Acroniemen Voorbeeldclausules

Acroniemen. In het kader van de installatie en de uitvoering van de dienst, zullen de gebruikte acroniemen de volgende betekenis hebben: AH: Authentication Header AUP: Acceptable Usage Policy CERT: Computer Emergency Response Team DHCP: Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol EAP: Extensible Authentication Protocol Eduroam: educational roaming ESP: Encapsulating Security Payload FTP: File Transfer Protocol GRE: Generic Routing Encapsulation HTTP: Hypertext Transfer Protocol HTTPS: Secured HTTP IEEE: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IKE: Internet Key Exchange IMAP: Internet Message Access Protocol IMAPS: Secured IMAP IP: Internet Protocol IPSec: IP Secured LAN: Local Area Network MAC: Media Access Control MD5: Message Digest algorithm (version 5) NAT: Network Address Translation POP3: Post Office Protocol PPTP: Point to Point Tunneling Protocol RADIUS: Remote Authentication Dial In User Service RDP: Remote Desktop Protocol RFC: Request For Comments SMTP: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol SMTPS: Secured SMTP SSH: Secured Shell SSID: Service Set Identifier TCP: Transmission Control Protocol TERENA: Trans European Research and Education Networking Association TKIP: Temporal Key Integrity Protocol TLS: Transport Layer Security TTLS: Tunneled TLS

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