) the legal heir or guardian in case of death of the patient
3) The respective Council may initiate suo-moto case against any Registered Medical Practitioner taking cognizance of a professional misconduct. A suo-moto case will be taken up if a simple majority of the members agree to proceed against the Registered Medical Practitioner.
47. Manner of Inquiry into the complaint:
1) Any complaint or information about the misconduct of any
Registered Medical Practitioners shall be addressed to the Registrar.
2) For the purpose of this rule, no complaint shall be entertained unless it is made in writing, signed by the person making it with full name, address, phone no & E-Mail Id, addressed to the Registrar of the Council, and is accompanied by declarations as to the facts of the case. At the time of filing the complaint, the complainant shall submit five copies of the complaint along with supporting documents and the names and addresses of the witnesses. The format of complaint shall in the FORM III
3) For the purpose of this rule, every declaration shall state the description and true place of residence of the declarant and the full facts of the complaint. Where a particular fact stated is not within the personal knowledge of the declarant, he/she shall state the source of such a fact and grounds for belief with respect to the truth of such a fact stated.
4) If the Registrar believes that a complaint is pseudonymous, the Registrar may call upon for further details to ascertain the genuineness of the complaint, within 7 days of such complaint.
5) No complaint shall be rejected unless a reply is received by the Registrar from the practitioner.
6) On receipt of the complaint, the Registrar shall send a notice of inquiry to the Registered Medical Practitioners within 15 working days. Such notice of Inquiry shall be accompanied with the copy of the complaint. Such a notice of inquiry shall be sent by registered/speed post/e-mail or by such permissible modes of service as prescribed by the Council from time to time.
7) The practitioner shall file his reply to the complaint along with his list of documents, and names and addresses of witnesses, within a period not exceeding 15 working days from the date of receipt of the documented complaint. If the practitioner fails to send his/her reply in 15 days, the Registrar shall send 2 reminder notices, to the
practitioner, each within 7 days of the termination of the time granted to the practitioner, giving him 15 more days, to send his reply. When the practitioner fails to furnish his reply after having received two reminder notices, the matter may be brought to the notice of Ethics Committee or the Council as the case may be; The Council/Ethics Committee shall proceed with the matter ex-parte, in compliance with all other provisions of this rule. It shall be the discretion of the President/Chairman of the Respective Council/Committee to grant the practitioner an opportunity to present his/her version of the matter.
8) The Council/Committee shall conduct an inquiry into a complaint following the principles of natural justice.
9) On receipt of the reply from the Registered Medical Practitioner, the Registrar shall refer the case to the Ethics Committee or the Council as the case may be.
10) The respective Council or the Ethics Committee as the case may be, shall have the right to terminate the inquiry proceedings or to give an ex-parte decision on the complaint if the complainant or respondent fails, without sufficient cause, to present herself or himself for two consecutive hearings or three hearings in total convened by the Ethics Committee/Council. In such situations, the termination or ex-parte order may not be passed without giving a notice of fifteen days in advance to the party concerned.
11) The Council/Committee shall have the power to engage Council members to visit and inspect places as per Section 33 of the Act and to prepare Inspection report for submission before the Council Committee with its opinion. The members so deputed for inspection may seek the assistance of the concerned police for carrying out the inspection. It shall be the duty of the Station House Officer concerned to assist the members in the process of inspection.
12) In the case of inspection, the Committee of Modern Medicine may
seek the help of District Medical Officer (Health), Committee of Indian Systems of Medicine, may seek the help of District Medical Officer (ISM), the Committee of Homoeopathy Medicine may seek the help of District Medical Officer (Homoeopathy), for carrying out the inspection.
13) The concerned Medical Officers shall offer all assistance during the inspection.
14) Where there is no complainant or if complainant does not appear, the Registrar, in compliance of other rules of this chapter, will directly call the practitioner to present his/her case as mentioned in this chapter. In any case, the complaint shall not be dropped merely on the basis that the complainant is not present.
15) The parties shall not be allowed to bring in any lawyer to represent their case at any stage of the proceedings before the Council or the Ethics Committee.
16) In conducting the inquiry, a quorum shall be ensured.
17) No new documents or certificates or evidence or witnesses will be admitted from either of the parties once the proceedings are initiated (meaning -after the parties have been called for a hearing) unless its admission is allowed by the majority of the members. The complaint cannot be withdrawn after it is admitted by the respective council.
18) The respective Council may either of its motion or on an application made by either of the parties have the power to change the subject experts, if appointed in the matter of an enquiry, by providing a valid reason.
19) The Ethics Committee or the Council as the case may be may put questions to the complainant and the practitioner, at any time during the Inquiry Proceeding, including any of their witnesses.
20) The Ethics Committee or the Council as the case may be shall keep a record of all the proceeding of inquiry as mentioned under this rule.
21) Within 30 days of the completion of inquiry as mentioned in this
rule the Registrar, shall, on the recommendation of the Ethics Committee, subject to the compliance to all the provisions of this chapter, then put forth such a recommendation, as is concluded by the Ethics Committee, at the respective Council’s meeting for their approval.
48. Notice of Charges on Registered Practitioner.
1) If the Ethics committee or the Councils as the case may, while deciding the complaint recommends any of the modes of disposal as mentioned in b) to j) of Rule 49(1), then the Registrar shall serve to the Registered Practitioner a notice of charge.
2) The notice shall specify the nature and particulars of the charge and shall inform him of the day on which the Committee intends to deal with the case, and shall call upon the practitioner, to answer the charge in writing and to attend before the Committee or the Council on such day.
3) The relevant allegations as to facts, the inferences which they lead to, and the circumstances supporting such inferences-shall be, clearly mentioned along with any other circumstances proposed to be considered while passing an order in the case.
4) Both the parties shall be called for final hearing.
5) The respective Council shall take the recommendation for consideration and passing in the very first Councils meeting that takes place after the receipt of such a recommendation from the Ethics Committee.
6) Any order thus passed by the Council shall be binding on either of the parties subject to appeal provisions as per Section 30 of the NMC Act, 2019 in the case of Modern Medicine Practitioners, as per section 31 of NCISM Act, 2020 in the case of Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani, Practitioners, as per section 31 of NCH Act, 2020 in the case of Homoeopathy Practitioners.
7) Such order shall state the reasons justifying the order.
49. Disposal of the Complaints:
(1) The Council after giving the parties concerned an opportunity of being heard may make any of the following recommendations.
a) Dismiss the complaint
b) Censure/Warn/Reprimand the Registered Medical Practitioner.
c) Recommend counseling to the Registered Medical Practitioner.
d) An alternative penalty can be considered.
e) May restrain the Registered Medical Practitioners from performing the clinical procedure(s) or examination as it deems fit.
f) Suspend the Registered Medical Practitioner from practice for a temporary period as it may deem fit by removing the name of the Registered Medical Practitioner temporarily from the State Medical Register.
g) Award monetary penalty as it deems fit as per Section 30 of the NMC Act, 2019 in the case of Modern Medicine Practitioner, as per section 31 of NCISM Act, 2020 in the case of Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani Practitioner, as per section 31 of NCH Act, 2020 in the case of Homoeopathy Practitioner.
h) The Council may charge monetary penalty up to 10 times of the registration fee in case it is found during inquiry that the Medical Practitioners has not taken registration to practice in the state.
i) May direct the Registered Medical Practitioner to undertake specific training courses related to the misconduct/some certificate course/ethics sensitization etc.
j) Permanent removal from the State Register of Registered Medical Practitioners.
k) Any suspension of Registered Medical Practitioners will automatically cease at the completion of suspension period.
(2) The Respective Council may accept the recommendations made by the ethics committee by majority or may enhance or lessen the punishment by stating reasons.
50. Prohibition of review of the order: The Council shall not have the power to review its own order, and the order will be executed only after the expiry of the period of appeal.
51. Power of the Council: The Council shall have the same powers as are vested in a civil court under the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 while trying a complaint against an Registered Medical Practitioner in respect of the following matters, namely: —
1) The summoning and enforcing the attendance of any defendant or witness and examining the witness on oath.
2) Requiring the discovery and production of any document or other material object as evidence.
3) Receiving evidence on affidavits.
4) The requisitioning of the report of the concerned analysis or test from the appropriate laboratory or any other relevant source.
5) Issuing of commissions for the examination of any witness, or document; and any other matter which may be prescribed by the State Government.
6) Every enquiry under this chapter shall be deemed to be a judicial proceeding for the purposes of section 193 and 228 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 (Central Act 45 of1860).
52. Appeal
1) Registered Medical Practitioners who is aggrieved by the decision of the Modern Medicine Council shall have the right to file an appeal to The Ethics and Medical Registration Board (EMRB), Indian Systems of Medicine Council shall have the right to file an appeal to The Board of Ethics and Registration for Indian Systems of Medicine (BERISM), Homoeopathy Medicine Council shall have the right to file an appeal to The Board of Ethics and Registration for Homoeopathy (BERH) within 60 days from the date of receipt of the order.
2) The decision of the Council will become operational after the expiry of the period of appeal. While in appeal, the order of Council will be deemed to have been stayed unless decided otherwise by appellate authority.
53. Penalty so awarded to the Registered Medical Practitioners by State Medical Council and confirmed by appellate authority, if no appeal is preferred, after the expiry of appeal period, shall be publicized widely on its website and other platforms as they deem fit and communicated to the employer, the hospital/healthcare institution of the Registered Medical Practitioners and respective Medical Associations/Societies/Bodies.
54. Whenever the Council is of the opinion that prosecution shall be initiated against any person for breach of any provisions of the Act, it shall by resolution decide upon institution of such criminal procedure as per section 42 of the Act. The Registrar shall thereupon forward the resolution along with all evidentiary documents and details to the Director of Public Prosecutions, in which event, the Council shall be represented by the Public Prosecutor as duly authorized by the Director, during the trial proceedings. The provision of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 mutatis mutandis shall apply to such proceedings.
Chapter XIII
55. If any person whose name has been removed for a specific period from the Register by direction of the Council and who (in the case of a practitioner still possessing a qualification entitling him to be registered) makes application to the Council for re-entering his name in the Register, the following shall be the procedure:-
1) The application shall be in writing addressed to the Council, and signed by the applicant, and must state the grounds on which the application is made.
2) No application for re-entering in the Register, the name of a person which has been removed under a direction of the Council shall be entertained
unless it is accompanied by a declaration made by the ‘applicant setting forth the facts of the case, and stating that he is the person originally registered with the Council.
3) The statements-in the application must also be verified by two qualified registered practitioner of the appropriate system, who were and are well acquainted with him before and since the removal of his name, and they must testify to his present good character. The verification shall in the FORM IV.
4) On receipt of the application it shall be referred by the Registrar to the respective Council for consideration.
5) The Council shall consider the application and may if it thinks fit, adjourn the consideration to a future date or require further evidence or explanation from the applicant.
6) The Council shall in camera consider the application and take a final decision as it deem fit.
Chapter XIV
(1) There shall be a common fund for the Kerala State Medical Councils called “The Kerala State Medical Councils’ Fund”
(2) Funds of the council shall consist of the following:
a) Registration Fee
b) Fines
c) Penalties
d) Income from Investments/Interest from Fixed Deposits
e) Income from other sources (Right to Information Act 2005 etc)
f) Government Grant (if any)
g) Other Payments (if any)
(3) All Funds of the council shall be received in the name of the Registrar of the council. Any other receipt of fund, other than listed above shall be done with the prior approval of the Registrar/Council/Government, as the case may be.
(4) Funds of the council shall be paid into councils account with the bank/treasury appointed by the Council as per Government Instructions and shall not be withdrawn without authorisation by the Registrar duly empowered in this behalf. Funds shall be applied and disposed of in accordance with law to carry out the purposes of the Act.
(5) The fund shall be lodged in a Scheduled Bank/ Treasury in a personal deposit account in the name of the Kerala State Medical Councils and shall be operated by the Registrar on behalf of the Councils. All orders of cheques/Demand Drafts/Online transfer against the fund shall be done with the approval of the Registrar.
Chapter XV
(1) Double Entry System of accounting shall be followed in the Council.
(2) Accounting Year will be the Financial Year starting from 1st April to 31st March of next year.
(3) Cash receipts (including Cheque/DD/Online) shall be recorded and accounted immediately.
(4) All recurring expenses like office rent, utilities, salary etc shall be paid within that month.
(5) Goods and Service Tax and Income Tax shall be deducted at source as per the prevailing rules of the Government. Deducted tax shall be credited to the Head of Account concerned within the stipulated time.
(6) Salary of staffs shall be paid through bank transfer.
(7) Cheque Books if any shall be under the safe custody of the Accounts Officer.
(8) Annual financial statement shall be prepared and made available for audit before July 31st of every year after the closure of financial year.
(9) Files and records related with financial transaction shall be retained permanently and in good order.
(1) Every year in the month of January, the Registrar shall prepare a budget showing the probable receipts and expenditure of the Councils for the ensuing financial year and submit the same before the joint sitting of all the Councils for sanction. The budget estimate sanctioned by the Councils shall be forwarded to Government for their approval not later than the 1st March of every year. The budget estimate shall make provision for the fulfillment of the liabilities of the Councils and for effectively carrying out their objects. At any time during an year for which an estimate has been sanctioned, the Councils may cause to prepare and submit to Government for sanction, a revised budget providing for any modifications which they may deem advisable and necessary to make in the distribution of the amount to be raised and expended during that year.
(2) In cases of emergency, the Registrar may incur expenditure in excess of the budget sanctioned for any one head, if equal savings under other heads are available to balance the budget. The expenditure so incurred in excess of the budget allotment shall be reported immediately to the Councils in its joint session for sanction and reported to Government.
Chapter XVII
(1) Steps shall be taken to ensure prompt realization of all amounts due to the Council.
(2) When money is received on behalf of Council, a computer generated receipt in shall be given by the person authorised in that behalf so that the receipt should always show the details of the revenue.
(3) Receipt Book in FORM V prescribed by the Council, will be printed with interleaved perforated copies to be taken by carbon process. The original should be retained as office copy and the duplicate issued to the party.
(4) The required printed receipt books must be machine numbered.
(5) A stock account thereof shall be maintained in Council office showing the numbers of the books (and number of forms contained in each) received and issued to each individual officer.
(6) Every receipt book should be carefully examined by the official concerned immediately on receipt, and the number of forms in the book should be counted and a certificate of count should be recorded which shall be written on the overleaf of the last page (original) of the book.
(7) All receipts must be written in figures and in words in the original receipt leaves.
(8) The daily collection should be remitted into the bank/ Treasury, the next working day.
(9) The officer immediately responsible for the collection should keep receipts (chalans)/statements for the amounts paid into the bank/ Treasury in proper files. This is to ensure that all collections are being paid regularly into the bank / Treasury.
(10)At the time of verification it should be seen that all receipt books supplied to each official have been accounted for properly and that the amounts received as per receipts granted have been brought to the cash book.
(11)All moneys received shall be entered in a register of receipts maintained for the purpose as soon as received. The daily totals of the receipts shall be struck in the Register of Receipts and carried over to the appropriate columns in the cash book.
(12)No money received on behalf of the Councils shall be utilised for any expenditure without first being remitted into the bank.
(13)The official authorised shall examine the Bank/treasury statements from time to time and in any case at least once a week and shall immediately call the attention of the Bank/treasury to any discrepancy that may appear between the credits and debits as shown therein and those shown in the books of office of the Councils.
60. Double Column Cash book (in TR 7) Should be maintained by council. The Cash Book shall be balanced at the close of every day and signed by the Registrar /Accounts officer in token of the correctness of every entry made therein. At the end of every month, the balance worked out in the cash book shall be agreed with the balance shown in the Bank pass book of the Councils as shown under.
Balance as per cash book :
(-) unremitted Cheque/DD : (+) cheque/DD issued but not encashed : Balance as per Pass book :
Bank statement shall be reconciled monthly by the Accounts Officer.
(1) The following shall be the authorised expenditure of the Councils:-
i. Fees and other allowances payable to the President, Vice-President and other members of each Council under Section 17 of the Act.
ii. Pay and other allowances of the Registrar and other officers and staffs in the office of the Council.
(2) The pay and allowances of the Registrar may be drawn by the Registrar by self cheques.
(3) All payments out of the Council's fund shall be made only after the bills are passed by the Registrar.
(4) Payments can be made by Cheque/DD/online transfer only.
(5) All payments amounting to Rs. 5,000/- and above shall be made by online/cheques/DDs drawn on the bank in which the funds of the Councils are lodged. The cheques shall be in favour of the person to whom the money is to be paid. But payment on account of pay and allowances of the Council's employees shall be made by self cheques drawn by the Registrar, the amount so drawn being disbursed to the bank accounts of the employees concerned.
(6) Every payment made by cheque/DD/Online transfer shall be supported by a voucher duly receipted, stamped if necessary and signed by the person to whom the money is due and to whom it has actually been paid.
(7) All bills presented for payment shall be entered in a register of bills and the bills remaining unpaid at the close of a year shall be carried forward to the Register of the next year.
(8) Every item of expenditure shall be entered in a bill of one of the following kinds-the bills being in the forms prescribed for the respective charges in the Financial and Account Code.
a) A Salary Bill
b) An Establishment Pay Bill
c) A Contingent Bill
d) Work Bill
e) TA bill
(9) All bills and vouchers that have been paid shall be numbered consecutively for a month in the order of payment and shall be stamped 'Paid' or 'cancelled' as the case may be and filed carefully for check and audit.
(10)Sub-vouchers for payments made out of the office imprest i.e., petty payments below Rs.5000 shall be filed separately and shall be attached to the respective Contingent- Bills drawn for recoupment of imprest.
(11)The payment as per each voucher shall be entered in the Register of payments in FORM VI and the entries in the payment register shall be attested by the Registrar / Accounts Officer as soon as the order for payment is signed by him.
(12)The daily total of the payments shall be struck in the Register of payments and carried over to the appropriate ledgers and finally to the cash book.
(13)Before incurring the expenditure, the Registrar/Accounts Officer shall see that the allotment placed for the same is not exceeded. Where any excess over the allotment is apprehended, the Registrar shall obtain additional allotment before incurring the excess expenditure. For this purpose, ratification for the same should be sought from Council.
(14)The Registrar shall be responsible for the control of expenditure against the sanctioned funds/ grants and appropriations placed at his/her disposal. The control shall be exercised through the Deputy Registrar, Accounts Officer, Junior Superintendents, if any, and Clerks/Assistants subordinate to him/her.
(15)The Registrar shall be responsible for the monthly reconciliation of the figures given in the accounts maintained by the Accounts Officer.
(16)The Accounts officer shall verify progress of expenditure of various items by the 5th of the month following the month to which the returns relate. The information so obtained shall checked with registers kept for watching the flow of expenditure. Progressive totals of expenditure shall be worked out for the purpose. If expenditure exceeds the amount allotted in budget it should be reported to the Registrar. The Registrar should do the needful to revise budget.
62. The Councils may authorise the Registrar a sum of Rs. 20,000 as imprest to meet petty expenditures. The Imprest amount may be realised/ withdrawn after drawing a contingent bill. No new imprest shall be drawn until the 90% of the amount previously sanctioned is utilized. An imprest register in prescribed format (in FORM VII) should be maintained. The vouchers and other supporting documents should be serially numbered and kept for verification. All claims below Rs 5000 should be paid from the imprest.
63. No expenditure exceeding Rs. 5,00,000/- shall be incurred and no articles the value of which exceeds Rs. 5,00,000/- shall be purchased without the previous sanction of the Joint Councils. The Council shall sanction upto a sum of Rupees 25,00,000/-. If the amount exceeds it should be forwarded to the Secretary, Health and family Welfare Department for approval. If the amount exceeds the sum sanctioned by Secretary, Health and Family Welfare, it should also be brought to Government’s attention and fresh Administrative sanction should be sought.
Chapter XXII
64. Audit means examination of accounts, transactions, records, data, information and documents. It includes any type of audit determined by Director, Kerala State Audit Department.
65. The Kerala State Audit Department will be the agency which shall conduct audit of Kerala State Medical Councils.
Chapter XXIV
(1) The Registrar with the assistance of the Accounts officer shall cause to prepare the financial statements for the preceding year in respect of the Accounts of the council. It shall be approved in the Joint Council meeting and may be presented for audit on or before 31st July of the succeeding year
(2) The form and manner in which the accounts are to be prepared and presented for audit:-
a) the receipts and payment account
b) Statement of investments made
67. Procurement of Goods and Services Should be done in accordance with the provisions laid down in Store Purchase Manual issued by Government of Kerala and subject to modifications made in the manual from time to time.
68. Kerala State Medical Council shall prepare Annual Procurement Plan before the commencement of the year and the same should be placed before the Joint Council for Sanction/approval.
69. The procurement of common use goods and services to the extent practicable be made through GeM (Government e-Market Place).
70. Only in case goods and services are not available on GeM, the procuring entity can resort to the provisions in Store Purchase Manual.
Chapter XXVI
71. Fixed assets should be verified at least once in a year and the outcome of verification recorded in the corresponding register. Discrepancies, if any, shall be promptly investigated and brought to account.
72. A Physical verification of all the consumable goods and materials should be undertaken at least once in a year and discrepancies, if any, should be recorded in the stock register for appropriate action by the competent authority.
73. Depending on the frequency of requirement and quantity thereof as well as the pattern of supply of a consumable material, optimum buffer stock should be determined by the competent authority.
74. In case of transfer of Officer-in-charge of the goods, materials etc., the transferred officer shall see that the goods or material are made over correctly to his successor. A statement giving all relevant details of the goods, materials etc., in question shall be prepared and signed with date by the relieving officer and the relieved officer. Each of these officers will retain a copy of the signed statement.
75. An item may be declared surplus or obsolete or unserviceable if the same is of no use to the Department. The reasons for declaring the item surplus or obsolete or unserviceable should be recorded by the authority competent to purchase the item. Registrar shall have the authority to dispose such item, if it’s worth is less than Rs.5,00,000/- and if the value is more than Rs.5,00,000/- that the Joint Council alone shall have the authority to decide upon the matter.
Chapter XXXI
76. The Physical verification of Stock and Stores shall be carried out at least once a year by the Registrar or the person authorised by Registrar.
(1) The work advance / temporary advance sanctioned by the Council for meeting a contingent expenditure of a specified kind or on a specific occasion should be adjusted by detailed bills/ vouchers and settled within three months of the advance.
(2) In cases where the work advance/ temporary advance is not utilised fully but the adjustment bill is submitted on time and if the balance is not repaid within 3 months, interest at the rate of 18% per annum will be charged on the unutilized portion of the advance from the date of advance to the date of refund.
(3) In case where adjustment bill is not submitted within the prescribed time the entire amount of advance may be recovered in one lump immediately on the expiry of such time limit. Interest at the rate of 18% per annum will be charged on the entire amount of advance from the date of drawal to the date of recovery of the amount.
(1) The terms of contract must be precise, definite and without any ambiguities.
(2) Standard forms of contract should be adopted, wherever possible, with such modification as are considered necessary in respect of individual contracts.
(3) No work of any kind should be commenced without proper execution of an agreement.
(4) Contracts should include provision for payment of all applicable taxes by the contractor/ supplier.
(5) Lumpsum contracts should not be entered into except in cases of absolute necessity. Where lumpsum contracts become unavoidable, the contracting authority should ensure that the conditions in the lumsum contract adequately safeguard and protect the interests of the Council.
(6) Normally no extension of the scheduled delivery or completion dates should be granted except where events constituting force majeure, as provided in the contract, have occurred or the terms and conditions include such as provision for other reason. Extensions as provided in the contract may be allowed through formal amendments to the contract duly signed by parties to the contract.
(7) All contracts shall contain a provision for recovery of liquidated damages for defaults on the part of the contractor.
(8) A warranty clause should be incorporated in every contract requiring the supplier to, without charge repair or rectify defective goods or to replace such goods with similar goods free from defect. Any goods repaired or replaced by the supplier shall be delivered at the buyers premises without costs to the buyer.
(9) All contracts for supply of goods should reserve the right of the council to reject goods which do not conform to the specifications.
(1) Implementation of the contract should be strictly monitored and notices issued promptly whenever a breach of provisions occurs.
(2) Proper procedure for safe custody and monitoring of Bank guarantees or other instruments should be laid down. Extension of Bank
Guarantees or other instruments, wherever warranted, should be sought immediately whenever disputes arise during implementation of a contract, legal and financial advice should be sought before initiating further action.
80. Implementation of Civil Works Should be through Public Works Department of the Government or by Accredited Government Agencies. After Administrative Sanction from Competent Authority (Council or Government), the work should be carried out as per government guidelines for civil works. Agreement should be executed between Registrar and Competent Authority of the Accredited Government Agency, in case the work is awarded to such agency.
81. `
(1) All sanctions to refunds of revenue shall be regulated by the orders of the Registrar.
(2) The sanction to refund of revenue may either be given on the bill itself or quoted therein and a certified copy of the same attached to the bill in the latter case.
(3) Before a refund of revenue is made, the original demand and or realization, as the case may be, must be linked and a reference to the refund should be recorded against the original entry in the Cash Book or other documents so as to make the entertainment of a double or erroneous claim impossible.
Chapter XXXVII
82. The primary accounts of the State Medical Council shall unless otherwise directed by Government, be maintained in the following registers in the forms in use as in the Government of Kerala or as adapted to suit local conditions.
(1) Cash book
(2) Ledgers
(3) Stock Register of Receipt books
(4) Pay bill register
(5) Register of Valuables
(6) Register of Investments/Deposits
(7) Stock Register of Consumable Articles
(8) Stock Register of Non consumable articles
(9) Register of Provident Fund Accounts.
(10) Register for recording receipts.
(11) Register for recording expenditure.
(12) Log Book.
(13) Stock Register of Certificates (separate registers should be maintained for Modern medicine, Indian Systems of Medicine and Homoeopathic Medicine)
(14) Stock Register of Holograms.
(15) Any other register the maintenance of which is considered necessary in day-to-day work.
83. Unless otherwise provided in these rules or orders issued by Government, the provision of the Kerala Account Code, Kerala Treasury Code, Kerala Financial Code, Kerala Service Rules and Kerala State And Subordinate Services Rules shall mutatis mutandis apply to the incurring of expenditure, rendering of accounts etc.
[ See Rule 8, sub-rule (3)]
Nomination paper
Election under clause ........................................................ of sub-
section ...........................of Section.......................of the Kerala State Medical Practitioners' Act 2021 (Act 36 of 2021).
1. Name of candidate.
2. Father's Name.
3. Age.
4. Nature of qualification under Section.
5. Registration number of candidate.
6. Address with Revenue District.
7. Registration number, name and signature of proposer.
8. Registration number, name and signature of seconder.
I hereby declare that I am willing to serve as a Member of the Council of .................................................if I am elected. I am furnishing herewith receipt
No........................dated............... from the Registrar in token of having remitted Rs. 10,000/- towards deposit under rule 8 sub-rule (2).
Signature of Returning Officer.
Registration Certificate (Rule 37)
Kerala State Council of Modern Medicine
Registration Number & Date of Registration
Name :
Father/Guardian's Name :
Date of Birth :
Permanent Address :
Qualifications :
Year of completion of CRMI :
Name of the Medical College :
Name of the University :
I hereby certify that the name of the above medical graduate has been entered in the Kerala State Medical Register of Modern Medicine and She/He is entitled to practice Modern Medicine as per the Kerala State Medical Practitioners' Act, 2021.
Place Date: SL No:
Valid until
Information 1. Change of address must be communicated to the Registrar.
2. Additional Qualifications, if any, should be separately registered.
3. This Certificate is not transferable and the holder shall abide by the Code of
Ethics. practice.
4. This Certificate should be surrendered to the Council in case of cessation of
Kerala State Medical Councils, Redcross Road, Thiruvananthapuram 695035 Kerala, India Website:www.medicalcouncil.kerala.gov.in, Email:registrar.ksmc@kerala.gov.in, Phone:office-0471- 2557227
Registration Certificate (Rule 37)
Kerala State Council of Indian Systems of Medicine
Registration Number & Date of Registration
Name :
Father/Guardian's Name :
Date of Birth :
Permanent Address :
Qualifications :
Year of completion of Internship :
Name of the Medical College :
Name of the University :
I hereby certify that the name of the above medical graduate has been entered in the Kerala State Medical Register of Indian Systems of Medicine and She/He is entitled to practice Indian Systems of Medicine as per the Kerala State Medical Practitioners' Act, 2021.
Place Date: SL No:
Valid until
Information 1. Change of address must be communicated to the Registrar.
2. Additional Qualifications, if any, should be separately registered.
3. This Certificate is not transferable and the holder shall abide by the Code of
Ethics. practice.
4. This Certificate should be surrendered to the Council in case of cessation of
Kerala State Medical Councils, Redcross Road, Thiruvananthapuram 695035 Kerala, India Website:www.medicalcouncil.kerala.gov.in, Email:registrar.ksmc@kerala.gov.in, Phone:office-0471- 2557227
Registration Certificate (Rule 37)
Kerala State Council of Homoeopathic Medicine
Registration Number & Date of Registration
Name :
Father/Guardian's Name :
Date of Birth :
Permanent Address :
Qualifications :
Year of completion of Internship :
Name of the Medical College :
Name of the University :
I hereby certify that the name of the above medical graduate has been entered in the Kerala State Medical Register of Homoeopathic Medicine and She/He is entitled to practice Homoeopathic Medicine as per the Kerala State Medical Practitioners' Act, 2021.
Place Date: SL No:
Valid until
Information 1. Change of address must be communicated to the Registrar.
2. Additional Qualifications, if any, should be separately registered.
3. This Certificate is not transferable and the holder shall abide by the Code of
Ethics. practice.
4. This Certificate should be surrendered to the Council in case of cessation of
Kerala State Medical Councils, Redcross Road, Thiruvananthapuram 695035 Kerala, India Website:www.medicalcouncil.kerala.gov.in, Email:registrar.ksmc@kerala.gov.in, Phone:office-0471- 2557227
(See Rule 46(2))
Form for Complaint
1. Detail of the Complainant:
(a) Name :
(b) Address:
(c) Phone Number:
(d) Email ID:
(e) Identity card details :
2. Detail of the Medical Practitioner of Modern Medicine/Ayurveda/Sidha/Unani/Naturopathy/Homoeopathy against whom complaint is lodged:
(a) Name :
(b) Address: (i) present :
(ii) Permanent:
(c) Qualification:
(d) Phone Number, if any:
(e) Email ID, if any:
(f) State Registration Number :
3. Date and year of alleged misconduct:
4. Whether the Complainant has approached any other Forum in relation to the complaint?
5. Whether any court proceedings are pending connected with the alleged misconduct?
6. Documents if any relied upon by the Complainant (annex -copies):
7. Whether the applicant has any witness in support of his allegations? If so, give their names and address? :
8. Brief Facts with regard to alleged misconduct. :
9. Explanation for delay in filling the Complainant, if any. :
10. Any other relevant information with regard to the alleged misconduct.
Place Name :
Date Signature:
Enclosure: (a)
(See Rule 53(3)) Verification form for Restoration of Registration.
This is to verify that Dr ,
……who is known personally to me, had his registration with Kerala State Medical Councils and which was removed on Date.
KSMC registration number…………….
(See Rule 58(3))
Register of Receipt of Kerala State Medical Councils
Date | Receipt No. | From whom received | Head of Account __ ___ _ | Total of each receipt | Daily total carried over to cash book |
Date | Particulars as per Register of Receipts. | Amount | Head of Account | Date | Particulars as per payment register | Amount | Head of Account |
Total for the month Opening balance Grand total | Total for the month Closing balance |
Date | SI. No. of S. Vr. | to whom paid. | Particulars of payment | Amount | Remarks |
Total Balance Drawn from Bank as per Cheque No. dated (Cont. Bill No.) Total