1. Definisjoner
I disse vilkårene:
"Registrering" er prosessen på registreringsnettstedet for EPSON CoverPlus, der du angir aktiveringsnummeret etter, enten ved kjøp eller overdragelse, å ha inngått en avtale med Epson om et bestemt Epson CoverPlus-tjenesteprodukt underlagt disse vilkårene.
"Avtaleperioden" er tidsperioden fra datoen da Produktet ble kjøpt av den opprinnelige sluttbrukeren av Produktet, og frem til utløpsdatoen som er oppgitt i Beskrivelsen. Perioden løper ikke fra kjøpstidspunktet for en EPSON CoverPlus-pakke eller aktiveringskode og heller ikke fra utløpsdatoen for den kommersielle standardgarantien som Epson tilbyr for Produktet. Avtaleperioden kan også inneholde et maksimalt utskriftsvolum. I slike tilfeller er den relevante CoverPlus-pakken gyldig inntil det maksimale utskriftsvolumet eller det antallet år som er angitt i Beskrivelsen, alt etter hva som kommer først.
"Produktet" er modellen som er spesifisert i Beskrivelsen, av skriveren, skanneren eller maskinvareartikkelen fra EPSON, med serienummer som samsvarer med det som ble oppgitt under Registreringen, eller et erstatningsprodukt som Epson har levert i forbindelse med Tjenesten.
"Tjenesten" er tjenesten slik den beskrevet i "Veiledning til CoverPlus-tjenestenivå" som leveres av Epson eller Epsons underleverandør i Avtaleperioden. Tjenesten leverte overstyringer og råder over eventuelle standard garantiperioder eller tjenestenivå.
"Beskrivelsen" er oversikten over hovedelementene i Tjenesten (inkludert Avtaleperioden og typen Tjeneste) som leveres for det bestemte EPSON CoverPlus-tjenesteproduktet som velges under Registreringen.
“Epson” betyr selskapet i Epson-gruppen som opprinnelig tilbød EPSON CoverPlus-pakken eller aktiveringskoden som du kjøpte. Identiteten til det selskapet ble opplyst under registreringen. En liste over Epson-selskaper og adressene for eventuell korrespondanse om EPSON CoverPlus vises på slutten av dette dokumentet.
"EPSON" indikerer bruk av et registrert varemerke som tilhører Seiko Epson Corporation i Japan.
2. Produktet CoverPlus-tjenesten dekker
I Avtaleperioden leverer Epson eller Epsons underleverandør Tjenesten til deg i tilknytning til Produktet. Tjenesten tilbys bare for Produktet og ikke for noe annet produkt.
3. Tjenesten som leveres
Hovedelementene i Tjenesten samt type og nivå som Epson tilbyr, er angitt i Beskrivelsen. Du finner mer informasjon om type og tjenestenivå i Tillegg 1 "Veiledning til CoverPlus-tjenestenivå". Med forbehold om hvilke spesifikke hovedelementer Tjenesten omfatter (som varierer fra ett EPSON CoverPlus-tjenesteprodukt), samsvarer Tjenesten med det som er beskrevet i disse vilkårene.
Når Tjenesten leveres, omfatter den, etter Epsons eget skjønn, justeringer, reparasjon eller erstatning av Produktet.
Justeringer eller reparasjoner gjennomføres, slik at Produktets ytelse etter justeringen eller reparasjonen står i forhold til alder og bruk. Erstatningsprodukter kan være reparerte enheter.
Dersom det tilbys et erstatningsprodukt, overføres den gjenværende delen av Avtaleperioden, og utskriftsvolumet til erstatningsproduktet.
4. Bruk av Tjenesten
For å be om reparasjon eller erstatning av Produktet i henhold til denne Tjenesten kontakter du Epsons lokale kundestøtte per telefon. Før du tar kontakt, bør du først gå gjennom de anbefalte kontrollspørsmålene på Epsons nettsted for kundestøtte på xxx.xxxxx.xx/xxxxxxx . Her finner du også informasjon om den aktuelle kundestøtteavdelingen i landet der Produktet brukes.
Epson Remote Service. For at du skal kunne administrere Epson CoverPlus-tjenesteproduktet ditt eksternt, kan du registrere det på xxx.xxxxx.xx/xxxxxxx eller spørre en autorisert Epson-partner. Epson Remote Service er obligatorisk for enkelte oppdateringspakker. Disse er angitt i Veiledning til CoverPlus-tjenestenivå.
5. Ditt ansvar
Hvis utførelsen av Tjenesten omfatter bruk av Produktet mens det er koblet til et datasystem, datalagringsutstyr eller annet utstyr, må du sikkerhetskopiere registre, informasjon, filer, driftsprogramvare, brukerprogramvare, data og annet innhold på systemet før du gir samtykke til at servicearbeidet utføres, for å unngå at data går tapt. Dette er en forutsetning for at Epson utfører Tjenesten.
Hvis noe skulle slettes fra eller ødelegges i systemet eller utstyret som et direkte eller indirekte resultat av utførelsen av Tjenesten, sikrer dette at du (og/eller eierne og brukerne av systemet eller utstyret) har kopier som kan erstatte innholdet som er gått tapt.
6. Begrensninger i Standard CoverPlus
Tjenesten tilbys bare når Produktet ikke fungerer i henhold til spesifikasjonene. EPSON CoverPlus- avtalen og Tjenesten dekker ikke:
oppsett av Produktet på bruksstedet eller produktstøtte.
rutinemessig vedlikehold, rengjøring og utskifting av rekvisita (f.eks. blekkpatroner og lamper) som er beskrevet i brukerhåndboken for Produktet.
kalibrering av andre produkter som eventuelt kobles til eller brukes sammen med Produktet. Epson tar heller ikke ansvar for Produktets ytelse når det brukes sammen med annet utstyr eller annen programvare.
utskifting av deler (ut over det som spesifikt er oppgitt i Beskrivelsen) som normalt må skiftes ut i løpet av Produktets levetid, eller utskifting av komponenter i Produktet som på grunn av graden av bruk og slitasje har nådd slutten av normal levetid.
Enkelte pakker kan omfatte delene over og vedlikeholdstjenester. Dette blir tydelig angitt i beskrivelsen av pakken som blir kjøpt, og et sammendrag av de aktuelle tjenestene finnes i veiledningen for CoverPlus-tjenestenivå.
Tjenesten leveres ikke hvis problemet, etter Epsons oppfatning, skyldes:
eksterne skader
annen bruk enn den som er spesifisert av produsenten, som har det siste ordet i slike spørsmål.
bruk av tilbehør, deler eller rekvisita som ikke er produsert eller godkjent av EPSON.
modifisering av Produktet.
at drivere eller annen programvare som ble levert sammen med Produktet, er modifisert eller korrigert. Slike endringer er underlagt lisensen som følger med programvaren, og ligger utenfor Tjenestens omfang.
uautorisert eller ukyndig reparasjon eller forsøk på reparasjon.
misbruk, overdreven eller uegnet bruk eller bruk i uheldige eller unormale miljøer.
bruk av Produktet sammen med maskinvare eller brukerprogramvare som ikke er levert av Epson.
7. Forespørsler som Tjenesten ikke dekker
EPSON CoverPlus-tjenesten tilbys bare for Produktet. Hvis du leverer inn et annet produkt (eller et produkt der serienummeret er fjernet eller klusset med) for reparasjon eller erstatning, eller hvis feilen ikke er riktig fremstilt og ikke dekkes av Tjenesten, utføres ikke Tjenesten, og Epson belaster deg eventuelle kostnader som er påløpt. Dersom disse kostnadene ikke betales innen 28 dager, sies avtalen opp, og Produktet er ikke lenger dekket.
8. Personopplysninger
For å registrere deg for Epson Coverplus vil Epson be deg om å oppgi personopplysninger, for eksempel etternavn, adresse, e-postadresse og telefonnummer (for å kontrollere dataene som Epson samler inn). Disse opplysningene er nødvendige for Epson for å kunne tilby tjenesten som beskrevet i disse vilkårene.
Med ditt samtykke kan Xxxxx bruke personopplysningene dine til å kontakte deg vedrørende din bruk av tjenesten, for å gjennomføre undersøkelser vedrørende tjenesten og andre skriverprodukter fra Epson og for å sende deg annonser fra Epson. Epson gir deg muligheten til å velge bort alt kommersielt innhold fra Epson. Hvis du vil ha mer informasjon, kan du finne mer informasjon i Epsons personvernerklæring.
9. Epsons ansvar
Hvis Produktet påføres skader som et direkte resultat av forsømmelse hos Epson eller Epsons underleverandør i utførelsen av Tjenesten, skal Epson reparere eller erstatte Produktet. Hvis annen eiendom som tilhører deg, påføres skade som et direkte resultat av forsømmelse hos Epson eller Epsons underleverandør, betaler Epson opptil EUR 500 000 for reparasjon av eiendommen eller erstatter den med eiendom med tilsvarende alder, stand og spesifikasjoner.
Dersom forsømmelse hos Epson (eller Epsons ansatte eller underleverandør som deltar i leveringen av Tjenesten) resulterer i at Epson eller Epsons underleverandør forårsaker personskade eller død, har Xxxxx ansvaret for dette.
Hvis data (slik dette er spesifisert i avsnitt 5) i systemet ditt rammes som et direkte resultat av forsømmelse under Epsons utførelse av Tjenesten, skal Epson forsøke å gjenopprette de berørte dataene fra sikkerhetskopiene du har tatt (i tråd med vilkårene ovenfor). Du kan alternativt selv gjenopprette disse dataene mot en rimelig kompensasjon fra Epson. Epson påtar seg ikke annet ansvar eller erstatningsansvar for skadde, ødelagte eller forsvunne data du ikke har en fungerende sikkerhetskopi av, for økonomisk tap som skyldes slike skader, ødeleggelser eller tap, eller når du ikke har tatt pålagte sikkerhetskopier.
Xxxxx påtar seg ikke ansvar ut over dette. Særlig påtar Xxxxx seg ikke ansvar (knyttet til kontraktsbrudd, forsømmelse eller annet) for indirekte tap eller skade, manglende mulighet til å bruke Produktet eller andre artikler eller tapt salg eller fortjeneste eller tapte muligheter. Hvis du tror at manglende levering av Tjenesten fra Epson kan påføre deg tap av denne typen, og det er viktig for deg å beskytte deg mot dette, bør du enten tegne forsikring eller kontakte Xxxxx for å diskutere individuelle vilkår til en høyere pris.
10. Disse vilkårene gjelder for CoverPlus
Dette dokumentet inneholder alle vilkårene i avtalen mellom deg og Epson. Ingen andre vilkår eller garantier gjelder for avtalen eller inkluderes ved implikasjon (unntatt eventuelle impliserte vilkår fra vedtekter som ikke kan ekskluderes). Tjenesten skal leveres i tråd med det som er beskrevet i dette dokumentet, og du skal ikke basere deg på fremstillinger som antyder noe annet.
Særskilte vilkår: EPSON CoverPlus omtales, av Epson og andre, i markedsføring og annet materiell, som "utvidet garanti" eller utvidelse av Epsons kommersielle standardgaranti. Dette er en forenklet beskrivelse, og EPSON CoverPlus-avtalen og Tjenesten som leveres i henhold til avtalen, eksisterer uavhengig av slike kommersielle garantier. Tjenesten som leveres i Avtaleperioden, minner om dem som tilbys, vanligvis med kortere varighet, underlagt Epsons kostnadsfrie kommersielle garanti. Tjenesten i EPSON CoverPlus-avtalen leveres i henhold til, og bare i henhold til, vilkårene som er fastsatt i dette dokumentet, og ikke gjennom henvisninger til formuleringer i kommersielle garantier fra Epson.
11. Om denne avtalen
EPSON CoverPlus er en avtale mellom deg og Epson om levering av spesifikke tjenester når Produktet ikke fungerer eller ikke fungerer i tråd med spesifikasjonene. Denne avtalen påfører ikke Xxxxx annet ansvar knyttet til mangler ved Produktet ut over å tilby Tjenesten i tråd med det som er beskrevet. Avtalen er ikke en forsikringsavtale. Den representerer heller ingen garanti eller andre løfter om at Produktet ikke kommer til å ha mangler, at det tilfredsstiller bestemte kvalitetsstandarder, eller at det alltid kommer til å fungere i tråd med spesifikasjonene. I så måte gir avtalen ingen rettigheter ut over dem du fikk på tidspunktet da du kjøpte Produktet. Avtalen har ikke innvirkning på eksisterende juridiske rettigheter du har overfor personen som leverte Produktet, eller overfor Epson (i henhold til en kommersiell garanti fra Epson eller på andre måter).
12. Tolkning og jurisdiksjon
Med unntak av land der lovgivningen uten unntak pålegger at denne avtalen er underlagt det juridiske systemet i det aktuelle landet, skal avtalen tolkes i henhold til lovgivningen i Storbritannia. Dette dokumentet er utarbeidet på engelsk av Epson for bruk i EMEA-området. Oversettelse til andre språk har en rent praktisk funksjon og skal ikke ha noen innvirkning på tolkningen av det engelske dokumentet, som representerer den reelle avtalen.
Du finner adresser og kontaktinformasjon til lokale salgsselskaper på xxx.xxxxx.xx/xxxxxxx der det er en lister over land. Velg ditt land eller region for å gå til din lokale støtteside.
Hvis du vil ha fullstendige beskrivelser av den tilgjengelige tjenesten og tjenestenivåer, kan du se veiledningen for CoverPlus-tjenestenivå.
Service level guide
How to use this service
The following tables describe the services offered when a CoverPlus support pack has been purchased.
CoverPlus is the name for all post-sales support options to extend the standard warranty supplied, and to also add extra services like maintenance, installation or upgrade a standard warranty on Epson products. To be able to see what service level and what is included in a customer’s CoverPlus, the SKU is created with a system that indicates the duration and type of service the customer has purchased. This is in addition to the description also provided.
Please note not all services described are available in all Epson EMEAR regions. Please refer to your local support teams for more information.
For terms and conditions please refer to your local Epson website or helpdesk who will be able to provide them. In order to explain we will use a CoverPlus SKU number as an example:
SKU | C | P | 0 | 3 | R | T | B | S | C | C | 7 | 0 |
CoverPlus | Term description Duration 3 years | Service description by product type Service type delivered | Unique reference | |||||||||
Digit | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 |
Term description
Extended warranty duration example
When a CoverPlus is purchased the service provided overrides the standard warranty.
The service applied from Year 1 will be the service described on the pack. When describing the contract length this includes any standard warranty period: for example a 3-year contract length CoverPlus will include in its term the standard warranty year(s) and any extended warranty period to 3 years in total.
Standard Warranty + Extended warranty = Term indicated on CoverPlus pack.
All products the CoverPlus is being registered to must be in a working condition and within their product lifetime
specified in the product specifications.
1 2
In order to explain we will use a CoverPlus SKU number as an example:
SKU | 0 | 3 | ||||||||||
Term description Duration 3 years | ||||||||||||
Digit | 3 | 4 |
R T B S C C 7 0
Service description by product type
Service type delivered Unique reference
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Service description
Service type example
The four characters here describe the type of service being delivered which have specific terms, all of which are explained by using the lookup table on the following pages. For example, RTBS stands for Return To Base Service where the customer sends or takes the faulty product into an Epson repair centre and the product is repaired and returned by courier. Other examples are OSSE which stands for On Site Service Engineer where a service engineer visits the customer's premises and fixes the product onsite.
There are many other types of service delivered, so please use the following pages based on the product type to get the details of the service level and service delivery type.
C P 0 3
CoverPlus Term description
Duration 3 years
1 2 3 4
C C 7 0
Unique reference
9 10 11 12
In order to explain we will use a CoverPlus SKU number as an example:
SKU | R | T | B | S | ||||||||
Service description by product type Service type delivered | ||||||||||||
Digit | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
Contract length
SKU Description
Additional notes
1 year extension | 1E | Provides an additional 1-year service adding on to the last warranty expiration date on the Epson service system. The pack can be applied up to the 5th year of service to extend to a maximum of 6 years in total. | Can only be purchased and registered within 30 days of the existing warranty expiring. Pack can only extend the product warranty up to a maximum of 6 years in total from the first registration of the product. |
2 year extension | 02 | Provides 2 years in total from the original product installation date the CoverPlus pack is being registered against. | For newly installed product. If the product is more than 8 months old the customer may be required to provide proof of purchase to verify their installation date. |
3 year extension | 03 | Provides 3 years in total from the original product installation date the CoverPlus pack is being registered against. | For newly installed product. If the product is more than 8 months old the customer may be required to provide proof of purchase to verify their installation date. |
4 years extension | 04 | Provides 4 years in total from the original product installation date the CoverPlus pack is being registered against. | For newly installed product. If the product is more than 8 months old the customer may be required to provide proof of purchase to verify their installation date. |
5 year extension | 05 | Provides 5 years in total from the original product installation date the CoverPlus pack is being registered against. | For newly installed product. If the product is more than 8 months old the customer may be required to provide proof of purchase to verify their installation date. |
4th year extension | 4E | Provides a additional 1-year service adding on to year 3 of a existing Epson extended warranty. | Can only be purchased and registered on Epson Products within their existing 3-year warranty term. Product must be in a working condition and within its product lifetime specified in the product specifications. |
4/5 year extension | 45 | Provides a additional 2-year service adding on to year 3 of a existing Epson extended warranty. | Can only be purchased and registered on Epson Products within their existing 3-year warranty term. Product must be in a working condition and within its product lifetime specified in the product specifications. |
5th year extension | 5E | Provides a additional 1-year service adding on to year 4 of a existing Epson extended warranty. | Can only be purchased and registered on Epson Products within their existing 4-year warranty term. Product must be in a working condition and within its product lifetime specified in the product specifications. |
One-time event | OT/1T | Provides a one-time service such as installation, maintenance, training or fiscal printer inspection. To book please call your local Epson support centre. | To book please call your local Epson support centre who will be able to help with booking the service. Repair is guaranteed for 3 months for failure to the items replaced only, any repair not associated with the original fault may incur another charge. |
Service descriptions by product type
Service type delivered
Term description
Duration 3 years
Term description
Unique reference
CoverPlus Packs can only be purchased up to 8 months after the EPSON product it will be registered against was purchased.
For the CoverPlus Extension packs 1E/ 4E/ 45/ 5E these can only be purchased for a EPSON product while it is still in standard or extended warranty.
Epson CoverPlus Service Level Guide 04
service type description
CoverPlus Packs only Packs available Labour
descriptions by for Epson for Epson product range servicing reseller &
reseller end-user
parts included
Maintenance* Maintenance* Heads Standard Additional terms
and lifetime and lifetime included*** response time**
parts included parts included
except feed rollers and filters
days /hrs
subject to parts available
OSSE | Onsite engineer | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | 2 days | Engineer will visit the site and repair the product at its installation site. | |||
4HMF / OS4H | Onsite engineer 4Hr M/F | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | 4Hrs | Onsite service, target is for an engineer to be onsite to repair the customer's product within 4 hours of a call being received Monday to Friday. Limited to non-remote locations**. | |||
4HWE | Onsite engineer 4Hr WE | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | 4Hrs | Onsite service reseller, target is for an engineer to be onsite to repair the customer's product within 4 hours of a call being received Monday to Sunday. Limited to non-remote locations**. | |||
OSSW | Onsite double swap | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | 2 days | Faulty unit is swapped with a temporary product of equivalent age and condition, the original unit is then taken away for repair and returned and installed and the temporary unit removed. | |||
OS** | CP+ onsite | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | 2 days | Engineer will visit the site and repair the product at its installation site. OS** last 2 digits depend on the print volume selected. | ||
OSA* | CP+ lite onsite | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | 2 days | Engineer will visit the site and repair the product at its installation site. OSA* last digit depend on the print volume selected. | ||
OSSW | Onsite swap | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | 2 days | Product is swapped onsite with a refurbished product of similar condition and age (DACH territories the unit is picked up onsite by Epson and repaired and the original unit returned to the customer site). | |||
OSSE | Onsite engineer excluding heads | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | 2 days | Heads are not included in this pack except for the standard warranty period where they are covered. | ||||
OSRP | Onsite reseller | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | 2 days | Packs available to Epson Authorised servicing resellers only. | |||
SP** | Parts warranty/ spares only | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | 2 days | Packs available to Epson Authorised servicing resellers only. SP** last 2 digits depend on print volume selected. | ||||
SP** | Part warranty + | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | 2 days | Packs available to Epson Authorised servicing resellers only. | |||
SP0* | Part warranty + lite | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | 2 days | Packs available to Epson Authorised servicing resellers only. SP0* last digit depends on print volume pack selected. | |||
RTBS | Return to base | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | 5 days | Customer sends or takes the faulty product into an Epson repair centre and the product is repaired and returned by courier. Response time is from the date the unit is received at the repair centre to the date it leaves and does not include any transportation time. It is the customer's responsibility to drop in or send the product into the repair centre, Epson will then repair and return the product or advise of any other steps. | |||
OSCH / EPSF | Fixed price repair onsite | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | 2 days | Fixed price repair with 30 days warranty on items repaired. After purchase please contact your local EPSON helpdesk to book the service. | |||
INS* | Installation | ✓ | ✓ | After purchase please contact your local EPSON helpdesk to book the service, installation of hardware only. | ||||||
OSMK | Maintenance pack/life extension kit | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | Fixed price fitting of maintenance parts and resetting of any maintenance counters. After purchase please contact your local EPSON helpdesk to book the service. | |||||
TRAI | Training | ✓ | ✓ | After purchase please contact your local EPSON helpdesk to book the service. |
SKU C P 0 3
CoverPlus Term description
Duration 3 years
Digit 1 2 3 4
C C 7 0
Unique reference
9 10 11 12
Service descriptions by product type
Service type delivered
Service descriptions by product
Inkjet CoverPlus
*Maintenance parts are parts that have a lifetime and may require replacing, they are defined in the end user guides or you can find out the parts and their lifetime by calling your local EPSON support desk xxxxx://xxx.xxxxx.xx/xxxxxxx. CoverPlus does not cover replacement of items designated as maintenance items or life parts that have reached the end of their life unless they are specified as being included.
**Response times are targets that EPSON work to and are not a guarantee of service unless specifically stated in the terms and conditions and are subject to a cut-off time of 15.00 to book a service call.
The service varies according to your location and not all service types are available in all countries please check with the local Epson service team.
***Replacement of heads has a fair usage limitation of 1 set of heads per year of the product maximum unless specifically stated otherwise in the full description of the service.
For products that are supplied with a scanner option the warranty for the main unit will cover the scanner, for products where the scanner is purchased later and added as a option a separate warranty pack for the scanner will need to be purchased. The service varies according to your location and not all service types are available in all countries please check with the local Epson service team.
Epson CoverPlus Service Level Guide 05
R | T | B | S | |||||||||
Service descriptions by product type Service type delivered | ||||||||||||
5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
SKU service type description | CoverPlus descriptions by product range | Labour | Warranty parts included | Maintenance* and lifetime parts included | Heads included*** | Response time** working days subject to parts available | Additional terms |
Laser Printer | |||||||
OSSE | Onsite Engineer | ✓ | ✓ | 2 | Engineer will visit the site and repair the product at its installation site. | ||
OSSW | Onsite Swap | ✓ | ✓ | 2 | Product is swapped onsite with a refurbished product (DACH territories the unit is picked up onsite by Epson and repaired and returned to the customer site). | ||
RTBS | Return to Base | ✓ | ✓ | 5 | Customer sends or takes the faulty product into an Epson repair centre and the product is repaired and returned by courier. Response time is from the date the unit is received at the repair centre to the date it leaves and does not include any transportation time. It is the customer's responsibility to drop in or send the product into the repair centre. Epson will then repair and return the product or advise of any other steps. | ||
OS** | Fixed price repair Onsite | ✓ | ✓ | 2 | Fixed price repair with 30 days warranty on items repaired. After purchase please contact your local EPSON helpdesk to book the service. | ||
OSA* | Installation | ✓ | After purchase please contact your local EPSON helpdesk to book the service. | ||||
OSMK | Maintenance pack | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | Fixed price fitting of maintenance parts and resetting of any maintenance counters. After purchase please contact your local EPSON helpdesk to book the service. | ||
TRAI | Training | ✓ | After purchase please contact your local EPSON helpdesk to book the service. | ||||
Dot Matrix Printer | |||||||
OSSE | Onsite Engineer | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | 2 | Engineer will visit the site and repair the product at customer’s location. | |
OSSW | Onsite Double swap | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | 2 | Faulty unit is swapped with a temporary product and then swapped again with the original product after being repaired. | |
OSSW | Onsite Swap | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | 2 | Product is swapped onsite with a refurbished product (DACH territories the unit is picked up onsite by Epson and repaired and returned to the customer site. | |
RTBS | Return to Base | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | 5 | Customer sends or takes the faulty product into an Epson repair centre and the product is repaired and returned by courier. Response time is from the date the unit is received at the repair centre to the date it leaves and does not include any transportation time. It is the customer’s responsibility to drop in or send the product into the repair centre Epson will then repair and return the product or advise of any other steps. | |
OSCH / EPSF | Fixed price repair Onsite | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | 2 | Fixed price repair with 30 days warranty on items repaired. After purchase please contact your local EPSON helpdesk to book the service. | |
INS* | Installation | ✓ | After purchase please contact your local EPSON helpdesk to book the service. | ||||
TRAI | Training | ✓ | After purchase please contact your local EPSON helpdesk to book the service. | ||||
OSMK | Maintenance pack | ✓ | ✓ | Fixed price fitting of maintenance parts and resetting of any maintenance counters. After purchase please contact your local EPSON helpdesk to book the service. |
SKU C P 0 3
CoverPlus Term description
Duration 3 years
Digit 1 2 3 4
C C 7 0
Unique reference
9 10 11 12
Service descriptions by product
Laser and Dot Matrix CoverPlus
*Maintenance parts are parts that have a lifetime and may require replacing, they are defined in the end user guides or you can find out the parts and their lifetime by calling your local EPSON support desk xxxxx://xxx.xxxxx.xx/xxxxxxx. CoverPlus does not cover replacement of items designated as maintenance items or life parts that have reached the end of their life unless they are specified.
**Response times are targets that EPSON work to and are not a guarantee of service unless specifically stated in the terms and conditions and are subject to a cut-off time of 15.00 to book a service call.
***Replacement of heads has a fair usage limitation of 1 set of heads per year of the product maximum unless specifically stated otherwise in the full description of the service. The service varies according to your location and not all service types are available in all
countries please check with the local Epson service team
Epson CoverPlus Service Level Guide 06
R | T | B | S | |||||||||
Service descriptions by product type Service type delivered | ||||||||||||
5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
SKU service type description | CoverPlus descriptions by product range | Labour | Warranty parts included | Lamp standard warranty length and usage only | ****Lamp warranty extended claim period | ***Unlimited lamp | *Response time working days subject to parts available | Additional terms |
OSSE | Onsite engineer | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | 2 | Engineer will visit the site and repair the product at its installation site. | ||
OSSP | Onsite double swap | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | 2 | Faulty unit is swapped with a temporary product of equivalent age and condition, the original unit is then taken away for repair and returned and installed and the temporary unit removed. | ||
OSSW | Onsite swap | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | 2 | Product is swapped onsite with a new or refurbished product of similar condition (DACH territories the unit is picked up onsite by Epson and repaired and the original unit returned to the customer site). | ||
OSSL | Onsite engineer including lamp | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | 2 | Engineer will visit the site and repair the product at the customer's location. The lamp is included and will be replaced if it has failed within the stated lamp warranty life hours for the duration of the term of the contract. | ||
OSA* | Onsite double swap including lamp | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | 2 | Engineer will visit the site and repair the product at the customer's location. The lamp is included and will be replaced if it has failed within the stated lamp warranty life hours for the duration of the term of the contract. | ||
OSSW | Onsite swap including lamp | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | 2 | Product is swapped onsite with a new or refurbished product of similar condition (DACH territories the unit is picked up onsite by Epson and repaired and the original unit returned to the customer site). The lamp is included and will be replaced if it has failed within the stated lamp warranty life hours for the duration of the term of the contract. If the lamp is replaced the lamp hours warranty will reset to the original contracted hours until the original product installation date has exceeded the life in years. A fair usage policy also applies which means that the lamps provided will not total more than the life of the projector divided by the low brightness lamp life. | ||
ULPW | Onsite engineer unlimited lamp | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | 2 | Engineer will visit the site and repair the product at its installation site. The lamp is included and will be replaced when it has failed or reached its stated end of life for the duration of the contract. Unlimited lamp pack has a fair usage policy which means that the lamps provided will not total more than the life of the projector divided by the low brightness lamp life. | ||
OSUL | Onsite swap unlimited lamp | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | 2 | Product is swapped onsite with a refurbished product. The lamp is included and will be replaced when it has failed or reached its stated end of life for the duration of the contract (DACH territories the unit is picked up onsite by Epson and repaired and the original unit returned to the customer site). Unlimited lamp pack has a fair usage policy which means that the lamps provided will not total more than the life of the projector divided by the low brightness lamp life. | ||
RTBS | Return to base | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | 5 | Customer sends or takes the faulty product into an Epson repair centre and the product is repaired and returned by courier. Response time is from the date the unit is received at the repair centre to the date it leaves and does not include any transportation time. It is the customer's responsibility to drop in or send the product into the repair centre. Epson will then repair and return the product or advise of any other steps. | ||
RTBL | Return to base including lamp | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | 5 | Customer sends or take the faulty product into an Epson repair centre and the product is repaired and returned by courier. Response time is from the date the unit is received at the repair centre to the date it leaves and does not include any transportation time. The lamp is included and will be replaced when it has failed before its stated warranty xxxxx.Xx is the customer's responsibility to drop in or send the product into the repair centre. EPSON will then repair and return the product or advise of any other steps. | ||
RTUL | Return to base unlimited lamp | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | 5 | The customer sends or takes the product into an Epson repair centre and the product will be repaired and then returned by courier. Response time is from the date the unit is received at the repair centre to the date it leaves and does not include any transportation time. The lamp is included and will be replaced when it has failed or reached its stated end of life for the duration of the contract. Unlimited lamp pack has a fair usage policy which means that the lamps provided will not total more than the life of the projector divided by the low brightness lamp life. | ||
OSMK | Maintenance | ✓ | ✓ | Fixed price fitting of maintenance parts and resetting of any counters and cleaning of the optical engine. | ||||
INS* | Installation | ✓ | After purchase please contact your local EPSON helpdesk to book the service. | |||||
TRAI | Training | ✓ | After purchase please contact your local EPSON helpdesk to book the service. | |||||
LWP1 | Lamp pack | ✓ | This pack can be used to provide extended warranty on the lamp only to increase the claim period but not the stated lamp warranty life hours for the duration of the standard or extended warranty on the projector. Lamp needs to be fitted by the customer and will be delivered by courier or engineer. |
SKU C P 0 3
CoverPlus Term description
Duration 3 years
Digit 1 2 3 4
C C 7 0
Unique reference
9 10 11 12
Service descriptions by product
Projection CoverPlus
*Maintenance parts are parts that have a lifetime and may require replacing. They are defined in the end user guides or you can find out the parts and their lifetime by calling your local EPSON support desk xxxxx://xxx.xxxxx.xx/xxxxxxx. CoverPlus does not cover replacement of items designated as maintenance items or life parts that have reached the end of their life unless they are specified.
**Response times are targets that EPSON work to and are not a guarantee of service unless specifically stated in the terms and conditions and are subject to a cut-off time of 15.00 to book a service call. The service varies according to your location
and not all service types are available in all countries please check with the local Epson service team.
***Unlimited lamp pack has a fair usage policy which means that the lamps provided will not total more than the life of the projector divided by the low brightness lamp life.
****Lamp pack has a fair usage policy which means that the lamps provided will not total more than the life of the projector divided by the low brightness lamp life.
Epson CoverPlus Service Level Guide 07
R | T | B | S | |||||||||
Service descriptions by product type Service type delivered | ||||||||||||
5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
SKU service type description | CoverPlus descriptions by product range | Labour | Warranty parts included | Response time* working days subject to parts available | Additional terms |
OSSE | Onsite engineer | ✓ | ✓ | 2 | Engineer will visit the site and repair the product. |
OSSW | Onsite swap | ✓ | ✓ | 2 | Product is swapped onsite with a refurbished product. |
RTBS | Return to base | ✓ | ✓ | 5 | Customer sends or takes the faulty product into an Epson repair centre and the product is repaired and returned by courier. Response time is from the date the unit is received at the repair centre to the date it leaves and does not include any transportation time. It is the customer's responsibility to drop in or send the product into the repair centre. Epson will then repair and return the product or advise of any other steps. |
OSCH / EPSF | Fixed price repair onsite | ✓ | ✓ | 2 | Fixed price rate depend on product and type of service requested |
INS* | Installation | ✓ | After purchase please contact your local EPSON helpdesk to book the service | ||
TRAI | Training | ✓ | After purchase please contact your local EPSON helpdesk to book the service |
SKU C P 0 3
CoverPlus Term description
Duration 3 years
Digit 1 2 3 4
C C 7 0
Unique reference
9 10 11 12
Service descriptions by product
Scanners CoverPlus
*Maintenance parts are parts that have a lifetime and may require replacing, they are defined in the end user guides or you can find out the parts and their lifetime by calling your local EPSON support desk xxxxx://xxx.xxxxx.xx/xxxxxxx. CoverPlus does not cover replacement of items designated as maintenance items or life parts that have reached the end of their life unless they are specified.
**Response times are targets that Epson work to and are not a guarantee of service unless specifically stated in the terms and conditions and are subject to a cut-off time of 15.00 to book a service call.
Epson CoverPlus Service Level Guide 08
R | T | B | S | |||||||||
Service descriptions by product type Service type delivered | ||||||||||||
5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
SKU service type description | CoverPlus descriptions by product range | Labour | Warranty parts included | Maintenance and lifetime parts included | Heads included*** | Response time* working days subject to parts available | Additional terms |
Retail Thermal and Inkjet Label printers | |||||||
OSSE | Onsite engineer | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | 2 | Engineer will visit the site and repair the product. | |
OSSW | Onsite swap | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | 2 | Product is swapped onsite with a refurbished product (DACH territories the unit is picked up onsite by Epson and repaired and returned to the customer site. | |
OSSP | Onsite double swap | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | 2 | Faulty unit is swapped with a temporary product of equivalent age and condition, the original unit is then taken away for repair and returned and installed and the temporary unit removed. | |
OSMK | Onsite engineer 1-2 maintenance Kit | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | 2 | CoverPlus Onsite service, target is for an engineer to be onsite to repair the product within 2 days of call being received. This pack also covers the fitting of 1 or 2 maintenance kits during the extended warranty period depending on the pack purchased. To book the maintenance kit fitting please contact your local EPSON helpdesk. |
RTBS | Return to base | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | 5 | Customer sends or take the faulty product into an Epson repair centre and the product is repaired and returned by courier. Response time is from the date the unit is received at the repair centre to the date it leaves and does not include any transportation time. It is the customer's responsibility to drop in or send the product into the repair centre. Epson will then repair and return the product or advise of any other steps. | |
OSCH / EPSF | Fixed price repair onsite | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | 2 | Fixed price repair guaranteed for 1 year on the parts fixed. Epson reserves the right to charge for any unassociated faults. | |
INS* | Installation | ✓ | After purchase please contact your local EPSON helpdesk to book the service. | ||||
Fiscal Printers | |||||||
OSMK | Installation | ✓ | After purchase please contact your local EPSON helpdesk to book the service. | ||||
TRAI | Training | ✓ | After purchase please contact your local EPSON helpdesk to book the service. | ||||
FCDA | Fiscal one-time inspection | ✓ | After purchase please contact your local EPSON helpdesk to book the service. | ||||
FDIN | Fiscal installation / deinstallation | ✓ | After purchase please contact your local EPSON helpdesk to book the service. | ||||
FAAM | 3 year onsite service with 3 annual checks Mon–Fri | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | 3-year onsite service with 3 annual checks Monday – Friday. 1 annual check for every year contracted. | ||
FA3S | 3 year onsite service with 3 annual checks Mon–Sat | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | 3-year onsite service with 3 annual checks Monday – Saturday. 1 annual check for every year contracted. | ||
FA3M | Fiscal annual check | ✓ | Fiscal annual printer check and maintenance. 1 annual check for every year contracted. | ||||
FAAS | Fiscal and extended warranty | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | 2 | Provides a warranty repair cover and an additional scheduled fiscal visit per year for the term of the contract. | |
OSMK | Maintenance pack/ life extension Kit | ✓ | ✓ | Fixed price fitting of maintenance parts and resetting of any maintenance counters. After purchase please contact your local EPSON helpdesk to book the service |
SKU C P 0 3
CoverPlus Term description
Duration 3 years
Digit 1 2 3 4
C C 7 0
Unique reference
9 10 11 12
Service descriptions by product
Disc Producers / POS printers / Colorworks label printers CoverPlus
*Maintenance parts are parts that have a lifetime and may require replacing, they are defined in the end user guides or you can find out the parts and their lifetime by calling your local EPSON support desk xxxxx://xxx.xxxxx.xx/xxxxxxx. CoverPlus does not cover replacement of items designated as maintenance items or life parts that have reached the end of their life unless they are specified.
**Response times are targets that Epson work to and are not a guarantee of service unless specifically stated in the terms and conditions and are subject to a cut-off time of 15.00 to book a service call.
***Replacement of heads has a fair usage limitation of 1 set of heads per year of the product maximum unless specifically stated otherwise in the full description of the service. The service varies according to your location and not all service
types are available in all countries please check with the local Epson service team.
Epson CoverPlus Service Level Guide 09
SKU | C | P | 0 | 3 | R | T | B | S | C | C | 7 | 0 |
Digit | CoverPlus | Term description Duration 3 years | Service descriptions by product type Service type delivered | Unique reference | ||||||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 |
SKU service type description | CoverPlus descriptions by product range | Labour | Warranty parts included | Maintenance and lifetime parts included | Response time* working days subject to parts available | Additional terms |
RTBM | Return to base including misuse and abuse | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | 2 | Customer sends or takes the faulty product into an Epson service centre. Includes parts broken by abuse/misuse. Target turn around time is 5 working days from receipt of product. The repair of the product is limited to 1 event of misuse and abuse and 1 battery exchange for the duration of the contract. It is the customer’s responsibility to drop in or send the product into the repair centre. Epson will then repair and return the product or advise of any other steps. |
RTBS | Return to base | ✓ | ✓ | 5 | Customer sends or takes the faulty product into an Epson repair centre and the product is repaired and returned by courier. Response time is from the date the unit is received at the repair centre to the date it leaves and does not include any transportation time. It is the customer’s responsibility to drop in or send the product into the repair centre. Epson will then repair and return the product or advise of any other steps. | |
Label Printers | ||||||
RTBS | Return to base | ✓ | ✓ | 5 | Customer sends or takes the faulty product into an Epson repair centre and the product is repaired and returned by courier. Response time is from the date the unit is received at the repair centre to the date it leaves and does not include any transportation time. It is the customer’s responsibility to drop in or send the product into the repair centre. Epson will then repair and return the product or advise of any other steps. |
Service descriptions by product
Wearable technology and label printers CoverPlus
*Maintenance parts are parts that have a lifetime and may require replacing, they are defined in the end user guides or you can find out the parts and their lifetime by calling your local EPSON support desk – contact
details at xxxxx://xxx.xxxxx.xx/xxxxxxx.
CoverPlus does not cover replacement of items designated as maintenance items or life parts that have reached the end of their life unless they are specified in the CoverPlus descriptions.
**Response times are targets that Epson work to and are not a guarantee of service unless specifically stated in the terms and conditions and are subject to a cut-off time of 15.00 to book a service call.
Epson CoverPlus Service Level Guide010