7वF5₹लFल 7`5 Б˙5₹गF5 FTधM₹ण (77`प F) त₹ल MFगT 57
7वF5₹लFल 7`5 Б˙5₹गF5 FTधM₹ण (77`प F) त₹ल MFगT 57
AतF MF TवwF₹
Aु˙Бई, 8 अ `ल, 2024: 7वF5₹लFल 7`5 पोट´ अथŤN₹xx (77`प F) Mो अTतN₹ ИलТ 7 MFगT Бथ´ (yyलWीБी), अथtत ИलТ 7 Бथ´-3 औ₹ ИलТ 7 Бथ´-4 M शु आत M` WFथ अप7ी ИलТ 7 MFगT
AतF M` Wफल TवwF₹ M QोषणF M₹त` 5ुy Nुशी 5ो ₹5ी 5l
WFव´7T7M T77ी nFगी5F₹
(पीपीपी) Aो7 M` AF A W` 77`प F A अTतN₹ ИलТ 7 MFगT Бथ´ yलБी3 औ₹ yलБी4 Mो WुWT त M₹7F, W˙FFल7, ₹N₹NFव औ₹ RF7Ṫत₹णl
77`प F वत F7 A अप7` Aी7¸5F ИलТ 7 Бथ´-f औ₹ ИलТ 7 Бथ-´ 2 M` AF A W` लगnग 6.5 TAИलQ7
AीTट¸M ट7 Tत वष´ (yAyAटीपीy) ИलТ 7 MFगT MF Б˙ध7 M₹तF 5l Б?ती AṪग Mो प¸₹F M₹7` M
Иलy अTतN₹ БुT7QF5ी ढṪF` M आव4MतF Mो प5FF7त` 5ुy, 77`प F 7` पQ` MF T7व`श TMQFl
, ो ो₹A
औ₹ M˙ w¸ ª7 (ईपीWी) Aो7 M` AF A W` yyलWीБी Mो TवMИWत M₹7` M
Иलy 225 M₹ो? पQ`, आ˙तN₹M फ˙ T7ग MF 7पQोग TMQF औ₹ W₹MF₹ T75`श M` अ7ु प पीपीपी AFग
M` AF A W` हW` W˙FFИलत M₹7` M T QF nी प¸₹ M l
5Fल 5ी A प¸₹ 5ुई T7Tव5F T QF A
A`WW´ 7`yW7 ¸ ह
Fw¸ ₹ ИलTAट`7 yyलWीБी M` W˙FFल7 M
Иलy शीष´ Бोली5FतF M` प A 7n₹F 5`, И7W7` पQ` M 7 त
₹ŤQVी M प`शMश M 5l
252 Tत
AीTट¸M ट7l Ĕप₹`ट₹ M` Иलy अ7ुAFT7त प¸˙7ीगत Q (CAPE\) . 69 M₹ो?. f9 फ₹व₹ 2024 Mो
A`WW´ 7`yW7 ¸ ह Fw¸ ₹ ИलTAट`7 Mो आशQ प7 5F7 TMQF गQF औ₹ 8 अ `ल 2024 Mो
N₹QFQत WA§ीत` प₹ 5wF ₹ TMy गyl
77`प F M` अ , आई आ₹ yW, Cी 7w`श श₹5 वFQ 7` अप7` TवFF₹ M₹त` 5ुy M5F, H77`प F A
Б?ती AṪग Mो प¸₹F M₹7` औ₹ पN₹FFल7 5 तF Б?F7` M` Иलy 5AF₹ त₹ल MFगT 57
TवwF₹ yM ₹ण7ीTतM M5A 5l 77`प F M त₹ल AतF M MAी M` MF₹ण 75F7 M MतF₹ लग ₹5ी
थी, 7y टMA7ल M` 7ु?7` W` ती F WAQ श ¸ 5ो 7FyगFl"
Q5 TवMFW Aी7¸5F त₹ल 7`xx प₹ 5БFव Mो MA M₹7`, पोत ती F M` Aुह Mो nFवी ढ˙ग W` W˙БोTधत
M₹7` औ₹ Tवल˙Б शु लFगत Mो MA M₹7` M` Иलy T7धtN₹त 5l TवwFN₹त पFW´ल आMF₹ वFल` Б?
75F7 M` Иलy T7ज़Fह7 TMQF गQF, Q5 Б`5त₹ F5M W`वF, 7y F5M Mो आMFषत M₹7` औ₹ MFगT
वŤ ¸A Б?F7` MF वF5F M₹तF 5l 5ो 75F7 Mो yM WFथ W˙nFल7` M AतF M` WFथ, Q5 अ7M¸ Иलत
БĖथग TवMR औ₹ Б?F 5ुआ †¸पुट WुT7Т त M₹तF 5`, И7WW` 77`प F M` Иलy 7X ₹F7l आQ 5ोती 5l`
77`प F M` БF₹` A :
7वF5₹लFल 7`5 पोट´ अथŤN₹xx (77`प F) nF₹त M` AुN M˙ ट7
Б˙5₹गF5 A W` yM 5l 26
Aई, f989 Mो अप7ी RFप7F M` БF5 W`, 77`प F yM थोM MFगT टMA7ल W` 5`श A AुN M˙ ट7₹ Б˙5₹गF5 Б7 गQF 5l`
वत F7 A , 77`प F पṪF M˙ ट7₹ टMA7ल - y7yWyफटी, y7yWआईWीटी, y7yWआई7ीटी, БीyAWीटी
औ₹ yपीyAटी MF W˙FFल7 M₹तF 5l Б˙5₹गF5 A WFAF MFगT M` Иलy yM 7थलF 7ल Бथ´ औ₹ yM
अ त₹ल MFगT टMA7ल nी 5` И7W` БीपीWीyल-आईओWीyल M˙ WोMटQA औ₹ 7वT7MAत तटीQ Бथ @F₹F Б˙Tधत TMQF 7FतF 5l`
277 5wQ₹ n¸TA प₹ TRत, 77`प F nF₹त A T7Qtत-7wुN 7dोग Mो Б?FवF 5`7` M` Иलy अ FधुT7M
БTु 7QF5ी ढṪF` M` WFथ WFवधF7ीप¸व´M T77Fह7 TMy गy Б5ु-7AF5 yWई7`7 MF nी W˙FFल7 M₹तF 5l`
AीT7QF प¸छतFछ M` Иलy M˛ पQF W˙पM´ M₹ : 77`प F:
वN₹ Б˙धM (Xxxx0), 00`प F AोБFईल AṪM: +9f9769769f00
ई-A`ल: xxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxxx.xxx.xx
Jawaharlal Nehru Port Authority (JNPA) Expands Liquid Cargo Handling Capacity
Mumbai, April 8, 2024: Xxxxxxxxxx Xxxxx Port Authority (JNPA) is pleased to announce the successful expansion of its liquid cargo handling capacity with the introduction of Additional Liquid Cargo Berths (ALCB), namely Liquid Berth-3 and Liquid Berth-4. Equipping, Operation, Maintenance and Transfer of Additional Liquid Cargo Berths LB3 and LB4 at JNPA through Public Private Partnership (PPP) mode.
JNPA currently manages approximately 6.5 Million Metric Tonnes Per Annum (MMTPA) of liquid cargo through its existing Liquid Berth-1 and Liquid Berth-2. Recognizing the need for additional infrastructure to cater to increased demand, JNPA invested Rs. 225 Crores to develop ALCB through the Engineering, Procurement, and Construction (EPC) mode, utilizing internal funding and also completed the process to Operationalize it through PPP route in line with the Government directives.
In the recently completed tendering process, M/s JSW Infrastructure Limited has emerged as the top bidder for operating the ALCB, offering a quoted royalty of Rs. 252 per metric ton. The estimated capital expenditure (CAPEX) for the operator is Rs. 69 Crores. The Letter of Intent was awarded to M/s JSW Infrastructure Limited on 19th February 2024, and the Concession Agreement was signed on 8th April 2024.
Xxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxx, IRS, Chairman of JNPA, expressed his thoughts stating, “Expanding our liquid cargo handling capacity is a strategic move to meet growing demand and enhance operational efficiency at JNPA. JNPA’s liquid capacity constraint was causing queuing of ships, with the addition of the new terminal waiting time will be reduced to Nil”.
This development is set to alleviate pressure on the existing liquid jetty, effectively addressing vessel waiting issues and reducing demurrage costs. Designed for larger vessels with expanded parcel sizes, it promises enhanced customer service, attracting new clients and boosting cargo volumes. With the capability for simultaneous handling of two vessels, it ensures optimized berthing options and increased throughput, translating to higher revenue earnings for JNPA.
About JNPA:
The Jawaharlal Nehru Port Authority (JNPA) is one of the premier container-handling ports in India. Since its inception on May 26, 1989, JNPA has transformed from a bulk cargo terminal to become the premier container port in the country.
Currently, JNPA operates five container terminals -- NSFT, NSICT, NSIGT, BMCT and APMT. The Port also has a Shallow Water Berth for general cargo and another Liquid Cargo Terminal which is managed by the BPCL-IOCL consortium and the newly constructed coastal berth.
Nestled across 277 hectares of land,JNPA also operates a meticulously designed multi-product SEZ, with state-of-the-art infrastructure, to boost export-oriented industries in India.
For media enquiries, please contact:
Xxxxxx Xxxxx
Sr. Manager (Marketing), JNPA Mob: x000000000000