Cash equalization amount Eksempelklausuler

Cash equalization amount. 13.2.1 If the conversion ratio does not correspond to a number of units in the Finnish Fund (where units are denominated in four decimals), the individual unit-holder in the Norwegian Fund will be paid the residual value in cash in ac- cordance with the principle in Section 5-1(2) of the Norwegian Securities Funds Act. A potential payment will oc- cur without undue delay and no later than within 10 business days. Payment will be made to the account regis- tered with the Management Company or, if the units are held through a nominee, with the nominee. If the units are held through a nominee, the Management Company will transfer a potential cash payment to the nominee, who will then distribute according to the underlying nominee register. Before any cash equalization amount is paid, the amount must be confirmed by an auditor. A potential cash equalization amount may be taxable for the individual unit-holder. It is, however, expected that the conversion ratio will correspond to a number of units in the Finnish Fund (where units are denominated in four decimals), and accordingly no such residual cash payments are expected. 14. EXERCISE OF RIGHTS AS UNIT-HOLDERS IN THE FINNISH FUND 14.1 After the units of the unit-holders in the Norwegian Fund have been converted to units in the Finnish Fund, the investors in the Norwegian Fund will become unit-holders in the Finnish Fund. The unit-holders will be able to ex- ercise their rights as unit-holders in the Finnish Fund on the first bank day after the merger. If the merger is com- pleted on the planned Effective date 6 December, the unit-holders may exercise their rights from and including Monday 9 December. 15. ENCOURAGEMENT TO READ THE KEY INFORMATION DOCUMENT 15.1 The unit-holders in the Norwegian Fund are encouraged to read the Key Information Document for unit class A in the Finnish Fund enclosed as appendix 2 to this document. 15.2 No terms or procedures in relation to the Finnish Fund differ from those commonly used in Finland. 16. CHANGES IN UNIT-HOLDERS' RIGHTS AS A RESULT OF THE MERGER 16.1 After becoming unit-holders in the Finnish Fund, the rights of the unit-holders in relation to the units will be gov- erned by the fund rules and the prospectus for the Finnish Fund and Finnish legislation. The unit-holders should especially note the following differences: Redemption and subscription The Finnish Fund is normally open to subscription and redemption daily, like the Norwegian Fund. However, t he Finnish Fun...
Cash equalization amount. 13.2.1 If the conversion ratio does not correspond to a number of units in the Finnish Fund (where units are denominated in four decimals), the individual unit-holder in the Norwegian Fund will be paid the residual value in cash in ac- cordance with the principle in Section 5-1(2) of the Norwegian Securities Funds Act. A potential payment will oc- cur without undue delay and no later than within 10 business days. Payment will be made to the account regis- tered with the Management Company or, if the units are held through a nominee, with the nominee. If the units are held through a nominee, the Management Company will transfer a potential cash payment to the nominee, who will then distribute according to the underlying nominee register. Before any cash equalization amount is paid, the amount must be confirmed by an auditor. A potential cash equalization amount may be taxable for the individual unit-holder. It is, however, expected that the conversion ratio will correspond to a number of units in the Finnish Fund (where units are denominated in four decimals), and accordingly no such residual cash payments are expected. 14. 14.1 EXERCISE OF RIGHTS AS UNIT-HOLDERS IN THE FINNISH FUND

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